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On formal cyber physical system properties modeling: A new temporal logic language and a Modelica-based solution


Abstract and Figures

Modeling and Simulation methods, tools and techniques aim at supporting the different phases of the lifecycle of modern systems, going from requirements analysis to system design and operation. However, their effective application requires investigating several aspects such as the formal modeling of system requirements and the binding and automated composition between heterogeneous models (e.g. requirements models, architectural models, behavioral models). In this context, the paper presents a new formal requirement modeling language based on temporal logic, called FORM-L, and a software library, based on the Modelica language, that implements the constructs provided by FORM-L so as to enable the visual modeling of system properties as well as their verification through simulation. The effectiveness of the proposal is shown on a real case study concerning an Intermediate Cooling System.
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On formal cyber physical system properties
modeling: a new temporal logic language and a
Modelica-based solution
Alfredo Garro, Andrea Tundis
Department of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and
Systems Engineering (DIMES), University of Calabria, Via
Ponte P. Bucci 41C, Rende (CS), 87036 Italy,
Martin Otter
Institute of System Dynamics and Control, DLR German
Aerospace Center, Oberpfaffenhofen
Münchener Str. 20, Wessling, 82234 Germany
Wladimir Schamai
Airbus Group Innovations, Hamburg, Germany,
Daniel Bouskela, Audrey Jardin, Nguyen Thuy
R&D Division, Electricité de France (EDF), 6 quai Watier,
Chatou Cedex, 78401 France
{daniel.bouskela, audrey.jardin, n.thuy}
Lena Buffoni, Peter Fritzson, Martin Sjölund
Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA),
Linköping University, SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden
{lena.buffoni, peter.fritzson, martin.sjölund}
Hans Olsson
Dassault Systèmes AB, Sweden,
Abstract— Modeling and Simulation methods, tools and
techniques aim at supporting the different phases of the lifecycle
of modern systems, going from requirements analysis to system
design and operation. However, their effective application
requires investigating several aspects such as the formal
modeling of system requirements and the binding and automated
composition between heterogeneous models (e.g. requirements
models, architectural models, behavioral models). In this context,
the paper presents a new formal requirement modeling language
based on temporal logic, called FORM-L, and a software library,
based on the Modelica language, that implements the constructs
provided by FORM-L so as to enable the visual modeling of
system properties as well as their verification through simulation.
The effectiveness of the proposal is shown on a real case study
concerning an Intermediate Cooling System.
Keywords— Formal Languages, Properties Modeling,
Requirements Engineering, Model-Based Systems Engineering,
Modeling and Simulation, Modelica, System Verification.
I. I
Models allow for an abstract representation of systems.
They are able to capture, represent and communicate concepts,
make implicit information explicit, and act as a repository for
knowledge and rationale. System modeling is a major area of
study in software and systems engineering with the purpose of
facilitating requirements elicitation and understanding as well
as system design, implementation and verification [1, 2, 3].
Different modeling languages are currently used in software
and systems engineering; as an example, UML provides a wide
set of diagrams for modeling both the structure and behavior of
systems [4, 5]. Entity-Relationship diagram is another example
of widely used notation for modeling static views of entities in
a system and their relationships. Agent and goal-oriented
modeling notations [6] capture the “why” aspects in additions
to the “what” and “how”, thus enabling to model and analyze
the goal oriented behaviors of system stakeholders.
Properties Modeling is a topic that falls in the above
introduced field [7, 8]. It deals with formally expressing
constraints and requirements that the behavior of the system
should comply with and that can be verified through real or
simulated experiments. Although several research activities are
focused on the system design phases, there is still a lack of
practices and approaches that specifically deal with the
analysis, modeling, and verification of requirements in an
integrated framework that goes from system design to system
operation. Indeed, it is not sufficient to support the verification
and validation of the system under consideration during its
design but such activities should be also performed and
supported during system operation by following the dynamic
evolution of the system during its whole lifecycle. In modern
cyber-physical systems, it is even crucial to ensure the proper
operation of the overall system and of each individual
component to guarantee their functional correctness in
compliance with the requirements. Besides, in order to have
optimal system design, it is of prime interest to include
operational constraints since the beginning of the design stage.
To this aim, the adoption of model-based methods and tools for
supporting the design and the analysis of cyber-physical
systems, combined with innovative simulation techniques, able
to evaluate functional and non-functional requirements, can
represent a viable solution [9].
978-1-5090-0793-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
In this context, the paper presents a new formal requirement
modeling language based on temporal logic, called FORM-L
(FOrmal Requirements Modelling Language) [10], and a
software library, based on the Modelica language [11, 12], that
implements a subset of the constructs provided by FORM-L so
as to enable the visual modeling of system properties as well as
their verification through simulation. The presented results
have been developed in the context of the ITEA 3 – MODRIO
(MOdel DRIven physical systems Operation) European Project
[13] that aims at extending modelling and simulation languages
and tools based on open standards from system design to
system operation. The expected outcome of the project is a
holistic modeling and simulation framework for physical
system design, diagnosis and operation assistance.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents an overview on the main issues and available solutions
for properties modeling; then the FORM-L language is
introduced in Section 3. A Modelica library for properties
modeling based on the FORM-L language is presented in
Section 4. A case study concerning the simulation-based
verification of an Intermediate Cooling System (SRI, Système
de Réfrigération Intermédiaire) is described in Section 5,
whereas some solutions for binding a requirement model,
obtained by the exploitation of the proposed approach, with a
Modelica-based system design model, are briefly introduced in
Section 6. Finally, conclusions and future works are delineated
in Section 7.
