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A Research Agenda for Mixed Reality in Automated Vehicles


Abstract and Figures

With the increasing knowledge advancements and availability of mixed reality (MR), the number of its purposes and applications in vehicles rises. Mixed reality may help to increase road safety, support more immersive (non-) driving related activities, and finally enhance driving and passenger experience. MR may also be the enabling technology to increase trust and acceptance in automated vehicles and therefore help on the transition towards automated driving. Further, automated driving extends use cases of virtual reality and other immersive technologies. However, there are still a number of challenges with the use of mixed reality when applied in vehicles, and also several human factors issues need to be solved. This paper aims at presenting a research agenda for using mixed reality technology for automotive user interfaces (UIs) by identifying opportunities and challenges.
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A Research Agenda for Mixed Reality in Automated Vehicles
Andreas Riegler
University of Applied Sciences Upper
Hagenberg, Austria
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Linz, Austria
Andreas Riener
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Ingolstadt, Germany
Clemens Holzmann
University of Applied Sciences Upper
Hagenberg, Austria
With the increasing knowledge advancements and availability of
mixed reality (MR), the number of its purposes and applications
in vehicles rises. Mixed reality may help to increase road safety,
support more immersive (non-) driving related activities, and nally
enhance driving and passenger experience. MR may also be the
enabling technology to increase trust and acceptance in automated
vehicles and therefore help on the transition towards automated
driving. Further, automated driving extends use cases of virtual
reality and other immersive technologies. However, there are still
a number of challenges with the use of mixed reality when applied
in vehicles, and also several human factors issues need to be solved.
This paper aims at presenting a research agenda for using mixed re-
ality technology for automotive user interfaces (UIs) by identifying
opportunities and challenges.
Human-centered computing Mixed / augmented reality
Virtual reality
Interaction techniques
;User studies;Scenario-
based design;Interface design prototyping.
research agenda, mixed reality, automotive user interfaces, auto-
mated driving
ACM Reference Format:
Andreas Riegler, Andreas Riener, and Clemens Holzmann. 2020. A Research
Agenda for Mixed Reality in Automated Vehicles. In 19th International
Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2020), November
22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages. https:
Since 2014, the number of scientic publications on mixed real-
ity in automated driving has increased rapidly (see Figure 1). We
searched for augmented, virtual and mixed reality in automated
driving on ScienceDirect, ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore
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MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany
©2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8870-2/20/11. . . $15.00
and found more than 270 papers. Specically, the AutomotiveUI
community has published approx. 100 research papers (including
full and short papers, works in progress, workshops and demos)
utilizing mixed reality in vehicles, and shows an increasing trend
(2014: 15 publications, 2019: 47 publications).
Figure 1: Scientifc publications on mixed reality in auto-
mated driving, 2014-2019.
The reality-virtuality continuum [
] describes dierent levels
of reality, from the real world to a fully immersive virtual environ-
ment, the so-called virtual reality (VR), which solely consists of 3D
digital objects [
]. Mixed reality (MR) encompasses all variations
between the real world and the virtual environment. As such, aug-
mented reality (AR) is a technology in which virtual objects are
integrated into the real world in real time [
]. The emergence of the
Microsoft HoloLens, Magic Leap and similar AR technology allows
to research in-vehicle use of AR in a more immersive way [
thereby enabling researches to explore human-machine interaction
concepts more realistically using these AR devices in both lab as
well as eld studies. Advances in vehicle automation, such as the
latest Audi A8 equipped with SAE Level 3 (L3) assistance, provide
further use cases for AR applications to support work and enter-
tainment related activities [
] or increase trust in automated
driving [
]. Additionally, VR head-mounted displays (HMDs)
such as the HTC Vive and Oculus Quest, in conjunction with in-
teraction tracking technologies like Leap Motion for hand tracking
and Ultraleap Stratos for haptics provide immersive experiences in
MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany Riegler et al.
(a) Goals and opportunities. (b) Accessibility challenges.
(c) Usability testing challenges. (d) Evaluation challenges.
Figure 2: Results of the workshop on MR in intelligent vehicles.
A Research Agenda for Mixed Reality in Automated Vehicles MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany
Table 1: MR applications for SAE level 3 and higher automated driving.
Infotainment/Gamication [20, 76, 125, 138, 140, 148]
Navigation [7, 12, 12, 121, 141]
Trust [50, 146, 152, 153]
Feedback/Situation awareness [64, 70, 71, 123]
Mobile oce [59, 120, 134, 145]
Hazard indication [45, 143]
Depth perception [82, 84]
Task switching [35]
Passenger experiences [46]
Pedestrian interaction [10, 23, 25, 32, 44, 54, 79, 83, 90, 99]
Driving simulation [4, 9, 41, 42, 52, 77, 112, 124, 144]
Feedback/Situation awareness [3, 53, 78, 81, 150]
Tele-operated driving [9, 14, 40, 98]
Passenger experiences [11, 65, 87]
Navigation [66, 142]
Trust [92, 129, 146]
Motion sickness [31, 57]
Driving training [34, 137]
fully simulated digital environments. These advances in VR technol-
ogy can, for example, be used to simulate AR content [
]. Recent
research [56, 146] shows promises in this VR approach.
It has been more than ve years since Gabbard et al.’s landmark
research paper on driver challenges and opportunities for AR auto-
motive applications [
]. In 2014, technologies for AR in vehicles
were not yet technically mature for practical use in vehicles. Chal-
lenges that needed to be solved include computation and perception
issues, such as accurate capturing and interpretation of road ge-
ometry, precise vehicle positioning, compensation for vibrations,
driver monitoring and implementation of sophisticated algorithms
to create precise augmentation content in the driver’s eld of view,
and others. Additionally, physical, cognitive, and experiential issues
(e.g., focus change in AR systems causing eye strain; dissonance
in equilibrium sense causing simulator sickness; change blindness;
cognitive overload, driver and passenger experience) needed to be
tackled as well [
]. We studied all AutoUI publications since 2014
and found that an increasing number of them utilize mixed reality
technology for their user studies. Mixed reality technology in vehi-
cles has been researched for several years now and has shown to
have the ability to increase trust and safety in automated driving
as well as foster comfort of driving [7, 13, 49, 67, 68, 130, 153].
