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Mullerian inhibiting substance contributes to sex-linked biases in the brain and behavior


Abstract and Figures

Many behavioral traits and most brain disorders are common to males and females but are more evident in one sex than the other. The control of these subtle sex-linked biases is largely unstudied and has been presumed to mirror that of the highly dimorphic reproductive nuclei. Sexual dimorphism in the reproductive tract is a product of Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), as well as the sex steroids. Males with a genetic deficiency in MIS signaling are sexually males, leading to the presumption that MIS is not a neural regulator. We challenge this presumption by reporting that most immature neurons in mice express the MIS-specific receptor (MISRII) and that male Mis(-/-) and Misrii(-/-) mice exhibit subtle feminization of their spinal motor neurons and of their exploratory behavior. Consequently, MIS may be a broad regulator of the subtle sex-linked biases in the nervous system.
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Mu¨ llerian inhibiting substance contributes to
sex-linked biases in the brain and behavior
Pei-Yu Wang, Anna Protheroe, Andrew N. Clarkson, Floriane Imhoff, Kyoko Koishi, and Ian S. McLennan
Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Communicated by Patricia K. Donahoe, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, March 2, 2009 (received for review October 29, 2008)
Many behavioral traits and most brain disorders are common to
males and females but are more evident in one sex than the other.
The control of these subtle sex-linked biases is largely unstudied
and has been presumed to mirror that of the highly dimorphic
reproductive nuclei. Sexual dimorphism in the reproductive tract is
a product of Mu¨ llerian inhibiting substance (MIS), as well as the sex
steroids. Males with a genetic deficiency in MIS signaling are
sexually males, leading to the presumption that MIS is not a neural
regulator. We challenge this presumption by reporting that most
immature neurons in mice express the MIS-specific receptor
(MISRII) and that male Mis
and Misrii
mice exhibit subtle
feminization of their spinal motor neurons and of their exploratory
behavior. Consequently, MIS may be a broad regulator of the
subtle sex-linked biases in the nervous system.
anti-Mu¨ llerian hormone exploratory behavior motor neuron
sexual dimorphism
Many behavioral traits are more evident in one sex than the
other, but they do not define the biological sex of an
individual. Empathy, for example, has a female bias, but some of
the greatest men are empathetic. Likewise, girls engage in less
rough-and-tumble play than boys, but a boy who shuns rough-
and-tumble play is still a boy. With traits such as these, the
characteristics of individual males and females overlap, with the
sex-linked bias existing only within the population as a whole.
This subtle form of sexual dimorphism is pervasive throughout
the nervous system and involves nuclei whose function is not
directly related to reproduction. In this paper, we refer to this
form of sexual dimorphism as sex-linked bias, to distinguish it
from the sexual dimorphism of the primary reproductive tissues,
which is binary in nature.
The nervous system also contains nuclei where the male and
female forms do not overlap. Such nuclei control primary sexual
function, with their dimorphic nature being generated by tes-
tosterone, or its active metabolites (1). The regulation of sex-
linked bias in the brain has been widely assumed to mirror that
of the sexually dimorphic nuclei. However, testosterone is only
episodically present during male development, with third-
trimester male fetuses and boys older than 1 year having minimal
levels of testosterone (2–4). Extensive brain development occurs
during these periods, with some regions having increased ana-
tomical dimorphism during the period when testosterone is
minimal (5, 6). Thus, although the sex steroids contribute to
sex-linked biases, other factors must also be important. We
present evidence here that Mu¨llerian inhibiting substance (MIS)
(synonym, anti-Mu¨llerian hormone) is one of these factors.
MIS is a testicular hormone that triggers the regression of the
uterine precursor (Mu¨llerian ducts) in males around the ninth
week of gestation (7). However, the level of MIS in the blood of
males does not decline after the loss of the Mu¨llerian ducts,
remaining high until puberty, at which stage it falls by an order
of magnitude (8–10). The low level of ovarian production of
MIS, in contrast, begins only postnatally (8 –10). High levels of
plasma MIS are thus a unique feature of developing males. This
hormonal MIS may affect the maturation of the fetal lung (11),
but there is currently no explanation for why MIS is present in
male blood for such an extended period of development. We
report here that most developing neurons express the MIS-
specific receptor, MISRII, and that male mice with null muta-
tions in either Mis or Misrii have partial feminization of their
sex-linked biases, even though they are phenotypically and
sexually male. This finding implicates MIS as a regulator of
sex-linked bias.
The Testes Is the Sole Embryonic Source of MIS. The gonads have
historically been considered to be the sole source of MIS, but we
have recently shown that mature motor neurons in both sexes
also produce it (12). We therefore determined whether produc-
tion of MIS also occurred in the developing brain. In confirma-
tion of the historic understanding, only trace levels of MIS
mRNA were detected in the embryonic head, which by mass is
predominantly the brain. The only proportion of the embryo that
contained significant levels of MIS mRNA was the urogenital
region (Fig. S1A). Similarly, MIS protein was detected by
immunohistochemistry in the testes (Fig. S1B), but not in the
developing brain (Fig. S1C). This finding contrasts with the
mature brain, where motor (12) and various other neurons
contain readily detectable levels of MIS.
MIS Regulates the Number of Spinal Motor Neurons. The numbers of
motor neurons that innervate the limbs have been extensively
studied, but the possibility that they exhibit subtle sex-linked bias
has only rarely been considered (13). Our recent observation
that MIS promotes the survival of embr yonic motor neurons in
vitro (12) suggests that they should be. Simply, over one-half of
the motor neurons present in the spinal cords of mouse embryos
die between the 13th day of gestation and birth (14), with the
extent of this cell death being controlled by multiple survival
factors. MIS is produced in the embryonic testes from the 12th
day of gestation onward (15), which should attenuate motor
neuron loss in male fetuses, provided that MIS is a neuronal
survival factor in vivo. Consistent with this prediction, the
number of motor neurons in the lumbar lateral motor column
(LMC) of wild-type male and female mice had almost no overlap
in both the Mis and Misrii colonies (Fig. 1A). The magnitude of
the male bias was 16–17% in both colonies. This sex-linked
difference depended on MIS, because MIS-deficient (Mis
males had female numbers of motor neurons (Fig. 1B), with
heterozygous males (Mis
) being intermediate between wild-
type males and females (Fig. 1B). The effect of Mis gene dose on
motor neuron number was significant (P0.03) by regression
Author contributions: P.-Y.W., A.P., A.N.C., F.I., K.K., and I.S.M. designed research; P.-Y.W.,
A.P., A.N.C., F.I., and K.K. performed research; I.S.M. analyzed data; and I.S.M. wrote the
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
1To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of Anatomy, University of
Otago, P.O. Box 913, Dunedin, New Zealand. E-mail: ian.mclennan@stonebow.
