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Comparative analysis of different methods for evaluating quality of Quercus ilex seedlings inoculated with Tuber melanosporum

  • Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA), Zaragoza

Abstract and Figures

The quality of seedlings colonized by Tuber melanosporum is one of the main factors that contributes to the success or failure of a truffle crop. Truffle cultivation has quickly grown in European countries and elsewhere, so a commonly shared seedling evaluation method is needed. Five evaluation methods are currently published in the literature: three are used in Spain and two in France and Italy. Although all estimate the percentage colonization by T. melanosporum mycorrhizae, they do it in different ways. Two methods also estimate total number of mycorrhizae per seedling. Most are destructive. In this work, ten batches of holm oak seedlings inoculated with T. melanosporum from two different nurseries were evaluated by means of the five methods noted above. Some similarity was detected between the percentages of T. melanosporum mycorrhizae estimated by each method but not in their ability to assess the suitability of each batch. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages for each method and suggest approaches to reach consensus within the truffle culture industry for certifying mycorrhizal colonization by T. melanosporum and seedling quality.
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Comparative analysis of different methods for evaluating quality
of Quercus ilex seedlings inoculated with Tuber melanosporum
Antonio Andrés-Alpuente &Sergio Sánchez &
María Martín &Ángel Javier Aguirre &Juan J. Barriuso
Received: 25 September 2013 / Accepted: 28 January 2014 /Published online: 13 February 2014
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract The quality of seedlings colonized by Tuber
melanosporum is one of the main factors that contributes to
the success or failure of a truffle crop. Truffle cultivation has
quickly grown in European countries and elsewhere, so a
commonly shared seedling evaluation method is needed. Five
evaluation methods are currently published in the literature:
three are used in Spain and two in France and Italy. Although
all estimate the percentage colonization by T. melanosporum
mycorrhizae, they do it in different ways. Two methods also
estimate total number of mycorrhizae per seedling. Most are
destructive. In this work, ten batches of holm oak seedlings
inoculated with T. melanosporum from two different nurseries
were evaluated by means of the five methods noted above.
Some similarity was detected between the percentages of
T. melanosporum mycorrhizae estimated by each method but
not in their ability to assess the suitability of each batch. We
discuss the advantages and disadvantages for each method
and suggest approaches to reach consensus within the truffle
culture industry for certifying mycorrhizal colonization by
T. melanosporum and seedling quality.
Keywords Holm oak .Black truffle .Certification .
Nurseries .Mycorrhization .Truffle culture
Nursery production of seedlings inoculated with Tuber
melanosporum Vittad. is one of the keystones of modern black
truffle cultivation. Since the 1960s, joint efforts between the
University of Turin and the Institute for Woody Plants and
Environment (IPLA, Italy), with the French National Institute
for Agricultural Research (INRA) from Clermont-Ferrand
(Chevalier and Grente 1973) allowed the establishment of a
reliable method for the production of seedlings colonized by
this ascomycete. The amount of seedlings produced by nurs-
eries is proportional to the increase of land use for black truffle
cultivation. Cocina et al. (2013) report that currently dozens of
nurseries specialize on production of seedlings colonized by
T. melanosporum in Spain, France, and Italy. Furthermore,
they note at least 29 additional nurseries in the rest of the
Successful truffle cultivation involves a long-term process,
so starting with high quality plant material for plantation
establishment is crucial. This is especially important regarding
the percentage of root tips colonized by the black truffle; a
high level of truffle mycorrhizal colonization will limit colo-
nization by other ectomycorrhizal fungi that exist in the soil
and, thus, a potential decrease in truffle yields (Pruett et al.
2008; Iotti et al. 2012).
Seedling quality evaluation is performed on a sample of
seedlings from each batch. A batch consists of plants that have
the same seed provenance, sowing date, truffle inoculum, and
matching nursery management practices (Palazón et al. 1999).
Nursery seedlings must meet forestry plant quality require-
ments and achieve a specific level of truffle fungus mycorrhi-
za colonization as determined by a particular evaluation
A. Andrés-Alpuente (*)
Instituto de Formación Profesional Específica Movera, Ctra. Pastriz
Km. 3,6 Bº Movera, 50194 Zaragoza, Spain
S. Sánchez :M. Martín :J. J. Barriuso
Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón,
Avenida de Montañana 930, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
M. Martín
Centro de Investigación y Experimentación en Truficultura de la
Diputación de Huesca, Polígono Fabardo s/n, 22430, Graus Huesca,
Á. J. Aguirre
Escuela Politécnica Superior de Huesca, Universidad de Zaragoza,
Ctra. Cuarte, s/n, 22071 Huesca, Spain
Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37
DOI 10.1007/s00572-014-0563-x
method. Colonized seedlings must also be free from contam-
inant mycorrhizae belonging to nontarget Tub e r species, and
specific levels of mycorrhizal colonization by other competing
fungi cannot be exceeded (see Table 1).
Detecting mycorrhizae belonging to Tu b e r species other
than the targeted truffle species on inoculated seedlings is
unusual. Black truffle mycorrhizae can be confused mainly
with those of Tu be r i n d i c u m Cooke and Massee and Tub e r
brumale Vittad. Importation of fresh T. indicum fruiting bodies
creates a high ecological risk. Mycorrhizae of T. indicum have
been detected in at least one Italian T. melanosporum planta-
tion (Murat et al. 2008) and have produced fruiting bodies in a
truffle plantation from the USA (Bonito et al. 2011). The
morphological resemblance between T. indicum and
T. melanosporum mycorrhizae makes it difficult to differenti-
ate them without a molecular analysis.
Although the use of well-colonized truffle-inoculated seed-
lings is critical to plantation success, we lack common criteria
for evaluating the quality of T. melanosporum-colonized seed-
lings. Five methods for quality evaluation have been pub-
lished and commonly used in Europe: Chevalier and Grente
(1978) INRA-ANVAR, Govi et al. (1995)UniversityofPe-
rugia, Fischer and Colinas (1996) University of Lérida,
Palazón et al. (1999) INIA-Aragón, and Reyna et al. (2000)
CEAM-Valencia. Most methods examine the whole root sys-
tem and then estimate the percentage of root tips colonized by
T. melanosporum. However, the method used by Reyna et al.
(2000) only analyzes a portion of the root system by extracting
a cylindrical sample of the potting mix in the seedling con-
tainer. All methods also examine and estimate the presence or
absence of other contaminating ectomycorrhizal fungi and
discard those batches with root tips colonized by other Tu b e r
species. In Tables 1and 2, the most important characteristics
of each evaluation method are described.
