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Heart rate variability as important approach for assessment autonomic modulation



Alterations in the heart rate recovery and heart rate variability have been associated with greater risk of mortality and early prognosis of cardiac diseases. Thus, strategies for assessing autonomic nervous system and its modulation to the heart are crucial for preventing cardiovascular events in healthy subjects as well as in cardiac patients. In this review, an update of studies examining heart rate variability (HRV) and its use as indicator of cardiac autonomic modulation will be discussed. It will be described the indexes and methods of analysis and its applicability and the effects of exercise training on HRV and heart rate recovery in different population.
3Motriz, Rio Claro, v.22 n.2, p.3-8, Apr./June 2016 DOI:
Mini Review
Heart rate variability as important approach for
assessment autonomic modulation
Maycon Jr Ferreira
Angelina Zanesco
Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho”, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil
Abstract––Alterations in the heart rate recovery and heart rate variability have been associated with greater risk of
mortality and early prognosis of cardiac diseases. Thus, strategies for assessing autonomic nervous system and its
modulation to the heart are crucial for preventing cardiovascular events in healthy subjects as well as in cardiac patients.
In this review, an update of studies examining heart rate variability (HRV) and its use as indicator of cardiac autonomic
modulation will be discussed. It will be described the indexes and methods of analysis and its applicability and the
effects of exercise training on HRV and heart rate recovery in different population.
Keywords: autonomic nervous system, exercise, heart rate, vagal modulation
Cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system and
cardiac function
The cardiovascular system is characterized by a complex
interaction of several organ and tissues including heart and blood
vessels and it is regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) provides rapid adjust-
ments of the heart and blood vessels playing an important role
on cardiovascular system regulation (Guyton & Hall, 2006).
The heart is a muscular organ with a special excitatory and
conduction specialized system able in generating rhythmic elec-
trical impulses as well as to transmit these signals throughout the
myocardium. Under normal conditions, the conduction process
begins in a particular area of the heart, named atrial sinus node,
which electrical property can generate the action potential that
spreads quickly by specialized bers to the heart resulting in con-
traction of entire cardiac muscle (Shaffer, McCraty, & Zerr, 2014).
In addition to this intrinsic mechanism that determines the basal
cardiac rhythm, the ANS plays an important role in controlling
heart function and vascular system through the sympathetic and
parasympathetic bers to the heart and sympathetic bers to the
vessels (Hainsworth, 1998). In the heart, norepinephrine released
from autonomic sympathetic bers produces positive inotropic and
chronotropic responses acting through stimulation of β-adrenocep-
tors (Feldman, 1987). On the other hand, acetylcholine released
from parasympathetic bers produces negative inotropic and chro-
notropic responses through stimulation of muscarinic receptors
(Dörje et al., 1991). Thus, the two branches of ANS, sympathetic
and parasympathetic bers, act in an opposite way providing a ne
adjustment on the cardiac tissues in response to different stimuli
and daily activities. In blood vessels, norepinephrine released from
autonomic sympatheticbers causes vasoconstriction response by
activating α-adrenergic receptors/IP3 signaling pathway. Thus, an
unbalance between sympathetic and parasympathetic drive has
been proposed as a potential mechanism in some cardiovascular
diseases such as arterial hypertension, heart failure and myocardial
infarct. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that exercise
training can improve the autonomic dysfunction in these patho-
logical conditions (Carter & Ray, 2015).
Adrenergic and cholinergic receptors in the heart
In the heart, the sympathetic endings are responsible for
innervation of the entire organ, while parasympathetic nerve
endings are present only in the sinoatrial node, atrial myocar-
dium and atrioventricular node (Guyton & Hall, 2006). At least
three distinct subtypes of β-adrenoceptors have been described
in cardiac tissue, namely β1, β2, and β3 (Emorine et al., 1989;
Kaumann & Molenaar, 1997). The activation of β-adrenocep-
tors stimulate Gs-protein (stimulatory G-protein), which in
turn, promotes activation of adenylyl cyclase, that catalyzes the
conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic adenosine
3´5´-monophosphate (cAMP). The increment of cAMP levels
activates protein kinase A, which phosphorylates several proteins
leading to an increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration resulting
in positive chronotropic and inotropic responses (Birnbaumer,
1990; Rodbell, 1980).
Acetylcholine released from parasympathetic bers can
stimulate two major types of receptor named nicotinic and mus-
carinic receptors. Muscarinic receptors belong to the class of G
protein-coupled receptor and are widely distributed throughout
the periphery and the central nervous system (Cauleld, 1993).
Five subtypes of muscarinic cholinergic receptors have been
detected by molecular cloning named M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5.
In cardiac tissue, the stimulation of the subtype M2 muscarinic
receptor by acetylcholine promotes an activation of a Gi pro-
tein causing inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and/or activation of
receptor-operated K+ cha nne ls l ead ing to ne gat ive chr onot rop ic
and inotropic response (Kubo et al., 1986).
