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Comprehensive insights into rheumatoid arthritis: Pathophysiology, current therapies and herbal alternatives for effective disease management



Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by immune response overexpression, causing pain and swelling in the synovial joints. This condition is caused by auto-reactive antibodies that attack self-antigens due to their incapacity to distinguish between self and foreign molecules. Dysregulated activity within numerous signalling and immunological pathways supports the disease's development and progression, elevating its complexity. While current treatments provide some alleviation, their effectiveness is accompanied by a variety of adverse effects that are inherent in conventional medications. As a result, there is a deep-rooted necessity to investigate alternate therapeutic strategies capable of neutralizing these disadvantages. Medicinal herbs display a variety of potent bioactive phytochemicals that are effective in the complementary management of disease, thus generating an enormous potency for the researchers to delve deep into the development of novel phytomedicine against autoimmune diseases, although additional evidence and understanding are required in terms of their efficacy and pharmacodynamic mechanisms. This literature-based review highlights the dysregulation of immune tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis, analyses the pathophysiology, elucidates relevant signalling pathways involved, evaluates present and future therapy options and underscores the therapeutic attributes of a diverse array of medicinal herbs in addressing this severe disease.
Comprehensive insights into rheumatoid arthritis:
Pathophysiology, current therapies and herbal alternatives
for effective disease management
Amrita Chatterjee
| Monisha Jayaprakasan
| Anirban Kr Chakrabarty
Naga Rajiv Lakkaniga
| Bibhuti Nath Bhatt
| Dipankar Banerjee
Avinash Narwaria
| Chandra Kant Katiyar
| Sunil Kumar Dubey
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India
R&D Healthcare Division, Emami Ltd, Kolkata, India
Sunil Kumar Dubey, R&D Healthcare Division,
Emami Ltd, Kolkata 700056, India.
Funding information
Science and Engineering Research Board,
Grant/Award Number: SRG/2022/000091
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by
immune response overexpression, causing pain and swelling in the synovial joints.
This condition is caused by auto-reactive antibodies that attack self-antigens due to
their incapacity to distinguish between self and foreign molecules. Dysregulated
activity within numerous signalling and immunological pathways supports the dis-
ease's development and progression, elevating its complexity. While current treat-
ments provide some alleviation, their effectiveness is accompanied by a variety of
adverse effects that are inherent in conventional medications. As a result, there is a
deep-rooted necessity to investigate alternate therapeutic strategies capable of neu-
tralizing these disadvantages. Medicinal herbs display a variety of potent bioactive
phytochemicals that are effective in the complementary management of disease, thus
generating an enormous potency for the researchers to delve deep into the develop-
ment of novel phytomedicine against autoimmune diseases, although additional
evidence and understanding are required in terms of their efficacy and pharmacody-
namic mechanisms. This literature-based review highlights the dysregulation of
immune tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis, analyses the pathophysiology, elucidates
relevant signalling pathways involved, evaluates present and future therapy options
and underscores the therapeutic attributes of a diverse array of medicinal herbs in
addressing this severe disease.
Abbreviations: ACPA, anti-citrullinated protein antibody; APC, antigen-presenting cells; BCR, B-cell receptor; bDMARDs, biological DMARDs; CAR-T cell, chimeric antigen receptor-T cell; CD,
cluster of differentiation; CIA, collagen induced arthritis; COX, cyclooxygenase; CRP, C-reactive protein; CSF, colony stimulating factor; CTLA, cytotoxic t lymphocyte antigen; DC, dendritic cells;
DCM, dichloromethane; DMARDs, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug; ECM, extracellular matrix; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; FLS, fibroblast-like synoviocytes; FOXP3,
forkhead box P3; Fz, frizzled; GFR, growth factor receptor; GMSCs, gingiva-derived MSCs; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; IDO, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase; IFN, interferon; Ig,
immunoglobulin; IKK, inhibitor of κB Kinase; IκB, inhibitor of kappa-B; IL, interleukin; JAK, Janus kinase; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; LRP, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein; MAPK,
mitogen-activated protein kinase; MDSCs, myeloid derived suppressor cells; MEK, map kinase kinase; MEKK, MAP kinase kinase kinase; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; MMP, matrix-
metalloproteases; MMPs, metalloproteinases; mRNA, messenger RNA; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; NIK, NF-κB inducing kinase; NSAIDs, non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs; PAD, peptidylarginine deiminase; PG, prostaglandin; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; PIP, plasma membrane intrinsic protein; PPAD, Porphyromonas gingivalis PAD;
PTPN, non-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RANK, receptor activator of nuclear factorkappa beta; RF, rheumatoid factor; RNA, ribonucleic acid; sDMARDs,
synthetic DMARDs; SE, shared epitope; STAT, signal transducer and activator of transcription; T-reg, T-regulatory; TCF, transcription factor; TCR, T cell receptor; TGF, transforming growth
factor; Th, T-helper; TLR, toll-like receptor; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; TX, thromboxane; TYK, tyrosine kinase; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; Wnt, Wingless-related integration site.
Amrita Chatterjee, Monisha Jayaprakasan, and Anirban Kr Chakrabarty contributed equally to this study.
Received: 1 November 2023 Revised: 14 February 2024 Accepted: 1 March 2024
DOI: 10.1002/ptr.8187
Phytotherapy Research. 2024;136. © 2024 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1
autoimmunity, herbals, inflammation, joints, rheumatoid arthritis, tolerance
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic (van Delft & Huizinga, 2020),
chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease (Giannini et al., 2020)
characterized by pain and swelling in the diarthrodial joints of the
body due to symmetric bone and articular cartilage destruction, lead-
ing to permanent loss of function and deformation of the joints (Bus-
tamante et al., 2017; Felix et al., 2021). This disease manifests in the
form of synovial hyperplastic inflammation, that is, hyperproliferation
of macrophage-like synoviocytes and fibroblast-like synoviocytes
(FLS) in the synovial membrane inside the joint capsule (Masoumi
et al., 2021; Mousavi et al., 2021). This condition witnesses a large
influx of immune cells like activated neutrophils, CD4
T cells, B cells
and macrophages into the inflamed synovium, along with a massive
production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), collagenases, serine
proteases and aggrecanases that digest and disintegrate the articular
components of the joints (Abdel-Rafei et al., 2022; Guo et al., 2018).
In 2020, the global estimated number of people suffering from RA
was 17.6 million with a prevalence of 208.8 cases per million individ-
uals worldwide. The systematic analysis also reported a death rate of
0.47 per million, showcasing a 23.8% reduction in the last 30 years
(GBD 2021 Rheumatoid arthritis collaborators, 2023). Another study
reported the global average point and period prevalence of RA as
0.51% and 0.56%, respectively (Almutairi et al., 2021).
Scientific studies have established that RA has deep-seated early
signs of immune response much before the clinical onset of the dis-
ease. The rheumatoid factor (RF) and the anti-citrullinated peptide
antibodies (ACPAs) are the two categories of antibodies, which can be
detected in patients' sera as early as 14 years before the onset of clin-
ical RA symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging scans and synovial
biopsy of ACPA and RF-positive patients with no history of RA, some
of whom developed RA symptoms eventually, have shown regular
healthy synovium. This suggested that autoimmunological responses
precede synovial inflammation in the progression of this disease,
which is an advantage in terms of pre-diagnosis and management for
individuals at risk of developing RA (Derksen et al., 2017; Scherer
et al., 2020). Researchers have concluded that a second hitis needed
to convert autoantibody presence to clinical inflammation (Petrovská
et al., 2021). Current treatment options for RA include non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and disease-modifying anti-rheu-
matic drugs (DMARDs) in combination with steroids (immunosuppres-
sants), biologics and surgery (Radu & Bungau, 2021; Sardana
et al., 2023). Recent therapeutic advances constitute mesenchymal
stem cell (MSC) therapy (Lv et al., 2021), dendritic cell (DC) therapy
(Alahdal et al., 2021; Han et al., 2020), adenosine augmentation and
T-cell modulation (Li & Chen, 2022). These therapies work by inhibit-
ing inflammatory responses at different levels of the immunological
cascades and targeting different immune cells involved in the
progression of the disease for instance pro-inflammatory cytokines,
cell surface receptors and adhesion molecules, B and T cells, chemo-
kines and cell signalling pathways. However, the success of these
treatment options is limited by adverse events, poor solubility, immu-
nogenicity (for biologics), toxicity, poor patient compliance, resistance,
and so forth. Therefore, there is an immediate need to develop more
efficient and highly specific immunomodulators (Bullock et al., 2019;
Costello et al., 2019). Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic herbs have
been used to treat various arthritis ailments for eternity. Over time,
mounting evidence highlights numerous herbs possessing anti-inflam-
matory potential, urging the scientific community to delve deeper into
this field (Ghasemian et al., 2016; Wang, Chen, et al., 2021). There are
several studies of the anti-rheumatic effects of East Asian herbal med-
icine showing anti-inflammatory activity comparable with current
drugs (Jo et al., 2022). The attention of the scientific community has
shifted from modern small-molecule drugs back to herb-derived medi-
cines in recent decades. Researchers are diving deep into phytochemi-
cals that can serve as safer, non-toxic, free from synthetic
constituents and efficiently soluble entities that can show effective
inhibition of pathogenic mechanisms of RA. It is high time that the
focus of pharmaceuticals is transitioned towards phytopharmaceutical
entities to establish non-invasive but efficacious therapeutic
In this review, we have explored the mechanisms of the body's
immune tolerance. In addition, we've examined the breakdown of tol-
erance in the case of RA. Next, we have listed the signalling pathways
involved in the progression of RA, which are responsible for chronic
inflammation and damage to the synovial joints. Moreover, we've pro-
vided an overview of current treatment approaches for the manage-
ment of RA, followed by a discussion on emerging therapeutic
strategies that show promise for more effective management of the
disease. Finally, we've mentioned herbal sources and their potential
anti-inflammatory role in modulating immune responses and alleviat-
ing RA symptoms. This comprehensive perspective aims to promote
the utilisation of natural effective therapeutic sources towards
addressing this disease.
