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Promoting youth mental health during COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study spanning pre- and post-pandemic

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Abstract and Figures

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced many novel stressors into the lives of youth. Identifying factors that protect against the onset of psychopathology in the face of these pandemic-related stressors is critical. We examine a wide range of factors that may protect youth from developing psychopathology during the pandemic. We assessed pandemic-related stressors, internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, and potentially protective factors in a longitudinal sample of children and adolescents (N=224, 7-15 years) assessed prior to the pandemic, during the stay-at-home orders, and six months later. We evaluate how family behaviors during the stay-at-home orders are related to changes in psychopathology relative to the assessment prior to the pandemic, identify factors that moderate the association of pandemic-related stressors with psychopathology, and determine whether these associations vary by age. Higher exposure to pandemic-related stressors was associated with increases in both internalizing and externalizing symptoms and this association persisted six months later. Greater engagement in exercise, a structured routine, greater time spent in nature, and less screen time, were associated with reduced internalizing and externalizing problems. The association between pandemic-related stressors and increases in psychopathology was significantly lower for youths with limited passive screen time, and marginally so for those with more time outdoors. The strong association between pandemic-related stressors and internalizing symptoms was absent among children, but not adolescents, with lower news media consumption related to the pandemic both concurrently and prospectively. We provide insight into simple and practical steps that families can take that may promote resilience against mental health problems in youth during the COVID-19 pandemic and protect against psychopathology following pandemic-related stressors.
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Promoting youth mental health during the
COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study
Maya L. RosenID
*, Alexandra M. Rodman
, Steven W. Kasparek
, Makeda Mayes
, Malila
M. Freeman
, Liliana J. Lengua
, Andrew N. MeltzoffID
, Katie A. McLaughlin
1Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America,
2Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States of
America, 3Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States of
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced novel stressors into the lives of youth. Identifying
factors that protect against the onset of psychopathology in the face of these stressors is
critical. We examine a wide range of factors that may protect youth from developing psycho-
pathology during the pandemic. We assessed pandemic-related stressors, internalizing and
externalizing psychopathology, and potential protective factors by combining two longitudi-
nal samples of children and adolescents (N = 224, 7–10 and 13–15 years) assessed prior to
the pandemic, during the stay-at-home orders, and six months later. We evaluated how fam-
ily behaviors during the stay-at-home orders were related to changes in psychopathology
during the pandemic, identified factors that moderate the association of pandemic-related
stressors with psychopathology, and determined whether associations varied by age. Inter-
nalizing and externalizing psychopathology increased substantially during the pandemic.
Higher exposure to pandemic-related stressors was associated with increases in internaliz-
ing and externalizing symptoms early in the pandemic and six months later. Having a struc-
tured routine, less passive screen time, lower exposure to news media about the pandemic,
and to a lesser extent more time in nature and getting adequate sleep were associated with
reduced psychopathology. The association between pandemic-related stressors and psy-
chopathology was reduced for youths with limited passive screen time and was absent for
children, but not adolescents, with lower news media consumption related to the pandemic.
We provide insight into simple, practical steps families can take to promote resilience
against mental health problems in youth during the COVID-19 pandemic and protect against
psychopathology following pandemic-related stressors.
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented changes in the lives of children and
adolescents. These changes brought a sudden loss of structure, routine, and sense of control.
Families faced unique stressors ranging from unexpected illness, sudden unemployment and
PLOS ONE | August 11, 2021 1 / 21
Citation: Rosen ML, Rodman AM, Kasparek SW,
Mayes M, Freeman MM, Lengua LJ, et al. (2021)
Promoting youth mental health during the COVID-
19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. PLoS ONE
16(8): e0255294.
Editor: Helena R. Slobodskaya, Institute of
Physiology and Basic Medicine, RUSSIAN
Received: March 26, 2021
Accepted: July 13, 2021
Published: August 11, 2021
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: ©2021 Rosen et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All data are available
on open science framework
financial stressors, difficulty accessing basic necessities, and increased caretaking responsibili-
ties paired with the shift to remote work, among others [1,2]. Social distancing guidelines
have limited youth’s contact with friends, extended family, and teachers, which may increase
isolation and loneliness. Schools traditionally provide resources that may buffer youth against
the negative consequences of stressors—including supportive social interactions, physical
exercise, consistent meals, and a structured routine—that were unavailable to many U.S. youth
for a prolonged period of time during the pandemic. These disruptions and pandemic-related
stressors are likely to increase risk for depression, anxiety, and behavior problems in youth.
Here, we identify factors that may protect against increases in mental health problems during
the COVID-19 pandemic in a longitudinal sample assessed both prior to the pandemic and
during the stay-at-home order period. We focus on simple and practical strategies that families
can take in an effort to promote positive mental health outcomes in children and adolescents
during the pandemic.
Exposure to stressors is strongly related to the onset of internalizing and externalizing psy-
chopathology in children and adolescents [38]. The powerful association between stress and
psychopathology has been replicated in longitudinal studies [7,9,10], including following
community stressors, such as natural disasters [11,12] and terrorist attacks [1315]. Numer-
ous pandemic-related experiences reflect novel stressors for youth and families, including
unpredictability and daily routine disruptions [16,17], unexpected loss of family members,
friends, and loved ones [18], chronic exposure to information about threats to well-being and
survival in situations that were previously safe [19], and social isolation [20]. Thus, exposure to
pandemic-related stressors is likely to be associated with increases in anxiety, depression, and
behavior problems in children and adolescents [1,21,22]. Indeed, emerging data demonstrates
that youth psychopathology has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic [23].
Identifying factors that may promote youth well-being during the pandemic is a critical pri-
ority and has clear benefits for parents, pediatricians, and medical professionals. Leading theo-
retical models of resilience posit that factors that promote resilience exist across multiple levels
including the individual, family, school, community, and broader cultural systems [2426].
Critically, during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic when schools were closed, stay-
at-home orders were in place, and many community resources were shuttered, children were
cut off from many common sources of resilience, particularly those occurring at the school
and community levels. As such, home and family-level factors may have been of even greater
importance than in normal circumstances. Furthermore, given the constraints faced by many
families with children, we focus on a set of simple and practical strategies that are easily acces-
sible, inexpensive, and require no specialized resources or services outside the home. We
selected factors that have previously been associated with reduced child psychopathology or
buffer against mental health problems following exposure to stressors, including: higher levels
of physical activity [2729]; access to nature and the outdoors [3033]; a consistent daily rou-
tine providing structure and predictability [16,34]; getting a sufficient amount of sleep, which
is often disrupted following stressors [3537]; and lower levels of passive screen time and news
media consumption, given that higher use has been associated with elevations in child psycho-
pathology [38], particularly following community-level stressors, like terrorist attacks [3942].
We also assessed the degree to which youth engaged in adaptive coping strategies during times
of distress (e.g., exercising, seeking support from loved ones, or practicing mindfulness or
meditation) [4345]. Finally, providing help for others in need is associated with reduced anxi-
ety and depression [46,47]. Here, we evaluated whether these nine simple and inexpensive
strategies are (a) associated with reduced psychopathology symptoms during the pandemic
and (b) buffer against the negative mental health consequences of pandemic-related stressors
in children and adolescents.