Dealing with system properties involve several systems
engineering aspects to be considered (including functional
behavior, timing behavior, performance characteristics, or
internal structure), ranging from the need for reference models
able to catch the necessary characteristics to define
requirements, constraints and their relationships, to
mechanisms to link them not only with the system architecture
but also with the system behavior so as to support the
verification of system against requirements [14]. According to
the definition given in [8] a property is an expression that
specifies a condition that must hold true at given times and
places. Although several modeling languages can be effectively
exploited for modeling the structure of system and its expected
behavior, several issues, within the properties modeling field,
have to be properly faced [7].
A first research challenge is about conceptual properties
representation, which aims at dealing with properties
extraction, representations, management, analysis [15, 16, 14,
10, 3]. In particular, there is the need to understand how to
identify system properties and what characteristics must be
considered. Then, it is necessary to define rules, best practices
or guidelines for moving from an informal/textual
representation towards a formal property model. Consequently,
an appropriate approach to define properties along with the
possibility to retrieve information about their status is crucial
for the overall system development process.
A second research challenge concerns tracing and
verification which aims at monitoring specific properties of the
system under consideration as well as at exploiting simulation
techniques for supporting and verifying their fulfillment [17,
18]. Verification is the confirmation process, through the
provision of objective evidence that specified requirements
have been fulfilled; its purpose is to ascertain that each level of
the implementation meets its specified requirements. As a
consequence, it is essential to utilize tools that are able to
guarantee an objective checking of the models and of their
generated values.
A third issue concerns binding and automated model
composition which has to deal with connecting models and
provide mechanisms for enabling their composition [19, 20,
21]; i.e. the possibility to establishing a matching among
different system models (such as architectural model,
behavioral model, property model) and enabling their
composition for obtaining, as an example, the automatic
generation of verification models.
Some works are currently available that address the
modeling of system properties as it is explained in [7]; as an
example: (i) in [22] a representation of the properties that is
closely bounded to the exploitation of an ad-hoc software
library is presented; (ii) in [23] communication processes
along with an evaluation mechanism among properties have
been defined in order to enable the propagation of assessments
among them; (iii) in [6] safety properties are conceived as
invariants and expressed by safety expressions stating that
“nothing bad happens”, that is, that an acceptable state of
affairs is maintained during the operation of the system. Other
research efforts are directed to the possibility of graphically
represent the concepts related to the modeling of systems and
properties. Indeed, graphical modeling languages use diagram-
based techniques with named symbols that represent concepts
and lines that connect the symbols and represent relationships
and various other graphical notations to represent constraints.
An important result, reached so far by OMG [24], concerns
the definition of the SysML profile, a UML-based visual
language for modeling cyber-physical systems [25].
Formal verification and model checking are discussed in
[26] by highlighting the limitations in their applicability.
These approaches combine the ability to: (i) describe and
follow the life cycle of a property, in both a forward and
backward direction, through the whole systems life cycle, with
varying degrees of fulfillment [17]; (ii) exploit simulation
techniques by benefiting of modern model-driven simulation
tools for automating the verification of system requirements
into an integrated framework.
Other research efforts that aim to face with properties
modeling aspects are accomplished by jointly addressing some
challenges and providing software modeling tools or by
exploiting simulation platforms and related simulation
techniques. For example, Mathworks MATLAB-Simulink [27]
provides assertions and bound checking blocks [28] as
configurable components. Whereas DOORS (Dynamic Object
Oriented Requirements System), developed by IBM, provides
requirements support throughout the whole lifecycle of the
project [29]. Another important tool is the Model Center tool,
from Phoenix Integration company [30], which is a software
solution that enables users to create model-based engineering
frameworks to integrate simulation tools in order to define and
automate simulation workflows, set simulation parameters and
run multidisciplinary simulation processes.
In general, current requirements specification approaches
are based on high-level, application friendly, behavioral
modeling languages. Simulation can be used to verify that what
has been specified is indeed what was intended. However,
since these languages specify precise behaviors, they nearly
always lead to over specification. Thus, it is preferable to rely
on constraint-based languages that specify the envelopes of
acceptable behaviors (see Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Individual behavior and Envelope of acceptable behaviors
Different constraint-based languages for requirements
specification have been proposed, such as PSL (Property
Specification Language IEEE 1850) [9], OCL (Object
Constraint Language), AADL (Architecture Analysis and
Design Language), MARTE (Modelling and Analysis of Real-
Time and Embedded systems), ARTiMon (A Real-Time
Monitor). However, all these languages address computer-
based or electronic systems: the survey did not identify any
language suitable for cyber-physical systems (CPS), and even
worse let alone socio-cyber-physical systems (SCPS, i.e., CPS
with significant human aspects).
