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Transient Strain Driven by a Dense Electron-Hole Plasma


Abstract and Figures

We study coherent strain in (001) Ge generated by an ultrafast laser-initiated high density electron-hole plasma. The resultant coherent pulse is probed by time-resolved x-ray diffraction through changes in the anomalous transmission. The acoustic pulse front is driven by ambipolar diffusion of the electron-hole plasma and propagates into the crystal at supersonic speeds. Simulations of the strain including electron-phonon coupling, modified by carrier diffusion and Auger recombination, are in good agreement with the observed dynamics.
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arXiv:cond-mat/0301002v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 31 Dec 2002
Supersonic strain front driven by a dense electron-hole plasma
M. F. DeCamp,
D. A. Reis,
A. Cavalieri,
P. H. Bucksbaum,
R. Clarke,
R. Merlin,
E. M. Dufresne,
A. Arms ,
A. M. L indenber g,
A. G. MacPhee,
Z. Chang,
B. Lings,
J. S. Wark,
and S. Fahy
FOCUS Center and Department of Physics, University of Mi chigan
Department of Physics, University of Cal ifornia, Berkeley
Department of Physics, Kansas State University
Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3PU, UK
Physics Department and NMRC, University College Cork, Ireland.
(Dated: February 1, 2008)
We study coherent strain in (001) Ge generated by an ultrafast laser-initiated high density
electron-hole plasma. The resultant coherent pulse is probed by time-resolved x-ray diffraction
through changes in the anomalous transmission. The acoustic pulse front is driven by ambipolar
diffusion of the electron-hole plasma and propagates into the crystal at supersonic speeds. Simu-
lations of the strain including electron-phonon coupling, modified by carrier diffusion and Auger
recombination, are in good agreement with the observed dynamics.
PACS numbers: 61.10.Nz, 63.20.-e, 42.65.RE
Subpicosecond laser-induced e lec tron-hole plasmas in
semiconductors can produce large amplitude lattice
strain and rapid los s of tra nslational order. These effects
have been studied ex tensively in ultrafast linear and non-
linear reflectivity exp eriments [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] and,
more recently, in time-re solved x-ray B ragg scattering
exp eriments[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. X-ray diffraction has
the advantage that it can provide quantitative structural
information.Many of the x-ray experiments[10, 11, 16]
have been analyzed using the thermoelastic model put
forward by Thomsen et al.[7] in which the strain is caused
by differential thermal expansion. Deviations from this
model are discussed in the work of Thomsen et al. and
have been seen in x-ray diffraction [11, 13, 14, 16, 17].
Cavalleri et al.[13, 14] studied c oherent strain near the
thermal melting threshold in Ge a nd concluded that the
strain is produced over a r e gion which is thick compared
to the optical penetration depth due to ambipola r dif-
fusion. However, their experiment was only sensitive to
structural changes in the near surface region.
In this letter we report on measurements of coher-
ent strain generation in Ge following ultrafast laser-
excitation using a bulk sensitive structural probe. We
use time-resolved ultrafast x-ray transmission to measure
strain propaga tion deep within the crystal, providing in-
formation about the generation process. Initially, the
strain front advances at speeds gre ater than the s ound
sp e e d. In our experiments, the laser intensity is sufficient
to impulsively generate a dense electron-hole plasma at
the crystal surface, the dynamics of which are governed
by ambipolar diffusion [18] and Auger recombination.
The plasma couples to the lattice through the deforma-
tion potential. In order to probe the resulting coherent
acoustic pulse as it travels deep within the bulk, we uti-
lize the Laue geometr y where by the x-rays traverse the
full thickness of the crystal, emerging on the other side
as two mutually coherent be ams[19]. We have recently
shown that a short acoustic pulse can coherently transfer
energy between these two beams o n a time scale inconsis -
tent with the thermo-elastic model. Following the initial
transient, the beam intensities oscillate as a function of
the pump-probe delay[17]. In the experiments reported
here, the stra in generation is studied as a function of the
incident laser fluence. The relative phase of the oscilla-
tions and the amplitude of the transient provide informa-
tion about the strain generation process at times s horter
than the x-ray probe duration.