Promoting youth mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic
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Funding: Funding/Support: This work was
supported by the Bezos Family Foundation (to
ANM) for collection of data. This work was also
supported by the National Institute of Child Health
and Human development (F32 HD089514 and K99
HD099203 to MLR) and the National Institute of
Mental Health (R01 MH106482 to KAM).
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
We examined these questions by combining two longitudinal samples of children and ado-
lescents whose mental health was assessed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in Seattle, Wash-
ington. This aspect of this study is critical because one of the strongest predictors of
psychopathology during the pandemic is likely to be psychopathology prior to the pandemic.
By controlling for pre-pandemic psychopathology, we are able to investigate changes in psy-
chopathology that occurred during the pandemic. We then assessed pandemic-related stress-
ors, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, and potential protective factors during six
weeks between April and May of 2020—a period when the Seattle area was particularly hard-
hit by the pandemic and stay-at-home orders were in place. We also followed up with partici-
pants six months later, between late November of 2020 and early January of 2021, to assess
mental health. During this second follow-up, schools in the Seattle area were still operating vir-
tually, social distancing guidelines were still in place, and new COVID-19 cases had reached a
second peak. We examined whether exposure to pandemic-related stressors were associated
with increases in internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, both concurrently and pro-
spectively, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. We explored whether the potential protec-
tive factors were associated with changes in psychopathology during the pandemic or
moderated the association of pandemic-related stressors with changes in psychopathology
both during the stay-at-home orders and six months later. Finally, we tested whether these
associations varied as a function of age, to determine whether the associations of potentially
protective factors with psychopathology were similar for children and adolescents both con-
currently and prospectively. Given the unique context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we did not
have strong hypotheses about which particular protective factors would be more beneficial to
children or adolescents. However, we did hypothesize that adolescents would show a stronger
association between pandemic-related stress and psychopathology given previous work that
shows that adolescence is a period of particular vulnerability to mental health problems follow-
ing stressful life events [6,7,4850].
Participants were recruited from two ongoing longitudinal studies of children and adolescents
in the greater Seattle area. A sample of 224 youth aged 7–15 (M
= 12.65, SD = 2.59, range:
7.64–15.24, 47.8% female) and a caregiver completed a battery of questionnaires to assess
social behaviors and experiences and pandemic-related stressors. Participants also completed
assessments of symptoms of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. Two partici-
pants did not complete these mental health assessments and therefore were excluded from
analyses. Six months later, 184 of these youth (82% of the initial pandemic sample) and a care-
giver again completed an assessment of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Ten partici-
pants did not complete these mental health assessments and therefore were excluded from
analyses at T2. The racial and ethnic background of participants reflected the Seattle area, with
66% of participants identifying as White, 11% as Black, 11% as Asian, 8% as Hispanic or
Latino, and 3% as another race or ethnicity.
Children from the first sample were recruited from a study of younger children (N= 99)
originally recruited between January 2016 and September 2017 [51,52]. Between March 2018
and November 2018, a subset of the original sample (N= 90) participated in a follow-up assess-
ment of mental health. All participants who participated at baseline were contacted for the cur-
rent study during the period of stay-at-home orders of the pandemic. From this sample, 68
youths (68.9% of the original sample; M
= 8.88, range: 7.64–10.21, 53% female) and a care-
giver participated in the first time point of current study (during the stay-at-home orders) and
Promoting youth mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic
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53 completed the six-month follow-up. Mental health assessments obtained at age 6–8 years
were used to control for pre-pandemic psychopathology. Three participants did not complete
the most recent assessment, and mental health assessments at age 5–6 were used to control for
pre-pandemic psychopathology.
Adolescent participants were drawn from a longitudinal study of children followed from
early childhood to adolescence and their mothers [53]. Participants completed the most recent
assessment at age 11–12 years (N= 227) between June 2017 and October 2018. These partici-
pants were re-contacted for assessment for the current study. From this sample, 154 youths
= 14.3, range: 13.12–15.24, 46% female) and their caregiver completed the current study
(67.8% of the most recently assessed sample) and 121 completed the six-month follow-up.
Mental health assessments at age 11–12 were used to control for pre-pandemic
These two samples came from the same general population (youth in the Seattle area from a
wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds). Critically, these two samples did not differ with
regards to socioeconomic status, as measured by the income-to-needs ratio, sex distribution
(ps >.8), or in exposure to pandemic-related stressors (p = .907).
Participants were excluded from the parent studies based on the following criteria: IQ <80,
active substance dependence, psychosis, presence of pervasive developmental disorders (e.g.,
autism), and psychotropic medication use. Across both samples, legal guardians provided
informed consent and youths provided assent via electronic signature obtained using Qualtrics
(Provo, UT). All study procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Board at Har-
vard University. Youth and their caregivers were each paid $50 for participating in the first
wave of the study and $35 for the second wave.
Parents and youth separately completed electronic surveys. Families contacted an experi-
menter if youth had trouble completing the surveys on their own, and an experimenter then
called via phone or video chat and read the questions aloud and recorded their responses (this
experimenter was blind to all data from the previous assessments). Data were collected during
a six-week period between mid-April, 2020 and May 31
, 2020 (T1), during which schools
were closed and stay-at-home orders were in place. A follow-up (T2) was conducted between
late November 2020 and early January 2021 in which youth mental health was assessed again.
Pandemic-related stressors
We developed a set of questions to assess pandemic-related stressors (; see
S1 File). The assessment included health,financial,social,school,and physical environment
stressors that occurred within the preceding month, based on both caregiver and child report
(See Table 1). Given that the COVID-19 pandemic presented a wide range of unique stressors
that have not occurred in prior community-wide disruptions, it was necessary to create a novel
measure to assess these types of experiences. It is standard practice in the field to do so when
novel events occur for which existing stress measures do not adequately capture the full extent
of specific types of stressful experiences (e.g., to understand the unique hurricane-related
stressors that occurred during Hurricane Katrina or experiences specific to the terrorist attacks
on September 11
or the Oklahoma City bombing [12,41,54,55].
We created a composite of pandemic-related stressors using a cumulative risk approach,
[56] by determining the presence of each potential stressors (exposed versus not exposed), and
creating a risk score reflecting a count of these stressors (18 maximum). Importantly, many
previous studies demonstrate the utility and convergent validity of cumulative stress measures
Promoting youth mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic
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Table 1. COVID-19 pandemic-related stressors and potential protective factors.
Stressor Domain Description Number of Items
Health Stressors Participant contracted COVID-19;
a parent, sibling or another relative
contracted COVID-19; a partner or
close friend contracted COVID-19;
the participant knew someone who
died of the virus; had a parent who
was an essential worker (e.g.
healthcare worker, grocery store
worker) who was still working
during the initial months of the
Social having a difficult relationship with
a parent or other member of the
household that had gotten worse
during the last month; experiencing
loneliness a few times per week or
more; and experiencing racism,
prejudice or discrimination related
to the pandemic.
Financial a parent was laid off or had other
significant loss of employment; the
family experienced food insecurity,
assessed using previously-validated
items [81,82]; the family was
evicted or otherwise were forced to
leave their home because of
financial reasons; the family
experienced significant financial
loss (e.g. due do loss of business, job
loss, stock market losses, etc.).
