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Pneumonia Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)


Abstract and Figures

Pneumonia, an interstitial lung disease, is the leading cause of death in children under the age of five. It accounted for approximately 16% of the deaths of children under the age of five, killing around 880,000 children in 2016 according to a study conducted by UNICEF. Affected children were mostly less than two years old. Timely detection of pneumonia in children can help to fast-track the process of recovery. This paper presents convolutional neural network models to accurately detect pneumonic lungs from chest X-rays, which can be utilized in the real world by medical practitioners to treat pneumonia. Experimentation was conducted on Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) dataset available on Kaggle. The first, second, third and fourth model consists of one, two, three and four convolutional layers, respectively. The first model achieves an accuracy of 89.74%, the second one reaches an accuracy of 85.26%, the third model achieves an accuracy of 92.31%, and lastly, the fourth model achieves an accuracy of 91.67%. Dropout regularization is employed in the second, third and fourth models tominimize overfitting in the fully connected layers. Furthermore, recall and F1 scores are calculated from the confusion matrix of each model for better evaluation.
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Pneumonia Detection Using
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
V. Sirish Kaushik, Anand Nayyar, Gaurav Kataria and Rachna Jain
Abstract Pneumonia, an interstitial lung disease, is the leading cause of death in
children under the age of five. It accounted for approximately 16% of the deaths of
children under the age of five, killing around 880,000 children in 2016 according to
a study conducted by UNICEF. Affected children were mostly less than two years
old. Timely detection of pneumonia in children can help to fast-track the process
of recovery. This paper presents convolutional neural network models to accurately
detect pneumonic lungs from chest X-rays, which can be utilized in the real world by
medical practitioners to treat pneumonia. Experimentation was conducted on Chest
X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) dataset available on Kaggle. The first, second, third and
fourth model consists of one, two, three and four convolutional layers, respectively.
The first model achieves an accuracy of 89.74%, the second one reaches an accuracy
of 85.26%, the third model achieves an accuracy of 92.31%, and lastly, the fourth
model achieves an accuracy of 91.67%. Dropout regularization is employed in the
second, third and fourth models to minimize overfitting in the fully connected layers.
Furthermore, recall and F1 scores are calculated from the confusion matrix of each
model for better evaluation.
Keywords Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) ·Pneumonia detection ·
ReLU ·Max-pooling ·Forward and backward propagation
V. Sirish Kaushik (B)·G. Kataria ·R. Jain
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, Delhi, India
G. Kataria
R. Jain
A. Nayyar
Graduate School, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
P. K. Singh et al. (eds.), Proceedings of First International Conference on Computing,
Communications, and Cyber-Security (IC4S 2019), Lecture Notes in Networks
and Systems 121, 15-3369- 3_36
472 V. Sirish Kaushik et al.
1 Introduction
One of the major factors associated with pneumonia in children is indoor air pollution.
Apart from this, under-nutrition, lack of safe water, sanitation and basic health
facilities are also major factors. Pneumonia is an interstitial lung disease caused
by bacteria, fungi or viruses. It accounted for approximately 16% of the 5.6 million
under-five deaths, killing around 880,000 children in 2016 [1]. Affected victims were
mostly less than two years old. Timely detection of pneumonia can help to prevent
the deaths of children. This paper presents convolutional neural network models to
accurately detect pneumonic lungs from chest X-rays, which can be utilized in the
real world by medical practitioners to treat pneumonia [2]. These models have been
trained to classify chest X-ray images into normal and pneumonia in a few seconds,
hence serving the purpose of early detection of pneumonia. Although transfer
learning models based on convolutional neural networks like AlexNet, ResNet50,
InceptionV3, VGG16 and VGG19 are some of the most successful ImageNet dataset
models with pre-trained weights, they were not trained on this dataset as the size of
dataset taken for our research is not as extensive compared to ones which generally
employ transfer learning [3]. Four classification models were built using CNN to
detect pneumonia from chest X-ray images to help control this deadly infection in
children and other age groups. Accuracy of the model is directly correlated with the
size of the dataset, that is, the use of large datasets helps improve the accuracy of the
model, but there is no direct correlation between the number of convolutional layers
and the accuracy of the model.
