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Bee conservation in the age of genomics


Abstract and Figures

Many wild and managed bee pollinators have experienced population declines over the past several decades, and molecular and population genetic tools have been valuable in understanding conservation threats across the bee tree of life. Emerging genomic tools have the potential to improve classical applications of conservation genetics, such as assessing species status, and quantifying genetic diversity, gene flow and effective population sizes. Genomic tools can also revolutionize novel research in bee conservation and management, including the identification of loci underlying adaptive and economically desirable traits, such as those involved in disease susceptibility, responses to multiple environmental stressors, and even discovering and understanding the hidden diversity of beneficial microorganisms associated with bees. In this perspective, we provide a survey of some of the ways genomic tools can be applied to bee conservation to bridge the gap between basic and applied genomics research.
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Bee conservation in the age of genomics
Jeffrey D. Lozier
Amro Zayed
Received: 14 April 2016 / Accepted: 4 October 2016
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016
Abstract Many wild and managed bee pollinators have
experienced population declines over the past several
decades, and molecular and population genetic tools have
been valuable in understanding conservation threats across
the bee tree of life. Emerging genomic tools have the
potential to improve classical applications of conservation
genetics, such as assessing species status, and quantifying
genetic diversity, gene flow and effective population sizes.
Genomic tools can also revolutionize novel research in bee
conservation and management, including the identification
of loci underlying adaptive and economically desirable
traits, such as those involved in disease susceptibility,
responses to multiple environmental stressors, and even
discovering and understanding the hidden diversity of
beneficial microorganisms associated with bees. In this
perspective, we provide a survey of some of the ways
genomic tools can be applied to bee conservation to bridge
the gap between basic and applied genomics research.
Keywords Bees Pollination Population genetics
Transcriptomics Genome wide association mapping
Ecological genomics
The world’s more than 16,000 bee species are critical
components of both natural and human-modified terrestrial
ecosystems (Michener 2000; Danforth 2007). Over the past
several decades, evidence has accumulated for the often
rapid decline of many managed and wild pollinator species
throughout the globe (Brown and Paxton 2009; Williams
and Osborne 2009; Neumann and Carreck 2010; Potts et al.
2010; Cameron et al. 2011). At the same time, many spe-
cies remain common and successful in their native ranges,
raising questions as to how species-specific genetic and life
history traits influence susceptibility and resistance to
factors impacting population health. Given the expected
ecological and economic ramifications of pollinator decli-
nes for both managed and native species (Kremen et al.
2002; Biesmeijer et al. 2006; Garibaldi et al. 2013), bees
have emerged as a flagship group for revealing the ways in
which anthropogenic modification of landscapes is
impacting biodiversity, attracting significant attention from
scientists, the public, and policy-makers.
Genetics has played a key role in conservation biology as
molecular tools have enabled studies of key conservation
parameters that were previously very difficult—if not
impossible—to estimate; including species identity, popu-
lation structure, levels of gene flow, genetic diversity,
inbreeding and relatedness, and occurrence of past events
such as population bottlenecks, expansions, or changes in
connectivity (Allendorf et al. 2013). The increasing avail-
ability of genomic tools, accelerated through novel appli-
cations and decreasing costs of massively parallel high-
throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies and computa-
tional resources, will create new avenues for research in the
field of conservation genetics (Avise 2009; Ouborg et al.
2010; Allendorf et al. 2010). In addition to increasing the
&Jeffrey D. Lozier
Amro Zayed
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA
Department of Biology, York University, 4700 Keele Street,
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada
Conserv Genet
DOI 10.1007/s10592-016-0893-7
resolution and power of traditional population genetics
applications (so-called ‘broad sense’ conservation geno-
mics sensu Garner et al. 2016), genomics approaches are
beginning to allow researchers to test new, or previously
intractable, hypotheses about the functional significance of
genetic variation and the genetic architecture underlying
many ecological and evolutionary important traits and pro-
cesses (‘‘narrow sense’ conservation genomics). Moreover,
genomic tools can be directly used in wildlife management
by helping to diagnose the causes of population declines, for
testing the health of managed wildlife populations, and by
directly improving the fitness of managed populations
through ‘omics assisted breeding.
Molecular and population genetics have greatly enhanced
our understanding of pollinator conservation biology (re-
viewed in Packer and Owen 2001;Zayed2009; Woodard et al.
2015). Population genetics research conducted over the past
several decades has helped elucidate general patterns of
population structure and gene ow, mating systems, and
effective population sizes of both common and declining
pollinator species. In this perspective, we highlight some of
the recent, ongoing, and future advances that the field of
genomics for bee biology and conservation. We briefly review
some of the genetic considerations that may be relevant for bee
conservation and provide an overview of currently developed
conservation genomics tools. We then review some of the
improvements genomic techniques can make on traditional
conservation genetics inquires (e.g. population structure, gene
flow; Fig. 1a), followed by a discussion of novel contributions
that will stem from the application of genomics to diagnose,
monitor and manage the health of bee populations (Fig. 1b).
Finally, we provide some practical issues regarding
sequencing strategies, sampling and data analysis that should
be considered as bee researchers transition from PCR-based
population genetics toward genomic approaches.
Genetic considerations for bee conservation
A central concept of conservation genetics is that small,
isolated populations have an increased risk of extinction
from intrinsic factors including genetic drift and inbreeding
(Amos and Balmford 2001; Frankham 2005; Laikre et al.
2010), and that molecular tools combined with population
genetics theory can reveal the signatures of such threats.
Bees are certainly at risk from commonly invoked threats,
such as land use changes and habitat fragmentation, the
potential effects of which are starkly illustrated by com-
paring population genetics of mainland and island popu-
lations (Lozier et al. 2011; Boff et al. 2014; Jha 2015).
However, bees may be especially susceptible to changes in
their habitat size and connectivity because of several
intrinsic, and often unique, life history characteristics.
Bees are haplodiploid (diploid females and haploid
males) and are expected to have approximately 75 % of the
genetic diversity expected for an equivalent number of
diploid individuals on average (Packer and Owen 2001).
Associated with this haplodiploidy, complementary sex
determination can lead to the production of sterile diploid
males when population sizes are small, or in large popula-
tions with mating systems that incorporate inbreeding,
which can place an additional genetic burden on populations
(Zayed and Packer 2005; Zayed 2009; Harpur et al. 2013b).
Complex life histories may also make bees more susceptible
to habitat loss and other extrinsic environmental changes.
For example, many bees require diverse sets of resources
throughout their lifecycle (e.g., suitable sites for hibernation
and nesting, foraging resources available throughout the
colony cycle) that can be affected by urbanization, agri-
cultural intensification, climate change, and deforestation.
In some species, this could be exacerbated by a high degree
of nest-site philopatry (Lo
´pez-Uribe et al. 2015), resource
specialization (i.e. oligolectic vs polylectic bees) (Danforth
et al. 2003; Packer et al. 2005; Cane et al. 2006; Zayed et al.
2006; Zayed and Packer 2007) or mating strategies (e.g.,
monandry vs. polyandry; systematic inbreeding vs.
inbreeding avoidance) (Paxton 2005). The degree of
sociality may influence population genetic processes that
can alter genetic variation, including discrepancies between
numbers of reproductive vs sterile individuals, aggregation
of related individuals, or variance in reproduction between
colonies (Pamilo et al. 1997; Chapman and Bourke 2001;
Ulrich et al. 2009). Bee species that are intensively managed
may suffer from other genetic threats. Managed species are
commonly reared or transported under conditions that
facilitate disease transmission, and both managed bumble-
bees and honey bees have a list of serious pests and
pathogens that can ‘spillover’ into natural populations
(Colla et al. 2006; Meeus et al. 2011; Graystock et al. 2013;
Cameron et al. 2016). Domestication bottlenecks are often
associated with declines in genetic diversity in livestock,
and this may be true for managed bumblebees. However,
migratory beekeeping practices along with the mating
biology of honey bees have led to managed honey bee
populations that have high levels of genetic diversity
(Harpur et al. 2012,2013a), although these admixed geno-
types may threaten the genetic integrity of native and locally
adapted Apis mellifera populations (De La Ru
´a et al. 2013).
Finally, recent genome sequencing efforts suggest that
bees, including honey bees, bumble bees, and leafcutting
bees, may be depauperate in xenobiotic detoxification and
immune genes compared to other insects (Weinstock et al.
2006; Barribeau et al. 2015; Sadd et al. 2015). Comparative
genomics provides support for a reduced classical immune
repertoire prior to the evolution of complex sociality,
perhaps stemming back to the common ancestor of bees
Conserv Genet
(Barribeau et al. 2015). In the honey bee, evidence for
relaxed selective constraints among innate immunity genes
over the past 5 to 25 million years (Harpur and Zayed
2013) may reflect simplification of the honey bee innate
immune system over evolutionary timescales. Reductions
in innate immune and detoxification genes may increase
susceptibility to parasites and agrochemicals, which are
hypothesized to play a major role in the declines of many
managed and native bees (Cox-Foster et al. 2007; Cameron
et al. 2011; Meeus et al. 2011; Furst et al. 2014). Pollina-
tors in agro-environments encounter a long list of agro-
chemicals (Mullin et al. 2010), some of which, like
neonicotinoid insecticides, are highly toxic to bees.
Reductions of their detoxification systems may thus make
bees highly susceptible to combinations of agrochemicals
that often act synergistically (Johnson et al. 2013).
