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Comorbidity of intellectual disability confounds ascertainment of autism: Implications for genetic diagnosis


Abstract and Figures

While recent studies suggest a converging role for genetic factors towards risk for nosologically distinct disorders including autism, intellectual disability (ID), and epilepsy, current estimates of autism prevalence fail to take into account the impact of comorbidity of these disorders on autism diagnosis. We aimed to assess the effect of comorbidity on the diagnosis and prevalence of autism by analyzing 11 years (2000-2010) of special education enrollment data on approximately 6.2 million children per year. We found a 331% increase in the prevalence of autism from 2000 to 2010 within special education, potentially due to a diagnostic recategorization from frequently comorbid features such as ID. The decrease in ID prevalence equaled an average of 64.2% of the increase of autism prevalence for children aged 3-18 years. The proportion of ID cases potentially undergoing recategorization to autism was higher (P = 0.007) among older children (75%) than younger children (48%). Some US states showed significant negative correlations between the prevalence of autism compared to that of ID while others did not, suggesting state-specific health policy to be a major factor in categorizing autism. Further, a high frequency of autistic features was observed when individuals with classically defined genetic syndromes were evaluated for autism using standardized instruments. Our results suggest that current ascertainment practices are based on a single facet of autism-specific clinical features and do not consider associated comorbidities that may confound diagnosis. Longitudinal studies with detailed phenotyping and deep molecular genetic analyses are necessary to completely understand the cause of this complex disorder. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Comorbidity of Intellectual Disability Confounds
Ascertainment of Autism: Implications for Genetic
Andrew Polyak,
Richard M. Kubina,
and Santhosh Girirajan
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania 16802
Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Manuscript Received: 11 February 2015; Manuscript Accepted: 17 June 2015
While recent studies suggest a converging role for genetic factors
towards risk for nosologically distinct disorders including au-
tism, intellectual disability (ID), and epilepsy, current estimates
of autism prevalence fail to take into account the impact of
comorbidity of these disorders on autism diagnosis. We aimed
to assess the effect of comorbidity on the diagnosisand prevalence
of autism by analyzing 11 years (2000–2010) of special education
enrollment data on approximately 6.2 million children per year.
We found a 331% increase in the prevalence of autism from 2000
to 2010 within special education, potentially due to a diagnostic
recategorization from frequently comorbid features such as ID.
The decrease in ID prevalence equaled an average of 64.2% of the
increase of autism prevalence for children aged 3–18 years. The
proportion of ID cases potentially undergoing recategorization
to autism was higher (P¼0.007) among older children (75%)
than younger children (48%). Some US states showed significant
negative correlations between the prevalence of autism compared
to that of ID while others did not, suggesting state-specific health
policy to be a major factor in categorizing autism. Further, a high
frequency of autistic features was observed when individuals with
classically defined genetic syndromes were evaluated for autism
using standardized instruments. Our results suggest that current
ascertainment practices are based on a single facet of autism-
specific clinical features and do not consider associated comor-
bidities that may confound diagnosis. Longitudinal studies with
detailed phenotyping and deep molecular genetic analyses are
necessary to completely understand the cause of this complex
disorder. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Key words: neurodevelopmental disorders; prevalence; mi-
crodeletion; syndrome
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impair-
ments in social reciprocity, speech and communication, and
restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior [Ameri-
can Psychiatric Association, 2000]. Several epidemiological reports
have suggested an apparent increase in the prevalence of autism
[Shattuck, 2006; King and Bearman, 2009; Autism et al., 2012]. A
recent study by the United States Center for Disease Control
estimated the prevalence of autism among 8-year-old children,
within the autism and developmental disabilities monitoring
(ADDM) network sites in 2010, to be one in 68 children [Rice
et al., 2007; Baio et al., 2012]. This estimate was a documented
120% increase in prevalence when compared with the data from
2002 (one in 150 children). Another study, based on a population
screening of 7–12-year-old elementary school children in a South
Korean community in 2006, estimated an overall autism prevalence
of one in 38 children [Kim et al., 2011].
While the rise in autism prevalence has been attributed to
various factors including increased awareness [Prior, 2003] and
broadening of the diagnostic criteria [Shattuck, 2006; King and
Bearman, 2009], significant clinical heterogeneity and the non-
specific molecular etiology of autism have precluded robust esti-
mates of prevalence [Levy et al., 2009; Lai et al., 2014]. Further,
Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Correspondence to:
Santhosh Girirajan, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, and Department of Anthropology, 205A Life Sciences
Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.
Article first published online in Wiley Online Library
( 00 Month 2015
DOI 10.1002/ajmg.b.32338
How to Cite this Article:
Polyak A, Kubina RM, Girirajan S. 2015.
Comorbidity of Intellectual Disability
Confounds Ascertainment of Autism:
Implications for Genetic Diagnosis.
Am J Med Genet Part B 9999:1–9.
2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1
Neuropsychiatric Genetics
there is a documented clinical overlap or comorbidity of nosologi-
cally distinct neurodevelopmental disorders [Mitchell, 2011; Coe
et al., 2012]. For example, premorbid social impairment or perva-
sive developmental disorders (PDD) have been observed in 50–
87% of individuals with childhood-onset schizophrenia [Sporn
et al., 2004; Rapoport et al., 2009; King and Lord, 2011; Gadow,
2012; Cristino et al., 2014]. Similarly, features of intellectual
disability (ID) have been reported in as high as 68% of individuals
with autism [Yeargin-Allsopp et al., 2003], and epilepsy and
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) have been
reported to co-occur in as high as 38.3% and 59%, respectively,
of children with autism [Tuchman and Rapin, 2002; Levy et al.,
2009; Viscidi et al., 2013]. Accumulating evidence from genomic
studies suggests a converging role for genetic factors towards a
common molecular etiology for these varied neurodevelopmental
disorders [Cristino et al., 2014; Noh et al., 2013; Steinberg and
Webber, 2013; Fromer et al., 2014]. Although the epidemiological
studies, to date, report statistically significant increases in the
prevalence of autism, they fail to take into account the effect of
the comorbidity of other disorders on the diagnosis and prevalence
of autism. To better understand the effect of comorbid features on
autism prevalence, we systematically analyzed 11 years (2000
2010) of epidemiological data on an average of 6.2 million children
per year from the United States special education enrollment. We
examined the frequency and age-specific prevalence of autism and
frequently comorbid clinical features. Our results suggest that
comorbidity of ID can significantly impact diagnosis and confound
prevalence estimates of autism.
Special Education Data
The individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA) is a law
originally enacted in 1975 that ensures services to children with
disabilities, ascertained by 13 disability categories throughout the
United States. We obtained special education enrollment data, i.e.,
the number of children receiving services under various disability
categories, from publicly available databases (IDEA part B) for the
50 US states. The IDEA part B database includes annual state-by-
state counts of children aged 3–21 years documented by their age
and classification of disorder (Supplementary Figure S1). However,
other clinical details (phenotypic scores, gender, etc) were not
available. For the current study, we obtained enrollment data on
approximately 6.2 million children per year aged 3–21 ye ars over an
11-year period spanning 2000–2010 evaluated by special education
and placed under one of the 13 disability categories (Supplemen-
tary Table S1). Children recruited under the special education act
are ascertained under only one disability category. However,
reclassification to a different IDEA category is possible (e.g., an
individual originally identified as having ID can be reevaluated and
then reclassified into the autism category). Notably, school districts
do not always use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders criteria for classifying any of these diagnostic categories
[Bertrand et al., 2001; Maenner and Durkin, 2010; Boyle et al.,
2011]. Further, the Department of Education’s legal definitions of
disorders under the IDEA categories are generalized allowing for a
broader interpretation, and therefore, the ascertainment for each
disorder may vary between different states [Shattuck, 2006; Kogan
et al., 2009].