To obtain the best results, a certain number of combinations of convolution layers,
dense layers, dropouts and learning rates have to be trained by evaluating the models
after each execution. Initially, simple models with one convolution layer were trained
on the dataset, and thereafter, the complexities were increased to get the model that
not only achieved desired accuracies but also outperformed other models in terms
of recall and F1 scores. The objective of the paper is to develop CNN models from
scratch which can classify and thus detect pneumonic patients from their chest X-
rays with high validation accuracy, recall and F1 scores. Recall is often favored in
medical imaging cases over other performance evaluating parameters, as it gives
a measure of false negatives in the results. The number of false negatives in the
result is very crucial in determining the real-world performance of models [4]. If a
model achieves high accuracy but low recall values, it is termed as underperforming,
inefficacious and even unsafe as higher false-negative values imply higher number of
instances where the model is predicting a patient as normal, but in reality, the person
is diseased. Hence, it would risk the patient’s life. To prevent this, the focus would
be only models with great recall values, decent accuracies and F1 scores [5].
The paper is organized into 5 sections: Sect. 1introduces the subject of this
research paper, addresses its importance and relevance, the purpose and motive to
undertake this research work and the objective of the paper. Section 2explores the
work related to this field that has been accomplished till now. Section 3explains
the methodology of the paper, explaining the architecture of the models, flowchart
Pneumonia Detection Using Convolutional 473
and the dataset used to train and test the four models. Section 4presents the results
achieved by the various CNN models and compares the performance of each model
using accuracy and loss graphs and confusion matrices. Section 5provides a brief
conclusion to the paper and delivers the best-suited model. Furthermore, the future
scope of this research work has also been discussed. All the references which are
cited in the paper have been listed in the end.
2 Related Work
Many researchers have tackled the problem of classifying images with high accuracy.
Here are some citations related to our paper:
Rubin et al. [6] developed a CNN model to detect common thorax disease
from frontal and lateral chest X-ray images. MIMIC-CXR dataset was used to
perform large-scale automated recognition of these images. The dataset was split
into training, testing and validation sets as 70%, 20% and 10%, respectively. Data
augmentation and pixel normalization were used to improve overall performance.
Their DualNet CNN model achieved an average AUC of 0.72 and 0.688 for PA
and AP, respectively. A deep convolutional neural network to classify pulmonary
tuberculosis was developed by Lakhani et al. [7]. Transfer learning models such
as AlexNet and GoogleNet were also used to classify chest X-ray images. The
dataset was split into training, testing and validation sets as 68%, 14.9% and 17.1%,
respectively. Data augmentation and pre-processing techniques were employed to
get the best performing model achieving an AUC of 0.99. Precision and recall of the
model were 100 and 97.3%. An AG-CNN model was developed by Guan et al. [8]
to recognize thorax disease. ChestX-ray14 dataset was used to detect thorax disease
from chest X-ray images. Global and local branch attention-guided CNN was used
for classification purposes. Their model was better than other models mentioned
in their research paper, achieving an AUC of 0.868. A deep convolutional neural
network model was developed by Rajpurkar et al. [9] to classify chest X-ray images
into pneumonia and other 14 diseases. ChestX-ray14 dataset was used for training
the model. They compared their ChXNet model (121 layered model) with practicing
academic radiologists. Their ChXNet model achieved an F1 score (95% CI) of 0.435
outperforming radiologists which achieved an F1 score (95% CI) of 0.387.
A deep convolutional neural network model having five convolutional layers
some followed by max-pooling layers, having three fully connected layers was
trained by Krizhevsky et al. [10]. This network contained 60 million different
parameters. By employing dropout, this model achieved a top-five error percent
of 17%. Simonyan et al. [11] developed a highly accurate model employing multiple
small kernel-sized filters to achieve top-five test accuracy 92.7%. This model was
trained on the ImageNet dataset and submitted to the ILSVRC 2014 competition. A
convolution neural network for classification and segmentation of brain tumor MRIs
was developed by Xu et al. [12]. Multiple techniques such as data augmentation,
feature selection and pooling techniques were employed in this model. The validation
474 V. Sirish Kaushik et al.
accuracy for classification achieved by this model is 97.5%, and validation accuracy
of segmentation is 84%, 256 ×256 pixels sized frontal chest radiographs which were
fed to a deep convolution neural network to detect abnormalities. A convolutional
neural network with five convolution layers employing leaky ReLU, average pooling
and three fully connected layers was developed by Anthimopoulos et al. [13] to detect
interstitial lung disease patterns in a dataset containing 14,696 images belonging to
seven different classes. This model achieved a classification accuracy of 85.5%. He
et al. [14] developed a residual neural network (RNN) to classify images present in the
ImageNet dataset. RNN introduced the concept of shortcut connections to tackle the
problem of vanishing gradients. This model which was submitted to ILSVRC 2015
attained state-of-the-art classification accuracy. A transfer learning model, extension
of AlexNet using data augmentation techniques, was developed by Glozman et al.
