Andrey Anatolievich Sychev

Andrey Anatolievich Sychev
Mordovian State University · Institute of History and Sociology

Doctor of Philosophy


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March 2022 - present
Industrial University of Tyumen
  • Leading Researcher
  • Leading Researcher


Publications (45)
The monograph is devoted to the analysis of the historical, cultural and social foundations of the canonical regulation of the life of Christian churches. Examines the specifics of the application of the canons for the regulation of marital and family, church-state relations, ensuring human rights, interfaith dialogue, etc. It has not only a scient...
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The paper tells about the history of the development of ethical education and research in the field of ethics in Saransk on the basis of the Department of Ethics (Ogarev Mordovia State University). The organizer of the ethical center and the founder of the scientific school in the field of moral philosophy in the second half of the 1970s was R.I. A...
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Introduction. The canonical norms, customs and superstitions that regulate common church practices are not always clearly differentiated in religious consciousness. As a result, the substitution of superstitions for canonical norms and customs leads to a distortion of the normative foundations of religious practices. The purpose of this study is to...
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The results of the educational process often cause criticism from the state, parental and pedagogical communities and society as a whole. This is due to the fact that norms created at the institutional level of the education system do not always allow achieving goals at the procedural level. It is the school teacher, as a key subject of educational...
The article is devoted to moral stress, which is understood as a combination of emotional reactions challenging the integrity of a system of moral norms and values, as well as a result of such an impact. Individual dimensions of moral stress are shown on the example of the analysis of the concepts of moral distress and moral injury. Using the conce...
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Introduction. The article gives a brief overview of the main areas of work of the Department of Philosophy of the Mordovia State University, the works of teachers, events dedicated to scholars of the University. Attention is focused on the continuity of the tradition of philosophizing, the continuity of the transfer of knowledge, which is reflected...
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Ethics and bioethics, on the one hand, and human security, on the other, defend social equity, human rights and advocate for the elimination of human risks in the context of global change. Social, economic, political, military, cultural or environmental processes, phenomena and events are interdependent, inter-influencing each other. Given the magn...
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The article deals with the issues of interaction between man and nature from the point of view of various religious ethical teachings and religious law. The elements of deontological and hierarchical biocentrism are described in such religions as Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam. Despite the fact that Christian and Muslim id...
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Авторами издания представлен анализ современных социокультурных условий жизнедеятельности населения малых городов России, показана их инфраструктура, выявлены возможности участия активных городских сообществ в самоуправлении, исследованы причины упадка и остановки социокультурного развития малых городов страны. В рамках темы государственного задани...
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Characteristics of the interpretation of the concept of "canon" in the marginal Orthodox discourse have been considered in the article. Marginal Orthodoxy is understood by the author as a set of ideas and practices characteristic of non-institutionalized movements and groups declaring their orthodoxy and accusing representatives of official Orthodo...
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Introduction. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, new independent states began to develop their own approaches to education based on national and confessional traditions. It was reflected in new norms, regulating their educational systems. The study of these norms and the process of their creation, the role of teachers and other stakeholders in...
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Проведен анализ ключевых исторических этапов развития моделей научного этоса в нормотворческом ракурсе, позволяющий получить критерии для прогнозирования дальнейшего развития норм, регулирующих деятельность научного сообщества. В качестве отправной точки для изучения исторической эволюции ценностно-нормативных моделей научного этоса принята классич...
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Рецензия на монографию Натальи Константиновны Бонецкой Русский экзистенциализм. СПб. : Алетейя, 2021. 670 с. ISBN 978-5-00165-222-9, где предлагается многостороннее и подробное обозрение основных концепций ведущих представителей русского экзистенциализма, философских источников их идей и, отчасти, путей воздействия этих идей на последующее развитие...
Conference Paper
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Понятием «новая этика» в русскоязычной среде обозначается совокупность идей, касающихся изменений чувствительности общества к вопросам социальной справедливости, стигматизации, признания/непризнания. В англоязычных академических текстах это понятие активно используется с середины прошлого века для обозначения, главным образом, необходимости нормати...
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The article analyzes the key historical stages in the development of models of the scientific ethos in a norm-setting perspective, which makes it possible to obtain criteria for predicting the further development of norms regulating the activities of the scientific community. The classical R. Merton’s model (CUDOS) was adopted as a starting point f...
Conference Paper
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The pandemic has exacerbated the clash of interests between various actors, including individual, society, government and business. It is necessary to balance the individual rights and public interest. On the one hand, restrictions addressed to individuals put significant limits to their rights. The sanctions that are implemented through the mechan...
