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Ontology learning is the process of acquiring (constructing or integrating) an ontology (semi-) automatically. Being a knowledge acquisition task, it is a complex activity, which becomes even more complex in the context of the BOEMIE project, due to the management of multimedia resources and the multi-modal semantic interpretation that they require. The purpose of this chapter is to present a survey of the most relevant methods, techniques and tools used for the task of ontology learning. Adopting a practical perspective, an overview of the main activities involved in ontology learning is presented. This breakdown of the learning process is used as a basis for the comparative analysis of existing tools and approaches. The comparison is done along dimensions that emphasize the particular interests of the BOEMIE project. In this context, ontology learning in BOEMIE is treated and compared to the state of the art, explaining how BOEMIE addresses problems observed in existing systems and contributes to issues that are not frequently considered by existing approaches.
G. Paliouras et al. (Eds.): Multimedia Information Extraction, LNAI 6050, pp. 134–166, 2011.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art
Georgios Petasis, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Georgios Paliouras,
Anastasia Krithara, and Elias Zavitsanos
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications,
National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”,
15310, Ag. Paraskevi, Attiki, Greece
Abstract. Ontology learning is the process of acquiring (constructing or inte-
grating) an ontology (semi-) automatically. Being a knowledge acquisition task,
it is a complex activity, which becomes even more complex in the context of
the BOEMIE project1, due to the management of multimedia resources and the
multi-modal semantic interpretation that they require. The purpose of this chap-
ter is to present a survey of the most relevant methods, techniques and tools
used for the task of ontology learning. Adopting a practical perspective, an
overview of the main activities involved in ontology learning is presented. This
breakdown of the learning process is used as a basis for the comparative analy-
sis of existing tools and approaches. The comparison is done along dimensions
that emphasize the particular interests of the BOEMIE project. In this context,
ontology learning in BOEMIE is treated and compared to the state of the art,
explaining how BOEMIE addresses problems observed in existing systems and
contributes to issues that are not frequently considered by existing approaches.
Keywords: Ontology learning, Ontology population, Ontology enrichment.
1 Introduction
In recent years, ontologies have become extremely popular as a means for represent-
ing machine-readable semantic knowledge. The rapid growth of the Web and the
information overload problem that it has caused has triggered significant research in
the development of practical information extraction solutions that process Web con-
tent. However, the difficulty of extracting information from the Web, which was pro-
duced mainly for visualising information, has driven the birth of the Semantic Web.
The Semantic Web will contain many more resources than the Web and will attach
machine-readable semantic information to these resources. The first steps towards that
goal, addressed knowledge representation issues for this semantic information, with
the development of ontologies. Realizing the difficulty of designing the grant
ontology for the world [96], research on the Semantic Web has focused on the devel-
opment of domain or task-specific ontologies which have started making their appear-
ance in fairly large numbers. Having provided an ontology for a specific domain, the
next step is to annotate semantically related Web resources. If done manually, this
1 The BOEMIE project is presented in chapter 1.
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 135
process is very time-consuming and error-prone. Information extraction is a promis-
ing solution for automating the annotation process. However, it comes along with the
aforementioned knowledge acquisition bottleneck and the need for learning.
At the same time, acquiring domain knowledge for ontologies is also a resource
demanding and time-consuming task. Thus, the automated or semi-automated con-
struction, enrichment and adaptation of ontologies, is highly desired. The process of
automatic or semi-automatic construction, enrichment and adaptation of ontologies is
known as ontology learning [79]. From our perspective, ontology learning is a wide
research area that includes work on ontology enrichment, inconsistency resolution and
ontology population. Ontology enrichment is the task of extending an existing ontol-
ogy with additional concepts and semantic relations and placing them at the correct
position in the ontology. Inconsistency resolution is the task of resolving inconsisten-
cies that appear in an ontology with the view to acquire a consistent (sub)ontology.
Ontology population, on the other hand, is the task of adding new instances of con-
cepts to the ontology.
Despite the fact that it is an emerging field, a significant amount of research has
been performed already, leading to a large number of proposed approaches and prac-
tical systems. A fairly complete overview of the work performed in the field until
2003 is presented in [45], as well as in [99]. An updated overview of the field is also
presented in [24]. Ontology learning has also significant presence in the major AI
conferences, with workshops such as “Ontologies and Texts” (OLT) (EKAW2000
[8], ECAI2002 [9]), and other important conferences (IJCAI2001 [76], ECAI2000
[105] and workshops ECAI2004-OLP [18], OLP2 [20] and ECAI2008-OLP3 [22]).
The purpose of this chapter is to present the state of the art in ontology learning, by
presenting the major approaches and most important practical systems that appear in
the literature. The BOEMIE project is compared to these systems throughout this
chapter and the solutions it gives to the various problems faced by the others are dis-
cussed. Systems and approaches are categorised along significant dimensions, such as
the ontology elements learned, the starting point, the learning approach and the final
outcome. The task of ontology learning is presented in section 2, covering the most
significant approaches found in the literature. In section 3, ontology population is
presented, as well as some important ontology population tools, which are also com-
pared. Section 4 discusses ontology enrichment and follows a comparative presenta-
tion of ontology enrichment tools. Ontology evaluation is presented in section 5,
while section 6 concludes this document.
2 Ontology Learning Foundations
Ontologies are a means for sharing and re-using knowledge, a container for capturing
semantic information of a particular domain. A widely accepted definition of ontol-
ogy in information technology and AI community is that of “a formal explicit specifi-
cation of a shared conceptualization” [44], where “formal implies that the ontology
should be machine-readable and shared that it is accepted by a group or community”
[19]. Additionally, in the case of a domain ontology, it is usually assumed that it con-
veys concepts and relations relevant to a particular task or the application domain,
which is the case we are interested in.
136 G. Petasis et al.
Ontology learning is the process of acquiring (constructing or integrating) an on-
tology (semi-) automatically. The acquisition of ontologies can be performed through
three major approaches:
By integrating existing ontologies. The integration process tries to capture
commonalities among ontologies that convey the same or similar domains, in
order to derive a new ontology. Several methods have been proposed in the
literature, such as:
o the merging of ontologies to create a single coherent ontology,
o the alignment of ontologies by establishing links between them and
allowing them to reuse information from each another, and
o the mapping of ontologies by finding correspondence among ele-
ments in the ontologies.
By constructing an ontology from scratch or by extending (populating and
enriching) an existing ontology, usually based on information extracted from
domain-specific content.
By specialising a generic ontology, in order to adapt it to a specific domain.
In this chapter we will concentrate on the last two approaches, the construction of new
ontologies and the enrichment/specialisation of existing ontologies.
Research in ontology learning studies methods and techniques for the acquisition
of an ontology, based on semantic information, extracted from domain-specific con-
tent. Being closely related to the field of knowledge acquisition, a significant amount
of the work presented in the bibliography concentrates on the task of knowledge ac-
quisition from text, through the re-use of widely adopted natural language processing
and machine learning techniques. However, ontology learning is not simply a replica-
tion of existing work under a different name, as it adds novel aspects to the problem
of knowledge acquisition [19]:
Ontology learning combines research from knowledge representation, logic,
philosophy, databases, machine learning, natural language processing, im-
age/audio/video analysis, etc.
Ontology learning in the context of the Semantic Web must deal with the
massive and heterogeneous data of the World Wide Web and thus improve
existing approaches for knowledge acquisition, which target mostly small
and homogeneous data collections.
Substantial effort is being put into the development of extensive and rigorous
evaluation methods in order to evaluate ontology learning approaches on
well-defined tasks with well-defined evaluation criteria.
Following [19], the ontology learning process can be decomposed into six layers,
forming a “layer cake”2 of increasingly complex subtasks, which can be seen in
Fig. 1.
2 Ontology learning “layer cake” has been originally formulated with terminology originating
from the textual modality. However, since the “layer cake” is applicable to multiple modali-
ties, the labels of the layers have been slightly extended to cater for multimodality.
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 137
Terms (Objects)
Synonyms (Alternative Realisations)
Concept Hierarchies
Fig. 1. Ontology learning “layer cake”
The main target of ontology learning is the definition of concepts and the relations
between them. However, this implies substantial knowledge about the “symbols” that
represent these concepts and relations and “instantiate” these into entities of the real
word. We will use the notion of object or term to refer to these instances of concepts
and relations, but it should be noted that we do not necessarily refer to the text modal-
ity: an object can be an audio, image or video segment that instantiates a concept or a
relation in a corpus of the corresponding modality. Thus, in order to define new con-
cepts/relations, the acquisition of knowledge about the objects that instantiate these
concepts/relations in content is equally important. In addition to knowledge about
objects/terms, object/term synonyms are also important: all terms that are synonyms
(alternative realisations) refer to the same real object or event, and thus all materialise
a single concept or relation. Failure to identify which terms/objects are synonyms may
result in the introduction of redundant concepts or relations in an ontology, which in
most cases is undesirable.
Among relations, one type is of particular importance to ontologies, namely hierar-
chical ones. These are the relations that realise the taxonomy backbone of an ontol-
ogy, such as the subsumption relation (also referred as “is-a” relation in many cases).
On the other hand, non-hierarchical relations are all relations that are not used in the
formation of the concept hierarchy. Despite the fact that the relations are categorised
into types, no type categorisation is performed at the concept level in the vast majority
of the work presented in the literature.
Finally, an important aspect of an ontology is the ability to derive and make ex-
plicit facts that are implied by the knowledge in the ontology, mainly through reason-
ing. But for such derivations to occur, rules must be defined (and possibly acquired)
to allow for such derivations. All of these aspects of ontology learning, related to
things that can be learned, can be organised into the “layer cake” of Fig. 1 [19]. In the
following subsections we are going to briefly present the state of the art for each layer
of this “cake”.
