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Role of antioxidants in hypertension

  • Islamic international university Islamabad
REVIEW ARTICLE JIACM 2011; 12(2): 122-7
Role of Antioxidants in Hypertension
Mujahid Beg*, Vibhor Sharma**, Nishat Akhtar***, Ankush Gupta***, Jasim Mohd.***
Hypertension (HT) is a major health problem worldwide.
Individuals with hypertension are at an increased risk for
stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure. Although the
aetiology of essential hypertension has a genetic
component, lifestyle factors such as diet play an important
role. Excess of sugar and salt or deficiencies of antioxidant
vitamins in diet play a vital role in the aetiology of
The relationship between hypertension, oxidative stress
and antioxidants is complex and inadequately
understood. Oxidative stress may play a role in the
pathophysiology of hypertension. Human and animal
studies have demonstrated that HT is accompanied by
increase in oxidative stress. However, the evidence for this
in humans is not definitive1.
Studies demonstrate that hypertension may develop as a
result of increased reactive oxygen species2-8 and that a
variety of antioxidant therapies ameliorate hypertension.
Hypertensive effects of oxidative stress are mostly due to
endothelial dysfunction resulting from disturbances of
vasodilator systems, particularly degradation of nitric
oxide (NO) by oxygen-free radicals9-11.
By altering the balance in the endothelium between
vasoconstrictors such as thromboxane and isoprostanes
and vasodilators such as nitric oxide, reactive oxygen
species contribute to endothelium-dependent
vasoconstriction and increased vascular resistance.
Oxidative stress raises blood pressure by promoting
functional nitric oxide deficiency (through NO inactivation
and tetrahydrobiopterin depletion) and by augmenting
arachidonic acid oxidation and formation of
vasoconstrictive prostaglandin F2α.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) producing enzymes
involved in increased oxidative stress within vascular
* Professor, Department of Medicine, ** Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
*** Junior Resident, Department of Medicine, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
tissue include NADPH oxidase, xanthine oxidase, and
mitochondrial superoxide producing enzymes.
Superoxide produced by the NADPH oxidase may react
with NO, thereby stimulating the production of the NO/
superoxide reaction product peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite
in turn has been shown to uncouple eNOS, therefore
switching an anti-atherosclerotic NO producing enzyme
to an enzyme that can accelerate atherosclerosis by
producing superoxide. Increased oxidative stress in the
vasculature is not restricted to the endothelium and also
occurs within the smooth muscle cell layer.
Increased peripheral vascular resistance is an important
contributor to the pathogenesis of hypertension. Elevated
total peripheral vascular resistance is ascribed to
dysregulation of vasomotor function and structural
remodelling of blood vessels.
Many studies have suggested that the intracellular calcium
concentration, which regulates vasomotor function, is
controlled by free radicals and redox signalling, including
NAD(P)H and glutathione (GSH) redox. Key targets that
control intracellular calcium concentration such as ion
channels, Ca2+ release from internal stores and uptake by
the sarcoplasmic reticulum, are regulated by changes in
intracellular redox and oxidants. Reactive oxygen species
increase vascular tone by influencing the regulatory role
of endothelium and by direct effects on the contractility
of vascular smooth muscle. ROS contribute to vascular
remodelling by influencing phenotype modulation of
vascular smooth muscle cells, aberrant growth and death
of vascular cells, cell migration, and extracellular matrix
(ECM) reorganisation. Thus, there are diverse roles of the
vascular redox system in hypertension. The thioredoxin
(TRX) system is active in the vessel wall and functions as
an important endogenous antioxidant. This system
consists of TRX, TRX reductase, and NAD(P)H, and is able
to reduce reactive oxygen species through interactions
with the redox-active centre of TRX. Among the TRX
superfamily is peroxiredoxin (PRX), a family of non-haeme
peroxidases that catalyses the reduction of
hydroperoxides into water and alcohol. Recent evidence
implicates TRX in cardiovascular disease associated with
oxidative stress, such as hypertension. Thioredoxin activity
is influenced by many mechanisms, including
transcription, protein-protein interaction, and post-
translational modification. Regulation of TRX in
hypertensive models seems to be related to oxidative
stress. In addition, oxidative stress in the kidney may be
involved in the pathogenesis of salt retention and
hypertension. Antioxidants can restore endothelial
function and decrease blood pressure as reported in some
studies on hypertension.
Hypertension, on the other hand, may lead to tissue
damage through lipid peroxidation and other oxidative
mechanisms12. In vivo oxidation of low-density
lipoproteins by oxygen-free radicals may increase
hypertension-related atherogenesis, and antioxidants may
be beneficial in this regard. Studies concerning
associations between serum levels of antioxidants and
hypertension have been inconsistent.
Hypertension impairs myocardial microvascular function
and integrity. It is associated with impaired coronary
endothelial function and can impair myocardial perfusion.
One of the mechanisms that might be responsible for HT-
induced myocardial dysfunction is an increase in oxidative
stress. HT has been shown to impair the function of both
the vascular endothelium13-14 and smooth muscle layers.
Increases in arterial blood pressure induce proliferation
of vascular smooth muscle cells and change their
phenotype and conductance of calcium15. The vascular
endothelium functions as a barrier, maintains
homoeostasis, and has anticoagulant and anti-
inflammatory properties. HT is associated with alterations
in mean arterial pressure (MAP), which might reflect
impaired function of the endothelium. It is possible that
antioxidant vitamins might improve some of the
deleterious effects of oxidative stress (e.g., endothelial
function, lipid peroxidation, tissue injury)16, but might not
succeed in reversing the deleterious effect of HT on other
aspects (e.g., vascular remodelling, vascular smooth
muscle cell function, or nervous system activity). In several
studies, antioxidant intervention did reduce blood
pressures in HT17-18. Differences in the effect of antioxidants
on blood pressure may be attributed to different doses,
routes of administration, or timing and type of antioxidant
intervention19-21. Blockade of oxidative stress might have
significant implications in atherosclerosis.
Review of literature
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
studies showed that diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low fat
dairy products, whole grains, nuts, and deficient in salt and
sugar helps to reduce blood pressure. Supplementation
with antioxidants, including vitamin C, E, or B6, thiols such
as lipoic acid and cysteine, and the quinone enzyme Q10,
have been shown to lower blood pressure in animal
models and humans with essential hypertension. These
antioxidants may achieve their antihypertensive effects
by reducing aldehyde conjugate/AGE formation and
oxidative stress by improving insulin-resistance and
endothelial function, or by normalising calcium channels
and peripheral vascular resistance.
