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The regular practice of physical activity is a well-recommended strategy for the prevention and treatment of several cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Physical exercise prevents the progression of vascular diseases and reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Exercise training also ameliorates vascular changes including endothelial dysfunction and arterial remodeling and stiffness, usually present in type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Common to these diseases is excessive oxidative stress, which plays an important role in the processes underlying vascular changes. At the vascular level, exercise training improves the redox state and consequently NO availability. Moreover, growing evidence indicates that other mediators such as prostanoids might be involved in the beneficial effects of exercise. The purpose of this review is to update recent findings describing the adaptation response induced by exercise in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, focusing more specifically on the beneficial effects of exercise in the vasculature and the underlying mechanisms.
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Current Hypertension Reports
ISSN 1522-6417
Curr Hypertens Rep
DOI 10.1007/s11906-013-0336-5
Exercise Training and Cardiometabolic
Diseases: Focus on the Vascular System
Fernanda R.Roque, Raquel Hernanz,
Mercedes Salaices & Ana M.Briones
1 23
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Exercise Training and Cardiometabolic Diseases:
Focus on the Vascular System
Fernanda R. Roque &Raquel Hernanz &
Mercedes Salaices &Ana M. Briones
#Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
Abstract The regular practice of physical activity is a well-
recommended strategy for the prevention and treatment of
several cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Physical ex-
ercise prevents the progression of vascular diseases and
reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Exercise
training also ameliorates vascular changes including endo-
thelial dysfunction and arterial remodeling and stiffness,
usually present in type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension
and metabolic syndrome. Common to these diseases is
excessive oxidative stress, which plays an important role
in the processes underlying vascular changes. At the vascu-
lar level, exercise training improves the redox state and
consequently NO availability. Moreover, growing evidence
indicates that other mediators such as prostanoids might be
involved in the beneficial effects of exercise. The purpose of
this review is to update recent findings describing the adap-
tation response induced by exercise in cardiovascular and
metabolic diseases, focusing more specifically on the
beneficial effects of exercise in the vasculature and the
underlying mechanisms.
Keywords Exercise training .Diabetes .Obesity .
Hypertension .Metabolic syndrome .Endothelial
dysfunction .Vascular remodeling .Stiffness .Oxidative
stress .Nitric oxide .Adipokines .Prostanoids
According to the World Health Organization, of the estimated
57 million global deaths, approximately 63 % were due to
non-communicable diseases, and the largest proportion of
these deaths (48 %) is caused by cardiovascular disease [1].
Persuasive evidence indicates that 6-10 % of all deaths from
non-communicable diseases worldwide can be attributed to
physical inactivity [2]. Indeed, behavioral risk factors in-
cluding physical inactivity, tobacco use, unhealthy diet and
the harmful use of alcohol are associated with high blood
pressure, obesity, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, and
they are estimated to be responsible for about 80 % of
coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease [1].
Regular practice of physical exercise prevents the progres-
sion of vascular diseases and reduces cardiovascular mor-
bidity and mortality, improving health substantially [2,3].
Particularly, physical activity attenuates cardiovascular dis-
ease mortality in individuals with metabolic risk factors
such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and/or metabolic
syndrome [4]. Physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle
are believed to be independent risk factors for the develop-
ment of some metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. At
minimum, a weekly bout of moderate to vigorous physical
activity is protective in men and women with clustered
metabolic abnormalities [4]. Central to cardiometabolic
diseases are alterations in the structure and function of
conductance and resistance arteries. In metabolic syndrome,
both obesity and hypertension concomitantly occur with
F. R. Roque :M. Salaices :A. M. Briones
Departamento de Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Instituto de Investigación
Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid, Spain
R. Hernanz
Departamento de Bioquímica, Fisiología y Genética Molecular,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcón, Spain
M. Salaices (*):A. M. Briones (*)
Department of Pharmacology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
Arzobispo Morcillo 4,
28029 Madrid, Spain
Curr Hypertens Rep
DOI 10.1007/s11906-013-0336-5
Author's personal copy
diabetes, and it might be difficult to discern whether vascu-
lar alterations derive from one or several specific diseases or
from the combined mechanisms of all [5]. This review
summarizes recent findings on the effects of exercise in
the function, structure and mechanics of arteries in
cardiometabolic pathologies and focuses on new aspects of
the underlying mechanisms responsible for these effects.
Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex metabolic
disease characterized by insulin resistance, hyperglycemia,
early decrements in the insulin secretory capacity and vas-
cular dysfunction even in a prediabetic stage [6,7]. T2DM
is an independent risk factor for vascular disease and is often
associated with other cardiovascular disease risk factors,
including high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, obesity and
physical inactivity [8].
T2DM is associated with impaired endothelial-dependent
vasodilatation, increased contractile response of vascular
smooth muscle and a predisposition to the development of
inflammatory, thrombotic and atherosclerotic events [7,
913]. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the expo-
sure of vascular endothelium to high circulating levels of
lipids and glucose is accompanied by reduced NO availabil-
ity [14,15]. In addition, hyperglycemia and impaired
suppression of adipose tissue lipolysis may lead to intracel-
lular changes in the redox state increasing the formation of
reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is an important factor
in the development of endothelial dysfunction. The in-
creased nonenzymatic glycation and production of advanced
glycation end products and increased activity of the polyol
pathway induced by hyperglycemia increase ROS produc-
tion via NADPH oxidase, the most important source of
superoxide anion in the vasculature [15,16]. Therefore,
the overproduction of ROS, through their NO-scavenging
effect, is involved in T2DM-induced vascular dysfunction.
Dysregulation of adipokine expression and dyslipidemia
also participate in altered vascular function. Therefore,
endothelial dysfunction may be a critical early target for
preventing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease in
patients with diabetes or insulin resistance.
Reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality have
been associated with increased regular physical activity
and physical fitness in T2DM patients [17,18]. In fact,
exercise training has long been recognized as an important
basis for the prevention and management of diabetes due to
significant improvements in glycemic control, insulin sen-
sibility, vascular function and reduction of blood pressure
and triglyceride levels [19,20]. Different types of super-
vised exercise training improve glycemic control and reduce
as reviewed recently [21]. Specifically, aerobic and
combined aerobic/resistance, but not resistance exercise
training, reduces HbA
levels. Importantly, the frequency
of exercise sessions in T2DM patients may be the major
determinant of glycemic control rather than the duration or
intensity of the sessions [21]. Another interesting question
is based on how long the beneficial effects of exercise
persist after cessation. Li et al. [22] observed that the
persistent training-induced improvements in insulin sensi-
tivity may be more dependent on exercise duration than
exercise intensity.
