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Water availability and environmental temperature correlate with geographic variation in water balance in common lizards


Abstract and Figures

Water-conservation strategies are well documented in species living in water-limited environments, but physiological adaptations to water availability in temperate climate environments are still relatively overlooked. Yet, temperate species are facing more frequent and intense droughts as a result of climate change. Here, we examined variation in field hydration state (plasma osmolality) and standardized evaporative water loss rate (SEWL) of adult male and pregnant female common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) from 13 natural populations with contrasting air temperature, air humidity, and access to water. We found different patterns of geographic variation between sexes. Overall, males were more dehydrated (i.e., higher osmolality) than pregnant females, which likely comes from differences in field behaviour and water intake since SEWL was similar between sexes. Plasma osmolality and SEWL rate were positively correlated with environmental temperature in males, while plasma osmolality in pregnant females did not correlate with environmental conditions, reproductive stage or reproductive effort. The SEWL rate was significantly lower in populations without access to free standing water, suggesting that lizards can adapt or adjust physiology to cope with habitat dryness. Environmental humidity did not explain variation in water balance. We suggest that geographic variation in water balance physiology and behaviour should be taken account to better understand species range limits and sensitivity to climate change.
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ISSN 0029-8549
DOI 10.1007/s00442-017-3973-6
Water availability and environmental
temperature correlate with geographic
variation in water balance in common
Andréaz Dupoué, Alexis Rutschmann,
Jean François Le Galliard, Donald
B.Miles, Jean Clobert, Dale F.DeNardo,
George A.Brusch, et al.
1 23
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DOI 10.1007/s00442-017-3973-6
Water availability andenvironmental temperature correlate
withgeographic variation inwater balance incommon lizards
AndréazDupoué1 · AlexisRutschmann2· JeanFrançoisLeGalliard1,3·
DonaldB.Miles4· JeanClobert2· DaleF.DeNardo5· GeorgeA.BruschIV5·
Received: 7 November 2016 / Accepted: 27 August 2017
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017
temperature, air humidity, and access to water. We found dif-
ferent patterns of geographic variation between sexes. Over-
all, males were more dehydrated (i.e. higher osmolality) than
pregnant females, which likely comes from differences in
field behaviour and water intake since the rate of SEWL was
similar between sexes. Plasma osmolality and SEWL rate
were positively correlated with environmental temperature
in males, while plasma osmolality in pregnant females did
not correlate with environmental conditions, reproductive
stage or reproductive effort. The SEWL rate was signifi-
cantly lower in populations without access to free standing
water, suggesting that lizards can adapt or adjust physiology
to cope with habitat dryness. Environmental humidity did
not explain variation in water balance. We suggest that geo-
graphic variation in water balance physiology and behaviour
should be taken account to better understand species range
limits and sensitivity to climate change.
Keywords Ectotherm· Osmolality· Pregnancy·
Temperature· Water loss
Water is a vital resource for animals that influences many
aspects of species’ functional traits including physiologi-
cal performance, such as locomotion and immunity, and
life history traits such as growth, reproduction and survival
(Whitehead etal. 1996; Lorenzon etal. 1999; Taylor etal.
2006; Marquis etal. 2008; Tingley etal. 2012; Moeller etal.
2013; Zylstra etal. 2013). The clarification of functional
responses related to water balance (i.e. the balance between
water intake and loss) is, therefore, critical in understanding
and predicting general ecological patterns such as distribu-
tion (Dunkin etal. 2013; Peterman and Semlitsch 2014),
Abstract Water conservation strategies are well docu-
mented in species living in water-limited environments,
but physiological adaptations to water availability in tem-
perate climate environments are still relatively overlooked.
Yet, temperate species are facing more frequent and intense
droughts as a result of climate change. Here, we exam-
ined variation in field hydration state (plasma osmolality)
and standardized evaporative water loss rate (SEWL) of
adult male and pregnant female common lizards (Zootoca
vivipara) from 13 natural populations with contrasting air
Communicated by Hannu J. Ylonen.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article ( contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
* Andréaz Dupoué
1 CNRS UPMC, UMR 7618, iEES Paris, Université Pierre
et Marie Curie, Tours 44-45, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005Paris,
2 Station d’Ecologie Théorique et Expérimentale du CNRS à
Moulis, UMR 5321, 2 route du CNRS, 09200SaintGirons,
3 Département de biologie, Ecole normale supérieure,
PSL Research University, CNRS, UMS 3194, Centre
de recherche en écologie expérimentale et prédictive
(CEREEP-Ecotron IleDeFrance), 78 rue du château,
77140Saint-Pierre-lès-Nemours, France
4 Department ofBiological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens,
OH45701, USA
5 School ofLife Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe,
AZ85287-4501, USA
6 ESPE de Paris, Université Sorbonne Paris IV, 10 rue Molitor,
75016Paris, France
Author's personal copy
1 3
population dynamics (Foley etal. 2008; Marquis et al.
2008; McKechnie and Wolf 2010), or habitat use (Davis
and DeNardo 2009; Dunkin etal. 2013; Rozen-Rechels etal.
2015). Species’ water balance may be challenged as soon as
water availability is restricted and this is especially true in
terrestrial ectotherms due to their high physiological sensi-
tivity to climatic conditions (Deutsch etal. 2008; Kearney
etal. 2009).
Several studies have focused on flexible water conser-
vation strategies including changes in behavioural activity
(Lorenzon etal. 1999; Davis and DeNardo 2009; Hetem
etal. 2010), shifts in thermoregulatory strategies (Loren-
zon etal. 1999; Angilletta etal. 2010; Köhler etal. 2011),
metabolic depression (Kennett and Christian 1994; Tieleman
etal. 2002; Muir etal. 2007), or a combination of these.
These adjustments aim at lowering the rate of water loss
and limiting dehydration when individuals are exposed
to or colonize water-restricted environments (Moen etal.
2005). Among the functional traits linked with water bal-
ance, standardized evaporative water loss (i.e. evaporative
water loss at rest and in standardized conditions or SEWL)
is a common physiological measure to determine the water
balance regulation in intra- and inter-specific comparisons.
SEWL is critically influenced by surface area and skin per-
meability, which determine cutaneous loss of water, and by
metabolism and breathing activity, which determine ven-
tilatory water loss (Mautz 1982; Woods and Smith 2010).
According to previous comparative analyses, there is a
general relationship between the SEWL and habitat aridity,
where species and/or populations living in water-restricted
habitats or climates are characterised by lower SEWL (Tiele-
man etal. 2003; Williams etal. 2004; Moen etal. 2005;
Van Sant etal. 2012; Guillon et al. 2014; Cox and Cox
2015; Belasen etal. 2016). This relationship likely reflects
functional genetic adaptations and/or physiological accli-
mation to buffer the effects of more frequent heat stress,
lower air humidity and more restricted water availability on
water balance and energy expenditure (Webster etal. 1985;
Lillywhite 2006; Dupoué etal. 2015b). Yet, comparative
studies of SEWL across geographic gradients of tempera-
ture, humidity and free standing water availability are rare,
and whether these factors influence intra-specific variation
in water balance remain unclear. In addition, comparative
studies of SEWL have rarely examined concurrent varia-
tion in hydration state. If physiological components of the
water balance such as SEWL are adapted or adjusted to envi-
ronmental conditions, we expect that geographic variation
in SEWL will buffer environmental variation in hydration
state such that animals maintain to some extant more similar
hydration states across environments.
