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Selective predation for low body condition at the larval-juvenile transition of a coral reef fish


Abstract and Figures

Mortality is known to be high during the transition from larval to juvenile life stages in organisms that have complex life histories. We are only just beginning to understand the processes that influence which individuals survive this period of high mortality, and which traits may be beneficial. Here we document a field experiment that examines the selectivity of predation immediately following settlement to the juvenile population in a common tropical fish, Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae). Newly metamorphosed fish were tagged and randomly placed onto replicated patches of natural habitat cleared of resident fishes. After exposure to transient predators for 3 days, fish were recollected and the attributes of survivors from patch reefs that sustained high mortality were compared to individuals from patch reefs that experienced low mortality. Seven characteristics of individuals, which were indicative of previous and present body condition, were compared between groups. Predation was found to be selective for fish that grew slowly in the latter third of their larval phase, were low in total lipids, and had a high standardized weight (Fulton's K). Traits developed in the larval phase can strongly influence the survival of individuals over this critical transition period for organisms with complex life cycles.
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Oecologia (2004) 139: 2329
DOI 10.1007/s00442-004-1489-3
Andrew S. Hoey
Mark I. McCormick
Selective predation for low body condition at the larval-juvenile
transition of a coral reef fish
Received: 10 June 2003 / Accepted: 19 December 2003 / Published online: 6 February 2004
# Springer-Verlag 2004
Abstract Mortality is known to be high during the
transition from larval to juvenile life stages in organisms
that have complex life histories. We are only just
beginning to understand the processes that influence
which individuals survive this period of high mortality,
and which traits may be beneficial. Here we document a
field experiment that examines the selectivity of predation
immediately following settlement to the juvenile popula-
tion in a common tropical fish, Pomacentrus amboinensis
(Pomacentridae). Newly metamorphosed fish were tagged
and randomly placed onto replicated patches of natural
habitat cleared of resident fishes. After exposure to
transient predators for 3 days, fish were recollected and
the attributes of survivors from patch reefs that sustained
high mortality were compared to individuals from patch
reefs that experienced low mortality. Seven characteristics
of individuals, which were indicative of previous and
present body condition, were compared between groups.
Predation was found to be selective for fish that grew
slowly in the latter third of their larval phase, were low in
total lipids, and had a high standardized weight (Fultons
K). Traits developed in the larval phase can strongly
influence the survival of individuals over this critical
transition period for organisms with complex life cycles.
Keywords Metamorphosis
Condition at settlement
Selective mortality
Larval growth history
mortality hypothesis
The selective loss of individuals from a population is the
foundation of the theory of natural selection (Roff 1992).
As an organism grows, its habits change, as do the
mortality agents that influence selection and, conse-
quently, the species patterns of abundance. Understanding
the selective loss of individuals throughout their life cycle
is fundamental to our understanding of population regu-
Processes influencing which individuals survive to
reproduce are complicated by a major transitional stage
in organisms that have complex life histories (e.g. many
plants, insects, marine invertebrates and fish, and
amphibians; Werner 1988; Pechenik et al. 1998). This
transition between developmental stages is often rapid and
is typically accompanied by morphological, physiological
and behavioural changes as the organism adapts to its new
environment (Wilbur 1980; McCormick and Makey 1997;
McCormick et al. 2002). These changes are energetically
costly and bring a new set of challenges for developing
organisms, which may influence their probabilities of
survival. Typically, only a very small fraction of the total
offspring produced actually survives the larval or propa-
gule stage to metamorphose into juveniles (Jansen 1971;
Bailey and Houde 1989; Morgan 1995). Hence, small
changes in the way mortality agents act can greatly
influence the number of individuals reaching the juvenile
phase (Houde 1987; Pepin and Myers 1991), and the
phenotypes of those individuals. Despite this, few studies
have examined the strength and direction of selective loss
of individuals at this crucial transition between larval and
juvenile developmental stages.
Most marine reef fishes have complex life cycles, where
a relatively sedentary reef-associated adult produces larvae
that spend a number of weeks in the plankton, prior to
settling onto the reef to join the juvenile population.
Although mortality is almost absolute in the larval phase
(Leis 1991), those that do survive suffer high losses
immediately following settlement (Webster 2002). Up-
wards of 57% of juvenile coral reef fishes may die within
the first 2 days after settlement (Webster and Almany,
submitted). Of those that survive this initially high
mortality, few survive through to maturity (e.g. Jones
1990). Selective forces are therefore strongest in the larval
A. S. Hoey (*)
M. I. McCormick
School of Marine Biology and Aquaculture,
James Cook University,
Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia
Tel.: +61-747-815729
Fax: +61-747-251570
stage and immediately after settlement to the reef,
suggesting that the transition between stages is a critical
period (McCormick 1998; Searcy and Sponaugle 2001;
McCormick and Hoey 2004).
Clearly all fish larvae do not have an equal chance of
survival, instead varying in traits that may influence their
susceptibility to mortality (Ferron and Leggett 1994). This
variation is initially driven by parental contributions,
which may be modified by environmental conditions
experienced throughout the life cycle. If this initial
variation is maintained, then fast-growing larvae will be
larger and thus potentially less vulnerable to predators than
slower-growing larvae of the same age (the bigger-is-
better hypothesis; Miller et al. 1988; Bailey and Houde
1989). Consequently, they will be the first to achieve
juvenile form and settle, reducing the period they are
exposed to planktonic predators (the stage-duration
hypothesis; sensu Leggett and Deblois 1994). Advantages
obtained in the larval phase are believed to extend into the
juvenile phase to influence an individual s probability of
survival (Sogard 1997). Recent studies of tropical reef
fishes have suggested that advantages gained prior to
hatching are positively correlated to larval growth and
dictate survival in later life stages (Vigliola and Meekan
2002). Variations in larval growth rates have also been
demonstrated to influence the number of larvae surviving
up to settlement (Bergenius et al. 2002; Wilson and
Meekan 2002). However, few studies have examined
selection at the larval-juvenile transition for reef fishes
(but see Searcy and Sponaugle 2001; Shima and Findlay
2002). We explore this issue for a common coral reef fish.