Although the beneficial effects of exercise training on the
improvement of energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity
are well established, only recently the effects and mecha-
nisms whereby exercise training ameliorates vascular func-
tion in T2DM have been elucidated. The potential of
exercise training in reverse endothelial dysfunction is well
documented in several studies performed in diabetic rodents
[12,20,2325] and prediabetic and diabetic patients
[2629]. Of note, this is true for both conduit (aorta and
brachial arteries) and resistance vessels (coronaries and
forearm arteries), suggesting that exercise exerts beneficial
effects in the whole vascular system and not only in the
more actively exercised vascular beds. With respect to the
type of exercise, combined exercise training (aerobic plus
resistance) is effective improving endothelial function in
different arterial beds from animal models and diabetic
patients [26,28,29]. It is now evident that increases in
NO bioavailability, mainly by the reduction of oxidative
stress and inflammation, are important contributors to the
improvement of endothelial function observed with low to
moderate intensity aerobic exercise training in T2DM mice
[30••]. Moreover, improved endothelial NO synthase
(eNOS) phosphorylation and increased antioxidant enzyme
expression have been observed in diabetic mice after aerobic
exercise training [12,20,23,25]. Additionally, exercise
affects the levels and/or expression of proinflammatory cy-
tokines that have a role in the decreased NO bioavailability
due to increased ROS generation [31] and stimulates che-
mokine production [32]. Thus, aerobic exercise training
reduced TNF-αandIL-6levelsincoronaryarterioles
[20], but not in aorta [24] from T2DM mice. This
discrepancy may result from differences in the arterial
bed evaluated or the duration of physical training pro-
tocols. In fact, in T2DM mice, 6 but not 2 weeks of
aerobic exercise training reduces plasma high-sensitive
C-reactive protein (CRP) levels [24], suggesting that
more prolonged exercise periods might be required to
reduce inflammatory markers.
Adipose tissue serves as a highly active metabolic and
endocrine organ regulating lipid and glucose metabolism. In
addition, adipose tissue produces a large number of cyto-
kines, chemokines and hormones, and some evidence sug-
gests that the vascular dysfunction observed in insulin
Curr Hypertens Rep
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resistance, diabetes and obesity states may be influenced by
altered signaling from adipose tissue to blood vessels
[3335]. In fact, the uncontrolled secretion of adipocyte-
and adipose tissue-derived factors occurring in diabetic
and/or obesity states promotes a systemic inflammatory
state [34]. Interestingly, plasma levels of adiponectin, an
antiinflammatory and protective adipokine, are markedly
reduced in patients and rodent models of diabetes [25,36],
and this is closely related to endothelial dysfunction [37,
38]. More importantly, aerobic exercise training increased
serum and aorta adiponectin expression in T2DM mice, and
this might have a role in reducing inflammation by decreas-
ing IFN-γand oxidative stress [25]. In another study, Sixt et
al. [29] observed that after 6 months of exercise, despite
continued improvement in endothelial dysfunction, the
levels of fasting plasma glucose, CPR, HbA1c and
adiponectin returned to levels comparable to those measured
at the beginning of the study, and there was also a slight
regain in weight when the 5 months of intervention were
performed at home [29]. This indicates the need for prefer-
ably supervised out-patient rehabilitation programs.
Kadoglou et al. [39] studied the impact of long-term aerobic
exercise training on the serum levels of the adipokines
apelin and ghrelin in T2DM patients. Apelin seems to play
a key role in the regulation of vascular tone and cardiovas-
cular function [40], and ghrelin plays a protective role and
possesses antiinflammatory properties in atherosclerosis
[41,42]. Twelve weeks of structured exercise training
upregulated serum apelin levels and improved the metabolic
profile but had negligible effects on body weight and on
serum levels of ghrelin in the whole study population [39].
Interestingly, an increased ghrelin concentration was ob-
served in exercise-treated women, despite the absence of
weight loss [39]. How these mediators participate in the
improvement of the endothelial dysfunction observed after
exercise is unknown.
In addition to endothelial dysfunction, the arterial struc-
ture and biomechanics can be used to detect early alterations
related to vascular dysfunction in T2DM. In large arteries
from T2DM patients, the main structural modification ob-
served is increased intima-media thickness associated with
increased arterial stiffness [43,44], whereas in small arteries
hypertrophic remodeling has been observed [4547]. In
animals, depending on the vascular bed, hypertrophic in-
ward or outward remodeling can be observed in T2DM [48,
49,50]. Interestingly, opposed to that observed in diabetic
macrovessels where diabetes leads to increased vascular
wall stiffness, the diabetic coronary arterioles were less stiff
possibly because of the increased elastin mRNA content
[48]. The effects of exercise training on vascular remodeling
and mechanical properties of T2DM individuals have only
been investigated by a few studies. More importantly, most
of the studies are still descriptive, and there is a paucity of
information regarding the mechanisms responsible for the
beneficial effects of exercise in these aspects. Six months
of intensive lifestyle intervention in patients (including
achieved and maintained modest weight loss, accomplish-
ment of a recommended dietary intake and completion of
physical activity of moderate intensity) reduces carotid ar-
tery intima-media thickness [51]. In db/db mice, 8 weeks of
aerobic exercise training partially reverse the adverse coro-
nary resistance remodeling evidenced by a decreased wall:
lumen ratio and growth index [50]. However, the effects of
exercise training on vascular mechanics are discouraging.
The supervised exercise training, including both endurance
and muscle strength for 24 months in patients with T2DM,
did not improve conduit arterial elasticity despite improved
metabolic control and significant cardiovascular risk reduc-
tion [52]. Moreover, in coronary resistance microvessels
from db/db mice, exercise did not affect vessel stiffness
[50]. The reasons for this lack of beneficial effects of
exercise are unknown.
Exercise and Obesity
Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessive fat
accumulation and increased morbidity and mortality. The
visceral obesity has a major role in the development of
metabolic and cardiovascular disorders such as elevated
blood pressure, dyslipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance
and insulin resistance [13,53]. Besides obesity-related dis-
orders, the visceral adiposity individually impairs endothe-
lial function and increases the intima-media and vascular
media thickness and arterial stiffness [31,54,55].
Interestingly, a recent study demonstrated that excess adi-
posity, regardless of anatomical distribution pattern, is asso-
ciated with impaired endothelial function [56]. Obese
hypertrophic adipocytes secrete several adipokines capable
of directly affecting endothelial function and promote a
systemic inflammatory state. In fact, the anticontractile
function of perivascular adipose tissue is attenuated or
completely lost in obesity [54]. Systemic and local
inflammation associated with oxidative stress, adipokine
dysregulation and increased sympathetic nervous actions is
implicated in endothelial dysfunction in obesity [54].
Proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-αor IL-6 possibly
released from macrophages [57], aldosterone or other
mineralocorticoid receptor agonists released from adipo-
cytes [35] and angiotensin II or leptin [34], among other
factors, are all increased in obesity and are examples of
substances that can decrease NO production and/or bioavail-
ability. This represents the key mechanism underlying en-
dothelial dysfunction in obesity [13,54].
