Andrea Mendez

Andrea Mendez
Universidad de las Américas (Chile) | UDLA · Facultad de Salud y Ciencias Sociales



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Publications (26)
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Clara cells are the main airway secretory cells able to regenerate epithelium in the distal airways through transdifferentiating into goblet cells, a process under negative regulation of the Notch pathway. Pneumocystis is a highly prevalent fungus in humans occurring between 2 and 5 months of age, a period when airways are still developing and resp...
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Airway mucus responses to subclinical infections may explain variations in progression of chronic lung diseases and differences in clinical expression of respiratory infections across individuals. Pneumocystis associates to more severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, respiratory distress of premature newborns, and is a consist...
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Subclinical primary Pneumocystis infection is the most common pulmonary infection in early infancy, making it important to determine whether it damages the lung. Pneumocystis peaks at two to five months of age, when respiratory morbidity coincidently increases. We have documented that Pneumocystis increases mucus production in infant lungs, and ani...
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Background: Only 6% of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) participate in pulmonary rehabilitation programs (PR) and only 50% of those who participate, complete these programs. Aim: To determine rates of PR program participation and completion among patients with COPD in Chile. Material and Methods: Analysis of a database ava...
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The first line of defense to maintain the sterility of the intrapulmonary airways is the mucociliary clearance system. This rapidly responding, nonspecific, immune defensive system is challenged by approximately 12,000 liters of air filtered by the lungs each day, containing millions of particles like spores, environmental and eventually toxic poll...
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Purinergic signaling is a crucial determinant in the regulation of pulmonary vascular physiology and presents a promising avenue for addressing lung diseases. This intricate signaling system encompasses two primary receptor classes: P1 and P2 receptors. P1 receptors selectively bind adenosine, while P2 receptors exhibit an affinity for ATP, ADP, UT...
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Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease that reduces quality of life. Lung transplantation (LTx) is a strategy for end-stage lung disease treatment in CF. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in LTx is effective, however, only one study has determined its effectiveness in children, and most studies have not included CF exclusively. Thus, reports showing...
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Objective To determine availability and characteristics of pulmonary rehabilitation programs performed in 2019 in family health centers and hospitals from Chile. Methodology A descriptive and retrospective study was designed, considering PR programs operated in 2019. A non-probability and convenience sample was obtained. Availability and character...
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El objetivo del estudio fue describir el proceso de desarrollo y evaluación de la usabilidad de un prototipo de página web para la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico de pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares y sus factores de riesgo de la Atención Primaria de Salud. Consistió en una investigación metodológica aplicada d...
Conference Paper
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) improves clinical outcomes, although is not widely offered and programs are heterogeneous. In Chile, only one study has characterized the programs, however the evidence is scarce. We aimed to determine availability and characteristics of PR programs performed in family health centers and hospitals from Chile. A quantit...
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Objetivo Identificar barreras en el acceso a control preventivo de la Atención Primaria en padres migrantes de lactantes y preescolares en Santiago, Chile, en el año 2018. Métodos Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en una muestra no probabilística de 108 padres migrantes de lactantes y preescolares entre 0-4 años, 11 meses, 29 días, q...
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Background/objective Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a central component in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), although it is not widely used and between 40 and 60% of patients do not adhere. Low adherence has been associated with clinical and sociodemographic factors. However, no factors associated with adherence have...
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The right and left ventricles have traditionally been studied as individual entities. Furthermore, modifications found in diseased left ventricles are assumed to influence on right ventricle alterations, but the connection is poorly understood. In this review, we describe the differences between ventricles under physiological and pathological condi...
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Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death in the world. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) reduces COPD hospitalisations, although its use is low. Telerehabilitation is effective; however, in Chile the development of remote PR technology is incipient. Therefore, the aim of the study was to validate c...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: Purinergic signaling participates in pulmonary vascular physiology and pathophysiology, specifically, P2Y2 receptor mediates arterial smooth muscle cell (SMC) contraction. In small intrapulmonary veins, participation of P2Y2 in ATP induced vasoconstriction has been reported. Due to airway branching, reduction in diameter and regional...
Technical Report
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Introducción. La enfermedad causada por coronavirus (COVID-19) se ha transformado en una pandemia global y en el principal problema de salud pública en nuestro país. Considerando las repercusiones funcionales asociadas al COVID-19, emerge la necesidad de adaptar o implementar programas de rehabilitación respiratoria (RR) destinados a la rehabilitac...
Conference Paper
Introducción Chile ha experimentado un incremento en la población inmigrante en los últimos años. Esto ha motivado medidas que permitan superar barreras de acceso a la atención, incluyendo la capacitación de trabajadores de la salud, entre estos, enfermeras(os). Sin embargo, no existen estudios que determinen conocimientos ni experiencias de enferm...
Conference Paper
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Introducción Los antiinflamatorios no esteroidales (AINEs) se encuentran entre los fármacos más utilizados. Su uso se ha asociado a efectos adversos cardiovasculares, como aumento del riesgo de infarto, y a efectos adversos gastrointestinales, como úlcera péptica. En el extranjero, la prevalencia de consumo de AINEs es 63%, 55% se automedica y 35%...
Conference Paper
Introducción La población inmigrante ha incrementado en los últimos años, alcanzando un 2,7% de la población nacional. La migración constituye un determinante social de la salud. En el extranjero, los niños inmigrantes presentan mayor riesgo de acceso a salud inadecuado (10%), siendo gasto, disponibilidad y provisión de servicio las barreras más fr...
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We found that Pneumocystis associated to increased MUC5B in infant lungs, and using an experimental primary Pneumocystis infection rat model, we found Muc5b increased earlier and more abundantly than Muc5ac. Muc5b increase suggests an acute defensive response against Pneumocystis as described against bacteria and the increased Muc5ac levels support...
Conference Paper
Objectives To study whether the Pneumocystis primary infection induces long-lasting pathology is relevant and may suggest a role of this fungal infection in chronic airway disease. Pneumocystis is the most common pulmonary infection of healthy infants with a peak incidence between 2 and 5 months of age that goes undiagnosed. We have recently report...
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Background: Only 6% of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) participate in pulmonary rehabilitation programs (PR) and only 50% of those who participate, complete these programs. Aim: To determine rates of PR program participation and completion among patients with COPD in Chile. Material and Methods: Analysis of a database ava...
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El presente estudio busca responder a la necesidad de información acerca de la situación actual de los reclamos del sector salud, considerando las características de los usuarios y, principalmente, las del reclamo. Debido a esto, en conjunto con el Servicio Nacional del Consumidor, se tomó su población de reclamos, a nivel nacional, para realizar u...


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