Asplund22 concluded that there was no evidence of an
association between blood pressure (BP) and intakes of
either carotene or Vitamin E. A study by Chen et al23
reported significant associations between hypertension
and serum levels of Vitamins A and E and β-carotene, after
controlling for factors like age, sex, ethnicity, education,
body mass index, alcohol consumption, history of
diabetes, dietary intakes of sodium, potassium, saturated
fat and total energy intake. β-carotene, uric acid, MDA and
homocysteine were significantly associated with
hypertensive status.
Two intervention studies have examined the effect of β-
carotene, in combination with Vitamins C and E, in the
treatment of hypertension, with a beneficial effect on
systolic BP in one, but no effect in the other. The effect of
β-carotene on BP warrants further studies. Uric acid is
widely distributed in the body in relatively high
concentrations and is an efficient scavenger of hydroxyl
radicals, superoxides and singlet oxygen species, and can
chelate transition metals. It contributes up to 60% of the
total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in healthy subjects. Uric
acid levels are frequently elevated in hypertensive
patients. While uric acid is protective because of its
antioxidant properties, it may also be harmful as it may
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have a pathogenic role in hypertension and cardiovascular
disease. In animal models, uric acid has been
demonstrated to stimulate afferent arteriolopathy and
tuberointerstitial disease, leading to hypertension. It also
causes endothelial dysfunction, vascular smooth muscle
proliferation, and impaired nitric oxide production24,
thereby contributing to cardiovascular and renal vascular
disease. Given this complexity of relationship of uric acid
and hypertension, the overall effect of slightly raised uric
acid levels in hypertensive subjects is difficult to decide.
Malondialdehyde is a reliable marker of lipid peroxidation
and perioxidative tissue injury25. It has been shown to be
elevated in animal models of experimentally induced
hypertension, suggesting that it is a consequence rather
than a cause of hypertension. This suggests that active
lipid peroxidation is occurring in essential hypertension,
and this may be related to the development of
In a study by Parslow et al26, decreased plasma level of β-
carotene and elevated level of uric acid was associated
with hypertension. Hypertension was also associated with
higher levels of malondialdehyde. The study by Parslow
et al found no significant association between plasma
levels of Vitamins A and E and hypertension status in
comparison to the findings reported by Chen et al, in
which these measures were strongly associated with
hypertension. The hypertensive state is frequently
associated with elevation of uric acid, as reported by
Parslow et al. Hypertension is associated with decrease in
renal blood flow, which leads to greater reabsorption of
urate. Another mechanism of increased urate may be
through microvascular disease and local tissue ischaemia
produced by hypertension. The study by Parslow et al
showed that hypertension was associated with lower
levels of plasma β-carotene and higher levels of uric acid
but not with levels of plasma Vitamins A and E or total
antioxidant capacity.
These findings are consistent with previous reports of
increased oxidative stress in hypertension, but the direction
of causality cannot be deduced from this study. Whether it
is cause or consequence, reducing oxidative stress is likely
to be beneficial. Longitudinal studies are necessary to
decide causality. The benefits of antioxidants in
hypertension should be examined in well-designed studies.
In a study by Bello Klein et al27, rats were made
hypertensive by the administration of the nitric oxide
synthase inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (LNA). Hearts from
these animals were analysed for lipid peroxidation (LPO),
ψ-glutamylcysteine-synthetase (ψ-GCS), glutathione
disulfide reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx),
catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and total
radical trapping potential ( TRAP) activities. LNA treatment
significantly increased the mean arterial blood pressure,
heart rate, LPO and SOD activity. Significant reduction was
found in levels of ψ-GCS, GR, nonselenium GSHPx, catalase
and TRAP. These data suggest that LNA-induced
hypertension is associated with increased myocardial
oxidative stress.
A study was conducted by Niu Tian et al28 to test the
hypothesis that oxidative stress in Dahl salt-sensitive (SS)
rats on a high-sodium intake contributes to the
progression of renal damage, decrease in renal
haemodynamics, and development of hypertension. It
was studied whether antioxidant therapy using vitamins
C and E could help prevent renal damage and reductions
in GFR and renal plasma flow and attenuate the increase
in blood pressure in salt-sensitive rats. The study showed
that in rats with high-sodium diet, vitamin C and E
treatment significantly decreased renal cortical and
medullary O2
release, mean arterial pressure, urinary
protein excretion, glomerular necrosis, and renal
tubulointerstitial damage. GFR and renal plasma flow
significantly increased in the high-sodium plus vitamins
C and E group compared with the high-sodium diet group
alone. This suggests that increases in reactive oxygen
species are associated with decreases in renal
haemodynamics in salt-sensitive hypertension. For many
years, it has been believed that renal damage in
hypertension is directly caused by exposure of the kidney
to high pressure. However, in the study by Niu Tian et al,
data indicate that the improvement in renal dysfunction
in the high-sodium plus vitamin group could have been
caused by either a decrease in arterial pressure or a
reduction in free radicals in the kidney, or a combination
of the two effects. The decrease in arterial pressure in rats
on high-sodium and vitamins intake was ~ 20 mm Hg
compared with the high-sodium rats. Thus, the mean
arterial pressure of the vitamin-treated rats remained
elevated at 160 mm Hg. However, the renal cortical and
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April-June, 2011 125
medullary O2
release significantly decreased in the high-
sodium plus vitamins C and E group. Because the decrease
in arterial pressure was only moderate in the rats treated
with vitamins and high-sodium diet, it is possible that the
reduction in O2
release played an important role in the
improvement in renal dysfunction and damage. As
recommended by the American Institute of Nutrition, the
daily amount of vitamin E in humans is 30 IU/d or 0.43 IU/
kg per day. In a study in hypercholesterolaemic patients
by Roberts et al29, a significant decrease in plasma
isoprostane was seen only when vitamin E intake was
increased 25- to 100-fold over the recommended daily
amount. Several clinical trials have been performed to
determine if vitamin treatment can improve
cardiovascular disease. Although variable results have
been found, some studies have shown that treatment of
hypertensive patients with vitamin C lowers blood
pressure30. Most clinical studies on vitamin E used doses
400 IU/d, and no reduction in cardiovascular risk has been
noted; however, when 800 IU/d of vitamin E was used31, 32,
significant decrease in cardiovascular risk occurred. A
second reason why vitamin E was ineffective in some
clinical studies is that vitamin E can become a free radical
in the body, but vitamin C can convert the pro-oxidant
vitamin E radical back to vitamin E.
