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Blockchain and IoT based inventory monitoring system

Blockchain and IoT based inventory monitoring
Anmol Kaushik
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India
Anju S. Pillai
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India
Abstract Blockchain Technology has certain inherent
characteristics that can prove particularly useful to the field of
IoT. It has the potential to add a layer of trust and transparency
to the data reported by IoT based applications due to its
decentralized and immutable nature. An application that utilizes
these aspects of Blockchain has been explored in this paper. A
smart inventory monitoring system that focuses on shipped goods
was developed. The proposed system monitors the temperature
and humidity of the goods’ container. It also keeps track of
whether the lid of the container was opened at a certain point or
not and the duration for which it was left opened. These details
are periodically uploaded to Ethereum Blockchain’s Rinkeby
Test Network along with a timestamp and location history. These
details can then be retrieved from the Ethereum Blockchain and
monitored for signs of tampering or undesirable conditions. The
system was implemented on a Raspberry Pi 4. Details such as
transaction construction and upload times have also been
reported in the paper. The proposed system was able to provide
an immutable and decentralized historical log of the shipped
inventory as it passed through different stages of the delivery
Keywords Blockchain, IoT, Raspberry Pi, Ethereum, Supply
Chain, DApp, Smart Contracts
Blockchain Technology has the potential of adding an
extra layer of ‘trust’ to the data reported by an Internet of
Things (IoT) based system [1]. It’s decentralized and
distributed nature can also provide a method of resistance to
cyber-attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attacks. Simply put, a blockchain is a distributed, immutable,
and decentralized ledger/database [2]. In a blockchain, valid
and verified transactions are grouped together in blocks [3].
Multiple such blocks are linked together in such a way that
each block (except the genesis block) contains a reference (for
example a hash) to the previous block. Thus, any
tampering/change in the previous block will lead to the
invalidation of the whole chain of blocks [4]. This ‘tamper-
resistant’ nature of blockchain technology is being utilized by
IoT based applications to add a layer of transparency in their
data transactions.
Centralized architectures (such as cloud computing) that
have contributed significantly to the rise of IoT face an issue
with a lack of confidence in how a network’s data is handled
and sourced [5]. Blockchain can enhance the trust factor of an
IoT application by improving traceability and reliability of the
reported data [5]. Using blockchain, it can be clearly identified
from where a segment of data (such as sensor readings)
originated, and an immutable log of this data is maintained
over time. If this log is tampered with, the entire chain of
blocks will be invalidated, and the data manipulation attempt
will be detected. The distributed nature of blockchain
networks also makes sure that multiple copies of the ledger are
maintained at various nodes. These copies can then be
consulted to further help with detecting any tampering
Smart contracts can further enhance nodes in an IoT
system [6]. Smart contracts allow execution of code (or
agreements) stored on a blockchain only upon the meeting of
specific requirements. This allows nodes to behave more
autonomously and in a more secure manner [7]. This also
helps with improving the scalability of an IoT network. The
transactions also become faster when a central authority does
not have to authenticate them repeatedly.
One application of blockchain in the sphere of IoT is in the
logistics industry [8]. In this industry, blockchain can be
leveraged to achieve the above-mentioned benefits.
Blockchain can be used to track shipments throughout its life
cycle [8]. Any irregularities can be monitored and
permanently logged using a blockchain network.
In this paper, the proposed system showcases a proof of
concept that utilizes the Ethereum network to track a goods’
container for signs of tampering or non-maintenance of ideal
environmental conditions. The IoT based system periodically
monitors the temperature and humidity of a shipping container
using a DHT22 sensor. These details are then uploaded to
Ethereum’s Rinkeby test network along with timestamps and
location history. Another aspect of the system is the
monitoring of tampering attempts. An Infrared (IR) sensor is
used to monitor the opening/closing of the lid of the shipping
container. During the shipping process, when the lid of the
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-2867-5
978-1-6654-2867-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 827
2021 Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) | 978-1-6654-2867-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICESC51422.2021.9532876
Authorized licensed use limited to: AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM AMRITA SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Downloaded on March 08,2022 at 04:44:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
container is opened, this event is logged and the duration for
which the lid was opened is also tracked. Details such as the
number of times the lid was opened as well as the duration for
which it was left opened are also uploaded to the Ethereum
blockchain. The system was implemented on a Raspberry Pi
(RPi) 4 single board computer (SBC).
Rest of the paper is organized as follows, Section II
provides a literature survey focusing on similar
implementations of Blockchain and IoT integration. Section
III provides details of the system implementation and utilized
technologies. Section IV provides a discussion on the achieved
results and outputs. Finally, Section V provides a conclusion
to the paper.