Starting from the above mentioned open issues and by
taking into account the needs of the industrial partners involved
in the MODRIO project (such as EDF, Dassault Aviation, DLR
and Airbus), a specific solution that is based on a formal
requirement modeling language for properties modeling has
been defined and is described in the following sections.
The primary objective of a formal requirements
specification language is to ensure freedom from: (i) wishful
thinking, i.e. requirements specified without any objective
acceptance criteria; (ii) ambiguity, due to the precise syntax
and semantics of the language; (iii) contradiction, with the
help of static analysis tools; (iv) over specification, i.e.
specification of solutions rather than requirements). Another
objective is to support tool-based optimization and verification
approaches, of the engineering process.
The above introduced needs led to the development of the
new language FORM-L. Its objective is to allow the formal
modeling of requirements regarding a SCPS and assumptions
regarding its environment. A requirement or an assumption is
a particular case of the more general notion of property. In its
most general form, the specification of a property in FORM-L
addresses four questions:
- WHAT is to be satisfied;
- WHEN in time that is to be satisfied;
- WHERE in the system that is to be satisfied;
- HOW WELL that is to be satisfied (given the fact
that a real life SCPS can and will fail).
WHEN is specified with time locators. There are two main
types of time locators: continuous time locators (CTL) and
discrete time locators (DTL). A CTL defines one or more time
periods that have a certain duration and that may overlap. A
DTL defines one or more instants in time, with no duration. It
is worth noting that CTL here is not related to the
Computational Tree Logic of temporal logic. In fact, the
FORM-L temporal logic is close to LTL (Linear Temporal
Logic). As an example, the following CTL specifies the time
periods where the system is in the maintenance state:
during state == maintenance
Whereas, in the following expression eNeeded is an event
that determines when the system needs to be operated, and
eReset is an event that signals that the system is no longer
needed. The CTL specifies the time periods that begin 60
seconds after eNeeded and ends with
after (eNeeded + 60*s) until eReset
FORM-L has one default continuous time domain, but allows
the definition of multiple discrete time domains and the
modeling of time domain interfaces, so that complex,
distributed control systems can be modeled with accuracy. As
an example, the following expression specifies the discrete
time domain of a synchronous digital control system: its
actions (including the reading of inputs) are performed only at
the instants specified by the DTL. That DTL is periodic with a
50 millisecond cycleTime whereas phase is fixed during a
use case but chosen randomly at the beginning of each case
(see Fig. 2):
timeDomain td
constant Duration cycleTime = 50*ms;
fixed Duration phase = random(0., cycleTime);
dtl = (every cycleTime) + phase;
end td;
Fig. 2. Phase and Cycle Time of a DTL
In FORM-L, a WHAT can take three main forms:
- Satisfaction of a condition-based property;
- Satisfaction of an event-based property;
- Performance of one or more actions.
The simplest condition-based properties specify that a
given Boolean expression is to be true during the WHEN.
More complex condition-based properties place a constraint on
how long the Boolean expression is true during each time
period of a CTL. As an example, the following requirement
states that during maintenance, the system must not be
requirement r1 =
during state == maintenance // WHEN
check not active; // WHAT
An event-based property specifies a constraint on the
number of occurrences of an event during the time periods of a
CTL. As an example, the following assumption concerns a
circuit breaker. The breaker can receive two orders:
eOpenCmd and eCloseCmd. The assumption states that
within 2 seconds of receiving the eOpenCmd order, the
opening is complete (eOpeningCompleted) unless there
has been a counter order (eCloseCmd).
assumption a2 =
after eOpenCmd within 2*s // WHEN
check eOpeningCompleted or eCloseCmd; // WHAT
An action specifies both the value of a variable or signals
and the occurrence of an event. Variables are understood in a
wide sense and include Boolean, Integer or Real variables, and
Finite State Automata, which are variables whose values
belong to an enumerated set. FORM-L offers various ways of
coordinating multiple actions, including sequences of actions,
simultaneous actions, iterative actions and conditional actions.
A dummy example of mapping is reported in Fig. 3, where
each block (i.e. Start DG, Wait for DG Ready, etc.) represents
an action of a process, which is described through the FORM-L
language as below:
when state becomes active
then sequence
raise eStartDG;
wait eDGReady then raise eOpenMPSBrk;
wait eMPSBrkOpen then raise eShedAll;
wait 5*s then raise eReloadSequence;
wait 1*s then raise eCloseDGBrk;
Fig. 3. Sequence of actions
In a normal model, the WHERE (the parts of the system
concerned by the property) can be specified in extension, by
naming all the individual components concerned. However, at
the time where the requirements are specified, there is usually
no system designed yet. Thus, its composition in terms of
components is unknown. In this case, FORM-L uses the notion
of set defined in intention, the membership of which will be
provided later by another model (e.g. an architectural design
model). In the following example, Component is a class that
has a single Boolean attribute named failed (if true the
component is no more able to perform its mission), sensors
is the set of all sensors, whereas nonSensors is the set of all
components that are not sensors. Since the membership of
these two sets is yet unknown, they are declared external and
will be defined later by an architectural design model.
tolerance is a Boolean condition that specifies the required
level of fault-tolerance: it is true when and only when there is
no component failure, or at most a single sensor failure:
external Component{} nonSensors;
external Component{} sensors;
Boolean tolerance =
card{e in nonSensors suchThat e.failed} == 0 or
card{e in sensors suchThat e.failed} 1;
Quality of services (i.e. the acceptable level of system
failure) can be specified in FORM-L by using probabilities.