[15]. This model was trained on ADNI database. Two neural network models were
presented by Hemanth et al. [16] which are MCPN and MKNN. These models
classified MRIs with high accuracies and tackled high convergence time period for
Artificial Neural Networks.
3 Methodology
CNN models have been created from scratch and trained on Chest X-Ray Images
(Pneumonia) dataset on Kaggle. Keras neural network library with TensorFlow
backend has been used to implement the models. Dataset consists of 5216 training
images, 624 testing images and 16 validation images. Data augmentation has been
applied to achieve better results from the dataset. The four models have been trained
on the training dataset, each with different number of convolutional layers. Each
model was trained for 20 epochs, with training and testing batch sizes of 32 and 1,
respectively. The following sub-headings further explain the above stages in depth.
3.1 CNN Architecture
CNN models are feed-forward networks with convolutional layers, pooling layers,
flattening layers and fully connected layers employing suitable activation functions.
Convolutional layer. It is the building block of the CNNs. Convolution operation
is done in mathematics to merge two functions [17]. In the CNN models, the input
image is first converted into matrix form. Convolution filter is applied to the input
matrix which slides over it, performing element-wise multiplication and storing the
sum. This creates a feature map. 3 ×3 filter is generally employed to create 2D
feature maps when images are black and white. Convolutions are performed in 3D
when the input image is represented as a 3D matrix where the RGB color represents
the third dimension. Several feature detectors are operated with the input matrix to
generate a layer of feature maps which thus forms the convolutional layer.
Pneumonia Detection Using Convolutional 475
Activation functions. All four models presented in this paper use two different
activation functions, namely ReLU activation function and softmax activation
function. The ReLU activation function stands for rectified linear function [18].
It is a nonlinear function that outputs zero when the input is negative and outputs one
when the input is positive. The ReLU function is given by the following formula:
This type of activation function is broadly used in CNNs as it deals with the
problem of vanishing gradients and is useful for increasing the nonlinearity of layers.
ReLU activation function has many variants such as Noisy ReLUs, Leaky ReLUs
and Parametric ReLUs. Advantages of ReLU over other activation functions are
computational simplicity and representational sparsity. Softmax activation function
is used in all four models presented in this paper. This broadly used activation
function is employed in the last dense layer of all the four models [19]. This activation
function normalizes inputs into a probability distribution. Categorical cross-entropy
cost function is mostly used with this type of activation function.
Pooling layer. Convolutional layers are followed by pooling layers. The type of
pooling layer used in all four models is max-pooling layers. The max-pooling layer
having a dimension of 2 ×2 selects the maximum pixel intensity values from the
window of the image currently covered by the kernel. Max-pooling is used to down
sample images, hence reducing the dimensionality and complexity of the image [20].
Two other types of pooling layers can also be used which are general pooling and
overlapping pooling. The models presented in this paper use max-pooling technique
as it helps recognize salient features in the image.
Flattening layer and fully connected layers. After the input image passes
through the convolutional layer and the pooling layer, it is fed into the flattening
layer. This layer flattens out the input image into a column, further reducing its
computational complexity. This is then fed into the fully connected layer/dense layer.
The fully connected layer [21] has multiple layers, and every node in the first layer
is connected to every node in the second layer. Each layer in the fully connected
layer extracts features, and on this basis, the network makes a prediction [22,23].
This process is known as forward propagation. After forward propagation, a cost
function is calculated. It is a measure of performance of a neural network model.
The cost function used in all four models is categorical cross-entropy. After the cost
function is calculated, back propagation takes place. This process is repeated until
the network achieves optimum performance. Adam optimization algorithm has been
used in all four models.
Reducing overfitting. The first model exhibits substantial overfitting; hence,
dropout technique was employed in the later models [24]. Dropout technique helps to
reduce overfitting and tackles the problem of vanishing gradients. Dropout technique
encourages each neuron to form its own individual representation of the input data.