School experiencing difficulty getting
schoolwork done at home; the
environment where the child does
schoolwork is noisy.
Physical Environment crowding in the home based on the
total number of people in the home
divided by the approximate square
footage reported by the parent [32]
Potential Protective Factor Description of Measurement
Physical Activity Total minutes of physical activity per week
Time in Nature Days per week they spent time in natural green spaces
including parks, canals, nature areas, beaches,
countryside, and farmland.
Time Outdoors Days per week participants spend time outside of their
home (e.g. backyard or neighborhood street) for at
least 30 minutes
News Consumption Time spent watching news coverage about the
pandemic on a TV, computer, iPad or other electronic
device per day. Scored as a binary variable with less
than 2 hours per day being scored as 0, and 2 or more
hours per day being scored as 1.
Passive Screen Time Hours per day, on average spent watching video on an
electronic device, passively scrolling through social
media, looking at websites and online news, watching
movies and TV. Summed for total passive screen time
Promoting youth mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic
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in relation to health outcomes, with a greater number of stressors predicting higher levels of
mental and physical health problems [56]. Here, we provide additional evidence for conver-
gent validity by showing that the number of stressors is moderately associated with a measure
of perceived stress as measured by the Perceived Stress Scale in this sample (r = 0.399). This
value is similar to the correlation between stressful life events and perceived stress observed in
the original validity studies used to create the Perceived Stress Scale (r = 0.24-.35) [57].
We also assessed pandemic-related stressors at T2. Importantly we only asked about stress-
ors occurring between T1 and T2. If, for example, a participant had family member who
became ill with COVID-19 in April 2020, this would be counted in the pandemic-related
stressors at T1, but not at T2. We used pandemic-related stressors at T1 in all analyses (includ-
ing prospective analyses) but report on pandemic-related stressors at T2 to illustrate the ongo-
ing nature of the pandemic during the second wave of data collection.
Potential protective factors
We assessed nine potentially protective aspects of youth and family behavior during the prior
month: (a) physical activity, (b) time spent in nature, (c) time spent outdoors, (d) screen time,
(e) news consumption, (f) sleep quantity, (g) family routines, (h) coping strategies, and (i)
helping others (,Table 1).
Internalizing and externalizing psychopathology
Psychopathology was assessed prior to the pandemic by parent and child report on the Youth
Self Report (YSR) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) [58,59]. The CBCL scales are widely
used measures of youth emotional and behavioral problems and use normative data to gener-
ate age-standardized estimates of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. We used
the highest T-scores from the caregiver or child on the Internalizing and Externalizing symp-
toms subscales as measures of pre-pandemic symptoms. The children who were 6–8 years old
at the pre-pandemic time point did not complete the YSR; only the CBCL was used to compute
their pre-pandemic symptoms at that time point. The use of the higher caregiver or child
report for psychopathology is an implementation of the standard “or” rule used in combining
Table 1. (Continued)
Stressor Domain Description Number of Items
Sleep Quantity Binary measure computed using CDC recommended
guidelines for children in this age range (9–12 hours
per night for children aged 8–10; 8–9 hours per night
for adolescents [83].
Daily Routine Participant report on a 4-point Likert scale about the
extent to which their days had a fairly consistent
Adaptive Coping Strategies Binary measure. Participants were given a 1 if they
endorsed any of the following ways of dealing with
distress related to the coronavirus: talked to family or
friends, exercised, meditated, or engaged in self-care
Helping in Community Binary measure. Participants were given a 1 if they
endorsed having participated in any of the following
activities: volunteering time at hospitals, donating or
preparing food, donating money or supplies, giving
shelter to displaced people, praying for others, writing
letters or contacting isolated people, cheering on
health care workers, or other ways of helping.
Promoting youth mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic
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caregiver and child reports of psychopathology. In this approach, if either a parent or child
endorses a particular symptom it is counted with the assumption that if a symptom is reported,
it is likely present. This is a standard approach in the literature on child psychopathology–for
example it is how mental disorders are diagnosed in population-based studies of psychopathol-
ogy in children and adolescents [60,61].
To assess psychopathology at T1 and T2, parents and youths completed the Strengths and
Difficulties Questionnaire, a widely-used assessment of youth mental health [62]. The SDQ
has good reliability and validity [63,64] and correlates strongly with the CBCL/YSR [65]. We
chose to use the SDQ to reduce participant burden, as it has substantially fewer items than the
CBCL/YSR. We used the highest reported value on the Internalizing and Externalizing symp-
toms subscales from the caregiver or child.
Family income
At T1, we asked caregivers to report their total combined family income for the 12 months
prior to the onset of the pandemic in 14 bins. The median of the income bins was used except
for the lowest and highest bins which were assigned $14,570 and $150,000, respectively. We
then calculated the income-to-needs ratio by dividing the family’s income by the federal pov-
erty line for a family of that size in 2020, with values less than one indicating income below the
poverty line. Nine caregivers did not provide information on family income and were thus
excluded from analyses. Median income-to-needs ratio was 4.19 (min = 0.35, max = 8.41).
Statistical analysis
We used linear regression to investigate the questions of interest. Continuous predictors were
standardized using a z-score. Analyses were performed in R using the lme4 package and stan-
dardized coefficients are presented. Continuous age, sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pan-
demic symptoms measured using the CBCL/YSR prior to the pandemic were included as
covariates in all analyses. First, we examined the association of pandemic-related stressors with
internalizing and externalizing symptoms, both concurrently and prospectively. Next, we
examined the association of potential protective factors with internalizing and externalizing
problems, both concurrently and prospectively. Then, we tested whether these factors moder-
ated the association of pandemic-related stressors with psychopathology, both concurrently
and prospectively. Finally, we computed interactions of each protective factor with age predict-
ing psychopathology and the interaction of pandemic-related stressors, each potential protec-
tive factor, and age predicting psychopathology, both concurrently and prospectively. Simple
slopes analysis was used to follow-up on significant interactions using the R pequod package.
Stratification for simple slope analyses in analyses that used continuous moderators were con-
ducted using a median split. In the case of age analyses, because there was a gap in age between
the oldest children (10 years) and the youngest adolescents (13 years), stratifying by sample for
these purposes was equivalent to stratifying by a median split. False discovery rate (FDR) cor-
rection was applied at the level of hypothesis such that we corrected for comparisons at T1 and
T2 (e.g., association between physical activity and internalizing psychopathology at T1 and
T2). Listwise deletion was used to handle missing data at T2, excluding participants from anal-
ysis who did not complete the second follow-up during the pandemic.
Prior to the pandemic, 71 participants (31.7% of the sample) were in the subclinical or clinical
range for internalizing problems and 39 participants (17.4% of the sample) were in the subclin-
ical or clinical range for externalizing problems. Internalizing and externalizing symptoms
Promoting youth mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic
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increased substantially during the early phase of the pandemic. Specifically, 127 (56.7%) were
in the subclinical or clinical range for internalizing problems and 126 (56.2%) were in the sub-
clinical or clinical range for externalizing problems at the beginning of the pandemic.