Data Analysis
We used the United States intercensal estimates for ages 3–21 years
for 2000–2010 to create proportions (number enrolled out of
10,000 children) for each ascertainment category. To assess the
impact of comorbid features on autism prevalence, we estimated
combined proportions of one or more related diagnostic categories
including autism spectrum disorders (ASD), intellectual disability
(ID), other health impairment (OHI), emotional disturbance
(ED), and specific learning disability (SLD), whose phenotypes
have significant comorbidity with autism [Yeargin-Allsopp et al.,
2003; Levy et al., 2009; Autism et al., 2012; Lai et al., 2014]. We note
that “developmental delay” was included within the intellectual
disability category. Throughout the manuscript, the term “autism”
is used interchangeably with “ASD.” We used simple linear regres-
sion to model the relationship between the year and prevalence of
the phenotypic category. Using a nominal cut-off of P<0.05, we
determined if the slope of each model was statistically significant.
Consistent with recent reports [Yeargin-Allsopp et al., 2003; Au-
tism et al., 2012] we find a significant rise in the prevalence of
autism from 1.2 per 1,000 in 2000 to 5.2 per 1,000 in 2010 (331%
increase; linear regression, P¼4.58 10
) within the US special
education population (Fig. 1). However, significant decrease in
prevalence from 8.3 per 1,000 in 2000 to 5.7 per 1,000 in 2010 was
observed for ID (31% decrease, P¼3.1 10
). Significant
decreases were also seen for categories of emotional disturbance
(22%, P¼6.1 10
), and specific learning disability (19%, P
¼4.1 10
) (Supplementary Table S2). However, there was no
significant change (linear regression, P¼0.57) in the overall
proportion of children in special education ascertained under
IDEA from 2000 to 2010 (Supplementary Figure S1). Based on
recent studies suggesting common molecular etiology [Coe et al.,
2012] and documented reports of comorbidity of autism and other
neurodevelopmental disorders [Lai et al., 2014], we hypothesized
that estimates of autism prevalence are confounded by the presence
of comorbid phenotypes. We tested the impact of comorbidities on
the prevalence of autism by first combining all related neuro-
developmental phenotypes whose prevalence changed significantly
over the 11-year period. The combined prevalence of autism, ID,
specific learning disability, and other health impairment did not
change significantly from 2000 to 2010 (51.0 per 1,000 in 2000 to
50.3 per 1,000 in 2010; P¼0.19) suggesting that the prevalence of
autism is influenced by related comorbid phenotypes (Supplemen-
tary Figure S2).
Interestingly, when only the prevalence estimates of autism and
ID were considered together, the combined prevalence increased by
15% (9.5 per 1,000 in 2000 to 10.9 per 1,000 in 2010, P¼1.7 10
(Fig. 1A). This increase is 22-fold less than the increase seen for
autism prevalence alone (331% vs. 15%), suggesting that a potential
diagnostic recategorization from ID to autism can account for a
significant amount of autism prevalence. In order to determine the
ages at which these changes were most significant, we analyzed the
age-specific changes in prevalence for autism and ID for the ages
between 3 and 21 years. We found that an increase in autism
prevalence, specifically across ages 3–18 years, corresponded to a
decrease in the prevalence of ID (Fig. 1B). These changes in autism
prevalence compared to those in ID allowed us to calculate the
possible magnitude of diagnostic recategorization from ID to au-
tism. For example, at age 8 years, up to 59% of the increase in autism
prevalence could be attributed to a diagnostic recategorization of ID.
On an average, between the ages of 3 and 18 years the decrease in ID
prevalence equaled 64.2% of the increase of autism prevalence, and
these estimates rise to as high as 97% at age 15 years. The magnitude
of this change, at age 15 years, from 2000 to 2010 in the observed
prevalence of autism is 35-fold greater than that compared to the
expected change if autism and ID were combined as a single category
(Supplementary Table S3 and Figure S3). Further, older children
(ages from 10 to 18 years) with ID were more likely to have a shift of
diagnosis towards autism than younger children (ages from 3 to 9
years) (Mann Whitney test, P¼0.007) (Supplementary Figure S4).
We also found that autism and ID can be distinguished based on age-
prevalence. When evaluated by age, the prevalence of autism peaked
between ages 7 and 9 years, while the age-specific prevalence for ID
peaked between ages 11 and 19 years (Supplementary Figure S5).
To assess if the autism diagnostic criteria are uniform across all
US states, we compared the prevalence of autism with the preva-
lence of other disorders over the 11 year period. We observed
positive correlations, at varying degrees, between the prevalence of
autism and that of OHI (Pearson’s correlation coefficient r ¼0.49,
P¼0), OI (r ¼0.097, P¼0.02), ED (r ¼0.19, P¼2.38 10
HI (r ¼0.12, P¼0.008), TBI (r ¼0.21, P¼2.54 10
), and
multiple disabilities (r ¼0.15, P¼0.001) (Supplementary
Figure S6 and Table S4). Further, negative correlations, at signifi-
cant levels, were observed between the prevalence of autism
compared to that of ID (r ¼0.26, P¼1.10 10
), and SLD
(r ¼0.26, P¼1.10 10
) when all US states were considered
together (Fig. 2, Supplementary Figure S7). Interestingly, the
correlation estimates were higher (r >0.99) for some US states
than others when prevalence of autism was compared to that of ID
(Table I). US states with a higher prevalence rate for ID were more
likely (Mann Whitney test, P¼0.0476) to show a negative corre-
lation with autism prevalence than those states with a lower
prevalence of ID (Supplementary Figure S8). For example, North
Dakota, Vermont, and Georgia showed the strongest correlation
coefficients (0.999, 0.998, 0.997, respectively). However,
states such as Arizona, New Jersey, and Wyoming showed less
strong correlation coefficients (0.625, 0.621, 0.749, respec-
tively) and certain states, such as California, New Mexico, and
Texas, showed no correlation at all. These results potentially reflect
differences in state specific policies for ascertainment of children
under special education.
