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Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness: Attitude and Level of Preparedness among Pregnant Women in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

  • University of Benin/University of Benin Teaching Hospital


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British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research
15(6): 1-14, 2016, Article no.BJMMR.25127
ISSN: 2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965
SCIENCEDOMAIN international
Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness:
Attitude and Level of Preparedness among Pregnant
Women in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
Obi Andrew Ifeanyichukwu
, Okojie Hilda Obehi
and Keshi Richard
Department of Community Health, University of Benin, Benin City, PMB 1154, Edo State, Nigeria.
Department of Community Health, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, PMB1111,
Edo State, Nigeria.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Homerton University Hospital, NHS Trust, London, UK.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author OAI designed the study, wrote
the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript and analysis of the study. Authors OAI, OHO
and KR managed the literature searches, subsequent manuscript drafts with proof reading. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2016/25127
Yinhua Yu, Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University,Shanghai Key Laboratory
of Female Reproductive Endocrine Related Diseases, China.
(1) Simone Regina Alves De Freitas Barros, University Hospital of Alberto Antunes Maceio Alagoas, Brazil.
C. Sunil Pal Singh, Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Hyderabad, India.
Charbell Miguel Haddad Kury, Medical School of the Municipality of Campos dos Goytcazes, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 19
February 2016
Accepted 12
April 2016
Published 29
April 2016
Lack of advance planning for use of skilled attendants at birth contributes significantly to delays in
receiving obstetric care. This study assessed attitude and level of birth preparedness and
complication readiness (BPACR) plan among pregnant women in Benin City, with a view to
improving utilization of skilled attendants at birth and health facility deliveries.
Materials and Methods: A community based analytical cross sectional study was conducted,
involving interviewer administration of pretested structured questionnaires to 252 consenting
pregnant women in Benin City, Edo State.
Results: The mean age of pregnant women studied was 28.9±4.9 years. Two hundred and thirty
eight (94.4%) respondents had positive attitude towards BPACR. Furthermore, 197 (78.2%) and
Original Research
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
218(94.4%) of respondents were well prepared with regard to intended and actual birth plans
respectively. Awareness of BPACR (OR=0.337; 95%CI=0.128-0.891; p=0.028) and Antenatal Care
(ANC) registration (OR=0.016; 95%CI=0.002-0.127; p˂0.001) were significant predictors identified
that influenced BPACR plans.
Conclusion: Majority of pregnant women studied had positive attitude towards BPACR and were
well prepared with regards to intended and actual birth plans respectively. There is need to
strengthen Antenatal Care (ANC) registration practices to sustain the improved utilization of skilled
attendants at birth and health facility deliveries identified among pregnant women in Benin City,
Edo State.
Keywords: Attitude; birth preparedness and complication readiness; Edo State; Nigeria; pregnant
Nigeria accounts for nearly 14% of global
maternal deaths reported [1-2]. Ninety-nine
percent of these 358 000 global maternal deaths
occur annually in the less developed countries1.
The situation is particularly very worrisome for
women in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 1 in every
16 women dies of pregnancy related causes
during her lifetime, compared to 1 in 2,800
women in developed regions [3].
Every pregnant woman faces the risk of sudden
unpredictable complications that could end in
death or injury both to the woman and or her
infant, with an estimated 15% of most
pregnancies ending up in death or injury to
mother and or her baby [4]. It is therefore
necessary to employ strategies to overcome
such challenges as they arise. Birth
Preparedness and Complication Readiness
(BPACR) is a comprehensive strategy that
addresses delays in obtaining appropriate
obstetric care and is aimed at promoting timely
utilization of skilled maternal and neonatal health
care, based on the theory that preparing for
childbirth and being ready for complications
reduces delays in obtaining care and thereby
impacting positively on birth outcomes [4]. The
key elements in birth preparedness include:
identification of skilled care provider; knowledge
of danger signs; planning on where to give birth
and making the necessary plans to receive
skilled care for all births while complication
readiness include; saving money as emergency
funds; planning for transport; identifying potential
blood donor and designated decision-maker.
Although, antenatal care (ANC) represents a
window of opportunity for information, education
and communication to help empower pregnant
women to make appropriate and informed
choices especially during emergencies [5-6], the
level of ANC registration remains poor in Nigeria,
as only 36% of pregnant women register for ANC
Attitudinal concerns are well documented factors
that can influence the level of utilization of health
services and interventions, this is attributable to
perceived benefit of such intervention possibly
due to underlying belief systems and formed
impressions on the attitude of health care
providers to their clients and work, this has been
reported to result in negative attitude towards
BPACR resulting in preference for out of health
facility care and services as have been reported
in previous studies [7-8]. Poor levels of birth
preparedness and complication readiness plan
have been reported among women in developing
countries with prevalence ranging between 4.8 to
17% [9-11].
Inadequate human resources for health;
inadequate and poor political commitment; poor
financial support especially in meeting
transportation challenges; antenatal care,
delivery care and post natal care cost;
coordination and partnership problems; poor
male and community involvement; increasing
poverty status of the citizenry compounded by
the low socio-economic status of women; the use
of inappropriate strategies to stem the growing
tide of maternal mortality etc are well
documented factors contributing to the growing
challenges to maternal care not only in Nigeria
but in other developing countries [2,12-14].
In Nigeria most pregnancies are unplanned as
the birth preparedness and complication strategy
is not well embraced [15]. In spite of the great
potential of birth preparedness and complication
readiness (BPACR) strategy as a cost effective
tool in reducing maternal and new born deaths,
its status in this regard is not well known and
practiced in most of sub-Saharan Africa [4]. This
study will help provide relevant information on
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
BPACR that will help policy makers and
significant others review existing health programs
and interventions for improved utilization of
skilled attendants at birth and health facility
deliveries by pregnant women in Nigeria. This
study was therefore carried out to assess attitude
and level of birth preparedness and complication
readiness (BPACR) plan among pregnant
women in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
This study was carried out in Benin City, the
capital of Edo State. Benin City comprises three
Local Government Areas:-Egor, Oredo and
Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Areas
respectively [16]. Benin City is bounded to the
west by Ovia North East Local Government Area
and the North-East by Uhunmwuode Local
Government Area and South by Ethiope West
Local Government Area of Delta State. It has an
estimated population of 1,086,882 people
consisting of 542,545 and 544,337 males and
females respectively [17], with 300,797 of the
total population comprising women in the
reproductive age group (15-49 years).
Benin is the predominant ethnic group; others
include Esan, Etsako with other indigenous and
non-indigenous tribes. The industrial
undertakings in the State include farming,
carving, saw milling, rubber processing, cement,
textile production, brewing, flour milling etc [18].
There is a high literacy rate [19] (75.6%) in the
State, supported by the large distribution of
public and private primary, secondary and
tertiary educational institutions. Benin City has a
local airport with a good network of roads with
variable level of motorability, especially in rainy
season [18]. There is a large distribution of public
and private health facilities in the study area
offering a wide range of maternal health services,
but the patronage of traditional birth attendants’
services is common [20].
