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Service Composition for End-Users


Abstract and Figures

RESTful services are becoming a popular technology for providing and consuming cloud services. The idea of cloud computing is based on on-demand services and their agile usage. This implies that also personal service compositions and workflows should be supported. Some approaches for RESTful service compositions have been proposed. In practice, such compositions typically present mashup applications, which are composed in an ad-hoc manner. In addition, such approaches and tools are mainly targeted for programmers rather than end-users. In this paper, a user-driven approach for reusable RESTful service compositions is presented. Such compositions can be executed once or they can be configured to be executed repeatedly, for example, to get newest updates from a service once a week.
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Acta Cybernetica 21 (2014) 383–399.
Service Composition for End-Users
Otto Hylli
, Samuel Lahtinen
, Anna Ruokonen
, and Kari Systä
RESTful services are becoming a popular technology for providing and consuming
cloud services. The idea of cloud computing is based on on-demand services and
their agile usage. This implies that also personal service compositions and workflows
should be supported. Some approaches for RESTful service compositions have been
proposed. In practice, such compositions typically present mashup applications, which
are composed in an ad-hoc manner. In addition, such approaches and tools are mainly
targeted for programmers rather than end-users. In this paper, a user-driven approach
for reusable RESTful service compositions is presented. Such compositions can be
executed once or they can be configured to be executed repeatedly, for example, to get
newest updates from a service once a week.
Keywords: service composition, REST, web, WADL
1 Introduction
Use of internet-based services is a routine activity for millions of users. However, the
services are often silos and users do not have means to operate and manage their content
across the services. Even average PC users can transfer content between applications, but
nothing similar is possible for the Internet services they use. In this paper we propose an
approach that allows end-users to create compositions for the purpose of combing several
internet services or resources.
In service-oriented approaches dominant in the enterprise services, the focus is on the
definition of service interfaces and service behavior. Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
aims at loosely coupled, reusable, and composable services provided for a service con-
sumer. SOA can be implemented by Web services, which is a technology enabling appli-
cation integration. Web services can be used for composing high level composite services
and business processes. Business processes are often realized as a service orchestration
implemented, for example, as WS-BPEL based processes [3]. WS-BPEL is targeted for
composing operation-centric Web services utilizing WSDL and SOAP [20, 21]. WS-BPEL
is close to a programming language defining the logic for a service orchestration. Thus, it
is mostly used by IT developers.
Department of Pervasive Computing, Tampere University of Technology, E-mail:
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Anna Ruokonen, and Kari Systä
In cloud-based systems, resources are provided to the user as services via the Internet.
On the other hand, the services are accessible anywhere and through several devices. Com-
pared to basic Internet-based service delivery, cloud adds elastic provisioning and release
of computing capabilities. Cloud computing and SOA share similar interests on service
reuse and service composition. Moreover cloud computing emphasizes on-demand ser-
vices, which means that services should be ready for use at any time when needed. This
also applies for service configurations. Thus, service configuration and composition should
be enabled on-line.
Compared to business processes, typical on-demand processes for end-users are per-
sonal, simpler, and their lifetime is shorter than traditional business processes. Thus, on-
demand processes are often characterized as instant service compositions and service con-
figurations. Such processes are typically defined by the end-user instead of the developer
of the cloud services. Due to instant nature of the on-demand processes, their usage and
specification should be as simple as possible and require no installation of process devel-
opment and management tools.
An end-user driven approach for WS-BPEL-based business process development has
been proposed in [18]. The approach is targeted for providing a method for easy sketching
of service orchestrations. In the proposed approach, a set of scenarios, given as UML
sequence diagrams, are synthesized into a process description. However, in the context
of cloud computing and on-demand processes, the use of UML modeling and standalone
tools is not a proper solution.
Usually, software services in the cloud are targeted for multiple users and they pro-
vide a programmable interface, most often a Representational State Transfer (REST) API.
REST is a resource-oriented architectural style developed for distributed environments
such as for Web and HTTP based applications [5]. RESTful services provide an unified
interface (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) for data manipulation. Thus, composition of such
services often includes combining resources and is characterized as mashup-type of devel-
opment. Some guidelines for mashup development have been proposed (e.g. [14]). Thus
the WB-BPEL-based approach is not applicable for cloud-based services and mashups.
Composing and orchestration of RESTful services is still lacking tool vendor indepen-
dent practices and description languages. Thus, the development is often done more in an
ad-hoc manner.
