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Optimizing the Efficiency of Solar Heater and Heat Exchanger Integration in Hybrid System

  • HCL Solutions


In order to maximize energy efficiency, this study investigates the best ways to combine a solar heater with a shell-tube heat exchanger. The study follows a qualitative research plan and integrates engineering fundamentals with cutting-edge modelling approaches in SOLIDWORKS. The finished model is housed in a strong iron framework that houses the glazing, absorber, shell-tube heat exchanger, and water pipes. Durability, heat conductivity, and cost-effectiveness are all factors that may be improved with careful material selection. The results show that the model is capable of collecting solar energy, converting it effectively, and directing it via the heat exchanger for use in real-world heating systems. The addition of a wooden frame strengthens the model's foundation and ensures its smooth functioning. This study demonstrates the relevance of material selection in obtaining peak performance and paves the way for new strategies in environmentally friendly heating systems.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
Optimizing the Efficiency of Solar Heater and Heat
Exchanger Integration in Hybrid System
Anand Patel
1Mechanical Engineer
1Mechanical Engineering Department,
1LDRP- Institute of Technology & Research, Gandhinagar, India
Abstract - In order to maximize energy efficiency, this study investigates the best ways to combine a solar heater with a shell-tube
heat exchanger. The study follows a qualitative research plan and integrates engineering fundamentals with cutting-edge modelling
approaches in SOLIDWORKS. The finished model is housed in a strong iron framework that houses the glazing, absorber, shell-tube
heat exchanger, and water pipes. Durability, heat conductivity, and cost-effectiveness are all factors that may be improved with
careful material selection. The results show that the model is capable of collecting solar energy, converting it effectively, and
directing it via the heat exchanger for use in real-world heating systems. The addition of a wooden frame strengthens the model's
foundation and ensures its smooth functioning. This study demonstrates the relevance of material selection in obtaining peak
performance and paves the way for new strategies in environmentally friendly heating systems.
Index Terms - Hybrid System, Solar Heater, Heat Exchanger, Energy Efficiency, Material Selection.
1.1 Background
Hybrid systems with solar heaters and heat exchangers can meet the rising need for efficient and sustainable thermal energy
generation. Traditional thermal energy production using fossil fuels and electricity is inefficient and environmentally harmful [1].
Therefore, researchers are studying hybrid systems that use solar radiation to maximize energy conversion and use.
Issues highlight the necessity for hybrid solar heaters and heat exchangers. Low efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, and limited
resources afflict conventional energy sources [2]. Due to its abundance and minimal environmental effect, solar energy has become a
leading renewable energy option to address these concerns. However, intermittent solar radiation makes energy delivery difficult,
requiring hybrid systems that integrate solar and backup energy sources. Integrating solar collectors, storage units, and heat
exchangers efficiently requires unique control algorithms to optimize system performance [3].
Fig 1. Hybrid System[4]
Existing models in this area address these difficulties in several ways. Solar-combi systems, which combine solar collectors, thermal
storage tanks, and backup power units, are popular for thermal energy demand changes [5]. Advanced control algorithms provide
smooth changeover between solar and backup sources while optimizing energy efficiency in these models. In order to maximize
system performance, hybrid solar collectors that produce both electricity and heat energy have been included. Researchers have
examined concentrating solar collectors, flat-plate collectors, and evacuated tube collectors, each having pros and cons [6].
Integrating heat exchangers improves system efficiency by allowing heat transfer between energy sources. Researchers have
examined heat exchanger layouts and materials to reduce heat losses and boost energy conversion [7]. Despite improvements,
optimizing system dimensioning, cost-effectiveness, and dependable operation under different situations remain problems.
Given these factors, this study optimizes hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger integration efficiency to add to the body of
knowledge [8]. The study addresses major concerns and builds on current models to improve hybrid system design and operation for
sustainable thermal energy generation and environmental preservation.
The studies from [57-73] Anand Patel includes thermal performance of variation in geometry of solar collector impact on solar air &
water heater and solar cooker which to be used as an reference in the current study to optimize efficiency of combination of heat
exchanger and solar water heater.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
1.2 Problem Statement
This study aims to find the best way to combine solar heaters and heat pumps in hybrid systems, so that their combined efficiency
may be maximized [9]. In order to keep up with the rising demand for environmentally responsible thermal energy generation, it is
necessary to improve the efficiency of these systems. Traditional thermal energy generating methods have several drawbacks,
including being harmful to the environment. Using novel strategies for integrating solar power with backup generators, this study
aims to overcome these drawbacks. It is crucial to take into account elements like fluctuating solar radiation and fluctuating thermal
energy needs when designing an ideal hybrid system that includes solar collectors, thermal storage units, and heat exchangers [10].