This article contains supporting information online at
www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0902253106 PNAS
April 28, 2009
vol. 106
no. 17
MIS is a member of the TGF
superfamily, which signals
through a complex consisting of type I and type II receptors.
MISRII is thought to be a unique and obligatory receptor for
MIS, because null mutations of Mis and Misrii both lead to
persistent Mu¨llerian duct syndrome (retention of the uterine
precursor in males) (7). MISRII mRNA in neurons is abundant
compared with the mRNA for other growth factor receptors but
is an order of magnitude less abundant than that present within
the classical MIS targets (Mu¨llerian ducts, testes) (12, 16). This
observation raises the issue of whether MISRII is essential for
MIS signaling in neurons. Consistent with this possibility, male
mice had feminized numbers of LMC motor neurons
(Fig. 1C), a malformation that mirrored that seen in the Mis
male mice (Fig. 1B). Female Mis
and Misrii
mice both had
wild-type numbers of LMC motor neurons (Fig. 1 Band C),
which was expected given that female embryos do not produce
MIS (15, 17). Consequently, MISRII is a useful marker for
MIS-sensitive neurons (see below).
Androgen-Dependent Dimorphism Is Independent of MIS. The motor
neurons involved in primary sexual function are highly dimor-
phic, under the control of testosterone acting through the
androgen receptor (18, 19). Some LMC motor neurons express
androgen receptors (18), creating the possibility that the effect
of MIS on LMC neurons is secondary to perturbation of
testosterone function. If this was occurring, then testosterone-
dependent dimorphism should be diminished in the Mis
We therefore examined the spinal bulbocavernosus motor nu-
cleus, which is involved in the function of the penis (18, 19). In
marked contrast to the LMC motor neurons, the numbers of
motor neurons in the bulbocavernosus nucleus of male Mis
mice were similar to those of a wild-type male and were overtly
different from the female number (Fig. 2).
Most Neurons Express MIS Receptors. All of the classical neuronal
survival factors affect multiple types of neurons. We therefore
examined whether MIS was a specific regulator of limb-innervating
motor neurons or a broad regulator of the nervous system. Con-
sistent with the latter, the levels of mRNA for the MIS-specific
receptor in the embryonic brain and spinal cord were similar. The
cellular lineages that produce MISRII were identified by using
genetically modified mice that produce lacZ in MISRII-expressing
cells (MISRII-Cre-lacZ) (Fig. S2). Most neurons in the brain, spinal
cord, and peripheral nervous system of adult MISRII-Cre-lacZ
mice were lacZ-positive, whereas the glia, blood vessels, and
fibroblasts were lacZ-negative (Fig. 3 A–C). Once lacZ is induced
in a cell in the MISRII-Cre-lacZ mice, all daughter cells will express
it (Fig. S2). The immediate precursor of neurons (neuroepithelia)
undergo a series of stem cell-like divisions, which give rise to
postmitotic neurons during the early stages of the lineage and
various glia in the terminal divisions. The absence of lacZ in the glia
thus indicates that postmitotic neurons are the only cells within the
neuronal lineage to express significant levels of MISRII. This
contention was verified by examining the brains of MISRII-Cre-
lacZ embryos. The neuroepithelium of the spinal cord and brain
were lacZ-negative, whereas lacZ-positive neurons were abundant
in the brains of embryonic day 12 (E12) MISRII-Cre-lacZ embr yos.
This finding indicates that lacZ reporter is activated within 24 h of
neurons becoming postmitotic and beginning to differentiate.
Sections of embryonic brains were then stained with an
antibody to MISRII to determine whether the expression of
MISRII in neurons is continuous during development and
whether all developing neurons expressed MISRII at a similar
level. The antibody is specific to MISRII as it immunoprecipi-
tates a single protein from the spinal cord (12) and does not stain
sections of Misrii
brains (Fig. 3G). The anti-MISRII antibody
stained most neurons in the developing brain and spinal cord but
with differing intensities. The motor neurons in the spinal cord,
for example, were more intensely stained than adjacent inter-
neurons, although this may merely be because motor neurons are
comparatively large and are the most mature neurons in the
developing brain. This differential staining of motor and inter-
neurons persisted throughout development and is also evident in
the mature spinal cord (12). The staining of neurons in the
ventral spinal cord preceded that of the dorsal cord, with dorsal
spinal neurons having only trace levels of MISRII protein at
E12 (Fig. 3D). This dorsal–ventral difference was lost by E14
(Fig. 3E).
Exploratory Behavior Is MIS Dependent. We then examined whether
the expression of MISRII in the brain leads to a male bias in a
Fig. 1. The LMC of the lumbar spinal cord has MIS-dependent dimorphism. (A) Number of motor neurons in male (blue) and female (pink) wild-type mice derived
from matings of either Mis/(circles) or Misrii/parents (squares). (Band C) Effect of Mis (B)orMisrii (C) genotype on the sexual dimorphism illustrated in A.
The bars are the mean standard error of the mean of 6–9 mice. *, Significant difference (Student’s t) from the wild-type males: 1, P0.002; 2, P0.001; 3,
P0.013; 4, P0.010. #, A significant effect (P0.030) of gene dose by regression analysis.
Fig. 2. The dimorphism of the spinal bulbocavernosus (SNB) motor neurons
is normal in mice that lack the Mis gene. The bars are the mean standard
error of the mean of 4 6 mice. *, Both female groups are significantly
different from both of the male groups, P0.001.
www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0902253106 Wang et al.
behavioral trait. Male mice have larger territories and a greater
tendency to explore than females. When mice were placed in a
nocturnal open-field chamber, the males and female traversed
the floor to similar extents (Fig. 4A), but the wild-type males
reared twice as often as the wild-type females, in an attempt to
move beyond the confines of the chamber (Fig. 4B). In marked
contrast to the wild-type males, the behavior of Misrii
was indistinguishable from that of the Misrii
and Misrii
females (Fig. 4 Aand B). This is consistent with the male bias in
this behavior being generated by MIS. In other tests, such as
running on a rotarod, Misrii
and Misrii
male mice were
indistinguishable (Fig. 4C). This is also consistent with MIS
regulating the subtle sex-linked differences in the brain, while
being entirely dispensable for acquisition of the nondimorphic
features of the brain.
MIS Contributes to Sex-Linked Biases in the Brain. Sex-linked biases
are pervasive throughout the nervous system, as evidenced by
quantitative anatomical, pharmacological, fMRI, and behavioral
studies (6, 20, 21). The current report provides evidence that the
testicular hormone MIS contributes to these sex-linked biases.