This technique on a random basis cuts connections between neurons in successive
layers during the training process [25]. Learning rate of models was also modified,
to reduce overfitting. Data augmentation technique can also be employed to reduce
476 V. Sirish Kaushik et al.
Algorithm of CNN classifiers. The algorithms used in the convolutional neural
network classifiers have been explained in Figs. 1and 2. Figure 3shows the flowchart
of the overall schema of research. The number of epochs for all the classifier models
presented in this paper was fixed at 20 after training and testing several CNN models
over the course of research. Classifier models trained for more number of epochs
have showed overfitting. Several optimizer functions were also trained and studied.
Adam optimizer function was finalized to be used for all classifiers after it gave the
best results. Initially, a simple classifier model with convolutional layer of image
size set to 64 * 64, 32 feature maps and employing ReLU activation function was
trained. Fully connected dense layer with 128 perceptrons was utilized. To improve
the result, the second classifier model was trained with one more convolutional
layer of 64 feature maps for better feature extraction. The number of perceptrons
in dense layer was also doubled to 256, so that better learning could be achieved.
The third model was trained for three convolutional layers with 128 feature maps in
third convolutional layer for more detailed feature extraction. Dense layer was kept
unchanged. Dropout layer was introduced at 0.3, and learning rate of optimizer was
Fig. 1 Algorithms of CNN classifier model 1 (left) and model 2 (right)
Pneumonia Detection Using Convolutional 477
Fig. 2 Algorithms of CNN classifier model 3 (left) and model 4 (right)
lowered to 0.0001 to reduce the overfitting. The final fourth classifier model was
trained for four convolutional layers with 256 feature maps in fourth convolutional
layer. Dense layer, dropout layer and learning rate were kept same as third classifier
model. The results have been summarized in the subsequent section of this paper.
Dataset. Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) dataset of 1.16 GB size has been
imported from Kaggle [26], with total of 5856 jpeg images split into Train, Test and
Val folders each divided into category Pneumonia and Normal. Chest X-ray images
(front and back) were selected from pediatric patients of one- to five-year olds from
Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center, Guangzhou. Figure 4provides
478 V. Sirish Kaushik et al.
Fig. 3 Detailed schema of the experiment conducted
Pneumonia Detection Using Convolutional 479
Fig. 4 Left image depicts normal lungs and right image depicts pneumonic lungs
the sample images from the dataset used during the research.
4 Experimental Results
To study the performance of each CNN classifier model, validation accuracy, recall
and F1 score were evaluated as the performance measures [27,28]. Accuracy and
loss graphs were also studied. The confusion matrix was also computed for each
4.1 Comparison of Performance of Models
Figures 5and 6show the confusion matrices, accuracy graphs and loss graphs of
all CNN classifier models. Table 1and Figs. 5and 6show that classifier models
1 and 2 significantly underperformed compared to models 3 and 4. The accuracy
graphs and loss graphs show overfitting. Accuracy, recall and F1 scores are also low.
In addition to extra convolution layer, employing dropout and lowering the learning
rate of optimizer in model 3 improved the performance considerably. It achieved
the least overfitting along with highest accuracy and recall. Several attempts were
made to better the performance by adding more convolutional layers and changing
the parameters. Classifier model 4 with four convolutional layers showed good recall
value and F1 score albeit with lower accuracy and higher overfitting compared to
model 3. Thus, classifier model 3 performed the best among all CNN classifier
models. In the following equations, tp =true positive, tn =true negative, fp =false
positive and fn =false negative.
Accuracy =tp +tn
tp +tn +fp +fn (1)