1.3 Aim and Objectives
The purpose of this study is to determine the best ways to combine solar heaters and heat exchangers into a single hybrid system for
maximum thermal energy output.
To gain a thorough grasp of the different solar collector types and their performance characteristics.
To create and size a solar-combi system with thermal storage tanks, solar collectors, and backup energy sources for heating
interior spaces.
To design and put into use a cutting-edge management algorithm to control the hybrid system, assuring optimum energy use
and smooth switching between energy sources.
To utilize simulations and analyses to assess the optimized hybrid system's performance while taking the environment's
impact, cost-effectiveness, and energy efficiency into account.
1.4 Research Question
Question 1: How can concentrating solar collectors, flat-plate collectors, and vacuum tube collectors be successfully combined into a
hybrid system to maximize the production of thermal energy?
Question 2: What techniques and control algorithms may be created to smoothly handle the switch between solar energy and backup
sources in a solar-combi system, guaranteeing steady thermal energy delivery under fluctuating solar radiation conditions?
Question 3: What are the most important factors to consider when dimensioning a solar-combi system that combines solar collectors,
thermal storage tanks, and backup energy sources in order to get the best possible interior space heating coverage while minimizing
energy losses?
Question 4: How does the suggested optimization technique affect the hybrid system's overall performance, taking into account things
like energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, the environment's influence, and the viability of implementation in practical settings?
1.5 Rationale
What are the issues?
Intermittent Solar Radiation: The availability of solar energy varies with the season and time of day. It is difficult to smoothly
manage the switch from solar energy to backup sources to guarantee constant thermal energy delivery.
Dimensioning and Sizing: It is critical to determine the ideal dimensions and capacities for solar collectors, thermal storage tanks,
and backup energy sources [12]. Inefficiencies, higher prices, or an insufficient supply of energy might result from components that
are too big or too small.
System Complexity: To achieve smooth interaction and effective energy transmission, integrating several components, such as solar
collectors, heat exchangers, thermal storage units, and backup systems, demands complex engineering and management [13].
Heat Exchanger Efficiency: Maximizing heat exchanger efficiency is essential to ensuring ideal heat transfer across various energy
sources without experiencing large losses that would compromise the operation of the whole system [14].
Cost-Effectiveness: It is essential to weigh the expenses of installing, running, and maintaining the hybrid system against the
potential energy savings and environmental advantages in order to assess its economic feasibility.
Why are these issues now?
These problems have become major obstacles as a result of the rising need for efficient and environmentally friendly thermal energy
generation. Due to the efficiency and environmental impact issues associated with traditional energy sources, the use of solar heaters
and heat exchangers in hybrid energy systems has become more popular [15]. Through the analysis, it can be noticed that the
inconsistency of solar radiation, the difficulty of scaling the system, the difficulty of developing control algorithms, and the efficiency
of heat exchangers are all current concerns. Finding a happy medium between low costs, little impact on the environment, and
dependable operation of the system is now essential [16]. These difficulties must be solved without delay because of the international
drive for greener energy sources and the need to minimize energy use.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
How does the research help to resolve the issues?
Performing on the hybrid model, the research provides comprehensive solutions to these issues. In order to maximize the efficiency of
solar-combi systems, it employs cutting-edge modeling techniques. Managing energy efficiently and with fewer interruptions in
supply is now achievable thanks to the development of novel control algorithms. The research maximizes energy conversion and
minimizes losses by examining different solar collector types and heat exchanger layouts. Robust economic evaluations are used to
address cost-effectiveness, while life cycle assessments are used to analyze the environmental impact. The study's conclusions provide
useful guidance for creating and running hybrid systems that strike a balance between dependability, sustainability, and efficiency,
advancing the use of renewable energy sources for the generation of thermal energy.
2.1: “Optimized Dimensioning and Operation Automation for a Solar-Combi System for Indoor Space Heating. A Case Study
for a School Building in Crete”
The research underlines the favorable factors that contribute to high solar collector penetration for thermal energy generation,
including a lot of solar radiation and sporadic building operation. The system's components, including solar collectors, biomass
heating, and thermal storage, are painstakingly examined in detail.