We analyzed one of the largest cohorts of longitudinal special
education population data, through which we observed a 331%
increase in the 11-year autism prevalence. Due to the unavailability
of standardized phenotypic measures (e.g., IQ scores) to determine
FIG. 1. Prevalence of phenotypes from years 2000 to 2010 ascertained through special education enrollment. (A) Yearly prevalence (out of
10,000) is shown for the 13 special education categories including autism, intellectual disability (ID), specific learning disability (SLD),
developmental delay (DD), other health impairments (OHI), emotional disturbance (ED), speech and language impairments (SLD), multiple
disorders (MI), traumatic brain injuries (TRA), deaf-blindness (DB), deafness (DEA), orthopedic impairments (OI), hearing impairments (HI),
and visual impairments (VI). The combined prevalence of autism and ID (Autism þID) is also shown. US intercensal estimates for ages
between 3 and 21 years were used as denominator in the prevalence calculations. (B) The age-specific changes (2000–2010) in prevalence
of autism (red) and ID (blue) are shown from ages 3 to 21 years. Percentage of autism prevalence that can be attributed to diagnostic
change from ID to autism is shown for each age as numbers above the red bars.
if autistic individuals also showed features of ID, we performed
analysis under the premise that individuals manifesting both
autism and ID were more likely to be binned into the autism
category than that of ID. Nevertheless, the following observations
suggest that a diagnostic recategorization towards autism is occur-
ring, potentially confounding estimates of autism prevalence. First,
we find no change in the overall proportion of children enrolled in
the special education cohort from 2000 to 2010, suggesting that any
perceived increase in prevalence within the cohort to be due to a
recategorization of ascertainment practices. Second, we find that
the increasing trend in autism prevalence disappears when the
combined prevalence of autism and related comorbid features were
considered (Supplementary Figure S2). Finally, the age-specific
changes in prevalence of autism from 2000 to 2010 closely mirrors
that of ID, with an average of 64.2% of the increase in prevalence of
autism potentially explained by a concomitant decrease in the
prevalence of ID. This phenomenon of diagnostic recategorization
has been noted previously [Shattuck, 2006; King and Bearman,
2009], however, the magnitude of effect from comorbid features
has not been documented. Our study shows a 22-fold drop in
prevalence increase when considering the prevalence of a broader
neurodevelopmental disorder category including both autism and
ID. The proportion of ID cases potentially undergoing diagnostic
recategorization to autism was higher among older children (75%)
than younger children (48%). These results suggest that comorbid
features can confound true prevalence estimates of the autism
disorder. We also found that the disability categories within the
special education data showed distinct age-specific prevalence
rates. For example, prevalence estimates peaked between ages 7
and 9 years for autism and between ages 11 and 18 years for ID.
These prevalence peaks suggest distinct developmental trajectories
and specific diagnostic windows for certain comorbid phenotypes.
Interestingly, one recent study found that older children with
autism were more likely to retain their diagnosis than those
diagnosed at a younger age suggesting the complexities associated
with using one set of identifiable features as diagnostic criteria
[Wiggins et al., 2012]. It is likely that older children are more
severely affected manifesting intellectual disability and other co-
morbid phenotypes at a later age. Other disorders in addition to ID
can also potentially contribute to a diagnostic recategorization to
autism. In fact, a significant negative correlation was observed
between the prevalence of autism and that of SLD (Supplementary
Figure S7), suggesting SLD as another potential contributor to
diagnostic recategorization. Further, we found positive correla-
tions between the prevalence of autism and disorders such as OHI
and ED, suggesting that a complex recategorization of disorders
is occurring independent of autism. However, we were unable to
assess the possible effect of diagnostic recategorization from SLD or
OHI as the change in the number of enrolled children within these
disorders (469,216 and 420,840 individuals, respectively) over the
11-year period was more than five times that of autism (93,624
FIG. 2. Negative correlation between the prevalence of autism to that of intellectual disability (r ¼0.26, P¼1.10 10
). Pearson
correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationship between the prevalence of autism and each of the comorbid phenotypic
categories within the special education enrollment.
TABLE I. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients Between the Prevalence of Autism and That of ID for Each of the 50 US States From Years 2000–
2010 for Individuals Ages 3–21 Within Special Education
ASD prevalence
in 2000
ASD prevalence
in 2010
ID prevalence
in 2000
ID prevalence
in 2010 P-value Pearson’s r
Alabama 7.02 35.58 167.48 NA 6.58E-03 0.933
Alaska 11.31 41.99 41.81 31.95 5.62E-04 0.961
Arizona 8.39 43.41 51.55 45.3 3.96E-02 0.625
Arkansas 10.5 37.46 163.46 78.28 3.56E-09 0.991
California 14.32 65.1 40.58 41.65 0.68 0.143
Colorado 4.3 29.09 29.67 22.98 4.83E-08 0.984
Connecticut 15.74 70.63 43.21 27.6 7.17E-06 0.951
Delaware 15.43 43 102.4 72.07 2.93E-04 0.885
Florida 11.52 44.54 105.05 65.57 2.89E-08 0.986
Georgia 9.47 42.53 136.7 68.16 6.03E-12 0.998
Hawaii 11.55 40.28 86.44 37.11 3.46E-11 0.997
Idaho 8.05 45.64 49.11 40.68 8.88E-04 0.851
Illinois 12.61 49.01 83.28 61.73 5.47E-07 0.972
Indiana 18.12 67.46 137.21 101.83 3.26E-06 0.959
Iowa 8.25 9.66 208.84 148.89 0.09 0.54
Kansas 9.24 33.99 72.76 47.46 6.90E-10 0.994
Kentucky 9.61 35.77 167.67 141.23 3.52E-06 0.958
Louisiana 9.62 29.25 91.65 64.05 1.23E-04 0.906
Maine 18.3 87.11 32.74 23.77 1.80E-06 0.964
Maryland 16.28 60.55 48.72 36.36 4.48E-05 0.925
Massachusetts 5.01 75.65 97.78 64.96 7.54E-03 0.752
Michigan 17.03 57.59 90.44 79.17 1.97E-03 0.821
Minnesota 20.25 106.59 74.22 62.81 2.13E-08 0.987
Mississippi 4.97 28.99 68.83 NA 1.84E-03 0.937
Missouri 11.24 47.43 81.95 67.49 7.98E-07 0.97
Montana 7.51 25.57 51.53 40.74 3.15E-03 0.799
Nebraska 7.7 42.85 127.17 81.11 1.86E-07 0.978
Nevada 9.11 52.8 34.06 29.16 2.56E-04 0.889
New Hampshire 11.95 53.6 30.41 NA 7.71E-04 0.977
New Jersey 15.49 61.1 27.52 25.1 4.16E-02 0.621
New Mexico 4.3 27.96 35.57 33.91 0.55 0.201
New York 13.54 48.54 32.66 25.62 1.01E-05 0.947
North Carolina 12.47 48.89 137.44 77.4 8.82E-11 0.996
North Dakota 7.4 NA 68.28 44.9 6.49E-09 0.999
Ohio 8.25 55.51 191.65 90.12 1.87E-06 0.964
Oklahoma 7 30.77 87.89 55.97 3.15E-06 0.959
Oregon 32.47 89.22 48.92 42.54 5.81E-06 0.953
Pennsylvania 12.74 67.61 88.06 66.34 4.66E-10 0.994
Rhode Island 12.81 67.2 44.17 33.54 5.28E-04 0.868
South Carolina 8.84 32.83 157.92 67.07 1.26E-08 0.988
South Dakota 11.88 35.17 66.84 66.54 0.91 0.04
Tennessee 7.25 37.22 97.3 47.23 1.59E-07 0.979
Texas 11.46 45.51 41.33 44.53 0.24 0.39
Utah 8.28 44.6 41.68 36.53 2.16E-07 0.978
Vermont 13.28 56.15 79.25 NA 6.00E-06 0.998
Virginia 11.94 57.84 77.57 51.43 7.01E-07 0.971
Washington 10.44 50.73 40.88 27.22 5.81E-06 0.977
West Virginia 7.32 32.34 208.86 167.39 8.94E-07 0.969
Wisconsin 14.32 57 90.27 65.27 2.92E-10 0.995
Wyoming 8.13 44.69 45.88 38.79 8.04E-03 0.749
NA, data not available for year.
