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Key Points in Fertility Preservation Treatment Strategies during COVID-19 Pandemic. An Update on Pharmacological Therapies

  • Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Faculty of Farmacy


The fertility preservation (FP) field has developed in the two decades and offers women the possibility to have genetic children at some point in life. Fertility preservation is urgent by definition, performed for social reasons or medical indications, such as impending gonadotoxic therapy or radical gynaecological surgery. One year after the pandemic was declared, the COVID-19 infection imposed several restrictions and limited access to health care for the infertile couple. Ovarian stimulation is a pharmacological treatment used to induce the development of ovarian follicles; FP guidelines provide different options for ovarian stimulation. We performed a systematic search on fertility preservation (FP) procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic using the keywords: FP, ovarian stimulation, assisted reproduction techniques (ART), and COVID-19. In order to update the different treatment strategies in ovarian stimulation on fertility preservation studied in the last ten years, we searched for randomized clinical trials (RCTs) focused on therapeutic agents used in current protocols, gonadotropins, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), clomiphene citrate (CC), letrozole, androgens, metformin, tamoxifen, glucocorticoids, aspirin, coenzyme Q10, and sildenafil. Fertility may be influenced by SARS-CoV-2 infection - especially in men; until more evidence confirms the effects on fertility, patients with COVID-19 positive should delay FP procedures if possible. Access to fertility conservation services decreased during the analysed period due to the medical services restrictions and the reorientation of medical resources on patients with COVID-19, without major changes in the current therapeutic protocols. In terms of pharmacotherapy in ovarian stimulation (OS) procedures, letrozole is first line therapy, superior to CC for OS. Similar ovulation and pregnancy rate can be obtained in letrozole - induced ovulation compared to gonadotropin protocol. Adjuvant therapies may be used for OS but lack proven efficacy. Further studies on adjuvant therapies and complementary support are needed, to ensure optimal condition in assisted reproductive interventions for fertility preservation, especially in gonadotoxic therapies.
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1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Filantropia Clinical Hospital, 11 Ion Mihalache Boulevard, 011132,
Bucharest, Romania
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 37 Dionisie Lupu
Street, 020021, Bucharest, Romania
3Department of Community Health, “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 6 Louis Pasteur Street,
400349, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
4Department of Clinical Laboratory, Food Safety, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 6 Traian Vuia
Street, 020956, Bucharest, Romania
5Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University, 56 Nicolae Bălcescu Street, 500019, Brașov, Romania
*corresponding author: Manuscript received: February 2021
The fertility preservation (FP) field has developed in the two decades and offers women the possibility to have genetic
children at some point in life. Fertility preservation is urgent by definition, performed for social reasons or medical
indications, such as impending gonadotoxic therapy or radical gynaecological surgery. One year after the pandemic was
declared, the COVID-19 infection imposed several restrictions and limited access to health care for the infertile couple.
Ovarian stimulation is a pharmacological treatment used to induce the development of ovarian follicles; FP guidelines
provide different options for ovarian stimulation. We performed a systematic search on fertility preservation (FP) procedures
during the COVID-19 pandemic using the keywords: FP, ovarian stimulation, assisted reproduction techniques (ART), and
COVID-19. In order to update the different treatment strategies in ovarian stimulation on fertility preservation studied in the
last ten years, we searched for randomized clinical trials (RCTs) focused on therapeutic agents used in current protocols,
gonadotropins, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), clomiphene citrate (CC), letrozole, androgens, metformin, tamoxifen,
glucocorticoids, aspirin, coenzyme Q10, and sildenafil. Fertility may be influenced by SARS-CoV-2 infection - especially in
men; until more evidence confirms the effects on fertility, patients with COVID-19 positive should delay FP procedures if
possible. Access to fertility conservation services decreased during the analysed period due to the medical services restrictions
and the reorientation of medical resources on patients with COVID-19, without major changes in the current therapeutic
protocols. In terms of pharmacotherapy in ovarian stimulation (OS) procedures, letrozole is first line therapy, superior to CC
for OS. Similar ovulation and pregnancy rate can be obtained in letrozole - induced ovulation compared to gonadotropin
protocol. Adjuvant therapies may be used for OS but lack proven efficacy. Further studies on adjuvant therapies and
complementary support are needed, to ensure optimal condition in assisted reproductive interventions for fertility
preservation, especially in gonadotoxic therapies.
Domeniul conservării fertilității (FP) s-a dezvoltat în cele două decenii și oferă femeilor posibilitatea de a avea copii genetici
la un moment dat în viață. Conservarea fertilității este urgentă prin definiție, efectuată din motive sociale sau indicații
medicale, cum ar fi terapia gonadotoxică iminentă sau chirurgia ginecologică radicală. La un an de la declararea pandemiei,
infecția COVID-19 a impus mai multe restricții și a limitat accesul la îngrijirea sănătății pentru cuplul infertil. Stimularea
ovariană este un tratament farmacologic utilizat pentru a induce dezvoltarea foliculilor ovarieni; ghidurile FP oferă diferite
opțiuni pentru stimularea ovariană. Am efectuat o căutare sistematică a procedurilor de conservare a fertilității (FP) în timpul
pandemiei COVID-19 folosind cuvintele cheie: FP, stimulare ovariană, tehnici de reproducere asistată (ART) și COVID-19.
Pentru a actualiza diferitele strategii de tratament în stimularea ovariană privind conservarea fertilității studiate în ultimii zece
ani, am căutat studii clinice randomizate (RCT) axate pe agenții terapeutici utilizați în protocoalele actuale, gonadotropine,
hormonul eliberator al gonadotropinei (GnRH), citrat de clomifen (CC), letrozol, androgeni, metformină, tamoxifen, gluco-
corticoizi, aspirină, coenzima Q10 și sildenafil. Fertilitatea poate fi influențată de infecția cu SARS-CoV-2 - în special la bărbați;
până când mai multe dovezi confirmă efectele asupra fertilității, pacienții cu COVID-19 pozitiv ar trebui să amâne procedurile
FP dacă este posibil. Accesul la serviciile de conservare a fertilității a scăzut în perioada analizată din cauza restricțiilor
serviciilor medicale și a reorientării resurselor medicale către pacienții cu COVID-19, fără modificări majore în protocoalele
terapeutice actuale. În ceea ce privește farmacoterapia în procedurile de stimulare ovariană (OS), letrozolul este terapia de
FARMACIA, 2021, Vol. 69, 2
primă linie, superior clomifenului (CC) în OS. O ovulație și o rată de sarcină similară pot fi obținute în ovulația indusă de
letrozol în comparație cu protocolul gonadotropinei. Terapiile adjuvante pot fi utilizate pentru OS, dar nu au o eficacitate
dovedită. Sunt necesare studii suplimentare privind terapiile adjuvante și sprijinul complementar, pentru a asigura o stare
optimă în intervențiile de reproducere asistată pentru conservarea fertilității, în special în terapiile gonadotoxice.
Keywords: fertility preservation, ovarian stimulation, pharmacological agents, assisted reproductive techniques, COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a series of
significant changes in all areas of activity and continues
to weaken health systems around the world [1-3].