Characteristics that may be influential in determining
survival during and immediately after the settlement
transition include size (Booth 1995; McCormick and
Hoey 2004), prior growth history (Shima and Findlay
2002), lipid content (Booth and Hixon 1999; Booth and
Alquezar 2002), sensory development (McCormick 1993)
and burst swimming speed (McCormick and Molony
1993). All of these traits have been found to display high
levels of variability within a species on a range of spatial
and temporal scales (Wellington and Victor 1989;
McCormick and Molony 1993; McCormick 1994; Spo-
naugle and Cowen 1994, 1997; Kerrigan 1996; Searcy and
Sponaugle 2000). It is upon this phenotypic variation
amongst individuals that selective processes act. If mor-
tality at settlement is selective with respect to some aspects
of individual quality, then settlers in better condition
should contribute proportionately more to the juvenile
population than those in poor condition (Suthers 1998).
The present study examines the selectivity of mortality
immediately following settlement in a common tropical
damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae).
Here we use a short-term experiment to examine whether
mortality is selective with respect to seven measures of
fish quality. Results indicate that prior growth history,
manifested as growth rate and lipid levels, strongly affects
the survival of fishes in a patch reef habitat.
Materials and methods
Study site and species
The study was conducted at Lizard Island (14°38S, 145°28E) on
the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia during November 1998.
The model species was Pomacentrus amboinensis, a ubiquitous
pomacentrid that typically settles in high numbers to a variety of
habitats, from sheltered lagoons to exposed windward reefs, on the
northern Great Barrier Reef (Kerrigan 1994). P. amboinensis has a
pelagic larval duration of 1523 days and settles at 10.315.1 mm
standard length (Wellington and Victor 1989; Kerrigan 1996) with
its juvenile body plan largely complete, and undergoes a rapid (less
than 12 h) change in body pigmentation (McCormick and Makey
1997; McCormick et al. 2002). P. amboinensis is found at highest
densities when associated with small patch reefs at the base of
shallow reefs and, once settled, these omnivorous pomacentrids are
relatively site-attached, making them ideal for field experiments.
Field experiment design
To determine the selectivity of mortality immediately following
settlement, a field experiment was conducted on 15 patch reefs
(approximately 0.7×0.7×0.7 m) on the leeward side of Lizard Island.
A random sample of newly metamorphosed fish was placed on
patch reefs surrounded by sand and exposed to natural predation.
After 3 days, the period of highest mortality for this species
(McCormick and Hoey 2004), fish were recollected and the body
condition of individuals from patch reefs that sustained high
mortality was compared to those that sustained low mortality.
Newly metamorphosed P. amboinensis were caught using light
traps as they came into the vicinity of the reef to settle (for design
see Stobutzki and Bellwood 1997). Traps were anchored on the
leeward side of Lizard Island in approximately 16 m of water,
positioned so that the collection slots were 1 m below the surface.
Fish were removed from the traps at 0730 hours, returned to the
laboratory and maintained in 40 l aquaria with running seawater for
4 h. Three hundred individuals captured in a single night were each
transferred to a small clip-seal plastic bag to avoid scale damage and
tagged through the bag with a fluorescent subcutaneous elastomer
tattoo (Northwest Marine Technologies Inc.) using a 29-gauge
hypodermic needle. A detailed study of this tagging technique
showed that tagging had no significant effects on mortality or
growth over a 2-week period, and that tags had a 100% retention
rate (Hoey 1999).
The patch reefs used in the experiment were of similar size and
structural complexity, and composed of a combination of live and
dead Pocillopora damicornis, known to be a preferred habitat for the
species (Öhman et al. 1998). These were positioned on a sand flat in
3 m of water, 15 m from the edge of the nearest reef. Reefs were
arranged in a five by three matrix with adjacent reefs being
separated by 8 m. Immediately prior to releasing the tagged fish, the
patch reefs were cleared of all fishes and potential invertebrate
predators using a fence net, small hand nets and clove oil.
Twenty randomly selected, tagged fish were released onto each of
the 15 patch reefs. This density is representative of the natural levels
observed during settlement pulses at Lizard Island, where densities
on similar-sized patches may reach up to 65 recruits (McCormick,
unpublished data). Newly settled fish on adjacent reefs were tagged
with a different colour so that migration between reefs, or settlement
of new individuals, could be detected. A visual census shortly after
releasing the fish revealed that all individuals were associated with
their experimental patch reef. Only two individuals were found to
have migrated to an adjacent patch reef during the 3-day experiment.
No tagged individuals were observed during a census of the adjacent
contiguous reef at the conclusion of the experiment.
After 3 days, reefs were re-censused and were categorized
according to the survival of tagged fish: high (>75% survival; range
n=4); intermediate (5075% survival; n=7); or low (<50%
survival; range 2545%, n=4). There was no spatial gradient in
survivorship among the patch reefs with respect to distance from the
contiguous reef or position within the patch reef matrix. Due to the
lack of resident predators, mortality among reefs was a consequence
of action by transient piscivores. These predators include lizardfish
(Synodus spp.) and juvenile lutjanids (primarily Lutjanus gibbus),
which are known to prey on recently settled reef fishes (Sweatman
1984, 1993) and were observed in the vicinity of patch reefs during
censuses. Fish from four reefs classified as having high survivorship
(>75% survival) and four reefs classified as having low survivorship
(<50% survival) were collected using a fence net, small hand nets
and clove oil, before being killed by cold shock and subsequently
frozen prior to processing. Fish from the high survivorship patch
reefs were used as a control group, representing a random sample
of the fish released onto the reefs, followed by 3 days of growth.
Fish from the low survivorship reefs represent a subset of the initial
sample, which had been exposed to high levels of predation.
Condition measures
The selectivity of mortality was assessed with respect to seven
measures of morphology and body condition: standard length (SL,
mm); wet weight (mg); Fultons condition index [K=(wet weight,
kg)/(SL, m)
]; sagittal otolith radius at settlement (a proxy for
relative size at settlement; μm); pre-settlement growth (mean width
of the last seven increments prior to the settlement mark; μm day
post-settlement growth (mean width of the three increments after the
settlement mark; μm day
); and total lipid content (mg g
body weight). Otolith increment width was used as a proxy for fish
growth, which is based on the assumption that there is a strong
relationship between somatic and otolith growth. This is a generally
held assumption that is supported by a number of studies (e.g.
Suthers 1998; Campana 1999), and a positive linear relationship
between otolith radius and standard length has been demonstrated
for Pomacentrus amboinensis (11.318.4 mm SL, n=292, r=0.86;
Hoey 1999). Cross-sections of the sagittal otoliths were produced
following the protocol of Wilson and McCormick (1997). Increment
measurements were made along the longest axis of the otolith, from
the nucleus to the outer-most complete ring, using a high power
compound microscope with polarized transmitted light, linked to a
computer image analysis system (Sigma Scan). Furthermore, the
formation of daily otolith increments has been validated in recently
settled P. amboinensis (Pitcher 1988) and it is assumed that pre-
settlement increments are also deposited on a daily basis. A
conspicuous settlement mark, which is formed in this species
(Wilson and McCormick 1997), was used as a reference point for
the division between larval and post-settlement increments.