The natural expression of MIS in the current study was
sufficient to increase the number of neurons in the LMC in male
mice to beyond the female range (Fig. 1) and to produce male
exploratory behavior that was overtly different than that of
female mice (Fig. 4). The clarity of these sex-linked differences
reflects the fact that the mice had minimal genetic variation and
had been raised in controlled conditions. In human populations
and outbred colonies, the size of motor nuclei varies greatly
between individuals (22). In such populations, a 16% male
female difference (Fig. 1) would present as a subtle male bias,
with the male and female populations having extensive overlap.
MIS May Contribute to Variation in the Male Population. The ex-
pression of MIS varies between individual males, which may
contribute to diversity within the male population. In 1-year-old
boys, for instance, the plasma concentration of MIS ranges from
10 to 444 ng/ml (n40; girl range, 1–4 ng/ml) (ref. 8; see also
ref. 23). The effect of MIS on neurons is dose dependent, both
in vitro (12) and in vivo (Fig. 1B). Hence, MIS would be ex pected
to produce a population of males that contains individuals who
are little different than females for a particular trait and other
individuals who exhibit an extreme male phenotype for that trait.
The incidences and/or severities of most brain disorders
exhibit a sex-linked bias (24). This observation suggests that the
sex-linked biases in the brain are able to either attenuate or
amplify the consequences of underlying brain pathology. If so,
then individuals with a high expression of MIS may be predis-
posed to develop certain conditions with a male bias (e.g.,
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, motor neuron
disease) and to be relatively protected against some female-bias
conditions (e.g., anorexia).
MIS May Be a Broad Regulator of Neurons. The neural basis of the
sex-linked difference in the exploratory behavior of mice is
unknown. However, the initiation of movement is controlled in
the brain proper, indicating that the observed MIS-dependent
bias in exploratory behavior is unlikely to be secondar y to the
effect of MIS on spinal motor neurons. The MIS receptor is
broadly present in brain neurons (Fig. 3) (25), thus providing
multiple theoretical pathways by which MIS could regulate
exploratory and other behaviors. Furthermore, the physiological
actions of neural regulators are often context dependent, vari-
ably regulating neuronal number, pattern of synaptic connection,
neurotransmitter type, and neurotransmitter expression in a
neuron-specific and stage-specific manner (26). Thus, although
the current data implicate MIS as a regulator of neural networks,
the definition of the breadth of its action will require detailed
investigations of many different types of neurons.
The Neural Actions of MIS Are Cryptic. Mis
and Misrii
and male mice have been extensively studied with respect to the
persistence of their Mu¨llerian ducts. This fact raises the issue of
why MIS has not previously been recognized as a regulator of the
nervous system. Two issues may be relevant here.
First, the role of MIS in the brain appears to relate to
sex-linked biases, rather than to binary sexual dimorphism.
Sex-linked biases are evident only at the level of the population
and would not be apparent unless groups of MIS-deficient
individuals were compared with their peers. In humans, Mis
and Misrii
males have a persistent Mu¨llerian duct, which
prevents the descent of their testes (7). This malformation is
readily detected, but Mis
and Misrii
men are very rare and
have not been systematically studied. MIS has both positive and
Fig. 3. Localization of MISRII in the nervous system. (A–C) MISRII-Cre-lacZ lineage tracing. (A) Whole brain of a MISRII-Cre-lacZ E16 embryo. (B) Littermate control
(Misrii/, ROSA26-lacZ Cre). (C) Section of the cerebellum of a MISRII-Cre-lacZ adult mouse showing lacZ stain in neurons (arrowheads) but not the white matter
(arrow). (D–G) Immunohistochemical detection of MISRII. Sections of lumbar spinal cord of E12 (D) and E14 (E) embryos stained with an anti-MISRII antibody.
The asterisk indicates the neuroepithelium, with the dorsal–ventral (d–v) axis indicated. (F) Section of E14 spinal cord stained with control IgG. (G) Section of the
cerebellum from a Misrii/mouse stained with the anti-MISRII antibody. (Scale bars: B,10mm;C, 1 mm; F, 100
Wang et al. PNAS
April 28, 2009
vol. 106
no. 17
negative effects on the production of testosterone, with the
consequence that Mis
mice have grossly normal levels of
testosterone (27), and are sexually male (28). Hence, the partial
feminization of Mis
males may have been overlooked because
of their overt male features, which have been generated by the
normality of their sex steroids and sex chromosomes.
Second, MIS signaling in neurons may be partially different
than that which occurs in the classical target of MIS (Mu¨llerian
ducts and the gonads). The neural and reproductive forms of
MIS signaling are both dependent on MISRII, because the
phenotype of Mis
and Misrii
exhibit the same neural (Fig.
1) and reproductive defects (28). The abundance of MISRII in
the different cell types, however, is quite different: MISR II is
one of the most abundant growth factor receptors produced by
motor neurons, but, paradoxically, the level of MISRII mRNA
and protein in neurons is 1% of that in the testes (12, 16).
Consequently, historic studies of MISRII have overlooked the
presence of MISRII in the brain, because the levels of MISRII
in nonreproductive tissues were normalized to that of the testes.
The reason for the extraordinary abundance of MISRII in
reproductive tissues is unknown. In this context, however, it is
worth noting that the MIS-induced regression of the Mu¨llerian
ducts is insensitive to the abundance of MIS, with partial
retention of the ducts occurring only if the level of MIS falls
below a low threshold (29). In contrast, Mis
male mice exhibit
a diminished sex bias in their lateral motor column (Fig. 1), and
MIS-induced survival of motor neurons in vitro has a log-linear
dose–response curve (12) that spans the entire physiological
range for MIS (8).
The Neural Actions of MIS May Be Hormonal. MIS is generally
considered to be a hormone during development, because MIS
from a twin male in some species can remove the uterus from his
twin sister, if their placental blood supplies anastomose (7). The
neural actions of MIS described here also appear to be hor-
monal. First, the embryonic brain lacked significant levels of
MIS mRNA and none of its cells was MIS immunoreactive (Fig.
S1C). The only detectable source of MIS was the testes. Hence,
the neural actions of MIS must be either hormonal or indirect.
Second, purified embryonic motor neurons respond to MIS in
vitro, indicating their MIS receptors are functional (12). Fur-
thermore, the observed actions of MIS in vitro (neuronal
survival) (12) and in vivo (increased neuronal number) (Fig. 1)
are analogous, which is consistent with MIS acting directly on
neurons. Third, the normality of the testosterone-dependent
dimorphism in Mis
mice (Fig. 2 and above discussion) indi-
cates that the phenotype of Mis
mice is not secondary to
altered production or function of testosterone.