480 V. Sirish Kaushik et al.
Fig. 5 Performance of classifier model 1 and model 2
Fig. 6 Performance of classifier model 3 and model 4
Precision =tp/(tp +fp)(2)
Pneumonia Detection Using Convolutional 481
Tabl e 1 Performance comparison of different CNN models
Classifier model Validation accuracy
Validation loss (%) Recall (%) F1 score (%)
Model 1 (one
89.74 27.31 96 92
Model 2 (two
85.26 38.36 94 89
Model 3 (three
92.31 25.23 98 94
Model 4 (4
91.67 26.61 98 94
Recall =tp/(tp +fn)(3)
F1 Score =2(Precision Recall)/(Precision +Recall)(4)
5 Conclusion
The validation accuracy, recall and F1 score of CNN classifier model 3 with three
convolutional layers are 92.31%, 98% and 94%, respectively, which are quite high
compared to other models that were trained. CNN classifier model 4 with four
convolutional layers also comes very close in performance with 91.67% validation
accuracy, 98% recall and 94% F1 score. Both of these models have the same recall and
F1 scores. The paper by Chakraborty [29] achieved the overall accuracy of 95.62%
and recall of 95% trained on the same dataset. The paper by Liang [30] achieved
recall of 96.7% on the same dataset. The models presented by us at best could
achieve 92.31% accuracy which is lower, but 98% recall has been achieved. High
recall values will ensure that the number of false-negative instances is lower, hence
lowers the risk to the patient’s life. Thus, it is concluded that CNN classifier model
3 and model 4 can, therefore, be effectively used by medical officers for diagnostic
purposes for early detection of pneumonia in children as well as adults. A large
number of X-ray images can be processed very quickly to provide highly precise
diagnostic results, thus helping healthcare systems provide efficient patient care
services and reduce mortality rates. These convolutional neural networks’ models
were successfully achieved by employing various methods of parameter tuning like
adding dropout, changing learning rates, changing the batch size, number of epochs,
adding more complex fully connected layers and changing various stochastic gradient
optimizers [31].
482 V. Sirish Kaushik et al.
In the future, it is hoped that transfer learning models would be trained on this
dataset that would outperform these CNN models. It is intended that larger datasets
will also be trained using the models presented in the paper. It is also expected that
neural network models based on GAN [32], generative adversarial networks, would
also be trained and compared with the existing models.
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... Moreover, the study in [37] illustrated that the CNN with four convolutional layers could achieve up to 91.67% accuracy. Similarly, authors in [38] demonstrated the effectiveness of the triple convolutional layer CNN on the chest x-rays dataset [35] and showed that the model could achieve up to 92.31% accuracy. ...
... Similarly, it shows a 5.90% improvement as compared with [36]. PneumNet v1.0 also shows improvement when compared with CNNs, such as it shows 7.53%, 6.89%, and 4.15% improvement as compared with [37][38][39], respectively. The proposed PneumNet v1.0 also outperforms the transfer learning method demonstrated in [40] by demonstrating a 6.52% improvement in A cc . ...
... Similarly, it shows a 6.54% improvement as compared to [36]. PneumNet v2.0 also shows improvement when compared with CNNs, such as it shows 7.85%, 7.21%, and 4.47% improvement as compared to [37][38][39], respectively. The proposed PneumNet v2.0 also outperforms the transfer learning method demonstrated in [40] by demonstrating a 6.84% improvement in A cc . ...
Full-text available
The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has revolutionized healthcare, particularly in ambient assisted living (AAL). Deep learning has emerged as a powerful tool for identifying disorders and making health‐related decisions. Pneumonia, a dangerous and contagious disease, has a significant global impact. Prompt and accurate diagnosis is crucial, but traditional methods are time‐consuming and require specialized expertise. This research introduces PneumNet, a novel deep‐learning model. PneumNet consists of two versions: PneumNet v1.0 and PneumNet v2.0. The comparative analysis demonstrates PneumNet's exceptional performance. The top model achieves 99.84% accuracy, 99.87% F1‐score, 99.74% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% positive predictive value (PPV), and 99.58% negative predictive value (NPV). PneumNet outperforms other methods, accurately diagnosing pneumonia and improving treatment outcomes. By leveraging deep convolutional neural networks (D‐CNNs), PneumNet provides an efficient and accurate solution for pneumonia detection. These findings highlight the significance of D‐CNNs, particularly the proposed PneumNet model, in enhancing pneumonia detection accuracy and reducing mortality rates. IoMT and deep learning pave the way for transformative advancements in healthcare.
... Diagnostics 2024, 14, 390 2 of 23 data imbalance, inconsistent imaging standards, and the nuanced nature of pneumonia features, which often mimic other lung conditions, persist [10]. Many existing models lack the sensitivity to differentiate subtle yet critical pathological patterns, thereby leading to potential misdiagnoses [11]. Additionally, the black box nature of many deep learning models raises concerns about interpretability and trust in clinical settings [12]. ...
