Andani Achmad

Andani Achmad

Doctor of Engineering


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Publications (92)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi dashboard borang akreditasi program studi di UIN Alauddin Makassar. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk mempermudah proses pengumpulan data dan dokumen akreditasi sesuai kebutuhan asesor. Menggunakan framework Laravel, aplikasi berbasis web ini memberikan akses online kepada setiap program studi. Model inp...
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This study aims to determine which model is more effective in detecting lies between models with Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) and Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) processes using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). MFCC and STFT processes are based on digital voice data from video recordings that have been given lie or truth informa...
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Stress is a psychological condition that requires proper treatment due to its potential long-term effects on health and cognitive faculties. This is particularly pertinent when considering pre- and early-school-age children, where stress can yield a range of adverse effects. Furthermore, detection in children requires a particular approach differen...
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This study proposes a framework for improving performance and exploring the application of Deep Convolutional Networks (DCN) using the best parameters and criteria to accurately produce aerial imagery semantic segmentation of natural disaster-affected areas. This study utilizes two models: U-Net and Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet). Extensive...
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Stress is a psychological condition that requires proper treatment due to its potential long-term effects on health and cognitive faculties. This is particularly pertinent when considering pre- and early-school-age children, where stress can yield a range of adverse effects. Furthermore, detection in children requires a particular approach differen...
This study proposes a framework for improving performance and exploring the application of Deep Convolutional Networks (DCN) using the best parameters and criteria to accurately produce aerial imagery semantic segmentation of natural disaster-affected areas. This study utilizes two models: U-Net and Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet). Extensive...
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Stress is a psychological problem that can affect anyone, including children. Detecting stress in children is a complex problem because they are generally unaware of the psychological problems they are experiencing and have verbal limitations that affect their communication skills with their parents. One of the biomarkers that can be used to detect...
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Wind tunnel experiments provide valuable insights into the aerodynamic characteristics of objects and play a vital role in various engineering and scientific applications. Due to this reason then the quality of the data resulted from the wind tunnel measurement must be maintained in good performance by means the data must be kept accurate and valid...
This study aims to design a prototype of a microcontroller and arduino-based baby swing control system that will be very useful for housewives who have babies. This system will automatically work to move the swing when the sound of a baby and water is detected. This system is designed using a sound sensor that functions to detect the baby's voice,...
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There are numbers of research that have been done to improve the security, transparency, and honesty of electricity transactions in smartgrid or peer-to-peer trading communities without exposing the privacy of their consumer and prosumer, one of them is blockchain. Nowadays, blockchain is well known and most of them are used in financial cases. Blo...
The purpose of this study is to produce a model that can assist in determining prospective new students of STMIK AKBA who receive scholarships. The algorithm used is decision tree and nave Bayes to classify the graduation of prospective recipients of the Indonesian Smart Card (KIP) scholarship. Based on the results of the classification of the deci...
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This paper presents the development of a breath analyzer system by designing a calibration method and measurement chamber for measuring exhaled breath gas. It provides a concept of accurate sample measurement and calibration methods. The design system of the breath analyzer optimized the gas sensor role to measure several gas variants produced by h...
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Suara merupakan parameter yang sangat penting dalam sistem kesehatan pernapasan. Proses klasifikasi pernapasan dipengaruhi oleh dukungan tubuh dalam mendapatkan oksigen yang menghasilkan keadaan normal dan abnormal. Keadaan abnormal yang dimaksud adalah penyakit asma, bronkitis dan tuberkolosis. Tujuan paper ini adalah menerapkan metode Support Vec...
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Abstract—Suara merupakan parameter yang sangat penting dalam sistem kesehatan pernapasan. Proses klasifikasi pernapasan dipengaruhi oleh dukungan tubuh dalam mendapatkan oksigen yang menghasilkan keadaan normal dan abnormal. Keadaan abnormal yang dimaksud adalah penyakit asma, bronkitis dan tuberkolosis. Tujuan panelitian ini yaitu mengusulkan Supp...
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This research aims to build a top-up based PDAM meter tools, which allows users to control water use in their daily needs. This type of research is experimental research where the scope of the problem can be carried out using the literature study method, field data collection methods. The system is made in the form of a prototype. This research pro...