If testicular MIS acts directly on neurons, then it must be able
to reach the brain and spinal cord. MIS is a protein and will
therefore be unable to passively pass through the blood–
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier. The blood–CSF barrier de-
velops early, but its embryonic and postnatal characteristics
differ from each other and from the mature state (30, 31). Many
protein hormones are actively transported into the CSF (32, 33),
and it will be important to determine whether MIS is so
transported. If it is, then the testes may be directly affecting the
brain of boys, via MIS, and male puberty may involve the
diminishment of one male signal (MIS) as well as the reemer-
gence of another (testosterone).
In conclusion, the primary reproductive tissues have binary
sexual dimorphism, because the roles of males and females in
reproduction are fundamentally different. Binar y sex differences
are predominantly generated via testosterone and its active
metabolites, with the role of MIS being limited to preventing
males from developing a uterus. However, there are many traits
that are variable in both male and female populations, but which
are more common in one sex or the other. Sex-linked biases in
nonreproductive tissues appear to result from multiple mecha-
nisms, including sex chromosomes, gonadal hormones, and the
environment (1). Consequently, the various traits with sex-linked
biases are not coordinately regulated, creating rich diversity
within the male and female populations. The current study
implicates MIS as one of the factors that generates sex-linked
biases and variability within the male lineage.
Materials and Methods
Animals. The University of Otago’s Animal Ethics Committee approved all
experiments. The Misrii/mice have Cre recombinase knocked into the Misrii
coding region, leading to a null Misrii allele and to the expression of Cre
recombinase under the control of the endogenous Misrii promoter (34) (Fig.
S2). The Misrii/mice were generated from AB-1 embryonic stem cells and
were initially maintained on a C57BL/6 129/SvEv background (34). These
mice were a generous gift from Richard R. Behringer (University of Texas,
Fig. 4. MISRII-dependent behavior. Mice were placed in an open-field
apparatus under nocturnal conditions for 20 min and their movement was
recorded by sensors. (A) Rearing: the data are the number of times each mouse
reared during the second 10 min of the test, to explore beyond the confines
of the apparatus. (B) Distance traveled: the data are the distance traveled by
the mouse in the first 10 min of the test. (C) Rotarod run time: the data are the
maximum length of time that the mouse ran on an accelerating rotarod, from
3 trials. The results are the mean standard error of the mean and are
presented as a percentage of the mean for Misrii/male mice. The Misrii/
and Misrii/mice from 11 litters were tested (40 mice; group size, 9–11) on
the open field. Ten of the litters were also tested on the rotarod (34 mice;
group size, 7–10). *, Significant difference (Student’s t) from the Misrii/
males, P0.01.
www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0902253106 Wang et al.
Houston, TX). The Mis/mice were also generated from AB-1 stem cells (35)
and backcrossed to C57BL/6 by The Jackson Laboratory, from whom they were
purchased. Both the Mis and Misrii colonies have been maintained by brother–
sister matings at the University of Otago. The ROS26-lacZ Cre reporter mice
(36) were obtained from a colony at the University of Otago. The housing of
the mice was as described in ref. 37, with the genotype determined by PCRs
using the primers listed in Table S1.
Neuronal Counts. Wild-type, heterozygous, and null-mutant neonates from
Mis/Mis/and Misrii/Misrii/matings were killed at birth by
decapitation and fixed by immersion in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.01 M
sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (PB). The caudal spinal cords from the
midthoracic region were removed for analysis of the lumbar LMC. Cell death
in the murine LMC is complete by birth (14), and this age is the standard for
estimation of LMC motor neurons (38). The spinal bulbocavernosus (SNB)
motor neurons develop later than LMC motor neurons and may be dually
influenced by prenatal and postnatal testosterone (18). The numbers of motor
neurons in this nucleus were therefore determined by using spinal cords from
6-week-old mice that have been fixed by cardiac perfusion with 4% parafor-
maldehyde. The spinal cords were embedded in Technovit resin, serially
sectioned at either 40
m (LMC) or 30
m (SNB) and stained with cresyl violet.
The numbers of motor neurons were estimated by using an optical dissector
(39), with the counting particle being the nucleolus. Every fifth section was
examined through the entire LMC, whereas all sections containing the SNB
were analyzed. Examples of LMC and bulbocavernosus motor neurons are
illustrated in Fig. S3. The cell counts were done blind with respect to the sex
and the genotype of the mice.
MISRII-Cre-lacZ. Misrii/dams were time mated with a ROSA26-lacZ Cre
reporter stud, and the brains from the resulting MISRII-Cre-lacZ fetuses (Fig.
S2) were collected at 13, 14, 16, or 20 days of gestation, or after the pups had
matured to adulthood (6 8 weeks). The fetal brains were fixed on ice for 2 h
in a solution containing 2% paraformaldehyde, 0.2% glutaraldehyde, 0.02%
Nonidet P-40, and 0.01% sodium deoxycholate, and after washing they were
stained overnight in 5 mM potassium ferricyanide, 5 mM potassium ferrocya-
nide, 1 mM MgCl2, 0.02% Nonidet P-40, 0.01% sodium deoxycholate, and 0.1
M PB (40). The tails of the fetuses were used for genotyping, with the
ROSA26-lacZ Cre, Misrii/pups serving as controls. The adult brains were
snap-frozen in isopentane and serially sectioned in a cryostat, and the result-
ing sections were fixed for 10 min at 4 °C in 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M PB
containing 2 mM MgCl2, pH 7.3, after which they were washed in PBS con-
taining 2 mM MgCl2, and stained overnight at room temperature with 2 mM
4Fe(CN)6, and 4 mg/ml X-Gal in PBS.
Immunohistochemistry. Transverse sections of lumbar spinal cords and testes
from E12, E14, E16, and E18 embryos, neonates, and adult wild-type mice were
cut in a cryostat at a thickness of 10
m. The sections were stained by
immunohistochemistry as described in ref. 41, using either goat anti-MISRII or
goat anti-MIS (R&D Systems), with nonimmune IgG (Sigma) used as a control
antibody. Sections of the brains of adult Misrii/mice were used as an
additional negative control. The immunoreactivity was visualized by using
3-amino-9-ethylcarbamide (Sigma).
Real-Time PCR. Five 12-day-old C57BL/6 fetuses were dissected into the por-
tions listed in Fig. S1, and total RNA fractions were prepared for each portion
by using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen). The isolated RNA fractions were treated
with DNase I (Promega) to remove genomic DNA contamination and cDNA
was synthesized by using SuperScript II RNase H(Invitrogen) and oligo(dT)20.