Given the lack of consensus on how best to evaluate the
quality of truffle-inoculated seedlings, we tested the five most
used methods to address the following objectives: (1) assess
their ability to estimate root colonization by T. melanosporum
in Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. (holm oak)
seedlings and (2) determine the similarity in the ability for
the different methods to estimate root colonization by
T. melanosporum.
Material and methods
Sampling of colonized seedlings in nurseries
In Spain, Q. ilex is the most common host seedling inoculated
with T. melanosporum for truffle plantations. This is explained
by its greater hardiness, longevity, and higher truffle produc-
tion compared to other host species under Spanish environ-
mental and edaphic conditions.
Ten batches of holm oak seedlings inoculated with black
truffle were examined for mycorrhizal colonization. The
batches belonged to two different nurseries and each batch
had 1,000 seedlings. A random sample of 12 seedlings was
selected from each batch; 12 seedlings are required by the two
evaluation methods with the highest number of analyzed
samples per batch, Fischer and Colinas (1996) and Reyna
et al. (2000). Inoculation in both nurseries took place in April
2010. Sample collection took place in November 2011, thus
allowing generous time to achieve an optimum mycorrhizal
status for outplanting.
Seedling and batch evaluation
As each seedling had to be evaluated by five methods,
the sequence of analyses was arranged such that each
method would not affect the following one. First, a
cylindrical sample of the root system was extracted
from each of the 120 seedlings by means of a punch
tool and stored. This procedure follows the method of
Reyna et al. (2000) and was done first because it is the
least destructive. Next, roots were washed free of pot-
ting mix, and forestry plant quality was evaluated by
measuring height and root collar diameter (according to
Council Directive 1999/105/CE). Additional morpho-
logical quality observations related to root health and
root system architecture were recorded (Peñuelas
1993). Samples were frozen together with the cylinders
at 20 °C until processed. Next, the method of Che-
valier and Grente (1978) was performed by rating
seedling mycorrhizal quality on a 1 to 5 scale. For
statistical purposes, this scale was converted to percent-
ages according to Trouvelot et al. (1986). We followed
the procedure by Govi et al. (1995), which extracts
root fragments by spreading the root system onto a
numbered grid. This procedure was followed by the
method of Palazón et al. (1999), which divides the
root system into three sections and takes a fragment
from each. Finally, the method of Fischer and Colinas
(1996) was performed. It requires the root system to be
cut into 23 cm fragments for mycorrhizal root tip
analysis. The time needed for evaluating each seedling
by each method was also recorded. Following the
guidelines of each method, which are summarized in
Table 1, batches were sorted by their suitability. Batch
suitability can be understood as the final diagnosis of
the quality of the batch given by each method.
Morphological and anatomical identification of
T. melanosporum ectomycorrhizae were carried out following
the descriptions of Zambonelli et al. (1993) and Rauscher et al.
(1995). Othernursery contaminants were described according
to the studies of Agerer (2006) and Agerer and Rambold
S30 Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37
Ta b l e 1 Summary of the methodologies used for mycorrhizal seedling evaluation
Descriptors INRA-ANVAR (Chevalier
and Grente 1978)
University of Perugia (Govi
et al. 1995)
Universidad de Lérida
(Fischer and Colinas 1996)
INIA-Aragón (Palazón
et al. 1999)
(Reyna et al. 2000)
Criteria for single seedlings
Root tip counting No counting 400 (50 root tips/root
fragment) (4/sector)
250 300 (100/section) All tips in the
Minimum number of fine roots analyzed
or estimated/seedling
Not specified (well-balanced
root system architecture)
Not specified (well-
developed root system)
900 300 Not specified
Minimum percentage of colonization/
seedling or its estimation
1(ChevalieretGrente1978)30 % 10 % >10 % 10 %
1 % (Trouvelot et al. 1986)
Minimum number of T. melanosporum
Not specified 30 % colonized root tips 90 100 100
Estimates the total number of colonized
root tips
No No Yes No Yes
Maximum percentage of contaminants <1/5 (20 %) Gap of 20 points with the
T. melanosporum
percentage but always
15 %
<25 % over the number of
colonized tips
<30 % <20 % of the total
mycorrhizae in
the roots
0%Hebeloma sp.
<25 % over the
number of
T. melanosporum-colonized tips
Criteria for batches
Number of seedlings to analyze/1,000
seedling batch
10 (15%) 11(13%) 12(1.2%) 5(0.50.8 %) 12 (1.2 %)
Batches under 1,000 units =
10 seedlings
Batch suitability (after meeting the criteria
of forestry plant quality and 0 % of
other Tuber sp.)
Mean seedling value >2.5 80 % suitable seedlings Lower limit
%T. melanosporum >33 %
Mean seedling value
30 %
11 seedlings with
more than 100
Mean (Trouvelot et al. 1986)
>18.5 % Lower limit fine roots >1,800 Mean number >260
All seedlings must be
Upper limit contaminants
<25 %
All plants >10 %
colonization with
T. melanosporum and
<50 % contaminants
Other considerations
Average evaluation time/seedling
(estimated in this work)
6 min 20 min 34 min 15 min 7 min
Country where the method is used France, Spain Italy, France, Romania Spain Spain Spain
Main updates Molecular analysis of Tuber
Counting of 600 tips per plant Molecular analysis of Tu b e r
Molecular analysis of
Tuber spp.
No updates
The grid is not used anymore
Molecular analysis of Tub er spp.
Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37 S31
Statistical analysis
Each variable was tested for normality (Kolmogorov
Smirnov test; p>0.05), and each analysis checked for
homoscedasticity (Levenestest;p>0.05) to comply
with the premises of parametric analyses. Colonization
percentage was transformed by raising it to a positive
power, but the means shown are not transformed. A
the relationship between the colonization percentages
obtained by the different methods. The differences in
the colonization percentage obtained by the different
methods and in both nurseries were tested by ANOVA
(general linear model) with two fixed factors (method
and nursery) and their interaction. However, for the
representation of confidence intervals for colonization
percentages obtained by the different methods, a one-
factor ANOVA was performed in order to differentiate
between them. In both cases, post hoc Tukeys test was
used to discriminate between methods.