Lifestyle changes are an indispensable approach in the
treatment of obesity, and exercise is one of the most
Curr Hypertens Rep
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important strategies to treat this pathology [53,58]. Regular
physical activity has a powerful protective effect against
obesity-related comorbidities, contributing not only to in-
creased energy expenditure, enhancing long-term weight
loss and preventing weight regain, but also protecting
against loss of lean body mass, improving the cardiovascu-
lar performance and lipid profile, reducing blood pressure
and the risk of T2DM, among others [58,59]. No consensus
exists on the amount of exercise needed, but it is clear that
these prescriptions should emphasize the use of major mus-
cle groups and engage the cardiovascular and musculoskel-
etal system, always taking into account the main needs of
each specific group, such as children, adults and the elderly
Growing evidence indicates that exercise training im-
proves or attenuates the progression of endothelial dysfunc-
tion in experimental models of obesity [6063]. Indeed, in
diet-induced obese rats exercise training improved the re-
laxation response in both aortic and superior mesenteric
arteries directly mediated by an increased NO bioavailabil-
ity due to Cu/Zn-SOD upregulation [61]. The effect of
exercise improving aortic vasodilation induced by acetyl-
choline [62] and vasodilation of skeletal muscle arterioles
induced by insulin [63] in obesity also appears to be medi-
ated by NO. In humans, exercise training also decreases the
cardiovascular risk profile and improves endothelial func-
tion [6467]. Indeed, in obese adults a program of 12 weeks
of aerobic exercise training at either high or moderate
intensities or high-intensity strength training improves en-
dothelial function on the brachial artery [66]. However,
interestingly the high-intensity aerobic interval training
resulted in a greater improvement in endothelial function,
possibly because of greater shear stress-induced high-
intensity aerobic training during exercise [66]. Moreover,
in overweight and obese men habitual aerobic exercise
training intervention for 12 weeks (3 days/week of walking
and jogging) reduced body weight, decreased the plasma
endothelin-1 concentration and increased nitrite production
besides increasing central arterial distensibility, thus
contributing to an improvement in endothelial function
[68]. However, in this study it is not clear whether the
weight loss or the aerobic exercise was responsible for the
benefits of exercise on arterial function. In the same line of
evidence, another study showed that the regular moderate
intensity aerobic exercise (5-7 days/ week during 12 weeks)
improved endothelium-dependent vasodilation in over-
weight and obese adults even in the absence of changes in
body mass and composition [69], suggesting that the bene-
fits of exercise in the vascular system involve more than the
amount of fat and should be considered as a general measure
of cardiovascular protection in obesity. More recently, Vinet
et al. [70] demonstrated that compared with normal-weight
men, obese men had higher carotid intima-media thickness,
lower carotid distensibility, and conduit and resistance ves-
sel endothelial dysfunction. Importantly, short-term low-
intensity exercise training (8 weeks) improved the distensi-
bility and endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in the large
conduit artery, but not in the resistance artery, demonstrating
heterogeneity in training-induced vascular responses.
Distinct regulation patterns between conduit and smaller
peripheral vessels could explain the different effects of
exercise training. In addition, a more intense or prolonged
training may be required to achieve adaptive changes in
resistance vessels. Indeed, to date few studies have shown
the effects of exercise training on impaired microcirculation
in obesity. Alterations of retinal vessel diameters and
arteriolar-to-venular diameter ratio (AVR) have been shown
to predict cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and phys-
ical fitness seems to play a central role in the regulation of
the retinal microcirculation. The continuous aerobic exercise
and anaerobic interval-training program (10 weeks) in obese
individuals improved the impaired AVR, probably through
improvement of endothelial function in retinal arterioles
[71]. This suggests that regular exercise has the potential
to improve microvasculature, although further studies in-
cluding physically inactive individuals are needed to better
understand the effects of exercise training in the retinal
microvasculature and in the different small vascular beds
in obesity.
Exercise and Hypertension
A large body of evidence indicates that vascular func-
tional, structural and mechanical alterations, such as im-
pairment of endothelium-dependent vasodilator responses
and enhancement of the vasoconstrictor response to dif-
ferent agonists, increased wall:lumen ratio and vascular
stiffness are associated with hypertension [7274,75••,
76]. Central to these alterations is impaired NO avail-
ability secondary to oxidative stress production and in-
creased cyclooxygenase-derived contractile products
[72,73,75••,77,78••]. Besides pharmacological treat-
ments, it is evident that several non-pharmacological
approaches, including physical exercise and dietary in-
terventions, can improve blood pressure control and
vascular alterations in hypertension.
Regular exercise has been recommended as a strategy for
the prevention and treatment of hypertension [7982] even
in individuals with a parental history of hypertension [83]. It
is well established that aerobic exercise training decreases
blood pressure [84] through a reduction of vascular resis-
tance [85,86]. In addition, aerobic exercise training im-
proves vascular function in vessels from hypertensive
patients and animal models [87,88]. However, there are
few studies about the effects of resistance exercise training
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or the combination of resistance plus aerobic exercise on
blood pressure, and although some data suggest that this
modality of exercise reduces blood pressure, more studies
need to be performed [84,89]. Not only is the type
(aerobic vs. resistance) of exercise important, but also
the modality (i.e., running vs. swimming) an important
factor. Thus, recent findings demonstrate that swimming
aerobic exercise (12 weeks) is also effective in eliciting
hypotensive effects, improving vascular function and in-
creasing compliance of the carotid artery from older
adults [90]. This is an important issue since this type
of exercise is ideal for older adults. In addition, the
quantity and/or the intensity of exercise also determine
effects on blood pressure. Indeed, although most of the
studies in hypertension investigate the effects of regular
moderate aerobic exercise training, recent lines of study
have emphasized the need to determine whether contin-
uous vs. interval training or moderate vs. intense exercise
might lead to more pronounced cardiovascular changes in
hypertension [91]. Another point that deserves attention
is the fact that most of the studies exploring the benefi-
cial effects of exercise on vascular alterations associated to
hypertension are performed in large arteries, but small arteries
are mainly involved in the regulation of blood pressure. In
resistance arteries of the gastrocnemius muscle, swimming
training improved the responses to acetylcholine- and flow-
mediated dilatation in rats with chronic NOS inhibition [92].
In addition, we have recently demonstrated that small arteries
from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) also show im-
proved relaxation after exercise [88].
