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Obesity in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Prevalence and Associated Factors


Abstract and Figures

Background: The purpose of this study was to identify rates of overweight and obesity in young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and factors related to overweight. Methods: Retrospective chart reviews were conducted for 273 children with ASD [i.e., autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)] after receiving outpatient services with a developmental pediatrician or the developmental team at a children's hospital. Information on child demographics, height and weight, medications prescribed, and adaptive functioning was collected from charts. Results: Rates of overweight and obesity in children with ASD were found to be above nationally representative prevalence estimates for children. Among children with autistic disorder, 17.16% had a body mass index (BMI) percentile in the overweight range and 21.89% had a BMI percentile in the obese range. For children with Asperger's disorder/PDD-NOS, 12.50% were considered overweight and 10.58% were considered obese. Neither psychotropic medications prescribed nor adaptive functioning was found to be related to whether the child was overweight or obese. Conclusions: Children with ASD are at risk for overweight and obesity, and children with autistic disorder are at greater risk for weight problems than children with Asperger's disorder/PDD-NOS. Further research is needed to identify factors related to overweight in children with ASD.
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Obesity in Young Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorders: Prevalence
and Associated Factors
Anna M. Egan, PhD,
Meredith L. Dreyer, PhD,
Cathleen C. Odar, MA,
Malia Beckwith, MD,
and Carol B. Garrison, MD
Background: The purpose of this study was to identify rates of overweight and obesity in young children with autism spectrum
disorders (ASD) and factors related to overweight.
Methods: Retrospective chart reviews were conducted for 273 children with ASD [i.e., autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder,
pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)] after receiving outpatient services with a developmental
pediatrician or the developmental team at a children’s hospital. Information on child demographics, height and weight, medications
prescribed, and adaptive functioning was collected from charts.
Results: Rates of overweight and obesity in children with ASD were found to be above nationally representative prevalence
estimates for children. Among children with autistic disorder, 17.16% had a body mass index (BMI) percentile in the overweight
range and 21.89% had a BMI percentile in the obese range. For children with Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS, 12.50% were
considered overweight and 10.58% were considered obese. Neither psychotropic medications prescribed nor adaptive functioning
was found to be related to whether the child was overweight or obese.
Conclusions: Children with ASD are at risk for overweight and obesity, and children with autistic disorder are at greater risk for
weight problems than children with Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS. Further research is needed to identify factors related to over-
weight in children with ASD.
Recent estimates suggest approximately 32% of United
States children and adolescents are overweight or
obese, as defined by a body mass index (BMI) over the
Even for younger children specifically (e.g.,
between 2 and 5 years of age), approximately 21% of children
are considered either overweight or obese.
Overweight in
children has both short-term health consequences, such as
high cholesterol or blood pressure,
as well as long-term
health consequences. Childhood BMI has been associated
with both adult BMI and adult adiposity, and young children
with a BMI over the 95
percentile are four times more likely
to be overweight as adults than their normal weight peers.
Additionally, psychosocial difficulties, including low self-
and decreased quality of life,
often accompany
overweight and obesity. Total direct and indirect economic
costs of obesity have been reported to be nearly 10% of total
medical expenditures, and the estimated yearly cost rose to
$147 billion in 2008.
With rates of obesity increasing at
younger ages, the lifetimes costs are drastically increasing and
health complications are occurring at younger ages.
There have been few studies of obesity in children with an
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), despite the fact that the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates
this condition affects 1 in 88 children in the United States.
ASD, also known as the pervasive developmental disorders
(PDD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
edition (DSM-IV), is a group of neurodeve-
lopmental disorders characterized by varying deficits in
communication, impairments in social interactions, or pat-
terns of repetitive or stereotypical behavior or interests.
These diagnoses include autistic disorder, Asperger’s dis-
order, and PDD not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).
Previous research suggests children with ASD may be at
as great a risk or even greater risk for overweight and
Division of Developmental and Behavioral Sciences, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO.
Center for Children’s Healthy Lifestyles & Nutrition, Kansas City, MO.
Clinical Child Psychology Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Children’s Specialized Hospital Mountainside, Mountainside, NJ.
April 2013 jVolume 9, Number 2
ªMary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/chi.2012.0028
obesity in comparison to their typically developing peers.
For example, prevalence data from 1992 to 2003 that
were obtained through a chart review methodology indi-
cate children with ASD have prevalence rates of over-
weight and obesity slightly higher than the general
population, with approximately 36% of children having a
BMI over the 85
percentile and 19% of children having a
BMI over the 95
Other research has dem-
onstrated rates of obesity in this population to be elevated
in comparison to typically developing children.
For ex-
ample, Curtin and colleagues reported the prevalence of
obesity in children with autism to be approximately 30%
in comparison to approximately 24% in children without
Obesity is also a common co-morbidity among
adults with ASD, with 42% having a BMI above the re-
commended range.
Unique barriers to healthy lifestyles and weight man-
agement for children with ASD may be responsible for
this high risk of overweight. For example, children with
ASD may display frequent food refusal,
eating behaviors,
motor impairments,
and cognitive
Additionally, numerous barriers to physical
activity in children with ASD have been noted.
example, intrapersonal factors, such as time spent playing
video games or computers or watching TV or listening to
music, and interpersonal factors, such as a lack of peer
exercise partners or parents not having enough time, are
barriers to children with ASD participating in after-school
physical activity.