4Motriz, Rio Claro, v.22 n.2, p.3-8, Apr./June. 2016
M.J. Ferreira & A. Zanesco
Cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system and
arterial baroreex
Arterial baroreceptors are stretch sensors that innervate
adventitia of aortic arch and carotid sinuses. Increase in arterial
blood pressure regulate arterial baroreceptors activity which,
in turn, triggers a membrane depolarization by activating ion
channels in the afferent bers transmitting to the central nervous
system. When arterial blood pressure is diminished this signaling
activation is blunted. The main site of afferent bers from arterial
baroreceptors is the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS). In the
NTS, a complex neuronal network is activated (or deactivated)
and a number of cellular effector systems modulates sympa-
thetic or parasympathetic bers (Guyton & Hall, 2006). NTS is
essential for arterial baroreceptor reex function (Figure 1). It
has been well documented that arterial baroreex dysfunction
is clinically relevant, particularly, alterations in the heart rate or
its variability have been associated with greater risk of mortality
and cardiac diseases (Parati, Di Rienzo, & Mancia, 2001).
Figure 1. Overview the neural communication pathways between
baroreceptor reex and control of heart rate by autonomic nervous
Heart rate variability assessment
The assessment of HRV has been considered as an important
non-invasive method able in promoting indirect information
about cardiac autonomic modulation. This method consists
in analyzing the uctuations in interval between successive
heartbeats, dened by the distance between two R waves
(R-R interval), which reect the autonomic control, through
the sympathetic and parasympathetic, inuences on the heart
(Lahiri, Kannankeril, & Goldberger, 2008) (Figure 2). It has
demonstrated that the increase in the vagal efferent modulation
is characterized by increasing in the HRV, whereas sympathet-
ic stimulation diminishes the HRV which, in turn, has been
associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events and
death in healthy patients (Tsuji et al., 1994, 1996). Indeed,
many researchers have focused their studies on analysis of HRV
patterns obtained under different physiological conditions in
an attempt to evaluate the autonomic cardiovascular control in
healthy individuals as well as the integrity of ANS in patients
with cardiovascular diseases (Singh et al., 1998). Moreover, this
analysis has been used, in order, to examine the acute or chronic
responses promoted by physical exercise on the cardiovascular
system (Anaruma, Ferreira, Sponton, Delbin, & Zanesco, 2015;
Grant, Viljoen, Janse van Rensburg, & Wood, 2012; Jurca,
Church, Morss, Jordan, & Earnest, 2004)
Figure 2. ECG tracing in healthy individual
Cardiac rhythmicity and its relationship with the various
physiological mechanisms have been historically investigated.
During centuries, researchers sought in monitoring the patterns
of sounds and rhythms cardiac and to examine that factors such
as age, presence of diseases and physiological status would
be associated with changes in rhythmic patterns of the heart
(Berntson et al., 1997).
The rst historical accounts documented about HRV are
assigned to the nding of Hales in 1733 using a horse. He was
the rst to verify a relationship between change in blood pres-
sure levels and beat-to-beat interval with the respiratory cycle.
In the following century, through the creation of the apparatus
termed “kymograph” able to graphically record variations in
movement, Ludwig in 1847 reported what had come to be
later known as respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). In their
study using dog, he found that the breathing pattern was able
to promote uctuations in amplitude and timing of the arterial
pressure waves, so that the inspiration promotes an acceleration
of the pulse while the expiration lead the opposite effect. In
addition, Donders in 1868 suggested that the activation of the
vagus nerve was responsible for the changes in the duration of
the cardiac cycle associated with breathing, fact that has been
demonstrated in the following years. Several other studies have
been conducted sought to investigate the relationship between
sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent on uctuations in
arterial pressure waves and heart rate, recognizing the HRV
as an important physiologic measure (Berntson et al., 1997).
It was in the mid 1960s that the physiological and clinical
signicance of HRV was rst demonstrated showing that fetal
distress was preceded by a reduction in the interval between
heartbeats before any signicant change in heart rate (Hon &
Lee; 1965). During the 1970s, it was demonstrated for the rst
time the association between reduced HRV and increased risk of
mortality after acute myocardial infarction (Wolf, Varigos, Hunt
& Sloman, 1978). In an early study, using the short-term changes
Motriz, Rio Claro, v.22 n.2, p.3-8, Apr./June 2016 5
Heart rate variability as important approach for assessment autonomic modulation evaluation
in R-R interval an association between autonomic neuropathy
and diabetic state was described (Ewing, Martyn, Young, &
Clarke, 1985). With the advancement of technology combined
with application of new processing techniques and analysis,
several new studies were carried out allowing a greater under-
standing of the heart rate and their interaction with the ANS.
