Andres Acero

Andres Acero
Tecnológico de Monterrey | ITESM

Doctor of Engineering
Professor of Industrial Engineering, Campus Puebla


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Andrés Acero is professor at Tecnologico de Monterrey and holds a PhD of Engineering at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree on Industrial Engineering from the same academic institution. His research interest lie in the area of applications of operations research, industrial ecology and systems science, ranging from theory to modelling to implementation.
Additional affiliations
January 2019 - June 2021
Sergio Arboleda University
  • Professor (Assistant)
October 2017 - February 2018
University of San Diego
  • Visiting Scholar
January 2016 - present
Los Andes University (Colombia)
  • PhD Student
January 2016 - December 2018
Los Andes University (Colombia)
Field of study
  • Engineering
August 2014 - January 2016
Los Andes University (Colombia)
Field of study
  • Industrial Engineering
January 2009 - June 2014
Los Andes University (Colombia)
Field of study
  • Industrial Engineering


Publications (39)
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Introduction Engineering professors involved in community projects strive to enhance engagement through a combination of social sciences and engineering methodologies. Recognizing the growing importance of critical methodologies, particularly those rooted in social justice and community design, researchers have explored their impact on fostering me...
Conference Paper
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La implementación de innovación usando Aprendizaje Basado en Investigación (ABI) se ha demostrado que fomenta la colaboración entre estudiantes, profesores e industria, permitiendo un intercambio de ideas y conocimientos que fortalece la conexión entre la teoría y la práctica. Por tanto, el presente documento presenta la implementación de una metod...
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Una mañana de lunes, como en cualquier semana, abrí mi ventana esperando ver el hermoso paisaje de mi pueblo, Poza Rica. Pero, esta mañana, a diferencia de las otras 5000 que habré pasado a lo largo de mi vida, el sol ya no estaba ahí. Una sombra oscura era lo que veían mis ojos que poco a poco se llenaban de lágrimas como consecuencia del humo, el...
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The work of an engineer involves the conceptualization, design, and implementation of new and improved artifacts. However, what sets engineering apart from other professions is the direct responsibility of engineers to think critically and design innovative solutions to solve complex problems in social systems. Unfortunately, the solutions often do...
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Since 2005, and thanks to the fostering of an interdisciplinary team of experts, academics, researchers, activists, engineers or related to it, the International Conference on Engineering, Social Justice and Peace arises, in the search for alternative approaches to make, live and educate in engineering. During this evolution of calendars and geogra...
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Cindy Lorena Ospina Gallego es una colombiana, ingeniera Civil de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Viajera y apasionada por el cambio social. Al igual que su iniciativa, Paz&flora, nuestra conversación tocó varios puntos: la bioingeniería como experiencia de transformación, el rol social desde la ingeniería, el agua y el saneamiento como der...
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El contexto actual de la migración venezolana en Colombia está rodeado de numerosas problemáticas a nivel social, económico y cultural. Se han evidenciado actos de rechazo hacia esta población-fenómeno social considerado como xenofobia-, situación que antes no se había percibido en el país y para la que no se encontraba pre-parada oportunamente con...
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La deserción estudiantil, entendida como el abandono total de las aulas, por parte del estudiante, durante un periodo igual o superior a un año, se encuentra influenciado por múltiples factores de tipo ético, político, social, familiar y cultural. Como consecuencia de la situación generada por la pandemia de covid-19, la cantidad de estudiantes que...
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Small-scale artisanal mining, MAPE (for its initials in Spanish), presents significant challenges and opportunities that must be analyzed systemically. To carry out the analysis, this paper proposes the PAIIO methodology (Participation, Actors, Impact, Idealized design, Opportunities), based on the Russell Ackoff Interactive Planning methodology. T...
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Un mapa interactivo que presenta un panorama de posibilidades para una práctica comprometida y abierta de la ingeniería. El mapa cuatro secciones, cada una con un video correspondiente en YouTube, que se pueden recorrer en cualquier orden. Todas las ideas presentadas son subjetivas, los autores invitan a continuar la discusión en la herramienta de...
Conference Paper
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En nuestra sociedad, no solo han cambiado las formas de producir, circular y utilizar el conocimiento de ingeniería, sino también su lugar dentro de la sociedad y la cultura. Si algo caracteriza al mundo actual es la creciente demanda de nuevas formas de aplicar ingeniería, medios de producción e innovaciones organizativas. Este cambio cobra releva...
Conference Paper
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In Colombia, the desertion average rate shows that only around half of the students that begin an undergraduate program are finishing their studies. Although several models have been developed, the results of the implementation of strategies for student retention have not been sufficiently effective. Therefore, this study focuses on the creation of...
Conference Paper
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In Colombia, poor management of the water resource creates water-related problems,. These problematic situation require sustainable engineering solutions developed by professionals with the ability to recognize global needs, teamwork and the impact of their solutions on the future of humanity. In this sense, to reinforce the processes of quality in...
