Andrey Vinnikov

Andrey Vinnikov

Candidate Degree in Biological Sciences with specialization in "Ichthyology" (Russian equivalent of Ph.D.)
MSC Fishery and MSC/ASC CoC certification


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My research interests: Development of approaches to the implementation of sustainable (rational) fisheries, environmental protection measures and ecological certification of fisheries; Assessment of marine fish stocks and a long-term forecasting TAC and ABC of commercial species with using various methods of fisheries modeling; Bycatch problems in various fisheries in North Pacific, reduction of by-catch seabirds and marine mammals; Fisheries management in the Northern Pacific
August 2010 - August 2012
The external education at the Department of Law of the Kamchatka Branch of Far Eastern State University. Unfinished secondary higher education without diploma, only two years out of four were completed.
Field of study
  • Jurisprudence
December 2008 - May 2009
Candidate Degree in Biological Sciences with specialization in "Ichthyology" (Russian equivalent of Ph.D.)
Field of study
  • Ichthyology
September 1989 - September 1993
The external post-graduate education at the Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO-Center) with specialization in Ichthyology
Field of study
  • Ichthyology


Publications (92)
Conference Paper
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The system for marine mammal safety and monitoring (SMMSM) is being developed to ensure their safety in areas of the permanent or temporary habitats, first of all trying to prevent collisions with the vessels. This system can be installed on large marine vessels. The main objectives of SMMSM are as follows: - a detection, classification, and identi...
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This research substantiates the preservation in federal legislation of the concept of “spawning protective forest strips” as a category of protective forests, which synchronizes the requirements of both forestry and legislation on fisheries and the conservation of aquatic biological resources. At the same time, not only the risks associated with th...
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This paper discusses the concept of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VME) developed by Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO), in particular for protection of marine environment and resources in the areas beyond national jurisdictions. VME is a regulatory notion. From the ecological standpoint, it includes in most cases only part of...
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On the basis of domestic and international experience of users’ quotas (quotas shares) allocation for living resources use some suggestions on fisheries enterprises’ quotas allocation are proposed. Such quotas can both increase economic efficiency and sustainability of living resource usage. The article continues the previous paper «Experience of f...
Conference Paper
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In Russian waters there are large (Far Eastern seas) or relatively small (Barents Sea) areas with restrictions or bans on bottom trawling. While such regulation certainly has a positive effect on reducing the impact of bottom trawlers on the seabed, it has little or no connection to the concepts of VMEs or sensitive habitats. The effect of bottom g...
Conference Paper
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Experimental researches were carried out in July–October 2010 and 2013. on two scientific-fishing vessels for harvesting of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), mainly in the Bering Sea and adjacent waters of the Pacific Ocean. 223 control sets of bottom longlines were carried out using seabirds scared me...
Conference Paper
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Using a Russian research vessel, BЛАДИМИР САΦΟΗΟΒ (VLADIMIR SAFONOV), a dedicated systematic cetacean sighting survey will be conducted in the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk (a part of sub-area 12NE for common minke whale RMP implementation) in 2015. The vessel is a trawl-net type research vessel with a barrel for observation. The objective of...
Conference Paper
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In August of 2014 at the Gulf of Crest (the northwestern Bering Sea) seashore two washed dead Gray Whales were found and examined (Figure). Natives from the nearby Uelkal village has reported about their finding. The first whale was located 15 km (9.3 miles) NNW of the Uelkal village and was lying in 10 m (33 ft) from the surf strip on its back. It...
Conference Paper
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The interannual dynamics of the commercial stock, spatial distribution and some aspects of the Blue king crab life cycle in Olyutorsky-Navarin region of the Bering Sea were analyzed. It was found that there were another redistribution of the commercial stock in 2014. Earlier in 2008-2010 a significant portion of males with commercial size lived in...
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The streamer lines of 3 types are tested and compared: i) the model used in the USA Pacific waters; and ii-iii) two new models made of cheaper materials, more accessible in Russia. One new model is similar to the American one but the lateral orange 1/4” Kraton thermoplastic tubes are replaced by orange twisted polyethylene ropes with the diameter 1...