The real-time PCRs were performed by using an ABI Prism 7000 (Applied
Biosystems), SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems), and gene-specific
primers (12). A 2-step PCR was carried out with denaturation at 95 °C for 15 s,
annealing and extension combined at 60 °Cfor 1 min in a total of 40 –50 cycles.
The uniqueness of amplicons was analyzed by using dissociation curves and by
sequencing. Standard curves were generated for each gene, and the copy
number of the mRNA transcripts was calculated and normalized relative to the
level of GAPDH.
Behavioral Analysis. The 9-week-old wild-type and null-mutant mice from 11
litters from Misrii/studs and dams were placed in an open-field apparatus
(Opto-varimex; Columbus Instruments) under nocturnal lighting conditions
(37) (40 mice; 10 male and 9 female Misrii/, plus 10 male and 11 female
Misrii/). The mice from 10 of the 11 litters were subsequently tested on a
Rotamex rotarod (Columbus Instruments) when 10 –12 weeks of age (10 male
and 7 female Misrii/, plus 8 male and 7 female Misrii/). The mice were
tested by their regular caregiver in an anteroom attached to the room that
housed the mice. The apparatus was cleaned after each mouse.
With the open-field test, each mouse was placed in the center of the 43
43 cm chamber and its movements were tracked for 20 min by an array of
infrared beams. The movement of the mice across the floor of the apparatus
was recorded by a computer, along with a record of the number of times the
mice reared on their hindlimbs. As the test progressed, the mice spent less time
traversing the floor of the apparatus and were more likely to rear in an
attempt to move beyond the chamber. The data are presented as the distance
traveled in the first 10 min and the number of rearings in the second 10 min
of the test, because these correspond to the periods when the behavior was
predominantly occurring. The observed effects of sex and genotype were
similar when the data for the entire 20 min were analyzed.
Mice were trained to run on the rotarod for 3 consecutive days and tested
on the fourth day. The initial speed of the rotarod was 5 rpm, with an
acceleration of 0.5 rpm every 5 s, and with the mouse’s presence on the rod
being automatically detected by infrared beams. Each mouse was tested 3
times, and the average and maximum performances of the mice were ana-
lyzed. Both methods of analysis gave comparable results and only the maxi-
mum performance of the mice is presented here.
Statistical Analysis. The data were examined by 1-way ANOVA for sex differ-
ences (Fig. 1 A) or by 2-way ANOVA for sex and genotype (Fig. 1 Band C) (2, 4).
Significant effects were confirmed by Student’s ttests. The effect of gene dose
on LMC motor neuron number was examined by linear regression (Fig. 1B).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Mrs. N. Batchelor and J. McLay for expert
technical assistance. The work was supported by The Marsden Fund (Royal
Society, New Zealand) and by an Otago Research Grant. A.N.C. was supported
by a postdoctoral fellowship for the Neurological Foundation (New Zealand).
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www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0902253106 Wang et al.
... Specific genes involved in these patterns have not yet been identified but potential candidates include Sry (a Ylinked gene that is involved in male sexual development and is also expressed in the developing male brain) (Dewing et al. 2006), Xist (a noncoding RNA on the X chromosome that plays a major role in the X-inactivation process (Arnold 2017), and a variety of X-linked escapee genes located outside the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) (Disteche 2012). Sex differences can also arise due to maternal versus paternal imprinting of the X chromosome (Bonthuis et al. 2015), the action of Mullerian inhibiting substance (Wang et al. 2009), and environmental effects that are difficult to separate from biological effects. Ultimately, all these factors act in parallel or in interaction with each other to bring about sexual differentiation. ...
Sex differences in the human brain emerge as early as mid-gestation and have been linked to sex hormones, particularly testosterone. Here, we analyzed the influence of markers of early sex hormone exposure (polygenic risk score (PRS) for testosterone, salivary testosterone, number of CAG repeats, digit ratios, and PRS for estradiol) on the growth pattern of cortical surface area in a longitudinal cohort of 722 infants. We found PRS for testosterone and right-hand digit ratio to be significantly associated with surface area, but only in females. PRS for testosterone at the most stringent P value threshold was positively associated with surface area development over time. Higher right-hand digit ratio, which is indicative of low prenatal testosterone levels, was negatively related to surface area in females. The current work suggests that variation in testosterone levels during both the prenatal and postnatal period may contribute to cortical surface area development in female infants.
... Por meio de receptores específicos, os receptores para o hormônio antimülleriano do tipo 2 (AMHRII), o AMH atua regulando durante o período embrionário a migração dos neurônios secretores de GnRH, a formação do hipotálamo e do bulbo olfatório, a ramificação de neurônios associados ao órgão vomeronasal e ao epitélio olfatório e no desenvolvimento do trato reprodutivo (Malone et al., 2019). Além disso, pelo fato de o AMH e AMHRII serem diferencialmente expressos em machos e fêmeas, acredita-se que o AMH junto a testosterona seja responsável pela masculinização do centro pré-ovulatório do hipotálamo e outros centros sexualmente dimórficos do sistema nervoso central (Wang et al., 2009;Wittmann e McLennan, 2013). ...
... Since its first discovery in 1947 by Alfred Jost, numerous studies have expanded the function of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) from its eponymous role in sex differentiation to neuroendocrine roles contributing to reproductive fitness and brain circuits (Cate et al., 1986;Munsterberg and Lovell-Badge, 1991;Lee et al., 1996;Lebeurrier et al., 2008;Wang et al., 2009Wang et al., , 2020Cimino et al., 2016;Tata et al., 2018;Malone et al., 2019). During the stage of fetal development, AMH is secreted by Sertoli cells of the male fetus and prevents development of the Müllerian ducts into female reproductive tract (Behringer, 1994). ...
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Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a paracrine factor generated peripherally by the gonads to regulate gonadal function in adult mammals. We recently reported that AMH and AMH-specific receptor Anti-Müllerian hormone receptor 2 (AMHR2) are expressed in the hippocampus, and exogenous AMH protein rapidly increased synaptic transmission and long-term synaptic plasticity at the CA3-CA1 synapses. Here we examined the cell-specific expression of AMHR2 and the cellular mechanism of rapid boosting effect of AMH on synaptic transmission in mouse hippocampus. Immunofluorescence staining showed that AMHR2 was specifically expressed in the soma and dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons, but not glial cells. Electrophysiological recordings on acute hippocampal slices showed that AMH did not affect AMPAR-mediated or N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (NMDAR)-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents at the CA3-CA1 synapses. The small-conductance Ca²⁺-activated K⁺ channel (SK2) and A-type K⁺ channel (Kv4.2) contribute to shaping excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) at the CA3-CA1 synapses. Bath application of apamin to block SK2 did not alter AMH effect on increasing EPSPs, whereas blocking Kv4.2 channel with 4-aminopyridine, or chelating internal Ca²⁺ with BAPTA occluded the action of AMH on boosting EPSPs. Kv4.2 activity is regulated by p38 mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK). Blocking p38 MAPK with SB203580 occluded the effect of AMH on increasing EPSPs. These results show that Kv4.2 channel contributes to the rapid action of AMH on boosting synaptic transmission in a Ca²⁺- and p38 MAPK-dependent manner. Our findings provide functional evidence that AMH enhances synaptic transmission through Kv4.2 channel in the hippocampus, suggesting a possible role of Kv4.2 channel in AMH-regulated neuronal process underlying learning and memory.
