Andrii Andrey Hnatov

Andrii Andrey Hnatov
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University | ХНАДУ · Automotive electronics Department

Professor at Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Doctor of Science


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The main direction of my scientific activities: - Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and radio-technical equipment; - Electric Vehicle and its infrastructure; - Energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies in transport; - External noncontact magnetic pulse straightening of vehicle body parts.
Additional affiliations
September 2014 - present
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • Professor of Automotive electronics Department
  • In 2014 I passed Ph.D. defense and got Doctor of Technical Sciences degree with a specialization in Maintenance and repair of vehicles.
December 2006 - September 2014
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • Professor (Associate)
  • I lecture courses on: Electrical drive theory, Special issue of vehicle automated electrical drive, General electrical engineering, Planning methods of scientific investigations, Advanced technology in vehicles.
September 1993 - July 1998
Kharkiv Military University (KhMU)
Field of study
  • Electricity supply and Electricity saving


Publications (87)
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This study addresses the critical need for enhanced vibration control and standardization in electric motors, pivotal to the operational efficiency of electric vehicles and thus, environmental sustainability. Recognizing the gap in unified standards for managing machine vibration, we propose a novel, integrated framework combining advanced vibrodia...
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Problem. With the urgent need for sustainable and renewable energy solutions, the integration of energy-harvesting technologies in urban infrastructure has become a focal point of innovation. Energy-generating tiles, transforming pedestrian movement into electricity, offer a viable path forward. Yet, their efficiency hinges on the internal design,...
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Стаття присвячена розробці та дослідженню автономних джерел живлення для електромобілів та їх зарядної інфраструктури, з акцентом на використанні гібридних інверторів і системи управління батареями. Основна увага приділена аналізу різних конструкцій автономних джерел живлення, їх ефективності та практичного застосування. Метою дослідження є визначе...
The progression and refinement of traction electric motors play a pivotal role in the enhancement of vehicles. With constant advancements in power efficiency, diagnostic tools, and reliability, electric traction motors are becoming more economical in terms of operational costs. This article underscores the significance of methods used in assessing...
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Problem. Improving automobile transport means increasing fuel economy and environmental indicators. Fuel, in a broad sense, means energy used to activate the car's power plant. Potential energy is dispersed in the earth’s interior, on its surface, in the atmospheric air, and even in space. Moreover, some of them exist in different substances. On th...
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Problem. Increasing the active safety of automobiles remains an important issue in modern automotive engineering. This study will investigate opportunities to increase the effectiveness and scope of automotive active safety measures. Current active safety measures, while effective, are limited in their ability to address the dynamic and multifacete...
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Через війну в Україні заклади освіти зазнали руйнувань, відбулось масове переміщення студентів в межах країни та за кордон. Це погіршило якість надання освітніх послуг, особливо для технічних спеціальностей, де неможливе повноцінне навчання без лабораторних та практичних робіт. Метою цієї статті є пошук рішень шляхів вирішення проблеми навчання укр...
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The prolongation of the online education period is a significant challenge nowadays in Ukraine. Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, educational institutions have been destroyed, leading to a significant movement of students both within the country and abroad. Consequently, the quality of educational services has suffered, particularly in technical s...
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Problem. The overall development time for agricultural tractors is 7-10 years, with testing accounting for approximately 63-80% of the total time. Within testing, reliability testing under operating conditions comprises 58-73% of the workload. However, even after extensive testing, serially produced tractors often fail to meet the specified lifespa...
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Problem. Despite the widespread use of asynchronous electric motors (ED) in electric transportation, they often fail to meet high reliability requirements. This is primarily due to their operation in a wide range of rotational frequencies, variable load modes, frequent stops and starts, and challenging road conditions. These factors result in signi...
The ERASMUS + project “Development of practically-oriented student-centered education in the field of modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems” (CybPhys) focuses on curricula modernizations in close cooperation with potential employers. Since the CybPhys project pursues to develop practically-oriented student-centered curricula, we involved industry repr...
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Problem. The quality of higher education is achieved by compliance with the conditions for the implementation of educational activities and learning outcomes with the requirements of legislation and higher education standards, professional and international standards, as well as the needs of stakeholders and society. Obviously, the requirements, re...
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Problem. Diagnostics or troubleshooting is an integral part of the operation of automotive technology, and as automotive systems become more complex, the need for diagnostic skills increases, so diagnostic methods by the human senses should be considered an integral part of technical diagnostics at all stages of a vehicle life cycle. Methodology. A...
In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need for disinfecting devices that can be used both indoors and in transport. Currently, the most common of these devices are ultraviolet (UV) germicidal lamps. However, they have significant disadvantages, such as short service life, presence of mercury, lack of flexible control, large d...