A review of blockchain-based systems has been provided
by the authors in [9]. The authors surveyed multiple
applications of blockchain in the transport industry. They
identified that blockchain has the potential to increase trust
among suppliers by allowing for the monitoring of malicious
attacks and product storage quality throughout the shipment’s
journey [9]. They also correctly identified that a lot of research
has gone into proposed ideas of systems leveraging blockchain
while instances of real-life implementations are comparatively
lacking. This brief literature survey focusses on examples of
actual implementation of blockchain based IoT systems.
The authors in [8] presented a decentralized application
(Dapp) that allows for tracking dispatched products until they
reach a delivery location. The shipped item could be tracked
throughout its life cycle, even when it is disposed till it either
decomposes or is recycled [8]. The authors designed a smart
contract and uploaded it to the Ethereum Ropsten test
network, followed by uploading it to the Ethereum main net.
The amount of gas (unit of transaction cost in Ethereum)
required for transactions was also reported.
In [10], the authors presented a blockchain based platform
to manage IoT devices. The authors showcased a proof of
concept where an IoT network comprised of a few Raspberry
Pis and a smartphone was managed using a blockchain
platform (Ethereum in this case). Here, each of the three
Raspberry Pis were meant to represent energy meters (e.g., a
light bulb) and the smart phone was used to set up an energy
policy (which was updated based on the electrical power
usage). The energy policy once defined on the smart phone
was uploaded to the Ethereum network. The meter devices
periodically polled the blockchain network for updated policy
values and adjusted their functioning accordingly. The meter
devices also periodically uploaded their power draw to
Ethereum. Ethereum was used to implement a tamper-resistant
management system.
Another SBC based implementation of BlockIoT
(blockchain + IoT) systems was exhibited in [11]. In this
paper, authors present a Dapp where blockchain is taken
advantage of while performing authentication in parking lots.
In their proposed system, an admin registers the approved
license numbers of cars and stores them on a blockchain.
When a vehicle is about to enter the parking lot, a license plate
recognition system recognizes the vehicle’s license number,
and this ID is verified against the record of approved licenses
that have been stored on the Ethereum blockchain. If the
license is in the approved list, the vehicle is allowed entry into
the parking lot. This work utilizes blockchain technology to
prepare a tamper-resistant ledger of approved vehicles.
Additionally, a detailed analysis of blockchain and its role
in IoT has been provided in [6]. The authors also give a
detailed explanation of the workings of a blockchain network
including transaction validation, mining and consensus
The study provided valuable insights which guided the
implementation of the application that has been presented in
this paper.
This section presents details of the implementation of the
system. It provides details of the technologies involved and an
analysis of the implementation methodology.
A. Smart Contract and Blockchain-side Backend
Our implementation started with the design and
compilation of the smart contract. Smart contracts are pieces
of code stored on a blockchain that execute when specific
predefined conditions are fulfilled [12][13]. They provide a
means to automate workflows on the blockchain without the
need for a central authority. Solidity [14] is the most widely
used programming language for developing smart contracts.
Here, a smart contract was developed in Solidity to receive
data from the Raspberry Pi and log it on the blockchain. Also,
functions to return data from the blockchain were developed.
Fig.1 provides a brief look into the parameters stored on the
Ethereum blockchain. It also shows the constructor function to
our smart contract type.
Multiple functions to set/return the variables mentioned
above were developed. These functions can be used to
manipulate these variables and even specify conditions(if/else)
based on their values. The complexity of the functions
depends on the application. These functions can then be
invoked to manipulate the variables defined by this smart
Next step was the compilation of this solidity smart
contract. For this, the Node.js package (NPM) for a compiler
called solc was used. The compiler generates various outputs
that include binaries, bytecode, parse tree and estimations of
gas usage [15]. One of the crucial elements of the solcs
output is the Application Binary Interface (ABI). The ABI of a
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-2867-5
978-1-6654-2867-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 828
Authorized licensed use limited to: AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM AMRITA SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Downloaded on March 08,2022 at 04:44:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 1 Smart Contract parameters and constructor
smart contract is usually a .json file that represents a deployed
smart contract’s variables and functions and provides a
context for the contract [16]. The ABI in Ethereum provides a
way to interact with the contract both from outside the
Ethereum blockchain network as well as for contract-to-
contract interactions [17].