The total lipid content of each fish was determined gravime-
trically using chloroform-methanol extraction. Fish were freeze-
dried and weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg then homogenized in 2 ml
of distilled water. Lipid was extracted from duplicate 500 μl aliquots
of each sample of homogenate using the methods of Bligh and Dyer
(1959) and Mann and Gallagher (1985). Aliquots of 1 ml solvent
extract were dried to a constant weight at 60°C and weighed to the
nearest 0.01 mg. The mean of the duplicates was expressed as total
lipid in mg g
dry weight. The coefficient of variation between
duplicates was less than 14% for all samples.
The frequency distributions of condition measures from fish within
low survival patch reefs were compared to those from the high
survival patch reefs using Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample tests
(K-S test). Frequency distributions were compared, rather than mean
values, as selective processes operate on trait distributions and are
not always reflected in changes in the mean value of the trait (Miller
1997). Correlations and partial correlations (controlling for standard
length) among the seven condition measures were also examined.
Variability in condition
The total lipid content of Pomacentrus amboinensis
collected from control reefs was the most variable of the
seven condition measures (Table 1). Wet weight, post-
settlement otolith growth rate and Fultons K displayed
moderate levels of variation. In contrast, both measures of
fish length (standard length and otolith radius at settle-
ment) were the least variable among fish (Table 1).
Selectivity of early post-settlement mortality
A comparison of the frequency distributions of individual
traits between high (control) and low survivorship reefs
suggested that mortality had been selective toward three
attributes: total lipid content, pre-settlement otolith growth
rate and Fultons K (Table 2). The frequency distributions
for standard length, wet weight, relative size at settlement
(i.e. otolith size at settlement) and post-settlement growth
rates did not differ between treatments, suggesting that
predators were not selective for these traits in this habitat
(Table 2).
A comparison of the distributions of total lipid content
between treatments suggested that individuals that had low
lipid levels were selectively preyed upon (Table 2;
Fig. 1a). The proportion of fish with total lipid content
less than 150 mg g
dry weight was substantially greater
for high survival (52.2%) than low survival (13.3%) reefs.
Similarly, predation appeared to be selective towards fish
with low pre-settlement otolith growth rates (Table 2;
Fig. 1b). High survivorship reefs had a greater proportion
of individuals with pre-settlement otolith growth rates
below 19 μm day
than low survivorship reefs (41.8%
and 23.3% respectively).
Table 1 Summary of the vari-
ability in seven measures of
body condition for Pomacentrus
amboinensis that have been
settled on patch reefs for 3 days
and sustained low levels of
mortality ( n=67)
Condition measure Mean Range CV
Standard length (mm) 12.4 11.313.7 4.0
Wet weight (mg) 63.5 36.4110.5 25.4
Fultons K 32.7 21.643.1 16.5
Otolith radius at settlement (μm) 247.7 201.7282.0 6.3
Pre-settlement otolith growth rate ( μm day
) 19.6 16.725.0 9.1
Post-settlement otolith growth rate (μm day
) 6.0 3.78.9 17.8
Total lipid (mg g
) 155.9 45.1373.3 43.5
In contrast, fish from the low survivorship reefs had
lower values of Fultons K than those from high
survivorship reefs (Fig. 1c). The proportion of fish with
Fultons K greater than 33.0 was substantially greater for
high survival (49.3%) than low survival (20.0%) reefs.
This suggests that the P. amboinensis that survived high
predation pressure were those of lower bulk.
Comparison of measures of condition
Correlations among the seven measures of condition were
generally weak, with the exception of relationships
between morphological measures and their derivative,
Fultons K (Table 3). Total lipid content of P. amboinensis
was negatively related to standard length (Table 3),
suggesting that smaller recruits had a tendency to have a
higher proportion of lipid than larger recruits. Not
surprisingly, there was a strong relationship between pre-
settlement growth and relative size at settlement (i.e.
otolith size at settlement). Interestingly, there was no
relationship between pre- and post-settlement otolith
growth. However, there was a negative relationship
between relative size at settlement and post-settlement
otolith growth, suggesting that there may be some
compensatory growth occurring. The relationships
among condition measures remained relatively unchanged
after removing the effects of standard length (Table 3).
Mortality of Pomacentrus amboinensis was found to be
selective at settlement. In this patch reef habitat, it appears
that transient predators selectively removed individuals
with lower lipid levels, slower pre-settlement growth and
higher Fultons K. Thus, processes that affect the condition
of individuals during the pelagic larval phase not only
influence the strength of cohorts (e.g. Bergenius et al.
2002; Wilson and Meekan 2002) but also the survival
probabilities of settling individuals within a cohort.
The absence of different post-settlement growth rates
between reefs, together with the short duration of the
experiment, suggests that the observed differences in
condition between high and low survival populations were
present at settlement and were not simply the result of a
density-dependent reduction in competition in the low
survival populations. The growth of juvenile coral reef
Table 2 Comparison of the frequency distributions of seven
measures of body condition for P. amboinensis between two groups
of fish from the same settlement cohort: one that sustained high
mortality (n=30), the other that sustained low mortality (n=67). The
results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample tests are summarized
Condition measure D statistic Kolmogorov-SmirnovZ Significance level
Standard length (mm) 0.121 0.553 0.920
Wet weight (mg) 0.290 1.320 0.061
Fultons K 0.326 1.483 0.025*
Otolith size at settlement (μm) 0.178 0.809 0.530
Pre-settlement otolith growth rate ( μm day
) 0.306 1.395 0.041*
Post-settlement otolith growth rate (μm day
) 0.193 0.876 0.426
Total lipid (mg g
) 0.498 2.267 6.9×10
*P< 0.05; **P<0.01; ***P< 0.001
Fig. 1ac Comparison of the frequency distributions of three
measures of body condition between newly settled Pomacentrus
amboinensis exposed to high levels of predation (open bars, n=30)
and those exposed to low levels of predation (solid bars , n=67). a
Total lipid content (mg g
dry body weight); b otolith growth rates
(μm day
) for the 7 days prior to settlement; c Fultons condition
index (weight/length
fishes has been shown to be density dependent within
naturally occurring densities, but these effects are only
evident weeks to months after settlement (e.g. Doherty
1982; Victor 1986; Jones 1987; Forrester 1990). Further-
more, food deprivation experiments have shown that there
is a considerable lag in the response of various condition
measures, including total lipid content and Fultons K,in
both juvenile (Weber et al. 2003) and adult fishes (Molony
and Sheaves 1998). The generality of this time lag in the
response of lipid content and Fultons K to feeding levels
suggests that the present results are likely to be the
consequence of selective mortality.