Fig 2: Solar-Combi System[17]
The analysis highlights the importance of this solar-combi combination for both the economy and the environment [17]. The study
measures the leveled cost of thermal energy generation and illustrates its affordability when compared to traditional heating systems
that use diesel oil. The creation of the operating algorithm is essential for managing energy sources dynamically, using solar energy to
its fullest potential, and consuming biomass as little as possible [18]. The article also highlights the system's potential to serve as a
pilot project, accelerating the switch to renewable energy-based heating systems and bolstering local economies via higher use of
renewable energy [19].
Fig 3: Complete View of the Solar-Combi System[17]
This study is significant because it provides a thorough road map for attaining significant renewable energy integration in heating
systems. It does a good job of addressing several technical and financial issues while also showcasing the viability of developing a
solar-combi system with improved performance and competitiveness [20].
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
Fig 4: Obtained Results[17]
The study's importance goes beyond technical viability, with a focus on its function in encouraging the use of renewable energy in
Southern European climates and advancing sustainable energy practices.
2.2 Design Strategies
The design techniques for a hybrid system including solar heaters and heat exchangers take into account a number of crucial factors
that greatly affect the thermal performance and efficiency of the system [21]. In order to maximize energy collection and utilization, it
is crucial to choose between flat plate solar water heaters (FP-SWH), cylindrical sun water heaters (C-SWH), and other types.
Fig 5. Solar collectors [21]
Heat pipe inserts (HPI), phase change materials (PCMs), heat pumps (HP), and reflectors are efficiency-improving components that
are crucial to improving the performance of solar water heaters (SWHs) [23]. Improved heat transfer efficiency and decreased heat
loss are achieved in FP-SWHs via design advancements including double-glassed construction and the addition of turbulence-
inducing elements like twisted tapes and vortex generators [24]. The ability to absorb more energy is also improved by new absorber
coatings, such as spectrally selective coatings [25].
Fig 6. Design of a solar water heater [21]
Complex geometries in the context of C-SWHs need careful design attention [26]. Heat pipe inserts (HPI) are used in efforts to
improve their performance to guarantee a quick reaction to loading and ideal heat collection. The efficiency of optimized closed-loop
pulsing HPIs has been shown to be increased [27]. Utilizing tracking angles for maximum solar radiation exposure and including
reflectors to improve heat absorption are two other design changes [28].
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
Fig 7. Different types of absorbers [21]
In both FP-SWHs and C-SWHs, the choice of working fluids, material characteristics, tilt angles, and geometries has a considerable
influence on thermal efficiency [30]. The best working fluids, coatings, and absorber geometries maximize the capture of solar
radiation, while the right tilt angles and reflectors maximize energy absorption and transmission [31].
These design methodologies emphasize the significance of customizing the system configuration to the unique operating and climatic
circumstances, producing an effective and trustworthy hybrid system [32]. In hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger systems, these
tactics may help to successfully optimize thermal performance, energy efficiency, and overall cost-effectiveness.
2.3: Impact of a hybrid system
Energy efficiency and environmental issues might potentially be solved by integrating a hybrid system made up of solar heaters and
heat exchangers [33]. This novel strategy significantly influences several facets of energy use and environmental preservation. The
key benefit of the hybrid system is its capacity to use renewable solar energy for both heating and heat exchange operations. These
systems make use of solar energy, which helps to significantly reduce dependency on traditional fossil fuels and thereby reduces
greenhouse gas emissions and environmental effects [34]. This also fits with international efforts to reduce climate change.
Additionally, the integration of the hybrid system improves energy efficiency by maximizing the use of available heat sources. Solar
heaters use sunlight to produce household hot water, space heating, or other types of thermal energy [35]. The system can efficiently
capture and distribute thermal energy across the intended applications thanks to the heat exchanger component's excellent heat
transfer. Notable is how hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger systems affect the economy [36]. Long-term cost reductions for end-
users may result from these systems' reduced reliance on conventional energy sources. Additionally, the promotion and use of such
hybrid solutions help the renewable energy industry expand, which promotes economic growth and job creation [37]. Therefore,
including solar heaters and heat exchangers in a hybrid system has a variety of positive effects on the environment, energy use, and
the economy [38]. These technologies have the potential to fundamentally alter how thermal energy is captured, used, and saved on a
global scale as they develop and gain popularity [39].
