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Glycaemic variability in paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) or multiple daily injections (MDI): A cross-sectional cohort study

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Abstract and Figures

Objective This cross-sectional observational cohort study was designed to investigate i) whether glycaemic variability in paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes is lower in those using an insulin pump (CSII) compared with those using multiple daily insulin injections (MDI) and ii) whether urinary F-2-isoprostanes and/or urinary prostaglandin F-2 excretion as surrogate marker of oxidative stress and cyclooxygenase activity are associated with glycaemic variability. Methods48 paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes (22 using an insulin pump) underwent an ambulatory 3-day continuous glucose monitoring. All patients continued with normal daily activities and collected urine for two consecutive 24h periods. The glucose pentagon was used to calculate the glycaemic risk parameter. ResultsInsulin requirements, HDL-cholesterol, the mean of glycaemic excursions (P<001) and the standard deviation of mean glucose concentration (P<005) were significantly lower in patients with CSII compared with those using MDI. By contrast, averaged HbA(1c) during the last twelve months as well as at the time of sensor insertion did not differ significantly between both groups. Summarizing characteristic parameter of acute and long-term metabolic control into the glucose pentagon revealed a significantly lower glycaemic risk parameter in CSI patients compared with both, healthy subjects and patients using MDI (P<005). Conclusions Paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes using an insulin pump presented with lower glycaemic variability and a concomitantly lower glycaemic risk parameter compared with those using MDII. Whether these findings translate into a lower risk of diabetes associated cardiovascular complications remains to be elucidated.
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Glycaemic variability in paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes
on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) or multiple
daily injections (MDI): a cross-sectional cohort study
C. Schreiver*, U. Jacoby*, B. Watzer†, A. Thomas‡, D. Haffner*
and D.-C. Fischer*
*Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital Rostock, Department of Paediatrics, Philipps University Marburg, Medtronic
GmbH, Meerbusch and §Department of Paediatric Kidney, Liver and Metabolic Diseases, Hannover Medical School, Hannover,
Objective This cross-sectional observational cohort study was
designed to investigate i) whether glycaemic variability in paedi-
atric patients with type 1 diabetes is lower in those using an
insulin pump (CSII) compared with those using multiple daily
insulin injections (MDI) and ii) whether urinary F
and/or urinary prostaglandin F
excretion as surrogate marker
of oxidative stress and cyclooxygenase activity are associated
with glycaemic variability.
Methods 48 paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes (22 using
an insulin pump) underwent an ambulatory 3-day continuous
glucose monitoring. All patients continued with normal daily
activities and collected urine for two consecutive 24 h periods.
The glucose pentagon was used to calculate the glycaemic risk
Results Insulin requirements, HDL-cholesterol, the mean of
glycaemic excursions (P<001) and the standard deviation of
mean glucose concentration (P<005) were significantly lower
in patients with CSII compared with those using MDI. By con-
trast, averaged HbA
during the last twelve months as well as at
the time of sensor insertion did not differ significantly between
both groups. Summarizing characteristic parameter of acute and
long-term metabolic control into the glucose pentagon revealed
a significantly lower glycaemic risk parameter in CSI patients
compared with both, healthy subjects and patients using MDI
Conclusions Paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes using an
insulin pump presented with lower glycaemic variability and a
concomitantly lower glycaemic risk parameter compared with
those using MDII. Whether these findings translate into a lower
risk of diabetes associated cardiovascular complications remains
to be elucidated.
(Received 11 September 2012; returned for revision 16 October
2012; accepted 1 November 2012)
Patients suffering from type 1 diabetes are at a seriously elevated
age-adjusted relative risk of developing cardiovascular disease
when compared with their healthy peers or patients with type 2
This association is only partly due to traditional risk
factors (e.g. hypertension, dyslipidaemia and smoking), but
rather reflects the causal role of diabetic micro- and macroangi-
Hyperglycaemia has been accused to impair endothelial
function, either directly or secondary to its effect on cells signal-
ling e.g. via the secretion of growth factors, cytokines and/or
vasoactive substances.
Endothelial cells, like mesangial and
Schwann cells, can regulate glucose uptake only within narrow
limits and become rather vulnerable if extracellular glucose levels
rise, i.e. extracellular hyperglycaemia translates rather quickly
into an intracellular one with subsequent severe metabolic
aberrations and finally increased oxidative stress.
The produc-
tion of F2-isoprostanes (FISO) is thought to reflect the free radi-
cal-catalysed peroxidation of arachidonic acid. Consequently, the
urinary concentration of FISO is used as marker of oxidative
stress, i.e. lipid peroxidation. However, there is strong evidence
that the formation of prostaglandin F
) and probably
also other isoprostanes depends on cyclooxygenase activity, too.
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and multiple
daily insulin injections (MDI) are established therapies for type
1 diabetes and both are thought to be equally well suited to pre-
vent hyperglycaemia together with the deleterious consequences
outlined above. It is still a matter of discussion, whether CSII
therapy is superior to MDI with respect to glycaemic control.
While elevated levels of HbA
indicate previous hyperglyca-
emia and overall poor metabolic control during the last three
months, real-time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is the
Correspondence: Dagmar-Christiane Fischer, PhD, Department of Paedi-
atrics, University Hospital Rostock, Ernst-Heydemann-Str. 8, 18057
Rostock, Germany. Tel.: +49 381 494 7041; Fax: +49 381 494 7044;
These two authors contributed equally to this work.
©2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 641
Clinical Endocrinology (2013) 79, 641–647 doi: 10.1111/cen.12093
only way to assess more subtle aspects of glucose homeostasis,
e.g. nocturnal and/or asymptomatic hypoglycaemia.