Few previous studies have examined the selectivity of
mortality immediately after settlement, particularly with
respect to body condition. Searcy and Sponaugle (2001)
used the width of the metamorphic band in the otolith of
two Caribbean wrasse species (Halichoeres bivittatus and
Thalassoma bifasciatum) as a measure of body condition
at settlement. The width of this band is thought to
represent growth during a 3- to 5-day period of non-
feeding whilst individuals are buried in the sand
metamorphosing, a common phenomenon amongst
wrasses (Sponaugle and Cowen 1997). By comparing
newly settled fish with fish 6 or more days after
settlement, they suggested that mortality was selective
for body condition. Similarly, higher total lipid content
increased the survival of a Caribbean damselfish,
Stegastes partitus for the period 717 days after settlement
(Booth and Hixon 1999). The lipid levels of recently
settled individuals were manipulated in aquaria by feeding
them either a high or low ration diet for a period of 7 days.
Fish fed a high-ration diet exhibited higher survivorship
than individuals from the low-ration diet when exposed to
a piscivorous fish in an aquarium or released onto a reef
for 10 days (Booth and Hixon 1999). These findings
suggest that if the differences in condition of individuals at
settlement are maintained, the advantages gained in the
larval phase may extend several weeks after settlement. In
contrast, experimental trials have shown predation by
lizardfish, Synodus variegatus, on newly settled goatfish,
Upeneus tragula, to be non-selective with respect to total
lipid content (McCormick and Kerrigan 1996). This lack
of selectivity was attributed to the ambush capture strategy
employed by the predator (Sweatman 1984). In general it
appears that body condition, in the form of available or
excess energy, is important for reef fish at settlement and
may determine which individuals survive this period of
high selection.
Our findings support recent studies from a range of reef
systems that have found that larval growth is important for
survival immediately after settlement. Higher larval
growth rates have been shown to increase the survival
probability of a temperate serranid Paralabrax clathratus
during the first 5 days after settlement (Shima and Findlay
2002). High pre-settlement growth rates have also been
found to enhance survival of one Caribbean wrasse (H.
bivittatus) but not another (T. bifasciatum) during their
first 2 weeks on the reef (Searcy and Sponaugle 2001).
Furthermore, the results of a caging experiment that
manipulated access by different size classes of predators to
newly settled P. amboinensis suggested that, in almost all
cases, predation was selective for individuals with low
pre-settlement growth (McCormick and Hoey 2004). Pre-
settlement growth appears to play an important role in
post-settlement survival in most species studied to date.
Interestingly, P. amboinensis with higher Fultons K
suffered greater mortality than those that had lower weight
to length ratios. This result is surprising as Fultons K is a
starvation-dependent index, with higher K values thought
to represent fish in better condition (Suthers 1998). In
contrast to the present study, Booth and Hixon (
reported a positive relationship between Fultons K and
survivorship for recently settled S. partitus. This incon-
sistency may be related to a difference in growth form
between the two species, exposure to predators who
exhibit different prey preferences, or simply by the actions
of selective predation targeted toward one or more traits
that have negative associations with Fultons K. Irrespec-
tive of the process, the effectiveness of Fultons K as a
measure of condition at developmental boundaries is
Our study found no obvious advantage to being large at
settlement. Evidence to date suggests that size does not
always influence the survival probabilities of newly settled
fishes. Larger initial size was found to increase survival of
recently settled domino damselfish, Dascyllus albisella in
one year of a 2-year study (Booth 1995). McCormick and
Hoey (2004) monitored the fate of naturally settled P.
Table 3 Correlations among seven measures of condition ofP. amboinensis recruits from low mortality patch reefs 3 days after settlement.
Pearson correlation coefficients are given. Partial correlations controlling for standard length are given in parentheses. n=67
Wet weight Fultons K Size at
Standard length 0.831*** 0.519*** 0.337*** 0.092 0.007 0.355**
Wet weight 0.898***(0.982***) 0.164( 0.222) 0.012(0.161) 0.092(0.156) 0.221(0.143)
FultonsK 0.026(0.185) 0.100(0.174) 0.135(0.162) 0.064(0.150)
Size at settlement 0.544***(0.547***) 0.276*(0.291*) 0.153(0.038)
Pre-settlement growth 0.052(0.052) 0.153(0.129)
Post-settlement growth 0.110(0.120)
*P<0.05; **P <0.01; ***P<0.001
amboinensis on a contiguous reef and showed that
individuals who were slightly larger at settlement
(<1 mm SL difference) had improved survival probabil-
ities. In contrast, Searcy and Sponaugle (2001) found that
otolith length at settlement (a proxy for size at settlement)
did not influence survival of two wrasses, H. bivittatus and
T. bifasciatum. Predation by lizardfish, S. variegatus,on
newly settled goatfish, U. tragula, has also been found to
be non-selective for size (McCormick and Kerrigan 1996).
These contrasting results suggest that predation is not
always directed toward size, and that the relationships
among the various morphological and biochemical aspects
of condition that influence survival may determine
whether size is found to be important or not.
Generally, studies have found poor relationships
between measures of condition, suggesting that selection
with respect to one trait has little influence on the patterns
of variability in other traits (McCormick and Molony
1993; Kerrigan 1996). Morphological measures of condi-
tion, including Fultons K, have been found to be both
positively (Booth 1995; Booth and Hixon 1999) and
negatively (McCormick and Molony 1993, present study)
related to total lipid content in coral reef fishes at
settlement. In addition, Kerrigan (1996) found that the
relationships among morphological variables and total
lipid levels changed among three recruitment seasons and
between species for two congeneric damselfish, P.
amboinensis and P. nagasakiensis. These relationships
are not surprising, given the different ecological functions
of growth, tissue energy and morphological indices.
However, these studies do suggest that caution is required
in inferring the significance of selection toward a trait (e.g.
size) in relation to other measures of condition, particu-
larly when the relationships among body condition
measures are unknown.