2.4: Literature Gap
Hybrid systems incorporating solar heaters and heat exchangers have received significant research and development, but optimizing
their efficiency and performance for particular applications is still lacking [40]. Studies have examined numerous configurations and
design methodologies, but few have examined the relationship between solar heater integration, heat exchanger efficiency, and system
optimization [41]. The dynamic operating behavior of these hybrid systems under different climatic and temperature circumstances
has received little study. There is little study on these integrated systems' economic viability and long-term cost-effectiveness. A
complete examination of their payback duration, ROI, and energy savings is lacking. The literature gap also includes sophisticated
control algorithms that may improve hybrid systems' adaptive capabilities and energy efficiency and thermal comfort [42]. Bridging
these gaps is necessary to maximize hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger systems' energy efficiency and sustainability for
residential and commercial use [43].
3.1: Research Design
This study optimizes hybrid systems with solar heaters and heat exchangers using a qualitative research methodology. Qualitative
research tries to comprehend complex events in their natural surroundings and reveal underlying patterns, connections, and subjective
experiences [44]. A qualitative study may examine design choices, operational behaviors, and problems of integrating solar heaters
and heat exchangers in hybrid systems [45].
The necessity to capture subtle interactions and elements that affect integrated system performance justifies a qualitative study
methodology. Qualitative research uses interviews, observations, and case studies to understand practical difficulties, stakeholder
viewpoints, and real-world obstacles that affect system optimization [46]. This technique allows the researcher to explore subtle
details, operational circumstances, and alternative answers that quantitative approaches may miss [47]. The qualitative research design
supports the goal of studying and improving hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger system efficiency.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
3.2: Research Methods and Data Collection
This study used SOLIDWORKS software to construct models utilizing qualitative research methods. According to the qualitative
research design, the study optimizes hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger efficiency. This technique involves reviewing the
literature, research papers, and articles on hybrid solar systems, heat exchangers, and their integration to acquire secondary data. This
secondary data gathering informs model development by revealing design strategies, problems, and system efficiency variables.
The solar heater and heat exchanger integration system's hybrid model is designed using SOLIDWORKS software. SOLIDWORKS
lets researchers generate precise 3D models of system components and interactions. The software allows design parameters,
geometric requirements, and material qualities to model hybrid system behavior under diverse scenarios [48].
The hybrid system is represented practically and visually in SOLIDWORKS, allowing for a complete design investigation. This
investigation examines heat transport, fluid dynamics, and efficiency improvements. SOLIDWORKS' quantitative modeling and
qualitative secondary data insights provide a full study of the hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger system's efficiency [48].
Combining theoretical knowledge with practical design and analysis improves study depth and validity.
3.3 Research Strategy
The multifaceted method used in this work optimizes hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger integration system efficiency via
qualitative inquiry and practical modeling. The technique involves a complete literature evaluation of hybrid solar systems, heat
exchangers, and energy efficiency publications, research papers, and academic works. This first phase lays the groundwork for
understanding design methods, obstacles, and possibilities [49].
The study then uses SOLIDWORKS to create a 3D model of the hybrid system for practical application. To simulate integrated
system behavior under different situations, this modeling step uses design parameters, geometrical requirements, and material
attributes. The program analyses heat transfer processes, fluid dynamics, and system efficiency to suggest changes [49].
Synthesized literature research and realistic model data provide a complete system efficiency optimization analysis. The research
approach uses qualitative and quantitative methods to comprehend the situation. This technique links theoretical knowledge to actual
application and improves research validity and dependability. The research uses qualitative and practical methods to improve hybrid
solar heater and heat exchanger integration system efficiency.
Using SOLIDWORK there has been designed a hybrid system to understand and represent the model with different components
which can optimize the performance of the system.
Fig 8: Designed Complete Model
The above figure shows the designed model which is developed in SOLIDWORKS software. Different components are used here
where two main components are the solar heater and shell tube heat exchanger.
Fig 9: Model Frame
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
The solar heater-heat exchanger hybrid system is supported by the model frame. Iron is used because of its durability, strength, and
capacity to sustain component weight and stress. To ensure all components are properly positioned and aligned for effective
operation, the frame provides stability and support.
The iron structure is carefully built to fit the solar collector, heat exchanger, heat storage system, fluid circulation components, and
control systems. Its durability and load-bearing capabilities make the arrangement long-lasting and reliable. The iron material's
corrosion resistance makes it suited for indoor and outdoor experiments, assuring the model's longevity [50]. This frame supports
component assembly, connection, and integration, allowing researchers to perform efficient experiments, simulations, and
observations to optimize system efficiency and verify design ideas.