Parents of children with ASD face a
multitude of barriers to getting their child to eat a healthy
diet and obtain the recommended amount of physical
activity, some of which are specific to children with
special needs conditions.
Despite an abundance of empirical research regarding
obesity trends in typically developing children, minimal
research has been dedicated to factors related to obesity in
children with autism. This research has produced incon-
sistent findings regarding which factors are related to
obesity in children with ASD and has suggested that the
factors related to obesity (e.g., diet or physical activity)
may not be the same as those associated with weight
problems in typically developing children. For example,
research has produced mixed results regarding the rela-
tionship between dietary intake (e.g., consumption of
certain food groups) and weight problems in children with
Additionally, minimal research has focused on
the relationship between physical activity and overweight
specifically in children with ASD, although it has been
suggested that barriers to physical activity in this group
may be related to elevated risk for obesity.
research has not produced consistent findings on whether
autism severity is related to overweight. Ho and colleagues
found diagnosis severity to be positively associated with
while Memari and colleagues found overall
symptom severity, as well as severity of symptoms in the
specific areas of sociability and health and physical be-
havior, was inversely related to BMI.
The relationship between psychotropic medications
used to treat symptoms associated with ASD and BMI is
also unclear. Children with ASD are treated with a variety
of psychotropic medications to address their emotional
and behavioral symptoms and can include stimulants,
serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), atypical
antipsychotics, and combinations of these medications.
Memari and colleagues found the number of psychotropic
medications to be inversely related to BMI among girls,
whereas a weak positive correlation was found between
medications and BMI among boys.
Additionally, ris-
peridone has been related to initial increases in BMI
among young children or children with lower baseline
BMI, but increases in BMI did not continue across time.
Overall previous research has failed to yield consistent
factors associated with weight status for children with
The present study aimed to assess the prevalence of
overweight and obesity among children diagnosed with
ASD, as well as to examine whether psychotropic medi-
cations prescribed and adaptive functioning are related to
weight. It should be noted that adaptive functioning was
examined as a proxy for autism severity because adaptive
functioning has been shown to be associated moderately to
strongly with autism severity in previous research.
the inconsistencies in past research on whether these fac-
tors are related to overweight, a descriptive and explor-
atory approach was taken without a priori hypotheses.
The findings of this study have the potential to con-
tribute to an area of research where results have been in-
consistent and unclear. Discrepancies in previously
published results may be related to limitations in data
collection methods. For example, data on height and
weight were often collected from parent report rather than
being measured consistently in a medical clinic. Ad-
ditionally, at times, wide age ranges were examined and
discrepancies in findings may be due to different processes
occurring at developmental stages (e.g., hormone changes
impacting growth and weight gain in adolescence). To help
eliminate possible confounding factors, data in the current
study were collected from a narrow age range and infor-
mation was obtained from review of children’s medical
records, therefore allowing objective assessment of study
variables without the bias that can occur when parent-
report information is used.
A total of 273 participants [Mage =3.89, SD =0.91]
were identified through a retrospective chart review and
were approximately three-quarters male and predomi-
nantly Caucasian. Approximately two-thirds of partici-
pants were diagnosed with autistic disorder, and
approximately one-third of participants were diagnosed
with either PDD-NOS or Asperger’s disorder. The cate-
gories of PDD-NOS and Asperger’s disorder were
collapsed due to the nature of billing codes. Approximately
95% of children were taking no psychotropic medication to
treat symptoms related to their ASD. Detailed demo-
graphic and medical information is presented in Table 1.
Children with ASD were identified through attendance
at a medical appointment with a developmental pediatri-
cian or the developmental team at a midwestern hospital.
Medical charts of children attending an appointment in the
clinic between November 1, 2005, and May 1, 2009, were
reviewed. Inclusion criteria included being between the
ages of 2.5 and 5 years, being diagnosed with ASD, and
recent height and weight readings. Participants were ex-
cluded if they had a diagnosis or impairment that is known
to affect weight (e.g., Prader–Willi, Down syndrome, be-
ing wheelchair bound; n=2), if the patient did not receive
oral feedings (n=0), or if incomplete medical chart in-
formation was available (n=10). Due to the retrospective
nature of medical chart review, parental consent was not
required in accordance with the Institutional Review Board
policies of the hospital at which data collection took place.
This research was approved by the Institutional Review
Board at Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics.
All information collected from medical records was
originally obtained as part of the child’s standard medical
care appointment or developmental assessment. Specific
information gathered included child demographics (e.g.,
gender, ethnicity/race), height and weight (to calculate
BMI percentile and BMI z-score), diagnosis (i.e., autistic
disorder or Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS), and current
medications prescribed. Diagnostic information was ob-
tained by recording the child’s billable diagnosis according
to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision
(ICD-9). The ICD-9 collapses both Asperger’s disorder
and PDD-NOS into one billable diagnosis and, therefore, a
child’s diagnosis was coded as either autistic disorder or
Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS. Height and weight were
converted to BMI z-scores and percentiles while taking into
account the child’s age and gender. This was accomplished
by using the Baylor College of Medicine Children’s BMI-
percentile-for-age Calculator (
comp/bmiz2.html/) which is based on the 2000 CDC BMI-
for-Age Growth Charts for girls and boys ages 2–20.