Importantly, however, these patterns may not be biologi-
cally significant if bees make use of non-canonical immune
genes to combat infections (Grozinger and Robinson
Genomic tools for conservation genetics
High-throughput sequencing approaches are rapidly revo-
lutionizing the field of population and conservation genetics
(Andrews and Luikart 2014). Much of the research in con-
servation genetics focuses on population genetics issues such
as assessing heterozygosity, gene flow and taxonomy. HTS
can be flexibly applied to such studies (Fig. 1a), depending
on the goal or required resolution, ranging from de novo
sequencing of novel genomes in a small number of samples,
(a) Broad Sense Conservation Genomics
Gene Flow
Population Size
Inbreeding & Relatedness
Cryptic Species
Evolutionarily Significant
Invasive Species
(b) Narrow Sense Conservation Genomics
Genomic HTS
Genotype to
Population Contrasts
Genotype to
Natural Selection
Local Adaptaion
Gut fauna
Bee Health
Meta ‘omics
application tooldataapplication
Fig. 1 Overview of genomic tools and applications for bee conser-
vation. aBroad sense conservation genomics utilizes HTS and
reduced genome high through put sequencing (rHTS) to genotype
thousands of SNPs to enhance resolution for classic questions in
conservation genetics, such as the size and connectivity of popula-
tions targeted for conservation, resolving demographic history, and to
define evolutionary distinct lineages that require special management
attention. bNarrow sense conservation genomics utilize ‘omic tools
to go beyond the traditional conservation genetics paradigm to
develop tools for species conservation and management. HTS greatly
facilities research that links mutations with specific traits and fitness
in natural and managed populations, and allows bee conservation
biologists to directly identify loci that are important for fitness (e.g.
resistance to diseases, agrochemical, and the ability for populations to
adapt to climate change), and potentially implement genomic-assisted
breeding programs for recovery or management. Metagenomics
provides a very rapid way to identify organisms that are detrimental
(i.e. parasites and pathogens) or beneficial (i.e. gut microbiota) to
bees. Similar to human medicine, gene expression profiling using
RNAseq can be used to develop diagnostic markers for bee health,
which can be used in a monitoring and compliance setting
Conserv Genet
re-sequencing of entire genomes from individuals or pools of
individuals, to targeted sequencing of genomic subsamples
in moderate to large numbers of individuals. These genomic
tools will also be valuable for addressing more mechanistic
questions (Fig. 1b), including assaying selection signatures
and global gene expression to identify responses to envi-
ronmental stressors.
Increasing availability of genomic resources for bees
Genome sequences are currently available for at least 11 bee
species (Weinstock et al. 2006; Kocher et al. 2013; Kapheim
et al. 2015; Park et al. 2015; Sadd et al. 2015). These include
several honey bee species (Apis mellifera,A. dorsata,A.
cerana), two bumble bee species (Bombus impatiens and B.
terrestris), the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata, two
long-tongued bees including the leaf-cutting bee Megachile
rotundata and Habropoda laboriosa, two short-tongued
sweat bees Dufourea novaeangliae and Lasioglossum
albipes, and the orchid bee Eufriesea mexicana. Up-to-date
information on bee genomes and genomic resources can be
found at NCBI’s genome database for the Apoidea (http://, and Bee-
Base ( Bee gen-
omes sequenced to date are all from common species (i.e.
not of conservation concern), several of which are actively
managed for pollination, and many belong to the corbiculate
bees, such as honey bees and bumble bees, which are
agriculturally important and also serve as model organisms
for the study of animal behavior. Despite the taxonomic and
ecological biases, the available genomes are an immense
community resource and provide a springboard for studies
in bee species of conservation concern. For example, the
available bee genomes can be used for designing PCR pri-
mers for candidate gene sequencing and gene expression
analysis (e.g., quantitative PCR), in addition to anchoring
the assembly of genomic data from closely related species
and providing information for annotating new bee genomes.
Sequencing new bee genomes is likely to be facilitated by
sequencing haploid males, which greatly aids assembly and
detection of errors compared to diploid genomes.
Whole genome resequencing
Studies that re-sequence genomes (or portions of genomes,
see below) from multiple individuals per species (i.e. true
population genomics) will become increasingly feasible as
the number of available bee genomes grows, and the cost
of sequencing declines. To date, whole genome population
genetics has been restricted to honey bees (Harpur et al.
2014; Wallberg et al. 2014; Wragg et al. 2016). Re-se-
quencing of many populations and individuals at a spatial
resolution typical of more traditional molecular studies (i.e.
hundreds of individuals) will remain cost-prohibitive for
most bee species, although sequencing haploid males is
cost effective because they can be sequenced at lower
coverage relative to the diploid females (Wragg et al.
2016). HTS of pools of individuals (PoolSeq) may offer a
reasonable compromise (Fabian et al. 2012; Schlo
et al. 2014; Hasselmann et al. 2015). In PoolSeq, DNA
isolates from multiple individuals per population are
pooled into a single DNA sample and each pooled popu-
lation library, rather than each individual, receives a unique
molecular barcode for sequencing. PoolSeq appears to
provide accurate allele frequency and parameter estimates
compared to individual sequencing but relies on large
population samples, and thus may not be suitable for rare
or declining species (Schlo
¨tterer et al. 2014). In eusocial
bees, the risk of sampling multiple individuals per colony
will offer another potential challenge for PoolSeq; in many
traditional population genetic analyses of bees, siblings are
often identified and excluded from analyses post hoc to
avoid biasing allele frequency estimates by grouping sets
of close relatives (e.g., Lozier et al. 2011), but this would
be challenging or impossible in pooled samples. The effect
of pooling families within populations will likely depend
on the exact makeup of the sample, and the impact of
sociality on parameter inference via PoolSeq would be
worth investigating with simulation studies.
Transcriptomics, genome reduction, and target
capture methods
RNA sequencing
RNA sequencing (RNAseq) has revolutionized studies of
gene expression through direct analysis of global transcript
abundance (Marioni et al. 2008). RNAseq is powerful for
non-model organisms because it does not require a
sequenced genome and associated gene predictions;
indeed, it is common to construct a de novo transcriptome
assembly from RNAseq data (Vijay et al. 2013). As bee
genomes accumulate, alignment of RNAseq data to a clo-
sely related transcriptome may be increasingly feasible,
however, as recently illustrated by successful mapping of
RNAseq data from the bumble bee Bombus bifarius to the
B. impatiens genome (Lozier et al. 2016). Many of the
greatest impacts for RNAseq data in bees are likely to
come from quantifying how gene regulation responds to
environmental pressures such as thermal regimes (Torson
et al. 2015), pathogens (Cornman et al. 2013b; Galbraith
et al. 2015), pesticides (Aufauvre et al. 2014), or diet (Mao
et al. 2013; Wheeler and Robinson 2014); here, RNAseq
approaches are expected to be superior to probe-based
microarrays because they allow the discovery of taxon-
specific genes associated with response to stress and may
Conserv Genet
be less limited by existing genomic resources for the target
species. In addition to gene expression data, RNAseq
simultaneously provides raw sequence data for calling
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from expressed
regions of the genome that can be used for population
genetics (Renaut et al. 2010; De Wit et al. 2015; Lozier
et al. 2016). A number of challenges including cost,
specimen handling and RNA isolation, and variant calling
may make other HTS strategies more useful for genotyping
large samples, but population genetic analysis of high
expression genes from RNAseq data maybe very useful in
some contexts. Transcriptome data have been generated
from diverse bees, including Apidae (honey bees, bumble
bees, orchid bees, stingless bees, carpenter bees),
Megachilidae, and Halictidae (e.g., Woodard et al. 2011;
Rehan et al. 2015; Jones et al. 2015; Lozier et al. 2016).
Reduced complexity high throughput sequencing (rHTS)
Several approaches have become available to reduce genomic
complexity for DNA-based HTS. The most prevalent method
is restriction site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq),
which relies on restriction enzyme fragmentation of the gen-
ome, and sequencing of individually barcoded libraries (re-
viewed in Davey and Blaxter 2010; Andrews et al. 2016).
There are several variations to RADseq available, as well as
other genotyping-by-sequencing approaches, that may work
well for particular samples or study designs, and require less
technical expertise. The diversity of approaches, and possible
strengths and weaknesses for different applications, have been
reviewed elsewhere (e.g., (Davey et al. 2011; Peterson et al.
2012;Arnoldetal.2013; Davey et al. 2013;Puritzetal.2014;
Andrews et al. 2014,2016). The value of RADseq is that
genome-wide variant data for population genomics and
mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying conserva-
tion-relevant traits (Hohenlohe et al. 2010; Weber et al. 2013)
can be generated in species where whole genome wide asso-
ciation mapping approaches are not feasible. Loci can be
obtained at a desired density if something is known about
restriction site frequencies for different enzymes, and geno-
typing can be conducted by mapping either to an existing
genome or using de novo assembly approaches (Catchen et al.
2013). In bumble bees, both approaches appear to provide
similar estimates for diversity parameters (Lozier 2014;Sadd
et al. 2015), although positioning data from genome mapping,
when available, will provide opportunities for more sophisti-
cated analyses.
Target capture
Several methods make use of sequence capture hybridiza-
tion techniques to target HTS toward particular regions of
the genome (e.g., exon-capture, ultra-conserved element,
RAD loci) (Yi et al. 2010; Faircloth et al. 2012; Suchan
et al. 2016). These approaches may be particularly valuable
as they allow sequencing effort to focus on specific regions
of interest (e.g., coding vs. noncoding regions) and may
perform well with degraded DNA (McCormack et al.