1.1 |Risk factors for RA
1.1.1 | Genetic factors
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) allele plays a role in antigen pre-
sentation by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). This allele is found
within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and is responsible
for the expression of the MHC molecules on the cell surface for cell-
to-cell immune signalling functions like antigen presentation to T-cells.
The shared epitope (SE) of the HLA-DR beta locus is a specific genetic
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determinant for the ACPA phenotype of RA (Larid et al., 2021;
Wysocki et al., 2020). The peptide corresponding to the HLA/DR4/1
allele or the SE is responsible for presenting the autoantigen APC to T
lymphocytes (Jung et al., 2022; Zhuo et al., 2022). The non-HLA genes
associated with RA are constituted by the peptidylarginine deiminase
(PAD)-I4, CD28 and LIMK1 (Mathebula et al., 2022). Genetic varia-
tions, especially single nucleotide polymorphisms of non-receptor pro-
tein tyrosine phosphatases 22 (PTPN22), cytotoxic T lymphocyte
antigen 4 (CTLA4) and PADI4 genes have been associated with the
risk of developing RA (Padyukov, 2022). These are the genetic predis-
positions that dictate the chances of developing RA in most cases.
1.1.2 | Epigenetic factors
Epigenetics forms the bridge between genetically inherited
factors leading to causative roles and environmental stimulations
manifesting the disease. Although this makes comprehension of the
disease more complex, it is important to point out that these different
aspects crosstalk with each other during the development of
RA. Researchers have shown that epigenetic alterations are associ-
ated with RA through RA FLS, where these hyperplastic cells show-
case a unique deoxy ribonucleic acid hypomethylation pattern in the
early onset RA that evolves as the disease progresses. The hypo-
methylation was observed in the promoter of the C-X-C motif ligand-
12 gene and long interspersed nuclear element-1 retrotransposons,
which are normally repressed by deoxy ribonucleic acid methylation.
Histone acetylation in the nuclei of RA FLS is also abnormal due to
disharmony between acetylation enzymes like histone acetyltrans-
ferases and histone deacetylase. Micro-ribonucleic acids (micro-RNAs)
and other non-coding RNAs exhibit disorganized erratic expression in
FLS (Glant et al., 2014; Karami et al., 2020). These epigenetic modifi-
cations may determine the possibility of suffering from this chronic
1.1.3 | Gender
Autoimmune disorders portray an evident gender bias with a preva-
lence twice in women as compared to men. Pregnancy, menopause
and other hormonally critical and stressful stages make women vul-
nerable to distortions of immune regulation (Angum et al., 2020; Ngo
et al., 2014). This gender disparity in the prevalence of autoimmune
diseases is attributed to sex hormone-dependent signalling, and the
complex expression of genes encoded on the X chromosome
(Yuen, 2020). The prevalence of RA in women is approximately three
times more than that in men (Dedmon, 2020; Maranini et al., 2022).
Hormones and cytokines evidently affect bone metabolism (Bertoldo
et al., 2021). Sex hormones such as oestrogens, androgens and prolac-
tin have been associated with immune responses and rheumatic dis-
eases (Raine & Giles, 2022). Women are at a greater risk of
developing autoimmune disorders, especially between ages 40 and
60, when the female body undergoes significant menopausal
hormonal alterations (Shah et al., 2020). Menopausal women suffering
from RA are associated with an increased deterioration in joint func-
tionality, as compared to women in pre-menopausal or post-meno-
pausal age groups (Mollard et al., 2018; Ramachandran et al., 2023).
In RA, decreasing oestrogen and progesterone levels during meno-
pause might aid the pathogenesis of the disease since these hor-
mones have anti-inflammatory and protective effects on bones and
joints (Angum et al., 2020). The difference in the complex interactions
between genes, environment and hormones may cause increased dis-
ease activity in women (Carmona et al., 2023). This is how gender
plays a role in the risk of development and severity of disease
1.1.4 | Lifestyle-related and environmental factors
Smoking is an environmental trigger that invokes the risk of the devel-
opment of RA and is one of the leading causes of RA mortality (Gwin-
nutt et al., 2020; Ishikawa & Terao, 2020). Smoking leads to
subsequent asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder,
which increases the risk of developing RA (Ford et al., 2020). Accord-
ing to a study, there is an independent correlation between the risk of
developing RA and the presence of DRB1-SE genes in a patient's
genome as well as with patients having a smoking habit. Moreover,
there is a greater relative risk of developing RF-seropositive RA in
smokers having the SE gene by more than two times as compared to
the independent relations (Padyukov et al., 2004). A study proved that
hydroquinone, a benzene metabolite present in cigarettes deteriorates
RA conditions and worsens the chronic inflammatory conditions of
the body (Heluany et al., 2018). Along with smoking, obesity is a con-
tributing risk factor to the development of RA (De Hair et al., 2012).
Adipocytes, or fat-storing cells, secrete chemicals called adipokines,
which can upregulate pro-inflammatory mediators such as T cells, B
cells, macrophages, neutrophils, DCs and a repertoire of pro-inflam-
matory cytokines, which is why obese RA patients have more severe
conditions and altered response profiles to treatment (Poudel
et al., 2020; Tang et al., 2021). Scientists have identified obesity as an
inflammatory state and associated it with increased pain, inflamma-
tion, comorbidities and treatment failure (Kadhim, 2023). Diabetes is
also associated with the development of RA. A 51% of recent onset
RA patients and 58% of long-term RA patients developed insulin resis-
tance, which is also correlated with obesity and adipose content. Insu-
lin resistance was reported higher in RA patients than in non-RA
patients (Giles et al., 2015). Since Type 1 diabetes is also autoimmune,
it was hypothesized that the genetic determining factors of these two
diseases arising from genes like HLA-DRβ1, PTPN22, CTLA-4, inter-
leukin (IL) 23 receptor, tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) and T cell activation
rho GTPase activating protein may have conjoint aspects (Nicolau
et al., 2017; Theofilopoulos et al., 2017). Inhalation of notorious che-
micals like smoke, silica dust, nano-sized silica and carbon-based
nanoparticles has exhibited activation of mucosal toll-like receptors
(TLRs) that activate PAD enzymes leading to unusual citrullination,
dendritic and B cells (Guo et al., 2018). Diet has also been associated
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with RA (Rondanelli et al., 2021). Foods containing Porphyromonas gin-
givalis, high-fat content and plant-derived lectins can trigger ACPA
production (Skoczyńska & Swierkot, 2018). Emphasis on the impor-
tance of one's environment and daily habits is a concept that holds no
novelty. The discussed lifestyle-related causes may play a massive role
in the break of tolerance and subsequent deterioration of joint health
in RA. It is very important to lead a holistically healthy life to prevent
the onset of diseases such as RA.
1.1.5 | Pathogenic factors
Microbial infections like P. gingivalis, EpsteinBarr virus, Aggregatibac-
ter actinomycetemcomitans,Proteus mirabilis and mycobacteria are
known to trigger the onset of RA (Bo et al., 2020; Bourgeois
et al., 2019). These organisms are capable of encouraging peptide-
citrullination and the development of ACPAs. It is reported that
P. gingivalis synthesizes the PAD enzyme, which makes it a major
pathogen capable of inflicting the disease. P. gingivalis biofilm was pro-
nounced in RA patients suffering from periodontitis and synovial fluid
samples of RA patients also showed the presence of the microbe
(Ahmadi et al., 2023; Li et al., 2022). A correlation was found between
anti-P. gingivalis PAD (anti-PPAD) immunoglobulin G (IgG) and anti-
cyclic citrullinated peptide IgG, and among anti-PPAD, C-reactive
protein and IL-6, indicating a causative role of PPAD in RA peptide
citrullination and systemic inflammation (Shimada et al., 2016). The
pathogen that causes periodontitis, A. actinomycetemcomitans,
secretes a toxin, leukotoxin A, which can cause abnormal citrullination
of antigens in the RA-affected joint and can also alter the neutrophil
structure in the synovium (Konig et al., 2016). An imbalance in the
homeostasis of the gut microbiome can have detrimental effects on
various pro-inflammatory and immune pathways (Coradduzza
et al., 2023). Hence, pathogenic factors should be considered with
equal importance while discussing risk factors for RA.
Figure 1consolidates the risk factors of RA and the consequent
symptoms that gradually manifest after the onset of the disease.
FIGURE 1 Causes and consequences of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
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Immunological tolerance is an intricate set of processes that facilitate
non-responsiveness to autoantigens in the body. Tolerance is classi-
fied based on location into central and peripheral tolerance (Wald-
mann, 2016). T and B cells both originate in the bone marrow, while T
cells are transported to the thymus for maturation (Brugman
et al., 2015; Owen et al., 2019), B cells remain in the marrow and tol-
erance is mainly regulated in these organs (Theofilopoulos
et al., 2017). When an antigen encounters an APC, there are three
possible fates that it can undergo: (1) non-recognition by the immune
cell if the antigen is non-immunogenic (ignorance), (2) recognition and
clonal expansion of the lymphocyte if the antigen is immunogenic
and (3) anergy which is the suppression of any immune response (neg-
ative selection; Yang et al., 2020).
It is well established that the body produces auto-reactive B and
T cells under normal conditions, but these entities are either removed
or suppressed through a variety of regulatory mechanisms like anergy
(non-responsiveness by inactivation) and deletion in both primary and
secondary lymphoid organs to render them harmless (Jumbo, 2021).
Auto-reactive B cells produce poly-reactive natural autoantibodies
that circulate in the normal human serum. These antibodies play an
important role in maintaining immunological homeostasis and mediat-
ing innate responses due to their broad specificity against antigens
(Miossec, 2022). Further, we delve into details about the two major
mechanisms of the development of immune tolerance.