Our present inability to assess biochemical and phys-
iological measures of condition non-destructively or in
retrospect has restricted our focus to using readily
measurable morphological traits as indicators of condition
(but see Booth and Hixon 1999; Booth and Alquezar
2002). The importance of size at a particular developmen-
tal stage has been emphasized in the literature, with the
extension of the bigger-is-better hypothesis, developed
from larval research (Leggett and Deblois 1994), to the
juvenile phase (Sogard 1997). This importance of size
pervades the literature of many other organisms that
exhibit complex life cycles (e.g. tadpoles: Tejedo 1993;
marine snails: Moran and Emlet 2001). Part of this
emphasis on size is that many performance characteristics
have been related to size (Bailey and Houde 1989; Fuiman
and Higgs 1997). However, these relationships can break
down once developmental stage is accounted for (e.g.
Neilson et al. 1986; McCormick and Molony 1993). In the
present study, size and the proxy for size at settlement
(otolith radius at settlement) were the least variable of the
traits measured, with measures of body condition (i.e. lipid
levels, pre- and post-settlement growth and Fultons K)
showing 210 times as much variability. A re-examination
of a similar dataset for newly metamorphosed goatfish, U.
tragula (McCormick and Molony 1993), shows the same
trend in variability, with the lowest variability in standard
length (5.5% CV), and 3
6 times as much variability in
measures of body condition and performance (total lipid
content 31.4% CV, Fultons K 17.6% CV, burst speed
24.4% CV). It may be that selectivity directed toward
other aspects of body condition and performance may be
more important than size, but size is the only variable
measured under the usually untested and possibly
unfounded assumption that other measures of quality
will be positively correlated with size.
This study indicates that the condition of coral reef fish
at settlement has important ramifications for their
subsequent survival and recruitment to the adult popula-
tion. Although total lipid content and pre-settlement
growth rates influenced the survival of newly settled P.
amboinensis, the poor correlation between condition
measures suggests that no single measure comprehen-
sively describes the quality of an individual at settlement
(Ferron and Leggett 1994). Predatorprey and competi-
tive interactions tend to be species-specific and may
respond differently to particular components of condition.
Therefore, when assessing condition it is necessary to
consider a variety of measures to adequately describe the
relative fitness of an individual.
Acknowledgements Thanks to S. Stoute, J. Pit, S. Holst and D.
Wilson for their assistance in the field and laboratory. We are
grateful to C. Fulton, J. Hoey and S. Smith for comments on a draft
of the manuscript. Two anonymous reviewers provided useful
comments on the manuscript. We are indebted to the staff at the
Lizard Island Research Station, a facility of the Australian Museum,
for their assistance with the project. This project was funded through
a CRC Augmentative grant to A.S.H. and an Australian Research
Council grant to M.I.M. This study was conducted under the
approval of the James Cook University ethics board.
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... Fishes living within tropical, shallow-water seascapes persist in spatially and temporally dynamic complex mosaics with a diverse array of habitats available at any given time (Chong-Seng et al. 2012;Guest et al. 2016;Sambrook et al. 2019). For larval and recently-settled fish that are vulnerable to predation (e.g. , Jones 1990;Webster 2002;Hoey and McCormick 2004), selection of suitable habitat is critical for survival to juvenile and adult life stages (Nemeth 1998;Aburto-Oropeza et al. 2007). Fish population sizes, and the ecosystem services they provide (e.g., fisheries production; Wilson et al. 2022), can therefore be linked to the availability of suitable recruitment habitats (Doherty 2002;Aburto-Oropeza et al. 2007;Nagelkerken et al. 2015;Wilson et al. 2016). ...
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A habitat’s structural complexity is a key determinant of the recruitment and composition of associated communities. While the influence of the physical structure of corals on coral reef fish recruitment is well studied, the significance of other benthic components, like macroalgae, remains unclear. We used experimental patches of the canopy-forming macroalga Sargassum to assess the influence of macroalgal complexity, which was manipulated by altering thallus density and biomass, on coral reef fish recruitment. We established twenty-five 75 × 75 cm patches on the reef flat of Orpheus Island, (inshore, central Great Barrier Reef) during austral summer. Patches were randomly divided into five treatments of varying Sargassum thallus density (3–9 thalli) and/or biomass (177–779 g per patch) and surveyed daily for recruiting fishes for 18 d. We recorded 35 fish species recruiting to our patches, with Sargassum biomass having the greatest influence on fish recruits’ abundance and species richness. Comparisons between treatments with equal thallus density but varying biomass revealed a positive association between Sargassum biomass and fish species richness and abundance (up to ~ 2.5-fold differences). Additionally, treatments with similar total Sargassum biomass but different density revealed a negative relationship between density and fish species richness and abundance (20–30% reduction). These positive associations with Sargassum thallus biomass suggest that recruiting fishes favour the fine-scale complexity of intra-thallus spaces, rather than the larger, inter-thallus gaps. This study highlights that fine-scales of complexity within tropical macroalgal beds may influence the reef fish recruitment value of these often-underappreciated areas.
... This period is particularly important for coral reef fishes, where settlement is followed by high levels of juvenile mortality, creating a life-history bottleneck that can shape reef populations and communities (Doherty et al. 2004;Almany and Webster 2006). However, the outcomes of predator-prey interactions can depend on a myriad of factors including prey boldness and escape performance (Fuiman et al. 2010;McCormick et al. 2018), size and condition of larvae (Booth and Beretta 2004;Hoey and McCormick 2004), camouflage (Mihalitsis et al. 2024), competition for refuge (Holbrook and Schmitt 2002;Bonin et al. 2009), predator density (Webster 2002; Abstract The abundance and distribution of demersal fishes rely on larvae successfully settling from the pelagic environment to a benthic habitat and their subsequent survival. With high mortality rates during this life stage, settling to a habitat that maximizes survival is critical. ...