Table 1 gives an overview of selected augmented and virtual
reality (AR, VR) applications. VR is commonly used for prototyp-
ing, simulating pedestrian interactions and tele-operated driving in
highly specialized scenarios, which could be considered unsafe in
the real world. Additionally, passenger experiences are often mod-
eled in VR. On the other hand, AR is researched for infotainment
and gamication concepts in automated driving, as well as display-
ing navigation hints and hazard indications. More recently, mobile
work and well-being are researched topics in the AR domain.
The 2019 International Conference on Automotive User Inter-
faces and Interactive Vehicular Application [
] was accompanied
by a workshop on mixed reality in intelligent vehicles [
] with
the purpose of nding a holistic approach of MR use in driving. In
this paper, we present the results of the mixed reality workshop for
intelligent vehicles with focus on the practical usage of mixed real-
ity as well as future developments of this technology in intelligent
vehicles, categorized into opportunities and challenges.
Figure 2 shows our brainstorming and discussion results. The
main focus of the workshop was to identify challenges, subcate-
gorized into accessibility (Figure 2b), usability testing (Figure 2c)
and evaluation criteria (Figure 2d) as well as goals and opportunities
(Figure 2a), which are presented in detail in the following.
Utilizing mixed reality technology can benet drivers, passengers
and pedestrians. One benet of MR is to personalize content pre-
sentations (e.g., using a head-mounted display or a large 3D AR
windshield display). In this section, we describe goals and opportu-
nities that MR technology delivers in combination with automated
2.1 Perception
An opportunity of MR technology used in intelligent vehicles is to
overlap information on the windshield, providing the benet for the
driver of avoiding to look down to dashboard displays and keep fo-
cussed on the road [
]. However, it is necessary to accommodate
the eyes between the outside environment and inside AR display.
In this regard, also the distance to project information onto must be
researched further [
]. In partial automation, AR head-up or
windshield displays provide assistance to human drivers by high-
lighting navigation and hazards [
]. For example, adjusting
the translucency of parts of the windshield display led to decreas-
ing braking times [
], and highlighting the location of harazd
on the WSD led to fewer shifts of visual focus and attention away
from the road [
]. Additionally, it is possible to personalize the
user interface using virtual/digital 3D objects rather than hardware
buttons and knobs. Initial research conducted by Haeuslschmid et
al. [
] and Riegler et al. [
] shows that drivers of automated vehi-
cles prefer personalized user interfaces tailored to their contextual
situation (e.g., work-related or entertainment-related activities).
2.2 Multimodal Interaction and Arbitration
Employment of MR technology in vehicles additionally opens the
possibility of new interaction modalities, i.e. how drivers and pas-
senger can control the car and perform non-driving related activ-
ities. Such interaction types include gestures [
], speech [
gaze [
], haptic controls [
] etc. For example, Lagoo et al. [
show that using gestures to interact with a HUD as opposed to a
head-down display (HDD) mitigates driver’s distraction, ultimately
leading to a reduction in collision occurrences. Moreover, there is
an opportunity to wear HMDs, such as the Microsoft HoloLens,
as opposed to built-in HUD displays [
]. Specically, Benz et al.
MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany Riegler et al.
] found that projection-based displays induced less simulator
sickness in a real vehicle driving simulator. However, with future
technological advancements of HMDs, especially when consider-
ing reduced weight, head-tracking and stereoscopic vision, HMDs
might become a viable transport of information compared to HUDs.
2.3 Establish Guidelines and
In traditional UI and HCI design, Shneiderman’s Golden Rules [
and Norman’s Principles of Interaction Design [
] are well estab-
lished. Consequently, when it comes to designing MR applications,
guidelines and recommendations play an important role that may
dier from the existing, traditional ones (e.g., designing for desktop
and mobile devices). From tackling motion sickness to enhancing
user experience and vehicle safety, such standardized ”rules” must
be developed with high priority. Interaction design guidelines could,
for example, include the level of safety of MR interactions, the use
of central vs. peripheral information systems, and a design space
for MR applications [
]. The provision of UI AR widgets and tool
kits can further help to create a uniform design (e.g., fonts, symbols,
strokes) across dierent OEMs.
2.4 Support Non-Driving Related Task (NDRT)
For highly automated vehicles, non-driving related tasks (NDRTs)
will replace the primary driving task. The transition from informa-
tion displays nowadays to entertainment and experience displays
in the future opens new possibilities for automotive UI designers.
For example, using VR technology, the outside surroundings can
be replaced with dynamically created digital content that adapts
to the vehicle’s driving behavior (direction, speed etc.) [
]. It is
foreseeable that games and other entertainment experiences will be
established in future vehicles. Gamication approaches can be used
to establish trust in automated driving [
]. For example,
Steinberger et al. [
] propose a combination of video game de-
sign theory and road safety psychology to engage drivers to drive
safer while maintaining fun by displaying 3D AR objects on the
windshield. Additionally, passengers in the back of the vehicle can
be made aware of car activities using MR enabled side windows
or displays. Co-operative AR user interfaces enable passengers in
the vehicle and external vehicles to communicate with each other
]. Furthermore, pedestrian-vehicle communication can be
achieved with MR technology using MR enabled windows and dis-
plays. The vehicle could augment its intention to pedestrians. For
example, Loecken et al. [
] investigated how automated vehicles
(AVs) should interact with pedestrians and found that displaying in-
formation on the street and using unambiguous signals (e.g., green
lights) has a positive impact on pedestrian crossing safety and user
experience. Additionally, MR can act as enabler for mobile oce
tasks as well [
]. Schmartmueller et al. [
] compared auditory
and head-up displays for work-related tasks and found that the
latter enable sequential multi-tasking as well as reduce workload
and improve productivity.
The goal of our research roadmap is to address the challenges in HCI
research with MR in automated driving. Therefore, the main focus
of our workshop was to identify challenges regarding user study
design and methods for evaluating MR applications and scenarios.