2015). As genomes accumulate across the bee phylogeny,
it will be increasing feasible to design conserved target
capture probe sets for genomic regions and species of
interest. A set of general Hymenopteran ultraconserved
elements has been developed (Faircloth et al. 2015), and
may provide a useful HTS resource for some applications.
Broad-sense conservation genomics strategies
for bees
Genetic diversity in wild and managed bee
Genetic diversity and population size are considered key
parameters of interest in many conservation genetics
applications (Laikre et al. 2010). Small population sizes
exacerbate loss of alleles from genetic drift and inbreeding
among close relatives, resulting in increasing homozygosity
that can reduce individual fitness and decrease population
viability or adaptive potential, and increase susceptibility to
stochastic demographic effects (Frankham 1996). In social
bees, for example, genetic diversity at the population or
colony level may be associated with conservation threats
such as susceptibility to parasites (Mattila and Seeley 2007;
Whitehorn et al. 2009,2011). Populations are expected to
lose genetic diversity at a rate inversely proportional to
effective population size, so small populations should have
reduced levels of genetic diversity (e.g. heterozygosity at
marker loci or nucleotide diversity of DNA sequences)
compared to larger populations. Estimates of genetic
diversity may thus provide additional information on pop-
ulation health from both demographic and genetic per-
spectives. Comparisons of heterozygosity differences
among bee species have thus commonly been reported as a
tool to identify conservation concerns (Zayed et al. 2006;
Goulson et al. 2008; Cameron et al. 2011; Maebe et al.
2015), with a general trend suggesting reduced diversity in
more threatened species.
One issue with drawing conclusions from comparisons
of diversity is that both effective population size and
mutation rate influence heterozygosity of neutral loci at
mutation-drift equilibrium (Charlesworth 2009). Thus,
although small populations are expected to harbor reduced
levels of genetic diversity compared to large populations,
low mutation rates may have the same effect. Mutation
rates of commonly used markers, such as microsatellites,
will vary from locus to locus (Ellegren 2004), meaning that
Conserv Genet
valid comparisons of diversity among intra- or interspecific
populations should utilize the same sets of loci and must
avoid systematic missing data. The large numbers of
microsatellites that have been discovered to amplify across
species within bee genera have aided such comparisons
(e.g., for bumble bees: Reber Funk et al. 2006; Stolle et al.
2009; Lozier et al. 2011; for sweat bees: Zayed 2006).
Perhaps more problematic, however, is that even when the
same microsatellite loci are compared across species,
mutation rates vary among taxa (Ellegren 2000; Webster
et al. 2002), further complicating interspecific comparisons
of genetic diversity. NGS resources have the potential to
overcome many of these limitations. Although individual
nucleotides provide limited information on genetic diver-
sity, across large regions of genome sequence, patterns of
mutation are more straightforward to model and should be
more comparable, at least among closely related species.
Nonetheless, HTS-based approaches offer their own sets of
biases in diversity estimation, including heterozygote drop-
out in low coverage datasets or loss of restriction cut sites
through mutation in genome reduction approaches such as
RADseq (Nielsen et al. 2012; Arnold et al. 2013). Methods
exist for correcting some of these biases (Korneliussen
et al. 2013). Finally, it must also be recognized that highly
variable multi-allelic and DNA sequence based markers
may reveal the signatures of processes at different time-
scales, and in many conservation genetics studies where
recent demographic changes are layered onto more ancient
phylogeographic structure, it may be valuable to compare
and contrast signals across different marker types. The
potential complexities associated with genetic diversity
estimates across species using different classes of tradi-
tional and HTS-based markers (RADseq) was recently
illustrated for two bumble bee species that have experi-
enced differing recent demographic trajectories (Lozier
Improving estimates of individual relatedness
Although social bee species represent a minority of the
total bee diversity (Michener 2000), a substantial fraction
of conservation genetics research in bees has dealt with
estimating kinship among individuals. Worker bees from
the same colony for many bumble bee species, for exam-
ple, will be full-sibs, and resolving such relationships with
genetic markers is fairly straightforward (Jones and Wang
2009). Through molecular tagging of georeferenced sib-
lings, it is thus possible to estimate parameters such as
colony density, foraging distances, or dispersal distances
by queens and males to reveal species-specific life history
traits and how populations respond to local landscape
conditions (reviewed in Woodard et al. 2015). Kinship
estimates in social insects have most commonly relied on
microsatellite loci, taking advantage of a high degree of
polymorphism to distinguish individual genotypes. How-
ever, microsatellites can have a high degree of genotyping
error and are not ideal for high throughput analysis because
they require substantial time to prepare and genotype
samples, and visually inspect the often noisy genotyping
chromatograms. Studies suggest that despite the reduced
power of individual biallelic SNPs, even a modest number
of markers (e.g., 80–125 SNPs) will have equal or greater
power and accuracy than a standard microsatellite panel for
assessing inbreeding and relatedness (Morin et al. 2009;
Smouse 2010). HTS technologies, together with reduced-
representation sequencing library preparation strategies,
provide a means to rapidly and efficiently multiplex tens,
hundreds, or even thousands of individuals for a desired
number of SNP markers. A recently developed modifica-
tion of RADseq that incorporates sequence capture (RAD
capture) to flexibly target subsets of informative markers
(Ali et al. 2016) will allow researchers to reliably genotype
all individuals from an entire study at a sufficient number
of genetic markers for reliable kinship estimation in a
single sequencing run. It remains to be seen, however,
whether HTS-based approaches to determining individual
relatedness will empirically or economically outperform
existing methods in species where microsatellite markers
have already been developed and laboratory pipelines are
in place.
Population structure, phylogeography,
and taxonomy
Population structure
The investigation of population structure and non-random
patterns of dispersal and gene flow has been among the
most directly applicable contributions of molecular popu-
lation genetics to conservation and management decision-
making. Broadly speaking, questions of population struc-
ture can range from delimiting closely related or cryptic
species, identifying evolutionarily significant units (ESUs)
within species, to revealing responses of population con-
nectivity to habitat structure or recent anthropogenic
modifications to the landscape (Hey and Machado 2003).
As emphasized above with respect to genetic diversity,
population genetics studies using traditional markers such
as microsatellites and Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial
or nuclear genes have made significant contributions to our
understanding of bee population structure and taxonomy.
Genomic methods should improve resolution of analyses
over more traditional markers through the sheer numbers of
available loci, as it is generally recognized that studies of
one or a few markers will often be insufficient, unreliable
and underpowered for high-resolution analysis of
Conserv Genet
population history and demography. Furthermore, HTS
approaches like RADseq may provide finer scale resolution
of population structure even with more limited individual
and population sampling (Robinson et al. 2014b; Lozier
et al. 2016; Jeffries et al. 2016).
At the population level, a large number of studies have
investigated intraspecific gene flow in wild and managed
bees with the goal of understanding how landscape quality
and arrangement, habitat fragmentation, isolation, and
other potential barriers disrupt gene flow in bees. Such
studies have historically included basic tests of population
structure based on differentiation (e.g., F
), isolation-by-
distance, distance-based trees, and genotype clustering
(Danforth et al. 2003; Zayed et al. 2006; Zayed and Packer
2007; Strange et al. 2008; Delaney et al. 2009; Darvill et al.
2010; Lozier et al. 2011). Increasingly, incorporation of
other tools such as geographic information systems and
spatial data have enabled tests of more realistic landscape
genetics models (Manel et al. 2003) to identify environ-
mental factors influencing historical and contemporary
population structure in diverse solitary and social bees
(Zimmermann et al. 2011; Goulson et al. 2011; Jha and
Kremen 2013; Lozier et al. 2013;Lo
´pez-Uribe et al. 2015;
Dellicour et al. 2016; Jaffe
´et al. 2016). The capacity to
more finely resolve relationships among individuals and
populations with genomic markers will likely improve the
capacity to test increasingly realistic and complex popu-
lation genetic models, although more work is needed to
understand how spatial and temporal heterogeneity will
influence genomic data (Epps and Keyghobadi 2015).
Ultimately, understanding spatial patterns of genetic vari-
ation within and among species, and explicitly testing the
factors that impede gene flow at a fine resolution, will
assist conservation through the development of optimal
landscape management practices that aid connectivity in,
for example, heavy agricultural or urban habitats (e.g., Jha
and Kremen 2013) or areas facing deforestation (Jaffe
´et al.
Taxonomy and cryptic species
At the highest level of population structure, accurate
recognition of species is especially important for conser-
vation, with species being the taxonomic unit of mea-
surement for inclusion on biodiversity lists, for monitoring,
and for regulatory decision making (Mace 2004). Below
the species level however, identification of ESUs or man-
agement units will also be crucial, and genomic tools have
a use here as well, especially for defining populations
possessing uniquely adaptive variation (Palsbøll et al.
2007; Funk et al. 2012). For bees, accurate specific and
intraspecific taxonomic assessments may be especially
important when species are candidates for domestication
and management (Williams et al. 2012a; Hurtado-Burillo
et al. 2013; Rasmussen 2013). In many bee groups where
morphological characters are limited, taxonomic reassess-
ments will often be required. Molecular methods like
Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial genes (e.g., DNA
barcoding) have proven useful for phylogenetics and spe-
cies hypothesis testing in bees (Williams et al. 2012b;
Danforth et al. 2013; Hurtado-Burillo et al. 2013; Sheffield
et al. 2016). Although multilocus approaches are usually
preferable to overcome reliance on a single gene tree to
infer species histories (Fujita et al. 2012), barcoding should
continue its utility in resolving bee diversity, particularly
when combined with HTS approaches to ‘extend’ the
barcode (Coissac et al. 2016). By providing a tremendous
source of largely independent loci, HTS methods should
provide the greatest benefit to taxonomy when single locus
analyses are uninformative, such as when historical effec-
tive population sizes are large and divergence times shal-
low, as is likely true for many bees.