В альбоме представлены фотографии животного, растительного мира и ландшафтов Чукотки, портреты коренных жителей и бытовые зарисовки. Книга поможет читателю почувствовать суровую красоту Чукотки и своеобразие уклада жизни ее народа. The album contains photographs of the animals, plants and landscapes of Chukotka – the most remote region of the Russi...
The problem of seabird bycatch is considered at realization of demersal longline operations in the Far East Fisheries Basin. On the supervision executed in 2003-2010 the general seabird mortality makes to 20 thousand individuals per year at demersal longline fishery in the Far East seas of Russia. Losses of domestic longline fleet in the Far East o...
На основании данных информационной системы «Рыболовство» проведен детальный анализ промысловой активности ярусоловов всех администативных районов Дальнего Востока России и иностранного флота на промысле трески в Дальневосточном бассейне. Установлено, что структура уловов на ярусном промысле трески в межгодовом аспекте имела стабильный характер. В 2...
На основании биостатистических материалов по размерному и возрастному составу тихоокеанской трески из уловов различными донными орудиями лова обсуждается целесообразность и действенность промысловой меры в условиях существующего многовидового донного промысла в прикамчатских водах и ее соответствие реальному размерному составу рыб в уловах. On the...
По материалам 1995-1997 гг. приводятся сведения о видовом составе и частоте встречаемости рыб в уловах донных ярусов в 30-мильной охранной зоне Командорского биосферного заповедника и непосредственно прилегающей к ней акватории. Рассматриваются основные биологические характеристики наиболее массового объекта лова — тихоокеанской трески. Приводится...
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Methods for reducing incidental bycatch of seabirds and increasing of the longline fishery profitability were tested in 9 cruises of medium-tonnage fishing-boats conducted in 2004–2008, mainly for pacific cod fishing at Kamchatka. Seabird behavior was observed during 411 longline settings and their bycatch was calculated for 395 retrievals of longl...
Conference Paper
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Totally in 2012 from May to December 141 gray whales were landed in Chukotka. The largest number of 63 whales was landed in the native village of Lorino (Mechigmensky bay). In June and September, scientists investigated 23 gray whales caught in the Mechigmensky bay. Both the first (May, 22) and the last gray whales (December, 4) were caught in the...
Conference Paper
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Key words: gray whale, distribution, number, harvest, sex-age and size structure, physiological state, body condition index In 2007-2011, significant variations in number of gray whales present in Mechigmensky Bay as well as their irregular distribution were found. Information on gray whale biology coming annually from harvest in Mechigmensky Bay c...
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Обобщены данные по пространственному и вертикальному распределению северотихоокеанской колючей акулы (катрана) Squalus suckleyi в тихоокеанских водах Курильских островов и Камчатки из уловов лососевых дрифтерных и ставных сетей и донных тралов в 2005-2008 гг. Приведены новые данные по внешней морфологии особей, выловленных в тихоокеанских водах Кур...
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Data on spiny dogfish caught by salmon driftnets in the Pacific off the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka are summarized. The highest occurrence of this shark was observed off the southeastern Kamchatkan coast and opposite the First Kuril Strait where it occurred in July-November but most frequently in October-November during northward feeding migrations...
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Рассмотрено воздействие паразитизма тихоокеанской миноги на тихоокеанскую треску в северо-западной части Тихого океана. Показано, что трехзубая минога концентрируется в местах наиболее плотных скоплений трески. Выявлено влияние паразитизма миноги на физиологическое состояние ее жертв. Impact of parasitism of Pacific lamprey to Pacific cod in the n...
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The detailed study of status and structure of longline fishery in different fishing areas of the Far East basin of Russian Federation is executed on the basis of data of information system «Fishery» for 2001-2007. Is established that in different fishing areas the hooks longline fishery of Pacific cod and halibuts was conducted everywhere by one wa...
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This research (thesis) is a general summary of the biology of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) off the West coast of Kamchatka peninsula in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. For the first time, issues related to the current dynamics of Pacific cod stock in this area have been considered. The data obtained represent an analysis of various asp...
