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Enfoque de sistemas y análisis comunicacional aplicados a procesos de desarrollo local

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... Durante 2008-2009, en una segunda etapa, se desarrolló un nuevo rastreo a partir del análisis de experiencias y de referencias directas por parte de participantes de distintas localidades de cuatro regiones geopolíticas de Argentina (noroeste, noreste, sur y centro). Este paso, permitió identificar otras metodologías 6 , a través de un análisis orientado por la comunicación social y la sociolingüística de la interacción (Burin y Heras, 2001;Heras Monner Sans, 2010), enfoques que interrogan: ¿quién dice qué a quién, con qué propósitos y resultados, a partir de qué registros discursivos (textuales, lingüísticos, visuales), sostenidos por qué tipos de relaciones de poder? ...
... Cuando los participantes se reúnen, el uso del espacio es dinámico y eso hace que los participantes también asuman una actitud activa. Esta es una gran diferencia de los dispositivos analizados en la etapa anterior, que en su gran mayoría cedían el protagonismo a un equipo técnico que está a cargo de relevar la información y sistematizarla para luego validarla con la comunidad presentándola en una reunión masiva donde hay poco espacio para discutir (Burin y Heras, 2001). ...
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This paper presents an analysis of the concept of participatory action in places and spaces called to enhance public policies by discussing possible contributions to the public agenda, specifically in the context of Argentina. We start by describing some key concepts in order to later describe different types of methodologies, specifically focusing on the ones that foster interactive or self-managed participatory processes. We finally analyze the contributions of specific types of participatory methodologies to democratic processes which focus on direct democracy. Este escrito presenta un análisis de la participación en espacios convocados supuestamente para incidir en la definición de políticas públicas o de acciones que permitan la construcción de una agenda social, tomando como referencia el contexto latinoamericano y más específicamente el argentino. Presentamos, en primer lugar, una discusión del contexto que enmarcó la perspectiva sobre participación y políticas públicas durante los últimos quince años junto con un análisis de conceptos clave que han sostenido el discurso de los organismos de cooperación internacional (por ejemplo, buenas prácticas, buen gobierno, participación). Luego presentamos el análisis específico de algunas metodologías de trabajo orientadas por su concepción participativa, específicamente las que ponen el acento en la participación interactiva y la que tiende a la autogestión, a través de un análisis de los objetivos que se plantean, a quiénes se convoca y quiénes participan, qué recursos son necesarios y cuáles fueron sus incidencias políticas y comunitarias, según ejemplos concretos referidos en cada caso. Concluimos reflexionando sobre los aportes de dichas metodologías a la participación directa en las democracias contemporáneas.
... These policies sought to become more efficient in local administrative governmental strategies (Smulovitz and Clemente 2004). Political and administrative de-centralizing policies did indeed take place, and these kinds of orientations have placed a high demand on different levels of the administration (cities, provinces, regional administrative networks, etc.), and have put at the center of discussion new issues, such as what counts as civil society participation, and how is participation to be called upon and achieved (Heras and Burin 2001). However, looking back at recent historical times, specifically during the 1990s, one can identify other patterns in these kinds of LD, strategic planning frameworks (Bertolotto and Clemente 2006). ...
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We present an analysis of part of a data-set from a three-year study called ‘Work, Development and Diversity’ conducted by a network of Argentinean public and private research institutions. We sought to analyze the different ways in which strategic planning for local development, with a participatory approach, had been implemented in four geographic regions of Argentina. In this article we analyze how (1) participants in a given field of practice build strategic discursive actions and orient their interactions guided by their perception of who is included, and in what aspects of the process at stake; (2) participants build discourses that shape what counts as reality. Our analysis shows what happens when participants come together, since they dispute what counts as true, valid or even real, and these disputes can be analyzed through discourse; what may appear to be a linguistic detail is loaded with meaning due to the historical context in which the specific cultural terms are produced (e.g. participant, neighbor, and activist). We also show that in calls for participatory action, any specific community of participants may impose what they determine to be true over the others. When this is achieved, one may say that they have managed to impose a certain simplifying operation over the other participants, thus making it possible for their logic to prevail, and to reduce a certain amount of complexity at play.
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Communication in support of development is conceived, occasionally, from its most instrumental and operational side. Communication management for territorial development is based on conceptual issues that provide relevant elements for the analysis and understanding of this category. This being the case, it becomes necessary to look at terms such as: management; communication; communicative interactions; local actors; development; territory; social capital; culture; social identity and participation, which will help to show more clearly the contribution of communication management to development processes in municipalities.