One of the greatest promises from population genomic
data for population structure analyses will be improved
resolution to detect hybridization and introgression among
species (Hohenlohe et al. 2011). This is particularly relevant
for managed species that are transported outside of their
native ranges, but also for movement among regions within a
species’ range (Lozier et al. 2015). The potential for inter or
intra-specific hybridization from managed bees into wild
native species is especially concerning (Kanbe et al. 2008;
Duennes et al. 2012), with effects that can include dilution of
locally adapted genetic variation and ‘genomic extinction,’
where ancestral genomes of locally adapted populations are
lost after generations of hybridization (De la Ru
´a et al. 2009;
Byatt et al. 2016). In honey bees for example, management
appears to have enhanced genetic diversity over native wild
lineages (Harpur et al. 2012), although potentially at the risk
of genetic homogenization and loss of locally adapted vari-
ation that could actually hamper populations in the long term
(De La Ru
´a et al. 2013). Genomic tools have great potential
to not only detect and track hybridization with high resolu-
tion but also to track where in the genome introgression is
occurring and providing clues to its functional significance.
Indeed, HTS of different honeybee subspecies led to the
creation of an ancestry-informative SNP panel that can be
used to track ancestry and introgression of honey bees
(Chapman et al. 2015; Harpur et al. 2015).
Importantly, massive new datasets will require new
computational and statistical tools for analyzing demo-
graphic history. Species-tree delimitation based approaches
that treat loci independently and do not rely on concate-
nation, including the software SNAPP (Bryant et al. 2012)
or SVDquartets (Chifman and Kubatko 2014) use RADtags
or SNPs datasets to generate well-supported taxonomic
assessments. Large SNP datasets are very powerful for
Conserv Genet
estimating migration rates, population sizes, and diver-
gence times, along with testing alternative phylogeographic
scenarios using analyses of the site frequency spectrum
(Gutenkunst et al. 2009; Excoffier et al. 2013)or
Approximate Bayesian Computation (Robinson et al.
The early stages of population genomic structure analysis
in bees
Despite promising avenues for future research, the appli-
cation of HTS to study population structure and taxonomy
in bees is still in its infancy. The publication of the Apis
mellifera genome made immediate contributions to
resolving challenging questions regarding the complex
evolutionary history of native and managed honey bees by
providing a first generation SNP panel for population
genomics analysis (Whitfield et al. 2006). As technology
has advanced, research utilizing whole genome rese-
quencing (i.e. true population genomics) has renewed the
debate on the origins and demographic history of honey
bees at global (Wallberg et al. 2014) and regional (Fuller
et al. 2015) scales. It will be interesting to see the ultimate
resolution of this once all A. mellfiera subspecies are
sequenced. Outside of Apis, to date there has been limited
application of genomic tools for studies of population
structure in bees. One recent study in bumble bees used
RNAseq and double-digest RADseq data to test the relative
signatures of divergence and admixture in a phenotypically
polymorphic North American bumble bee B. bifarius
(Lozier et al. 2016). Despite microsatellite data indicating
weak genetic structure and possibly ongoing gene flow
among color forms, genomic data clearly indicated a deep
divergence with little evidence for admixture among major
lineages. One possible explanation is that a small number
of microsatellites may have had insufficient power to dis-
tinguish recent divergence from ongoing gene flow,
whereas genome-wide SNP data provided a sufficient
number of genetic markers to clearly delineate population
structure. Results from this work may lead to taxonomic
revision that would have gone unrecognized from other
published data.
An important characteristic of these exemplar studies of
HTS in bees is that the data produced are not only useful
for traditional population structure assessments, but also
provide a means for deeper understanding of evolutionary
genetic processes that are ultimately most important for
conservation and understanding how species respond to
environmental change. For example, honey bee genomic
data not only provides information on the demographic
history of Apis, but perhaps more importantly has begun to
reveal the mutations that underlie adaptive evolution in
honey bees (Zayed and Whitfield 2008; Harpur et al. 2014;
Wallberg et al. 2014). Likewise, by providing polymor-
phisms across coding regions, transcriptome sequencing
can shed light on genetic mechanisms underlying adapta-
tion (Woodard et al. 2011; Pimsler and Lozier pers.
comm.) in addition to informing taxonomy and phylogeny.
Thus, we expect bee population genomics to provide more
‘bang for the buck’’ compared to more traditional markers,
where researchers can address questions on diversity and
population structure, as well as gain insights into new
topics of research that could revolutionize conservation
Narrow-sense Conservation Genomics Strategies
for Bees
Conservation genomic studies provide useful intrinsic
information about declining populations. For example,
these studies help us answer questions such as: How small
are the populations? Are they isolated? Is there evidence of
bottlenecks? Do they suffer from inbreeding? In additional
to addressing these important questions, genomics can also
be used to both answer extrinsic question about the causes
of species declines and to provide tools for managing the
health of species (Fig. 1b).
‘Omics strategies for monitoring and diagnosing bee
Discovering the causes behind species decline is the first
step towards proper conservation planning for species
recovery. Although we generally know the ‘usual suspects’
of bee declines—pathogens and disease, habitat loss and
fragmentation, agrochemicals, nutrition and climate
change—these factors are not likely to be all operating at
the same time and are most likely population specific. It
can thus require years of field and lab research before the
factors leading to decline for a specific population of pol-
linators can be identified. Even in the honeybee—arguably
the most well studied bee and certainly the species with the
most genomic resources—there is still considerable con-
troversy about why some populations are experiencing high
mortality (Eisenstein 2015).
A major challenge in rapid diagnosis of causal factors in
population decline is the lack of tools for assessing the
health of native and managed bees. Genomics holds great
promise for transforming the field of bee conservation by
providing a suite of tools for diagnosing pollinator health.
Omic markers are routinely applied in human healthcare,
to provide early predictions of disease susceptibility,
diagnose certain disease such as cancer, and to guide per-
sonalized medicine by, for example, recommending phar-
maceuticals that work best with a patient genotype and
Conserv Genet
physiology (Ziegler et al. 2012). We can envision several
applications of ‘omic tools to monitor bee health and
diagnose stressors in the field. The basic premise of using
‘omic tools to diagnose bee health rests on the concept that
organisms deal with perturbations in their environment
through behavioral, physiological, or metabolic changes
that are first initiated through transcriptional changes. For
example, individuals deal with disease or toxins in the
environment by activating their immune system or detox-
ification system. If changes in transcriptional states are
closely coupled with changes in the environment, then we
can use knowledge of transcriptional profiles to infer the
presence of specific stressors in the environment. There is a
considerable body of literature showing that transcriptional
profiling can accurately predict changes in individual bee
behavior. In the honeybee, almost all behavioral states
investigated so far have been associated with distinct brain
transcriptional states—called neurogenomic states—that
are highly robust and repeatable (Whitfield et al. 2003;
Zayed and Robinson 2012). If transcription can predict
labile traits such as behavior, transcriptional states associ-
ated with a bee’s exposure to perturbations and stressors in
its environment would also be expected.
Developing ‘Omic markers for bee health will require a
systematic effort to study how various ecologically-rele-
vant perturbations (e.g. disease status, nutrition, exposure
to various agrochemicals) influence transcriptional states of
key tissues (e.g. abdomen tissues for phenotypes associated
with disease, detoxification, metabolism and reproduction,
and brain tissue for phenotypes associated with behavior)
from many species across the bee phylogeny. This would
allow researchers to identify and validate biomarkers—
genes with expression patterns that are predictive of
specific stressors. These biomarkers can be used as part of a
‘first-response’ toolkit by quickly highlighting the most
likely stressors that are affecting bee populations targeted
for conservation.
Revealing the genetics underlying traits important
for conservation and management
In addition to providing diagnostic tools, genomics and
HTS have revolutionized the field of genetics by providing
a framework for identifying the mutations underlying
complex traits or adaptive evolution in non-model organ-
isms. Traditionally, identifying the genetics underlying a
complex trait required an immense effort and a genetically
tractable model organism. In species where genetic
manipulation is impossible or difficult, it is possible to use
genetic crosses to map broad regions of the genome that
control quantitative traits, but these QTL approaches rarely
yielded information about causal mutations (Hunt et al.
1998). HTS can reveal the genetics underlying interesting
traits by directly associating genomic differences with
phenotypic differences in natural populations without the
need for laboratory crosses–approaches that are broadly
called genome-wide association studies (GWAS). GWAS
are commonly used to study the genetics underlying phe-
notypic differences, including disease susceptibility, in
humans (McCarthy et al. 2008). GWAS rely on whole
genome sequencing of individuals, or very dense geno-
typing to allow of the detection of unobserved casual
mutations through close physical linkage to nearby neutral
mutations. Recombination rates in social bees are very high
(Weinstock et al. 2006; Wilfert et al. 2007; Sadd et al.