... AMH belongs to the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily and, as in all the members of this family, is translated as a precursor protein that must undergo cleavage to generate a mature protein (Amh C ) [2]. AMH signals through a heterodimeric receptor complex consisting of two related serine/threonine kinase receptors, type 2 and type 1. Type 2 Amh receptor (AMHR2) is expressed in fetal and adult gonads of both sexes [3], in the brain [4], and in other tissues [5,6]. No specific AMH type 1 receptor has been identified to date, although it has been demonstrated that BMP proteins share type 1 receptors with AMH [7,8]. ...
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Although anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) has classically been correlated with the regression of Müllerian ducts in male mammals, involvement of this growth factor in other reproductive processes only recently come to light. Teleost is the only gnathostomes that lack Müllerian ducts despite having amh orthologous genes. In adult teleost gonads, Amh exerts a role in the early stages of germ cell development in both males and females. Mechanisms involving the interaction of Amh with gonadotropin- and growth factor-induced functions have been proposed, but our overall knowledge regarding Amh function in fish gonads remains modest. In this study, we report on Amh actions in the European sea bass ovary. Amh and type 2 Amh receptor (Amhr2) are present in granulosa and theca cells of both early and late-vitellogenic follicles and cannot be detected in previtellogenic ovaries. Using the Pichia pastoris system a recombinant sea bass Amh has been produced that is endogenously processed to generate a 12–15 kDa bioactive mature protein. Contrary to previous evidence in lower vertebrates, in explants of previtellogenic sea bass ovaries, mature Amh has a synergistic effect on steroidogenesis induced by the follicle-stimulating hormone (Fsh), increasing E2 and cyp19a1a levels.
... In adult males, AMHRII has been described to be expressed in Sertoli and Leydig cells and is involved in the regulation of androgen biosynthesis [6]; Inactivating mutations of AMHRII result in Leydig cell hyperplasia [7]. AMHRII expression has been also described in the brain but its role (neurogenesis, neuroprotection, and/or regulator of sex-linked bias) [8] remains unclear. More recently, AMHRII was detected in GnRH neurons suggesting a regulating role in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis [9]. ...
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The anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) belongs to the TGF-β family and plays a key role during fetal sexual development. Various reports have described the expression of AMH type II receptor (AMHRII) in human gynecological cancers including ovarian tumors. According to qRT-PCR results confirmed by specific In-Situ Hybridization (ISH) experiments, AMHRII mRNA is expressed in an extremely restricted number of normal tissues. By performing ISH on tissue microarray of solid tumor samples AMHRII mRNA was unexpectedly detected in several non-gynecological primary cancers including lung, breast, head and neck, and colorectal cancers. AMHRII protein expression, evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) was detected in approximately 70% of epithelial ovarian cancers. Using the same IHC protocol on more than 900 frozen samples covering 18 different cancer types we detected AMHRII expression in more than 50% of hepato-carcinomas, colorectal, lung, and renal cancer samples. AMHRII expression was not observed in neuroendocrine lung tumor samples nor in non-Hodgkin lymphoma samples. Complementary analyses by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry confirmed the detection of AMHRII on a panel of ovarian and colorectal cancers displaying comparable expression levels with mean values of 39,000 and 50,000 AMHRII receptors per cell, respectively. Overall, our results suggest that this embryonic receptor could be a suitable target for treating AMHRII-expressing tumors with an anti-AMHRII selective agent such as murlentamab, also named 3C23K or GM102. This potential therapeutic intervention was confirmed in vivo by showing antitumor activity of murlentamab against AMHRII-expressing colorectal cancer and hepatocarcinoma Patient-Derived tumor Xenografts (PDX) models.
... Moreover, increasing evidence indicates that anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) plays a role in neuroendocrine control of reproduction and in gonadotropin action (Barbotin et al., 2019). Anti-Müllerian hormone receptors were found in hypothalamic GnRH neurons and in gonadotrope-derived cell lines (Wang et al., 2009;Garrel et al., 2016). In vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrated that AMH acts on GnRH neurons thereby increasing LH pulsatility and secretion (Cimino et al., 2016) and that it interacts with both hypothalamic and pituitary cells to facilitate gonadotropin secretion (Silva and Giacobini, 2020). ...
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Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) play complementary roles in follicle development and ovulation via a complex interaction in the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, reproductive organs, and oocytes. Impairment of the production or action of gonadotropins causes relative or absolute LH and FSH deficiency that compromises gametogenesis and gonadal steroid production, thereby reducing fertility. In women, LH and FSH deficiency is a spectrum of conditions with different functional or organic causes that are characterized by low or normal gonadotropin levels and low oestradiol levels. While the causes and effects of reduced LH and FSH production are very well known, the notion of reduced action has received less attention by researchers. Recent evidence shows that molecular characteristics, signalling as well as ageing, and some polymorphisms negatively affect gonadotropin action. These findings have important clinical implications, in particular for medically assisted reproduction in which diminished action determined by the afore-mentioned factors, combined with reduced endogenous gonadotropin production caused by GnRH analogue protocols, may lead to resistance to gonadotropins and, thus, to an unexpected hypo-response to ovarian stimulation. Indeed, the importance of LH and FSH action has been highlighted by the International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ICMART) in their definition of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism as gonadal failure associated with reduced gametogenesis and gonadal steroid production due to reduced gonadotropin production or action. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of determinants of reduced FSH and LH action that are associated with a reduced response to ovarian stimulation.