On the other hand, the high complexity involving the direct
measurement techniques of cardiac autonomic activity, mainly
because the assessment of vagal activity not be performed in
humans (Tan, 2013) further contributed to the assessment of
HRV was considered an important variable in clinical practice
(Shaffer et al., 2014).
Methods and techniques for HRV analysis
The HRV has been considered as a variable that allows
estimation of cardiac autonomic modulation. Fluctuations in
the R-R intervals may be quantied by numerous techniques
evaluation capable of providing indices that reect the ANS
modulation into the heart. With the objective to standardize the
terms and measurement methods in both basic and in clinical
studies, members of the European Society of Cardiology and
the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
created a Task Force (Task Force, 1996).
Currently, HRV analysis can be performed using linear
methods, which are divided in the time domain and the fre-
quency domain, and also using non-linear methods. In the linear
analysis in the time domain, which is considered as the simplest
measure of the HRV, the indices are derived from the measure-
ment of intervals between normal beats (normal-to-normal) suc-
cessive in a series of continuous time that can be evaluated by
statistical or geometric patterns (Bilchick & Berger, 2006; Task
Force, 1996). The indices obtained commonly used include
the standard deviation of all normal-to-normal (NN) intervals
(SDNN), i.e., the square root of the variance, which reects the
total variability during the recorder period. Characterized as the
most widely used index in the time domain, the calculation of
SDNN requires attention because the presence of ectopic beats
and artifacts as well as the duration of registration can directly
inuence the measurements (Kleiger, Stein, & Bigger, 2005).
Besides this, other variables calculated during the registration
period include the standard deviation of the averages of NN
intervals calculated in all 5 minutes segments of the entire re-
cording (SDANN), which measures changes in the long-term,
and the mean of the standard deviation of the NN intervals for
all 5 minutes (SDNN index) and reect the average of changes
occurring at intervals within the time of 5 minutes (Task Force,
1996). The analysis in the time domain further provides other
related measures which are derived from the difference be-
tween the R-R intervals, including the square root of the mean
of the sum of the squares of differences between successive
NN intervals (RMSSD), the number of pairs pf adjacent NN
intervals with a difference of duration longer than 50 ms in the
registration period (NN50) and the percentage of successive
NN intervals with a difference of duration longer than 50 ms
(pNN50). These indices are obtained by the difference between
successive regular intervals aiming to detect high frequency
oscillations and to provide information on parasympathetic
autonomic modulation (Kleiger et al., 2005; Pumprla, Howorka,
Groves, Chester, & Nolan, 2002).
The geometric analysis method consists in further analysis
of HRV in the time domain, where in the R-R intervals are
converted graphically in geometric patterns (Task Force, 1996).
The triangular index HRV is calculated using the number of all
NN intervals divided by the maximum distribution density. The
reduction of this index has been associated with an increased
mortality (Ewing et al., 1985). Another technique is the Lorenz
plot (also known as a Poincaré plot), where each beat is plotted
in association with the next beat, providing graphical infor-
mation and dispersion of the variation in the time series. This
analysis can be performed both quantitatively and qualitatively
(Billman, 2011).
The linear method in the frequency domain (spectral analysis)
has been widely used since its introduction in the 1960s as another
technique for the investigation of HRV. Unlike the time domain,
this technique decomposes the total variability of the signal in
specic components that operate in different frequency bands,
allowing identication (Shaffer et al., 2014). The calculation of
the power of spectral density (PDS) can be done through the fast
Fourier transform techniques (FFT) or by autoregressive (AR)
model. Regardless of the technique used, as short-time records
(2–5 minutes) it is possible to obtain the components of very low
frequency (VLF) (<0.04 Hz), low frequency (LF) (0.04–0.15 Hz)
and high frequency (HF) (0.15–0.4 Hz), while in the analysis
over 24 hours a fourth peak frequency, represented as ultra low
frequency (ULF) (0.003–0.04 Hz) can also be obtained (Billman,
2011; Task Force, 1996).
The HF component has been widely emphasized as an index
that reects the vagal modulation, whereas the LF component
reects an interaction between sympathetic and parasympa-
thetic (Kleiger et al., 2005). On the other hand, experimental
data suggest that the rhythm pattern of VLF is intrinsically
generated by the heart and that its oscillation is modulated
by sympathetic nerve endings (McCraty & Shaffer, 2015). In
addition, the calculation of LF and HF (LF/HF) has been used
historically as a measure involving the sympathetic/parasym-
pathetic balance (Malliani, Pagani, Lombardi, & Cerutti, 1991;
Pagani et al., 1986). Nevertheless, recent studies suggest that
this measure can not be an accurate measure of this balance
(Billman, 2013).