Fertility societies responded to the pandemic with the
abrupt cessation of clinical interventions and the closure
of fertility clinics, with some exceptions in the case
of urgent conservation of fertility, a decision with a
significant psychosocial impact on patients [4].
The global in vitro fertility (IVF) market was affected
by the various restrictions of 2020, but it is still expected
to recover and grow with a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 12% by 2023 [4], reflecting the increased
number of people tuning into their reproductive health
in recent years. Most of the time, infertility is a time-
sensitive issue, if not from a medical but psychological
Cancer itself, gonadotoxic treatment, surgical procedures
for benign or malignant gynaecological affections may
determine gonadal damage and diminished ovarian
reserve [5, 6]. Cytotoxic and immunomodulatory agents
have a broad spectrum of undesired effects, on different
organs and tissues, including the reproductive system
[6-8], which may cause premature ovarian insufficiency
(POI), infertility, and early menopause. Major factors
determining the risk of induced POI are the type of
agent, the dose, and the length of chemotherapy
exposure. The patient’s age at the moment of treatment
is noticed to be a related factor for POI [9]. Less is
known about the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
on fertility care.
Our study's objectives are to systematically evaluate
the influence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection on fertility
care from the beginning to the present moment, with
an update of the scientific data on pharmacotherapy
agents used for fertility preservation (FP's) ovarian
stimulation protocols in the last ten years.
Materials and Methods. Data Search
The first purpose was to perform a systematic search
to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines on original
published papers on topics (1) “fertility preservation”,
(2) “ovarian stimulation” and (3) “assisted reproductive
techniques” – with a data filter on (AND) “COVID-
19” – published in scholarly peer-reviewed journals
(with no country restriction) during the pandemic
period (the year 2020 - present) (Figure 1). The
analysis on the last ten years refined to RCT/CT
observed the constant interest at a low level on fertility
preservation topic, and an alarming decrease in assisted
reproductive techniques (ART) in 2020 (Figure 2).
The present study's next purpose was to systematically
review and evaluate the role of different therapeutic
strategies on pregnancy achievement. Clinical trials
(CT), meta-analyses (MA), and randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) that evaluated eleven therapeutic agents
(gonadotropins, GnRH, clomiphene citrate, letrozole,
androgens, metformin, tamoxifen, glucocorticoids,
aspirin, coenzyme Q10 and sildenafil) were included.
Relevant studies published in the English language
were comprehensively selected using PubMed/Medline
and WoS until 2021. We included studies among ten
years periods that investigated various agents during
IVF protocol and reported pregnancy outcomes
(Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Study selection
PubMed®/MEDLINE data search. Association “COVID-
19” and “fertility preservation”, revealed three results;
the search refined to randomized controlled trials,
clinical trials (RCT/CT) or reviews, systematic reviews
or meta-analysis (R/SR/MA) retrieved no results;
“COVID-19and “assisted reproductive techniques”
retrieved seven results, “COVID-19” and “ovarian
stimulation” retrieved no results.
Web of Science data search. For the association
“COVID-19and “fertility preservation”, the search
retrieved three results; “COVID-19” and “assisted
reproductive techniques” retrieved three results,
“COVID-19” and “ovarian stimulation” retrieved four
results. Bargraph of data retrieved on fertility preservation
on period 2020 to present is described in Figure 1.
Over 88 studies were identified and screened for
eligibility; according to the topic search, data extracted
included demographic variables, participants in the
study, treatment and safety profile. Thirty five papers
were included in the present study section, cantered
on the main topics included in the search.
A total of 4071 studies were published on “ovarian
stimulation” and “pharmaceutical agents” (letrozole,
human chorionic gonadotrophin, gonadotropin-releasing
hormone antagonist and agonist, recombinant FSH,
human menopausal gonadotropin, glucocorticoids,
androgens, aspirin, metformin, clomiphene citrate,
coenzyme Q10, and sildenafil) on the PubMed®/
Medline and Web of Science databases, from the past
ten years, with 650 randomized controlled trials. In
the last year, we observed and analysed thirty-nine
RCT on ovarian stimulation (OS) therapies in ART.
FARMACIA, 2021, Vol. 69, 2
Figure 1.
Chart of a systematic search for the keywords “fertility preservation” and “ART” on the PubMed® database
refined to RCT/CT (ten years topic: 2010 - 2020)
Figure 2.
Bargraph of data retrieved on Web of Science search on fertility preservation since 2020, on publication domain.
The search retrieved 918 studies (Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oncology, Reproductive Biology, Genetics
Heredity, General Medicine)
Figure 3.
Distribution of research papers on pharmaceutical agents used in ovarian stimulation protocols - ten years topic
(2010 - 2020) (total randomized controlled trials/controlled trials-black, meta-analyses/systematic reviews
grey, total papers on topic light grey)
FARMACIA, 2021, Vol. 69, 2
Figure 4.
The systematic search for the keywords “ovarian stimulation” AND “gonadotropins”, “GnRH”, “clomiphene
citrate”, “letrozole”, “androgens”, “metformin”, “tamoxifen”, “glucocorticoids”, “aspirin”, “coenzyme Q10” and
“sildenafil” on the PubMed® database refined to CT/MA/RCT (the pandemic COVID-19 period)
The statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft
Excel® 2013 (Microsoft® Corporation, Redmond,
The current state of knowledge on SARS-CoV-2
and human reproduction
Genomic analysis reveals that the new SARS-CoV-2
respiratory virus entry into cells mediated by the viral
spike (S) protein via angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
(ACE2) receptors, enhanced by transmembrane serine
protease 2 (TMPRSS2) [10]. Afterwards, the viral RNA
is released, replication and transcription begin [11].
SARS-CoV-2 infection disrupts the renin-angiotensin
system by downregulating ACE2 expression in the cells
generating a pro-inflammatory response. Components
of the renin-angiotensin system, Ang (1-7), Ang II,
and ACE2, control essential reproductive system
functions [12].
COVID-19 on male fertility
Studies show that ACE2 receptors are more expressed
in the male reproductive system than in the female.
ACE2 in the testis is highly expressed, with high
levels in Leydig and Sertoli cells, and regulates the
testicular and sperm function [12, 13[.
SARS-CoV-2 can affect testicles through the genomic
similarity with SARS-CoV. The virus's binding to
ACE2-positive cells in testis could generate severe
alteration of testicular tissue eventually provide sites
for viral infection. The existing studies reveal only
the male reproductive system and function injury
regarding transmissibility so that the coronavirus
outbreak may have a serious impact on fertility
The SARS-CoV-2 infection affects male fertility by
acting on testicular tissue (Sertoli cells); thus, the
secretion of semen affects spermatogenesis; secretions
from the prostate are harmful. Subsequent studies
in recovered patients will analyse the effect of the
virus on orchitis determinism and the correlation with
spermatogenesis and infertility [14, 15]. Another
element is related to the associated diseases (cancer
patients) and the possible impact on the overall out-
come of SARS-CoV-2 infection, increasing the degree
of infertility [16].