The time needed for estimating colonization percentage by
each method was analyzed using nonparametric methods.
Their differences were evaluated by the Kruskall-Wallis test
and the Mann-Whitney Utest was used to compare the means
in pairs as independent samples. The design and basic infor-
mation about the tests used can be found in Montgomery
(2001). Their implementation was carried out using SPSS
The data on batch suitability in relation with colonization
levels and in relation to the evaluation method used for each
of the ten batches selected are shown in Table 3. The average
percentages of colonization by T. melanosporum mycorrhizae
obtained for each batch by taking the mean of the five
methods are also shown in Table 3. Consensus among
methods, understood as agreement in evaluating each batch
suitability, only happened in the batches with the highest
(batches N2B6 and N1B3, with 42.3 and 35.0 % average
colonization, respectively) and the lowest (batch N1B2,
17.6 %) colonization levels. In the other seven batches, results
differ depending on the evaluation method used. According to
our data, the most liberal method seemsto be that of Chevalier
and Grente (1978), with nine out of ten batches considered
acceptable. The most conservative method was that of Govi
et al. (1995), which found only three batches acceptable.
In nursery 1, mycorrhizae from Sphaerosporella
brunnea (Alb. and Schwein.) Svrček and Kubička were
found on some seedlings. No ectomycorrhizae belonging
to the genus Tuber (other than T. melanosporum species)
were found in any of the two nurseries. Furthermore,
forestry plant quality of all seedlings met the basic stan-
dards required by the Council Directive 1999/105/CE.
Thus, both the presence of contaminant mycorrhizal fun-
gi and plant quality did not lead to the rejection of any
batch evaluated by any of the methods.
Ta b l e 2 Summary of the protocols used by each tested method for seedling quality evaluation
(Chevalier and Grente 1978)
University of Perugia
(Govi et al. 1995)
Universidad de Lérida
(Fischer and Colinas 1996)
(Palazón et al. 1999)
(Reyna et al. 2000)
Preparatory steps:
Removal of potting mix from roots by gentle wash
Forestry quality evaluation (root collar diameter, plant height, root architecture, and plant morphology tests according to
Council Directive 1999/105/CE)
First observation of the seedling root system covered bywater under a stereo microscope (presence of mycorrhizae ofthe
inoculated fungus and possible contaminants, root amount and proportion). Identification and checking by microscopy
for the fungi present in the seedling
Preparatory steps:
Forestry quality criteria
(root collar diameter,
plant height)
Observation under a stereo
microscope of the amount
of mycorrhizae and
possible contaminants,
estimation of seedling
The root system is spread
onto a grid that divides it
into two sectors. At least
four root fragments are
extracted (through some
of the grid slots) from
each sector and seedling.
50 root tips are examined
under a stereo microscope
for each fragment.
Colonized root tips,
noncolonized fine roots,
and possible contaminants
are recorded
The root system is cut into 2
3 cm segments and placed
in a shallow tray over a
grid with squares of four
different colors. One color
is chosen at random.
Under a stereo
microscope, colonized
root tips, noncolonized
fine roots, and possible
contaminants present over
that color are counted for
at least 250 root tips
The root system is cut into
three fragments of the
same length (sectors).
Root fragments are
collected randomly from
each sector. 100 root tips
are counted for each
sector under a stereo
microscope. Colonized
root tips, noncolonized
fine roots, and possible
contaminants are
recorded. The mean value
for the three sectors is
central section of the
container is extracted by
means of a punch tool
(2 % of the total container
volume). The obtained
sample is washed gently
and passed through a 1-
mm sieve. The roots
retained in the sieve are
observed under a stereo
microscope and colonized
root tips, noncolonized
fine roots, and possible
contaminants are counted
S32 Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37
The correlation analysis between evaluation methods
concerning the colonization percentage obtained for each
seedling (Table 4) shows the existence of a significant
(p<0.05) and positive correlation between all methods, with
the exception of the method of Reyna et al. (2000), which only
had a significant correlation with the method of Govi et al.
(1995). The highest correlation coefficient (0.662) was obtain-
ed between the method of Palazón et al. (1999) and the
method of Fischer and Colinas (1996). The lowest coefficient
in a significant correlation (0.399) was found between the
methods of Chevalier and Grente (1978) and Govi et al.
The percentage of colonization, averaged for the five
methods, significantly differed between nurseries (p<0.001)
and was highest for seedlings produced by nursery 2 (33 %
compared to 27 % in nursery 1). The statistical model, how-
ever, only explained 3 % of the variability in the observations.
Furthermore, the estimates of colonization percentages obtain-
ed by each method differed significantly (p<0.001). These
estimates can be subdivided into three groups (Fig. 1): Fischer
and Colinas (1996) and Govi et al. (1995) with the lowest
colonization percentages, Chevalier and Grente (1978)with
an intermediate percentage, and Palazón et al. (1999) and
Reyna et al. (2000) with the highest colonization percentages.
Additionally, each method gave different values for the colo-
nization percentages from each nursery (Fig. 2), with the
exception of the method of Reyna et al. (2000) that did not
detect differences between the nurseries. The interaction be-
tween nurseries and evaluation method was not significant
(p=0.056). The evaluation methods account for 10.4 % of the
colonization percentage variance. On the other hand, if the
variation due to nursery is included, the value rises to 14.2 %.
The methods differ significantly (Kruskall-Wallis Kstatis-
tic=536.852; p<0.001) in the mean time spent estimating the
colonization percentage of individual seedlings (Fig. 3). The
method of Chevalier and Grente (1978)wasthequickestfor
plant evaluation with an average of 6 min per seedling. The
most time-consuming method is Fischer and Colinas (1996),
with about 34 min per seedling.