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In the domain of AI-driven healthcare, deep learning models have markedly advanced pneumonia diagnosis through X-ray image analysis, thus indicating a significant stride in the efficacy of medical decision systems. This paper presents a novel approach utilizing a deep convolutional neural network that effectively amalgamates the strengths of EfficientNetB0 and DenseNet121, and it is enhanced by a suite of attention mechanisms for refined pneumonia image classification. Leveraging pre-trained models, our network employs multi-head, self-attention modules for meticulous feature extraction from X-ray images. The model’s integration and processing efficiency are further augmented by a channel-attention-based feature fusion strategy, one that is complemented by a residual block and an attention-augmented feature enhancement and dynamic pooling strategy. Our used dataset, which comprises a comprehensive collection of chest X-ray images, represents both healthy individuals and those affected by pneumonia, and it serves as the foundation for this research. This study delves deep into the algorithms, architectural details, and operational intricacies of the proposed model. The empirical outcomes of our model are noteworthy, with an exceptional performance marked by an accuracy of 95.19%, a precision of 98.38%, a recall of 93.84%, an F1 score of 96.06%, a specificity of 97.43%, and an AUC of 0.9564 on the test dataset. These results not only affirm the model’s high diagnostic accuracy, but also highlight its promising potential for real-world clinical deployment.
Pneumonia is a known potentially fatal lung disease that is frequently referred to as a silent killer since it can lead to lung alveoli filling with pus or fluid, mainly from fungal, viral, or bacterial infections. Chest X-rays are the primary diagnostic tool for pneumonia; however, the diagnosis becomes more complex when other pulmonary disorders such volume loss, haemorrhage, lung cancer, fluid overload, and consequences from radiation or surgery are taken into account. As a result, the interpretation of chest X-rays becomes complex, which makes the development of computer-aided diagnosis systems necessary to help physicians make decisions that are more accurate. In order to diagnose pneumonia from chest X-ray pictures, the research reported here uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) enhanced with a self-attention mechanism. 'Normal' and 'pneumonia' classes are included in the dataset used in the study methodology, and data augmentation techniques are applied to improve the model's resilience. By means of extensive evaluation metrics and visualizations, the study highlights the potential of the suggested model as a useful instrument to aid clinicians in diagnosing pneumonia, consequently reducing the difficulties linked to the interpretation of chest X-rays in the context of various pulmonary conditions.
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Pneumonia is a potentially life-threatening infectious disease that is typically diagnosed through physical examinations and diagnostic imaging techniques such as chest X-rays, ultrasounds, or lung biopsies. Accurate diagnosis is crucial as wrong diagnosis, inadequate treatment or lack of treatment can cause serious consequences for patients and may become fatal. The advancements in deep learning have significantly contributed to aiding medical experts in diagnosing pneumonia by assisting in their decision-making process. By leveraging deep learning models, healthcare professionals can enhance diagnostic accuracy and make informed treatment decisions for patients suspected of having pneumonia. In this study, six deep learning models including CNN, InceptionResNetV2, Xception, VGG16, ResNet50, and Efficient-NetV2L are implemented and evaluated. The study also incorporates the Adam optimizer, which effectively adjusts the epoch for all the models. The models are trained on a dataset of 5856 chest X-ray images and show 87.78%, 88.94%, 90.7%, 91.66%, 87.98%, and 94.02% accuracy for CNN, InceptionResNetV2, Xception, VGG16, ResNet50 and EfficientNetV2L, respectively. Notably, EfficientNetV2L demonstrates the highest accuracy and proves its robustness for pneumonia detection. These findings highlight the potential of deep learning models in accurately detecting and predicting pneumonia based on chest X-ray images, providing valuable support in clinical decision-making and improving patient treatment.
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Estimating the effort behind a software project is the approximation time and resources an engineer need to create a software application. The estimation is one of the most important phase in the developing process to set the cost of project and ultimately to attract the client. In the preliminary stage of a project, the accuracy of estimation is to be extremely precise and dependable, which may not be easy to achieve. Therefore, use of machine learning algorithms is a possible solution for the estimation process on which the decision can be made. In this study, we have analyzed various studies and machine learning trends conducted in this field. Doing this effective reductions in the cost and parameter for the project to be accomplished. Accuracy, root mean and relative absolute errors are used to compute the effort estimation accuracy.