Within the same population, variation in physiological
state (e.g. breeding, moulting, or digesting) also impacts
the rate of water loss and the hydration state (e.g. Dupoué
etal. 2015a). During the reproductive season, this variation
is often closely related to sex and may generate sexual dif-
ferences in SEWL and hydration state. In particular, adult
females experience multiple changes specifically associated
with pregnancy or gravidity and involving their behaviour
(e.g. increased thermoregulatory precision; Lorioux etal.
2013; Shine 2006), physiology (e.g. higher metabolic rate;
Dupoué and Lourdais 2014; Schultz etal. 2008), and mor-
phology (e.g. greater physical burden; Miles etal. 2000; Le
Galliard etal. 2003). These changes can induce higher rates
of SEWL in adult females through increased rates of ventila-
tion and transpiration (Webster etal. 1985; Woods and Smith
2010; Dupoué etal. 2015b). Furthermore, offspring produc-
tion requires a considerable amount of water investment to
support vitellogenesis and/or embryonic development (Du
2004; Lourdais etal. 2015). Either of these two investments
may lead to a higher reliance of adult females on free stand-
ing water and water allocation trade-offs between mothers
and their offspring (Dupoué etal. 2015a). As a result, indi-
viduals may adjust their drinking behaviour to decrease the
level of risk induced by dehydration (Lourdais etal. 2015).
It is, however, still unclear if environmental conditions such
as air temperature, air humidity or the access to free standing
water could add with sexual differences and reproductive
state requirements in driving the regulation of water balance.
In this study, we examined geographic and sex-specific
sources of variation in water balance physiology in a wide-
spread, viviparous lizard (Z. vivipara) living in cool, wet
temperate environments. We sampled adult males and
females from 13 natural populations distributed across the
Massif Central mountain range in France. Sampling was
done during the same reproductive season at the end of the
mating period when females are undergoing pregnancy.
At the adult stage in this species, all females engage into
reproduction, and thereby we did not investigate the specific
cost of pregnancy. Instead, we checked how water balance
regulation may naturally differ between pregnant females
and males, and we further examined the influence of repro-
ductive stage and reproductive effort. In these populations,
rainfall intensity during the activity season has immediate
positive effects on offspring survival and delayed effects
on female reproductive performance (Marquis etal. 2008).
Past experiments on water restriction revealed that intense
water restriction during pregnancy can result in a dramatic
impairment of reproductive success (Dauphin-Villemant
and Xavier 1986). In contrast, limited restriction of water
availability leads to reduced activity and growth in yearlings
(Lorenzon etal. 1999) and has complex effects on reproduc-
tion in pregnant females (Lorenzon etal. 2001).
We focused on two functional traits related to water
balance, namely plasma osmolality (an indicator of hydra-
tion state in species lacking salt-glands; Peterson 2002)
and SEWL. We tested the influence of access to free water
Author's personal copy
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(availability of water in the environment), ambient tem-
perature, water vapour pressure in the air, and individual
reproductive investment on those physiological traits. It
is noteworthy that natural populations also differ in other
parameters including altitude and vegetation cover (Loren-
zon etal. 1999; Rutschmann etal. 2016), or slope orien-
tation and local wind speed conditions (pers. obs.), which
may influence water balance. However, we focused on the
environmental covariates that have previously been shown
to influence the regulation of water balance in laboratory
experiments. We hypothesized that lizards’ hydration state
and SEWL rate should differ according to environmental
conditions and physiological state (pregnancy). Specifically,
we tested three predictions. First, we expected pregnant
females to be more dehydrated than males due to a higher
rate of water loss during gestation (Webber etal. 2015; Dup-
oué etal. 2015b), and the investment of water into offspring
production (Dupoué etal. 2015a). Because of this, females
should also be more sensitive to environmental conditions
than males. Second, we predicted that lizards from sites with
lower access to free standing water should have lower SEWL
rates than lizard populations with greater water access to
maintain water homeostasis (i.e. similar plasma osmolality).
Third, because the rate of water loss directly positively cor-
relates with temperature and negatively with humidity (e.g.
Dupoué etal. 2015a), we predicted these effects to be miti-
gated so that lizards should have a similar hydration state;
that is, the SEWL rates would be lower in warmer climates
and lower in drier climate and osmolality would not cor-
relate either with temperature or humidity.
Materials andmethods
Study species, population descriptions, andcaptive
The common lizard, Z. vivipara, is a small (adult snout–vent
length~50–75mm), widespread species in the family Lac-
ertidae that inhabits peat bogs and heathlands across north-
ern Eurasia. While the species has populations that are ovip-
arous and other populations that are viviparous, we limited
our study to 13 viviparous populations of the Massif Central
mountain range in south-central France. These populations
are located at the southern range limits for the viviparous
form of the species (Pilorge etal. 1983). Populations were
distributed along an elevational gradient and have differ-
ent water access and local climate conditions (TableS1, see
below). In these populations, males emerge in mid-April
while females emerge in early May. Males copulate with
females shortly after their emergence with fertilization
occurring in mid-late May. Pregnancy lasts 2–3months,
with parturition occurring between mid-July and early
August. Litter size varies from 1 to 12, and neonates do
not receive any post-natal parental care. After parturition,
females are lean and restore energy reserves before entering
into hibernation in late September.
At each locality, we recorded the presence or absence of
water sources available to the lizards (e.g. ponds, streams,
peat bogs), as well as temperature and humidity using two
temperature data loggers (Thermochron iButtons, Maxim
Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA, USA,±0.0625°C)
and one temperature–humidity data logger (Hygrochron
iButtons, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA,
USA,±0.0625°C and 0.04% relative humidity—RH). Log-
gers were placed where we found most of lizards within
vegetation at ground level completely shaded to avoid the
effect of radiation. Because evaporative water loss depends
on water vapour density gradients (Mautz 1982), we used
water vapour density (in gm−3) as an index of “air humid-
ity” with the approximation of a stable barometric pressure
of 1013.25mbar (see details in Tieleman etal. 2002). Air
temperature and humidity were recorded every hour, and
we standardized the sampling period from 29th June to 17th
July to compare populations. These three weeks sampling
period was the best compromise we could achieve to charac-
terize accurately the differences in microclimatic conditions
during the active season among populations. Compared to
long-term meteorological data collected with nearby per-
manent stations that are difficult to extrapolate at high spa-
tial resolutions (Rutschmann etal. 2016), our data more
accurately reflect population characteristics and microcli-
matic conditions experiences by lizards. Over this sampling
period, we extracted the daily mean, minimum, and maxi-
mum temperatures (Tmean, Tmin, and Tmax, respectively) and
humidities (Hmean, Hmin, and Hmax) to assess the climate of
each population (TableS1).
We caught a total of 246 females
(mean ± SE, body mass (BM) = 4.84 ± 0.07 g,
snout–vent length (SVL)= 61.44±0.24 mm) and 135
males (BM= 3.47±0.06g, SVL=54.30±0.31mm)
between the 19th and 26th of June 2015. On the day of cap-
ture, lizards from 8 populations (males) and 12 populations
(females) were transferred to a field laboratory and housed
in individual terraria (18×12×12cm) with sterilized soil,
a shelter, and opportunities for thermoregulation to record
standardized water loss rates (TableS2, see below). During
captivity, we provided a 20–30°C thermal gradient for 6h
per day (09:00–12:00 and 14:00–17:00) using a 25W incan-
descent light bulb placed over one end of each terrarium. We
also provided water 3 times per day and fed lizards with 2
crickets (Acheta domesticus) every 2days. We recorded lit-
ter mass (i.e. the total mass of neonates) after parturition to
examine the influence of reproductive investment on female
water balance. Within 3days after parturition, we released
each female with her litter at her exact capture location. At
Author's personal copy
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the end of July, upon completion of experiments, we released
males at their exact capture locations.
