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Comparison of selected clustering algorithms of raw data obtained by interferometric methods using artificial neural networks

Comparison of Selected Clustering Algorithms of
Raw Data Obtained by Interferometric Methods
Using Artificial Neural Networks
Marta Wlodarczyk-Sielicka
Institute of Geoinformatics
Maritime University of Szczecin
Szczecin, Poland
Jacek Lubczonek
Institute of Geoinformatics
Maritime University of Szczecin
Szczecin, Poland
Andrzej Stateczny
Marine Technology Ltd.
Szczecin, Poland
Abstract— The article presents a particular comparison of
selected clustering algorithms of data obtained by interferometric
methods using artificial neural networks. For the purposes of the
experiment original data from Szczecin Port have been tested.
For collecting data authors used the interferometric sonar system
GeoSwath Plus 250 kHz. GeoSwath Plus offers very efficient
simultaneous swath bathymetry and side scan seabed mapping.
During the use of Kohonen's algorithm, the network, during
learning, use the Winner Take All rule and Winner Take Most
rule. The parameters of the tested algorithms were maintained at
the level of default. During the research several populations were
generated with number of clusters equal 9 for data gathered from
the area of 100m². In the subsequent step statistics were
calculated and outcomes were shown as spatial visualization and
in tabular form.
Index Terms interferometric system; artificial neural
network; clustering algorithm; bathymetry
The most important data for maritime and inland navigation
are Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC). Some aspects of
Electronic Navigational Charts using in navigation process was
discussed in [1-5].
Data essential to chart production are gathering during
hydrographical works. Usually, the most important are the
bathymetric data. This data are gathered by synchronous
registration of geographical coordinates (φ,λ) obtained most
often by means of system GPS in RTK mode and hydrographic
measurement of depths (h), converted to data sets of XYZ
points. This data are a very big sets of bathymetric points.
During post processing data should be reduced for presentation
bathymetric data on charts. Clustering is the first step of the
proposed reduction algorithm.
Spatial clustering is the task of grouping a set of points in
such a way that points in the same cluster are more similar to
each other than to those in other groups clusters [6].
Bathymetric data very often are collected used multibeam
echosounders (MBES), among them interferometric systems
are popular. For collecting data authors used the interferometric
sonar system GeoSwath Plus 250 kHz. GeoSwath Plus offers
very efficient simultaneous swath bathymetry and side scan
seabed mapping with accuracies much better then specified in
the IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys. The applied
phase measuring bathymetric sonar technology provides data
coverage of up to 12 times the water depth, giving unsurpassed
survey efficiency in shallow water environments. The
GeoSwath Plus turn-key solution comprises a dual transducer
head with versatile mounting options as well as a deck unit
containing the complete sonar electronics together with a high
spec PC with hydrographic software. The software provides
full acquisition, calibration and data processing capabilities for
producing the final bathymetry map and side scan mosaic data
products. All customary ancillary sensors can be directly
interfaced. The measurement profiles maintaining 100%
coverage of the measured body of water were realized. Some
problem of multibeam echosounders data processing was
described in [7-11]. Similar to MBES problems are with
LIDAR data [12] as well other navigational data processing
[13-16]. Another interesting problem is multisensory data
fusion [17-21].
The main goal of this paper is to compare of selected
clustering algorithms of raw data obtained by interferometric
methods. Some aspects of data reductions was described in
previous authors works [22-23].
Artificial neural networks (ANN) can be treated as a
certain kind of data structure, which changes in the course of
978-1-5090-2518-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
the learning process adapting to the kind of problem to be
solved. This structure is constituted by single neurons
performing simple arithmetic functions bound into a network.
The first and basic neuron model defined as early as in 1943 by
McCulloch and Pitts is the nerve cell, the function of which
consists in the weight sum of neuron entrances, and next
subjecting the sum thus obtained to the action of non-linear
activation function. ANN are very often used to solve
navigational problems like sea bottom shape modeling [24-26]
and others tasks [27-35].
For clustering problems solution especially useful are self-
organizing ANN. Kohonen's networks are one of basic types of
self-organizing neural networks. The ability to self-organize
provides new possibilities - adaptation to formerly unknown
input data. It seems to be the most natural way of learning,
which is used in our brains, where no patterns are defined.
Those patterns take shape during the learning process, which is
combined with normal work.