These measures were used because they are more com-
parable across child age and gender.
For the children receiving an assessment from the de-
velopmental team (n=264), information on adaptive level,
as measured by the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales,
Second Edition (VABS),
was also collected. The VABS is
a normed survey interview administered as a semi-
structured interview to parents to assess the frequency at
which the child performs various adaptive behaviors
through open-ended questions. The VABS provides scores
for overall adaptive functioning, as well as adaptive
functioning in the specific domains of communication,
daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills. Medi-
cation status was collected from the medical record and
reviewed. The psychotropic medication used by youth in
this study included the following known pharmacologic
classes—stimulants, atypical antipsychotics, anticonvul-
sants, alpha-2 adrenergic agonists, or some combination of
these medications, referred to as ‘‘multiple medications’
(see Table 1).
Statistical Plan/Preliminary Analyses
To examine for differences in weight categories, fre-
quency counts and percentages were calculated to assess
the number of children with ASD with a BMI over the 85
or 95
percentile and therefore met suggested cutoff scores
for overweight or obesity, respectively.
A2·3 Pearson
chi-squared test was used to determine whether the number
of children with ASD categorized as under/normal weight,
overweight, or obese in our current sample differed from
the number of children within these categories in a sample
of children and adolescents representative of the overall
population. The comparison sample was the subset of
children 2–5 years old in the nationwide prevalence study
by Ogden and colleagues
(Fig. 1). This age range is
Table 1. Demographic and Medical
Information for Total Sample
Number (Percentage)
Male 222 (81)
Female 51 (19)
Autistic disorder 169 (62)
Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS 104 (38)
Caucasian 198 (72)
African American 49 (18)
Hispanic 16 (6)
Other race 10 (4)
Psychotropic medications prescribed
No psychotropic medication 260 (95)
Stimulant only 3 (1)
Atypical antipsychotic only 2 (1)
Anticonvulsant only 4 (2)
Alpha-2 adrenergic agonist only 2 (1)
Multiple medications 2 (1)
Due to rounding, the percentages total 101% for the Psychotropic
medication prescribed category.
PDD/NOS, pervasive developmental disorder/not
otherwise specified.
comparable to the 2.5–5 years age range of children in our
ASD sample.
When chi-squared statistics are significant, individual
terms or cells can be examined to identify which ones
contribute the most to the significant chi-squared statis-
This is done by computing the difference between the
observed and expected value for each term and standard-
izing this difference by dividing it by the square root of
the expected value to create standardized residuals.
Therefore, post hoc comparisons of adjusted standardized
residuals to the critical Z-value of 1.96 for each cell were
used to determine which values were responsible for the
significant chi-squared statistic. Pearson chi-squared tests
were also used to examine whether child BMI z-scores
categories varied by diagnostic category (i.e., autistic
disorder or Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS) or by level of
adaptive functioning. For the analyses assessing the rela-
tionship between medications prescribed and weight sta-
tus, multiple cells had expected values below 5, and
therefore, the Fisher exact test was used instead because of
its utility with small sample sizes.
Weight Categories
BMI percentiles and z-scores were calculated for age
and gender and examined. Ten children (3.66%) were
underweight with a BMI below the 5
percentile, and 173
children (63.37%) were in the normal weight range (BMI
in the 5
to 85
percentile). Forty-two (15.38%) children
were overweight with a BMI between the 85
and 95
percentile, and 48 (17.58%) children were obese with a
BMI over the 95
percentile. Overall, 32.96% of our
sample was either overweight or obese. These rates of
overweight/obesity were found to be significantly different
than the rates reported by Ogden and colleagues
estimates for the population of children ages 2–5
(2) =16.29, p<0.001]. Post hoc comparisons identified
Figure 1. Percentage of children in each sample with BMI between 85
and 95
percentile or over 95
percentile. (White bars) ASD
sample (ages 2–5.
15.4% of study participants had a BMI between the 85
and 95
percentile (95% CI 11–19.5%).
17.6% of study
participants had a BMI >95
percentile (95% CI 13.0–21.9%). (Grey bars) Ogden et al. (2010) national sample
(ages 2–5).
10.8% of
Ogden et al. national sample had a BMI between the 85
percentile (95% CI 6.9–14.7%).
10.4% of Ogden et al. national sample had a
BMI >95
percentile (95% CI 7.6–13.1%). ASD, autism spectrum disorders; CI, confidence interval.
that our ASD sample had a higher rate of children with a
BMI over the 95
percentile and with a BMI between 85
and 95
percentile in comparison to the normative sample
as represented by an adjusted standardized residual greater
than 1.96 and corresponding to an alpha of less than 0.05.
Differences in BMI z-Scores by Diagnosis,
Medication Status, or Adaptive Functioning
Child BMI category was found to vary significantly by
diagnostic group [w
(2) =8.05, p=0.02], with children with
autistic disorder having higher rates of overweight and obesity
than children with Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS, as evi-
denced by adjusted standardized residuals greater than 1.96.