In a study by Martin Rodriguez-Porcel et al33, pigs were
studied after 12 weeks of renovascular hypertension
without or with daily supplementation of antioxidants
(100 IU/kg vitamin E and 1 g vitamin C), and compared
with normal controls. Myocardial perfusion and
microvascular permeability were measured by electron
beam computed tomography before and after two cardiac
challenges (intravenous adenosine and dobutamine). The
regimen of vitamin C and E preserved endogenous
scavenger enzyme activity, decreasing the abundance of
superoxide anion. The impaired myocardial perfusion
response to adenosine observed in hypertensives was
preserved in rats who received antioxidants. Antioxidant
intervention had little effect on the hypertension-induced
myocardial vascular dysfunction observed in response to
dobutamine. The greater improvement in the responses
to adenosine than to dobutamine challenge in vitamin-
treated HT might at least in part be related to their
different mechanisms of action. This study demonstrates
that the impaired myocardial perfusion and permeability
in early hypertension are significantly improved by long-
term antioxidant intervention. These results support the
involvement of oxidative stress in myocardial vascular
dysfunction in hypertension.
Tubulointerstitial infiltration of lymphocytes and
macrophages is associated with the generation of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) in experimental models of
hypertension. A study by Bernardo Rodriguez-Iturbe et
al34 demonstrated that an antioxidant-enriched diet that
included vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium, and zinc reduces
the renal interstitial inflammation, decreases renal tissue
content of malondialdehyde and improves hypertension.
Reactive oxygen species have been shown to activate
nuclear factor-B, which can in turn promote transcription
of genes encoding proinflammatory cytokines. This
phenomenon can potentially explain the prevention of
the inflammatory infiltration of the kidney in the
antioxidant-treated group. These findings point to
interrelation between oxidative stress and inflammatory
reactivity in the pathogenesis of hypertension. The
presence of oxidative stress and its role in elevation of
arterial pressure has been shown in various other forms
of hypertension including that seen with lead exposure35,
chronic renal insufficiency36, salt sensitivity37, angiotensin
infusion38, pre-eclampsia39, renal artery stenosis40, and
coarctation of the aorta41. Earlier studies have
documented the beneficial effects of vitamin E and
vitamin C in ameliorating hypertension in hypertensive
animals and improving endothelial function in
hypertensive humans. In addition, selenium (the critical
constituent of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione
peroxidase) has been shown to retard progression of renal
disease in diabetic and nondiabetic animals. Finally, zinc
is an important component of cytoplasmic (Cu-Zn SOD)
and extracellular superoxide dismutase, which serves as
the frontline of defense against reactive oxygen species.
Zinc deficiency has been shown to aggravate
hypertension. This explains how amelioration of oxidative
stress with antioxidant therapy improves hypertension.
A study was done by Czernichow et al42, to assess the
effects of supplementation of a combination of
antioxidant vitamins and trace elements, upon the 6.5-
year risk of developing hypertension. Despite an inverse
association between baseline plasma levels of β-carotene
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in men and the risk of developing hypertension, this study
did not demonstrate any beneficial effect of low-dose
antioxidant supplementation upon the risk of developing
A study was performed by Subhash et al43 in south Indian
population to investigate the total antioxidant status (TAS)
and the extent of oxidative DNA damage in lymphocytes
and their relation with essential hypertension. DNA
damage was significantly increased in hypertensive
patients as compared with the control group. There was a
significant decrease in plasma TAS value in essential
hypertensive groups as compared to normotensive
controls. The major increase in lymphocyte DNA damage
was observed in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients
compared with hypertensive patients who were already
on drug therapy. Decreased TAS levels, which reflect
increased oxidative stress, may be the reason of increased
total lymphocyte DNA damage in this study.
A study done by de la Sierra et al44 to assess the correlation
between endothelial dysfunction and the serum levels of
biomarkers of oxidative stress in essential hypertension
showed reduced serum levels of selenium, vitamin C,
erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase in patients compared
to controls. In this study, treatment-naive essential
hypertensives showed a relationship between the
endothelial dysfunction on one hand and serum markers
of inflammation, remodelling, and antioxidants on the
The mechanism underlying blood pressure reduction in
the high fruits and vegetables arm of the Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study is
unknown but may include potassium, magnesium and
fibre. A study was done by Al-Solaiman et al45 to study the
effects of minerals and fibre separately from other
components of DASH on BP in individuals with metabolic
syndrome and pre-hypertension to stage 1 hypertension
(obese hypertensives). This study showed that DASH is
more effective than potassium, magnesium and fibre
supplements for lowering BP in obese hypertensives,
which suggests that high intake of fruits and vegetables
in DASH lowers BP and improves endothelial function by
nutritional factors in addition to potassium, magnesium,
and fibre. Salt induces oxidative stress in salt-sensitive
animals and human beings. It is not clear whether in salt-
sensitive subjects the Low-Sodium Dietary Approaches
to Stop Hypertension (LS-DASH) reduce oxidative stress
more than DASH. A study was done by Al Solaiman et al46
to assess the effects of DASH and LS-DASH on oxidative
stress. This study showed that in salt-sensitive but not salt-
resistant subjects, LS-DASH is associated with lower values
of systolic blood pressure, urine F2-isoprostanes (a marker
of oxidative stress) and aortic augmentation index (a
measure of vascular stiffness). The results suggest that LS-
DASH decreases oxidative stress, improves vascular
function and lowers blood pressure in salt-sensitive but
not salt-resistant volunteers.
Oxidative stress plays an important role in the
pathogenesis of hypertension. A number of sources of
reactive oxygen species have been identified like NADPH
oxidase, endothelial NO synthase, and xanthine oxidase.