2.1 Object Identification
Object extraction (or identification) is a prerequisite for all aspects of ontology learn-
ing. An object is an instance of a recognisable entity in a multimedia corpus that con-
veys a single meaning within a domain (concept). A recognizable entity is something
that can be recognized in multimedia corpora, such as words or phrases in textual
138 G. Petasis et al.
corpora, or areas in images. Since objects “materialise” a concept, objects found in a
corpus usually represent candidate concepts that can enrich an ontology. Thus, the
main objective is the identification of objects in a multimedia corpus that possibly
convey concepts, which can be used for enriching an ontology. The object identifica-
tion task can be decomposed into three subtasks [61]:
Object recognition. This task is responsible for finding recognisable entities
in the corpus that are objects.
Object classification. This task assigns a semantic category to recognised ob-
jects. This categorization is important for the task of ontology learning, as
these categories are often the concepts of the thematic domain.
Object mapping. This task tries to link identified objects with relevant enti-
ties in other data sources, such as object libraries, vocabularies, lexica,
thesauri and databases. A frequent use of this task is for exploiting similari-
ties that potentially exist in the referred data sources, in order to identify
clusters of objects that represent the same concept – synonyms/alternative
As object/term identification is an important task, not only for concept discovery for
ontology learning but also for textual information extraction and retrieval, many ap-
proaches have been presented in the literature (mainly for the processing of textual
corpora). Among the most successful ones are statistical methods, which usually
measure the significance of each word with respect to other words in a corpus, based
on word occurrence frequencies. TF/IDF [91] is often employed for this task [3, 30],
possibly combined with other methods, such as latent semantic indexing [41] or tak-
ing into account co-occurrence information among phrases [43].
Clustering techniques also play an important role in object identification: recogniz-
able entities can be clustered into groups based on various similarity measures, with
each cluster being a possible object (consisting of synonyms). Approaches like [2, 37,
57] employ clustering techniques and other resources, such as the WWW and Word-
Net [38], to successfully extract terms. Additionally, both frequency and clustering-
based approaches can be substantially enhanced through the use of natural language
processing techniques, such as morphological analysis, part-of-speech tagging and
syntactic analysis, as terms usually are noun phrases or obey specific part-of-speech
patterns [47, 49]. Finally, morphological clues, such as prefixes and suffixes, can be
very useful for some thematic domains: suffixes like “-fil” and “-itis” quite often
mark terms in medical domains [50, 51].
Other methods use filters and heuristics. For example, Glossex [60] filters termino-
logical candidates using lexical cohesion and a measure of domain relevance. It also
uses some additional heuristics for extracting useful terms. TermExtractor [93] ex-
tracts a list of “syntactically plausible” terms and uses two entropy-based measures.
The first metric, called Domain Consensus, is used to select only the terms which are
used consistently throughout the corpus. The second one, Domain Relevance, is used
to select only the terms that are relevant to the domain of interest. Finally, extracted
terms are further filtered using Lexical Cohesion, which measures the degree of asso-
ciation of all the words in a terminological string.
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 139
2.2 Alternative Realization/Synonym Identification
Alternative realisations/synonyms are objects that refer to the same real object or
event, variants in a corpus that can be thought to represent the same concept or rela-
tion. A significant amount of work has been performed mainly for text corpora, by
exploiting resources such as WordNet [38]. Employing standard word sense disam-
biguation techniques [29, 64, 109] they seek to identify the most appropriate (Word-
Net) sense of each term, in order to collect synonyms associated with the sense. Other
approaches try to locate term synonyms through clustering, mainly based on Harris’s
distributional hypothesis, according to which similar terms in meaning tend to share
syntactic contexts [54, 68, 70, Hindle, 1990]. Related work is also performed in the
field of information retrieval for term indexing, such as the family of Latent Semantic
Indexing algorithms (LSI, LSA, PLSI, etc.), and the family of probabilistic topic
models, e.g. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA [12]). These methods apply dimen-
sionality reduction techniques to reveal inherent relations between terms, in order to
form clusters [63, 94]. Finally, more recent approaches extract synonyms by applying
statistical approaches over the Web [10, 107]. For more information on such methods,
the reader is referred to [19].
2.3 Concept Identification
Despite the fact that concepts are an important part of an ontology, what constitutes a
concept is controversial. According to [19], concept formation should provide:
An intentional definition of the concept.
A set of concept instances.
A set of realisations (i.e. terms).
Two types of intentional concept definition can be identified: informal and formal. An
informal concept definition does not define a concept in terms of properties and rela-
tions between them, but in a more general, descriptive way, like for example a textual
description or a concept gloss in a dictionary. Informal concept identification is quite
rare, with only one approach appearing in the literature, the OntoLearn system [111],
which associates WordNet glosses with domain specific concepts. Formal concept
definition, on the other hand, builds on top of object and synonym identification, by
formulating concepts as clusters of “related” objects. It exploits relations among ob-
jects that are discovered using approaches which will be described in the following
two subsections. Basing the definition of a concept on a cluster of objects automati-
cally provides the set of realisations of the new concept. The association of a set of
instances with a concept is known as ontology population or ontology tagging, and it
will be presented in greater detail in section 3.
2.4 Taxonomy Construction
An important part of an ontology is its taxonomy, or the hierarchy of concepts. Sub-
sumption relations (also known as “is-a” or inclusion relations) provide a tree view of
the ontology and determine inheritance between concepts. A popular approach for
taxonomy discovery in textual domains is the use of lexico-syntactic patterns (such as
140 G. Petasis et al.
Hearst patterns [53]). According to this approach, syntactic elements (such as noun
phrases) are combined with characteristic phrases to identify inclusion relations. Ex-
amples of such patterns can be the following ones (NP stands for noun phrase):
NP such as NP, NP,..., and NP
such NP as NP, NP,..., or NP
NP, NP,..., and other NP
NP, especially NP, NP,..., and NP
NP is a NP
Several systems have been proposed based on simple variations of the above idea,
such as [56, 57, 84]. More recent systems also employ pattern learning algorithms to
automate pattern construction [1, 31, 103]. For non-textual domains, machine learning
methods, such as hierarchical clustering, can be used. Further details on such ap-
proaches can be found in [115] and [19].
Yang and Callan [108], in a metric-based taxonomy induction framework, combine
the strengths of pattern-based and clustering-based approaches. The framework incor-
porates lexico-syntactic patterns as one type of feature in a clustering framework. It
integrates contextual, co-occurrence, syntactic dependency, lexical-syntactic patterns,
and other features to learn an ontology metric, i.e. a score indicating semantic dis-
tance, for each pair of terms in a taxonomy; it then incrementally clusters terms based
on their ontology metric scores.
Snow et al. [102] have presented an algorithm for inducing semantic taxonomies,
which attempts to globally optimize the entire structure of the taxonomy. The model
has the ability to integrate heterogeneous evidence from different classifiers, offering
a solution to the key problem of choosing the correct word sense for a new hypernym.
A particularly interesting machine learning technique for hierarchy construction is
the estimation of Probabilistic Topic Models that produce a hierarchical modelling of
a particular collection. Among the well known models of this family is the hierarchi-
cal Latent Dirichlet Allocation (hLDA) [13], where each document is modeled as a
set of topics across a specific path of the learned hierarchy from the root to a leaf. In
addition, the models of the Pachinko Allocation family, like PAM [66], hPAM [83]
and non-parametric PAM [67] deal with some of the problems of hLDA, such as the
lack of multiple inheritance between topics at different levels of the hierarchy. Among
the major benefits of methods that rely on such models is that the identification of
topics, which serve as concepts in the ontology, and their taxonomic arrangement is
performed simultaneously. In addition, these models do not require an initial ontology
to start from. They construct a taxonomic backbone without any prior knowledge, but
a collection of documents. In order to learn topic ontologies, probabilistic topic mod-
els have been applied in [117,118] and in [114].
2.5 Semantic Relation Extraction
Relations beyond the concept hierarchy (non-taxonomic relations) constitute also an
important component of an ontology. Such relations can be extracted with approaches
similar to the ones used for extracting taxonomic relations. In textual domains, where
most of the existing work has focussed, lexico-syntactic patterns again play an impor-
tant role. Verbs usually represent actions or relations between recognisable entities in
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 141
sentences. As a result, verbs are assumed to express relations between entities, which
may be useful for enriching an ontology, provided that the involved entities can be
associated with concepts of the ontology. Systems like the RelExt tool [95] use such
patterns to identify related pairs of concepts. Additionally, semantic clustering of
verbs has been reported to help in situations where extraction of specific relation
types is desired [101]. Finally, association rule mining algorithms have been used for
the acquisition of non-taxonomic relations for ontology enrichment [74, 75].
2.6 Ontology Rule Acquisition
Ontology rule acquisition is probably the least addressed aspect of ontology learning,
as almost no work has been presented that acquires rules. An initial attempt to formu-
late the problem is presented in [69], where an unsupervised method for discovering
inference rules from text is presented. Learned rules are of the following form “X is
author of Y X wrote Y, X solved Y X found a solution to Y, and X caused Y Y is
triggered by X” [69]. Also, Sangun et al., [92] proposed an ontology rule acquisition
procedure using an ontology, which includes information about the rule components
and its structure. The procedure comprises rule component identification and rule
composition. They use stemming and semantic similarity for the former and a Graph
Search method for the latter. Finally, in the field of inductive logic programming
(ILP), which deals with the induction of first-order rules, some attempts have been
made to address reasoning for the Semantic Web [71].
