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The effect of customer satisfaction on service quality: The case of Iraqi banks


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to investigate the relationship of customer satisfaction towards service quality in Iraqi banks. It is suggested that despite the efforts provided by Iraqi banks to improve its service, there is still evidence of lacking of service quality. Service quality is important in gaining customer satisfaction. The aim of this study is to examine the service quality on customer satisfaction in Iraqi banks. The components of service quality consist of assurance, reliability, tangibility, empathy, and responsiveness and are identified as the independent variable (IV). As for dependent variable (DV), the customer satisfaction was chosen. This study follows quantitative approach; questionnaire was adopted from previous studies and were distributed among the Iraqi customers. The sample for this studyconsisted of 323 customers of Iraqi banks in Bagdad. SPSS 21 software was used to analysis the data. The results indicated that service quality components namely, assurance, reliability, tangibility, and empathy effect positively and significantly on customer satisfaction
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ISSN Print: 2394-7500
ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2
IJAR 2019; 5(1): 146-152
Received: 07-11-2018
Accepted: 09-12-2018
Anas Salman Alabboodi
Putra Business School,
Anas Salman Alabboodi
Putra Business School,
The effect of customer satisfaction on service quality:
The case of Iraqi banks
Anas Salman Alabboodi
This study aims to investigate the relationship of customer satisfaction towards service quality in Iraqi
banks. It is suggested that despite the efforts provided by Iraqi banks to improve its service, there is still
evidence of lacking of service quality. Service quality is important in gaining customer satisfaction.
The aim of this study is to examine the service quality on customer satisfaction in Iraqi banks. The
components of service quality consist of assurance, reliability, tangibility, empathy, and responsiveness
and are identified as the independent variable (IV). As for dependent variable (DV), the customer
satisfaction was chosen. This study follows quantitative approach; questionnaire was adopted from
previous studies and were distributed among the Iraqi customers. The sample for this study consisted of
323 customers of Iraqi banks in Bagdad. SPSS 21 software was used to analysis the data. The results
indicated that service quality components namely, assurance, reliability, tangibility, and empathy effect
positively and significantly on customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, service quality, commercial banks, Iraq
Recently service quality has been the point of interest for many of the academicians and
researcher. There is a belief of the academicians regarding the service quality that better
service and quality is an important factor that affect the firm performance (Mostafa &
Eneizan, 2018; Cheruiyot & Maru, 2013; Eneizan et al, 2015) [20, 27, 10, 18]. Nonetheless
researches refer to customer satisfaction as the synonym of the service quality (Awan,
Bukhari, & Iqbal, 2011) [7] Service quality has a positive association with customer
satisfaction as per the findings of Raza et al, (2015) [36] in banking sector. Moreover several
researches have been conducted in different service type industries so as to determine the
different dimensions regarding service quality (Pantouvakis, 2013) [29].
There are certain factors that impact over the banking environment such as technology,
infrastructure and regulation all over the globe (Eneizan & Wahab, 2016; Eneizan et al,
2016c) [13, 19]. There has been global harmonization in banking industry due to development
and progress in regulatory improvements. There are several activities bank are implementing
regarding the banking regulations and there has been great competition among banks
regarding the regulatory reforms in the financial sector (Matar & Eneizan, 2018) [26].
Recently banks are providing quality services by adopting modern technology and this rapid
improvement in technology has allowed the entire banking sector to increase the customer
satisfaction to the great extent (Raza et al., 2015) [36].
In past there have been several researches such as the studies done by Raza et al., (2015) [36]
& Pantouvakis, (2013) [29] regarding service quality these all studies suggest that service
sector has the key indicators such as service quality and customer satisfaction. The service
quality is one of the concept related to customer satisfaction but most researches have proved
the relationship of service quality and customer satisfaction of banking industry
(Parasuraman et al. 1985) [33]. Another research done by Wang et al. (2003) [40] also aligned
the results of their study regarding service quality and concluded that service quality is one
of the basic factors for the successful banking. Furthermore According to Awan (2011) [7]
service quality is important for banking sector.
Fulfilling customer needs giving a superior quality item or a service is a definitive goal of
any firm. There are diverse sorts of ways and methods for fulfilling customers’ needs and
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giving quality service that meets customer satisfaction. The
diverse pointers of service quality of Sri Lankan banking
sector are not generally comprehended and distinguished.
Deciding the best methods for anticipating consumer loyalty
are for the most part in view of the utilization of client's
desires or impression of execution of different
administration quality properties or both. Consumer loyalty
of assembling and administration businesses masculine in
view of both item quality and service quality where in the
managing an account and back area as an administration
situated segment general quality is for the most part rely
upon benefit quality to accomplish the goal of consumer
satisfaction (Eneizan et al., 2016b; Perera and Aruppala,
2013) [17, 35]. The fundamental point of this undertaking is to
think about the impact of service quality factors on the
consumer satisfaction in Iraqi banks.