Targeted overexpression of antioxidant systems and
interference with expression of oxidant systems has been
successfully used in animal models of hypertension. It is
expected that these strategies will eventually be
translated to human disease. At present, nontoxic
measures like antioxidant vitamins are the only available
treatments for oxidative stress in humans.
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... Aktivitas fisik dianalisis menggunakan kuesioner aktivitas fisik IPAQ dengan penggolongan jumlah skor < 600 dikategorikan rendah, untuk skor 600 ≤ 2999 termasuk sedang, dan ≥ 3000 dikategorikan berat. Status gizi ditentukan berdasarkan klasifikasi Indeks Massa Tubuh pada orang dewasa Asia yaitu status gizi overweight (23)(24)9 kg/m 2 ) dan obesitas (25-27 kg/m 2 ). Tekanan darah sistolik diperiksa dua kali, yaitu satu hari sebelum intervensi dan satu hari setelah intervensi (pada hari ke-8). ...
... Likopen menurunkan tekanan darah melalui perannya sebagai antioksidan, seperti yang terlihat pada gambar 2. Likopen mencegah radikal bebas yaitu ROS (reactive oxigen spesies) menimbulkan stres oksidatif, kemudian memicu produksi nitrit oksida pada endotelium dan meningkatkan fungsi vaskuler, sehingga terjadi penurunan tekanan darah. 8,23 Kalium dalam tomat juga berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tekanan darah. Terdapat 222 mg kalium dalam 100 g tomat segar. ...
... Jika terjadi hipertensi maka antioksidan plasma akan turun dan ini menandakan stres oksidasi meningkat, tapi sebaliknya jika antioksidan plasma meningkat dan menandakan stres oksidasi menurun, maka tekanan darah akan turun. 23,29 ...
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Latar Belakang : Hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner, stroke, infark miokardia, gagal jantung dan penyakit ginjal. Tomat mengandung likopen yang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan sehingga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah. Minyak zaitun meningkatkan absorbsi likopen dari tomat dan mengandung asam oleat yang dapat menurunkan tekanan darah. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh penambahan minyak zaitun terhadap tekanan darah sistolik penderita hipertensi yang diberi jus tomat.Metode : Jenis penelitian adalah true experiment dengan rancangan pre –post test with control group design. Subjek penelitian adalah wanita menopause dengan tekanan darah sistolik 140 ­– 159 mmHg yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, 12 pada kelompok perlakuan dan 12 pada kontrol. Intervensi dilakukan selama 7 hari. Tekanan darah sistolik diukur menggunakan Sphygmomanometer air raksa. Asupan makanan diukur menggunakan metode food recall 2x24 jam dan dianalisis menggunakan nutrisurvey. Aktivitas fisik dianalisis menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Analisis statistik menggunakan uji paired t-test, Wilcoxon, independent t-test dan Mann Whitney.Hasil : Ada penurunan tekanan darah sistolik pada kelompok perlakuan dari 150,9±1,7 mmHg menjadi 136,4±4,5 mmHg (p=0,002) dan pada kelompok kontrol dari 148,5±4,5 mmHg menjadi 138,4±5,5 mmHg (p=0,0001). Rerata penurunan tekanan darah sistolik pada kelompok perlakuan 14,5±4,7 mmHg, lebih besar daripada kelompok kontrol 10,1±2,3 mmHg (p=0,007)Kesimpulan : Jus tomat dengan minyak zaitun sebanyak 10ml selama 7 hari menurunkan tekanan darah sistolik lebih banyak daripada jus tomat saja.
... Conclusively, FBS could be considered as alternative management to alleviate the elevation of arterial blood pressure associated with a shortened life expectancy (Beg et al., 2011) and be pharmaceutically considered as a future therapeutic agent in highfat diet-associated pathologies. Moreover, no visible side effect was noticed within the scope of this study, but have a great correlation with the report of (Majeed et al., 2019) on participants who were administered 169.33 mg of boswellia extract twice daily for about 17weeks. ...
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According to my inherited custom, the dried West African Frankincense dalzielii undergo pyrolysis in a charcoal burner during religious services, actively undergoing metabolites' sublimation and the members eventually inhaled the resultant but major essential effluent smoke, and to date, the health benefits of the incense fragrance haven't been evaluated up till now, as traditionally used by our religious forefathers. The principle, "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food", advocated by Hippocrates (460-377 BC), the father of modern medicine is very germane. Hence, I thus investigated the beneficial role of B. dalzielii frankincense and myrrh smoke as it's usually applied during worship in most Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Taoist, and Buddhist Chinese religious centers, and as it perhaps modulates the adiposity, cardiac rate, systolic and diastolic values of high fat fed Wistar male rats, within an acute duration of 60days using Tail cuff measuring device. Rats (n =21) were used in this study and equally divided into three groups, within which the third group fed high-fat chow were exposed to 30g of B. dalzielii frankincense and myrrh smoke for one hour, emanating from incense-charcoal burner twice daily, morning and night for 60 days. During the period, weights of all the rodents were measured, noted twice a week, and at exactly 24 hours after the last exposure, cardiac rate, systolic and diastolic values were quantified using a Tail cuff device at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan. Group 2 assaulted with the high fat diet (HFD) only, revealed a significant increase in adiposity, blood pressure, and heartbeat, while group 3 co-exposed to the smoke of B. dalzielii resources with the HFD showed a significant reduction in the latter to near normal group. More so, agility and active responses in the co-treated group were of imminent accomplishment. This investigation demonstrated that B. dalzielii smoke could attenuate high fat diet triggered adiposity, positive inotropism, and high heart pressure.
... Withal, possible mode of action and biochemical aetiologies behind this infringement as earlier accounted are: Overactive calcium in ux via sodium-calcium exchanger [52]], enhancing adiposity via activation of phospholipases in response to a high Na/K concentrating pump [53]; [54] and [55], resulting to kidney derangement in high salt-sensitive animals. Promotion of atherogenesis on the vascular intima and arterioles, resulting into vasoactive endothelial modulation (Angiotensin-converting enzymes and Endothelin converting enzyme activation but with inhibition of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulphide) and eventually compromising antioxidant integrity were also suggested [56] and [47] in another study. ...