While a negative correlation between the prevalence of autism
and that of ID was observed for all the US states as a whole, when
assessed individually, not all states showed the same strength of
correlation. While the differential rates of autism prevalence reflect
differences in ascertainment in special education schools across the
US states, documented evidence of inconsistency in ascertainment
even among groups following set diagnostic criteria suggests exten-
sive heterogeneity of the disorder [Lord et al., 2012]. In fact, a recent
study found the prevalence of autism and ID to be associated with
state-related regulatory factors, and even found strong correlations
between smaller, county-related factors and autism and ID preva-
lence [Rzhetsky et al., 2014]. Another report in 2001 found the
prevalence of autism within The Brick Township, New Jersey, to be
significantly higher than that of the US [Bertrand et al., 2001].
Further, Davidovitch and colleagues found a lower prevalence of
autism among an Israeli population compared to the US [Davido-
vitch et al., 2013]. A recent study in the United Kingdom using the
UK General Practice Research Database showed a strikingly similar
incidence of autism over a periodof 10 years suggesting no apparent
increase in prevalence rates [Taylor et al., 2013]. These examples
indicate variability in ascertainment of children with neurodeve-
lopmental disorders across different regions, and highlight the need
for large-scale studiesof autism prevalence to take these health policy
variations into account.
Several clinical studies have documented varying percentages of
comorbid features suggesting that comorbidity in autism is the
norm rather than the exception. Changes in nosology as suggested
by revisions to the DSM have certainly contributed to the devia-
tions from the original description of autism. This is reflected by
the fact that only 81.2% of children previously diagnosed with
autism by DSM-IV met the criteria according to DSM-V [Maenner
et al., 2014]. However, studies estimating prevalence of autism
seem to focus on one dimension of clinical features, often ignoring
other comorbid features. For example, 40.2% of individuals iden-
tified with autism by the ADDM network were actually enrolled
under eight different special education categories other than
autism (Supplementary Figure S9). These rates also varied among
states within the ADDM network, further suggesting a major
impact by state-specific policies. While it would be important to
understand how these comorbidity rates change over time, one
limitation of the IDEA dataset was that individuals were only
placed into a single diagnostic category.
The relatively high rate of comorbidity within autism may be
due to a wide array of common genes implicated in many neuro-
developmental disorders [Pettersson et al., 2013]. Further, core
components in autism diagnosis show a documented overlap in
clinical features such as language impairments [Taylor et al., 2014].
Interestingly, when individuals with classically defined genetic
syndromes were evaluated for autism using standardized instru-
ments, higher frequency of autistic features were observed. In fact,
some of these were never thought to be an autism disorder. For
example, the frequency of autism in Smith–Magenis syndrome, a
TABLE II. Frequency of Autism Features in Classically Defined Genetic Syndromes
Disorder Frequency (%) Reference Autism diagnosis instrument
22q11.2 deletion syndrome 40 Niklasson et al. [2009] DSM-IV
Angelman Syndrome 42 Peters et al. [2004] ADOS/DSM-IV
Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome 7 Kent et al. [2008] Previous diagnosis
Charge Syndrome 28 Hartshorne et al. [2005] ABC
Chromosome 2q Terminal Deletion 24 Casas et al. [2004] Previous diagnosis
Cohen Syndrome 79 Howlin et al. [2005] ADOS
Cornelia De Lange Syndrome 83 Srivastava et al. [2014] CARS
Cowden Syndrome 53 Varga et al. [2009] DSM-IV
Down Syndrome 19 Moss et al. [2013] SCQ
Fragile-X Syndrome 63 Garcia-Nonell et al. [2008] ADOS-G/DSM-IV
Inverted 8p Deletion Syndrome 75 Fisch et al. [2011] CARS
Jacobsen Syndrome 47 Akshoomoff et al. [2015] ADOS
Klinefelter Syndrome 27 Bruining et al. [2009] ADI-R
Lujan–Fryns Syndrome 63 Lerma-Carrillo et al. [2006] Unspecified
Moebius Syndrome 40 Johansson et al. [2001] DSM-3R/ICD-10
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 4 Williams and Hers [1998] DSM-IV
Phelan–McDermid Syndrome 94 Phelan et al. [2001] CARS
Potocki–Lupski syndrome 66 Treadwell-Deering et al. [2010] ADI-R and ADOS
Prader–Willi Syndrome 36 Lo et al. [2013] DISCO
Smith Magenis Syndrome 90 Laje et al. [2010] SRS, SCQ
Smith–Lemli–Opitz Syndrome 71–86 Sikora et al. [2006] ADOS
Sotos Syndrome 68 Zafeiriou et al. [2013] SCQ
Timothy Syndrome 80 Splawski et al. [2004] Unspecified
Williams–Beuren Syndrome 93 Klein-Tasman et al. [2009] ADOS
Wolf–Hirschhorn Syndrome 5 Fisch et al. [2010] CARS
ADOS, autism diagnostic observation schedule; ADI-R, autism diagnostic interview-revised; ABC, autism behavior checklist; CARS, childhood autism rating scale; DISCO, the diagnostic interview for social
and communication; SRS, social responsiveness scale, SCQ, social communication questionnaire; DSM, diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.
disorder characterized by severe intellectual disability/multiple
congenital anomalies, was reported to be as high as 90% [Laje
et al., 2010] (Table II). About 63% of individuals with Fragile-X
syndrome, one of the most common causes of intellectual disabili-
ty, was reported to show features of autism [Garcia-Nonell et al.,
2008]. Further, 93% of individuals with Williams–Beuren Syn-
drome, a disorder characterized by severe developmental delay,
also showed features of autism [Klein-Tasman et al., 2009]. While
these studies suggest that autistic features are pervasive in neuro-
developmental disorders, it is possible that many autism diagnosis
instruments lose specificity when applied to severe intellectual
disability disorders. These factors may create a confounding effect
on autism diagnosis.
In conclusion, we propose that nosologically distinct neuro-
developmental phenotypes are not necessarily independent entities
and can appear during early or late developmental stages and
coexist as comorbid features in an affected individual. Como rbidity
of one or more related neurodevelopmental phenotypes with
autism may confound the diagnosis and affect the perceived
prevalence of autism. This may be due to the emphasis given to
the autism component of their diagnoses, as compared to emphasis
on the comorbid features in the past years. Further, the differences
in the relative severity of each of these comorbid features can
complicate definitive diagnosis. Evidently, because these features
co-occur to a large extent, they transcend diagnostic boundaries
and contribute to the variability and severity as well as confound
disease ascertainment. It is therefore clear that the patterns of
underlying genetic etiology neither map well onto current disease
“models” nor respect the DSM categories [Kendler, 2010; Lichten-
stein et al., 2010]. Large-scale longitudinal studies with detailed
phenotyping and deep molecular genetic analyses are necessary to
completely understand the cause and effect of these “disease
models.” It is important that future studies of autism prevalence
take these factors into account.