A community based analytical cross sectional
study was conducted involving pregnant women
in Benin City, Edo State between February 2012
and June 2012. Interviewer administered
pretested structured questionnaires, adapted
from the safe mother hood questionnaire [21]
was utilized for data collection from consenting
currently pregnant women in their third trimester
this category of respondents were identified
based on their last menstrual period (LMP) [22]
with regards to socio-demographic
characteristics, attitude towards birth
preparedness and complication readiness and
BPACR plans. The minimum sample size of 239
pregnant women was calculated using the
Cochran formulae for simple proportion in a
descriptive cross sectional study [23] based on a
17% prevalence of being well prepared for birth
from a previous study [24]. A multistage sampling
technique was utilized to recruit consenting
pregnant women from the three LGAs (i.e Egor,
Oredo and Ikpoba-Okha respectively) in the
Benin City. Using 5% of the derived population
estimate based on the 2006 census figures [17]
as those who were currently pregnant, a
population estimate per LGA for currently
pregnant women was obtained as (i.e 5061,
5248 and 4731) respectively for Ikpoba-Okha,
Oredo and Egor LGAs. Thus, the total population
of currently pregnant women in Benin City was
estimated at 15,041; subsequently applying
sampling fractions of 0.337, 0.349 and 0.315 for
Ikpoba-Okha, Oredo and Egor LGAs respectively
to the calculated minimum sample size estimate
of pregnant women (i.e 239) aided obtaining the
sample size estimate of currently pregnant
women per LGA for study (i.e 87 from Oredo, 84
from Ikpoba-Okha and 81 from Egor LGAs
Data collected was sorted for completeness,
coded, entered and analyzed using SPSS 20.0
statistical software with results presented as
statements, frequency tables and figures.
Bivariate analyses was conducted using Chi
square and fishers’ exact test to identify
independent variables that influenced attitude
and level of BPACR, subsequently logistic
regression analysis was carried out to identify
significant predictors and eliminate possible
confounders. Statistical significance was set at p
˂0.050 and 95% confidence interval.
Attitude towards BPACR was computed based
on nine attitudinal questions, a maximum point
score of one was given for every correct positive
or negative attitudinal response to a positive or
negative attitudinal question while a score of zero
for every incorrect positive or negative attitudinal
response to negative or positive question
respectively, thus making a total point score of 9.
This scoring system had a reliability (Cronbach’s
alpha) score of 0.781. A total percentage score
of 0-6.2 points (69.9%) was graded as negative
attitude towards BPACR while 6.3-9 points
(70%) graded as positive attitude towards
The level of BPACR plan was graded as well
prepared, partially prepared and not prepared
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
based on a scoring system developed by
researcher. This was computed based on five
practice questions involving a maximum point
score of one given to each of the five key
elements of birth preparedness practiced which
included; plan for transportation, saving money
as emergency fund, identifying skilled birth
provider, identifying a health facility for
emergency and identifying potential blood donor
in case of emergency. Taking at least three steps
with at least three (3) point score was considered
as being well prepared while taking one to two
steps (i.e 1-2 point score) was considered
partially prepared and taking no step at all (i.e 0
point score) was considered as not prepared.
Socio-economic classification (Upper and Lower
socio-economic class) of pregnant women was
based on Oyedeji recommendation [25].
Ethical approval was sought and obtained from
the Ethics and Research Committee of the
University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin
City, Edo State before the commencement of the
study. Institutional approval was also obtained
from the Department of Hospital Services Edo
State Ministry of Health, the three Local
Government Area Councils respectively.
Informed consent was sought and willfully
obtained from the respondents before the
commencement of the study. There was no
inducement (financial or otherwise) for
respondents who agreed to participate in the
study and all pregnant women including those
that did not meet inclusion criteria and those who
declined participation were given haematinics at
point of exit and encouraged to register and
attend antenatal clinic regularly.
2.1 Limitation of Study
The findings of this study were based on self-
report, so it was not possible to validate the
claims made by respondents in the course of
questionnaire administration. Some of the
pregnant women (21 pregnant women earlier
interviewed) were lost to follow-up and could not
be traced; as such useful information that could
have enriched result findings may have been lost
as a result of this.
The mean age of pregnant women studied was
28.9±4.9 years, Christianity 247(98.0%) was the
predominant religion while 106(42.1%)
respondents had completed secondary level of
education. Furthermore, 211 (83.7%) of
respondents were married, 24(9.5%) single and
1(0.4%) widowed. In relation to the socio-
economic classification, 180(71.4%) were in the
Lower (Socio-Economic Class) SEC while 72
(28.6%) in the Upper SEC. Benin constituted 100
(39.7%) of total ethnic group of respondents,
followed by Esan 41(16.3%) and Igbo 30
(11.9%), the least being (i.e Hausa 4(1.6%),
Igala 3(1.2%) and Ebira 2(0.8%) respectively). In
relation to obstetric characteristics of
respondents 83(32.9%) of respondents were
pregnant for the first time in index pregnancy,
while 169(67.1%) had been pregnant previously.
In relation to parity 150(59.5%) were
primiparous, 91(36.1%) multiparous and
11(4.4%) grand multiparous. Furthermore,
228(90.5%) of the respondents had previous
history of stillbirth while 24(9.5%) had no such
history. Finally, in relation to the gestational age
118(46.8%) respondents were in the 27-30 week
of gestation, 82(32.5%) in 31-35 week of
gestation while 52(20.6%) in 36-40 week of
gestation as at the time of study.
A total of 197(78.2%) of respondents studied had
heard of the term “birth preparedness” while
55(21.8%) had never heard; health care
providers 172(87.3%) were their predominant
source of information followed by family
133(67.5%) with least being media 21(10.7%)
(See Table 1). In relation to attitudinal score
towards BPACR (see Table 2) 238(94.4%)
pregnant women had positive attitude towards
BPACR while 14 (5.6%) had negative attitude.
Table 1. Awareness and source of
information on birth preparedness (BPACR)
among pregnant women in Benin City, Edo
Variable Frequency
(252) Percent
Awareness of BP
Ever heard 197 78.2
Never heard 55 21.8
Source of
Health provider 172 87.3
Family 133 67.5
Friends 101 51.3
School 24 12.2
Media 21 10.7
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
Table 2. Attitudinal scores for responses towards BPACR among pregnant women in
Benin City, Edo State
Attitudinal score/response
Positive response
i.e strongly agree
and agree
(point score=1)
Negative response
i.e strongly disagree,
disagree and indifferent
(point score= 0)
Plan place of delivery 240(95.2) 12(4.8) 252(100.0)
Transport plan for delivery 248(98.2) 4(1.6) 252(100.0)
Husband attend ANC 64(25.4) 188(74.6) 252(100.0)
Cost of care 37(84.7) 215(85.3) 252(100.0)
Bad roads 44(11.2) 208(82.8) 252(100.0)
Poor security 39(15.5) 213(84.5) 252(100.0)
Poor attitude of HCPs 19(7.5) 233(92.5) 252(100.0)
Spouse Present during Labour 19(7.5) 233(92.5) 252(100.0)
Men contribute little during labour 24(9.5) 228(90.5) 252(100.0)
In relation to factors associated with attitude
towards BPACR, Table 3 shows a significant
association between previous history of
pregnancy (p=0.040) and awareness of BP
(0.016) and attitude towards BPACR as positive
attitude towards BPACR. In contrast parity, ANC
registration, previous history of still birth, Number
of ANC visits, Trimester of ANC registration,
counseling on BPACR, age group of
respondents, Educational status, marital status
and Socio economic status of respondents were
not significant factors associated with attitude of
pregnant women towards BPACR.