We there-
fore used CGM in paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes on
CSII and MDI treatment to investigate i) whether glycaemic var-
iability is lower on CSII compared with MDI treatment and ii)
whether urinary F2-isoprostanes and/or urinary PGF
as surrogate marker of oxidative stress and cyclooxygenase
activity are associated with glycaemic variability in these
Patients and methods
All children suffering from type 1 diabetes and being treated at
our institution were eligible for this cross-sectional observational
cohort study. Inclusion criteria: age 618 years, duration of
disease >1 year, C-peptide below 03 nmol/l, intensive insulin
treatment with either MDI or CSII, constant mode of insulin
therapy for at least 6 months. Exclusion criteria: any febrile ill-
ness during the last three months, chronic inflammatory-/rheu-
matic disease (e.g. Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis),
hepatitis, HIV, glucocorticoid treatment, liver-, renal- or cardiac
failure, hereditary dyslipidaemia, skin conditions prohibiting
sensor needle insertion, inborn or acquired errors of metabolic
disease except type 1 diabetes. Forty-eight patients (22 boys)
consented to participate and were enrolled between January and
December 2010. Patient characteristics are given in Table 1. CSII
treatment was introduced in our centre in 2007 and rarely used
as first line treatment before 2010. Thus, in this study, the
majority of patients on CSII treatment were switched from MDI
mainly to prevent recurrent hypoglycaemia and patients (or par-
ents) wish. In patients with CSII therapy (n=22) solely short-
acting insulins were used, while patients on MDI therapy
(n=26) received a combination of either short- and long-acting
insulins (n=8), short- and intermediate-acting insulins (n=9),
normal and long-acting insulins (n=5), or short-, normal and
long-acting insulins (n=4). Patients applied 4 to 5 insulin boli
per day. The study received appropriate Ethics committee
approval from the institutional review board and was performed
in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Subjects and/or
their parents gave assent and written informed consent prior to
participation, i.e. to undergo continuous glucose monitoring
(CGM) for a 72-h period.
All children and adolescents were seen in our outpatient clinic
in the afternoon. Demographic and clinical data including yearly
assessments of retinopathy by a trained ophthalmologist as well
as results from routine laboratory analysis were gathered by
interview and chart review, respectively. Furthermore, blood was
taken for determination of actual HbA
, lipids and creatinine to
estimate the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) according to the
Schwartz formula.
Pubertal stage was assessed according to
Tanner and blood pressure (BP) was measured according to the
updated Task Force Report on high blood pressure by using an
oscillometric device (Dinamap 1846SX; Critikon, Tampa, USA).
Individual age- (height) and gender-related SD scores (SDS) for
height, weight, BMI and BP were calculated as described.
Patients were classified as hypertensive in case of BP values
above the height and gender-related 95
The patients and/or parents were instructed to the use of the
CGM (Guardian REAL-Time, Medtronic, Northridge, USA) and
Table 1. Patient characteristics and biochemical findings at initiation of
All patients
(22 m/26 f)
(14 m/12 f)
(8 m/14 f) P-Value
Age [years] 1293313130126360702
Male 1283313630114360162
Female 1293312530133350504
Height [SDS] 043 089 036 105 050 067 0694
Weight [SDS] 025 082 011 091 042 068 0214
004 102 -009 111 018 090 0535
Blood pressure
1175141 1187164 11601070475
Systolic [SDS] 084 141 090 162 077 115 0468
Diastolic [SDS] 034 135 029 124 039 150 0569
Duration of
Mode of
4123605553662432 277<0001
Average HbA
70 12 73 12 66 11 0079
Average HbA
852 111 880 114 819 099 0079
Current HbA
71 19 74 22 68 13 0419
857 206 903 042 828 025 0419
Insulin dose
095 035 105 039 084 026 0022
479 128 525 143 426 081 0003
164 041 177 044 149 031 0017
274 120 309 143 232 065 0018
LDL/HDL-ratio 176 090 189 113 161 050 0526
(a) [g/l]
028 007 038 012 015 003 0,324
1534364 1596269 15172980396
Data are given as mean SD. *P<005; **P<001 between MDI and
CSII patients;
mean HbA
during the last 12 months before initiation
of CGM;
BMI-SDS calculated according to
eGFR, estimated glo-
merular filtration rate calculated according to Schwartz et al.
, BP, blood
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Clinical Endocrinology (2013), 79, 641–647
642 C. Schreiver et al.
to enter a minimum of two blood glucose values per day for cal-
ibration. It should be noted that none of the patients enrolled in
this study had used CGM before. The sensor was placed sub-
cutaneously and in CSII patients contralaterally to the catheter
by the same investigator (CS) in all subjects. Patients on MDI
therapy were asked to inject insulin contralaterally to the site of
the sensor. Patients/parents kept a study diary and recorded
meals, symptomatic hypo- and hyperglycaemic events and sport
activities. The patients were asked to collect urine for determina-
tion of albumin, F
-isoprostanes and PGF
during two consecu-
tive 24-h periods. At the end of the 72-h observation period, the
CGM sensor was removed and data transfer was achieved using
the carelink personal therapy management software (Medtronic,
Northridge, USA).
Consecutive quantification of urinary F
and PGF
Urine for determination of F
-isoprostane and PGF
was avail-
able from 45 patients (25 on MDI therapy) and aliquots were
initially stored at 80 °C until quantitative determination of
by gas chromatography/triple quadrupole mass
spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) essentially as described previously.
Per urine an aliquot was spiked with deuterated internal PGF
standard (IS), acidified with formic acid to pH 2.6, extracted
with ethyl acetate/hexane and subsequently derivatized to the
correspondent pentafluorobenzyl esters. Samples were purified
by means of thin-layer chromatography with ethyl acetate/hex-
ane as developing solvent. A broad zone with R
0.030.34 was
scraped off, eluted with pure ethyl acetate and subjected to prep-
aration of trimethysilyl ethers. A Finnigan MAT TSQ700 mass
spectrometer (Thermo Electron, Dreieich, Germany) equipped
with a Varian 3400 gas chromatograph (Palo Alto, CA) and a
CTC A200S autosampler (Zwingen, Switzerland) was used. The
first quadrupole was set to monitor the [M-PFB]
ions (m/z
569 for PGF
and m/z 573 for tetradeuterated IS). Collision cell
pressure was 0.2 Pa and collision energy was 12 eV). For F
prostane determination, product ions [M-3TMSOH]
(m/z 299
and m/z 303 for the internal standard) were monitored. In a
second run for quantification of PGF
product ions [C
(m/z 161) and [C
(m/z 165 for the tetradeuterated
internal standard) and a collision energy of 16 eV were used.
Assessment of glycaemic control
Data from the 3-day CGM were used to calculate i) the mean of
the daily differences (MODD), ii) the continuous overlapping
net glycaemic action for one, two and four hours (CONGA-1,
-2, -4), and iii) the mean of glycaemic excursions (MAGE) as
described previously.