We thank Dr. Evan Eichler, Dr. Sarah Elsea, Dr. Paul Medvedev,
Dr. Catarina Campbell, Dr. Karyn Meltz-Steinberg, and Dr. Francesca
Chiaramonte, and members of the Girirajan lab for critical reading
and comments on the manuscript. The authors declare that no conflict
of interest exists in relation to this work.
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... ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the deficits in social interaction / communication and the presence of repetitive / restricted behavior (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Along with the core symptoms, children with ASD may have cooccurring intellectual disability (Polyak et al. 2015), language impairment (Kjelgaard and Tager-Flusberg 2001), attention deficit (Matson et al. 2013), reduced working memory (Habib et al. 2019), etc. Numerous studies have revealed that dysregulated stimulus-induced and restingstate / baseline alpha-band activity is reflected in core and co-occurring conditions of ASD (Dickinson et al. 2018;Larrain-Valenzuela et al. 2017;Keehn et al. 2017). ...
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The neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is hypothetically related to the imbalance between neural excitation (E) and inhibition (I). Different studies have revealed that alpha-band (8–12 Hz) activity in magneto- and electroencephalography (MEG and EEG) may reflect E and I processes and, thus, can be of particular interest in ASD research. Previous findings indicated alterations in event-related and baseline alpha activity in different cortical systems in individuals with ASD, and these abnormalities were associated with core and co-occurring conditions of ASD. However, the knowledge on auditory alpha oscillations in this population is limited. This MEG study investigated stimulus-induced (Event-Related Desynchronization, ERD) and baseline alpha-band activity (both periodic and aperiodic) in the auditory cortex and also the relationships between these neural activities and behavioral measures of children with ASD. Ninety amplitude-modulated tones were presented to two groups of children: 20 children with ASD (5 girls, Mage = 10.03, SD = 1.7) and 20 typically developing controls (9 girls, Mage = 9.11, SD = 1.3). Children with ASD had a bilateral reduction of alpha-band ERD, reduced baseline aperiodic-adjusted alpha power, and flattened aperiodic exponent in comparison to TD children. Moreover, lower raw baseline alpha power and aperiodic offset in the language-dominant left auditory cortex were associated with better language skills of children with ASD measured in formal assessment. The findings highlighted the alterations of E / I balance metrics in response to basic auditory stimuli in children with ASD and also provided evidence for the contribution of low-level processing to language difficulties in ASD.
... Prior work suggests people of color are less likely to receive timely autism diagnoses than their white peers, which may translate to increased difficulty accessing diagnostic and treatment services (36). There is also evidence to suggest that children of color are more likely to receive a diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID) in lieu of (62) or in addition to (63) a diagnosis of autism compared to their white peers. Clearly, more work examining prevalence rates of profound autism in diverse racial and ethnic groups is needed. ...
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Introduction Societal perceptions and lack of understanding of autism spectrum disorder can be stigmatizing for autistic individuals and their families. This may be particularly the case for individuals who meet criteria for profound autism. Despite the considerable service needs of this marginalized group, there is little data on the prevalence of profound autism, nor on the experiences of those with profound autism and their families. Methods The current study leveraged a mixed-methods approach to address these gaps. First, the prevalence of profound autism was examined in six samples—three from the United States and three from Western Europe. Second, inductive thematic analysis was used to code interviews from 20 caregivers of profoundly autistic adults. Results The prevalence of profound autism varied widely across the six samples—from 11% to 48%. There were also notable differences between samples in prevalence by gender, race, and ethnicity. Two overarching themes were identified via inductive thematic analysis: Community Perceptions of Autism and Family Support Needs and Advocacy Challenges. Though caregivers were not directly asked about stigmatization during interviews, 85% of caregivers reported at least one instance of perceived stigma. Discussion Future research should continue to examine the unique needs and stigmatization experiences of profoundly autistic individuals and their families across the life course.
... This is because early interventions focused on improving communication should begin immediately when concerns are recognized rather than waiting for a child with developmental delay to be diagnosed with ASD or intellectual disability [22]. Additionally, these two types of developmental disabilities are genetically and clinically common in many aspects [23,24]. People with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities may exhibit secondary features [22]. ...
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Under the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea, the National Autism and Developmental Disorder Centers for people with developmental disabilities are gradually expanding. The headquarters of the National Autism and Developmental Disorder Center provides support for education, training, and research, and several centers have been effectively operating since 2020. This study aimed to provide practical recommendations and guidelines for specialists such as clinical psychologists, child psychiatrists, allied professionals, community workers, and related administrators. It was developed as a guideline to promote early diagnosis, provide important information on integrated treatment, and assist people with developmental disabilities in Korea to make the best decisions for their quality of life.
... diagnosed with ASD. 5 Many of the pathways involved in monogenic ASD have been identified and are considered promising targets of drug development. [6][7][8][9] One such pathway is the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is responsible for regulating cell growth and migration in the context of available cellular resources. Mutations to genes of proteins that regulate the mTOR pathway, such as Tsc1, Tsc2 and the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) on chromosome 10, have been linked to the development of ASD. ...
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The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is a signaling system integral to neural growth and migration. In both patients and rodent models, mutations to the phosphatase and tensin homolog gene (PTEN) on chromosome 10 results in hyperactivation of the mTOR pathway, as well as seizures, intellectual disabilities and autistic behaviors. Rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR, can reverse the epileptic phenotype of neural subset specific Pten knockout (NS-Pten KO) mice, but its impact on behavior is not known. To determine the behavioral effects of rapamycin, male and female NS-Pten KO and wildtype (WT) mice were assigned as controls or administered 10 mg/kg of rapamycin for 2 weeks followed by behavioral testing. Rapamycin improved social behavior in both genotypes and stereotypic behaviors in NS-Pten KO mice. Rapamycin treatment resulted in a reduction of several measures of activity in the open field test in both genotypes. Rapamycin did not reverse the reduced anxiety behavior in KO mice. These data show the potential clinical use of mTOR inhibitors by showing its administration can reduce the production of autistic-like behaviors in NS-Pten KO mice.
