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Fuzzy-TISM: A Fuzzy Extension of TISM for Group Decision Making

  • Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida

Abstract and Figures

This paper proposes Fuzzy-TISM, approach for group decision making process. The proposed approach is a fuzzy extension of TISM, which is a multi-criteria decision making technique. TISM is an effective technique and is applied widely to identify relationships among different criteria by creating a comprehensive systematic model of directly and indirectly related criteria. The proposed Fuzzy-TISM approach consolidates the process of group preference aggregation in the fuzzy environment, which can be easily applied to any real world group decision making problem. The proposed approach is a novel attempt to integrate TISM approach with the fuzzy sets. The integration of TISM with fuzzy sets provides flexibility to decision makers to further understand the level of influences of one criteria over another, which was earlier present only in the form of binary (0,1) numbers. 0 represents no influence and 1 represents influence. Due to this, the decision maker is left with only the option of saying 0 or 1 irrespective of the level of influence whether it is low, high, or very high. The proposed Fuzzy-TISM approach take care of this issue and gives a wider flexibility to express the level of influence using fuzzy numbers. The working methodology of proposed Fuzzy-TISM is demonstrated through an illustrative example based on vendor selection.
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Fuzzy-TISM: A Fuzzy Extension of TISM for Group Decision
Gaurav Khatwani Surya Prakash Singh
Ashish Trivedi Ankur Chauhan
Received: 31 August 2014 / Accepted: 19 November 2014
ÓGlobal Institute of Flexible Systems Management 2014
Abstract This paper proposes Fuzzy-TISM, approach for
group decision making process. The proposed approach is a
fuzzy extension of TISM, which is a multi-criteria decision
making technique. TISM is an effective technique and is
applied widely to identify relationships among different cri-
teria by creating a comprehensive systematic model of directly
and indirectly related criteria. The proposed Fuzzy-TISM
approach consolidates the process of group preference
aggregation in the fuzzy environment, which can be easily
applied to any realworld group decision makingproblem. The
proposed approach is a novel attempt to integrate TISM
approach with the fuzzy sets. The integration of TISM with
fuzzy sets provides flexibility to decision makers to further
understand the level of influences of one criteria over another,
which was earlier present only in the form of binary (0,1)
numbers. 0 represents no influence and 1 represents influence.
Due to this, the decision maker is left with only the option of
saying 0 or 1 irrespective of the level of influence whether it is
low, high, or very high. The proposed Fuzzy-TISM approach
take care of this issue and gives a wider flexibility to express
the level of influence using fuzzy numbers. The working
methodology of proposed Fuzzy-TISM is demonstrated
through an illustrative example based on vendor selection.
Keywords Fuzzy systems Group decision making
Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) Multi-criteria
decision making Total interpretive structural modeling
(TISM) Vendor selection problem
The process of selecting the best alternative amidst a set of
suitable alternatives is known as decision making. Multi-
criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems are defined as
decision making problems consisting of several criteria
(Bellman and Zadeh 1970; Keeney and Raiffa 1976; Jain
1977; Ching-Lai and Yoon 1981; Nurmi 1981; Tanino
1984; Boender et al. 1989; Chen et al. 1992; Kacprzyk
et al. 1992; Hsu and Chen 1996,1997; Feng and Wang
2000; Chang and Yeh 2002; Lee 2002; Tsaur et al. 2002).
MCDM problems can be divided into two categories. The
first one is the classical MCDM problem, in which indi-
vidual preferences are measured in crisp numbers (Keeney
and Raiffa 1976; Chen et al. 1992; Feng and Wang 2000),
and the second one is the Fuzzy MCDM (Bellman and
Zadeh 1970; Jain 1977; Nurmi 1981; Tanino 1984; Chen
et al. 1992; Kacprzyk et al. 1992; Hsu and Chen 1996,
1997; Chang and Yeh 2002; Lee 2002; Tsaur et al. 2002;
Cebeci and Ruan 2007) problems, in which individual
preferences are evaluated on vagueness, subjectivity and
imprecision and expressed into linguistic terms, which are
further mapped into fuzzy numbers (Zadeh 1965; Zim-
mermann 1987; Zimmerman 1991). ISM is one of the
recognized methods for classical MCDM. It is a method-
ology that helps in discovering relationships among spe-
cific criteria that constitute problem related to the system
(Jharkharia and Shankar 2005). The collective study of
criteria helps us to develop understanding of direct and
G. Khatwani A. Trivedi A. Chauhan
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, Rohtak, India
A. Trivedi
A. Chauhan
S. P. Singh (&)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi, India
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
DOI 10.1007/s40171-014-0087-4
indirect relationships among them rather than studying
individuals in isolation. The process begins with identify-
ing criteria relevant to a problem and subsequently, a
structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM) of criteria is
developed using pairwise comparison approach. SSIM is
then converted into reachability matrix and its transitivity
is verified. Finally, elements are partitioned and structural
model is extracted, which is known as ISM (Agarwal et al.
2007). Since ISM is well known classical MCDM
approach, many researchers and practitioners have used it
to solve MCDM problems. However, the inadequacy of
crisp values to model real life situations in uncertain and
fuzzy scenarios that are frequent in expert’s judgments
highlights the need to integrate fuzzy group decision
making in ISM. Further, recent studies have also empha-
sized on uncertainty in linguistic terms under group deci-
sion environment (Xu 2004,2006; Xu and Da 2008; Wei
2009; Fan and Liu 2010). In ISM, the reachability matrix is
constructed by replacing relationship symbols of SSIM by
1 and 0. However, the true maximum and minimum values
are far from these extreme values of 1 and 0. Therefore, the
extreme values are not appropriate to represent relationship
between elements. Previous studies have attempted to
upgrade ISM to TISM in order to make elucidation of
structural model fully interpretive. Further, the importance
of implementing fuzzy TISM has been highlighted (Sushil
2012b) but it fails to deliver the procedural model for
implementation in real world decision making. Moreover,
there have been theoretical contributions in area of flexible
systems management (Sushil 1997) and confluence of
continuity and change management (Sushil 2012a), which
inspired us to develop the fuzzy TISM model. Therefore,
we propose a model for fuzzy TISM to analyze group
preferences and interpret hierarchical relationship of ele-
ments in a complex system under fuzzy environment.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In ‘Pre-
liminaries section, past relevant work on fuzzy theory and
TISM methodology is reviewed. In ’Literature Review‘‘
section, group decision making situation where application
of ISM and TISM is involved is discussed. In ’’Fuzzy-
TISM: A Fuzzy Extension of TISM‘ section, Fuzzy-TISM
for group decision making is proposed and detailed
description is provided. To demonstrate the application of
Fuzzy-TISM an illustration based on vendor selection
problem is given in ’Illustrative Example‘ section fol-
lowed by conclusions.
Fuzzy theory plays significant role in dealing with vague-
ness and uncertainty in human language and thoughts in
decision making. The assessment of decision makers
depends upon their past knowledge and experiences and
often their estimations are articulated in equivocal linguistic
terms. However, in order to integrate various opinions,
experiences, ideas and motivations of individual experts it
becomes important to translate the linguistic judgments into
fuzzy numbers. Thus, the problems discussed in group
decision making environment highlights the need to imple-
ment fuzzy logic. Some of the essential definitions of fuzzy
logic and its theory can be referred from (Zadeh 1965;
Laarhoven and Pedrycz 1983; Zimmermann 1987;Kauff-
man and Gupta 1991;Zimmerman1991;Li1999).
