Anderson Pinheiro

Anderson Pinheiro
Federal University of Pernambuco | UFPE · Center of Informatics (CIn)



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PhD student in Computer Science, Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Master in Applied Informatics and Bachelor in Computer Science, both by Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). He is a member of the AiBox Lab of UFRPE, participating in researches on the application of techniques of Natural Language Processing in Virtual Learning Environments.


Publications (24)
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Educational feedback is a crucial factor in the student’s learning journey, as through it, students are able to identify their areas of deficiencies and improve self-regulation. However, the literature shows that this is an area of great dissatisfaction, especially in higher education. Providing effective feedback becomes an increasingly challengin...
Conference Paper
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Feedback is a critical component of the teaching-learning process. Through it, teachers share relevant information so that students understand the subjects and activities, in addition to promoting self-regulation. However, the activity of writing and sharing feedback is not easy and may even lead to students’ demotivation. Given this, it is possibl...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, the field of Machine Translation has witnessed the emergence and growing popularity of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems , especially those constructed using transformer architectures. A critical factor in developing an effective NMT model is not just the volume, but also the quality of data. However, removing noise from par...
Conference Paper
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O feedback é um fator muito importante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e crucial na Educação a Distância, pois, como professores e alunos estão separados no espaço e/ou tempo, é através do feedback que o aluno vai entender como está o seu desempenho na disciplina e quais são os próximos passos do aprendizado. Existem na literatura modelos de fee...
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Feedback is a crucial element of a student's learning process. It enables students to identify weaknesses and improve self-regulation. However, studies show this to be an area of great dissatisfaction in higher education. With ever-growing course participation numbers, delivering effective feedback is becoming an in-creasingly challenging task. The...
Conference Paper
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O feedback possui um papel significativo no processo de aprendizagem de um aluno. Permite que os alunos identifiquem os pontos fracos e melhorem a autorregulação. No entanto, estudos mostram que esta é uma área de grande insatisfação no ensino superior. Com o número cada vez maior de participantes em cursos, fornecer feedback eficaz está se tornand...
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This paper investigates the impact of the use of data from different educational contexts in the automatic classification of online discussion messages according to cognitive presence, an essential construct of the community of inquiry model. In particular, this paper analyzed online discussion messages written in Brazilian Portuguese from two diff...
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Feedback is an essential component of scaffolding for learning. Feedback provides insights into the assistance of learners in terms of achieving learning goals and improving self-regulated skills. In online courses, feedback becomes even more critical since instructors and students are separated geographically and physically. In this context, feedb...
Conference Paper
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O feedback tem um papel fundamental no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. É através dele que os professores enviam informações relevantes para que os alunos compreendam os assuntos e atividades, além de fomentar a auto-regulação. Contudo, a atividade de escrever e enviar o feedback não é fácil, podendo inclusive levar a desmotivação dos alunos. Diant...
Conference Paper
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O feedback é um componente muito importante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, pois ajuda aos alunos a identificar as lacunas no aprendizado e avaliar o seu progresso no aprendizado. Em cursos a distância o feedback se torna ainda mais importante, pois é um dos recursos mais utilizados na interação entre professor e aluno, já que ambos estão separ...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a study that examined automated cross-language classification of online discussion messages for the levels of cognitive presence, a key construct from the widely used Community of Inquiry (CoI) model of online learning. Specifically, we examined the classification of 1,500 Portuguese language discussion messages using a classifi...
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The explosive growth of online education environments is generating a massive volume of data, specially in text format from forums, chats, social networks, assessments, essays, among others. It produces exciting challenges on how to mine text data in order to find useful knowledge for educational stakeholders. Despite the increasing number of educa...
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes a topic model-based approach to extract students' weaknesses and strength based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Our approach combines textual data extracted from online discussion forums written by students with external sources like Wikipedia. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach to create a user pr...
Conference Paper
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Feedback is an essential component of any learning experience. It allows students to identify gaps in their learning and improve their self-regulation. However, providing useful feedback is a challenging and time-consuming task. In digital learning environments, this challenge is even more significant due to a large number of students. Thus, this p...
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Com o crescimento da Educação à Distância (EAD) os fóruns de discussão têm sido amplamente utilizados para promover interação e colaboração entre estudantes e professores de maneira assíncrona. Apesar dos benefícios para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem a utilização dos fóruns na EAD pode significar sobrecarga para os professores/tutores dada a...
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O crescimento da Educação a distância (EAD) aumentou o acesso da população ao ensino superior. A EAD utiliza os Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs) para a interação entre professores e alunos à distância. Contudo, com a grande quantidade de alunos nos AVAs, se torna um desafio para o professor acompanhar adequadamente as atividades e informaç...
Conference Paper
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A sentence similarity measure is an important field for different applications of text mining. In recent literature, it is possible to find several similarity measures between sentences in English; however, it lacks measures for Portuguese. In addition, one of the main issues to assess sentence similarity is to identify word meaning. In this c...


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