Many variables affect truffle fungus colonization of inoculat-
ed seedlings: nursery practices, inoculum (dose, format, pre-
treatment), potting mix, type of container, and seedling
Ta b l e 3 Batch averages and standard deviations of the percentages of colonization by T. melanosporum estimated by each method and the grand mean
for the methods
Nursery (N) and
batch (B)
Grand mean per
Reyna et al.
Chevalier and Grente
Govi et al.
Fischer and Colinas
Palazón et al.
N1B1 25.2 (±15.5) 38.3 (±24.4) A 27.2 (±10.6) A 17.4 (±11.3) R 19.8 (±8.3) R 23.3 (±8.7) R
N1B2 17.6 (±14.9) 30.0 (±20.5) R 16.8 (±13.9) R 15.6 (±11.5) R 6.1 (±4.8) R 19.3 (±14.0) R
N1B3 35.0 (±16.8) 46.7 (±24.6) A 30.3 (±8.2) A 32.6 (±15.4) A 29.6 (±12.4) A 36.1 (±14.9) A
N1B4 25.1 (±14.4) 31.1 (±15.1) R 32.7 (±9.3) A 12.9 (±11.9) R 17.9 (±11.5) A 30.7 (±13.6) R
N1B5 32.4 (±14.7) 46.4 (±13.5) A 37.0 (±7.2) A 24.3 (±15.1) R 19.2 (±10.8) A 34.9 (±9.5) R
N2B6 42.3 (±18.8) 46.3 (±26.7) A 41.5 (±16.6) A 33.3 (±12.8) A 34.6 (±10.7) A 55.7 (±15.9) A
N2B7 31.2 (±12.7) 26.8 (±11.9) R 28.2 (±10.6) A 30.7 (±13.8) A 26.5 (±9.5) A 43.7 (±10.1) A
N2B8 31.0 (±16.1) 39.1 (±24.0) R 33.3 (±16.3) A 24.3 (±14.1) R 22.9 (±8.1) A 35.4 (±7.5) R
N2B9 33.2 (±12.5) 47.0 (±14.7) A 31.5 (±11.5) A 24.3 (±8.1) R 27.5 (±5.4) A 35.4 (±4.9) A
N2B10 29.8 (±12.7) 29.7 (±11.0) A 36.5 (±13.3) A 26.1 (±18.1) R 21.8 (±3.4) A 34.8 (±5.5) R
Number of batches suitable 6 9 3 8 4
Batch suitability (Aaccepted; Rrejected) depending on the evaluation method performed. Batch suitability has been obtained by applying the guidelines
for each method (see Table 1)
Ta b l e 4 Correlation matrix
(Pearson Product Moment) of
the colonization percentages by
T. melanosporum obtained with
the five evaluation methods
tested. Significant correlations
are highlighted in bold
Methods Govi et al.
Chevalier and
Grente (1978)
Palazón et al.
Reyna et al.
Fischer and Colinas (1996)0.554 (<0.001) 0.593 (<0.001) 0.662 (<0.001) 0.147 (0.108)
Govi et al. (1995)0.399 (<0.001) 0.610 (<0.001) 0.215 (0.019)
Chevalier and Grente (1978)0.594 (<0.001) 0.114 (0.214)
Palazón et al. (1999) 0.162 (0.078)
Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37 S33
condition at the time of inoculation, among others (Hall et al.
2007). However, we have also observed clear differences
between the mycorrhizal colonization evaluation methods
used and the resulting batch suitability. One method may find
abatchofT. melanosporum-colonized Q. ilex seedlings ac-
ceptable while another method may not. Thus, it is imperative
that truffle seedling certifying groups reach agreement on the
best certification method. Based on our observations, the
Fig. 1 Least square means and
graphical representation of the
percentage of colonization by
T. melanosporum (confidence
interval 1α=95 %) obtained by
the five methods evaluated. The
ANOVA analysis was based on a
fixed factor method: R
SEM=2.19; p<0.001. Different
letters show significant
differences between the methods
contrasted by post hoc Tukeys
Fig. 2 Graphical representation
of the confidence intervals
(1α=95 %) of the percentage of
colonization by T. melanosporum
obtained by the different methods
for each nursery
S34 Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37
various methods agree to accepting or rejecting a batch when
seedlings have either very high or low colonization. However,
the strongest lack of consensus among methods for accepting
or rejecting batches occurred on batches with intermediate
colonization levels, which seems to be the most usual
The methods that achieve the lowest colonizationvalues
Fischer and Colinas (1996) and Govi et al. (1995)use grids
wherein sampling selects random root segments. In the other
three methods, estimated colonization levels are higher, either
because they are slightly subjective (Chevalier and Grente
1978; Palazón et al. 1999) or because they take a root sample
from a highly colonized area (Reyna et al. 2000). In this latter
case, the internal variability of each sampling unit should be
taken into account (Rocchi et al. 1999). Colonization percent-
ages for each seedling and method are correlated in all cases
except in the method of Reyna et al. (2000). It is important to
note that only the methods of Reyna et al. (2000) and Fischer
and Colinas (1996) estimate the total root tip number for each
seedling in addition to colonization percentage. The remaining
methods, with the exception of that of Chevalier and Grente
(1978), only ensure that suitable seedlings have a minimum
number of T. melanosporum mycorrhizae. It was noteworthy
that the method of Reyna et al. (2000) did not detect the
presence of any contaminant fungi while all the other methods
did detect the presence of contaminant fungi. The method
used by Fischer and Colinas (1996) was particularly efficient
at detecting contaminant fungi (data not shown) because it
includes a more exhaustive examination of the complete root
Sample freezing limits the effect of detecting variation in
colonization percentage due to the time elapsed from the first
to the last analysis. Freezing and thawing had little effect on
the morphology of mycorrhizae and also enabled a single
analyst to carry out all evaluations. This uniformity and the
single analyst-based analysis allowed us to make a compara-
tive judgment (in terms of advantages and disadvantages) of
the different techniques.
The method of Reyna et al. (2000) is fast, easy, and non-
destructive. For a given batch, it also enables analysts to
estimate the mean number of root tips per plant, as data relate
to a specific volume. The main disadvantage of this method is
that it assumes a homogeneous mycorrhiza distribution
throughout the container volume when actually a considerable
amount of mycorrhizae accumulates on the surface of the
container inner walls. Thus, it would be necessary to adjust
the cylinder extrapolation to volume and surface. Further-
more, some forestry plant quality parameters cannot be
assessed when using this method.