Factors involved in the pathophysiology of hypertension,
such as activation of the sympathetic nervous system,
upregulation of the renin-angiotensin system, altered G
protein-coupled receptor signaling and inflammation, are
strongly related to oxidative stress [78••]. Improved
endothelium-dependent responses induced by regular exer-
cise training have been demonstrated in hypertensive
humans [93] and animal models [94] mainly through a
significant increase in NO production and/or decrease in
NO inactivation by oxidative stress [88,93,95]. In fact,
increasingly emerging evidence demonstrates that diverse
beneficial effects induced by exercise training in vascular
changes observed in hypertension are mainly mediated by
reduction of oxidative stress. Aerobic exercise training de-
creases oxidative stress by increasing the efficiency of the
antioxidant system [30••,88,96••]. In fact, in both large
arteries, such as aorta, and in coronary and mesenteric
arteries, aerobic exercise training attenuated the oxidative
stress observed in hypertensive rats and increased Mn or
CuZn-SOD protein expression [88,97]. Importantly, recent
studies demonstrated that in SHR even a single bout of
exercise, either aerobic (moderate or high intensity) or
resistance exercise, increases endothelium-dependent
relaxation through NO pathways [98100]. Indeed,
moderate- or high-intensity exercise was able to improve
the reduced insulin- and insulin growth factor (IGF)-1-
induced vessel relaxation response [98,99], and it was
related to increased phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)
and NOS activation, which in turn was associated with
the reduced level of superoxide production in high-
intensity exercise, therefore contributing to the exercise-
induced amelioration in the vascular dysfunction of
hypertensive rats [99].
The beneficial effects of exercise training in improving
vasodilator capacity are related not only with improved NO
availability but also other vasodilators. In the aorta of SHR,
Silva et al. [101] demonstrated that swimming training
(8 weeks) improved the vasodilator effect of angiotensin
(1-7) through an endothelium-dependent mechanism involv-
ing NO and prostacyclin. In addition, the swimming training
increased the protein expression of the Mas receptor. At
the skeletal muscle level, the aerobic training (8 weeks)
normalized the reduced capacity of hypertensive subjects
to form adenosine and prostacyclin [102]. Interestingly, the
combined aerobic plus resistance training at moderate inten-
sity (16 weeks) decreased vasoconstrictor compounds such
as thromboxane A
) and ATP and increased vasodi-
lator compounds such as prostacyclin in the muscle vastus
lateralis of individuals with essential hypertension [103],
demonstrating that prostanoids and nucleotides may also
be important players in the observed training-induced
lowering of blood pressure in hypertensive individuals.
This is supported by our recent findings in mesenteric
resistance arteries from SHR where exercise training re-
versed the augmented contractile response induced by the
analog U46619 and reduced the cyclooxygenase-
TP-dependent component of acetylcholine-induced con-
tractile responses [88].
Besides the improvement in endothelial function, the
increased arterial stiffness, considered an indicator of sub-
clinical organ damage in hypertension [104], was reduced in
large arteries from hypertensive patients submitted to inter-
val exercise training [105] and in young men with family
histories of hypertension after short-term moderate-intensity
aerobic exercise training programs [106]. Recently, we
demonstrated that exercise training improved vascular
stiffness in both coronary and small mesenteric arteries
of SHR [88] although exercise did not modify the
increased wall:lumen ratio. These effects on vessel stiff-
ness were associated with improvements in the altered
internal elastic lamina structure and collagen deposition
by effects in matrix metalloproteinases expression [88].
Other authors have also demonstrated that exercise im-
proves altered extracellular matrix deposition in hyper-
tension [107,108]. However, depending on the vascular
bed studied, either improvement [109111]ornoeffects
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[88,110] of exercise training on vascular structure have
been observed, suggesting that exercise periods that are
prolonged, more intense or started earlier might be needed to
improve altered vascular structure in hypertension.
Apart from effects on vascular remodeling and mechanics,
our recent findings demonstrate that aerobic exercise train-
ing also induces modifications at the level of the microcir-
culation correcting capillary rarefaction and promoting a
balance between angiogenic and apoptotic factors to
prevent microvascular abnormalities in hypertension
[112]. In addition, the decrease in oxidative stress induced
by aerobic exercise training in SHR seems to be associated
with the normalization of the reduced number of endothelial
progenitor cells observed in hypertension in a vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/eNOS-dependent pathway,
thus promoting a peripheral revascularization in trained
hypertensive rats [113].
Exercise and Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a complex of interrelated risk factors
for cardiovascular disease characterized by the presence of
central obesity, raised blood pressure, dyslipidemia and
dysglycemia [114]. Endothelial dysfunction should be more
prevalent in patients with metabolic syndrome since all
components of this syndrome have adverse effects on the
endothelium [115]. Indeed, several studies showed that
endothelium-dependent vasodilation is impaired in patients
with metabolic syndrome [115], and in fact, an increased
number of metabolic syndrome components is associated
with more severe impairment in endothelial function
[115]. As expected, inflammation and oxidative stress
play key roles in the pathophysiology of this syndrome
According to current guidelines, lifestyle measures are
the first-line treatment of metabolic syndrome [118].
Importantly, physical activity attenuates cardiovascular
disease mortality in individuals with metabolic risk factors
[4]. As described above, the beneficial effects of regular
physical activity in reducing inflammation and blood
pressure, restoring insulin function and glucose tolerance,
and improving muscular metabolism are among the reasons
for using exercise as a lifestyle measure to prevent the onset
of new risk factors and/or treat the already existing risk
factors in metabolic syndrome [116,117••]. Regarding the
type and duration of exercise needed to induce these
beneficial effects, although the effect of longer training
interventions, especially combination training regimes,
needs to be studied more in the future, evidences indicate
that aerobic exercise may be more beneficial to modify risk
factors of patients with metabolic syndrome than strength
training [119]. In addition, it has been debated whether high-
intensity training [120,121,122]orlow-tomoderate-
intensity training [123] is more advantageous.
Exercise training has been reported to improve the
endothelial function observed in patients with metabolic
syndrome [120,121,122,124] and in obese Zucker rats
[125127]. In the above-mentioned studies, the endothelial
function of patients with metabolic syndrome was mainly
evaluated in conduit arteries, but studies performed in ani-
mals demonstrated that exercise training also improves the
endothelial function of resistance vessels (skeletal muscle
arterioles) [126,127], even in nonexercise trained muscle
[127], demonstrating an important global effect of exercise
training on vascular function. In fact, exercise training im-
proves the NO and prostacyclin pathways in obese Zucker
rats [125]. Insulin resistance and metabolic disorders are
associated with an impaired arachidonic acid metabolism
and accumulation of prostaglandin H
and/or TXA
, con-
tributing to elevated TP activation and impaired functional
vasodilation via increased vascular ROS in obese Zucker
rats [128]. More recently, Sebai et al. [127] showed that the
improved vasodilation induced by exercise training on
both activated and not activated skeletal muscle arterioles
was related to decreased TP-mediated vasoconstriction
associated with improved insulin resistance. These results
demonstrate that at least in small vessels, other mecha-
nisms in addition to NO might collaborate to improve
vascular function induced by exercise training in metabolic
In addition to vascular function, the severity of arte-
rial stiffness is attenuated by high cardiorespiratory
fitness in men with metabolic syndrome [129], and even
short-term aerobic exercise reduces arterial stiffness in
older adults with T2DM complicated by comorbid
hypertension and hyperlipidemia [130]. These results
suggest that even in patients at very high risk of cardiovas-
cular damage, exercise provides beneficial effects at the
vascular level.