Literature review and hypotheses development
By visiting the literature it can be known that the customer
satisfaction refers to the fulfillment of customer expectation
regarding the service and product specially the quality is
concerned. The satisfaction can be achieved only in the case
that the perceived performance meets the customers’ need or
it exceeds the customer expectation. It the case is not that
then the customers are not satisfied (Jeong et al., 2016; de
Wulf, 2003) [21, 11]. As a result negative word of mouth is
spread by the dissatisfied customers (Oh et al., 2017;
Caruana, 2002) [28, 9]. The countries where the social and
cultural ties are strong the word of mouth is very effective
for any organization. In the case of Iraq this factor is also
Literature has indicated several factors exist which
determine customer satisfaction especially in the banking
industry of western countries. Customer satisfaction in bank
in Turkey. There is a famous model of the service quality
called the SERVQUAL. It has several dimensions which are
the explanatory variables so that this may help in predicting
the satisfaction level of the customers and the related
reliability dimension are having the highest impact on
overall satisfaction.
In the literature regarding service quality, solid accentuation
is set on the significance of administration quality
recognitions and the connection between benefit quality and
consumer loyalty (Taylor and Baker, 1994) [39]. A few
scientists and scholastics portrayed that consumer loyalty is
a predecessor of service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1985,
1988, 1991, 1994) [30-33], and others have counter contended
that the administration quality as a forerunner of consumer
loyalty and that administration quality isn't proportionate to
fulfillment. The ebb and flow inquire about from retail
keeping money division in Iraq, demonstrated that
administration quality measurements seem, by all accounts,
to be connected to consumer loyalty, where center and
social measurements of administration quality are causal
predecessors of consumer loyalty.
Be that as it may, there is next to no exact research
exhibiting the significance of administration quality
measurements in deciding consumer loyalty (Levesque and
McDougall, 1996) [25]. In a current report, Levesque and
McDougall (1996) [25] found that the execution of the
specialist organization on center and social measurements of
administrations was a vital driver for consumer loyalty in
retail saving money. Anderson et al. (1994) [6] additionally
point to this connection by proposing that enhanced
administration quality will give huge effect of consumer
loyalty. The causal connection between benefit quality and
consumer loyalty is the subject of extraordinary scholastic
faced off regarding and no agreement has been come to. In
any case, from a hypothetical perspective the scientists and
scholastics have built up the calculated meaning of
consumer loyalty.
Many banks in both developing and developed countries
trying to provide a better services quality to the customers.
According to Saeidi et al., (2017) stated that, the banks seek
to satisfy their customers through improving their service
quality and banks mangers trying to apply the factors of
quality such as Tangibility, Responsiveness, Reliability,
Assurance and Empathy in the banks to provide a good
service to the customers.
Tangibility, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance and
Empathy are considered as service quality factors that
applied by the organizations such as banks to provide a
better service to the customers, thus, enhancing the level of
customer satisfaction (Kumar & Kumar, 2017) [24].
In the retail sparing cash industry, the industry is seen to be
too much engaged and revamped in offering and provides a
better quality and low cost and in this manner there is a
positive connection between customer regard and
organization affectability when the contender needs in
giving first class organizations to the customers. All the five
measurements of administration quality affected consumer
loyalty considerably and enhancing the administration
quality components is generally considered as the
fundamental progenitor which could adequately expedite
noteworthy commitments consumer loyalty (Buell et al.,
2010) [8].
Assurance and Customer Satisfaction
Paul et al., (2016) [34] characterized assurance as the learning
and great behavior or affectionateness of managers and
employees. Moreover, it is likewise considered because the
capability of workers with the help to motivate belief and
certainty will firmly overcome the customer’s loyalty as
mentioned by (Alsakarneh et al., 2018; Abdelqader
Alsakarneh et al., 2018; Kumar & Kumar, 2017) [4, 1, 24].
Banking sector provides the services to their customer,
certification suggests providing monetary assistance with an
obliging and agreeable path, ease in transparency of record
purposes of premium, comfort ability or convenience inside
the banking institution, an overall experienced and capable
organization gathering and will have awesome results on
buyer reliability (Sadek et al., 2010) [37].
H1: There is a positive relationship between Assurance and
customer satisfaction.
Reliability and Customer Satisfaction
According to Ding et al., (2017) [12] reliability is described
as the ability to play out the expected administration to
clients continuously and accurately as assured to provide.
Dealing with problems experienced by consumers,
organizations perfect from the main gone through,
organizations ensured maintaining and time screw up
without record are the perspective of trustworthiness to the
extent organization quality, solidly affect the level of buyer
dependability (Eneizan et al., 2018; Kumar & Kumar, 2017)
[2, 4, 20, 26, 27, 24]. In dealing with a record organization
provided for the customer, precision in completing requests,
keeping up correct record and quote, accuracy in charging,
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keeping up ensured organizations are the crucial viewpoints
of resolute quality, are supposed to be the most basic
element inducing customers to hold in sparing cash
organizations (Yang and Fang, 2004) [41].