Followed by the compilation, an instance of the contract
was deployed to Ethereum Rinkeby Test network. An account
generated and loaded with ether (cryptocurrency based on the
Ethereum platform) for the Rinkeby Test network was utilized
to deploy the contract and fulfil the associated gas costs. Gas
is a unit of cost associated with transactions on the Ethereum
A Javascript based script was developed to deploy the
bytecode generated by the compiler onto the Rinkeby test
network. The script made use of the Web3.js [18] collection of
libraries that allow interfacing with an Ethereum node. Access
to an Ethereum Rinkeby node was provided by a service
called Infura [19].
Upon deployment, the smart contract is linked to an address
which can be used to interact with a specific smart contract on
the Ethereum blockchain
B. Interfacing sensors to the Raspberry Pi
A DHT22 sensor was interfaced to the Raspberry Pi.
Python based functions were used to decode the temperature
and humidity values from the data packet received from the
sensor. Similar python functions were developed to
communicate with the IR sensor. The high/low values
received from this sensor were used to simulate the opening
and closing of the lid of a shipping container. Python’s
multithreading module was used to execute the following two
tasks concurrently: monitoring and uploading data periodically
to Ethereum (Task1) and logging the opening and closing of
the lid and its duration and count (Task2).
C. Blockchain Integration
A Python library know as was used to interact
with the deployed smart contract. The code was
integrated with the sensor-interface code which was developed
earlier. In order to communicate with the previously deployed
smart contract, its address and ABI are required. Once these
parameters were obtained upon compilation and deployment,
integration code that can invoke functions previously defined
in the smart contract was developed.
Task2 supplied the details of the opening and closing of
the lid. These details include: the number of times lid of the
container was opened and the total duration for which it was
left opened. Task1 was responsible for accumulating the
readings from Task2 and the DHT22 sensor readings. Once
these details are obtained, a transaction to the Rinkeby
network is constructed. A timestamp and a simulated location
history (here dummy data was used, can be improved with a
GSM sensor) are further added to the transaction. The
transaction invokes the set_parameters function previously
defined in the deployed smart contract. Once the transaction is
made and validated by the actors on the network, these details
are stored on the blockchain. provides functions to
perform these steps in the correct format. Raspberry Pi’s Wi-
Fi connectivity was used to communicate with Rinkeby
network through the previously mentioned Infura node.
To read details from the smart contract, the multiple data-
return functions previously defined in the smart contract were
invoked and the received data was displayed and logged to a
.csv file. Thus, an interface to the smart contract deployed on
the Rinkeby test network was created on the Raspberry Pi.
D. Summary of Methodology
A summary of the involved steps has been provided in the Fig.
Fig.2 Methodology Flow
Smart Contract
Design and
Deployment of
the Smart
sensors with the
Raspberry Pi
Integration of
code on the RPi
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-2867-5
978-1-6654-2867-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 829
Authorized licensed use limited to: AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM AMRITA SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Downloaded on March 08,2022 at 04:44:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 3 System Implementation on a RPi4
This section presents the results obtained from the
implementation. Fig.3 provides an image of the system
implementation on the Raspberry Pi 4. Here, the object
obstructing the IR sensor (left) acts as the lid. When the object
is removed from the range of the IR sensor, it simulates the
opening of a goods’ container’s lid.
Fig.4 shows the sensor values from the DHT22 and IR
sensors and the data upload step. Once all the details including
a timestamp and location-history have been obtained, a
transaction is constructed and signed with the private key of
the uploading account. Once constructed, the transaction is
added to the pending transactions on the Rinkeby network.
Once the transaction is validated, the data is stored on the
blockchain. Table 1 provides the average time taken for the
above-mentioned activities.
Activity Average
Time taken
Transaction build and signing 0.72
Transaction upload and validation 7.58
Fig. 4 Output when the lid has not been opened
Fig. 5 Output when the lid is opened and closed
It is important to note that the transaction time on an
Ethereum based network depends on the amount of gas paid as
well as network congestion [20]. Fig.5 showcases the output
of the system if the lid is opened and left open for a few
seconds. Here, the lid was opened once and closed again after
2.64 seconds. The number of times the lid was opened is
logged as well as the duration.
Another python program can be developed to read the
current values that have been stored by the smart contract on
the blockchain. This can be done by invoking the smart
contract functions and creating a read transaction. Fig.6
displays the data retrieved from the smart contract deployed on
the Rinkeby Testnet. Here, the scenario is as follows: the
container has travelled a fair bit of distance and the lid has been
opened 6 times. The following output is the latest data that was
stored onto the Rinkeby blockchain. Thus, a historical log of
the shipment is created. These details can be retreived
continuously and exported to a spreadsheet (here .csv) file to
get an idea of the change in these parameters over time. This
has been depicted in Fig. 7.
