Aníbal G. Arregui

Aníbal G. Arregui
University of Barcelona | UB · Department of Cultural Antropology and the History of America and Africa



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Publications (30)
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By drawing on field research, this article suggests that the impact of an aluminum mine on its neighboring quilombola communities can be analyzed from at least two interconnected technopolitical scales. The first relates to the anatomo-political discipline that the mine imposes over the body of its workers as well as to its inhibiting effect on the...
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This article proposes a non-recursive detour for the perspectival concept of ‘equivocation’ by applying it to an ongoing ecopolitical approximation. I will describe how a Brazilian climatologist and a Yanomami shaman translate their concerns about the Amazonian rainforest in order to reach each other’s audiences. Drawing on their public appearances...
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Amazonian pink dolphins figure in local imaginations as – enchanted – beings that can take on the appearance of persons and have sexual relations with humans. In the context of traditional fishing, ribeirinhos establish connections with dolphins that can be driven by intense corporeal intimacy, as well as by mutual hostility. These ambivalent posit...
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The 'quilombola movement' is a political current that supports the legal emancipation and territorial autonomy of the descendants of runaway African slaves, called quilombolas in Brazil. As an alternative ethnographic approach, this essay accompanies Amazonian quilombolas through their 'movement' in a literal-kinematic sense of the word, and as the...
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Pensamos la ecología como un contexto en el que las especies luchan por adaptarse y sobrevivir. Pero hay un universo de posibilidades vitales por debajo de esa idea. Invitando al pensamiento heterodoxo que ofrece la antropología ambiental, Aníbal G. Arregui nos sumerge en una dimensión «infraespecie» para demostrar que la ecología no es algo a lo q...
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Wildlife management across Europe is increasingly characterised by a 'war on wild boar'. In response to epidemiological and economic threats to pig production and agriculture, state agencies, policymakers and hunting organizations have altered their management as they attempt to contain wild boar. Through a cross-section overview of eight European...
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The idea of “species” is the main unit for representing ecological relations. But what would an ecology look like if we started by tracing its relations from below the species threshold? By deploying an infraspecies ethnography, I show how, in suburban Barcelona, human and wild boar individuals relate in personal, creative ways, and how in doing so...
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Inspired by the fertility and climate change-mitigation properties of the so-called Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs), soil science has devised a technoscientific replica, a soil amendment known as biochar, intended to improve agricultural sustainability and carbon storage in the biosphere. Drawing on fieldwork with Afroindigenous horticulturalists, thi...
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The possibility of a postnuclear future triggers both existential anxieties and reparatory imaginations. In this scenario, humans, wild boar, and other organisms will produce new socioecologies along the lines of self-organization, mutual aid, and direct action. Allegralab:
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En este ensayo proponemos concebir la selva y la red como tecno-ecologías de la presencia, a saber: dispositivos y contextos de relación orientados a hacer presente al Otro. Nos centramos en formas de generar co-presencialidad que, física o virtualmente, preceden al campo comunicativo, es decir, establecen las formas de relación entre los presentes...
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By considering the emergence and threat of African Swine Fever (ASF) in Europe, this paper demonstrates the growing role of veterinary rationales in reframing contemporary human-wild boar coexistence. Through comparative ethnographies of human-wild boar relations in the Czech Republic, Spain and England, it shows that coexistence is not a predictab...
Conference Paper
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A pesar de reconocer la parcial equivalencia entre saber chamánico y científico acerca de “relaciones no-humanas” (ecología, biología, climatología, etc.), en la antropología más debatida de los últimos años se ha hecho un esfuerzo mayor en tomar en serio el chamanismo (de fuera) que la ciencia (en casa). En este simposio queremos invertir ese ejer...
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En Brasil, el término quilombola-o afroindígena en algunas corrientes antropológicas-de-signa descendientes de esclavos africanos que huyeron y formaron comunidades en Amazonia y otros lugares aislados. Circunvalando los parámetros puramente etnohistóricos del "quilombolismo", en este ensayo sugiero repensar las formas locales de identificación y c...