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The abundance and distribution of demersal fishes rely on larvae successfully settling from the pelagic environment to a benthic habitat and their subsequent survival. With high mortality rates during this life stage, settling to a habitat that maximizes survival is critical. However, relationships between settlement choices and subsequent survival are poorly understood and may vary among species with different habitat preferences. To test this, we focused on five congeneric (Pomacentrus) damselfish species that are known to differ in their habitat choices and explored whether habitat associations at settlement influenced survival. Newly settled individuals were tagged and monitored daily for two weeks to estimate natural mortality rates. Morphological attributes of fish and characteristics of settlement habitats, including depth, rugosity, benthic substrata, and local fish assemblages, were used to predict mortality. We found that some species displayed stronger associations with specific benthic substrata at settlement, but contrary to expectations, these selected habitat characteristics were relatively weak predictors of survivorship. Our survival analysis revealed that the best predictors of survivorship were rugosity (P. adelus and P. amboinensis) and two morphological traits, body depth and ocellus size (P. chrysurus and P. adelus). Interestingly, we found that P. moluccensis that settled in areas of high coverage of mounding coral experienced increased mortality. Of the remaining substrata, analysis showed that instead of associating with habitat characteristics enhancing survivorship, individuals tended not to associate with habitats characteristics that increased mortality (e.g., Turbinaria and sand). This study highlights the species-specific drivers of early post-settlement mortality in coral reef fishes.
... Body size and body condition of released fish also have the potential to impact growth rates and survival within the first few months after release. Survival probability of juvenile fish increases with body size (Miller et al. 1988;Sogard 1997), as larger juveniles experience less metabolic stress and will be less susceptible to outside pressures, such as predation and competition (Werner et al. 1983;Rooker et al. 1998;Atwood et al. 2003;Hoey and McCormick 2004;McDonald et al. 2011McDonald et al. , 2015Zhang and Kieffer 2014). Red Drum with smaller body sizes have lower critical thermal maxima, making them more susceptible to hightemperature-induced mortality (Vega et al. 2003;McDonald et al. 2011). ...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's (TPWD) Marine Stock Enhancement Program has introduced an average of 20 million fingerling Red Drum Sciaenops ocellatus into bays across Texas annually since 1983. Red Drum fingerlings are released during seasons outside of wild juvenile Red Drum recruitment, exposing them to conditions that they would not normally encounter as early stage juveniles in the wild. Furthermore, releases encompass a wide range of sizes outside of the target release size of 35 mm (20-60 mm), implying that survival and growth in the wild may vary with body size and body condition upon release. This study determined the impacts of season and initial release size on overall growth rate, body condition, and survival of Red Drum fingerlings by exposing two discrete size-classes to a laboratory simulation of conditions expected to be encountered in the wild for 1 month after harvest from grow-out ponds. Fish with an initial size of 35 mm TL or greater had higher overall survival over all three seasons of release than smaller fingerlings; however, final body condition (Fulton's K) was not significant across size-classes. Growth rates of both size-classes were highest in summer, indicating that elevated temperatures can benefit fish within the full range of release sizes. Fitted multiple linear regression modeling also determined that water temperature and size-class were significant indicators of estimated growth rate. In addition, growth rates in wild fish as estimated from TPWD fisheries-independent samples were consistently lower than those in experimental fish of both size-classes during all three simulated seasons. This research suggests that releasing larger-sized (>35-mm TL) Red Drum may significantly improve survival, especially during seasons with more variable temperature conditions at the beginning and end of the TPWD hatchery release season.
... Based on body condition of kingfish in throughout eastern Australia, individuals at the Neptune Islands were of relatively good physiological status (Cox & Heintz, 2009 ;Champion et al., 2020a ) and of similar condition to kingfish from highly suitable environmental habitats (Champion et al., 2020b ). Body condition is inherently linked to the composition of healthy cells and permeability of cell membranes, and has previously been used to detect unfavourable environmental conditions (Champion et al., 2020b ), predation risk (Hoey & McCormick, 2004 ), and effects from anthropogenic stressors (Cavraro et al., 2019 ). Lack of evidence for reduced body condition despite increased activity might be due to the provisioned food source provided by the food-based operators (bait and berley), which is fed upon by kingfish (Meyer et al., 2020 ) and is of high nutritional value. ...
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Wildlife tourism can have adverse effects on the behaviours and movements of animals, with implications for the health and fitness of individuals and populations. We used acoustic-tracking to show that food-based attractants used in shark-tourism increases activity (15%) and burst behaviours (60%) in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi, n = 18). Increased activity was restricted to periods when kingfish were on the same side of the island group as berleying tourism vessels, but decreased after operators left the site. Despite the raised activity and frequency of burst swimming events, the physiological condition of kingfish (n = 39, 6 tagged, and 33 untagged) measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis remained consistent with kingfish from control sites not exposed to tourism. This suggests that kingfish were able to compensate raised energy expenditure by feeding on bait and berley used by operators or through natural foraging. We highlight that the effects of provisioning from wildlife tourism can extend beyond changes in behaviours and movements and can additionally influence the energetic condition of non-focal animals through increased activity. However, supplemental food-sources provided through wildlife tourism may be sufficient to compensate for the increased energy expenditure and lessen the effects of tourism on individual fitness and health.
... The aim of this study was to examine how levels of habitat complexity interact with olfactory predator cues in modifying the fast-start escape response of a common coral reef damselfish, Pomacentrus chrysurus, and whether the mechanism underlying the response was cortisol-related. Newly-settled damselfish were chosen as prey because the transition from pelagic larvae to settled juveniles represents a critical bottleneck where mortality is extreme [56,57]. Newly-settled P. chrysurus were reared in tanks containing one of three levels of topographic complexity for two weeks and then their fast-start responses were measured in the presence or absence of odours from a known predator. ...
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Mass coral bleaching events coupled with local stressors have caused regional-scale loss of corals on reefs globally. Following the loss of corals, the structural complexity of these habitats is often reduced. By providing shelter, obscuring visual information, or physically impeding predators, habitat complexity can influence predation risk and the perception of risk by prey. Yet little is known on how habitat complexity and risk assessment interact to influence predator-prey interactions. To better understand how prey's perception of threats may shift in degraded ecosystems, we reared juvenile Pomacentrus chrysurus in environments of various habitat complexity levels and then exposed them to olfactory risk odours before simulating a predator strike. We found that the fast-start escape responses were enhanced when forewarned with olfactory cues of a predator and in environments of increasing complexity. However, no interaction between complexity and olfactory cues was observed in escape responses. To ascertain if the mechanisms used to modify these escape responses were facilitated through hormonal pathways, we conducted whole-body cortisol analysis. Cortisol concentrations interacted with habitat complexity and risk odours, such that P. chrysurus exhibited elevated cortisol levels when forewarned with predator odours, but only when complexity levels were low. Our study suggests that as complexity is lost, prey may more appropriately assess predation risk, likely as a result of receiving additional visual information. Prey's ability to modify their responses depending on the environmental context suggests that they may be able to partly alleviate the risk of increased predator-prey interactions as structural complexity is reduced.