SaaS applications are often targeted for end-users. They are self-contained and contain
user-interfaces, business rules, and possibly some metadata.
A recent trend is cloud mashups, which combine resources from multiple services
into a single service or application [19]. The provider of these service compositions can
enhance the cloud’s capabilities by oering new functionalities, which make use of existing
cloud services, to clients.
In this paper, a novel approach for developing personal service compositions is pre-
sented. The approach is targeted for the end-user and allows composition of RESTful
cloud services. The approach includes tackling the following issues: (1) easy sketching
of service compositions using a simple visual language, (2) a mechanism to export/save
composite descriptions for future usage i.e. reusable composite descriptions, and (3) an
engine for executing the service compositions, once or repeatedly. The implementation
of the approach called Aino service composer is currently under development. The Aino
Service Composition for End-Users
service composer includes a web browser based editor, which can be used to create sim-
ple on-demand service compositions. An earlier version of the tool description has been
published in [9].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the overall
approach and related components. In Section 3, two use cases for end-user driven service
composition are presented. Aino service composer is described in Section 4. In Section 5,
related work and topics are discussed. In Section 6, conclusions and plan for future work
are presented.
2 User-driven approach for service composition
In this paper, an end-user driven approach for defining personal service compositions is
presented. The main goal of the approach is on easy design of service compositions, which
requires minimal technical knowledge. The service composition is created by using GUI
widgets, which are generated based on an imported service description. Widgets present
individual resources and they can be dragged and dropped on the canvas. The user can
draw dataflow pipes to connect the widgets. Incoming and outgoing dataflows are mapped
to REST methods (e.g. outgoing dataflow for GETting a resource presentation).
The implementation of the approach called Aino service composer consists of two
components, designer Ilmarinen and engine Sampo. Ilmarinen is a client side application
for creating and editing compositions and it is run in a web browser. Sampo is a server side
application, which is an engine for running the service compositions. The composition de-
scription is given in XML-based format, called Aino description. As a service description
format, the approach is based on WADL descriptions [22]. It defines the resources, i.e.,
URIs, methods, and parameters. That is, while the Aino description specifies the service
logic, the WADL description describes the service interface.
Sampo also plays a role of a service registry. Once a service is registered in Sampo,
it can be used as a constituent service for future applications. One reason for providing
a centralized registry, instead of letting the user search from the web, is that for RESTful
services there is no agreement on one service description format. In case a third-party
service does not have a compatible WADL description, it can be created afterwards and
registered to Sampo. Thus, the approach allows using services, which do not natively
provide a WADL description, as reusable constituents.
The approach includes the following steps:
(1) query services from the service registry,
(2) select services to be used as a part of the composition,
(3) composition described as a data flow between services, and
(4) send the composition description to the server engine to be executed.
The main steps are shown in Fig. 1. It also shows the relations between the main
components of the system and descriptions, Aino and WADL, which are used for importing
and exporting data (i.e. service and composition descriptions).
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Anna Ruokonen, and Kari Systä
Figure 1: The main steps of the approach
3 Use cases
The following two use cases illustrate the possibilities oered by service compositions
for regular internet users. They show how after encountering a normally labor intensive
internet based task including multiple services, a user can pretty easily create a service
composition that takes care of the task.
3.1 Use case 1: Photos from Twitter to Flickr selectively
An avid Twitter1user has been sending many photos taken with his smart phone directly
to Twitter. The user wants a better way to organize and share his photos so he opens an ac-
count in Flickr2which enables him to save photos to dierent albums, associate keywords
to them and decide which photos are public. Uploading all his photos manually to Flickr
would be tedious for the user. He would have to go through his Twitter time line, download
each photo to his computer and then upload it to Flickr.
To automate the upload process the user wants to create a service composition with
Aino service composer. He opens the composition designer Ilmarinen and chooses that he
wants to get photos. Ilmarinen shows him a list of services from where he can get photos
and he chooses Twitter. From Twitter he chooses that he wants photos from one user which
in this case is himself. He also indicates that all photos shouldn’t be fetched, instead he
will select the ones he wants. Then the user tells Ilmarinen that he wants to upload the
photos selected in the previous step. From the services list shown by Ilmarinen he chooses
Flickr as the upload target. Additionally he specifies that he wants to choose for each photo
Service Composition for End-Users
whether it is private or public. Lastly, he tells Ilmarinen that he wants to delete photos and
chooses Twitter. He specifies that from Twitter he wants to delete those photos he has
marked as private for Flickr.