Fig 10: Shell-Tube Heat Exchanger
The hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger system relies on the shell-and-tube heat exchanger. This heat exchanger design transfers
thermal energy between two fluids with little heat loss. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger transfers heat from the collector's solar-
heated fluid to the system's fluid, usually water. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger has a cylindrical shell and tubes within it. One
fluid runs through the tubes (tube side) and the other surrounds them in the shell. This arrangement allows good heat transmission
owing to the many tubes' enormous surface area. Solar-heated fluid from the collector flows through the tubes, while the fluid to be
heated circulates around the shell tubes in the hybrid system.
The exchanger transfers heat from the solar-heated fluid to the circulating fluid. This procedure uses solar radiation to warm the
circulating fluid, improving system efficiency [51]. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger's design includes tube material, arrangement,
diameter, flow rates, and shell baffles or tabulators to improve heat transmission. The right tube materials assure fluid compatibility
and reduce corrosion and scaling. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger's heat transfer efficiency boosts hybrid system performance and
efficiency. This component optimizes renewable energy heating by capturing the solar heater's solar energy and maintaining system
Fig 11: Solar Heater
The hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger system rely on the solar heater. Its main purpose is to convert solar energy into thermal
energy to heat the space-heating fluid. The solar heater maximizes sunlight absorption and effectively transfers it to the heat transfer
fluid, improving hybrid system energy efficiency. A collector surface with high solar absorptance and low thermal emittance helps the
solar heater capture sunlight and reduce heat loss. This collector surface is frequently geometrized to maximize solar exposure and
energy absorption. In a flat plate solar heater, a dark-colored flat surface with a glass cover traps and converts solar radiation into
thermal energy [52]. The solar heater collects sun radiation. Sunlight hits the collector surface and is transformed into heat. Heat is
transmitted to a heat transfer fluid that flows through the collector. A heat transfer fluid might be water or a specially selected fluid.
The heated heat transfer fluid moves through the system to the place of use or a storage tank, depending on its design. The thermal
energy may be stored or used to heat water, space, or other uses. Insulation, glazing, and circulation mechanisms optimize energy
absorption, heat loss, and heat transfer to the heat transfer fluid in the solar heater's design. The hybrid system's energy efficiency
depends on the solar heater's performance, making it crucial to use renewable energy for heating [53]. In the hybrid system, the solar
heater's effective operation reduces dependency on traditional energy sources and promotes environmental sustainability by using
plentiful solar energy to heat.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
Fig 12: Glazing Surface and Absorber
The hybrid solar heater and heat exchanger system includes the glazing surface and absorber. Together, these components effectively
gather and transform solar energy into heating energy. To maximize energy absorption, heat loss, and system efficiency, the glazing
surface and absorber are carefully chosen. The glazing surface is the translucent cover that protects the absorber from the outside
world. Passing sunlight while decreasing convection and radiation heat loss is its main purpose. Transparent materials like glass or
solar-grade polymers make up the glazing surface. These materials are selected for their longevity, weather resilience, and low solar
radiation attenuation [54]. However, the absorber immediately converts solar light into heat energy. High solar absorptance and low
thermal emittance are provided for it under the glass. This combination allows the absorber to effectively collect solar energy and
reduce heat loss.
Selective absorber coatings improve energy absorption. This coating absorbs in the sunlight spectrum and emits little in the infrared.
Selective absorber coatings use black chrome, black nickel, or other materials to maximize energy absorption and minimize radiative
heat loss. The solar heater's glass and absorber generate a greenhouse effect. The absorber warms up when solar energy travels
through the glass. The solar heater's heat transfer fluid absorbs the heat. Glazing traps heat in the collector, reducing heat loss [55].
The glazing surface and absorber materials must be chosen for durability and energy efficiency. Materials are chosen based on optical
characteristics, thermal conductivity, and deterioration resistance under sunlight and environmental conditions. Therefore, the glazing
surface and absorber are crucial to the solar heater's solar energy harvesting. These components transform solar radiation into thermal
energy for heating, maximizing energy absorption and reducing heat loss, improving hybrid system performance.
Fig 13: Water Piping System
The hybrid model's water pipe system transports heat transfer fluid between system components. Its main job is to move hot fluid
from the solar heater to the heat exchanger, where thermal energy is transferred. This circulation transfers absorbed solar heat to the
heat exchanger for heating purposes. The water pipe system is usually made of heat transfer fluid-compatible materials that can
sustain system temperatures and pressures. Copper, stainless steel, and other corrosion-resistant metals are used for pipelines. These
materials protect the system against leaks and deterioration. For effective heat transmission and hybrid model reliability, the water
piping system must be properly designed and installed. The system configuration, pipe diameter, insulation, and flow dynamics
optimize fluid circulation and reduce transportation energy losses.