COVID-19 and female fertility
The evidence available suggests that ACE2 is expressed
in the breasts, uterus, vagina, fallopian tube, placenta
and most abundantly in the ovary, with high oocyte
levels. The renin-angiotensin system's female reproductive
system components control follicle development,
steroidogenesis, oocyte maturation, ovulation, endometrial
regeneration and embryo development. The broad
expression of ACE2 in the female reproductive tract
COVID-19 may favour the infection and disturb the
female reproductive functions [12, 17].
Fertility preservation and ART during the COVID-
19 pandemic
Although recommendations from all relevant bodies
supported the non-interrupted access to emergency
fertility care even during lockdown periods [18, 19],
there were raised many concerns and uncertainties for
the oncofertility patients related to the full availability
of treatments under the pandemic state.
Other pandemic-generated aspects impacting the
fertility care sector are the following: the risk of
viral transmission to patients, their gametes, embryos
and reproductive tissues or the increased risk of assisted
reproduction cycle cancellation due to superimposed
infection with SARS-CoV-2. These issues are even
more stringent for patients living in - remote areas -
or developing countries [20].
COVID-19 and ART procedure have a coexisting issue
of thrombotic risk [21, 22]. ART procedures have a
FARMACIA, 2021, Vol. 69, 2
risk of thromboembolic complications in the case of
OHSS. In COVID-19 positive women, any risk of
OHSS should be avoided, and prophylactic measures
are mandatory [23].
Screening for SARS-CoV-2 in fertility preservation
There is a narrow fertility window in oncological
patients to preserve their reproductive potential, so
an active infection while proceeding with FP treatment
could compromise the whole procedure and the
patient's reproductive potential. Besides, during the
entire routine of IVF procedure, the patient is exposed
to a potentially COVID-19 interference. Although
universal screening for COVID-19 is the ideal scenario
[24], in real life, the availability of testing resources
varies widely [25]. It is established that all patients
resorting to ART must be subjected to triage, but there
is no consensus yet on the optimal way of screening
triage-negative asymptomatic patients attending the
fertility clinic [26, 27].
Considering the disastrous consequences of an un-
detected SARS-CoV-2 infection in a fertility case,
screening the patient (and partner) at least at the
beginning of the FP treatment is mandatory [27].
The optimal screening algorithm remains unknown,
but ideally, both serology and molecular tests should
be used as the combined approach significantly increases
detection rates [28].
It is necessary to periodically test healthcare workers
from fertility clinics to avoid the nosocomial transmission
and risk of iatrogenic infection in the laboratory
Cryopreservation technique and its safety
Cryopreservation of embryos, reproductive cells and
tissues is a considerable part of any fertility program
and a technique with an exponential rise in assisted
reproduction usage for an expanding variety of
indications. So the question arose regarding the safety
of cryopreservation under the COVID-19 auspices.
Pomeroy et al., in a study published in 2010, reveal
the presence in the IVF laboratories of infectious
organisms and the negligible risks of transmission to
and between recipients. This information indicates
an insignificant probability of SARS-CoV-2 presence
in frozen reproductive specimens [29].
There is evidence that the risk of infectious cross-
contamination during cryopreservation and storage
is negligible [29] and the lack of cases of inflicting a
transmissible/communicable disease via laboratory
steps for IVF or cryopreservation is reassuring [30].
Data regarding the risk of virus transmission in gametes,
human embryos, and reproductive tissue by infected
people and the possibility of affecting early embryo-
genesis have many lacks [31]. Sperm, oocytes and
embryos are potential infectious disease sources,
including the SARS-CoV-2 virus [32].
The first study published by Baragann et al. about
viral RNA of SARS-CoV-2 detection in the oocytes of
women who were infected found that the viral RNA
was undetectable in all 16 oocytes studied, and there
will not be the vertical transmission of the virus [33].
Until September 2020, no studies were evaluating a
possible transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to oocytes in
infected women [31].
Cryopreservation protocols have been developed
individually for reproductive samples to minimize
cross-contamination and transmission risk, to guarantee
long-term safe storage and effective retrieval. When
repeated washing and cryopreservation protocols have
been respected, the samples' viral contamination risk
was very low in the IVF laboratory [32]. All of the
above and the fact that we are confronting a newly
emerged virus led to good laboratory and tissue practice
changes during the COVID-19.
Ovarian stimulation (OS) protocols
The first element in OS protocols consists of stimulation
with exogenous gonadotrophins to develop multiple
follicles, followed secondarily by the association of
gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist or agonist
(GnRH) to prevent premature ovulation. The third
element is represented by triggering the final maturation
36 - 38 hours before oocyte retrieval, commonly
with human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or with
GnRH agonist in antagonist protocols.
In emergency fertility preservation, unconventional
protocols to facilitate the start of ovarian stimulation
have been proposed, such as immediate or random
start ovarian stimulation, luteal phase stimulation and
even double stimulation in the same menstrual cycle
(Follicular versus luteal phase ovarian stimulation
during the same menstrual cycle, DuoStim) [34]. These
protocols are typically at a lower risk of developing
the most feared iatrogenic complication of COS the
ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome (OHSS), because
of the combination between a short antagonist protocol
and a GnRH agonist trigger for the final oocyte
maturation. This approach has tremendously reduced
the incidence of OHSS in patients at risk [35], but it
does not eliminate the OHSS risk [36]. In conclusion,
the optimal COS strategy should balance the maintenance
of an optimal oocyte yield, with virtually zero risks
of iatrogenic complications [37].
According to guidelines, the response after conventional
ovarian stimulation (150 - 225 IU FSH) is classified as
low (≤ 3 follicles on day of oocyte maturation trigger
and/or ≤ 3 oocytes retrieved), normal, and high (> 18
follicles ≥ 11 mm on day of oocyte maturation trigger
and/or 18 oocytes obtained) [38, 39].
FP guidelines provide different options for ovarian
stimulation, taking into account the individualization
FARMACIA, 2021, Vol. 69, 2
of protocols. Medications that stimulate the ovaries
may be used to induce ovulation in patients with
anovulatory infertility or to hyper-stimulate the ovaries
in a controlled fashion in ovulatory patients as part
of assisted reproductive treatments (ART).
The main therapeutic agents used to stimulate ovarian
function include gonadotropins, pulsatile gonadotropin-
releasing hormone (GnRH), clomiphene citrate, and
letrozole. Adjuvant agents like glucocorticoids, aspirin,
androgens, metformin, coenzyme Q10 and sildenafil
are also discussed in terms of efficacy and safety.
Types of gonadotrophins available in ovarian stimulation
(OS) protocols include recombinant FSH (rFSH), human
menopausal gonadotropin (hMG), purified FSH (p-
FSH) and highly purified FSH (hp-FSH), recombinant
LH (rLH). Different associations of gonadotrophins
are recommended for specific patient groups for an
efficient and safe stimulation.
A total of 2108 studies were published in the last ten
years on OS and gonadotropins on the PubMed® data-
base, with 312 RCT and 125 SR/MA; 13 RCT on the
topic in the last year.