Kohonen's networks are a synonym of whole group of
networks which make use of self-organizing, competitive type
learning method. At the beginning, signals on network's inputs
were set up and then winning neuron is chosen, the one which
corresponds with input vector in the best way. Precise scheme
of competition and later modifications of synaptic wages may
have various forms. There are many sub-types based on rivalry,
which differ themselves by precise self-organizing algorithm.
During the use of Kohonen's algorithm, the network, during
learning, use the Winner Takes All rule (further referred to as
WTA) and Winner Takes Most rule (further referred to as
WTM). In case of WTA rule neural adaptation relates only to
the winner neuron. Neurons lose competition neurons do not
modify their weights. While, WTM rule modifies not only the
weight of the winner, but also its neighbors. The radius of the
neighborhood decreases with learning time. In this case winner
neuron and all neuron within a radius of its neighborhood
subject to adaptation [36].
Spatial data obtained by interferometric methods is a large
set of points. The essential purpose of the authors’ research is
the implementation of a new reduction algorithm for spatial
data (XYZ points) to be used for the creation of bathymetric
map. In short reduction of data is a procedure by which the
number and hence size of a data set is reduced, in order to
make the analysis easier and more efficient. In many cases,
hydrographic systems generate a grid of bathymetric data by
using means or weighted means. The authors aim to create a
new reduction algorithm for bathymetric data using artificial
neural networks. The clustering of data is the first part of the
search algorithm and the next stage is the generalization of
bathymetric data. Schema of the search algorithm is shown in
Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Schema of proposed reduction algorithm.
The goal of the authors is to classify a set of XYZ points
into clusters and then represent each group by a single point
with minimum depth depending on the compilation scale. It
needs to be highlighted that, in this method the points of
minimum depth will remain in their true position, and they will
be visualized irrespective of the scale used on bathymetric
map. For safety associated with navigation it is very important
to retain points of minimum depth. The main objective of new
reduction algorithm is that, the position of point and the depth
at this point will not be an interpolated value.
For the purposes of the experiment original data from
Szczecin Port have been tested. Artificial neural networks were
used for data clustering. During the use of Kohonen's
algorithm, the network, during learning, use the WTA rule and
WTM rule. The parameters of the tested algorithms were
maintained at the level of default. During the research several
populations were generated with number of clusters equal 9 for
data gathered from the area of 100m². In the subsequent step
statistics were calculated and outcomes were shown as spatial
visualization and in tabular form. The final step was their
analysis. The test algorithms were implemented using Matlab
software, developed by MathWorks.
A. Test area
During the bathymetric survey a large amount of data was
gathered. When using a standard computer, very high-density
data present the main operational limitation. For solve this
problem, the authors separated the primary data point sets into
smaller subsets. During the studies, test data gathered from the
area of 100m² was used and this set contains 3 760 samples of
XYZ elements. Test data was collected within Szczecin Port,
near the Babina Canal. This area at the scale 1:25000 is
presented in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. Partial view of Szczecin Port.
Several point has three attributes: latitude (X), longitude
(Y) and depth at a given point (Z). The minimum depth within
this area is 3.60 meters and the maximum depth is 5.23 meters.
B. Parameters of algorithms
For data gathered from the area of 100m², over the tests
several populations were generated with number of clusters
equal 9. For the purpose of clustering self-organizing map was
applied. The authors selected the hexagonal network topology,
where each of the hexagons represents a neuron. The numbers
of rows and columns was set to 3×3, which provided 9 clusters.
During each trainings the number of iteration was set at 1000.
Distances are calculated from their positions by means of a link
distance function, which is default function in software used.
The link distance from one neuron is the number of links or
steps that must be taken to get to the neuron under
consideration. During the training the network applies the
WTA rule and WTM rule. Consequently using the WTN rule
the initial neighborhood size was set at 3 and the number of
training steps for initial coverage of the input space was set at
100. During this phase, the neighborhood is gradually reduced
from a maximum size of neighborhood down to 1, where it
remains from then on.
C. Results
The results for 9 clusters are presented in this article. All sets
of received clusters were analyzed. During the research the
authors adopted the precision of two decimal places.