As an example, in the following expression, property p3 states
that the system should not be spuriously activated when it is
not needed. Requirement r3 states that when there are no
component failures, or at most one sensor failure, then p3
must be satisfied. Requirement r9 puts a limit on the
probability of spurious activation (due to components
failures). This probability must be lower than what it would be
if there was a constant occurrence rate of spurious activation,
equal to y:
property p3 = during not needed check not active;
requirement r3 = during tolerance check not
requirement r9 = check probability(p3.violated)< 1.-
In the following expression, property p8 states that within
60 seconds after power loss (mps.eLoss) when not in
maintenance, object sbc should be repowered.
Requirement r8 states that the probability of not providing
power to sbc when needed must be less than x1:
property p8 =
after mps.eLoss and not maintenance within 60*s
check sbc.powered;
requirement r8 = after p8.notTested becomes false
check probability p8.violated < x1
Modelica is a language for equation-based object-oriented
mathematical modeling of physical systems (e.g., systems
containing mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic,
thermal, control, electric power components) with acausal
features, which allows defining models in a declarative
manner [11].
A mapping of FORM-L to Modelica was developed, it utilizes
Modelica language elements to implement FORM-L features;
- FORM-L operations are mapped to Modelica blocks
if the FORM-L operation has memory and to
Modelica functions if the FORM-L operation has no
memory. For example, the FORM-L construct
during expr check property
is defined in Modelica with function
of the
during(condition=expr, check=property)
- In FORM-L two- and three-valued logic is used. The
two-valued logic data type is mapped to the Modelica
type, and the three-valued logic data type is
mapped to enumeration
that has the three
, and
- The FORM-L event type is mapped to a rising edge
of a
(because Modelica has not explicit
event data type).
library, see screen shot of
the top level in Fig. 4, provides a subset of FORM-L
operations, as well as extensions, such as a graphical drag-and-
drop user-interface and additional operations (for example to
check if an (x,y) input is within a given area defined by a
closed polygon, or frequency properties based on FFT (Fast
Fourier Transformation) calculations). A short sketch of the
most important sub-packages is given below.
Fig. 4. Modelica_Requirements lib
package contains blocks having either a
or a
as an input. These blocks monitor the
input value and at the end of a simulation print an information
message if the
input was
at least once, or the
input was
at least once, or was
all the time. In other words, these blocks check whether the
defined requirements are or are not fulfilled, or have not been
package contains blocks that
check FORM-L properties whenever the Boolean input
. Every rising edge of
starts the
check and every falling edge finishes it. For example block
checks that, in every
for at least the defined
package contains
blocks that sample the Real inputs, compute an FFT once
“enough” sample points are available, and provide various
checks on the computed frequency-dependent amplitudes
(including a limit on the “total harmonic distortion”). These
blocks are a slightly improved version of the FFT check blocks
introduced in [31].
package contains blocks that
check FORM-L properties in a sliding time window of a given
length. For example, block
checks that, in every
sliding time window of the given length, input
for at least the defined
package is currently under
construction and contains blocks that check FORM-L
properties in overlapping time periods. An example is shown in
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Check minimum time duration in an overlapping time period
Fig. 6. Typical simulation results for the system of Fig. 5
The afterFor block defines that whenever Boolean
variable condition.y has a rising edge (= changes from
false to true) a time window of 3.5 s is defined. For every
such time window variable check.y must be true for at
least 1s. Since a new time window can start, before the
previous ended, a potentially growing set of time windows is
defined. For this, the afterFor block has a vector of
Boolean outputs and the minDuration block has a vector of
Boolean inputs. Whenever a new time window is started, the
afterFor block searches an element in the output vector
that was false at the last event instant and sets this element
to true for 3.5 s (see Fig. 6 for a case with two overlapping
time periods).
V. V
This section describes an application of the
library to a real case study
concerning an Intermediate Cooling System (SRI, Système de
Réfrigération Intermédiaire) along with the related main steps
and involved models in system requirements verification. The
purpose of the SRI is to provide clean, demineralized cooling
water to a number of heat producing 'client' systems. Fig. 7
shows the information and fluid flows between the SRI and
the entities constituting its environment. One can note that at
this stage, the SRI is considered as a black box.
Fig. 7. SRI Sequence of actions
In the limited space of this paper, not all assumptions and
requirements can be presented. As a first example, here are a
few assumptions and requirements regarding the clients. The
SRI has four clients. Each is composed of a heat source, a heat
exchanger and a control valve (under its control), and is
characterized by (i) the thermal power generated by its heat
source power, and the maximum powerMax;(ii) its specific
heat sH; (iii) its internal temperature tClient, and the
authorized maximum tClientMax. It is the SRI's duty to ensure
that the client can maintain its temperature below the
maximum, even when it must operate at full power; (iv) the
flow of water through its heat exchanger flow, and the
authorized maximum flowMax; (iv) its minimum acceptable
RW temperature tRWMin. If below, the client closes its valve.