In the fuzzy theory, the fuzzy set ~
Bis the subset of
universal set X, which can be characterized by membership
function l~
BxðÞrepresenting a mapping l~
B:X0;1. The
function value of l~
Bis called the membership value
representing degree of truth that x is an element of ~
Assuming that l~
B0;1, where l~
BxðÞ¼0 denotes that x
belongs completely to fuzzy set ~
B, while l~
BxðÞ¼1 denotes
that x does not belong to fuzzy set ~
B. The membership
function l~
BðxÞof triangular fuzzy number can be defined as
which can be represented by triplet (l,m,u) and
lBmBu. See Fig. 1.
Following are the theorems which are used in this paper
are briefly discussed.
Theorem 1 Let ~
B1¼ðl1;m1;u1Þand ~
two triangular fuzzy numbers. The addition operation of ~
and ~
B2is denoted by ~
B2which results into another
triangular fuzzy number and that can be represented by
Theorem 2 CFCS (Converting Fuzzy data into Crisp
Scores) defuzzification method (Opricovic and Tzeng,
2003). Let ~
ðÞ;k¼1;2;...::nbe the positive
triangular fuzzy number and ~
kdenotes the crisp value.
0 X
Fig. 1 A triangular fuzzy number ~
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
The crisp value of i-th criteria can be determined by
following four steps
Step 1: Computing L =min(l
); R =maxðukÞ;k¼
1;2;...::nand D¼RL, then Compute for each alterna-
tives using Eq. (5).
xlk ¼ðlkLÞ=D;xmk ¼ðmkLÞ=D;xuk ¼ðukLÞ=D
Step 2: Compute left score (ls) and right score (rs)
normalized values using Eq. (3).
k¼xmk=ð1þxmk xlk Þand xrs
k¼xuk=ð1þxuk xmk Þð3Þ
Step 3: Compute total normalized crisp value using
Eq. (4).
Step 4: Compute crisp value for ~
Bkusing Eq. (5).
Literature review
The theoretical foundation of TISM proposed by Sushil
(Sushil 2012b) is built on ISM methodology developed by
Warfield (1973,1974). Much details on ISM and its various
applications can be referred from (Harary et al. 1965),
Warfield and Hill (1973), Malone (1975), Hawthorne and
Sage (1975), Warfield (1976,1994,1999), Jedlicka and
Meyer (1980), Waller (1980), Mandal and Deshmukh
(1994), (Sushil 1994), Sharma et al. (1995), Warfield
(2003), Saxena et al. (2006), Agarwal et al. (2007), Lee
(2007), Mohammed (2008), (Haleem and Sushil 2012),
Sagar et al. (2013), Mangala et al. (2014), and Srivastava
and Sushil (2014).
TISM (Sushil 2012b) is derived from ISM facilitates the
graphical representation of complex systems. ISM assists
individuals in developing complex relationships among
multiple elements in complex system. ISM is an interpre-
tive method that helps the group to decide structural rela-
tionship between multiple elements and extract structure,
which is portrayed in digraph model. ISM permits identi-
fication of system structure, which contain elements related
to other in some fashion (Farris and Sage 1975). Previous
studies adopted the enhanced version of ISM which is
called TISM (Nasim 2011; Sushil 2012b; Dubey and Ali
2014). TISM is the method that demonstrates direct as well
as transitive relationship in order to make structural model
fully interpretive. Nasim (2011) has shown the applica-
bility of TISM in modelling continuity and change in
e-government, and similarly Prasad and Suri (2011) has
shown the applicability of TISM in the private higher
technical education. TISM has also been used to study
relationship amongst various strategic performance criteria
for effective strategy execution (Srivastava 2013; Srivast-
ava and Sushil 2014). Following are the main steps
involved in the ISM methodology.
TISM (similar to ISM) begins with defining the ele-
ments and determining contextual relationships within
elements. Further, we develop SSIM, reachability matrix,
Transitivity matrix, lower triangular format of reachability
matrix, digraph for TISM and the interpretive structural
based on contextual relationships (Saxena et al. 2006).
Developing SSIM
The relation between any two elements (i and j) is judged
by experts keeping in view of contextual relationship
within each element. Four types of symbols are used
namely V, A, X, and O to demonstrate the relation between
any two elements under consideration. The SSIM can be
prepared by filling responses of group of experts on pair-
wise interaction matrix.
Developing Reachability Matrix
The reachability matrix is constructed by transforming
information within SSIM into 10s and 00s.
Transitivity Check on Reachability Matrix
A transitivity check has to be performed on reachability
matrix. The transitivity matrix is checked for the transi-
tivity rule and updated till full transitivity is established.
Reachability Matrix Partition
After creating reachability matrix and performing transi-
tivity check, the next step is to create digraph and extract
structural model. The partition of reachability matrix pro-
cess can be carried by using relation partition and level
partition on sets and subsets of elements (Warfield 1974).
Creating Digraph for TISM
After identifying the levels of elements the relationship
between elements are constructed using serial numbers of
elements and directed arrows. The constructed digraph is
complex and has to be examined interactively to eliminate
transitivity. After elimination of transitivity we finalize the
digraph for total interpretive structural model. The digraph
portrays information related to hierarchy of elements.
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Final TISM Model
Final TISM model is created after the initial digraph of
ISM where all transitive links along with the direct influ-
encing links are shown. In addition, information is also
mentioned along with all links (direct and transitive links)
to give a proper justification behind the influence of one
criterion to other.
Fuzzy-TISM: A Fuzzy Extension of TISM
The detailed procedure for the proposed model of Fuzzy-
TISM is discussed here. The linguistic terms and its lin-
guistic values are shown in Table 1. The linguistic values
are assumed based on the triangular fuzzy numbers for
linguistic variables shown in Fig. 2. Fuzzy interrelationship
between two factors are shown using symbols which are
given in Fig. 3. Stepwise description of Fuzzy-TISM is as
Step 1: Start of Decision Making Process
The decision making process begins with defining decision
goals, gathering significant information and identifying pos-
sible range of alternatives. Further alternatives are evaluated,
selected and monitored to ensure decision goals are achieved
(Hess and Siciliano 1996; Opricovic and Tzeng 2003). Thus,
after setting decision goal a committee is formed for gathering
group knowledge, which assists in problem solving.
Step 2: Selection of Criteria
In this step, a set of criteria has to be established. The
criteria have relationships through which either they
influence/impact the other criteria or influenced/impacted
by other criteria and may be both. To deal with the
uncertainty in linguistic judgments of experts, we renounce
crisp method of decision making in TISM and incorporate
fuzzy linguistic scale for group decision making (Li 1999).
The varied degree of influence/impact can be expressed in
five linguistic terms as {Very high, High, Low, Very low,
No}. The corresponding positive fuzzy triangular numbers
are demonstrated in Table 1and Fig. 2.
Step 3: Gathering Responses and Creating SSIM Matrix
The relationship between the criteria C¼fCiji¼
1;2...ngis gathered from group of sexperts and filled in
SSIM matrix. The respondents can use the combination of
symbols V, A, X and O and linguistic terms (mentioned in
Table 1) to demonstrate the relationship between the cri-
teria. The respondents will have following four options.
i. V: To demonstrate the relationship from element i to
element j but not vice versa; the relationship can be
represented as V followed by {Very high (VH), High
(H), Low (L), Very low (VL)}. For example V (VH) or
V(H) or V(L) or V(VL).
ii. A: To demonstrate the relationship from element j to
element i but not vice versa; the relationship can be
represented as A followed by {Very high (VH),
High(H), Low (L), Very low (VL)}.
iii. X: To demonstrate the relationship from element i to j
and j to i; the relationship can be represented as X
followed by {Very high (VH), High (H), Low (L),
Very low (VL)}.
iv. O: To demonstrate no existence of relationship; the
relationship can be represented as O followed by {No
influence (No)}. For example O(No)
In addition to above responses in fuzzy, the respondents
are also informed to justify in few words their assessment
at all levels of influence, i.e. VH, H, L, VL, and No of one
criterion to other.