The evaluation of the HRV from the linear methods can be
performed from records with duration of 2, 5 and 15 minutes
(short-time) and over 24 hours (long-time). Although it is also
used for short-term analysis, the indices obtained in the time
domain have been commonly used for long-term records to
promote a better interpretation of the results because of the the
instability of the heart rate over time. On the other hand, short
records are preferably interpreted from the frequency domain
indices (Task Force, 1996). The presence of noise, trends, ecto-
pic beats and artifacts has been considered as the main problems
found in the records of the HRV, which can directly affect the
quality of HRV analysis, requiring the signal correction (Huikuri
et al., 1999).
6Motriz, Rio Claro, v.22 n.2, p.3-8, Apr./June. 2016
M.J. Ferreira & A. Zanesco
HRV and exercise
HRV has been frequently used to assess the modulation of the
autonomic nervous system on the heart during and immediately
after exercise, as well as the adaptations induced by long-term
training (Krieger et al., 1998).
Evidence suggests that physical exercise promotes an im-
provement in the cardiac autonomic regulation, characterized
by an increase in the R-R interval and increased vagal modu-
lation (Sandercock, Bromley, & Brodie, 2005). A higher HRV
in trained individuals compared with untrained individuals has
indeed been quite evident.
In athletes, it has been largely demonstrated that the indexes
that reect the cardiac vagal modulation are markedly increased,
indicating that physical training positively affects the vagal tone
and that this could contribute to lower heart rate observed at rest
in this population (Aubert et al., 1996; Bonaduce et al., 1998;
Goldsmith, Bigger, Steinman, & Fleiss, 1992). In addition,
evidence suggests that lower heart rate at rest in athletes is also
due to intrinsic adaptations in cardiac signal conduction system
(Shin, Minamitani, Onishi, Yamazaki, & Lee, 1997).
The HRV indices have also been used to evaluate the inu-
ence of different levels of aerobic capacity on the autonomic
modulation. No differences in autonomic modulation evalu-
ated by HRV were found in healthy individuals at different
levels of aerobic capacity or physical activity (Dutra et al.,
2013; Melanson, 2000), showing no dose-dependent rela-
tionship with the aerobic capacity. Furthermore, other studies
suggest that moderate volume of aerobic exercise is sufcient
to induce benecial effects on the cardiovascular autonomic
system in healthy subjects (Earnest, Blair, & Church, 2012;
Tulppo et al., 2003).
Interestingly, contradictory results have been observed
evaluating the HRV in elderly (70 and 80 years) and mid-
dle-aged population where no changes were observed through
HRV index in the frequency domain after exercise training
(Loimaala, Huikuri, Oja, Pasanen, & Vuori, 2000; Perini, Fisher,
Veicsteinas, & Pendergast, 2002).
The HRV indices were also been used to assess autonomic
modulation in response to exercise in patients under different
pathological conditions. Regarding cardiovascular diseases,
studies have shown that physical training promotes increased in
the HRV in hypertensive (Cozza et al., 2012), diabetics (Zoppini
et al., 2007) and coronary artery disease patients (Iellamo,
Legramante, Massaro, Raimondi, & Galante, 2000).
The exercise training has also been able to change the HRV
in favor of a increase autonomic vagal modulation in postmeno-
pausal women (Earnest et al., 2012; Jurca et al., 2004).
Finally, the physiological responses of HRV after a bout of
exercise are clinically relevant and it has been used as an important
approach to detect early symptoms of autonomic dysfunction in
patients with diabetes or other cardio metabolic diseases. Indeed,
heart rate recovery measurement after exercise test is considered
crucial to examine the sympatho-vagal balance since during exer-
cise sympathetic drive is increased while a decrease in parasympa-
thetic activity is withdrawal or diminished, whereas in the recovery
period changes in autonomic tone are observed characterized by
sympathetic withdrawal and parasympathetic reactivation with
gradual return of heart rate to resting level. Thus, clinical studies
have proposed that a decrease in heart rate from peak exercise to 1
min into recovery of < 12 beats/min or less is dened as abnormal
heart rate recovery and a predictor of mortality indicating impair-
ment of the integrity of parasympathetic tone (Cole, Blackstone,
Pashkow, Snader, & Lauer, 1999). A recent study from our
laboratory showed a lower SDNN index, which indicates lower
vagal modulation, during recovery time in type 1 diabetic patients
suggesting an autonomic imbalance even though the patients did
not present an overt cardiovascular disease (Anaruma et al., 2015).
Therefore, the analysis of HRV and heart rate recovery immediately
after exercise is extremely useful providing valuable information
about the autonomic control as well as its integrity.
Final considerations
Interest in the study of HRV has increased signicantly since
the rst reports of its clinical relevance and its association with
an increased risk of mortality after acute myocardial infarction.
In an attempt to understand the role of the autonomic nervous
system on the heart rate, assessment of the sympathetic and
parasympathetic modulation is crucial in exercise science ap-
plied to sports and health. The use of spectral analysis of HRV
has not shown satisfactory results in the evaluation of changes in
autonomic regulation during exercise, however it has been a fea-
sible methodology to examine the inuence of both sympathetic
and parasympathetic nerves into the heart rate mainly during
recovery period after exercise test . Moreover, adaptations of the
autonomic nervous system induced by physical training are not
yet fully understood. Although strong evidence has shown an
improvement in autonomic modulation by increasing the HRV
after long-term training, controversial results exist.
