Anatolii Kornus

Anatolii Kornus
Sumy State Pedagogical University · General and Regional Geography

Doctor of Philosophy


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February 2001 - July 2020
Sumy State Pedagogical University
  • Professor (Associate)
September 1998 - January 2001
Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher
  • Researcher
September 1998 - present
Sumy State Pedagogical University
  • Lecturer
November 1994 - June 1997
Kharkiv State University
Field of study
  • Geography & Environment, Remote sensing
September 1988 - June 1993
Sumy State Pedagogical University
Field of study
  • Geography & Biology


Publications (31)
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The article is deals the analysis of territorial structure of the health system of Sumy region. Was considered the current structure of the network of medical institutions and the regularities of their spatial distribution. The provision of population by medical personnel was also characterized. In the article are describes the functional and comp...
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In accordance with the various anthropogenic disturbances and degradation of natural resources is created the appropriate environmental situation. In Ukraine, the environmental situation is remains rather tense. Emissions of air pollutants remain high, although it declined significantly as compared with the 1990. In our study was analyzed the dynam...
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The article is dedicated to the analysis of the demographic situation in Sumy region and possible scenarios for its development. The aim of the article is to carry out a demographic forecast of the main demographic indicators of Sumy region (Ukraine) till 2030. Forecasting is based on defining the tendencies in the dynamics of demographic indicator...
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of heatwaves during the warm period of the year as a manifestation of climatic changes in Ukraine. It was also our goal to establish how reliable Heat and Cold Wave Index (HCWI) from European Drought Observatory (EDO) is as a tool for heatwaves analysis. To extract the frequency and dur...
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Дніпровський час – одна з холодних палеокліматичних епох плейстоцену, яка характеризується широким розвитком льодовикових покривів й охоплювала період тривалістю близько 50 тис. років (від 180 до 127 тис. років тому). Метою цієї статті є з’ясування за допомогою пов’язаного використання хорологічного та історичного підходів ролі дніпровського зледен...
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У статті акцентовано увагу на тому, що екотон як конструктивно-географічне поняття набирає популярності серед географів не тільки України, але і світу. Тому метою цієї статті є обґрунтування значення екотону як основної форми ландшафтної організації поверхні суходолу. Встановлено, що безперервні зміни ландшафтного середовища, зумовлені в наш час як...
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The article presents the results of an analysis of the number, frequency and intensity of tropical nights in Ukraine. We have selected such weather stations that are located at different latitudes and correspond with the north, west, east, and south as well as the central part of Ukraine. This was done in order to analyse the differences in tropica...
The study presents data on injuries among the main population groups: children (0–14 years old), adolescents (15–17 years old), and adults (over 18 years old), for the period 2010–2019 in the Sumy region, Ukraine. The dynamics of changes in injuries for the specified period for the entire population of the Sumy region were also analyzed. The materi...
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The role of social factors has increased significantly in modern society. Education is essential for raising the intellectual and cultural level of inhabitants in any country. The purpose of this article is to analyze modern state of preschool education in different parts of Ukraine and to point at regional disparities in accessibility of preschool...
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The aim of the article is the nosogeographic assessment of the adult population morbidity of the Sumy region during 2009–2019. The assessment was made by primary morbidity and prevalence of cardiovascular, respiratory diseases as well as oncological pathologies. There is a tendency towards a decrease of diseases prevalence as well as primary morbid...
Мета. Оцінка ефективності діяльності системи громадського здоров’я в Україні на прикладі демографічних показників в період пандемії COVID-19.Матеріали та методи. Проаналізовано наукові джерела за темою з використанням аналітичного, статистичного методів, методів системного підходу та порівняльного аналізу.Результати. Україна продовжує активно втрач...
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In order to identify and study the main mechanisms of the formation of atmospheric precipitation, in the article the monthly and annual amounts of precipitation were analyzed from the observations results at Vernadsky, Bellingshausen and Grytviken stations. For the last station, a small linear trend of precipitation increase was detected, while at...
The article analyzes the population mortality rate in Ukraine from cardiovascular diseases (for example of Sumy region). The structure and dynamics of mortality among the region residents as a result of these diseases during 2012-2019 are also considered. Prognostic assessment the population mortality rate in Ukraine from diseases of the circulator...
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The aim of the article is to outline the traditional classification of nosogeographic maps and suggest additions to it. These additions are formulated, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the classification of nosologies, the source base and technical capabilities of mapping, as well as in the organization of the system of medical...
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The article is devoted to the study of the life potential support of the population, which reflects living conditions of the population in specific geosystems (on the example of the Sumy region, Ukraine). The main purpose of the article is to assess the geo-ecological potential of the regional landscape structures, namely the landscape districts of...