H2: There is a positive relationship between Reliability and
customer satisfaction.
Tangibility and Customer Satisfaction
A research paper by Paul et al. (2016) [34] portrayed
generous quality as physical workplaces, equipment and
appearance delegates and organization gathering. Further, it
is moreover portrayed as the straightforwardness in
detectable quality of advantages essential for giving the help
of customers, particularly prepared laborers and
effortlessness in getting to made materials like flyers, flyers,
coordinators, information books et cetera will have an
incredible result on the level of purchaser dependability
(Kumar & Kumar, 2017) [24]. Exhibit day looking or refined
sorts of apparatus and apparently captivating or engaging air
are viewed as the constructive outcomes of considerable
quality on buyer faithfulness in dealing with a record
division (Ananth et al., 2011) [5].
H3: There is a positive relationship between Tangibility and
customer satisfaction.
Empathy and Customer Satisfaction
Empathy as a one of the factor of service quality is refer to
the ability to deal with client's attention separately in
supporting of clients (Paul et al., 2016) [34]. Further,
understanding what is needed by the customer which is
available to them by the competitors such benefit whenever
with no burden will firmly impact the level of consumer
loyalty (Kumar & Kumar, 2017) [24]. As the working hours
are being flexible and are in the favor of the individual’s
consideration and how much this is understood in a better
way about what customer need specifically and the
improved communication between the management and the
customer may have a positive outcome over the customer
loyalty (Alkhawaldeh et al., 2017; Ananth et al., 2011) [3, 5].
H4: There is a positive relationship between Empathy and
customer satisfaction.
Responsiveness and Customer Satisfaction
According to Ding et al. (2017) [12], responsiveness is one of
the service quality factors that applied by the organizations
such as banks to improve their customer satisfaction, it
defined as the interests appeared in giving brief
administration to clients when needed. Moreover, it is
examined that eagerness or status of representatives to give
the wanted customers benefit with no wasting time or bother
whenever will effect positively on the level of customer
satisfaction and thus will also affect positively on the level
of customer loyalty (Alkhawaldeh & Eneizan, 2018; Kumar
& Kumar, 2017) [2, 24]. Whenever the consumers are given
the consideration and they are fulfilled by the organization
being focused on the problem they have already experienced
in order to maintain the security situation (Kumar et al.,
2009) [23].
H5: There is a positive relationship between Responsiveness
and customer satisfaction.
Proposed model
Assurance, reliability, tangibility, empathy, and
responsiveness are identified as the independent variable
(IV), Customer satisfaction of Iraqi banks is considered the
dependent variable (DV), as outlined diagrammatically
Fig 1: Research Model
The present work is using the quantitative research design in
which we collect the data through close ended
questionnaires and the survey data is entered into the
software such as SPSS and later the data is statistically
The data of the current investigation was collected using a
structured questionnaire. First the pilot study was conducted
to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire and
later the final questionnaire was distributed among the
respondents for the further analysis.
The population refers to customers of Iraqi banks in
Bagadad. While the sample size will determine through
simple random sampling technique. Population in this study
will be all the customers. The population of this study is
consist around 50,000 customers. The sample of the study
according to Krejcie & Morgan (1970) [22] is 381 customer
is whom exist in the banks in Bagdad. The researcher will
visit theses banks and distribute the questionnaire among the
customers in the banks. The researcher distributed 381
questionnaire and received only 323 questionnaire.
Reliability and Validity
A pilot study was conducted prior to distributing the
questionnaire to the research sample. The aim of the pilot
study was to refine the questionnaire in order to avoid
problems in answering the questions by partakers in the
main study, and to avoid problems in recording data. The
pilot consider for this examination was led among 50
respondents keeping in mind the end goal to build up
respondents comprehension of the inquiries, any issues in
replying, clearness of the guidelines, engaging quality of the
design, and time expected to finish the poll. People
participating in the pilot think about were solicited to share
their impressions from the survey substance and plan, and
furthermore to give their suggestions. This data was critical
in choosing whether any changes to the poll were essential.
Every one of the proposals were viewed as, and
subsequently minor alterations to headings and design of the
study were executed. Furthermore, the scale reliability of the
questionnaire was also checked for this Cronbach’s Alpha
was performed for the all constructs using their particular
items. The results of the Cronbach’s Alpha is presented as
satisfaction of
Iraqi banks
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Table 1: Result of Reliability Pilot Study
Cronbach's Alpha
Customer Satisfaction
Demographic profile
Table 2: Demographic profile
The above table shows that about seventy two percent of our
respondents are male which indicates that there is a higher
influence of man opinions on our results. The reason behind
the high percentage of male is explained by the culture of
Arab countries that refer to that most of the banks customers
are male.