The method developed by Chevalier and Grente (1978)is
also fast and easy to implement. However, it is highly subjec-
tive, so its validity is linked to the observers experience. Only
seedling colonization and contaminant fungi percentages are
estimated, while direct and objective quantitative data are not
The grid sampling method of Govi et al. (1995) might
affect the quality of samples, since root extraction through
the slots marked in the grid can destroy some root tips. Thus,
this grid method is not currently used in Italy. It has been
modified by Bencivenga (2013); six fragments each from the
upper and bottom sectionsof the root system are collected and
50 root tips from each counted (a total of 600 root tips).
Unfortunately, this modified method could not be included
in this work.
Fig. 3 Means, standard
deviations, and graphical
representation of the confidence
interval (1α=95 %) of the time
spent in estimating the percentage
of seedling colonization by
T. melanosporum for one seedling
by the different methods for
evaluating seedling quality.
Different letters show significant
differences according to Mann-
Whitney Utest (p<0.05)
Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37 S35
The method of Palazón et al. (1999) is similar to that of
Govi et al. (1995) as it extracts root fragments but without the
use of a grid. Although it is easy and fast, it can involve some
subjectivity when choosing which root fragments to evaluate.
This may be the reason for the higher colonization percentages
observed when using this method, surpassed only by those
obtained by the method of Reyna et al. (2000). The number of
seedlings sampled (0.5 %) also seems low, so this method is
only reliable with very homogeneous or large batches.
The method of Fischer and Colinas (1996) appears to
overcome all the disadvantages discussed above. It also uses
an analysis with high statistical robustness implemented in an
easy-to-use spreadsheet. It provides, among other values, an
estimation of the total number of root tips for each seedling. Its
major drawback is the time needed for seedling evaluation,
which is an important factor as it significantly increases the
economic costs of plant certification. However, if the seed-
lings from a given batch have homogeneous characteristics,
good black truffle colonization levels, and few contaminant
fungi, the number of replicates can be safely reduced to five
instead of the 12 seedlings initially required, thereby reducing
the time needed for processing a given batch.
Although there remains a lack of consensus on the best
seedling evaluation method, we recommend that the method
be objective, systematic, and use a well-defined and clear
process as is the case for the method by Fischer and Colinas
(1996). It should also be easy to implement, in time and
equipment and, if possible, nondestructive. The methods of
Bencivenga (2013) and Palazón et al. (1999) are relatively less
time consuming. Sensitivity and specificity of subjective
methods, such as by Chevalier and Grente (1978), improve
as the analysts gain practical experience (Sisti et al. 2010).
With the objective of reaching an agreement between all
certification organizations, perhaps the best option would be
to combine two correlated methods. For example, analysts
could use the method of Chevalier and Grente (1978) when
the colonization levels are high and contaminant fungi are
clearly absent. However, when colonization is low and con-
taminant fungi are present, a more accurate method should be
used to ensure that the colonization percentage and minimum
number of colonized root tips of the batch are correctly
The assessment of contamination by other ectomycorrhizal
fungi needs further development. This is especially important
to prevent the introduction of T. indicum because this fungus
represents a serious ecological risk for European truffle cul-
ture (Murat et al. 2008). An ideal new method would also
incorporate routine molecular analyses. Molecular techniques
that discriminate between morphologically related species
within the genus Tu b e r are reported in the literature. These
techniquesare based on the use ofRFLP (Pérez-Collazos et al.
2010), specific PCR primers (Paolocci et al. 1997; Mabru
et al. 2001; Suz et al. 2006), or real-time PCR (Sánchez
2012; Parladé et al. 2013) and analyze the DNA of mycorrhi-
zal root tips or ascocarps. Another option would be the anal-
ysis of extraradical mycelium present in the potting mix (Suz
et al. 2006; Parladé et al. 2013).
There is an obvious need in Europe and elsewhere to reach
agreement on unifying the criteria for truffle seedling evalua-
tion. Consideration of compulsory controls by the European
Union to limit the potential invasion of troublesome mycor-
rhizal fungi such as T. indicum is also needed to protect the
truffle industry. Our results provide an important basis for
future decisions concerning the unification of methods to
estimate T. melanosporum colonization on inoculated Q. ilex
Acknowledgments Thiswork was supported by the INIA (Ministry of
Science and Innovation, Spanish Government) within the project RTA
2010-00070-C02-01. The authors would like to thank the support of
Domizia Donnini, Christine Fischer, Carlos Palazón, Santiago Reyna,
Sergi García-Barreda, and Gerard Chevalier, for their insightful com-
ments, and Luz Cocina, Jorge Lora, Afif Headly, Alessandra Zambonelli,
and Randy Molina for an early revision of the manuscript. Finally, we are
also very grateful to the owners of the nurseries for their generous help.
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Mycorrhiza (2014) 24 (Suppl 1):S29S37 S37
... The colonization level reached by the pecan seedlings here inoculated, ranging from 41 to 64%, is among the highest known mycorrhization levels achieved for the different truffle inoculation procedures. In previous studies, the highest percentage of mycorrhization on pecan was recorded at ≈61% for T. borchii and ≈40% for T. aestivum [22] or 20-50% of root system for T. melanosporum and T. brumale [3,22,[38][39][40][41]. ...
... The presence of well-colonized truffle-inoculated seedlings is an important feature in agroforestry systems planted for truffle production. Roots well-colonized by truffles will limit the colonization by other ectomycorrhizal fungi in the soil and promote the fruiting of truffles [40][41][42]. ...