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 X
Fig. 2 Triangular fuzzy numbers for linguistic variables
Table 1 Linguistic scales for the influence
Very high influence (VH) (0.75,1.0,1.0)
High influence (H) (0.5,0.75,1.0)
Low influence (L) (0.25,0.5,0.75)
Very low influence (VL) (0,0.25,0.5)
No influence (No) (0,0,0.25)
Very High Influence
High Influence
Low Influence
Very Low Influence
Fig. 3 Symbols for representation of fuzzy relationship between
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Step 4: Calculation of Aggregated SSIM and Final
Fuzzy Reachability Matrix
Here, mode has been used to aggregate responses of indi-
vidual experts, i.e. the preferences of individual experts
with highest frequencies are pooled together in aggregated
SSIM matrix. Further, aggregated SSIM matrix is trans-
formed into fuzzy reachability matrix. The linguistic terms
in aggregated SSIM matrix are replaced by corresponding
fuzzy triangular linguistic values. The following situations
occur during creation of final fuzzy reachability matrix.
i. If the entry (i,j) is V(VH) : The entry (i,j) can be
denoted by (0.75,1.0,1.0) and entry (j,i) will be 0{No}
which will be denoted by (0,0,0.25)
ii. If the entry (i,j) is V(H) : The entry (i,j) can be denoted
by (0.5,0.75,1.0) and entry (j,i) will be 0{No} which
will be denoted by (0,0,0.25)
iii. If the entry (i,j) is V(L): The entry (i,j) can be denoted
by (0.25,0.5,0.75) and entry (j,i) will be 0{No} which
will be denoted by (0,0,0.25)
iv. If the entry (i,j) is V(VL): The entry (i,j) can be
denoted by (0,0.25,0.5) and entry (j,i) will be 0{No}
which will be denoted by (0,0,0.25)
v. If the entry (i,j) is A(VH): The entry (i,j) will be 0{No}
which will be denoted by (0,0,0.25) and entry (j,i) can
be denoted by (0.75,1.0,1.0)
vi. If the entry (i,j) is A(H): The entry (i,j) will be 0{No}
which will be denoted by (0,0,0.25) and entry (j,i) can
be denoted by (0.5,0.75,1.0)
vii. If the entry (i,j) is A(L): The entry (i,j) will be 0{No}
which will be denoted by (0,0,0.25) and entry (j,i) can
be denoted by (0.25,0.5,0.75)
viii. If the entry (i,j) is A(VL): The entry (i,j) will be
0{No} which will be denoted by (0,0,0.25) and entry
(j,i) can be denoted by (0,0.25,0.5)
ix. If the entry (i,j) is X(VH): The entry (i,j) can be
denoted by (0.75,1.0,1.0) and entry (j,i) can be
denoted by (0.75,1.0,1.0)
x. If the entry (i,j) is X(H): The entry (i,j) can be denoted
by (0.5,0.75,1.0) and entry (j,i) can be denoted by
xi. If the entry (i,j) is X(L): The entry (i,j) can be denoted
by (0.25,0.5,0.75) and entry (j,i) can be denoted by
xii. If the entry (i,j) is X(VL): The entry (i,j) can be
denoted by (0,0.25,0.5) and entry (j,i) can be denoted
by (0,0.25,0.5)
xiii. If the entry (I,j) is X(VH,H): The entry (i,j) can be
denoted by (0.75,1,1) and entry (j,i) can be denoted
by (0.5,0.75,1). Similar other possible scenarios are–
X(VH,L), X(VH,VL), X(H,VH), X(H,L), X(H,VL),
X(L,VH), X(L,H),X(L,VL), X(VL,VH), X(VL,H),
xiv. If the entry (i,j) is 0(No): The entry (i,j) and entry
(j,i) is denoted by (0,0,0.25)
The final fuzzy reachability is denoted as ~
~z11 ~z12 ... ~z1n
~z21 ~z22 ... ~z2n
~zn1~zn2... ~znn
where ~
Zij ¼ðlij;mij ;uijÞ
Step 5: Calculation of Driving Power and Dependence
for MICMAC Analysis
Fuzzy reachability matrix is generated from aggregated
fuzzy SSIM matrix in step 4 above. The driving power and
dependence are calculated by summing rows and columns
of fuzzy reachability matrix using Eq. (1). To carry out
MICMAC analysis based on fuzzy reachability matrix,
Eq. (5) is applied for defuzzification.
Step 6: Reachability Matrix Level Partition
Here, reachability matrix is portioned using relation and
level partition. Before the start of level partitioning, the
transitivity of reachability matrix is also checked to iden-
tify the presence of any transitive links.
Step 7: Creating Fuzzy-TISM Digraphs and Defuzzified
TISM Digraphs
Following symbols are proposed in Fig. 3to establish the
fuzzy relationship among criteria.
The Fuzzy-TISM digraphs and defuzzified TISM are
represented by simple directed arrows in order to visualize
the level of influence. TISM digraph is constructed after
defuzzification of fuzzy reachability matrix obtained at step
4 above. For an instance, fuzzy reachability matrix can be
defuzzified by considering H and VH fuzzy linguistics
terms as 1 and rest VL, L, No as 0.
Illustrative Example
To demonstrate the application of Fuzzy-TISM approach,
an illustrative example related to vendor selection problem
is considered here. Finally, in the ‘‘Discussion and Inter-
pretation’ section, detailed discussion on the proposed
Fuzzy-TISM digraphs and defuzzified TISM digraph are
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Developing Inter-relationship of Vendor Selection
Problem Using Fuzzy-TISM
Step 1: Start of Decision Making Process
In this study, the responses of 5 experts are collected for
evaluation of interrelationship among criteria. These
experts are well experienced with the vendor selection
Step 2: Selection of Criteria
The following criteria have been selected that are critical
for selecting vendor or supplier:
1. Quality (C1): The quality of the material/goods
supplied by the vendor.
2. Delivery (C2): Time taken to deliver the materials to
the manufacturer.
3. Production facilities (C3): Production facilities
owned by the vendor.
4. Price(C4): the price charged by the vendor for the
supplied goods or materials.
5. Financial Position (C5): The financial status of the
vendor firm.
6. Technological flexibility (C6): the type of technology
utilized by the vendors to produce their materials or
goods and also having flexibility in upgrading it as
per need of advancement.
7. Top level commitment (C7): The commitment levels
at the top positions of the vendor firms.
8. Transport and communication (C8): Transportation
and communication facilities.
9. Service (C9): After sales services provided by the
10. Attitude and willingness (C10): Willingness to keep
long-term relation with the firm.
Step 3: Gathering Responses and Creating SSIM Matrix
In this study, responses of five experts are taken and are
aware about the underlying problem and have good amount
of work experience dealing such problem. After collecting
responses from all five experts on the degree of relationship
between the criteria, the initial SSIM matrices obtained
from five different experts are provided from the Tables 3,
4,5,6,7for each expert and are provided in the Appendix.
Step 4: Calculation of Aggregated SSIM and Fuzzy
Reachability Matrix
Table 2shows the aggregated values of SSIM matrix of
five experts shown from Tables 3,4,5,6,7(refer to
Appendix). The responses are aggregated using mode
(linguistic terms with highest frequency of occurrence).