In the following, we present in detail the challenges of applying
MR technology in automated vehicles according to our workshop
3.1 Challenge 1: Accessibility
One of the biggest challenges for provisioning mixed reality in
automated vehicles is to make it accessible to their users. Drivers
must trust MR and see the benet of using it which requires context
awareness and the ability to explain the driving situation, and if
needed, provide take-over assistance.
3.1.1 Ensure Situation Awareness (SA). Mixed reality must be im-
plemented in a way that provides drivers with a sucient level of
situation awareness [
]. To this end, the driver’s status must be
monitored: ”Is the driver ready?” ”Has the driver checked all ob-
jects nearby?” The intelligent vehicle must take appropriate actions
should the driver ”fall out of the loop” [
]. Riener et al. [
state the need to identify how automotive HCI researchers can best
monitor and measure the driver states, how they can provide appro-
priate feedback depending on the states and how they can estimate
the driver’s response to that feedback. Riener et al. [
] foresee a
relaxation of visual display requirements in higher levels of vehicle
automation (SAE level 3 and 4), as opposed to eyes-o-the-road or
eyes-o-focus requirements for manual driving.
3.1.2 Interface Display. On the one hand, MR technology can be
used to highlight danger objects from the outside environment
on the interface display, such as a head-up or windshield display
]. Haeuslschmid et al. [
] propose to utilized AR wind-
shield displays to visualize warnings at the position of the hazard
and found that drivers employ a more calm gaze behavior (i.e.,
fewer shifts of visual focus and attention away from the road to
detect an equivalent amount of hazards) when compared to the
no display condition. On the other hand, a certain level of dimin-
ished reality can be achieved by using MR to adapt the interfaces
to the current state of the driver and environment. Sawabe et al.
] aim to reduce motion sickness in automated driving by
using vection illusion to induce the user to make a preliminary
movement against the real acceleration. Therefore, the intelligent
vehicle must be aware of the driving context. Furthermore, using
head-mounted displays within vehicles provides an opportunity to
have the information display show private information for each
occupant without violating their privacy.
3.1.3 Explainable UI. Regarding information transfer from the
vehicle to the driver/ passengers, MR can be used to convey the
intent of the vehicle: ”What does the vehicle want to do?” This way,
system knowledge and actions are made clear to the occupants of
the vehicle. Explainable UI can be utilized for automated driving
systems and shows whether the articial intellgence (AI) is able
to take over the driving control and the reasons for doing to [
MR projects what the car is ”thinking” and gives an opportunity
to the driver/passenger to decide the next action [
]. Other
A Research Agenda for Mixed Reality in Automated Vehicles MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany
than for driving information, MR can be employed for work-related
or entertainment purposes, such as immersive communication or
video games [
]. Additionally, MR has the potential to provide
pedestrians with information, such as route guidance [7].
3.1.4 Trust and Acceptance. MR can further be applied to leverage
and increase trust in automated driving. We have to consider trust
while keeping the driver in the loop. ”When should the informa-
tion ow be reduced?” Therefore, we must further investigate as
to how trust can be managed with MR. For example, trust can be
improved via display of behaviors of the vehicle, i.e., transparency
of its actions [
]. Wintersberger et al. [
] stress that as
more and more fully automated vehicles emerge into our trac
systems, it will be very important to implement means for fostering
user acceptance and trust. Wintersberger et al. [
] utilized AR
aids in fully automated driving aiming to foster trust by increasing
system transparency and communication of upcoming maneuvers
and found that augmenting trac objects relevant for a driving
scenario can increase user trust and that users felt anxious with-
out AR indicators. Similarly, Haeuslschmid et al. [
] use AR to
visualize the car’s interpretation of the current situation and its
corresponding actions by means of a chaueur avatar and a minia-
ture representation of the road environment and found that such
visualizations can increase trust in automated driving.
3.1.5 Risk Awareness. Especially for SAE level 3 and 4, MR technol-
ogy can be applied to make the driver risk aware by pointing out
the vehicle’s level of condence [
]. Schroeter et al. [
] present
an approach to increase situational awareness by the means of AR
to carefully design applications focused on amplication and volun-
tary attention. Their example application, Pokémon DRIVE, utilizes
game design elements such as challenge, rewards, and narratives
to direct driver attention to road hazards. The driver then needs to
perform an interaction to acknowledge the AR harzard (e.g., swipe
action on steering wheel). However, modeling risk awareness in
terms of user interface design is challenging: ”What objects from the
outside environment should be visualized/highlighted by MR? All
vehicles and pedestrians, or just moving vehicles and pedestrians
intending to cross the street?”.
3.1.6 Motion Sickness. One of the most important challenges when
implementing MR in automated vehicles is to avoid motion sickness
]. As Diels et al. [
] state, envisioned scenarios for self-driving
cars will lead to an increased risk of motion sickness which will
negatively aect safety and user acceptance. They further remark
that self-driving cars cannot simply be thought of as living rooms
on wheels. Since the primary driving task is no longer with the
driver, it is essential to combat sickness occurring during NDRTs.
Additionally, when using VR in automated vehicles, the overlay
of virtual content must comply with the movement of the vehicle.
Low latency between the real movement of the vehicle and the dig-
ital representation must therefore be ensured [
]. For automated
vehicles, the use of MR provides the benet to reduce motion sick-
ness by showing navigation cues to the occupants of the vehicle,
thereby allowing them to prepare for sharp turns or overtaking
maneuvers. For example, McGill et al. [
] investigated the use
of VR HMDs in automated driving scenarios to combat motion
sickness. They found that there is no one best presentation with
respect to balancing sickness and immersion, however, according
to user preferences, dierent solutions are required for dierently
susceptible users to provide usable in-vehicle VR.
3.1.7 Inaentional Blindness. The use of MR technology in the ve-
hicle should not cause inattentional blindness, i.e. when the driver
fails to perceive visual information that is relevant, detectable and
within the useful eld of view [
]. Especially in SAE level 3 driv-
ing scenarios, driver attention is critical and dicult to maintain.