¿Qué debe ver esta mujer Yanomami en la mascarilla quirúrgica? Desde la cámara vemos un instrumento de prevención de contagio cuya ergonomía no se adapta al rostro perforado de una mujer indígena. Vemos incomprensión. Mas que frustración, hay extrañamiento. ¿Pero qué debía ver ella? No lo sabemos, y probablemente nunca lo podamos-ni debamos-saber....
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Oscar de la Torre, The People of the River: Nature and Identity in Black Amazonia, 1835–1945 (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2018), pp. xiii + 225, $34.95, pb. - Volume 52 Issue 3 - Aníbal G. Arregui
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A pandemia de COVID-19 revela um entrelaçamento vital e letal de corpos humanos e não humanos numa escala global. Este texto trata de como diferentes linhagens virais podem interagir numa mesma espécie e entre espécies, tanto biológica como socialmente. Assim, este ensaio considera as paisagens virais multiespécies como um nicho planetário "selvage...
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La invención de la cultura no es una obra maestra. Si los grandes maestros son, como sugería Clifford Geertz, aquellos que trasladan al papel ideas inexpresadas que estaban en el aire, Roy Wagner no es un maestro. Lo sugiere Pedro Pitarch en el prólogo (p. 36). De hecho, Wagner es exactamente lo contrario de un maestro: es un estudiante rebelde que...
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The COVID-19 pandemic reveals a vital-lethal entanglement of human and nonhuman bodies on a global scale. This post first draws attention to how different viral strains may interplay within and across species, both biologically and socially. The essay then considers the emerging multispecies viralscapes as a 'wild' planetary niche that binds bodies...
Conference Paper
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En el inicio del siglo XXI se han establecido políticas de conservación ambiental que aplican la ecología (en tanto que racionalidad) y la tecnología (como implementación de esa racionalidad) no tanto para crear 'subjetividades ambientales' (Agrawal 2005) como para, ejerciendo el poder de manera indirecta, 'recuperar y (re)diseñar paisajes' (Beltra...
Conference Paper
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Plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms often disregard human-made and imagined boundaries: They spread in plantations, traverse fences, cross national borders, enter new landscapes and move beyond plan. In this panel we address how animate mobilities trouble and co-create geopolitical, ecological and even taxonomic boundaries. In particular, we...
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This chapter explores the eco-political approximation of a shaman and a scientist who are currently producing a common ground of communication around the future of the Amazonian rainforest. While these two spokespersons represent what might be understood as opposed relational “worlds” (i.e., Western science vs. Amazonian shamanism), I propose to th...
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This chapter investigates the ways in which lower Amazonian Ribeirinho – mestizo riverine dwellers – articulate the technical aspects of their hunting activity with their engagement with an animated nature. Amazonian spirit entities and forces such as panema, the powers of the coiled boa, and the curupira (discussed below), simultaneously reflect a...
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Newton’s apple did not fall solely due to gravity. Despite the mathematics describing the trajectory and acceleration of a falling apple, equations alone do not explain the forces that put the apple up there in the first place. Indeed, an apple tree had been planted in the garden of Newton’s family home, in Lincolnshire, years before that particula...
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En este artículo se analizan tres modos de señalar la complejidad del conocimiento incorporado en el contexto ribereño del bajo Amazonas. Atendiendo a la significación que le confieren los pobladores ribereños, los términos de ‘teoría’, ‘inteligencia’ y ‘ciencia’ pueden entenderse como índices etnográficos que señalan -no describen- ciertas habilid...
Vull plantejar la possibilitat d’una lectura tecnològica dels usos del cos a dues selves brasileres. L’objectiu és discutir tres tòpics: 1) la tecnologia és una conseqüència directa de la ciència, 2) la tecnologia és indissociable de l’artefacte, 3) la tecnologia és el que ens separa de la natura. Enfront d’això construiré altres tres tòpics: 1) la...
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This paper suggests that technology is excessively ‘high’ in two senses. The first sense refers to a high level of logical or grammatical abstraction: artifacts and machines are designated (in medias, everyday and scientific discourses) as ‘technology’, a word that etymologically refers to the knowledge surrounding those artifacts. Following the Lo...
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Vull plantejar la possibilitat d’una lectura tecnològica dels usos del cos a dues selves brasileres. L’objectiu és discutir tres tòpics: 1) la tecnologia és una conseqüència directa de la ciència, 2) la tecnologia és indissociable de l’artefacte, 3) la tecnologia és el que ens separa de la natura. Enfront d’això construiré altres tres tòpics: 1) la...


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