When he executes the composition the execution engine Sampo first asks him to autho-
rize Sampo’s use of his Twitter and Flickr accounts. Authorization will be done by using
OAuth [10] which means that the user authenticates to both services which then give ac-
cess tokens to Sampo. Sampo will store these access tokens for later use if the user wants it
so that next time a service composition using these services is run the user doesn’t need to
authenticate to the services. He just has to log in to Sampo. When the actual execution has
started Sampo will first show the user all his photos from Twitter and asks him to choose
those he wants. After that Sampo shows the user his previously chosen photos and asks
which of them he wants to be private in Flickr. After the execution has finished Sampo
shows the user a execution results summary which tells that the execution was a success
and shows how many photos were processed in each step.
3.2 Use case 2: Aordable reading
An enthusiastic book reader uses the Goodreads3service to support her hobby. Goodreads
is an online community for readers where users can search for books, rate and review
them. Users can also categorize books in their profile by adding them to dierent shelves.
One of these shelves is to-read where the user has been adding interesting books, which
she has found through Goodreads’ recommendation system. She wants to buy some new
reading from her to-read shelf but due to her current poor economic situation she wants it
to be as cheap as possible. Searching for each book’s price from her favorite online book
retailer Amazon4and then comparing the prices manually would be time consuming so
she decides to create a service composition to make the process quicker.
The user opens the service composition designer Ilmarinen and chooses that she wants
information about books. Ilmarinen gives the user a list of services that deal with books.
The user chooses Goodreads and indicates that she wants the content of a particular user’s,
in this case hers, particular shelf. Ilmarinen asks the user to input the name of the user
and the name of the shelf which in this case are the user’s Goodreads user name and to-
read. Next the user tells Ilmarinen that she wants online shopping services. From the
service list she chooses She specifies that she wants product information
about the books from the previous step. Lastly she tells Ilmarinen that she wants the results
in ascending order by price. When this composition is run the result is a table containing
book information from Amazon including the price and a link to the Amazon product page
where the book can be bought.
4 Implementation
The prototype implementation of the Aino service composer consists of two main compo-
nents: Designer Ilmarinen and engine Sampo. Sampo executes the service compositions,
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Anna Ruokonen, and Kari Systä
Figure 2: High level architecture of the Aino service composer
stores the service descriptions and oers Ilmarinen access to the information. The sepa-
ration of the two main componets allows their more independent development. Figure 2
illustrates the high-level architecture of the Aino service composer. The user uses browser-
based Ilmarinen to create service compositions. A service composition is a service. Its
interface is defined as a WADL document and its execution instructions are defined with
the Aino composition description language. Both XML documents are stored in Sampo.
The user interacts with engine component Sampo which is used to execute the composi-
tions. The execution and possible user interaction related to the execution is again done in
a browser based UI.
4.1 Service description
All the constituent services, as well as the service composition, are described with WADL
documents. WADL description defines the service, provided methods and their parameters,
as well as data types. The data types can also be defined as separate XML schema files.
An example of a simple service description is shown below. It has a partial definition of
Twitter’s get user timeline method which returns a specified number of tweets from the
given user.
<?xml v ersion="1.0" enc oding="UTF-8"?>
<resources base ="">
<resource path= "statuses/user_timeline.json">
<method href="g etTimeline"/>
<method name= "GET" id="getTim eline">
<param name="screen_name" style="query" type="xsd:string" />
<param name="count" style="query" type="xsd:integer" />
<representati on mediaType="application/json" />
Service Composition for End-Users
4.2 Engine Sampo
Engine Sampo is used in two ways, as a service registry and as an engine to execute the
service compositions. Services can be added in the service registry as WADL descriptions.
It provides the basic functionality for registration of the services, i.e. API for adding,
removing, and searching the services. When a new WADL is added to Sampo the part of
the categorization of the service and the resources can be done automatically based on the
WADL and an expert user, who understands rest services and WADL, can complete the
information and extend the suggested categorizations.
The given metadata is used to oer Ilmarinen lists of the services. For instance, the user
can ask to get a list of services related to pictures. Thanks to the metadata Ilmarinen only
needs to process WADLs of the services user adds to her composition instead of processing
every WADL.