In the Laue geometry, two linearly independent wave
solutions propagate through the crystal. Transverse to
the propagation, these two solutions are sta nding waves
whose wavelengths are twice the spacing of the diffracting
planes. The solutions are usually labelled α and β with
the convention that α has its nodes, and β its antinodes
on the diffracting planes. In the case that all atoms lie on
these planes, α is maximally transmitted and β is maxi-
mally absor bed. Becaus e the two solutions interact with
different electron densities, they propagate with different
Outside the crystal, two diffracted beams are pro-
duced: one in the direction of the input be am (forward-
diffracted or “0” beam), and the other in the direction
determined by the vector sum
diffracted or “H” beam). Here
) c orresponds
to the wavevector of the forward-diffracted (deflected-
diffracted) beam and
is the reciprocal lattice vector
corresponding to the diffracting planes. These b e ams are
linear combinations of the two internal solutions, α and
β. The external intensities are g iven by:
= |a
+ b
= |c
where I
) is the diffracted intensity of the forward
(deflected) beam,
is the complex wave field inside
FIG. 1: Intensities of the forward- and deflected-diffracted
beams (upper) and the interior solutions α, β (lower) as a
function of depth inside a thick crystal. A lattice disturbance
near the exit couples the two solutions, regenerating β .
FIG. 2: Experimental setup.
the crystal,
is the complex wavevector of the α, β
solutions (including absorption), and a, b, c, d are deter-
mined by the crystal orientation. The two internal modes
oscillate in and out of phase as they propagate
through the crysta l. The wavelength of the interference,
Λ = |
, is known as the Pendell¨osung length
which is typically a few to tens of microns and is often
shorter than the absorption length.
For a crystal that is thick compared to the β-
absorption length, only the α solution survives and there
are no interference effects. This is the anomalous trans-
mission of x-rays, known as the Borrmann Effect [19]. A
distortion of the lattice c an caus e a redistribution of the
interior wave s olutions [20]. Figure 1 shows the effect of
a thin region of distortion regenerating the β solution af-
ter it has decayed away in a thick crystal fo r the case of
zero α absorption. When this occurs c lose enough to the
crystal exit, the regener ated β wave does not dec ay away
and interference occur s at the exit face, despite the fact
that the crystal is thick.
In our experiments, a short acous tic pulse is generated
at the surface of a thick crystal. This pulse can be con-
sidered as a moving lattice disturbance. The diffracted
intensities will oscillate in time as the pulse travels into
the crystal bulk with a period that is given by the Pen-
dell¨osung length divided by the speed of sound. Devia-
tions from the impulsive strain generation will be evident
in the phase and/or amplitude of the x-ray modulation
as a function of pump-probe delay.
The exper iments were perfo rmed at the 7-ID undula-
tor beamline at the Advanced Photon Source. The x-ray
energy was set to 10keV using a cryogenically co oled Si
111 double crystal monochromator leading to a 1.4×1 0
fractional energy sprea d. The x-ray beam is masked by
tantalum slits to ensure that the x-ray spot is smaller
than the lase r spot on the sample and to provide x-ray
collimation. The sample is a 280µm thick, (001) Ge sin-
gle c rystal. The crystal was oriented such that the x-rays
diffracted in the asymmetric 20
2 Laue geometry. In this
geometry, and at 10 keV, the Pendell¨osung length is 6.2
µm and the β absorption length is 19µm, normal to the
surface. There fo re, in the unperturbed crystal, only α
survives at the exit. The only difference between the two
diffracted beams is in their direction and a mismatch in
their amplitudes due to details of the boundary condi-
tions on the exit face [19].
Coherent strain pulses are produced on the x-ray out-
put face of the crystal by sub-100fs, 800 nm laser pulses
at a 1kHz repetition rate. The ex c itation is fully re-
versible b etween subsequent laser pulses. The laser is
phase-locked to the x-ray beam to better than the x-ray
pulse duration. The las er is timed to the x-rays using
a combination of a digital delay generator and an elec-
tronic phase shifter in the phase-locked loop. In this
manner the pump-probe delay may be set across a range
of ±1 ms with 19 ps precision. A fast silicon avala nche
photodiode (APD) and a picosecond x-ray streak camera
[21] were used as the time-resolved detectors. The APD
sampled the deflected-diffracted beam intensity and the
streak camera sampled the forward-diffracted beam (see
Fig. 2). The x-ray bunch separation was 152 ns, large
enough to allow electronic gating and measurement of a
single x-ray pulse .