For children with Asperger’s disorder/PDD-NOS, 12.50%
(n=13) had a BMI between the 85
and 95
whereas 10.58% (n=11) had a BMI over the 95
For children diagnosed with autistic disorder, 17.16% (n=29)
had a BMI between the 85
and 95
percentile, whereas
21.89% (n=37) had a BMI over the 95
Regarding medication, 260 (95%) children were not
prescribed a psychotropic medication. Given the low fre-
quency of specific psychotropic medications prescribed,
medication status was collapsed into a categorical variable
of ‘‘prescribed psychotropic medication’’ (n=13) or ‘‘not
prescribed psychotropic medication’’ (n=260). All youth
who were prescribed a psychotropic medication were
combined into the medication group (n=13). Medication
status was found not to be related to child BMI z-score
(p=0.57). Given that stimulant medications may have a
different impact on appetite- or weight-related variables
than other psychotropic medications, further analyses were
conducted by excluding the children who were prescribed
stimulants (n=3). Medication status without stimulants
was also found not to be related to child BMI z-score
Eighty-nine (33.71%) children had no or only mild im-
pairment in adaptive functioning, whereas 112 (42.42%)
children had moderate impairment, and 63 (23.86%) had
severe impairment. Weight status was not related to overall
adaptive functioning [w
(4) =1.50, p=0.83], or function-
ing in the specific domains of motor skills [w
(4) =5.17,
p=0.27], socialization [w
(4) =7.06, p=0.13], daily living
skills [w
(4) =3.89, p=0.42], and communication [w
(4) =
1.39, p=0.85].
The current study supports previous findings that chil-
dren with ASD are at greater risk for overweight and
obesity, as approximately 15% were considered over-
weight and approximately 18% were obese. Overall, ap-
proximately 33% of children with ASD were either
overweight or obese with a BMI over the 85
Furthermore, our results demonstrated that the percentage
of children with ASD who had a BMI in the overweight/
obese range was significantly greater than in the normative
Importantly, the racial/ethnic background (i.e.,
Caucasian, African American, Latino) of youth in this
sample is similar to the racial/ethnic distribution found in
the United States population. This suggests that some other
demographic characteristics known to be associated with
overweight (e.g., ethnicity) were not responsible for the
difference of overweight rates in the current sample in
comparison to the national normative data. Higher rates of
overweight among children with ASD demonstrate the
importance of supporting healthy lifestyles in these chil-
dren and investigating barriers to healthy living. Children
with ASD experience unique barriers to healthy lifestyles,
such as frequent use of food as rewards in behavior mod-
ification programs due to the ineffectiveness of social re-
inforcements or selectivity in diets and high rates of food
refusal. In our study, children with autistic disorder were
found to be at greater risk for overweight/obesity than
children meeting criteria for Asperger’s disorder/PDD-
NOS. Children with autism may be likely to have greater
impairment or disability, which is a more significant bar-
rier to a healthy lifestyle. Interestingly, adaptive func-
tioning in the domains of communication, daily living
skills, socialization, and motor skills was not found to be
related to overweight. This suggests that barriers to healthy
living that result from the impairments associated with
autism and increased risk for overweight are not present in
these domains.
The lack of significant findings may mean that in our
sample of young children impairments related to ASD
symptomatology, such as motor impairments or fewer
opportunities for physical activities with peers, have not
had the cumulative impact on obesity status that they might
in older children. The rates of overweight and obesity
found in the current study are lower than those identified in
some prior research, which demonstrated as many as 30%
of children with ASD have a BMI score over the 95
However, the present study focuses specifi-
cally on young children, which is in contrast to prior re-
search including older children. Younger children have
been demonstrated to have lower rates of overweight and
obesity in typically developing samples,
and our findings
may represent a similar trend in children with ASD. Ad-
ditionally, the present study used a health care–seeking
sample and obtained height and weight information from
medical chart reviews, which may have contributed to
these lower rates. For example, Curtin and colleagues
identified a much higher prevalence of obesity in this
population when using a community sample and obtaining
height and weight information from parent report.
It may
be the case that children actively receiving medical care
treatment show lower rates of obesity in comparison to
community samples. Additionally, parent report of height
and weight has been demonstrated to be inaccurate, which
may mean study methodology can impact rates identified.
When using a retrospective chart review procedure for
obtaining height and weight information for children with
ASD attending a tertiary clinic, Curtin and colleagues
found 19% of the sample to be above the 95% percentile,
which is more consistent with the 21% prevalence found in
the Autistic disorder group in the current study.
Current study findings contribute to a larger body of
research examining factors related to overweight in chil-
dren with ASD. Psychotropic medication status at this
young age was found not to be related to child BMI z-
score. The fact that rates of overweight were still high,
even in the absence of psychotropic medication, is sig-
nificant, because this indicates that other factors beyond
medication are responsible for the increased risk of this
population. Furthermore, avoiding use of psychotropic
medication does not serve as a protective factor against
overweight, and families of children with ASD are in need
of prevention programs for overweight even if medicines
are not prescribed. However, there is the possibility that no
relationship was found due to the small percentage (only
5%) of children in our sample who were on a psychotropic
medication. The children in the sample were young, and
therefore more recently diagnosed with ASD; older chil-
dren with ASD may be more likely to have been prescribed
medication due to failed behavior treatment attempts or
growing behavioral concerns. Prior research has found
varying effects of medication on weight in children with
autism with factors such as duration of medication and
gender impacting this effect.
