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Wake Up and Take Over! The Effect of Fatigue on the Take-over Performance in Conditionally Automated Driving


Abstract and Figures

Although fatigue’s negative impact on driving performance is well known from manual driving, its effect on the take-over performance during the transition from condi-tionally automated driving to manual driving is still uncertain. The effect of fatigue on the take-over performance was exam-ined in a driving simulator study with 47 participants assigned to two conditions: fatigued or alert. In the corresponding con-dition (fatigued or alert), the desired driver state was promot-ed by specific measures (e.g. daytime, caffeinated beverages, physical exercise). In the fatigued condition, the take-over situ-ation was triggered once participants reached a certain high level of fatigue. Two trained, independent observer assessed fatigue with the support of a technical fatigue assessment sys-tem based on objective eyelid-closure metrics (e.g. PERCLOS). In the alert condition, participants drove conditionally auto-mated for a fixed 5-minute period. Results showed no signifi-cant difference between participants’ take-over times in the two conditions. However, fatigued participants were signifi-cantly more burdened and stressed during the take-over situa-tion than were alert participants and manifested less confident behavior when coping with the situation. This behavior may negatively affect the transition from conditionally automated driving to manual driving in more complex situations and mer-its further examination.
Content may be subject to copyright.
This manuscript is a post-print of Feldhütter, A., Kroll, D., & Bengler, K. (2018). Wake up and take over! The effect of fa-
tigue on the take-over performance in conditionally automated driving. In IEEE ITSC 2018: 21th International Confer-
ence on Intelligent Transportation Systems: Maui, Hawaii, USA, November 04-07, 2018 (pp. 20802085).
Wake Up and Take Over! The Effect of Fatigue on
the Take-over Performance in Conditionally
Automated Driving
Anna Feldhütter
Chair of Ergonomics
Technical University of Munich
Garching, Germany
Dominik Kroll
Chair of Ergonomics
Technical University of Munich
Garching, Germany
Klaus Bengler
Chair of Ergonomics
Technical University of Munich
Garching, Germany
Abstract Although fatigue’s negative impact on driving
performance is well known from manual driving, its effect on
the take-over performance during the transition from condi-
tionally automated driving to manual driving is still uncertain.
The effect of fatigue on the take-over performance was exam-
ined in a driving simulator study with 47 participants assigned
to two conditions: fatigued or alert. In the corresponding con-
dition (fatigued or alert), the desired driver state was promot-
ed by specific measures (e.g. daytime, caffeinated beverages,
physical exercise). In the fatigued condition, the take-over situ-
ation was triggered once participants reached a certain high
level of fatigue. Two trained, independent observer assessed
fatigue with the support of a technical fatigue assessment sys-
tem based on objective eyelid-closure metrics (e.g. PERCLOS).
In the alert condition, participants drove conditionally auto-
mated for a fixed 5-minute period. Results showed no signifi-
cant difference between participants’ take-over times in the
two conditions. However, fatigued participants were signifi-
cantly more burdened and stressed during the take-over situa-
tion than were alert participants and manifested less confident
behavior when coping with the situation. This behavior may
negatively affect the transition from conditionally automated
driving to manual driving in more complex situations and mer-
its further examination.
Keywordsfatigue, conditionally automated driving, take-
over performance
A. Driver Fatigue in Road Traffic
Many past international studies have identified driver fa-
tigue as one of the major factors contributing to accidents in
road traffic [13]. Depending on the study, up to 2531% of
accidents are caused mainly by fatigue [46]. The various
effects of fatigue on the driving performance might explain
these high rates. Fatigue may not only diminish drivers’ at-
tention to the traffic environment [7] and their response
(time) to unusual events or emergency situations [5, 810],
but also affect steering control [11] and speed maintenance
[12]. According to the model presented in [13], which ex-
tends the findings documented in [14], driver fatigue can be
distinguished into task-related (TR) and sleep-related (SR)
fatigue based on the underlying cause. SR fatigue results
from sleep deprivation or disturbance of the circadian
rhythm, whereas TR fatigue occurs due to the driving task
and driving environment, which either impose high cognitive
demands over a prolonged time interval (causing active TR
fatigue) or produce mental underload (causing passive TR
fatigue). Dense traffic or poor visibility, for instance, result
in high task demand. Mental underload can be produced by
largely automated systems and the resulting monotony. Re-
gardless of the causal factors, fatigue leads to the stated per-
formance deterioration.
Fully automated vehicles, which no longer require human
input and treat the driver as a passenger, promise to eliminate
accidents caused by fatigue in road traffic. However, at low-
er automation levels of the SAE taxonomy [15], such as con-
ditional automation (CA), the driver is still considered to be
the fallback when system limits are reached. This means that
although the driver is allowed to engage in non-driving-
related activities (NDRA) a timely and proper reaction to a
take-over request (TOR) is required. Therefore with CA, the
driver still bears safety-critical responsibilities making ade-
quate take-over performance essential. Whether or not fa-
tigue impairs take-over performance is still in question.