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is secreted by Sertoli cells and is responsible for the regression of Müllerian ducts in the male fetus as part of the sexual differentiation process. Serum AMH concentrations are at their lowest levels in the first days after birth but increase after the first week, likely reflecting active Sertoli cell proliferation. AMH rises rapidly in concentration in boys during the first month, reaching a peak level at ∼6 months of age, and it remains high during childhood, then they will slowly decline during puberty, falling to low levels in adulthood. Serum AMH measurement is used by pediatric endocrinologist as a specific marker of immature Sertoli cell number and function during childhood. After puberty, AMH is released especially by the apical pole of the Sertoli cells toward the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, resulting in higher levels in the seminal plasma than in the serum. Recently, AMH has received increasing attention in research on male fertility–related disorders. This article reviews and summarizes the potential contribution of serum AMH measurement in different male fertility–related disorders.
In recent years, the expanding roles of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in various aspects of reproductive health have attracted significant attention. Initially recognized for its classical role in male sexual differentiation, AMH is produced postnatally by the Sertoli cells in the male testes and by the granulosa cells in the female ovaries. Traditionally, it was believed to primarily influence gonadal development and function. However, research over the last decade has unveiled novel actions of AMH beyond the gonads, specifically all along the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. This review will focus on the emerging roles of AMH within the hypothalamus and discusses its potential implications in reproductive physiology. Additionally, recent preclinical and clinical studies have suggested that elevated levels of AMH may disrupt the hypothalamic network regulating reproduction, which could contribute to the central pathophysiology of polycystic ovary syndrome. These findings underscore the intricate interplay between AMH and the neuroendocrine system, offering new avenues for understanding the mechanisms underlying fertility and reproductive disorders.
The anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein belonging to the TGFb superfamily implicated in human embryonic development. This hormone was first described as allowing regression of the epithelial embryonic Müllerian structures in males, which would otherwise differentiate into the uterus and fallopian tubes. It activates a signaling pathway mediated by two transmembrane receptors. Binding of AMH to its receptor induces morphological changes leading to the degeneration of Müllerian ducts. Recently, new data has shown the role played by this hormone on structures other than the genital tract. If testicular AMH expression decreases in humans over the course of a lifetime, synthesis may persist in other tissues in adulthood. The mechanisms underlying its production have been unveiled. The aim of this review is to describe the different pathways in which AMH has been identified and plays a pivotal role.
L’hormone anti-Müllerienne (AMH) dont les taux dans le sérum sont élevés dans le Syndrome des Ovaires Polykystiques (SOPK) est connue pour augmenter la sécrétion de LH/GnRH. Comme mis en évidence récemment, cette augmentation de la sécrétion de GnRH pourrait être liée à une hyperactivité des neurones à GnRH en réponse à une action directe de l’AMH mais pourrait également s’exercer indirectement via une augmentation des afférences excitatrices sur les neurones à GnRH. Par ailleurs, les tanycytes, qui enchâssent les terminaisons des neurones à GnRH, expriment le récepteur à l’AMH et sont connus pour moduler la plasticité neuro-structurale de l’hypothalamus. Ainsi, notre objectif est de tester les deux hypothèses suivantes dans un modèle animal et chez la femme. Est-ce que la physiopathologie du SOPK : 1- Est liée à une rétraction des tanycytes provoquée par l’AMH, entraînant l’augmentation des sécrétions de GnRH / LH ? Et/ou 2- Est liée à une augmentation de l’activité des neurones à GnRH AMH-dépendante ?Nous avons étudié la modification de la plasticité morphologique de l’hypothalamus en microscopie électronique en comparant la distance entre les terminaisons des neurones à GnRH et l’espace péri-capillaire entre des éminences médianes de rates en phase de dioestrus de leur cycle oestral (au moment où ces terminaisons sont normalement enfouies par les tanycytes) traitées par de l’AMH et des contrôles. Puis, nous avons comparé cette même distance entre des éminences médianes issues d’un modèle de souris SOPK en comparaison à des contrôles. Enfin, nous avons étudié la plasticité neuro-structurale de l’hypothalamus chez des femmes SOPK et des témoins par une approche en imagerie en comparant les métabolites cérébraux.Nous avons observé une augmentation significative du nombre de terminaisons de neurones à GnRH situées à proximité de l’espace péri-capillaire dans le groupe traité par l’AMH par rapport aux contrôles et nous avons fait les mêmes observations chez les souris SOPK comparées aux contrôles. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en évidence une augmentation de l’activité neuronale dans le noyau arqué de l’hypothalamus chez des souris SOPK. Or, cette région est particulièrement impliquée dans la régulation de la sécrétion de GnRH. Chez les femmes atteintes de SOPK, nous avons pour la première fois mis en évidence des concentrations plus élevées de GnRH mesurées par spectroscopie de masse par rapport à des femmes normo-ovulantes. Notre étude par IRM, chez les femmes SOPK et contrôles, vient conforter ce résultat en montrant une augmentation de la viabilité/activité neuronale. Cette étude translationnelle suggère que l’augmentation des sécrétions de GnRH/LH rencontrées dans le SOPK serait dépendante d’une part d’un rapprochement de terminaisons à GnRH à l’espace péri-capillaire et d’autre part d’une augmentation de l’activité neuronale hypothalamique.
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Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS) causes Mullerian duct regression during sexual differentiation and regulates postnatal Leydig cell development. MIS knockout (MIS-KO) mice with targeted deletions of MIS develop Leydig cell hyperplasia, but their circulating androgen concentrations are reportedly unaltered. We compared reproductive hormone profiles, androgen biosynthesis, and the expression of key steroidogenic and metabolic enzymes in MIS-KO and wild-type (WT) mice at puberty (36 d) and sexual maturity (60 d). In pubertal animals, basal testosterone and LH concentrations in plasma were lower in MIS-KO than WT mice, whereas human chorionic gonadotropin-stimulated testosterone concentrations were similar. In adults, basal LH, and both basal and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-stimulated testosterone concentrations were similar. Purified Leydig cells from pubertal MIS-KO mice had lower testosterone but higher androstanediol and androstenedione production rates. In contrast, testosterone, androstanediol, and androstenedione production rates were all lower in adult MIS-KO Leydig cells. Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression was lower in pubertal MIS-KO mice compared with WT, whereas 17beta-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase and 5alpha-reductase were greater, and P450c17 and P450scc were similar. The expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was lower in adult MIS-KO mice, whereas that of 5alpha-reductase, P450c17, and P450scc was similar. Collectively, these results suggest that in the absence of MIS, Leydig cells remain less differentiated, causing an altered intratesticular androgen milieu that may contribute to the infertility of MIS-KO mice. In immature mice, this deficit in steroidogenic capacity appears to be mediated by a direct loss of MIS action in Leydig cells as well as by indirect effects via the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
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We describe here the isolation of cDNA and genomic clones corresponding to the mouse gene encoding anti-Müllerian hormone, and the use of these clones as molecular probes to study AMH gene expression. We constructed a 14.5 days post coitum (dpc) mouse fetal testes library and isolated a cDNA clone using bovine, human and rat partial cDNAs as probes. This clone contained a 1 kb insert, which was confirmed by sequencing to be the mouse homologue of AMH. Probes derived from the mouse cDNA clone were used to screen genomic libraries and a 12 kb DNA fragment containing the complete coding region of mouse AMH was isolated. In situ hybridisation was used to determine the precise timing and localisation of AMH expression in male and female embryos and postnatal testes and ovaries. AMH transcripts were first detected in fetal testes at 12.5 dpc when differences between testes and ovaries first become visible. The signal was specific for the Sertoli cells of the testes. Other fetal tissues or female embryos were negative for AMH transcripts. During male development, AMH expression is shut off postnatally. In the female, the expression of AMH was first detected at day 6 after birth and is restricted to granulosa cells. We have correlated the pattern of AMH expression in both sexes with cellular events occurring in gonadal development and discuss some implications that this may have for its function and regulation.