In relation to the actual components of BPACR
(See Table 4); Identifying health facility 246
(97.6%) was the most mentioned followed by
identifying skilled care provider 245(97.2%) then
saving money 244(96.8%), identifying a mode of
transport 231(91.7%) with least mentioned being
identifying a potential blood donor 172(68.3%).
Furthermore, in relation to level of preparedness
towards intended and actual birth plans,
197(78.2%) and 218(94.4%) pregnant women
studied were well prepared, 46(18.3%) and
13(5.6%) of respondents were partially prepared,
while 9(3.5%) were not prepared respectively
(See Fig. 1).
In relation to factors associated with level of birth
preparedness for intended birth plans (see Table
5) educational status of respondents (p<0.001),
marital status (p<0.001), age group of
respondents (p=0.02), ANC registration
(p<0.001), receiving counseling on BPACR
(p<0.001) and number of ANC visits (p=0.010)
were significant factors associated with level of
preparedness for intended birth plan.
Furthermore, history of previous pregnancy,
socio-economic status, parity, history of still birth
and trimester of ANC registration were not
significant factors. Furthermore, multivariate
analysis identified awareness of BP as a
significant predictor for level of preparedness for
intended birth plan (OR=0.337; 95% (CI) =0.128-
0.891; p=0.028); pregnant women who were not
aware of BP were 67 times less likely of being
better well prepared than those who were aware
of BP.
In relation to factors associated with level of
preparedness for actual birth plan, Table 6
shows that history of previous pregnancy,
educational status of respondents, marital status,
parity, age group of respondents, history of still
birth, awareness of birth preparedness and
complication readiness, ANC registration,
Number of ANC visits, trimester of ANC
registration, receiving counseling on BPACR and
Socio-economic classification were not
significant factors associated with level of
preparation for actual birth plan among
respondents. Finally, multivariate analysis
identified ANC registration as a significant
predictor for level of preparedness for actual birth
plan (OR=0.016; 95% CI =0.002 -0.127;
p<0.001); pregnant women who did not register
for ANC were 99 times less likely of being well
prepared during delivery than those who
registered for ANC.
This study identified that majority of respondents
studied were aware of BP and had registered for
antenatal care; as such could have benefitted
from health education opportunities derived from
ANC attendance on birth preparedness and
danger signs in pregnancy, labour and delivery.
The free antenatal care and delivery services
offered by Edo State State Government [26]
might have contributed to the high level of ANC
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
registration among respondents, as most of the
respondents studied reported health care
providers as their major source of information.
The high awareness of BP identified in this study
is similar to findings reported from a study [27] in
South-Eastern Nigeria. Other study findings from
Ile-Ife western Nigeria [10], North Ethiopia [9]
and Kenyetta, Kenya [28] among nursing
mothers and pregnant women also buttressed
that antenatal care sessions provides a good
avenue for information dissemination and
communication that could possibly influence
positive behavior changes to help improve
maternal health indices in developing countries.
Table 3. Factors associated with attitudinal score towards BPACR among pregnant women in
Benin City, Edo State
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Freq. (%)
Obstetric factors
History of
previous pregnancy
Yes 13(7.7) 156(92l.3) 169(100)
No 1(1.2) 82(98.8) 83(100) Fisher’s exact = 4.465 0.040
1 6(4.0) 144(96.0) 150(100.0)
2-4 7(7.7) 84(92.3) 91(100.0)
>4 1(9.1) 10(90.9) 11(100.0) χ
=1.746 0.418
History of stillbirth
Yes 1(4.2) 23(95.8) 24(100.0)
No 13(5.7) 215(94.3) 228(100.0) Fishers exact =0.098 0.755
Number of ANC
4 7(5.5) 120(94.5) 127(100.0)
˃ 4 6(5.4) 105(94.6) 111(100.0) χ
=0.001 0.971
Trimester of ANC
Trimester 8(11.3) 63(88.7) 71(100.0)
Trimester 5(3.2) 149(96.8) 154(100.0)
Trimester 0(0.0) 13(100.0) 13(100.0) χ
=1.746 0.418
Awareness of BP
Yes 7(3.6) 190(96.4) 197(100.0)
No 7(12.7) 48(87.3) 55(100.0) Fishers exact =6.897 0.016
Yes 13(5.5) 225(94.5) 238(100.0)
No 1(7.1) 13(92.9) 14(100.0)
(n =238)
Yes 13(6.4) 191(93.6) 204(100.0)
No 0(0.0) 34(100.0) 34(100.0) Fisher’s exact= 2.292 0.130
demographic factors
age group
15-24 3(6.8) 41(93.2) 44(100.0)
25-34 9(5.2) 164(94.8) 173(100.0)
35-44 2(5.7) 33(94.3) 35(100.0) Fishers exact =0.470 0.838
Educational status
None 0(0.0) 5(100.0) 5(100.0)
Completed 3(5.2) 55(94.8) 58(100.0)
Completed 11(8.3) 121(91.7) 132(100.0)
Completed 0(0.0) 54(100.0) 57(100.0) Fisher’s exact = 5.734 0.109
Upper SEC 2(2.8) 70(97.2)
Lower SEC 12(6.7) 168(93.3) Fishers exact = 1.482 0.361
Single 0(0.0) 9(100.0) 9(100.0)
Married 10(4.7) 201(95.3) 215(100.0)
Others 4(14.3) 24(85.7) 28(100.0) Fishers exact = 3.922 0.136
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
Fig. 1. Level of birth preparedness and complication readiness plan among pregnant women in
Benin City, Edo State
This study also identified that majority of
pregnant women that participated had positive
attitude towards birth preparedness and
complication readiness. It is possible that the
high antenatal registration and attendance
among respondents may have created the
necessary platform for positive attitudinal
changes among pregnant women studied
towards BPACR, possibly resulting from positive
reinforcement of health information and shared
experiences from health providers and other
pregnant women during their ANC visits. There is
no doubt that antenatal care provides enormous
opportunity for health education in relation to
pregnancy, delivery and newborn care, this was
equally reported in a recent study in Benin City
[26], and this ANC opportunity could have
positive influences on respondent’s attitude
towards pregnancy, child birth and emergency
This study also identified that ANC registration
was higher among pregnant women who were
married women than others, who also might have
received counseling on birth preparedness.
Married persons are usually less likely to conceal
their pregnancy status and may take all
necessary steps to ensure that the pregnancy is
properly cared for. This may explain the better
attitude towards birth preparedness and
complication readiness identified among married
pregnant women than other women studied;
although this association was not statistically
significant. Marriage is known to instill some
measure of responsibility on pregnant women
and as such they could be more objective in
decision making than the unmarried women, who
may try not only to conceal such pregnancies but
also in extreme situations to terminate them.