The above table show that half our respondents are in the
age range of 25-35 years with 53% whereas respondents
below 25 years of age are 31% in our research. While
respondents above 35 are around 16%. The results indicated
that most of the customer age ranged between 25-35. This is
because of the nature of the demographic composition of
Arabs, where Arabs are characterized by youth.
The above table shows that 68.4% respondents have
completed their diploma whereas respondents with bachelor
degree are 11%, master are 1.5%. Our respondents having
education of high school are 19.9% in this study. However,
there is only one respondent in the sample who has no
formal education. High percentage it was in Diploma
because most of the Iraqi customers are educated.
By looking at the above table we can say that most of the
respondents are the students and their percentage is 72 while
rest of the respondents are the employees which is 28
percent. According to occupation the results indicated that
most of the customers are students. This is because many of
Iraqi customers studying.
Multiple Regression Analysis
The researcher find the general form of the equation to
predict Customer Satisfaction from Assurance, Reliability,
Tangibility, Responsiveness and Empathy: predicted
Customer Satisfaction= 0.231+ 0.479(Assurance) + 0.142
(Tangibility) + 0.023 (Responsiveness) + 0.125 (Reliability)
+ 0.312 (Empathy). We have obtained it from the
Coefficients table given below.
Table 3: Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
We may find the important information provided in
Coefficient table is statistical significance of each dependent
variable. The t-value and p-value inform us that whether the
coefficients of variables are equal to zero in the population.
If the p-value is less than. 05, we may conclude that the
variables are statistically significant. In our case, we may
see from the table that all of the independent variables are
having positive impact and the p-values of the all of the
independent variables is less than 0.05 except
responsiveness. Hence we conclude that there is a positive
and significant impact of Assurance, Reliability, Tangibility
and Empathy on Customer satisfaction and we reject our
null hypotheses hence supporting the H1: Assurance will
have a significant impact on Customer Satisfaction. H2:
Reliability will have a significant impact on Customer
Satisfaction. H3: Tangibility will have a significant impact
on Customer Satisfaction and H4: Empathy will have a
significant impact on Customer Satisfaction while the one of
the total five hypothesis the hypothesis H5: Responsiveness
will have a significant impact on Customer Satisfaction, was
not found to be supported due to its p-value greater than
Discussion of the findings
H1: There is a positive relationship between Assurance and
customer satisfaction.
According to the results of the above hypothesis we find a
significant relationship of Assurance with customer
satisfaction. In banking services provided to the customer,
assurance means providing financial assistance in a polite
and friendly manner, ease in accessibility of account details,
comfort or convenience inside the bank, a well experienced
and professional management team and will have favorable
outcomes on customer satisfaction (Sadek et al., 2010) [37].
So the results of the study confirms the relationship found in
the literature and supports the idea that if the assurance is
existing in the banking services the customers will me more
satisfied hence banking sector should work more over its
assurance so that they may get better customer satisfaction.
Moreover it is also important for the banks which are facing
high competition they can attract more customers by
providing more assurance their customers.
H2: There is a positive relationship between Reliability and
customer satisfaction.
The results of the above hypothesis of the study indicates a
significant positive relationship of reliability on customer as
in banking services provided to the customer, accuracy in
completing orders, maintaining precise record and quote,
accuracy in billing, maintaining promised services are the
basic views of reliability which is considered as the most
important factor in convincing customers to retain in
banking services (Yang and Fang, 2004) [41]. According to
the existing literature the results of the hypothesis are also
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supported and hence it can be said the reliability in banking
industry is an important factor for the customer satisfaction.
Because the banking sector has to do all for the money and
reliability is part and parcel of monetary transactions if there
is no reliability of the banker the customer will not deposit
their money with the certain bank.
H3: There is a positive relationship between Tangibility and
customer satisfaction.
The results of the above hypothesis are supported and are
significant which show that there is a significant impact of
tangibility in banking sectors on the customer satisfaction.
Modern looking or sophisticated equipment and visually
appealing or attractive ambience are viewed as the positive
impacts of tangibility on customer satisfaction in banking
sector (Ananth et al., 2011) [5]. The result of the hypothesis
are also aligned with the existing literature. It can also be the
part of discussion that in todays’ world people give a lot of
weightage to the tangibles such as the visibility, modern
equipment and usage of modern technology so it is the same
case with the banking customers. If there are more tangibles
the customers are more satisfied and hence bank can earn
more from the customers.
H4: There is a positive relationship between Empathy and
customer satisfaction.
The results of the above hypothesis indicate that there is a
positive and significant impact of empathy on customer
satisfaction. To understand the customer need in a better
way it is required to evaluate the competitor and then
provide the better service quality than your competitor
without any hassle faced by the customer. This will highly
impact the satisfaction level of the customers. The customer
specific services are needed to be provided such as flexible
hours, individual attention, increased and improved
communication regarding the management-customer
relationship is the main factor that improve the performance
(Eneizan et al., 2016a; Ananth et al., 2011) [16, 5]. Hence the
results of the hypothesis are also supported by the literature
and it can be predicted that more empathy can bring more
customer satisfaction. So it is an important variable for the
customer satisfaction. Banks should work more on empathy
so that they may achieve more customer satisfaction.