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Problem. The advantages of the electric car (EV) are well-known – it is environmentally friendly, quiet and the most important feature is a radical reduction in the cost of operating the EV compared to a conventional car with an internal combustion engine. Cost savings are due to the fact that its "refueling" comes from a conventional electrical ou...
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Problem. Improving the efficiency, quality, reliability and economy of tractor equipment is one of the most important tasks of modern society. This is due to the fact that in agriculture, tractors can perform up to 80% of various operations. The cost of production, product quality, compliance with the conditions of technological operations, etc. de...
The paper deals with the development of a vibration-based technique for assessing quality and detecting design and manufacturing defects of tractor gearboxes. It highlights full-scale experimental studies of vibro-diagnostic characteristics of tractor gearboxes including carrying out vibration measurement and spectrum analysis; identifying statisti...
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Problem. Development and implementation of green technologies is both an urgent and a cost-effective scientific and engineering task. Therefore, the issues related to the study of renewable energy sources, which are used as the main sources of energy for electric vehicles, are quite relevant and promising. At the same time, an equally important que...
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Problem. There are many methods for determining the stability of the energy system. In normal operating condition (normal rated mode), the power system must reliably ensure the consumption of electricity of normalized quality. However, in addition to the normal state, there are emergency and transient states caused by various transients. This is du...
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Problem. Cleaning transformer oil is one of the important engineering tasks, whose solution is associated with significant material and energy expenditure. Due to the increase in electricity consumption at modern automobile companies (firms, organizations, service stations, etc.), the load on transformer substations increases and the requirements f...
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Annotation. Problem. The reduction of reliability, economical and mass-dimensional indicators is one of available ways for centrifugal cleaning transformer olives installations, which based on electric drives with icreased frequency. In addition to the development and calculation of the power scheme of the installation, the issue of developing an c...
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The results of research on the creation of induction traction electric motors (EM), which made it possible to improve their technical, environmental and operational qualities, are presented. The main criterion for assessing the quality of EM were selected vibration levels. The main research methods were experimental and statistical methods. New tec...
One of the targets of European COST Action Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS) was crystallising contents of the Action into a suitable format for educational purposes. This encouraged to create the base for a European Master and PhD program in MPM4CPS involving European Leading Universities and setting up the respective d...
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Problem. The growing number of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly cars requires a completely new approach to the development of transport infrastructure designed for their operation, maintenance and repair. In this regard, a joint Master’s degree program in dual degree “Electric Cars and Energy Saving Technologies” (EC & EST) has been de...
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The increasing importance of continuingly complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) challenges and encourages universities worldwide to organize up-to-date CPS oriented educational programs. The Erasmus+ project “CybPhys” aims to support CPS oriented educational programs in Belarus and Ukraine. We put forward a hypothesis that the educational situation,...
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The most common methods and devices for determining the rotational angle of electromechanical subassemblies (RAEMSA) of motor vehicles were analyzed. The analysis showed that the incremental method proves to be the most favorable for automobiles involving a synchronization disk and a digital Hall sensor for mechanisms that make a full rotational mo...
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When operating a hybrid vehicle (HEV), it is important to reduce maintenance and repair costs. The HEV electric drive (ED) consists of electronic, electrical and mechanical parts and is considered a complex diagnostic model. The availability of an electrical part greatly simplifies the process of monitoring and obtaining information about the state...
Проведено дослідження активних систем безпеки автомобілів на дорозі з метою вжиття заходів для підвищення безпеки учасників дорожнього руху. Було проаналізовано основні системи допомоги водію в активній системі безпеки автомобіля і розглянуто різні елементи для підвищення безпеки людей в автомобілі в пасивній системі безпеки
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Проведено аналіз технічних рішень щодо пристроїв примусового зниження швидкості автомобілів (ППЗША). Розроблено конструкцію ППЗША з функцією генерування електроенергії (ЕЕ). Наведено його схематичні креслення, схему електричну принципову і розкрито принцип дії. Запропоновано один з варіантів пішохідного переходу з додатковим освітленням та з лазерн...
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The aim of the study is to create a method for selecting an asynchronous traction electric drive for an electric vehicle that enable the assessment of necessary technical, environmental and operational qualities. When choosing an electric motor for a traction electric drive, the methods for calculating electric machines, reducing the vibrations and...
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This paper presents a new approach to the creation of innovative roads having sustainable energy efficient road pavement as their basis. It is a new type of intelligent roads that is able to service itself and provide power, i.e. it is also a renewable source of electricity. It is planned to use the studies on the PV panels in sustainable energy ef...
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The analysis of existing alternative power source equipment that convert other types of energy into electric power was carried out. This study proposed a technical solution for the design of the power generating tile or step, which converts the kinetic energy of press into electric power and accumulates it. The operating principle of the power-gene...