This log is immutable therefore, all the data mentioned
shown above can’t be modified by the shipping company or
malicious actors. The tamper attempts and duration are forever
logged on the Rinkeby blockchain network. Additionally,
change in the environmental parameters (temperature and
humidity) can be observed throughout the shipment’s
duration. The distributed nature of blockchain also ensures
that multiple copies of this log are maintained over numerous
Rinkeby nodes. This ensures increased transparency in the
shipping process for customers.
Fig. 6 Latest smart contract data stored on the Rinkeby network
Fig. 7 Data received from Rinkeby exported to a csv file
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-2867-5
978-1-6654-2867-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 830
Authorized licensed use limited to: AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM AMRITA SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Downloaded on March 08,2022 at 04:44:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
In this paper, a system that utilizes the Ethereum
Blockchain platform to increase transparency and trust in the
goods’ shipment process was presented. A few limitations of
the proposed system can be adressed in future iterations of this
work. A limitation of the work is that it doesnt encrypt the
data before logging it onto the Ethereum blockchain.
Lightweight cryptography can be used to first encrypt the data
before upload. Additionally, the time taken for transaction
upload and validation can be deemed too high for certain
applications. This can be remedied by evaluating other
blockchain platforms [21][22] based on the target application.
Blockchain technology though inherently tamper-resistant can
still face some security issues such as the 51% vulnerability
[23] . These issues have been detailed in [23] along with some
possible remedies. In conclusion, the shipment of sensitive
goods (such as Covid vaccines) can leverage blockchain
technology to monitor the entire shipping process with
certainty. Additionally, most IoT edge devices are resource
constrained especially in terms of computational capability.
For these devices, a blockchain platform can potentially
provide a pre-built immutable, decentralized and distributed
ledger system without taking away resources from the edge
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-2867-5
978-1-6654-2867-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 831
Authorized licensed use limited to: AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM AMRITA SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Downloaded on March 08,2022 at 04:44:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
... It is then added to the blockchain network so everyone in that network can access it based on granted permission. Anmol Kaushik and Anju S. Pillai have proposed an inventory monitoring system based on IoT and blockchain technology [13]. This study highlights an application that makes use of the decentralized properties of Blockchain technology. ...
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... One of the most essential aspects of IoT logistics applications is that they cover a wide range of automation application areas across the standard SC, from warehouse to fleet management and cargo monitoring, and are therefore a driving force toward digital transformation for the sector as a whole [90]. Several articles in this cluster have shown how IoT may be used to monitor inventory [91], condition monitoring for predictive maintenance (transport or machinery) [92], IoT to business system integration [84], [86], anticounterfeiting [82], and so on. This cluster has expanded scholarly debate on how to tackle security and trust challenges in an SC employing IoT [20], [23], [31], [87], [93]. ...
Over the last 5 years, research into the use of blockchain technology in supply chains (SCs) has increased significantly. This is because many firms are faced with the necessity of enhancing SC visibility not just to fulfill statutory obligations, but also to streamline operations, assure the quality of deliverables, and ensure the sustainability of activities. This review article provides a summary of all scientific work published since 2016, with a special emphasis on the business management & accounting and decision science domains, in order to better comprehend the constantly rising knowledge clusters linked with this topic. The prominent contributors and knowledge clusters were identified using suitable bibliometric algorithms on a review corpus of 308 articles extracted from the SCOPUS database. There are five identified knowledge clusters: 1) blockchain for food SC transparency, 2) distributed ledger for sustainable SCs, 3) traceability systems using smart contracts, 4) internet of things for logistics, and 5) the emergence of Ethereum and hyperledger in SCs. This scholarly assessment, in conjunction with PageRank analysis and content mining, assisted in identifying research articles that are prominent in each cluster, which in turn helped in formulating future research avenues for aspiring researchers.
The impact of the internet of things (IoT) on inventory management is explored in this chapter. The chapter discusses comprehensively IoT system components, communication protocols, their architectures, and applications in various sectors. This chapter also investigates how IoT enabled inventory can provide real-time inventory management through timely monitoring, tracking, and optimization of inventories by employing RFID tags and readers. The RFID tags include encoded data in the form of unique IDs, which facilitates effective tracking and monitoring of goods and services pertaining to an organization. RFID readers can detect tags and transmit data encoded in it to the cloud for processing, thereby resulting in well informed data-driven decisions with improved operational efficiency. Furthermore, the chapter explores inventory management processes in the context of IoT-enabled inventories. The chapter also presents a comprehensive comparison of IoT enabled inventories with the traditional inventory management systems.