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Background It’s overwhelmingly accounted that there is high prevalence of high salt diet related adiposity and metabolic antioxidant infringement worldwide. The present study thus aimed to establish the folkloric use of Phyllantus amarus by traditional practitioners and compliment orthodox medicine in the management of high salt diet driven adiposity and vehemently associated with pro-oxidant cascades. The principal focus was to fractionate, evaluate the lethal dose of terpenoid rich concentrate of the Phyllanthus amarus (Schum and Thonn) whole plant using up and down method and investigate the in vivo antioxidant potential and antiobesity of the rich concentrate in healthy adult male Sprague-Dawley rats fed with 8% high salt diet for 8weeks. Results The results of the study revealed that there was a significant (p < 0.05) weight gained (54.50%) in the experimental group fed with a high salt diet when compared with rats fed with normal chow (51.19%). However, rats co-administered with High salt diet (8%) and terpenoid rich fraction (TRF) of the whole plant (75, 100, 150mg/kg/body weight), had a significant weight recuperation in dose-dependent manner (50.86%, 48.13%, 43.25%) in comparism to groups fed with normal rat chow (51.19%), with corresponding significant (p < 0.05) and dose-dependent decrease in the concentration of oxidative marker product malondialdehyde (MDA) (9.38 ± 0.22, 7.92 ± 0.11, 6.03 ± 0.18) and dose-dependent metabolic improvement of both the non-enzymatic reduced Glutathione (GSH) (40.15 ± 0.04, 46.21 ± 0.01, 51.22 ± 0.03) and enzymatic catalase (25.22 ± 0.01, 30.31 ± 0.05, 38.52 ± 0.03) activities. Conclusion Therefore, the terpenoid rich fraction of Phyllanthus amarus (Schum and Thonn) whole plant could therefore be applied as a recuperative agent against obesity and prooxidant proliferation in high salt diet related pathologies.
... Fonte: Autores (2021 Wigati, et al., 2016). A hipertensão pode desenvolver-se como resultado do aumento da ROS (Beg, et al., 2011). Frutas maduras e folhas são fontes de antioxidantes (Yang, Gadi & Thomson, 2011) que são capazes de evitar danos celulares devido ao estresse oxidativo. ...
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O presente trabalho fez uma análise de estudos farmacológicos de Morinda citrifolia L. e o papel do estresse oxidativo. A pesquisa foi realizada no Portal de Periódicos da Capes e PubMed. Inicialmente, foram lidos os títulos, resumos e excluídos os que não tinham relação com o tema e em duplicidade. Após esse processo, os trabalhos foram lidos na íntegra e realizada a extração das informações. Foram encontrados no total 517 artigos, após a leitura dos títulos e resumos, foram selecionados 39 artigos e ao final incluídos 28. Em relação às atividades avaliadas, 9 artigos avaliaram a atividade antioxidante e anti-inflamatória; 5 antitumoral e citotoxicidade; 3 antimicrobianos; 3 antileishmania; e 8 artigos que pesquisaram sobre diferentes atividades. De acordo com os estudos analisados esta espécie possui potencial anti-inflamatório, hipotensor, prevenção de pancreatite, hepatoprotetor e citoprotetor, e tais atividades parecem estar relacionadas a presença de metabólitos com atividade antioxidantes. A atividade antitumoral pode estar relacionada à atividade oxidante das antraquinonas. A participação do estresse oxidativo no efeito hipoglicemiante e antiobesidade da espécie ainda precisa ser melhor investigada. Em síntese, a maioria das atividades biológicas atribuídas a M. citrifolia pode ser relacionada a presença de compostos com potencial antioxidante.
... Oxidative stress is one of the major key factor that promotes pathogenesis of hypertension in human and other mammals. 21 Endothelial cells play a major role in the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels. They release nitric oxide which impart in vasorelaxation and maintain normal blood pressure. ...
... Obviously, the imbalance between free oxygen radicals and antioxidant factors (also from food) contributes to endothelial damage and enhances inflammatory reactions, which have been recently reported to be responsible for AH. 32 Observational and experimental studies confirm that diets with high antioxidant potential and high polyphenol content contribute to AH reduction. 5,18 However, most of these projects assessed these correlations only at the level of the respective products rich in polyphenols (e.g., cacao, fruit and vegetables, tea, olive oil, etc.), 1 and only few took into consideration total dietary antioxidant potential and total polyphenol intake. ...
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Background: Oxidative stress plays a key role in the development of most non-communicable diseases, including arterial hypertension (AH). Diet is the major source of exogenous antioxidants, which support the body in the elimination of excessive free radicals. Objectives: To assess dietary total antioxidant potential (DTAP) and dietary polyphenol intake (DPI), and to determine the relationship between DTAP, DPI and hypertension in the Polish adult population; to indicate dietary sources of DTAP and DPI in participants with and without AH. Material and methods: Within the frame of the National Multicenter Health Survey (WOBASZ II), a random sample of the whole Polish population aged 20 years and above was screened during the years 2013-2014. Dietary habits and blood pressure were assessed in 2,554 men and 3,136 women. Dietary total antioxidant potential and DPI were calculated according to the amount of food consumed by the participants combined with the antioxidant potential and polyphenol contents in foods. Results: The mean DTAP was 12.36 mmol/day in men and 12.27 mmol/day in women, and DPI was 2069 mg/day and 1989 mg/day, respectively. The DTAP and DPI were associated with reduced odds of AH in the Polish population. After adjusting for confounding variables, higher DTAP (by 1 mmol/day) had reduced odds of AH by 1.3% in men and by 1.8% in women and higher DPI (by 100 mg/day) by 1.1% and by 2.2%, respectively. Regardless of sex and AH, the main sources of DTAP and DPI were beverages, especially coffee and tea (over 50%), fruit (12-24%) and vegetables (12-18%). Conclusions: The intake of food with high antioxidant potential and rich in polyphenols was associated, slightly but independently of other factors, with a lower chance of hypertension in the adult Polish population. Irrespective of sex and AH, coffee and tea were the basic dietary sources of the antioxidants.
... Flavonoid compound serves as antioxidant, antibacterial, immunomodulator, and antiinflammation (Middleton, Kandaswami and Theoharides, 2000) and saponin compound plays a role as permeabilizing membrane and can influence growth and increase animal's feed respond (Das et al., 2012). Flavinoid and tannin commonly contained in fruits and vegetables, as well as beverages, are able to inhibit nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase through ACE inhibition, eNOS-specific increase, and also change cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression(Kizhakekuttu and Widlansky, 2010); (Beg et al., 2011) (Sharifi et al., 2013). Flavonoid and tanin constraint ACE activity which plays an important role in blood pressure control. ...