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Data mining is the process of finding information by looking for certain patterns or rules from large amounts of data. This study applies the Naïve Bayes algorithm to classify the yield of Vanamey shrimp into three classes, namely successful, less successful and failed from the harvest sample data owned. To facilitate the analysis, the data is divi...
Conference Paper
This study aims to compare the results of four feature extraction models in the case of early recognition of disease attacks on cocoa fruits. The image extraction models used in this study are Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Hue Saturation Value (HSV), and Gray-level Co-occurrence Histograms (GLCH). In addition,...
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This study aims to build a waste detection system of shrimp feeding using the Yolo algorithm. Shrimp are not efficient in utilizing their feed, which is only 70-80%. The remaining shrimp feed will become waste that causes decay and decreased water quality due to the accumulation of high organic matter and toxic compounds, namely nitrite (NO2) and a...
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The consumption of electrical energy always increases every year where one of the causes is lifestyle. A bad lifestyle such as forgetting to turn off the unused electronic devices when they are leaving home is one of the factors for increasing consumption of electrical energy which results in waste. This can occur because the device control system...
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The reported power consumption of each user does not appropriately indicate the actual electrical energy utilized for the intended purposes. The power electrical consumption profile might also be contributed by the power losses encountered in the entire mini-scale electrical network, such as house electrical power installation network, buildings, a...
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Rutinitas dalam pemberian pakan serta nilai parameter lingkungan akuarium perlu senantiasa diawasi dan dijaga pada rentang tertentu. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi IoT peneliti ingin menggabungkan parameter pH dan kekeruhan air sehingga pengontrolan dapat dilakukan secara real time dalam waktu yang bersamaan untuk mengefisienkan waktu, dengan memanf...
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Sistem keamanan jaringan semakin hari kian makin berkembang, begitu pula serangan pada sistem jaringan yang berbeda-beda metode dan perkembangannya, khususnya pada server yang menjadi pengendali utama dalam sistem jaringan menjadi target utama. Oleh karena itu pentingnya menggunakan sistem keamanan jaringan dalam mendeteksi dan menggagalkan seranga...
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Herbal plants are plants that can be used as alternatives in natural healing of diseases, parts of plants that can be used such as roots, stems, tubers and leaves, in Southeast Sulawesi there are currently 1000 herbal plants and 10 sub-ethnicities that have been inventoried, according to research conducted by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). Indo...
This paper presents a hardware implementation of a novel method to operate a photovoltaic-based electric power system at its maximum power point. A maximum power point tracing (MPPT) algorithm named decremented window-scanning (DWS) is proposed and validated in real experiments. The scanning process operates based on perturbing signal with variable...
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Marker Augmented Reality 3D pada Aplikasi Pengenalan Organ Tubuh Manusia adalah untuk membuat model belajar menggunakan teknologi Augmented Reality guna menyampaikan informasi tentang Pengenalan Organ Tubuh Manusia yang lebih interaktif dan inovatif dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality ke dalam satu aplikasi Android. Dalam mendukung penelitian ini di...
Conference Paper
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Abstract — This research aims to determine the performance of face identification on closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras. There are two data classifications used, namely training data and testing data. The training data use the CASIA-Webface dataset. Meanwhile, the testing data consists of two data, namely the source data and the target data....
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Water quality is one of the determining factors in maintaining survival and growth of crab larvae, therefore we need a tool that can monitor water quality which includes temperature parameters, pH and salinity in real time and online in crab larva culture. This system consists of several sensor nodes with the main component being Arduino Uno which...
IP-PBX based communication has become a human need in the era of technology. Some researchers design a wireless telecommunication system based on IP PBX using Raspberry Pi. The previous researches have small network coverage and problematic on the ability of the system to support multiple concurrent connections. Based on these problems, these resea...
Tujuan kami mengangkat judul ini yaitu mencegah kerusakan perangkat-perangkat yang ada di dalam ruang server,yang di akibatkan oleh penurunan suhu ruang server yang secara tiba-tiba.Metode penelitian yang di gunakan adalah bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada ruang sever Kalla Group di Wisma Kalla. Proyek ini didasarkan pada ardui...