The other part of Sampo provides a REST interface for adding and executing Aino
descriptions. The service composition execution uses Aino and the corresponding WADL
descriptions for getting the required information on the services and their API. The engine
uses this information to invoke correct API calls to the services and combine the tasks to
create the complete composite service.
Sampo contains a user interface for handling the compositions. The user can parame-
terize the composition and define time intervals of execution. In case of a recurring task the
service page can be used to start and stop the compositions and change their time intervals.
For instance, one could define a service composition that is launched weekly.
Sampo implements simple basic services, for example, for displaying images and news
feeds. These are available as components in Ilmarinen and can be added to a service
composition in similar fashion as external services.
Sampo is implemented as a Java based web application with the Spring framework5.
Sampo’s implementation is ongoing work. Features that require work include making
Sampo work with a creater number of data types and implementing metadata editing for
4.3 Designer Ilmarinen
Ilmarinen is a client side application, which provides a graphical interface for creating the
service compositions. The user is provided a simple visual environment for defining the
service composition. The composition is done partially in a guided manner. A screenshot
of an early prototype version of the tool is shown in Figure 3. The user can choose the
services e.g. Twitter, BBC Program guide, Weather) she wants based on the service cat-
egory (e.g. Social media, file storage, picture, program guides). For the services the user
can define the interaction and the resources related to the interaction.
In the service composition key elements are the services and data flow between them.
After adding a service one can see the input and output possibilities oered by it. These
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Anna Ruokonen, and Kari Systä
inputs and outputs are parameterized and services are connected to each other using them.
When the user has finished, Ilmarinen generates the Aino description. This is exported
to Sampo engine for execution. The composition is stored in Sampo and can be accessed
directly using a corresponding link. That allows the users to access and execute the com-
positions directly without using Ilmarinen. This also enables sharing service compositions
among dierent users.
Figure 3: Screenshot of Prototype of Ilmarinen
4.4 Composite description language Aino
Descriptions written in Aino language define the services and resources involved in the
composition and the dataflow. A dataflow from one service to another means by getting
resource presentation from one service with GET methods and using it as an input to an-
other service using PUT, POST, or GET methods. Services can provide three types of
resources: resource out (for GETting a representation), resource in (for PUTting or POST-
ing), and resource in/out (for PUTting or POSTing and GETting). For data manipulation,
control nodes, such as merge and select nodes, are used.
The dataflow can be modeled as an acyclic graph structure, which consists of resources,
control nodes, and dataflow connections between them. Control nodes are used for manip-
ulating resource representations, e.g. transforming or filtering data.
In addition to resource, control nodes and dataflow connections, the dataflow includes
definition of method calls that are executed when the composition is run. These method
calls to the services are presented as GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE elements in the
XML description. In addition, the composite service can receive method calls from other
compositions using this as a service or from user agent initiation. These are presented as
onPUT, onGET, onPOST, and onDELETE elements. Corresponding request and response
message types (including data types) are described in the services’ WADL documents.
Service Composition for End-Users
These activities corresponding to REST operations are the same, which are used in BPEL
for REST [16] proposal.
Figure 4: Aino language structure
To enable importing and exporting of compositions, Aino descriptions are transformed
in XML format. The structure of Aino language is given in Figure 4. It is explained
in detail using an example Aino description given below. The given description presents
an example of sending links from Twitter tweets to Instapaper6. Instapaper is a service
where users can add links to articles they found from the web that they want to read later.
Resources part defines two resources, Twitter’s user timeline and instapaper’s add, which
participate in the composition. User timeline returns the desired bumber of tweets from
the specified user. Its WADL was an example in section 4.1. Instapaper’s add resource
adds the link in the url parameter to the account whose username and password are in the
respective parameters.
The example composition consists of a receive message and two message invocations.
Execution starts when the client invokes GET method on the composite resource (onGET
element). Execution continues with a sequence of two invocations. First the composite
service invokes GET method on Twitter and second it invokes POST method on Instapaper.