Conference Paper
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Relationships between Pacific cod and Pacific lamprey in the Pacific Ocean off Kamchatka and northern Kuril Islands are analyzed based on the data on Pacific cod specimens with lamprey marks or wounds. It is determined that lamprey aggregates at sites with high abundance of its prey. The analysis of fatness and length-weight relationship of Pacific...
Conference Paper
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This paper summarizes data on spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) captures obtained in the Pacific waters off the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka (44°-53°N 145°- 160°E) taken by different fishing gears (salmon drift nets, bottom trawls and stationary nets) in 1993-2006. Totally data on 512 specimens were sampled.
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Results of long-term research on spatial and vertical distribution of Pacific lamprey Lampetra tridentata in the North Pacific and its size composition are provided. Maximum concentrations of Pacific lamprey occur year round occur off the Cape Navarin, Koryak shelf, eastern Aleutian Islands and US west coast, probably related to high abundance of l...
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New fishing gear – longline with integrated weight (lead core) was tested aboard on the medium-capacity boat for fishing Greenland turbot in the waters at western Kamchatka and northern Kuril Islands in April 2005. The experimental longline with integrated weight (IW) was compared with a control (standard) unweighted line (UW) with external weights...
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State and size composition dynamics of oocytes of immature and mature Pacific cod females having their gonads at different stages of maturation are analyzed. Duration of particular stages of the oogenesis is assessed. Ovaries of Pacific cod can reach the state of young oocyte for two years of life. Elder immature and mature individuals had the oocy...
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The results of analysis of a large number of references, and the author's own materials were used to consider reccomendations regarding some principles of studying the sea period of life of the Pacific lamprey Lampetra tridentata. A standardized research scheme is suggested which can also be applied to the other species of parasitic lampreys. Three...
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Three species of the Gadidae family, Pacific cod, walleye pollock, and saffron cod, inhabit waters of the continental shelf and slope off western Kamchatka, providing more then 90% of the total fish biomass in the area. All of them are traditional subjects of the Russian fishery, though their biological features, ecology, and abundance differ signi...
The problem associated with damage to fisheries by marine predators (marine mammals, fishes, crustaceans) as a result of eating fish in fishing gear and inflicting various types of injuries on it reducing its viability, is considered. The characteristics of injuries received by Pacific salmon and the key to determining the source of injury are give...
Conference Paper
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В основу данной работы положены гидробиологические материалы, полученные летом 2004 г. в период рейса на судне РК «Тайфун» в районе Командорских островов. Одной из задач проведенных работ было выполнение планктонной съемки для определения видового состава, а также количественной оценки зоопланктона в исследуемом районе. Намеченные исследования выпо...
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During the survey trawl work under the program of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "KamchatNIRO" on the SRTM-K (Middle Fishing Trawler Freezer with stern trawling) "Professor Probatov" from July 2 to August 23, 2005 in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk, we simultaneously carried out observations of seabirds, mainly for the purpose of recor...
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Представлен отчет о результатах проекта Всемирного фонда дикой природы, посвященного снижению прилова морских птиц при российском ярусном промысле донных рыб в Беринговом и Охотском морях. В условиях российских морей проверены приспособления и методы лова (стримерные линии, утяжеленная хребтина яруса), которые, с одной стороны, уменьшают попадание...
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This present work summarizes the results of the World Wide Fund for Nature project on reduction of incidental bycatch of seabirds in Russian demersal longline fishing in the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk. The main objective of the project was to test in the Russian Far East the equipment and methods of fishery that can both minimize the number of h...
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The Nature Reserve's diverse and food-rich habitats in the littoral and pelagic zones support high fish abundance, particularly on the Pacific side where upwellings are strongest. Although fishes of Commander Islands remain among the least studied in the North Pacific region, 216 species of 56 families have been identified. The 6,561-foot-deep-ocea...
Conference Paper
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The prospects and advantages of bottom longline fishing over traditional trawls-Danish seines and nets fishing have been repeatedly noted by various researchers (Ermakov, 1981; Semenov, Kokorin, 1988; etc.). The bottom longline makes it possible to catch sparse aggregations of fish with high efficiency, has high selectivity and is currently the mos...