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Seamless and efficient diagnosis of pneumonia in children and adults is predominantly very important for the physicians. As pneumonia is a disease which kills around 50000 people each year globally therefore adequate treatment and adequate cure of the particular disease must be made essential for the prevention of the unnecessary deaths. Conventionally for the detection and diagnosis of pneumonia physicians often use X-rays of the chest to promptly and economically diagnose the disease The architecture of convolutional neural network devised in the work performs thorough analysis on the chest x-rays by identifying the spatial placement of the activations that led to the detection of pneumonia in a chest x-ray. The model developed in the work posed an accuracy of 95.62% with an average precision and recall of 96% and 95% respectively.
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The accurate severity classification of a bug report is an important aspect of bug fixing. The bug reports are submitted into the bug tracking system with high speed, and owing to this, bug repository size has been increasing at an enormous rate. This increased bug repository size introduces biases in the bug triage process. Therefore, it is necessary to classify the severity of a bug report to balance the bug triaging process. Previously, many machine learning models were proposed for automation of bug severity classification. The accuracy of these models is not up to the mark because they do not extract the important feature patterns for learning the classifier. This paper proposes a novel deep learning model for multiclass severity classification called Bug Severity classification to address these challenges by using a Convolutional Neural Network and Random forest with Boosting (BCR). This model directly learns the latent and highly representative features. Initially, the natural language techniques preprocess the bug report text, and then n-gram is used to extract the features. Further, the Convolutional Neural Network extracts the important feature patterns of respective severity classes. Lastly, the random forest with boosting classifies the multiple bug severity classes. The average accuracy of the proposed model is 96.34% on multiclass severity of five open source projects. The average F-measures of the proposed BCR and the existing approach were 96.43% and 84.24%, respectively, on binary class severity classification. The results prove that the proposed BCR approach enhances the performance of bug severity classification over the state-of-the-art techniques.
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The detection of manmade disasters particularly fire is valuable because it causes many damages in terms of human lives. Research on fire detection using wireless sensor network and video-based methods is a very hot research topic. However, the WSN based detection model need fire happens and a lot of smoke and fire for detection. Similarly, video-based models also have some drawbacks because conventional algorithms need feature vectors and high rule-based models for detection. In this paper, we proposed a fire detection method which is based on powerful machine learning and deep learning algorithms. We used both sensors data as well as images data for fire prevention. Our proposed model has three main deep neural networks i.e. a hybrid model which consists of Adaboost and many MLP neural networks, Adaboost-LBP model and finally convolutional neural network. We used Adaboost-MLP model to predict the fire. After the prediction, we proposed two neural networks i.e. Adaboost-LBP model and convolutional neural network for detection of fire using the videos and images taken from the cameras installed for the surveillance. Adaboost-LBP model is to generate the ROIs from the image where emergencies exist Our proposed model results are quite good, and the accuracy is almost 99%. The false alarming rate is very low and can be reduced more using further training.
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The max-pooling operation in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) downsamples the feature maps of convolutional layers. However, in doing so, it loses some spatial information. In this paper, we extract a novel feature from pooling layers, called displacement features, and combine them with the features resulting from max-pooling to capture the structural deformations for text recognition tasks. The displacement features record the location of the maximal value in a max-pooling operation. Furthermore, we analyze and mine the class-wise trends of the displacement features. The extensive experimental results and discussions demonstrate that the proposed displacement features can improve the performance of the CNN based architectures and tackle the issues with the structural deformations of max-pooling in the text recognition tasks.
Aim and scope: Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine is a fast-growing field. The rise of deep learning algorithms, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), offers fascinating perspectives for the automation of medical image analysis. In this systematic review article, we screened the current literature and investigated the following question: "Can deep learning algorithms for image recognition improve visual diagnosis in medicine?" Materials and methods: We provide a systematic review of the articles using CNNs for medical image analysis, published in the medical literature before May 2019. Articles were screened based on the following items: type of image analysis approach (detection or classification), algorithm architecture, dataset used, training phase, test, comparison method (with specialists or other), results (accuracy, sensibility and specificity) and conclusion. Results: We identified 352 articles in the PubMed database and excluded 327 items for which performance was not assessed (review articles) or for which tasks other than detection or classification, such as segmentation, were assessed. The 25 included papers were published from 2013 to 2019 and were related to a vast array of medical specialties. Authors were mostly from North America and Asia. Large amounts of qualitative medical images were necessary to train the CNNs, often resulting from international collaboration. The most common CNNs such as AlexNet and GoogleNet, designed for the analysis of natural images, proved their applicability to medical images. Conclusion: CNNs are not replacement solutions for medical doctors, but will contribute to optimize routine tasks and thus have a potential positive impact on our practice. Specialties with a strong visual component such as radiology and pathology will be deeply transformed. Medical practitioners, including surgeons, have a key role to play in the development and implementation of such devices.