Metabolic disorders such as metabolic syndrome are asso-
ciated with vascular dysfunction and altered wall structure
and mechanics. The mechanisms responsible for these effects
include indirect mechanisms such as insulin-resistance, dia-
betes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia. In fact, this
myriad of factors creates a vicious circle of inflammation-
mediated vascular damage. Growing evidence demonstrates
that the production of adipokines and/or proinflammatory
molecules released by adipose tissue and other organs has a
deleterious effect on the vascular wall. Pivotal to vascular
alterations in these pathologies is oxidative stress that in turn
leads to reduced NO availability (Fig. 1).
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It is now evident that regular practice of low- to
moderate-intensity exercise induces beneficial effects in
cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In fact, aerobic
exercise is recommended for the management of T2DM,
obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. However,
questions arise about the frequency and/or duration of
the exercise sessions and whether high-intensity aerobic
training, resistance training or the combination of aero-
bic plus resistance training would be more beneficial.
Besides improving the altered metabolic profile, exercise
training also improves most of the vascular alterations
associated with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
More specifically, exercise training improves the endo-
thelial dysfunction, altered vascular structure and in-
creased vascular stiffness usually observed in clinical
and/or experimental models of T2DM, obesity, hyper-
tension and metabolic syndrome. Importantly, these
beneficial effects are observed not only in arteries from
exercised-tissues, but also in other vascular territories,
thus providing a putative explanation of the beneficial
effects of exercise in parameters such as blood pressure.
To date, increased NO bioavailability due to the reduced
oxidative stress and improved antioxidant defense sys-
tem seems to be the main mechanism responsible for
the improvement of endothelium-dependent responses
and for structural and stiffness alterations induced by
exercise (Fig. 1). However, growing evidences suggest
that the beneficial effects of exercise training might
affect additional pathways such as cyclooxygenase-
derived products and/or components of the renin-
angiotensin system, among others. All together, these
findings demonstrate that the beneficial effects of exer-
cise training on vascular function and remodeling in
cardiometabolic diseases might contribute to the im-
provement of cardiovascular risk associated with these
pathologies. The door is open to the possibility of
designing specific training protocols depending on the
disease or the patients.
Fig. 1 Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and metabolic
syndrome are key elements of cardiovascular disease in which a central
element is vascular damage, particularly endothelial dysfunction and
altered wall structure and stiffness. Pivotal mechanisms responsible for
these alterations are inflammation and oxidative stress, although addi-
tional metabolic or hemodynamic parameters are also responsible for
vascular changes. Different types of exercise training diminish the
endothelial dysfunction, altered vascular structure and/or increased
vascular stiffness observed in these pathologies. Mechanisms
responsible for the beneficial effects of exercise at the vascular level
include improved nitric oxide (NO) availability, increased antioxidant
defenses, and increased or reduced vasodilator or vasoconstrictor
prostanoids, respectively. Additionally, improved glucose and lipopro-
tein metabolism, decreased hemodynamic stress and improved protec-
tive adipokine production together with reduction of inflammatory
adipokines might also contribute to the beneficial effects of exercise
on the vascular system
Curr Hypertens Rep
Author's personal copy
Acknowledgments Studies performed by the authors were supported
by grants from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
(SAF2009-07201, SAF2012-36400), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Red
RECAVA, RD06/0014/0011, Retic Enfermedades Cardiovasculares
RD12/0042/0024), Fundación Mutua Madrileña and Fundación Mapfre.
AMB is supported by the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC-201006473).
FR Roque was the recipient of a CAPES-Brazil scholarship.
Conflict of Interest F.R. Roque declares no conflict of interest.
R. Hernanz declares no conflict of interest.
M. Salaices declares no conflict of interest.
A.M. Briones declares no conflict of interest.
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Care. 2009;32:15315.
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... Growing evidence of the beneficial effects of exercise training for ED in CKD patients is present in the literature [173,174]. Aerobic exercise favorably impacts the levels of ET-1, NO, and other vasoactive substances [175][176][177], thus normalizing plasma ET-1 levels [178]. ...
... A) Extra virgin olive oil ↓ LDL oxidation ↓ ROS production ↓ IL-6, TNF-α ↓ COX enzymes activity ↓ eNOS activity ↓ atherosclerotic plaque formation ↓ inflammation and oxidative stress ↑ NO bioavailability [160][161][162][163] B) PLADO diet ↑ ROS production ↑AGEs production ↑gut-derived uremic toxins ↑ Ang II gene expression ↑ inflammation and oxidative stress improvement in lipid metabolism ↑ NO bioavailability [171,172] C) Use of ketoanalogues ↓ IS and pCS levels ↓ ADMA ↑ adiponectin ↓ pentosidine ↓ glycated hemoglobin levels ↓ uremic toxins ↓ inflammation and oxidative stress improvement in lipid and glucose metabolism ↓ systolic and diastolic blood pressure [187,188] Adapted physical activity normalizing ET-1 levels ↓ ADMA ↑ NO bioavailability ↓ inflammation and oxidative stress [175][176][177][178]180] Abbreviations: SGLT, sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors; ROS, reactive oxygen species; NO, nitric oxide; ICAM-1, intracellular adhesion molecule-1; VCAM-1, vascular cellular adhesion molecule-1; LDL, high-density lipoproteins; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; COX, cyclooxygsenase; PLADO, plant-dominant; Ang, angiotensin; ET, endothelin; ADMA, asymmetric dimethylarginine; IS, Indoxyl sulfate; pCS, p-cresyl sulfate; ↑ increase; ↓ decrease. ...
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In chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, several risk factors contribute to the development of endothelial dysfunction (ED), which can be described as an alteration in the cell structure or in the function of the endothelium. Among the well-known CKD-related risk factors capable of altering the production of endothelium-derived relaxing factors, we include asymmetric dimethylarginine increase, reduced dimethylarginine dimethylamine hydrolase enzyme activity, low-grade chronic systemic inflammation, hyperhomocysteinemia, oxidative stress, insulin resistance, alteration of calcium phosphorus metabolism, and early aging. In this review, we also examined the most important techniques useful for studying ED in humans, which are divided into indirect and direct methods. The direct study of coronary endothelial function is considered the gold standard technique to evaluate if ED is present. In addition to the discussion of the main pharmacological treatments useful to counteract ED in CKD patients (namely sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist), we elucidate innovative non-pharmacological treatments that are successful in accompanying the pharmacological ones. Among them, the most important are the consumption of extra virgin olive oil with high intake of minor polar compounds, adherence to a plant-dominant, low-protein diet (LPD), an adaptive physical activity program and, finally, ketoanalogue administration in combination with the LPD or the very low-protein diet.
... Exercising can reduce oxidative stress according to several new studies through the regulation of catalase and glutathione activity, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) [11]. In other words, exercise training appears to have an antioxidant effect, which has been shown to help with a variety of clinical issues [12][13][14]. Based on the aforementioned evidence, exercise has been used in several trials to reverse the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. ...