In addition, the frequency of mild and
severe hypoglycaemias, i.e. glucose concentrations below
3.9 mmol/l and 28 mmol/l, was counted. The mean glucose
concentration, the standard deviation of the mean glucose con-
centration, the mean length of time with glucose concentration
>888 mmol/l, the intensity of hyperglycaemia (area under the
curve (AUC) for glucose concentration >888 mmol/l) as well
as the HbA
were used to generate the glucose pentagon and to
calculate the Glycaemic Risk Parameter (GRP) as described
Data were analysed using the SPSS statistical package 15.0 (SPSS
Inc. Chicago, Illinois, USA). Normal distribution was evaluated
by the Kolmogorow-Smirnow test and comparison between
groups were done using Student’s t-Test or MannWhitney-U
test, if appropriate. All P-values are two sided and a P-value
below 005 was considered significant. Data are given as
mean SD or median and range, if appropriate.
At the time of enrolment, patients on MDI and CSII therapy
were quite comparable with respect to age, gender distribution,
BP and anthropometric values (Table 1). In addition, the num-
ber of prepubertal and pubertal patients were similar in both
groups (8/18 vs 9/13 prepubertal/pubertal patients on MDI and
CSII therapy, respectively; P=0469). Apart from one patient
on MDI therapy with already known and adequately treated
hypertension, six and one patient on MDI and CSII therapy
showed an elevated BP, respectively (P<005). Patients on CSII
therapy tended to present with longer duration of disease and to
use CSII for a shorter period of time compared with patients on
MDII therapy, although these differences did not reach statistical
significance. Both, time averaged HbA
during the last twelve
months as well as at the time of sensor insertion tended to be
higher in patients on MDI compared with CSII therapy. Insulin
requirement and (HDL)-cholesterol levels were significantly
lower in CSII compared with MDI patients (each P<005).
Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratios in spot urine were normal
(i.e. <300 lg/g) in all except one patient on MDI therapy, who
presented with a ratio of 603 lg/g. Likewise, albuminuria was
similar in both groups (Table 1). None of the patients smoked
and/or revealed signs of retinopathy.
Continuous glucose monitoring and glycaemic variability
CGM was well tolerated in all patients, none of the sensors
failed and per patient, the pre-defined set of characteristics was
calculated. Patients on MDI therapy revealed significantly higher
values for MAGE and standard deviation of mean glucose con-
centration (Table 2). Mean glucose concentration, mean length
of time and intensity of hyperglycaemia tended to be higher in
patients on MDI compared with CSII. In contrast, mean values
for MODD, CONGA-1, -2, and 4 as well as the frequencies of
mild or severe hypoglycaemias did not differ significantly
between groups. Moreover, glycaemic variability was almost
comparable in pubertal and prepubertal patients and even sport-
ing activities did not differ (data not shown). We combined the
data derived from CGM with the HbA
concentration at time
of sensor insertion to calculate the glycaemic risk parameter,
i.e. the area of the glucose pentagon (Fig. 1). This approach
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Clinical Endocrinology (2013), 79, 641–647
Glycemic variability in children: CSII vs MDI 643
revealed a significantly enlarged area in patients on MDI therapy
compared with both healthy subjects and patients on CSII ther-
apy (each P<005).
Excretion of FISO and PGF
The urinary concentrations of FISO and PGF
were significantly
correlated ((r =0769; P<005) and the urinary albumin con-
centration was associated with either one of these metabolites as
well (FISO: r =0406, P<001; PGF
:r=0339, P<005).
However, patients on MDI and CSII therapy did not differ with
respect to creatinine normalized FISO and PGF
respectively (FISO: 48730 ng/mg vs 49831 ng/mg and
:287 018 ng/mg vs 253 024 ng/mg). There was no
association between parameters of glycaemic variability and
either absolute or creatinine normalized urinary FISO and PGF
(data not shown).
High glycaemic variability is a common feature in patients with
diabetes and has been accused to be the main responsible fac-
tor for co-morbidities, e. g. diabetic nephropathy and retinopa-
In general, self-monitoring of glucose two-to-four times
per day with concomitant adjustment of insulin dosages and
carbohydrate intake is used to ensure glucose homeostasis,
whereas HbA
is used as an established marker of long-term
metabolic control. It is still a matter of discussion whether or
not the additional costs related to CSII are justified from a
medical point of view, i.e. whether CSII is superior to MDI in
terms of metabolic control and prevention of glycaemic excur-
Instead of individual glucose measurements several
hours apart, CGM appears to be ideally suited to detect “auto-
matically” otherwise unheralded extremes and fluctuations of
glucose concentrations during a reasonable period of times, i.e.
Table 2. Results of CGM in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes
receiving MDI and CSII therapy
MDI (n=26) CSII (n=22)
MODD [mmol/l] 350 142 337 134
CONGA-1 [mmol/l] 081 045 090 047
CONGA-2 [mmol/l] 083 043 082 045
CONGA-4 [mmol/l] 085 041 101 061
MAGE [mmol/l] 650 221 496 162**
Number of measured
Mild hypoglycemias
(<39 mmol/l)
292 225 245 255
Severe hypoglycemias
(<28 mmol/l)
077 108 059 113
Mean glucose concentration
within 24 h [mmol/l]
929 211 864 177
SD of mean glucose
concentration [mmol/l]
315 096 254 078*
Mean length of time of
(>888 mmol/l) [h]
1093 518 908 477
Intensity of hyperglycemia
(AUC >888 mmol/l)
[mmol/l 924 h]
188 131 127 108
Glycemic risk parameter 400 229 284 137*
Data are given as mean SD. *P<005 and **P<001. MODD, mean
of the daily differences; CONGAn, continuous overlapping net glycaemic
action for nhours
Fig .1 The recently suggested glucose pentagon
reflecting the risk for diabetes-specific complications
in healthy individuals ( ) and in patients on MDI
() and CSII-therapy ( ). The axes were scaled as
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644 C. Schreiver et al.
to record glucose concentrations every one or five minutes for
at least 72 h.
Despite being a very appealing approach and
necessary step towards the development of closed loop systems,
one ends with huge amounts of data. The latter requires addi-
tional tools and algorithms to separate out and highlight infor-
mation relevant to answer the question at hand. Several indices
and statistical tools have been suggested for this purpose.