Further, aggregated SSIM matrix is transformed into
final fuzzy reachability matrix. Table 8indicates fuzzy
reachability matrix ~
Zof five experts and is given in
Step 5: Calculation of Driving Power and Dependence
for MICMAC Analysis
The fuzzy values of driving power and dependence for
criteria are shown in the Table 9, which is given in
Appendix. Table 9, also presents the crisp values of driving
power and dependence. Further, the calculation of crisp
values of driving power and dependence for performing
MICMAC analysis is done using Eq. (5). Below the crisp
value of criteria Quality (C1) is shown using Eq. (5).
Similarly, the crisp value is calculated for all other criteria.
Based on the crisp values, the driving power and depen-
dence matrix (MICMAC analysis) is represented in
Table 10.
Table 2 Aggregated SSIM matrix
C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2
C1 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) A(VH) A(H) X(H) A(VH) O(No)
C2 A(VH) O(No) A(H) A(VH) A(H) A(H) X(H) O(No)
C3 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) A(VH) A(H) V(L)
C4 O(No) X(H) A(H) O(No) A(VH) A(H)
C5 O(No) O(No) V(H) A(VH) V(H)
C6 O(No) V(L) O(No) O(No)
C7 V(VH) V(H) O(No)
C8 A(L) V(L)
C9 A(H)
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Driving power fuzzy value of C1 =(1.5,1.75,4)
L¼minðlkÞ¼1:5, R ¼maxðukÞ¼7:75, D¼6:25,
l1¼1:5;m1¼1:75 and u1¼4. min lk
ðÞand maxðukÞare
calculated considering driving power fuzzy values of all
=0.0000, x
=0.0400, x
and xrs
Hence, the driving power crisp value of C1 =2.1147.
Dependence fuzzy value of C1 =(4,5.25,7)
L¼minðlkÞ¼1, R ¼maxðukÞ¼8:25, D¼7:25,
l1¼4;m1¼5:25 and u1¼7. min lk
ðÞand maxðukÞare
calculated considering dependence fuzzy values of all
=0.4138, x
=0.5862, x
and xrs
Hence, the dependence crisp value of C1 =5.3155.
Step 6: Reachability Matrix Partition Using Relation
and Level Partition
Here, the defuzzified reachability matrix is generated based
on the aggregated fuzzy reachability matrix shown in
Table 8of the Appendix. To generate the defuzzified
reachability matrix, the paper considers the fuzzy linguistic
term consisting of Very High Influence (VH) and High
Influence (H) as 1 and rests others 0. (It is to be noted that
at this step decision maker can choose only VH as 1 and
others 0). Table 11 of Appendix provides the defuzizfied
reachability matrix. Table 11 also contains the transitive
links after checking the transitivity among all criteria.
Based on Table 11, the defuzzified MICMAC analysis is
done and shown in Table 12 of the Appendix. Also, the
level partitioning is conducted based on Table 11 and level
partitions are shown from Tables 13,14,15,16 of the
Appendix. Table 13 shows the first iteration where in
Quality (C1), Delivery (C2), Price (C4) and Service (C9) are
found to be at level 1. For representation purpose, the listing
of criteria from C1 to C10 is shown as 1 to 10 from
Tables 13,14,15,16 (refer Appendix), which are the vari-
ous level partitioning matrices. Table 14 shows the second
iteration where in Production facility (C3) and Transport and
Communication (C8) are found at level 2. Similarly, in
Table 15, Technological flexibility (C6), and Attitude and
Willingness (C10) are found to be at level 4. Finally, in
Table 16, financial position (C5) and Top level commitment
(C7) are found to be at level 4 and level 5, respectively.
Step 7: Creating Fuzzy-TISM Digraphs and Defuzzified
TISM Digraph
Here, the fuzzy interrelationships among all criteria are
shown using proposed Fuzzy-TISM approach. Hence, all
Fuzzy-TISM digraphs are shown in Fig. 4. In Fuzzy-TISM
digraphs, the influence of one criterion over all other cri-
teria at all levels (i.e. VH, H, L, VL, No) are shown. Fig-
ure 4a–j together constitutes Fuzzy-TISM and it represents
individual fuzzy relationship of criteria 1–10 with other
criteria. Based on the defuzzified reachability matrix (refer
Table 11), the defuzzified TISM digraph is constructed and
shown in the Fig. 5. Figure 5represents digraph of TISM
considering only fuzzy linguistic terms VH and H as 1 and
rests other 0. Symbols as shown in the Fig. 3are used to
establish the fuzzy relationships between criteria.
Discussion and Interpretation
As it can be seen that Fig. 4a–j individually show the level
of influence of one criterion over others. At the end, Fig. 5
only represents interrelationship based on TISM among all
criteria having very high influence (VH) and high influence
(H). However, in order to establish interrelationship among
criteria in the presence of all levels of influence then
Figs. 4and 5can be considered simultaneously, which is
obtained using Fuzzy-TISM approach. For an instance,
considering level 5, If the decision maker would like to
know the strength of the relationship of criteria present at
level 5 i.e. C7 (Top level commitment) with respect to
other criteria then the decision maker would refer Fig. 5g.
Criteria C7 (Top level commitment) has very high influ-
ence over C2 (Delivery), C5 (Financial Position) and C10
(Attitude and willingness) and high influence over C1
(Quality), C3 (Production facilities) and C9 (Service).
Similarly, considering level 3, if the decision maker likes to
know the strength of the relationship of criteria present at
level 3, i.e. C6 and C10 with other criteria then he/she can
refer Fig. 4f, j, respectively. Criteria C10 (Attitude and
willingness) has very high influence over criterion C2
(Delivery), high influence over C9 (Service) and low
influence over C8 (Transport and telecommunication).
Another criterion C6 (Technological flexibility) at level 3
has very high influence C1 (Quality), C3 (Production
facilities) and C4 (Price), high influence over C2 (Delivery)
and low influence over C9 (Service). In a similar way,
other interpretations can also be done easily using digraphs
provided by the Fuzzy-TISM approach. From Fig. 5, it can
be seen that the criteria that influence vendor selection
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
(c) Criterion 3 has very high influence on criterion 1 and low influence criterion 4
(e) Criterion 5 has high influence on criterion 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8.
Criterion 6 has very high influence on criterion 1, 3 and 4, high influence on criterion 2 and low
influence on criterion 9
C2 C3 C4
Criterion 1 has high influence on criterion 4
C1 C4
Criterion 2 has high influence on criterion 4
C2 C4
Criterion 4 has high influence on criterion 1, 2 and 3.
Fig. 4 Fuzzy-TISM digraphs of
all criteria influencing others
containing all fuzzy linguistic
terms (i.e. VH,H, L,VL,No)
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
problem at very high influence (VH) and high influence
(H) are C7 (top level commitment), C5 (financial position),
C6 (technological flexibility), and C10 (attitude and
The paper proposes a Fuzzy-TISM, a fuzzy extension of
TISM, approach for group decision making problems. Due
to the presence of fuzziness through fuzzy approach the
decision makers have the flexibility in terms of assigning the
level of influence one criteria can have on other directly.
Earlier in the pure ISM or TISM approaches this was not
possible due to the presence of binary numbers for influence
(1) or not influences (0). The proposed Fuzzy-TISM
approach takes care of this issue and provide wider flexi-
bility while assessing interrelationship among various cri-
teria. In addition to this, the proposed approach is also user
friendly due to the simplified way of introducing the fuzzy
(g )Criterion 7 has very high influence on criterion 2, 5 and 10 and high influence on criterion 1, 3 and 9
C1 C10
(h) Criterion 8 has high influence on criterion 2 and 4 and low influence on criterion 9
(i) Criterion 9 has high influence on criterion 4.