<?xml v ersion="1.0" enc oding="UTF-8"?>
<description name="twe etlinks2instapaper" >
<doc>Send links from t he 10 most re cent tweets from the s pecified user to I nstapaper.</doc>
<service name = "twitter" id= "52d" />
<service name = "instapaper" id="52f" />
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Anna Ruokonen, and Kari Systä
<resource uri=""
resource_id ="r1" servi ce_id = "52d" />
<resource uri="htt ps://" resource_id ="r2" se rvice_id = " 52f" />
<variable name="tw itterparams" type="vari ableset" >
<variable name="sc reen_name" type="stri ng" open = "tru e" />
<variable name="co unt" type="inte ger" value="10" />
<variable name="li nks" type="link list" />
<variable name="in stapaperparams" type="vari ableset" >
<variable name="username" type="string" value = "" />
<variable name="password" type="string" value="password123" />
<variable n ame="urls" type= "variablereference" value="lin ks" />
<response>lin ks</response>
<resource_id> r_comp</resource_id>
<request>twit terparams</request>
<response>lin ks</response>
<resource_id> r1</resource_id>
<request>inst apaperparams</request>
<response></r esponse>
<resource_id> r2</resource_id>
Variables are used for storing and manipulating message values. For example, the
given code listing defines three variables, which correspond to input and output message
types of the used GET and POST methods. The variables twitterparams and instapaper-
params are of the type variableset which means that they contain multiple variables. These
variables contain the parameters for the requests to the services. This is indicated in the
Aino description by putting them into the request elements of the service call. The member
variables of these sets screen_name,count,username and password correspond directly to
parameters defined in services’ WADLs. So for example Twitter’s user timeline method
has a parameter named screen_name. The variable links contains a list of links. Links
from the Twitter method call’s response are saved to this variable. How this information
is extracted from the response is explained in section 4.5. The links variable is also the
response of the composition which means that it will be shown to the user. The variable
is also one of the request parameters for Instapaper because of the variable reference in
the instapaperparams. Because Instapaper’s api doesn’t support sending multiple links in
one request, the execution engine has to make multiple post requests but this detail doesn’t
matter to the Aino description.
screen_name is initialized, when the user fills in the required input data, when she
Service Composition for End-Users
decides to run the composition (see Figure 5). A control interface is used for specifying
process instance specific information, such as initial value of process variables and repeti-
tion information, which is not part of Aino description.
Figure 5: A Control User Interface for the service Compositions
4.5 Data processing
One challenge in combining dierent internet services into compositions are the dierent
ways the services represent the same data. Many services deal with the same kind of
data, e.g. photos or status updates. However, these services represent this data in dierent
ways. One uses XML in representing its resources while another uses JSON. Even if
both services in a composition use the same format the schema would very probably be
dierent. Below is an example of how Twitter and Facebook represent a status update.
Both service’s status update contains the name of the poster, time of the posting and the
actual content of the status. They have dierent names for these attributes and they also
have a dierent time format for the posting time. In addition, each service has additional
service specific information about the status update which is not shown here.
"name":"Otto Hylli",
"id":"1088382 5396030"
"message":"He llo, world.",
"updated_time ":"2012-05-15T20:35:25+0000",
"text": "Hello, world",
"id": 377326766 385573888,
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Anna Ruokonen, and Kari Systä
"user": {
"id": 918830997,
"name": "Otto H ylli"
"created_at": " Mon Aug 16 17:45:23 +0000 2013"
Our solution for this problem is to define a set of generic data types that internet ser-
vices provide and consume. These types include among others status update, photo, link,
location and product. For each data type we define a group of attributes that this kind of
data generally has. For instance, a status update has the name of the poster, the content of
the status update, and the time of the posting. For a service that returns representations that
correspond to a certain data type the representation needs to be mapped to the data type.
For example, in Twitter’s and Facebook’s cases mapping information tells how to build a
status object from the JSON. For instance, Where in JSON the posting time of the update
is and what the format of the time information is. This means that we need mechanisms to
locate the interesting data from a structured document.
For locating the desired information from the representation we use XPath [23] for
XML representations and JsonPath [6] for JSON. XPath is a language for addressing spe-
cific parts of a XML document. It is based on XPath expressions which select the specified
nodes from the XML. JsonPath is a similar system for JSON. XPath and JsonPath based
data processing information can be added by an expert user directly to a service’s WADL
or to the service’s metadatain the service registry. In both cases the metadata will contain
the required formatting information such as the time format used. For instance, Twitter’s
time format can be represented with this pattern string: E MMM d H:m:s Z y. The pattern
format used is from the standard Java class used in the implementation to parse dates.