2.1 |Central tolerance
In central tolerance, a collection of lymphocytes of both types: B and
T cells are generated that contain specific receptors for all the proba-
ble types of antigens that may encounter the immune system. B cell
surface receptors, or Igs and T cell receptors (TCRs), upon MHC pep-
tide presentation and co-stimulation, can respond to antigens. The
thymic training of T lymphocytes is divided into two phases. The initial
part occurs in the cortex where T cells undergo positive selection. The
T lymphocytes are constantly presented with self-antigens and
the ones that do not show any response eventually die (death by
neglectAlberti & Handel, 2021). The next phase takes place as the sur-
viving cells migrate to the medullary area of the thymus and are pre-
sented with peptideMHC complexes by thymic medullary epithelial
cells that serve as APCs (Owen et al., 2019). The immune cells that
show recognition and elicit an immune response against these self-
peptides are eliminated (negative selection; Theofilopoulos
et al., 2017).
The thymus releases both self-reacting T cells and T-regulatory
(T-reg) cells, the latter being in quantitative excess. Early research on
tolerance suggested that self-antigens were simply ignored by auto-
reactive immune complexes (Wing & Sakaguchi, 2010). The discovery
of T-reg cells brought a different aspect of tolerance into the picture
where T-reg cells actively suppressed the autoantibodies that would
otherwise respond to autoantigens in circulation. Tipping the balance
in favour of T-reg cells by suppressing T-effector cell-stimulating
cytokines can prove to be an effective strategy for the alleviation of
autoimmunity (Ni et al., 2019).
Researchers have identified a gene called autoimmune regulator
that plays an important role in medullary thymic epithelial promiscu-
ous gene expression, crucial for central tolerance. This gene can regu-
late the transcription of certain proteins that are expressed and used
for antigen presentation during thymic training (Shevyrev et al., 2022;
Theofilopoulos et al., 2017; Ucar & Rattay, 2015).
B cell central tolerance comprises apoptosis of B cells that show
reactivity towards self-antigens in the bone marrow or modification
of the B-cell receptor (BCR) to render it non-reactive towards the
self-peptide, a process known as receptor editing (Castañeda
et al., 2021). Tolerance occurs in two phases: passive tolerance that
comprises anergy of autoreactive B lymphocytes and active toler-
ance that consists of CD4
T cell-mediated suppression of autoreac-
tive B lymphocytes. B cell development witnesses gene
rearrangement to express a repertoire of specific Igs (Meng
et al., 2023). Auto-reactive B cells are eliminated (negative selection)
in these ways during maturation in the bone marrow before they
develop into naïve B cells (Singh et al., 2021). Central B-cell tolerance
is controlled by BCR and TLR signalling. An abnormal PTPN22 gene
causes anomalous BCR signalling (Yap et al., 2018). IL-2 cytokine pro-
duction stimulates the differentiation of naïve T cells into T effector
cells. After this, they are released and exported for exhibiting periph-
eral tolerance (Kumar et al., 2018). Central tolerance is thus the pri-
mary process undertaken by our body to evade the occurrence of
2.2 |Peripheral tolerance
Despite the rigorous training at the thymus, some auto-reactive lym-
phocytes still bypass elimination and are released into the circulation
(Gallegos & Bevan, 2006; Theofilopoulos et al., 2017). These are kept
in check by peripheral tolerance that takes place in secondary lym-
phoid organs. Peripheral tolerance of B cells mainly occurs in two
ways: the B cells come across self-peptides but are not activated due
to the absence of activator T helper cells, or second, partially activated
B lymphocytes are excluded from the follicles (Singh et al., 2021).
There are three mechanisms of T cells exhibiting peripheral tolerance:
anergy, deletion and immune suppression. Anergy can be demon-
strated by two pathways, the first being the lack of co-stimulators
such as CD80/CD86 on the non-professional APC or CD28 on the T-
helper (Th) cell, leading to failure of T cell activation. The aftermath of
this phenomenon is that the T helper cell will not be activated even
on subsequent encounters with that specific antigen. The second
mechanism of anergy comprises CTLA-4 suppressor co-stimulation
instead of activator CD28 by the respective APC, rendering the Th
cells as merely persisting functionally inactive cells. The deletion
method is characterised by caspase-induced apoptotic Th cell death
due to over-activation by high antigen concentration, called
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activation-induced cell death, mediated by the Fas (CD95) ligand and
receptor. The final mode of peripheral tolerance, immune suppression,
is exhibited by the T-reg cells, which were initially named T-suppres-
sors (Owen et al., 2019). T-reg family of cells exist in the form of some
subtypes. The first is natural T-regs that express CD4, CD25, forkhead
box P3 (Foxp3), CTLA-4 and membrane transforming growth factor
(TGF)-β. They do not produce cytokines and show immune suppres-
sion by a cell-contact-dependent mechanism. The second type of Treg
cells is called adaptive Treg cells, which are further classified into
(1) Th3 cells that act by producing soluble TGF-β, and (2) Tr1 cells that
are induced by the presence of, and produce IL-10, and do not
express Foxp3. These adaptive Treg cells are found in the periphery
which also act through TGF-βand IL-10 (Meng et al., 2023). Peripheral
T-cells consist of naïve T cells, memory T cells and Treg cells having
different immune functions (Kumar et al., 2018). Autoreactive B cells
are removed from the B cell repertoire by undergoing deletion in the
T cell zones of the spleen and lymph nodes. Loss of B cell tolerance is
believed to occasionally result from a lack of assistance from T lym-
phocytes, especially T-reg cells (Kamradt & Mitchison, 2001; van de
Veen et al., 2016). This is how the event of peripheral tolerance works
to prevent the possibility of the development of autoimmune
2.3 |Loss of tolerance and development of
autoimmune diseases
The tolerance-related process of auto-reactive T lymphocytes getting
deleted, inactivated or anergised, commences shortly after birth and
this is how any autoimmune conditions are prevented. These mecha-
nisms are referred to as recessive tolerance actions that alleviate the
odds of highly auto-reactive lymphocytes being circulated. However,
self-reactive lymphocytes with low affinity for autoantigens might
escape these measures and need a more dominant arsenal like Foxp3
T-reg cells to be silenced. Studies have shown that autoimmune dis-
eases display variations of IL-2, its receptor IL2RA, tumour necrosis
factor (TNF) alpha induced protein 3 and CTLA4, which can poten-
tially disrupt usual T-reg manufacture and activity and aggravate the
inflammatory environment (Law et al., 2014).
Scrutinized research has highlighted a subset of IL-10 and TGF-
βsecreting CD1d CD5
B cells called B-regulatory or B10 cells that
develop in the spleen upon IL-21 stimulation. These cells are trig-
gered by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and TLR4, are predominantly pre-
sent in aged mice and can be activated irrespective of T cell
presence in the proximity of a diversity of BCRs, pointing towards
the activity of these cells in autoimmune circumstances. These cells
were considered to modulate T-reg cell activity as well as Th cell
polarizations (Luu et al., 2014). Despite these tolerance mechanisms
set in place, the body might overcome them to lead to autoimmu-
nity. The probable causes for this are the variable extent of intrathy-
mic deletion of autoimmune T cells and the activation of self-
reactive T cells upon interaction with pathogenic entities
(Jumbo, 2021).
2.4 |Loss of tolerance in RA
T-reg cells are vital for peripheral immune tolerance, and their dys-
function has been associated with the onset of autoimmune disorders
like RA due to the imbalance of T-reg and self-reactive T-effector
cells. One of the characteristic features of RA is the presence of RF in
the serum of the patient. This antibody is sensitive to the fragment
crystallizable region of the IgG antibodies (Kuligowska-Prusińska &
Odrowąż-Sypniewska, 2018; Yamada et al., 2005). It is known that
IgG acts as an autoantigen in this autoimmune condition. More
recently, however, the focus has shifted to citrullinated proteins as
the actual autoantigens triggering the onset of RA (Wegner
et al., 2010). According to a study, B lymphocytes have a pivotal role
in the progression of RA. B cells, demonstrate an over-expression of
HLA-DR cell surface marker (needed for auto-antigen presentation)
and CD22 (BCR co-receptor) in seropositive RA patients. The sera of
RA patients were found to contain abnormally high levels of memory
B cells, IgM and IgA antibodies (Wang et al., 2019). In RA, both central
and peripheral tolerance checkpoints are aberrant, resulting in an
excessive generation of autoreactive mature naïve B cells. This causes
T-reg cell dysregulation and the generation of polyreactive autoanti-
bodies, resulting in B cell evading suppression and apoptosis. B cells
also exacerbate T cell differentiation into memory cells (Yap
et al., 2018). However, it is not clear what causes the transition of
ACPA presence to clinically evident RA. The exact trigger for the
break of tolerance against self-antigens needs more clarity and is
surely multifaceted, but is associated with genetic, pathogenic, envi-
ronmental and lifestyle-related factors (Catrina et al., 2021; Page
et al., 2021). The mechanisms of central and peripheral tolerance of
both B and T lymphocytes are depicted in Figure 2, along with the
break of immunological tolerance and generation of autoantibodies in
RA-affected patients.
RA manifests in three consecutive stages: pre-clinical or triggering
stage RA, early clinically evidentRA and chronic establishedRA
(Singh et al., 2022). Pre-clinical RA encompasses autoimmune priming
in healthy individuals, which is characterised by the detection of auto-
antibodies in the patient's serum (Greenblatt et al., 2020). The second
stage is the maturation stage where the joints are attacked by the vast
network of mediators of the immune system, though the specificity of
the type of ACPAs towards a certain inflammatory after-effect is yet
to be clearly understood. The final targeting stage represents chronic
inflammation, and most patients do not visit the clinic before the
arrival of this stage. The nature of this phase is progressive and
exhibits irreversible destruction and deformation of the affected joints
(Holmdahl et al., 2014; Yarwood et al., 2015).