2015), which presents a very small target for detecting
causal mutations through linkage with neutral markers. In
bees, GWAS approaches will require whole genome
sequencing or very dense genotyping to work around the
small haplotype blocks expected in natural populations
with high rates of recombination. At the same time, high
recombination rates may ease the identification of causal
mutations once genome regions are discovered. Another
challenge to using genome scan approaches like GWAS in
wild bee populations is the role of demographic history in
shaping allele frequencies; population structure and diver-
gence can produce spurious associations between marker
loci and variables of interest when demography is not taken
into account (e.g., Hancock et al. 2011). However, a
number of statistical methods are now available to incor-
porate information on population history, and sampling
schemes can be designed to incorporate the effects of
spatial correlation on allele frequencies to identify outliers
correlated with phenotype or environmental variables (re-
viewed in Lotterhos and Whitlock 2014).
Once candidate loci are identified through GWAS or
other ‘outlier detection approaches, in species where
selective breeding is possible, discovered loci can be used
for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs that
strive to improve heritable traits of interest for management
or conservation. For example, in species that are com-
mercially reared for pollination services, it will be possible
to selectively breed disease-resistant genotypes by select-
ing on mutations that influence innate or social immunity.
Such research is currently underway in honey bees, where
GWAS is being used to identify genetic markers linked to
variation in a suite of economically valuable traits across
hundreds of colonies (Foster and Zayed, personal com-
munication). When genetic rescue of wild populations
(Frankham 2015) is a goal, loci identified as adaptive (e.g.,
correlated with a phenotypic trait or environmental varia-
tion) or otherwise marking distinct evolutionarily signifi-
cant units can be used to select optimal source populations
for reintroductions.
Conserv Genet
Beyond the bee: HTS insights for conservation
from bee-associated organisms
A characteristic of HTS approaches is that any molecule of
DNA in a sequencing library has a chance of being
sequenced in proportion to its abundance. This can present
an obvious problem of ‘wasted’ sequence reads if the
DNA isolate from the target organism is diluted with DNA
from other organisms. In most cases this is to be avoided,
however these extra-organismal reads have some potential
to provide valuable secondary information for bee con-
servation. Stray sequencing reads from DNA and RNA
HTS studies have the potential to reveal infections with
previously unrecognized bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other
microorganisms. For example, deep sequencing of RNA
from honey bee isolates has been used to reveal infections
both with known microorganisms as well as novel viruses
(Runckel et al. 2011). Similarly, ‘stray’ DNA sequences
found within the Bombus impatiens genome were used to
describe the genome of a bacterial symbiont Schmid-
hempelia (Martinson et al. 2014). DNA from pollen will
likely be found in many isolates from foraging bees, and
could thus be used to determine foraging preferences
among species or geographic regions. Thus, querying
unmapped reads from a sequencing experiment against
available genome databases could potentially prove to be a
valuable exercise.
Genomic approaches have more immediate and direct
utility for targeted analysis of known disease causing
organisms, parasites and pathogens. For example, HTS has
facilitated sequencing of RNA viruses in honey bees that
provide preliminary, but previously hidden, information on
the evolutionary patterns of dispersal and selection in these
potentially damaging organisms (Cornman et al. 2013a).
High-throughput sequencing studies of honey bee viruses
have detected recombination among viral strains, providing
insights into the evolution of novel, and potentially more
virulent, pathogen genotypes (Moore et al. 2011; Ryabov
et al. 2014; McMahon et al. 2016). Outside of viruses, the
genomes of the important honey bee parasites Nosema
ceranae and Nosema apis have been sequenced (Cornman
et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2013), which should contribute to
improved resolution to track the history of these parasites
with respect to that of their hosts (e.g., Maside et al. 2015).
In a recent analysis of the bumble bee parasite Nosema
bombi (Microsporidia), which is suspected of being inva-
sive in North America and playing a role in some bumble
bee declines, Cameron et al. (2016) used deep amplicon
sequencing of Nosema rRNA and genome reduction tech-
niques to test whether Nosema in North America could
represent an invasive strain. No significant differentiation
between European and North American isolates was found,
but the data suggested low levels of genetic variation in
general. Although phylogeographic results were somewhat
ambiguous, in the near future we expect whole genome
sequencing of pathogens (i.e. parasite population geno-
mics) to become a feasible strategy for resolving the ori-
gins of N. bombi in North America, as well as for other
parasites and pathogens that are threatening native bees as
domesticated species are transported globally (Goulson and
Hughes 2015). Furthermore, whole genome studies will be
necessary for uncovering genetic variation that correlates
with different functional aspects of host-parasite interac-
tions, including variation in virulence, growth, and trans-
mission (McMahon et al. 2016). As genomic data from
parasites and pathogens accumulate, the development of
diagnostic strategies to detect both species and functional
strain variants will become increasingly plausible.
Finally, community profiling of microbial or pollen
communities isolated from bees will also be a valuable
contribution of genomic methods for bee conservation
through improved understanding of foraging and nutrition.
For example, Richardson et al. (2015) applied HTS bar-
coding of the ITS2 region to obtain qualitative and quan-
titative profiles of pollen foraging by honey bees in an
agricultural landscape. Such methods should be easily
extended to wild bees in natural settings provided a suffi-
cient reference sequence database can be generated (Keller
et al. 2015). Profiling microbial communities associated
with bees (the ‘microbiome’’) using 16S rRNA amplicon
sequencing has similarly gained increased attention in
recent years (Lim et al. 2015; Moran 2015), and is begin-
ning to illuminate the relationship between the microbiome
and bee health in different species (Koch and Schmid-
Hempel 2011). Metagenomic studies will ultimately tell us
what functions bacterial communities are providing for
their hosts (Engel et al. 2012).
Sampling concerns for conservation genomics
of bees
A shift from PCR-based molecular techniques will require
parallel shifts in sample collection, handling, preservation,
and processing. Most whole genome approaches usually
require several micrograms of DNA of moderate quality
(short read sequencing is somewhat robust to shearing of
DNA molecules during extraction), while single strand
sequencing approaches that generate very long reads (e.g.
PacBio) are particularly sensitive to sample quality and
isolation method. The latter approaches are most useful for
de novo sequencing, but for most population genomics re-
sequencing studies, shorter-read length technologies will
be sufficient. Nevertheless, all HTS methods benefit from
high molecular weight DNA that is free of contamination
(i.e., a single high molecular weight band with minimal
Conserv Genet
smearing on an agarose gel)(e.g., see Graham et al. 2015
for RADseq evaluation). Genome reduction techniques still
require a considerable amount of DNA, and some RADseq
protocols suggest a sample of *1lg of non-degraded of
genomic DNA at 25 ng/lL (Etter et al. 2011), although
many approaches will work with less material.
For DNA-based methods, we have had success with
preserving whole samples directly into pure ethanol and
maintained on ice or dry ice in the field, with storage at
-80 °C in the laboratory. For enzymatic approaches like
RADseq, even weak DNA degradation may reduce library
quality (Lozier personal observation). RNAseq will be the
most demanding technology with respect to sample integrity
(Gayral et al. 2011), requiring specimens be rapidly killed
and preserved cryogenically without thawing until RNA
isolation, although chemical preservatives can maintain
RNA integrity in bees under field conditions (Lozier et al.
2016). Careful consideration of tissues used in isolation may
also be important for both DNA and RNA, as certain tissues
may harbor contaminating microorganisms or plant material
that can reduce sequencing coverage for the target indi-
vidual. Typically, thoracic muscle tissue provides the
highest quality DNA, and is largely free of contaminants.
Thus, many HTS approaches may be challenging for older
pinned specimens that are commonly available for many
bees. Moreover, conservation genetics studies of bees often
rely on non-lethal sampling to avoid negative impacts on
wild populations (e.g., tarsal clips) (Holehouse et al. 2003).
Such approaches work well for PCR-based molecular
markers, but may not produce sufficient DNA for many HTS
methods. Recent advances in techniques that incorporate a
target capture step may help overcome such challenges
(Suchan et al. 2016). In cases where lethal collection is
required to obtain sufficient DNA, researchers will neces-
sarily have to balance the benefits achieved from conducting
the study against negatively impacting the populations in
need of conservation. Encouragingly, however, recent
studies suggest that even fairly intensive collections of bees
have little impact on species diversity over time (Gezon et al.
2015). This is likely to be especially true for social species
like bumble bees where a reasonable population sample of
workers (*20–25 individuals) may contain only 1–2 bees
per colony on average (Cameron et al. 2011). Thus, except
for the most threatened taxa, low levels of lethal sampling
should not have substantial negative impacts on many pol-
linators, although we encourage researchers to make the
greatest use of killed specimens beyond genotyping alone
(e.g., imaging, morphological analysis, pathogen screening).
One final caveat regarding sampling
Correct taxonomic identification of target species may be
even more important for HTS than other molecular studies.
With larger numbers of loci, and typically smaller numbers
of individuals in population genomics, incorporating
sequences from mis-identified individuals will likely con-
tribute to spurious population genetics summary statistics,
which will be especially problematic in Pool-seq studies.
Studies of species belonging to cryptic morphological
groups should explicitly document species identification
approaches, and where necessary should use molecular
confirmation against a known reference database (e.g.,
DNA barcoding) prior to spending time, effort and funds
on HTS of the wrong species.