(j) Criterion 10 has very high influence on criterion 2, high influence on criterion 9 and low influence on
criterion 8.
Fig. 4 continued
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
triangular values in TISM for better decision making under
fuzzy environment. In the proposed Fuzzy-TISM approach,
mode has been used as the method for aggregation of group
preferences under fuzzy environment, which makes it easily
implementable for any group decision making process of
real business application. Furthermore, this aggregation
method also helps in preserving the fuzzy linguistic values,
which can be subsequently used in establishing fuzzy rela-
tionship of each criterion.
The proposed method is a novel attempt in this direc-
tion. The incorporation of fuzzy in TISM allows the
respondent to judge degree of relationship between criteria.
Here, in this paper, the respondent can select influence
levels namely {Very high, High, Low, Very low, No} of
one criterion over others. The final Fuzzy-TISM model
consists of individual fuzzy relationships between each
criterion with other. Finally, fuzzy TISM model can fully
interpret the structural model, which can help managers in
considering the relationships of significant strength and
discounting of weak strength.
Acknowledgments The communicating author expresses his sin-
cere thanks to Prof. Sushil, Department of Management Studies, IIT
Delhi and anonymous referees for their constructive suggestions,
which has led to significant improvement in the quality of this
See Appendix Tables 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,
Producon facilies
C4 Price
Transport and communicaon
Atude and Willingness
Financial Posion
Top level commitment
Beer the quality, higher
the price and vice versa
Beer delivery ensures mely
services to firm and achieving
desired service leads to beer
Facilitates technology
updaon, transfer and
Ensures advanced
producon facilies
Provide fund for
advance logisc
Commitment from
top level ensures
fund availability
Ensures economical
Drives clear and
Logiscs opmizes
the producon
Beer services demands for high price
and price impacts the service quality
Time delivery influence
price and vice versa
Fig. 5 TISM digraph of vendor
selection considering fuzzy
linguistic term very high
influence (VH) and high
influence (H) as 1 and rest as 0
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Table 3 SSIM matrix of expert # 1
C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2
C1 O(No) O(No) O(No) O(No) A(VH) O(No) V(VH) O(No) O(No)
C2 O(No) O(No) A(H) A(VH) O(No) O(No) X(H,VH) O(No)
C3 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) A(VH) A(VH) O(No)
C4 O(No) A(H) A(L) O(No) A(VH) O(No)
C5 O(No) O(No) V(H) A(H) V(H)
C6 O(No) V(H) O(No) O(No)
C7 V(VH) V(H) O(No)
C8 A(H) V(L)
C9 A(H)
Table 4 SSIM matrix of expert # 2
C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2
C1 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) A(VH) A(H) A(H) A(L) O(No)
C2 A(VH) O(No) A(VH) O(No) O(No) A(H) X(H) O(No)
C3 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(L) A(H) A(L) V(H)
C4 O(No) X(H) O(No) O(No) A(VH) A(H)
C5 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(L) V(H)
C6 O(No) V(L) O(No) O(No)
C7 V(VH) V(H) O(No)
C8 A(L) O(No)
C9 A(H)
Table 5 SSIM matrix of expert # 3
C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2
C1 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) A(VH) A(L) X(H) O(No) O(No)
C2 A(H) O(No) A(VH) A(VH) A(H) A(H) V(L) O(No)
C3 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) O(No) A(H) O(No)
C4 O(No) O(No) A(H) O(No) A(H) A(H)
C5 O(No) O(No) V(L) A(VH) V(H)
C6 O(No) V(L) O(No) O(No)
C7 V(H) V(VH) O(No)
C8 A(L) V(VH)
C9 A(H)
Table 6 SSIM matrix of expert # 4
C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2
C1 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) A(H) A(H) V(H) A(VH) O(No)
C2 O(No) O(No) A(H) A(L) A(H) A(H) V(L) O(No)
C3 O(No) O(No) O(No) A(H) A(L) A(H) V(L)
C4 O(No) X(L) A(H) O(No) O(No) O(No)
C5 O(No) O(No) V(H) O(No) V(H)
C6 O(No) O(No) O(No) O(No)
C7 V(VH) V(L) O(No)
C8 O(No) O(No)
C9 A(H)
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Table 7 SSIM matrix of expert # 5
C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2
C1 O(No) O(No) O(No) O(No) A(VH) O(No) X(H) A(VH) O(No)
C2 A(VH) O(No) A(H) A(VH) A(H) O(No) X(H) O(No)
C3 O(No) O(No) O(No) O(No) A(VH) A(H) V(L)
C4 O(No) X(H) O(No) O(No) A(VH) A(H)
C5 O(No) O(No) V(VH) A(VH) O(No)
C6 O(No) O(No) O(No) O(No)
C7 V(L) V(H) O(No)
C8 O(No) V(L)
C9 O(No)
Table 8 Fuzzy reachability matrix based on Aggregated fuzzy SSIM matrix
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
C1 No No H No No No No No No
C2 No No H No No No No No No
C3 VH No L No No No No No No
C4 H H No No No No No H No
C5 H H H H H No H No No
C6 VH H VH VH No No No L No
C7 H VH H No VH No No H VH
C8 No H No H No No No L No
C9 No No No H No No No No No
C10 No VH No No No No No L H
Table 9 Final fuzzy reachability matrix ~
Zof 5 experts with fuzzy and crisp values of driving power and dependence of criteria
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 ** #
C1 (1,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (1.5,1.75,4) 2.1147
C2 (0,0,0.25) (1,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (1.5,1.75,4) 2.1147
C3 (0.75,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (1,1,1) (0.25,0.5,0.75) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (2,2.5,4.5) 2.8288
C4 (0.5,0.75,1) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (1,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (2.5,3.25,5.5) 3.5940
C5 (0.5,0.75,1) (0.5,0.75,1) (0.5,0.75,1) (0.5,0.75,1) (1,1,1) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (4,5.5,7.75) 5.5519
C6 (0.75,1,1) (0.5,0.75,1) (0.75,1,1) (0.75,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (1,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0.25,0.5,0.75) (0,0,0.25) (4,5.25,6.75) 5.2630
C7 (0.5,0.75,1) (0.75,1,1) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0.75,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (1,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0.75,1,1) (4.75,6.25,7.75) 6.1480
C8 (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (1,1,1) (0.25,0.5,0.75) (0,0,0.25) (2.25,3,5.25) 3.3492
C9 (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0.5,0.75,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (1,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (1.5,1.75,4) 2.1147
C10 (0,0,0.25) (0.75,1,1) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0,0,0.25) (0.25,0.5,0.75) (0.5,0.75,1) (1,1,1) (2.5,3.25,5.25) 3.5449
* (4,5.25,7) (4.5,6,7.75) (2.75,3.5,5.5) (4.5,6.25,8.25) (1.75,2,4) (1.5,1.75,4) (1,1,3.25) (1.75,2.25,4.5) (3,4.25,6.5) (1.75,2,4)
# 5.3155 5.9667 3.7883 6.1780 2.3437 2.1314 1.3288 2.6277 4.4617 2.3437
* Dependence; ** Driving power; # Crisp value
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Table 11 Defuzzified reachability matrix with fuzzy linguistic terms Very High Influence (VH) and High Influence (H) as 1 and rest as 0.