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This paper explores the relevance of the action research for design of technological solutions that lead to both systemic sustainable development and active involvement of the community. The paper shows how this idea was implemented in a project for water resource conservation with educational institutions of rural areas in Colombia. Through the us...
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Esta primera edición de la Revista Internacional de Ingeniería, Justicia Social y Paz-RIIJSP-en su versión en español buscar generar una nueva plataforma de divulgación y comunicación científica alrededor de las interacciones desde una visión plural de la Ingeniería, la Justicia Social y la Paz, áreas, que quizás, desde una perspectiva tradicional...
Purpose – This study aims to present a systemic methodological proposal for the reduction of water consumption in rural areas, based on participatory tools. Design/methodology/approach – A theoretical framework was constructed based on the importance of stakeholders’ participation in the adequate use of the hydro resources, technologies to save wa...
Conference Paper
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With funding from a National Science Foundation (NSF) IUSE/PFE REvolutionizing engineering and computer science Departments (RED) grant, the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering at the University of San Diego is working to produce and disseminate a model for redefining the engineering education canon with the goal of developing “Changemaking Enginee...
Conference Paper
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Countries like Japan, South Korea, Israel and Sweden, among others, has proven that the value of a region does not depend solely from natural resources, but intellectual capital is also necessary to create capabilities towards regional development. Bogota, the biggest city of Colombia, concentrates most of the financial and human resources of the c...
Increasingly diversity researchers call for further studies of group micro-processes and dynamics to understand the paradoxical effects of diversity on group performance. In this study, based on analyses of in-group, networked, homophilous interactions, we aim to explain further the effects of diversity on group performance in a parallel problem-so...
Conference Paper
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Project-based learning (PBL) has proven to be a powerful tool for developing professional skills by creating a formative identity through active learning. In addition, in a changing and increasingly ICT-oriented world, educators should be able to include these tools in their practices. However, few studies had explored the relationship between PBL...
El aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) ha demostrado ser una poderosa herramienta para desarrollar habilidades profesionales mediante la creación de una identidad formativa a través del aprendizaje activo. Además, en un mundo cambiante y cada vez más orientado hacia las TIC, los educadores deberían involucrar estas herramientas en sus prácticas....
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The bridge between theory and practice is one of the toughest barriers that engineering students should face while working for the first time. In addition, Colombia has many prevailing needs that could be surpassed through engineering sustainable solutions. Seeking to reduce this bridge, a methodology was proposed to connect engineering students wi...
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SOBRE LA ACII Y SU PRIMER CONGRESO José Ramiro Bertieri Quintero, Director Ejecutivo de la ACII El primer programa de formación en Ingeniería Industrial en Colombia, fue fundado por el Ing. Guillermo Camacho Caro en el año de 1958 en la Universidad Industrial de Santander; estando ad portas de cumplirse 60 años de existencia, es preciso decir que...
Conference Paper
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The social and environmental development potential of countries like Colombia shows the need to articulate right from the communities, the processes and projects relevant to their territories. Furthermore when vital aspects of human health, such as access to clean water and water consumption, are also opportunities for the development of innovative...
Conference Paper
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Santa Isabel rural community is located between the municipalities of Guasca and La Calera in Colombia; it was composed of different stakeholders that coexist around the “El Asilo” creek. The people collect water from this water source for consumption and daily use. The water comes from Chingaza moorland, one of top three of water generation ecosys...
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El curso “Proyecto Intermedio Ingenieros sin Fronteras- ISF” del departamento de Ingeniería Industrial es un espacio académico para que los estudiantes universitarios, junto con estudiantes de colegios, comerciantes, emprendedores y profesionales de Cundinamarca, desarrollen proyectos de ingeniería orientados al crecimiento ambiental, social y econ...
The poster is a proposal about how to measure green transformation on micro and small business.
Conference Paper
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Teams have become, with the passage of time and the demands of the environment, in the first way through which organizations work (Gerard, 1995). Thus, the prevalence of team structures in contemporary organizations has been accompanied by a long stream of theory and empirical application. In hundreds of studies, researchers have sought to understa...
Conference Paper
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Ingenieros Sin Fronteras Colombia is an inter-institutional non-profit, conformed by Universidad de Los Andes and the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. This organization seeks to contribute to the quality of life of vulnerable communities in the Guavio region through engineering projects that are economically sustainable, culturally viable,...


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