Therefore, additional
research examining the impact of medication on weight in
older children is needed.
Through use of retrospective medical chart reviews, the
current study was able to contribute information regarding
diagnosis, level of adaptive functioning, and medication
use as they are related to overweight in young children with
ASD. Young children with ASD were found to be at sig-
nificantly greater risk for overweight than a normative
sample, and children with autistic disorder were at even
greater risk than children diagnosed with Asperger’s dis-
order/PDD-NOS. This highlights the importance of pro-
viding weight management programs specifically for
children with ASD. We also identified that medication
status and adaptive functioning were not related to BMI
status in a retrospective study. Given the high risk of
overweight in children with ASD, further research is nec-
essary to identify important factors that should be ad-
dressed in weight management programs for these children
and their families. Future research should examine pre-
dictors that may be related to overweight in this population,
such as diet and physical activity, and longitudinally
evaluate the factors that were examined in this study.
While the use of retrospective medical chart reviews in
the current study allowed for objective measurement of
BMI, this methodology only captures functioning and
weight at one period of time and does not allow for a lon-
gitudinal examination of the relationship between study
variables and BMI z-score. Future research should monitor
the growth trajectories for youth with ASD to assess factors
related to weight over time. Another limitation of collecting
information from a clinical setting is that a strict research-
level protocol for assessment and diagnosis was not used.
Furthermore, diagnostic information was obtained through
recording of child billable diagnosis, which collapses across
Asperger’s disorder and PDD-NOS. Therefore, differences
in prevalence rates of overweight between these two groups
could not be assessed. Last, the sample of children in the
current study was young, and therefore our findings may not
be generalizable to children of other ages.
The current study identified that young children with
ASD are at greater risk for overweight than normative
peers, and that children diagnosed with autistic disorder are
at greatest risk. Medications prescribed and level of
adaptive functioning were found not to be related to weight
in children with ASD. This knowledge contributes to the
body of literature examining factors related to overweight
in this population and establishes a research base for future
research and development of appropriate interventions for
meeting the needs of these families.
A subset of study findings was presented previously as
poster presentations at the 2008 Obesity Society Meeting,
the 2009 Midwest Conference on Pediatric Psychology,
and the 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting.
Funding source: None
Author Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
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Address correspondence to:
Anna M. Egan, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Missouri—Kansas City School of Medicine
Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics
Division of Developmental and Behavioral Sciences
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108
... Although the results of studies revealing the positive effects of participation in PA on the developmental areas of individuals with ASD are promising, studies show that individuals with ASD have lower PA levels than their typically developing peers (Corvey et al. 2016;Egan et al. 2013;Must et al. 2014;. There are many possible barriers that lead to lack of PA and tendency towards sedentary life in individuals with ASD (Healy, Marchand, and Williams 2018;Hinckson et al. 2013). ...
... There is a close relationship between the level of physical inactivity and weight gain of individuals with ASD (Dunlop et al. 2015;Sisson et al. 2010). Individuals with ASD, who have a higher risk of gaining weight in daily life than their normally developing peers (Curtin et al. 2010;Egan et al. 2013), may be more exposed to these risks after a devastating disaster such as an earthquake. Being inactive for a long time turns into a source of stress for individuals with ASD, and this can lead to some physical-motor and behavioral problems (Yarımkaya and Esent€ urk 2022). ...
The individual, environmental and systemic physical activity (PA) barriers experienced by individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in daily life may become more complex after a devastating disaster such as an earthquake. In order to effectively combat the high level of inactivity that may occur after an earthquake in individuals with ASD, PA barriers must be determined before the earthquake. However, no description is provided in the literature regarding the PA barriers experienced by individuals with ASD after the earthquake. The purpose of this phenomenological study is to examine parents’ experiences regarding PA barriers experienced by individuals with ASD after the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes in Türkiye. Fifteen parents of individuals aged 8 and 31 with ASD were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using both inductive and deductive content analysis approach. Three overarching themes were found: (1) the effects of PA on individuals with ASD, (2) post-earthquake PA barriers, and (3) the consequences of lack of PA in individuals with ASD. The results revealed that parents were aware of the benefits of PA and directed their children with ASD to PA before the earthquake. However, after the earthquake, parents encountered PA barriers that they had to overcome, and this negatively affected the children with ASD.
... • Body Mass Index (BMI) (one characteristic) -we used BMI at first CAST visit to define participant BMI in this study. Because many of the medications being assessed are weight promoting, we felt that accounting for BMI in the adjusted analyses was important (Egan et al., 2013). ...