... It may be that predatory fishes that reside in or frequent the Sundays Estuary take advantage of larvae in a poorer condition. Existing research suggest that piscivorous fishes and birds may select fishes of poorer body condition (Tucker et al., 2016;Hoey and Mccormick, 2004). The investigation of predation on G. aestuaria under bloom conditions is suggested for further study. ...
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Eutrophication-driven harmful algal blooms (HABs) can have secondary effects on larval fishes that rely on estuaries as nurseries. However, few studies worldwide have quantified these effects despite the global rise in eutrophication. This study presents a novel approach using biochemical body condition analyses to evaluate the impact of HABs on the growth and body condition of the larvae of an estuarine resident fish. Recurrent phytoplankton blooms of Heterosigma akashiwo occur in the warm-temperate Sundays Estuary on the southeast coast of South Africa. The response in body condition and assemblage structure on larval estuarine roundherring (Gilchristella aestuaria) was measured in conjunction with bloom conditions, water quality and zooplanktonic prey and predators. Larvae and early juveniles were sampled during varying intensity levels, duration and frequency of hypereutrophic blooms. This study demonstrated that extensive HABs could significantly impact larval roundherring, G. aestuaria, by decreasing larval nutritional condition and limiting their growth, resulting in poor grow-out into the juvenile phase. Poor condition and growth may likely affect recruitment success to adult populations, and since G. aestuaria is an important forage fish and zooplanktivore, poor recruitment will hold consequences for estuarine food webs.
... Similarly, for the pomacentrid Stegastes partitus, fast larval growth rates are related to higher larval survival rates (Wilson and Meekan 2002). The findings of several other studies have corroborated the theory that fast growth rates in larvae and postsettlers lead to a higher rate of survival and, consequently, contribute to the success of recruitment (Meekan and Fortier 1996;Shima and Findlay 2002;Vigliola and Meekan 2002;Jenkins and King 2006;Hoey and McCormick 2004). Shima and Findlay (2002) showed that larval quality is related to the success of reef fish settlement and recruitment, with rapid larval growth correlated with reduced PLD and increased postsettler survival. ...
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Successful settlement and recruitment of reef fish are influenced by spatial and temporal processes and variables on distinct scales. Moreover, they require survival at various stages in different environments for species with a complex life cycle, as in the case of most reef fish. The variability in those processes can be explained by biotic and abiotic factors that affect pre and postsettlement stages. Despite the many benefits of marine protected areas (MPAs) for fish and fisheries, the positive effects of protected areas on the reproduction, settlement, and recruitment of reef fish are still unclear. The present study reviewed the biotic and abiotic factors that influence the settlement and recruitment of reef fish, especially regarding the role of MPAs in these processes. This bibliographic review shows that the larval settlement is shaped by the interaction of biological traits (e.g., life history) and environmental factors (e.g., temperature, currents), which are determinants of the life cycle and population structure of reef fish. The main contribution of MPAs to these processes is the export of eggs and larvae to adjacent regions. However, further research is needed on the issues of settlement and recruitment in the specific context of MPAs. The absence of studies on this topic, particularly how protection affects, directly and indirectly, recruitment variability and how this is reflected in the adult population, hinders MPAs objectives and seems to be a serious shortcoming in attempts to support future populations at ecologically adequate levels.
... Milicich et al., 1992) and were the most abundant species caught in light traps at the time of our study. Although P. amboinensis is considered habitat generalist, it generally settles to live coral habitat and experiences higher early post-settlement survival when associated with live coral and is highly site-attached once settled (McCormick and Makey, 1997;Hoey and McCormick 2004). ...
The combined effects of global climate change and local anthropogenic stressors are leading to increasing loss and fragmentation of habitats. On coral reefs, habitat loss has been shown to influence the abundance and composition of associated fish assemblages, yet few studies have considered how habitat fragmentation may influence reef fish populations and assemblages. Herein, we compared survival, growth and recruitment of reef fish among experimental patches composed of six similar sized colonies of finely branching Pocillopora spp. but with different degrees of fragmentation: coral colonies were clumped (unfragmented), divided into two groups (low fragmentation), three groups (moderate fragmentation) or six groups (high fragmentation). Thirty settlement-stage Pomacentrus amboinensis were tagged, released onto each of the experimental patches, and their survival monitored daily for 11 days. Abundance and species richness of all reef fishes that subsequently recruited to the patches were also recorded, and used to analyse recruitment and community composition. There were no detectable differences among fragmentation treatments in the abundance or composition of reef fish assemblages that recruited to the patches, however, fragmentation influenced the survivorship of P. amboinensis. Highest survival of P. amboinensis was recorded on the unfragmented patches (61%.11 days⁻¹) and highly fragmented habitat patches (54%.11 days⁻¹) and lowest survival on low and moderate fragmentation treatments (47% and 48%.11 days⁻¹, respectively). This suggests that there may be multiple competing processes that moderate mortality (e.g., predation) in unfragmented versus highly fragmented habitats, with moderate levels of habitat fragmentation having the greatest influence on the early post-settlement survival of corsal reef fish.
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Early life survival is critical to successful replenishment of fish populations, and hypotheses developed under the Growth-Survival Paradigm (GSP) have guided investigations of controlling processes. The GSP postulates that recruitment depends on growth and mortality rates during early life stages, as well as their duration, after which the mortality declines substantially. The GSP predicts a shift in the frequency distribution of growth histories with age towards faster growth rates relative to the initial population because slow-growing individuals are subject to high mortality (via starvation and predation). However, mortality data compiled from 387 cases published in 153 studies (1971-2022) showed that the GSP was only supported in 56% of cases. Selection against slow growth occurred in two-thirds of field studies, leaving a non-negligible fraction of cases showing either an absence of or inverse growth-selective survival, suggesting the growth-survival relationship is more complex than currently considered within the GSP framework. Stochastic simulations allowed us to assess the influence of key intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the characteristics of surviving larvae and identify knowledge gaps on the drivers of variability in growth-selective survival. We suggest caution when interpreting patterns of growth selection because changes in variance and autocorrelation of individual growth rates among cohorts can invalidate fundamental GSP assumptions. We argue that breakthroughs in recruitment research require a comprehensive, population-specific characterization of the role of predation and intrinsic factors in driving variability in the distribution and autocorrelation of larval growth rates, and of the life stage corresponding to the endpoint of pre-recruited life.