2.7 Comparative Analysis of Ontology Learning Tools
During the last decade, a large number of approaches and practical systems have been
presented that try to automate ontology construction. The presented approaches are so
diverse, and thus trying to classify existing systems along a single “dimension” will
be at least incomplete. Thus, for this document a comparison framework similar to the
one proposed in [99] will be adopted, where some important comparison “dimen-
sions” are defined. Following [99], we will classify existing approaches/practical
systems performing both ontology population as well as ontology enrichment, accord-
ing to the following categorisation criteria:
Elements of the “layer cake” learned. The elements of the “layer cake”
that are learned provide a good view of the complexity and capabilities of an
ontology learning system, through the ontological aspects learned by the sys-
tem. It is desirable for a system to provide solutions to as much layers as
Initial requirements. Initial requirements, such as prior knowledge and type
of required input for learning an ontology, clarify the starting point of an
ontology learning system, the background knowledge and the resources
available in order to help knowledge acquisition. In addition, the use of do-
main-depended resources affect directly the feasibility of a system, as it re-
stricts its portability to new thematic domains.
Learning approach. Of particular interest is also the approach an ontology
learning tool adopts in order to extract knowledge, and whether this approach
is specialised to the domain, e.g. an extraction engine based on manually
142 G. Petasis et al.
constructed patterns, or a more general one, e.g. based on machine learning
or statistical methods. The learning approach adopted by a system usually af-
fects other categorisation criteria, such as the initial requirements and of
course the degree of automation, as the usage of machine learning methods
usually reduces the degree of manual intervention of the domain expert dur-
ing knowledge acquisition.
Degree of automation. The degree that a system automates decisions is im-
portant, as it contributes to the plausibility of the system. A fully automated
system is of course desirable, but it may not be always possible, especially
with tasks related to ontology enrichment. But even in the case of semi-
automated or cooperative systems, various degrees of automation can be
identified. For example, the required knowledge expected by the expert: in-
teraction through a domain expert may be more desirable than interaction
through an ontology expert, who is expected to know both the thematic do-
main in addition to ontology engineering.
Consistency maintenance and redundancy elimination. We are also inter-
ested in the outcome of the system and the knowledge representation struc-
tures used for storing the acquired information. Systems that do not enhance
an ontology usually do not deal with aspects such as consistency mainte-
nance or redundancy elimination. Maintaining the consistency of an ontology
is crucial, as an ontology that contains conflicting information is of little use.
Redundancy elimination on the other hand is not as crucial as consistency,
i.e., redundancy cannot render an ontology useless, unless it also introduces
contradictions. However, redundancy elimination can enhance the plausibil-
ity of an ontology by facilitating the process of querying the ontology, and at
the same time by limiting the size (and complexity) of the ontology.
Domain portability. An important aspect of an ontology learning system is
whether it can be ported to other thematic domains or not. Systems that ex-
hibit increased domain portability tend to explicitly define the required do-
main knowledge, whereas less portable system can contain domain specific
knowledge in the internals of the system.
Corpora Modality. It is desirable for a system to be able to process more
than one modalities, as it can provide evidence of the ability of a system to
accommodate and exploit diverse knowledge sources, fuse the extracted in-
formation and provide unified results that are valid across modalities.
2.8 A Procedural View of Ontology Learning
Based on our experience in the area from our involvement in several relevant projects,
we consider that the task of ontology learning involves the subtasks of population,
enrichment, and inconsistency resolution. Ontology population is the process of add-
ing new instances of concepts/relations into an ontology, usually by locating the cor-
responding object/terms and synonyms in the corpus. Ontology enrichment is the
process of extending an ontology with new concepts, relations and rules. Inconsis-
tency resolution is responsible for remedying problems introduced by population and
enrichment. In addition to these subtasks, ontology evaluation is also needed in order
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 143
to measure the plausibility of the learned ontology by evaluating the usefulness of the
changes. Fig. 2 depicts a typical ontology learning process.
Very often, ontology learning is modelled as a bootstrapping process: an initial on-
tology is used as a basis for learning a new ontology, which in turn substitutes the
initial one and the whole process restarts. In particular, an initial ontology is used to
analyze and extract information from a corpus. The extracted information is used to
evolve the ontology, and through the evolved ontology the extraction of information
is improved. The bootstrapping process continues until no more information can be
extracted from the corpus. Here we have to note that in every cycle the consistency of
the ontology is checked and in the case of inconsistency, the changes are discarded. In
the following section, the steps involved in ontology population will be described in
more detail, along with a comparative analysis of the most important approaches and
practical systems performing ontology population. The steps of ontology enrichment
will be presented in section 4, along with a comparative analysis of the most impor-
tant approaches and practical systems performing ontology enrichment. Finally, on-
tology evaluation will be presented in section 5.
Corpus /
Other Data
Initial Ontology In
Consistent Ontology
Population Process Enrichment Process
Enriched Ontology
Inconsistency Resolution
Ontology Evaluation
Evolved Ontology
Fig. 2. The process of ontology learning
3 Ontology Population
Ontology population is the process of inserting concept and relation instances into an
existing ontology. In a simplified view, an ontology can be thought of as a set of con-
cepts, relations among the concepts and their instances. A concept instance is a reali-
sation of the concept in the domain, e.g. the instantiation of the concept as a phrase in
a textual corpus. The process of ontology population does not change the structure of
an ontology, i.e., the concept hierarchy and non-taxonomic relations are not modified.
What changes is the set of realisation (instances) of concepts and relations in the do-
main. A typical ontology population methodology is depicted in Fig. 3.
144 G. Petasis et al.
Ontology population requires an initial ontology that will be populated and an in-
stance extraction engine. The extraction engine is responsible for locating instances
(realisations) of concepts and relations in a multimedia corpus. A multimedia corpus
is processed by the extraction engine, in order to locate concept/relation. The list of
extracted concept/relation instances is subsequently used to populate the ontology.
Recalling the “layer cake” idea, the population process involves some of the layers
presented in section 2. In particular, it deals with the acquisition of realisations (i.e.
objects and alternative realisations/synonyms) of both concepts and relations. A typical
approach is to use known realisations associated with concepts/relations which may
have been identified during concept/relation formation, to locate the corresponding
objects/synonyms in a corpus. This process is also known as lookup text extraction or
prototype recognition in image analysis. The result is an annotated corpus, which can
be used to construct more general instance extractors, using machine learning.
An interesting aspect of ontology population, which is not addressed adequately in
the literature, is the handling of redundancy. The elimination of redundancy in the
instance set requires entity disambiguation, which is the process of identifying in-
stances that refer to the same real object or event. If an ontology is populated with an
instance without checking if the real object or event represented by the instance al-
ready exists in the ontology, then redundant instances will be inserted. A worst case
scenario is that redundant instances contain contradicting information, which may
lead to an inconsistent ontology.
Initial Ontology
Extraction Toolkit
Populated Ontology
Population Process
Fig. 3. The ontology population process
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 145
To our knowledge, only three approaches address this problem. The Artequakt sys-
tem [4, 5, 6, 59] applies manually written heuristics, in order to merge instances that
refer to the same real object or event. These heuristics are evaluated after a batch of
instances has populated the ontology. The SOBA system [21], on the other hand,
performs simple checks using special mapping rules, during instance creation (i.e.
before the instances populate the ontology), in order to re-use instances that refer to
the same real object or event instead of creating new ones. The approach followed by
BOEMIE enhances that of Artequakt, through the use of machine learning instead of
manually-developed heuristics.
3.1 The BOEMIE Approach to Ontology Population
BOEMIE [23] implements an ontology based information extraction system, that is
able to extract objects from a variety of modalities, including texts, images, and vid-
eos. Due to its multimodal nature, the BOEMIE system clearly distinguishes entities
from their realisations (through properties) in the various modalities. Exploiting the
idea that you cannot find entities in corpora but rather their properties, BOEMIE
adopts a different approach that separates the concepts into two types: “primitive”
concepts that can be easily attributed to objects (i.e. have direct realisations) – mid-
level concepts (MLCs) in BOEMIE terminology – and “composite” concepts (that
represent real objects or events), usually build on top of primitive ones. These “com-
posite” concepts do not have direct realisations as they cannot be mapped directly to
an object and are named high-level concepts (HLCs) in BOEMIE. For example, con-
sider a person that is referenced in a set of textual documents, images and videos.
From the text modality BOEMIE can extract a person name, an age, a gender or a
profession: this set of properties is considered instances of MLCs for the text modal-
ity. In addition, by exploiting linguistic information (such as verbs), relations may be
extracted that relate these MLC instances with each other (i.e. suggesting that a spe-
cific age, gender and profession are related with a specific person name). Similarly,
from an image anatomical parts (i.e. a person face) can be extracted, and possibly a
person name from the caption or through OCR. Again, all these are instances of
MLCs for this modality, possibly related to each other through spatial and proximity
Despite the fact that instances of properties of a person have been extracted from
the involved modalities, a person instance has not yet been identified. This is because
“person” is a “composite” concept, an HLC. The identification of entities, and thus
the instantiation of HLC instances, is performed as a second processing step: reason-
ing is employed, where through rules MLC instances (properties) extracted from the
various modalities are fused and interpreted. During fusion and interpretation, rela-
tions between MLC instances will be examined in order to identify the number of
involved entities (i.e. persons) and which properties belong to which person. The
result of the interpretation process will be instances of HLC concepts, for all identi-
fied entities.