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The article is devoted to the study of sediment runoff, especially one of the characteristics that reflects erosion processes in the catchment area, water turbidity using the example of the rivers of the Sumy region. The main purpose of the article is the spatial and temporal analysis of the turbidity indicators of the rivers of the Sumy region (le...
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the main group of diseases from which the population of Sumy region suffers. They have not only high rates of primary morbidity and prevalence, but also play the leading role among the causes of mortality in the region. The aim of the article is clarification of the geographical features of mortality of the popula...
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The article is devoted to consideration of the spatial-temporal structure of the primary morbidity and prevalence of the respiratory organs diseases among the population of the Sumy region. The article based on the data of annual statistical reports of medical institutions of Sumy region, which are subordinate to the Ministry of Public Health of Uk...
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Водоохоронне ареалування території регіону та розроблення водоохоронних заходів спрямовані на мінімізацію негативних наслідків антропогенного впливу та поліпшення геоекологічної ситуації в регіоні. Головними завданнями дослідження є: розкриття методичних аспектів водоохоронного ареалування території регіону; виділення ареалів, що потребують застосу...
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Analyzed the level of primary morbidity of population and prevalence of the osteo-muscular system diseases and of the connective tissue diseases among the residents of the Sumy region. It is established that nosologies of this class are occupy a prominent place in the overall structure of disease's prevalence among the inhabitants of the Sumy regio...
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The aim. The study is based on the need for a more thorough systematization and justification of the cluster approach to the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine, as well as the study of regional features of the clustering process of industrial tourism market. Methodology. The methodological base of the study is the theory of economic clu...
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2005-2016 років. Виявлено, що протягом згаданого часу первинна захворюваність населення на хвороби системи кровообігу зросла на 24,9 %, а поширеність серцево-судинних патологій збільшилася на 19,4 %. З'ясовано, що у структурі розповсюдженості хвороб системи кровообігу на першому місці гіпертонічні хвороби, які демонструють і найвищі рівні зростання...
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This paper aims to analyse death and injury frequencies caused by road accidents in different regions of Ukraine. Types of road accidents and their degree of severity are analyzed, in addition to the level of road accidents in Ukraine compared to the same parameters in Europe. 2007 and 2013 death rates and injury rates due to car crashes or traffic...
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The number of accidents on the roads, and the death rate from injuries received in the accident, in Europe, much lower than the world at large. However, the problem remains acute and has significant geographical differences and peculiarities, a view which is devoted to this article. It analyzed the number of accidents in Europe due to their level o...
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РозглянутотрансформаціїгалузевоїтатериторіальноїструктурипромисловостіСумськоїобласті. Проаналі-зованочасткиокремихгалузейпромисловостірегіонуувартостівиробленоїпромисловоїпродукції, з'ясованоїхнюдинаміку. Transformation of the industrial and territorial structure of industry in the Sumy region is considered. The shares of certain industries of the...
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In the article the medical and territorial peculiarities of the prevalence of road traffic accidents in the Sumy region were investigated. The dynamics of accidents on the roads and streets of the region and their implications were also considered, as well as the reasons that affect the number and severity of road accidents. The structure of accide...
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Shyschuk Volodymyr, Kornus Anatolii, Kornus Olesia, Dominas Valentyna. Дорожній травматизм та регіональна система травматологічної допомоги: медичний та територіальний аспекти (на прикладі Сумської області) = Road traffic injuries and regional system of trauma care: medical and territorial aspects (case study of Sumy region). Journal of Education,...
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The analysis of the number of road traffic accidents, injuries and deaths in road crashes was conducted at the regional level. This made it possible to draw conclusions about specific features of spatial distribution of these indicators and the non-accidental nature of their implications for different regions of Ukraine. Based on the methods of spa...
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Shyschuk V. D., Kornus O. G., Kornus A. A., Shyschuk A. V. Регіональна система медичного обслуговування: сучасний стан і особливості функціонування (на прикладі Сумської області) = Regional health care system: current status and features of the functioning (for example of Sumy region). Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(8):126-136. ISSN...
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Today is still insufficiently developed the methods of associative analysis of the medical, ecological and demographic parameters that would make it possible to determine the nature and extent of the influence of environmental factors on the population health, establish the basic laws of territorial differentiation of human diseases and to identify...
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Today is still insufficiently developed the methods of associative analysis of the medical, ecological and demographic parameters that would make it possible to determine the nature and extent of the influence of environmental factors on the population health, establish the basic laws of territorial differentiation of human diseases and to identify...


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