Background and objective: Computer aided diagnosis systems based on deep learning and medical imaging is increasingly becoming research hotspots. At the moment, the classical convolutional neural network generates classification results by hierarchically abstracting the original image. These abstract features are less sensitive to the position and orientation of the object, and this lack of spatial information limits the further improvement of image classification accuracy. Therefore, how to develop a suitable neural network framework and training strategy in practical clinical applications to avoid this problem is a topic that researchers need to continue to explore. Methods: We propose a deep learning framework that combines residual thought and dilated convolution to diagnose and detect childhood pneumonia. Specifically, based on an understanding of the nature of the child pneumonia image classification task, the proposed method uses the residual structure to overcome the over-fitting and the degradation problems of the depth model, and utilizes dilated convolution to overcome the problem of loss of feature space information caused by the increment in depth of the model. Furthermore, in order to overcome the problem of difficulty in training model due to insufficient data and the negative impact of the introduction of structured noise on the performance of the model, we use the model parameters learned on large-scale datasets in the same field to initialize our model through transfer learning. Results: Our proposed method has been evaluated for extracting texture features associated with pneumonia and for accurately identifying the performance of areas of the image that best indicate pneumonia. The experimental results of the test dataset show that the recall rate of the method on children pneumonia classification task is 96.7%, and the f1-score is 92.7%. Compared with the prior art methods, this approach can effectively solve the problem of low image resolution and partial occlusion of the inflammatory area in children chest X-ray images. Conclusions: The novel framework focuses on the application of advanced classification that directly performs lesion characterization, and has high reliability in the classification task of children pneumonia.
The rich collection of annotated datasets piloted the robustness of deep learning techniques to effectuate the implementation of diverse medical imaging tasks. Over 15% of deaths include children under age five are caused by pneumonia globally. In this study, we describe our deep learning based approach for the identification and localization of pneumonia in Chest X-rays (CXRs) images. Researchers usually employ CXRs for the diagnostic imaging study. Several factors such as positioning of the patient and depth of inspiration can change the appearance of the chest X-ray, complicating interpretation further. Our identification model ( is based on Mask-RCNN, a deep neural network which incorporates global and local features for pixel-wise segmentation. Our approach achieves robustness through critical modifications of the training process and a novel post-processing step which merges bounding boxes from multiple models. The proposed identification model achieves better performances evaluated on chest radiograph dataset which depict potential pneumonia causes.
Deep learning technologies have played more and more important roles in Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) in medicine. In this paper, we tackled the problem of automatic prediction of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images, and propose a fully unsupervised deep learning technology for AD diagnosis. We first implement the unsupervised Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for feature extraction, and then utilize the unsupervised predictor to achieve the final diagnosis. In the proposed method, two kinds of data forms, one slice and three orthogonal panels (TOP) of MRI image, are employed as the input data respectively. Experimental results run on all the 1075 subjects in database of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI 1 1.5T) show that the proposed method with one slice data yields the promising prediction results for AD vs. MCI (accuracy 95.52%) and MCI vs. NC (accuracy 90.63%), and the proposed methods with TOP data yields the best overall prediction results for AD vs. MCI (accuracy 97.01%) and MCI vs. NC (accuracy 92.6%).
Accurate diagnosis of Lung Cancer Disease (LCD) is an essential process to provide timely treatment to the lung cancer patients. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is a recently proposed Machine Learning (ML) algorithm which is used on both large-scale and small-size datasets. In this paper, an ensemble of Weight Optimized Neural Network with Maximum Likelihood Boosting (WONN-MLB) for LCD in big data is analyzed. The proposed method is split into two stages, feature selection and ensemble classification. In the first stage, the essential attributes are selected with an integrated Newton Raphsons Maximum Likelihood and Minimum Redundancy (MLMR) preprocessing model for minimizing the classification time. In the second stage, Boosted Weighted Optimized Neural Network Ensemble Classification algorithm is applied to classify the patient with selected attributes which results to improve the cancer disease diagnosis accuracy and to minimize the false positive rate. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves better false positive rate, accuracy of prediction, and reduced delay in comparison to the conventional techniques.