Among these, the mean and standard deviation of the glucose
concentration during the entire observation period are fairly
direct characteristics, whereas MODD and CONGAnas marker
of inter- and intraday glycaemic variation are more sophisti-
cated ones. Both MODD and CONGAn were quite similar in
children on MDI and CSII therapy respectively. This may at
least in part simply be due to the fact that our patients used
CGM under conditions of everyday life rather than during an
artificial hospital setting with highly standardized meals and
activities. Furthermore, it highlights the inherent danger of data
reduction, as those parameters directly calculated from the
entire set of data indicate significant differences between groups
(see below).
While our data for MODD are well in line with those
reported earlier for smaller groups of adult (n=28) and paedi-
atric (n=10) patients with type 1 diabetes, the CONGA values
in our study were about one-third of those described earlier.
The latter may be due to the fact that activities and meals
during everyday life in children are quite homogeneous com-
pared with adults.
Furthermore, none of the aforementioned
studies was conducted to decipher differences related to the
mode of therapy, but rather to compare patients and healthy
controls. There is one recent report indicating that CONGA-4
values are lower only in adults with type 1 diabetes on CSII
therapy with already good metabolic control (HbA
mmol/mol ( 75%)). In those with poor metabolic control
>77 mmol/mol (>92%)), the results for patients on
CSII therapy were even worse compared with those on MDI
In our patients, averaged and actual HbA
indicate neither good nor poor metabolic control and even did
not differ between groups. In this regard, our findings are well
in line with the data reported by Lepore et al.
In contrast to MODD and CONGAn, the mean amplitude of
glycaemic excursions (MAGE) as an individually standardized
index of glucose fluctuations differed significantly between
patients on MDI and CSII therapy respectively. The “glucose
pentagon” has been suggested as a model to integrate different
parameters related to acute glycaemic variability (CGM data)
and long-term metabolic control (HbA
Although all values
entered into this model only tended to be higher in patients
on MDI therapy, the GRP was significantly worse in patients
on MDI therapy compared with both healthy controls and
patients using CSII therapy. This result is remarkable, in that i)
the duration of disease tended to be longer in patients on CSII
therapy and that ii) apparently all patients in our study group
were started on MDI and a subgroup was switched to CSII
later. Keeping this in mind, the glucose pentagons and the
derived GRP indicate that on average two years of CSII are
sufficient to significantly reduce, but not normalize, the GRP.
In other words, switching from MDI to CSII therapy several
years after onset of disease has only limited potential to nor-
malize the GRP and this might be especially valid for those
patients showing initially poor glycaemic control with MDI
Another parameter to be considered when speculating on gly-
caemic risk and complications of diabetes is oxidative stress. A
strong linear relationship between urinary 8-iso PGF
has been
described in a recent study with adults suffering from type 2
diabetes and being treated with oral anti-diabetic agents rather
than insulin.
By contrast, we and others were unable to show
any association between glycaemic variability and urinary excre-
tion of PGF
or FISO in paediatric and adult patients with type
1 diabetes.
But perhaps even more impressive is the notion
that our patients had approximately 100-fold higher urinary cre-
atinine normalized PGF
and FISO excretion than adults with
either form of diabetes. First of all, methodological problems
related to the quantitative determination of individual isoforms
of the PGF
family of prostaglandins have to be considered.
While a combination of solid-phase extraction and enzyme-
immunoassay was used by Monnier et al., we and Wentholt
et al. applied more sophisticated, although still slightly different
technologies, i.e. GC-MS/MS with pre-column derivatization
and immunoaffinity chromatography followed by HPLC-MS/
Both the extremely different concentrations of prosta-
glandins in adult and paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes on
the one hand, and the apparently missing link between glycae-
mic variability and oxidative stress in patients with type 1 and
type 2 diabetes on the other hand indicate that i) oxidative
stress is higher in paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes and
probably reflects more complex metabolic aberrations rather
than glycaemic variability, and/or ii) that the pathological mech-
anisms behind either diabetes form differ.
The present study has several limitations and the results might
be biased due to the fact that i) patients on CSII treatment
tended to have longer duration of diabetes than those using
MDI therapy, ii) some patients were previously transferred from
MDI to CSII therapy because of unstable diabetes and recurrent
hypoglycaemia and iii) metabolic differences between both
groups of patients are likely to be underestimated by the parallel
design. However, due to ethical reasons, a (randomized) cross-
over study design was not feasible in this paediatric patient
cohort. Indeed, children and their parents usually fight for the
permission, to use an insulin pump instead of MDI therapy and
one can hardly imagine that these parents and patients accept
the withdrawal of the pump and go back to MDI therapy.
Patients had to adapt to this “new” therapy for several months
before reapplication of CGM will yield reliable data on glycae-
mic variability.
In conclusion, this observational cohort study carried out
under “real-life” conditions revealed lower glycaemic variability
and glycaemic risk profile in paediatric patients with type 1 dia-
betes on CSII compared with MDI therapy. However, whether
on the long-run CSII is superior to MDI to delay the occurrence
of diabetes associated complications remains to be elucidated in
carefully designed prospective trials.
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Clinical Endocrinology (2013), 79, 641–647
Glycemic variability in children: CSII vs MDI 645
We thank all families, especially the children, who participated
in this study and gratefully acknowledge the support of our col-
leagues. The outstanding technical assistance of Susan Schilling,
Birgit Salewski and Anja Rahn (all Department of Paediatrics,
Rostock) is highly appreciated.
The sensors were made available free of charge by Medtronic,
Meerbusch Germany and this company funded our study by an
unrestricted grant.
Declaration of competing interests
Nothing to declare.
Authors Contribution
CS and UJ were responsible for patient care, collection and anal-
ysis of data and preparation of the manuscript. BW measured
the FISO and PGF
concentrations, AT participated in data
analysis and interpretation of the glucose pentagon. DH and
DCF (guarantors) were responsible for the study concept
and design, supervised the study, participated in data analysis
and interpretation, reviewed and edited the manuscript.
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Clinical Endocrinology (2013), 79, 641–647
Glycemic variability in children: CSII vs MDI 647
... It has been hypothesized that by improving the glucose variability and reducing the exposure to periods of hyperinsulinemia, CSII may impact oxidative stress markers and lipid profile [40][41][42]. Children with T1D seem to have higher urinary excretion of 8-iso-PGF2α, F2-isoprostanes formation, than healthy subjects [43][44][45]. These oxidative stress markers enhanced lipid peroxidation and they are correlated with lipid profile alterations [45]. ...