H5: There is a positive relationship between Responsiveness
and customer satisfaction.
The results of the hypothesis do not support the idea that
responsiveness has any impact on customer satisfaction.
However the literature suggest that Customer satisfaction
can be attained by providing special attention to the each
customer and banking staff needs to attend each and every
customer with high level of welcoming nature hence the
customer is satisfied regarding service quality specially
when there is the matter of safety in executing the
transaction (Kumar et al., 2009) [23]. In our study the results
are against the literature. One of the justification for such
result is due to the sample. As most of the respondents in
our sample are students. So, for students responsiveness is
not as important as for the employees as they have to make
certain business transactions in short time. So,
responsiveness may be the main factor of satisfaction for the
working people but not for the students.
Implications of the Study
The results of the study implies that customer satisfaction is
dependent upon the factors discussed in the conceptual
framework of the study and banks can take help from the
study. They need to work over the assurance, tangibility,
reliability and empathy so as to increase their customer
satisfaction. The study is also helpful for the general service
sector to understand the main factors of customer
satisfaction. The financial sector can particularly take the
advantage of the study as this study was done on banking
sector however other financial institutions have similar
characteristics as banking sector.
Limitations of the Study
The study is limited to five factors that impact over the
customer satisfaction however there may be more variables
to find out. This study in this way limited to a particular
framework however this framework can be extended in the
future. The sample of the study is limited to the Iraqi
respondents. In future a more comprehensive study can be
done on Arab countries. Furthermore a comparative study
can be done for the Arab and Non-Arab countries. Moreover
the sample of the study had more respondents they are the
students. In future research more diversified sample can be
drawn and the study can be performed on more diversified
sample so that the variations between the different groups of
the respondents can be captured.
Conclusion and Recommendations
“Customer is King”. It is a popular slogan these days. It is
the important for all types of businesses to satisfy their
customer needs and service quality is one of them however
it has also been an issue for the businesses including the
banking services. In banking sector high satisfaction of
customer is the main factor of the success. Without
customer satisfactory it is indispensable to survive in the
banking industry because this sector mainly deals with cash
deposits and other transaction mainly related to cash
handling which is a sensitive issue.
The need to provide the highest level of quality service to
the customer is the surety to gain a bigger market share as
well as the high and sustainable returns. Hence it is more
important in the case of banking industry to find out the
criteria on which customers evaluate the online services
provided by the banks (Eneizan & Obaid, 2016; Yang and
Fang, 2004; Eneizan et al., 2016d) [14, 41, 15].
Therefore, the banks need to understand the attributes that
customer use to judge service quality and enhance service
quality. This study is significant and timely because only
few studies have been conducted to help the Iraqi banks to
improve their service quality and improving the customer
satisfaction. This study is also important because of the
scarcity in the literature regarding the relationship between
service quality and customer satisfaction in the Arab world
generally and particularly in Iraq. The study recommends
the Iraqi banks to work over the customer satisfaction
keeping the variables taken in the conceptual model of the
study. In this way more financial inclusion is possible and
more satisfied customers can be the way to earn more for
the banks. It is now high time for the banks to understand
the characteristics and criteria on which customer evaluate
the service quality in banking sector and then on the basis of
these factors banks are recommended to strive for enhancing
the service quality level. The current study is attributed to
find out the same factors in the context of Iraq. This study is
significant due to the lack of research in the field of service
quality in the Arab region in general and specifically in Iraqi
context. The recommendations of the research include that
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in Iraq banks need to overcome the service quality issue
hence satisfying the customers by keeping the factors
included in the conceptual model of the current study. This
will be a great way to include in the financial stream of the
country and more economic activities will be able to be
documented easily hence not only the banking sector but
also the whole economic sector will enjoy the fruits.
The banking sector is recommended to work over the
customer satisfaction keeping the variables taken in the
conceptual model of the study. In this way more financial
inclusion is possible and more satisfied customers can be the
way to earn more for the banks.
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Appendix A: Questionnaire
Bank employees are trustworthy.
I feel safe in my transactions with the bank.
Bank employees consistently courteous towards me.
Bank employees have the knowledgeable to answer my questions
The bank provides me an individual attention.
The bank has convenience operating hours to my needs.
The bank has employees who give me personal attention.
The bank considers my wishes and needs.
Bank employees show understanding of my specific needs.
In the bank I do not spent much time waiting in line.
Bank employees are always willing to help.
Bank employees are quick in eliminating potential errors.
Bank employees quickly respond to my requests.
Bank services are performed within the promised time.
When I have a problem, the bank’s employees show sincere interest in solving the problem.
The bank correctly performs the service right the very first time.
The bank provides its service right the first time.
The bank insists on error free records.
The bank has modern-looking equipment.