Plasma osmolality
All lizards from all populations were bled in the field imme-
diately after capture (within 5min) using a standard proto-
col (Meylan etal. 2003). Blood samples (40–60µl whole
blood) were collected from the post-orbital sinus using 2–3
20µl microcapillary tubes. In the laboratory, blood sam-
ples were centrifuged for 5min (3000rpm), plasma was
separated from blood cells and kept frozen in airtight tubes
until used for subsequent analyses. Plasma osmolality was
then determined using a vapour pressure osmometer (model
5500, Wescor, Logan, UT, USA) and the protocol described
in Wright etal. (2013). Before analyses, plasma was diluted
(1:1) in reptile Ringer’s solution (300mOsmkg−1) prepared
following methods from Secor etal. (1994) so that plasma
osmolality could be determined from 10µl duplicates (intra-
individual variation: 3.9%). High osmolality values indicate
high dehydration.
Water loss estimations
On the day of capture, all lizards from a sub-set of 8 popu-
lations (males) and 12 populations (females, see TableS2)
were returned to the laboratory, weighed (BM1,±1mg) and
then maintained under constant temperature (23.5±0.1°C)
and humidity (14.6±0.1gm−3) without any access to water
or food. After 24h, all individuals were weighed again
(BM2,± 1mg), and we estimated the rate of water loss
(in mgh−1) using the loss of mass (BM2–BM1) over this
period. We used body mass loss as a proxy of total evapora-
tive water loss (i.e. the sum of ventilatory and cutaneous
evaporative water losses) because, in squamate reptiles,
variation in body mass is highly correlated with variation in
water loss (DeNardo etal. 2004; Moen etal. 2005; Dupoué
etal. 2015b). However, it is possible that the animals could
have lost some mass due to defecation and urination, and we
did not measure faeces and urine mass for technical reasons
related to husbandry priorities. The long period between the
two body mass measurements decreased the potential biases
related to small faeces production, since over 24h the loss of
body water are more likely to contribute to body mass loss.
Regardless, based on the previously reported mass of fae-
ces in this species (mean males: 37.9mg, females: 52.2mg;
González-Suárez etal. 2011), any defecation would have
represented a significant proportion of mass loss (males:
22.5%, females: 33.9%) and would have been detected. Thus,
upon reviewing the dataset, we excluded two females from
analyses because they showed extremely high mass losses
(655 and 1059mg) that are likely attributable to faeces or
egg loss.
Statistical analyses
All analyses were performed with R software (R Devel-
opment Core Team, version 3.2.0, http://cran.r-project.
org/). Initially, we used linear models to test the effects of
SVL, population, and sex and their interactions on plasma
osmolality and the rate of SEWL. Next, we investigated the
effect of water access and climatic conditions on plasma
osmolality and the rate of SEWL. We performed these lat-
ter analyses separately for each sex because females may
vary in rates of water loss due to the effects associated with
pregnancy and not to general sex-specific factors. We used
mixed-effects linear models (package nlme, Pinheiro etal.
2016) in which population identity was included as a random
factor to account for repeated measurements within the same
population. Water access was treated as a categorical factor
while temperature metrics (i.e. Tmean, Tmin and Tmax) and
humidity metrics (i.e. Hmean, Hmin and Hmax) were treated as
linear and quadratic covariates to test for non-linear relation-
ships. We centred covariates by subtracting the mean from
each observation. Furthermore, we also estimated embryonic
development (ED) to account for the pregnancy stage: ED
was estimated as the number of days between capture date
and parturition date. We tested the influence of two esti-
mates of reproductive effort: the absolute reproductive effort
(ARE; estimated as the mass of all neonates) and the rela-
tive reproductive effort (RRE, derived from the linear rela-
tionship between litter mass and female size, F1,169=89.5,
p< 0.001, r2=0.35). We only present results based on
ARE since they were similar to those obtained from RRE
Whenever we found significant variation in water bal-
ance indicators between populations, we further checked the
potential correlation with population characteristics. To do
so, we used a model selection approach using the Akaike
information criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc,
package AICcmodavg, Mazerolle 2016). We compared the
contribution of each environmental and reproductive vari-
able to the model, as well as additive models of each envi-
ronmental and reproductive variable, to a model including
only the random effect of the population (i.e. null model).
The best model was chosen as the one with the lowest AICc.
Models that have a difference of AICc lower than 2 have
comparable support of the data. In our analyses, one or more
models had a ΔAICc that was less than 2 when compared
to the best model. In the latter cases, we focused on the
model with the lowest number of parameters (k) and tested
the significance of covariates with likelihood ratio tests
(LRT). We did not record humidity measures in three popu-
lations due to logger failure; therefore, we first restricted the
analyses to a dataset without those populations (TableS3).
However, since model selection did not retain the influence
of humidity (TableS3), we tested the influence of water
Author's personal copy
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access, temperature, and reproductive investment on the full
dataset. Results were similar for the full and the restricted
data set. Finally, we used linear models to test the correlation
between plasma osmolality and the rate of water loss within
and between populations (Speakman etal. 2003). Results are
presented as mean±SE unless otherwise stated.
Variation inwater balance amongpopulations
andbetweenthe sexes
Plasma osmolality and the rate of SEWL were not sig-
nificantly influenced by lizard SVL (F1,363 = 2.17,
p=0.142 and F1,332=0.52, p=0.473, respectively) but
differed significantly among populations (F12,366=2.47,
p= 0.004, and F11,333=6.88, p<0.001, respectively).
Moreover, osmolality was different between sexes (males:
311.1±3.1mOsmkg−1, females: 301.5±2.1mOsmkg−1,
F1,366=6.61, p=0.011), while the rate of SEWL was sim-
ilar between sexes (males: 6.73±0.38mgh−1, females:
6.48±0.20mgh−1, F1,333=0.37, p=0.544). Both osmolal-
ity and the rate of SEWL were impacted by the interaction
between population and sex (F12,354=2.88, p<0.001, and
F7,272=2.56, p=0.014, respectively), which indicates sex-
specific geographic patterns of water balance physiology.
Influence ofenvironmental conditions andindividual
In males, the two best models retained mean temperature
as the primary environmental factor influencing plasma
osmolality (Table1). Models for water loss in males
included significant effects of water access (no access ver-
sus access: β=3.66±1.42, t6,71=2.57, p=0.042, Fig.1a,
c) and minimum temperature. That is, males from popula-
tions without water access had a rate of SEWL rates that
were only about half that of males from population with
access to water (no access: 4.85±1.13mgh−1, access:
8.50±0.86mgh−1, Fig.1c) while remaining in similar
hydration states (no access: 302.7±7.7mOsmkg−1, access:
315.1±5.1mOsmkg−1; β=12.37±9.22, t11,104=1.34,
p=0.207, Fig.1a). In addition, plasma osmolality was posi-
tively correlated with mean temperature (β=10.67±4.85,
t11,104=2.20, p=0.050, Fig.2a), whereas the rate of SEWL
tended to be higher for populations with higher minimum
temperature (β=1.21 ± 0.50, t6,71=2.42, p= 0.052,
In females, there was more uncertainty among statistical
models. The best model (Table1) did not retain any influ-
ence of environmental conditions or reproduction for plasma
osmolality, but included an effect of water access on the
rate of SEWL (no access versus access: β=1.39±0.62,
t10,228=2.24, p=0.048, Fig.1b, d). None of the remain-
ing top-ranking models included significant covariates.