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Background and aims: A higher frequency of dyslipidemia is reported in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and celiac disease (CD). Recently, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) has been associated with better lipid profiles in patients with T1D. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between treatment modality and lipid profile, metabolic control, and body mass index (BMI)-SDS in children with both T1D and CD. Methods: Cross-sectional study in children registered in the international SWEET database in November 2020. Inclusion criteria were children (2-18 years) with T1D and CD with available data on treatment modality (CSII and injections therapy, IT), triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, dyslipidemia, HbA1c, and BMI-SDS. Overweight/obesity was defined as > +1 BMI-SDS for age. Data were analyzed by linear and logistical regression models with adjustment for age, gender, and diabetes duration. Results: In total 1009 children with T1D and CD (female 54%, CSII 54%, age 13.9 years ±3.6, diabetes duration 7.2 years ±4.1, HbA1c 7.9% ±1.4) were included. Significant differences between children treated with CSII vs. IT were respectively found; HDL 60.0 mg/dL vs. 57.8 mg/dL, LDL 89.4 mg/dL vs. 94.2 mg/dL, HbA1c 7.7 vs. 8.1%, BMI-SDS 0.4 vs. 0.6, overweight and obesity 17% vs. 26% (all p < 0.05). Conclusions: CSII is associated with higher HDL and lower LDL, HbA1c, BMI-SDS, and percentage of overweight and obesity compared with IT in this study. Further prospective studies are required to determine whether CSII improves lipid profile, metabolic control and normalize body weight in children with both T1D and CD.
... These results may potentially be due to specific alterations in the designs of the studies (e.g., type of exercise or set-up). Intriguingly, one might expect less beneficial effects of CLS in the younger population due to elevated glycemic variability [36] that may affect exogenous insulin requirements and deteriorate CGM accuracy, which is seen during moderate-intensity exercise [2,37,38]. Two recent position statements gave recommendations on how to manage glucose around physical exercise according to values given by intermittently scanned glucose monitoring systems (isCGM) and CGM sensors [2,3]. ...
... These results may potentially be due to specific alterations in the designs of the studies (e.g., type of exercise or set-up). Intriguingly, one might expect less beneficial effects of CLS in the younger population due to elevated glycemic variability [36] that may affect exogenous insulin requirements and deteriorate CGM accuracy, which is seen during moderate-intensity exercise [2,37,38]. Two recent position statements gave recommendations on how to manage glucose around physical exercise according to values given by intermittently scanned glucose monitoring systems (isCGM) and CGM sensors [2,3]. ...
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The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to compare time in range (TIR) (70–180 mg/dL (3.9–10.0 mmol/L)) between fully closed-loop systems (CLS) and standard of care (including hybrid systems) during physical exercise in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). A systematic literature search was conducted in EMBASE, PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and ISI Web of Science from January 1950 until January 2020. Randomized controlled trials including studies with different CLS were compared against standard of care in people with T1D. The meta-analysis was performed using the random effects model and restricted maximum likelihood estimation method. Six randomized controlled trials involving 153 participants with T1D of all age groups were included. Due to crossover test designs, studies were included repeatedly (a–d) if CLS or physical exercise interventions were different. Applying this methodology increased the comparisons to a total number of 266 participants. TIR was higher with an absolute mean difference (AMD) of 6.18%, 95% CI: 1.99 to 10.38% in favor of CLS. In a subgroup analysis, the AMD was 9.46%, 95% CI: 2.48% to 16.45% in children and adolescents while the AMD for adults was 1.07% 95% CI: −0.81% to 2.96% in favor of CLS. In this systematic review and meta-analysis CLS moderately improved TIR in comparison to standard of care during physical exercise in people with T1D. This effect was particularly pronounced for children and adolescents showing that the use of CLS improved TIR significantly compared to standard of care.
... According to the Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS) standard (10), the quality of each literature was evaluated and total number of stars greater than or equal to six as appropriate literature (NOS ranges from 0 to 9 stars) were selected. The information of each on the 14 literature was extracted (3,(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18), including author name, published year, research time, region, sample size, age, gender, duration of TID, HbA 1c after MDI therapy, and HbA1c after CSII therapy. ...
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Background The incidence of pediatric type 1 diabetes (T1D) is increasing worldwide, and the appropriate choice of therapy regimens is important for children, especially in developing countries with inadequate resources. Methods We conducted a design combining meta-analysis and prospective cohort study. In meta-analysis, 14 studies involving 69,085 TID cases reported glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, including 48,363 multiple daily insulin injections therapy (MIT) and 20,722 continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). In our prospective cohort study, TID cases were recruited from a tertiary children’s hospital, and randomly divided into Group MIT and Group CSII. After the 4-year follow-up, the effects of MDI (n = 112) and CSII (n = 76) therapy on glycemic control, long-term complications, as well as the growth and pubertal development were explored. Results Compared to CSII in TID, HbA1c levels in MDI (WMD = 0.21, 95% CI: 0.20 to 0.23) were increased significantly in meta-analysis. Among 188 clinical cases, mean age at recruitment was 7.55 (SD 2.91) years. Duration of TID was 4.23 (SD 2.61) years. 50.53% (n = 95) of them were boys. The 4-year follow-up showed that children’s HbA1c was 0.67 (95% CI −1.28, −0.05) % lower in children with CSII compared to children with MDI in multivariable regression models with adjustment for potential confounders (children’s age at follow-up, duration of TID, gender, birthweight, parity, and delivery method). CSII was associated with 2.31 kg higher in children’s weight (95% CI 0.59, 4.04) in the adjusted model. No difference was found in peripheral nerve and fundus consequences as well as the status of obesity and thin and pubertal development between CSII and MIT. Conclusion CSII might be associated with better glycemic control and better effect for children growth development. No higher risks of long-term complications and delayed pubertal development were observed in CSII. Our findings provided evidence for a better therapy regimen for T1D in children, nevertheless, they need to be validated by a larger sample size study.
... In addition, CSII offers the possibility of more flexibility and more precise insulin delivery than multiple daily injection (MDI). Various studies in paediatric patients showed that there were improvements in haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), along with lower glycaemic variability, less complication events and improved long-term glycaemic control [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Although most studies report an improvement in HbA1c associated with pump therapy [18][19][20], some reports showed no improvement or an initial improvement followed by a return to pre-pump levels after a short time [21][22][23]. ...