For normal responders in GnRH antagonist, GnRH
agonist and rHCG improve the oocyte maturity and
embryo grading [40].
There may be little or no difference in a live birth, the
incidence of multiple pregnancies, clinical pregnancy
rate, or miscarriage rate between urinary-derived
gonadotrophins and recombinant follicle-stimulating
hormone in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
For human menopausal gonadotropin or highly purified
human menopausal gonadotrophin versus urinary
follicle-stimulating hormone, we are uncertain whether
one or the other improves or lowers live birth, the
incidence of multiple pregnancies, clinical pregnancy
rate, or miscarriage rate [41].
For every birth achieved with gonadotropins, a similar
increased risk of multiple gestations occurs. The
randomized clinical trial data do not support the use
of gonadotropin for OS-IUI in women with unexplained
infertility [42]. We found no distinct evidence of a
difference between rLH combined with rFSH and
rFSH alone in live birth rates or OHSS [43] nor a
difference between low doses of gonadotropins and
gonadotropins combined with oral compounds in
pregnancy outcomes compared with high doses of
gonadotropins in ovarian stimulation regimens [44].
The use of rFSH and hMG is equally recommended
for ovarian stimulation, with slightly higher efficiency,
but not considered clinically significant, with hMG
use in the live birth rate. No significant difference was
reported in the OHSS rate [45]. The use of rFSh and
pFSh or hpFSH in GnRH agonist protocol is equally
recommended. No significant difference in live birth
rate or OHSS rate is associated, but the use of rFSH
is preferable to pFSH or hpFSH [46]. HpFSH is not
preferable over hMG for ovarian stimulation in down-
regulation with GnRH agonist protocol, similar clinical
pregnancy rate and number of oocytes retrieved being
reported [47] rFSH + rLH use was associated with
similar pregnancy rate compared to hMG, and with a
higher risk of OHSS in GnRH agonist protocol [48].
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
A total of 1015 studies were published in the last ten
years on OS and metformin on the PubMed® data-
base, with 172 RCT and 71 SR/MA; 8 RCT on the topic
last year. GnRH antagonist protocols are preferred
for ovarian stimulation in women undergoing FP for
medical reasons because they reduce the duration of
stimulation and enable triggering of oocyte maturation
with GnRH agonist reducing the risk of ovarian hyper-
stimulation syndrome (OHSS). GnRH antagonist protocol
is preferred in normal responders, with similar pregnancy
and live birth rates and decreased OHSS compared with
GnRH agonist protocol [49, 50]. In low responders, the
GnRH antagonist protocol is correlated with fewer
oocytes retrieved, similar pregnancy and live birth
rates, and a shorter length of treatment than GnRH
agonist protocol [51]. Also, in low responders, a
delayed start in antagonist GnRH protocol was a
potentially efficient choice [52]. In high responders,
the GnRH antagonist protocol is effective as GnRH
agonist protocol in terms of pregnancy rate and the
number of oocytes retrieved, and a significant decrease
of OHSS [50]. During GnRH antagonist protocol, an
increased progesterone level is independently associated
with a reduced pregnancy rate in low and normal
responders, but not in high responders women [53].
Clomiphene citrate (CC)
Clomiphene Citrate (CC) is a selective oestrogen
receptor modulator (SERM) with oestrogen receptor
agonist and antagonist properties. A total of 442 studies
were published in the last ten years on OS and
clomiphene citrate on the PubMed® database, with
108 RCT and 70 SR/MA; 6 RCT on the topic last year.
Current evidence does not recommend the use of CC
instead of FSH in ovarian stimulation. No studies are
available about the benefit of adding CC to gonadotropins,
equal pregnancy outcome being obtained in COH
protocol with CC or the conventional protocol in low
responders [54]. In women with PCOS for ovulation
induction, the late luteal phase administration of CC
might be more effective than conventional administration
[55]. CC is not an option in low responders because
of high costs and low efficiency, short GnRH agonist
protocol being the first option [56]. Clomiphene citrate
is more successful than tamoxifen as first-line therapy
for ovulation induction in women with PCOS [57].
A total of 225 studies were published in the last ten
years on OS and letrozole on the PubMed® database,
with 52 RCT and 31 SR/MA; 6 RCT on the topic in
the last year. Letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor agent,
increases the secretion of FSH and stimulates follicle
development and maturation. Letrozole should be
FARMACIA, 2021, Vol. 69, 2
considered the first option for ovulation induction in
PCOS women with anovulatory infertility as pregnancy
and live birth rates are improved, time to achieve a
pregnancy is shorter, and multiple pregnancies are at
risk lower compared to CC [58]. Similar ovulation
and pregnancy rate can be obtained in letrozole-
induced ovulation compared to gonadotropin protocol,
with limited adverse effects. In PCOS women with
CC resistance or failure, letrozole is an effective
ovulation option, with higher pregnancy rates than
CC administration combined with metformin [59, 60].
During the ovarian stimulation cycle, co-administration
of aromatase inhibitors (e.g., letrozole) in oestrogen-
sensitive diseases, such as breast cancer, endometrial
cancer, or systemic lupus disease (SLE) reduce oestradiol
levels and the proliferative effect of malignant cells,
without affecting oocyte yield [61, 62].
Adjuvant therapies on ovarian stimulation
Androgens. A total of 194 studies were published in the
last ten years on OS and androgens on the PubMed®
database, with 21 RCT and 12 SR/MA; no RCT on the
topic last year. Androgens increase antral follicles'
response to stimulation, especially in older-reproductive
age women, mediated by IGF-1. Inconsistent evidence
is available regarding testosterone or dehydroepi-
androsterone (DHEA) use before ovarian stimulation,
ovarian response, clinical outcomes, dosage, duration
and safety [63]. In poor responders, transdermal
testosterone's addition seems to increase pregnancy
and live birth rates [64]. In normal responders, DHEA
administration did not modify the ovarian response to
a standard low dose of gonadotrophin stimulation [65].
Metformin. A total of 114 studies were published in
the last ten years on OS and metformin on the
PubMed® database, with 28 RCT and 29 SR/MA. We
found 13 RCTs on the topic in the last year. Adjuvant
metformin use in women with PCOS undergoing
ovulation induction with gonadotropins may increase
the pregnancy and live birth rate [66]. Metformin is
better than placebo for ovulation rate, pregnancy,
and live birth rate, but with more gastrointestinal
upsets. Metformin plus CC improves ovulation and
pregnancy rate, with no difference in live birth rate or
multiple pregnancies, but with the cost of a higher
probability of gastrointestinal side effects than CC
alone. Available studies about metformin versus CC
use do not reveal statistically significant differences
for live birth, pregnancy, or ovulation rate [67].
Metformin compared to placebo in GnRH agonist
protocol reported no difference in a live birth, increase
pregnancy rate and significantly fewer oocytes retrieved
[68, 69]. In GnRH-antagonist protocol, metformin
decrease live birth rate, without effect on pregnancy
rate, with no impact on the number of oocytes retrieved
or OHSS incidence [68, 70].