B. Driver Fatigue in Automated Driving
Past research has yielded controversial findings concern-
ing the effect of fatigue on the take-over performance. Saxby
et al. [10] found that passive fatigue evoked by prolonged
phases of automated driving (10 and 30 minutes) caused a
deterioration of response times to an emergency event and an
increased crash probability. The findings reported in [16]
also revealed impaired take-over performance in that way
that participants showed a decrement of lateral control in the
take-over situation. By contrast, [17] who compared the
take-over performance after 5 and 20 minutes of conditional-
ly automated driving (CAD) found no impairment. Feldhüt-
ter [18] compared the take-over behavior of drivers fatigued
by a prolonged duration of CAD without an activity to that
of drivers who were aroused by engagement in voluntary
NDRA during 60 minutes of CAD. The take-over perfor-
mance showed no impairment. On the contrary, participants
in the NDRA group demonstrated significantly stronger
braking action during the take-over situation suggesting that
they had less situation awareness. Weinbeer [19] simulated a
TOR using a response-time task in a Wizard-of-Oz study
where participants had to input a steering reaction after the
take-over sound was triggered. Results showed no deteriora-
tion in the response times.
The discrepancies among these studies’ findings might
be attributable to widely divergent methods for assessing
fatigue and significantly different study designs. Saxby [10]
and Feldhütter [17] triggered the TOR after a specific dura-
tion of automated driving regardless of the prevailing fatigue
state. Goncalves [16] and Weinbeer [19] triggered a take-
over situation once a specific fatigue level was reached.
However, assessment of fatigue level required to trigger a
TOR differed significantly. Whereas [16] used self-rating of
fatigue on the Stanford Sleepiness Scale, [19] relied on an
observer rating based on specific fatigue indicators to assess
C. Purpose of this Study
We compared fatigued and alert drivers in the context of
a driving simulator experiment to contribute to greater trans-
parency in terms of the effect of fatigue on the take-over
performance. We chose a fatigue-state-dependent study de-
sign resembling those used in [19] and [16]. To assess fa-
tigue and identify the point in time when the desired fatigue
level was reached, we decided to use a method combining
the fatigue assessment system proposed in [20] with human
observer rating.
A. Participants
A total of 57 participants took part in the experiment.
Technical problems caused three participants to be excluded
from data analysis. Seven (23%) of the 30 participants tested
in the fatigued condition did not reach the defined fatigue
level within the predefined maximum time interval and were
also excluded from the analysis. The remaining sample con-
sisted of 47 participants (22 fatigued, 25 alert) with 11 fe-
males (23%). Mean age was 24.32 years (SD
4.01 years)
ranging from 21 to 47 years. Criterion for participation was
the possession of a valid driver’s license for at least four
years to prevent inexperienced drivers’ behavior from bias-
ing the results.
B. Study Design and Measures
To examine the effect of fatigue on take-over perfor-
mance, we chose a between-subjects design consisting of
two conditions (fatigued and alert). Participants were indi-
vidually tested and each was assigned to one of the two con-
ditions prior to the experiment. Participants in neither condi-
tion were offered any NDRA during the test drive to avoid
the influencing factor distraction on the driver state. Partici-
pants of the fatigued condition drove conditionally automat-
ed at a constant velocity of 120
km/h (74.57
mph) in the right
lane of a three-lane freeway until the defined fatigue state
was reached, but for feasibility reasons no longer than
90 minutes (see Fig. 1). This was assumed to be reasonable
since [18] revealed that the maximum fatigue level of all
participants was reached between 15 and 45 minutes of CAD
and [19] found no further increase in fatigue after 75 minutes
of CAD. The test track was designed to be as monotonous as
possible meaning that the road was uniformly straight, the
surrounding traffic unvaried and sparse, and no diversifying
elements such as different landscape features were imple-
mented. To further promote the development of fatigue, par-
ticipants were instructed in advance not to drink caffeinated
beverages on the day of the experiment. Further, we started
the experiment before 8 a.m., after lunch between 1 p.m. and
2 p.m. or after 6 p.m.
Participants in the alert condition were invited between
10 a.m. and 12 p.m. or between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. They
drove a fixed period of 5 minutes conditionally automated
(see Fig. 1). The simulated track was designed diversely with
curves, an interesting landscape, and maneuvers such as
speed changes and overtaking to keep participants alert. Fur-
thermore, participants had to engage in light physical exer-
cise (1 minute of rope jumping) right before starting the ex-
periment to further promote alertness.
After each group’s (alert and fatigued) designated auto-
mation duration, all participants experienced the same take-
over situation initiated by a broken-down vehicle suddenly
appearing in the lane of the ego-vehicle (simulated vehicle of
the participant) representing a system limit. The take-over
was requested by an acoustic alert in form of a doubled beep
and a notice on the instrument panel. The obstacle appeared
200 meters away, so the time budget for taking over control
and resolving the situation by braking or steering was
6 seconds. During the TOR, the ego-vehicle was located in
the right lane while two other vehicles were located in the
middle lane respectively 50 meters ahead and behind the
ego-vehicle. The left lane was free of traffic.
1) Assessing Fatigue
A valid method for assessing fatigue is required to realize
a fatigue-state-dependent study design. For this, two trained
observers independently rated participants’ fatigue during
the test drive according to the scale documented in [21]. This
scale was adapted from the common Wiewille-scale [22] and
includes specific behavioral indicators for fatigue (see Table
1). Besides, the observers were supported by an objective
fatigue-assessment system (FAS) proposed in [20], which
was implemented in the driving simulator. The system fuses
multiple eye-tracking metrics (PERCLOS, number of micro-
sleep events and head movements) and classifies the driver
as fatigued or alert. PERCLOS indicates the percentage of
time within 60 seconds during which the eyes are more than
80% closed, which is a strong indicator of fatigue [23]. Both
observers rating a participant at fatigue level 3 or 4 and the
FAS simultaneously classifying her or him as fatigued trig-
gered a take-over situation. In cases of insufficient FAS reli-
ability (mostly due to poor data quality), rater classification
alone also sufficed to trigger a take-over situation.