A synovial joint or a diarthrosis enables smooth movement at the
junction of two or more cartilage-covered ends of bones by encapsu-
lation of the synovial cavity with a fibrous joint capsule that is
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continuous with the periosteum of the consecutive bones. The syno-
vial cavity contains synovial fluid, which lubricates the joint (Marian
et al., 2021). The synovial membrane lines the inner side of the cap-
sule and is composed of two layers: the intimal and the subintimal
layer. The intimal layer is further comprised of two types of cellsFLS
and macrophage-like synoviocytes (Kiener & Karonitsch, 2011). The
intimal stratum of the synovium contains spaces and lacks tight junc-
tions and desmosomes (Wu et al., 2021). The vascularised subintimal
layer composed of connective tissue is more tightly packed with little
room for porosity, consisting of macrophages, mast cells, adipocytes,
fibroblasts, lymphatic cells and nerve endings. FLS is responsible for
the maintenance of the synovial extracellular matrix (ECM) by secret-
ing matrix proteins such as fibronectin, collagens, tenascin, proteogly-
cans, laminins and ECM-degrading enzymes such as proteases, MMPs
and cathepsins. They also secrete hyaluronic acid as well as lubricin
for the lubrication of the joint (Nygaard & Firestein, 2020; Smith &
Wechalekar, 2015; Zhang et al., 2022).
In RA, the FLS undertake an aggressive phenotype and undergo
excessive proliferation as an inflammatory response (Masoumi
et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2019), probably because of MSCs in the syno-
vium, followed by aggregation of abnormal hyperproliferative FLS
(pannus). FLS secrete MMPs that manifest ECM destruction (Wu
et al., 2021). FLS also secrete a range of pro-inflammatory and pro-
angiogenic cytokines and chemokines, prostaglandins (PGs), cyclooxy-
genases (COXs) (Umar et al., 2012), which in turn trigger the recruit-
ment of other immune cells, such as neutrophils, macrophages and
fibroblasts, as well as B and T cells, which altogether activate destruc-
tive participants, such as osteoclasts to promote inflammation and
ultimately, joint destruction (Masoumi et al., 2020). Cartilage destruc-
tion and bone resorption take place because of the generation of
osteoclasts and chondrocytes. Under normal conditions, chondrocytes
secrete and maintain the components of the cartilaginous layer
(Prathap Kumar et al., 2020). This causes parts of the cartilage to wear
away and the bone to be exposed, causing friction, and aggravating
the pain and inflammation. The pannus infiltrates into the cartilage
and subchondral bone (Masoumi et al., 2021). Receptor activator of
nuclear factorkappa beta (RANK)-induced differentiation of osteo-
blasts into osteoclasts and consequently bone resorption is regulated
by a family of transmembrane proteins called Siglecs or Sialic acid-
binding Ig-like lectins. These are expressed by immune cells and help
in the regulation of tolerance and bone homeostasis and can prove to
be effective targets for treatment against RA (Ye et al., 2023).
This condition originates from the immunological response of
autoantibodies against proteins that are citrullinated as a part of post-
translational modifications of proteins. Citrullinated proteins are char-
acteristic of inflammation, but the phenomenon of antibodies target-
ing these proteins is highly specific to RA (Vossenaar et al., 2003). The
positively charged amino acid arginine is converted to citrulline, a neu-
tral amino acid, by a subtype of enzymes called PADs in a calcium-
dependant reaction (Curran et al., 2020; Fuhrmann et al., 2015;
Yamada et al., 2005). PADs are secreted by granulocytes and macro-
phages present in the synovium. They can be of five isoforms: PAD1,
FIGURE 2 Tolerance mechanisms in healthy individuals and loss of tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-affected patients. APC, antigen-
presenting cells; IgG, immunoglobulin G.
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PAD2, PAD3, PAD4 and PAD6 (Fuhrmann et al., 2015; Kuligowska-
Prusińska & Odrowąż-Sypniewska, 2018). It has been established that
dysregulated citrullination is the key driving factor for triggering
RA. The targets of these ACPAs are identified as proteins like vimen-
tin, α-enolase, fibronectin, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins,
EpsteinBarr nuclear antigen-1, type II collagen, specific histone pro-
teins and fibrin (Curran et al., 2020; Darrah & Andrade, 2018; Guo
et al., 2018). Moreover, modified IgG can also trigger the production
of autoantibodies (Islam et al., 2018). Citrulline being a non-natural
amino acid is recognised as foreign, which leads to the generation of
several ACPAs (anti-citrullinated protein antibodies) that include but
are not limited to RFs, anti-perinuclear factor or anti-keratin antibody,
anti-Sa, anti-PAD antibodies, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide, anti-car-
bamylated protein antibodies, anti-binding Ig protein antibodies, anti-
RA33 antibodies and anti-glucose-6-phosphate isomerase antibodies,
which are reported to respond to citrullinated self-antigens. These
autoantibodies form immune complexes and stimulate a cascade of
downstream immunological responses at the inflamed synovial layer.
The RF and the ACPA are the most prominent specific markers used
for the diagnosis of RA (Kelmenson et al., 2020; Schaller et al., 2001;
Steiner & Smolen, 2002; Yamada et al., 2005; Yee et al., 2015). How-
ever, a study established that the rate of destruction of the joints of
RA-diagnosed patients was not associated with the antibodies against
citrullinated proteins (Nieto-Colonia et al., 2008).
Earlier, there was evidence to believe that the progression of RA
was driven by the MHC class II region on the 6th chromosome (Strand
et al., 2007). A recent study has modified this hypothesis and has
shown how citrullination modulates the antigen processing and MHC
presentation of the proteins that could potentially serve as autoanti-
gens. The repertoire of peptides generated from the unmodified pro-
tein forms of vimentin, fibrinogen and heterogeneous nuclear
ribonucleoprotein after proteolysis by a cocktail of cathepsins (mim-
icking MHC class II-associated proteases) was observed to be differ-
ent than the PAD-citrullinated variations of the same proteins (Curran
et al., 2023).
The inception of RA is characterised by an elevated expression of
the inflammatory cytokine and chemokine profiles in the circulation
even before the detection of autoantibodies. The profile of these sig-
nalling molecules and their receptors such as IL-1β, IL-2, IL-1RA, IL-
17, IL-4, IL-15, TNF-α, interferon α(IFN), monocyte chemoattractant
protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1αand IL-2R is altered
in the system, a clear indication of immune activation and the onset of
RA. Citrullination of peptides triggers the invocation of RFs and
ACPAs, two important diagnostic markers for RA. However, there is
also a subtype of RA patients who do not show ACPAs in their sys-
temic circulation (33% of RA patients), leading to two categories of
patients: the ACPA-seropositive and the ACPA-seronegative subsets
of patients. Citrullinated antigens can activate MHC class II co-stimu-
lated T cells that activate B cells to synthesize ACPAs (Radu
et al., 2022).
These factors cumulatively form an auto-antibody storm that
largely precedes the manifestation of joint symptoms of RA. ACPAs
are the evidence of loss of immunological tolerance. The
autoantibodies bind to the sensed antigens and form anti-antibody
complexes. These immune complexes bind to fragment crystallizable
receptors present on the surface of various immune cells and activate
the complement system, bridging the gap between the innate and
adaptive immune systems (Ji et al., 2002). Consequently, immune cells
namely B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes and macrophages are activated
to elucidate immune responses (Hogarth & Pietersz, 2012). These cells
can either already be present in the synovium or can enter the joint
from the peripheral blood. Like macrophages, B and T lymphocytes
also produce a range of cytokines and chemokines enhancing the pro-
gression of RA. B and T cells co-stimulate and communicate with one
another to secrete more cytokines. Synovial macrophages and fibro-
blasts metamorphosize into tissue-invasive cells and aggravate joint
inflammation. Auto-reactive B cells attack self-antigens and worsen
joint damage. TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-17 and IL-18 are pro-
inflammatory cytokines (Stolina et al., 2009) secreted by natural killer
cells, neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, fibroblasts and mast cells,
which frequently dominate the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4, IL-
10 and IL-13's protective effects, leading to cytokine-mediated
inflammation. IL-17, secreted by CD4
Th17 cells, can give rise to
MMP1 and MMP3 secreted by FLS that participate in the degenera-
tion of the ECM, increasing immune cell infiltration into the synovium.
These cytokines also induce the activation of osteoclasts by acting as
ligands for the RANK receptor on the surface of osteoblasts, causing
bone-resorption activity (Molendijk et al., 2018; Yap et al., 2018). The
FLS in the synovial layer become hyper-inflamed during the progres-
sion of RA upon signalling from pro-inflammatory cytokines, resulting
in a pannus-like hyperproliferative lining. The increased volume of
cells breaks into the narrowing joint space and invades the cartilage,
damaging it (Abdel-Rafei et al., 2022). Integrin-related processes
emerge, upregulating proliferative and infiltrative cellular pathways
like the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway (Bustamante
et al., 2017). Thus, the progression of the disease is an extremely intri-
cate series of events whose cumulative effects result in the painful
manifestations of the disease. The pathophysiological changes seen in
RA have been demonstrated in Figure 3.
Herein, we have described the different cell signalling pathways that
are directly involved and upregulated during the progression of
RA. All these pathways have also been represented in Figure 4.
4.1 |JAKSignal transducer and activator of
transcription pathway
The Janus kinases (JAKs) belong to an intracellular protein family of
TYKs. The four subtypesJAK1/2/3 and TYK2 associate with intra-
cellular domains of transmembrane cytokine receptors (Rapalli,
Waghule, et al., 2020). Two out of the four types of JAKs get
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activated at once and they recruit cytoplasm-residing signal trans-
ducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins (Tanaka
et al., 2022) that dimerize and get activated by phosphorylation, trans-
locate to the nucleus and regulate transcription. Different members of
the STAT family identified are STAT1/2/3/4/5a/5b/6 (Ivashkiv &
Hu, 2003). Research studies have shown that levels of native as well
as phosphorylated forms of the transcription factor (TCF) STAT3 are
substantially elevated in the cytokine-induced rheumatoid synovium,
and this phosphorylation process is JAK dependent. One of the con-
tributions of this cell-signalling pathway to RA progression is through
IL-17-induced STAT3 that elevates the production of anti-apoptotic
genes like B-cell lymphoma-2 and RA-FLS proliferation is aggravated.