In the WADL XPath or JsonPath information is located inside the representation ele-
ment of a resource’s method’s response. The information itself is contained in the param
elements. The parameter’s name is a keyword that tells what kind of information it con-
tains, e.g. the author of a status update. The path attribute of the parameter contains the
XPath or JSONPath expression itself. The example below shows the representation ele-
ments for Twitter’s and Facebook’s methods that return a list of status updates. A more
refined description of the generic data types and service metadata that uses them will be
published in [8].
<representati on mediaType="application/json">
<param name="sta tus_text" type="xsd :string" path="$[*]. text" />
<param name="sta tus_creator" type="xsd: string" path="$[*].u" />
<param name="sta tus_posted" type="xsd :string" path="$[*]. created_at" />
<representati on mediaType="application/json">
<param name="sta tus_text" type="xsd :string" path="$[*]. message" />
<param name="sta tus_creator" type="xsd: string" path="$[*].f" />
<param name="sta tus_posted" type="xsd :string" path="$[*]. updated_time" />
Service Composition for End-Users
5 Related work
The idea of cloud computing is based on on-demand services, which are provided as SaaS
applications. In the cloud, traditional business process management tools are already avail-
able as SaaS. However, they are targeted for design and management of structured business
processes. Requirements for on-demand processes dier from traditional BPM. The ideal
solution is to provide an easy and instant mechanism to support execution of personal and
dynamic processes, which utilize existing SaaS applications available on the cloud.
5.1 Tools for mashup development
Ad-hoc processes are often expected to live only for a short time. The lack of documenta-
tion and proper design might make them single-use only. Thus, they may not be reusable
and flexible, but they always need to be recomposed.
JOpera [15] is an Eclipse-based tool build for composing SOAP/WSDL and RESTful
Web services. For software developers it provides many useful features such as process
modeling, debugging and execution. For composing RESTful services JOpera uses BPEL
for REST [16]. BPEL for REST is an extension to WS-BPEL to support compositions
of RESTful Web services. The approach does not rely on usage of WSDL or other ser-
vice descriptions. Resources are defined in the BPEL for REST description as a resource
construct, which defines the resource URI and supported operations.
In [13], Marino et al. present HTML5-based prototype tool support for mashup de-
velopment. They present a visual language for service composition. However, the paper
is missing details on the user interface and tool usage. Also, details on the composition
description are not given.
In [1], Aghee et al. discuss dierent types of mashups enabled by HTML5. A case
example includes a location sensitive mobile mashup. The mashup runs natively in a mo-
bile device and uses the GPS sensor build-in the device. In addition, it uses external Web
APIs. Location data is sent to a server, which executes API calls to external services.
This enables sharing the application between several uses. Mobile mashups enable use of
real-time data gathered from the sensors in a mobile phone, e.g. real-time navigation.
Bottaro et al. present a simple visual language for composing location-based services
[4]. The user uses a repository of web widgets. Widgets are dragged and dropped to build
UI for the application. The application logic is defined by drawing connections between
data widgets.
In [7], Grönvall et al. present ongoing work on user-centric service composition. GUI
elements are prototypes of service invocations, which can be chained to compose data
flows among services. They present a lightweight tool support for composing simple dy-
namic workflows, such as for combining SMS, email, and calendar services. Instead of
modeling complicated workflows, the emphasis is on the user experience.
In EzWeb project [11, 12], a service-oriented platform for end-user mashup develop-
ment has been built. The idea is to provide gadgets (e.g. Twitter, Flickr) the user could
add to her "application page" creating a set of dierent applications and web services.
The user can also define dataflow between the gadgets by connecting "events" the gadgets
could give, e.g., an image url could be connected to another image displayer gadget that is
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Anna Ruokonen, and Kari Systä
able to show the picture. All these gadgets are implemented for EzWeb environment. That
is, implementation of their user interface, the way of communicating with servers, their
events and event slots, are specific for the EzWeb environment. In our approach, the aim
is to provide means to compose existing services together and execute these compositions.
Thus, our target is to support composition of any third party services by introducing their
service descriptions to our system.
5.2 Describing service compositions
Some approaches for modeling and describing RESTful service compositions have been
proposed. Guidelines for UML modeling of RESTful service compositions is presented
in [17] by Rauf et al. The static resource structure is modeled using class diagrams. The
behavioral specification of the composite service is given using state chart diagrams.