Since the vast majority of work in ontology learning does not discriminate between
“primitive” and “composite” concepts, ontology population in these systems is per-
formed as a single step, i.e. the instances that are assimilated into the ontology are
identified directly by the instance extraction tool, thus requiring the incorporation of
146 G. Petasis et al.
considerable domain knowledge in the extraction tool. Instance extraction tools typi-
cally instantiate complex composite structures with groups of realisations (ob-
jects/terms) related to each other through ontology relations.
The population methodology proposed by the BOEMIE project distinguishes be-
tween two layers of complexity when populating an ontology with concept instances.
Concepts are divided into “primitive”, called mid-level concepts, and “composite”
ones, called high-level concepts. In contrast to mid-level concepts that are populated
by extraction tools as described above, the high-level concepts are populated by rea-
soning over the mid-level instances, since they are defined in terms of “primitive”
concepts. The main differences between the BOEMIE approach and the state of the
art are:
The concept/relation instance extraction engine is not expected to extract in-
stances of “composite” concepts. It is expected to extract only instances of
“primitive” concepts. A clear advantage is the fact that the extraction engine
becomes immune to changes in the organisation of the ontology, which is a
desired property in environments where the ontology evolves over time. The
extraction engine needs to adapt only when new “primitive” concepts or rela-
tions involving “primitive” concepts are modified.
The ontology is used to create instances of “composite” concepts from popu-
lated “primitive” concept instances and populated relation instances, through
non-standard reasoning3. The advantages of such an approach are two–fold:
a) “composite” concept instances are always in sync with the current formal
definition of the relevant concepts, and b) the formation of “composite” in-
stances respects the constraints that may be imposed by the ontology, i.e.
through rules, thus helping maintaining the consistency of the ontology.
To our knowledge, there is no method in the bibliography following this two-stage
approach to ontology population.
3.2 Comparative Analysis of Ontology Population Tools
The vast majority of the systems found in the literature for ontology population, share
the architecture depicted in Fig. 3: an extraction toolkit is used for object/term identi-
fication or named-entity recognition, in order to locate instances of concepts and in
some cases also instances of relations between concepts, which are then assimilated
into the ontology. Ontology population systems are closely related to ontology-based
information extraction systems, since the latter provide mechanisms to associate
pieces of the data with concepts of an ontology. Thus, every ontology-based informa-
tion extraction system can be viewed as an ontology population system, as it can be
extended to assimilate extracted instances into the ontology.
In the rest of this section we present a comparative analysis of the main approaches
and practical systems that have been presented in the literature for ontology popula-
tion.Table 1 presents a summary of the systems. The comparison is guided by our
categorisation criteria described in subsection 2.7, relating also important features of
3 BOEMIE employed abductive reasoning in order to create “composite” objects from “primi-
tive” ones.
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 147
the BOEMIE project, such as portability to other thematic domains, preservation of
the ontology consistency and entity disambiguation, as explained in subsection 3.1.
Also, due to the focus of BOEMIE on multimedia corpora, we categorize the different
systems according to the modality of the data they can handle. This parameter has
proved particularly important, as the majority of the systems use textual corpora, and
they rely heavily on linguistic processing, such as syntactic analysis, or exploitation
of additional resources like thesauri and semantic hierarchies.
Elements extracted. Some systems are more complete in the sense that they populate an
ontology with instances of both concepts and relations, such as Artequakt [4, 5, 6, 59],
WEBKB [26], SOBA [21], [85, 86], OPTIMA [58] and ISOLDE [113]. Others, such
as Adaptiva [15], LEILA [106] and [7] concentrate only on relation instances. Finally,
the KnowItAll system [34, 35] identifies only concept instances, while BOEMIE is able
to extract both concept and relation instances in order to populate the ontology.
Table 1. Brief description of the different systems for ontology population
System Description
Extracts knowledge from the web about artists, populates a
knowledge base and uses it to generate personalized biographies.
Once instances have been identified, the system uses a domain
specific ontology and a generic one in order to extract binary
relations between two instances. It uses heuristics to remove redun-
dant instances from the ontology.
Combines statistical and logical (FOIL rule learning) methods to
learn concept instances and relation instances from web documents.
The system employs document classification to identify and classify
as instances whole pages from the web. Instances of relations are
retrieved by examining hyperlink paths that connect web pages.
Uses domain-independent lexico-syntactic patterns to extract
possible instances. It selects the instances by evaluating their
plausibility, using a version of the pointwise mutual information
statistical measure.
Employs a bootstrapping approach, extracting instances of relations
from a corpus and asking an ontology expert to validate them. The
outcome of validation is used by Amilcare [25], functioning as a
pattern learner. Once the learning process is completed, the induced
patterns are applied to unseen corpora and new examples are
returned for further validation by the user.
Automatically populates a knowledge base by information
extracted from soccer match reports as found on the web. It
employs standard rule-based information extraction to extract
named entities related to soccer events. The extracted information is
converted into semantic structures, as defined by the ontology, with
the help of mapping rules.
[85, 86]
A pattern-based system to automatically enrich a core ontology with
the definitions of a domain glossary. It uses manually developed
lexico-syntactic patterns for extracting instances of concepts. These
instances are processed in order to extract relation instances which
associate extracted information with concept properties.
148 G. Petasis et al.
Table 1. (Continued)
LEILA A system that learns to extract instances of binary relations from
natural language corpora. The system employs statistical techniques
to learn the extraction patterns for the relation.
[7] Automatically learns extraction patterns for finding semantic
relations in unrestricted text, based on statistical corpus processing.
A (semi-)automated system for populating ontologies from unstruc-
tured or semi-structured texts. It extracts relational information with
natural language processing techniques. It assigns instances to
concepts by calculating a fitness value between a candidate instance
and each concept in the ontology, using the hierarchical syntactic
information of the ontology schema.
Generates a domain ontology from a seed ontology by exploiting a
general purpose NER system and lexico-syntactic patterns to
extract concept candidates. Concept candidates are then filtered
according to their statistical significance and the knowledge that
can be derived from available Web resources.
Combines an ontology-based information extraction (OBIE) engine
based on machine learning, with an inference engine, in order to
extract “primitive” concept instances from multiple modalities,
which are then fused and interpreted (through abductive reasoning)
to form instances of “composite” and more abstract concepts.
Initial requirements. In order to be self-sustained, an ontology population system
should have as few initial requirements as possible, in terms of resources or back-
ground knowledge. Some systems do not perform object/term and synonym identifi-
cation, but rather employ publicly available processing resources for this task.
Artequakt is based on the information extraction toolkit GATE [27, 28] to perform
named entity recognition, syntactic and semantic analysis. SOBA uses a standard
rule-based information extraction system, an enhanced version of SProUT – [32],
while [7] a part of speech tagger and a module for named entity recognition. Other
systems, instead of employing a term/synonym extraction engine, require extraction
patterns to be provided by the user. For example, KnowItAll uses domain-
independent lexico-syntactic patterns, inspired by Hearst patterns [53]. On the other
hand, the system presented in [85, 86] uses manual extraction patterns to populate the
CIDOC CRM ontology with terms extracted from glosses of the Art and Architecture
Thesaurus (AAT). OPTIMA uses user-defined named entity types, organized in a
hierarchy, and user-defined binary relations. A name-entity recogniser based on these
particular entity types is used for the extraction of instances. ISOLDE uses a general
purpose named entity recogniser to find instances in a base ontology and then uses
Hearst patterns to find class candidates. Systems like WEBKB, Adaptiva and
LEILA include an adaptable term/synonym extraction engine which can be taught
with the help of concept/relation instance examples. BOEMIE adopts a similar
term/synonym extraction approach. An adaptable term/synonym extraction engine is
employed using examples of instances that are provided either through manually
annotated corpora, or by the previous ontology population steps.
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 149
Learning approach. Machine learning seems to be the choice of the majority of
systems, as all but three of the examined systems (Artequakt, SOBA, [85, 86])
employ some form of learning. The systems employing machine learning either use
statistical methods to identify terms, or perform automated pattern extraction. For
example, Adaptiva uses a tool for adaptive Information Extraction from text (IE), to
learn patterns. KnowItAll uses an extended version of the pointwise mutual informa-
tion [107] statistical measure, which selects the instances that will populate the
knowledge base, by evaluating their plausibility. OPTIMA uses a trainable named
entity recognizer, combining a boundary detector using CRFs [62] and a named-entity
classifier using maximum entropy. ISOLDE employs a seed ontology and the general-
purpose NER system SProUT [32] to extract instances for concepts in the seed ontol-
ogy. Then lexico-syntactic patterns [53] are applied to identify possible new concepts,
which are then filtered with the help of heuristics and knowledge obtained from
online resources, such as Wikipedia4, Wiktionary5 and DWDS6. Finally, WEBKB
uses both a statistical and a symbolic approach (FOIL [88]) to learn classifiers that
can detect instances and relations between instances. The three systems that do not
use machine learning either employ an external, publicly available term/synonym
extraction engine or require manually-constructed patterns as input, as they seem to
rely mostly on linguistic information. The LEILA system also relies on linguistic
knowledge, but employs additional filtering based on statistical approaches, such as
adaptive k-Nearest-Neighbor-classifiers and Support Vector Machines. BOEMIE also
uses machine learning. In particular, the term/synonym extraction engine makes use
of both linguistic information (especially shallow syntactic analysis) and machine
learning to identify concept instances and relations, while automated pattern extrac-
tion is used for relation extraction.