Females from populations without access to water lost
almost 25% less water than did females from populations
with access to water (no access: 5.49±0.50mgh−1, access:
6.88±0.37mgh−1, Fig.1d) yet remained in similar hydra-
tion states (no access: 304.2± 5.7mOsmkg−1, access:
301.3±4.0mOsmkg−1, β=−2.87±6.92, t11,213=−0.41,
p= 0.686, Fig.1b). Model comparisons also retained a
slight non-linear relationship between the rate of SEWL
and the minimal temperature (water loss~ Tmin+T2
β (Tmin) = 0.23 ± 0.23, t9,228 = 1.03, p = 0.328, β
min)=0.21±0.11, t9,228=1.85, p=0.098). We did not
find any influence of reproductive advancement (ED) or
reproductive investment (ARE, and RRE) on either plasma
osmolality (Fig.3a, b, c) or the rate of SEWL (Fig.3d, e,
f) (Table1).
Relationship betweenosmolality andSEWL
In both sexes, osmolality was not correlated with the rate
of SEWL either among or within populations (TableS4).
In this study, we investigated variation in water balance (i.e.
hydration state and water loss) in wild populations of a wide-
spread lizard species (Z. vivipara) that differ in their access
to water and in local climate conditions. Males were more
dehydrated than females, whereas the rate of SEWL was
similar between sexes. In addition, the rate of SEWL was
higher in individuals from populations with access to water,
which is consistent with our second prediction. Finally and
contrary to our last prediction, plasma osmolality and the
rate of SEWL were positively correlated with environmen-
tal temperature in males, yet there was no correlation with
environmental humidity.
Sex differences in dehydration rate and/or the rate of
SEWL have been previously documented in other spe-
cies including humans (Stachenfeld etal. 2001; Cryan and
Wolf 2003; Weldon etal. 2013). In this study, we expected
pregnant females to be more dehydrated than males due to
physiological changes associated with pregnancy (Dupoué
etal. 2015a). In particular, pregnant or gravid females have
higher metabolic rates and higher transpiration rates caused
by body distension (Schultz etal. 2008; Dupoué and Lour-
dais 2014; Webber etal. 2015; Dupoué etal. 2015b), which
should increase the rate of SEWL (Mautz 1982; Woods and
Smith 2010). Furthermore, developing embryos also need
water for somatic growth (Du 2004; Lourdais etal. 2015),
and water allocation to embryonic development can impair
Author's personal copy
1 3
Table 1 AICc-based model
selection comparing the
influence of water access,
climatic variables and
reproductive performance on
plasma osmolality and on the
rate of standardized evaporative
water loss (SEWL) in males
and pregnant female common
lizards (Z. vivipara)
Models are fitted on all sampled populations in which air humidity was not always available. Models were
built with each environmental covariate alone (linear or non-linear) and in addition with reproductive per-
formance in pregnant females. Population was treated as a random factor to account for intra-population
Physiological measure Sex Variable kAICc ΔAICc wiLog likelihood
Osmolality Males Tmean 4 1135.93 0.00 0.38 −563.79
mean 5 1137.80 1.87 0.15 −563.63
Null 3 1137.94 2.01 0.14 −565.87
Water access 4 1138.42 2.49 0.11 −565.03
Tmax 4 1139.06 3.13 0.08 −565.35
max 5 1139.82 3.89 0.05 −564.64
Tmin 4 1140.08 4.15 0.05 −565.86
min 5 1140.34 4.42 0.04 −564.90
Females Null 3 2241.33 0.00 0.19 −1117.61
ARE 4 2241.84 0.52 0.14 −1116.83
Tmin 4 2242.39 1.07 0.11 −1117.11
Tmean 4 2242.89 1.56 0.08 −1117.35
Water access 4 2243.23 1.90 0.07 −1117.52
ED 4 2243.32 2.00 0.07 −1117.57
Tmax 4 2243.39 2.07 0.07 −1117.61
min 5 2244.44 3.11 0.04 −1117.08
ED+Tmin 5 2244.45 3.13 0.04 −1117.09
ED+Tmin+ARE 6 2244.55 3.23 0.04 −1116.08
mean 5 2244.96 3.63 0.03 −1117.34
ED+Tmean 5 2244.98 3.66 0.03 −1117.35
ED+Tmean+ARE 6 2245.16 3.84 0.03 −1116.39
max 5 2245.18 3.86 0.03 −1117.46
ED+Tmax 5 2245.41 4.08 0.02 −1117.57
ED+Tmax+ARE 6 2246.04 4.71 0.02 −1116.83
SEWL Males Water access 4 431.38 0.00 0.31 −211.42
Tmin 4 431.82 0.45 0.25 −211.64
Tmax 4 433.27 1.90 0.12 −212.37
min 5 433.46 2.08 0.11 −211.32
Null 3 434.11 2.73 0.08 −213.89
max 5 434.41 3.03 0.07 −211.79
Tmean 4 435.22 3.84 0.05 −213.34
mean 5 437.42 6.04 0.02 −213.30
Females Water access 4 1208.61 0.00 0.22 −600.22
25 1208.94 0.33 0.18 −599.34
Tmin 4 1209.87 1.26 0.12 −600.85
ED+Tmin 5 1210.00 1.39 0.11 −599.87
Null 3 1210.69 2.07 0.08 −602.29
ED 4 1211.54 2.93 0.05 −601.68
Tmax 4 1211.59 2.98 0.05 −601.71
ED+Tmin+ARE 6 1211.94 3.33 0.04 −599.79
ED+Tmax 5 1212.26 3.65 0.04 −601.00
ARE 4 1212.71 4.10 0.03 −602.27
Tmean 4 1212.75 4.14 0.03 −602.29
max 5 1213.54 4.93 0.02 −601.64
ED+Tmean 5 1213.57 4.96 0.02 −601.66
ED+Tmax+ARE 6 1214.33 5.72 0.01 −600.98
mean 5 1214.84 6.23 0.01 −602.29
ED+Tmean+ARE 6 1215.62 7.01 0.01 −601.63
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1 3
female hydration state (Dupoué etal. 2015a). Yet, we found
no difference in mean SEWL between sexes and males
were slightly more dehydrated on average than females.
This indicates that factors other than breeding state per se
may be responsible for the observed sexual differences in
water balance. Indeed, despite higher water demands caused
by pregnancy in females compared to males, behavioural
factors may contribute to buffer sexual differences in field
evaporative water loss or water balance. For instance, preg-
nant females of Z. vivipara select lower temperature and stay
relatively inactive in the field (Van Damme etal. 1986; Le
Galliard etal. 2003). These differences in thermoregulation
and activity might reduce water loss and thus dehydration in
females. Besides, the regulation of hydration state can also
be adjusted by water intake. Pregnancy may be associated
to an increase drinking behaviour caused by a decrease in
the osmotic threshold of thirst (Cheung and Lafayette 2013;
Lourdais etal. 2015). Together, these behavioural adjust-
ments of thermoregulation and water intake might be par-
ticularly relevant to better understand the functional regula-
tion of the water balance.
When investigating the effects of water access, we found
that individuals from habitats with permanent access to
water had, in general, higher SEWL rates compared to liz-
ards from populations without access to water. Interestingly,
hydration state was not different between those populations
suggesting that a lower rate of water loss might compensate
for lower water availability to maintain hydration state, and
therefore, physiological homeostasis. That is, individuals
from water-restricted populations may remain normosmotic
by having a lower rate of water loss, either via acclimation
or genetic adaptations to the drier environment, for example
through reduced ventilatory rate or reduced peripheral perfu-
sion (Tieleman etal. 2003; Williams etal. 2004; Moen etal.