Therefore, designers of MR applications should strive for reducing
unnecessary distractions for drivers. The ability for the driver to
personalize their display(s) could inuence inattentional blindness
]. Haeuslschmid et al. [
] let drivers put together their
own personalized layout (e.g., music player) in manual driving and
found that personalized layouts resulted in less safe driving con-
ditions (worse response rates and times). In SAE level 3 driving,
drivers seem to be aware of the limitations of vehicle automation
when it comes to potential take-overs and this circumstance is re-
ected in personalized layouts. Work-related information is placed
in more peripheral areas of the windshield display in SAE level
3 driving, while it is place more centrally in SAE level 5 vehicle
automation [114].
3.1.8 Training. In addition, MR can facilitate driving training out-
side of real-world environments. For higher levels of vehicle au-
tomation (SAE level 3 and up), even a new driving license may be
needed. Utilizing MR driving simulators has the benet to reduce ac-
cident risks for beginners and simulate trac scenarios that would
be hard to nd or reproduce in the real world. VR driving simulators
have the ability to visualize various settings, from mountainous
terrain to densely populated cities [
]. Several open source
VR driving simulators with focus on HCI research were recently
released to facilitate these research eorts [41, 110].
3.1.9 Take-Over. For take-over maneuvers, MR can also be applied
]. Lindemann et al. [
] examine the eects of using an AR
interface with world-relative visualizations to assist drivers before a
take-over and found that the AR interface, compared to a traditional
head-down display, resulted in higher lateral performance and re-
duced workload in situations where steering is required directly
after a take-over as well as better comfort of use and helpfulness. In
case of partial vehicle automation, MR can also be employed to visu-
alize take-over requests. In this regard, all recognized and relevant
objects of the outside environment (e.g., cars, road, pedestrians) can
be highlighted for the benet of the driver to focus on the take-over.
Schall et al. [
] visualize AR cues to increase driving safety among
elderly drivers who are at higher crash risk because of cognitive
impairments. Using these AR cues led to improved detection of
hazardous target objects of low visibility while not interfering with
detection of nonhazardous secondary objects. Further exploration
of take-overs using MR, especially while drivers perform NDRTs,
would therefore be advisable.
3.1.10 Communication with the Outside World. Moreover, MR ap-
plications can convey information to people outside and interaction
with pedestrians [
]. Examples are playful interactions (while
pedestrians are waiting at a red light, [
]) or helpful information
(e.g., helping tourists navigate to their destination; displaying a
warning that danger is ahead, [
]). MR technology enables
MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany Riegler et al.
both private and shared spaces and thereby facilitates social connec-
tions. In addition to vehicle to pedestrian communication, pedes-
trians can communicate with each other via the MR technology of
an intelligent vehicle. For example, the large windows/displays of
vehicles enable pedestrians to share and visualize more information
that by using smartphones. Vehicle to environment communication
enables further use cases, such as notifying other road users (cars,
cyclists etc.) of critical events (e.g., accidents, trac jam).
3.1.11 Work, Entertainment and Well-Being. MR for work and en-
tertainment purposes can be advantageous for highly automated
driving (SAE level 3 and higher) [
]. The outside environ-
ment could be completely overlaid with a virtual scene in real time.
For example, instead of driving through a city, the passengers of the
vehicle would see a visualization of a beautiful beach. For shared ve-
hicles, MR technology enables information displays tailored to the
personalization needs of each ”user” of the vehicle. Instead of hav-
ing a ”one size ts all” solution, MR provides customizable displays
according to the needs of the driver/passengers [
]. Haeuslschmid
et al. [
] investigated driver needs for personalizable content on
a windshield display in order to shift the urge of drivers to access
content on smartphones while driving. Their ndings show that
drivers do prefer personalization, although such layouts may not
be safe, which must be investigated further. Additionally, dierent
visualization techniques using AR windshield displays might en-
able drivers to work more productively in a vehicular environment,
when the digital content blends into the outside environment [
In an exploratory study by Riegler et al. [
], compared text com-
prehension and take-over performance on screen-xed HUDs vs.
world-relative displays and found that world-relative visualizations
achieved better task performance and faster take-over times.
3.1.12 Hardware and Technological Limitations. Another challenge
is the resolution of AR head-up displays which are currently small
and oer limited space for information presentation. Microsoft re-
cently released the HoloLens 2 HMD which has a vastly improved
performance and eld of view than its predecessor, making it more
attractive for AR explorations in automated vehicle HCI research
]. Moreover, the entire vehicle specication must be regarded,
such as available (graphics) processors, bandwidth and other de-
vices. A holistic approach towards hardware related solutions is
therefore needed.
3.1.13 Laws and Regulations. Further challenges about the em-
ployment of MR technology include laws and regulations [
which limit the potential use cases for this technology, as well as the
connection between researchers, hard- and software suppliers and
OEMs. Smith [
] presents steps that governments can take
to encourage the development, deployment and use of automated
road vehicles, as future mobility concepts emerge and research,
development, demonstration, and deployment of these automated
driving technologies accelerate.
3.2 Challenge 2: Usability Testing
Usability testing for MR scenarios can dier from traditional user
studies, as many user are not yet familiar with MR devices, such as
head-mounted displays or CAVEs and how to interact with them.
In this section, we present methods and measures our workshop
participants came up with to adopt usability testing for mixed
reality applications.
3.2.1 Methods. Methods for testing MR scenarios which have been
suggested or applied so far include:
Rapid Prototyping [5, 61, 75, 112, 136]
Wizard of Oz [74, 94, 96]
Testbeds [19, 58, 85, 86, 105, 106]
Benchmark Scenarios [89]
MR concepts and use cases should be designed for each level of
driving automation. The question arises if the same scenarios or
dierent ones should be used when interacting with MR content.
For example, do we have to dene new interaction modalities with
MR as opposed to traditional dashboard displays, for example. Ad-
ditionally, user testing methods should be usable across dierent
scenarios and domains. VR setups further simplify and speed up the
prototyping process. Using VR technology, such content (VR appli-
cations) can easily be made universally available across research
institutions and makes research more reproducible.