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Yield and different nut parameters were measured for two growing seasons on mature (28–29 years) trees of 11 pecan cultivars grown in an experimental orchard located in the Puglia Region, Southeastern Italy. ‘Shoshoni’ and ‘Shawnee’ pecan seedlings were inoculated with three truffle species (Tuber borchii—known as the ‘whitish truffle’, T. aestivum—called the ‘summer truffle’, and T. melanosporum—the common ‘Black truffle’) and investigated for six months. The level of ectomycorrhizal colonization was assessed 6 and 12 months after inoculation. Results indicated that ‘Wichita’, ‘Shoshoni’, and ‘Pawnee’ performed well in the pedoclimatic conditions of the area with a yield higher than 20 kg/tree and a kernel dry weight of ≅3 g. These preliminary yield results suggested that some pecan cultivars could deserve consideration for cultivation in the Puglia Region, whereas others with low yield and a stronger alternate bearing should not be considered. Plant height, number of leaves, chlorophyll content (expressed as a SPAD unit) and stem diameter partially indicated the increase in ecological fitness in truffles-inoculated plants. Successful mycorrhization indicated ‘Shoshoni’ and ‘Shawnee’ as suitable to establish ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with T. aestivum, T. borchii, and T. melanosporum cultivation under Puglia climatic conditions. The results also showed that the applied protocol was adequate to obtain healthy mycorrhized seedlings appropriate for commercialization and plantation for truffles production on pecan in the future.
... Several ways to improve truffle production have been studied: management practices at the greenhouse stage [18,19]; standardized procedures to evaluate seedling quality for customers benefit [10,[20][21][22]; and growth conditions promoting T. melanosporum proliferation in the field [23][24][25][26]. ...
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Tuber melanosporum is an ascomycete that forms ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbioses with a wide range of host plants, producing edible fruiting bodies with high economic value. The quality of seedlings in the early symbiotic stage is important for successful truffle cultivation. Numerous bacterial species have been reported to take part in the truffle biological cycle and influence the establishment of roots symbiosis in plant hosts and the development of the carpophore. In this work, three different bacteria formulations were co-inoculated in Quercus ilex L. seedlings two months after T. melanosporum inoculation. At four months of bacterial application, the T. melanosporum ECM root tip rate of colonization and bacterial presence were assessed using both morphological and molecular techniques. A 2.5-fold increase in ECM colonization rate was found in the presence of Pseudomonas sp. compared to the seedlings inoculated only with T. melanosporum. The same treatment caused reduced plant growth either for the aerial and root part. Meanwhile, the ECM colonization combined with Bradyrhizobium sp. and Pseudomonas sp. + Bradyrhizobium sp. reduced the relative density of fibrous roots (nutrient absorption). Our work suggests that the role of bacteria in the early symbiotic stages of ECM colonization involves both the mycorrhizal symbiosis rate and plant root development processes, both essential for improve the quality of truffle-inoculated seedlings produced in commercial nurseries.
... The quality of mycorrhizal seedlings is assessed by the level of colonization of the fine roots by the target truffle species, with most evaluation methods using calculated or estimated percent root colonization as the measurement variable (Andr es- Alpuente et al., 2014;Donnini et al., 2014). However, these seedlings may present mycorrhizae from other non-desired species, the so-called "contaminants", which sometimes are accidently introduced with the inoculum and sometimes come with the potting substrate or from the surrounding environment (Iotti et al., 2012;De Miguel et al., 2014). ...
... seedlings inoculated with T. melanosporum. The seedlings were produced in a commercial nursery and the root colonization by T. melanosporum was evaluated following the INIA-Aragón method (Andrés-Alpuente et al. 2014), and checked to be at least 30% of the total short roots, with less than 1% of Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. & Schwein.) ...
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Background and Aims Intercropping of truffle-producing trees with aromatic plants is used to improve profitability of truffle orchards during the initial 4–7 years. However, after that period the viability of this system is challenged by the appearance of brûlés, an area around host tree characterised by scarce plant cover where the fungus exhibits allelopathic activity. We aimed to investigate the ecological interactions between these crops and between their associated mycorrhizal fungi in adult truffle plantations. Methods We simulated two intercropping systems, truffle oak – lavender and truffle oak – rosemary in their adult stage. We analysed and compared aromatic plants and soil samples inside and outside the brûlés during the first year of the aromatic plants in the field. Results We found a strong negative relation of brûlés with the growth of the aromatic plants, although not a decrease in the arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of their roots. The essential oil yield and composition of aromatic plants was affected by brûlés. The extraradical truffle mycelium was not significantly affected by the presence of aromatic plants. Conclusions The growth and yield of aromatic plants was impaired during their first year growing in brûlés, whereas no negative effect of aromatic plants on truffle fruiting potential was found. The study improves our understanding of the mechanisms influencing the viability of the truffle tree – aromatic plant intercropping and the possible technical challenges.
Truffle growers devote great efforts to improve black truffle productivity, developing agronomic practices such as 'truffle nests' (peat amendments that are supplemented with truffle spore inoculum). It has been hypothesized that improved fruiting associated with nests is linked to stimulation of truffle mycelia previously established in soil or to changes generated in soil fungal community. To assess this, we used real-time PCR to quantify black truffle extraradical mycelium during two years after nests installation. We also characterized the fungal community via high-throughput amplicon sequencing of the ITS region of rRNA genes. We found that neither the abundance of truffle mycelium in nests nor in the soil-nest interphase was higher than in the bulk soil, which indicates that nests do not improve mycelial growth. The fungal community in nests showed lower richness and Shannon index and was compositionally different from that of soil, which suggests that nests may act as an open niche for fungal colonization that facilitates truffle fruiting. The ectomycorrhizal fungal community showed lower richness in nests. However, no negative relationships between amount of truffle mycelium and reads of other ectomycorrhizal fungi were found, thus countering the hypothesis that ectomycorrhizal competition plays a role in the nest effect.
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Tuber brumale is a European edible truffle species that is often viewed as a contaminant in truffle orchards, as it visually resembles more valuable black truffles such as T. melanosporum, but differs in aroma and flavor and sells for a much lower price. Although T. brumale is not native to or intentionally cultivated in North America, it was reported to have been accidently introduced into British Columbia in 2014 and North Carolina in 2020. However, in winter of 2021, various truffle orchards in eastern North America produced truffles that differed from the anticipated harvest of T. melanosporum. Molecular analysis of these specimens confirmed T. brumale truffle fruiting bodies from ten orchards distributed across six eastern USA states. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal ITS and 28S DNA sequences indicated that all samples belong to the T. brumale A1 haplogroup, the genetic subgroup of T. brumale that is more common in western Europe. This pattern of widespread fruiting of T. brumale in North American truffle orchards is likely the result of T. brumale being introduced in the initial inoculation of trees used as hosts in T. melanosporum truffle cultivation. We review other examples of introduced non-target truffle species and strategies for limiting their impact on truffle cultivation.