2005; Van Sant etal. 2012; Guillon etal. 2014; Cox and Cox
2015; Belasen etal. 2016). Yet, contrary to our last set of
predictions, we found that water balance indicators did not
correlate with air humidity. This suggests that the access to
free-standing water is a better descriptor of the rate of water
loss than environmental humidity, which was relatively high
in sampled areas of dense vegetation used by lizards in all
variation and non-independence. See text for details
k number of parameters, ΔAICc difference with AICc of the best model, wi model likelihood
Boldfaced characters are included for significant variables according to LRT tests
Table 1 (continued)
Fig. 1 Effects of the access
to water in natural popula-
tions of common lizards on the
indicators of water balance a, b
plasma osmolality, and c, d the
rate of standardized evapora-
tive water loss (SEWL) in
males (left panel) and females
(right panels). Points represent
mean±SE and significant
effects of water access are
symbolised: *p<0.05, n.s. non-
290 300 310 320
an.s. bn.s.
No water access Water access
No water access Water access
Author's personal copy
1 3
In addition, the SEWL rate was slightly and positively
correlated with environmental temperature in males,
whereas it tended to increase non-linearly with tempera-
ture in females. Our best statistical models for females
included correlations with minimum daily temperature
instead of mean or maximum values. Although the AICc
suggested some uncertainty among the best statistical mod-
els, and therefore, point to the need of further studies with
a larger sample size, this result may reflect the ecological
relevance of minimal temperatures for ectotherms. Dur-
ing summer season, lizards are exposed to minimal tem-
peratures measured on the ground since they stay inac-
tive in shelter very close from the surface such as inside
grass tufts, shallow crevices in soil and rocks, and dead
trunk cavities (pers. obs.). Therefore, lizards must endure
minimal conditions for a relatively long period inside their
night shelters, which are likely closed from surface (e.g.
Tmin>4h,~03:00–08:00h). Instead, maximal conditions
experienced during activity, daytime last for a shorter dura-
tion (e.g. Tmax<1h,~15:00h) and can be avoided through
microhabitat selection (Davis and DeNardo 2009; Guillon
etal. 2014). Rate of water loss increases with temperature
due to lower skin resistance and higher metabolic rate of
reptiles at higher body temperatures (Webster etal. 1985;
Lillywhite 2006; Dupoué etal. 2015b). To buffer this bio-
physical relationship, we would have expected a negative
correlation between the rate of SEWL and environmental
temperature, so that osmolality would have not correlated
with temperature. Instead, we observed a positive correla-
tion between water loss and air temperature and between
osmolality and temperature in males.
We hypothesize the geographic variation in water access
and temperature was due to permanent and consistent dif-
ferences among populations related to altitude, slope orien-
tation and habitat type (pers. obs.). Thus, we propose that
geographic differences in the rate of SEWL may reflect local
acclimation and/or adaptations to prevailing environmen-
tal conditions. For example, natural selection related to the
water balance could favour plastic and/or genetic changes
in the properties of the skin barrier, likely resulting from
changes in lipid composition, organization and/or mobiliza-
tion among populations (Kattan and Lillywhite 1989; Lil-
lywhite 2006). In uricotelic species (e.g., squamate reptiles
and birds), transcutaneous water loss is the main avenue for
water loss (Kattan and Lillywhite 1989; Lillywhite 2006;
Williams etal. 2012). The keratin–lipids complex (sand-
wich-like layers) localized in the stratum corneum (i.e. the
outer layer of the epidermis) constitute the main barrier lim-
iting transcutaneous water loss (Bouwstra etal. 2003; Lil-
lywhite 2006; Champagne etal. 2012). The permeability of
this water barrier can be adjusted by modifying its thickness
(quantity of lipids), the proportion of the different lipids with
specific polarity (e.g. cholesterol, fatty acids, phospholipids
and ceramides), and/or their geometry (Lillywhite 2006;
Williams etal. 2012). Further investigations are needed to
quantify the contribution of geographic differences in skin
water permeability and distinguish whether these differences
are caused by plastic responses or genetic adaptations to
short- or long-term exposure to climatic conditions.
Although comparative studies cannot determine the
causes of relationships, ecological comparisons across
geographical distributions such as this one provide use-
ful opportunities to understand and predict how spe-
cies may respond to climatic conditions (Somero 2011;
Rezende and Diniz-Filho 2012). Water is an essential yet
relatively overlooked resource in ecological studies. As
demonstrated here, water balance may be affected by local
climate conditions and water availability, and therefore,
geographic variation in the water balance strategies should
be integrated into global change studies (Todgham and
Tmean (°C)
Osmolality (mOsm.kg1)
18.2 18.8 19.4 20 20.6
200 250 300 350 400
SEWL (mg.h1)
8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5
0510 15
Fig. 2 Positive relationships between indicators of water balance and
thermal conditions in males. Trend lines are included for significant
(solid line) or marginal (dashed line) correlations between a plasma
osmolality and mean temperature (p = 0.050, r2=0.10) and b the
rate of standardized evaporative water loss (SEWL) and minimal tem-
perature (p=0.052, r2=0.25)
Author's personal copy
1 3
Stillman 2013). For instance, further studies should spe-
cifically examine the relative contributions of physiologi-
cal adaptation, acclimation, and behavioural mitigation in
adjusting the rate of water loss to minimize dehydration.
Such information is essential to improve the accuracy of
models that predict species’ responses to climate change
and to promote effective conservation measures (Wikelski
and Cooke 2006; Cooke etal. 2013).
Acknowledgements We thank Pauline Blaimont, Pauline Dufour,
Laurène Duhalde, Amélie Faure, Julia Rense, and Qiang Wu for their
help with fieldwork. We also thank Clotilde Biard for lending us some
of the loggers. We are grateful to the ‘Office Nationale des Forêts’,
the ‘Parc National des Cévennes’, and the regions Auvergne, Rhône
Alpes and Languedoc Roussillon for allowing us to sample lizards.
This study was funded by the Centre National de la Recherche Sci-
entifique (CNRS) the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-13-
JSV7-0011-01 to SM) and the National Science Foundation (NSF-
EF1241848 to DBM).
Author contribution statement AD, AR, JFLG, DBM, JC, and SM
conceived the ideas and designed methodology; AD, AR, JFLG, DBM,
JC, and SM captured lizards; AD and AR collected water loss data;
AD, GAB, and DD collected osmolality data; AD analysed the data;
AD and AR led the writing of the manuscript. All authors contributed
critically to the drafts and gave final approval for publication.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing or financial
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... The daytime conditions include the range of variation between highland, cold habitats where females have restricted access to their preferred body temperatures during the day and lowland, warm habitats where females reach a maximum access to their preferred body temperatures (Rutschmann et al. 2016). The nighttime conditions also reflect the range of variation observed for soil surface temperatures during summer season in populations across an altitudinal gradient with a mean variation ranging between 8 and 15°C (Dupoué et al. 2017b) and a variation of upper quartiles ranging between 19 and 23°C (Dupoué and Rutschmann unpubl.). Furthermore, the manipulation of water availability mirrors the geographic variation in water availability across populations, where some populations have permanent access to free standing water throughout the year (similar to our wet treatment group) whereas others have only temporary access to free standing water (dry treatment group). ...
... Furthermore, the manipulation of water availability mirrors the geographic variation in water availability across populations, where some populations have permanent access to free standing water throughout the year (similar to our wet treatment group) whereas others have only temporary access to free standing water (dry treatment group). In the latter, water access is often restricted to morning mist and rainfall during the summer, dry season (Dupoué et al. 2017b). Additionally, the duration of our selected water restrictions was designed to fit with the entire length of the gestation period. ...