Tamoxifen. A total of 34 studies were published in the
last ten years on OS and tamoxifen on the PubMed®
database, with 5 RCT and 7 SR/MA; no RCT on the
topic in the last year. Selective oestrogen receptor
modulator (e.g., tamoxifen) does not reduce estradiol
concentrations, but has an inhibitory action on the
oestrogen receptor in oestrogen-sensitive disease [63].
In inducing ovulation protocols, tamoxifen and
clomiphene citrate are equally effective [71]. In terms
of induction of ovulation cycles, a good effect will
be from the combination of tamoxifen with letrozole
[72]. In women with unexplained infertility, tamoxifen
does not increase the clinical pregnancy rate [73].
Glucocorticoids. A total of 25 studies were published
in the last ten years on OS and glucocorticoids on the
PubMed® database, with 4 RCT and 4 SR/MA; no
RCT on the topic in the last year. Glucocorticoids may
improve folliculogenesis and pregnancy rates, but
at the moment are insufficient data in the literature
to confirm the hypothesis [63]. The glucocorticoid
administration in women undergoing controlled ovarian
hyper-stimulation is not established [74], with no
support data of efficacy of methylprednisolone in
the correlation between OHSS incidence and clinical
outcomes [75]. Dexamethasone increased ovary
response to gonadotropin stimulation, suppressed
the progesterone secretion, and determined a higher
cumulative live-birth rate [76].
Aspirin. A total of 11 studies were published on the
last ten years on OS and aspirin on the PubMed®
database, with 4 RCT and 1 SR/MA; no RCT on the
topic in the last year. In anovulatory PCOS patients,
the addition of low-dose aspirin (LDA) to tamoxifen
improves ovarian stimulation response and pregnancy
rates [77]. Adjuvant LDA increased the number of
poor-quality embryos but not decreased the severity
of OHSS [78]. In women undergoing IVF, LDA
does not have a positive effect on the likelihood of
pregnancy [79].
Coenzyme Q10. A total of 8 studies were published
in the last ten years on OS and Coenzyme Q10 on
the PubMed® database, with 2 RCT and 1 SR/MA; no
RCT on the topic in the last year. Co-enzyme Q10
(CoQ10) reverse oocyte quality and quantity in
age-related infertility and improves ovarian response
and embryo parameters in young women. In women
with poor ovarian reserve, the addition of CoQ10
increased ovarian stimulation response in IVF-ICSI
cycles [80]. In clomiphene-citrate-resistant PCOS
patients, the adjuvant of CoQ10 improves ovulation
and clinical pregnancy rates [81].
Sildenafil. A total of 4 studies were published in the
last ten years on OS and metformin on the PubMed®
database, with 2 RCT; no RCT on the topic in the last
year. Adjuvant sildenafil citrate did enhance ovulation
success rate and increased pregnancy rate [82] and
does not enhance ovarian receptiveness in previous
low ovarian response to controlled OHSS [83]. In
the case of clomiphene citrate failure, the vaginal
administration might enrich the potential of pregnancy
[84]. Also, it may be used to increase ovarian
FARMACIA, 2021, Vol. 69, 2
vascularization and live birth rates, but the RCT of
Ataalla et al. reported no significant difference in
the numbers of oocytes retrieved or pregnancy rates
with adjuvant sildenafil [83].
Unlike other medical conditions, fertility screening
must be performed over a more extended period for
the patients to improve the quality of life and
reproduction. During the lockdown, counselling therapy
was cancelled, or a follow-up appointment was replaced
with telemedicine consultation to diminish the exposure
to SARS-CoV-2. Real-data showed that fertility might
be influenced by infection with SARS-COV-2 - more
significantly in males. Patients COVID-19 positive
should avoid becoming pregnant or participate in any
fertility programs. Screening the patient (and partner)
at least at the beginning of the FP treatment seems
mandatory. It is necessary periodical testing of
healthcare workers from fertility clinics to avoid
nosocomial transmission. In Romania, FP practice is
regulated by the Code of Practices, with no specific
mentions regarding the ART register, indications for
freezing or funding, and inconsistent data regarding
the type of interventions, compared to other European
The objective assessment of the impact of COVID-19
on fertility must be subject to further clinical studies
assessing at least one year after the declaration of the
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In the next period, COVID-
19 has been, is, and will be an additional challenge
for fertility.
The gonadotropins are used for OS as part of ART
cycles. GnRH agonist and rHCG improve the oocyte
maturity and embryo grading, rFSH and hMG is equally
recommended for OS. In PCOS, Letrozole is superior to
CC for OS and CC is more successful than tamoxifen.
Similar ovulation and pregnancy rate can be obtained
in letrozole - induced ovulation compared to
gonadotropin protocol. Androgens, metformin, gluco-
corticoids, tamoxifen, aspirin, Coenzyme Q10, sildenafil,
may be used as adjuvants for OS with a efficacy but
lack proven efficacy. Further studies on adjuvant
therapies and complementary support are welcomed,
in order to ensure optimal condition in assisted
reproductive interventions for fertility preservation,
especially in gonadotoxic therapies.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... The disease knowledge, which comprises knowledge of the causative agent, transmission and symptoms, has a significant impact on this practice [14,15]. Numerous studies document that the gap or lack of knowledge about the diseases can increase the risk of infection transmission [14,15,17]. A previous study by Yasser and Thagfan reported that 96% of Saudi adults were aware of the clinical symptoms of COVID-19 and 57.9% were correctly identified that a stuffy nose and sneezing were less common in persons infected with the virus. ...
... This study was approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee College of Medicine King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Design of the questionnaires and data collection procedure The survey tool was prepared after an extensive literature review, with similar studies published both nationally and internationally [11,12,14,15,17]. The questionnaires for this study were clustered into three parts. ...
... [24,25]. The knowledge of the clinical presentation of the diseases in the current study was similar to earlier studies in China [15,17,18,26]. The most common complications reported in this study were pneumonia, respiratory failure (77.7%). ...
... Prenatal influenza vaccination [91,92], tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccination were not associated with risk of ASD in offspring [93]. Prenatal vaccination with maternal COVID-19 mRNA was associated with lower risks of perinatal death and NICU admission [94,95], with no published association with ASD. ...
... Reproductive healthcare medicine includes pharmaceutical therapies for fertility as a significant component since they offer numerous ways to address underlying issues that may prevent pregnancy (Varlas et al., 2021). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pharmacological treatments meant to increase fertility. ...
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This research study is designed to examine the challenges faced by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) diagnosed women and the complications faced during the fertility period. PCOS is the most prevalent endocrine condition impacting female fertility and has been less studied in the context of research. The data has been collected by using qualitative research. For this, the sample of the study consists of N=13 women between 22 to 35 years old and diagnosed with PCOS. The method of sampling used is snowball sampling. Semi-structured interviews were used in the data collection process. The research employed a phenomenological methodology to get firsthand feedback from the participants. The study results revealed an elevated rate of infertility among women with PCOS, suggesting a bidirectional relationship between the physiological aspects of the Syndrome and infertility. It is recommended that integrating infertility considerations into the clinical management of PCOS is crucial, necessitating collaborative efforts among gynaecologists, endocrinologists, and reproductive endocrinologists to provide holistic care that addresses both the endocrine dimensions of infertility and PCOS.