Thus making services provided by quacks and
unskilled hands inevitable among the unmarried
in their attempt to cover up from the potential
social stigma and shame attached to such
unplanned pregnancy. This can expose these
pregnant women and unborn children to
complications and in extreme situations death
resulting from services provided by these
unqualified care providers.
Furthermore, the positive attitude reported in this
study is similar to that observed from a study in
rural Tanzania7 were it was reported that
improvements in health care provider attitudes
towards their clients coupled with availability of
drugs and medical equipment resulted in a two-
fold increase in women's preference to use the
available health units for delivery, this was
equally reported in another study [29]. It is worthy
of note, that the attitude of health care providers
towards their client is an important factor which
can influence the level of utilization of health
facility services. Attitudinal concerns relating
to health care providers have been widely
reported in other studies [30-32], this can
negatively influence the attitude of pregnant
women, their spouse/male partners and family
members towards health facility deliveries and
care. They may then seek health care from
197 (78.2%)
9 (3.5%)
218 (94.4%)
13 (5.6%) 0(0.0%)
well prepared
not prepared
intended birth plan
actual birth plan
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
sources were they are better accepted and this
may not necessarily be of better quality or
cheaper but could also be from unqualified
sources with the attendant negative health
consequences, possibly resulting in
complications and deaths.
In relation, to level of birth preparedness and
complication readiness plan majority of the
respondents were well prepared and this
increased during labor among respondents
although a very low proportion of respondents
were not prepared for birth in this study. This is in
keeping with findings from a study [7] in Northern
Nigeria which equally showed high level of health
facility deliveries and skilled attendant presence
at birth and interestingly among the out of health
facility delivery most of the deliveries were
conducted by nurses/midwives. Other studies
have also stressed on the need to identify and
seek skilled birth providers during delivery
especially when home deliveries are inevitable
[7,33]. Similarly, other studies in Kenya [10] and
Benin City [34] showed high level of birth
preparedness among pregnant women as
majority of them had made adequate
transportation plan and set aside savings as
emergency funds towards labour or any
emergency situation.
This study identified increasing educational
status, increasing age group of respondents in
years, ANC registration and increasing ANC
visits, awareness of BP and receiving counseling
on BP as significant factors associated with high
level of birth preparedness among pregnant
women. This highlights the importance of early
preparation towards childbirth and possible
emergency that can occur as majority of
respondents studied had registered for antenatal
care, identified health facility for care, identified
skilled care provider, made transportation plan as
at the time of study; although only a low
proportion of them reported to have made saving
plans and identified potential blood donors.
The role of ANC registration cannot be
overemphasized as it creates the right platform
for information dissemination and clarification on
any area of doubt in relation to antenatal care,
thus affording health care providers the right
opportunity to impart correct information to their
clients in relation to maternal and child care.
Clients must be reminded on the importance of
presenting early for health care; such
opportunities enable health care providers
intervene early and address any health problem
or condition they may be passing through. This
study showed that younger pregnant women
than their older counterparts registered for ANC,
this may be explained by the fact that the
younger women may be less experienced and
may be more cautious in relation to source, type
of health information and care to be received and
as such register earlier and attend ANC more
Table 4. Birth Preparedness and complication
readiness (BPACR) practices by pregnant
women in Benin City, Edo State
ANC registration
Yes 238 94.4
No 14 5.6
Identify health
facilities for
Yes 234 98.3
No 4 1.7
(Emergency funds)
Yes 74 29.4
No 178 70.6
Transport plan
Yes 165 65.5
No 87 34.5
Plan for
Yes 245 97.2
No 7 2.8
Yes 21 8.3
No 231 91.7
Intended place of
Health facility 229 90.9
Home 13 5.2
TBA home 7 2.8
Undecided 3 1.2
Place of actual
delivery (n=231
Health Facility 204 88.3
Church 10 4.3
TBA Home 16 7.0
Home 1 0.4
provider present for
delivery (n=231)
Yes 207 89.6
No 24 10.4
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
Table 5. Factors associated with level of preparedness for intended birth plan among pregnant
women in Benin City, Edo State
Not Well
Freq. (%)
Well prepared
Freq. (%)
Statistic P
Obstetric factors
History of previous
Yes 33(19.5) 136 (80.5) 169(100)
No 22(26.5) 61(73.5) 83 (100) χ
=1.59 0.210
1 35(24.7) 113(75.3) 150(100.0)
2-4 17(18.2) 74(81.5) 91(100.0)
>4 1(9.1) 10(90.9) 11(100.0) χ
=2.28 0.320
History of
Yes 4(16.7) 20(83.3) 24(100.0)
No 51(22.4) 117(77.6) 228(100.0) χ
=0.41 0.520
Number of ANC Visits
4 30(23.6) 97(76.4) 127(100.0)
>4 12(10.8) 99(89.2) 111(100.0) χ
= 6.69 0.010
Trimester of ANC
Registration (n=238)
Trimester 14(19.7) 57(80.3) 71(100.0)
Trimester 24(15.6) 130(84.4) 154(100.0)
Trimester 4(30.8) 9(69.2) 13(100.0) χ
=0.39 0.330
Awareness of BP
Yes 23(11.7) 174(88.3) 197(100.0)
No 3(5.5) 52(94.5) 55(100.0) χ
= 1.80 0.180
Awareness of BP(No)
95%CI= 0.128
p = 0.028
ANC registration
Yes 42(17.6) 196(82.4) 238(100.0)
No 13(92.9) 1(7.1) 14(100.0) χ
=43.84 <0.001
Received bpacr
counselling (n=238)
Yes 29(14.2) 175(85.8) 204(100.0)
No 13(38.2) 21(61.8) 34(100.0) χ
=11.57 <0.001
15-24 14(31.8) 30(68.2) 44(100.0)
25-34 39(22.5) 134(77.5) 173(100.0)
35-44 2(5.7) 33(94.3) 35(100.0) χ
= 7.95 0.020
Completed 16(27.6) 42(72.4) 58(100.0)
Completed 34(25.8) 98(74.2) 106(100.0)
Completed 4(7.0) 53(93.0) 57(100.0) Fishers
economic class
Upper SEC 10(13.9) 62(86.1) 72(100.0)
Lower SEC 45(25.0) 135(75.0) 180(100.0)
=3.721 0.054
Single 14(58.3) 10(41.7) 24(100.0)
Married 36(17.1) 175(82.9) 211(100.0)
Others 5(29.4) 12(70.6) 17(100.0) χ
=22.13 <0.001
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
Table 6. Factors associated with level of preparedness for actual birth plan among pregnant women in Benin City, Edo State
Variable Partially prepared Freq. (%) Well prepared Freq. (%) Total Freq.(%) (n=252) Test statistic P
Obstetric factors
History of previous pregnancy
Yes 10(6.4) 147(93.6) 157(100)
No 3(4.1) 71(95.9) 74 (100) χ
= 0.51 0.480
1 7(5.1) 129(94.9) 139(100.0)
2-4 5(5.9) 80(94.1) 85(100.0)
4 1(10.1) 9(90.0) 11(100.0) Fisher’s exact =1.06 0.660
History of stillbirth
Yes 0(0.0) 23(100.0) 23(100.0)
No 13(6.2) 195(98.1) 208(100.0) χ
= 1.52 0.220
History of stillbirth
Yes 0(0.0) 23(100.0) 23(100.0)
No 13(6.2) 195(98.1) 208(100.0) χ
= 1.52 0.220
Number of ANC visits
4 8(6.7) 112(93.3) 120(100.0)
> 4 4(4.1) 93(95.9) 97(100.0) χ
= 0.66 0.420
Trimester of registration
Trimester 3(4.3) 67(95.7) 135(100.0)
Trimester 7(5.2) 128(94.8) 135(100.0)
Trimester 2(16.7) 10(83.3) 12(100.0) Fisher’s exact =2.99 0.230
Awareness of BP
Yes 12(6.7) 166(93.3) 178(100.0)
No 1(7.1) 52(98.1) 53(100.0) χ
= 1.81 0.180
ANC registration
Yes 12(5.5) 205(94.5) 217(100.0)
No 1(7.1) 13(92.9) 14(100.0) χ
= 0.06 0.800