Degree of automation. This criterion examines the extent to which the domain expert
needs to intervene during knowledge acquisition. With the exception of Adaptiva, all
other systems examined here do not require interaction with the domain/ontology
expert. This is an indication that the population process can be fully automated, which
is also true for the approach adopted in BOEMIE. BOEMIE directly populates an
ontology instead of producing an intermediate representation of instances. In addition,
BOEMIE provides a graphical user-interface that enables the domain expert to exam-
ine and revise the populated instances, if such a need arises.
Consistency maintenance and redundancy elimination. These issues are only ad-
dressed by three systems (Artequakt, SOBA and BOEMIE). The Artequakt system
uses manually-written heuristics, in order to merge populated instances that refer to
the same real object or event. SOBA, on the other hand, performs simple checks dur-
ing instance creation, i.e., before the instances populate the ontology, in order to re-
use instances that refer to the same real object or event instead of creating new ones.
The BOEMIE approach enhances the Artequakt proposal through the use of matching
techniques instead of manually developed heuristics. More specifically, BOEMIE
instance matching methods try to identify instances that refer to the same real entity
or event and group them, rather than merging them into a single instance.
150 G. Petasis et al.
Domain portability. Some of the systems are domain-independent (KnowItAll,
Adaptiva, LEILA, OPTIMA, ISOLDE, BOEMIE), as they do not use any domain-
specific resources, while others are domain specific (SOBA, [85, 86] and [7]. There
are also some systems that have limited portability, such as Artequakt and
WEBKB. The reason for this is either that they are applicable only to domains with
specific characteristics, or that they require adaptation to the new domain, in ways not
tested in their current work.
Corpora Modality. All the mentioned systems with the exception of BOEMIE are
applied to text. No special effort has been made for other modalities, such as video,
images or multimedia. BOEMIE explores this direction, by analysing multimedia
corpora. The BOEMIE system supports the identification of objects from multiple
modalities (such as text, image, video, audio and text from image/video OCR), which
are then fused through reasoning (employing both deduction and abduction) to form
instances of modality-independent concepts.
4 Ontology Enrichment
Ontology enrichment is the process of extending an ontology, through the addition of
new concepts, relations and rules. It is performed every time that the existing domain
knowledge is not sufficient to explain the information extracted from the corpus.
Thus, the ontology enrichment activity is expected to extend the background knowl-
edge, in order to better explain extracted information in the future. Since new con-
cepts and relations can be added during enrichment, the structure of the ontology
changes. Recalling our discussion of the “layer cake”, the enrichment process in-
volves all of the layers presented in section 2, unlike ontology population which is
concerned only with the lower layers. The main approach adopted by the state-of-the-
art methods starts with the identification of objects and their alternative realisa-
tions/synonyms. Each object, along with a possible set of alternative realisations, is a
candidate concept to be added to an ontology. Advancing to the third layer of the
“cake”, each proposed cluster of objects and alternative realisations that possibly
represent a concept must be evaluated in order to decide whether it constitutes a con-
cept or not. In case the object represents a concept, the concept must be formulated by
creating an intentional definition (section 2.3) and possibly augmented with evi-
dence/instances that justify the addition of the new concept. At the next layer, rela-
tions (either taxonomic or non-taxonomic) must be identified between concepts, usu-
ally based on spatio-temporal information for modalities like image and video or
linguistic information (either syntactic or semantic) for text. Finally, in order to sup-
port reasoning and derive facts not explicitly encoded but derivable from the ontol-
ogy, rules and constraints must be acquired.
4.1 The BOEMIE Approach to Ontology Enrichment
Unlike ontology population which can be fully automated, ontology enrichment re-
mains typically a semi-automated procedure. All systems presented in the literature
require the manual intervention of a domain expert, in order to review and accept or
reject the system’s proposals (Fig. 4). The methodology proposed by the BOEMIE
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 151
Fig. 4. The ontology enrichment process
project is not an exception. BOEMIE proposes a semi-automated approach which
tries to minimise the role of the expert as much as possible.
As in ontology population, a two-stage approach is used. That is, the system dis-
tinguishes between high-level and mid-level concepts, as introduced in subsection 3.1.
Ontology enrichment in BOEMIE is driven by the quality of the interpretation
achieved for a multimedia resource: if a sufficient number of MLCs (properties) have
been extracted from the involved modalities, and a large percent of these MLC in-
stances have been successfully interpreted (through their relation to HLC instances),
the background knowledge (ontology) is considered as sufficient to describe the mul-
timedia resource. Ontology enrichment is triggered when the background knowledge
is not sufficient to interpret adequately a resource: if a significant number of MLC
instances are not part of the interpretation (i.e. not related to HLC instances), then the
system tries to enrich the ontology through the addition of new HLC concepts. Simi-
larly, if an inadequate number of MLC instances have been identified for one or more
modalities, the system tries to enrich the ontology through the addition of new MLC
concepts, by triggering the relevant modality-specific enrichment process for the
involved modalities. Both enrichment processes rely on clustering techniques to per-
form proposal of possible new MLCs/HLCs, which are then enhanced with the use of
external knowledge sources, through ontology matching techniques, before presented
to a domain expert for final verification/approval. Once a concept has been approved
152 G. Petasis et al.
for inclusion into the ontology, the required fusion/interpretation rules used during
reasoning are automatically created. Among the innovative aspects of BOEMIE, are
the use of non-standard clustering, which tries to cluster ontological fragments, and
the use of external knowledge sources aiming to provide the expert additional infor-
mation during concept and relation definition. More information about this approach
can be found in [23].
4.2 Comparative Analysis of Ontology Enrichment Tools
In this subsection we perform a comparative analysis of the most influential ontology
enrichment systems. Table 2 presents the systems along with a brief description.
Elements learned. Some of the examined systems are more complete than others, in
the sense that they cover several layers of the “cake” presented in section 2. Systems
like ASIUM [39, 40], HASTI [97, 98, 100], TEXT-TO-ONTO [77], VIKEF7 (Virtual
Information and Knowledge Environment Framework) and KAON [79] perform
learning of new concepts, relations and in some cases even rules. On the other hand,
systems like SYNDIKATE [52], ABRAXAS [17, 55], ATRACT [82], and [104]
concentrate on concept or relation learning. The BOEMIE ontology enrichment meth-
odology incorporates methods to extract concepts, hierarchical and non-hierarchical
relations and rules.
Initial requirements. Almost all systems rely on some form of linguistic analysis,
exploiting syntactic relations to identify new concepts, relations or even rules. Besides
linguistic knowledge, only a few systems require additional background knowledge,
such as a domain ontology, domain specific lexicons or lexicon-syntactic patterns
slightly different direction, as it has no initial requirements. Operating solely on the
results of information extraction that have been enhanced through reasoning,
BOEMIE learns concepts and relations through instance clustering. Furthermore, it
tries to associate unknown objects with existing concepts/relations, through the use of
external knowledge sources.
Learning approach. Machine learning seems to be the choice of most of the systems,
especially in the form of clustering (e.g. ASIUM, HASTI, TEXT-TO-ONTO, KAON
and BOEMIE) or lexico-syntactic pattern acquisition (ABRAXAS). BOEMIE also
uses clustering on the results of multimedia interpretation through reasoning, rather
than at the term/synonym level which is the common approach. As a result, clustering
in BOEMIE effectively operates on ontological instances.
Degree of automation. In contrast to ontology population, the enrichment process
cannot be fully automated, at least by the existing systems. Most systems interact with
an ontology expert who has the final word on the modification of the ontology. Those
systems that do not involve the expert either require significant background knowl-
edge and/or support very limited knowledge acquisition (e.g. SYNDIKATE,
ABRAXAS, VIKEF, ATRACT, [104]). SYNDIKATE requires an almost com-
pleteontology, which can be augmented with new concepts originating from unknown
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 153
Table 2. Brief description of ontology enrichement systems
System Description
Learns terms, synonyms, concepts and hierarchical relations from
unrestricted text corpora, based on syntactic analysis. It employs
machine learning (hierarchical clustering) in order to learn concept
hierarchies, with manual supervision by the domain expert.
Learns terms, concepts, hierarchical and non-hierarchical relations
and axioms in incremental and non-incremental modes. It starts
from a small kernel ontology, using a hybrid approach, combining
logical, linguistic, template-driven, and heuristic methods.
A system for automatically acquiring knowledge from real-world
texts and representing it into formal structures. Through reasoning,
an unknown term is either added to an existing concept or creates a
new one.
TEXT-TO-ONTO Learning concepts and relations from unstructured, semi-structured,
and structured data, using a multi-strategy method which combines
association rules, formal concept analysis and clustering.
Performs concept and relation extraction, using automated
lexico-syntactic pattern acquisition. This process spots all instances of
concepts and relations already in the ontology and acquires extraction
patterns using machine learning. These patterns are subsequently
applied to the corpus, in order to detect new concepts and relations,
the plausibility of which is accessed by a statistical measure.
Provides components for each subtask of the learning process. It
contains an algorithmic library that supports clustering, classifica-
tion and other techniques. It learns concepts, taxonomic relations
and other general binary relations between concepts.
Learns instances of relations from unstructured corpora. It extracts
triples that represent relations between entities/terms. The system
employs various metrics for filtering the list of extracted triples in
order to decide if a new relation has been discovered.
The system proposes a methodology for extracting information
from product catalogues, aimed by an ontology to provide domain
knowledge and guide the disambiguation process. The domain
ontology can be enriched with parts from other ontologies, selected
from a pool of ontologies.
Used for terminology recognition and clustering based on the
C/NC-value method (a method for the automatic extraction of
multi-word terms, which combines linguistic and statistical infor-
mation) [43]. It specialises to the domain of molecular biology.