Background/Objective Infants who survive prematurity and other critical illnesses and require continued invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) postdischarge (at home) are at high risk of developmental delays and disabilities. Studies of extremely preterm cohorts (<28‐week gestation) demonstrate rates of 25% for intellectual disability (ID) and 7% for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Rates of ASD and ID in children with IMV are unknown. This study aimed to determine neurodevelopmental disability risk in a cohort of children with postdischarge IMV. Design/Methods A consecutive series of children with IMV were assessed 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year after discharge. Cognitive, social, and communicative domains were assessed by a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician using (1) clinical adaptive test/clinical linguistic and auditory milestone scale (CAT/CLAMS) of the capute scales; (2) pediatric evaluation of disability inventory computer adaptive test (PEDI‐CAT); and (3) modified checklist for autism in toddlers, revised (MCHAT‐R). Red flag signs and symptoms of ASD using DSM‐V criteria were noted. Longitudinal testing was reviewed. Expert consensus impressions of evolving ASD and/or ID were determined. Results Eighteen children were followed for 1 year; at 1 year, the median age (range) was 23 (17–42) months. Children were 44% male, 33% non‐Hispanic White, 39% non‐Hispanic Black, and 28% Hispanic. Fifteen (83%) children were prematurity survivors. Median (range) developmental quotients (DQs): full‐scale DQ 59 (11–86), CAT DQ 66.5 (8–96), and CLAMS DQ 49.5 (13–100). Twelve (67%) children were highly suspicious for ASD and/or evolving ID. Conclusions/Significance This cohort of children with at‐home IMV demonstrates a higher risk of ASD and ID than prior premature cohorts. Larger investigations with longer follow‐up are needed.
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Alpha-band (8-12 Hz) event-related desynchronization (ERD) or a decrease in alpha power in electro-and magnetoencephalography (EEG and MEG) reflects the involvement of a neural tissue in information processing. It is known that most children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have difficulties in information processing, and, thus, investigation of alpha oscillations is of particular interest in this population. Previous studies have demonstrated alterations in this neural activity in individuals with ASD; however, little is known about alpha ERD during simultaneous presentation of auditory and visual stimuli in children with and without ASD. As alpha oscillations are intimately related to attention, and attention deficit is one of the common co-occurring conditions of ASD, we predict that children with ASD can have altered alpha ERD in one of the sensory domains. In the present study, we used MEG to investigate alpha ERD in groups of 20 children with ASD and 20 age-matched typically developing controls. Simple amplitude-modulated tones were presented together with a fixation cross appearing on the screen. The results showed that children with ASD had a bilateral reduction in alpha-band ERD in the auditory but not visual cortex. Moreover, alterations in the auditory cortex were associated with a higher presence of autistic traits measured in behavioral assessment.
Autism is often considered to reflect categorically ‘different brains’. Neuropsychological research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) however, has struggled to define this difference, or derive clear-cut boundaries between autism and non-autism. Consequently, restructuring or disbanding the ASD diagnosis is becoming increasingly advocated within research. Nonetheless, autism now exists as a salient social construction, of which ‘difference’ is a key facet. Clinical and educational professionals must influence this cautiously, as changes to autism’s social construction may counterproductively affect the quality of life of autistic people. This paper therefore reviews ASD’s value as both neuropsychological and social constructs. Although lacking neuropsychological validity, the autism label may be beneficial for autistic self-identity, reduction of stigma, and administering support. Whilst a shift away from case-control ASD research is warranted, lay notions of ‘different brains’ may be preserved.
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Language difficulties have historically been viewed as integral to autism spectrum conditions (ASC), leading molecular genetic studies to consider whether ASC and language difficulties have overlapping genetic bases. The extent of genetic, and also environmental, overlap between ASC and language is, however, unclear. We hence conducted a twin study of the concurrent association between autistic traits and receptive language abilities. Internet-based language tests were completed by ∼3,000 pairs of twins, while autistic traits were assessed via parent ratings. Twin model fitting explored the association between these measures in the full sample, while DeFries-Fulker analysis tested these associations at the extremes of the sample. Phenotypic associations between language ability and autistic traits were modest and negative. The degree of genetic overlap was also negative, indicating that genetic influences on autistic traits lowered language scores in the full sample (mean genetic correlation = −0.13). Genetic overlap was also low at the extremes of the sample (mean genetic correlation = 0.14), indicating that genetic influences on quantitatively defined language difficulties were largely distinct from those on extreme autistic traits. Variation in language ability and autistic traits were also associated with largely different nonshared environmental influences. Language and autistic traits are influenced by largely distinct etiological factors. This has implications for molecular genetic studies of ASC and understanding the etiology of ASC. Additionally, these findings lend support to forthcoming DSM-5 changes to ASC diagnostic criteria that will see language difficulties separated from the core ASC communication symptoms, and instead listed as a clinical specifier. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Purpose: Jacobsen syndrome, also called the 11q terminal deletion disorder, is a contiguous gene disorder caused by the deletion of the end of the long arm of chromosome 11. Intellectual skills range from low average to severe/profound intellectual disability and usually correlate with deletion size. Comprehensive genotype/phenotype evaluations are limited, and little is known about specific behavioral characteristics associated with 11q terminal deletion disorder. Methods: In this prospective study, 17 patients with 11q terminal deletion disorder underwent cognitive and behavioral assessments. Deletion sizes were determined by array comparative genomic hybridization. Results: Deletion sizes ranged from 8.7 to 14.5 Mb across the patients. We found that 8 of 17 patients (47%) exhibited behavioral characteristics consistent with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. There was no correlation between deletion size and the presence of autism spectrum disorder, implicating at least one predisposing gene in the distal 8.7 Mb of 11q. The findings from three additional patients with autistic features and "atypical" distal 11q deletions led to the identification of an autism "critical region" in distal 11q containing four annotated genes including ARHGAP32 (also known as RICS), a gene encoding rho GTPase activating protein. Conclusion: Results from this study support early autism spectrum disorder screening for patients with 11q terminal deletion disorder and provide further molecular insights into the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder.