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At the moment, the development of alternative low-power renewable sources of electricity, that do not affect the environment, that is, generating "green" energy, is a relevant scientific and technical task. One of the ways to solve this task is to use various methods and approaches for converting different types of energy into electrical energy. Th...
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На цей час нагальною є проблема енергозбереження та енергоефективності. Одним зі шляхів її вирішення є впровадження різного роду систем та пристроїв, які виконують функцію енергозбереження і здатні самі генерувати певну кількість енергії. Проведено дослідження схемотехнічних рішень енергогенеруючої сходинки, що перетворює кінетичну енергію в електр...
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The purpose of this research is to study and select the type of engine and circuits for connecting their windings in the generator operating mode of the electric machine unit for the device of converting kinetic and mechanical energy of rotation in the electric one. The design and principle of the device, which transforms the kinetic energy from pr...
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Визначено оптимальні параметри активного навантаження для монокристалічних та полікристалічних сонячних батарей (СБ), що відповідають критерію передачі максимальної потужності в навантаження. Розкрито та проаналізовано класифікацію СБ. Результати експериментальних досліджень подано у вигляді вольт-амперних характеристик та залежності потужності СБ...
Conference Paper
Current article concentrates on determination of the best, in terms of the generated electric energy, value of load resistance for mono-crystalline and polycrystalline PV panels, which corresponds to the criterion of transmitting the maximum power to the load. The existing types of silicon PV panels are analyzed, their classification is given. The...
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The electric motor (EM) is one of the main components of any system. The EM quality is set at the design andmanufacturing stages, and its technical condition is maintained during operation. Therefore, the development of methodsfor the EM quality determining at its all life cycle stages is urgent. In the paper, for the first time, we proposed the sy...
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The paper deals with the development and study of the method to determine the parameters of the balancing devices of three-phase power supply systems, based on the analysis of the system operation mode with the subsequent graphoanalytical determination of the parameters of balancing and full compensation of reactive power. Complex methods of analys...
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Experimental studies of vibrations of asynchronous electric motors (EMs) of the electric bus traction electric drive arecarried out in the paper. The presented studies are based on generalization of the diagnostic features of vibrationcharacteristics and statistics concerning the limiting values of vibration parameters of EMs and their dependence o...
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The long-term experience that the authors of this article have had as dissertation supervisors, opponents and members of scientific councils has shown that applicants writing dissertations face a serious problem concerning correct presentation of the results. For this reason, the quality of dissertations decreases significantly whatever high the le...
Currently, new educational reforms are intensively being implemented in Ukraine. This is achieved, including, by the development and implementation of new innovative joint training programs. Goal. To improve higher education in accordance with the changing needs of economic and social spheres in the road transport sector due to the growth of innova...
Conference Paper
The paper presents the analysis of utilization and implementation of energy-efficient technologies in transport. It contains the review of environmentally-friendly buses and an electrobus using an ultracapacitor module as an energy storage unit. Comparative analysis of using different types of one-class buses – diesel, hybrid and electrobus – for o...
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Reduction of non-renewable sources of energy and the ecological state of metropolises have become the cause of the search for optimal solutions for introduction of energyefficient and environmentally friendly technologies for urban bus transport, which is the purpose of this work. A review of environmentally friendly buses has shown that electric b...
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Запропоновано виконувати верхній шар дорожнього покриття у вигляді багатофункціональних панелей (БП). Розкрито функціональні можливості БП дорожнього покриття і представлено їх схему на проїжджій частині дороги. Досліджено принцип роботи системи з БП. Представлена схема виконання дорожньої розмітки та автоматичного управління рухом автотранспортних...
Проведено дослідження п’єзоелектричних матеріалів та аналіз можливостей їх застосування як джерела електричної енергії. Розглянуто їх властивості, наведено аналітичні співвідношення для їх розрахунку. Досліджено п’єзокерамічні елементи як перетворювачі енергії. Подано схеми їх застосування і схеми виконання п’єзогенераторів
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Проведено аналіз існуючих схем будови сонячних електростанцій на фотоелектричних модулях. Розкрито їх принцип роботи. Розглянуто технічні характеристики кожної з поданих схем. Запропоновано схему будови сонячної зарядної станції для електромобілів. Описано її функціональні можливості та особливості роботи
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Проведено аналіз розробок альтернативних джерел живлення, що здатні перетворювати різні види енергії в електричну. Запропоновано технічне рішення, детально розглянуто та описано принцип дії енергогенеруючої плитки, яка перетворює кінетичну енергію від натискання в електричну та накопичує її
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The basic equipment of the given methods consists of the power source, the levelling tool and the matching device for exterior levelling methods of car body panels is presented in the paper. Using the obtained analytical expressions, the numerical estimations of the basic characteristics of the considered matching device have been plotted. The sche...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin №17. (Ukraine) Complex of external magnetic pulse straightening of body and hull elements of vehicles includes power source - magnetic pulse installation, management system and tools of magnetic pulse straightening - inductor system, which are connected by a cable inlet through conciliation device - a pu...