Here is how that could be modeled in FORM-L. (keyword
specific means that each instance of class Client must
explicitly specify its own value):
class Client
// Power generated by the Client
Power power;
specific constant Power powerMax;
assumption a1 = check power isIn [0., powerMax];
// Client's specific heat
specific constant SpecificHeat sH;
// Client's internal temperature
Temperature tClient;
specific constant Temperature tClientMax;
requirement r1 = during operation check tClient
// Water flow through Client's heat exchanger
Flow flow;
specific constant Flow flowMax;
assumption a2 = check flow isIn [0., tFlowMax];
// Refreshed water temperature
specific constant Temperature tRWMin;
assumption a3 = during tRW < tRWMin check flow ==
end Client;
This Client class can also be implemented in Modelica via
library (see Fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Possible implementation of the Client class with the
Modelica_Requirements library
The second example concerns pumps and cavitation. At
the time when the SRI system requirements are specified,
there is no design yet. However, cooling systems are often
based on pumps. Also, the SRI must operate continuously for
long periods of time and is essential for the operation of the
overall installation. Thus, the installation architects require
that during normal operation, SRI pumps must not cavitate:
class Pump
external Boolean inOperation;
external Boolean cavitates;
end Pump;
object sri
external Boolean normalOp;
external Pump{} pumps;
requirement noCav =
forAll p in pumps // WHERE
during p.inOperation // WHEN
check not p.cavitates; // WHAT
end sri;
A. Verification of the system requirements model
Once the SRI system requirements are specified and
modeled in FORM-L, simulations can be used to verify that
the model correctly represents what is intended. As no
behavioral model is available yet, simulation is made using a
random generator of test cases consistent with the
assumptions. Normally, the assumptions are relative to the
environment of the system. To guide the test case generator to
produce particular test cases of interest, one can specify test
scenarios in the form of additional assumptions.
In the case of the SRI, the temperature of the cold source is
of particular importance. Thus, scenarios may be used to
generate cases with very cold CW (near freezing) and client
operating at low power, or CW at or near its maximum
expected (27.2°C), and clients are operating at full power.
B. Architectural models
The next step is for designers to determine one or more
architectures. An architecture is expressed in terms of
components constituting the system, and of assumptions
placed on the components and their interactions. In the first
design stages, the components are themselves considered as
black boxes, and the modeling is made with FORM-L.
In the case of the SRI, the architecture determines whether
pumps are used, and if so, their number (for example to
comply with fault-tolerance and availability requirements) as
shown in Fig. 9. The architectural model will be bound with
the requirements model (see following subsection), providing
it with information such as the effective set of pumps (here in
Fig. 9, pumps = {PO1, PO2, PO3}).
Fig. 9. Example of a possible architectural model
An architecture is verified in the same manner as the
requirements model: the random generator generates
components behaviors consistent with the assumptions placed
on each of them. The difference is that co-simulation of the
requirements and the architectural models can be used to
automatically verify whether the architecture violates
requirements. Thus, a large number of test cases can be
performed, and the test case generator can be guided to ensure
adequate test coverage. This facilitates the in-depth
examination (including dysfunctional analyses, such as failure
modes effects and criticality analysis) of many different
C. Behavioral models
At some point in design refinement, it will be possible to
represent the design by a behavioral model, e.g. based on
Modelica and/or block diagrams as shown in Fig. 10. Again,
binding and co-simulation can be used to automatize the
verification that the initial requirements are satisfied.
Fig. 10. SRI behavioral model developed with EDF ThermoSysPro
In this section the binding problem is considered, i.e. the
possibility to establishing a matching among different system
models (such as architectural model, behavioral model,
property model) and enabling their composition obtaining, for
example, the automatic generation of verification models. In
particular, some possible binding solutions are briefly
described; further details could be provided in a possible
extension of the paper.
Bindings relate external variables, i.e. variables that are
used in a partial model but computed in another partial model
called an external model. Usually, different partial models use
different paradigms, because they are developed by teams of
different scope and expertise. Hence, the general relation
between an external variable y and the external model that
computes y is the following:
(. xeHye
where e.y denotes the external variable y defined in object e,
and xe.
ˆdenotes the state(s)
of the object(s) e
ˆ in the
external model(s) that contain(s) sufficient information to
. y
denotes the transformation to be applied to
the pieces of information
provided by the external
model(s) in order to compute the external variable
called the observation operator for
. The problem to be
solved is to construct (6.1) as automatically as possible
because there may be thousands of external variables to be
bound in a large model. To that end, the following types of
bindings are defined: (i) Class bindings (i.e. applicable to all
instances of the class); (ii) Instance bindings; (iii) Set bindings
for external variables that allow expressing generic
requirements on sets of objects using quantifiers. An algorithm
is needed to construct (6.1) automatically from the definition
of the bindings. The principle of the algorithm is given in
reference [16]; however, there are several possible ways to
implement it in Modelica For example, a scripting language
could be used to generate a Modelica model from a
description of the variable/model mapping (6.1). However, the
drawback is that typos or other errors are only detected when
translating the generated Modelica model. For this reason, it
seems useful to extend Modelica with appropriate language
elements [15]. A different approach for automating the
simulation model composition is proposed in [24] and refined
and evaluated in [21]. The focus of the proposed approach is
on maximizing information reuse, by defining the minimum
set of information necessary for enabling automated model
composition, and maximizing the decoupling by removing the
need for explicit interfaces. The approach is centered on the
concept of
that is an entity that relates a number of
(model components that need certain input data or
parameters when simulated) to a number of
components that compute the required data).