... Reproduction represents a complex health issue related to neuroendocrine balance, affecting both men and women [1][2][3]. Azoospermia is one of the important causes of male infertility, and obstructive azoospermia can account for up to 60% of cases [4][5][6]. Causes of obstructive azoospermia include congenital dysplasia of the vas deferens, inflammatory obstruction and iatrogenic factors. ...
... 12 This receptor is present in the female reproductive system, particularly in the ovaries and uterus, where it affects folliculogenesis, steroidogenesis, oocyte maturation, ovulation, and endometrial regeneration. 13 Immunologic research has demonstrated that coronavirus infection triggers the induction of a cascade of ACE2 mediators. Under continuous infection conditions, other cascades are induced by transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) on infected cells, and elevated inflammatory responses and cytokine secretion are the main fatal factors in cases of COVID-19 infection. ...
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Several studies and research papers have been published to elucidate and understand the mechanism of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its long-term effects on the human body. COVID-19 affects a number of organs, including the female reproductive system. However, less attention has been given to the effects of COVID-19 on the female reproductive system due to their low morbidity. The results of studies investigating the relationship between COVID-19 infection and ovarian function in women of reproductive age have shown the harmless involvement of COVID-19 infection. Several studies have reported the involvement of COVID-19 infection in oocyte quality, ovarian function, and dysfunctions in the uterine endometrium and the menstrual cycle. The findings of these studies indicate that COVID-19 infection negatively affects the follicular microenvironment and dysregulate ovarian function. Although the COVID-19 pandemic and female reproductive health have been studied in humans and animals, very few studies have examined how COVID-19 affects the female reproductive system. The objective of this review is to summarize the current literature and categorize the effects of COVID-19 on the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, and hormonal profiles. The effects on oocyte maturation, oxidative stress, which causes chromosomal instability and apoptosis in ovaries, in vitro fertilization cycle, high-quality embryos, premature ovarian insufficiency, ovarian vein thrombosis, hypercoagulable state, women's menstrual cycle, the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis, and sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and the anti-Müllerian hormone, are discussed in particular.
... Epidemiologically, pregnant women have been particularly susceptible to viral respiratory diseases during outbreaks of SARS and MERS, with increased rates of complications and mortality. Current studies on SARS-CoV-2 infection have shown that pregnant women have similar clinical developments to those of nonpregnant women, often validating only mild symptoms of hyperthermia, cough, shortness of breath, dyspnea, loss of smell and taste, fatigue and physical discomfort [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. ...
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On 11 March 2020 World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS–CoV–2, 2019 – nCoV) a global pandemic. After a year, there are still many unknowns about peripartum women suffering from COVID – 19. In some pregnant women, respiratory failure can rapidly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) which is requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as a life – saving therapy. This motivated our team to report the case of a 22-year-old pregnant woman suffering from obesity, gestational hypertension with a severe COVID – 19 forms associated with ARDS. We want to highlight the potential benefits of therapeutic management, after an analysis of clinical and paraclinical parameters, especially because the patient was discharge after 40 days with no major complications. The urgent delivery, early initiation of ECMO and the complex pharmacological therapy (including Remdesivir) resulted in favorable maternal– fetal outcomes.
... During the COVID pandemic, one of the defence shields was assuring high vitamin C levels in the body [31]. For long-term ascorbic acid use, high demand for good pharmacokinetic profiles and improved gastric tolerance was welcomed [32,33]. However, in vivo, bioavailability studies and digestibility studies may be developed to perform more accurate pharmacokinetic profiles [27]. ...
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Vitamin C is indispensable for the normal functioning of the most important biological processes in the human body and plays an essential role in the immune response to stress and viral and bacterial infections. Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid with vascular-protecting and anti-inflammatory properties. Given the benefits of vitamin C and hesperidin and the increased absorption of vitamin C by bioflavonoids, a dietary supplement containing both active ingredients has been developed to improve the functioning of the human immune system. Calcium ascorbate was used for vitamin C intake to reduce the high acid side effects at the gastric level. A slow-release pharmaceutical formulation was chosen to gradually release the active ingredients and a prolonged effect (prolonged-release tablets). The present study presents the quality analysis of this innovative dietary supplement with a formula based on non-acidic vitamin C (containing 605 mg of calcium ascorbate, equivalent to 500 mg of ascorbic acid) and bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) bioflavonoid complex (standardised to 80% hesperidin) by testing the following parameters: the neutrality of the product, the vitamin C assay, the hesperidin assay, and in vitro vitamin C dissolution. The study revealed suitable active substances contents of the product and a delayed pharmaceutical formulation that extends the duration of beneficial effects on the human body with reduced side effects. © 2022, Romanian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. All rights reserved.
... The standard of care during a pandemic for male patients is sperm banking with telephone triage [14], and for female patients is simple at-home ovarian stimulation protocols before embryo/oocyte cryopreservation prior to cancer treatment [58,104]. Additionally, operating protocols have been modified by the cessation of laparoscopic interventions due to the risk of transmitting aerosol infection among healthcare workers. ...
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Background: COVID-19 infection has dominated our lives and left its mark on it. The impact on fertility is major, and the long-term consequences may be disastrous. When we talk about oncofertility, we are talking about those patients worried about the delay in receiving medical services (possible cancelation of surgery, decreased availability of medical services, reorientation of medical resources) due to COVID-19. Finally, patients' worsening biological and reproductive statuses, associated with high levels of anxiety and depression, are closely related to social restrictions, economic impact, reorientation of medical resources, health policies, and fears of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Aim: We reviewed the current literature on fertility during the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on cancer patients. Specifically, how cancer treatment can affect fertility, the options to maintain fertility potential, and the recovery options available after treatment are increasingly common concerns among cancer patients. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using two main central databases (PubMed®/MEDLINE, and Web of Science) to identify relevant studies using keywords SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, oncofertility, young cancer patient, cryopreservation, assisted reproductive techniques (ART), psychosocial, telemedicine. Results: In the present study, 45 papers were included, centered on the six main topics related to COVID-19. Conclusions: Fertility preservation (FP) should not be discontinued, but instead practiced with adjustments to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission. The increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cancer patients requires screening for COVID-19 before FP procedures, among both patients and medical staff in FP clinics, to prevent infection that would rapidly worsen the condition and lead to severe complications.