In conclusion, the HRV has proven to be a useful method
non-invasive and practical for the quantitative assessment of
the acute and chronic effects of exercise on cardiac autonomic
modulation in humans, mainly parasympathetic tone inuence.
HRV should be a complementary measurement in cardiovascular
assessments in different populations; however, it is necessary
large scale studies to get more conclusive data.
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Autor’s note
Maycon Jr Ferreira and Angelina Zanesco are afliated to the Labo-
ratory of Cardiovascular Physiology and Exercise Science, Institute
of Biosciences, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.
Corresponding author
Angelina Zanesco, Professor in Physiology, Institute of Biosciences,
Av. 24A, 1515, Bela Vista, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.
Manuscript received on February 16, 2016
Manuscript accepted on March 17, 2016
Motriz. The Journal of Physical Education. UNESP. Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
- eISSN: 1980-6574 – under a license Creative Commons - Version 3.0
... The cardiologist evaluates electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, which are regarded possible biomarkers, to determine the status of heart activity. To better understand the effects of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) on heart rate (HR) during exercise, the detection of cardiac activity has prominent role, particularly during the recovery period of HR following an exercise test [1]. HRV analysis is critical for studying heart activity modulations. ...
... HRV analysis is critical for studying heart activity modulations. HRV was used to detect early indications of autonomic dysfunction in diabetic and other cardiac metabolic illness patients [1]. HRV was also used to evaluate the pain in critically unwell patients who have been anaesthetized [2]. ...
... Cardiac activity assessment is essential to suspect the cardiac arrhythmias in an early stage. Previously, the cardiac activity assessment was done using HRV analysis [1] [2] [5]. And, activity classification was done using features extracted from accelerometer and gyroscope attached to the body of a subject, but the ECG features were not considered [10] [11][12] [14]. ...
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Monitoring of cardiac episodes is essential for patients with suspected cardiac arrhythmias. The quantitative evaluation of cardiac activities during continuous unattended cardiac monitoring will support clinician to understand the nature of the physical activities. This pilot study is proposed to assess the cardiac activities using multi features with KNN classifier. ECG was collected from healthy volunteers under rest and during exercise. The time and frequency domain features such as BPM, QRS duration, RR interval, SD, CV, RMSRR, NN50, SDNN, Shannon entropy, log entropy, and sample entropy were extracted. Further, multi-classification was employed using KNN classifier. The performance of KNN classifier is tested in terms of classification accuracy and elapsed time and it was found that Euclidean distance for k=2 was showing better performance. Statistical analysis was performed to confirm the suitability of the features using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and box plot. Among the features BPM, QRS, RR, sample and log entropies were found to be significant. Specifically, sample entropy provided to be the best candidate with p<0.01. The study reveals an overall classification accuracy of 90% was obtained.
... Examining HR variations offers a window to evaluate the condition and integrity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) because short-term HR regulation is primarily controlled by sympathetic and parasympathetic neural activity. [1] The sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways of the ANS are primarily responsible for controlling the cardiovascular system. By reducing sympathetic activity and preventing weight gain by reducing parasympathetic activity, excessive energy storage may be encouraged. ...
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Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) is emanating as one of the most effectual techniques for probing the intricate and ever-evolving changes in the oscillations of a healthy heart, allowing us to guard against any abrupt physical threat to homeostasis, such as that which occurs when a person exercises. Aims and Objectives: To study the influence of body shape index with HRV indices in athletic population during treadmill exercise in athletic population. Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out on 120 healthy subjects and 30 athletes in the age range 17-35 years. Short-term HRV (5 min) was extracted from ECG recordings obtained using Power lab system, AD instruments and was analyzed by LabChart software in accordance to the standards set forth by the Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. Results: Out of 30 athletes, there were a total of 17 (56%) male subjects and 13(44%) female subjects. Out of 120 controls, male subjects were 50 (41.66%) and females were 70 (58.33%). The mean age of males was 21.06±3.02 and that of females was 22.50 ± 6.25. A statistically significant positive (r=0.56) correlation between BSI and HRV on treadmill exercise was observed. Conclusion: Examining HR variations offers a window to evaluate the condition and integrity of ANS. In this study, the extent to which the ANS contributed to obesity was assessed and the relationship of measure of cardiovascular risk, a newly established and pragmatic metric Body Shape Index (ABSI) with the HRV indicators in the athletic population was explored.
... Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALSFIGURE 10. A step-by-step process for performing annotations; described by[32] ...