Duration of CAD (minutes)
Variable (fatigue-state-dependent)
Fig. 1. Study design
Fatigue indicators
1 (not
Normal fast eye blinks (<0.5
s), short ordinary glances
(fast saccades), normal facial tone, occasional body
movements or gestures
2 (fatigued)
Slower eyelid closures (0.5
s to 1
s), rare saccades and
prolonged fixations (glassy-eyed appearance), more
frequent blinks, decreased facial tone (“flaccid face”),
behavior to counteract fatigue: mannerisms (rubbing
the face or eyes, scratching, facial contortions), moving
restlessly in the seat
3 (very
Long eyelid closures (1
s to 2
s), rolling upward or a
sideways movement of the eyes, lacking fixations, rare
blinks, further decreased facial tone, lack of apparent
activity and large, isolated (or punctuating) move-
ments, such as providing a large correction to steering
or reorienting the head from a leaning or tilting posi-
4 (extremely
Occurrence of microsleep: eyelid closures of >2
s, lack
of movements, at the transition to microsleep: head
nodding, jerky movements, raising head or body
2) Assessing Take-over Performance
The take-over performance was operationalized by vari-
ous dependent variables. The take-over time (ToT) is the
time participants need for the first conscious intervention
maneuver as a reaction to the TOR, either by steering (steer-
ing wheel angle > 2
°), breaking, or accelerating (change of
braking pedal or gas pedal position > 10
%) [24]. Further, the
maximum longitudinal (AccLong) and lateral acceleration
(AccLat), and the minimum time-to-collision (TTC) were
analyzed. The TTC is the time theoretically remaining until a
potential collision with an obstacle assuming constant speed
of the ego-vehicle. Greater accelerations and smaller TTCs
indicate worse take-over quality [25]. Furthermore, we ana-
lyzed the maneuver participants ultimately chose to resolve
the take-over situation. Maneuver options were full braking
in the ego-lane or changing the lane to avoid the obstacle.
Rearward or sideward traffic needs to be checked to deter-
mine whether it allows the corresponding maneuver. Thus,
we analyzed whether participants consciously looked into the
rearview or side-view mirror for a lane changing maneuver
or the rearview mirror for full braking maneuver after the
TOR. We termed the metric visual securing behavior
(SecB). Changing lane without checking the environment is
more safety-relevant than full braking without checking.
C. Apparatus
1) Driving Simulator and Automation
The driving experiment took place in the high-fidelity,
fix-based driving simulator of the Chair of Ergonomics. The
simulator consisted of a complete BMW E64 mockup. Six
projectors created a 180° field of view allowing the use of
the side-view and the rearview mirrors. An in-vehicle audio
system generated engine sounds and road noise. SILAB
software from the Wuerzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences
(WIVW GmbH) was used for the driving simulation. Driv-
ing-related data was sampled at 60
The implemented CA took over longitudinal and lateral
control of the vehicle including passing maneuvers whenever
necessary. Participants had to press a button on the active
steering wheel to activate and deactivate CA. Manually
steering or braking above a specific threshold would also
deactivate the automation.
2) Camera Systems
The eyes and the head of the participants were tracked
and recorded with a frequency of 60 Hz by the three-camera,
remote eye-tracking system SmartEye. The real-time video
film that the camera system delivered showing participants
faces and upper torsos also provided the basis for the online
observer rating of participants’ fatigue.
D. Procedure
The experiment was conducted in German. Before the
experiment, participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire
containing demographic questions and received a specific
introduction depending on the experimental condition. After
welcoming the participants, the examiner gave an introduc-
tion to the experiment and the participants could become
familiar with the driving simulator and the automation sys-
tem during a training drive of about 7 minutes. Before enter-
ing the driving simulator, all participants were asked to leave
watches, smartphones or other personal items outside to pre-
vent an awakening effect by a NDRA. Participants of the
alert condition subsequently completed the brief exercise.
The eye-tracking system was calibrated after participants
entered the mockup. Afterwards, participants experienced
the condition-specific experimental track. The post-interview
was conducted right after the take-over situation was re-
solved and the simulation was stopped. Participants had to
rate their fatigue level retrospectively right before the TOR
on the nine-level Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) [26]
(1 =
Extremely alert”; 9
Very sleepy, great effort to keep
awake, fighting sleep”). Furthermore, participants were
asked how many hours they slept the night before the exper-
iment and how they perceived the criticality of the take-over
situation on a 10-level scale ranging from 1
Not critical”
to 10
Extremely critical”.
A two-tailed t-test was performed to analyze the effect of
fatigue on the take-over performance. Welch’s t-test was
used in the case of a significant Levene’s test (assumption of
equal variances is violated). The Chi-square test was con-
ducted to analyze binominal data. For frequencies 5, Fish-
er’s exact test was used instead. An α
0.05 significance
level was set for all statistical analyses.
A. Post-interview and the Development of Fatigue
The post-interview revealed that the majority of partici-
pants in the fatigued condition slept 56 hours (41%) or less
than 5 hours (9%) the night before the experiment. In com-
parison, nobody of the alert condition slept less than 5 hours
the night before the experiment. Most participants in this
condition, stated that they slept 67 hours (40%) or 78
hours (20%).
On average, participants in the fatigued condition drove
42.4 minutes (SD
min; min
min; max
conditionally automated until they reached the designated
level of fatigue and the take-over situation was triggered.