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Background Cisplatin, a widely used chemotherapeutic agent, offers therapeutic benefits for cancer treatment but often leads to adverse effects on neurogenesis and oxidative stress, causing cognitive impairment. Concurrent physical activity has been proposed as a potential strategy to counteract these side effects. This study aimed to investigate the impact of physical exercise on cisplatin-induced cognitive impairment in a mouse model. Methods Adult male mice (n=45) were divided into three groups: control, cisplatin-treated (2.3 mg/kg), and exercise/cisplatin. Cisplatin was administered intraperitoneally over one month, while the exercise/cisplatin group underwent moderate-intensity exercise alongside cisplatin treatment. Spatial memory was evaluated using the novel object recognition (NOR) task, and hippocampal proliferation and oxidative stress were examined using Ki-67 and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining, respectively. Statistical analyses were performed using the GraphPad Prism 4.0 software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). Results The cisplatin-treated mice exhibited significantly lower preference index (PI) scores in the NOR task compared to the control (p<0.001) and exercise/cisplatin (p<0.001) groups. IHC staining revealed impaired hippocampal proliferation and increased oxidative stress in the cisplatin-treated group relative to the control and exercise/cisplatin groups. The introduction of a moderate-intensity exercise protocol appeared to mitigate the decline in hippocampal proliferation and oxidative damage induced by cisplatin. Additionally, cisplatin-treated mice experienced weight loss, while exercise attenuated this effect. Conclusion Cisplatin treatment resulted in decreased memory, hippocampal proliferation, and weight loss in mice. Concurrent moderate-intensity exercise seemed to alleviate these effects, suggesting a potential role for physical activity in ameliorating cisplatin-induced cognitive decline. This study underscores the importance of incorporating exercise as a complementary strategy to enhance cognitive outcomes in cancer patients undergoing cisplatin treatment.
... In the healthy general population, those with higher levels of physical activity have improved cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) [3], bone mineral density [4], and decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases [5]. CRF is a useful diagnostic and prognostic health indicator. ...
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Maintaining physical activity is important for children with cerebral palsy (CP). This study examined whether age predicted habitual physical activity (HPA) or cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in school-aged children with CP and clarified the relationship between HPA and CRF. We utilized cross-sectional data from 39 children with CP (18 girls and 21 boys; mean age 7.44 years; mean body weight 24.76 kg; mean body mass index 15.97 kg/m2; hemiplegic or diplegic CP). The participants wore an accelerometer (ActiGraph) for five days to measure HPA, physical activity energy expenditure (kcal/kg/d), sedentary physical activity (%SPA), light physical activity, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (%MVPA), and activity counts (counts/min). Participants underwent cardiopulmonary exercise tests on a treadmill using a modified Naughton protocol. Linear regression and correlation analyses were performed. p-value (two-tailed) < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Age was positively associated with SPA. MVPA negatively correlated with resting heart rate (HR), and activity counts were negatively correlated with resting HR. In conclusion, our study found strong evidence of a negative association between HPA and age in school-aged children with CP. It highlights the importance of creating and improving recreational opportunities that promote physical activity in all children with CP, regardless of whether they are considered therapeutic.
... Τα microRNAs, τα οποία είναι μικρά μη κωδικοποιητικά μόρια RNA που ρυθμίζουν τη γονιδιακή έκφραση (Bartel, 2004), έχουν μελετηθεί ως βιοδείκτες και θεραπευτικοί στόχοι για πολλές ασθένειες που σχετίζονται με την παχυσαρκία (Landrier et al., 2019). Επιπλέον, τα συσσωρευμένα στοιχεία δείχνουν ότι η άσκηση παίζει επίσης ρόλο στον έλεγχο της έκφρασης των miRNA στην παχυσαρκία και τις συναφείς ασθένειες (Roque et al., 2013;Improta Caria et al., 2018). Σκοπός της παρούσας ανασκόπησης είναι να περιγράψει την επίδραση της άσκησης στην έκφραση των miRNAs, ως ρυθμιστών του φαινοτύπου της παχυσαρκίας και των συνοδών καταστάσεων, σε καρδιομεταβολικά νοσήματα που σχετίζονται με την παχυσαρκία. ...
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COVID-19 and incarceration changed the daily life of athletes significantly. The aim of this thesis was the recording and assessment of the emotional response of the sampled athletes during their incarceration due to COVID-19. In the survey participated 280 amateur athletes, of which 159 men and 121 women, aged between 18 and 48 years (MEAN = 26.51, SD = 6.41). The sample subjects were asked to answer the Greek version of the (ERQ) through a seven-point Likert-type scale that detects their emotional reactions, ranging from 1=Strongly Disagree to 7=Strongly Agree. In particular, the factors and were investigated in relation to gender, athletic experience and physical training during the 2nd and 3rd wave of Coronavirus. The athletes' responses were collected using the online form/questionnaire (GoogleForm). Variance analyses showed: (a) a statistically significant difference of the factor < Re-evaluation> with respect to gender and more specifically women had a higher score (MEAN=4.89, SD=1.51) compared to men (MEAN=4.62, SD=1.16) and (b) a statistically significant effect of the factor with respect to sports experience and weekly training. Specifically, there were significant differences between the group with the least years of experience (MEAN=4.33,SD=1.48), compared to the group with the most years of experience (MEAN=3.60, SD=1.54) and the group that did not train ,which showed a higher score (MEAN=4.17, SD=1.48), compared to the group that trained (MEAN=3.73, SD=1.52).Considering the restricted interpersonal communication due to COVID-19 pandemic, the use of technological tools indicates that evaluation is more crucial than ever. In conclusion, research can help individuals, such as athletes by informing them of the stress levels and perhaps protecting them from any negative mental health symptoms.
... In recent years, Western lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, etc. have been made epidemic in our country like others. These diseases, to great extent, are due to food overconsumption, poor body training and unhealthy diets [1] [2] [3] [4]. Epidemiological and clinical studies in Greece (ATTICA study) [5] [6] [7] show that the frequency of the diseases, depending on the social and economic conditions, the age and the lifestyle of the population like similar studies in other countries. ...
... Aerobic exercise training (AET) has been demonstrated to improve lipid profile, and to ameliorate reverse cholesterol transport, insulin sensitivity, and antioxidant defenses in the arterial wall, contributing to reduced atherogenesis and to increased life span [9][10][11][12][13]. Thus, we hypothesized that these beneficial effects of AET may mitigate the potential adverse effects of LS diet in situations where there is increased risk for development of atherosclerosis. ...
