Anna Trunova

Anna Trunova
National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" · Department of radio-electronic and biomedical computer-aided means and technologies



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Anna Pecherska currently works at the Department of radio-electronic and biomedical computer-aided means and technologies, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute". Anna does research in Ecological Engineering, Biosystems Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.


Publications (19)
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One of the most common diseases of our time is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Recently published research results indicate that patients with NAFLD along with traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have "new" risk factors such as endothelial dysfunction (ED), carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), an increase in the...
Objective: The aim: Revealing of clinical-pathogenetic peculiarities in manifestations of uncontrolled As+MS. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Sixty-five cases, divided into 2 groups: Group I - severe As (n=20), Group 2 - severe As+MS (n=45). The general clinical examination included fasting blood glucose, insulin level, HOMA-IR inde...
Using the method of discrete modeling of dynamic systems, based on analysis of photo’s colorimetric parameters investigated area, obtained using unmanned aerial-up apparatus, is proposed for detection signs of subtle changes in crops of cultivated plants due to anthropogenic impacts on biological production processes. Nature of areas colorimetric p...
У роботі обґрунтовано актуальність прогнозування виникнення м’язового тремору в післяопераційному періоді у дітей з вродженими вадами опорно-рухового апарату. Післяопераційний тремор є поширеним ускладненням операцій з приводу корекції вроджених вад опорно-рухового апарату у дітей. Його наявність може погіршувати умови проведення традиційного моніт...
Розглянуто особливості автоматизації процесу діагностики функціональних порушень складних організаційних об’єктів. В статті складним організаційним об'єктом виступає організм людини, який є біологічною системою, що здатна до самооновлення та саморозвитку через оновлення клітин, обмін речовин і енергії тощо. Актуальність даної статті полягає в тому,...
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We have devised a spatial­dynamic model that describes the structure of clusters of toxic cyanobacteria over large water areas. The application of the constructed model has been demonstrated in order to identify the structure of a cluster in digital photographs. The character of bioproductive processes that define the risk of accumulation of toxic...
Global climate changes and the increasing impact of mankind on nature have a stressful effect on biological objects. In the current situation, it is necessary to develop technologies for protecting biological objects and correcting their condition. In the presence of several alternative corrective facilities, arises the task of developing an inform...
Стаття присвячена визначенню системних колорометричних параметрів демаскування щурів (Rattus norvegicus) при відео-реєстрації в міських умовах. Знайдена комбінація значень колорометричних параметрів, яка може зіграти роль системного колорометричного параметру, що є найбільш вираженою мірою строкатості захисного забарвлення Rattus norvegicus. Ефекти...
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Aim of the study: to study the occurrence of hyponatremia in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) with LVPEF. Material and methods: The study multi-directionally included 361 patients with CHF and LVPEF, who were at stationary treatment in the clinic SI “National institute of therapy, named after L.T. Malaya, NAMS of Ukraine”. All patients we...
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A mathematical model is devised to predict the probability of development of postoperative pain among patients of young age, operated on in a planned manner for the limb injuries. As the model predictors we selected: the level of pain before operation, determined by the visual analog scale, result of evaluation of cognitive abilities by the Montrea...
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The information technology for cardiovascular risk determination in patients with impaired renal function is developed. It is the object of research. This information technology reflects the specific progression of cardiovascular complications in patients with nephrology pathology. Context diagrams are built. They are describe input, output, contro...
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The paper proposes a solution to the patients’ differential diagnosis problem by a combined application of the basic game theory, linear programming, and the conjugate gradient method. Based on the clinical research, a differential diagnosis of diseases such as atopic dermatitis, dermatitis herpetiformis, drug disease, psoriasis, eczema, scleroderm...


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