The bank’s physical facilities are visually appealing.
The bank’s employees are neat appearing
Materials associated with the service (such as forms, brochures, statements etc.) visually appealing at the bank.
Customer satisfaction
I am satisfied with products and services provided by my banks
I am satisfied with employees respond and prompt services
I am satisfied with financial services advice
The overall service quality provided by my banks is excellent
... 2.3. Các nghiên cứu trước đây về sự hài lòng của khách hàng cá nhân đối với chất lượng dịch vụ của ngân hàng Một số nghiên cứu ở nước ngoài: Nghiên cứu của Snehalkumar H Mistry (2013) đo lường sự hài lòng của khách hàng trong ngành ngân hàng: Tài liệu tham khảo đặc biệt cho Ngân hàng Thành phố Surat gồm 5 yếu tố: Độ tin cậy, khả năng đáp ứng, đảm bảo, đồng cảm và phương tiện hữu hình [10]; Nghiên cứu của Anas Salman Alabboodi (2018) về Ảnh hưởng của sự hài lòng của khách hàng đến chất lượng dịch vụ: Trường hợp của các ngân hàng Ira cho thấy sự hài lòng của khách hàng gồm 5 yếu tố: Đảm bảo, độ tin cậy, tính hữu hình, khả năng đáp ứng và sự đồng cảm [11]. Nghiên cứu của JJ Navaratnaseelan và P. Elangkumaran (2014) về Tác động của chất lượng phục vụ đối với khách hàng cá nhân: Một nghiên cứu về khách hàng của ngân hàng thương mại Ceylon PLC Trincomalee, kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy có 5 nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng phục vụ đối với khách hàng cá nhân gồm: Tính hữu hình, độ tin cậy, phản hồi, đảm bảo và sự thông cảm [12]. ...
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Hiện nay, trên địa bàn tỉnh Bình Phước có nhiều Ngân hàng đang hoạt động kinh doanh, các Ngân hàng này đều có sản phẩm dịch vụ rất đa dạng, phong phú và cạnh tranh vô cùng gay gắt. Tuy nhiên, việc nghiên cứu các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng cá nhân đối với chất lượng dịch vụ tại Ngân hàng Thương mại Cổ phần Đầu tư và Phát triển Việt Nam – Chi nhánh Bình Phước (BIDV – CNBP) còn mới mẻ. Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện thông qua phương pháp nghiên cứu định tính, nghiên cứu định lượng và được kiểm định bằng phần mềm ứng dụng SPSS 22.0. Mô hình được kiểm định gồm 5 yếu tố độc lập (với 21 biến quan sát) và 1 biến phụ thuộc (với 3 biến quan sát). Phương pháp chọn mẫu là ngẫu nhiên có phân tổ với số mẫu là 275. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy có 5 yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng cá nhân đối với chất lượng dịch vụ tại BIDV – CNBP bao gồm: Sự tin cậy; Khả năng đáp ứng; Năng lực phục vụ; Sự đồng cảm; và Phương tiện hữu hình. Từ kết quả nghiên cứu, nhóm tác giả đã đề xuất 5 hàm ý quản trị nhằm nâng cao hơn nữa sự hài lòng của khách hàng cá nhân đối với chất lượng dịch vụ tại BIDV – CNBP.
... We are focusing on the services that we give to our customers. It depends on whether we fulfilled customers' needs by giving quality services which is a definitive goal of every firm (Alabboodi, 2019). This showcase that we as the firm should accommodate the customers with services that match with the customer needs. ...
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In any business, customers are the main sources that contribute to revenue and keep the business going on, year by year passes. People may think that the aviation industry is one of the highest costs in transportation, but if compared to the services and benefits offered, it should be considered as worth money paid. The discussion throughout the paper focuses on passengers’ satisfaction with the service quality provided by Malindo Air. To collect the data on customer satisfaction, a survey on Malindo Air was conducted. The results of the findings demonstrated that service quality is critical to maintaining the passengers' satisfaction.
... a. There is a positive relationship between quality assurance strategy for maintaining effective CRM with that of customer satisfaction and loyalty (Alabboodi, 2019). b. ...
Conference Paper
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This research paper deals with understanding the impact of Customer Relationship Management through digital marketing on influencing consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The research paper identifies three independent variables pricing strategy, customer engagement policies and quality assurance strategy and analyses the way in which dependent factor customer satisfaction and loyalty depends on it. It has used SPSS analytical tool to analyze the data collected and conduct Cronbach's Alpha test for reliability analysis along with Pearson Correlation test to understand significance of the relationship between independent and dependent variables. CRM helps organizations to stay connected with its target market and analyze the changing trends in the market.
... a. There is a positive relationship between quality assurance strategy for maintaining effective CRM with that of customer satisfaction and loyalty (Alabboodi, 2019). b. ...