The paper presented a perspective on the current status of
research in the field of system property modeling by focusing
on: (i) FORM-L, a new formal language based on temporal
logic for requirement modeling; (ii) a software library, based
on the Modelica language, that implements a subset of the
constructs provided by FORM-L so as to enable the visual
modeling of system properties as well as their verification
through simulation; (iii) a concrete exploitation of the proposal
for monitoring and assessing through simulation the behavior
of an Intermediate Cooling System (SRI). Ongoing works are
devoted to (i) evaluate, choose and refine one among the three
proposed solutions for the binding and automated composition
between requirements, structural, and behavioral models; (ii)
extend, improve and extensively experiment the presented
library in several application domains; (iii) allow to check the
consistency of the requirements among themselves.
This paper is based on research performed within the
ITEA2 project MODRIO. Partial financial support of the
French DGE, the German BMBF, the Swedish VINNOVA are
highly appreciated.
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... Under an integration framework, multiple heterogeneous models are composed into one based on the formal description of their structures and interactions. Several attempts [14], [37] have been made for modeling the heterogeneous subsystems under well-defined interaction semantics, such as the behavior composition semantics [37], and Behavior Interaction Priority [14]. There also exist architecture description languages [18], [25], [26], most of which are based on XML or its variants [22], including UML [19], [20], CyPhyML [16], and SysML [4], [17], [21], [38]. ...
... Under an integration framework, multiple heterogeneous models are composed into one based on the formal description of their structures and interactions. Several attempts [14], [37] have been made for modeling the heterogeneous subsystems under well-defined interaction semantics, such as the behavior composition semantics [37], and Behavior Interaction Priority [14]. There also exist architecture description languages [18], [25], [26], most of which are based on XML or its variants [22], including UML [19], [20], CyPhyML [16], and SysML [4], [17], [21], [38]. ...
... al. presents a comprehensive formal framework of multi-paradigm modeling for the CPS [35]. Engineering modeling languages, such as Modelica, and their variant may be potentially comprehensive methods that describes both the structure and behavior of the CPS [37]. They can express the dynamic behavior in different domains mathematically and achieve seamless integration of them [47] based on DAEs (differential algebraic equations) combined with an eventhandling mechanism. ...
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Model-based approaches are essential for designing cyber-physical systems, which adopt the formal models to simultaneously form the specifications and enable the verification at an early stage. Aimed to model the complex structure and continuous-discrete hybrid behavior of cyber-physical systems, this paper mathematically defines a dynamic relational system so that the cyber-physical system can be regarded as dynamic relational systems in a hierarchical structure and each dynamical relational system is a triple of dynamic attributes, subsystems, and hybrid relations between attributes and subsystems. Every hybrid relation contains a tuple and a predicate to govern the system behaviors. By utilizing the dynamic relational system, a parametric abstraction is then performed to specify the design requirements and schemes. It can represent the structure and behaviors of multiple cyber-physical system design schemes in an integrated manner. With a mathematical foundation, the constructed relational models are beneficial for structural analysis and behavior verification. An implementation case of a friction-driven plate conveyor is presented to illustrate the design specification with relational models, and the connectivity analysis and behavior verifications are carried out to show the effectiveness and engineering practicability of the achieved models.
... The MBSE approach requires that parts and features of the system can be related to the design requirements in an automated fashion, supported by appropriate tools. In recent years, several research works on simulation-based requirement verification process, language, and tool support in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems modeling have been published (e.g., [85,160,132,59]). However, in an industrial scale with projects involving complex systems with a large number of requirements and several teams working on different parts of the system, it is still difficult to analyze the results of the requirement verification process just by inspecting the models and the simulation results. ...
... Special thanks to Kenneth Lausdahl, Peter Niermann, Jos Höll, Carl Gamble, Oliver Möller, Etienne Brosse, Tom Bokhove, and Luis Diogo Couto for collaboration and valuable input on traceability-related tool design. 85 ...
... The solution permits the verification of system requirements through simulation by augmenting dynamic models defined with the Modelica language [14] with models that check requirements during simulation based on the FOrmal Requirements Modeling Language (FORM-L) [15]. The novelty of this paper is an integrated process of RE resulting from the integration and extension of the research results achieved within ITEA3 MODRIO (Model Driven Physical Systems Operation) (see, e.g., [16][17][18][19]), a European project that aimed at extending state-of-the-art modeling and simulation environments based on open standards to increase energy and transportation systems safety, dependability and performance throughout their lifecycle [10]. It is worth noting that the usefulness and interest in the presented results are shown by the use of its preliminary versions. ...