See S1 File for the frequency of different domains of stressors at T1 and T2 (S1 Table in S1
File), the distribution of potential protective factors and psychopathology symptoms before
and after the pandemic (S2 Table in S1 File), bivariate correlations between all study variables
(S3 Table in S1 File) and associations between individual stressors and psychopathology at T1
and T2 (S4 Table in S1 File).
As expected, one of the strongest predictors of psychopathology during the pandemic was
pre-pandemic psychopathology (see S3 Table in S1 File). Therefore, it is important to highlight
that all analyses controlled for pre-pandemic psychopathology to assess changes in psychopa-
thology specific to the pandemic period.
Pandemic-related stressors and psychopathology
The number of pandemic-related stressors was strongly associated with increases in both
internalizing (β= 0.345, p<.001), and externalizing symptoms (β= 0.297, p <.001) symp-
toms during the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms (Fig 1). As expected, pre-
pandemic symptoms were also strongly associated psychopathology during the pandemic in
this model (β= 0.279, p<.001 and β= 0.296, p<.001 for internalizing and externalizing psy-
chopathology, respectively).
Similarly, the number of pandemic-related stressors early in the pandemic was positively
associated with internalizing (β= 0.243, p= .001) and externalizing (β= 0.288, p<.001) symp-
toms later in the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms (Fig 1). Again, pre-pan-
demic symptoms were strongly associated with internalizing and externalizing problems at T2
(β= 0.260, p= .001 and β= 0.278, p<.001, respectively).
The association of pandemic-related stressors with internalizing symptoms varied by age (β
= 0. 0.602, p= .043), such that the association was stronger among adolescents (simple slope:
b = 0.437, p<.001) than children (simple slope: b = 0.220, p= .004) concurrently. There were
interactions between age and pandemic-related stressors in predicting externalizing symptoms
concurrently or prospectively.
Potential protective factors
Associations of potential protective factors with concurrent psychopathology and interactions
with stress and age are summarized in Table 2. Associations of potential protective factors
with prospective psychopathology and interactions with stress and age are summarized in
Table 3.
Physical activity. Physical activity was unrelated to psychopathology concurrently or
Time spent in nature and outdoors. Greater time spent in nature was marginally associ-
ated with lower internalizing problems both concurrently and prospectively (Fig 2A and 2B),
controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. Time spent outdoors was unrelated to psychopathol-
ogy. Age did not moderate any of these associations.
News consumption and passive screen time. Early in the pandemic, youths who spent
less time on digital devices each day had lower externalizing symptoms (Fig 2C and 2D), con-
trolling for pre-pandemic symptoms. Consuming <2 hours of news per day was also associ-
ated with reduced externalizing symptoms early in the pandemic (Fig 2G).
The longitudinal association between screen time and internalizing symptoms varied by
age (S1 Fig in S1 File), such that children showed a positive association between screen time
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and internalizing psychopathology six months later (b = 0.572, p= .008), but adolescents did
not (b = -0.074, p= .512).
Age moderated the association between news consumption and internalizing psychopathol-
ogy prospectively. Specifically, while children showed a positive association between news con-
sumption and internalizing psychopathology at T2 (b = 0.438, p= 0.015), adolescents showed
a negative association between news consumption and internalizing psychopathology at T2
(b = -0.299, p= .015).
Fig 1. Main effects of pandemic-related stressors and psychopathology. All analyses control for age, sex, income-to-needs and pre-
pandemic psychopathology symptoms.
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Table 2. Associations of potential protective factors with psychopathology and interactions with stress and age at T1. Significant associations are presented in BOLD
and marginal associations are presented in italics.
Protective Factors Internalizing Externalizing Age Internalizing
Age Externalizing
Physical Activity Main effect -0.120 0.132 -0.016 0.900 0.075 0.826 0.391 0.243
Stress Interaction -0.153 0.191 -0.146 0.448 0.151 0.790 0.609 0.588
Time in Nature Main effect -0.124 0.074 0.029 0.777 0.045 0.885 0.139 0.658
Stress Interaction -0.067 0.602 0.013 0.913 -0.580 0.271 0.218 0.682
Time Outdoors Main effect 0.000 0.999 0.018 0.779 -0.455 0.144 -0.215 0.484
Stress Interaction -0.088 0.846 -0.238 0.112 -0.146 0.793 0.613 0.381
Passive Screen Time Main effect 0.059 0.431 0.272 0.0004 -1.084 0.074 -0.979 0.087
Stress Interaction 0.561 0.002 0.329 0.050 -1.399 0.368 0.729 0.531
News Consumption Main effect 0.093 0.374 0.193 0.010 -0.741 0.083 -0.312 0.453
Stress Interaction 0.273 0.074 0.197 0.136 -1.474 0.028 0.389 0.771
Sleep Quantity Main effect -0.018 0.995 -0.061 0.370 0.674 0.130 0.551 0.126
Stress Interaction -0.171 0.326 0.094 0.762 -1.728 0.064 -0.623 0.451
Daily Routine Main effect -0.022 0.736 -0.122 0.058 -0.062 0.854 -0.011 0.974
Stress Interaction -0.197 0.211 -0.131 0.535 0.206 0.766 0.214 0.763
Adaptive Coping Main effect 0.061 0.688 0.124 0.102 -0.436 0.377 -0.040 0.906
Stress Interaction 0.177 0.276 -0.083 0.488 -0.587 0.630 1.225 0.078
Helping Main effect 0.002 0.978 0.012 0.848 0.401 0.231 0.186 0.575
Stress Interaction -0.059 0.623 -0.081 0.968 -0.348 0.571 0.674 0.281
Table 3. Associations of potential protective factors with psychopathology and interactions with stress and age at T2. Significant associations are presented in BOLD
and marginal associations are presented in italics.
Protective Factors Internalizing Externalizing Age Internalizing
Age Externalizing
Physical Activity Main effect -0.049 0.515 0.009 0.900 -0.126 0.826 0.534 0.243
Stress Interaction -0.241 0.179 0.028 0.816 0.712 0.686 -0.182 0.802
Time in Nature Main effect -0.136 0.074 -0.021 0.777 -0.264 0.885 0.371 0.516
Stress Interaction 0.077 0.602 0.069 0.913 -0.706 0.271 -0.869 0.300
Time Outdoors Main effect -0.048 0.999 0.066 0.750 -0.566 0.144 -0.351 0.484
Stress Interaction 0.029 0.846 -0.163 0.254 0.543 0.793 0.568 0.381
Passive Screen Time Main effect 0.097 0.431 0.157 0.076 -1.953 0.030 -1.264 0.087
Stress Interaction 0.401 0.049 0.606 0.003 -1.243 0.368 1.158 0.531
News Consumption Main effect -0.040 0.627 0.114 0.152 -1.743 0.004 -0.932 0.170
Stress Interaction 0.034 0.829 0.223 0.136 -2.199 0.018 0.238 0.771
Sleep Quantity Main effect 0.000 0.995 -0.158 0.080 0.299 0.479 0.682 0.126
Stress Interaction 0.045 0.761 0.043 0.762 -1.685 0.089 -1.562 0.184
Daily Routine Main effect 0.034 0.736 -0.164 0.049 -0.129 0.854 0.589 0.238
Stress Interaction -0.191 0.221 0.092 0.535 -0.648 0.766 -0.865 0.666
Adaptive Coping Main effect -0.015 0.845 0.103 0.156 -0.353 0.377 -0.152 0.906
Stress Interaction 0.099 0.506 0.153 0.488 -0.149 0.849 0.218 0.767
Helping Main effect 0.036 0.978 0.026 0.848 0.835 0.064 -0.237 0.575
Stress Interaction -0.088 0.623 -0.005 0.968 1.296 0.186 1.054 0.281
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Screen time moderated the association of pandemic-related stressors with internalizing and
externalizing psychopathology concurrently and prospectively (Fig 3). Specifically, youths who
spent more time on screens showed a strong positive association of pandemic-related stressors
with concurrent (b = 0.513, p<.001) and prospective (b = .335, p<.001) internalizing symp-
toms as well as both concurrent (b = 0.285, p<.001) and prospective (b = .383, p<.001)
externalizing problems that was absent for youths who spent less time on screens at both time
points (b = 0.020–0.061, p= .445-.935).