3.2.2 Data Sets. Data sets of (published) user studies should be
made available as open source in order to support their repro-
ducibility [
]. Going further, research institutions working to-
gether across studies can provide and access these data sets to more
rapidly test methods and develop new ones. Additionally, open
source provision of simulations and scenarios would be benecial
(e.g., [
]). The consensus was that a coordinated approach
can greatly speed up the HCI research process on MR scenarios
(e.g., making MR passenger experiences openly available - which
could simply be a Unity scene).
3.2.3 Simulations. Commonly, user studies on automated driv-
ing are either conducted using high delity driving simulators
with motion platforms or even prototypical automated vehicles on
test grounds, or low quality setups using 2D monitors. The ques-
tion arises if currently available MR technology and delity can
replace on-road evaluations, and what modalities are needed for
good MR testing environments [
]. A number of
(open-source) driving simulation testbeds has been developed with
dierent goals, such as a 360
video-based driving simulator by
Gerber and Schroeter [
] or one with focus on windshield dis-
play and multimodal interaction research by Riegler et al. [
Comparatively, access to MR equipment is cost-ecient and can
therefore more easily be facilitated for HCI researchers than expen-
sive driving simulators. Further, simulations using MR technology
must be evaluated if they are also valid in real-world situations. For
example, how does VR/simulated AR translate to ”real” AR (e.g.,
depth, refocusing, parallax eect etc.). Goedicke et al. [
] devel-
oped a virtual reality simulator that can be used in real vehicles,
thereby achieving higher levels of immersion. The main challenge
for simulations is to nd the level delity necessary for MR content
to be considered valid.
3.2.4 Measures. User testing measures should be a mixed-modality
design, applying method triangulation [
], such that multiple
measures are considered at a time (e.g., self-developed/standardized
questionnaires, activity logging and semi-structured interviews).
Pettersson et al. [
] investigated 280 papers and found that method
A Research Agenda for Mixed Reality in Automated Vehicles MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany
triangulation was applied in more than two thirds of the user stud-
ies and concluded that, for stronger results in UX studies, collected
data should be integrated and structured better. The consensus was
that the following measures should be included in MR user tests:
Motion or simulator sickness, e.g., using the Simulator Sick-
ness Questionnaire (SSQ) [30, 63]
Physiological measures, e.g., heart-rate variability and gal-
vanic skin response [18]
Workload, e.g., self-rating scales using the NASA Task Load
Index (TLX) [18]
Level of immersion or presence, e.g., using the Igroup Pres-
ence Questionnaire (IPQ) [15, 127]
Oculometric measures, such as glance or gaze behavior [
3.2.5 User Experience and Preference. User testing for MR applica-
tions should include user experience (UX) data and user preferences,
however, preference is not necessarily equal to better or safer de-
sign. Therefore, safety aspects should also be evaluated in user
studies. For example, depending on the level of vehicle automa-
tion [
], take-over request (TOR) performance could be evaluated
]. Concrete TOR performance measures would be the reaction
time, maximum longitudinal and lateral accelerations, and time
to collision [
]. Furthermore, MR technology should not be
conned to in-vehicle driver/driving experiences, but also extended
to passengers (e.g., [
]) and pedestrians (e.g., [
]). For ex-
ample, Häkkilä et al. [
] propose a passenger concept for AR social
car windows that focus on the surroundings, entertainment and
social aspects of the journey. As for pedestrian user experiences,
for example, Gruenefeld et al. [
] investigate dierent interaction
modalities between vulnerable road users and automated vehicles,
such as vehicles displaying their intentions or reacting to pedes-
trians’ gestures. To this end, they created a VR testbed to evaluate
such experiences.
3.3 Challenge 3: Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation criteria for MR scenarios dier from traditional user
studies, as extra care and caution is needed for using and interacting
with MR devices. Inexperienced MR users must be introduced to this
technology, and simulator sickness could occur if the technology is
not implemented correctly. In this section, we present evaluation
criteria for mixed reality centered user studies.
3.3.1 Safety and Human State. While MR oers the possibility
to increase safety, we must consider challenges like information
density, cognitive overload and visual distractions. Keeping the
driver in the loop [
] must therefore be a high priority for MR
application in vehicles. Seppelt et al. [
] highlight the importance
of continuous feedback on the state and behavior of automation as
well as the feedack design needed to direct attention to informing
rather than alerting drivers. Further, task performance as well as
situation awareness measures should be dened for MR activities;
i.e. driver response to hazards and glance behavior [
]. De
Winter et al. [
] investigated workload and SA during highly au-
tomated driving and found that drivers are likely to pick up tasks
that are unrelated to driving. High vehicle automation can lead to
improved SA compared to manual driving if drivers are encouraged
to detect objects in the environment. In this context, MR can be
exploited to increase the driver’s situation awareness and take-over
performance (e.g., [
]). For example, Langlois et al. [
compare AR and classical HUDs displaying navigational informa-
tion and found that AR both improves driving comfort and helps
better anticipate lane change maneuvers when performing take-
overs. Riegler et al. [
] found that world-relative visualization of
(work- or entertainment related) text content can improve task and
take-over performance compared to traditional screen-xed HUDs.
3.3.2 User-centered Criteria. Regarding user-centered criteria, trust
and acceptance of MR interactions, usability and user experience
were regarded as important. Further criteria include previous ex-
perience with this technology and in this regard the ”wow” eect
of MR. Additionally, MR enables adaptive user interfaces based on
dierent user proles and preferences. User tech-savviness plays
an important role with MR research, as study participants should
not be immediately confronted with this technology, but rst in-
troduced and given the chance to experience it before conducting
user studies [
]. "Warm-up" strategies to familiarize users with
the MR environment are therefore recommended [
]. Moreover,
even when conducting user studies in real vehicles, utilizing VR
environments prior to the real environment has shown to yield a
better performance [22].