Conference Paper
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This research paper deals with understanding the impact of Customer Relationship Management through digital marketing on influencing consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The research paper identifies three independent variables pricing strategy, customer engagement policies and quality assurance strategy and analyses the way in which dependent factor customer satisfaction and loyalty depends on it. It has used SPSS analytical tool to analyze the data collected and conduct Cronbach's Alpha test for reliability analysis along with Pearson Correlation test to understand significance of the relationship between independent and dependent variables. CRM helps organizations to stay connected with its target market and analyze the changing trends in the market.
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This is a conceptual paper to study the effects of green marketing strategy on the firms' performance. The paper aims at presenting the reviews of the literature on the green marketing and analyses the four factors that will influence the firms' performance. As green marketing strategy become increasingly more important to firms adhering to a triple-bottom line performance evaluation, the present paper seeks to better understand the role of "green marketing mix" as a marketing strategy. The conclusion that was drawn is that, green product, price, distribution and promotion have a positive effect on the firms' performance.
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This present paper aimed to investigate the effects of green marketing strategies on customer satisfaction in Jordan. It was a correlational research design. The sample was composed of 100 students from Jordan. Green marketing strategy instrument and customer satisfaction scale were applied. Pearson product moment correlation and regression analysis were applied. Results indicated significant positive relationship in green marketing strategies and customer satisfaction in Jordan sample. Results also showed that green marketing strategy except distribution are significant predictors of customer satisfaction in Jordan. Results have important implications for companies to know the importance of green marketing strategies to enhance customer satisfaction.
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The present study explores the relationship between emotional labor and employee performance. Specifically, this research analyses whether human resource practices, such as service training, can moderate the effect of emotional labor on the performance of employees. We collected data from 26 insurance companies in Jordan. Random Sampling technique was used in this study. A total of 291 valid paired questionnaires were obtained from employees. To test the hypotheses, we conducted multiple regression analyses using SPSS 21.0. Results indicated the negative relationship of surface acting with the performance of employees and job satisfaction. Deep acting has a positive relationship with the performance of employees but exhibits a negative relationship with job satisfaction. Additionally, service training mediated the relationship between emotional labor and the performance of employees. The perspective of customer services and theories on emotional labor were used to discuss the theoretical and practical implications of this research. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
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The purpose of the study is to analyzing those factors that are impacting upon the adoption of E-HRM (Electronic Human Resource Management). The respondents of the study were 288 employees from the universities. Researcher has adopted the questionnaire through the literature and taken the responses adequately from the employees of University. This research model has been designed in the context of acceptance and determines the change in behavior towards adopting the EHRM in Universities along with the impact of increased technical assistance and trust on EHRM in Universities. This model is helpful in determining the impact of different features such as; ease of use, usefulness, trust and technical support on behavior towards the EHRM in Universities. The outside factors of the model are Technical support or assistance and trust. This study extends the Technology Acceptance Model. The study results suggest that two factors are major that are technical support and trust impacting upon the ease of use and usefulness; along with this impact of ease of use and usefulness is upon the attitude and the impact of attitude is upon the adoption of E-HRM in universities. The study also discusses the certain limtations and provides recommendation for the stakeholders. Introduction Universities are become advanced in order to utilize the technology for the purpose of communication and providing the services therefore, it enable them to get the competitive edge over others in the industry(Amuna et al, 2017) [1, 3, 17]. IT has enabled the human resource in the organization different features that helps them to analyze and support the organizational operations and meeting the strategic objectives as well. It is evident that technology has embedded in the organization therefore, electronic human source management is become effective for the organization and they are developing their strategies, policies, procedures accordingly (Al Shobaki et al, 2017) [1, 3, 17]. It is obvious that organization are using the electronic human resource management system but it is also a fact that there is small amount of research is being conducted by the researchers about the Electronic HRM implementation and its results for employees and for the organizational operations as well (Stone and Dulebohn, 2013) [21, 22]. EHRM is not being taken as the research topic but there is high potential and scope for the researchers and organizations as well in order to consider it appropriately (Ruel et al, 2007; Bondarouk et al, 2017) [18, 6]. Therefore; it is necessary for the researcher to conduct researches on this area of subject to contribute for the improvement and growth of EHRM. It is also suggested that EHRM area of research is new and having its initial phase (Ruel et al, 2007) [18]. The research suggest that E-HRM is not being analyzed and utilized adequately by the academia therefore, it is not result oriented yet in the research and in practice as well (Strohmeier, 2007) [23, 24]. Further addition is being made regarding the use of EHRM approach but it is not filthy to accept easily because of incomplete results and information (Stone and Dulebohn, 2013) [21, 22]. Therefore, researcher of this paper is having an attempt to provide advance information regarding the electronic human resource management. As far as the human resource employees are concern the Electronic Human Resource system and processes are new and essential area for the research.