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La convergencia de intereses diversos en objetivos y estrategias comunes, propósito fundamental de la planificación y la gestión participativas, es un proceso altamente complejo y plagado de obstáculos. A pesar de no ser esta convergencia una condición sine qua non para generar un proceso de desarrollo local, los procesos participativos se tornan fundamentales para que los grupos más pobres y vulnerables satisfagan el derecho a la ciudad, mediante su inclusión social en ámbitos de problematización, toma de decisiones, acción y control de gestión. El presente trabajo aborda la temática de la participación en la gestión de políticas públicas, tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como a través del análisis del Programa Mejoramiento de Barrios (ProMeBa) aplicado en el Barrio Las Polinesias, perteneciente a la Ciudad de Villa Allende, Departamento Colón, Provincia de Córdoba.
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This article focuses on the social construction of identities that were possible in the face of changing policies from two languages (a form of trans-languaging) to form one community to the elimination of possibilities under a shift to English Only.
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Resumen El artículo describe en primer lugar, una metodología original para implementar un proceso planificado endógeno y participativo de desarrollo local, que facilite lo que hasta aquí ha sido el motivo de las mayores críticas a estos procesos, su sostenibilidad en el tiempo. A continuación detalla la aplicación a escala real de esta metodología a Tres Arroyos, un mediano municipio del sudoeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. En el trabajo se resaltan dos aspectos: a) los interesantes logros obtenidos y el promisorio escenario que se visualiza a futuro en este proceso, en relación a su sostenibilidad en el tiempo con la consiguiente implementación de las actividades planificadas, y b) el conjunto de modificaciones a la metodología original como resultado de su aplicación a un caso real, es decir, al enfrentar el desafío de adecuarse a las particularidades del territorio. Abstract This paper describes, firstly, an original methodology for implementing an endogenous and participative planned local development process, which facilitates their sustainability over time, what has hitherto been the reason for the major criticism of these processes. Afterwards, this article details the full-scale application of this methodology in Tres Arroyos, a medium-sized municipality located in the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Two aspects are highlighted: a) the interesting achievements and the promising scenario envisioned for this process, this being related to its sustainability over time and its consequent implementation of the planned activities, and b) the set of modifications of the original methodology led by its application into a real case, which implies facing the challenge of considering the peculiarities of the territory. Resumo O artigo descreve em primeiro lugar, uma metodologia original para a implementação de um processo planejado endógeno e participativo de desenvolvimento local, que facilita a sua sustentabilidade ao longo do tempo, o que tem sido objeto da maior crítica desses processos. A seguir se detalha a aplicação em escala real desta metodologia para Tres Arroyos, um município de médio porte no sudoeste da Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. No trabalho dois aspectos são destacados: a) os interessantes resultados e o promissor cenário que apresenta no futuro este processo, em relação a sua sustentabilidade ao longo do tempo com a consequente implementação das atividades planejadas, e b) o conjunto de modificações à metodologia original como resultado da sua aplicação a um caso real, isto é, de enfrentar o desafio de se adaptar às peculiaridades do território.
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El paper examina la educación mediada por tecnologías describiendo dificultades y desafíos en la Argentina del 2015.
Preamble In the years since this volume was first published new theoretical paradigms and concepts have emerged, existing ones have been revised and incorporated into research methodologies, and new empirical studies have appeared which significantly add to knowledge. In what follows we will briefly review these ideas, and show they apply to the arguments made in the original version of the chapter as well as evaluate their import for educational communicative processes. We have decided to present the argument as a decade‐by‐decade progression of ideas and findings, the focus however remains on interactional sociolinguistics in the study of schooling. The 1960s: from linguistic deficit to cultural and linguistic diversity Systematic research on language in education began in the 1960s largely in response to concerns with what was then regarded as ‘minority group school failure’. At the time it was assumed that while children may have come to school with different sociocultural backgrounds, what counted was how written language was presented in the classroom (Graham 1980). Wherever school failure was attributed to children's language use it was regarded as a matter of innate ability. Attempting to counter the biological determinism, and implicit racism of these views, educators turned to the work of anthropologists (Lewis 1960) and sociologists (Glazer and Moynihan (1963) to argue that the poverty and cultural deprivation of inner‐city families had led to ‘linguistic deprivation’ reflected in non‐standard grammar and inadequate reasoning ability, and that these were the major causative factors of school failure (Hess and Shipman 1966).
In this article, teaching and studenting ore conceived of as performances defined both institutionally and interactionally. Schools are viewed as providing an institutional framework and an organizational definition for teacher and student roles, whereas the actual roles experienced by teachers and students are viewed as interactionally constituted. From this perspective, each school and classroom is a particular kind of setting with particular opportunities for interacting and learning, even though schools and classrooms, as a general class of institutional entity, may share certain common organizational patterns.I present an analysis of how members of a bilingual sixth-grade classroom construct knowledge as they interact within a particular event of a social science history project. This analysis shows how theory informs analysis, and conversely, how analysis informs theory. Data are presented to illustrate ways in which knowledge is constructed by members through interactions in a local event (i.e., the presentation and defense of their island history) and over time (a 2-month period). Ways in which positions (institutional definitions) and positionings (interactionally constructed definitions) are established by bilingual and Spanish or English dominant students through their actions and interactions are discussed along with related issues of language use.
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