Shaded region indicates transitive links
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Table 10 Driving power and Dependence Matrix (MICMAC) based on fuzzy reachability matrix of Table 9
Table 12 Driving power- Dependence Matrix (MICMAC) based on defuzzified reachability matrix based on Table 11
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6 1,2,3,4,6,9 5,6 6
7 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 7 7
8 1,2,4,8,9 5,8 8
9 1,2,4,9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 1,2,4,9 1
10 1,2,4,9,10 7,10 10
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5 3,5,6,8 3,5,6,7 3,5,6
6 3,6 5,6,7 6
7 3,5,6,7,8,10 6,7 6,7
8 8 5,7,8 8 2
10 8,10 7,10 10
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6 6 5,6,7 6 3
7 5,6,7,10 6,7 6,7
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Key Questions
1. What is the flexibility in the Fuzzy-TISM approach?
2. How the Fuzzy-TISM approach has improved the group
decision making process?
3. How the Fuzzy-TISM approach can be compared with the
Fuzzy-ISM approach?
Gaurav Khatwani is Doctoral student at Indian
Institute of Management Rohtak, India. He holds a
B. Tech from Rajasthan Technical University. His
research interest lies in decision support systems,
digital marketing, group decision making and
optimization techniques. He has 30 months of
corporate experience in Information Technology
Surya Prakash Singh is an Associate Professor in
the DMS, IIT Delhi, India. He holds a PhD from
IIT Kanpur. He is also a Post-Doctoral Fellow
from NUS Singapore-MIT USA Alliance. His
research interest lies in facility layout problems,
heuristics, and meta-heuristics. His work has been
published in leading international journals such as
APMR. He regularly reviews articles for many leading journals. His
biography appeared in Marquis, USA Who’s Who in Science and
Engineering, December 2007, and Who’s Who in the World,
November 2010. Recently, he has been awarded Young Outstanding
Faculty Fellowship from IIT Delhi.
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Ashish Trivedi is research scholar at Indian
Institute of Management Rohtak, India. He holds
an MBA degree in international business from
University of Lucknow. His areas of research
include supply chain management and optimiza-
tion techniques. Prior to this he served as a faculty
at Institute of Cooperative and Corporate Man-
agement Research and Training (ICCMRT),
Ankur Chauhan is Doctoral student at Indian
Institute of Management Rohtak, India. He holds a
M. Tech from National Institute of Technology,
Jalandhar. His research interest lies in reverse
logistics and waste recycling.
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
... To achieve the aim of this research, Fuzzy Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (Fuzzy-TISM) is used to deduct a structured model to illustrate the relationship between the challenges, and Fuzzy MICMAC analysis is used to map and rank these challenges based on their driving and dependence power. The driving power in this research refers to a higher level of significance, independence, and influence of some of the challenges on others, thereby helping to successfully address other challenges and implement a CE in the fashion industry [50,51]. In contrast, dependence power in this research refers to the challenges that rely on others when being addressed to achieve a successful implementation and have minor or no influence on other challenges [50,51]. ...
... The driving power in this research refers to a higher level of significance, independence, and influence of some of the challenges on others, thereby helping to successfully address other challenges and implement a CE in the fashion industry [50,51]. In contrast, dependence power in this research refers to the challenges that rely on others when being addressed to achieve a successful implementation and have minor or no influence on other challenges [50,51]. ...
... This paper adapts the Fuzzy-TISM approach suggested by Khatwani (2015). However, the steps have been slightly modified. ...
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The fashion industry creates a large amount of pollution, making it one of the least environmentally friendly industries in the world with an ever-growing adoption of the linear fashion system “take-make-dispose” that continues to exploit scarce natural resources and energy. This advocate shifting to a circular economy to achieve sustainable production and consumption. However, numerous challenges are faced when introducing the principles of circular economy, obstructing the system transition. The ten challenges identified from the literature include poor material and energy efficiency, poor circular design, technological challenges, regulatory pressures, internal stakeholders’ pressures, financial pressures, insufficient human capital, poor management and leadership, lack of external collaborations, and consumer-related challenges. This research aims to identify the level of significance of the challenges identified from the literature to assist top management with formulating a strategy. Decisions will be made and prioritised based on the key challenges to ensure a successful and effective implementation of the circular economy in the fashion industry. To achieve the aim of this research, seven experts within both the circular economy and fashion context are interviewed. Fuzzy Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (Fuzzy-TISM) is used to arrange the challenges into a hierarchy-based model and to illustrate the interrelationship between these challenges. Also, Fuzzy MICMAC analysis is used to map and rank these challenges depending on their driving and dependence power. Based on the findings, regulatory pressures and poor management and leadership are the key challenges with the highest significance level. Therefore, successful and effective implementation of a circular economy requires a change in managerial strategies.
... In this paper, the relationship among the factors has been studied by using Fuzzy Total Interpretive Structural Model (Fuzzy TISM) technique. Fuzzy TISM is a fuzzy extension (Khatwani 2015) of TISM and TISM-P proposed by Sushil (Sushil 2005a(Sushil , b, 2012a(Sushil , b, 2017a(Sushil , b, 2018a(Sushil , 2018b while TISM is an updated version of ISM methodology (Warfield 1974). Fuzzy TISM is a unique method which can be applied to transform imprecise and feebly articulated rational models of different systems into simple and unambiguous models (Garg and Thakur 2021). ...
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India, despite of having the largest bamboo-bearing area of 14.9 million hectares, captures just 4.5% of the global bamboo market, when China with just 6.67 million hectares, holds about 50% share. While the World Bank and IMF are optimistic about India’s growth in bamboo export, Indian manufacturers are struggling to gain a market for their products. This paper is a novel attempt to study the factors affecting the productivity of the raw bamboo and engineered bamboo-based manufacturing units; and design a conceptual production system model of an engineered bamboo manufacturing unit by integrating the production systems of engineered bamboo in an Industry 4.0 environment. The paper applies Fuzzy TISM and Fuzzy MICMAC techniques to analyse the elements’ relationship and determine the driving and dependent factors. The model determines that connectivity and integration; and government regulations play a crucial role as the driving factor in the productivity and performance of the bamboo sector. It then applies a holistic approach to develop a bamboo cluster model by focusing on the key elements of the fourth industrial revolution, where different actors combine to invest in the common goal of branding bamboo as an environment-friendly and sustainable construction alternative. The model will be helpful for policymakers and production managers in focussing on key elements for strategy execution excellence and utilising digital, interconnected, and decentralised networks to increase productivity and create new opportunities for business operations.
... Among the experts, 8 were women and 4 were men with a Ph.D. in entrepreneurship. According to the study of Khatwani et al. (2015), fuzzy TISM includes nine steps as follows: ...