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Pregnancy complications significantly impact women and pose potential threats to the developing child's health. Early identification of these complications is imperative for life-saving interventions. The manual analysis of cardiotocography (CTG) tests, a conventional practice among obstetricians, is both labor-intensive and unreliable. Consequently, the development of efficient fetal health classification models becomes crucial for optimizing medical resources and saving time.This study addresses the imperative for advanced fetal health classification through the application of machine learning (ML) techniques. The objective is to explore, develop, and analyze ML models capable of accurately classifying fetal health based on CTG data. The overarching goal is to enhance diagnostic precision and facilitate timely interventions.Utilizing a freely available cardiotocography data set, despite its relatively small size, the research acknowledges its rich characteristics. Various ML models, including Random Forests, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Support Vector Classifiers, Voting Classes, and K-Nearest Neighbors, are deployed on the data set. The analysis involves rigorous training and testing of these models to assess their efficacy in classifying fetal health.The study yields promising outcomes, with the implemented ML models achieving a notable accuracy level of 93%, surpassing previous methods. This underscores the effectiveness of the proposed models in elevating the precision of fetal health classification based on CTG data.The findings advocate for the integration of ML models into routine clinical practices, streamlining fetal health assessments. The study not only underscores the significance of early complication detection but also demonstrates the potential of ML in optimizing medical resource allocation and time efficiency. Further research is warranted to refine and expand ML applications in the context of fetal health assessment, promising advancements in prenatal care.
... Those values superior to a specific threshold are removed from the signal by assigning a zero to the respective coefficient. [30][31][32][33] Initially, 5 s of contaminated and non-contaminated EEG signal samples were selected by visual inspection of 20 records. Posteriorly, the stationary discrete wavelet transforms of six levels, with a coiflet-3 as a mother function, was applied to each signal sample (frequency bands 0-2.33 Hz, 2.33-4.69 ...
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Background: Poor assessment of anaesthetic depth (AD) has led to overdosing or underdosing of the anaesthetic agent, which requires continuous monitoring to avoid complications. The evaluation of the central nervous system activity and autonomic nervous system could provide additional information on the monitoring of AD during surgical procedures. Methods: Observational analytical single-centre study, information on biological signals was collected during a surgical procedure under general anaesthesia for signal preprocessing, processing and postprocessing to feed a pattern classifier and determine AD status of patients. The development of the electroencephalography index was carried out through data processing and algorithm development using MATLAB V.8.1. Results: A total of 25 men and 35 women were included, with a total time of procedure average of 109.62 min. The results show a high Pearson correlation between the Complexity Brainwave Index and the indices of the entropy module. A greater dispersion is observed in the state entropy and response entropy indices, a partial overlap can also be seen in the boxes associated with deep anaesthesia and general anaesthesia in these indices. A high Pearson correlation might be explained by the coinciding values corresponding to the awake and general anaesthesia states. A high Pearson correlation might be explained by the coinciding values corresponding to the awake and general anaesthesia states. Conclusion: Biological signal filtering and a machine learning algorithm may be used to classify AD during a surgical procedure. Further studies will be needed to confirm these results and improve the decision-making of anaesthesiologists in general anaesthesia.
... HRV measurement is an efficient and important approach to assess autonomic modulation, which shows the stress state of the organism [37]. The benefits of evaluating heart rate variability have been observed in psychological disorder as depression and posttraumatic stress disorder [38] and other medical diseases that are accompanied by a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system such as asthma, heart failure, or hypertension [39]. ...
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"Background: The effect of stress on sympathetic modulation measured by HRV has been studied in various population groups exposed to different stressors. HRV measurement tools are based on the electrocardiogram (ECG), portable tools such as POLAR V800, and recently photoplethysmography (PPG). The aim of this study was to analyze the validity of a PPG mobile app to measure HRV with a validated V800 system in a tactical athlete population. Methods HRV of 53 professional militaries were analyzed by POLAR V800 and an HRV Camera app with a smartphone during 5 min and 30 s protocol respectively. Results: The HRV values obtained by the PPG presented a significant negative significant correlation in the HRVI index, LF, HF, LF (n.u.), HF (n.u.), and a positive significant correlation in TINN index by the Polar V800 system with the application of a regression equation over the data obtained. Conclusions: HRV Camera PPG App 30s record analysis protocol could be applied using a regression formula depending on the HRV variables after the comparison with a standard 5-minute test conducted with a validated Polar V800. In future research, it is suggested to validate PPG protocols with longer durations."