WSO/UV (World Space Observatory/Ultra Violet) is a spacecraft that will be located near the collinear equilibrium point 2 of Sun-Earth space revolving around the Sun, it's almost fixed with respect to the Sun and the Earth and its motion is period or quasi-period (i.e., the halo or Lissajous trajectory) around . L 2L For circular restricted three-body problem, the motion near 2 can be conditionally stable; the motion of small mass object P is periodic or quasi-periodic in the case of linear problem. In fact, the orbit of the Earth move around the Sun is elliptical (the orbital eccentricity is ), considering this factor, period or quasi-period trajectory does exist or not? What's more, there are some other dynamical mechanism, such as gravity of large planets (Venus, Mars and Jupiter et al) and radial pressure et al, periodic or quasi-periodic trajectory associated with initial disturbance will change or not? It is concerned the maintenance. L 0.016e = In this article, problems described above will be discussed, discipline and range of the variation of the orbit after the orbit insertion of WSO with the complete dynamical model, and give the amount of fuel needed for the orbit maintenance and the plan of control.
Mutations were introduced into conserved steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1)– and SOX9-binding sites within the endogenous mouse Müllerian inhibiting substance (Mis) promoter. Male mice homozygous for the mutant SF1-binding site correctly initiated Mis transcription in fetal testes, although at significantly reduced levels. Surprisingly, sufficient MIS was produced to eliminate the Müllerian ducts. In contrast, males homozygous for the mutant SOX9-binding site did not initiate Mis transcription, resulting in pseudohermaphrodites. These studies suggest an essential role for SOX9 in the initiation of Mis transcription, whereas SF1 appears to act as a quantitative regulator of Mis transcript levels, perhaps for influencing non-Müllerian duct tissues. Comparative studies of Mis expression in vertebrates indicate that the Mis promoter receives transcriptional inputs that vary between species but result in the same functional readout.
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), also called Müllerian-inhibiting substance or factor, is a dimeric glycoprotein, produced by immature Sertoli cells, and responsible for Müllerian regress ion in male fetuses. To study the ontogeny of AMH production in the male against human recombinant AMH, the AMH concentration in 21 samples of amniotic fluid and 44 samples of fetal serum, initially collected for cytogenetical analysis in fetuses with sonographic abnormalities. No AMH was detectable in amnitotic fluid, whatever the fetal sex. Mean ± SEM AMH concentration was 40.5 ± 3.9 ng/ml in the serum of male fetuses from 19 to 30 weeks, and 28.4 ± 6.1 ng/ml in older ones. The AMH concentration in the serum of an male XX fetus, aged 24 weeks, 48.3 ng/ml, was the only biological indicator of fetal sex. No AMH was detectable in female serum at any time, allowing easy discrimination between male and female samples, even during the perinatal period, when mean scrum AMH concentration is decreased, compared to that of infants aged 2 months to 2 years (43.1 ± 3.7? P>0.05). AMH production in early fetal life was studied by in-situ hybridization, using AMH-specific sense and antisense riboprobes. AMH transcripts were detected in the Sertoli cells of fetuses aged 8 weeks or older, but not in ovarian tissue. Negative results were also found in the sexually undifferentiated gonadal tissue of one 7-week-old fetus, with detectable DMA SRY-specific sequences, confirming that AMH expression in the testis begins only after seminiferous tubule differentiation.
We investigated the hypothalamo-hypophyseo-gonadal system in human fetuses and neonates by serially sampling fetuses obtained either during spontaneous abortions, premature deliveries or under the conditions of the Eugenics Protection Law. Maternal specimens were obtained serially throughout pregnancy, at parturition and in the puerperium. The purpose of our study was to determine the presence or absence of sex differences in fetuses and neonates by determining plasma constituents. The subjects for determination were FSH, LH, hCG and its β-subunit, and androgens. We also attempted to determine the effects of LH-RH priming on the anterior hypophysics. We found fetal sex differences in FSH and testosterone levels, but were unable to detect any differences in the other materials determined. Furthermore we were able to detect an anterior pituitary response to LH-RH priming from the second trimester of pregnancy.
Sex differences in human brain organization and behavior are documented by several converging lines of evidence based on patterns of functional asymmetry and cognitive abilities in normal adults and children, in patients with unilateral brain damage, and in clinical groups having atypical levels of sex hormones. Sex differences also exist in the structure of the human brain, and these are reviewed in detail herein. In addition, dichotomous differences, rather than just differences along a continuum, are noted in anatomical-functional correlations between men and women. Many of the anatomical differences cluster in the temporo-parietal regions of the brain, which subserve the asymmetric representation of some linguistic, motoric and spatial functions. The hypothesis is presented that development of the temporo-parietal region of the human brain is an anatomic network dependent on the organizing effects of sex hormones during embryonic or perinatal sexual differentiation, and that in each sex the pattern of functional asymmetries and cognitive attributes is differentially influenced by early sex hormone exposure. It is further suggested that the naturally occurring regressive events of cell death and axon elimination in early brain development contribute to the variation in the structure of the temporo-parietal region, and that this mechanism is differentially influenced by sex hormones in each sex. The specific, directional hypothesis put forward is that in early development of the male brain, lower levels of androgenic hormones or receptors lead to less regressive events in some brain regions, such as the temporo-parietal region, resulting in a larger isthmus of the corpus callosum, less cerebral functional asymmetry, and some cognitive correlates. Some supporting evidence for this hypothesis from neuropsychological studies of clinical groups and homosexual individuals is presented. The neuroanatomical correlate of functional asymmetry in posterior brain regions in women is not evident. The neural regressive events which occur in each sex may be related differently to lateralization. The concept of sexual mosaicism in the human brain is discussed.