A three-way interaction was observed between news consumption, age, and pandemic-
related stressors in predicting internalizing symptoms both concurrently and prospectively
(Fig 4). Pandemic-related stressors were unrelated to internalizing problems concurrently
(b = -.087, p= .502) or prospectively (b = -0.036, p= .808) among children who consumed <2
hours of news media per day, but were strongly associated with internalizing psychopathology
both concurrently (b = 0.39 2, p<.001) and prospectively (b = 0.328, p= .026) among children
with >2 hours daily news consumption. Among adolescents, pandemic-related stressors were
strongly associated with internalizing problems concurrently (b =0.409–0.452, p<.001),
regardless of news consumption. Adolescents who consumed low levels of news during the
stay-at-home orders showed a positive association between pandemic-related stressors and
internalizing psychopathology six months later (b = 0.509, p= .002), while adolescents who
consumed more news did not (b = 0.113, p= .346).
Fig 2. Main effects of protective factors on psychopathology. All analyses controlled for age, sex, income-to-needs, and pre-pandemic psychopathology symptoms.
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Sleep quantity. Getting the recommended number of hours of sleep was unrelated to psy-
chopathology concurrently. However, getting the recommended amount of sleep during the
stay-at-home orders was marginally associated with lower levels of externalizing psychopathol-
ogy six months later, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms (Fig 2H). These associations did
not vary by age.
Routine. Youths with a more structured daily routine had lower externalizing (Fig 2E and
2F) six months later. No associations of a structured routine were found with internalizing
symptoms, and no interactions with age or stress emerged.
Fig 3. Passive screen time x stress interaction. Low screen time use buffers against pandemic-related increases in internalizing and
externalizing psychopathology. All analyses control for age, sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pandemic psychopathology symptoms.
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Coping strategies. There was no significant association between engaging in adaptive
coping strategies with psychopathology concurrently or prospectively.
Fig 4. Age x stress x news interaction. Low news consumption buffers children, but not adolescents, against pandemic-
related increases in internalizing psychopathology concurrently (A) and prospectively (B). All analyses control for age,
sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pandemic psychopathology symptoms.
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Helping others. Helping in one’s community was unrelated to psychopathology concur-
rently or prospectively.
The present study identifies simple and practical behaviors that are associated with well-being
among children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Critically, this study
involved a longitudinal sample of children and adolescents for which mental health had been
assessed prior to the pandemic, during the stay-at-home orders, and six months later allowing
us to investigate psychopathology during the pandemic while controlling for pre-pandemic
symptoms. As expected, we found that youths who experienced greater pandemic-related
stressors had higher levels of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. Importantly,
greater pandemic-related stressors during the stay-at-home orders were also prospectively
associated with higher levels of both internalizing and externalizing psychopathology six
months later. Critically, we identified several factors—including a structured daily routine, low
passive screen time use, low news media consumption about the pandemic, and to a lesser
extent spending more time spent in nature and getting the recommended amount of sleep—
that are associated with better mental health outcomes in youth during the pandemic. We
additionally demonstrate that the strong association between pandemic-related stressors and
psychopathology is absent among children with lower amounts of screen time and news media
Youth who had a structured and predictable daily routine were less likely to experience
increases in externalizing problems during the pandemic than youth with less structured rou-
tines. A sudden loss of routine has occurred for many families during the pandemic related to
school closures, changes in parental work arrangements, and loss of access to activities outside
the home for youth and adolescents. These disruptions in daily routine are associated with
increased risk for behavior problems in youth during the pandemic, consistent with prior
work suggesting that lack of predictability is strongly linked to youth psychopathology [16,34,
66,67]. Moreover, a recent paper during the pandemic showed that preschoolers in families
that maintained a structured routine during the pandemic showed lower rates of depression
and externalizing problems, over and above the effect of food insecurity, socioeconomic status,
dual-parent status, maternal depression, and stress [68]. Our current findings extend this work
by demonstrating that a structured routine may also be important for older children and ado-
lescents. Although maintaining routine and structure is challenging as school closures con-
tinue and many aspects of daily life remain unpredictable, creating a structured daily routine
for children and adolescents may promote better mental health during the pandemic.
Greater passive screen time use was associated with higher levels of externalizing psychopa-
thology early in the pandemic, and greater passive screen time use was associated with higher
internalizing psychopathology later in the pandemic for children but not adolescents. Addi-
tionally, the strong association of pandemic-related stressors with internalizing and externaliz-
ing psychopathology both concurrently and prospectively was reduced in children and
adolescents with low passive screen time use. Previous studies have argued that the increases
in screen time use over the last decade may be responsible for rising levels of anxiety and
depression among children and adolescents [38]. However, others have suggested that greater
screen time use may not have negative impacts [69,70] and that psychopathology and digital
device use have a reciprocal association with one another [71]. During the pandemic, youths
were encouraged to use digital devices more than ever for school and social connection, which
are likely to be beneficial for their development. Here, we measured passive use of digital
devices, including watching videos on an electronic device, passively scrolling through social
Promoting youth mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic
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media, looking at websites and online news, and watching movies and TV—excluding more
active uses of digital devices for schooling and social communication. Greater research is
needed to determine whether the amount of passive screen time itself has negative effects on
youth mental health or whether this association simply reflects that greater time on digital
devices takes time away from other important behaviors such as exercise, sleep, or connecting
with friends or family. Indeed, in the present study, screen time was inversely related with
sleep quantity (S3 Table in S1 File). Therefore, one reason that youths with lower screen time
use may be buffered against pandemic-related increases in psychopathology is because they
are engaging in other behaviors that promote well-being such as getting sufficient sleep,
among others. Together, these findings suggest some potential benefits associated with limit-
ing passive screen time among youth during the pandemic.
Our findings also suggest that limiting news consumption about the pandemic may be ben-
eficial, particularly for younger children. Greater news media consumption about the pan-
demic was associated with higher levels of externalizing problem early in the pandemic.