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Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the effects of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) therapy on glycaemic control and acute complications in children, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Methods: The prospective observational study was done in patients on multiple daily injection (MDI) switching to pump system. All patients were followed at the Paediatric Diabetes Clinic at BIRDEM Hospital. They were trained on carbohydrates counting and started on continuous basal insulin infusion in addition to meal and high blood glucose correction insulin boluses. They were followed on insulin pump therapy for a 6-month period. Results: Twenty patients were analysed, from baseline to visit 2 after 6 months. The patients included in the study had T1DM for a mean duration of 4.7 ± 3.1 years. The age ranged from 3 to 25 years (mean 13.7 ± 6.1). There was 1% reduction in haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) after 6 months, though it did not reach the statistical significance (p = 0.084). There was significant reduction of mean fasting blood glucose level 13.4 ± 7.0 versus 6.9 ± 1.6 mmol/L (p = 0.001), total insulin requirement (p = 0.043), frequency of hypoglycaemic episodes (p = 0.006), and diabetic ketoacidosis (p = 0.002) events during CSII therapy. Conclusion: In our study, we found that switching young T1DM patients from MDI to insulin pump had been effective with achievement of a reduction in fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, and acute complications.
Purpose: Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) are at risk to develop CF related diabetes (CFRD) and subsequently even diabetic neuro- and/or vasculopathy. We sought to determine if there are typical signs of diabetes-related retinal alterations present in CF patients with preserved and impaired glycemic control. Methods: During routine annual examination CF patients were offered an additional 7-day period of real time continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM) and an ophthalmological examination including retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT). Patients were categorized according to the glycemic control, i.e. the results of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and rtCGM were taken into consideration. OCT data was analyzed by our previously published visual analysis software generating dedicated and spatially resolved deviation maps for visualization and quantification of differences in total retinal thickness and thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) as well as ganglion cell layer (GCL) in comparison to age-matched healthy controls and patients with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Results: Results of the rtCGM and/or OGTT enabled discrimination between patients with normal glycemic control (CFNG; n = 6), with abnormal glycemic control (CFAG; n = 6) and overt CFRD (n = 4). OCT data indicates gradually increasing retinal thinning in all 3 groups, depending on the degree of glucose metabolism disorder compared to healthy controls. At the foveal region total retinal thickness and GCL thickness were significantly thinner in CFRD patients compared to CFNG patients (total retinal thickness: 260.4 µm (239.3-270.8) vs. 275.4 µm (254.3-289.5); GCL: 11.82 µm (11.16-15.25) vs. 17.30 µm (13.95-19.82); each p < 0.05). Conclusion: Although we investigated a rather small number of patients, we obtained evidence that intraretinal neurodegenerative changes occur in each of our subgroups (CFNG, CFAG, CFRD). Beyond this, our results favor the detrimental role of additional diabetes, as the deviations from healthy controls were most pronounced in the CFRD group and are similar to those seen in patients suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
AimThe aim of this study was to investigate the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the patients using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) therapy. We reported the effects of CSII therapy on some clinical parameters.Materials and methodsOne hundred twenty-seven patients using CSII therapy were enrolled in the study. A total of 102 patients were included after 25 cases were excluded due to inadequate data. Sociodemographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics were obtained from the hospital database.ResultsIn our study, no relationship was found between educational level and the effective use of carbohydrate counting and diabetes complications. After switching to CSII therapy, patients’ glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were reduced to 8.2% (5.3–14) at their last visit (p = 0.005). Also, total daily insulin dosage with 48 IU/day (7.3–180) was significantly decreased to 40 IU/day (15–276) after CSII therapy (p = 0.001). CSII therapy was significantly associated with less episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis at the last visit than at the initiation of CSII therapy (p = 0.033).Conclusion Switching to CSII therapy can improve glycemic control, reduce insulin dosage requirements, and improve patient quality of life by reducing episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis.
AimsTo improve glycemic variability (GV) is crucial in the management of multiple daily insulin (MDI) treatment in diabetes. To evaluate the GV improvement in MDI treated type 2 diabetes (T2D) with low-dose metformin 750 mg/day (LMET), which was popular in the clinical practice in Japan, we compared the effect of adding vildagliptin 100 mg/day (LMET + DPP4i treatment) or increased metformin dose to 1500 mg/day (HMET treatment), in the setting of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) analysis.Materials and methodsSingle-center, open-label, 12 weeks—two period cross-over design. Twenty T2D with inadequately controlled (7.0% < HbA1c ≤ 9.0%) with MDI + LMET were enrolled. Primary endpoints were GV and hypoglycemia derived from CGM indices, performed after each 12 week treatment periods.ResultsThere was no significant difference in both LMET + DPP4i treatment and HMET treatment, in terms of HbA1c, body weight changes, and total daily dose of insulin to achieve the targeted glycemia. LMET + DPP4i treatment compared to HMET treatment, significantly reduced the calculated GV value, mean (7.15 ± 1.30 vs 7.82 ± 1.60, p = 0.04), standard deviation (1.78 ± 0.55 vs 2.27 ± 1.11, p = 0.03), continuous overlapping net glycemic action (6.44 ± 1.28 vs 7.12 ± 1.69, p < 0.05), J-Index (26.7 ± 11.0 vs 34.9 ± 19.8, p < 0.05), high blood glucose index (3.01 ± 1.96 vs 6.73 ± 4.85, p = 0.02), and mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (4.53 ± 1.35 vs 5.50 ± 2.34, p = 0.03).Conclusion The GV metrics regarding daily and nocturnal hypoglycemia were not significantly different between LMET + DPP4i treatment and HMET treatment. LMET + DPP4i treatment decreased GV associated with hyperglycemia. Adding DPP-4-inhibitor to the lower dose of metformin is an alternative approach to the stable GV in MDI compared to additional high-dose metformin. National Clinical Trial registration in Japan, number is JPRN-UMIN000024663.