JAK-inhibitors such as gefitinib, tofacitinib and baricitinib downregu-
lated STAT3 in the synoviocytes. The study went on to show that JAK
inhibitors expedite sodium nitroprusside-induced apoptosis in hyper-
plastic RA synovium, along with curtailing the thickening of the syno-
vial layer. Some JAK-inhibiting drugs also suppressed the generation
of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, a few MMPs and
cytokines like IL-6 and TNF, pointing to the role of the JAKSTAT
pathway in RA pathogenesis (Emori et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2013). The
JAK pathway is triggered by various pro-inflammatory cytokines and
the pathway in turn results in the production of more cytokines and
this vicious cycle contributes to the severity of the disease. This was
supported by observing the reduction in disease severity and joint
destruction on treatment with JAK inhibitors like tofacitinib and pefi-
citinib (Ishikawa et al., 2023). The profusion of cytokines that are cir-
culated during RA advancement is perceived by nociceptive receptors
and this phenomenon induces the sensation of pain. This pain is not
only due to inflammation but also indicative of the changes occurring
in the RA synovium that are partially caused by the JAKSTAT signal-
ling cascade (Simon et al., 2021). Hence, the JAKSTAT mechanism is
proved to have a primary function as the disease progresses.
4.2 |Stress-activated protein kinase/MAPK
Stress-activated protein kinase or mitogen-activated protein kinase
(MAPK) pathway is constituted by a cascade of kinases that are acti-
vated by stimuli such as growth factors, inflammatory cytokines,
FIGURE 3 Pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis. ACPA, anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies; APC, antigen-presenting cells; ECM,
extracellular matrix; IL, interleukin; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; MMP, matrix-metalloproteases; RF, rheumatoid factor; TCR, T cell
receptor; TGF, transforming growth factor; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.
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stress signals and G protein-coupled receptor agonists. These extra-
cellular signals stimulate the activation of MAPK kinase kinases that in
turn phosphorylate MAPK kinases, followed by phosphorylation of
different isoforms of MAPKs that facilitate the activation of certain
TCFs that mediate transcription of genes responsible for cell growth,
survival, differentiation and development (Pradhan et al., 2019). Raf,
Ras, Mos and MAP kinase kinase kinase (MEKK)1 and 4 are various
subtypes of MAPK kinase kinases that activate MAPK kinases like
MEKs. MEK1 and 2 further trigger extracellular signal-regulated
kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1 and 2), while MEK4, 7 and MEK3, 6 trigger apo-
ptotic mediators like JNK1, 2, 3 and p38 MAPKs, respectively (Morri-
son, 2012). Multiple studies have shown the connection between RA
and the MAPK signalling pathway. MEK4, MEK7 and JNK (c-Jun N-
terminal kinase) can be detected in the IL-1-induced RA synovium,
FIGURE 4 Cellular signalling pathways involved in the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. APC, antigen-presenting cells; ECM, extracellular
matrix; IFN, interferon; IKK, inhibitor of κB kinase; IL, interleukin; IκB, inhibitor of kappa-B; JAK, Janus kinase; LRP, low-density lipoprotein
receptor-related protein; MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases; RANK, receptor activator of nuclear factorkappa beta; STAT, signal transducer and
activator of transcription; TCF, transcription factor; TLR, toll-like receptor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; Wnt, Wingless-related
integration site.
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along with the phosphorylated (activated) forms of MEK4 and MEK7
with the help of western blotting and immunohistochemistry using
anti-MEK antibodies. MEK4, 7 and JNK form a complex called a signa-
losome localised in the RA FLS cytoplasm, part of these complexes
moving to the FLS nucleus after cytokine stimulation (Sundarrajan
et al., 2003). There is evidence that IL-22-induced osteoclastogenesis
is mediated through the MAPK pathway by phosphorylation of the
p38 kinase. On the other hand, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-25
downregulated this phosphorylation induced by IL-22 (Min
et al., 2020). The MAPK pathway induces apoptosis by activating cas-
pases through MAP kinases, JNK and p38. Liquiritin, a natural flavo-
noid derived from the roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis, an Asian plant,
caused apoptosis in IL-1βinduced RA-FLS and inhibited inflammation,
angiogenesis by downregulating phosphorylated p38 and JNK (Zhai
et al., 2019). Conclusively, the MAPK pathway is a principal process
during the pathogenesis of RA.
4.3 |NF-κB pathway
The NF-κB complex is localised in the cytoplasm, comprised of sub-
units: NF-κB1 (p50), NF-κB2 (p52), RelA (p65), RelB and c-Rel. This
complex is blocked by the inhibitor of kappa-B (IκB) family compo-
nents, which secludes the complex to the peripheral cytoplasm. The
pathway can be stimulated in two ways: canonical and non-canonical.
The canonical route encompasses stimuli-induced ubiquitinproteo-
some mediated degradation of the IκB, releasing the NF-κB complex,
which is then free to translocate into the nucleus and perform tran-
scriptional regulation (Kunnumakkara et al., 2021). It is activated at
the cell membrane through receptors like TNF receptor, IL-1 receptor
(IL1R), TLR, BCR, TCR and growth factor receptors (GFRs). The degra-
dation of IκB is triggered by its phosphorylation by the inhibitor of κB
kinase (IKK) complex, which is stimulated by different effectors like
cytokines, growth factors, stress signals and microbial fragments. The
non-canonical pathway works slightly differently. It is stimulated by
the lymphotoxin-αand β, CD40 and B cell activating factor (Ramadass
et al., 2020). This pathway is characterised by the degradation of the
precursor protein of the NF-κB2, called p100. This protein is phos-
phorylated by the NF-κB inducing kinase in association with IKKα
(a subtype of IKK) and is eventually ubiquitinylated. Then, it
undergoes further maturation by alteration of its c-terminal IκB-like
conformation, followed by the generation of a non-canonical NF-κB
complex that translocates to the nucleus (Liu et al., 2017). The NF-
κB pathway affects the transcription of genes for cytokines such as
IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α, which are known to be upregulated in RA
patients' serum. The NF-κB cascade is prompted by the RANK ligand
receptor binding on cytokine signalling, which leads to osteoclasto-
genesis-mediated bone resorption. The RANK ligand, a member of
the TNF family, is secreted by activated T cells and is over-expressed
in RA FLS, consequently, NF-κB is hyper-activated in RA synovial tis-
sue (Ilchovska & Barrow, 2021). Therefore, the NF-κB pathway has a
predominant function during the development and advance-
ment of RA.
4.4 |mTOR/Aβt pathway
The phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mTOR pathway is a pivotal
signalling pathway for cellular maintenance responsible for regulating
cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, messenger RNA (mRNA)
ribosomal synthesis, angiogenesis, apoptosis and cellular homeostasis.
This pathway can be activated by a range of growth factors as well as
insulin, herceptin and glucose. The basic series of events in this path-
way comprises the growth factor-induced activation of membrane-
bound TYK, which leads to the stimulation of the PI3K through an
exchange of phosphate group with Kirsten rat sarcoma virus. PI3K is
responsible for phosphorylating plasma membrane intrinsic protein
1 to 3 (PIP2 to PIP3). This, or phosphorylated phosphoinositide-
dependent kinase-1, can stimulate Akt, producing activated mTOR,
which moves into the nucleus to trigger the transcription of growth-
related genes. mTOR is detected in the form of two complexes,
named mTORC1 and mTORC2. mTORC1 exists in combination with
regulatory-associated protein of mTOR and regulates translation initi-
ation protein 4E binding protein 1 and is also associated with ribo-
somal S6 kinase-1. Alternatively, mTORC2, together with a factor
called rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR, demonstrates
kinase activity. This pathway is regulated by a tumour suppressor lipid
phosphatase, phosphatase and tensin homolog, that suppresses con-
sequent phosphorylation of PIP3 (Malemud, 2015). Inhibition of the
mTOR pathway by mTOR inhibitor sirolimus (also called rapamycin,
after which the name mTOR is derived) attenuated paw swelling in
human-TNF transgenic mice, proving that mTOR is involved in inflam-
matory progression. Moreover, it downregulated the osteoclast levels,
cartilaginous destruction and bone erosion at the synovial site. Osteo-
clast survival was established to be mTOR dependent, owing to dimin-
ished mature osteoclasts when cultured in vitro in the presence of
sirolimus, M-colony stimulating factor (CSF) and the RANK ligand.
Downstream components of the mTOR cascade such as Akt, mTOR,
S6 and 4E-BP are in their active phosphorylated state in the induced
RA environment (Cejka et al., 2010). Thus, the mTOR signalling path-
way plays a major role in the disease progression of RA.
4.5 |Wingless-related integration site/β-catenin
The Wingless-related integration site (Wnt)/β-catenin intercellular sig-
nalling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that plays a
role in the survival, homeostasis, regeneration and sustenance of cells,
which is why it is responsible for the cell proliferation of FLS in the
RA synovial environment (Dinesh et al., 2020). The pathway is acti-
vated by glycoprotein ligands of the Wnt family secreted by certain
cells that are recognised by receptors on the respective receiving cells.
There are 19 Wnt ligands present in animals and respective receptor
proteins for these ligands: 10 heterodimeric frizzled (Fz) receptors,
along with 1 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP)-5
and LRP6 as co-receptors (Ma et al., 2020). This signalling mechanism
may undergo one of two pathways: the canonical (β-catenin-
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dependant) pathway or the non-canonical (β-catenin-independent)
pathway (Rim et al., 2022). The canonical pathway proceeds in the fol-
lowing manner: in the inactivated state, aberrant signalling is pre-
vented by phosphorylation and subsequent degradation of the main
effector protein, which is a transcriptional co-activator, β-catenin.