In this research the authors adopted the following
evaluation criteria: time taken for calculations and distribution
of data in each cluster. The authors focused on depth values,
which are of significant importance for the safety of
navigation. Tab. 1 introduces the results for 9 clusters.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4.09 4.16 3.93 3.66 3.96 4.00 3.60 3.67 4.08
5.22 5.20 5.04 4.67 5.04 4.92 4.75 4.60 5.23
4.65 4.71 4.46 4.17 4.42 4.46 4.25 4.15 4.69
0.22 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.19 0.17 0.22
355 368 348 467 484 518 416 478 326
Min 4.09 4.11 3.93 3.67 3.96 3.94 3.60 3.70 4.17
Max 5.22 5.20 4.94 4.67 4.94 5.04 4.74 4.60 5.23
Mean 4.64 4.69 4.48 4.17 4.39 4.47 4.21 4.17 4.72
SD 0.22 0.20 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.22
NoS 304 446 524 478 443 430 421 434 280
a. Minimum value of depth
b. Maximum value of depth
c. Mean value of depth
d. Standard deviation
e. Number of samples in each cluster
The results for different method in clusters are comparable.
Minimum values of depth in each cluster are at a similar level.
For four clusters they are the same. The major differences are
in cluster designated as 9 and cluster marked 2. The differences
range from 5 centimeters to 9 centimeters. The differences
between minimum and maximum depth in each clusters for
WTA range 0.92 meter to 1.15 meter. While, for WTM they
range 0.90 meter to 1.14 meter. The mean values of depth are
slightly different in each cluster, which is shown in Fig. 3. The
biggest difference between the methods occurs for cluster
designated as 7 and it is only 4 centimeters.
Figure 3. Comparison of the mean values of depth in each cluster.
A high standard deviation is in cluster marked 1 and 9 – at a
level equal 0.22. It indicates that the data points are spread out
over a wider range of values.
Fig. 4 presents spatial representation of the results for the for 9
clusters. It can be noticed, that results for WTA and WTM are
close to each other.
Figure 4. Spatial representation of results for a) WTA and b)WTM.
The final analyzed value is number of samples in each cluster.
Fig. 5 presents distribution numbers of points in each clusters
for tested methods. The axis X represents the number of
clusters and the axis Y shows number of samples.
Figure 5. Distribution of the number of samples in each cluster.
The greatest difference can be seen for cluster designated as 3.
However, it should be noted that for this cluster the minimum
depth is the same and it assumes a value of 3.93 meters.
During tests the authors also paid attention on the time taken
for calculations. It was shorter by about 5 seconds, when
WTM rule was tested.
V. C
Self-organizing networks have the ability to divide spatial
data areas. They accumulate together data with similar values.
The authors aim to create a new reduction algorithm for
bathymetric data. The main criterion for evaluating each
method for reduction of bathymetric maps is the legibility of
the maps. After analysis of the above results it can be used both
tested methods. The statistics related to depth values were
taken into account and the results in particular clusters are
comparable. Minimum values of depth in each cluster are very
similar. However, it should be noted that the time taken for
calculations was shorter when WTM rule was used. High-
density data obtained by interferometric methods present the
main operational limitation when using a standard computer.
So, the original data point have to be divided into smaller
subsets, which could be trained separately. In this case
computing time is very important. Regular distribution of data
in each cluster is important in case of a small slope bottom. In
the next stages of the research, the authors will use the selected
method over several different test areas. These areas will be
characterized by varying the inclination and by a diverse
distribution of samples.
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... More information concerning the amplitude and phase method for the monopulse DF of microwave sources is provided in references [1,2,4,22,23,24,25,26,27], for instance. The DF for various objects using the interferometric method can be performed using both electromagnetic radiation and acoustic waves [28,29]. This is because the wavelengths of acoustic waves in the audible range and of microwaves in the air are comparable. ...
... More information concerning the amplitude and phase method for the monopulse DF of microwave sources is provided in references [1,2,4,[22][23][24][25][26][27], for instance. The DF for various objects using the interferometric method can be performed using both electromagnetic radiation and acoustic waves [28,29]. This is because the wavelengths of acoustic waves in the audible range and of microwaves in the air are comparable. ...