Following laser-excitation, high contrast o scillations
are observed in the pump-probe da ta over a la rge span of
excitation densities. Figure 3 shows these osc illations in
the deflected-diffracted beam. The period of oscilla tion
agrees with the Pendell¨osung length divided by the longi-
tudinal speed of sound. At an incident fluence of 35
the behavior near t = 0 shows a large transient that is
unresolved with the 100 ps x-ray probe beam. After the
transient, the oscillations show a significant phase-shift
with respect to oscillations that occur following an ex-
citation of 2
. The amplitude and frequency of the
oscillations are relatively insensitive to the fluence. How-
ever, as shown in Fig. 4, the phase is strongly dependent
on the fluence and is correlated with the amplitude of
the initial transient. The r e lative phase of the oscillation
was defined with respect to the 2
excitation and was
retrieved from a least squares fit [22, 23]. The amplitude
of the transient is defined as the diffracted intensity at
a delay of 200 ps. Most of the energy transfer occurs in
40ps, measured with the forward diffrac ted be am us -
ing a streak camera (see the inset in fig.3 ). At relatively
high fluences (> 10
), the intensity of the deflected
diffracted beam approximately doubles while the forward
FIG. 3: Time-resolved anomalous transmission. The t ime-
dependent intensity of the deflected-diffracted beam at three
different incident optical uences: 35
(solid line), 7
(dashed line), 2
(dot-dashed line). Inset: Streak cam-
era data showing the intensity of the forward-diffracted beam
with picosecond resolution at an incident optical uence of 35
FIG. 4: The relative phase of the Pendell¨osung oscillations
(squares) and the normalized deflected-diffracted intensity at
a time delay of 200ps (circles) as a function of incident optical
diffracted beam is cut by more than 75%. At relatively
low fluences (< 2
), there is no transient.
Inspe c tion of (1) and (2) shows that the maximum en-
ergy transfer between the forward and deflected beams
near the ex it of a thick crystal occ urs if the α and β
solutions are c oupled at a depth of Λ/4. This implies
that the transient behavior is due to a perturbation to
the lattice that reaches a depth of more than 1.5 µm into
the bulk. In the simplified picture that a moving inter-
face couples the α and β solutions, the excitation must
propagate into the bulk at gr e ater than 37,000 m/s, more
than seven times the longitudinal speed of sound[24].
The strain pulse has a finite spatial extent and is co m-
prised of a spectrum of phonons with different wavevec-
tors. We expect that the phonon component with wave-
length equal to the Pendell¨osung length will resonantly
couple the two interior wave solutions [25]. To model this
phenomenon, we solve the equations of dynamical diffrac-
tion within the crystal, taking into account the laser-
induced time-dependent stra in profiles, using the Takagi-
Taupin formalism adapted for Laue geometry [26, 27]. In
this method, the differential equations coupling the α and
β branches are solved numerically. The depth-dependent
strain profile for a given time is taken into account by
noting that local strain is e quivalent to a change in the
local Bragg angle. Details of this approach (for Brag g ge-
ometry) can be found in the orig inal work o f Takagi[26]
and Taupin [27]. The means by which the method can
be adapted for Laue geometry are implicit in the work o f
Zachariasen [28] a nd Batterman and Cole [19].
Pure thermoe lastic models of strain propagation do
not predict the observed fluence dependence of the phase
and amplitude of the Pendell¨osung oscillations. A proper
model must include the effects of the coupling of the pho-
toexcited plasma to the crystal lattice. The strain is
comprised of both diffusive and elastic components: the
diffusive strain is determined by the instantaneous tem-
perature and ca rrier density profiles, modified by Auger
recombination; the elastic strain is driven by changes in
the tempe rature and carr ie r density, and propagates into
the crystal at the speed of sound. In the absence of diffu-
sion, a bipolar pulse develops in the time given by the op-
tical penetration depth divided by the speed of sound[7].
For LA phonons with wavectors along [10 0] and a 0.2 µm
penetr ation depth, this corresponds to 40ps. Including
diffusion, the electron-hole pla sma extends 1 µm in the
same time, lea ding to a strain front that has propagated
into the bulk faster than the speed of sound.