These receptor components do not exist in physical contact with each
other when the pathway is not active. The phosphorylation and prote-
olysis of cytoplasmic β-catenin are led by a multimeric destruction
complex comprised of axin, adenomatous polyposis coli, glycogen
synthase kinase-3βand casein kinase 1α(Lorzadeh et al., 2021). Wnt
ligand (namely Wnt1, Wnt2b, Wnt3a, Wnt10b and Wnt16) binding
facilitates dimerization of the Fz and LRP5/6 to form the Fz-LRP5/6
receptor complex, activating the pathway. This is followed by the
assembling of the destruction complex at the cell membrane, thus dis-
engaging the proteosome-dependant ubiquitylation process. Β-cate-
nin stabilises and accumulates in the cytoplasm, and consequently
regulates transcriptional activation with the help of TCF/lymphoid
enhancer-binding factor (Bian et al., 2020). β-catenin target gene acti-
vation dictates cell fate, survival, proliferation and stem cell differenti-
ation, especially bone tissue formation osteoblastic differentiation
(Sharma & Pruitt, 2020). The non-canonical Wnt cascade can be fur-
ther divided into the Wnt/planar cell polarity pathway and the Wnt/
pathway. The Wnt/Ca
pathway results in the discharge of
intracellular calcium and promotes calcium-dependant mechanisms,
while the Wnt/planar cell polarity pathway is responsible for the
development of cell polarity, cytoskeletal re-arrangement, cell migra-
tion and adhesion (Sánchez & Flores, 2023). Instead of LRP5/6, non-
canonical Wnt ligands (namely Wnt3a, Wnt4, Wnt5a, Wnt5b, Wnt7b,
Wnt10b and Wnt16) bind to different co-receptors like TYKs and
receptor TYK-like orphan receptor (Lojk & Marc, 2021). A study
proved that the neuron navigator 2, which is upregulated in RA
patients, aggravates the condition through the Wnt/β-catenin path-
way, by activating inflammatory mediators like IL-8, IL-1βand IL-6 at
mRNA levels (Wang, Li, et al., 2021). Wnt5a upregulates pro-inflam-
matory mediators such as IL-1β, IL-8 and IL-6 (Mahmoud et al., 2021).
Wnt5a is reported to promote migration and invasion of RA FLS and
stimulate the expression of IL-6, IL-8, C-X-C motif ligand-5, MMPs-
1,3,9 and 13 predominantly through the Wnt/Ca
pathway. This
pathway also interacts with other signalling entities like p38, ERK,
AKT and glycogen synthase kinase-3βto enhance FLS invasion into
the synovium (Trillo et al., 2020). This is how the Wnt/β-catenin path-
way contributes to the aggravation of RA.
4.6 |VEGF pathway
The glycoprotein family (VEGFs) is responsible for the formation of
new blood vessels, wound healing, endothelial proliferation and
embryonic development. These dimeric proteins are produced in
fibroblasts, endothelial cells, T cells, platelets, macrophages, smooth
muscle cells and neutrophils (Mumtaz & Hussain, 2020). Comprised of
five related forms, VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D and placental
growth factor, this pathway regulates also regulates vessel
permeability and angiogenesis. These ligand isoforms form dimers
when active and bind to their respective TYK-like vascular endothelial
GFRs on the surface of endothelial cells. This dimerization and binding
process instigates a cascade of channels such as the MAPK, PI3K and
phospholipase c-γsignalling pathways through phosphorylation of
tyrosine residues in the intracellular domain of the transmembrane
receptors (Shaw et al., 2024; Wang, Bove, et al., 2020). In RA, VEGF
regulates synovial angiogenesis during the progression of RA through
the interaction between the RA-FLS and the human dermal microvas-
cular endothelial cells. The newly formed blood vessels help feed the
inflamed synovial mass, thus aggravating the proliferative process. In
addition, VEGF prevents synoviocyte apoptosis, controls osteoclast
differentiation, instigates RANKL secretion and activates IL-6 and the
JAKSTAT pathway (Van Le & Kwon, 2021). The circular RNA homeo-
domain-interacting protein kinase-3 is upregulated and plays an
important role in the pathogenesis of RA by induction of VEGF-medi-
ated angiogenesis (Zhang, Ma, et al., 2021). A research group sug-
gested that β-sitosterol, a plant-derived sterol, suppressed the
migration and proliferation of endothelial cells, thus arresting synovial
hyperplasia and joint destruction by inhibiting the VEGF signalling
pathway (Qian et al., 2022). Another study reported that a single
nucleotide polymorphism in the VEGF gene can increase the chances
of developing RA. While the allele A of VEGF was found to be harm-
ful, the occurrence of allele C was found to have a protective effect
against RA (Hussain et al., 2023). Clearly, the VEGF pathway plays a
substantial role in increasing the severity of the disease.
Herein, we present an overview of the conventional treatment strate-
gies and the associated adverse effects that these therapies cause.
Some commonly prescribed drugs of each therapeutic category and
their reported adverse drug reactions have been summarized in
Table 1.
5.1 |Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
NSAIDs exhibit anti-inflammatory activity through the inhibition of
COX enzymes (Willoughby et al., 2000), which exist in three isoforms:
COX-1, COX-2 and COX-3 (Chandrasekharan et al., 2002), as well as
by suppressing TNF-α, inducible nitric oxide synthase and phospholi-
pase A2 or phospholipase C. All of these membrane-bound COX
enzymes convert arachidonic acid into PGH2 via PGG2, which is
eventually transformed into PGs like PGD2, PGE2, PGF2 and PGI2
(prostacyclin) along with thromboxane TXA2, each responsible for dif-
ferent physiological responses (Dwivedi et al., 2015). While COX-1
acts as a housekeeping enzyme being synthesized under all conditions
and regulating mucosal gastroprotection, vasodilation, bronchocon-
striction and platelet accumulation, COX-2 is induced during pain,
pyrexia and inflammatory responses (Willoughby et al., 2000).
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Commonly prescribed NSAIDs include phenoprofen, paracetamol
(acetaminophen), ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, ketorolac,
paracetamol and naproxen. Some NSAIDs are COX-2 selective inhibi-
tors, while others work by non-specifically inhibiting both COX
enzymes (Liu et al., 2005). Therefore, it is logically inferred that gen-
eral NSAIDs perform their expected anti-inflammatory activity by
inhibiting COX-2, and the undesirable side effects arise due preven-
tion of COX-1 activity (Kumar Vishwakarma & Negi, 2020).
An accumulation of adverse drug reactions originates from the
consumption of NSAIDs, ranging from gastrointestinal bleeding, car-
diovascular complications, thrombo-genetic risks to convulsions (Liu
et al., 2005), bronchospasm, renal disturbance and surge in haemoglo-
bin A1c in Type 2 diabetes patients. Aspirin, a commonly prescribed
NSAID, causes gastrointestinal bleeding (Dwivedi et al., 2015). The
plethora of adverse events associated with NSAIDs ranges from mild
symptoms like heartburn, digestive issues and abdominal pain to seri-
ous conditions like gastroduodenal ulcerations causing bleeding, and
perforation that may manifest into mortality. COX-1 inhibition by
NSAIDs may even suppress protective mucosal flow and cause ische-
mic damage. Over recent years, the rate of hospitalisation and treat-
ment discontinuation has spiked due to these adverse events (Davis &
Robson, 2016; Vonkeman & van de Laar, 2010).
5.2 |Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
The European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology recommends
DMARDs as the first line of treatment upon diagnosis of RA (Smolen
et al., 2020). DMARDs are a family of drugs intended for inflammatory
diseases such as RA, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis;
TABLE 1 Current therapeutic options in practise for management of rheumatoid arthritis and their reported adverse events.
Treatment Options Adverse events reported References
NSAIDs Diclofenac
Gastrointestinal bleeding and ulceration
Cardiovascular complications
Risk of thrombosis
Renal impairment
Heart burn
Davis and Robson (2016), Harirforoosh and
Jamali (2009), Jiang et al. (2012), Liu et al.
(2005), Vonkeman and van de Laar (2010)
(not including biological
Opportunistic infections
Ultra-violet sensitivity, blurred vision
Venous thrombosis
Neurological complications
Cardiovascular difficulties
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
gene polymorphism
Berkun et al. (2004), Caporali et al. (2008),
Dhir and Aggarwal (2012), Goodman
(2015b), Ramiro et al. (2014)
Corticosteroids Prednisone
Poor bone mineral density
Cardiovascular risks: hypertension,
atheroschlerosis, myocardial infarctions,
cardiac failure
Vulnerable to infections
Psychiatric reactions
Diabetes mellitus, obesity
Ethgen et al. (2013), Luís et al. (2019); Mitra
(2011), Stone et al. (2021), Wang, Zhao,
et al. (2020), Warrington and Bostwick
(2006), Wilson et al. (2019)
Biologics Etanercept
Increased susceptibility to infections
Malignancies: lymphoma and skin cancer
Goodman (2015b), Scott (2012), Smolen
et al. (2020), Strand et al. (2007), Tarp
et al. (2017), Woodrick and Ruderman
Surgery Arthroplasty
Joint infections
Deep vein thrombosis
Nerve and tissue damage
Pulmonary embolism
Athanasiou (2022), Burn et al. (2018),
Goodman (2015a,2015b)
Abbreviations: DMARDs, disease-modifying anti-inflammatory drugs; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
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connective tissue abnormalities and some cancers. These immuno-
modulatory entities possess unique mechanisms of action, that is,
each DMARD alters immune responses through a different mechanis-
tic fashion. For example, methotrexate is a DMARD that mimics folic
acid structure that inhibits enzymes pivotal for de-novo nucleotide
biosynthesis, such as dihydrofolate reductase, thymidylate synthase,
aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide transformylase and
amido phosphoribosyltransferase. Aminoimidazole carboxamide ribo-
nucleotide transformylase has been postulated as the primary target
of methotrexate (Benjamin et al., 2022; Inoue & Yuasa, 2014).