Only one participant (5%) in this condition drove longer than
75 minutes. Results of the KSS showed that 27% of the par-
ticipants in the fatigued condition retrospectively rated them-
selves at level 7 (“Sleepy, but no effort to keep awake”),
50% at level 8 (“Sleepy, some effort to keep awake”), and
23% at level 9 during the moment right before the TOR. The
online observers ratings of fatigue revealed that 86% of the
22 fatigued participants were rated in fatigue level 3 when
the TOR was triggered, and 14% in level 4. Also using the
PERCLOS metric and the result of observer rating during the
entire automated drive to analyze the development of fatigue
shows that, on average, fatigue increased steadily over time
(see Fig. 2). In the alert condition, 68% of the 25 participants
rated themselves at level 2 (“Very alert”) or level 3 (“Alert”)
on the KSS. Four participants (16%) stated that they were at
level 4 (“Rather alert”) and three (12%) at level 5 (“Neither
alert nor sleepy”). Only one participant (4%) quoted to be at
level 6 (“Some signs of sleepiness”).
B. Effect of Fatigue on the Take-over Performance
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the take-over parameters ToT, TTC,
AccLong, and AccLat dependent on the condition (fatigued,
alert). The statistical analysis of these parameters revealed
that there was no significant difference between the alert and
the fatigued conditions for the ToT, TTC, and AccLat
whereas participants in the fatigued condition tended to pro-
duce higher TTCs (ΔM
s, t(43)
1.69, p
0.098). The
Welch’s t-test revealed that participants in the fatigued con-
dition produced significant greater AccLong (ΔM
2.23, p
0.031). One participant in each condition
failed to react to the TOR in a timely manner and collided
with the broken-down vehicle.
Table 2 shows the frequency of the maneuvers conducted to
resolve the take-over situation and whether the participants
checked the mirrors or the environment (SecB) before exe-
cuting the corresponding maneuver depending on condition.
Fatigued participants (45%) decided to conduct a full brak-
ing maneuver (χ2(1, N
8.63, p
0.003) significantly
more frequently than alert participant (8%). Only 30% of the
10 fatigued participants and none of 2 alert participants who
conducted full braking maneuvers checked the rearview mir-
ror. For the lane changing maneuver, the SecB was more
balanced: 83% of the fatigued and 87% of the alert partici-
pants checked the mirrors before changing the lane.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Level of fatigue
Relative duration of the experimental drive [%]
Expert rating
Acceleration [m/s2]
Time [s]
Fig. 2. Development of fatigue in the fatigued condition assessed
using mean PERCLOS and expert rating plotted against duration as
a percentage (%) of the overall duration of each participant’s
conditionally automated drive; error bars represent the standard
Fig. 3. Boxplots of take-over time (ToT)
and minimal time-to-collision (TTC)
depending on condition; x represents the
mean value
Fig. 4. Boxplots of maximum
longitudinal and lateral acceleration
(AccLong, AccLat) depending on
condition; x represents the mean
Full braking
Lane Change
The analysis of the criticality rating demonstrated that partic-
ipants in the fatigued condition (M
5.16, SD
2.17) per-
ceived the same situation to be significantly more critical
than did participants in the alert condition (M
2.67), t(45)
2.36, p
Results of the post-interview indicated that manipulation
of the two conditions succeeded. All participants in the fa-
tigued condition placed themselves between levels 7 and 9
on the KSS, which is rated as sleepy, and all participants in
the alert condition placed themselves between levels 2 and 6,
which can be regarded as an active state [27]. The develop-
ment of PERCLOS and observers’ fatigue rating during the
test drive also support these results since a steady increase
appeared for both metrics. On average, it took participants 42
minutes of conditionally automated driving to reach a high
level of fatigue. The wide range of testing durations
between 19 and 80 minutes of conditionally automated driv-
ingsubstantiates the hypothesis that fatigue development is
highly individual, which is in line with previous studies [18,
28]. Furthermore, the individual testing durations confirm
the use of a fatigue-state-dependent study design.
Due to previous findings [9, 10, 29] we expected to find
greater take-over times in the fatigued condition, which
could not be confirmed in this study. However, participants
evolved a different interesting behavior: Almost half of the
fatigued participants executed a full-braking maneuver to
resolve the situation involving the broken-down vehicle.
This produced significantly greater decelerations (AccLong)
and, by tendency, higher TTCs in this condition. The majori-
ty did not check the mirrors or the environment before break-
ing. This behavior is assumed to have resulted from a startle
reaction rather than from a reasoned decision. Assuming that
fatigue diminishes attention to the environment [7], fatigued
participants lacked sufficient situation awareness when it
came to the TOR. Startled by the TOR, fatigued participants
showed short response times comparable to those of the alert
drivers. However, the complex, suddenly developing situa-
tion overwhelmed the fatigued participants to the extend that
they were unable to rationally decide how to react and re-
sponded instead with a fast overreaction. This involved full
brake application (until stopping) before doing anything else,
such as checking the environment, in order to buy time to
better evaluate the situation. By contrast, more than 90% of
the alert participants decided to change lane to resolve the
situation; the majority also checked the environment before
executing the maneuver. This behavior indicates that the
alert participants reacted consciously and deliberately. The
criticality rating also supports this assumption since partici-
pants in the fatigued condition perceived the same take-over
situation to be significantly more critical than did partici-
pants in the alert condition, suggesting that fatigued partici-
pants felt more overloaded and stressed.
In other words, fatigue might lead to an overreaction in
take-over situations caused by overload, which is relevant for
the safe operation of vehicles with CA and which has im-
portant implications for the future application. This behavior
did not lead to an increased crash probability in this study;
however, different take-over situations need to be tested to
further investigate these findings. It is conceivable that fa-
tigued drivers’ less confident behavior might lead to a more
obvious deterioration of the driving performance in even
more complex situations.