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Lighting is a factor to get a safe and comfortable environment. Good lighting allows one to see objects that are done clearly, and can give a refreshing view. Conversely, if the room has poor lighting can cause eye fatigue, therefore it is necessary to control the intensity of light-based microcontroller to regulate the lighting of a room automatic...
Dakwah adalah kegiatan yang bersifat menyeru, mengajak dan memanggil orang untuk beriman dan taat kepada Allah sesuai garis aqidah, syariat dan akhlak islam. Kegiatan berdakwah sering dilaksanakan oleh umat Islam dalam berbagai kegiatan keislaman yang dilakukan oleh para pendakwah/penceramah. Namun masih sulit untuk menentukan jadwal dan lokasinya....
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In the smarthome system, four main designs are used: Lighting settings, and use of air conditioner (AC). Leak detection of LPG and cigarette smoke, in order to provide convenience and comfort for homeowners to control household appliances, besides the energy management system is applied to see how far the energy savings have been done.This research...
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Tujuan penelitian ini membuat Alat Pemberi Pakan Ikan Otomatis Terjadwal Dengan Sistem Kendali Mikrokontroller untuk mempermudah perawatan ikan tambak khususnya pada pemberian pakan, sehingga ketika pemelihara ikan memiliki kesibukan dalam jangka waktu lama, ikan akan tetap terjaga dalam proses pemberian pakannya. Sistem yang dirancang terdiri dari...
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This study aims to determine the best distance to install a CCTV camera in identifying a person’s face in the passenger inspection area at the airport, which can be developed for suspect detection systems. The training data used is in the form of an image with five different angles per person, while the testing data is in the form of video. The ini...
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Abstract contains research problem, The problem arose when there were only a few universities as a place to gather all inventors, designers, and creators who had intellectual property centers. Of the not many Intellectual Property Centers, fewer have implemented Technology and Innovation Support Centers with a legal umbrella of memorandum of unders...
Smart campus refers to campus facilities which are supporting all activities of the academics in carrying out the obligations of the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi using information technology as the backbone. STKIP Muhammadiyah Bone was chosen as a partner in the community service program. In order to welcome a transformation, the campus will direct it...
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Intelligent systems for detecting gas leaks are proposed in this study. This tool is used for the safety of residences that use heating equipment with natural gas and petroleum gas (LPG). LPG can leak as a gas or liquid that can cause fires on a small or large scale and can even cause loss of life for its users. This system can also be used for oth...
This research aims to develop a system that could predict rain in Makassar region based on spatial data from Ambon and Palembang with sampling resolution per 30 minutes. This spatial region is selected based on correlation of temperature and rainfall between Makassar with Ambon and Palembang. The processed rain data comes from Ambon, Palembang, and...
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LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). LPG is a hydrocarbon gas production from refineries and gas refinery with the major components of propane gas (C3H8) and butane (C4H10). Limit flame (Flammable Range) or also called gas with air. Value Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) is the minimum limit of the concentration of fuel vapor in the air which if there is no s...
Teknologi web sudah mengalami banyak kemajuan. Dimulai dari era web 1.0 yang masih bersifat statis hingga teknologi web yang mampu mengatasi permasalah perangkat keras seperti storage, speech recognition, hingga geolocation. Salah satu teknologi web yang hadir saat ini adalah progressive web application. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang seb...
Pada penelitian ini dibuat pembangkit pulsa ultrasonik dengan menggunakan teknologi FPGA dengan type chip Altera Cyclone IV EP4CE22F17C6N. Pembangkit pulsa ultrasonic sangat diperlukan untuk inspeksi tak merusak menggunakan karena memiliki kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan sumber radiasi lain, diantaranya: portable (bisa dibawa ke mana-mana), baha...
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Measuring energy of processor core which is consumed by a program is a prerequisite when we want to optimize source code of a program in order to gain efficiency of energy. However, it is difficult to find tools to measure energy of processor core especially on low-end processor. In this paper we offer a simple energy estimation as an alternative t...