Figure 5 shows the calculated diffraction intensity as
a function o f laser delay at an absorbed laser fluence of
(corresponding to a carrier dens ity of 6 · 10
). Good qualitative agreement with the experiment
is seen (Fig. 3). The sharp initial rise in diffraction in-
tensity is reproduced, as well as the frequency and pha se
of the time-resolved Pendell¨osung oscillations. Figure 6
shows the calculated phase shift and the diffracted in-
tensity as a function of absorbed optical fluence. After
taking into account the surface reflectivity of the sample,
good agreement with the experiment is obtained (Fig.
In conclusion we have demonstrated a bulk sensi-
tive probe of lattice dynamics using time-resolved x-
ray anomalous transmission. We have observed that
electron-phonon coupling modified by carrier diffusion
is a dominant mechanism for energy transport in laser-
excited Ge. This work could be extended to study how
the elastic response of the material can modify the elec-
FIG. 5: Simulated deflected-diffracted intensity for an ab-
sorbed laser uence of 3
FIG. 6: The calculated relative phase of the Pendell¨osung
oscillations (squares) and the calculated normalized deflected-
diffracted intensity at a time delay of 200ps (circles) as a
function of absorbed optical fl uence.
tronic transport properties of semiconductors.
We thank Bernhard Adams, Mar cus Hertlein, Don
Walko, and Jare d Wahlstrand fo r technical assistance
and stimulating discussions. We also thank Jin Wang
for use of the intensified CCD camera . This work was
conducted at the MHATT-CAT insertion device beam-
line at the Advanced Photon Source and was supported
in part by the U.S. Department of Ener gy, Grants No.
DE-FG02-99ER45743 and No. DE-FG02-00ER15 031, by
the AFOSR under contract F49620-00-1-0328 through
the MURI program and from the NSF FOCUS physics
frontier center. One of us (SF) acknowledges the financial
support of Science Foundation Ireland. Use of the Ad-
va nce d Photon Source was supported by the US Depart-
ment of Energy Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Energy
Research under Contract No. W-31-109 -Eng-38.
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... In the case of a dense electron-hole plasma, strong transient lattice distortions different from Debye-Waller effects can be induced in semiconductors, generating supersonically propagating strain pulses 37,38 , as well as more complex lattice reorganizations such as the suppression of ferroelectric instability in KTaO 3 (ref. 39), and the activation of the antiferro-distorsive rotation of octahedra in SrTiO 3 (ref. ...
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Piezotronic and piezophototronic sensors have potential application to biological detection and human-computer interaction due to converting mechanical signals into electrical signals. Strain-induce polarization can manipulate avalanche multiplication process in the junction of the piezotronic and piezophototronic avalanche diode and field effect transistor. The gauge factor of piezotronic and piezophototronic avalanche devices can reach 10⁶-10⁷. The ultrafast piezotronic and piezophototronic avalanche devices can be developed because the response time can be reduced by strain-induced polarization. This study can provide guidance for ultrafast and ultrahigh sensitivity piezotronic and piezophototronic strain sensors and photodetectors.
... For example, transient strain pulses can be generated by supersonically propagating plasmas, traveling deep into crystal bulk beyond the speed of sound. 38,39 Moreover, complex lattice organizations have been also recently observed, such as the suppression of the ferroelectric instability KaTO3, 40 and the activation of the antiferrodistorsive rotation of octahedra in SrTiO3. 41 The last case, which was interpreted on the basis of a photodoping-induced modification of the structural soft-mode potential, might be closely related to our present study on 2D perovskites. ...
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Direct visualization of ultrafast coupling between charge carriers and lattice degrees of freedom in photo-excited semiconductors has remained a long-standing challenge and is critical for understanding the light-induced physical behavior of materials under extreme non-equilibrium conditions. Here, by monitoring the evolution of the wave-vector resolved ultrafast electron diffraction intensity following above-bandgap photo-excitation, we obtain a direct visual of the structural dynamics in monocrystalline 2D perovskites. Analysis reveals a surprising, light-induced ultrafast lattice ordering resulting from a strong interaction between hot-carriers and the perovskite lattice, which induces an in-plane octahedra rotation, towards a more symmetric phase. Correlated ultrafast spectroscopy performed at the same carrier density as ultrafast electron diffraction reveals that the creation of a hot and dense electron-hole plasma triggers lattice ordering at short timescales by modulating the crystal cohesive energy. Finally, we show that the interaction between the carrier gas and the lattice can be altered by tailoring the rigidity of the 2D perovskite by choosing the appropriate organic spacer layer.