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Background. The "Report of the Second Task Force on Blood Pressure Control in Children - 1987" developed normative blood pressure (BP) data for children and adolescents. These normative data are used to classify BP levels. Since 1987, additional BP data in children and adolescents, the use of newer classes of drugs, and the role of primary prevention of hypertension have expanded the body of knowledge regarding the classification and treatment of hypertension in the young. Objective. To report new normative BP data in children and adolescents and to provide additional information regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of hypertension in children. Methods. A working group was appointed by the director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as chair of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP) Coordinating Committee. Data on children from the 1988 through 1991 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III and nine additional national data sets were combined to develop normative BP tables. The working group members produced initial draft documents that were reviewed by NHBPEP Coordinating Committee representatives as well as experts in pediatrics, cardiology, and hypertension. This reiterative process occurred for 12 draft documents. The NHBPEP Coordinating Committee discussed the report, and additional comments were received. Differences of opinion were adjudicated by the chair of the working group. The final report was sent to representatives of the 44 organizations on the NHBPEP Coordinating Committee for vote. It was approved unanimously by the NHBPEP Co-ordinating Committee on October 2, 1995. Conclusions. This report provides new normative BP tables for children and adolescents, which now include height percentiles, age, and gender. The fifth Korotkoff sound is now used to define diastolic BP in children and adolescents. New charts have been developed to guide practicing clinicians in antihypertensive drug therapy selection. The primary prevention of hypertension in these age groups is discussed. A statement on public health considerations in the treatment of children and adolescents is provided.
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Background The value of continuous glucose monitoring in the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus has not been determined. Methods In a multicenter clinical trial, we randomly assigned 322 adults and children who were already receiving intensive therapy for type 1 diabetes to a group with continuous glucose monitoring or to a control group performing home monitoring with a blood glucose meter. All the patients were stratified into three groups according to age and had a glycated hemoglobin level of 7.0 to 10.0%. The primary outcome was the change in the glycated hemoglobin level at 26 weeks. Results The changes in glycated hemoglobin levels in the two study groups varied markedly according to age group (P=0.003), with a significant difference among patients 25 years of age or older that favored the continuous-monitoring group (mean difference in change, −0.53%; 95% confidence interval [CI], −0.71 to −0.35; P<0.001). The between-group difference was not significant among those who were 15 to 24 years of age (mean difference, 0.08; 95% CI, −0.17 to 0.33; P=0.52) or among those who were 8 to 14 years of age (mean difference, −0.13; 95% CI, −0.38 to 0.11; P=0.29). Secondary glycated hemoglobin outcomes were better in the continuous-monitoring group than in the control group among the oldest and youngest patients but not among those who were 15 to 24 years of age. The use of continuous glucose monitoring averaged 6.0 or more days per week for 83% of patients 25 years of age or older, 30% of those 15 to 24 years of age, and 50% of those 8 to 14 years of age. The rate of severe hypoglycemia was low and did not differ between the two study groups; however, the trial was not powered to detect such a difference. Conclusions Continuous glucose monitoring can be associated with improved glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes. Further work is needed to identify barriers to effectiveness of continuous monitoring in children and adolescents. ( number, NCT00406133.)
F-2-isoprostanes are considered to be novel markers of lipid peroxidation. To study the in vivo formation of F-2-isoprostanes, an improved method was developed for isotope dilution assays involving gas chromatography/triple-stage quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) including thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (sum of all F-2-isoprostanes) and high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) purification (prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha)) and 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha)). Following the addition of isotopically labeled prostaglandins to urine, the sample was acidified and applied to a C-18 cartridge. After elution, prostaglandins were derivatized to pentafluorobenzyl esters and subjected to TLC. A broad zone was scratched off, isoprostanes were eluted and after formation of their trimethylsilyl ether derivatives the sun of F-2-isoprostanes was determined by GC/MS/MS. For the determination of PGF(2 alpha) and 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha) prior to trimethylsilylation an additional HPLC step was performed and the fractions containing PGF(2 alpha) and 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha) were analyzed by GC/MS/MS. Using this technique, 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha) concentrations in urine samples as low as 5 pg ml(-1) could be determined with high accuracy. The excretion rates of isoprostanes were studied in comparison with the classical prostaglandins in three different groups: healthy adults, healthy children and children with hyper-PGE syndrome (HPS), a pathological situation associated with a stimulated PGE(2 alpha) synthesis. F-2-isoprostanes represented the main arachidonic acid metabolites in these groups and 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha) excretion was comparable in its amount to the classical prostanoids. To delineate the cyclooxygenase-catalyzed contribution, the influence of indomethacin, an inhibitor of cyclooxygenases, on F-2-isoprostane formation in healthy adults and in HPS children was analyzed. Significantly decreased excretion rates were observed 2 days after indomethacin administration for all prostanoids, including F-2-isoprostanes and 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha). However, the suppression of F-2-isoprostanes and 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha) excretion rates was less pronounced in comparison with the classical prostanoids. An improved and reliable method for the determination of F-2-isoprostanes and especially 8-epi-PGF(2 alpha) has been developed. The data obtained on human urine samples indicates a contribution of the cyclooxygenase pathway to the formation of isoprostanes. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The endothelium is a complex organ with a multitude of properties essential for control of vascular functions. Dysfunction of the vascular endothelium is regarded as an important factor in the pathogenesis of diabetic micro- and macro-angiopathy. Endothelial dysfunction in Type I and 11 diabetes complicated by micro- or macro-albuminuria is generalized in that it affects many aspects of endothelial function and occurs not only in the kidney. The close linkage between micro-albuminuria and endothelial dysfunction in diabetes is an attractive explanation, for the fact that microalbuminuria is a risk marker for atherothrombosis. In Type I diabetes, endothelial dysfunction precedes and may cause diabetic microangiopathy, but it is not clear whether endothelial dysfunction is a feature of the diabetic state itself. In Type 11 diabetes, endothelial function is impaired from the onset of the disease and is strongly related to adverse outcomes. It is not clear whether impaired endothelial function is caused by hyperglycaemia or by other factors. Impaired endothelial function is closely associated with and may contribute to insulin resistance regardless of the presence of diabetes. Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes originates from three main sources. Hyperglycaemia and its immediate biochemical sequelae directly alter endothelial function or influence endothelial cell functioning indirectly by the synthesis of growth factors, cytokines and vasoactive agents in other cells. Finally, the components of the metabolic syndrome can impair endothelial function.