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Many factors affect the risks for neurodevelopmental maladies such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID). To compare environmental, phenotypic, socioeconomic and state-policy factors in a unified geospatial framework, we analyzed the spatial incidence patterns of ASD and ID using an insurance claims dataset covering nearly one third of the US population. Following epidemiologic evidence, we used the rate of congenital malformations of the reproductive system as a surrogate for environmental exposure of parents to unmeasured developmental risk factors, including toxins. Adjusted for gender, ethnic, socioeconomic, and geopolitical factors, the ASD incidence rates were strongly linked to population-normalized rates of congenital malformations of the reproductive system in males (an increase in ASD incidence by 283% for every percent increase in incidence of malformations, 95% CI: [91%, 576%], p
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Inherited alleles account for most of the genetic risk for schizophrenia. However, new (de novo) mutations, in the form of large chromosomal copy number changes, occur in a small fraction of cases and disproportionally disrupt genes encoding postsynaptic proteins. Here we show that small de novo mutations, affecting one or a few nucleotides, are overrepresented among glutamatergic postsynaptic proteins comprising activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (ARC) and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) complexes. Mutations are additionally enriched in proteins that interact with these complexes to modulate synaptic strength, namely proteins regulating actin filament dynamics and those whose messenger RNAs are targets of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). Genes affected by mutations in schizophrenia overlap those mutated in autism and intellectual disability, as do mutation-enriched synaptic pathways. Aligning our findings with a parallel case-control study, we demonstrate reproducible
Description of System: The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network is an active surveillance system in the United States that provides estimates of the prevalence of ASD and other characteristics among children aged 8 years whose parents or guardians live in 11 ADDM sites in the United States. ADDM surveillance is conducted in two phases. The first phase consists of screening and abstracting comprehensive evaluations performed by professional providers in the community. Multiple data sources for these evaluations include general pediatric health clinics and specialized programs for children with developmental disabilities. In addition, most ADDM Network sites also review and abstract records of children receiving specialeducation services in public schools. The second phase involves review of all abstracted evaluations by trained clinicians to determine ASD surveillance case status. A child meets the surveillance case definition for ASD if a comprehensive evaluation of that child completed by a qualified professional describes behaviors consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) diagnostic criteria for any of the following conditions: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (including atypical autism), or Asperger disorder. This report provides updated prevalence estimates for ASD from the 2010 surveillance year. In addition to prevalence estimates, characteristics of the population of children with ASD are described. Results: For 2010, the overall prevalence of ASD among the ADDM sites was 14.7 per 1,000 (one in 68) children aged 8 years. Overall ASD prevalence estimates varied among sites from 5.7 to 21.9 per 1,000 children aged 8 years. ASD prevalence estimates also varied by sex and racial/ethnic group. Approximately one in 42 boys and one in 189 girls living in the ADDM Network communities were identified as having ASD. Non-Hispanic white children were approximately 30% more likely to be identified with ASD than non-Hispanic black children and were almost 50% more likely to be identified with ASD than Hispanic children. Among the seven sites with sufficient data on intellectual ability, 31% of children with ASD were classified as having IQ scores in the range of intellectual disability (IQ ≤70), 23% in the borderline range (IQ = 71-85), and 46% in the average or above average range of intellectual ability (IQ > 85). The proportion of children classified in the range of intellectual disability differed by race/ethnicity. Approximately 48% of non-Hispanic black children with ASD were classified in the range of intellectual disability compared with 38% of Hispanic children and 25% of non-Hispanic white children. The median age of earliest known ASD diagnosis was 53 months and did not differ significantly by sex or race/ethnicity. Interpretation: These findings from CDC's ADDM Network, which are based on 2010 data reported from 11 sites, provide updated population-based estimates of the prevalence of ASD in multiple communities in the United States. Because the ADDM Network sites do not provide a representative sample of the entire United States, the combined prevalence estimates presented in this report cannot be generalized to all children aged 8 years in the United States population. Consistent with previous reports from the ADDM Network, findings from the 2010 surveillance year were marked by significant variations in ASD prevalence by geographic area, sex, race/ethnicity, and level of intellectual ability. The extent to which this variation might be attributable to diagnostic practices, underrecognition of ASD symptoms in some racial/ethnic groups, socioeconomic disparities in access to services, and regional differences in clinical or school-based practices that might influence the findings in this report is unclear. Public Health Action: ADDM Network investigators will continue to monitor the prevalence of ASD in select communities, with a focus on exploring changes within these communities that might affect both the observed prevalence of ASD and population-based characteristics of children identified with ASD. Although ASD is sometimes diagnosed by 2 years of age, the median age of the first ASD diagnosis remains older than age 4 years in the ADDM Network communities. Recommendations from the ADDM Network include enhancing strategies to address the need for 1) standardized, widely adopted measures to document ASD severity and functional limitations associated with ASD diagnosis; 2) improved recognition and documentation of symptoms of ASD, particularly among both boys and girls, children without intellectual disability, and children in all racial/ethnic groups; and 3) decreasing the age when children receive their first evaluation for and a diagnosis of ASD and are enrolled in community-based support systems.
Problem/Condition: Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disabilities characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication and by restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Symptoms typically are apparent before age 3 years. The complex nature of these disorders, coupled with a lack of biologic markers for diagnosis and changes in clinical definitions over time, creates challenges in monitoring the prevalence of ASDs. Accurate reporting of data is essential to understand the prevalence of ASDs in the population and can help direct research. Period Covered: 2008. Description of System: The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network is an active surveillance system that estimates the prevalence of ASDs and describes other characteristics among children aged 8 years whose parents or guardians reside within 14 ADDM sites in the United States. ADDM does not rely on professional or family reporting of an existing ASD diagnosis or classification to ascertain case status. Instead, information is obtained from children's evaluation records to determine the presence of ASD symptoms at any time from birth through the end of the year when the child reaches age 8 years. ADDM focuses on children aged 8 years because a baseline study conducted by CDC demonstrated that this is the age of identified peak prevalence. A child is included as meeting the surveillance case definition for an ASD if he or she displays behaviors (as described on a comprehensive evaluation completed by a qualified professional) consistent with the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) diagnostic criteria for any of the following conditions: Autistic Disorder; Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS, including Atypical Autism); or Asperger Disorder. The first phase of the ADDM methodology involves screening and abstraction of comprehensive evaluations completed by professional providers at multiple data sources in the community. Multiple data sources are included, ranging from general pediatric health clinics to specialized programs for children with developmental disabilities. In addition, many ADDM sites also review and abstract records of children receiving special education services in public schools. In the second phase of the study, all abstracted evaluations are reviewed by trained clinicians to determine ASD case status. Because the case definition and surveillance methods have remained consistent across all ADDM surveillance years to date, comparisons to results for earlier surveillance years can be made. This report provides updated ASD prevalence estimates from the 2008 surveillance year, representing 14 ADDM areas in the United States. In addition to prevalence estimates, characteristics of the population of children with ASDs are described, as well as detailed comparisons of the 2008 surveillance year findings with those for the 2002 and 2006 surveillance years. Results: For 2008, the overall estimated prevalence of ASDs among the 14 ADDM sites was 11.3 per 1,000 (one in 88) children aged 8 years who were living in these communities during 2008. Overall ASD prevalence estimates varied widely across all sites (range: 4.8-21.2 per 1,000 children aged 8 years). ASD prevalence estimates also varied widely by sex and by racial/ethnic group. Approximately one in 54 boys and one in 252 girls living in the ADDM Network communities were identified as having ASDs. Comparison of 2008 findings with those for earlier surveillance years indicated an increase in estimated ASD prevalence of 23% when the 2008 data were compared with the data for 2006 (from 9.0 per 1,000 children aged 8 years in 2006 to 11.0 in 2008 for the 11 sites that provided data for both surveillance years) and an estimated increase of 78% when the 2008 data were compared with the data for 2002 (from 6.4 per 1,000 children aged 8 years in 2002 to 11.4 in 2008 for the 13 sites that provided data for both surveillance years). Because the ADDM Network sites do not make up a nationally representative sample, these combined prevalence estimates should not be generalized to the United States as a whole. Interpretation: These data confirm that the estimated prevalence of ASDs identified in the ADDM network surveillance populations continues to increase. The extent to which these increases reflect better case ascertainment as a result of increases in awareness and access to services or true increases in prevalence of ASD symptoms is not known. ASDs continue to be an important public health concern in the United States, underscoring the need for continued resources to identify potential risk factors and to provide essential supports for persons with ASDs and their families. Public Health Action: Given substantial increases in ASD prevalence estimates over a relatively short period, overall and within various subgroups of the population, continued monitoring is needed to quantify and understand these patterns. With 5 biennial surveillance years completed in the past decade, the ADDM Network continues to monitor prevalence and characteristics of ASDs and other developmental disabilities for the 2010 surveillance year. Further work is needed to evaluate multiple factors contributing to increases in estimated ASD prevalence over time. ADDM Network investigators continue to explore these factors, with a focus on understanding disparities in the identification of ASDs among certain subgroups and on how these disparities have contributed to changes in the estimated prevalence of ASDs. CDC is partnering with other federal and private partners in a coordinated response to identify risk factors for ASDs and to meet the needs of persons with ASDs and their families.