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Locating active radars in real environmental conditions is a very important and complex task. The efficiency of the direction finding (DF) of ground-based radars and other microwave emitters using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is dependent on the parameters of applied devices for angle location of microwave emitters, and on the construction and modes of operation of the observed transmitting antenna systems. An additional factor having the influence on DF of the radar, when are used systems installed on the UAV, is the rotation of the antenna of a radar. The accuracy of estimation of direction of any microwave transmitter is determined by the terrain properties that surround the transmitter and the objects reflecting microwave signals. The exemplary shapes of the radar antenna patterns and the associated relationships with the probability of remotely detecting the radar and determining its bearings are described. The simulated patterns of the signals received at an emitter-locating device mounted on a UAV and the expected results of a monopulse DF based on these signals are presented. The novelty of this work is the analysis of the DF efficiency of radars in conditions where intense multi-path phenomena appear, and for various amplitudes and phases of the direct signal and multi-path signals that reach the UAV when assuming that so-called simple signals and linear frequency modulation (LFM) signals are transmitted by the radar. The primary focus is on multi-path phenomenon, which can make it difficult, but not entirely impossible, to detect activity and location of radar with a low-flying small UAV and using only monopulse techniques, that is, when only a single pulse emitted by a radar must be sufficient to DF of this radar. Direction of arrival (DOA) algorithms of signals in dense signal environment were not presented in the work, but relevant suggestions were made for the design of such algorithms.
... There are available algorithms that enable the extraction of the selected geometric properties of hyperbolas, that is, the depth, position, and radius of an underground object and its 3D representation [14][15][16][17]. However, the use of deep learning in extracting hyperbolas from radargrams has proven to be an effective method for extracting information from radargrams and recognizing hyperbolas using a large dataset of labeled images [18][19][20][21][22][23]. The results of hyperbola detection and extraction (obtained from deep learning algorithms) are promising, but they have the disadvantage of having to acquire large data sets to be included in the training network. ...
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Precise determination of the location of underground utility networks is crucial in the field of civil engineering for: the planning and management of space with densely urbanized areas, infrastructure modernization, during construction and building renovations. In this way, damage to underground utilities can be avoided, damage risks to neighbouring buildings can be minimized, and human and material losses can be prevented. It is important to determine not only the location but also the type of underground utility network. Information about location and network types improves the process of land use design and supports the sustainable development of urban areas, especially in the context of construction works in build-up areas and areas planned for development. The authors were inspired to conduct research on this subject by the development of a methodology for classifying network types based on images obtained in a non-invasive way using a Leica DS2000 ground penetrating radar. The authors have proposed a new classification algorithm based on the geometrical properties of hyperboles that represent underground utility networks. Another aim of the research was to automate the classification process, which may support the user in selecting the type of network in images that are sometimes highly noise-laden. The developed algorithm shortens the time required for image interpretation and the selection of underground objects, which is particularly important for inexperienced operators. The classification results revealed that the average effectiveness of the classification of network types ranged from 42% to 70%, depending on the type of infrastructure.
... The domain in the form of a circle, hexagon, ellipse, or parabola is generated by MATLAB's Neural Network Toolbox artificial neural network, previously taught by a larger group of experienced navigators (for example, in ARPA training courses) [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. ...
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This article presents a combination of remote sensing, an artificial neural network, and game theory to synthesize a system for safe ship traffic management at sea. Serial data transmission from the ARPA anti-collision radar system are used to enable computer support of the navigator’s maneuvering decisions in situations where a large number of ships must be passed. The following methods were used to determine the safe and optimal trajectory of one’s own ship: static optimization, dynamic programming with neural constraints on the state of the control process in the form of domains of encountered ships generated by a three-layer artificial neural network, and positional and matrix games. Then, computer calculations for the safe trajectory of one’s own ship were carried out using the presented algorithms. The calculations were carried out for an actual navigational situation recorded on a r/v HORYZONT II research/training vessel radar screen under a real navigational situation in the Skagerrak–Kattegat Straits.
... Currently, the process of extracting characteristic areas of interest is usually conducted with use of two methods, i.e., time and frequency analysis and artificial neural networks. The first of them distinguishes fragments of radargrams with similar frequency characteristics with use of wavelet analyzes or Fourier transform (Wlodarczyk-Sielicka et al., 2016). ...