OR=0.016 95%CI=0.002 -0.127 P ˂ 0.001
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
Variable Partially prepared Freq. (%) Well prepared Freq. (%) Total Freq.(%) (n=252) Test statistic P
Received BPACR counseling
Yes 9(4.9) 175(95.1) 204(100.0)
No 3(9.1) 30(90.9) 33(100.0) χ
= 0.95 0.330
Socio-demographic factors
Age group (Years)
15-24 2(4.9) 39(95.1) 41(100.0)
25-34 9(5.6) 153(94.4) 162(100.0)
35-44 2(7.1) 26(92.9) 28(100.0) Fisher’s exact = 0.41 0.900
Educational status
None 0(0.0) 5(100.0) 5(100.0)
1º Completed 5(9.8) 46(90.2) 51(100.0)
2º Completed 7(5.7) 115(94.3) 122(100.0)
3º Completed 1(1.9) 52(98.1) 53(100.0) Fisher’s exact =2.99 0.350
Socio-Economic class (SEC)
Upper SEC 2(2.9) 66(97.1) 68(100.0)
Lower SEC 11(6.7) 152(93.3) 163(100.0) χ
= 1.31 0.355
Marital status
Single 0(0.0) 23(100.0) 23(100.0)
Married 12(6.3) 179(93.7) 191(100.0)
Others 1(5.9) 16(94.1) 17(100.0) Fisher’s exact =1.07 0.620
Obi AI et al.; BJMMR, 15(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.25127
This study also revealed high level of health
facility deliveries among respondents. The high
health facility deliveries and skilled attendant
present at birth in this study is in contrast to the
Nigeria National averages from previous surveys
[2,35] which had health facilities deliveries (35%)
and skilled attendant present at birth (39%)
respectively. In addition other studies, in Enugu,
South Eastern Nigeria [27], Southern Ethiopia
[24] and rural Uganda [36] equally showed low
level of birth preparedness among nursing
mothers and pregnant women resulting in low
health facility deliveries. These studies showed
that inadequate preparation was a key factor
influencing the level of birth preparedness as
most of the respondents had poor plans towards
birth preparedness; majority of them had not
identified skilled care providers or health facility
for delivery or emergencies, made no
transportation plan, or made savings nor
identified potential blood donor during
emergency situations.
Majority of pregnant women in this study did not
make plans for potential blood donor, inadequate
plans in relation to identifying potential blood
donors can result in serious morbidity and
mortality during emergency situation such as
from severe vaginal bleeding during pregnancy,
delivery and even post-delivery. Bleeding events
have been reported to contribute significantly to
maternal mortality globally4-5. These
unpredictable emergency events can occur in
locations were laboratory facilities may not be
readily available to assess blood group and
having this information can minimize time delays
in accessing safe and appropriate blood for
transfusion needed under such circumstances to
save life.
The high level of birth preparedness identified in
this study is encouraging and should be
sustained by stepping up health education
interventions. This further reinforces the
importance of adequate planning and making
basic preparations towards delivery and
emergency situation which are usually
unpredictable; this study showed that
respondents who made saving plans, registered
for ANC and identified skilled attendant towards
delivery had higher rates of health facility
deliveries than those who did not. This is the
essence of the birth preparedness and
complication readiness strategy to empower
women with basic information to plan better,
recognize early warning signs and take
necessary steps that will minimize delays in
accessing appropriate care from skilled hands
and thus enhancing health facilities deliveries
and improve maternal and child health outcomes.
This study identified that majority of respondents
studied had positive attitude towards BPACR and
were well prepared with regards to intended and
actual birth plans respectively. Awareness of
birth preparedness and antenatal care
registration were identified as significant
predictors for BPACR plan; furthermore, high
health facility deliveries were reported among
pregnant women studied in Benin City. There is
need to strengthen Antenatal Care (ANC)
registration practices to sustain the improved
utilization of skilled attendants at birth and health
facility deliveries identified among pregnant
women in Benin City, Edo State.
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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© 2016 Obi AI et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
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... Research paper SBA and those who did not [7][8][9][10][11] . Also, most of the reported utilizations of skilled birth attendants documented in the literature [7][8][9][10][11] in Nigeria were based on self-reported intention and previous pregnancy, which are prone to bias and may have compromised the validity of the reports. ...
... Research paper SBA and those who did not [7][8][9][10][11] . Also, most of the reported utilizations of skilled birth attendants documented in the literature [7][8][9][10][11] in Nigeria were based on self-reported intention and previous pregnancy, which are prone to bias and may have compromised the validity of the reports. These gaps were particularly addressed in this study to provide empirical evidence on the association between BPCR and SBA utilization. ...
... The level of birth preparedness and complication readiness and SBAs' utilization among women in the study setting is high. This is consistent with the findings of studies conducted in the region 10,11 . It was, however, at variance with a study conducted in the northern region of Nigeria 14 where it was found to be low. ...
Full-text available
Introduction: Birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR) is an approach initiated to facilitate utilization of skill birth attendants (SBAs) for improved pregnancy outcomes. Despite its usefulness, many women still did not use skilled birth attendants. The purpose of this study is to assess the level of birth preparedness and complication readiness and its association with skilled birth attendants' utilization. Methods: A descriptive sequential mixed methods design was used. In all, 350 women in their third trimester were purposively selected from healthcare facilities. Of these, 340 completed the study yielding a 97% response rate. Structured interviewer-administered questionnaire, a checklist and an in-depth interview guide were used to collect data. Data analysis was done in Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20 using descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance while qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. Results: There was a significant association between level of birth preparedness and complication readiness and use of skilled birth attendants [χ2(2, 340)=19.96; p=0.0001]. Some negative delivery outcomes (complications) were significantly associated with nonutilization of skill birth attendants. Cost, family members' preference, distance, industrial action and irritation from the vaginal examination were factors that prevented women from using a skilled birth attendant. Conclusions: The study concluded that BPCR is significantly associated with the use of SBAs and better outcomes were observed in women that used SBAs in Nigeria.
... Total population (N) of this study were pregnant women who receiving ANC service in selective PHCs who came to receive Antenatal Care (ANC) service at PHCCs of Kathmandu district. Out of the total population, non-probability purposive sampling technique was followed for the study by using the model of Ifeanyichukwu, Obehi and Richard (2016). The sample size will be calculated by using Cochran"s formula as ...