Climate change will continue to increase mean global temperatures with daily minima increasing more than daily maxima temperatures. Altered rainfall patterns due to climate change will also disrupt water availability for terrestrial organisms already facing climatic warming. To explore how organisms may adjust to changes in multiple, concurrent climate‐related environmental conditions, we manipulated day and night temperatures as well as water availability during gestation in female common lizards Zootoca vivipara, a cold and wet adapted species facing climatic changes notably in populations located on the warm margin. We jointly manipulated temperature (hot or cold) independently during the daytime and nighttime as well as water availability (± ad libitum access to water) throughout pregnancy and quantified the effects on maternal traits (morphology, physiology and phenology) and reproductive output. Overall, we found that higher day or night temperatures decreased gestation length and increased energetic demands. Higher temperatures during the day, coupled with water restrictions, increased dehydration and water restrictions affected ability to allocate resources but had no impact on reproductive output. While high temperatures during the day were beneficial to current reproductive output and success, high temperatures during the night had the opposite effect. Our results suggest that high nighttime temperatures can dramatically increase the burden on pregnant mothers already constrained by heavy resource and water investment. This could provide a mechanistic explanation for the long‐term declines of warm‐margin populations in this species.
... Understanding the intra-specific variation in physiological characteristics in arid and mesic environments is crucial to comprehending the intricate connections between animals and their environments, how those affect their ranges, and the processes that shape them. Studying intra-specific ecophysiological traits may also be vital in order to assess the future ramifications of globally rising temperatures, which can potentially cause local extinctions and range reduction or expansion (Deutsch et al., 2008;Dupoué et al., 2017;Herrando-Pérez et al., 2020;Kearney, 2013;Kearney et al., 2013;Kirchhof et al., 2017;Sinervo et al., 2010;Stark et al., 2023). It can also benefit conservationists in conducting recovery actions, such as translocations or reintroductions (Besson & Cree, 2010;Cooper et al., 2018;Tarszisz et al., 2014), and in assessing the abilities of species to facilitate invasion of new habitats (Kolbe et al., 2014;Lapwong et al., 2020). ...
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Populations inhabiting several biomes may experience different abiotic and biotic conditions, exerting local selection pressures. Temperature and water regimes are interconnected variables, that may differ between biomes, and greatly influence ecophysiological traits, such as metabolic and evaporative water loss rates. We hypothesized that Ptyodactylus guttatus (Sinai Fan‐fingered Gecko) individuals, which occupy the Mediterranean and desert biomes across Israel, would follow the “metabolic cold adaptation” hypothesis and be adapted to the microclimate in the biome they inhabit. We thus predicted that desert individuals would prefer lower temperatures, and have lower resting metabolic rates and evaporative water loss rates at higher ambient temperatures than Mediterranean individuals. We also predicted that Mediterranean individuals would have a better body condition than individuals from the desert, because of higher primary productivity in the Mediterranean biome, and would therefore have higher mite loads. We further predicted that geckos from the desert would have longer limbs, enabling them to lose more heat to the environment, according to Allen's rule. To test these hypotheses, we measured the temperature preferences, field body temperatures, resting metabolic rates, evaporative water loss rates, body conditions, mite loads, and limb lengths of 82 P. guttatus individuals collected from four localities two from the desert biome and two from the Mediterranean biome. There were no significant differences in any of the tested traits when comparing between biomes. However, we found some differences in the evaporative water loss rates, body temperatures, body condition, and forelimb lengths between the northernmost and southernmost, and driest and wettest localities, supporting some of our predictions. Our results highlight the importance of the resolution of the analysis. Although some ecophysiological traits of P. guttatus seem to be conserved across localities and biomes, thermal plasticity in these traits may have helped this species reach its current distribution and occupy two biomes.
... The common lizard Zootoca vivipara is a small lacertid lizard (Reptilia: Lacertidae; adult snout-vent length 50-70mm) with a wide Euro Siberian distribution (Surget-Groba et al. 2006). It inhabits mesic environments such as humid grasslands and peat bogs and is highly sensitive to water deprivation due to its high standard water loss rates (Lorenzon et al. 1999;Massot et al. 2002;Dupoué et al. 2017). The species is mainly predated by birds and snakes including the adder (Viperidae, Vipera berus) and several species of Colubridae (Prestt 1971;Steen et al. 2011;Drobenkov 2014). ...
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Optimal regulation of body temperature and water balance is essential for the survival of terrestrial ectotherms in a changing world. A behavioural trade-off exists between these two constraints because maintaining a high body temperature usually increases evaporative water losses. In addition, the evaluation of predation risk is a key factor in behavioural decision for prey species, and predation threat can cause shift in individual behaviours due to the modification of the cost-benefit balance of thermo-hydroregulation. However, little is known on how prey integrate these different biotic and abiotic stressors when combined. Here, we performed an experimental study on the common lizard, a terrestrial ectotherm prey species, sensitive to water restriction and able to detect specialised predator scents in its environment. We analysed changes in thermo-hydroregulation behaviours, activity patterns and body temperature in response to a chronic water stress coupled with simulated punctual occurrences of predator scents. Water restriction and predator threat had mostly additive effects on lizard thermoregulation behaviour. They both reduced the time spent basking and thermoregulation precision. They also had opposite effects on the time spent active, water restriction reducing activity whereas the presence of predator scents increased it. Yet, we also found an interactive effect on hydroregulation behaviour, as water-restricted lizards showed a wet-shelter preference only in absence of predator odours. This study demonstrates the existence of some hydration state dependent behavioural responses to predator threat and suggests that fear of predators may compromise thermo-hydroregulation and thus prey performances. Significance statement In this paper, we show that the fear of predators induces significant changes in the thermo-hydroregulation behaviours of a widespread terrestrial lizard species, some of which are influenced by a physiological increase in dehydration induced by an experimental restriction of water availability. There is a general lack of understanding about how prey respond to simultaneous changes in biotic and abiotic stressors; in particular, our comprehension of the non-energetic costs of thermoregulation caused by the presence of predators and the absence of water in the environment is extremely limited. Our findings indicate that predators have state-dependent effects on the behaviour of their prey and that joint changes in water availability and predation risks can compromise the thermo-hydroregulation strategies of their prey, potentially affecting their physiological performances.
Gravid female lizards often experience reduced thermal preferences and impaired locomotor performance. These changes have been attributed to the physical burden of the clutch, but some authors have suggested that they may be due to physiological adjustments. We compared the thermal biology and locomotor performance of the lizard Liolaemus wiegmannii one week before and one week after oviposition. We found that gravid females had a thermal preference 1°C lower than that of non-gravid females. This was accompanied by a change in the thermal dependence of maximum running speed. The thermal optimum for locomotor performance was 2.6°C lower before oviposition than after. At relatively low temperatures (22 and 26°C), running speeds of females before oviposition were up to 31% higher than for females after oviposition. However, at temperatures above 26°C, females achieved similar maximum running speeds (∼1.5 m/s) regardless of reproductive stage. The magnitude of the changes in thermal parameters and locomotor performance of L. wiegmannii females was independent of relative clutch mass (clutches weighed up to 89% of post-oviposition body mass). This suggests that the changes are not simply due to the clutch mass, but are also due to physiological adjustments. L. wiegmannii females simultaneously adjusted their own physiology in a short period in order to improve locomotor performance and allocated energy for embryonic development during late gravid stage. Our findings have implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying life histories of lizards on the fast extreme of the slow-fast continuum, where physiological exhaustion could play an important role.