Concluding statements and future directions
Considering the reductions in cost of HTS and access to
public platforms for genome assembly and gene predic-
tions, and analysis (Fuller et al. 2015), we anticipate the
publication of a plethora of bee genomes over the next
decade. Notably, new single strand sequencing technolo-
gies are expected to substantially increase the quality of de
novo assembly of new genomes. Effort should be made to
sequence representative genomes across the major bee
tribes, especially within short-tongued bees, which are
currently under-represented. Moreover, sequencing species
with a broader range of demographic histories, including
both stable species and species of conservation concern,
may help elucidate genetic factors associated with popu-
lation declines. Although HTS studies of stable and
declining bee species have been conducted (Lozier 2014),
we are aware of only a single whole genome sequencing
project in bee species targeted for conservation: the yellow-
banded bumble bee, B. terricola, (Kent, Dey, Colla, and
Zayed, per. comm.), which is declining in parts of its range
(Colla and Packer 2008; Cameron et al. 2011). In addition
to focusing on demographic comparisons, sequencing
genomes of bees across life-history gradients (e.g. diet
specialists vs. diet generalist; solitary vs. semi-social vs.
social) may further help identify genomic features associ-
ated with differing life-history traits and their relationship
to the susceptibility of bees to anthropogenic disturbances.
In summary, we think that genomics holds great promise
for transforming the field of bee conservation, in the same
way that it has transformed other fields of biology. Geno-
mics will provide bee biologists with better tools to esti-
mate important demographic parameters of relevance to
species conservation, in addition to providing novel ways
for assessing the health of pollinators and for improving
pollinator health using ‘omic-assisted selective breeding.
Given concerns that conservation genomics is currently an
academic discipline that has yet to make major break-
throughs for applied conservation (Shafer et al. 2015), it
will be important for bee researchers to connect and
Conserv Genet
communicate results to the broader community, including
commercial breeders and beekeepers, farmers, land man-
agers, and policy makers. As a group, bees are well suited
to highlight the power of genomics in conservation biol-
ogy; they are crucially important pollinators of native
plants and agricultural crops, they face serious threats in
both managed and natural settings, they capture public
attention as charismatic microfauna, their often small
genomes make them particularly feasible for HTS studies,
and, importantly, many communication networks already
exist for translating research results into application. As an
example relating to wild bee populations, a framework
exists to directly incorporate genetic information into
conservation strategies for bumble bees through the Inter-
national Union for the Conservation of Nature Bumblebee
Specialists Group’s Conservation Genomics committee,
which can directly communicate findings from basic
genomic research to a broad conservation-minded audi-
ence. We have discussed just a few simple examples of the
ways in which genomic tools might help advance bee
conservation, and we imagine that this field will undergo
considerable acceleration in the coming years. Several
studies are underway in our labs, for example, to simulta-
neously investigate gene flow, diversity, and local adapta-
tion in several bumble bee species using diverse genomic
tools (i.e. both broad and narrow-sense conservation
genomics) that will be directly relevant to conservation and
domestication efforts. While it was the charismatic chee-
tahs and wolves that first demonstrated the importance of
genetics to conservation, we think that bees have great
potential to showcase the importance of genomics in
applied conservation.
Acknowledgments We thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Council of Canada (Discovery grant to AZ) and the United States
National Science Foundation Division of Environmental Biology
(DEB-1457645 to JDL) for funding ongoing work relating to con-
servation genomics of bees. We thank S Jha, M Lopez-Uribe, and A
Soro for organizing this special issue on Bee Conservation Genetics
and the 2015 Ecological Society of America symposium bearing the
same title.
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... Therefore, the population status and adaptive potential of a species could be assessed by monitoring changes in N e and by estimating its genetic status; both could be revealed by conservation genomics tools. Moreover, conservation genomics method could identify the underlying causes of population decline by detecting genomic signals of response to environmental stressors (Lozier & Zayed, 2017;Kent et al., 2018). ...
... The LN population also displayed lower values of θ π and θ W than that of the HB population (Table 1; Fig. S3). The θ π of the LN and HB population are 0.0017 and 0.0022, respectively (Table 1), appearing similarly to that of the declining B. terricola (0.0019−0.0024) and lower than that of the nondeclining B. vancouverensis (0.0029-0.0032) (Lozier & Zayed, 2017;Kent et al., 2018). ...
... Conversely, low genetic diversity can lead to inbreeding and accumulation of deleterious mutations, further reducing population fitness and the likelihood of persistence (Ellstrand & Elam, 1993;Saccheri et al., 1998;Madsen et al., 1999). In this study, we found out that the θ π of the declining LN population is 0.0017, which is lower than that of the nondeclining HB population (0.0022) ( Table 1) and even slightly lower than that of the well-known declining species B. terricola (0.0019−0.0024) (Lozier & Zayed, 2017;Kent et al., 2018), suggesting great attention should be paid on this B. opulentus population. ...
Bumblebees are a genus of pollinators ( Bombus ) that play important roles in natural ecosystem and agricultural production. Several bumblebee species have been recorded as under population decline, and the proportion of species experiencing population decline within subgenus Thoracobombus is higher than average. Bombus opulentus is 1 species in Thoracobombus , but little is known about its recent population dynamics. Here, we employed conservation genomics methods to investigate the population dynamics of B . opulentus during the recent past and identify the likely environmental factors that may cause population decline. Firstly, we placed the scaffold‐level of B . opulentus reference genome sequence onto chromosome‐level using Hi‐C technique. Then, based on this reference genome and whole‐genome resequencing data for 51 B . opulentus samples, we reconstructed the population structure and effective population size ( N e ) trajectories of B . opulentus and identified genes that were under positive selection. Our results revealed that the collected B . opulentus samples could be divided into 2 populations, and 1 of them experienced a recent population decline; the declining population also exhibited lower genetic diversity and higher inbreeding levels. Genes related to high‐temperature tolerance, immune response, and detoxication showed signals of positive selection in the declining population, suggesting that climate warming and pathogen/pesticide exposures may contribute to the decline of this B . opulentus population. Taken together, our study provided insights into the demography of B . opulentus populations and highlighted that populations of the same bumblebee species could have contrasting N e trajectories and population decline could be caused by a combination of various stressors.
... This genome sequence might provide scientific, economic, and ecological benefits. For instance, it might contribute to the advancement of the fields of bee sociogenomics and evolution [41], to the elaboration of population genetics-based conservation strategies [42], and to development of genomic tools that could potentially be used to identify genotypes susceptible to stressors (e.g., pesticides), allowing selection of colonies with improved health [43]. ...
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Background The field of bee genomics has considerably advanced in recent years, however, the most diverse group of honey producers on the planet, the stingless bees, are still largely neglected. In fact, only eleven of the ~ 600 described stingless bee species have been sequenced, and only three using a long-read (LR) sequencing technology. Here, we sequenced the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of the most common, widespread and broadly reared stingless bee in Brazil and other neotropical countries—Tetragonisca angustula (popularly known in Brazil as jataí). Results A total of 48.01 Gb of DNA data were generated, including 2.31 Gb of Pacific Bioscience HiFi reads and 45.70 Gb of Illumina short reads (SRs). Our preferred assembly comprised 683 contigs encompassing 284.49 Mb, 62.84 Mb of which (22.09%) corresponded to 445,793 repetitive elements. N50, L50 and complete BUSCOs reached 1.02 Mb, 91 contigs and 97.1%, respectively. We predicted that the genome of T. angustula comprises 17,459 protein-coding genes and 4,108 non-coding RNAs. The mitogenome consisted of 17,410 bp, and all 37 genes were found to be on the positive strand, an unusual feature among bees. A phylogenomic analysis of 26 hymenopteran species revealed that six odorant receptor orthogroups of T. angustula were found to be experiencing rapid evolution, four of them undergoing significant contractions. Conclusions Here, we provided the first nuclear and mitochondrial genome assemblies for the ecologically and economically important T. angustula, the fourth stingless bee species to be sequenced with LR technology thus far. We demonstrated that even relatively small amounts of LR data in combination with sufficient SR data can yield high-quality genome assemblies for bees.
... The results of these studies vary between species, with both declining and common species exhibiting either significant (25,27,29,35) or minimal (29,33) genetic structure across a range of spatial scales. While the use of few molecular markers is relatively robust for the detection of strong population structure, such approaches lack the sensitivity, accuracy and resolution of whole genome analyses (36)(37)(38). For instance, reductions in effective population size and signs of inbreeding in the declining North American bumblebee Bombus terricola were identified by partial genome sequencing (39), while significant population structure and signs of recent bumblebee adaptation to anthropogenic threats have been detected through RADSeq (40). ...
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Bumblebees are keystone pollinators which facilitate the reproduction of a wide range of wild and agricultural plants. Their abundance and diversity have been severely reduced by anthropogenic stressors such as land-use change and widespread habitat fragmentation. However, we lack a comprehensive understanding of bumblebee population structure and local adaptation in response to human-altered landscapes. We here discover surprisingly fine-scaled population structure (e.g. ~300km) within two widely occurring bumblebee species, Bombus lapidarius and Bombus pascuorum, by analysing whole genome data of 106 specimens from 7 sites in Northern Europe. Our sample range encompasses a mosaic of land-use types with varying levels of habitat fragmentation and natural oceanic barriers. While the observed population structure is largely associated with reduced gene flow across natural barriers, we also detect significant divergence between populations sampled from more fragmented, agricultural landscapes. Furthermore, we identify species-specific patterns of population structure which are underpinned by distinct genomic architecture. Whereas genetic divergence in B. lapidarius is spread relatively evenly across the genome, divergence in B. pascuorum is concentrated within several megabase-sized genomic regions with significantly elevated differentiation, including a putative chromosomal inversion, which may underlie well-known colour polymorphisms across its range. Our observations reveal unexpectedly high levels of inter- and intraspecific genomic diversity within the bumblebee genus, and highlight the necessity of increasing our understanding of bumblebee population structure and connectivity to design optimal bumblebee conservation strategies.