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In recent years, nanoparticles have gained significant importance due to their unique properties, such as pharmacological, electrical, optical, and magnetic abilities, contributing to the growth of the science and technology sector. Particular naturally derived biomolecules with beneficial effects on menopause disorder have been the subject of studies of pharmaceutical formulation to obtain alternative pharmaceutical forms with increased bioavailability and without side effects, as in nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) loaded with such active ingredients. In the present study, one stage of a broader project, we have performed pharmacotoxicology studies for six combinatory innovative nanocapsule pharmaceutical forms containing active natural biomolecules before considering them as oral formulas for (1) in vitro toxicity studies on culture cells and (2) in vivo preclinical studies on a surgically induced menopause model of Wistar female rats, and the influence of the NLCs on key biochemical parameters: lipid profile (TG, Chol, HDL), glycemic markers (Gli), bone markers (Pac, Palc, Ca, phosphorus), renal markers (Crea, urea, URAC), inflammation (TNF), oxidative stress (GSH, MDA), and estrogen–progesterone hormonal profile. The micronucleus test did not reveal the genotoxicity of the tested compounds; the menopause model showed no significant safety concerns for the six tested formulas evaluated using the blood biochemical parameters; and the results showed the potential hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, hypouricemic, and antioxidant potential of one of the tested formulas containing nano diosgenin and glycyrrhizic acid.
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Dear Editor, There is minimal data on the effects of COVID-19 on male fertility, so it has become an important topic for investigation. The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can damage the testicles as well as the male reproductive system through various mechanisms and cause infertility in men. In a study ‘in situ hybridization’ did not detect the viral genome in testicular tissue samples. This suggests that the testicular damage was probably due to the inflammatory and immune response and not due to direct damage by the virus. Therefore, there is a possibility of testicular damage and subsequent infertility following a COVID-19 infection. Testicular damage can be caused either by direct viral invasion by binding the SARS-COV2 virus to ACE2 receptors or by an immune and inflammatory response. Follow-up studies of the reproductive function of recovered male patients are needed to investigate this possibility.
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Background: The use of insulin-sensitising agents, such as metformin, in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who are undergoing ovulation induction or in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles has been widely studied. Metformin reduces hyperinsulinaemia and suppresses the excessive ovarian production of androgens. It is suggested that as a consequence metformin could improve assisted reproductive techniques (ART) outcomes, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), pregnancy, and live birth rates. Objectives: To determine the effectiveness and safety of metformin as a co-treatment during IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in achieving pregnancy or live birth in women with PCOS. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group Specialised Register, CENTRAL via the Cochrane Register of Studies Online (CRSO), MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, LILACS, the trial registries for ongoing trials, and reference lists of articles (from inception to 13 February 2020). Selection criteria: Types of studies: randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing metformin treatment with placebo or no treatment in women with PCOS who underwent IVF or ICSI treatment. Types of participants: women of reproductive age with anovulation due to PCOS with or without co-existing infertility factors. Types of interventions: metformin administered before and during IVF or ICSI treatment. Primary outcome measures: live birth rate, incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently selected the studies, extracted the data according to the protocol, and assessed study quality. We assessed the overall quality of the evidence using the GRADE approach. Main results: This updated review includes 13 RCTs involving a total of 1132 women with PCOS undergoing IVF/ICSI treatments. We stratified the analysis by type of ovarian stimulation protocol used (long gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-agonist) or short gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist (GnRH-antagonist)) to determine whether the type of stimulation used influenced the outcomes. We did not perform meta-analysis on the overall (both ovarian stimulation protocols combined) data for the outcomes of live birth and clinical pregnancy rates per woman because of substantial heterogeneity. In the long protocol GnRH-agonist subgroup, the pooled evidence showed that we are uncertain of the effect of metformin on live birth rate per woman when compared with placebo/no treatment (risk ratio (RR) 1.30, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.94 to 1.79; 6 RCTs; 651 women; I2 = 47%; low-quality evidence). This suggests that if the chance for live birth following placebo/no treatment is 28%, the chance following metformin would be between 27% and 51%. Only one study used short protocol GnRH-antagonist and reported live birth rate. Metformin may reduce live birth rate compared with placebo/no treatment (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.29 to 0.79; 1 RCT; 153 women; low-quality evidence). This suggests that if the chance for live birth following placebo/no treatment is 43%, the chance following metformin would be between 13% and 34% (short GnRH-antagonist protocol). We found that metformin may reduce the incidence of OHSS (RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.29 to 0.72; 11 RCTs; 1091 women; I2 = 38%; low-quality evidence). This suggests that for a woman with a 20% risk of OHSS without metformin, the corresponding risk using metformin would be between 6% and 14%. Using long protocol GnRH-agonist stimulation, metformin may increase clinical pregnancy rate per woman compared with placebo/no treatment (RR 1.32, 95% CI 1.08 to 1.63; 10 RCTs; 915 women; I2 = 13%; low-quality evidence). Using short protocol GnRH-antagonist, we are uncertain of the effect of metformin on clinical pregnancy rate per woman compared with placebo/no treatment (RR 1.38, 95% CI 0.21 to 9.14; 2 RCTs; 177 women; I2 = 87%; very low-quality evidence). We are uncertain of the effect of metformin on miscarriage rate per woman when compared with placebo/no treatment (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.56 to 1.32; 8 RCTs; 821 women; I2 = 0%; low-quality evidence). Metformin may result in an increase in side effects compared with placebo/no treatment (RR 3.35, 95% CI 2.34 to 4.79; 8 RCTs; 748 women; I2 = 0%; low-quality evidence). The overall quality of evidence ranged from very low to low. The main limitations were inconsistency, risk of bias, and imprecision. Authors' conclusions: This updated review on metformin versus placebo/no treatment before or during IVF/ICSI treatment in women with PCOS found no conclusive evidence that metformin improves live birth rates. In a long GnRH-agonist protocol, we are uncertain whether metformin improves live birth rates, but metformin may increase the clinical pregnancy rate. In a short GnRH-antagonist protocol, metformin may reduce live birth rates, although we are uncertain about the effect of metformin on clinical pregnancy rate. Metformin may reduce the incidence of OHSS but may result in a higher incidence of side effects. We are uncertain of the effect of metformin on miscarriage rate per woman.
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Evidence regarding the relation between SARS-CoV-2 mortality and the underlying medical condition is scarce. We conducted an observational, retrospective study based on Romanian official data about location, age, gender and comorbidities for COVID-19 fatalities. Our findings indicate that males, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and chronic kidney disease were most frequent in the COVID-19 fatalities, that the burden of disease was low, and that the prognosis for 1-year survival probability was high in the sample. Evidence shows that age-dependent pairs of comorbidities could be a negative prognosis factor for the severity of disease for the SARS-CoV 2 infection.