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Introduction. The emergence of social norms is usually described as a spontaneous, objectively conditioned process. However, the norm-creating approach to the study of the indicated problem allows obtaining a fundamentally new optics of socio-philosophical studies of normativity. The purpose of this article is to analyze the position of various nor...
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В последние годы значительно увеличилось количество сериалов, изображающих искусственный интеллект и его влияние на реальность («Почти человек», «Люди», «Черное зеркало», «Лучше, чем люди», «Проект Анна Николаевна»). В центре интеллектуальных споров оказался «Мир Дикого Запада», спровоцировавший новые дискуссии о постгуманизме и биополитике. Подобн...
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Introduction. The study is devoted to investigation of methods to integrate “hard” and “soft” skills of law students. This approach is necessary for teaching students to make decisions in situations of value and norm uncertainty, which require the integration of law and morality, general cultural and professional competencies. The public use of hat...
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The article discusses the main stages of moral norm-creating. The author claims that the first normative turn in history is associated with the appearance of norm-creating as such. The subject of norm-creating during this period was the community, and the mechanism of selection of norms was evolution, which contributed to the survival of groups wit...
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В статье предлагается рассматривать кризисные процессы, затрагивающие современного профессора, в общем контексте социальных трансформаций, происходящих с классом интеллектуалов. В теории Д.Белла предполагается, что в постиндустриальном обществе доминирую-щим станет интеллектуальный класс, объединяющий обладателей высокой квалификации: преподавателе...
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The article deals with topical issues of the practice of teaching specialty language to law students. The authors of the article work with students of different specialties and teach such disciplines as: Russian as a foreign language, Russian in professional activities of international lawyers, the basics of rhetoric and communication, Russian in t...
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Introduction. Population is one of the most important economic, social and cultural resources, and the tendency of decline in population is a serious obstacle to urban development. In Russia, the processes of decline in population have taken place due to its natural loss, which until recently has been offset by migration growth. However, in recent...
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Researchers repeatedly noted that M.M. Bakhtin’s works are characterized by integration of musical culture into theoretical discourse, which is expressed in his appeal to the conceptual sphere of musical art and use of musical terminology as an instrument of literary, aesthetic, and cultural analysis. However, when examining Bakhtin’s connection wi...
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Modern public discourse is so closely related to power that we can talk about the power of discourse. The value-normative basis of public discourse in most modern societies is human rights and fundamental freedoms. This leads to a high level of not only discursive diversity, but also communicative aggression, one of the most dangerous manifestation...
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В статье на материале текстов М.М. Бахтина рассматривается проблема серьезности. Автор показывает, что смех и серьезность суть два мировоззренческих полюса, где первый представляет движение и изменчивость, а второй – завершенность и неизменность. Различия смеха и серьезности рассмотрены в нескольких контекстах. Показывается, во-первых, что смех нап...
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В статье прослеживается эволюция понятия «провоцирование» от литературоведческого неологизма до философской категории с глубинными эпистемологическими и онтологическими смыслами. Показано, что это понятие первоначально применялось М.М. Бахтиным для обозначения системы приемов, при помощи которых Ф.М. Достоевский побуждает своих героев к самораскрыт...
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Introduction. The performed analysis of coverage of migration issues in electronic media shows that hate speech against migrants is becoming common practice despite the existing regulatory restrictions on its use. This determined the choice of this issue for the research, aimed at studying the causes, forms and contexts of using hate speech against...
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The article is devoted to the evolution of the concept of dignity in ethical and philosophical thought. On the basis of the etymology of the word, the author reveals the basic definition of dignity as a measure of the correspondence of a person’s behavior to his or her position in society and the approving reaction of the others to such behavior. T...
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The article assesses the migration intentions of young people living in the Republic of Mordovia. The attention is focused on the migration intentions and moods as elements of the migratory behavior which act as an incentive to migrate. The authors analyze the results of the survey of young people and the structured interview and propose the measur...
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The problem of implementation of environmental norms is closely connected with more general questions of moral normativity and its sources. In the history of ethics at least two alternative ways of thinking about the ground of existing moral norms are presented. In general, the norms can be deduced either from moral duty or from moral responsibilit...
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В статье скандал рассматривается в контексте теории карнавальной культуры М.М. Бахтина. Хотя подробного анализа исторических или социальных оснований скандала Бахтин в своих работах не делал, его понимание скандала как профанирующего события, имеющего карнавальный характер, задает общее направление для такого анализа. Исходя из этого понимания, вед...


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