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The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) is ecologically and economically important in Chesapeake Bay. Nursery habitats, which disproportionately contribute individuals to the adult segment of populations, are essential to blue crab population dynamics.Spartina alterniflora salt marshes are productive but fragmented intertidal nursery habitats which may serve as a refuge from predation for juvenile blue crabs. However, the effects of various characteristics of salt marshes on nursery metrics, such as survival, have not been quantified. Using mesocosm experiments, we examined the effects of shoot density and water depth on juvenile blue crab survival using adult blue crabs as predators. Survival increased significantly with shoot density, whereas water depth did not affect survival. Thus, in contrast to several previous studies, water depth did not influence survival of juvenile blue crabs, possibly due to different environmental conditions from prior studies. These findings indicate that salt marsh structural complexity enhances juvenile survival, and that the beneficial effect of shallow water on juvenile survival differs by environmental conditions.
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The demography of juveniles of a small planktivorous damselfish, the humbug Dascyllus aruanus (Pomacentridae) was studied at One Tree Reef, S Great Barrier Reef. Migration was apparently rare. Survival of recruits was generally inversely related to their density but enhanced in the presence of adults. Average survival also varied among locations. Mean growth was generally depressed at high recruit densities and in the presence of adults but was enhanced by supplemental feeding. Maturation was related to size and so was influenced by effects on growth. Regulatory interactions and shortages of food may limit the size of adult populations via their effect on growth rates. Number of recruits entering the adult population under different treatments was highly modified from the pattern of initial recruit density; number of recruits that became mature by the end of the experiment was totally unrelated to their initial density. That number was reduced in the presence of adults, and was limited by the availability of food. -from Author
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The damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae) was examined on natural patch reefs of c8m2 in the lagoon of One Tree Reef, S Great Barrier Reef. Natural variation in recruitment success affects the importance of post-recruitment processes. In good recruitment years, adult densities on a substantial number of reefs may be limited by density-dependent processes, which may affect the majority of individuals in a region. Density-dependent juvenile growth may buffer adult populations on these reefs against the effects of poor recruitment years, since input may come from a number of immature age classes. Where recruitment success is always below a certain level, the dynamics of adult populations will reflect variation in recruitment success. -Author
At the beginning of the 20th century the fish fauna of Lake Michigan included seven species or stocks of native deep-water ciscoes (Coregonidae: Salmoniformes) which dominated the lake’s planktonic food web (Kitchell and Crowder, 1986). However, by the late 1960s, six of the species were extinct in the lake and only bloater, Coregonus hoyi, remained. The decline of the native cisco guild may have been caused by the combined effects of two exotic fish species: parasitism by the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, and the competition from the highly planktivorous alewife, Alosa pseudo-harengus. Competition from alewife would have been particularly intense because there was a large dietary overlap between the species. As alewife abundance increased, the abundance and size of Zooplankton declined. In response to this change, there is evidence for both ecological and morphological shifts in bloater (Crowder, 1984, 1986). Crowder (1984) presented data on gill raker number in bloaters collected in 1960, prior to the peak abundance of alewife, and in 1979, after alewife had reached their peak (Fig. 7.1). The null hypothesis that Crowder tested was one of no difference in gill raker number between the two sampling periods. He could reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there had been a significant reduction in the average number of gill rakers in bloaters over the 20 year period.
Individual Synodus englemani are mobile hunters, feeding primarily on demersal, non-schooling fishes. They change their position approximately every 4 min, and are about equally active throughout the daytime, but stop hunting about 30 min before sunset. On average one fish is attacked every 35 min and 11% of attacks are successful. Lizardfish eat 1.8 prey per day (650 per year). The mean ratio of the estimated lengths of predators and prey is 36%, giving a mean daily food intake of 12% of predator body weight. Lizardfish are occasionally chased by other small piscivores and are often harassed by large individuals belonging to potential prey species. This latter behavior restricts the area in which lizardfish hunt.
J.T. Bonner (1965) noted that the ultimate description of an organism is that of the life cycle. An organism is not the static representation of the adult we associate with taxonomic characterizations and most ecological theory, but the dynamic unfolding of the genome over ontogeny, and the consequent succession of life history stages or forms. The life cycle, of course, is also the fundamental unit of demographic analyses, and therefore a focus for considerations of ecological processes and their manifestation in evolutionary change. As Istock (1984) put it, every inference we make about the evolutionary process has some equivalent rendering within this demographic framework. Because the life cycle assumes a central position in the structure of biology, it is useful to order patterns in life cycle organization, and to ask what processes have shaped these patterns.
Publisher Summary This chapter defines important considerations in the use of condition indices as applied to marine fish larvae, and describes the present state of knowledge concerning each index. An appraisal of their relative merits is then attempted by comparing the strengths and limitations of each category. Measures of condition integrate feeding success over time, and give an indication of the probability of starvation and survival. This chapter explores that, the central purpose of measuring condition is to predict reliably survival probabilities under given food regimes in order that observed larval abundances can be used as early predictors of recruitment. The chapter illustrates that, future research on condition indices is likely to be more productive if it is devoted to the refinement of existing methods, rather than to search for the ideal condition index. The chapter concludes by providing suggestions for the use of condition indices in different situations and identifies topics requiring further research.
Costs and benefits to group living in animals may affect the fitness of individual group members and also demography of the population. The effects of grouping on the growth, survival, and attainment of maturity of juveniles of an Hawaiian coral-reef damselfish (Dascyllus albisella) were evaluated from 1987 through 1989. In this species, pelagic larvae settle (at @?14 mm total length) on coral heads, joining temporary groups of up to 15 juveniles. Groups members establish a dominance hierarchy based on size, and fish leave these groups upon reaching mature size (70 mm total length) to enter the nearby adult population. Previously, I had demonstrated that larvae preferentially join larger groups and I expected to find clear advantages to group membership. Survival, especially of smaller fish, was enhanced in large groups, but growth, especially by individuals of low social status, was reduced. Consequently, the time to reach maturity increased with group size in both years of the study, suggesting a more rapid entry into the adult population of fish in smaller groups or living alone. However, the probability of reaching mature size (a function of size-specific growth and survival) increased with group size in 1988 but not in 1987, thus indicating a benefit to group living during only one of the two years of the study. Although this study demonstrated density-dependent juvenile growth and survival, with consequent fitness effects of group living, it has also highlighted considerable inter- and intra-annual variability in these relationships. Such variability will have major consequences for predictions of the effects of juvenile ecology on the demography of organisms.