... Based on the conclusions derived from the study, following discussions can be carried out with the existing research findings. Ifeanyichukwu, Obehi & Richard (2016) revealed that overall respondent mean age was 28.9±4.9 years, similarly in recent study finding that the mean age of the pregnant women was 26.22 years. ...
... Around 97% of pregnant women believed that pregnant women should be prepared for BP/CR after conception for pregnancy. However, in the study of Ifeanyichukwu, Obehi, & Richard (2016) confirmed that 94.4% respondents had positive attitude towards BP/CR. In the recent study 68.7% of the respondents were found to have positive attitude towards the BP/CR. ...
... A community-based analytical cross-sectional study conducted among pregnant women in Benin City, Nigeria, involving pregnant women in their third trimester reported that 238 (94.4%) of the pregnant women had a positive attitude towards BPACR. 10 In a similar community-based cross-sectional study among women of reproductive age group in Kaduna, Nigeria, Sufiyan et al. 11 found that 87.0% of the respondents had a poor attitude towards seeking care at a health facility on danger signs of pregnancy, 9.2% had a fair attitude while only 3.8% of the respondents had a good attitude. ...
... The sample size was calculated using the Cochrane formula and using the proportion of women with a positive attitude of 94.4% from the previous study. 10 The minimum sample size of 89 was gotten after considering a 10% non-response rate, however, 405 women participated in this study. A cluster sampling was employed in selecting participants. ...
... When pregnant women visit a health facility, they seek information about pregnancy complications, danger signs, and birth preparedness plans as part of antenatal care (ANC) service [18]. This is a comprehensive strategy that addresses delays in seeking appropriate obstetric care, promotes prompt use of skilled healthcare services, and helps pregnant women prepare for childbirth and be ready for complications, which reduces care-seeking delays and has a positive impact on birth outcomes [19]. ...
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Maternal and child deaths occur during pregnancy and delivery. Timely information on signs of pregnancy complications and ways to plan for normal birth is a strategy to reduce maternal and child deaths. The purpose of this study was to assess birth preparedness, and pregnancy complications readiness and identify associated factors in Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study design was used. A total of 1635 weighted samples of pregnant women were included for analysis from the 2016 Ethiopian demographic and health survey data set. Multilevel mixed-effect logistic regression was used to estimate the effects of potential variables on birth preparedness and complication readiness. STATA version 15 software was used for data processing and analysis. A variable with a p-value < 0.05 with a 95% confidence interval was considered a significant factor. Pregnant women were informed about convulsions (8.02%), fever (35.95%), abdominal pain (28.92%), leaking fluid from the vagina (28.21%), and blurred vision (17.98%). Pregnant women prepared for supplies needed for birth (38.70%), transportation (20.04%), money (18.97%), people’s support for birth (5.03%), and blood donors (3.11%). Only 56% and 44.91% of pregnant women had good birth preparedness and were informed about pregnancy complications respectively. Educational status, antenatal care visits, and region were significant factors associated with birth preparedness and complication readiness. Distance to health facility and residency were significantly associated with birth and complication readiness, respectively. Birth preparedness and complication readiness among pregnant women were low in Ethiopia. Empowering women with education, installing safe roads, building accessible health facilities, and emphasizing pregnancy complications and birth preparedness plans during antenatal care visits are important interventions to enhance birth preparedness and pregnancy complication readiness.
... Antenatal clinic utilization and follow up visits provide opportunity for pregnant women to get adequate information and counseling about the disease and the preventive strategies form the health workers through antenatal classes. This would probably increase their level of knowledge of the disease, develop a positive attitude about this and strengthen their compliance to the various preventive measures because studies have shown that increasing antenatal attendance is associated with high level of birth preparedness among pregnant women [31,32] . This study is a single center and hospital based cross-sectional study involving only the pregnant women attending antenatal care thus limiting the generalization of the results to the entire obstetric population in the study environment and definite cause and effects cannot be inferred. ...
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Introduction: The outbreak of corona virus disease (COVID-19) affects all categories of people and has resulted in death of several thousand of them all over the world including pregnant women. Various preventive strategies have been recommended to curb further spread of the disease thus limiting the morbidity and mortality of the disease. Objectives: This study assessed the knowledge, attitude, and practice of preventive measures against COVID-19among antenatal attendees in Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital (EKSUTH), Ado-Ekiti. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 423 pregnant women attending prenatal care at EKSUTH between 1 st April, 2020 and 31 st May, 2020. Data was collected using a self-administered validated questionnaire from consenting participants on their socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practice of preventive measures against COVID-19. Logistic regression was done to identify determinant factors with p<0.05. Results: About 87.2%, 79.2% and 74.5% of the pregnant women had good level of knowledge and practice of preventive measures as well as positive attitude towards COVID-19 respectively. The mean age, parity and gestational age of women was 28.45±5.51years, 2.21±1.61 and 27.73±8.99weeks respectively. Younger age group, higher education, being married, late trimester of pregnancy and urban residency were the significant determinants of good knowledge, attitude and practice of COVID-19 preventive measures, p<0.05. Conclusion: The massive campaigns by government and non-governmental organization have tremendously created awareness among the pregnant women. These efforts should be sustained through the provision of information, education and communication materials that will further improve the compliance to the various preventive measures.
... Although education level was not significantly associated with BP/CR on multivariate logistic regression analysis, several studies have found that the level of education was the best predictor of awareness of BP/CR. 2,25,[32][33][34] It could be due to the fact that women who have attained high levels of education are able to adhere to counseling provided at ANC and better understand the health messages acquired from various sources. Every woman should be informed of the likelihood of complications during pregnancy, childbirth/labor, and the postnatal periods. ...
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Background: The concept of birth preparedness and complication readiness (BP/CR) has continued to generate interest in the last decade. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of published data regarding this subject in Tanzania and the Lake Zone in particular. This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the level of awareness of BP/CR among Tanzanian women in the Lake Zone. Methods: Between May and June 2016, a cross-sectional study on 737 postnatal or pregnant women was conducted in the Lake Zone Tanzania. A systematic random sampling technique was employed to select the study participants. A structured questionnaire adopted from the Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO) questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data analysis was carried out through SPSS (v.21) using statistical tests including descriptive Statistics, Chi-square tests and Multivariate logistic regression. A significance level of 5% was considered. The odds of the occurrence of events were assessed using Odds Ratios (OR) at a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: The majority of women were multigravida (512=69.5%) with up to three living children (409=80%). Awareness of danger signs and BP/CR was low at 40% and 35%, respectively. Predictors of the level of awareness on BP/CR were multi-gravidity (P=0.04), awareness of at least three danger signs (P<0.001), and use of public transport (P=0.01). Conclusion: Low awareness of BP/CR in this study calls for strengthened efforts from policy-makers and healthcare providers to design effective programs geared towards educating women on the importance of BP/CR that will reduce the delays of seeking care, hence reducing maternal and neonatal deaths.