BOEMIE employs an OBIE extraction engine along with a seman-
tic interpretation engine orchestrated by a bootstrapping approach
in order to enrich a seed ontology. The system continuously moni-
tors the quality of interpretations achieved for multimedia resources
and performs ontology enrichment when the background knowl-
edge is found inadequate to interpret a set of resources, through a
semi-supervised approach. Concept proposals expressed in natural
language are automatically generated by exploiting both internal
and external knowledge, which must be revised and approved by a
domain expert.
154 G. Petasis et al.
terms. However, these concepts can be added mainly near the existing conceptual
taxonomy, assuming that there is resemblance in the syntactic usage of the unknown
term and concept lexicalisations already in the ontology. ATRACT serves mainly as a
workbench for terminology recognition and clustering and is mainly targeting the
domain of molecular biology. VIKEF also uses an initial ontology, which is created
using a subset of the taxonomical glossary obtained from a product catalogue. This
ontology forms the basis for the development of the final ontology about product
catalogues. VIKEF applies pattern matching techniques to identify individual product
descriptions. For each identified product, its natural language description is processed
in order to identify relevant entities and relations between them. The learning process
takes advantage of the results of the extraction to enrich the ontology. In addition,
similar existing ontologies or parts of them are retrieved from a pool of available
ontologies, and they are used to extend the domain ontology. ABRAXAS uses three
external resources, namely a corpus of text, some lexico-syntactic textual patterns and
an ontology. It considers ontology learning as a process that maintains these resources
in some form of equilibrium, as a change in one resource triggers actions in the rest of
the resources, in order to reach a consistent overall state. Specia and Motta [104]
concentrate mainly on relation identification, thus supporting a very limited type of
enrichment. BOEMIE belongs in the family of methods that interact with a domain
expert, thus implementing a semi-automated approach to enrichment. However,
BOEMIE aims to automate as many tasks as possible, employing also the use of di-
verse knowledge sources, in order to help the domain expert. It is worth noting that
BOEMIE needs a domain expert and not an ontology expert, presenting in a natural-
language format only part of the ontology. For example, when a cluster is identified
as a candidate concept, a formal definition of the concept is automatically induced
along with the required interpretation rules, augmented with its instances. In addition,
external knowledge sources, such as other ontologies or Web directories sharing the
same or similar thematic domain, are aligned to the concepts of the BOEMIE ontol-
ogy and used to further enhance the suggested formal definition of a concept. Follow-
ing the TEXT-TO-ONTO paradigm, BOEMIE provides a natural user interface to the
domain expert, who is requested to revise, if needed, and approve the proposed defini-
tion. More details about the methodology proposed by BOEMIE can be found in [23].
Consistency maintenance and redundancy elimination. BOEMIE puts significant
effort in maintaining the consistency of the ontology while at the same time keeping
the ontology clean from redundant information. Consistency maintenance is an auto-
mated process performed with the help of reasoning, while redundancy elimination is
performed mainly by the domain expert, who is responsible to evaluate whether the
supportive information (i.e. clustered instances) for a new concept/relation is enough
to justify its addition. Alternatively, this information can be associated with an exist-
ing concept/relation.
Domain portability. Most of the presented systems are domain independent, except
SYNDIKATE and VIKEF that require significant background knowledge.
Corpora modality. As in the case of ontology population, most of the systems focus
on text corpora. Only VIKEF uses both text and images extracted from product cata-
logues. BOEMIE goes a step further and tries to combine various modalities, such as
text, images, video and audio.
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 155
5 Evaluation
Evaluation in the context of ontology learning measures the quality of a learned on-
tology with respect to some particular criteria, in order to determine the plausibility of
the learned ontology for the purposes it was built for. Approaches for evaluating
learned ontologies can be distinguished into four major categories:
“Gold standard” evaluation: the learned ontology is compared to a prede-
fined (and usually manually-constructed) “gold standard” ontology.
Application-based evaluation: the learned ontology is used in an integrated
system and is implicitly evaluated through the evaluation of the complete in-
tegrated system.
Data-driven evaluation: the learned ontology is evaluated through compari-
son with a data source covering the same domain as the learned ontology.
Human evaluation: the learned ontology is examined/evaluated by domain
experts based on predefined criteria, requirements, standards, etc.
An ontology can be evaluated at different layers, such as:
Lexical, vocabulary or data layer. The evaluation here focuses on which con-
cepts and instances have been included in the ontology and the vocabulary
used to identify them.
Relational layer. The evaluation of this layer deals with the relations between
the concepts of the ontology:
Hierarchy, taxonomy. An ontology almost always includes hierar-
chical inclusion relations between its concepts. Thus, the evaluation
of these taxonomic relations is very important.
Semantic relations. This layer of the ontology concerns other rela-
tions besides inclusion and can be evaluated separately.
Structure, architecture. At this layer we assess whether the design of the on-
tology has followed some predefined strategies and if it is possible to further
develop the ontology easily.
Philosophical layer. At this level we evaluate the ontology against highly
general ontological notions, drawn from the field of philosophical ontology.
Thus, we want to decide whether a property of a concept is essential for the
specific concept, whether a concept is easily identified among others, etc.
The majority of the evaluation approaches fall into the first category, i.e. gold standard
evaluation, and the last category, i.e. evaluation by humans. These categories can also
be combined and thus, they are commonly viewed as different sides of the same coin. In
what follows, we will discuss these two categories in more detail, while we will give
some insights regarding the application-based and the data driven evaluation.
5.1 “Gold Standard” Evaluation
During the “gold standard” evaluation, a learned ontology is compared to a predefined
ontology which is considered to be “correct” and which is usually developed by domain
156 G. Petasis et al.
experts. A typical strategy for evaluating against a “gold standard” ontology is as fol-
lows: As a first step, the “gold standard” ontology must be created, an action usually
performed manually by the domain experts. Then, the “gold standard” ontology is de-
liberately damaged, usually some concepts, relations and rules are removed from the
ontology. At the third step, the pruned ontology is enriched with ontology learning.
What is measured is the degree to which learning managed to reconstruct the pruned
The comparison can be performed at various levels of the ontology. At the lexical
level various string similarity measures can be used, such as the Levenshtein edit
distance [65], in order to measure the similarity of concept and relation names. The
evaluation at this point is usually performed by measuring Term/Lexical Precision
and Term/Lexical Recall [90]. At the relational level, precision and recall can also be
used, in order to determine how many identified relations are correct and how many
relations of the “golden standard” ontology were found. An interesting approach is
presented in [78] based on the notion of semantic cotopy. The semantic cotopy of a
concept in a given taxonomy is the set of its super and sub-concepts. The overlap of
the semantic cotopies of two concepts can be used as a similarity measure between
the two concepts. The taxonomic similarity of concepts [33, 89] compares the relative
placement of concepts in the ontology, based on their distance (shortest path) to other
concepts. This set of distances can be used to compare the learned ontology to the
“golden standard”. Similar ideas have been proposed in [80], where the measures of
Augmented Precision and Recall have been used to measure the similarity between
two ontologies, taking into account the distance of each concept from the root. Treat-
ing the hierarchical backbone as a partition of instances, the evaluation can also be
performed using the OntoRand index [14]. This approach measures the similarity
between concepts of different hierarchies based either on their common ancestors,
their distances in the hierarchy, and the overlap of their sets of instances. Finally, the
work in [116] introduces the measures of P-value and R-value, which measure the
similarity between ontologies based on the cotopy sets of the concepts and the dis-
tance of the concepts, when treated as probability distributions over their instances.
Evaluation against a “gold standard” is an interesting approach but it also has
some drawbacks. Besides the obvious problem of constructing manually the “gold”
ontology, this approach is somewhat “subjective”. The “gold” ontology models a
domain in a specific way, chosen by the domain experts that crafted the ontology.
Bad evaluation results of a learned ontology do not necessarily mean that the
learned ontology is wrong. It is possible that the learned ontology conceptualises
the domain with a slightly different model or even captures information not ad-
dressed by the domain experts and thus not contained in the “gold” ontology. Thus,
the same learned ontology may exhibit different scores with a slightly modified
“gold” ontology. Finally, the results of this method are affected by the quality of the
matching between the learned and the gold ontology. Thus, a correct ontology
matching [36, 81] between the two ontologies is of particular importance, in order
to derive meaningful conclusions and penalize accordingly the learned ontology. A
combination of matching methods with the measures of P-value and R-value and a
relevant discussion can be found in [117, 118].
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 157
5.2 Application-Based Evaluation
An important reason for creating an ontology is, among others, to be used in a specific
application. Thus, a reasonable approach in evaluating an ontology is to evaluate the
performance of the system that uses this ontology, assuming of course that the quality
of the ontology plays a role in the performance of the system. Possible measurable
objectives in the performance of a system may include low query computation effort,
efficient reasoning with the ontology, correctness and completeness of the provided
answers. A disadvantage of this evaluation approach is that the results are affected by
the dependency of the system on the used ontology. In other words, the evaluation
figures depend on the way the ontology is used by the system and the aspects of the
ontology that are exploited. As a result, various ontology aspects may not be evaluated.
Although many papers report good results and successful applications of learned
ontologies in various tasks, the first experimental conclusions are given in [48]. In this
work, the ontology supported a speech recognition task and its role was to determine
how closely related the meaning of two concepts was. The task was to assign the
correct senses to ambiguous lexical items. These senses were provided by the ontol-
ogy concepts. The accuracy of the senses assigned to the lexical items was measured
against a gold standard.