Fig 14: Wooden Frame for Solar Heater
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © August 2023, Volume 10, Issue 8 ||
The hybrid model's hardwood solar heater frame supports and secures the component. The solar heater module's stability, structural
integrity, and protection are its main functions. The wooden frame fits the solar heater's size and requirements, ensuring optimum
orientation in the system [56]. It prevents solar heater movement, vibrations, and misalignment, which might compromise
performance and efficiency. Wood is a popular frame material due to its lightweight, customizable, and affordable nature. A solid
frame framework may be made from wood by cutting, shaping, and assembling. Natural insulation in wood may also minimize heat
loss from the solar heater, improving thermal efficiency.
The significant effort of the research work was to develop a hybrid system that combines a solar heater with a shell-tube heat
exchanger. By surveying the existing literature comprehensively, the study shed light on the pressing need for energy-efficient
solutions, especially in the context of heating systems. Although the already used models and approaches provided valuable insight, a
sizable literature gap was discovered, allowing for an original investigation. The study employed SOLIDWORKS software's capacity
to generate a comprehensive hybrid model, and a qualitative research technique to help fill in the gap. This intricately assembled
model included engineering principles and state-of-the-art materials. Glass surface, absorber, shell-tube heat exchanger, and water
piping system were all integrated into a robust iron frame to demonstrate the complex interplay of these components.
The model's viability was shown by its ability to efficiently collect, convert, and transmit solar energy for usage in practical settings.
Thermal efficiency and total energy use decreased thanks to the integrated components. The solar heater's alignment, protection, and
stability would not have been possible without the wooden frame's installation, which also aided in the system's overall efficiency.
The study's progression highlighted the significance of material selection in achieving optimum outcomes. Durability, heat
conductivity, and cost-effectiveness were all taken into mind while selecting the materials for the absorber, glass surface, and piping
system. The model's material integration demonstrated that technological superiority and ecologically responsible innovation are not
mutually exclusive.
In conclusion, the study's findings demonstrate the model's viability in maximizing the use of solar energy for heating applications,
therefore addressing a long-standing problem in the field. This study's findings contribute to what is already known about renewable
energy integration and energy-efficient heating systems. This research addresses a gap in the literature by providing not just novel
insights but also a practical, implementable methodology. Facing the challenges of energy sustainability and environmental
stewardship, this research is a testament to the benefits of interdisciplinary teamwork and innovative thinking in developing a more
energy-efficient future.
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... 193 Ensuring compatibility and optimizing the interface between materials are crucial for overall system performance. 194 Scaling up the production of OTE materials from the labscale to the commercial scale can be difficult. 195 Developing scalable manufacturing processes while maintaining desired material properties is essential for the practical implementation of OTE devices. ...
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The demand for eco-friendly power from waste heat using thermoelectric materials has gained significant attention in recent years. Graphene and its functional derivatives are among the most promising materials for thermoelectric energy conversion owing to their remarkable electrical and thermal properties, making them a critical topic of investigation in the field of thermoelectric materials. This review focuses on the current scenario of thermoelectric graphene and its derivatives, including the synthesis, characterization, performance, and assessment of several thermoelectric materials based on graphene, such as graphene, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, and graphene nanoribbons. This review delves into the emerging field of thermoelectric (TE) energy conversion using composite materials derived from graphene. The authors dissect the novelty of this domain by examining recent breakthroughs and consolidating insights into the design, production, and performance of TE materials incorporating graphene. The unique properties of graphene-based materials are emphasized, along with their innovative applications in conjunction with polymers, inorganics, and hybrid structures. In contrast to previous studies, the authors highlight new research endeavors challenging conventional TE materials and demonstrating unprecedented enhancements in electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and mechanical robustness offered by graphene composites. This article also underscores recent progress in fabricating graphene-organic and graphene-inorganic composites, demonstrating their potential as thermoelectric materials.
... Various literature studies were analyzed for heat spreader devices such as [52,53,54,55] ...
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This abstract provides a quick review of the points made about solar water heater parts. In order to effectively use solar energy for water heating, it is necessary to have a steel frame, collection box frame, insulation, heat exchanger pipes, absorber plate, and glass surfaces. While existing designs have been functional, there is room for improvement, particularly in the areas of material choice, insulation technology, and heat exchanger pipe design. Energy conversion efficiency and environmental effect have both benefited from improvements in these areas.