DMARDs are broadly classified into biological DMARDs
(bDMARDs) and synthetic DMARDs (sDMARDs). bDMARDS are fur-
ther of two types: biological originator DMARDs and biosimilar
DMARDs. Similarly, sDMARDs can be subdivided into conventional
sDMARDs like methotrexate, sulfasalazine and targeted sDMARDs
which include the recently introduced Jak-inhibitor drugs (Köhler
et al., 2019). A systematic literature review revealed that adverse
effects of bDMARD treatments may range from opportunistic infec-
tions to cancer, neurological, cardiovascular and GI complications,
venous thrombosis, upregulation of hepatic enzymes and manifesta-
tion of psoriasis. sDMARD treatment also posed similar aftermaths
such as skin infections, tuberculosis, cancer, cardiovascular conditions,
GI perforation and neurological problems (Ramiro et al., 2014).
JAK inhibitors are kinase-inhibiting targeted sDMARDs capable
of inhibiting the JAKSTAT pathway, hence suppressing inflammation,
antibody generation, synovial hyperplasia and joint damage. JAK
inhibitors approved by the Food and Drug Administration for RA man-
agement are tofacitinib, upadacitinib, peficitinib, baricitinib and filgoti-
nib. Another similar molecule called ritlecitinib is currently undergoing
phase II clinical trials for this disease (Tanaka et al., 2022). These are
very potent molecules that inhibit the different JAKs and provide
effective arthritic and neuropathic pain relief within 24 h (Harrington
et al., 2020).
Adverse events associated with DMARDs resulting in cessation
of therapy include nausea, abdominal pain and rashes. Moreover,
symptoms that surfaced early within an average of 3.1 months were
sweating and anorexia while latent effects include erythema, sensitiv-
ity to the sun and blurred vision taking a period as long as
32.5 months (Aletaha et al., 2003). Treatment with methotrexate, a
common DMARD, has been associated with an increased risk of infec-
tions, especially in the urinary and respiratory tracts. Leflunomide
usage has also been reported to cause upper respiratory tract infec-
tions in 10% or more of the patient population, as well as demanding
hospitalisation due to pneumonia and tuberculosis manifestation
(Caporali et al., 2008).
5.3 |Corticosteroids
Glucocorticoids or corticosteroids are a predominant immunosuppres-
sive mode of treatment against inflammatory diseases like RA (Huovi-
nen et al., 2023). They mostly elucidate action by interacting with key
signalling receptors. It is also detected in free form or combined with
corticosteroid-binding globulin, or transcortin. The free steroid mole-
cules can passively transport across the biological membranes, and
bind to intracellular glucocorticoid receptors, and the bound forms
can affect ligand-dependant TCFs and modulate transcription, transla-
tion and other genetic modifications. The anti-inflammatory effect of
corticosteroids is mainly mediated by inhibition of cytokine, chemo-
kine and adhesion molecule production and activity (Stone
et al., 2021). Some steroids recommended in the RA treatment regi-
men are prednisone, betamethasone, dexamethasone and hydrocorti-
sone (Hecht, 2022).
Glucocorticoids projected negative effects on glucose and cortisol
metabolism, along with catabolic effects on bone growth (Huovinen
et al., 2023). Steroid use was reported to be associated with a higher
risk of decreased bone mineral density, vertebral deformity, bone frac-
ture and osteoporosis, the extent of which was dependent on collat-
eral parameters like age, steroid dose and body mass index.
Prednisone treatment was linked to increased cases of bone loss,
especially in post-menopausal women. A study inferred that women
RA patients on corticosteroid treatment had a higher chance of devel-
oping osteoporosis. Glucocorticoid treatment has also shown elevated
chances of cardiovascular risks in RF-seropositive RA patients in the
form of carotid plaques and arterial incompressibility, and these symp-
toms were not a result of RA disease manifestation. Hypertension,
myocardial infarction and cardiac failure were also associated strongly
with patients on a long-term regimen of medium steroidal doses (Eth-
gen et al., 2013).
5.4 |Biologics
Biologic agents targeted against pro-inflammatory cytokines and
mediators of immune flare-ups have revolutionised therapy for inflam-
matory disorders like RA. These specific modulators interfere with
selective niches of immune responses and thus produce a highly spe-
cific but powerful impact. The major classes of biologics currently
being recommended for RA therapy are TNF inhibitors (adalimumab,
certolizumab pegol, etanercept and infliximab), IL1R antagonists (Ana-
kinra, Canakinumab), CD30 chimeric monoclonal antibodies (brentuxi-
mab, vedotin), RANK inhibitors (denosumab), B cell CD20 inhibitors
(rituximab), T cell co-stimulation inhibitors (abatacept) and IL-6 inhibi-
tors (two available drugs, e.g., tocilizumab; Ramadass et al., 2020;
Scott, 2012). ABT-122, a bispecific Ig designed to inhibit TNF and IL-
17A, is yet to be approved and has undergone clinical trials on
patients showing insufficient response to methotrexate (Genovese
et al., 2018).
TNF-αis a vital upstream cytokine regulator having both auto-
crine and paracrine nature that in turn stimulates the release of vari-
ous other cytokines such as ILs, facilitating angiogenesis, cell adhesion
and infiltration in the RA synovium, partially mediated by the NF-ĸB
cascade (Jang et al., 2021; Lee, Lee, Kim, et al., 2008). Etanercept, a
dimeric fusion protein specific for TNF; Infliximab, a chimeric mono-
clonal antibody comprised of human constant and mouse variable
fragments and Adalimumab, another TNF targeting recombinant
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human monoclonal antibody, are some examples of TNF-specific bio-
logics used in RA treatment. These medications are generally pre-
scribed to be administered in combination with conventional
DMARDs like methotrexate and have shown effective alleviation of
rheumatoid symptoms, and advancement of joint destruction with
improvement in joint mobility (Tak & Kalden, 2011). Generally, the
therapeutic targets of biological medications in inflammation are T
and B lymphocytes, as well as cytokines like TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-
15 (Strand et al., 2007; van Loo & Bertrand, 2023).
However, like all other modern medicinal therapeutic strategies,
biologics also pose a threat of adverse events. TNF-suppressors like
etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab increase the risk of serious
infections, making the situation more complex since TNF is a pivotal
component for tackling infections. Logically, the rate of viral and other
opportunistic infections arising in populations undergoing IL-6 and IL-
1 inhibitor treatment has shown high susceptibility to infections
owing to the functional similarity of these cytokines to TNF. Random-
ised controlled trials of some biological therapies also revealed a con-
cerning increase in the incidence of malignancies like lymphoma and
skin cancer (Woodrick & Ruderman, 2011).
5.5 |Surgery
A common surgical approach to RA is to perform arthroplasty or joint
replacement surgery. This is a complicated procedure due to eventual
comorbidities, immunosuppressive therapeutic schemes and deformi-
ties. According to a study, 58% of RA patients choose orthopaedic
surgery during their anti-rheumatic treatment, with five out of
100,000 RA patients undergoing arthroplasty (Goodman, 2015a). Sur-
gery is the last resort in terms of treatment of RA when all medica-
tions such as DMARDs, NSAIDs and biologics have failed to alleviate
the symptoms of RA (Athanasiou, 2022). The other surgical treatment
options are arthrodesis, synovectomy and soft tissue surgery. Non-
operative management by splints and supports is critical (Simmen
et al., 2008). Arthrodesis entails irreversibly fusing the bones and
removing the joint gap and is a preferred option for RA-affected
wrists (Lautenbach et al., 2013).
Patients undergoing total hip or knee arthroplasty are at an
increased risk of dislocation and prosthetic joint infection. In the case
of prosthetic introduction, bacteria can form biofilms promptly at the
boneprosthesis junction with a polysaccharide matrix that is
immune-resistant, making arthroplasty patients a high-risk group for
joint infections. However, there have been advancements in the surgi-
cal sector such as prophylactic antibiotics and laminar airflow on the
wound to prevent contamination, reducing joint infection incidences
to a low 2%2.4% (Goodman, 2015b).
New-age therapeutic interventions are surfacing with enhanced experi-
mental technologies over time. A 2022 study revealed the potential role
of a microbial dye in combination with multiple low doses of gamma
radiation exhibiting anti-inflammatory effects and reducing disease
severity in adjuvant induced arthritis rats (Abdel-Rafei et al., 2022).
Alternatively, nano-carriers have also been explored for drug delivery
against chronic inflammatory diseases (Oshi et al., 2022;Gorantlaetal.,
2020; Donthi et al., 2023). Recently, dendrimers have gained attention
for their narrow polydispersity index (Dubey et al., 2021). A dendrimer
containing aza bisphosphonate was found to specifically target mono-
cytes and osteoclasts and suppress inflammation in experimental arthri-
tis rat models (Hayder et al., 2011). Micro-RNAs are also being explored
as potential targets in different diseases, as they regulate cell prolifera-
tion, differentiation and maintenance (Singhvi et al., 2018). These
instances bring scope for newer innovative inventions against RA that
are different from conventional treatment methods. Here, we elaborate
on some research phase therapeutic approaches that show immense
promise in evolving into established treatments.
6.1 |Myeloid-derived suppressor cells-based
Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are an assembly of heter-
ogenous immature immunosuppressive cells of myeloid origin gener-
ated in the bone marrow. They are classified into polymorphonuclear
(or granulocytic) and monocytic MDSCs (Ben-Meir et al., 2022). Iden-
tified in the 1990s, these cells can be produced and invoked by
pro-inflammatory mediators like granulocyte-CSF, macrophage-CSF,
granulocyte-macrophage-CSF, IL-1β, and IL-6. These immunomodula-
tors can inhibit T-cell mediated immune responses regulate B-cell
activity and be upregulated in the circulation of RA patients (Li
et al., 2021). Hyper-activity of MDSCs is associated with upregulated
granulocyte-macrophage-CSF and IL-6 production. Both types of
MDSCs express surface CD11b surface markers (Tamadaho
et al., 2018). MDSCs were evidenced to have a negative correlation
with activated Th-17 cells in the peripheral blood, indicating that
MDSC might have a role in inhibiting pro-inflammatory Th-17 cells
(Jiao et al., 2013; Park & Kwok, 2022). Detected in the synovial
region, these cells have a neutrophil-like structure and are potent T
cell inhibitors and prevent T cell infiltration into the synovium. So, an
increase in MDSC levels at the site of inflammation is desired and can
be a therapeutic strategy against RA (Kurkó et al., 2014). Male DBA/1
strain of mice induced with arthritis using CFA were used to study the
behaviour of MDSCs in autoimmune arthritis. The study demon-
strated that CD11b +Gr-1 +MDSCs accumulate in murine spleen
after induction of arthritis, suppress CD4
T cell expansion and pro-
inflammatory cytokine release, in case of malignancies as well as auto-
immune conditions (Fujii et al., 2013). An attempt at a deeper under-
standing of the mechanistic effect of MDSCs led to the fact that
granulocytic-myeloid-derived suppressor cells release exosomes con-
taining various immunoregulatory molecules, which could decrease
immune aggravation by stimulating B cells to produce anti-inflamma-
tory cytokine IL-10, both in vitro and in vivo. This led to a decrease in
activated plasma and Th cells in the lymph nodes of collagen-induced
arthritis (CIA) mice models (Wu, Zhu, et al., 2020).