Moreover, the strong association between pandemic-related stressors and internalizing psy-
chopathology was absent in children who consumed lower levels of news media, although pan-
demic-related stressors were positively associated with internalizing symptoms in adolescents
regardless of news consumption concurrently. This finding is broadly consistent with previous
studies observing strong associations between media exposure about community-level stress-
ors, including terrorist attacks and natural disasters, and higher rates of psychopathology in
children and adolescents [41,42,7274]. Interestingly, the same pattern persisted for children
six months into the pandemic, while for adolescents who consumed more news during the
stay-at-home orders showed a weaker association between stress and internalizing psychopa-
thology six months later than those who consumed less news. Therefore, it is possible that for
adolescents, having more knowledge about the pandemic early on may have been beneficial
over time. Together these findings suggest that limiting certain types of news media exposure
may protect against pandemic-related increases in internalizing problems, especially among
young children. Importantly, this does not imply that parents should refrain from discussing
the pandemic or hide the realities from their children. In fact, previous studies have found that
honest conversations between parents and children provide an important protection against
the development of psychopathology in the wake of natural disasters [75]. Therefore, we sug-
gest limiting sensational news media consumption, in favor of talking to children about what
is happening, listening to their concerns, and answering their questions in an age-appropriate
Additionally, we found weaker and only marginally significant associations between time
spent in nature and getting the recommended amount of sleep with youth psychopathology
during the pandemic. We briefly discuss these findings here, as they highlight additional strat-
egies that could be beneficial to families when considering how to support the mental health of
their children during the pandemic. Greater time spent in nature was marginally associated
with lower increases in internalizing symptoms relative to pre-pandemic symptoms both con-
currently and prospectively. These findings are broadly consistent with prior evidence that
spending at least two hours in nature per week is associated with greater well-being in adults
[31] and better mental health in children [76]. Additionally, the association of stressors with
well-being is reduced among children with greater access to nature [77]. Encouraging youths
to spend time in nature may also be beneficial for mental health during the pandemic. In addi-
tion, children and adolescents who got the recommended amount of sleep at the beginning of
the pandemic showed marginally lower levels of externalizing psychopathology six months
later. These findings highlight the importance of encouraging youths to get an adequate
amount sleep. Given the negative association between screen time and sleep duration both
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here and in prior work [78], reducing access to digital devices prior to bedtime may be one
simple strategy parents can use to make it easier for their children to get an adequate amount
of sleep.
The present study has several limitations which should be acknowledged. First, we relied on
self-report measures of behavior, which can be inaccurate due to recall bias. Future studies
may benefit from using actigraphy to assess physical activity and sleep, geolocation to measure
time spent in nature and outdoors, and direct reports of screen time use and news media con-
sumption from digital devices for more accurate measures of potential protective factors. Sec-
ond, while the longitudinal nature of the present study is a strength, it only included two
snapshots of youth behavior and mental health during the pandemic. It will be important to
continue to follow youths throughout the pandemic to determine factors that promote long-
term risk and resilience. Third, we used a different measure of psychopathology prior to the
pandemic (CBCL/YSR) than after the onset of the pandemic (SDQ). While it would have been
ideal to have the same measure at all time points, the CBCL/YSR is much longer than the SDQ
and we were focused on minimizing participant burden during a period of time when families
were facing numerous stressors and loss of access to typical childcare options. Thus, we chose
to use a shorter questionnaire that is strongly correlated with the CBCL/YSR [62,65,79,80].
Relatedly, we asked questions about potential protective factors in our COVID Experiences
Survey, rather than using longer validated scales for each of the factors (e.g. Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index, Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children, Media Parenting Practices, Fam-
ily Routines Inventory, German Coping Questionnaire for ‘Children and Adolescents, etc.).
This choice was made to maximize the information gained about each family, while minimiz-
ing participant burden and thus maximizing our sample size. Fourth, we combined data from
two separate samples of children (aged 7–10 and 13–15 at T1). Both samples were recruited
using similar methods from the same target population, and we had identical measures of pre-
pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Moreover, the samples did not differ in demo-
graphics, SES, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. However, using two samples with a
gap in age limited our ability to understand age effects across the entire spectrum of childhood
and adolescence. Fifth, we demonstrate the predictive validity of the pandemic-related stress
measure via moderate associations with psychopathology at both waves as well as a measure of
perceived stress. However, this cumulative risk approach is limited in that it weights stressors
equally that could have variable impacts. Future work should investigate whether specific
stressors have been more strongly linked to changes in mental health during the pandemic
(see S4 Table in S1 File for associations of specific stressors and psychopathology at T1 and
T2). Finally, the present study is correlational and we are therefore limited in our ability to
make causal inferences about the factors that promote well-being during the pandemic. How-
ever, given the extensive literature about the links between these factors and youth mental
health, there is little reason to expect downsides to encouraging families to engage in these
types of protective behaviors with their children and adolescents during the pandemic.
Conclusions and practical implications
We identify practical and easily accessible strategies that may promote greater well-being for
children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on these findings, we suggest
that parents encourage youth to develop a structured daily routine, limit passive screen time
use, limit exposure to news media—particularly for young children, and to a lesser extent
spend more time in nature, and encourage youth to get the recommended amount of sleep.
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Supporting information
S1 File. Please see the S1 File for frequencies of exposures to pandemic-related stressors by
domain (S1 Table), distribution of potential protective factors and psychopathology symp-
toms (S2 Table), bivariate correlation table of all study variables (S3 Table), associations
between individual stressors and psychopathology symptoms (S4 Table), age by screen
time interaction predicting internalizing symptoms (S1 Fig), and the full COVID experi-
ences surveys (caregiver and child).
The authors would also like to acknowledge Reshma Sreekala for help with data collection and
Frances Li for help with compiling surveys.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Maya L. Rosen, Alexandra M. Rodman, Steven W. Kasparek, Andrew N.
Meltzoff, Katie A. McLaughlin.
Data curation: Steven W. Kasparek.
Formal analysis: Maya L. Rosen.
Funding acquisition: Andrew N. Meltzoff, Katie A. McLaughlin.
Methodology: Maya L. Rosen, Alexandra M. Rodman, Steven W. Kasparek, Malila M. Free-
man, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Katie A. McLaughlin.
Project administration: Maya L. Rosen, Alexandra M. Rodman, Steven W. Kasparek, Makeda
Supervision: Maya L. Rosen, Alexandra M. Rodman, Steven W. Kasparek.
Writing original draft: Maya L. Rosen.
Writing review & editing: Maya L. Rosen, Alexandra M. Rodman, Makeda Mayes, Malila
M. Freeman, Liliana J. Lengua, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Katie A. McLaughlin.
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... The conclusion drawn by the authors of this study was that "COVID-19 stay-at-home regulations may offer protective effects for youth mental health", perhaps for those who find school to be a stressful experience. In another American study that combined two longitudinal samples (N = 224) of children age 7-10 years and adolescents age 13-15 years, Rosen et al. (2021) found that internalizing and externalizing psychopathology increased substantially during the pandemic and that higher exposure to pandemic-related stressors moderated the association (more stressors = higher psychopathology). In China, Zhang et al. (2020) assessed 1241 youth before and during the pandemic and found increased odds of being depressed, engaging in nonsuicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and suicide attempts following the lockdown. ...