... American Institute of Nutrition mengatakan bahwa jumlah rekomendasi asupan per hari untuk vitamin E pada manusia adalah sebesar 30 IU/hari atau 0,43 IU/kg/hari. Penyebab lain yang mungkin terjadi adalah karena vitamin E dapat menjadi radikal bebas dalam tubuh, walaupun vitamin C dapat mengubah radikal vitamin E prooksidan kembali ke vitamin E. 26 Variabel perancu berikutnya adalah natrium. Pada penelitian ini diketahui tidak terdapat hubungan antara asupan natrium dan tekanan darah sistolik (p value = 0,682) dan tekanan darah diastolik (p value = 0,217). ...
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Latar Belakang: Hipertensi adalah kondisi yang berdampak pada berbagai komplikasi penyakit. Salah satu zat gizi yang berpengaruh terhadap tekanan darah adalah vitamin C. Vitamin C merupakan salah satu antioksidan yang dapat menyebabkan proses remodelling pada pembuluh darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan vitamin C dan tekanan darah pada perokok aktif usia dewasa awal. Variabel perancu dalam penelitian ini diantaranya asupan vitamin E, natrium, dan kalsium. Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional dilakukan dengan pemilihan subjek menggunakan purposive sampling yang melibatkan 51 perokok aktif berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Data asupan diperoleh menggunakan SQ-FFQ. Tekanan darah diukur menggunakan tensimeter digital. Analisis hubungan asupan vitamin C dan tekanan darah dengan uji korelasi Rank-Spearman. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan median tekanan darah sistolik sebesar 122 mmHgdan rerata tekanan darah diastolik sebesar 80,45±10,15 mmHg. Median asupan vitamin C sebesar 76,4 mg. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan vitamin C dan tekanan darah sistolik pada perokok aktif usia dewasa awal (p value = 0,91) dan tekanan darah diastolik (p value = 0,33). Simpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan asupan vitamin C dan tekanan darah pada perokok aktif usia dewasa awal.
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Background: Hypertension (HTN) is a significant risk factor for various cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including heart failure, stroke, end-organ damage, and atherosclerosis. Oxidized-low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) absorbed by artery macrophages is a significant factor in the development of atherosclerosis. This study aims to evaluate the levels of serum lipid profile (cholesterol, triacylglycerol, LDL, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), ox-LDL, heavy metals, and malondialdehyde (MDA) as a crucial technique for the diagnosis of coronary artery diseases (CAD). Methods: The study involved 90 participants categorized into three groups (n= 30) as follows: negative control (NTC), hypertensive patients (HTN), and cardiac patients (HTN and CAD). Blood samples were taken to perform the previous assessments. Results: The serum levels of HDL in groups two and three were significantly decreased (p<0.05), while total triacylglycerol, cholesterol, and LDL were significantly elevated (p<0.05) compared with the control. Also, the results were significant increased (p<0.05) for the serum cobalt, chromium, copper, lead, and the ox-LDL levels in HTN and HTN with CAD, compared to the control. Besides, the MDA level showed significant elevation in the HTN group. The positive correlation between oxidative stress (OS) and atherosclerosis and the association between heavy metals contamination and CVD were (r=0.6) and (r=0.055). Conclusions: This study focuses on the heavy metal-induced toxicity and OS in hypertensive and cardiac patients; however, further studies are essential for a deeper understanding of the underlying molecular mechanism.
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To investigate the total antioxidant status (TAS) and the extent of oxidative DNA damage in total lymphocytes and their relation with essential hypertension. A total of 130 South Indian subjects aged 30-65 were recruited for the study. Of these hypertensive subjects investigated, 30 were newly diagnosed and were not on any antihypertensive drugs, but had systolic blood pressure (BP) ranging between 140 and 160 mm Hg and diastolic BP between 95 and 100 mm Hg; 50 hypertensive patients who were already on drug therapy for 1 year and 50 were normotensive controls with BP < or =120/80 mm Hg. DNA damage was significantly increased in hypertensive patients (both newly diagnosed and who were already on drug therapy) compared with control group. The major increase in DNA damage was observed in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients compared with hypertensive patients who were already on drug therapy. There was a significant decrease in plasma TAS value in essential hypertensive groups as compared to normotensive controls. Lymphocyte DNA damage was independently correlated with only TAS. Lymphocyte DNA damage was increased in hypertensive patients. The major increase in lymphocyte DNA damage was observed in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients compared with hypertensive patients who already on drug therapy. Decreased TAS levels, which reflect to increased oxidative stress, may be the reason of increased total lymphocyte DNA damage in South Indian hypertensive patients.
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The mechanism underlying blood pressure (BP) reduction in the high fruits and vegetables arm of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study is unknown but may include potassium, magnesium and fibre. This study was designed to separate minerals and fibre from other components of DASH on BP in abdominally obese individuals with metabolic syndrome with pre-hypertension to stage 1 hypertension (obese hypertensives). A total of 15 obese hypertensives and 15 lean normotensives were studied on a standardized usual diet, randomized to DASH or usual diet supplemented with potassium, magnesium and fibre to match DASH, then crossed over to the complementary diet. All diets were 3 weeks long, isocaloric and matched for sodium and calcium. In obese hypertensives, BP was lower after 3 weeks on DASH than usual diet (-7.6+/-1.4/-5.3+/-1.4 mm Hg, P<0.001/0.02) and usual diet supplemented (-6.2+/-1.4/-3.7+/-1.4 P<0.005/0.06), whereas BP was not significantly different on usual and supplemented diets. BP values were not different among the three diets in lean normotensives. Small artery elasticity was lower in obese hypertensives than in lean normotensives on the usual and supplemented diets (P<0.02). This index of endothelial function improved in obese hypertensives (P<0.02) but not lean normotensives on DASH, and was no longer different from values in lean normotensives (P>0.50). DASH is more effective than potassium, magnesium and fibre supplements for lowering BP in obese hypertensives, which suggest that high fruits and vegetables DASH lowers BP and improves endothelial function in this group by nutritional factors in addition to potassium, magnesium and fibre.