This paper looks at the topic of high-tech solar water heating systems being incorporated into existing building energy infrastructure. Hybrid systems that use solar water heating in conjunction with other renewable energy sources are also discussed, as are technical developments in collector designs, the use of cutting-edge control and monitoring systems, and the like. Reduced carbon emissions and optimized resource utilization are only two of the environmental advantages highlighted in the report. It also emphasizes the need of precise system sizing and regional life cycle assessments (LCAs) in achieving maximum energy efficiency. The paper highlights knowledge gaps in the areas of performance analysis, localized environmental impact studies, integration difficulties, and economic assessments. By filling up these spaces, it hopes to promote more eco-friendly and economical construction methods. Sustainable construction, energy savings, less of an influence on the environment, and new innovations in solar water heating are some of the terms that come to mind.
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Nowadays heat transfer is having wide application in areas like automobile, food processing power plant electronic devices etc. The system is used to enhance heat transfer between hot and cold fluid is heat exchanger and at present the requirement of heat exchanger is that it should be compact and efficient. The turbulence in the flow increaser rate of heat transfer and aim of present research work is to compare thermal performance of helical tube heat exchanger with serpentine tube heat exchanger to understand the effect of tube shape on thermal performance.
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In terms of solar heater designs, this study compares the characteristics of collectors made from evacuated tubes (ETCs) as well as collectors with flat plates (FPCs). Due to their reduced heat loss, ETCs—which have individual tubes made of glass with a sealed under-vacuum double-wall design—perform exceptionally well in colder climates. FPCs, in comparison, are more affordable but less effective since they include a simpler absorbent plate that fits inside of a flat panel. These designs can be implemented using the SolidWorks software, which permits precise 3D modeling as well as simulations. According to research, ETCs are appropriate for colder locations since their vacuum insulation reduces heat loss along maintains greater temperatures. Even while radiation losses make FPCs less efficient, they are still excellent at collecting daylight energy, specifically in warmer climates. Decision-makers looking for sustainable cooling solutions might benefit from analysis that takes into account technical characteristics, financial viability, and geographical compatibility.
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This study examines how different biofuel mixes burn and whether or not they can help cut down on emissions. The purpose of this research is to determine how combustion efficiency and emissions change when biofuels are combined with more conventional fuels. The study's overarching goal is to analyze the potential of biofuel blends as a more environmentally friendly alternative. Given the urgency with which sustainable energy solutions must be found, this inquiry takes on added relevance. The results provide important context for making educated decisions towards a greener energy future, expanding the knowledge of how biofuels are used and how that affects combustion processes and emissions.
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Solar energy is widely regarded as one of the most promising alternative sources of energy due to its environmentally friendly and sustainable nature. In order to enhance the overall efficiency and optimize the design of solar water heating systems, extensive research has been conducted on various aspects of the technology. The size of the system is contingent upon a number of factors, including the desired temperature, solar radiation, solar system arrangement, geographical conditions, and other relevant parameters. Therefore, it is imperative to design the solar water heating system with careful consideration of these parameters to ensure maximum benefit to the end user.
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This study concisely reviews the development, use, and potential of solar air warmers. It examines the possibilities of this technology for long-term energy solutions by analyzing the available literature and using a mixed-method approach. Important new insights are revealed in the research, filling in knowledge gaps and opening the way for better solar air heater designs and more extensive industrial uses. This study aids the shift towards more sustainable energy options by shedding light on hitherto uncharted territory in the solar air heating technology field.
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This study investigates the economic and environmental effects of adding electric and hybrid vehicles (EHVs) to renewable energy systems. Findings show that EHVs with renewable energy sources significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions while also improving air quality. Their economic viability is increased by supportive policies and falling battery prices. Stable grid operations are dependent upon efficient grid integration, intelligent charging infrastructure, as well as battery storage solutions. The strategic application of EHV should be encouraged, and creative finance structures alongside extensive awareness efforts are also advised. Future studies ought to concentrate on long-term effect evaluation, improved grid technology, as well as sociological aspects affecting the adoption of EHV.
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A wide range of advancements based on the proponents of non-zero buildings (NZEBs) have acted as a prime ideology behind farming the aim of this report. It is important to focus on adopting sustainable sources of energy for solar-based water heaters so that the highest end of energy efficiency has been accomplished based on cost-effective components.