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Objectives: To assess and compare the level of Birth Preparedness and Complications Readiness (BPCR) and determine the predicting effect of socio-demographic factors on it among couples in rural and urban communities of Ekiti State.Design: A community-based comparative cross-sectional study.Setting: The study was conducted in twelve rural and twelve urban communities in Ekiti State.Participants: Couples from rural and urban communities. Female partners were women of reproductive age group (15-49 years) who gave birth within twelve months before the survey.Main outcome measures: Proportion of couples that were well prepared for birth and obstetric emergencies, and its socio-demographic determinants.Results: The proportion of couples that were well prepared for birth and its complications was significantly higher in urban (60.5%) than rural (48.4%) communities. The study also revealed that living above poverty line (95% CI=1.01– 3.79), parity and spousal age difference less than five years (95% CI=1.09 – 2.40) were positive predictors of BPCR among respondents.Conclusions: Urban residents were better prepared than their rural counterparts. Living above poverty line, parity, and spousal age difference less than five years were positive predictors of BPCR. There is a need to emphasize on educating couples on the importance of identifying blood donors as a vital component of BPCR.
INTRODUCTION: Globally, efforts are being made to reduce the menace of maternal death in order to achieve the sustainable development goal. Maternal death has been associated with inadequate Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR), especially in low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, this review assessed birth preparedness and complication readiness in Nigeria. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of published research articles on birth preparedness and complication readiness in Nigeria were done using PubMed, EMBASE, and MEDLINE databases. All published articles from inception to November 2018 were included in the review. A total of 8,913 published articles were identified from an electronic search, and a total of 4,440 studies were included in this review, while only 12 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. RESULTS: The pooled prevalence of “good BPCR” for all studies yielded an estimate of 58.7% (95% CI 43.9%–72.7%). The I ² statistic was 98%, indicating statistically significant heterogeneity among the studies. The percentage of women with good birth preparedness and complication readiness increases with the year of publication, such that women have tended to be more aware of good birth preparedness and complication readiness in recent years. More than half of the women had knowledge of obstetric danger signs (52.0%, 95% CI 39.5%–64.4%, 10 studies), arranged for transportation (59.5%, 95% CI 36.2%–80.7%, 11 studies), or saved money (63.4%, 95% CI 44.7%–80.2%, 11 studies) as part of the BPCR. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: The study protocol was registered with PROSPERO number CRD42019123220. CONCLUSION: Women in Nigeria are better prepared for birth preparedness and complication readiness in recent years. Therefore, interventions to promote more adequate birth preparedness and complication readiness among women are recommended.
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Introduction Globally, efforts are being made to reduce the menace of maternal death in order to achieve the sustainable development goal. Maternal death has been associated with inadequate birth preparedness and complication readiness especially in the low and middle income countries. Therefore, this review assessed birth preparedness and complication readiness in Nigeria. Methods A systematic review and meta-analysis of published research articles on birth preparedness and complication readiness in Nigeria was done using PubMed, EMBASE and MEDLINE databases. All published articles from inception to November, 2018 were included in the review. A total of 8913 published articles were identified from electronic search, a total of 4440 studies were included in this review, while only 12 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. Results The pooled prevalence of Good BPCR for all studies yielded an estimate of 58.7% (95% CI 43.9 to 72.7%). The I2 statistic was 98%, indicating statistically significant heterogeneity among the studies. The percentage of women with good birth preparedness and complication readiness increases with increasing year of publication, such that women tended to be more aware good birth preparedness and complication readiness in recent years. More than half of the women had knowledge of obstetric danger signs (52.0%, 95% CI 39.5 to 64.4%, 10 studies), arranged for transportation (59.5%, 95% CI 36.2 to 80.7, 11 studies) or saved money (63.4%, 95% CI 44.7 to 80.2%, 11 studies) as part of the BPCR. Conclusion Women in Nigeria are better prepared for birth preparedness and complication readiness in recent years. Therefore, interventions to promote more adequate birth preparedness and complication readiness among women is recommended.
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Objectives To assess birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPACR) and associated factors among mothers who had given birth in the past 12 months prior to the study. Design An analytical cross-sectional study. Setting The study was carried out in the rural areas of Kassena-Nankana district located in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Participants The study population comprised 600 postpartum women who had delivered within the last 12 months prior to the study. Primary outcome measure The primary outcome measure was BPACR. Results The prevalence of BPACR among recently delivered women was very low as less than 15% were able to mention at least three of the five basic components of birth preparedness/complication readiness that were fulfilled. After adjustment for confounding effect using multivariable logistic regression analysis, high educational level (adjusted OR (AOR)=3.40 (95% CI: 1.88 to 6.15)), better knowledge about obstetric danger signs during pregnancy (AOR=4.88 (95% CI: 2.68 to 8.90)), older women (≥35 years) (AOR=2.59 (95% CI: 1.11 to 6.02)), women of low household wealth index (AOR=4.64 (95% CI: 1.97 to 10.91)) and women who received lower content of antenatal care services (AOR=3.34 (95% CI: 1.69 to 6.60)) were significant predictors of BPACR. Conclusion This study concludes that BPACR practices were low. High educational attainment of the woman, having adequate knowledge about obstetric danger signs during pregnancy, older women (≥35 years) and women of low household wealth index were significant predictors of BPACR. The predictors identified should be given high priority by health authorities in addressing low prevalence of BPACR.
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Background: The role of men in maternity care in Africa is understudied. Their role is pivotal with appropriate community framework for the success of any maternal health initiative. This study was conducted to assess male and community involvement in birth preparedness and complication readiness in Benin City. Study Design: A descriptive cross sectional study design was utilized for this study. Results: Two hundred and thirty seven consenting spouse/male respondents participated in the study. The study showed that male attendance at ANC was 33(13.9%) with 32 (97.0%) accompanying their wives sometimes and 1(3.0%) always for ANC. Furthermore, 127(55.0%) male respondents accompanied their partners during labour. Community involvement in BPACR was 17(6.7%), with community transport services 14(82.4%) being the predominant form of community support. Conclusion: Male and community involvement in BPACR was low in this study. Better involvement is required through advocacies and setting up of community support structures such as transport scheme and community health insurance schemes to enhance emergency fund savings for improved maternal care.
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Focus group discussions (FGD) to assess how the attitudes of hospital staff influence the utilisation of health facility for obstetric care at the teaching hospital (UCTH), Calabar, Nigeria, were conducted. The participants were women of childbearing age and men in two communities, as well as health staff at the teaching hospital. The aims were to establish community perception of attitudes of hospital staff and their influence on the utilisation of UCTH for obstetric care. Negative attitudes of hospital staff towards patients stood as a barrier to the utilisation of available obstetric care. Lack of incentives and inadequate materials to work with, as well as poor remuneration contributed to these negative attitudes. Provision of incentives to hospital staff, enhanced regular pay to workers, and regular workshops to train hospital staff are suggested as possible solutions to this problem. /// L'étude s'est servie de la méthode de discussion en groupes cibles pour évaluer la manière dont l'attitude du personnel au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Calabar (CHUC) au Nigéria influence l'utilisation des facilitiés de santé pour les soins obstétriques. Comme participants, l'étude s'est servie des femmes encore en âge d'avoir des enfants, les hommes de deux communautés, ainsi que le personnel médical du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Calabar. Le but était d'établir la perception qu'a la communauté à l'égard des attitudes du personnel de l'hôpital et leurs influences sur l'utilisation des soins obstétriques de CHUC. Les attitudes négatives de la part du personnel de l'hôpital envers les patients constituent un obstacle à l'utilisation du soin obstétrique disponible. Ces attitudes négatives ont été attribuées au manque de primes, à l'insuffisance de matériaux de travail et aux bas salaires. L'étude suggère que les solutions possibles résident dans la stimulation du personnel, l'augementation et le paiement des salaires réguliers au cadre et dans l'organsisation des ateliers pour former le personnel de l'hôpital.