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Black truffles and white truffles are widely studied around the world, but their effects on plant growth and physiological responses, and on the mycorrhizosphere bacterial community of the host plant remain unclear. Here, mycorrhizal colonization of Castanopsis rockii by Tuber indicum (Chinese black truffle) and T. lijiangense (Chinese white truffle), respectively, was induced in a greenhouse study, and their effects on host growth, physiological responses and mycorrhizosphere bacterial communities were compared. The results show that colonization of both Tuber species significantly increased leaf photosynthetic rate, leaf P concentration and mycorrhizosphere acid phosphatase activity, as well as richness of mycorrhizosphere bacterial communities of C. rockii seedlings. However, T. indicum colonization on the one hand significantly decreased tartrate content, bacterial acid phosphatase, phoC gene abundance in the mycorrhizosphere, and peroxidase (POD) activity of ectomycorrhizal root tips, but on the other hand increased mycorrhizosphere pH and superoxide dismutase (SOD) of ectomycorrhizal root tips, compared to T. lijiangense colonization. Moreover, principal coordinate and β-diversity analyses show significant differences in mycorrhizosphere bacterial community composition between T. indicum and T. lijiangese colonized C. rockii seedlings. Finally, the relative abundance of the bacterium Agromyces cerinus significantly correlated to mycorrhizosphere acid phosphatase activity and leaf P concentration, suggesting that this bacterium might play an important role in P mobilization and acquisition. Overall, these results suggest that T. indicum and T. lijiangense differently regulate their host plant’s physiological responses and mycorrhizosphere bacterial community.
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The use of mycorrhized seedlings has been critical in the success of modern truffle cultivation, which nowadays supplies most black truffles to markets. Ascospore inoculation has been traditionally used to produce these seedlings, but little scientific information is publicly available on the inoculation methods applied or on the possibility of combining them. We evaluated the potential of sequential inoculation for the controlled colonization of holm oak fine roots with black truffle, with two nursery assays and a full factorial design. Three inoculation methods were sequentially applied: radicle inoculation, inoculation of the substrate in seedling trays and inoculation of the substrate in the final pot. The sequential application appeared as an effective and realistic alternative for commercial inoculation of holm oak seedlings with black truffle. The increase in the amount of inoculum applied with each inoculation method improved the mycorrhizal colonization of seedlings, although separately none of the inoculation methods appeared clearly superior to the other ones. The depth distribution of mycorrhizae levels pointed to the inoculation in the final pot substrate as being more effective than other methods in lower parts of the root system, whereas the early inoculation appeared more effective to reduce the occurrence of the opportunist ectomycorrhizal fungus Sphaerosporella brunnea . However, the difference of results between both assays suggests that cultivation conditions and/or the timing of the nursery operations may influence the relative effectiveness of these inoculation methods.
Root and soil microbial communities constitute the below-ground plant microbiome, are drivers of nutrient cycling, and affect plant productivity. However, our understanding of their spatiotemporal patterns is confounded by exogenous factors that covary spatially, such as changes in host plant species, climate, and edaphic factors. These spatiotemporal patterns likely differ across microbiome domains (bacteria and fungi) and niches (root vs. soil). To capture spatial patterns at a regional scale, we sampled the below-ground microbiome of switchgrass monocultures of five sites spanning >3 degrees of latitude within the Great Lakes region. To capture temporal patterns, we sampled the below-ground microbiome across the growing season within a single site. We compared the strength of spatiotemporal factors to nitrogen addition determining the major drivers in our perennial cropping system. All microbial communities were most strongly structured by sampling site, though collection date also had strong effects; in contrast, nitrogen addition had little to no effect on communities. Though all microbial communities were found to have significant spatiotemporal patterns, the structure of bacterial communities was better explained by spatiotemporal factors than fungal communities, which appeared more structured by stochastic processes. Root communities, especially bacterial, were more temporally structured than soil communities which were more spatially structured, both across and within sampling sites. These differential responses of bacterial and fungal communities to spatiotemporal factors likely alter interactions and assembly of the plant microbiome.
Tuber magnatum Picco, the Italian white truffle, and T. borchii Vittad., the bianchetto truffle, are two European white truffles that command high prices because of their excellent gastronomic properties and unique aromas. Indeed, T. magnatum is one of the most expensive culinary delicacies. Although cultivation of T. borchii began nearly 200 years after the Périgord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.), it has rapidly met with market approval and is now cultivated not only in Europe but in countries outside of Europe where this truffle does not grow naturally. In contrast, reliable methods for cultivating T. magnatum have only just been developed which hopefully will quickly lead to its widespread cultivation. In this chapter, we present an overview of the distribution, economic importance, a taxonomic appraisal, genetic resource characterization and conservation, and review current cultivation practices. We also review recent biotechnology developments and their potential application for cultivation and domestication of T. magnatum. The future prospects of genetic engineering for improving truffle strain characteristics are also addressed.
Conference Paper
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In order to have a global view of the commercial production of mycorrhizal plants in the world, a national and international research has been conducted to identify professional nurseries and some productive characteristics of this sector. National (Spanish) and international databases of nurseries producing mycorrhizal plants have been created. Also, the characteristics of the different production systems, prices and species have been collected. For the Spanish territory the register offices where these nurseries are recorded have also been gathered. At the international level, the collected data comes from countries in which fungi from the genus Tuber develop naturally (France, Italy, UK) and those that can potentially produce truffle. All of them have nowadays truffle tree plantations. There has been no data collection for plant nurseries in the People's Republic of China. All nurseries but one in the USA produce plants infected with Tuber spp. Some of them also inoculate with other fungal species. The information has been obtained by three procedures: the authors' previous knowledge, World Wide Web search and inquiries to Spanish and foreign nursery owners and researchers.