Background The value of continuous glucose monitoring in the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus has not been determined. Methods In a multicenter clinical trial, we randomly assigned 322 adults and children who were already receiving intensive therapy for type 1 diabetes to a group with continuous glucose monitoring or to a control group performing home monitoring with a blood glucose meter. All the patients were stratified into three groups according to age and had a glycated hemoglobin level of 7.0 to 10.0%. The primary outcome was the change in the glycated hemoglobin level at 26 weeks. Results The changes in glycated hemoglobin levels in the two study groups varied markedly according to age group ( P = 0.003), with a significant difference among patients 25 years of age or older that favored the continuous- monitoring group ( mean difference in change, - 0.53%; 95% confidence interval [ CI], - 0.71 to - 0.35; P< 0.001). The between- group difference was not significant among those who were 15 to 24 years of age ( mean difference, 0.08; 95% CI, - 0.17 to 0.33; P = 0.52) or among those who were 8 to 14 years of age ( mean difference, - 0.13; 95% CI, - 0.38 to 0.11; P = 0.29). Secondary glycated hemoglobin outcomes were better in the continuous- monitoring group than in the control group among the oldest and youngest patients but not among those who were 15 to 24 years of age. The use of continuous glucose monitoring averaged 6.0 or more days per week for 83% of patients 25 years of age or older, 30% of those 15 to 24 years of age, and 50% of those 8 to 14 years of age. The rate of severe hypoglycemia was low and did not differ between the two study groups; however, the trial was not powered to detect such a difference. Conclusions Continuous glucose monitoring can be associated with improved glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes. Further work is needed to identify barriers to effectiveness of continuous monitoring in children and adolescents. ( ClinicalTrials. gov number, NCT00406133.).
Objectives. Both the Childhood Group of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and the European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) recommend to use the body mass index (BMI = weight in kilograms/height in meter2) to evaluate overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Whereas it is customary with adults to use fixed cut off points to define overweight and obesity, in children and adolescents age and sex specific developmental changes in BMI need to be addressed, which are due to physiological alterations of fat mass. Method. Because a national reference population for children and adolescents does not exist in Germany, a BMI reference data set was compiled. Therefore measurements of height and weight from 17 different regional studies including 17147 boys and 17275 girls aged 0 to 18 years were used. Results and conclusions. We recommend the use of the presented percentiles as reference to asses under- and overweight (obesity) in German children and adolescents. In the guidelines of the “Arbeitsgruppe Adipo-sitas im Kindes- und Jugendalter” (AGA) the 90th and 97th BMI percentiles as calculated in this reference population are proposed as cut-off points for the definition of overweight and obesity in German children and adolescents.
Background: The accuracy and efficacy of the Medtronic Diabetes (Northridge, CA) Real-Time (RT)-Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) sensor were analyzed in 72 subjects with type 1 diabetes. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 60,050 temporally paired data points (sensor and glucose meter values) obtained during the course of an outpatient ambulatory study evaluating the efficacy of a sensor-augmented pump system in adults and adolescents. Subjects uploaded sensor values and self-monitoring blood glucose data to the CareLink Clinical Application (Medtronic Diabetes) via the Internet, every 2 weeks during the course of the study. Results: The overall percentage of sensor readings within +/-20% or +/-30% agreement of reference glucose readings was 75.6% and 86.8%, respectively. The highest rate of agreement occurred in the 240-400 mg/dL range, where 79.9% of sensor readings were within +/-20% of meter values and 91.5% of sensor readings were within 30% of meter values. The mean absolute relative difference for all subjects was 15.8%, and the median absolute relative difference was 10.9%. The bias was -2.13 mg/dL. Paired glucose measurements from the RT-CGM and meter demonstrated that 95.9% of paired points in the overall subject population fell in zones A and B of the Clarke Error Grid. Consensus Error Grid Analysis established that 99.2% of paired data points were in zones A and B. Conclusions: This study reports the accuracy of a continuous glucose sensor with a large number of paired data points (60,050). RT-CGM is safe and well tolerated and provides readings that are in close agreement with glucose meter values.
There are a large number of measures of glycemic variability, including standard deviation (SD), percentage coefficient of variation (%CV), interquartile range (IQR), mean amplitude of glucose excursion (MAGE), mean of daily differences (MODD), and continuous overlapping net glycemic action over an n-hour period (CONGA(n)). These are all highly correlated with the overall or "total" SD, SD(T). SD(T) is composed of several components corresponding to within-day variability, between-day variability (between daily means and between days-within specified time points), and the interaction of these sources of variability. We identify several subtypes of SD; each is highly correlated with SD(T). Variability may also depend on time of day. Numerous measures of quality of glycemic control have been proposed, including a weighted average of glucose values (M)(e.g., M(100) is M at 100 mg/dL), a measure of quality of glycemic control based on mean and SD (J), the Glycemic Risk Assessment Diabetes Equation (GRADE), the Index of Glycemic Control (IGC), the High Blood Glucose Index (HBGI), the Low Blood Glucose Index (LBGI), the Average Daily Risk Range (ADRR), and percentage of glucose values within specified ranges. These methods usually but not always give consistent results: they can differ widely in terms of their ability to detect responses to therapeutic interventions. Based on review of the advantages and limitations of these measures and on extensive experience in the application of these methods, we outline a systematic approach to the interpretation of continuous glucose monitoring data for use by clinical researchers and clinicians to evaluate the quality of glycemic control, glucose variability including within- and between-day variability, the day-to-day stability of glycemic patterns, and changes in response to therapy.
Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) generate data streams that are both complex and voluminous. The analyses of these data require an understanding of the physical, biochemical, and mathematical properties involved in this technology. This article describes several methods that are pertinent to the analysis of CGM data, taking into account the specifics of the continuous monitoring data streams. These methods include: (1) evaluating the numerical and clinical accuracy of CGM. We distinguish two types of accuracy metrics-numerical and clinical-each having two subtypes measuring point and trend accuracy. The addition of trend accuracy, e.g., the ability of CGM to reflect the rate and direction of blood glucose (BG) change, is unique to CGM as these new devices are capable of capturing BG not only episodically, but also as a process in time. (2) Statistical approaches for interpreting CGM data. The importance of recognizing that the basic unit for most analyses is the glucose trace of an individual, i.e., a time-stamped series of glycemic data for each person, is stressed. We discuss the use of risk assessment, as well as graphical representation of the data of a person via glucose and risk traces and Poincaré plots, and at a group level via Control Variability-Grid Analysis. In summary, a review of methods specific to the analysis of CGM data series is presented, together with some new techniques. These methods should facilitate the extraction of information from, and the interpretation of, complex and voluminous CGM time series.