In [24, 25], Zhao et al. discuss formal describing of RESTful services and resources as
well as RESTful composite services. Their main interests is on supporting automatic ser-
vice compositions. For service compositions they present a logic-based synthesis approach
utilizing linear-logic and pii-calculus.
In [2], Alarcon et al. state that many of the recent service composition approaches rely
on operation-based models and neglect hypermedia characteristics of REST. As a solution
for composing RESTful services, they present a hypermedia-driven approach realized by
using resource linking language (ReLL) for service description. The approach aims to
support machine-clients by enabling automatic retrieving of resources from a web site.
For describing the composite resources PetriNets are used. As an example of a composite
resource, a social network application was presented.
6 Conclusions
Cloud computing is based on on-demand services, which should be available as needed.
Similarly, it should also enable on-demand service compositions. In this paper, an end-
user driven approach for personal service composition has been presented. The proposed
tool support i.e. Aino service composer includes a composition designer running in a
web browser and a server-side engine for storing and executing service compositions. The
designer is designed for the end-users and it is used for creating personal service compo-
sitions. It focuses on end-user concepts and aims to hide complicated and unnecessary
information, e.g. service descriptions, which are handled by the engine. Instead of han-
dling data types, the user is allowed to use concepts such as a picture or a photo gallery.
The presented use cases concentrate on combining social media services into a composite
service. Also, the user is allowed to define repeatable executions for checking updates
from the services.
To characterize the approach, it is designed for cloud environment providing a browser-
based tool for building service compositions. It is based on WADL descriptions, which are
also used for generating GUI widgets for the end-user. In addition, it enables defining
RESTful workflows as a composite service.
Service Composition for End-Users
Our future work includes finalizing the implementation and conducting case studies on
applying the approach utilizing the developed tool support. Our future plans also include
experimenting the tool usage with novice users.
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... As a part of our earlier work, we have presented toolsupport for composing service interactions into personal Web tasks [12]. It is now extended to provide the end-users a simple mechanism to query and interact with open data sets. ...
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Open data is targeted for public use and usually released by the public sector, e.g., by the government. Its utilization, however, is currently restricted to programmers with knowledge on programming and processing of different data formats. The actual targeted end-users are simply lacking sufficient knowledge and technical skills. End-user tools for data visualization and browsing are available, but customization of the presented data and interaction patterns are limited. The users are unlikely to be able to exploit their creativity and meet their personal needs. In this paper, an ongoing work on enabling open data sets for personal Web tasking is presented. Personal Web Tasking aims at automation of user-centric Web interactions. Work presented in this paper, concentrates on automation of open data queries defined by the end-users. I. Introduction The Web is becoming increasingly data-centric, consisting of interconnected data-oriented resources, large data sets and semantic linked data. Unlike HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which is designed to format and present text, EXten-sible Markup Language (XML) is designed to structure data. With XML individual data elements can be put in context of a larger taxonomy in order to turn plain text into data. While the main consumers of HTML documents are humans, the main data consumers are computers. More and more open data sets are made available for the public, especially Public Sector Information (PSI) provided by the governments. Open means anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share for any purpose [1]. Also, by the definition, open data needs to be available in a machine-readable format, like Comma-Separated Values (CSV), XML, or Application Programming Interfaces (API). However, there is no generic mechanism for citizens to explore and consume the data sets [2] [3]. Thus, they depend on software developers to build proper tool-support for data consumption. These applications, however, are often specific to certain predefined data sets and provide limited possibilities for interaction. End-user development aims at empowering non-programmer end-users to create their own applications. When building systems for end-user computation, the essential thing is to provide an environment, which supports the end-users' concepts and mental models [3]. Especially when consuming data, abstraction and visualization are an essential step to enable end-user interaction [4] [5]. In our previous work, we have studied description of Web resources such that they support end-user driven development
The current IoT systems are based on simple sensors that collect data to a cloud and actuators controlled by applications in the cloud. When the devices become more powerful they will eventually become programmable and host applications. In this paper we present an application framework, development tool and execution platform for such applications. The guiding principle in designing the workflow design has been Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps, and our paper also provides a comparison of DevOps in the cloud and DevOps for the IoT.