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Recently repair and recovery vehicle body operations become more and more popular. A special place here is taken by equipment that provides performance of given repair operations. The most interesting things are methods for recovery of car body panels that allow the straightening without disassembling of car body panels and damaging of existing pro...
Recently, repair and recovery of vehicle body operations become more and more popular. A special place here is taken by equipment that provides performance of given repair operations. The most interesting are methods for recovery of car body panels that allow the straightening without disassembling of car body panels and damaging of existing protec...
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Innovative equipment of external contactless magnetic impulse straightening developed by the laboratory of Electromagnetic Technology of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University is presented in this paper. The effect of metal hyper-plasticity at magnetic impulse acting is described. Suggestions concerning practical testing of advanced tec...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin № 16. A method of pulsed magnetic attraction of metal objects by a combined disk matching device consists in deformation of a blank by action of a pulsed magnetic field using an induction system, in which an inductor – a secondary winding of a pulse current transformer is made in the form of a cylindrica...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin № 15 A multiturn rotary induction coil system for pulsed magnetic attraction of thin sheet metals is an inductor, which is made in the form of three circular flat turns, two of which are located above an auxiliary screen, and the third one - at the bottom. The inductor turns are connected so that the cu...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin № 14 A method of pulsed magnetic attraction of thin sheet metals consists in their deformation by impact of the pulsed magnetic field of an induction multiturn rotary inductor system that is configured as a flat coil, above which a flat metal screen is placed. To implement the method of pulsed magnetic a...
Conference Paper
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Abstract The work is dedicated to EMF attraction processes which can deform both ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic sheet metal materials (low carbon steels, stainless steels and aluminum alloys) using low frequency discharges. The analytical models of both tooling configurations are based upon the solution of Maxwell equations in axially symmetri...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin №4. Disclosed is a rectangular induction system, whose mode of operation consists in deformation of metal blanks by exposure to a pulsed magnetic field. An inductor is made of two rectangular turns, one of which is located on top of a thin auxiliary screen, and the second one - from the bottom, and the i...
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Abstract The paper is dedicated to the electromagnetic attraction process ( this is a development direction of the EMF technology!) which can deform thin-walled sheet metals and remove the dents on the covering body of the modern vehicles using low frequency discharges. The basic diagram of technical system implementing the electromagnetic removin...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin №23. A device for measurement of specific electric conductivity of sheet metals comprises a placed in parallel flat inductor, first non-magnetic sheet metal, second sheet ferromagnetic metal and second flat inductor, wherein all the components of the complex are separated with dielectric gaps. The measur...
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The paper is dedicated to the study of pulsed electromagnetic attraction processes which can deform ferromagnetic sheet metal materials such as low carbon steels using low frequency discharges. The analytical model based upon the solution of Maxwell equations explains that magnetic forces are prevailing over the Lorentz forces for low frequency dis...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin №1. A method of magnetic-pulse treatment of thin metals by series of pulses is carried out using a generator multiple unipolar current pulses with a bridge rectifier circuit in a discharge circuit.
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin № 19. (Ukraine). A method for pre-start heating of metal elements of automotive constructions includes heating by means of vortex currents induced in metal of the element that is heated with alternating electromagnetic field of an external coil that is placed in vicinity of the element of the automotive...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin №10. (Ukraine) A method of pulsed magnetic attraction of metal objects by a single-turn inductor system with a thin screen includes deformation of metal objects due to the impact of a pulsed magnetic field through the attraction of a workpiece to the inductor. The inductor is designed as an electrically...
The article subject is being related to the magnetic pulse metal forming some problem. The physical mechanism of the pulse magnetic fields force action on the thin-walled sheet ferromagnetic conducting plates is theoretically formulated and justified. It is shown the attracting forces what are caused by magnetic properties of the metals worked out...
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Patent of Ukraine for invention. Bulletin №20. (Ukraine) Method for measurement of specific electric conductivity of sheet materials relates to measuring engineering and can be used in electro-technical, motor car, aviation and machine-building fields of industry. According to the invention one measures specific electric conductivity in contact-les...
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Patent of Ukraine for useful model. Bulletin №20. (Ukraine) A generator of repeated current pulses for working metals by pressure of pulse magnetic field contains a charger, a storage condenser and a discharge circuit with a load-inductor. The charge and discharge circuits are connected through a thyristor-electronic device, which synchronizes char...


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