Anca Sirbu

Anca Sirbu
Maritime University of Constanta · Department of Fundamental Sciences and Humanities



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Anca Sirbu’s recent research has focused on ESP methodology, maritime terminology and adult education. She is an Associate Professor with a long-standing experience in teaching ESP on an academic level. As a translator, she has always been keen on the study of terminology, hence her passion for Specialized Languages. After an interlude of teaching philology, she has taught German and ESP in various academic fields: business, accounting, banking, navigation, (marine and naval) engineering etc.
Additional affiliations
October 2012 - present
Maritime University of Constanta
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Teaching Maritime English for the Engine Dept., ESP for Environmental Studies and Business English and Commercial Correspondence for Engineering Economics
March 2002 - September 2012
Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy
  • Lecturer
  • Maritime English for the Deck and the ER Dept. - for Navy and Merchant Marine students; Business English and Commercial Correspondence for the Port Management Dept.; German for Navy and Merchant Marine students and for Port Management students
October 1998 - March 2002
Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa
  • Research Assistant
  • Teaching activities in German linguistics and German literature
November 2003 - May 2008
Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa
Field of study
  • Linguistics - Onomastics
October 1999 - July 2000
University of Bucharest
Field of study
  • Foreign Languages and Literatures - Translation and Interpreting Studies (German - English)
October 1997 - June 1998
University of Vienna
Field of study
  • Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung (Translation and Interpreting Studies)