Purpose A better understanding of the characteristics and capabilities of women entrepreneurs can significantly improve their chances of success. Therefore, three studies were conducted for this exploratory paper. We have discovered the characteristics of entrepreneurial intelligence among female entrepreneurs through semi-structured interviews based on conventional content analysis. According to the second study, qualitative meta-synthesis was utilized to identify characteristics of women's entrepreneurial intelligence at the international level. As a third study, we examined the evolutionary relationships of entrepreneurs' intelligence components following the discovery and creation of opportunities. Design/methodology/approach The present paper was based on three studies. In the first study, 15 female entrepreneurs were interviewed using purposive sampling in the Guilan province of Iran to identify the characteristics of entrepreneurial intelligence at the national level. An inductive content analysis was performed on the data collected through interviews. Using Shannon entropy and qualitative validation, their validity was assessed. In the second study, using a qualitative meta-synthesis, the characteristics of women's entrepreneurial intelligence were identified. Then the results of these two studies were compared with each other. In the third study, according to the results obtained from the first and second studies, the emergence, priority and evolution of entrepreneurial intelligence components in two approaches to discovering and creating entrepreneurial opportunities were determined. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with 12 selected experts using the purposeful sampling method using the fuzzy total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) method. Findings In the first research, this article identified the components of entrepreneurial intelligence of women entrepreneurs in six categories: entrepreneurial insights, cognitive intelligence, social intelligence, intuitive intelligence, presumptuous intelligence and provocative intelligence. In the second study, the components of entrepreneurial intelligence were compared according to the study at the national level and international literature. Finally, in the third study, the evolution of the components of entrepreneurial intelligence was determined. In the first level, social intelligence, presumptuous intelligence and provocative intelligence are formed first and social intelligence and provocative intelligence have an interactive relationship. In the second level, entrepreneurial insight and cognitive intelligence appear, which, in addition to their interactive relationship, take precedence over the entrepreneur's intuitive intelligence in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities. With the evolution of the components of entrepreneurial intelligence in the opportunity creation approach, it is clear that intuitive intelligence is formed first at the first level and takes precedence. At the second level, there is cognitive intelligence is created. At the third level, motivational intelligence and finally, at the last level, entrepreneurial insight, social intelligence and bold intelligence. Originality/value This study has the potential to discover credible and robust approaches for further examining the contextualization of women's entrepreneurial intelligence at both national and international levels, thereby advancing new insights. By conceptualizing various components of entrepreneurial intelligence for the first time and exploring how contextual factors differ across nations and internationally for women's entrepreneurship, this paper challenges the assumption that the characteristics of women's entrepreneurial intelligence are uniform worldwide. It also depicts the evolution of the components of entrepreneurial intelligence.
... 4.3. Stage 3: Identify and analyze the relationships between the indicators and factors through FTISM According to Khatwani et al. (2015), FTISM is composed of seven steps. In step 1, the objective of the study was determined and experts were selected to participate in the research. ...
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Objective The imbalance between work and family life, otherwise called work-family conflict, represents one of the major challenges that individuals encounter in the twenty-first century. Given this issue, the present study seeks to identify the factors affecting work-family conflict and its indicators and to interpret the relationships between them. Method The study used qualitative and quantitative approaches and involved three stages. At stage 1, the meta-synthesis method was employed to screen 3204 publications, as a result of which 391 ones were selected. The contents of these publications were analyzed to identify work-family conflict indicators. At stage 2, all of the employees working for the branches of such banks as Melli, Mellat, Pasargad, Sepah, Shahr, Tejarat, and Iran Zamin, and Refah Kargaran in Lar city, Iran, were included as samples based on the census method. Next, the impacts of the factors identified on the employees’ work-family conflict were measured and examined. At stage 3, the opinions of 22 experts in the banking industry of Lar city were analyzed based on paired comparisons through the fuzzy total interpretive structural modeling (FISM) method. Findings : The study revealed that the effective factors fell under four dimensions, namely “occupational”, “familial”, “individual”, and “environmental.” Furthermore, the work-family conflict indicators were “doubt, hesitation, and caution”, “anxiety and distress”, “a sense of emptiness”, “physical health issues”, “occupational problems”, and “family problems.” There was a cause-effect relationship between the factors affecting work-family conflict and its indicators. The factors and indicators were divided into eight level partitions as described below: (a) the first level (receiving the highest impact): “quality of family life”, “psychological growth”, “adaptive behavior”, “a sense of emptiness”, and “family problems”; (b) the second level: “inability to self-organize” and “physical health issues”; (c) the third level: “locus of control” and “spiritual intelligence”; (d) the fourth level: “passion for work and the organization”, “time pressure imposed by family”, “pressure of family expectations”, “doubt, hesitation, and caution”, “anxiety and distress”, and “occupational problems”; (e) the fifth level: “occupational welfare and support schemes”, “a supportive leadership style”, “caregiving and nursing courses”, and “cultural conditions; (f) the sixth level: “time pressure at work” and “occupational risks and conflicts”; (g) the seventh level: “background characteristics”, “the importance of occupational roles”, “dynamic inter-role demands”, “social conditions”, and “economic insecurity”; and (h) the eighth level (most effective level): “the pressure of job demands” and “a human-centered organizational architecture”
... Based on experts' opinions, the decision of the most influential barrier is found. So, the problem falls under MCDM [61]. Finally, a Structural Self Interactive Matrix (SSIM) was built by implying fuzzy in accordance with professional advice. ...
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With the aftermath of the pervasive COVID-19, the recent war between Ukraine and Russia, and the severity of the resource crisis, the global textiles industry has become a significant concern, especially for emerging economies. Technological advancements combining traditional manufacturing processes with cutting-edge technologies may safeguard the textile industry’s supply chain. To establish stability in the value chain of the textiles sector in emerging nations, it is crucial to precisely identify the relevant barriers to combining advanced technologies with traditional textile practices. Consequently, this study aims to determine the significant barriers to merging technological advancements with conventional textile practices and assess their relationships using an integrated framework. To highlight, measure, and analyze the hierarchical interconnections of the barriers to integrating technical innovations in the textile industry in the context of an emerging economy, this study combines fuzzy theory, Pareto analysis, and total interpretive structural modeling (TISM). Following that, the Matriced’ Impacts Cruoses Multiplication Applique a Un Classement (MICMAC) analysis, clusters of barriers, depending on their levels of driving and dependence power, were developed. Based on the literature review and feedback from experts, a total of 19 barriers were discovered, and Pareto analysis was applied to analyze the major and trivial barriers. Based on that analysis, a myriad of evaluations is done for the top barriers (13- to be precise), and their interrelationships have been investigated using fuzzy TISM-fuzzy MICMAC. Lack of government support policies and insufficient incentives, heavy taxation & inadequate capital investment have been identified as the most crucial barriers. The hierarchical model and study’s findings will assist leaders in the textile industry in applying key concepts in strategic planning and decision-making to successfully combine cutting-edge tools and technologies with traditional textile industry practices and ensure a sustainable global textile supply chain.
... The study was comprised of data from the enterprise as well as from subscribers. The fuzzy-TISM methodology was proposed by Khatwani et al., (2015) for the group decision-making process. This new proposed methodology is an improvement on the TISM that incorporates fuzzy logic. ...
The "Internet of Things (IoT)" technology product markets are highly dynamic. To be competitive in the market, IoT project execution requires a fast time to market. Agility is critical in reducing technological IoT products' design and development cycle time and meeting dynamic customer demands. One of the key factors to overall organizational agility is engineering agility. So far, none has been done to implement the concept of agility in engineering processes of technology IoT projects. The study identified ten engineering agility factors after conducting a thorough literature analysis and consulting with experts. The study employed the "Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM) approach to develop a hierarchical structural model and analyze the indicated factors' interaction. Further, "MICMAC (Matriced Impact Croises Multiplication Applique) analysis" was used to establish each factor's driving and dependent power. The study identified that innovation strategy, agile product design strategy, agile architecture, and design methodology are the key factors for engineering agility. Agile and automated design method-ologies designed to suit each product's requirements reduce human errors and increase execution speed. This study will help organizations in the IoT technology product sector and researchers in the agility and IoT fields determine the most essential and least significant factors of engineering agility and their relationships, resulting in a greater understanding of engineering agility for improved organizational performance. An innovative and unique contribution to the literature on engineering agility is using the TISM technique to identify the key factors that can enhance engineering agility in Technology IoT Organizations.