In this driving simulator study, we compared the
take-over performance of fatigued and alert drivers during
the transition from CAD to manual driving. Specific
measures were taken to promote fatigue or alertness depend-
ing on the condition. Fatigue was assessed using a combina-
tion of observer rating conducted by two independent human
raters and a certain technical system based on objective eye-
lid-closure metrics. We showed that the method applied in
this study to manipulate and assess fatigue has evidently
succeeded. Furthermore, we were able to conclude that fa-
tigue did not have the expected impact on the take-over per-
formance, namely prolonging take-over times and producing
more accidents in the take-over situation. However, we did
find a significant, distinct take-over behavior specific to fa-
tigued drivers. Fatigued drivers appeared to overreact in such
a way that they conducted rather an unsecured minimal-risk
maneuver for reducing the risk of collision than a conscious-
ly planned maneuver. By contrast, alert drivers mostly react-
ed with careful consideration and consequently more safely.
These findings may have a safety-relevant impact on the
future application of vehicles with CA.
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... In a further experiment by Feldhütter [45], the game Tetris was selected as the NDRA and compared to a baseline with no NDRA. The KSS, PERCLOS, and the expert rating by Wiegand et al. [46] were used to measure driver fatigue. ...
... A summary of the results is shown in Table 2. Most studies used measures to prevent and avoid driver fatigue. For this reason, most of the studies used the application of the measures directly after the start [12,20,38,[43][44][45]. Bourrelly et al. [47], Mahajan et al. [36], Saxby et al. [40], and Weinbeer et al. [31] started the application after a certain time (after 5 vs. 10 vs. 18.5 vs. 30 min). ...
... Furthermore, talking to a speech-based assistant led to lower driver fatigue compared to doing nothing during CAD [36]. Moreover, the analyzed studies showed that playing games during CAD (Tetris, a quiz, or a trivia game) had a positive effect on driver fatigue [38,41,43,45]. May and Baldwin [9] have already recommended using interactive games to prevent driver fatigue. ...
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This paper summarizes the research on countermeasures against driver fatigue based on a comprehensive systematic literature review. Driver fatigue, induced by task monotony during conditional automated driving (CAD, SAE Level 3), can increase the risk of road accidents. There are several measures that counteract driver fatigue and aim to reduce the risk caused by a fatigued driver in the context of CAD. Twelve selected articles focusing on driver fatigue countermeasures in CAD were analyzed. The findings and conclusions are presented, focusing on the countermeasures themselves and their implementation. The countermeasures were critically discussed, especially regarding effectiveness and applicability. They seem to be effective in counteracting driver fatigue. However, the measures are not easily compared because they were studied in various experimental settings and various driver fatigue measurements were used. Different countermeasures have proven to be effective in reducing fatigue during CAD. For this reason, further investigation is needed to gain further insights into their applications, advantages, and disadvantages. Further studies will be conducted to verify the best solution regarding their effectiveness and applicability.
... Gonçalves et al. found that subjectively drowsy drivers showed a deterioration of lateral control with a higher maximum post takeover lateral acceleration (Gonçalves et al., 2016). However, Feldh€ utter et al. observed no significant relationship between drivers' reaction time and their drowsiness status after a TOR (Feldhutter et al., 2018). Drowsiness was not considered a research focus in the early CAD studies, therefore the findings on the effect of drivers' drowsiness on takeover performance are insufficient (De Winter et al., 2014). ...
... In this study, the four scenarios appeared 8 times in each driving mode in a fixed order (taken from the Latin square): 'scenario1 -scenario 2 -scenario 3 -scenario 4 -scenario 2 -scenario 1 -scenario 4 -scenario 3 0 . In the TD experiments, participants were required to monitor the driving process before the TOR sounded, each automated driving process lasted 5 minutes (Feldhutter et al., 2018;Wu et al., 2019). After the TOR, drivers were required to keep the speed around 80 km/h and drive in the middle lane, this part lasted one minute. ...
... For the three indicators 'Mean Acclong', 'Max SDLP', and 'TTP', the variation ranges were smaller in the MD group compared with the TD group. In contrast, the takeover performance indicators 'Mean Acclong', 'TTP', and 'Brake input Rate' showed a mutation when KSS was greater than 5, which was inconsistent with the finding of Feldh€ utter et al. (Feldhutter et al., 2018). ...
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Drowsiness in manual driving (MD) is influenced by circadian rhythms. Conditionally automated driving (CAD) affects drivers’ drowsiness. We conducted a simulator study with 30 participants (every ten subjects in morning group, afternoon group, and evening group) to investigate the effect of circadian rhythm on the changes in drivers’ drowsiness and performance in different driving modes. Each subject was required to complete CAD experiment first and MD experiment later, and experienced 8 risk scenarios in each experiment. The self-reported Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) was recorded by an investigator every time when the subject drove past the scenario as the drowsiness measurement. The speed, acceleration, time-related metrics, and vehicle lane position were collected as the performance measurements. KSS data were statistically analyzed, and the Spearman’s Rho test was used to confirm the correlation among performance measurements, KSS, and scenarios. The result of the KSS statistical analysis showed that the effect of circadian rhythm on fatigue in MD groups is consistent with the previous studies, but the existence of CAD changes the effect of the circadian rhythm. Compared with the MD, CAD slowed down the drowsiness growth rate in the morning group and promoted the drowsiness growth rate in the evening group. The brake input rate, mean longitude acceleration, max Standard Deviation of Lane Position (SDLP), and the time to pass (TTP) were significantly related to the driver´s drowsiness in both driving modes.