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The transition from pediatric to adult health care is a vulnerable time period for autistic adolescents and young adults (AYA) and for some autistic AYA may include a period of receiving care in both the pediatric and adult health systems. We sought to assess the proportion of autistic AYA who continued to use pediatric health services after their first adult primary care appointment and to identify factors associated with continued pediatric contact. We analyzed electronic medical record (EMR) data from a cohort of autistic AYA seen in a primary-care-based program for autistic people. Using logistic and linear regression, we assessed the relationship between eight patient characteristics and (1) the odds of a patient having ANY pediatric visits after their first adult appointment and (2) the number of pediatric visits among those with at least one pediatric visit. The cohort included 230 autistic AYA, who were mostly white (68%), mostly male (82%), with a mean age of 19.4 years at the time of their last pediatric visit before entering adult care. The majority (n = 149; 65%) had pediatric contact after the first adult visit. Younger age at the time of the first adult visit and more pediatric visits prior to the first adult visit were associated with continued pediatric contact. In this cohort of autistic AYA, most patients had contact with the pediatric system after their first adult primary care appointment.
... In the United States, we have concurrent childhood autism and obesity epidemics with autism prevalence at 3.29% [41] and pediatric obesity at 17% [42]. Developmental disabilities and obesity are highly comorbid, i.e., 22% of children with an autism spectrum disorder have a body mass index (BMI) in the obese range [43,44]. There are disturbances in early infant growth in FXS with increased birth weight and average linear growth in boys [45]. ...
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Obesity is a pediatric epidemic that is more prevalent in children with developmental disabilities. We hypothesize that soy protein-based diets increase weight gain and alter neurobehavioral outcomes. Our objective herein was to test matched casein- and soy protein-based purified ingredient diets in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome, Fmr1KO mice. The experimental methods included assessment of growth; 24-7 activity levels; motor coordination; learning and memory; blood-based amino acid, phytoestrogen and glucose levels; and organ weights. The primary outcome measure was body weight. We find increased body weight in male Fmr1KO from postnatal day 6 (P6) to P224, male wild type (WT) from P32–P39, female Fmr1KO from P6–P18 and P168–P224, and female Fmr1HET from P9–P18 as a function of soy. Activity at the beginning of the light and dark cycles increased in female Fmr1HET and Fmr1KO mice fed soy. We did not find significant differences in rotarod or passive avoidance behavior as a function of genotype or diet. Several blood-based amino acids and phytoestrogens were significantly altered in response to soy. Liver weight was increased in WT and adipose tissue in Fmr1KO mice fed soy. Activity levels at the beginning of the light cycle and testes weight were greater in Fmr1KO versus WT males irrespective of diet. DEXA analysis at 8-months-old indicated increased fat mass and total body area in Fmr1KO females and lean mass and bone mineral density in Fmr1KO males fed soy. Overall, dietary consumption of soy protein isolate by C57BL/6J mice caused increased growth, which could be attributed to increased lean mass in males and fat mass in females. There were sex-specific differences with more pronounced effects in Fmr1KO versus WT and in males versus females.
... 4 Recent studies show that one in 68 children in the United States (about 3% of children) may have autism or DD. 5,6 Children with autism and ADD reduce social interaction, eye contact, repetitive stereotypical sensory and motor behavior, and communication with others. 7 Autism and ads also lower the probability of exercise, leading to obesity and obesity. ...
Diet and nutrition play an important and fundamental role in the lives of everyone. It contributes to the formation of a healthy body and a strong mind. We know that nutrients-rich foods can remove toxins from the body, promote a good immune system, reduce hunger, and prevent obesity. Obesity is one of the most worrying, alarming and fastest-growing pandemics. It affects not only adults, but also adolescents and children. Early onset of diseases requires quick attention to control the physical, psychological, financial and social burdens it generates. Children with autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are often affected by eating disorders. Their preference for low-nutrient, energy-intensive foods may alter metabolism, lead to accumulation of oxidative atoms, and deteriorate their mental and physical condition. Although diet and weight loss are now common among the general population, it is difficult to raise awareness of nutrition, nutrition and obesity in children with special needs. Despite efforts, parents of children with such children cannot usually control their diet, as tantrums and behavioural problems are common. Currently, doctors and parents must work with nutritionists and nutritionists to help these children eat healthy, stay fit and improve their quality of life
... The primary objective of PuzzleWalk is to encourage physical activity (PA) using mobile technology-driven behavior change interventions. I employed walking as a means to operationalize PA in autistic adults due to their below-average motor skills [3] and higher susceptibility to obesity compared to the general population [14]. PuzzleWalk was developed with the "spot the difference" puzzles ( Figure 2). ...
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Pervasive symptoms in autistic individuals, such as facing more frequent challenges in social situations, pose significant obstacles in their pursuit of an independent life in adulthood. Although much research has proposed computer-assisted programs (e.g., smartphone apps and VR-based systems), there is a significant lack of systems designed for autistic adults and their independence, and the preferences or characteristics of autistic individuals are not carefully reflected in the design process. Thus, in my dissertation, I focus on two requirements of autistic adults for supporting their independence: (1) an independent and healthy lifestyle and (2) positive social skill practice. These requirements were externalized in two gamified mobile apps (PuzzleWalk and RoutineAid) and two VR-based systems (VISTA and V-DAT). My research aims to design and develop mobile/VR systems and derive design guidelines to support the independence of autistic adults.