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Improving knowledge of obstetric danger signs and promoting birth preparedness practices are strategies aimed at enhancing utilization of skilled care in low-income countries. The aim of the study was to explore the association between knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness among recently delivered women in south-western Uganda. The study included 764 recently delivered women from 112 villages in Mbarara district. Community survey methods were used and 764 recently delivered women from 112 villages in Mbarara district were included in study. Interviewer administered questionnaire were used to collect data. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to explore the relationship between knowledge of key danger signs and birth preparedness. Fifty two percent of women knew at least one key danger sign during pregnancy, 72% during delivery and 72% during postpartum. Only 19% had knowledge of 3 or more key danger signs during the three periods. Of the four birth preparedness practices; 91% had saved money, 71% had bought birth materials, 61% identified a health professional and 61% identified means of transport. Overall 35% of the respondents were birth prepared. The relationship between knowledge of at least one key danger sign during pregnancy or during postpartum and birth preparedness showed statistical significance which persisted after adjusting for probable confounders (OR 1.8, 95% CI: 1.2-2.6) and (OR 1.9, 95% CI: 1.2-3.0) respectively. Young age and high levels of education had synergistic effect on the relationship between knowledge and birth preparedness. The associations between knowledge of at least one key danger sign during childbirth or knowledge that prolonged labour was a key danger sign and birth preparedness were not statistically significant. The prevalence of recently delivered women who had knowledge of key danger signs or those who were birth prepared was very low. Since the majority of women attend antenatal care sessions, the quality and methods of delivery of antenatal care education require review so as to improve its effectiveness. Universal primary and secondary education programmes ought to be promoted so as to enhance the impact of knowledge of key danger signs on birth preparedness practices.
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Birth preparedness and complication preparedness (BPACR) is a key component of globally accepted safe motherhood programs, which helps ensure women to reach professional delivery care when labor begins and to reduce delays that occur when mothers in labor experience obstetric complications. This study was conducted to assess practice and factors associated with BPACR among pregnant women in Aleta Wondo district in Sidama Zone, South Ethiopia. A community based cross sectional study was conducted in 2007, on a sample of 812 pregnant women. Data were collected using pre-tested and structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS for windows version 12.0.1. The women were asked whether they followed the desired five steps while pregnant: identified a trained birth attendant, identified a health facility, arranged for transport, identified blood donor and saved money for emergency. Taking at least two steps was considered being well-prepared. Among 743 pregnant women only a quarter (20.5%) of pregnant women identified skilled provider. Only 8.1% identified health facility for delivery and/or for obstetric emergencies. Preparedness for transportation was found to be very low (7.7%). Considerable (34.5%) number of families saved money for incurred costs of delivery and emergency if needed. Only few (2.3%) identified potential blood donor in case of emergency. Majority (87.9%) of the respondents reported that they intended to deliver at home, and only 60(8%) planned to deliver at health facilities. Overall only 17% of pregnant women were well prepared. The adjusted multivariate model showed that significant predictors for being well-prepared were maternal availing of antenatal services (OR = 1.91 95% CI; 1.21-3.01) and being pregnant for the first time (OR = 6.82, 95% CI; 1.27-36.55). BPACR practice in the study area was found to be low. Effort to increase BPACR should focus on availing antenatal care services.
Background: The majorities of maternal fatalities are avoidable and are generally blamed on patients delaying seeking care. Delays in deciding to seek treatment if a complication arises, delays in getting to care, and delays in obtaining care all have an impact on the availability and usage of obstetric services to avoid maternal mortality. So Birth preparedness and complication readiness is a crucial strategy for reducing maternal and newborn mortality. This study was aimed to assess the current status of birth preparedness and complication readiness in Harari regional state, Harar, Ethiopia from April 1st to 30th, 2023. Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional research was conducted at Jugal Hospital in Harar, Pregnant women who can hear and communicate and who were voluntary to participate were included. Systematic random sampling technique was used to select 233 pregnant women. The survey tool (questionnaire) used was developed by Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHIEGO). SPSS version 21 was used for analysis. Descriptive analysis was done and the results were presented in the form of narrative and table. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression was done to identify factors associated with birth preparedness and complication readiness. All variables with p-value less than 0.25 in bivariable logistic regression model were entered to a multivariable logistic regression model for controlling possible confounding and odds ratios and their 95% CIs were computed. Result: Eighty-seven (37.83%), of the respondents mentioned at least two key obstetric danger signs during pregnancy, 92 (40.00%), of the respondents mentioned at least three key obstetric danger signs during childbirth and 66 (28.70%) of the respondents mentioned at least two key obstetric danger signs during postpartum period , 178 (77.39%), 199 (86.52%), 43 (18.70%), 67 (29.13%) and 7 (3.04%) of respondents indicated that they saved money, identified the place of delivery, identified skilled providers, identify means of transport and blood donors, respectively. Conclusion: This study revealed, age of the mother, Educational status, maternal occupation,. Residence, No. of pregnancy, Current ANC visit and History of stillbirth, were significantly associated with birth Preparedness and Complication readiness
Background: Avoidable mortality and morbidity remains a formidable challenge in many developing countries like Ethiopia. Pregnancy related complications can not be reliably predicted and it is necessary to design strategies to overcome those problems when they arise. Objective: To assess knowledge and practices with respect to birth preparedness and complication readiness and factors associated with their practices among women who gave birth in the last 12 months preceding the survey in Adigrat Town, Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia. Method: A cross-sectional community-based study was conducted in September and October 2006. A total of 538 women who gave birth in the last 12 months preceding the survey were randomly selected for interview. Results: Data were obtained from 534 mothers, yielding a response rate 99.3%. Taking into account place of delivery identification, means of transportation and saving money, about 22% of the respondents were prepared for birth and its complications. In multivariate analysis, preparation for birth and its complication was higher among literate mothers (OR= 2.11, 95% CI= 1.17, 3.80), married women (OR= 5.69, 95% CI= 1.67, 19.38), women with parity range of 2 to 4 (OR= 2.53, 95% CI= 1.17, 5.44), women with history of still birth (OR= 4.41, 95% CI= 1.68, 11.59) and those who were advised about birth preparedness during their antenatal care follow up (OR= 2.65, 95% CI= 1.66, 4.23). Conclusion: The study identified poor comprehensive knowledge and practices of preparation for birth and its complication in the area. Community education about preparation for birth and its complication and empowerment of women through expansion of educational opportunities are important steps in improving birth preparedness and consequently the effects of pregnancy related complications. Antenatal care clinics should give due emphasis to preparation for birth and its complication and provide information and education to all pregnant women.