Nocturnal temperatures are increasing at a pace exceeding diurnal temperatures in most parts of the world. The role of warmer nocturnal temperatures in animal ecology has received scant attention and most studies focus on diurnal or daily descriptors of thermal environments' temporal trends. Yet, available evidence from plant and insect studies suggests that organisms can exhibit contrasting physiological responses to diurnal and nocturnal warming. Limiting studies to diurnal trends can thus result in incomplete and misleading interpretations of the ability of species to cope with global warming. Although they are expected to be impacted by warmer nocturnal temperatures, insufficient data are available regarding the night‐time ecology of vertebrate ectotherms. Here, we illustrate the complex effects of nocturnal warming on squamate reptiles, a keystone group of vertebrate ectotherms. Our review includes discussion of diurnal and nocturnal ectotherms, but we mainly focus on diurnal species for which nocturnal warming affects a period dedicated to physiological recovery, and thus may perturb activity patterns and energy balance. We first summarise the physical consequences of nocturnal warming on habitats used by squamate reptiles. Second, we describe how such changes can alter the energy balance of diurnal species. We illustrate this with empirical data from the asp viper ( Vipera aspis ) and common wall lizard ( Podarcis muralis ), two diurnal species found throughout western Europe. Third, we make use of a mechanistic approach based on an energy‐balance model to draw general conclusions about the effects of nocturnal temperatures. Fourth, we examine how warmer nights may affect squamates over their lifetime, with potential consequences on individual fitness and population dynamics. We review quantitative evidence for such lifetime effects using recent data derived from a range of studies on the European common lizard ( Zootoca vivipara ). Finally, we consider the broader eco‐evolutionary ramifications of nocturnal warming and highlight several research questions that require future attention. Our work emphasises the importance of considering the joint influence of diurnal and nocturnal warming on the responses of vertebrate ectotherms to climate warming.
Testing acclimation plasticity informs our understanding of organismal physiology and applies to conservation management amidst our rapidly changing climate. While there is a wealth of research on the plasticity of thermal and hydric physiology in response to temperature acclimation, there is a comparative gap for research on acclimation to different hydric regimes, as well as the interaction between water and temperature. We sought to fill this gap by acclimating Western Fence Lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) to experimental climate conditions (crossed design of Hot or Cool, Dry or Humid) for eight days, and measuring cutaneous evaporative water loss (CEWL), plasma osmolality, hematocrit, and body mass before and after acclimation. CEWL changed plastically in response to the different climates, with lizards acclimated to Hot Humid conditions experiencing the greatest increase in CEWL. Change in CEWL among individuals was negatively related to treatment vapor pressure deficit and positively related to treatment water vapor pressure. Plasma osmolality, hematocrit, and body mass all showed greater changes in response to temperature than to humidity or vapor pressure deficit. CEWL and plasma osmolality were positively related across treatment groups before acclimation and within treatment groups after acclimation, but the two variables showed different responses to acclimation, suggesting that they are interrelated but governed by different mechanisms. This study is among few that assess more than one metric of hydric physiology and that test the interactive effects of temperature and humidity. Such measurements will be essential for predictive models of activity and survival for animals under climate change.
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Amphibians and reptiles are a diverse group of ectothermic vertebrates that occupy a variety of habitats in rangelands of North America, from wetlands to the driest deserts. These two classes of vertebrates are often referred to as herpetofauna and are studied under the field of herpetology. In U.S. rangelands, there are approximately 66 species of frogs and toads, 58 salamanders, 98 lizards, 111 snakes, and 27 turtles and tortoises. Herpetofauna tend to be poorly studied compared with other vertebrates, which creates a challenge for biologists and landowners who are trying to manage rangeland activities for this diverse group of animals and their habitats. Degradation of habitats from human land use and alteration of natural processes, like wildfire, are primary threats to herpetofauna populations. Disease, non-native predators, collection for the pet trade, and persecution are also conservation concerns for some species. Properly managed livestock grazing is generally compatible with herpetofauna conservation, and private and public rangelands provide crucial habitat for many species. Climate change also poses a threat to herpetofauna, but we have an incomplete understanding of the potential effects on species. Dispersal and adaptation could provide some capacity for species to persist on rangelands as climates, disturbance regimes, and habitats change. However, inadequate information and considerable uncertainty will make climate mitigation planning difficult for the foreseeable future. Planning for and mitigating effects of climate change, and interactions with other stressors, is an urgent area for research. Maintaining large, heterogeneous land areas as rangelands will certainly be an important part of the conservation strategy for herpetofauna in North America.
To cope with limited availability of drinking water in their environment, terrestrial animals have developed numerous behavioral and physiological strategies including maintaining an optimal hydration state through dietary water intake. Recent studies performed in snakes, which are generalist carnivorous reptiles, suggest that benefits of dietary water intake are negated by hydric costs of digestion. Most lizards are generalist insectivores that can shift their prey types, but firm experimental demonstration of dietary water intake is currently missing in these organisms. Here, we performed an experimental study in the common lizard Zootoca vivipara, a keystone mesopredator from temperate climates exhibiting a great diversity of prey in its mesic habitats, in order to investigate the effects of food consumption and prey type on physiological responses to water deprivation. Our results indicate that common lizards cannot improve their hydration state through prey consumption, irrespective of prey type, suggesting that they are primarily dependent upon drinking water. Yet, high-quality prey consumption reduced the energetic costs of water deprivation, potentially helping lizards to conserve a better body condition during periods of limited water availability. These findings have important implications for understanding the physiological responses of ectotherms to water stress, and highlight the complex interactions between hydration status, energy metabolism, and feeding behavior in insectivorous lizards.
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We summarize, here, the results from several studies conducted over many years on several endemic species of lizards (genus Gallotia) from the Canary Islands. Quantitative analyses show clear differences both among the species of every island and populations within each species. Sexual dimorphism exists in all analysed species, and a phylogenetic analysis shows that the degree of dimorphism did not change along the evolutionary history of the Canary Islands: species with large and small body sizes have a similar degree of sexual dimorphism, with male body size changes closely following those undergone by females. In G. caesaris (from El Hierro and La Gomera islands) and in G. stehlini (from Gran Canaria), longer hind limb length was correlated with more open habitats. Within most species, males are more conspicuous than females, mainly in terms of body size, behaviour and coloration pattern. Lateral colour spots are blue in most species and green in others. In G. galloti from Tenerife, male lateral spots have larger spot areas and percentage of reflectance in the ultraviolet/blue part of the spectrum than females. This trait shows a monthly variation along April to July, both in males and females, its magnitude being larger in May-June. Behaviour analysis, especially in the last species, shows a great diversity in behaviour patterns, and analysis of intrasexual male competition revealed that contest outcome depends on several morphological and colouration characteristics but mainly on the individual's behaviour. Detailed behavioural analyses were useful for managing a few captive individuals of the highly endangered G. bravoana from La Gomera island. Experimental analyses of some behaviours in the endemic Hierro island lizard (G. simonyi, in danger of extinction) show that individuals may learn to recognize predator models and increase their running speeds with training.
Thermo-hydroregulation strategies involve concurrent changes in functional traits related to energy, water balance and thermoregulation and play a key role in determining life-history traits and population demography of terrestrial ectotherms. Local thermal and hydric conditions should be important drivers of the geographical variation of thermo-hydroregulation strategies, but we lack studies that examine these changes across climatic gradients in different habitat types. Here, we investigated intraspecific variation of morphology and thermo-hydroregulation traits in the widespread European common lizard (Zootoca vivipara louislantzi) across a multidimensional environmental gradient involving independent variation in air temperature and rainfall and differences in habitat features (access to free-standing water and forest cover). We sampled adult males for morphology, resting metabolic rate, total and cutaneous evaporative water loss and thermal preferences in 15 populations from the rear to the leading edge of the distribution across an elevational gradient ranging from sea level to 1750 m. Besides a decrease in adult body size with increasing environmental temperatures, we found little effect of thermal conditions on thermo-hydroregulation strategies. In particular, relict lowland populations from the warm rear edge showed no specific ecophysiological adaptations. Instead, body mass, body condition and resting metabolic rate were positively associated with a rainfall gradient, while forest cover and water access in the habitat throughout the season also influenced cutaneous evaporative water loss. Our study emphasizes the importance of rainfall and habitat features rather than thermal conditions for geographical variation in lizard morphology and physiology.