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The assessment of the condition of the technical infrastructure is a crucial role in civil engineering, the implementation of BIM technology, 3D cadasters, for the existing infrastructure modernization works and other specialized technical activities. In the time of dynamically developing investment processes, the exact location of the utilities network is important in the context of their subsequent modernization and construction works located in its immediate vicinity. Accurate location data are important not only in the context of construction works, but also in the context of occupational health and safety. In the event of backfilling a non-inventoried underground network, the inventory of such an object may only be performed by non-invasive measurements, e.g. a GPR-Ground Penetrating Radar. Currently, the classification of the network from GPR images was based on the existing reference data obtained from the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource-NGCR. The aim of the study was to analyze the possibility of using various methods of extraction and classification to distinguish types of utilities networks on the images obtained by GPR. The authors proposed a new algorithm of hyperbolic detection based on appropriate data filtering It shortened the time of image interpretation and automates the process of selecting underground objects. The authors' motivation to take up the research topic was the automation of the process of detection and classification of underground objects, and thus the reduction of data processing time. GPR test images (radargrams) were acquired in several series of measurements and in various areas located on the campus of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. The work presents the preliminary results of the detection and classification of objects using geometric, wavelet and fractal analysis and optimization methods based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). A new methodology of the detection and extraction of hyperbolas was presented based on the analysis of geometric, radiometric and textural objects contained in GPR images. The detection results are promising as preliminary studies have shown the detection of hyperbolas at 79-91%. The effectiveness of hyperbola detection was assessed by comparing the number of objects detected in the target image and the original image (after pre-processing).
... The differences between classes result from the information content in the images generated as a result of applying methods in figures, including the content of noise and basic information. These conditions (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) were defined based on the analyses of test images, and their results were verified based on reference data of underground utility networks obtained from the NGCR. Our analyses revealed that the condition C L did not influence the correctness of detection or classification of hyperbolas, so it would not be taken into account in further analyses. ...
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Reliable detection of underground infrastructure is essential for infrastructure modernization works, the implementation of BIM technology, and 3D cadasters. This requires shortening the time of data interpretation and the automation of the stage of selecting the objects. The main factor that influences the quality of radargrams is noise. The paper presents the method of data filtration with use of wavelet analyses and Gabor filtration. The authors were inspired to conduct the research by the fact that the interpretation and analysis of radargrams is time-consuming and by the wish to improve the accuracy of selection of the true objects by inexperienced operators. The authors proposed automated methods for the detection and classification of hyperboles in GPR images, which include the data filtration, detection, and classification of objects. The proposed object classification methodology based on the analytic hierarchy process method introduces a classification coefficient that takes into account the weights of the proposed conditions and weights of the coefficients. The effectiveness and quality of detection and classification of objects in radargrams were assessed. The proposed methods make it possible to shorten the time of the detection of objects. The developed hyperbola classification coefficients show promising results of the detection and classification of objects.
... Data used in the course of research was collected near the Babina canal within the Szczecin Harbor. The measurement points from this area were also used by the authors in the study related to processing of bathymetric data [19][20][21]. Because of its large volume XYZ data preparation for tests have been "clipped" to a smaller area. ...
... The acceptance of multibeam data for use in published nautical charts is a sign of growing confidence in the technology [1]. Aspects of MBES bathymetric data processing and Electronic Navigational Chart production was discussed by previous author's articles [49][50][51][52][53][54][55]. ...
... nm apply to all objects. The surface area of the domain, generated by the neural network, is a function of encountered object speed and risk of collision [31,32]. ...
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This article presents the possibility of helping navigators direct the movement of an object, while safely passing through other objects, using an artificial neural network and optimization methods. It has been shown that the best trajectory of an object in terms of optimality and security, from among many possible options, can be determined by the method of dynamic programming with the simultaneous use of an artificial neural network, by depicting the encountered objects as moving in forbidden domains. Analytical considerations are illustrated with examples of simulation studies of the developed calculation program on real navigational situations at sea. This research took into account both the number of objects encountered and the different shapes of domains assigned to the objects encountered. Finally, the optimal value of the safe object trajectory time was compared on the setpoint value of the safe passing distance of objects in given visibility conditions at sea, and the degree of discretization of calculations was determined by the density of the location of nodes along the route of objects.
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This paper presents the optimization of the inverse distance weighting method (IDW) in the process of creating a digital terrain model (DTM) of the seabed based on bathymetric data collected using a multibeam echosounder (MBES). There are many different methods for processing irregular measurement data into a grid-based DTM, and the most popular of these methods are inverse distance weighting (IDW), nearest neighbour (NN), moving average (MA) and kriging (K). Kriging is often considered one of the best methods in interpolation of heterogeneous spatial data, but its use is burdened by a significantly long calculation time. In contrast, the MA method is the fastest, but the calculated models are less accurate. Between them is the IDW method, which gives satisfactory accuracy with a reasonable calculation time. In this study, the author optimized the IDW method used in the process of creating a DTM seabed based on measurement points from MBES. The goal of this optimization was to significantly accelerate the calculations, with a possible additional increase in the accuracy of the created model. Several variants of IDW methods were analysed (dependent on the search radius, number of points in the interpolation, power of the interpolation and applied smoothing method). Finally, the author proposed an optimization of the IDW method, which uses a new technique of choosing the nearest points during the interpolation process (named the growing radius). The experiments presented in the paper and the results obtained show the true potential of the IDW optimized method in the case of DTM estimation.