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This paper presents a literature review about the application of blockchain-based systems in transportation. The main aim was to identify, through the implementation of a multi-step methodology: current research-trends, main gaps in the literature, and possible future challenges. First, a bibliometric analysis was carried out to obtain a broad overview of the topic of interest. Subsequently, the most influential contributions were analysed in depth, with reference to the following two areas: supply chain and logistics; road traffic management and smart cities. The most important result is that the blockchain technology is still in an early stage, but appears extremely promising, given its possible applications within multiple fields, such as food track and trace, regulatory compliance, smart vehicles’ security, and supply-demand matching. Much effort is still necessary for reaching the maturation stage because several models have been theorized in recent years, but very few have been implemented within real contexts. Moreover, the link blockchain-sustainability was explored, showing that this technology could be the trigger for limiting food waste, reducing exhaust gas emissions, favouring correct urban development, and, in general, improving quality of life.
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A prototypical smart contract (wrapped as a decentralized application) is presented for investigating the potential benefits for applying Blockchain for Logistics. The decentralized application proposed exposes the various design challenges that programmers are likely to face when realizing the implementation of the application. The proposed methodolog y utilises the implementation of a dedicated smart contract that was developed based on a special-purpose structure for satisfying the requirements of the use-case. The evaluation was based on the execution of each of the functions measuring the gas costs and execution time. The prototype design was deployed and evaluated on a real-world Blockchain framework and can be considered as a first solution to how the Blockchain technolog y can be utilized within Logistics to overcome any barriers that may exist between professionals. In this paper we present a real implementation of a smart contract for the Logistics industry. The proposed dApp provides a live example of how Blockchain can be utilized within Logistics as it enables users to send and track products.
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In the Internet of Things (IoT) vision, conventional devices become smart and autonomous. This vision is turning into a reality thanks to advances in technology, but there are still challenges to address, particularly in the security domain e.g., data reliability. Taking into account the predicted evolution of the IoT in the coming years, it is necessary to provide confidence in this huge incoming information source. Blockchain has emerged as a key technology that will transform the way in which we share information. Building trust in distributed environments without the need for authorities is a technological advance that has the potential to change many industries, the IoT among them. Disruptive technologies such as big data and cloud computing have been leveraged by IoT to overcome its limitations since its conception, and we think blockchain will be one of the next ones. This paper focuses on this relationship, investigates challenges in blockchain IoT applications, and surveys the most relevant work in order to analyze how blockchain could potentially improve the IoT.
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Since its inception, the blockchain technology has shown promising application prospects. From the initial cryptocurrency to the current smart contract, blockchain has been applied to many fields. Although there are some studies on the security and privacy issues of blockchain, there lacks a systematic examination on the security of blockchain systems. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study on the security threats to blockchain and survey the corresponding real attacks by examining popular blockchain systems. We also review the security enhancement solutions for blockchain, which could be used in the development of various blockchain systems, and suggest some future directions to stir research efforts into this area.
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A blockchain is a distributed and decentralized ledger that contains connected blocks of transactions. Unlike other ledger approaches, blockchain guarantees tamper proof storage of approved transactions. Due to its distributed and decentralized organization, blockchain is beeing used within IoT e.g. to manage device configuration, store sensor data and enable micro-payments. This paper presents the idea of using blockchain as a service for IoT and evaluates the performance of a cloud and edge hosted blockchain implementation.
Smart contracts are programs that help in automating agreement between multiple parties involving no external trusted authority. Since smart contracts deal with millions of dollars worth of virtual coins, it is important to ensure that they execute correctly and are free from vulnerabilities. This work focuses on smart contracts in Ethereum blockchain, the most utilized platform for smart contracts so far. Our emphasis is mainly on two core areas. One involves the runtime verification of ERC20 tokens using K framework and the other involves the comparison of tools available for detecting the vulnerabilities in smart contract. The six core functions of ERC20, namely allowance(), approve(), total-supply(), balanceof(), transferfrom() and transfer() were considered for runtime verification. ERC20 contracts were tested with ERC20 standard and the results showed that only 30% in allowance() function, 50% in transferfrom() function, and 90% in transfer() function, were compliant to the standard. The other focus area involves the comparison of existing tool that could identify vulnerabilities in smart contract. Five tools were taken for the comparison, namely Oyente, Securify, Remix, Smartcheck and Mythril and were tested against 15 different vulnerabilities. Out of the 5 tools taken, Smartcheck was found to detect the highest number of vulnerabilities.