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Contrary to the prevailing understanding about one-way communication from brain to heart, recent research has unveiled a two-way communication pathway between these two organs, featuring the delivery of signals from the cardiac afferents to the brain. While the medulla oblongata is known to send autonomic signals for cardiac function regulation, 80% of the vagal afferents send signals to the brain for cardiac regulation. The vagus nerve receives these signals from the intrinsic cardiac neurons, often referred to as "the little brain of the heart. " Intrinsic cardiac neurons are neuronal structures with the same biochemical profile as neurons, communicating with the vagus nerve through acetylcholine and expresses markers of neuronal function such as tyrosine hydroxylase and others. Intrinsic cardiac neurons also influence the autonomic system, which can be studied through heart-rate variability measures. Heart rate variability (HRV) is altered in many types of cardiac disorders and is a well-known measure for studying short-and long-term disease-related variations in cardiac function. Some psychiatric disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and major depression also exhibited alterations in HRV. HRV is related to heartbeat-evoked potentials (HEPs) and electrical potentials in the brain that are influenced by the heart. HEPs are altered in disease states and can be impacted by environmental factors. This paper reviews the existing literature concerning intrinsic cardiac neurons and their possible role in heart-brain communication.
Introdução: Com o envelhecimento alterações estruturais e fisiológicas são esperadas, sem a necessidade de um processo patológico. No sistema cardiovascular, essas alterações podem influenciar o SNA e levar a uma disfunção autonômica. Objetivo: Comparar a modulação autonômica cardíaca de repouso de homens jovens e idosos, saudáveis e ativos. Métodos: Avaliados 30 indivíduos do sexo masculino, saudáveis e ativos, divididos em 2 grupos: G1 (n=13): 19 a 28 anos e G2 (n=17): 60 a 68 anos. O registro da frequência cardíaca de repouso foi obtido, durante 20 minutos em decúbito dorsal. Conclusão: Na amostra populacional estudada a redução da modulação autonômica cardíaca ocorre de maneira fisiológica e saudável.
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Fatigue in soccer may occur transiently during a game as well as develop progressively, resulting in reduced end-game performance capability, especially in terms of the ability to perform repeated high-intensity exercise. The nature of transient and end-game fatigue development may origin from different sources (e.g., acute perturbations of the intracellular environment and/or substantial substrate depletion, muscle damage, changes in core temperature, hydration status, etc.) and may vary significantly between individuals. Moreover, the postgame recovery may be prolonged and involve structural, metabolic, and/or inflammatory/immunological responses and is likely to depend on extrinsic as well as intrinsic factors. Such alterations can be acute following a single game or accumulate during extended periods of fixture congestion or during a long in-season period with a limited amount of periods for rest. Monitoring sleep and heart rate variability (HRV) in athletes can be useful for early detection and intervention before significant performance and health decrements are observed. Noninvasive and time-efficient methods/equipment such as wearable actigraphy and beat-to-beat HR monitors can provide detailed information about positive and negative adaptions over short and long periods throughout the competitive season. In addition, each athlete can perform the recordings at home, adopting a “real-world scenario” to grant high ecological validity to the research and/or practical interventions. The accumulated knowledge regarding the importance of sleep and HRV (especially during night sleep) has led sleep and HRV monitoring to become a popular strategy among elite athletes, coaches, and supporting staff.
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Background Cardiac arrhythmia is a cardiovascular disorder characterized by disturbances in the heartbeat caused by electrical conduction anomalies in cardiac muscle. Clinically, ECG machines are utilized to diagnose and monitor cardiac arrhythmia noninvasively. Since ECG signals are dynamic in nature and depict various complex information, visual assessment and analysis are time consuming and very difficult. Therefore, an automated system that can assist physicians in the easy detection of arrhythmia is needed. Method The main objective of this study was to create an automated deep learning model capable of accurately classifying ECG signals into three categories: cardiac arrhythmia (ARR), congestive heart failure (CHF), and normal sinus rhythm (NSR). To achieve this, ECG data from the MIT-BIH and BIDMC databases available on PhysioNet were preprocessed and segmented before being utilized for deep learning model training. Pretrained models, ResNet 50 and AlexNet, were fine-tuned and configured to achieve optimal classification results. The main outcome measures for evaluating the performance of the model were F-measure, recall, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, obtained from a multi-class confusion matrix. Result The proposed deep learning model showed overall classification accuracy of 99.2%, average sensitivity of 99.2%, average specificity of 99.6%, average recall, precision and F- measure of 99.2% of test data. Conclusion The proposed work introduced a robust approach for the classification of arrhythmias in comparison with the most recent state of the art and will reduce the diagnosis time and error that occurs in the visual investigation of ECG signals.