... Simulated X-ray diffraction profiles due to propagation of the longitudinal acoustic wave at different time delays are presented in the supporting information, Fig. S1(b). Hence, we need to incorporate other considerations such as thermal diffusion or ambipolar carrier diffusion (DeCamp et al., 2003(DeCamp et al., , 2005 to explain the observed results. Now, let us try to simulate the observed strain by considering thermal diffusion only. ...
Ultra-short laser-pulse-induced strain propagation in a Ge crystal is studied in the [111] and [100] directions using time-resolved X-ray diffraction (TXRD). The strain propagation velocity is derived by analysis of the TXRD signal from the strained crystal planes. Numerical integration of the Takagi–Taupin equations is performed using open source code, which provides a very simple approach to estimate the strain propagation velocity. The present method will be particularly useful for relatively broad spectral bandwidths and weak X-ray sources, where temporal oscillations in the diffracted X-ray intensity at the relevant phonon frequencies would not be visible. The two Bragg reflections of the Ge sample, viz. 111 and 400, give information on the propagation of strain for two different depths, as the X-ray extinction depths are different for these two reflections. The strain induced by femtosecond laser excitation has a propagation velocity comparable to the longitudinal acoustic velocity. The strain propagation velocity increases with increasing laser excitation fluence. This fluence dependence of the strain propagation velocity can be attributed to crystal heating by ambipolar carrier diffusion. Ge is a promising candidate for silicon-based optoelectronics, and this study will enhance the understanding of heat transport by carrier diffusion in Ge induced by ultra-fast laser pulses, which will assist in the design of optoelectronic devices.
... We modeled the depth-and time-dependent free carrier and temperature distribution near the surface using coupled partial differential equations as follows [29,35,36]. ...
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We investigate the effect of free carrier dynamics on heat transport in bulk crystalline Silicon following femtosecond optical excitation of varying fluences. By taking advantage of the dense 500 MHz standard fill pattern in the PLS-II storage ring, we perform high angular-resolution X-ray diffraction measurements on nanosecond-to-microsecond time-scales with femtometer spatial sensitivity. We find noticeably slowed lattice recovery at increasingly high excitation intensities. Modeling the temporal evolution of lattice displacements due to the migration of the near surface generated heat into the bulk requires reduced thermal diffusion coefficients. We attribute this pump-fluence dependent thermal transport behavior to two separate effects: first, the enhanced nonradiative recombination of free carriers, and, second, reduced size of the effective heat source in the material. These results demonstrate the capability of time-resolved X-ray scattering as an effective means to explore the connection between charge carrier dynamics and macroscopic transport properties.
... Here, the large X-ray penetration depth and high time resolution of our experiments enabled us to capture the time-dependent variation in the phonon frequency. Finally, we note that this is a general phenomenon that should occur in most conducting materials due to fast photocarrier diffusion [47]; our observation thus underlines the advantages of X-ray probes for probing condensed matter. ...
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Using femtosecond time-resolved X-ray diffraction, we investigate optically excited coherent acoustic phonons in the Weyl semimetal TaAs. The low symmetry of the (112) surface probed in our experiment enables the simultaneous excitation of longitudinal and shear acoustic modes, whose dispersion closely matches first-principles calculations and previously measured elastic properties. We find an asymmetry in the spectral lineshape of the longitudinal mode that is notably absent from the shear mode, suggesting a time-dependent frequency chirp that is likely driven by photoinduced carrier diffusion. Our study underscores the benefit of using off-axis crystal orientations when optically exciting shear deformations in topological semimetals, allowing one to transiently change their crystal structure and potentially their topological properties.
... For example, strong photoexcitation leading to the generation of significant chargecarrier densities and associated plasma waves can produce an associated acoustoelectric effect, where lattice strain waves can effectively sweep carriers along the phonon wavefronts. 17,[85][86][87][88][89][90][91] Owing to the dependence of the Howie-Whelan formalism on the Fourier coefficients of the electrostatic potentials in the lattice, 64 it would therefore be interesting to consider the effect fs photoexcitation of large carrier densities in semiconductors has on the transient responses imaged with UEM. ...