... When populations become small and inbreeding is common, this effect can lead to a particularly extreme extinction vortex (Lozier & Zayed, 2017;Zayed & Packer, 2005). Diploid male production has been observed in populations of rare and declining bumblebee species and is an indicator of high vulnerability Ellis et al., 2006). ...
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Populations of many bumblebee species are declining, with distributions shifting northwards to track suitable climates. Climate change is considered a major contributing factor. Arctic species are particularly vulnerable as they cannot shift further north, making assessment of their population viability important. Analysis of levels of whole‐genome variation is a powerful way to analyse population declines and fragmentation. Here, we use genome sequencing to analyse genetic variation in seven species of bumblebee from the Scandinavian mountains, including two classified as vulnerable. We sequenced 333 samples from across the ranges of these species in Sweden. Estimates of effective population size ( N E ) vary from ~55,000 for species with restricted high alpine distributions to 220,000 for more widespread species. Population fragmentation is generally very low or undetectable over large distances in the mountains, suggesting an absence of barriers to gene flow. The relatively high N E and low population structure indicate that none of the species are at immediate risk of negative genetic effects caused by high levels of genetic drift. However, reconstruction of historical fluctuations in N E indicates that the arctic specialist species Bombus hyperboreus has experienced population declines since the last ice age and we detected one highly inbred diploid male of this species close to the southern limit of its range, potentially indicating elevated genetic load. Although the levels of genetic variation in montane bumblebee populations are currently relatively high, their ranges are predicted to shrink drastically due to the effects of climate change and monitoring is essential to detect future population declines.
... Further, the impact of climate change on biodiversity could be assessed better by comparing the DSI of one environment to that of another (Kim et al., 2017). DSI also could help monitor the health status of wild populations (Lozier, 2017) and prevent the sale of endangered species by tracking their illegal trading (Ward et al., 2008). ...
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The cross‐border transmission of digital sequence information (DSI) on genetic resources is an emerging global governance issue, particularly since its inclusion in the post‐2020 framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Based on a brief review of the value of DSI and the need for global governance, this paper identifies three elemental regimes on ‘physical’ genetic resources that are in conflict: divergent principles of sovereignty claim, global multilateral sharing and intellectual property rights protection. It then traces the progress of each elemental regime on DSI and describes their ongoing conflicts. Two reform strategies for better governance are suggested: one gradual and path‐dependent and one more radical. The basis of the radical strategy is to promote labour division and cooperation among institutions of different elemental regimes within a three‐layered system of DSI values.
... However, intense stingless bee declines have been observed due to anthropogenic actions, such as fragmentation/loss of habitat, agricultural intensification, and introduction/spread of exotic competing bee species, which brings attention to the conservation efforts of these insects (Freitas et al. 2009;Ramírez et al. 2013). Several scientific areas may generate useful information for conservation strategies (Zayed 2009;Murray et al. 2009;Lozier and Zayed 2017;López-Uribe et al. 2017). Cytogenetics, for example, may be helpful because the existence of chromosomal polymorphisms between populations can be a barrier to species reintroduction since mating between individuals with different cytotypes can result in mortality or infertility in offspring (Robinson and Elder 1993;Mariano et al. 2008;Potter and Deakin 2018). ...
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The stingless bee genus Trigona includes 32 species, exclusive to the New World, which are grouped into two clades (A and B) according to phylogenetic molecular data. Cytogenetic studies have been performed in only seven Trigona taxa, and molecular cytogenetic data are available for only one species. These studies have been important for the chromosomal characterization of the species; however, discussions focusing on the karyotype evolution of Trigona in a phylogenetic context are lacking. In this study, we characterized the karyotype, through classical and molecular cytogenetics, of five Trigona species: T. pallens and T. williana, from clade A, and T. hypogea, T. aff. fuscipennis, and T. truculenta, from clade B, in order to provide insights into the karyotype evolution in Trigona and investigate whether the analyzed cytogenetic markers may have a phylogenetic signal. All five Trigona species have 2n = 34 chromosomes. Variations in the karyotype formula were observed in T. truculenta and T. hypogea compared with the other three species. Although heterochromatin distribution was restricted to one of the arms in most of the chromosomes of the five species, C-banding experiments highlighted a lower degree of heterochromatin compaction in T. pallens and T. williana. The microsatellite (GA)15 was exclusively located in the euchromatic regions of the chromosomes in all five species. The number of pairs bearing rDNA genes varied among the species studied, and this cytogenetic trait seems to reflect the phylogeny, separating the species into two clades. This study showed interspecific variations to a greater or lesser degree among Trigona species, highlighting the intense chromosomal evolutionary dynamics in the genus.
Declines in bumble bee species range and abundances are documented across multiple continents and have prompted the need for research to aid species recovery and conservation. The rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) is the first federally listed bumble bee species in North America. We conducted a range-wide population genetics study of B. affinis from across all extant conservation units to inform conservation efforts. To understand the species’ vulnerability and help establish recovery targets, we examined population structure, patterns of genetic diversity, and population differentiation. Additionally, we conducted a site-level analysis of colony abundance to inform prioritizing areas for conservation, translocation, and other recovery actions. We find substantial evidence of population structuring along an east-to-west gradient. Putative populations show evidence of isolation by distance, high inbreeding coefficients, and a range-wide male diploidy rate of ~15%. Our results suggest the Appalachians represent a genetically distinct cluster with high levels of private alleles and substantial differentiation from the rest of the extant range. Site-level analyses suggest low colony abundance estimates for B. affinis compared to similar datasets of stable, co-occurring species. These results lend genetic support to trends from observational studies, suggesting that B. affinis has undergone a recent decline and exhibit substantial spatial structure. The low colony abundances observed here suggest caution in overinterpreting the stability of populations even where B. affinis is reliably detected interannually. These results help delineate informed management units, provide context for the potential risks of translocation programs, and help set clear recovery targets for this and other threatened bumble bee species.
Studies of species that experience environmental heterogeneity across their distributions have become an important tool for understanding mechanisms of adaptation and predicting responses to climate change. We examine population structure, demographic history and environmentally associated genomic variation in Bombus vosnesenskii , a common bumble bee in the western USA, using whole genome resequencing of populations distributed across a broad range of latitudes and elevations. We find that B. vosnesenskii exhibits minimal population structure and weak isolation by distance, confirming results from previous studies using other molecular marker types. Similarly, demographic analyses with Sequentially Markovian Coalescent models suggest that minimal population structure may have persisted since the last interglacial period, with genomes from different parts of the species range showing similar historical effective population size trajectories and relatively small fluctuations through time. Redundancy analysis revealed a small amount of genomic variation explained by bioclimatic variables. Environmental association analysis with latent factor mixed modelling (LFMM2) identified few outlier loci that were sparsely distributed throughout the genome and although a few putative signatures of selective sweeps were identified, none encompassed particularly large numbers of loci. Some outlier loci were in genes with known regulatory relationships, suggesting the possibility of weak selection, although compared with other species examined with similar approaches, evidence for extensive local adaptation signatures in the genome was relatively weak. Overall, results indicate B. vosnesenskii is an example of a generalist with a high degree of flexibility in its environmental requirements that may ultimately benefit the species under periods of climate change.
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Unraveling molecular mechanisms of adaptation to complex environments is crucial to understanding tolerance of abiotic pressures and responses to climatic change. Epigenetic variation is increasingly recognized as a mechanism that can facilitate rapid responses to changing environmental cues. To investigate variation in genetic and epigenetic diversity at spatial and thermal extremes, we use whole genome and methylome sequencing to generate a high-resolution map of DNA methylation in the bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii . We sample two populations representing spatial and environmental range extremes (a warm southern low-elevation site and a cold northern high-elevation site) previously shown to exhibit differences in thermal tolerance and determine positions in the genome that are consistently and variably methylated across samples. Bisulfite sequencing reveals methylation characteristics similar to other arthropods, with low global CpG methylation but high methylation concentrated in gene bodies and in genome regions with low nucleotide diversity. Differentially methylated sites (n = 2066) were largely hypomethylated in the northern high-elevation population but not related to local sequence differentiation. The concentration of methylated and differentially methylated sites in exons and putative promoter regions suggests a possible role in gene regulation, and this high-resolution analysis of intraspecific epigenetic variation in wild Bombus suggests that the function of methylation in niche adaptation would be worth further investigation.
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Unraveling molecular mechanisms of adaptation to complex environments is crucial to understanding tolerance of abiotic pressures and responses to climatic change. Epigenetic variation is increasingly recognized as a mechanism that can facilitate rapid responses to changing environmental cues. To investigate variation in genetic and epigenetic diversity at spatial and thermal extremes, we use whole genome and methylome sequencing to generate a high-resolution map of DNA methylation in the bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii . We sample two populations representing spatial and environmental range extremes (a warm southern low-elevation site and a cold northern high-elevation site) previously shown to exhibit differences in thermal tolerance and determine positions in the genome that are constitutively and variably methylated across samples. Bisulfite sequencing reveals methylation characteristics similar to other arthropods, with low global CpG methylation but high methylation concentrated in gene bodies and in genome regions with low nucleotide diversity. Differentially methylated sites (n = 2,066) were largely hypomethylated in the northern high-elevation population but not related to local sequence differentiation. The concentration of methylated and differentially methylated sites in exons and putative promoter regions suggests a possible role in gene regulation, and this high-resolution analysis of intraspecific epigenetic variation in wild Bombus suggests that the function of methylation in niche adaptation would be worth further investigation.