... 6 where also the after keyword is used to specify that a requirement must be evaluated after a condition becomes and holds true for a given time interval. Additional examples and a complete description of the FORM-L syntax and semantics can be found in [15,18]. ...
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The increasing complexity of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) makes their design, development and operation extremely challenging. Due to the nature of CPS that involves many heterogeneous components, which are often designed and developed by organizations belonging to different engineering domains, it is difficult to manage, trace and verify their properties, requirements and constraints throughout their lifecycle by using classical techniques. In this context, the paper presents an integrated solution to formally define system requirements and automate their verification through simulation. The solution is based on the FOrmal Requirements Modeling Language and the Modelica language. The solution is exemplified through two case studies concerning a Trailing-Edge High-Lift system and a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system.
... Basile et al. [6] proposed a service-oriented multi-agent approach to model the behavior of CPS systems using colored timed Petri-net. Garro et al. [11] proposed a new formal langauge based on temporal logic to model CPS systems entitled FORM-L (formal requirement modeling language). ...
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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are characterized with their concurrency, heterogeneity and time sensitivity. In this context, it is crucial to have self-adaptive CPS systems in order to manage changing in their internal and external environment and supporting new requirements. Also, CPS systems are known with their restricted connectivity, and consequently, they must perform a decentralized adaptation. This is added to the general complexity of modeling the adaptation process. In fact, the MAPE-K (Monitoring, Analysis, Planning, Execution and Knowledge) control loop model has been identified as a crucial element for realizing self-adaptation in software systems. To respond to the design challenge of self-adaptive CPS, we propose a set of decentralized MAPE-K design patterns to help designer in building such complex systems thanks to software design patterns which provide a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem. In this paper, we provide a set of decentralized patterns to model CPS using the refinement technique. For this purpose, we proposed a standard notation based on the UML modeling language to describe the different MAPE-K patterns for decentralized control in self-adaptive CPS. We illustrate our approach by modeling the smart parking application using the coordinated control pattern.
... Since Statistical Model Checking is useful in situations where it is either inconvenient or impossible to build a concise representation of the global transition relation, Clarke and Zuliani described how Statistical Model Checking works and demonstrate the problem with rare events and showed how Importance Sampling with the Cross-Entropy Technique can be used to address this problem [14]. Garro et al. by using temporal logic presents a new formal modeling language and the effectiveness of the proposal is shown on a real case study concerning an Intermediate Cooling System [15]. They called their modeling language FORM-L, and a software library, based on the Modelica language, that implements the constructs provided by FORM-L so as to enable the visual modeling of system properties as well as their verification through simulation. ...
... In recent years, the need for a more formal requirement verification process and the need for language and tool support has been increasingly recognized by the cyber-physical modeling community. Several research works on language and tool support have been published in this area (e.g., [1][2][3][4]). ...
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In the field of model-based design of Cyber–Physical Systems (CPS), seamless traceability of the process, from requirements to models to simulation results, is becoming increasingly important. It can be used to support several activities such as variant handling, impact analysis, component reuse, software maintenance and evolution, verification, and validation. Despite the fact that the relevance of traceability in the model-based design of CPSs is well known, current tools that support traceability management are inadequate in practice. The lack of comprehensive whole-lifecycle systems engineering support in a single tool is one of the main causes of such ineffective traceability management, where traceability relationships between artifacts are still manually generated and maintained. This paper aims at presenting an approach and a prototype for automatically generating and maintaining the appropriate traceability links between heterogeneous artifacts ranging from requirement models, through design models, down to simulation and verification results throughout the product life cycle in model-based design of CPSs. A use case study is presented to validate and illustrate the proposed method and prototype.
... In recent years the need for a more formal requirement verification process and for language and tool support for this has been increasingly recognized by the cyber-physical modeling community. Several efforts on language and tool support have been made and are ongoing in this area [69,70]. ...
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Industrial cyber-physical system products interleave hardware, software, and communication components. System complexity is increasing simultaneously with increased demands on quality and shortened time-to-market. To effectively support the development of such systems, we present languages and tools for comprehensive integrated model-based development that cover major phases such as requirement analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. The model-based approach raises the level of abstraction and allows to perform virtual prototyping by simulating and optimizing system models before building physical products. Moreover, open standards and open source implementations enable model portability, tool reuse and a broader deployment. In this paper we present a general overview of the available solutions with focus on Modelica/OpenModelica, Bloqqi, and Acumen. The paper presents contributions to these languages and environments, including symbolic-numeric modeling, requirement verification, code generation, model debugging, design optimization, graphical modeling, and variant handling with traceability, as well a general discussion and conclusions.
... In addition, it reduces the expression ambiguity of the requirement's description. To obtain the parameters of the formal semantic structure that would capture the complex aspects of ATS, we based it on a proposal for formal modelling of CPS properties (Garro et al., 2016): ...