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Children and youth flourish in environments that are predictable, safe, and structured. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted these protective factors making it difficult for children and youth to adapt and thrive. Pandemic-related school closures, family stress, and trauma have led to increases in mental health problems in some children and youth, an area of health that was already in crisis well before COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. Because mental health problems early in life are associated with significant impairment across family, social, and academic domains, immediate measures are needed to mitigate the potential for long-term sequalae. Now more than ever, Canada needs a national mental health strategy that is delivered in the context in which children and youth are most easily accessible—schools. This strategy should provide coordinated care across sectors in a stepped care framework and across a full continuum of mental health supports spanning promotion, prevention, early intervention, and treatment. In parallel, we must invest in a comprehensive population-based follow-up of Statistics Canada’s Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth so that accurate information about how the pandemic is affecting all Canadian children and youth can be obtained. It is time the Canadian government prioritizes the mental health of children and youth in its management of the pandemic and beyond.
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We provide fresh estimates of a change in the nationwide prevalence of mental health symptoms among US children during the COVID-19 pandemic using National Health Interview Survey data (2019–22) on children aged 2–17 years (n = 27,378; age subgroups 2–5, 6–11, and 12–17) to assess overall mental distress and 19 specific outcomes related to developmental, communicative, cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains. Raw and adjusted (for socio-demographics) linear regressions estimated the change in prevalence for each outcome between 2019 (baseline year) and three succeeding years (2020–2022). Summary scores for mental distress rose between 2019 and 2020 (1.01 to 1.18 points, range of 0–15), declined slightly in 2021 (1.09), and climbed sharply again in 2022 (1.25). The declines primarily affected adolescents (1.11 at baseline, 1.24 in 2020, 1.30 in 2021, and 1.49 in 2022). Specific outcomes belonging to all domains of mental health showed similar increases in prevalence. US children suffered significant erosion of mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic that continued into 2022. Expansion of mental health programs aimed at school-going children will likely be needed to respond effectively to the ongoing crisis.
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This preregistered study examined the relation between adolescents’ perceived changes in internalizing symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic and four different family and peer relationships in two countries. Using a bioecological framework, we interviewed mothers, fathers, and adolescents from 212 families in Germany and Slovakia during the COVID-19 pandemic. In both countries, we found that higher levels of father internalizing symptoms exacerbated the relation between pandemic disruption and increases in pandemic-related adolescent internalizing symptoms. Similarly, parental support buffered the relation between adolescent perceptions of COVID-19 disruption and increases in the adolescents’ internalizing symptoms. Peer support and parental warmth were not associated with changes in adolescent-reported internalizing symptoms during the study period. The fathers’ symptoms of anxiety and depression during stressful life events may impact the parent–child relationship by changing the children’s perceptions of parent–child attachment, which may, in turn, be associated with higher levels of adolescent internalizing symptoms. Higher levels of parental support, however, may have helped protect adolescents from some of the more negative aspects of the pandemic.
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Abundant studies have examined mental health in the early periods of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, empirical work examining the mental health impact of the pandemic’s subsequent phases remains limited. In the present study, we investigated how mental vulnerability and resilience evolved over the various phases of the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 in Germany. Data were collected (n = 3522) across seven measurement occasions using validated and self-generated measures of vulnerability and resilience. We found evidence for an immediate increase in vulnerability during the first lockdown in Germany, a trend towards recovery when lockdown measures were eased, and an increase in vulnerability with each passing month of the second lockdown. Four different latent trajectories of resilience–vulnerability emerged, with the majority of participants displaying a rather resilient trajectory, but nearly 30% of the sample fell into the more vulnerable groups. Females, younger individuals, those with a history of psychiatric disorders, lower income groups, and those with high trait vulnerability and low trait social belonging were more likely to exhibit trajectories associated with poorer mental well-being. Our findings indicate that resilience–vulnerability responses in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic may have been more complex than previously thought, identifying risk groups that could benefit from greater support.
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Despite the serious emotional and social consequences of adolescents’ exposure to intimate-partner violence (IPV) and the high prevalence of this exposure, few analyses have focused on person-centered models or considered psychological IPV. Studies that address exposure to violence tend to focus on physical IPV. Therefore, in this study, we examine (across two waves) the trajectories of resilience among adolescents who have witnessed psychological IPV by conducting a latent transition analysis and predicting class membership through socio-demographic and individual-level protective factors. Using a sample of 879 (T1, fall 2020) and 770 (T2, spring 2022) adolescent Swiss students with mean ages of 11.74 (SD = 0.64) and 13.77 (SD = 0.53), we identified four distinct time-invariant resilience classes: comorbid-frustrated, internalizing-frustrated, comorbid-satisfied, and resilient. The classes characterized by some level of psychopathological symptoms and basic psychological-needs frustration were the most stable over time. Furthermore, we found the four typical resilience trajectories: recovery, chronic, delayed, and improving. Gender, socioeconomic background, and protective factors showed a significant prediction of class membership in wave 1, highlighting the importance of increasing sensitivity to psychological-IPV exposure on the one hand, and reinforcing the relevance of prevention in schools regarding the promotion of protective factors on the other.
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This article is a qualitative review of 32 publications appearing since J. Bossard and E. Boll's (1950) seminal work on family rituals was conducted. Definitions are offered whereby a distinction is made between family routines as observable practices and family rituals as symbolic representations of collective events. The relative occurrence of family routines, as described in the literature, appears to follow a developmental course and is affected by the cultural environment. Family routines and rituals were found to be related to parenting competence, child adjustment, and marital satisfaction. The studies were limited by inconsistent methods of assessing family routines, reliance on samples of convenience, and a failure to distinguish between direct and indirect effects. Recommendations are made to better integrate theory with empirical efforts to demonstrate the importance of family routines and rituals in contemporary life.
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Although stressful life events have consistently been linked to the onset of major depressive disorder (MDD), most research has not distinguished 1st episodes from recurrences. In a large epidemiologic sample of older adolescents (N = 1,470) assessed at 2 time points, the risk conferred by a recent romantic break-up was examined as a predictor of 1st onset versus recurrence of MDD. Results indicated a heightened likelihood of 1st onset of MDD during adolescence if a recent break-up had been reported; in contrast, a recent break-up did not predict recurrence of depression. These results held for both genders and remained significant after controlling for gender. Additional analyses to determine the discriminant validity and specificity of these findings strongly supported the recent break-up as a significant risk factor for a 1st episode of MDD during adolescence. Implications of these findings and subsequent research directions are discussed.
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Current developments in cognitive and emotion theory suggest that anxiety plays a rather central role in negative emotions. This article reviews findings in the area of anxiety and depression, helplessness, locus of control, explanatory style, animal learning, biology, parenting, attachment theory, and childhood stress and resilience to articulate a model of the environmental influences on the development of anxiety. Evidence from a variety of sources suggests that early experience with diminished control may foster a cognitive style characterized by an increased probability of interpreting or processing subsequent events as out of one's control, which may represent a psychological vulnerability for anxiety. Implications for research are discussed.