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Salt induces oxidative stress in salt-sensitive (SS) animals and man. It is not known whether in SS subjects the low-sodium dietary approaches to stop hypertension (LS-DASH) reduces oxidative stress more than DASH, which is high in antioxidants. To assess the effects of DASH and LS-DASH on oxidative stress, 19 volunteers were studied after 3 weeks of a standardized usual low fruits and vegetables diet (ULFV), followed by 3 weeks on DASH (both diets approximately 120 mmol Na(+) per day), then 3 weeks on LS-DASH (60 mmol Na(+) per day). SS was defined as systolic blood pressure >or=5 mm Hg lower on LS-DASH than DASH. In SS subjects (N=9), systolic blood pressure was lower on LS-DASH (111.0+/-2.0 mm Hg) than DASH (118.0+/-2.2, P<0.01) and ULFV (122.3+/-2.7, P=0.002). In salt-resistant (SR) volunteers (N=10), systolic blood pressure was lower on DASH (113.0+/-1.6) than ULFV (119.0+/-1.8, P<0.05) but not LS-DASH (115.7+/-1.8). Urine F2-isoprostanes, a marker of oxidative stress, were lower in SS subjects on LS-DASH (1.69+/-0.24) than ULFV (3.09+/-0.50, P<0.05) and marginally lower than DASH (2.46+/-0.44, P<0.20). F2-isoprostanes were not different among the three diets in SR volunteers (2.18+/-0.29, 2.06+/-0.29, 2.27+/-0.53, respectively). Aortic augmentation index, a measure of vascular stiffness, was lower in SS subjects on LS-DASH than either DASH or ULFV, and lower on DASH than ULFV in SR volunteers. In SS but not SR subjects, LS-DASH is associated with lower values for F2-isoprostanes and the aortic augmentation index. The results suggest that LS-DASH decreases oxidative stress, improves vascular function and lowers blood pressure in SS but not SR volunteers.
A review is presented of studies on the effects of vitamin E on heart disease, studies encompassing basic science, animal studies, epidemiological and observational studies, and four intervention trials. The in vitro, cellular, and animal studies, which are impressive both in quantity and quality, leave no doubt that vitamin E, the most important fat-soluble antioxidant, protects animals against a variety of types of oxidative stress. The hypothesis that links vitamin E to the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) postulates that the oxidation of unsaturated lipids in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle initiates a complex sequence of events that leads to the development of atherosclerotic plaque. This hypothesis is supported by numerous studies in vitro, in animals, and in humans. There is some evidence that the ex vivo oxidizability of a subject’s LDL is predictive of future heart events. This background in basic science and observational studies, coupled with the safety of vitamin E, led to the initiation of clinical intervention trials. The three trials that have been reported in detail are, on balance, supportive of the proposal that supplemental vitamin E can reduce the risk for heart disease, and the fourth trial, which has just been reported, showed small, but not statistically significant, benefits. Subgroup analyses of cohorts from the older three trials, as well as evidence from smaller trials, indicate that vitamin E provides protection against a number of medical conditions, including some that are indicative of atherosclerosis (such as intermittent claudication). Vitamin E supplementation also produces an improvement in the immune system and protection against diseases other than cardiovascular disease (such as prostate cancer). Vitamin E at the supplemental levels being used in the current trials, 100 to 800 IU/d, is safe, and there is little likelihood that increased risk will be found for those taking supplements. About one half of American cardiologists take supplemental vitamin E, about the same number as take aspirin. In fact, one study suggests that aspirin plus vitamin E is more effective than aspirin alone. There are a substantial number of trials involving vitamin E that are in progress. However, it is possible, or even likely, that each condition for which vitamin E provides benefit will have a unique dose-effect curve. Furthermore, different antioxidants appear to act synergistically, so supplementation with vitamin E might be more effective if combined with other micronutrients. It will be extremely difficult to do trials that adequately probe the dose-effect curve for vitamin E for each condition that it might affect, or to do studies of all the possible combinations of other micronutrients that might act with vitamin E to improve its effectiveness. Therefore, the scientific community must recognize that there never will be a time when the science is “complete.” At some point, the weight of the scientific evidence must be judged adequate; although some may regard it as early to that judgement now, clearly we are very close. In view of the very low risk of reasonable supplementation with vitamin E, and the difficulty in obtaining more than about 30 IU/day from a balanced diet, some supplementation appears prudent now.
Although hypertensive patients are at particular risk of vascular complications, the possible contribution of an atherogenic lipoprotein profile and endothelial dysfunction to this risk is unclear. We investigated this by measuring low-density lipoprotein (LDL) sub-fractions and flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) (reflecting endothelial damage/dysfunction) in a cohort of high risk hypertensive patients. We studied 84 hypertensive patients (74 males; mean age 64 years, SD 8). Chylomicron-free LDL sub-fractions were analysed by disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, producing an ′LDL score’, with higher scores being equivalent to a greater proportion of the more atherogenic LDL subfractions. High-resolution ultrasound was used to assess endothelium-dependent brachial artery FMD following reactive hyperaemia after vessel occlusion. Baseline levels were compared with 61 age- and sex-matched healthy normotensive controls. Results: Mean LDL score was higher, and FMD impaired in hypertensives compared to controls. These indices were significantly improved after 6 months of cardiovascular risk factor management. LDL score correlated significantly with the 10-year Framingham coronary heart disease risk score, with a negative correlation with FMD (all p<0.001).LDL=low density lipoprotein, HDL=high density lipoprotein, FMD=flow mediated dilatation, GTN=glyceryl trinitrate]. Values are expressed mean and SD, except LDL score, CHD risk and CVA risk, as median and IQR. Analysis by unpaired t test, Mann-Whitney test, Wilcoxon test or paired t test as appropriate. * = p<0.005 (controls vs. hypertensives at baseline). Abnormal atherogenesis and endothelial dysfunction are both present in hypertension, and appear to be related to each other, potentially leading to vascular complications. The abnormal LDL scores also correlate with the 10-year cardiovascular risk, and can be positively influenced by cardiovascular risk management. (See Table) View this table: In this window In a new window
Rats were made hypertensive by the administration of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (LNA, 2.74 mmol/L) in drinking water for 7 d. Hearts from hemodynamically assessed animals were analyzed for lipid peroxidation (LPO), ψ-glutamylcysteine-synthetase (ψ-GCS), glutathione disulfide reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and total radical trapping potential (TRAP) activities. LNA treatment increased the mean arterial blood pressure by 46% and the heart rate by 22% without changing plasma renin activity. LNA treatment resulted in a 30% increase in LPO. ψ-GCS was reduced by 48% and GR by 36% in the cardiac tissue of hypertensive rats as compared to controls. The activity of nonselenium GSHPx was reduced by 27%, and selenium-dependent GSHPx activity in the heart was not affected by LNA treatment. In hypertensive rats, SOD activity was increased by 16%, and CAT was decreased by 46%. TRAP was lower (27%) in the myocardium of hypertensive rats than in that of controls. These data suggest that LNA-induced hypertension is associated with increased myocardial oxidative stress.