Publications (29)
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The prevention of environmental pollution is a current concern of the population, which is looking for ways to reduce the production of industrial waste. The brewing industry generates huge amounts of waste, with difficult management from an economic point of view. The waste obtained from the technological process of beer production is used in vari...
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In order to prepare graduates to take on responsibility and leadership-oriented positions early in their careers, engineering curricula traditionally focus primarily on technical abilities. The selection of engineering science courses that make up most of these programs of study is consistently preparing graduates for the technical aspects of their...
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One of the main outputs of the project is Maritime Case Study Handbook, which is a collection of all case studies identified and analyzed during project’ life time. Case studies were identified in close collaboration with the industry and constitute an integrated educational material, designed to address current soft skills gaps, while providing to...
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Fluoride has both beneficial and detrimental effects on human health. Concentrations of fluoride less than 1.0 mg/L in ingested water are beneficial for the rate of tooth decay, especially in children. The aims of the paper are as follows: (i) to monitor fluoride concentrations in drinking water samples (well water and tap water from the rural dist...
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Groundwater pollution is a very common problem worldwide, as it poses a serious threat to both the environment and the economic and social development and consequently generates several types of costs. The analysis of pollution control involves a permanent comparison between pollution costs and the costs associated with various methods of pollution...
The complex composition of grapes as well as the quite large variations of each component affect the processing thereof differently and at the same time influence the yield in must, its quality and the wine product; they also influence production losses, along with the quality and quantity of by-products. Vinification wastes cause ecological proble...
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With the rapid onset of an unprecedented lifestyle due to the new coronavirus COVID-19 the world academic scene was forced to reform and adapt to the novel circumstances. Although online education cannot be regarded as a groundbreaking endeavour anymore in the21st century, its current character of exclusivity calls for deeper understanding of, and...
Conference Paper
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Classroom management for adult students is challenging and invites the teacher of foreign languages, and not only, to master the skills for establishing a favorable learning atmosphere. Effective classroom management is much more than simply administrate corrective measures when a student misbehaves; it is also about developing efficient ways to de...
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Classroom management for adult students is challenging and invites the teacher of foreign languages, and not only, to master the skills for establishing a favourable learning atmosphere. Effective classroom management is much more than simply administrate corrective measures when a student misbehaves; it is also about developing efficient ways to d...
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The aim of this paper is to provide a share of the authors’ (almost) life-long expertise in teaching English as a second language to (young) adults. In this paper, we shall point out differences in acquiring a foreign language between children on the one hand and teenagers, young adults, and grown-ups on the other and suggest methods of addressing...
Conference Paper
“Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum” says a Latin dictum meaning “erring is human, but persisting in error is diabolical”. This paper focuses on oral errors and mistakes in the foreign language learning process and provides an analysis of the teacher’s role in the when and the how to correct them. We make a brief differentiation in the...
Conference Paper
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In terms of translation, maritime language in general and Maritime English and/or maritime Romanian in particular can be considered an uncharted territory, since research in this area is almost non-existent. The idea should be pointed out that the unremitting technological advances in the global maritime sector have certainly transformed seafaring...
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Communication is considered to be one of the most important tools in the process of management. Managerial communication explores what the managers do in business, meaning that managers use the communication system to plan, organize, direct and control activities and people. Management cannot function without the techniques of communication covered...
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Along the centuries, Latin, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and French have each been the world's lingua franca at one point or another. English in turn is used currently anywhere around the globe when two or more people meet who need to talk to each other and do not share the same first language. As the title of this article states, it is paramount for...
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Have you ever been deceived by a friend? A very unpleasant feeling, indeed! This can happen with language learning - no, this does not mean that your fellow learners are malicious, but that sometimes a word means something completely different than you think it does based on your knowledge of other languages or of your mother tongue. When we learn...
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This paper is meant neither as a plea for the usage of one's mother tongue in ESP classes nor as an excuse or justification thereof. It is rather to be construed as an exposition of reasons from the perspective of Maritime English lecturers who teach heterogeneous classes of students. All learners of a foreign language need the support of their mot...
Conference Paper
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The economic, social, technical and scientific progress of our world set up the prerequisites for the globalization of English over the past century. English is used as a communication tool in various situations. Together with other branches of English for Specialized Purposes, English for engineering is part of the language used in international c...
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Beside the usual communication tools of engineering professionals, i.e. formulae, charts, drawings and the like, language is by far the greatest (sic!) means of conveying professional messages and ideas. Projects, memos and contracts depend not only on their contents as to the reactions and further development they trigger, but also on the linguist...
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Specific purpose language ability is quite a complex concept which takes into consideration the relationship between language ability in general and specific background knowledge. This constitutes a very important issue as language is learned in communicative contexts and in turn, those contexts should affect the nature of the language acquired. Th...
Conference Paper
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Specific purpose language ability is quite a complex concept which takes into consideration the relationship between language ability in general and specific background knowledge. This constitutes a very important issue as language is learned in communicative contexts and in turn, those contexts should affect the nature of the language acquired. Th...
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This article focuses on the features of maritime (engineering) English in terms of EST (English for Science and Technology) and on the specific needs of students of EST, i.e. maritime (engineering) English along with teachers' role in integrating general English vocabulary in EST/maritime (engineering) English classes. As far as future (maritime) e...
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This article is aimed to provide various manners in which to reach the same goal, i.e. to embed general English grammar and vocabulary in maritime (engineering) English classes. Research has revealed that almost half of the accidents at sea are due to poor knowledge of maritime English. Hence, it is quite a challenge for maritime English lecturers...
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The significance of the sea becomes transparent at a mere glance for either English or French and German or for any other language for that matter. The entire Western civilization originates from the area surrounding the Mediterranean and the North Sea. The language used by the people living by the sea has always been permeated with nautical phrase...
Conference Paper
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Language is essentially a means of communication among the members of a society. The purpose of this paper is to show that a common language is one of the most important features of a community and the ceaseless use of the same language is the most certain proof of the historical continuity of a community of people. The need to communicate triggers...
Conference Paper
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The linguistic contact results in linguistic interferences. The purpose of this paper is given by language interferences, which can be regarded as the transfer of elements of one language to another in terms of lexis, grammar, phonology or orthography alterations. Irrespective of the aspect of the linguistic interference as a result of a contact be...
Conference Paper
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Maritime English involves some highly specialized and specific terms that are not part of a layman's vocabulary. This paper is focused on some aspects of maritime English for engineering students, a branch of technical English. It is essential that a marine engineer should be able to read and comprehend engineering English from instruction manuals...
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The purpose of this paper is to suggest activities through which teachers can help students bridge the gap between the mastery of linguistic structures and the use of language to communicate meanings in real situations. Classroom activities pave the way to communication in the foreign language through various types of communicative activities and e...
Conference Paper
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Terminological dictionaries and glossaries have been used by large organisations such as government departments and industry companies as a tool for harmonising and controlling the terminology required by their technical writers and translators, either on monolingual or multilingual basis. Terminological collections were considered almost as secret...
Conference Paper
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This article provides an overview of the role of proper names in German language classes. Learners of German as a foreign language are normally confronted with German proper names in their textbooks. Students learning German are faced with many difficulties with regard to proper names. The recognition of proper names constitutes one of the major pr...


Questions (2)
What type of testing methods do you use in order to assess your students' progress in foreign languages in general or in ESP in particular? I am also especially interested in finding out about methods of INDIVIDUAL student assessment in the context of video conference teaching, when students have the possibility to get help from their peers via phone apps, for example. How can we deter this possibility? Respondus lockdown browser is not an option, with students who can only attend classes via their phone or a webcam-free PC.
What type of testing methods have you devised in order to assess your students' progress in foreign languages in general or in ESP in particular? In my opinion, it's not only about their newly acquired vocabulary knowledge, but also about pronunciation and language use. I am also particularly interested in finding out about methods of INDIVIDUAL assessment of students in the context of video conference teaching, while students have the possibility to get help from their peers via phone apps, for example.


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