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Ultrafast x-ray and electron scattering techniques have proven to be useful for probing the transient elastic lattice deformations associated with photoexcited coherent acoustic phonons. Indeed, femtosecond electron imaging using an ultrafast electron microscope (UEM) has been used to directly image the influence of nanoscale structural and morphological discontinuities on the emergence, propagation, dispersion, and decay behaviors in a variety of materials. Here, we describe our progress toward the development of methods ultimately aimed at quantifying acoustic-phonon properties from real-space UEM images via conventional image simulation methods extended to the associated strain-wave lattice deformation symmetries and extents. Using a model system consisting of pristine single-crystal Ge and a single, symmetric Lamb-type guided-wave mode, we calculate the transient strain profiles excited in a wedge specimen and then apply both kinematical- and dynamical-scattering methods to simulate the resulting UEM bright-field images. While measurable contrast strengths arising from the phonon wavetrains are found for optimally oriented specimens using both approaches, incorporation of dynamical scattering effects via a multi-slice method returns better qualitative agreement with experimental observations. Contrast strengths arising solely from phonon-induced local lattice deformations are increased by nearly an order of magnitude when incorporating multiple electron scattering effects. We also explicitly demonstrate the effects of changes in global specimen orientation on the observed contrast strength, and we discuss the implications for increasing the sophistication of the model with respect to quantification of phonon properties from UEM images.
... In meantime, the GaAs layer gets compressed and then expanded reaching the peak lattice displacement at about ∆t = 500 ps. The disparities between the lattice behaviors between the two layers within 1-ns time-scale can be explained in terms of an elastic response consisting of two counter-propagating compression waves that are generated by instantaneous expansion of the AlGaAs surface due to electron-hole plasma [17]. Since the timescale of the charge carrier diffusion across the film layer is comparable to that of the acoustic-transit time, it is reasonable to assume that the tensile effect in the film layer is caused by sum of electronic strain driven by deformation potential, thermalized lattice (heat) and sound wave propagation. ...
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Photogeneration of excess charge carriers in semiconductors produces electronic strain. Under transient conditions, electron-hole pairs may be separated across a potential barrier. Using time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurements across an intrinsic AlGaAs/n-doped GaAs interface, we find that the electronic strain is only produced by holes, and that electrons are not directly observable by strain measurements. The presence of photoinduced charge carriers in the n-doped GaAs is indirectly confirmed by delayed heat generation via recombination.
... In thin membranes of semiconducting materials, propagating strain waves display Lamb-type symmetries and hypersonic velocities (depending on mode type and membrane thickness) [3]. In addition to often-used ultrafast spectroscopic methods, femtosecond X-ray and electron scattering has been used to study both hypersonic plasma waves and acoustic-phonon wavetrains [4,5]. Observations from these experiments, combined with knowledge of the associated spatiotemporal scales, lead to questions about preferred nucleation points/regions, propagation directions, and time-varying phase-velocity dispersion behaviors. ...
Directed Hypersonic Strain Waves Imaged with Ultrafast Electron Microscopy - Volume 24 Supplement - Daniel X. Du, Daniel R. Cremons, David J. Flannigan
Here, we describe the direct imaging—with four-dimensional ultrafast electron microscopy—of the emergence, evolution, dispersion, and decay of photoexcited, hypersonic coherent acoustic phonons in nanoscale germanium wedges. Coherent strain waves generated via ultrafast in situ photoexcitation were imaged propagating with initial phase velocities of up to 35 km/s across discrete micrometer-scale crystal regions. We observe that, while each wave front travels at a constant velocity, the entire wave train evolves with a time-varying phase-velocity dispersion, displaying a single-exponential decay to the longitudinal speed of sound (5 km/s) and with a mean lifetime of 280 ps. We also find that the wave trains propagate along a single in-plane direction oriented parallel to striations introduced during specimen preparation, independent of crystallographic direction. Elastic-plate modeling indicates the dynamics arise from excitation of a single, symmetric (dilatational) guided acoustic mode. Further, by precisely determining the experiment time-zero position with a plasma-lensing method, we find that wave-front emergence occurs approximately 100 ps after femtosecond photoexcitation, which matches well with Auger recombination times in germanium. We conclude by discussing the similarities between the imaged hypersonic strain-wave dynamics and electron/hole plasma-wave dynamics in strongly photoexcited semiconductors.
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