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One of the most difficult problems in ARPA systems is tracking the manoeuvring targets. In the article it has been suggested that two filters should be applied (a manoeuvring filter and a stable filter) which use two pair-wise coupled General Regression Neural Networks (GRNN). The manoeuvring filter fairly well follows the parameter changes of the tracked target, but poorly smooths out the routes. The addition of a second estimation link (another part of the GRNN network pair) in the stable filter decisively Improved the smoothing capacities. In the system constructed the indications of the two filters are compared by switching the system output to the indications of the manoeuvring filter, after finding out deviations exceeding the established allowance range. There have been presented numerical experiment results, carried out according to IMO requirements.
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An electronic navigational chart is a major source of information for the navigator. The component that contributes most significantly to the safety of navigation on water is the information on the depth of an area. For the purposes of this article, the authors use data obtained by the interferometric sonar GeoSwath Plus. The data were collected in the area of the Port of Szczecin. The samples constitute large sets of data. Data reduction is a procedure to reduce the size of a data set to make it easier and more effective to analyse. The main objective of the authors is the compilation of a new reduction algorithm for bathymetric data. The clustering of data is the first part of the search algorithm. The next step consists of generalisation of bathymetric data. This article presents a comparison and analysis of results of clustering bathymetric data using the following selected methods: K -means clustering algorithm, traditional hierarchical clustering algorithms and self-organising map (using artificial neural networks).
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The rapid development of scanning technology, especially mobile scanning, gives the possibility to collect spatial data coming from maritime measurement platforms and autonomous manned or unmanned vehicles. Presented solution is derived from the mobile scanning. However we should keep in mind that the specificity of laser scanning at sea and processing collected data should be in the form acceptable in Geographical Information Systems, especially typical for the maritime needs. At the same time we should be aware that data coming from maritime mobile scanning constitutes a new approach to the describing of maritime environment and brings a new perspective that is completely different than air and terrestrial scanning. Therefore, the authors, would like to present results of an experiment aimed at testing the possibilities of using mobile scanning at sea. Experiment was conducted in the harbour and the associated environment of neighbouring southern coast of the Baltic Sea
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The article presents a detailed analysis of parameter settings of self-organizing map (SOM) for the clusterization of bathymetric data obtained using interferometric techniques. Clusterization using SOM is one of the stages of a new a geodata reduction method being currently researched by the authors for the purpose of a bathymetric map construction. In the research authors used data obtained by GeoSwath+.-interferometric sonar system. Test data gathered from the area of 100m² included 3760 data points. During the tests the authors focused primarily on setting individual network parameters in the course of network training and also on their importance in the clustering of bathymetric data. A total of forty-eight different scenarios of SOM parameter settings were tested. In the article detailed analysis of the obtained results is presented with an emphasis on the use of SOM in future studies related to new geodata reduction method.
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In the article data fusion techniques for underwater environment modelling are presented. For better understanding the problem, authors divided data fusion techniques into three parts, in reference to the output information that needed to be obtained.
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This paper presents the results of research on the fusion of tracking radar and an Automatic Identification System (AIS) in an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). First, the concept of these systems according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is described, then a set of theoretical information on radar tracking and the fusion method itself is given and finally numerical results with real data are presented. Two methods of fusion, together with their parameters, are examined. A proposal for calculating the covariance matrix for radar and AIS data is also given, and the paper ends with conclusions.
Conference Paper
This paper presents the approach of applying radar tracking methods for tracking underwater objects using stationary sonar. Authors introduce existing in navigation methods of target tracking with particular attention to methods based on neural filters. Their specific implementation for sonar spatial data is also described. The results of conducted experiments with the use of real sonograms are presented.
This article presents a method developed for the estimation of measurement error values (and their distribution) that occur in the process of marine sounding by a multibeam echosounder. The method, based on real data obtained in a specific marine environment, yields much more precise information on measuring instrument accuracy. The author also describes research done on a test set of more than 280 million measurement points covering an area of 20 km2. The obtained results are presented and interpreted.