Conference Paper
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It is well known that in terms of the abundance of fish and invertebrate bioresources, the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Western Kamchatka shelf in particular, is not only the richest fishing area in the marine EEZ of Russia (Shuntov, 1963, 1998a; Borets, 1997), but also one of the most productive and commercially important areas of t...
Conference Paper
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Важнейшим промысловым районом Дальнего Востока является прилегающая к Камчатке восточная часть Охотского моря. Это место обитания крупнейших популяций минтая, трески, наваги, камбал, камчатского краба, других промысловых беспозвоночных и водорослей. На нерест в пресные водоемы Западной Камчатки приходят наиболее крупные на российском Дальнем Восток...
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Data on species composition and frequency of fishes in the catches of bottom auto longline system Mustad was collected within the 30-mile conservation zone of the Komandorskiy Reserve in 1996 and in adjacent waters on the continental slope in 1995, 1997. 29 species of fishes relating to 13 Families are registered in catches within the limits of the...
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A bottom longline fishery has been conducted in the region since the early 1990s. Now, up to 15 catcher-processor vessels, equipped with an autoline system, operate year round, targeting Pacific cod (70% of the total catch), as well as halibut, rockfishes and other groundfish. In 2001-2003 the total mean annual catch was about 26,000 tons using 80...
Conference Paper
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The idea of collecting and systematizing of the otoliths of osseous fishes on the basis of various criteria is not new. As registering structures they (in most cases the largest – sagitta) they are widely used in determining the age of fishes. Otoliths are also of importance as auxiliary structures in systematic studies. In the investigation of the...
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Bottom gill net fishery in the waters adjacent of Kamchatka peninsula has been directed mostly to Greenland halibut (turbot) Reinhardtius hippoglossoides matsuurae, Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis, Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, and sea perches (mostly Shortraker rockfish Sebastes borealis and Broadfin thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir)....
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The influence of different abiotic factors on formation of generations of Pacific cod in the northwestern Bering Sea since 1970s to 2001 is analyzed. For this purpose, VPA was used as the method of estimation of total and fishing stock and value of recruitment of Pacific cod in the region. The abiotic factors belonged to three conditional groups: “...
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Descriptions of data on captures of Cherry snailfish Allocareproctus jordani (Burke, 1930) in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk in bottom trawl and longline catches in 1999 and 2002 are provided, which indicates the expansion of its range.
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4 specimens of Bigmouth sculpin Ulca bolini (Hemitripteridae) were discovered for the first time in the Sea of Okhotsk in bottom trawl and bottom longline catches off the western coast of Kamchatka in 2002. Data are provided on the conditions of capture and the species composition of catches including Bigmouth sculpin. This species is the 7th repre...
Based on the data of two summer surveys carried out in 2002, the biomass of bottom fishes of the West Kamchata Shelf was assessed. The obtained results were considered within the series of similar annual assessments conducted since 1996. It was displayed that against the background of some increase in the total biomass of bottom fishes, the biomass...
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Data are provided on the first registration of the death of one individual of short-tailed albatross in a bottom longline fishery in the Russian zone of the western Bering Sea in 2003. This short text has a translation in English.
Conference Paper
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The average coefficient of bycatch of seabirds per longline for the entire period of the year for all areas is 0.47 individuals per 1000 hooks. We note that the preliminary data presented reflect only the averaged overall seasonal picture of seabird bycatch records based on returns on hooks in Kamchatka waters. The lack of materials for individual...
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In the end of 1980-s Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus biomass in the eastern Sea of Okhotsk has been began to decrease. In 1997 its stock biomass has been increased slightly. In 2000-2001 the biomass has been reached the lowest level (33-35 thousand tons) for the last 20 years period. In 2002 the biomass of Pacific cod was increased up to 48.2 thous...
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10 species of sharks (Elasmobranchii) are marked in Kamchatka and adjacent waters (Sheiko, Fedorov, 2000). But only 3 species were sampled by bottom trawl in the shelf of Western Kamchatka (Sea of Okhotsk) on depth up to 200 m during summer trawl surveys in 1995-2002. These were salmon shark Lanina ditropis (Lamniformes: Lamnidae), spiny dogfish Sq...