To assess the correlation between endothelial dysfunction and the serum levels of biomarkers of inflammation, remodelling and oxidative stress in essential hypertension, 78 treatment-naïve essential hypertensives (mean age 43 years) underwent measurement of endothelial dysfunction, using the maximal acetylcholine-induced forearm vasodilation and serum levels of adhesion molecules, selectins, chemokines, metalloproteinases, copper, zinc, selenium, vitamins, homocysteine, malondialdehyde, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase. Mean (+/-s.e.m.) maximal acetylcholine-induced vasodilation was 367+/-20%. Patients with a more impaired acetylcholine-dependent vasodilation (first tertile) had increased levels of e-selectin (P=0.009), p-selectin (P<0.001), monocyte chemotactic protein type 1 (MCP-1; P=0.012) and the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases type 1 (TIMP-1; P=0.044), which in turn showed significant inverse correlations with maximal endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Serum levels of selenium (P=0.012), vitamin C (P=0.038), erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (P<0.001) and superoxide dismutase (P=0.022) activities were reduced in patients with a more impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Recently diagnosed treatment-naïve essential hypertensives showed a relationship between the endothelial dysfunction, serum markers of inflammation and remodelling and levels of antioxidant substances. These could be potentially helpful markers of high risk in hypertensive patients.
Increasing appreciation of the causative role of oxidative injury in many disease states places great importance on the reliable assessment of lipid peroxidation. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of several low-molecular-weight end products formed via the decomposition of certain primary and secondary lipid peroxidation products. At low pH and elevated temperature, MDA readily participates in nucleophilic addition reaction with 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA), generating a red, fluorescent 1:2 MDA:TBA adduct. These facts, along with the availability of facile and sensitive methods to quantify MDA (as the free aldehyde or its TBA derivative), have led to the routine use of MDA determination and, particularly, the "TBA test" to detect and quantify lipid peroxidation in a wide array of sample types. However, MDA itself participates in reactions with molecules other than TBA and is a catabolic substrate. Only certain lipid peroxidation products generate MDA (invariably with low yields), and MDA is neither the sole end product of fatty peroxide formation and decomposition nor a substance generated exclusively through lipid peroxidation. Many factors (e.g., stimulus for and conditions of peroxidation) modulate MDA formation from lipid. Additional factors (e.g., TBA-test reagents and constituents) have profound effects on test response to fatty peroxide-derived MDA. The TBA test is intrinsically nonspecific for MDA; nonlipid-related materials as well as fatty peroxide-derived decomposition products other than MDA are TBA positive. These and other considerations from the extensive literature on MDA. TBA reactivity, and oxidative lipid degradation support the conclusion that MDA determination and the TBA test can offer, at best, a narrow and somewhat empirical window on the complex process of lipid peroxidation. The MDA content and/or TBA reactivity of a system provides no information on the precise structures of the "MDA precursor(s)," their molecular origins, or the amount of each formed. Consequently, neither MDA determination nor TBA-test response can generally be regarded as a diagnostic index of the occurrence/extent of lipid peroxidation, fatty hydroperoxide formation, or oxidative injury to tissue lipid without independent chemical evidence of the analyte being measured and its source. In some cases, MDA/TBA reactivity is an indicator of lipid peroxidation; in other situations, no qualitative or quantitative relationship exists among sample MDA content, TBA reactivity, and fatty peroxide tone. Utilization of MDA analysis and/or the TBA test and interpretation of sample MDA content and TBA test response in studies of lipid peroxidation require caution, discretion, and (especially in biological systems) correlative data from other indices of fatty peroxide formation and decomposition.
The oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL) may be an early step in atherogenesis. Furthermore, evidence of oxidized LDL has been found in vivo. The most persuasive evidence shows that supplementation of some animal models with antioxidants slows atherosclerosis. The purpose of this review is to examine the roles that vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene may play in reducing LDL oxidation. English language articles published since 1980, particularly from groups active in this field of research. In vitro, animal, and human studies on antioxidants, LDL oxidation, and atherosclerosis were selected. Vitamin E has shown the most consistent effects with regard to LDL oxidation. Beta-carotene appears to have only a mild or no effect on oxidizability. Ascorbate, although it is not lipophilic, can also reduce LDL oxidative susceptibility. LDL oxidizability can be reduced by antioxidant nutrients. However, more research is needed to establish their utility in the prevention of coronary artery disease.
Possible involvement of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of human essential hypertension was investigated. It was observed that both superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide production by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and the plasma levels of lipid peroxides are higher in uncontrolled essential hypertension compared with normal controls. Nitric oxide levels measured as its stable metabolite nitrite, as an index of nitric oxide synthesis, revealed its levels to be low in hypertensive patients. Superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxides and nitric oxide levels reverted to normal values after the control of hypertension by drugs. The concentrations of anti-oxidants such as vitamin E and superoxide dismutase were found to be decreased in patients with uncontrolled hypertension. Several anti-hypertensive drugs inhibited lipid peroxidation in vitro. Angiotensin-II, a potent vasoconstrictor, stimulated free radical generation in normal leukocytes which could be blocked by calmodulin antagonists. These results suggest that an increase in free radical generation and a simultaneous decrease in the production of nitric oxide and anti-oxidants such as SOD and vitamin E occurs in essential hypertension. This increase in free radical generation can inactivate prostacyclin and nitric oxide and decrease their half life which can lead to an increase in peripheral vascular resistance and hypertension.