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Global change, including habitat isolation and climate change, has both short- and long-term impacts on wildlife populations. For example, genetic drift and inbreeding result in genetic impoverishment in small, isolated populations, while species undergo range shifts or adaptive phenotypic change in response to shifts in environmental temperatures. In this study, we utilize a model system in which Holocene landscape changes have occurred to examine long-term effects of population isolation. To examine how isolation may constrain responses to climate change, we characterized ecophysiology across land-bridge island populations of Erhard's wall lizard Podarcis erhardii. We hypothesized that 1) small, isolated populations that are likely genetically depauperate would exhibit lower phenotypic variability; and 2) populations would be adapted to local microhabitat conditions. We compared a population at a low elevation site on the large island of Naxos with two small populations on nearby islets to determine the effects of population fragmentation. We further compared the low elevation Naxos population with two high elevation sites characterized by disparate microclimates to examine the effects of microclimate. To assess the thermal biology and ecophysiological limits of the study species we measured operative body temperatures (Te), field body temperatures (Tb), preferred temperatures (Tp), thermal tolerances (CTmax and CTmin), and evaporative water loss (EWL). Our results indicate that small, isolated populations did not exhibit thermal biology or evaporative water loss, while EWL and thermoregulatory effort varied according to microhabitat characteristics. This study integrates fine-scale measurements with environmental data to provide a holistic view of the relationships between ecophysiology, fragmentation, and microclimate. Our methods can be applied to other ectotherms to gain a better understanding of potential impacts of global change on natural populations.
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Substantial plastic variation in phenology in response to environmental heterogeneity through time in the same population has been uncovered in many species. However, our understanding of differences in reaction norms of phenology among populations from a given species remains limited. As the plasticity of phenological traits is often influenced by local thermal conditions, we expect local temperature to generate variation in the reaction norms between populations. Here, we explored temporal variation in parturition date across 11 populations of the common lizard ( Zootoca vivipara ) from four mountain chains as a function of air temperatures during mid‐gestation. We characterized among‐population variation to assess how local weather conditions (mean and variance of ambient temperatures during mid‐gestation) and habitat openness (an index of anthropogenic disturbance) influence the thermal reaction norms of the parturition date. Our results provide evidence of interactive effects of anthropogenic disturbance and thermal conditions, with earlier parturition dates in warmer years on average especially in closed habitats. Variation in the reaction norms for parturition date was correlated with mean local thermal conditions at a broad geographical scale. However, populations exposed to variable thermal conditions had flatter thermal reaction norms. Assessing whether environmental heterogeneity drives differentiation among reaction norms is crucial to estimate the capacity of different populations to contend with projected climatic and anthropogenic challenges.
A reduction in the locomotor capacity of gravid females is considered to be a cost of reproduction if it leads to an increased risk of mortality. In this study, we measured the change in endurance between gravid and postgravid female side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) as a test of the cost of reproduction. We also altered reproductive investment in some females by direct ovarian manipulation (yolkectomy), which decreased reproductive burden by 30%. Regardless of experimental treatment, all females had lower endurance when gravid. Endurance was 28% lower in gravid females from the yolkectomy treatment and 31% lower in the unmanipulated females relative to postoviposition females. The experimental reduction in clutch mass resulted in a 21% increase in endurance of gravid yolkectomy females relative to control females. Postovipositional endurance was significantly higher in the yolkectomized females than unmanipulated females, which suggests that the cost of reproduction carries over to postoviposition performance. Unmanipulated females exhibited a significant negative association between endurance and size-specific burden. Endurance was not correlated with clutch size or size-specific burden in the yolkectomy females. Survivorship to the second clutch was higher in the yolkectomy females. The results from a logistic regression showed the probability of survival to the second clutch was significantly and positively associated with endurance after controlling for the effects of treatment. Our analyses demonstrated that the decrement in performance associated with current reproductive investment represents a cost of reproduction expressed as diminished locomotor performance and lowered survivorship to the next clutch.
To determine the cutaneous water-loss responses of birds to environmental temperature, we measured transcutaneous evaporation, skin and body temperature, and oxygen consumption in pigeons over a wide range of air temperatures. We used a general Fick diffusion model to estimate integumental plus boundary layer resistance to diffusion of water vapor. Cutaneous water loss (mean ± SE) increased from 1.4 ± 0.09 mg m⁻² s⁻¹ at 0 C to 3.0 ± 0.09 mg m⁻² s⁻¹ at 30 C and increased sharply to 9.0 ± 0.32 mg m⁻² s⁻¹ at 40 C. Whole-body vapor diffusion resistance of pigeons (mean ± SE) varied with air temperature, decreasing from 130.0 ± 8.2 s/cm at 0 C to 97.0 ± 4.1 s/cm at 30 C and to 45.0 ± 3.4 s/cm at 40 C. Measurements of the vapor resistance of the plumage made in isothermal diffusion chambers and estimates of the boundary-layer resistance to evaporation obtained from predictive equations indicate that the feather coat and associated layer of still air are together only 6.2%-25.8% of total vapor resistance and that the skin is therefore the primary barrier to cutaneous water loss in birds. Temperature-dependent reductions in skin vapor resistance that we observed in the pigeon may result from vasomotor adjustments, stearic changes in skin lipids, or hydration of the stratum corneum.
Rates of cutaneous evaporative water loss (EWL) were measured in Anolis carolinensis lizards following their exposure to humid (80%-85% RH) or dry (35%-42% RH) environments. After 8 d of acclimation, lizards exposed to dry air had significantly reduced rates of EWL, whereas those exposed to humid air did not. Acclimation of EWL occurred regardless of whether lizards exposed to dry conditions were allowed to dehydrate (to 80% of initial mass) and regardless of whether lizards molted. Evaporation rates measured from isolated dorsal skin in vitro demonstrated that dry-acclimated lizards had a lower skin permeability than did humid-acclimated lizards. The differences in permeability disappeared when lipids were extracted from the skin. Our findings suggest that acclimation of integumentary permeability may result from the gradual deposition of lipids in response to a local stimulus acting at the integument.
Aridity is an important determinant of species distributions, shaping both ecological and evolutionary diversity. Lizards and snakes are often abundant in deserts, suggesting a high potential for adaptation or acclimation to arid habitats. However, phylogenetic evidence indicates that squamate diversity in deserts may be more strongly tied to speciation within arid habitats than to convergent evolution following repeated colonization from mesic habitats. To assess the frequency of evolutionary transitions in habitat aridity while simultaneously testing for associated changes in water-balance physiology, we analyzed estimates of total evaporative water loss (EWL) for 120 squamate species inhabiting arid, semiarid, or mesic habitats. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed that evolutionary transitions to and from semiarid habitats were much more common than those between arid and mesic extremes. Species from mesic habitats exhibited significantly higher EWL than those from arid habitats, while species from semiarid habitats had intermediate EWL. Phylogenetic comparative methods confirmed this association between habitat aridity and EWL despite phylogenetic signal in each. Thus, the historical colonization of arid habitats by squamates is repeatedly associated with adaptive changes in EWL. This physiological convergence, which may reflect both phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation, has likely contributed to the success of squamates in arid environments. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.