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The R&D of Autonomous Transportation Systems (ATS) is hindered by the lack of industrial feedback and client's knowledge about technological possibilities. In addition, because of intellectual properties (IP) issues, technology consulting companies can't directly reuse developed functionalities with different clients. In this context, requirements reuse technics presents a good way to capitalize on their knowledge while avoiding IP issues. However, the literature review on requirements reuse processes doesn't propose methods to the application of reuse processes with little information about the system's operational context. In this paper, we present a semi-automated requirement reuse and recycle process for ATS R&D. The process helps designers’ copes with the lack of inputs from the clients. Requirements candidates are retrieved from a database using Natural Language Processing and traceability propagation. It is applied to 3 use cases with inputs less than 5 concepts from the client's needs. The results validate its efficiency through number requirements retrieved and the analysis time consumption
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Modeling of system properties deals with formally expressing constraints and requirements that influence and determine the structure and behavior of a system. System Property Models enable the verification of system properties through real or simulated experiments so as to support their evaluation during system design and their monitoring during system operation. However, several research challenges should be addressed to effectively handle systems properties, ranging from conceptual properties representation to tracing and verification. The paper aims at discussing these main challenges and presenting some promising solutions by focusing on those resulting from recent Systems Engineering research efforts.
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This article proposes two new language constructs for meta-properties modeling in Modelica: 1) Accessing all instances of a given class and 2) extracting in a convenient way the desired information from such instances by allowing to pass type compatible model instances as arguments to functions. In several applications the usefulness of the proposed features are shown. In particular global properties of a model can be computed, such as total power, total mass, total center of mass, or kinetic and potential energy of a multi-body system. An important application is to bind behavioral models and requirement models in a convenient way, for example checking requirements for all instances of a class in a behavioral model, without changing the behaviorl model.
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Executable specifications are computer algorithms written in an appropriate specification language with the purpose of demonstrating and verifying the compliance of the input-output behaviour of the model subject to the model specifications. Similarly, requirement modelling allows the specification and testing of demands on signals which are generated by a system or the model of a system. Together, executable specifications and requirement models enable a well-defined specification of a system. While the traditional aircraft design process is based on document based specifications only, a model supported design process based on executable specifications and requirement models is thought to improve the process in terms of quality and time. In contrast to the traditional, more software oriented usage of executable specifications, we use them in a more general way also for specification of physical models and behavior. In a former publication, MathWorks based tools were mainly used. In order to have a one-tool solution which allows better coupling of the physical models to requirement blocks, we show how it can be realized with Modelica based tools and libraries, especially with the new Modelica Requirements library. For some requirements no ready to use requirement blocks were available. These were blocks for a funnel like constraint in time domain and blocks for constraints in frequency domain. The implementation of the FFT for frequency domain property monitors is non-trivial and often parameterization is implemented user-unfriendly. In the last part of the paper we present a user-friendly and numeric efficient implementation and give some overview on the implementation.
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This paper describes a proposal on how to model formal requirements in Modelica for simulation-based verification. The approach is implemented in the open source Modelica_Requirements library. It requires extensions to the Modelica language, that have been prototypically implemented in the Dymola and Open-Modelica software. The design of the library is based on the FOrmal Requirement Modeling Language (FORM-L) defined by EDF, and on industrial use cases from EDF and Dassault Aviation. It uses 2- and 3-valued temporal logic to describe requirements.
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Building complex systems form models that were developed separately without modifying existing code is a challenging task faced on a regular basis in multiple contexts, for instance, in design verification. To address this issue, this paper presents a new approach for automating the dynamic system model composition. The presented approach aims to maximise information reuse, by defining the minimum set of information that is necessary to the composition process, to maximise decoupling by removing the need for explicit interfaces and to present a methodology with a modular and structured approach to composition. Moreover the presented approach is illustrated in the context of system design verification against requirements using a Modelica environment, and an approach for expressing the information necessary for automating the composition is formalized.
Conference Paper
Verifying that complex systems such as power plants satisfy the requirements that ensure their proper operation, in particular with respect to safety, dependability and environmental regulations, is difficult due to the large number of potential situations to be explored in terms of initiating events and their chain of consequences on the behavior of the system. The paper presents a new framework for supporting a methodology that aims at reconciling innovation (ability to modify the system) and safety (ability to comply with regulatory requirements). The general principle is to produce independently formal models of the requirements, of the possible variants of the design, and of the dynamic behavior of the system for the possible designs, then assemble them together to simulate the full system's behavior to automatically detect possible violations of the requirements.
During the last years, many approaches have been proposed in order to address the issue of automated service composition. In this chapter, we discuss the so-called Roman model, in which services are abstracted as transition systems and the objective is to obtain a composite service that preserves a desired interaction, expressed as a (virtual) target service. We will also outline its deployment in the challenging applications of smart houses, i.e., buildings pervasively equipped with sensors and actuators making their functionalities available according to the service-oriented paradigm. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York. All rights are reserved.
Conference Paper
As systems engineering methodologies for complex systems make increasing use of modelling and simulation techniques, it has become important to exten d the MODELICA language to also cover requirements, and more generally, properties modelling. The ITEA2 MODRIO project is currently developing an extension for that very purpose: the FORM-L language (FOrmal Requirements Modelling Language). This paper presents an overview of the FORM-L concepts, and illustrates them with examples based on a practical case study, the Backup Power Supply (BPS) system.