Problem/Condition: Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disabilities characterized by atypical development in socialization, communication, and behavior. ASDs typically are apparent before age 3 years, with associated impairments affecting multiple areas of a person's life. Because no biologic marker exists for ASDs, identification is made by professionals who evaluate a child's developmental progress to identify the presence of developmental disorders. Reporting Period: 2006. Methods: Earlier surveillance efforts indicated that age 8 years is a reasonable index age at which to monitor peak prevalence. The identified prevalence of ASDs in U.S. children aged 8 years was estimated through a systematic retrospective review of evaluation records in multiple sites participating in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. Data were collected from existing records in 11 ADDM Network sites (areas of Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Wisconsin) for 2006. To analyze changes in identified ASD prevalence, CDC compared the 2006 data with data collected from 10 sites (all sites noted above except Florida) in 2002. Children aged 8 years with a notation of an ASD or descriptions consistent with an ASD were identified through screening and abstraction of existing health and education records containing professional assessments of the child's developmental progress at health-care or education facilities. Children aged 8 years whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) resided in the respective areas in 2006 met the case definition for an ASD if their records documented behaviors consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria for autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder--not otherwise specified (PDD NOS), or Asperger disorder. Presence of an identified ASD was determined through a review of data abstracted from developmental evaluation records by trained clinician reviewers. Results: For the 2006 surveillance year, 2,757 (0.9%) of 307,790 children aged 8 years residing in the 11 ADDM sites were identified as having an ASD, indicating an overall average prevalence of 9.0 per 1,000 population (95% confidence interval [CI] = 8.6--9.3). ASD prevalence per 1,000 children aged 8 years ranged from 4.2 in Florida to 12.1 in Arizona and Missouri, with prevalence for the majority of sites ranging between 7.6 and 10.4. For 2006, ASD prevalence was significantly lower in Florida (p<0.001) and Alabama (p<0.05) and higher in Arizona and Missouri (p<0.05) than in all other sites. The ratio of males to females ranged from 3.2:1 in Alabama to 7.6:1 in Florida. ASD prevalence varied by type of ascertainment source, with higher average prevalence in sites with access to health and education records (10.0) compared with sites with health records only (7.5). Although parental or professional concerns regarding development before age 36 months were noted in the evaluation records of the majority of children who were identified as having an ASD, the median age of earliest documented ASD diagnosis was much later (range: 41 months [Florida]--60 months [Colorado]). Of 10 sites that collected data for both the 2002 and 2006 surveillance years, nine observed an increase in ASD prevalence (range: 27%--95% increase; p<0.01), with increases among males in all sites and among females in four of 11 sites, and variation among other subgroups. Interpretation: In 2006, on average, approximately 1% or one child in every 110 in the 11 ADDM sites was classified as having an ASD (approximate range: 1:80--1:240 children [males: 1:70; females: 1:315]). The average prevalence of ASDs identified among children aged 8 years increased 57% in 10 sites from the 2002 to the 2006 ADDM surveillance year. Although improved ascertainment accounts for some of the prevalence increases documented in the ADDM sites, a true increase in the risk for children to develop ASD symptoms cannot be ruled out. On average, although delays in identification persisted, ASDs were being diagnosed by community professionals at earlier ages in 2006 than in 2002. Public Health Actions: These results indicate an increased prevalence of identified ASDs among U.S. children aged 8 years and underscore the need to regard ASDs as an urgent public health concern. Continued monitoring is needed to document and understand changes over time, including the multiple ascertainment and potential risk factors likely to be contributing. Research is needed to ascertain the factors that put certain persons at risk, and concerted efforts are essential to provide support for persons with ASDs, their families, and communities to improve long-term outcome.
Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a cohesinopathy causing delayed growth and limb deficits. Individuals with CdLS have mild to profound intellectual disability and autistic features. This study characterizes the behavioral phenotype of children with CdLS, focusing on autistic features, maladaptive behaviors, and impact of age. Children with CdLS (5–18 years) were administered normed instruments to characterize autism features (Childhood Autism Rating Scale, CARS), maladaptive behaviors (Aberrant Behavior Checklist), and adaptive skills (Vineland Adaptive Behaviors Scales). CdLS features and severity were rated with Diagnostic Criteria for CdLS. Forty-one children with CdLS (23 females, 18 males) were classified as having “no autism” (n = 7; 17.1%), “mild autism” (n = 17; 41.4%), and “severe autism” (n = 17; 41.4%), using CARS scores. Characteristic items were abnormal emotional response, stereotypies, odd object use, rigidity, lack of verbal communication, and low intellectual functioning. Verbal communication deficits and repetitive behaviors were higher compared to sensory, social cognition, and behavior abnormalities (P ≤ 0.0001). Maladaptive behaviors associated with autism traits were stereotypies (P = 0.003), hyperactivity (P = 0.01), and lethargy (P = 0.03). Activities of daily living were significantly affected; socialization adaptive skills were a relative strength. However, with advancing age, both socialization (P < 0.0001) and communication (P = 0.001) domains declined significantly. CdLS is characterized by autistic features, notably excessive repetitive behaviors and expressive language deficits. While other adaptive skills are impacted, socialization adaptive skills are less affected. Advancing age can worsen communication and socialization deficits relative to neurotypical peers. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Importance: The DSM-5 contains revised diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the DSM-IV-TR. Potential impacts of the new criteria on ASD prevalence are unclear. Objective: To assess potential effects of the DSM-5 ASD criteria on ASD prevalence estimation by retrospectively applying the new criteria to population-based surveillance data collected for previous ASD prevalence estimation. Design, setting, and participants: Cross-sectional, population-based ASD surveillance based on clinician review of coded behaviors documented in children's medical and educational evaluations from 14 geographically defined areas in the United States participating in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network in 2006 and 2008. This study included 8-year-old children living in ADDM Network study areas in 2006 or 2008, including 644 883 children under surveillance, of whom 6577 met surveillance ASD case status based on the DSM-IV-TR. Main outcomes and measures: Proportion of children meeting ADDM Network ASD criteria based on the DSM-IV-TR who also met DSM-5 criteria; overall prevalence of ASD using DSM-5 criteria. Results: Among the 6577 children classified by the ADDM Network as having ASD based on the DSM-IV-TR, 5339 (81.2%) met DSM-5 ASD criteria. This percentage was similar for boys and girls but higher for those with than without intellectual disability (86.6% and 72.5%, respectively; P < .001). A total of 304 children met DSM-5 ASD criteria but not current ADDM Network ASD case status. Based on these findings, ASD prevalence per 1000 for 2008 would have been 10.0 (95% CI, 9.6-10.3) using DSM-5 criteria compared with the reported prevalence based on DSM-IV-TR criteria of 11.3 (95% CI, 11.0-11.7). Conclusions and relevance: Autism spectrum disorder prevalence estimates will likely be lower under DSM-5 than under DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria, although this effect could be tempered by future adaptation of diagnostic practices and documentation of behaviors to fit the new criteria.