... During automated driving, the driver's role shifts 7 from an active operator of a system to that of a passive supervisor (Kyriakidis et al., 2019). 8 This results in a more monotonous task which, due to lapses in the driver's attention and 9 alertness, can pose a threat to the safe transition from automated to manual driving when the 10 automated system encounters limitations (Feldhütter et al., 2018). Despite the driver's ability 11 to delegate vehicle control to an automated driving system, the ability to assess the driver's 12 mental state in real-time will be an integral part of driver safety for two reasons. ...
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With the introduction of automated driving, drivers can delegate responsibility of the driving task to an automated system. In some situations, however, human intervention may still be necessary. Driver fatigue exacerbated by prolonged automated driving can imperil the safety of transitions of control between automated system and human driver. Driver monitoring systems (DMS) are therefore necessary to assess the driver's mental state in real-time and oversee the safety of automated driving by ensuring that the driver is cognitively ready to take over when necessary. While automated driving and DMS will afford several distinct advantages that can improve the safety and experience of driving, little is known concerning how drivers themselves perceive these technologies. The present study was therefore conducted to examine drivers' perspectives on the use of DMS during automated driving, using a qualitative focus group approach. A reflexive thematic analysis of the data generated five themes. These themes illustrate that drivers perceive DMS within automated driving as a supplemental but non-essential layer of support that comes with considerable costs to their perceived privacy, autonomy, and their enjoyment derived from the experience of driving. Concerns regarding the perceived reliability of DMS were also raised. Recommendations for future empirical and practical work are also provided.
... 式中, ONDA 为该驾驶人的非分心区域面部朝向 (Orientation to Non-Distraction Area) [129] 、斯坦福睡眠量表(Stanford Sleepiness Scale) [130] 、Epworth 睡眠量表(Epworth Sleepiness Scale) [131] 以及 Chalder 疲劳量表(Chalder Fatigue Scale) [132] 等。其中,KSS 及其改进版本是应用最广泛的驾驶人疲劳程度主观测 量方式。客观测量方式主要包括眼睑闭合百分比(Percentage of Eyelid Closure) [24] 、眨眼时间(Blink Duration) [133] 和脑电(Electroencephalography) [134] 等。相比 是广泛使用的驾驶疲劳实时测量方法 [141] 。 已有大量研究调查了驾驶疲劳对接管绩 效的影响,但并没有得出一致的结论 [142] 。因此,有必要进一步深入而全面地研究 驾驶疲劳对驾驶人接管绩效的影响。 工作负荷描述了驾驶相关任务的认知需求和驾驶人的有限认知资源能力之间 的关系 [143] 。NASA 任务负荷指数(National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Task Load Index,NASA-TLX) [144] 等主观量表,以及心率变异性(Heart Rate Variability,HRV) [ [140] 。HRV 特征分为三类 [159] :时域特征(Time-Domain Frequency Band of Heart Rate Variability,LF/HF) [161] 、HRV 的样本熵(Sample Entropy of Heart Rate Variability,SampEn) [162] 和 HRV 庞加莱图中的标准差 SD2 和标准差 SD1 的比率(Ratio Between the Standard Deviation SD2 and the Standard Deviation SD1 Obtained from the Poincaré Plot,SD2/SD1) [163] 。 本研究采用多个 EDA 指标评估驾驶人在自动驾驶过程中的精神压力。EDA 定义为:由于人类汗液分泌和汗腺膜离子渗透性的变化而产生的皮肤表面测得的 电导率发生变化的现象 [164] 。EDA 指标是评估人类在不同场景下精神压力的有效 方式 [165] 。EDA 指标分为两种:皮肤电导水平(Skin Conductance Level,SCL)和 皮肤电导反应(Skin Conductance Response,SCR) [166] [170] 、转向操作的高频成分(High Frequency Component of Steering, HFCS) [171] 以及平均横向加速度 (Mean Lateral Acceleration, MLaA) [ [199] ,本研究采用了最大似然法(Maximum ...
SAE Level 3 automated driving systems are unable to handle all the driving scenarios, so drivers are required to take over the vehicles when necessary. The take-over time budget, the complexity of surrounding traffic flow, drivers’ distraction states, fatigue states, and non-driving postures affect the take-over performance and thus influence traffic safety. Hence, for expectable take-overs, it is feasible to appropriately adjust the take-over time budget based on drivers’ states and the complexity of surrounding traffic flow to ensure that drivers can take over the vehicles safely and comfortably. However, existing studies are insufficient. In this thesis, the influence of different factors on drivers’ take-over performance was investigated, and an adaptive take-over time budget adjustment method and the corresponding models were established. Moreover, a comprehensive take-over performance evaluation approach was proposed to point out the optimization direction for the above methods and models. First, two sets of take-over experiments were conducted, and the generalized additive modeling approach was adopted to establish drivers’ take-over performance models, which systematically quantify the effects of the take-over time budget, the complexity of surrounding traffic flow, drivers’ visual distraction, and passive fatigue on their take-over performance. The take-over performance models provided the supportive data and theoretical basis for the adaptive take-over time budget adjustment method. Second, a structural equation model was developed to systematically investigate the complex relationships among the take-over time budget, sleep deprivation, drivers’ posture, arousal state, and take-over performance. Electroencephalogram, heart rate variability, and electrodermal activity were employed to comprehensively measure drivers’ arousal state. In addition, drivers’ take-over performance was deconstructed into three dimensions (i.e., reaction time, lateral instability, and longitudinal instability). The structural equation model laid the theoretical basis for the adaptive take-over time budget adjustment method. Third, an adaptive take-over time budget adjustment method was proposed. The adaptive take-over time budget adjustment models for drivers’ visual distraction and passive fatigue were established based on the principle. Based on the experimental platform for the real-time adjustment of the take-over time budget, two sets of verification experiments were conducted. The results indicated that the adaptive take-over time budget adjustment method could ensure that drivers in different states complete their takeovers according to the target take-over performance set by the systems. Finally, a human-centered comprehensive measure of take-over performance was proposed. The proposed measure combined multiple objective original metrics weighted by the average evaluation criterion of human drivers to provide real-time evaluations of the take-over performance. The measure provided a more reasonable target take-over performance for the adaptive take-over time budget adjustment models and pointed out the way to further optimize the proposed adaptive take-over time budget adjustment method.