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Currently, the world is in the seventh month of the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, infections with novel SARS-CoV-2 virus are continuously rising with mounting numbers of deaths. International and local public health responses, almost in synchrony, imposed restrictions to minimize spread of the virus, overload of health system capacity, and deficit of personal protective equipment (PPE). Although in most cases the symptoms are mild or absent, SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to serious acute respiratory disease and multisystem failure. The research community responded to this new disease with a high level of transparency and data sharing; with the aim to better understand the origin, pathophysiology, epidemiology and clinical manifestations. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop vaccines for prevention, mitigation strategies, as well as potential therapeutics. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge regarding the novel SARS CoV-2, including its pathophysiology and epidemiology, as well as, what is known about the potential impact of COVID-19 on reproduction, fertility care, pregnancy and neonatal outcome. This summary also evaluates the effects of this pandemic on reproductive care and research, from Canadian perspective, and discusses future implications. In summary, reported data on pregnant women is limited, suggesting that COVID-19 symptoms and severity of the disease during pregnancy are similar to those in non-pregnant women, with pregnancy outcomes closely related to severity of maternal disease. Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 effects on gametes is limited. Human reproduction societies have issued guidelines for practice during COVID-19 pandemic that include implementation of mitigation practices and infection control protocols in fertility care units. In Canada, imposed restrictions at the beginning of the pandemic were successful in containing spread of the infection, allowing for eventual resumption of assisted reproductive treatments under new guidelines for practice. Canada dedicated funds to support COVID-19 research including a surveillance study to monitor outcomes of COVID-19 during pregnancy and assisted reproduction. Continuous evaluation of new evidence must be in place to carefully adjust recommendations on patient management during assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and in pregnancy.
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Cytokine storm seems to be one of the main culprits for developing a severe form of COVID-19, IL-6 being one of its basic components. Therefore, currently, tocilizumab is widely studied as a powerful treatment in patients with severe forms of COVID-19. Our aim was to determine whether it could potentiate a favourable outcome in such patients. We conducted a retrospective observational study including all consecutive admitted patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection that received treatment with tocilizumab in the period between 01.05-23.08.2020 in Matei Bals National Institute for Infectious Diseases and Neurology Department of the Colentina Clinical Hospital in Bucharest, Romania. 22 patients were enrolled with a severe form of COVID-19, predominantly women, with an average age of of 61.72 ± 14.5 years. The fatality rate was 31.81%. It was observed that following tocilizumab administration, patients presented improvement in the majority of the studied parameters, statistically significant in the case of fibrinogen, C reactive protein and blood oxygen level (p < 0.05). Tocilizumab might be regarded as a valuable drug in the management of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. © 2020, Romanian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. All rights reserved.
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Objective To compare the efficacy of letrozole and clomiphene citrate (CC) for ovulation induction in infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Methods In this assessor blind, randomized controlled trial, 90 infertile women with PCOS were randomized to receive either letrozole or CC for ovulation induction in incremental doses for a maximum of three cycles. Main outcome measures studied were endometrial thickness, ovulation rate, pregnancy rate, rate of monofollicular development, and time to conception. Results Mean endometrial thicknesses were 9.86 ± 2.32 mm and 9.39 ± 2.06 mm with letrozole and CC, respectively (P=0.751). Cumulative ovulation rates were 86.7% and 85.2% with letrozole and CC, respectively (P=0.751). Pregnancy was achieved in 42.2% of women in the letrozole group and 20.0% of women in the CC group (P=0.04). Monofollicular development was seen in 68.4% of ovulatory cycles in the letrozole group compared with 44.8% in the CC group (P=0.000). Mean time to achieve pregnancy was significantly shorter (log rank P=0.042) with letrozole (9.65 weeks) than with CC (11.07 weeks). Conclusion Letrozole is a better alternative for ovulation induction in anovulatory women with PCOS as pregnancy rates are higher, time to pregnancy is shorter, and chances of multiple pregnancy are less because of high monofollicular growth.
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Endometriosis represents a frequently diagnosed gynecological affliction in the reproductive timespan of women, defined by symptoms ranging from pelvic pain to infertility. A complex interplay between the genetic profile, hormonal activity, menstrual cyclicity, inflammation status, and immunological factors define the phenotypic presentation of endometriosis. To date, imaging techniques represent the gold standard in diagnosing endometriosis, of which transvaginal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging bring the most value to the diagnostic step. Current medical treatment options for endometriosis-associated infertility focus on either stimulating the follicular development and ovulation or on inhibiting the growth and development of endometriotic lesions. Techniques of assisted reproduction consisting of superovulation with in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination represent effective treatment alternatives that improve fertility in patients suffering from endometriosis. Emerging therapies such as the usage of antioxidant molecules and stem cells still need future research to prove the therapeutic efficacy in this pathology.
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Examine good tissue practices as relates to in vitro fertilization, biopsying, and vitrificationto compare current knowledge of ova, sperm, and embryos as vectors for disease transmission as it relates to our current knowledge regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Unknown risks relating to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and sperm, ova, and embryos necessitate a reexamining of how human IVF is performed. Over the last decade, improvements in cryosurvival and live birth outcomes have been associated with zona pellucida breaching procedures (e.g., blastocyst collapsing and biopsying). In turn, today embryos are generally no longer protected by an intact zona pellucida when vitrified and in cryostorage. Additionally, high security storage containers have proven to be resilient to potential cross-contamination and reliable for routine human sperm freezing and embryo vitrification. Several options to current IVF practices are presented that can effectively mitigate the risks of cross-contamination and infection due to the current Covid-19 pandemic or other viral exposures. The question remains; is heightened security and change warranted where the risks of disease transmission likely remain negligible?
Many couples initially deferred attempts at pregnancy or delayed fertility care due to concerns about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). One significant fear during the COVID-19 pandemic was the possibility of sexual transmission. Many couples have since resumed fertility care while accepting the various uncertainties associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) including the evolving knowledge related to male reproductive health. Significant research has been conducted exploring viral shedding, tropism, sexual transmission, the impact of male reproductive hormones and possible implications to semen quality. However, to date, limited definitive evidence exists regarding many of these aspects, creating a challenging landscape for both patients and physicians to obtain and provide the best clinical care. This review provides a comprehensive assessment of the evolving literature surrounding COVID-19 and male sexual and reproductive health, and guidance for patient counseling.
A central concern for the safe provision of ART during the current coronavirus disease 2019 (CODIV-19) pandemic is the possibility of vertical transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection through gametes and preimplantation embryos. Unfortunately, data on SARS-CoV-2 viral presence in oocytes of infected individuals are not available to date. We describe the case of two women who underwent controlled ovarian stimulation and tested positive to SARS-CoV-2 infection by PCR on the day of oocyte collection. The viral RNA for gene N was undetectable in all the oocytes analyzed from the two women.
During the early phase of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, design, development, validation, verification and implementation of diagnostic tests were actively addressed by a large number of diagnostic test manufacturers. Hundreds of molecular tests and immunoassays were rapidly developed, albeit many still await clinical validation and formal approval. In this Review, we summarize the crucial role of diagnostic tests during the first global wave of COVID-19. We explore the technical and implementation problems encountered during this early phase in the pandemic, and try to define future directions for the progressive and better use of (syndromic) diagnostics during a possible resurgence of COVID-19 in future global waves or regional outbreaks. Continuous global improvement in diagnostic test preparedness is essential for more rapid detection of patients, possibly at the point of care, and for optimized prevention and treatment, in both industrialized countries and low-resource settings. In this Review, Vandenberg et al. explore the crucial role of diagnostic tests during the first global wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the technical and implementation problems encountered during the early phase of the pandemic, and they define future directions for the progressive and better use of diagnostics during a possible resurgence of COVID-19 in future global waves or regional outbreaks.