... Hillary (2000) It should be made mandatory to implement lean and green practices in manufacturing sector Ng et al. (2015), Thanki and Thakkar (2016) Manufacturing companies need to be sensitised more towards the lean and green practices Khatwani et al. (2015) Academic institutions help the companies in following the lean and green practices. ...
In existing dynamic market place, supply chain disruptions have become a common phenomenon. Emergence of new technologies coupled with variable customer demand and uncertain pandemic has fueled the disruptions across the supply chain ecosystem. To cater the unanticipated disruptions, supply chains of every business has to be circular and sustainable and construction industry is no exception to this. The present study concentrates on identifying the major performance indicators of resilient Construction Supply Chain (CSC) and prioritize the most significant ones. Fuzzy–Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method was used to reveal the influential relationship of performance indicators on the resilience level in CSCs. Further, a strategy map is prepared to highlight the organizational strategy and cause‐effect approach. The findings from study revealed that maintaining appropriate security level, strong collaboration among supply chain partners, efficient supply chain designs, ability to detect discrepancies, bottlenecks, and vulnerabilities, and conservation of resources to facilitate sustainable operations are the top seven performance indicators that are evident in the causal group for sustainable CSC. In the effect group, prominent performance indicators are flexibility, financial strength, and efficient allocation of resources. The study adds on to the existing literature by identifying and analyzing significant performance indicators for establishing resilient, sustainable and circular practices in the construction industry.
Purpose ISM technique is one of the tools of interest in soft operations research. The soft nature of this technique has made inevitable use of indeterminacy theories. The present research attempts to develop ISM technique and MICMAC analysis in a neutrosophic space due to the complexity and uncertainty of the decision-making environment. Design/methodology/approach In this study, single-valued triangular neutrosophic numbers is used to develop Neutrosophic ISM (NISM) and Neutrosophic MICMAC (NMICMAC). First, the general algorithm of NISM and NMICMAC is provided. In the following, the complete description of NISM steps including level value determination, Factor Leveling Algorithm and NISM digraph algorithm are presented. Finally, a description of the NMICMAC steps is described. Findings An illustrative example – supplier selection problem – is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and in the discussion section; the comparison and analysis of different aspects of the NISM with the previous methods are discussed. Originality/value In this study, NISM and NMICMAC are presented for the first time, so that each pairwise comparison judgment is provided as single valued triangular neutrosophic numbers. The development of the model is continued until the final stages of calculations with neutrosophic numbers, and only in the final stage the results are crispy presented. In addition, not only the factors of process are leveled, but at each level the factors are lined up and their importance is determined.
The purpose of this research was to identify trending topics, emerging themes, and future research areas in flexible manufacturing in the digital era. It includes a synthesis of 51 published articles; 38,671 tweets; and expert opinions from various social media platforms, including blogs and forums on flexible manufacturing. Using latent Dirichlet allocation, the study highlights six flexible manufacturing in the digital era themes: (1) smart factories, digital twins, and flexible manufacturing; (2) flexible manufacturing and sustainability; (3) supply chain flexibility and resilience; (4) the dark side of flexible manufacturing; (5) flexible and lean manufacturing; and (6) infrastructure challenges and the realm of flexible manufacturing. Rather than focusing exclusively on aggregate impacts, this study combines the outcome of multiple databases and presents a comprehensive framework that covers the drivers, processes, and impacts of each theme, suggesting avenues for future research. The findings will help managers be better equipped to identify possible issues and areas for improvement by giving them a thorough understanding of the drivers, processes and outcomes indicated in the framework. The insights gained from this study are valuable to researchers and policymakers, as they enable them to leverage the latest developments in flexible manufacturing in the digital era and effectively address current and future challenges.
1 Introduction.- The Logic of Decisions, Behavioral Decision Theory, and Decision Technology.- Optimization, Outranking, Evaluation.- Basics of Fuzzy Set Theory.- 2 Individual Decision Making in Fuzzy Environments.- Symmetrical Models.- Nonsymmetrical Models.- Fuzzy Utilities.- 3 Multi-Person Decision Making in Fuzzy Environments.- Basic Models.- Fuzzy Games.- Fuzzy Team Theory.- Fuzzy Group Decision Making.- 4 Fuzzy Mathematical Programming.- Fuzzy Linear and Nonlinear Programming.- Fuzzy Multi-Stage Programming.- 5 Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Ill-Structured Situations.- Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Programming.- Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM).- Fuzzy Outranking.- 6 Operators and Membership Functions in Decision Models.- Axiomatic, Pragmatic, and Empirical Justification.- The Measurement of Membership Functions.- Selecting Appropriate Operators in Decision Models.- 7 Decision Support Systems.- Knowledge-Based vs. Data-Based Systems.- Linguistic Variables, Fuzzy Logic, Approximate Reasoning.- An Interactive Decision Support System for Fuzzy and Semi-fuzzy Multi-Objective Problems.- Expert Systems and Fuzzy Sets.
The logical properties of contextual relations and mathematical relations can be sources of confusion and error for the user of interpretive structural modeling. These properties are examined, and it is demonstrated that a paradox can easily arise, whereby the logical properties of a contextual relation seem to be different than those possessed by its counterpart mathematical form. Ways to resolve such paradoxes are presented. A suggestion is made that contextual relations be thought of as potentially having two sets of logical properties, a priori and empirical.
There are some classical decision rules such as dominance, maximin and maximum which are still fit for the MADM environment. They do not require the DM’s preference information, and accordingly yield the objective (vs. subjective) solution. However, the right selection of these methods for the right situation is important. (See Table 1.3 for references).
Education is on concurrent list in India and so, is not for profit. Private participation in higher and technical education has been in existence ever since the modern education system developed in India. In past it was more for philanthropy and fulfillment of inner needs of kings, industrial houses who donated the land for promotion of education and helped in setting up of BHU, AMU, TISS, TIFR, ISS etc. As the aspiration of society for professional education increased while the public sector had limited access, sensing the business opportunity large number of entrepreneurs and business houses had worked meticulously to exploit the situation, while some offered access, some quality education and most offer run of the mill education to milk the cash cow. We have witnessed lot of changes in higher education sector in the last two decades, the public as well as private institutions are undergoing change but they also have to maintain continuity for growth, innovation, technology etc. The present paper had applied Interpretive Structuring Model to study the continuity and change forces in Education Sector the model has lot of policy implication for planner and implementers in Education Sector.
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for “Adapt” in the context of strategy execution. Design/methodology/approach – Both exploratory and confirmatory modes of research using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Interpretive Structure Modeling, Total Interpretive Structural Modeling and t-test methods have been conducted. Findings – The conceptualization of learning and learning organization can only be possible when organization develops adaptive culture. When an organization becomes learning organization, it starts becoming vital by adopting flexibility wherever and whenever it is required. This vitalization process helps organization use successfully the frameworks of strategy execution. Research limitations/implications – In many cases the Balance Score Card could not succeed. Our study suggests that the adaptive culture gives impetus for learning and growth suggested in balanced scorecard (BSC) and adapt suggested in Management System. This study is more an exploratory effort with limited sample size. The findings can be consolidated and enriched with significantly large sample from varied contexts. Practical implications – There is clear relative importance and sequence of corrective actions required to improve the hit rate of strategy execution. Organization can use the proposed framework to handle the issues of adapt in strategy execution. Originality/value – Many scholars have pointed out that there is lack of strategy execution framework, and more specifically, in the case of adapt. The study contributes by providing a conceptual framework to address different aspects of adapt and change management for effective strategy execution. Additionally, this study adds methodological value to traditional model building.