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A variety of muscarinic antagonists are currently used as tools to pharmacologically subclassify muscarinic receptors into M1, M2 and M3 subtypes. In the present study, we have determined the affinity profiles of several of these antagonists at five cloned human muscarinic receptors (m1-m5) stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1). At all five receptors, the (R)-enantiomers of trihexyphenidyl and hexbutinol displayed considerably higher affinities (up to 525-fold) than their corresponding (S)-isomers. The stereoselectivity ratios [inhibition constant(S)/inhibition constant(R)] for both pairs of enantiomers were lowest at m2 receptors, suggesting that less stringent configurational demands are made by this receptor subtype. The "M1-selective" antagonist (R)-trihexyphenidyl displayed high affinities for m1 and m4 receptors. The "M2-selective" antagonists himbacine, (+-)-5,11-dihydro-11- ([(2-[(dipropylamino)methyl]-1- piperidinyl)ethyl)amino]carbonyl)-6H-pyrido(2,3-b)(1,4)benzodiazepine-6- one (AF-DX 384), 11-[4-[4-(diethylamino)butyl]-1-piperidinyl)acetyl)-5,11- dihydro-6H-pyrido(2,3-b) (1,4)benzodiazepine-6-one (AQ-RA 741) and (+)-(11-[2-[(diethylamino) methyl]-1-piperidinyl)acetyl)-5,11-di-hydro-6H-pyrido(2,3-b)(1,4) benzodiazepine-6-one [AF-DX 250; the (+)-enantiomer of AF-DX 116] exhibited high affinities for m2 and m4, intermediate affinities for m1 and m3 and low affinities for m5 receptors. This selectivity profile was most prominent for AQ-RA 741, which displayed 195- and 129-fold higher affinities for m2 and m4 receptors than for m5 receptors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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In 57 normal subjects (age 20-60 years), we analyzed the spontaneous beat-to-beat oscillation in R-R interval during control recumbent position, 90° upright tilt, controlled respiration (n = 16) and acute (n = 10) and chronic (n = 12) β-adrenergic receptor blockade. Automatic computer analysis provided the autoregressive power spectral density, as well as the number and relative power of the individual components. The power spectral density of R-R interval variability contained two major components in power, a high frequency at ~ 0.25 Hz and a low frequency at ~ 0.1 Hz, with a normalized low frequency: high frequency ratio of 3.6 ± 0.7. With tilt, the low-frequency component became largely predominant (90 ± 1%) with a low frequency: high frequency ratio of 21 ± 4. Acute β-adrenergic receptor blockade (0.2 mg/kg IV propranolol) increased variance at rest and markedly blunted the increase in low frequency and low frequency: high frequency ratio induced by tilt. Chronic β-adrenergic receptor blockade (0.6 mg/kg p.o. propranolol, t.i.d.), in addition, reduced low frequency and increased high frequency at rest, while limiting the low frequency: high frequency ratio increase produced by tilt. Controlled respiration produced at rest a marked increase in the high-frequency component, with a reduction of the low-frequency component and of the low frequency: high frequency ratio (0.7 ± 0.1); during tilt, the increase in the low frequency: high frequency ratio (8.3 ± 1.6) was significantly smaller. In seven additional subjects in whom direct high-fidelity arterial pressure was recorded, simultaneous R-R interval and arterial pressure variabilities were examined at rest and during tilt. Also, the power spectral density of arterial pressure variability contained two major components, with a relative low frequency: high frequency ratio at rest of 2.8 ± 0.7, which became 17 ± 5 with tilt. These power spectral density components were numerically similar to those observed in R-R variability. Thus, invasive and noninvasive studies provided similar results. More direct information on the role of cardiac sympathetic nerves on R-R and arterial pressure variabilities was derived from a group of experiments in conscious dogs before and after bilateral stellectomy. Under control conditions, high frequency was predominant and low frequency was very small or absent, owing to a predominant vagal tone. During a 9% decrease in arterial pressure obtained with IV nitroglycerin, there was a marked increase in low frequency, as a result of reflex sympathetic activation. Bilateral stellectomy prevented this low-frequency increase in R-R but not in arterial pressure autospectra, indicating that sympathetic nerves to the heart are instrumental in the genesis of low-frequency oscillations in R-R interval.
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Heart rate variability, the change in the time intervals between adjacent heartbeats, is an emergent property of interdependent regulatory systems that operates on different time scales to adapt to environmental and psychological challenges. This article briefly reviews neural regulation of the heart and offers some new perspectives on mechanisms underlying the very low frequency rhythm of heart rate variability. Interpretation of heart rate variability rhythms in the context of health risk and physiological and psychological self-regulatory capacity assessment is discussed. The cardiovascular regulatory centers in the spinal cord and medulla integrate inputs from higher brain centers with afferent cardiovascular system inputs to adjust heart rate and blood pressure via sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent pathways. We also discuss the intrinsic cardiac nervous system and the heart-brain connection pathways, through which afferent information can influence activity in the subcortical, frontocortical, and motor cortex areas. In addition, the use of real-time HRV feedback to increase self-regulatory capacity is reviewed. We conclude that the heart's rhythms are characterized by both complexity and stability over longer time scales that reflect both physiological and psychological functional status of these internal self-regulatory systems.
The term ‘autonomic nervous system’ is attributed to J N Langley in the early part of this century to describe those nerves that are concerned predominantly with the regulation of bodily functions. These nerves generally function without consciousness or volition, although this distinction from the somatic nervous system is not absolute, for example, some pain sensation is transmitted in autonomic nerves.