... Human operators in SAR scenarios are likely to engage in non-driving related tasks, regardless of whether the robot is in teleoperation or autonomy driving mode. Due to their involvement in these tasks for a prolonged time [27] or due to the stress or physical fatigue they encounter [28], a longer time might be required to shift their attention back to driving. Correctly detecting the operator's cognitive availability offers an opportunity to make a practical decision of control transfer in real time, thus improving mobile robot safety. ...
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This paper presents a Mixed-Initiative (MI) framework for addressing the problem of control authority transfer between a remote human operator and an AI agent when cooperatively controlling a mobile robot. Our Hierarchical Expert-guided Mixed-Initiative Control Switcher (HierEMICS) leverages information on the human operator's state and intent. The control switching policies are based on a criticality hierarchy. An experimental evaluation was conducted in a high-fidelity simulated disaster response and remote inspection scenario, comparing HierEMICS with a state-of-the-art Expert-guided Mixed-Initiative Control Switcher (EMICS) in the context of mobile robot navigation. Results suggest that HierEMICS reduces conflicts for control between the human and the AI agent, which is a fundamental challenge in both the MI control paradigm and also in the related shared control paradigm. Additionally, we provide statistically significant evidence of improved, navigational safety (i.e., fewer collisions), LOA switching efficiency, and conflict for control reduction.
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This paper provides a theoretical overview of how the concept of driver readiness can be objectively measured, using controlled experimental data. First, a literature review regarding the concept of driver readiness is provided. Then, it highlights challenges for a standardized readiness estimation model. A conceptual readiness estimation model is presented, and a methodology is proposed for defining readiness thresholds for use by Driver State Monitoring (DSM) systems. The paper then explores how this model can be used to estimate readiness thresholds. A proof of concept for the model application is presented, using previously collected experimental involving SAE Level 2 automation. This paper contributes to the state of the art in DSM-development, by providing a methodology for estimating driver readiness, while considering variabilities across individual drivers. The model also allows readiness thresholds to be defined with data from driving simulator experiments, without relying on subjective assessment of readiness as its ground truth.
Zukünftig können Fahrzeuge automatisiert fahren und Reisende die Fahrzeit zum Video schauen nutzen. Adrian Brietzke untersucht dabei realitätsnah das Auftreten von Kinetose (Reisekrankheit) bei den Reisenden. Es wird ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz beginnend bei der Identifikation der Betroffenengruppe über die empirische Analyse der Ist-Situation im Stop-and-Go-Verkehr bis zu einer Entwicklung und Bewertung von technischen Maßnahmen vorgestellt. Systematisch erhobene Nutzererfahrungen werden ausgewertet sowie das akute Auftreten von Kinetose in Realfahrstudien untersucht. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse erlauben eine Überprüfung der Ursachen für Kinetose und liefern Ansätze zur Weiteerentwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von Kinetose.
Background Meta studies on factors contributing to take-over performance did not include the design of take-over request (TOR) signals, other than the modality at which TORs are presented. A detailed understanding of the influence of TOR design on take-over performance is therefore lacking. Objective To gain an overview of the level of detail with which TOR designs are reported in academic literature, by using and evaluating a novel classification framework. In this framework TORs are classified in terms of modalities, classes, and underlying attributes. Furthermore, the framework involves classification of potentially competing background signals, as well as the setting in which a study is performed. Method A systematic review was performed on articles written in English that were published between 2014 and 2021 using Web of Science, as well as articles retrieved from two previous TOR classification studies and three meta studies on take-over performance. Studies were considered for subsequent analysis if they involved a downward transition of the level of automation following a TOR, resulting in a sample of 391 TORs found in 189 studies. Results No predominant TOR design was found, and a considerable part of the available design space has not yet been explored. Studies reported less information on TOR designs when examining TOR designs at an increased level of detail. On average, attribute information was reported for half of the TORs per class. Conclusions More attention towards a detailed description of TOR implementations is needed and how this can impact experimental findings. The classification framework and the corresponding coding sheet could support systematic reporting and subsequent meta-analysis in future work. This way, a better understanding about the impact of TOR design on take-over performance can be gained, which in turn can support implementation of safe and effective TORs in (automated) vehicles.
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Vehicles with conditional automation will be introduced to the market in the next few years. However, the effect of fatigue as one component of the driver state on the take-over performance still needs to be quantified. To examine this question, a valid, real-time capable and preferably non-invasive method for assessing fatigue while driving automatically is required. For this purpose, we developed an objective driver fatigue assessment system based on the data of a commercial remote eye-tracking system. The fatigue assessment system fuses various metrics based on eyelid opening and head movement. In a validation study with 12 participants in a driving simulator, the fatigue assessment system achieved a sensitivity of 90.0 % and a specificity of 99.2 %. This approach makes a fatigue-state-dependent study design possible and can also provide a basis for advancing existing fatigue assessment systems in automated vehicles.