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Large-scale production of high-quality mycorrhizal plants in the greenhouse is mainstay for the modern cultivation of edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms (EEMMs). Success at this step not only depends on the reliability of the fungal inoculum used for plantlet mycorrhization but also on the environmental conditions attending symbiosis establishment. Methods developed 40–50 years ago for inoculating host plants with EEMMs are still largely used today, with slight modifications. Mycelial inoculations are used commercially only for some edible ectomycorrhizal (EEM) basidiomycetes, while inoculation with spores is the most common method for producing seedlings colonized with truffle mycorrhizas. However, pure cultures and ectomycorrhizas of Tuber have also been used to obtain mycorrhizal plants mainly for scientific purposes. Mycelium-based inoculum offers many advantages, such as lower contamination risks and more reliable root colonization and provides opportunities for genetic selection of EEMM strains. The long-time preservation of EEM cultures and the creation of germ plasm banks would be an important step to support mycelium-based technologies. To this aim, we demonstrate successful cryopreservation of strains of Tuber borchii and Tuber aestivum. Recent advances in genetics and biotechnology of EEMs and their hosts have the potential to transform the current EEMM nursery trade
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Quantification of extraradical mycelium of black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) has been carried out in a natural truffle ground and in seven truffle orchards (around 20 years old) established in Tierra Estella and Valdorba sites, within the natural distribution area of the black truffles in Navarre (northern Spain). Specific primers and a Taqman® probe were designed to perform real-time PCR with DNA extracted from soil samples. Amplification of T. melanosporum DNA was obtained from 131 out of the 160 soil samples. The detection limit of the technique was 1.48 μg mycelium/g of soil. The extraradical mycelium biomass detected in the soil from the natural truffle ground was significantly greater (up to ten times higher) than the mycelium biomass detected in any of the orchards. Soil from productive, nonirrigated orchards in the Tierra Estella site contained significantly more extraradical mycelium than the rest of orchards irrigated, productive of T. brumale, or nonproductive. The comparison of soil mycelium biomass in nonirrigated evergreen oak orchards in both sites showed significantly more mycelium biomass in the Tierra Estella site. This study is the first attempt to quantify extraradical mycelium of T. melanosporum in the soil using Taqman® probes. The obtained quantitative results are of special interest to evaluate the fungal response to cultural treatments and to monitor the dynamics of the extraradical mycelium of T. melanosporum in the soil.
Aproximately 5,000–6,000 fungal species form ectomyorrhizae (ECM), the symbiotic organs with roots of predominantly trees. The contributing fungi are not evenly distributed over the system of fungi. Within Basidiomycota exclusively Hymenomycetes and within Ascomycota exclusively Ascomycetes contribute to the symbiosis. Hymenomycetes play a big part, Ascomycetes a minor role; Zygomycetes only form exceptionally ECM. Responsible for ascomycetous ECM are mostly Pezizales with their hypogeous derivatives, whereas Boletales, Gomphales, Thelephorales, Amanitaceae, Cantharellaceae, Cortinariaceae, Russulaceae, and Tricholomataceae are the most important ectomycorrhizal relationships within Hymenomycetes. ECM, as transmitting organs between soil and roots, are transporting carbohydrates for growth of mycelium and fruitbodies from roots and have to satisfy the tree’s demand for water and nutrients. The latter task particularly influences the structure of ECM as nutrients are patchily distributed in the soil and saprotrophic as well as ectomycorrhizal fungi can act as strong competitors for nutrients. In focusing these requirements, ECM developed variously structured hyphal sheaths around the roots, the so-called mantles, and differently organized mycelium that emanates from the mantle, the so-called extramatrical mycelium. The mantles can be plectenchymatous consisting of loosely woven, differently arranged hyphae or they are densely packed, forming a pseudoparenchyma similar to the epidermis of leaves. The extramatrical mycelium grows either as simple scattered hyphae from the mantle into the soil or it can be united to undifferentiated rhizomorphs with a small reach or to highly organized root-like organs with vessel-like hyphae for efficient water and nutrient transport from distances of decimeters. Cystidia, sterile and variously shaped hyphal ends, possibly appropriate for preventing animal attack, in addition, can cover mantles and rhizomorphs. Although only a limited number of species could be considered, some general conclusions are possible.The genus Tuber forms needle-shaped cystidia and lacks rhizomorphs and clamps. Gomphales ECM are identified by rhizomorphs with ampullate inflations at septa of some hyphae and by oleoacanthocystidia or/and oleoacanthohyphae. Thelephoraceae reveal a great diversity of mantle structures and of extramatrical mycelium, with some additional optional characters, i.e., dark brown color, cystidia, blue granules, amyloid hyphae, or amyloid septa. Bankeraceae are mostly characterized by plectenchymatous mantles with star-like pattern and chlamydospores. Russulaceae possess smooth and hydrophilic ECM. Russula forms plectenchymatous mantles with knob-bearing cystidia, so-called russuloid cystidia, or pseudoparenchymatous mantles without cystidia. Lactarius lacks cystidia and shows laticifers within plectenchymatous or within pseudoparenchymatous mantles. The Boletales families Boletaceae, Gyroporaceae, Melanogastraceae, Paxillaceae, Rhizopogonaceae, Sclerodermataceae, and Suillaceae have the most advanced rhizomorph type, the so-called boletoid rhizomorphs, and reveal generally plectenchymatous mantles, frequently with ring-like patterns. Gomphidiaceae and Albatrellaceae provide cystidia, plectenchymatous mantles, and amyloidy; Gomphidiaceae are generally growing in ECM of Suillaceae and Rhizopogonaceae. Cortinariaceae reveal plectenchymatous mantles and undifferentiated or differentiated rhizomorphs or lack rhizomorphs at all. Cortinarius and Dermocybe are distinct by irregularly shaped, bent to tortuous ECM with many rhizomorphs, some growing over the mycorrhizal tip into the soil. Inocybe lacks rhizomorphs and its emanating hyphae are furnished by many secondary septa and prominent clamps with a hole. Rozites lacks rhizomorphs, too, and reveals a distinctly amyloid gelatinous mantle matrix. Descolea and Descomyces are covered by bolbitioid cystidia. Lastly, the genus Tricholoma forms plectenchymatous mantles and a high diversity of rhizomorphs. Some of the ectomycorrhizal features are used to hypothesize relationships at different taxonomic levels. These conclusions are compared with recently developed molecular hypotheses. Correspondence between the two types of hypotheses are evident, while some conflicts wait for a settlement.