... The impact of FS depends on the severity of the food restrictions but can include nutrient deficiencies (Bandini et al. 2010 andHerndon et al. 2009), obesity (Egan et al. 2013), and medical complaints associated with poor nutritional status, such as iron deficiency anaemia (Latif et al. 2002), scurvy (Swed-Tobia et al. 2019), and constipation (Field et al. 2003). In a rare case, an autistic child had such severe symptomatic vitamin A deficiency that they developed a very painful eye condition, causing him to lose his eyesight, which does not usually occur in developed countries (Uyanik et al. 2006) and may be indicative of AFRID. ...
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Caregiver-led interventions have been implemented to improve food selectivity in autistic children. This systematic review assesses the meaningfulness of improvements in food, behaviour, and family outcomes, alongside the acceptability of said interventions. Four key academic databases were searched using key terms related to autism, food selectivity, and parent-led interventions. Thirsty-six studies were reviewed and improvements in food outcomes were reported in all studies, but it was unclear how meaningful this was for the child’s nutritional status. In addition, it was difficult to draw meaningful conclusions about the acceptability of interventions in the family environment. Future parent-led interventions should measure food outcomes in a standardised way that considers the nutritional status of the child and include detailed exploration of intervention acceptability.
The individual, environmental and systemic physical activity (PA) barriers experienced by individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in daily life may become more complex after a devastating disaster such as an earthquake. In order to effectively combat the high level of inactivity that may occur after an earthquake in individuals with ASD, PA barriers must be determined before the earthquake. However, no description is provided in the literature regarding the PA barriers experienced by individuals with ASD after the earthquake. The purpose of this phenomenological study is to examine parents’ experiences regarding PA barriers experienced by individuals with ASD after the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes in Türkiye. Fifteen parents of individuals aged 8 and 31 with ASD were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using both inductive and deductive content analysis approach. Three overarching themes were found: (1) the effects of PA on individuals with ASD, (2) post-earthquake PA barriers, and (3) the consequences of lack of PA in individuals with ASD. The results revealed that parents were aware of the benefits of PA and directed their children with ASD to PA before the earthquake. However, after the earthquake, parents encountered PA barriers that they had to overcome, and this negatively affected the children with ASD.
Children with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities (ASD/DD) face barriers to participation in health promotion programs due to the lack of available and/or affordable programs and trained staff at recreation centers. Children with ASD/DD in Korean immigrant families are one of the most underserved minority groups due to language, racial/ethnic discrimination, and stigma and shame within their own ethnic community. However, little research is available on development, implementation, and evaluation of a culturally adapted community health promotion program in this population. The purpose of this study is to assess effectiveness of a pilot program for children with ASD/DD from first-generation Korean immigrant families. The pilot study used a quantitative, quasiexperimental design (one-group design with pre- and posttest) following a seven-week health promotion program. We recruited 15 children with ASD/DD, ages nine through 16, from first-generation Korean immigrant families. The findings of the study suggest that the pilot program was effective in gaining nutrition knowledge and increasing physical involvement among participants. Given the fact that Asian immigrants are a fast-growing population and that nearly 75 percent of them were born abroad, development and evaluation of a community-based, culturally adapted health promotion program is urgently needed.
Due to anomalies in neurodevelopment, autism and related disorders are becoming more common behavioral syndromes that affect verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as socialization. The prevalence of autistic disorders is currently estimated to be 1% worldwide. The complexity of autism's etiology further complicates therapeutic intervention. The pathophysiology of the illness is complicated by the heterogeneity of inherited factors, oxidative stress, immunological mechanisms, and epigenetic mechanisms. Using nutraceuticals to treat this illness is a possible strategy in certain and more desirable areas. This study objectively investigates the roles of vitamins and cofactors, dietary alterations and gut abnormalities, probiotics and prebiotics, phytochemicals, and environmental factors to gage the strength of the evidence supporting nutraceutical-based autism management options.
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Many children with psychiatric disorders display somatic symptoms, although these are frequently overlooked. As somatic morbidity early in life negatively influences long-term outcomes, it is relevant to assess comorbidity. However, studies of simultaneous psychiatric and somatic assessment in children are lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of somatic comorbidities in a clinical sample of children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders in a naturalistic design. Data were assessed from 276 children with various psychiatric disorders (neurodevelopmental disorders, affective disorders, eating disorders and psychosis) aged 6–18 years. These data were collected as part of routine clinical assessment, including physical examination and retrospectively analyzed. For a subsample (n = 97), blood testing on vitamin D3, lipid spectrum, glucose and prolactin was available. Results of this cross-sectional study revealed that food intake problems (43%) and insomnia (66%) were common. On physical examination, 20% of the children were overweight, 12% displayed obesity and 38% had minor physical anomalies. Blood testing (n = 97) highlighted vitamin D3 deficiency (< 50 nmol/L) in 73% of the children. None of the predefined variables (gender, age, medication and socioeconomic factors) contributed significantly to the prevalence of somatic comorbidities. The main somatic comorbidities in this broad child- and adolescent psychiatric population consisted of (1) problems associated with food intake, including obesity and vitamin D3 deficiency and (2) sleeping problems, mainly insomnia. Child and adolescent psychiatrists need to be aware of potential somatic comorbidities and may promote a healthy lifestyle.