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Potholes on road causes majority of traffic incidents. It happens with driver's unawareness to potholes on the road, while potholes location data mining is still performed manually by technician nowadays. This issues drives these following research and prototyping to be performed. This paper presents a prototype of a pothole detection system using...
Crosstalk is a problem in increasing the transmission capacity of multicore fiber networks. This research aimed to reduce inter-core crosstalk in multicore fiber networks. The method used was core allocation, i.e the core management and the spectrum slot. This method employs parallelization of two algorithms. First, the core prioritization algorith...
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Abstrak Prototipe Sistem Kontrol Untuk Implementasi Parkir Otomatis Kendaraan Roda Empat adalah penelitian yang dilatarbelakangi permasalahan umum pengguna kendaraan ketika akan memarkirkan kendaraannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memudahkan pengguna parkir, khususnya kendaraan roda empat yang ingin memarkirkan kendaraannya pada area parkir...
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Dense Wavelenght Division Multiplexing (DWDM) adalah salah satu teknologi transmisi serat optik dengan penyediaan kapasitas bitrate dan bandwidth yang besar dalam melayani akses informasi yang tinggi, dan dapat diterapkan dengan memanfaatkan infrastruktur jaringan yang ada. DWDM memanfaatkan panjang gelombang (λ) yang berbeda untuk beragam jenis in...
Conference Paper
Utilization of the UWB antenna as a main device for breast cancer detection is an interesting research topic in the last five years. This detection method is well-known as Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Microwave Imaging. In this paper, a stairs-shaped microstrip antenna was successfully designed to satisfy the UWB technology standard. The numerical evaluat...
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Mixture Model research has been widely implemented for numerous purpose in motion tracking applications. This method usually applied for tracking and counting the vehicles in Intelligent Transport System (ITS). In this context, Mixture Model chosen is Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) method, due to its powerful features. Unlike many motion tracking-bas...
Maintenance management is certainly the important factor to support the successfulness of Small and Medium Industries (SMIs). The SMIs will gain larger profits with the correctness of maintenance system which can minimize the expenses incurred. The application with Decision Making Grid (DMG) for appropriate maintenance strategy has been achieved wi...
Ultra wideband (UWB) microwave imaging is the popular image reconstruction technique to be integrated in a medical equipment applied for early breast cancer detection system. The constructed breast cancer detector is low complexity, high accuracy rate, easy to perform tumour detection and low-cost production. To numerically design and to evaluate t...
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This study uses Blob Analysis technique to optimize Gaussian Mixture Model method performance in detecting and counting cars and motorcycles under heavy traffic conditions. It is profound that by optimizing the minimum and maximum blob area in order to obtain proper blob size from a video image's region of interest will also improve the accuracy of...
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In the practice of waste mining disposal, the conventional way through laboratory assessment on the waste contents is commonly performed before taking decision to discharge the waste to the external systems. Such process is of course time-consuming and less accuracy of identification analysis. This paper proposes real-time identification system for...
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It is well-known that the electrical efficiency conversion of photovoltaic systems is low due to non-linear semiconductor mechanism inside the solar cell materials. The increasing in output efficiency will be always very challenging to photovoltaic technology. One of the methods is to utilize the thermal energy arises in the back side of module, wh...
Conference Paper
A wireless electrocardiograph technology (WECG) which works on 2.5 GHz frequency band has been designed, implemented and evaluated in the actual environments both indoor and outdoor. WECG system has the benefit for improving the quality of the health care services especially for monitoring and evaluating people heart pulses record during the treatm...
Various types of internal antennas suitable for digital TV receiver have been investigated. These include rectangular plate loop structure, 1/2�� monopole, and L-dipole. Evaluations of the internal antennas were done, numerically and experimentally, to obtain some electrical properties such as S11, VSWR, gain and radiation pattern. All the fabricat...
A number of loop antennas designed to operate at UHF ISM band 2.4-2.5 GHz have been investigated. Four types of loop antennas were designed and fabricated including the circular wire loop, square loop, circular plate loop, and disk loop. The circular plate loop has been incorporated into the RF sensing and detection peripheral due to its excellent...


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