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This study investigated the efficacy of aerobic exercise training (AET) in the prevention of dyslipidemia, insulin resistance (IR), and atherogenesis induced by severe low-sodium (LS) diet. LDL receptor knockout (LDLR KO) mice were fed a low-sodium (LS) (0.15% NaCl) or normal-sodium (NS; 1.27% NaCl) diet, submitted to AET in a treadmill, 5 times/week, 60 min/day, 15 m/min, for 90 days, or kept sedentary. Blood pressure (BP), plasma total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) concentrations, lipoprotein profile, and insulin sensitivity were evaluated at the end of the AET protocol. Lipid infiltration, angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1), receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), carboxymethyllysine (CML), and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) contents as well as gene expression were determined in the brachiocephalic trunk. BP and TC and gene expression were similar among groups. Compared to the NS diet, the LS diet increased vascular lipid infiltration, CML, RAGE, 4-HNE, plasma TG, LDL-cholesterol, and VLDL-TG. Conversely, the LS diet reduced vascular AT1 receptor, insulin sensitivity, HDL-cholesterol, and HDL-TG. AET prevented arterial lipid infiltration; increases in CML, RAGE, and 4-HNE contents; and reduced AT1 levels and improved LS-induced peripheral IR. The current study showed that AET counteracted the deleterious effects of chronic LS diet in an atherogenesis-prone model by ameliorating peripheral IR, lipid infiltration, CML, RAGE, 4-HNE, and AT1 receptor in the intima-media of the brachiocephalic trunk. These events occurred independently of the amelioration of plasma-lipid profile, which was negatively affected by the severe dietary-sodium restriction.
... 59 Further, physical exercise may trigger vasodilatory signals, improve capillary density, and thus improve microcirculatory blood flow. 25,[60][61][62][63] Hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, inflammation and microcirculation abnormalities may increase the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), triggering oxidative stress, which is responsible for the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. [64][65][66] Oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids increases the production of malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-nonenal (HNE), and 4-oxy-2-nonenal (ONE), and an increase in these markers correlates with microvascular and macrovascular damage in T2D 67 . ...
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Purpose: Type 2 diabetic (T2D) patients have liver and adipose tissue microcirculation disturbances associated with metabolic dysfunction and disease progression. However, the potential role of aerobic training on hepatic and white adipose tissue (WAT) microcirculation and the underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated to date. Therefore, we investigated the role of aerobic training on liver and WAT microcirculation and AGE-RAGE modulation in T2D mice. Methods: The control group (CTL) was fed standard chow, and T2D was induced by feeding male C57BL/6 a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet for 24 weeks. In the following 12 weeks, mice underwent aerobic training (CTL EX and T2D EX groups), or were kept sedentary (CTL and T2D groups). We assessed metabolic parameters, biochemical markers, oxidative damage, the AGE-RAGE axis, hepatic steatosis, hepatic stellate cells activation (HSC) and liver and WAT microcirculation. Results: Hepatic microcirculation was improved in T2D EX mice which were associated with improvements in body, liver and fat mass, blood pressure, hepatic steatosis and fibrosis, and decreased HSC and AGE-RAGE activation. In contrast, improvement in WAT microcirculation, that is, decreased leukocyte recruitment and increased perfusion, was associated with increased catalase antioxidant activity. Conclusion: Physical training improves hepatic and adipose tissue microcirculatory dysfunction associated with T2D, likely due to downregulation of AGE-RAGE axis, decreased HSC activation and increased antioxidant activity.
... 5 In addition, the ACE/ACE2 physiological balance is disrupted by SARS-CoV-2 and simultaneously the Ang II/AT1R pathways are activated, leading to severe complications of the disease. A recent paper by Varga et al. 12 confirms the critical role of ACE2 expression leading to endotheliitis and the concomitant systemic vascular and immune dysfunction ending to multi-organ failure during the infection by Regular, low-to moderate-intensity physical activity (PA) improves ejection fraction in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases 13 delaying the age-associated vasculopathy. 14 Moreover, exercise immunology has demonstrated the link between PA and immune function. ...
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Background The study explored the relationship between physical activity (PA) behaviour and severity of symptoms in people infected by coronavirus-disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods Five hundred thirty-three people (16% males, mean age: 45 ± 11 yrs., body mass index (BMI): 23.3 ± 20) took part in the study. All participants were post-COVID-19 infection. An online questionnaire was used to gather data on; participants demographics, comorbidities and treatment, symptomatology of COVID-19, quality of life (QoL) and pre- and post-COVID-19 infection PA. Results Logistic regression revealed that only a high BMI (> 25) increased the severity of (OR 1.01; 95% CI, 0.99-1.03) symptoms from none to mild-to-moderate. Weekly PA behaviour (mins/week) did not affect the primary outcome (symptom severity) as a predictor variable and neither differ (p > 0.05) between symptomatology for both moderate (no symptoms: 181.3 ± 202.1 vs. mild-to-moderate symptoms: 173 ± 210.3), and vigorous (no symptoms: 89.2 ± 147 vs. mild-to-moderate symptoms: 88.9 ± 148.3) PA. QoL (i.e., mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression, and perceived health) was significantly (p < 0.05) worse post-COVID-19 infection. Conclusions Our findings did not present an association between PA levels and mild-to-moderate COVID-19 symptoms. However, all participants exceeded the lower limit of the WHO-recommended, adult PA dose. This might explain the lack of PA effect, on mild-to-moderate symptoms post-COVID-19 infection. Future studies should explore the effects of PA levels in more severe cases (e.g., hospitalisations) and assess the effectiveness of PA to reduce hospitalisations, and mortality rates as a result of COVID-19 infection.
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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the interactive effect of a period of high-intensity interval training and cinnamon supplementation on the levels of some inflammation and anti-inflammatory markers in overweight and obese men. Methodology: 40 obese and overweight adult men with body mass index greater than 26 kg / m2 were randomly divided into 4 groups: 1) Cinnamon supplement, 2) HIIT training, 3) HIIT supplement + HIIT training, and 4) placebo Were classified. Subjects were then subjected to various cinnamon supplement interventions and HIIT exercises for 8 weeks. Anthropometric, inflammatory and anti-inflammatory indices were measured in two stages: pre-test and post-test. Results: The results of data analysis showed that serum levels of IL-6 and TNFα and insulin resistance index in the complementary groups, HIIT training and supplement + HIIT training in the post-test were significantly reduced compared to the pre-test (P ≤ 0.05). While serum adiponectin levels in supplement groups, HIIT training and supplement + HIIT training had a significant increase in post-test (P ≤ 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the groups in any of the variables (P ≥ 0.05). Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that performing HIIT training with and without cinnamon supplementation will probably improve insulin resistance in overweight men by reducing the levels of inflammatory markers and increasing anti-inflammatory markers.
Vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) have emerged as key-factors of atherogenesis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exercise training (ET) on those key-factors in relation to the progression of atherosclerotic lesions in hypercholesterolemic mice. Thirty male, apoE knockout (apoE−/−) mice were randomly assigned to the following equivalent groups: 1) CO-control: High-fat diet (HFD) administration for 12 weeks. 2) EX-exercise: HFD administration as in CO, and during the last 4 weeks (9th −12th week) ET on treadmill (5sessions/week, 60min/session). At the end of study, blood samples were obtained and all mice were sacrificed. Aortic roots were excised and analysed regarding the percentage of aortic stenosis, and the relative concentrations of collagen, elastin, VE-cadherin, MMP-8,-9 and TIMP-1,-2 within the atherosclerotic lesions. Aortic stenosis was significantly lower in the EX than the CO group (39.63 ± 7.22% vs 62.04 ± 8.55%; p < 0.001), along with considerable increase in fibrous cap thickness and of collagen and elastin contents within plaques (p < 0.05). Compared to controls, exercised-treated mice showed reduced intra-plaque relative concentrations of VE-cadherin (15.09 ± 1.89% vs 23.49 ± 3.01%, p < 0.001), MMP-8 (8.51 ± 2.24% vs 18.51 ± 4.08%, p < 0.001) and MMP-9 (12.1 ± 4.86% vs 18.88 ± 6.23%, p < 0.001). Inversely, the relative concentrations of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in the ET group were considerably higher by 62.5% and 31.2% than in the EX group (p < 0.05), respectively. Finally, body weight and lipids concentrations did not differ between groups at the end of the study (p > 0.05). ET treatment induced regression of established atherosclerotic lesions in apoE−/− mice and improved their stability. Those effects seemed to be mediated by favourable modification of VE-cadherin, MMPs and TIMPs.
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The endothelium plays a vital role in maintaining circulatory homeostasis by the release of relaxing and contracting factors. Any change in this balance may result in a process known as endothelial dysfunction that leads to impaired control of vascular tone and contributes to the pathogenesis of some cardiovascular and endocrine/metabolic diseases. Reduced endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and increased production of thromboxane A2, prostaglandin H2 and superoxide anion in conductance and resistance arteries are commonly associated with endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive, diabetic and obese animals, resulting in reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and in increased vasoconstrictor responses. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated the role of enhanced overactivation ofβ-adrenergic receptors inducing vascular cytokine production and endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) uncoupling that seem to be the mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction in hypertension, heart failure and in endocrine-metabolic disorders. However, some adaptive mechanisms can occur in the initial stages of hypertension, such as increased NO production by eNOS. The present review focuses on the role of NO bioavailability, eNOS uncoupling, cyclooxygenase-derived products and pro-inflammatory factors on the endothelial dysfunction that occurs in hypertension, sympathetic hyperactivity, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. These are cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic diseases of high incidence and mortality around the world, especially in developing countries and endothelial dysfunction contributes to triggering, maintenance and worsening of these pathological situations.
The endothelium is a complex organ with a multitude of properties essential for control of vascular functions. Dysfunction of the vascular endothelium is regarded as an important factor in the pathogenesis of diabetic micro- and macro-angiopathy. Endothelial dysfunction in Type I and 11 diabetes complicated by micro- or macro-albuminuria is generalized in that it affects many aspects of endothelial function and occurs not only in the kidney. The close linkage between micro-albuminuria and endothelial dysfunction in diabetes is an attractive explanation, for the fact that microalbuminuria is a risk marker for atherothrombosis. In Type I diabetes, endothelial dysfunction precedes and may cause diabetic microangiopathy, but it is not clear whether endothelial dysfunction is a feature of the diabetic state itself. In Type 11 diabetes, endothelial function is impaired from the onset of the disease and is strongly related to adverse outcomes. It is not clear whether impaired endothelial function is caused by hyperglycaemia or by other factors. Impaired endothelial function is closely associated with and may contribute to insulin resistance regardless of the presence of diabetes. Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes originates from three main sources. Hyperglycaemia and its immediate biochemical sequelae directly alter endothelial function or influence endothelial cell functioning indirectly by the synthesis of growth factors, cytokines and vasoactive agents in other cells. Finally, the components of the metabolic syndrome can impair endothelial function.
Background— To further investigate vascular morphology and function in type 2 (non–insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus (type 2D), small arteries were examined in vitro from carefully defined cohorts of patients with or without concomitant hypertension and the results compared with those from selected normotensive nondiabetic control subjects and a group of untreated patients with essential hypertension (EH). Methods and Results— Blood vessels were studied through the use of pressure myography to determine vascular morphology, mechanics, and myogenic responsiveness, together with testing of constrictor and dilator function. Small arteries from patients with EH demonstrated eutrophic inward remodeling and an increased distensibility. Vessels from type 2D patients demonstrated hypertrophy, a further increase in distensibility, and a highly significant loss of myogenic responsiveness compared with patients with EH and control patients. Vasoconstrictor function to norepinephrine was normal in patients with type 2D and type 2D+H and EH. Endothelium-dependent dilation was normal in patients with EH but abnormal in patients with type 2D and type 2D+H. There was a significant correlation between dilator impairment and the degree of dyslipidemia recorded in all groups. Conclusions— These results demonstrate vascular hypertrophy in small arteries from patients with type 2D. This could be a consequence of impaired myogenic responsiveness, which will increase wall stress for a given intraluminal pressure, which may be a stimulus for vascular hypertrophy. A substantial proportion of endothelial dysfunction can be attributed to an effect of the abnormal lipid profile seen in such patients. Received July 30, 2002; revision received September 19, 2002; accepted September 22, 2002.
Background: MicroRNAs-27a and -27b target the ACE. We investigated the effects of exercise training (ET) on soleus microRNAs-27a and 27b expression and whether they regulate the skeletal muscle renin angiotensin system (RAS) in ET-induced angiogenesis. Methods: Wistar rats (n = 30) were assigned to 3 groups: (1) sedentary; (2) swimming trained with protocol 1 (T1, moderate-volume training); and (3) protocol 2 (T2, high-volume training). Soleus microRNAs-27a and -27b were analyzed by real-time PCR and ACE activity and protein expression by fluorometric method and western blotting, respectively. Soleus angiotensin II and VEGF concentration were evaluated by ELISA. Angiotensinogen and Angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor protein expression also were measured. RAS involvement in the soleus angiogenesis induced by ET was analyzed using AT1 receptor blockade (Losartan- 20 mg/kg/day) during ET protocol. Results: Skeletal muscle angiogenesis obtained by T1 and T2 was 87% and 137%, respectively. In contrast, Losartan prevented the soleus angiogenesis in both trained groups. Soleus microRNA-27a levels decreased 23% in both trained groups. Similar, microRNA-27b reduced 23% in T1 and 32% in T2 paralleled with an increase in ACE protein levels. Soleus angiotensinogen (52% in T1 and 96% in T2), angiotensin II (26% in T1 and 46% in T2) and VEGF levels (30% in T1 and 60% in T2) also were higher in all trained groups. In addition, AT1 receptor protein levels increased after training (39% in T1 and 48% in T2). Conclusions: RAS participates ET-induced skeletal muscle angiogenesis providing a new target for modulating vascular formation and suggest that microRNA-27 can be a potential therapeutic target for pathological conditions involving capillary rarefaction.