Similarly, the peculiarities of application-based ontology evaluation are also exam-
ined in [87], in the task of tagging the ontological relations that hold between onto-
logically marked-up entities. This mark-up is obtained from a concept tagging system
and constitutes a form of sense disambiguation, whereby the specific senses corre-
spond to items of the ontology's vocabulary. The authors measure the accuracy of the
tagging task with respect to ground truth. In addition, they notice various shortcom-
ings of the learned ontology, when comparing the results against those obtained with
a gold ontology.
5.3 Data-Driven Evaluation
An ontology may also be evaluated on existing data sources. These are usually collec-
tions of text documents, Web pages or dictionaries. The most important requirement
for these data sources is to be representative and to cover the domain of the ontology.
Data-driven evaluation has been applied at the lexical [110], and the relational [16]
layer of the ontology. This kind of evaluation is particularly suitable for evaluating
ontologies learned from textual sources, since we can use a corpus of documents as
facts to check whether these facts can be logically derived from the ontology. The
metrics of precision and recall are applicable, since they provide an indication of the
information that the learning algorithm has captured from the document collection.
Evaluation can also be performed using a set of domain-specific terms or concepts
extracted from a corpus, which is compared against the concepts in the ontology. The
overlap of the two sets measures the fit between the ontology and the corpus [16]. In
the special case that the learned ontology is the result of a document clustering algo-
rithm, it can be evaluated against pre-categorized document collections, such as the
Reuters corpus.
158 G. Petasis et al.
Data-driven evaluation requires representative and domain-specific data. Conse-
quently, a question usually arises regarding the choice of the datasets that will be used
for the evaluation and how to measure whether they are representative or not.
5.4 Human Evaluation
In human evaluation, the ontology is assessed by human experts, based on desired pre-
defined criteria. The evaluation can be performed by ontology experts, usually the ones
that have designed the ontology learning system, users testing the ontology in applica-
tions or both. Features evaluated by ontology experts usually include ontology consis-
tency, completeness or conciseness of the model implemented by the ontology. Users on
the other hand are interested in the applicability of the ontology to a target task.
The OntoMetric [72, 73] methodology is an example of a principled ontology
evaluation by the users of the ontology. A tool is introduced which helps users deter-
mine the suitability of an ontology for a particular application, allowing them to
compare the importance of the ontology objectives and carefully evaluate its charac-
teristics based on multiple criteria.
A set of ten criteria that can be used for ontology evaluation, are presented in [11].
These criteria cover various ontology aspects like richness, i.e. number of features
used, and lawfulness, i.e. frequency of errors, interpretability, clarity, comprehensive-
ness, accuracy, relevance, authority and history.
A different view to human evaluation focuses on the competence of the ontology
[42]. Competence is measured by constructing queries in such a manner that helps the
evaluator to check if the ontology meets predefined requirements. A set of generic
criteria that are proposed in this work include: (a) efficient reasoning, (b) minimality,
i.e. if the ontology contains only the necessary information, (c) functional complete-
ness, i.e. if the ontology can represent the required information to support some task,
(d) generality, i.e. if it can be shared among domains, and (e) perspicuity, i.e. if it is
easily understood by the users.
From a philosophical point of view, the notion of rigidity, introduced in [46], can
be used to check the taxonomical structure of the ontology. Rigidity is based on the
more abstract notion of essence. A concept is essential for an instance, if and only if
the instance is necessarily an instance of this concept among all universes and at all
times. This method is supported by the OntoEdit tool. An important drawback of this
approach, though, is that much manual tagging of the concepts participating in the
ontology is required. AEON [112] is a tool that aims at enhancing this process by
automatically tagging the ontology.
5.5 Comparing the Various Approaches
In the above subsections, various approaches for evaluating a learned ontology have
been presented. Each of them has different advantages and disadvantages. First, in
order to make data-driven evaluation applicable to a particular domain, a substantial
set of data about this domain is required. However, it is not always easy to acquire
such data, making the approach difficult to adopt. Similarly, application-based evalua-
tion requires the whole application to be evaluated by humans, which is also a diffi-
cult task. In addition, evaluation must be performed by multiple users, in order for the
evaluation results to have some statistical significance.
Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art 159
Human-based evaluation is the most complete approach, as all aspects of a
learned ontology can be measured and evaluated. However, this evaluation ap-
proach is difficult to automate and must be supported by special tools, which help
humans in the evaluation. The “gold standard” evaluation is a convenient approach
for evaluating ontologies that provides a clear view of the performance of the ontol-
ogy learning, by comparing the ontology to a predefined gold one in an automated
way, using various metrics and measures from the field of information retrieval. To
our view, all other approaches evaluate ontologies in an abstract way, which is not
always operational and meaningful especially if the ontology is decoupled from the
application that uses it. In addition, the fact that the “gold standard” ontology is
developed manually provides the ontology engineers the opportunity to develop an
ontology that will score well in human-defined criteria and is also suitable for the
domain of application. Thus, measuring the closeness of a learned ontology to this
“gold” ontology performs also an implicit evaluation according to criteria that are
used in human evaluation.
6 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have attempted a detailed presentation of the state-of-the-art on
ontology learning, focusing on ontology population and enrichment. A generic
framework has been proposed, to facilitate the comparative presentation of the most
influential approaches found in the literature.
The comparative presentation of both population and enrichment systems leads to a
number of interesting conclusions. The first observation concerns the modality of
corpora the systems use to learn ontologies. While a significant amount of work has
been performed on text corpora, work on other modalities is practically non-existent.
A second observation is that work on learning from text relies heavily on linguistic
preprocessing, especially syntactic analysis and exploitation of additional resources
like thesauri and semantic hierarchies, such as WordNet. This is due to the fact that
many practical systems employ a pattern-based approach, especially for the discovery
of relations between concepts. Finally, despite the wide use of machine learning,
many systems still require significant manual intervention, usually by ontology ex-
perts who make the final decisions for modifying the ontology. Systems that perform
ontology population seem to require less manual intervention, effectively automating
a large portion of the population process.
In this context, BOEMIE addresses a number of problems identified in the state of
the art. In particular, BOEMIE works on multimedia corpora instead of text. The
distinction made between “primitive” and “composite” concepts helps in making the
information extraction process independent of the ontology structure. Also, BOEMIE
puts significant effort in handling redundancy and maintaining the consistency of the
ontology. The BOEMIE approach supports interaction with a domain expert rather
than an ontology expert, as it presents the discovered knowledge in a natural language
format. Finally, as the approach is domain-independent, it is expected to have a wide
range of applications in different domains.
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... Ontology construction, enrichment, and adaptation are known as ontology learning [13]. The ontology population, which falls under the heading of ontology learning, is concerned with the task of adding new concepts and relation instances to the ontology [20]. Although this is an emerging field, a lot of studies have already been done in the area, and as a result, many recommended approaches and practical systems have been developed [27]. ...
... Ontology refers to a formal and explicit representation of knowledge within a specific domain. It involves defining concepts, entities, relationships, constraints, axioms, and vocabulary relevant to that domain [20]. Ontologies have been investigated from a variety of points of view in a variety of application contexts and among a variety of communities, and there are numerous definitions of what an ontology is? ...
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The fast growth of the web generates a significant amount of heterogeneous information such as images, text, audio, and video through various applications. These applications use different layouts to represent significant information. The layouts of table information are overloaded with anomalies that have given rise to intensive research into the semantification of web content and organizing tabular data for knowledge sharing and acquisition. Moreover, there are many anomalies present in tabular layouts that lead to the lack of semantic representation in tabular form and new challenges in data modeling. In this paper, we have discussed the various anomalies present in the tabular data that pertain to ontology learning and population tasks and provide the semantification of tabular data. To complete this task, (1) we provide the list of anomalies that pertain to semantification and provide the resolution to anomalies along with the semantification of tabular data, and (2) we have established the algorithm to interpret the table structure into a formal representation to analyze anomalies and provide the resolution. Furthermore, the proposed approach has been compared with existing approaches using ontology elements, the ability to resolve the anomalies, and the time complexity of the ontology population.
... In studies on information / intelligent learning systems [1] - [4], both traditional technologies for organizing learning processes (including methods for providing learning content (theoretical material of lectures, tests, tasks for independent work, components of gamification) and new ones, taking into the account the immersion of modern students to the world of digitalization and digital (information, intelligent) technologies. ...
... Ключові слова: онтологія; онтологічна модель; багаторівнева онтологічна модель, інтелектуальна система навчання, інформаційні технології; зміст навчання; гейміфікація; знання СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ1 Petasis, G., Karkaletsis, V., Paliouras, G., Krithara, A., Zavitsanos, E. (2011). Ontology Population and Enrichment: State of the Art. ...