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Due to the ongoing development in automated vehicle technology, conditionally automated driving (CAD) will become a realistic scenario within the next years. However, an increasing automation in driving tasks and taking the driver out of the loop increases the risk of monotony and fatigue brought on by boredom. Whether the driver is still able to take over the vehicle guidance at system limits is questionable. Therefore, the aim of the current driving simulator study is to investigate how prolonged monotonous periods of conditionally automated driving affect passenger fatigue level and the take-over performance and how both is affected by voluntary non-driving-related activities (NDRA). For this purpose, two conditions (encouraging fatigue and encouraging alertness by engaging in voluntary NDRA) were tested in a 60 min conditionally automated drive followed by a take-over situation. Twenty-five percent of the participants in the fatigue encouraging condition temporarily showed strong evidence of fatigue or they fell asleep. However, the time of occurrence of fatigue phases varied among individuals (occurrence mainly after 20–40 min of automated driving). The take-over performance in the take-over situation after 60 min of CAD did not deteriorate in the fatigue condition compared to the alertness condition.
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In the context of highly automated driving (HAD) the driver state drowsiness is becoming increasingly important. For assessing the usefulness of different strategies to manage drowsiness during HAD, appropriate test methods are needed. To determine whether a right-hand-drive vehicle (RHDV) is a suitable method, a study with 31 participants was conducted on the motorway A9 in Germany. Two investigators evaluated the drowsiness level (DL) of the participants during the test drive. Depending on the participant's DL Requests to Intervene (RtI) were triggered. There was no statistically significant influence of drowsiness on take-over time aspects. Our results indicate that extremely drowsy drivers are still able to perceive and to react to a RtI. However, it should be considered that the take-over scenario used in this study was rather simple and quality aspects could not be assessed by the RHDV-setting. This study demonstrates that it is possible to induce and enhance drowsiness by controlling several influencing factors such as caffeine and atmosphere. Thus, this approach can be helpful for future studies when evaluating the effectiveness of different reactivation or transition strategies to manage drowsiness during HAD.
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The takeover of the driving task in highly automated vehicles at system limits is subject to latest research in ergonomics and human-machine-interaction. Most studies focus on driving simulator studies, examining the takeover performance mainly after short periods of automated driving, although takeover requests may not occur such frequently in future automated vehicles. This study tries to close this gap and compares driving performance and reaction times of a takeover after 5 and 20 minutes of automated driving. Further, the gaze behavior in the beginning and end of the 20 minutes period is compared. While the duration of automated driving did not show to influence the takeover performance, gaze behavior changed within the 20 minutes of automated driving. The SuRT and the 20 minutes automation period induced slower reactions, but no significant changes regarding accelerations and time to collision.
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This paper presents an accurate method of drowsiness detection for the images obtained using low resolution consumer grade web cameras under normal lighting conditions. The drowsiness detection method uses Haar based cascade classifier for eye tracking and combination of Histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) features combined with Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier for blink detection. Once the eye blinks are detected then the PERCLOS is calculated from it. If the PERCLOS value is greater than 6 seconds then the person is said to be drowsy. The presented system was validated by comparing the prediction of the system with that of a human rater. The system matched with the human observer with 91.6 % accuracy.
Future cars will be able to execute the longitudinal and lateral control and other subtasks of driving. Automation effects, known in other domains like aviation, rail traffic or manufacturing, will emerge in road transportation with consequences hard to predict from the present point of view. This paper discusses the current state of automation research in road traffic, concerning the take-over at system limits. Measurements like the take-over time and the maximum accelerations are suggested and substantiated with data from different experiments and literature. Furthermore, the procedure of such take-over situations is defined in a generic way. Based on studies and experience, advice is given concerning methods and lessons learned in designing and conducting take-over studies in driving simulation. This includes the test and scenario design and which dependent variables to use as metrics. Detailed information is given on how to generate proper control conditions by driving manually without automation. Core themes like how to keep situation presentation constant even for manual drivers and which measures to use to compare a take-over to manual driving are addressed. Finally, a prospect is given on further needs for research and limitations of current known studies.
Driver fatigue is a significant contributing factor to numerous traffic crashes, which brings great socioeconomic concerns to policy makers, the general public as well as transportation professionals. There is an emerging consensus that the monotonous road environments are the major exogenous factor causing driver fatigue. This study aims to reveal the relationship between the road environment and driver fatigue. Furthermore, the optimal stimulation interval of the road environment to prevent driver fatigue is proposed. A driving simulated experiment study is conducted to evaluate the impact of the monotonous road environment on driver fatigue. The experimental scenario of the road environment is designed based on the real-life environment. The physiological indicator of heart rate (HR) is used to measure driver fatigue. The MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group) video compression technique is applied to assess the monotony of the road environment. Furthermore, the changing pattern of driver fatigue under different levels of monotony of the road environment, which can be reflected by different stimulation densities, is exhibited. In this study, the relationship between driver fatigue and stimulation density is established. The results of this study are consistent with the Hancock and Warm U model. The results of this study suggest that the optimal stimulation interval in the road environment should be no more than 8 min. The findings are further discussed with reference to the design of the road environment in order to mitigate driver fatigue. The potential application of this research is to develop an evaluation system of the road environment based on the driver fatigue.