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Objective Information about the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent and adult mental health is growing, yet the impacts on preschool children are only emerging. Importantly, environmental factors that augment or protect from the multidimensional and stressful influences of the pandemic on emotional development of young children are poorly understood. Methods Depressive symptoms in 169 preschool children (mean age 4.1 years) were assessed with the Preschool Feelings Checklist during a state-wide stay-at-home order in Southern California. Mothers (46% Latinx) also reported on externalizing behaviors with the Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire. To assess the role of environmental factors in child mental health we examined household income, food insecurity, parental essential worker status and loss of parental job, as well as preservation of the structure of children's daily experiences with the Family Routines Inventory. Results Sixty-one percent of families' incomes were below the living wage and 50% had at least one parent who was an essential worker. Overall, preschoolers’ depressive and externalizing symptoms were elevated compared to pre-COVID norms. Practice of family routines robustly predicted better child mental health, and this protective effect persisted after covarying income, dual-parent status and food insecurity as well as maternal depression and stress. Conclusion The stress of the COVID-19 pandemic is exacting a significant toll on the mental health of preschool children. Importantly, maintaining a structured, predicable home environment by adherence to family routines appears to mitigate these adverse effects, providing empiric basis for public health recommendations.
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COVID-19 presents significant social, economic, and medical challenges. Because COVID-19 has already begun to precipitate huge increases in mental health problems, clinical psychological science must assert a leadership role in guiding a national response to this secondary crisis. In this article, COVID-19 is conceptualized as a unique, compounding, multidimensional stressor that will create a vast need for intervention and necessitate new paradigms for mental health service delivery and training. Urgent challenge areas across developmental periods are discussed, followed by a review of psychological symptoms that likely will increase in prevalence and require innovative solutions in both science and practice. Implications for new research directions, clinical approaches, and policy issues are discussed to highlight the opportunities for clinical psychological science to emerge as an updated, contemporary field capable of addressing the burden of mental illness and distress in the wake of COVID-19 and beyond.
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In the context of rising disasters worldwide and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, this commentary considers the implications of findings in resilience science on children and youth for disaster preparation and response. The multisystem challenges posed by disasters are illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss the significance of disasters in the history of resilience science and the emergence of a unifying systems definition of resilience. Principles of a multisystem perspective on resilience and major findings on what matters for young people in disasters are delineated with reference to the pandemic. Striking parallels are noted in the psychosocial resilience factors identified at the level of individual children, families, schools, and communities. These parallels suggest that adaptive capacities associated with resilience in these interacting systems reflect interconnected networks and processes that co-evolved and may operate in concert. As resilience science moves toward integrated theory, knowledge, and applications in practice, particularly in disaster risk reduction and resilience promotion, more focus will be needed on multisystem and multidisciplinary research, communication, training, and planning.
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Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is profoundly affecting life around the globe. Isolation, contact restrictions and economic shutdown impose a complete change to the psychosocial environment in affected countries. These measures have the potential to threaten the mental health of children and adolescents significantly. Even though the current crisis can bring with it opportunities for personal growth and family cohesion, disadvantages may outweigh these benefits. Anxiety, lack of peer contact and reduced opportunities for stress regulation are main concerns. Another main threat is an increased risk for parental mental illness, domestic violence and child maltreatment. Especially for children and adolescents with special needs or disadvantages, such as disabilities, trauma experiences, already existing mental health problems, migrant background and low socioeconomic status, this may be a particularly challenging time. To maintain regular and emergency child and adolescent psychiatric treatment during the pandemic is a major challenge but is necessary for limiting long-term consequences for the mental health of children and adolescents. Urgent research questions comprise understanding the mental health effects of social distancing and economic pressure, identifying risk and resilience factors, and preventing long-term consequences, including-but not restricted to-child maltreatment. The efficacy of telepsychiatry is another highly relevant issue is to evaluate the efficacy of telehealth and perfect its applications to child and adolescent psychiatry. Conclusion: There are numerous mental health threats associated with the current pandemic and subsequent restrictions. Child and adolescent psychiatrists must ensure continuity of care during all phases of the pandemic. COVID-19-associated mental health risks will disproportionately hit children and adolescents who are already disadvantaged and marginalized. Research is needed to assess the implications of policies enacted to contain the pandemic on mental health of children and adolescents, and to estimate the risk/benefit ratio of measures such as home schooling, in order to be better prepared for future developments.
Interest in resilience is surging in research, policy and practice as threats from disasters rise and humanity confronts a global pandemic. This commentary highlights the importance of defining resilience for portability across system levels and disciplines in order to integrate knowledge and prepare adequately for the challenges posed to children and youth by multisystem disasters. A scalable definition of resilience is recommended: The capacity of a dynamic system to adapt successfully to challenges that threaten the function, survival or development of the system. Major determinants of adaptation among young people in the context of disaster are highlighted, including variations in adversity exposure dose, developmental timing, individual differences and the socio‐ecological systems of children's lives that can be mobilised in response. Adaptation of children in disasters depends on the resilience of interconnected systems, including families, schools, communities and policy sectors. Implications of a multisystem perspective for disaster risk reduction and preparedness are discussed with a focus on nurturing the resilience of children and their societies for challenges in the near term and long into the future.
Background Early pubertal maturation has been posited to be a biopsychosocial risk factor for the onset of internalizing psychopathology in adolescence; further, early-maturing youth exhibit heightened reactivity to stressful events. School closures and enforced social distancing, as well as health and financial uncertainties, during the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to adversely affect mental health in youth, particularly adolescents who are already at risk for experiencing emotional difficulties. The executive control network (ECN) supports cognitive processes required to successfully navigate novel challenges and regulate emotions in stressful contexts. Methods We examined whether functional coherence of the ECN, measured using resting-state fMRI five years before the pandemic (at T1), is a neurobiological marker of resilience to increases in the severity of internalizing symptoms during COVID-19 in adolescents who were in more advanced stages of puberty at T1 relative to their same-age peers (N=85; 49 F). Results On average, participants reported an increase in symptoms from the three months prior to pandemic to the two most recent weeks during the pandemic. We found that early-maturing youth exhibited greater increases in internalizing symptoms during the pandemic if their ECN coherence was low; in contrast, relative pubertal stage was not associated with changes in internalizing symptoms in adolescents with higher ECN coherence at T1. Conclusions These findings highlight the role of the functional architecture of the brain that supports executive functioning in protecting against risk factors that may exacerbate symptoms of internalizing psychopathology during periods of stress and uncertainty.
Background: Stress and compromised parenting often place children at risk of abuse and neglect. Child maltreatment has generally been viewed as a highly individualistic problem by focusing on stressors and parenting behaviors that impact individual families. However, because of the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), families across the world are experiencing a new range of stressors that threaten their health, safety, and economic well-being. Objective: This study examined the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to parental perceived stress and child abuse potential. Participants and setting: Participants included parents (N = 183) with a child under the age of 18 years in the western United States. Method: Tests of group differences and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were employed to assess the relationships among demographic characteristics, COVID-19 risk factors, mental health risk factors, protective factors, parental perceived stress, and child abuse potential. Results: Greater COVID-19 related stressors and high anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated with higher parental perceived stress. Receipt of financial assistance and high anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated with higher child abuse potential. Conversely, greater parental support and perceived control during the pandemic are associated with lower perceived stress and child abuse potential. Results also indicate racial and ethnic differences in COVID-19 related stressors, but not in mental health risk, protective factors, perceived stress, or child abuse potential. Conclusion: Findings suggest that although families experience elevated stressors from COVID-19, providing parental support and increasing perceived control may be promising intervention targets.