Conference Paper
In the current web, end-users' involvement on creating content for the modern web applications and participation on tailoring their own web applications is increasing. These applications are often called Personalized Web Tasks. Thus, in addition to software developers, end-users are now participating in the service development through personal service configurations. End-user driven development poses new requirements on the development tools, which traditionally are targeted for software developers. We discuss the requirements for end-user driven integration of data-oriented web resources and use our own prototype tool as an example implementation. We describe generic data types for web services and propose a technique for adding metadata to service descriptions. The metadata is used to help the user to build service configurations and to convert data between different formats used by web services.
Conference Paper
RESTful services are becoming a popular technology for providing and consuming cloud services. The idea of cloud computing is based on ondemand services and their agile usage. This implies that also personal service compositions and workflows should be supported. Some approaches for RESTful service compositions have been proposed. In practice, such compositions typically present mashup applications, which are composed in an ad-hoc manner. In addition, such approaches and tools are mainly targeted for programmers rather than end-users. In this paper, a user-driven approach for reusable RESTful service compositions is presented. Such compositions can be executed once or they can be configured to be executed repeatedly, for example, to get newest updates from a service once a week.
Conference Paper
Service oriented architectures (SOAs) based on Web services have attracted a great interest and IT investments during the last years, principally in the context of business-to-business integration within corporate Intranets. However, they are nowadays evolving to break through enterprise boundaries, in a revolutionary attempt to make the approach pervasive, leading to what we call the ubiquitous SOA, i.e. a SOA conceived as a Web of services made up of compositional resources that empowers end-users to ubiquitously exploit these resources by collaboratively remixing them. In this paper we explore the architectural basis, technologies, frameworks and tools considered necessary to face this novel vision of SOA. We also present the rationale behind EzWeb/FAST: an undergoing EU funded project whose first outcomes could serve as a preliminary proof of concept.
Conference Paper
In this paper we discuss a visual programming environment for the composition of services based on dataflow paradigm. This approach, strongly oriented towards web technologies, aims to offer the corporate application designer an integrated set of very high-level tools to design and test new services via functional composition of already available ones. The user experience is a mixture of (a) graphical actions and choices, for example the drag and drop of graphical widgets and the connection of input-output links, and of (b) interface coding, via the textual specification of the translation logic of data object types flowing through the input/output interfaces of the composed services. The new environment, named VisProSL (Visual Programming Service-Link), capitalizes on a standardized JSON syntax of exchanged data objects, is oriented to REST services, and makes use of a basic layer that provides the visual generation of interfaces towards location services.
A proposed proxy-based multicloud computing framework allows dynamic, on-the-fly collaborations and resource sharing among cloud-based services, addressing trust, policy, and privacy issues without preestablished collaboration agreements or standardized interfaces.
This paper introduces a two-stage Linear Logic based program synthesis approach to automatic RESTful web service composition. The Linear Logic theorem proof is applied at both resource and service invocation method levels, which greatly improves the searching efficiency and guarantees the correctness and completeness of the service composition. Furthermore, the process calculus is used as formalism for the composition process, which enables the approach to be executable at the business management level. The process calculus is attached to the Linear Logic inference rules in the style of type theory, so the process model is extracted directly from the complete proof. An example is given to show the extraction of a process model from a Linear Logic proof search.
HTML5 is a new technology standard promising to empower browsers to become a suitable platform for developing rich Web applications. Whilst it is still considered an emerging technology, in this paper we attempt to capture and explore its impacts on mashup development. To do so, we start with a mashup case study showcasing new HTML5 features. We then move on to explore those aspects of mashup development that are affected and will possibly be enabled by HTML5 in the near future. These aspects are grouped into two categories: short-term impacts, that can be harnessed by mashup developers, and long-term impacts, that should be considered by service/content providers.
Current Web service technology is evolving towards a simpler approach to define Web service APIs that challenges the assumptions made by existing languages for Web service composition. RESTful Web services introduce a new kind of abstraction, the resource, which does not fit well with the message-oriented paradigm of the Web service description language (WSDL). RESTful Web services are thus hard to compose using the Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL), due to its tight coupling to WSDL. The goal of the BPEL for REST extensions presented in this paper is twofold. First, we aim to enable the composition of both RESTful Web services and traditional Web services from within the same process-oriented service composition language. Second, we show how to publish a BPEL process as a RESTful Web service, by exposing selected parts of its execution state using the REST interaction primitives. We include a detailed example on how BPEL for REST can be applied to orchestrate a RESTful e-Commerce scenario and discuss how the proposed extensions affect the architecture of a process execution engine.