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In 2001 and 2002 the portion of straining-off fishing gears has compounded 92.6 and 92.8% from the total catch in the eastern Sea of Okhotsk. More than 70% of total had been caught by the pelagic trawls. The main species is walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma, which portion exceeded 95% in catch by pelagic trawls. By-catch was minimum for other s...
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Anadyr-Navarin Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) is distributed in the western part of the Bering Sea. Its reproduction occurs in the spring, and later than in the southern regions - April - early May. Spawning is one-time, observed in the bottom layers of water, while most of the water area is still covered with ice. Bottom caviar with a sticky sh...
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Pacific cod Gctdus macrocephalus from the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk habits throughout the entire shelf zone and the upper part of the continental slope along the western coast of Kamchatka, and represents a single population group. Also the Kamchatka-Kuril subzone includes a section of the Sea of Okhotsk side of the northern Kuril Islands...
Conference Paper
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In Eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk there are more than 10 species of jellyfish (class Scyphozoa). Also, it is known that the considerable proportion of it is marked in macroplankton at shelf of Western Kamchatka. Data of distribution of jellyfish are collected in July - August 2001 when research vessel "Pogranichnik Petrov" carried out bottom tr...
Conference Paper
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This research for catches of larvae and fry of Pacific cod and Saffron cod off the Western Kamchatka shelf in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk fills the gap in the study of Pacific cod and Saffron cod in the early stages of development. From the results obtained it follows that counting larvae and fry of Pacific cod and Saffron cod through ve...
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The materials, on which this research is based, were obtained during the period of the bottom trawl survey at the R/V SRTM-K (Middle Fishery Trawler with stern trawling) "Pogranichnik Petrov" near Western Kamchatka in the Eastern of the Sea of Okhotsk in July-August 2000. In bottom trawl catches, the most common age group of the three Gadid species...
Conference Paper
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The current population status of Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasii) off western Kamchatka (the Sea of Okhotsk) is still questionable (Trofimov, 2000). It is assumed that mainly Gizhiginsk-Kamchatka Pacific herring is feeding here in the summer but it is possible that Okhotsk Pacific herring is also caught in the catches. According to standa...
Conference Paper
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In 1998-1999 we carried out an analysis of the species composition of longline catches by fishing areas, years of research and conventionally identified depth ranges (from 100 to 300 – the depth of the Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus fishery, and from 300 to 800 m – the fishing depth of marine rockfish, halibuts and other fish of the upper part of...
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The scaled sculpin Archaulus biseriatus Gilbert et Burke, 1912 is reported from three new North Pacific records from off the northern Kuril Islands, Russia, and the central Aleutian Islands, Alaska, north of Seguam Island. This species had been previously known from the type series from the Aleutian Islands, Petrel Bank of the southern Bering Sea,...
Conference Paper
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When KamchatNIRO employees carried out a bottom trawl survey to count fish on the shelf and the upper part of the continental slope (15-300 m) near western Kamchatka in July-August 1999, species were discovered (Table) that can supplement the species list of bottom fish for the area (Borets, 1997). We also noted species indicated by Borets (1997) f...
Conference Paper
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The List of fish species taken into account during annual bottom trawl surveys near Western Kamchatka currently includes, according to a report by L.A. Borets (1997), 148 species of fish - representatives only of the bottom ichthyocene. However, when studying the species diversity of ichthyofauna only in a limited area of the northwestern shelf fro...
Conference Paper
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The Pacific (Arctic) smelt Osmerus mordax dentex is distributed almost everywhere in the coastal waters of Kamchatka. In our opinion, it is characterized by the presence of at least two ecological groups. Representatives of the first – ‘marine’ - spend the winter on the shelf, at a considerable distance from the coast. Fish of the second group – ‘c...
Conference Paper
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The Western Kamchatka shelf is one of the most productive and commercially important areas of the World Ocean. Considering the importance of the large population of Red king crab, other benthic invertebrates and fish living here, specialists from KamchatNIRO and TINRO-Center have carried out bottom trawl surveys according to a standard scheme almos...