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Information pertaining to green products can significantly impact purchase behaviors. The listing of QR codes can significantly enhance the worth and value of green products information. In this regard, we have assessed the placement of QR codes that offers such product information. On the premise of innovation diffusion theory, the current study has attempted to establish a model for better comprehension of the role and influence of QR codes on their purchase by perspective consumers. The findings outlined that effective usage of QR codes can significantly boost consumers`consumers`purchasing the green products. This is due to the fact that QR codes offers numerous benefits to the users to help make a better informed purchase decision. For example, QR codes provides information pertaining to cost and related components.
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This study aimed to investigate factors influencing the acceptance of mobile banking in Libya. To assist in identifying these factors, a detailed research was carried out to identify the current problems faced by the Libyan banks customers, the acceptance of mobile banking in different countries around the world, the importance of adopting this technology to both parties: banks and customers in Libya. The sample elements consisted of 319 existing customers within the banking in Tripoli. They were selected at random depending on their willingness to participate in the research study. A survey was developed to obtain responses from various segments of the society. The findings showed that factors facilitating conditions, perceived self-Efficacy, Perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness, and have significant imapcts on consumer's behavioral intentions for the acceptance and usage of mobile banking technology in Libya.
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The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between human resource management practices and the consequences for the emotional labor of insurance agents in the Jordanian insurance industry. Many work positions require employees to demonstrate enthusiastic responses to customers, partners, or directors; however, these required responses occasionally or frequently negate the actual sentiments of employees. Enthusiastic work responses may be required, particularly in administration occupations, where association with other individuals is a substantial part of the job. The sample population for this review comprised 28 insurance agencies in Jordan. Data were collected by questionnaire; the final number of usable survey forms was 193, with a response rate of 64.3%. Results show that the popularity levels of controlling enthusiastic responses are identified with a few undesired mental results, for example, push and compassion fatigue. This finding suggests plans for work positions and highlights the significance of applying appropriate procedures in hiring and training employees.
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Industrial sector plays radical role in the economic development around the world. However, in Jordan, this vital sector faces some problems. They are not able to compete with foreign brands, and not paying more attention to brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is still a researchable area. Brand loyalty has become a vital strategy and has greatly contributed to brands success. Brand loyalty is affected by many variables. This study aims at identifying the impact of brand awareness, image and perceived quality in building loyalty towards the durable goods brand in Jordan since there is a debate in the literature about the significant relationship between these constructs on brand loyalty. Therefore, two-hundred valid surveys were obtained from the customers in Jordan. Data were analyzed using PLS-SEM technique. This study found direct significant relationships among the tested constructs. Finally, it introduces a number of recommendations and set of directions for future research.
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This paper investigates the factors affecting the financial performance of the Jordanian manufacturing industrial firms. Secondary data has been collected from the Amman stock exchange annual publication “Financial Statement Analysis of industrial firms listed in Amman Stock Exchange for the period 2005-2015. The data were gathered from the financial statements of industrial firms namely, balance sheet and income statement published by, the sample consists of (23) industrial firms. The researchers employed E.views software packages for the regression analysis of the current study. The dependent variable is firm’s performance measure ROA, the independent variables includes (LV, LQ, FS, PR, RV). The findings reveal that the variables of liquidity, profitability, and revenues are positively related with the return on assets (ROA). On the other hand, the variables of leverage and firm size are negatively related with it. In addition, the regression results show that all variables have significant impact on the financial performance. The findings are very important for different parties such as policy maker, investors, and stakeholders.
ABSTRACT The usage of technology-based banking services (TBBS) in India is on rising. The banking customers are using a variety of TBBS as per their requirements. The purpose of the study is to assess customer service quality perception and satisfaction towards TBBS provided by commercial banks in India. The present study used SSTQUAL scale to assess customer service quality perception and customer satisfaction. The study also estimated banking customer’s behavioral intentions regarding their future use of such services. The study surveyed 750 customers based on convenience sampling method of fifteen selected banks operating in India. For the purpose of the study, an equal number of banks from public sector banks, private sector banks, and foreign banks included in the survey. The findings of the study revealed the moderate level of Customer service quality perception and satisfaction towards TBBS provided by selected banks. The study results showed that private sector banks have the highest level of customer service quality perception and customer satisfaction as compared to the Public sector and foreign banks. The findings also validated that customer satisfaction is an antecedent of customer behavioral intentions. The study provides an assessment of customer service quality perception and customer satisfaction towards TBBS provided by selected banks. The bank leaders may get benefited from the results of the study. The bank leaders may work on functionality, customization, design and Enjoyment dimensions of TBBS to make customer satisfied. While making bank customer to reuse the TBBS bank leaders can work on assurance dimension of TBBS. Keywords: Customer service quality, Customer satisfaction, Customer behavioral intentions, Banks, Service JEL Classification Codes: M31, M31, M31, G21, M31. Biographical Note: Dr. Rajeev Kumar is working as Faculty at Footwear Design and Development Institute, Rohtak, Haryana, India. He can be reached at Dr. Anil Mittal is working as Professor in University School of Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. He can be reached at