3.3.3 Simulator and Motion Sickness. When conducting user stud-
ies on MR in intelligent vehicles, simulator and motion sickness
must be considered. Motion sickness may occur when stationary
users experience self-motion or when lags between head move-
ments and presentation of the visual display take place [51]. Prior
to conducting a user study, a pre-screening should be conducted
to test if a study participant has existing issues, such as disorien-
tation or nausea [
]. To assess simulator sickness among study
participants, the simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) can be
used [
]. To this end, the duration and immersion of user studies
must carefully be planned, as these factors may lead to nausea, fa-
tigue, headache, dizziness, etc. [
]. Murata [
] found that longer
immersion in a VR environment induced postural instability and
symptoms of motion sickness. Consequently, adaptive UIs could be
used to limit motion sickness [
]. For example, Draper et al. [
examined simulator sickness in virtual environments and found
that the vestibular system is designed to detect and react to the
position and motion of the head in space. When creating VR sim-
ulations, it is therefore necessary to coordinate motor function,
ensure correct eye movements and maintain posture in the vir-
tual environment in order to reduce health and safety issues [
Should motion or simulator sickness occur, the cause of these eects
(e.g., hardware issues or the actual concepts) must be identied.
Therefore, the level of immersion and presence should be as appro-
priately high: Closeness of the scenarios to real life situations makes
them representable and universally applicable [
]. As Bowman
and McMahan [
] state, full immersion is not always necessary;
the goal of immersive virtual environments is to let the user ex-
perience a computer-generated world as if it were real, thereby
producing a sense of presence.
3.3.4 Hardware. Additionally, not just for evaluating motion or
simulator sickness, but also for the level of realism, the physical car
MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany Riegler et al.
state (e.g., acceleration, sounds), immersion and presence should
be as consistent and generalizable to reality as possible [
]. Bow-
man and McMahan [
] propose a multidimensional approach for
immersion and presence in VR in which VR designers should strive
for a balance of spatial understanding, information clutter and pe-
ripheral awareness. This notion should especially be emphasized
for VR studies on AR or MR usage, as hardware devices and se-
tups (e.g., head-mounted displays, CAVEs) have limitations (e.g.,
resolution, eld of view, refresh rate, display technology). Multi-
sensory tangibles can be used support direct interaction with the
real world by enabling the use of real, physical objects and tools
]. In VR driving simulators, for example, this could be achieved
using a hardware steering wheel and pedals in combination with
a virtual representation of the user’s hands [
]. Furthermore,
MR concepts should be coherent and holistic rather than multiple
single concepts put together, even though such an approach makes
it harder to isolate eects or evaluate the interference of factors
(e.g., motion sickness, user experience, performance).
Researchers working in the automotive UI domain may further ex-
plore mixed reality technology in the context of automated driving.
However, there is still a number of open issues to clarify prior to
a broad application of AR technology in vehicles, e.g., questions
addressing the use of head-mounted displays or the utilization of
windshield displays. Also, topics like context awareness, informa-
tion relevancy as well as view management are research topics of
interest. In addition, further interaction modalities in combination
with AR content should be researched for the creation of natural ve-
hicle user interfaces (e.g., nger/ hand gestures, speech commands,
gaze input). Vehicle-to-vehicle or pedestrian-to-vehicle interaction
gained lot of interest recently and should be further investigated in
the light of MR (e.g., communication strategies in the exterior). The
technical progress also extends the use cases of mixed reality ap-
plications with implications on new human factors research elds,
e.g., passenger or entertaining and work experiences.
Gartner’s hype cycle [
] is a graphical representation of a com-
mon pattern that occurs with emerging technologies, showing the
current maturity status of these technologies. The hype cycle can es-
timate the growth or depletion of a given technology. Back in 2014,
both augmented and virtual reality were in the phase of ”Trough
of Disillusionment”, meaning that these technologies started to be
rigorously tested with experiments and implementations [
]. In
2019, both AR and VR had disappeared from the Gartner hype cycle
for emerging technologies [
], indicating, that for Gartner, mixed
reality was not an emerging and experimental technology anymore,
but it had already matured, i.e., become usable and useful. However,
autonomous driving at SAE level 4 has reached the ”Trough of Dis-
illusionment”. For AutomotiveUI HCI researchers, this implies that
MR will enter (partially) vehicles in the foreseeable future, and, with
its goals and opportunities in mind, the mentioned challenges must
be addressed swiftly. For example, Daimler has recently announced
and showcased an AR HUD which will display world-relative navi-
gational cues as well as vehicle-related information to the driver as
part of their MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) suite [2].
Our workshop and subsequent investigations have several impli-
cations for future mixed reality applications for automated driving.
Based on the presented opportunities and challenges, we dene
the following overarching action points for HCI researchers and
AR/VR designers in the automotive domain:
View management
for MR applications (SAE L3-L5). MR
technology paired with automated driving open the prospect
to transition away from traditional hardware-based knobs
and buttons to application-specic UI elements. AR head-up
and windshield displays may be an enabler for minimalistic
vehicle interiors and app-centered user experiences.
Interaction modalities
for MR-based NDRTs (SAE L3-L5),
i.e., a holistic rather than a standalone approach must be
explored for interacting with MR applications. A holistic ap-
proach would include gaze, gestural, haptic, speech/auditory,
olfactory and more interaction and feedback types. Using
such an integrated approach in combination with the proper
view management has the potential to improve the driver’s
situation awareness and reduce motion sickness.
Ensuring situation awareness while performing NDRTS
(SAE L3 and L4). It is necessary to consistently monitor the
driver state (e.g., using physiological measures) to allow for
fast and successful take-overs. The driver needs to be aware
of potential hazards. In this regard, context awareness must
be investigated further to ensure both safe and pleasant
transitions from automated to manual driving.
Passenger experiences.
The shift from manual to auto-
mated driving transforms active drivers to passive passen-
gers. The use of AR glasses and VR HMDs should be explored
further for combating motion sickness and creating practical
in-car work- and entertainment related experiences. Gami-
cation concepts should be researched further to explore their
potential in increasing the trust, acceptance and eventually
popularity in automated vehicles.
Pedestrian interactions.
External vehicle interfaces must
be researched further to allow safe interaction with vulnera-
ble road users, such das pedestrians and cyclists.
Simulation and testing.
Due to the unlimited number of
potential MR applications for in-vehicle and external usage,
safety and usability testing criteria as well as simulations
must be dened. Data sets should be made available to HCI
researchers to ensure continuous development and improve-
ment of these criteria.