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The conditions of the case of the capture of one specimen of Rex sole Glyptocephalus zachirus (Pleuronectidae) off the south-eastern coast of Kamchatka in December 5, 1998 are described.
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Regular research work to study the aquatic biological resources of the continental slope and the lower part of the shelf in the Kamchatka waters of the Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea and off the Pacific coast of Kamchatka has been carried out by fishery research institutes since the early 1960s. In the bottom ichthyocenes of these areas there are from...
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The abundance of Pacific cod on the Western Kamchatka shelf was analyzed by age group (data for the period since 1981 till 1995) using the method of virtual population analysis (VPA). The assessment of MKES for various age groups was carried out using the methods of P.V. Tyurin (1972), V.L. Tretyak (1984) and L.A. Zykov and V.A. Slepokurov (1982)....
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Materials from bottom trawl surveys carried out on the shelf of Western Kamchatka during the period from 1972 to 1996 are used in this research. According to the authors opinion, in Western Kamchatka there may be two forms of Pacific (Arctic) smelt, differing in wintering place. Arctic smelt can winter either on the shelf, at depths of up to 300 m,...
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The basis for the rational harvesting of Pacific cod stocks, and to some extent, for modern fishery zoning, is the idea of complex intraspecific differentiation which is confirmed by the results of previously conducted studies of the morphological heterogeneity of Pacific cod in the waters of Kamchatka using morphometry (Petrova-Tychkova, 1948; Tik...
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Species composition, ecological and zoogeographical structures of the coastal ichthyofauna (depths 0-200 m) of the northwestern Kamchatka (Okhotsk Sea) is described and discussed.
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The first collections of ichthyoplankton off the coast of Kamchatka (including the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk of Kamchatka) were made in 1938-1939, but the results of this study were published much later (Rass, Zheltenkova, 1948; Polutov, Tripolskaya, 1954). Data on the Sea of Okhotsk ichthyoplankton are also contained in works devoted to the stud...
Conference Paper
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Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus is one of the traditional commercial objects on the Western Kamchatka shelf. Genetic and morphometric analysis, as well as consideration of differences in the size and age structures, showed the presence of two population groups in the researching area: northwestern and southwestern, last group united with the North...
Despite the great diversity in diet (c180 different items), the primary prey (86-96%) were fishes and decapods. Among the former, walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma dominates (74% by weight), among the latter the crab Chionoecetes opilio (52%). The species is seen as a facultative predator. -after Journal summary
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Currently, fisheries science along with the development and commercial implementation of highly mechanized longline systems is faced with the task of identifying productive areas that will ensure the profitable operation of vessels equipped with both bottom longline and combined longline-trawl equipment. One of such areas in the Sea of Okhotsk is t...
Conference Paper
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With using of biostatistical data on the winter-spring Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) fishery by Danish seine and taking into account interannual changes in the ratio of the number of caught juveniles of non-commercial size will make it possible not only to clarify the fishery statistics of Pacific cod catches in the southwestern part off Kamcha...
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As a result of our research carried out in February-March 1988 near the southwestern coast of Kamchatka, the ovaries of 105 females, with length (AC) - 60-85 cm, body weight 1.8-8.3 kg, aged 5-10 years, were analyzed representing the basis of the age structure of the spawning stock of Pacific cod. The gonads of the studied individuals were at the I...
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Analysis of materials from summer surveys of 1965–1988 revealed some features of the distribution of juvenile of Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus at ages 1+, 2+ and 3+ on the Western Kamchatka shelf (the Sea of Okhotsk) in the depth range of 15–300 m. Representatives of the first age group (with average length 15.6 cm), found in summer catches, live...
Conference Paper
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In the history of more than half a century of domestic Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus fishing in Kamchatka waters, periods of passive and active fishing are distinguished. In the first period, which lasted until 1957, Pacific cod fishing was carried out with bottom longlines with a relatively constant intensity and a predominance of large size fis...
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An express method suitable for use in expeditionary marine conditions has been developed for assessing the physiological state of the Japanese pilchard or Far Eastern sardine-iwashi Sardinops sagax melanostictus based on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer and the percentage of moisture in the muscles. The correlation coefficient (Rx) with...


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