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This study used Photovoice methodology to assess barriers to and facilitators of after-school participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity as perceived by children with ASD and determine if physical activity patterns exist in relation to these barriers. Participants were a convenience sample of 12 boys and two girls with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), ages 8–14years. Participants wore an accelerometer and completed an activity log for 7days. Data were analyzed using qualitative techniques and fitted in a socio-ecological model. Participants reported 143 (44%) barriers and 181 (56%) facilitators. The most frequently cited barriers were intrapersonal, followed by interpersonal, physical, community, and institutional. The most frequent facilitators were physical, followed by intrapersonal and interpersonal, community, and institutional. The study gives support to the use of a multipronged approach when designing physical activity interventions for children and adolescents with ASD. KeywordsAutism spectrum disorders–Physical activity–Photovoice–Barriers–Ecological model
Corresponding Author: Cynthia L. Ogden, PhD, National Center for Health Statistics, 3311 Toledo Rd, Room 4414, Hyattsville, MD 20782 ( ... Context The prevalence of high body mass index ( BMI ) among children and adolescents in the United States appeared to ...
Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and associated characteristics among children in South Carolina (SC). ASDs include autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder - not otherwise specified. Methods The SC Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) program is part of the CDC's on-going ADDM Network, a multi-state active, multiple-source, records-based surveillance program among children aged 8 years in specified study years. SC's catchment area consists of 21 counties in the coastal half of the state, utilizing records from 41 school districts, 21 SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs Boards, and clinics at the area's two major universities. Cases from the first two study years (2000 and 2002) have been combined for this analysis. Results A total of 296 children met criteria for ASD, yielding a prevalence of 6.2 per 1000. The racial distribution of cases was similar to that of 8 year olds in the catchment area: 50% white, 42% black, 2% other, 6% unknown. Males were more commonly affected than females (2.9:1); however, females were more often cognitively impaired than males (4.1:1, male to female, in the average/above average range, 1.8:1 in the moderate/severe/profound range). Regression (loss of previously acquired skills) was noted in 19% of cases and an additional 3% experienced a developmental plateau. In addition to social and communication delays and atypical behaviors, other commonly observed features among cases were: hyperactivity/attention problems (82%), delayed motor functioning (62%), abnormality in mood/affect (55%), abnormality in eating/drinking/sleeping (54%), temper tantrums (53%), argumentative/oppositional/defiant behavior (51%). Developmental concerns were noted before 36 months in 85% of cases, with earliest evaluation with an ASD diagnosis at median 57 months. Seventy-eight percent of cases were served in special education. Conclusion Because this is an ongoing study, these estimates establish a baseline for assessment of changes in ASD prevalence over time.
Oromotor, manual and gross motor skills were assessed in an unselected group of 33 children attending a special school for children with autism. Children were assessed by staff with whom they were familiar, in conditions with which they were familiar, and with repeated testing where appropriate, thus maximizing the chances of children demonstrating their skills. Negative ratings were given only for responses or behaviour deemed to be markedly and clinically abnormal. Seventy-nine per cent of the children received negative ratings on over half of the 25 (or in some cases 21) measures, all affected children having oromotor impairments; 55% having additional manual impairments; and 18% having additional gross motor impairments. The findings are discussed in terms of possible causal factors, and in particular the likelihood that oral and manual dyspraxia contribute to impaired speech and signing in many children with autism.
Many children with autism have idiosyncratic food preferences and eating habits that are difficult to regulate. The nutrient intake of 54 school-age Canadian children with autistic spectrum disorders, at mean age 13.3 years, was assessed using 3-day food consumption diaries compiled by parents or caregivers. The food records were analyzed for energy, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, and fat content and compared with the recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for Canadians. All children had adequate protein intake, but only the diets of 4 children (7.4%) met the recommended servings from each food group recommended by the Canadian Food Guide. Twenty children (37%) with adequate vitamin intake received additional vitamin supplement, and 18 children (33%) not supplemented were low in calcium intake. The entire group consumed more carbohydrates and less fat than the average Canadian child but had similar calorie intake. Twenty-three children (42.6%) were found to be obese (to have greater than 120% of ideal body weight), but only five of these were overeating. Nearly half of the obese children had a low level of activity. Obesity was found to be correlated positively with severity of autism but not with gender, parents' educational levels, intake of various food groups, or with overeating alone.
To determine whether dietary patterns (juice and sweetened non-dairy beverages, fruits, vegetables, fruits & vegetables, snack foods, and kid's meals) and associations between dietary patterns and body mass index (BMI) differed between 53 children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and 58 typically developing children, ages 3 to 11, multivariate regression models including interaction terms were used. Children with ASD were found to consume significantly more daily servings of sweetened beverages (2.6 versus 1.7, p=0.03) and snack foods (4.0 versus 3.0, p=0.01) and significantly fewer daily servings of fruits and vegetables (3.1 versus 4.4, p=0.006) than typically developing children. There was no evidence of statistical interaction between any of the dietary patterns and BMI z-score with autism status. Among all children, fruits and vegetables (p=0.004) and fruits alone (p=0.005) were positively associated with BMI z-score in our multivariate models. Children with ASD consume more energy-dense foods than typically developing children; however, in our sample, only fruits and vegetables were positively associated with BMI z-score.