Mixed reality applications for in-vehicle driver and passenger expe-
riences as well as external pedestrian experiences are near a turning
point. Usable MR display technology for the entertainment industry
is already available, and recent prototypes of windshield-based op-
tical see-through displays showcased by automotive manufacturers
and suppliers in combination with higher levels of vehicle automa-
tion may facilitate commercially available systems within the next
few years. The most successful automotive MR applications will
have to consider a wide range of perceptual and cognitive issues
within the (semi-automated) driving context. We present some of
A Research Agenda for Mixed Reality in Automated Vehicles MUM 2020, November 22–25, 2020, Essen, Germany
these challenges based on our expert workshop, and outline a re-
search agenda. However, much more research is needed to ensure
safe and practical MR applications for future mobility.
This work was supported by the University of Applied Sciences
PhD program and research subsidies granted by the government of
Upper Austria.
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... Additionally, driver-passenger interactions for work-related collaborations, remote assistance, and shared driving experiences could be explored [14,27]. We need to re-evaluate the challenges of MR in future mobility [21], investigate new ones and discuss specific use cases and evaluation criteria for MR technologies. In particular, the combination of AR and VR technology provides the opportunity for novel user experiences. ...
... We intend to determine the collaborations that will enable our community to make efficient progress in developing MR interfaces for both drivers/passengers of automated vehicles and cyclists. The research roadmap we propose will be structured based on our prior exploration of MR use cases for automated driving, providing a framework for future investigations [21,25]. ...
... This suggests that the attentional cue's design is important. A distracting cue which draws more attention than the danger it is supposed to be cueing will have the opposite effect on driver awareness, which is one of the biggest challenges for realising in-car AR [88]. ...
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Semi-autonomous vehicles allowdrivers to engage with non-driving related tasks (NDRTs). However, these tasks interfere with the driver’s situational awareness, key when they need to safely retake control of the vehicle. This paper investigates if Augmented Reality (AR) could be used to present NDRTs to reduce their impact on situational awareness. Two experiments compared driver performance on a hazard prediction task whilst interacting with an NDRT, presented either as an AR Heads-Up Display or a traditional Heads-Down Display. The results demonstrate that an AR display including a novel dynamic attentional cue improves situational awareness, depending on the workload of the NDRT and design of the cue. The results provide novel insights for designers of incar systems about how to design NDRTs to aid driver situational awareness in future vehicles.
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We introduce a conceptual framework exploring the learning methods for older adults in navigating automated vehicle interfaces. Through semi-structured interviews, we observed distinct approaches to learning, and based on these, offer a novel conceptualization of a ‘mentorable’ interface to enhance technology education. The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) to transportation has required novel lenses to technology adoption. Although AVs require less demand in cognitive, motor, and sensory acuity, there is an increasing dependence on digital literacy. While technology education has been broadly explored through the lens of learnability, this paradigm does not work well for older adults due to its inherent trial-and-error approach to independent learning. Because older adults rely heavily on additional external support in learning technologies, we present a conceptual framework for ‘mentorability’, where a network of support is emphasized, and mentorship is integrated into the design process for in-vehicle interfaces.
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Dedicated handheld controllers facilitate haptic experiences of virtual objects in mixed reality (MR). However, as mobile MR becomes more prevalent, we observe the emergence of controller-free MR interactions. To retain immersive haptic experiences, we explore the use of mobile devices as a substitute for specialised MR controller. In an exploratory gesture elicitation study (𝑛 = 18), we examined users’ (1) intuitive hand gestures performed with prospective mobile devices and (2) preferences for real-time haptic feedback when exploring haptic object properties. Our results reveal three haptic exploration modes for the mobile device, as an object, hand substitute, or as an additional tool, and emphasise the benefits of incorporating the device’s unique physical features into the object interaction. This work expands the design possibilities using mobile devices for tangible object interaction, guiding the future design of mobile devices for haptic MR experiences.
With the maturation of autonomous driving technology, the use of autonomous vehicles in a socially acceptable manner has become a growing demand of the public. Human-like autonomous driving is expected due to the impact of the differences between autonomous vehicles and human drivers on safety. Although human-like decision-making has become a research hotspot, a unified theory has not yet been formed, and there are significant differences in the implementation and performance of existing methods. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of human-like decision-making for autonomous vehicles. The following issues are discussed: 1) The intelligence level of most autonomous driving decision-making algorithms; 2) The driving datasets and simulation platforms for testing and verifying human-like decision-making; 3) The evaluation metrics of human-likeness; personalized driving; the application of decision- making in real traffic scenarios; and 4) The potential research direction of human-like driving. These research results are significant for creating interpretable human-like driving models and applying them in dynamic traffic scenarios. In the future, the combination of intuitive logical reasoning and hierarchical structure will be an important topic for further research. It is expected to meet the needs of human-like driving.
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Windshield displays are a promising technology for automotive application. In combination with the emergence of highly automated vehicles, chances are that work-related activities will become more popular on the daily commute to and from work. While windshield displays can show content relevant for non-driving related activities, little information is available on how potential users would utilize these displays in terms of text and background color as well as transparency usage. In this paper, we present the results of two user studies (pilot study: N = 10, main study: N = 20) addressing this issue. Findings from quantitative measurements and qualitative pre-/post study surveys and interviews suggest a strong preference for the chat window being located on the driver side presented in dark mode with adaptive background transparency levels based on the luminance of the outside environment.
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With increasing automation, vehicles could soon become mobile work-and living spaces, but traditional user interfaces (UIs) are not designed for this domain. We argue that high levels of productivity and user experience will only be achieved in SAE L3 automated vehicles if UIs are modified for non-driving related tasks. As controls might be far away (up to 2 meters), we suggest to use gaze-based interaction with windshield displays. In this work, we investigate the effect of different dwell times and feedback designs (circular and linear progress indicators) on user preference, task performance and error rates. Results from a user study conducted in a virtual reality driving simulator (N = 24) highlight that circular feedback animations around the viewpoint are preferred for gaze input. We conclude this work by pointing out the potential of gaze-based interactions with windshield displays for future SAE L3 vehicles.