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Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) have contributed significantly to the current biodiversity crisis, leading to widespread epidemics and population loss. Owing to genetic variation in pathogen virulence, a complete understanding of species decline requires the accurate identification and characterization of EIDs. We explore this issue in the Western honeybee, where increasing mortality of populations in the Northern Hemisphere has caused major concern. Specifically, we investigate the importance of genetic identity of the main suspect in mortality, deformed wing virus (DWV), in driving honeybee loss. Using laboratory experiments and a systematic field survey, we demonstrate that an emerging DWV genotype (DWV-B) is more virulent than the established DWV genotype (DWV-A) and is widespread in the landscape. Furthermore, we show in a simple model that colonies infected with DWV-B collapse sooner than colonies infected with DWV-A. We also identify potential for rapid DWV evolution by revealing extensive genome-wide recombination in vivo. The emergence of DWV-B in naive honeybee populations, including via recombination with DWV-A, could be of significant ecological and economic importance. Our findings emphasize that knowledge of pathogen genetic identity and diversity is critical to understanding drivers of species decline.
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Aim Studying the changes in species ranges during the last glaciation event is an important step towards the understanding of the observed patterns of intra‐specific genetic variability. We focused on bumblebees, an interesting biological model to address these questions because cold‐adapted species are likely to have experienced different geographical range histories during the last glacial period compared to more commonly studied, strictly temperate, species. We investigated and compared historical hypotheses regarding the geographical range of five common and co‐distributed West Palaearctic bumblebee species. Location Europe, West Palaearctic. Methods For each species, we inferred present and past (Last Glacial Maximum) distributions from species occurrence records, and present and past climatic data, using the ecological niche modelling (ENM) approach implemented in Maxent . Based on genetic data previously obtained from the sequencing of three gene fragments (mitochondrial locus COI and two nuclear loci EF‐1α and PEPCK ), we then compared global and local patterns of genetic variation using several summary statistics as well as a visual mapping of genetic variation. Finally, we used a spatially explicit model of DNA sequence coalescence to test and compare four evolutionary scenarios derived from ENM results and patterns of genetic diversity. Results Ecological niche modelling results based on climatic data clearly suggested a range continuum in Europe during the last glaciation. Yet, the related evolutionary scenario involving such continuum was less supported than alternative scenarios involving a more fragmented distribution. Indeed, for the three out of five species for which genetic data allowed discriminating among tested scenarios, the scenario that included a fragmented range during the last glaciation was identified as the most likely. Main conclusions Although ENM suggested that bumblebees would have maintained a range continuum across Europe during the last glaciation, coalescent simulations tended to refute the persistence of a large range continuum for these species during this period. This suggests that even for cold‐adapted species, the cooling periods have significantly shrunk and fragmented their respective ranges.
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The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation.
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The conservation of threatened species must be underpinned by phylogeographic knowledge. This need is epitomised by the freshwater fish Carassius carassius, which is in decline across much of its European range. Restriction site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) is increasingly used for such applications, however RADseq is expensive, and limitations on sample number must be weighed against the benefit of large numbers of markers. This trade-off has previously been examined using simulation studies, however, empirical comparisons between these markers, especially in a phylogeographic context, are lacking. Here, we compare the results from microsatellites and RADseq for the phylogeography of C. carassius to test whether it is more advantageous to genotype fewer markers (microsatellites) in many samples, or many markers (SNPs) in fewer samples. These datasets, along with data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, agree on broad phylogeographic patterns; showing the existence of two previously unidentified C. carassius lineages in Europe; one found throughout northern and central-eastern European drainages, and a second almost exclusively confined to the Danubian catchment. These lineages have been isolated for approximately 2.15 M years, and should be considered separate conservation units. RADseq recovered finer population structure and stronger patterns of IBD than microsatellites, despite including only 17.6% of samples (38% of populations and 52% of samples per population). RADseq was also used along with Approximate Bayesian Computation to show that the postglacial colonisation routes of C. carassius differ from the general patterns of freshwater fish in Europe, likely as a result of their distinctive ecology. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Conservation action for species of concern requires that “designatable units” (e.g., species, subspecies, geographic races, genetically distinct forms) are clearly defined, or that the species complex is treated as a whole. Several species of bumble bee are currently threatened, and some of these have cryptic colouration (resembling other species), or form complexes that vary considerably in colour patterning. Here we address the taxonomy and distribution of Bombus occidentalis Greene and B. terricola Kirby, both of which are currently of conservation concern in North America. Bombus occidentalis includes two apparently monophyletic groups of COI barcode haplotypes (recently considered as subspecies) with ranges mostly separated by that of their sister species, B. terricola. The southern B. o. occidentalis ranges throughout the western United States and into western Canada from southern Saskatchewan and Alberta, and throughout British Columbia north to ca. 55°N; the northern B. o. mckayi Ashmead, is restricted to north of this in British Columbia, westernmost Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and Alaska. Bombus o. mckayi exists, as far as is known, only with a “banded” colour pattern. By contrast, B. o. occidentalis occurs in both banded and non-banded colour patterns, although the southern banded colour pattern is geographically isolated from the northern subspecies. Bombus o. occidentalis has declined throughout its range, perhaps due in part to exposure to novel parasites. Despite having similar levels of parasitism (ca. 40 %) as the southern subspecies, B. o. mckayi appears to have stable populations at present. There is therefore compelling evidence that the two subspecies should be distinguished for conservation and management purposes. We present the evidence for their distinction and provide tools for subspecies recognition.
Four main evolutionary lineages of A. mellifera have been described including eastern Europe (C) and western and northern Europe (M). Many apiculturists prefer bees from the C lineage due to their docility and high productivity. In France, the routine importation of bees from the C lineage has resulted in the widespread admixture of bees from the M lineage. The haplodiploid nature of the honeybee Apis mellifera, and its small genome size, permits affordable and extensive genomics studies. As a pilot study of a larger project to characterise French honeybee populations, we sequenced 60 drones sampled from two commercial populations managed for the production of honey and royal jelly. Results indicate a C lineage origin, whilst mitochondrial analysis suggests two drones originated from the O lineage. Analysis of heterozygous SNPs identified potential copy number variants near to genes encoding odorant binding proteins and several cytochrome P450 genes. Signatures of selection were detected using the hapFLK haplotype-based method, revealing several regions under putative selection for royal jelly production. The framework developed during this study will be applied to a broader sampling regime, allowing the genetic diversity of French honeybees to be characterised in detail.
Significance Wild bumble bees are experiencing population declines globally. Causes of declines in North American populations are unclear, although declining species are more frequently infected by the pathogen Nosema bombi . A widely accepted hypothesis suggests that contact with European species during domestication led to the introduction of exotic N. bombi . By screening museum specimens, we show that N. bombi prevalence increased significantly in declining species in the early to mid-1990s, coincident with N. bombi outbreaks in North American commercial stocks. There is no evidence that exotic Nosema strains were introduced from Europe. Regardless of geographic origins, the temporal connection between N. bombi epizootics in commercial Bombus stocks and increases in wild populations suggests a substantial risk of pathogen transmission with domestication.
DNA barcoding has had a major impact on biodiversity science. The elegant simplicity of establishing massive scale databases for a few barcode loci is continuing to change our understanding of species diversity patterns, and continues to enhance human abilities to distinguish among species. Capitalising on the developments of next generation sequencing technologies and decreasing costs of genome sequencing, there is now the opportunity for the DNA barcoding concept to be extended to new kinds of genomic data. We illustrate the benefits and capacity to do this, and also note the constraints and barriers to overcome before it is truly scalable. We advocate a twin track approach: (i) continuation and acceleration of global efforts to build the DNA barcode reference library of life on earth using standard DNA barcodes, and (ii) active development and application of extended DNA barcodes using genome skimming to augment the standard barcoding approach. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Geographic variation in insect coloration is among the most intriguing examples of rapid phenotypic evolution and provides opportunities to study mechanisms of phenotypic change and diversification in closely related lineages. The bumble bee Bombus bifarius comprises two geographically disparate color groups characterized by red-banded and black-banded abdominal pigmentation, but with a range of spatially and phenotypically intermediate populations across western North America. Microsatellite analyses have revealed that B. bifarius in the USA are structured into two major groups concordant with geography and color pattern, but also suggest ongoing gene flow among regional populations. In this study, we better resolve the relationships among major color groups to better understand evolutionary mechanisms promoting and maintaining such polymorphism. We analyze >90,000 and >25,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms derived from transcriptome (RNAseq) and double digest restriction site associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD), respectively, in representative samples from spatial and color pattern extremes in B. bifarius as well as phenotypic and geographic intermediates. Both ddRAD and RNAseq data illustrate substantial genome-wide differentiation of the red-banded (eastern) color form from both black-banded (western) and intermediate (central) phenotypes and negligible differentiation among the latter populations, with no obvious admixture among bees from the two major lineages. Results thus indicate much stronger background differentiation among B. bifarius lineages than expected, highlighting potential challenges for revealing loci underlying color polymorphism from population genetic data alone. These findings will have significance for resolving taxonomic confusion in this species and in future efforts to investigate color-pattern evolution in B. bifarius and other polymorphic bumble bee species.