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This research shows the comparative analysis between the solar heater and the heat exchanger efficiency. This is used for water heating in this project to show the use of this for residential purposes. The efficiency of these two is calculated in this project which helps to know the efficiency of each model in the water heating purpose. In this research process, a suitable set of comparisons has been drawn between the heat exchanger and water heater that have been worked on based on the effective solar energy. Effective energy usage provides a suitable beneficial impact in Favor of using this residential water heating system of heat exchangers. Detailed information has been represented in the background sections along with rationale aspects where the issues along with their remedies have been depicted.
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Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy that is used for drying, desalination and hot water heating. Solar energy, one of the renewable energy sources, is an alternative energy source with many advantages compared to fossil fuels. Air heating has a wide range of industrial applications and electric heating coils are commonly used to achieve this purpose, which consumes a lot of energy. Air humidification is also commonly used in the dairy and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of the current work is to design and develop an experimental setup to enable hot air dryers using solar energy as a heat source and to achieve this objective wire mesh solar air heater is fabricated and K Type thermocouples are used to measure temperature at various locations and blower is used to supply air to the heater.
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An effective solution for increasing global demand for energy is the utilization of renewable energy sources. Solar energy is taken as an alternative source of energy for numerous domestic and industrial applications. Solar energy is considered as one of the best alternative sources of energy since it is clean and sustainable for the environment. Extensive research on various aspects of solar water heating systems has been done in order to increase the overall efficiency of the system and optimize the design. The aim of present work is to analyze thermal performance of serpentine tube solar water heater with square embossed on the absorber plater using K type thermocouples.
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The solar air heater is heater having wide application in case of drying of pulses and many agricultural products. The major issue with conventional solar air heater is that its thermal performance is poor due to low heat transfer between absorber plate and air in case of solar air heater. To enhance the heat transfer in case of solar air heater the turbulence in the flow is necessary and to obtain such objective artificial roughness is good option. The aim of present work is fabricating W ribs on absorber plate of solar air heater to create turbulence in the air flow and evaluate the thermal performance. The Blower is used to supply air and K type thermocouple is used for temperature measurement purpose.
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The choice power sources are new alternative in the front of world to overcome electricity disaster and air pollution associated issues. The photo voltaic energy, wind power and bio mass are three most important sources and out of these three strength sources photo voltaic strength is reachable in adequate quantity and the best supply to extract beneficial power whilst the wind electricity is beneficial especially in coastal vicinity the place there is excessive wind speed and electricity extraction bio mass desires both chemical conversion or thermo chemical conversion process. The goal of current work is to diagram and fabricate a new kind of mix photo voltaic air and photo voltaic water heater with parabolic absorber plate and to consider comparative thermal overall performance in which K kind thermocouples are used for temperature size purpose.
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A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer thermal energy between two or more fluids, between a solid surface and a fluid, or between solid particulates and a fluid, at different temperatures and in thermal contact. Heat exchangers are one of the most important Typical applications involve heating or cooling of a fluid stream of concern and evaporation or condensation of single or multi component fluid streams heat transfer apparatus that find its use in industries like oil refining, chemical engineering, electric power generation etc. The objective of present work is thermal performance evaluation of helical heat exchanger.
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Sustainable energy is a need and demand of time to overcome issues related to greenhouse emissions and climate change and the most easily available and sustainable energy is solar energy which can be used for heating, cooking, and power generation. The most common application of solar energy is water heating and such hot water is used for domestic and industrial purposes for such purposes solar water heater (SWH) is commonly used; in the present work, an attempt has been made by changing the shape of pipe of copper pipe which is commonly used in SWH from a circular cross-section to square and comparing the results of the proposed model with conventional one. The K-type thermocouples measure the temperature at various locations of the experimental setup.
Conference Paper
A practical design presented in this paper; a hybrid PV solar panel and flat plate solar air heating collector (HSC). When the PV solar cells are installed on the upper surface of the absorber plate at the entrance of air duct of the air heater solar collector, the system will generate both electricity and heat. Numerical model based on energy balance of a PV solar/thermal flat plate air heater solar collector (PV/T) has been developed. The analysis is aiming to identify the optimum contribution of the PV in the proposed HSC according to local transient energy behavior of the components of the HSC. The results substantiated the success of HSC technology in reducing the surface temperature of solar cells and increasing their productivity compared to a conventional PV solar panel. The optimum ratio of PV solar cell is found 25% of the total length of the HSC. Although the proposed HSC reduced the thermal efficiency of the solar collector from 42% to 39%, it increased the electrical efficiency of the PV solar cells from 11% to 14%. As a result, the overall efficiency of the proposed HSC was raised to 53%