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Windshield displays (WSDs) are a promising new technology to augment the entire windscreen with additional information about vehicle state, highlight critical objects in the surrounding, or serve as replacement for conventional displays. Typically, augmentation is provided in a screen-fixed manner as overlay on the windscreen. However, it is unclear to date if this is optimal in terms of usability/UX. In this work, we propose ”StickyWSD” – a world-fixed positioning strategy – and evaluate its impact on quantitative measures compared to screen-fixed positioning. Results from a user study conducted in a virtual reality driving simulator (N = 23) suggest that the dynamic world-fixed positioning technique shows increased performance and lowered error rates as well as take-over times. We conclude that the ”StickyWSD” approach offers lot of potential for WSDs that should be researched further.
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Nowadays, HCI Research on automated driving is commonly carried out using either low-quality setups with 2D monitors or expensive driving simulators with motion platforms. Furthermore, software for user studies on automated driving is often expensive and hard to modify for different scenarios. We plan to fill this gap by proposing a low-cost, high-fidelity immersive prototyping simulator by making use of virtual reality (VR) technology: AutoWSD - Automated driving simulator for research on windshield displays. We showcase a hybrid software and hardware solution as well as demonstrate how to design and implement scenarios for user studies, and thereby encourage discussion about potential improvements and extensions for AutoWSD, as well as the topic of trust, acceptance, user experience and simulator sickness in automation.
Conference Paper
As a tool for pedestrian research, virtual reality is appreciated for its safety, flexibility, and high experimental control. At the same time, differences between simulator studies and real-world traffic may affect behavioral outcomes. While continuous technological advancements counteract shortcomings such as a limited field of view, effects of motivation and attentional focus tend to be neglected. This appears inappropriate, as recurrent street crossing and similarly repetitive tasks can impair motivation, while distractors common to naturalistic settings are typically absent in scripted scenarios. Focusing on the experimental context, the present study aims to contribute to the methodological evaluation of pedestrian simulators. Thirty-six participants performed repeated virtual street crossings displayed via a head-mounted display. Motivational incentives arising from the use of game elements and moderate cognitive load induced by a secondary task were investigated with regard to crossing behavior, play experience, and the feeling of presence. Gamification thereby affected walking speeds, the size of selected gaps, and temporal safety margins. A moderately challenging secondary task, in contrast, significantly reduced both play experience and the feeling of presence, but did not influence crossing behavior. As expected, game elements enhanced play experience, whereas reports of presence did not change significantly. Although the mechanisms employed arguably differ from naturalistic sources of motivation and distraction, our findings underline that individual incentives and attentional resources are relevant to future experimental designs. The disagreement of subjective and objective responses further implies that changes in presence do not equate an adjustment of behavioral reactions.
This paper investigated the influence of VR-entertainment systems on passenger and entertainment experience in vehicles with smooth movements. To simulate an autonomous driving scenario, a tablet and a mobile VR-HMD were evaluated in a dynamic driving simulator. Passenger, user and entertainment experience were measured through questionnaires based on comfort/discomfort, application perception, presence, and simulator sickness. In two experiments, two film sequences with varying formats (2D versus 3D) were presented. In Experiment 1, the established entertainment system (tablet + 2D) was tested against a possible future one (HMD + 3D). The results indicated a significantly more favorable experience for the VR-HMD application in the dimensions of user experience (UX) and presence, as well as low simulator sickness values. In Experiment 2, the film format was held constant (2D), and only the device (tablet versus HMD) was varied. There was a significant difference in all constructs, which points to a positive reception of the HMD. Additional analyses of the HMD device data for both experiments showed that the device and not the film format contributed to the favorable experience with the HMD. Additionally, the framework to evaluate the new application context of VR as an entertainment system in autonomous vehicles was discussed.
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Developing and evaluating automotive user interfaces and driver assistance systems in real vehicles and in simulators is an effortful and costly process. To reduce the effort in defining and conducting user studies, this demo introduces the concept simulator K3F. K3F is a highly flexible driving simulation environment that allows a quick and easy modification and exchange of its hard- and software components including simulation software, dashboard/infotainment, and peripheral systems. The K3F software supports a convenient setup of user studies and a comprehensive collection of data. It simplifies the creation and modification of virtual environments and the development of real-world street scenarios. The integration of a driver model based on the ACT-R cognitive architecture allows not only the explanation of observed behavior, but also the prediction of human driving patterns.
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The performance of vehicle control tasks greatly depends on the driver's ability to acquire visual information about the vehicle's location on the road. Advances in sensory and display technologies are making it possible to effectively assist the driver in information acquisition by accurately detecting the vehicle's current location and dynamically providing feedback to the driver to enhance driving performance. In this paper, we use simulated driving studies to investigate how to improve a driver's control of the vehicle by presenting virtual visual targets. We also investigate individual differences in performance enhancement based on the drivers' field of view (FOV). Our experimental results suggest that the effect of virtual visual targets improves vehicle control and eye movement. We also present behavior differences between two subject groups: narrow and wide FOV groups.
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Full windshield displays (WSDs) have the potential to present imagery across the windshield. Current knowledge on display location has not investigated translucent displays at high eccentricities from the driver's forward view. A simulator study (n=26) was conducted aiming to, (a) investigate the effects of Head-Up Display (HUD) location across the entire windshield on driving performance, and (b) better understand how the visual demand for a complex HUD imagery differs from that for a Head-Down Display (HDD). Lane-keeping was poorer when HUD imagery was furthest from the driver (and for the HDD compared to the HUD). Equally, counts of "unacceptable" driving behaviour were greater for displays furthest from the driver's forward view. Furthermore, drivers preferred HUD imagery that was closer to them. The results indicate that HUD evaluations should account for image location, because of how driver gaze location can impact lateral driving performance.
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Interactions between autonomous vehicles (AV) and pedestrians remain an ongoing area of research within the AutoUI community and beyond. Given the challenge of conducting studies to understand and prototype these interactions, we propose a combined full-day workshop and tutorial on how to conduct field experiments and controlled experiments using Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) protocols. We will discuss strengths and weaknesses of these approaches based on practical experiences and describe challenges we have faced. After diving into the intricacies of different experiment designs, we will encourage participants to engage in hands-on exercises that will explore new ways to answer future research questions.