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У статті розглянуто онтологічний підхід до створення та використання інтелектуальних навчальних систем з елементами гейміфікації. Розроблену багаторівневу онтологічну модель доцільно використовувати при реалізації процесів навчання у закладах вищої освіти. Запропоновано онтологічне моделювання інтелектуальних навчальних систем на основі багатовимірних моделей. Запропонований підхід дає можливість розробити багаторівневу онтологічну модель будь-якої інтелектуальної навчальної системи, яка повністю відображає прагматику досліджуваної предметної області. Запропонована багаторівнева онтологічна модель інтелектуальної навчальної системи з елементами гейміфікації фіксує та структурує знання, загальні для предметної галузі, що вивчається. Це дозволяє повторно використовувати її як основу єдиної моделі знань, що забезпечує логічну узгодженість між окремими онтологіями при об’єднанні для створення навчального контенту (наприклад, онлайн-курсу) із ширшим переліком тем і завдань. Застосування онтологічного підходу є ефективним способом проєктування та розробки інтелектуальних навчальних систем. Побудовані індивідуальні онтологічні моделі (навчального контенту, тестів, онтології результатів і дій студентів, оцінювання знань студентів, компонентів гейміфікації) сприяють проєктуванню єдиного інформаційного навчального середовища (навчального контенту), в рамках якого реалізуються інтелектуальні навчальні системи, що використовують елементи гейміфікації. Запропонована в роботі багаторівнева онтологічна модель сприяє підвищенню ефективності процесів навчання, збереженню інтересу та мотивації до вивчення запропонованого навчального контенту, що містить елементи гейміфікації. Результатом використання елементів гейміфікації та онтологічного моделювання в інтелектуальних навчальних системах є можливість внесення необхідних коректив щодо цілей і завдань навчального процесу, процессів навчання, вимог до рівня та компетентності студентів.
... Automated methods have been proposed by several works (e.g. Graubmann [16]). However, most of them are based on text analysis techniques, so they are only suitable for text artifacts (e.g. ...
... A moment ago, the focus has turned to an automated technique to capture the semantics of software project information, which is well-organized and involves nominal or no effort from software team members. Nevertheless, most of the reviewed approaches (eg Graubmann and Roshchin 2006 [9]; Damljanovic, Amardeilh and Bontcheva 2009 [14]; Taglialatela and Taglino 2012 [16]) are created on textual analysis. They are appropriate for software relics that enclose textual explanations (such as software documentation, software requirements specification). ...
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One of the core objectives of the software engineering (SE) industry is to find an advanced level of concept and ways of recycling software to upsurge output and quality. Typically, the object is measured to be one or more technologies or artifacts used in the software lifecycle stage, which can be used to accomplish this area. This article provides a document overview, discussion and analysis, and implements a new solution to the automatic generate ontology, UML diagram, Team Management, Document Management, Team Discussion within a tool. We have selected several software development examples (including software product lines, component development, synthetic programming and model-oriented engineering) to classify and discuss different methods and present ontology tool for comparison with our tool which is proposed in the document. The ontology has been establish to be suitable for providing a common terminology
... Dessa forma, apresenta-se a seguir algumas definições do termo e estabelece-se a abordagem adotada nesta investigação. Petasis et al. (2011) Na nossa perspectiva, em complemento às definições apresentadas no início desta seção, EO é um processo manual ou semiautomático, que dá suporte à área de manutenção e atualização de ontologia e é responsável pela expansão e especialização da estrutura da ontologia, por meio da inclusão de novos conceitos e seus símbolos linguísticos alternativos (sinônimos, por exemplo), relações (taxonômicas e não taxonômicas), suas propriedades restritivas e axiomas; que devem ser incluídos nos locais corretos na ontologia. Seguindo a analogia da "camada de bolo" presente em estudos sobre Web Semântica, o enriquecimento seria os preenchimentos que podem ser feitos no bolo (organizar as fatias) e os complementos que podem ser adicionados a ele sem a necessidade de refazê-lo, ou seja, a inclusão de confetes, chantilly, pasta americana, entre outros acessórios que tornam o bolo mais atrativo e útil para outros contextos. ...
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Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a temática enriquecimento de ontologias de domínio com o propósito de sintetizar as principais discussões sobre tal tema. Para tanto, a metodologia respalda-se nas diretrizes para revisão sistemática em conjunto com o uso do software Start para gestão e organização dos 29 estudos selecionados em cinco bases de dados. Os dados coletados permitiram identificar algumas características dos estudos publicados sobre enriquecimento de ontologias, tais como: fontes de informação utilizadas, tipos de enriquecimento mais aplicados, tipos de técnicas de extração de informações utilizadas, bem como o grau de detalhamento dos métodos para enriquecimento de ontologias de domínio. Conclui-se que o artigo atingiu o objetivo e que as ontologias de domínio precisam acompanhar a dinamicidade do fenômeno que representa, sendo o processo de enriquecimento uma direção para isso.
... To obtain an ontology that would describe NLP quite fully, it is necessary to process a lot scientific papers and information resources from modeling field. To simplify and speed up this process, approaches are being developed to automate replenishment of ontology basing on NLP [1], [2] and modern web resources [3]. For automatic text processing, clustering-based approaches are used, as well as methods for extracting named entities based on neural networks (bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) [4], generative pre-trained transformer (GPT), TransformerXL, or RoBERTa), and linguistic template-based approaches that use information about vocabulary, syntactic and semantic relationships. ...
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span lang="EN-US">Currently, there is an avalanche-like increase in the need for automatic text processing, respectively, new effective methods and tools for processing texts in natural language are emerging. Although these methods, tools and resources are mostly presented on the internet, many of them remain inaccessible to developers, since they are not systematized, distributed in various directories or on separate sites of both humanitarian and technical orientation. All this greatly complicates their search and practical use in conducting research in computational linguistics and developing applied systems for natural text processing. This paper is aimed at solving the need described above. The paper goal is to develop model of an intelligent information resource based on modern methods of natural language processing (IIR NLP). The main goal of IIR NLP is to render convenient valuable access for specialists in the field of computational linguistics. The originality of our proposed approach is that the developed ontology of the subject area “NLP” will be used to systematize all the above knowledge, data, information resources and organize meaningful access to them, and semantic web standards and technology tools will be used as a software basis.</span
... Also, in the field of software engineering, most of the work considered involves new semantic annotation methods focusing only on semantic annotation to create semantic descriptions of section resources of software. Few pay attention to the filling of the ontology, which is the task of adding new instances of the concept to the ontology (Petasis et al., 2011 [19]). New versions can be derived from semantic annotations. ...
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One of the main goals of software engineering (SE) discipline is a way to find a higher level of abstraction and reuse software to improve productivity and quality. The body is usually considered to be one or more of the technologies or artifacts used in software life cycle stages that can be used to achieve this goal. One of the core objectives of the software engineering (SE) industry is to find an advanced level of concept and ways of recycling software to upsurge output and quality. Typically, the object is measured to be one or more technologies or artifacts used in the software lifecycle stage, which can be used to accomplish this area. This article provides a document overview, discussion, and analysis, and implements a new solution to the automatic generate ontology diagram within a tool. We have selected several software development examples (including software product lines, component development, synthetic programming, and model-oriented engineering) to classify and discuss different methods and present ontology tools for comparison with our tool which is proposed in the document.
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Domain ontologies facilitate the organization, sharing, and reuse of subject areas. Building a software ontology is labor-intensive and time-consuming. In the process of obtaining a software ontology, it is required to analyze a huge number of scientific publications relevant to the software being modeled. The process of ontology replenishing with information from a huge number of scientific publications can be facilitated and accelerated through the use of lexical-syntactic patterns of ontological design. In this paper, we consider the possibility of automated construction of scientific subject area ontologies based on a heterogeneous patterns system of ontological design. This system includes ontological design patterns and is intended for ontology developers. System also includes automatically built lexical and syntactic patterns, which help to automatic replenishment of the ontology with information extracted from natural language texts.
Conference Paper
Applying the Ontology of Microservices Architecture Concepts (OMSAC) as a modelling language calls users to have expertise in ontology engineering. However, ontology practice remains restricted to a limited pool of practitioners, leading to a barrier to widely adopting such a modelling approach. Here, we present x2OMSAC, an ontology population framework that enhances the modelling of microservices architectures using OMSAC. We instantiate our framework by FOD2OMSAC, which limits modellers’ manual tasks to data selection, cleaning, and validation of created models, thereby eliminating the need for ontology expertise and, consequently, expanding the potential of OMSAC adopters for modelling microservices architectures.
Conference Paper
The evaluation of ontologies is vital for the growth of the Semantic Web. We consider a number of problems in evaluating a knowledge artifact like an ontology. We propose in this paper that one approach to ontology evaluation should be corpus or data driven. A corpus is the most accessible form of knowledge and its use allows a measure to be derived of the ‘fit’ between an ontology and a domain of knowledge. We consider a number of methods for measuring this ‘fit’ and propose a measure to evaluate structural fit, and a probabilistic approach to identifying the best ontology.
Conference Paper
A large amount of digital information available is written as text documents in the form of web pages, reports, papers, emails, etc. Extracting the knowledge of interest from such documents from multiple sources in a timely fashion is therefore crucial. This paper provides an update on the Artequakt system which uses natural language tools to automatically extract knowledge about artists from multiple documents based on a predefined ontology. The ontology represents the type and form of knowledge to extract. This knowledge is then used to generate tailored biographies. The information extraction process of Artequakt is detailed and evaluated in this paper.
Conference Paper
The Web is probably the largest and richest information repository available today. Search engines are the common access routes to this valuable source. However, the role of these search engines is often limited to the retrieval of lists of potentially relevant documents. The burden of analysing the returned documents and identifying the knowledge of interest is therefore left to the user. The Artequakt system aims to deploy natural language tools to automatically ex-tract and consolidate knowledge from web documents and instantiate a given ontology, which dictates the type and form of knowledge to extract. Artequakt focuses on the domain of artists, and uses the harvested knowledge to gen-erate tailored biographies. This paper describes the latest developments of the system and discusses the problem of knowledge consolidation.
Conference Paper
The Artequakt project seeks to automatically generate narrative biographies of artists from knowledge that has been extracted from the Web and maintained in a knowledge base. An overview of the system architecture is presented here and the three key components of that architecture are explained in detail, namely knowledge extraction, information management and biography construction. Conclusions are drawn from the initial experiences of the project and future progress is detailed.