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6.2 |T-cell targeted therapy
T cells play a vital role in the advancement of RA. CD4
T cells pre-
dominantly invade the synovial space and aggravate inflammatory
conditions. They trigger multiple signalling pathways offering both
pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses, i.e., they have a
regulatory role in autoimmune diseases. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes are
amply detected in the RA synovium. A strategy to control the differ-
entiation and functionality of T cells can be a potential treatment for
RA, by inducing the disease-suppressing functions and inhibiting the
disease-aggravating properties (Ni et al., 2019). Cytotoxic T lympho-
cytes are amply detected in the RA synovium. Several T-cell targeted
therapies have been proposed to modulate the functionalities of T
lymphocytes in the body for a desired activity, targeting T-cell surface
markers, TCRs, co-stimulatory cell surface factors, T-cell GFRs and T-
cell-produced cytokines (Weyand & Goronzy, 2006). For example,
cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4-IgG1 (CTLA4Ig), a fusion
protein, is the initial member of a new family of medications called co-
stimulation blockers that is being tested for the management of
RA. APCs' co-stimulatory cell surface molecules CD80 and CD86 are
bound by CTLA4Ig, which prevents CD28 on T cells from binding and
T-cell activation. CTLA4Ig treatment was safe, well tolerated and did
not elicit an antibody response. It demonstrated effective inhibition of
DCs and macrophages (Kremer et al., 2003). Treatment of autoim-
mune disease with tailored chimeric antigen receptor-T cells (CAR-T)
is another emerging paradigm and is similar to tumour treatment in
that it relies on focused eradication of autoantigenic antibody-produc-
ing B cells, which are identified by their sensitivity to specific autoan-
tigens, without the risk of broad immunosuppression. Although CAR-
T cell therapy has demonstrated promise in the focused treatment of
autoimmune illnesses, its application is constrained by the real-world
difficulties posed by the heterogeneity and complexity of autoimmune
diseases like RA. In order to specifically target different types of auto-
reactive B cell subsets, Zhang et al. developed a specific and modified
approach that used universal anti-fluorescein isothiocyanate CAR-T
cells in combination with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled RA-
immunodominant peptides. The study highlighted the promising
potential of CAR T cell therapy against RA (Zhang, Wang, et al., 2021).
6.3 |MSC therapy
MSCs are multipotent stem cells having immunomodulatory, regener-
ative and tissue-protective properties that produce large amounts of
exosomes, which have been indicated for the transport of RNAs for
therapeutic delivery mechanisms (Yang et al., 2023). HAND2-AS1, a
long non-coding anti-sense RNA, is an established tumour suppressor
in cancers. Early studies have shown how these RNA fragments are
present in small quantities in the RA FLS. Upregulation of these same
long non-coding anti-sense RNAs in RA FLS in vitro not only inacti-
vated the proliferation, infiltration and migration of the synoviocytes
but also induced their apoptosis through the impairment of NF-κB
TCF p65. MSC-derived exosome-enclosed HAND2-AS1 when
incubated with RA-FLS suppressed growth and mobility and success-
fully halted the progression of RA (Su et al., 2021). MSCs have been
explored for therapeutic activity in autoimmunity for their immuno-
suppressive characteristics (Sardana et al., 2023). They have been
comprehended to migrate to inflammatory corners and cease the
proliferation of T and B cells (Luque-Campos et al., 2019). B7-H1 is a
co-stimulator found on the surface of activated T cells, B cells, mono-
cytes, and cancer cells. A study established that B7-H1 expressing
human gingiva-derived MSCs (GMSCs) show a stronger immunosup-
pressive potential than B7-H1-low GMSCs in CIA murine models
through interaction with STAT3 signalling pathway (Wu, Xiao,
et al., 2020). The positive effect of GMSCs on autoimmune disorders
was validated by a study showing restoration of the appropriate ratio
of Th-17 cells and upregulation of T-reg cells on GMSC induction in
uveitis-induced mice (Gao et al., 2023). Another study investigated
the transfer of MSC-derived mitochondria to CD4
T cells and con-
cluded that mRNA expression of T cell activation and T-reg cell devel-
opment were elevated, thus making the CD25
population exploitable. This made possible the alleviation of tissue
damage in mice and reduced transplantation rejection. This concept
can be utilised in repairing RA-affected joints and preventing further
damage by enhancing the activation of T-reg cells (Court et al., 2020).
6.4 |Tolerogenic DC therapy
DCs are specialized APCs whose role was initially defined by their
ability to stimulate naive T cells and initiate successful T cell
responses. Serving as sentinels of the immune system, these cells link
innate immunity to acquired immunity, patrolling the body for anti-
gens and capturing them. Moreover, it is now understood that DC
play a key role in the development and preservation of peripheral T-
cell tolerance. Tolerogenic DCs induce immunological peripheral toler-
ance by several methods, including inhibiting T cell clonal proliferation
and induction of T cell anergy, deletion of T lymphocytes and induc-
tion of Tregs (Kiss et al., 2013). There are two types of Tregs: naturally
occurring T-reg cells that emerge in the thymus and adaptive T-reg
cells that are induced in the periphery (Haribhai et al., 2009; Hilkens &
Isaacs, 2013). Bianco et al. formerly proved that DCs treated with
immunosuppressive cytokines, as well as exosomes produced from
DCs, can inhibit the onset and severity of murine CIA. Indoleamine
2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is a tryptophan-hydrolysing enzyme that is
essential for immunological modulation and maintenance of tolerance.
T cells can be inhibited by DCs expressing functioning IDO by deplet-
ing them of critical tryptophan and/or manufacturing toxins, as well as
by producing Treg cells. The purpose of this work was to look at the
immunosuppressive effects of bone marrow-derived DCs that had
been genetically engineered to express IDO, as well as exosomes
formed from IDO-positive DCs. Study findings reveal that IDO-
expressing DCs and DC-derived exosomes are immunosuppressive
and anti-inflammatory and that they can reverse established arthritis.
Exosomes from IDO-positive DCs may thus represent a potential
therapeutic for RA (Bianco et al., 2009). Kim et al. demonstrated that
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periarticular introduction of exosomes purified from bone marrow-
derived DCs transduced ex-vivo with an adenovirus expressing viral
IL-10 or bone marrow-derived DCs treated with recombinant mice IL-
10 suppressed delayed-type hypersensitivity responses in contralat-
eral joints. Furthermore, systemic administration of IL-10-treated DC-
derived exosomes suppressed the onset of CIA model in mice and
reduced the severity of arthritis. These findings imply that immature
DCs can release exosomes that are important in the inhibition of
inflammatory and autoimmune responses. As a result, DC-derived
exosomes could be a potential cell-free therapeutic option for the
management of autoimmune disorders (Kim et al., 2005). A peptide
vaccine developed to induce the generation of tolerogenic DCs in an
ongoing inflammatory condition ameliorated joint destruction and
enhanced citrulline tolerance by upregulating T-reg and IL-10 popula-
tions (Chen et al., 2021). Exosomes secreted by DCs loaded with
MHC class II molecules effectively activated specific T cells. This strat-
egy could be manipulated to engage T-reg cells for the promotion of
self-tolerance (^
Ale ´
A ne Vincent-Schneider et al., 2002). This treat-
ment strategy is an effective targeted approach to the management of
the disease, and with enough clinical support, can be.
Recently, there has been an elevated interest in substances of natural
origin for exploration of anti-arthritic therapeutic activity, owing to
the accumulating evidence regarding the adverse events related
to modern medicine (Lee et al., 2012; Manan et al., 2020; Moon
et al., 2015). Common targets of traditional herbal medicinal com-
pounds against RA are Th cells, FLS, B cells, macrophages, DCs, miR-
NAs, angiogenesis pathways, osteoclasts and so on (Wang, Chen,
et al., 2021). Hence, herbal alternatives are being revisited for phar-
macological properties. In this section, we summarize 10 anti-inflam-
matory, anti-arthritic and anti-rheumatic herbs that have shown
intense potential to be developed into treatments against RA. The
same herbs and their major phytoconstituents have been summarized
in Figure 5. The in vitro and in vivo studies done on these 10 herbs
have been summarized in Tables 2and 3, respectively.
7.1 |Salix nigra Marshall
The bark of the willow tree (genus: Salix) is a sumptuous natural
source of invaluable bioactive compounds like phenolic glycosides, fla-
vonoids and polyphenols (Mahdi, 2010). Salicylic acid (derived from
salicin), one of the oldest medicinal compounds was discovered from
this tree, which went on to become one of the major classes of anti-
inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antipyretic and analgesic drugs (Gligori
et al., 2020). Apart from that they also possess glycemia and pro-
thrombin-modulating aspects (Shara & Stohs, 2015). Overall, 322 com-
pounds are identified from leaf and bark extracts of the Salix herbs
including flavonoids (flavonols, flavones, flavanones, catechins,
procyanidins, chalcones, dihydro flavonols), phenolic glycosides,
organic acids, non-phenolic glycosides, sterols, terpenes, lignans, vola-
tiles and fatty acids (Wang et al., 2014). Phenolic compounds present
are mainly caffeoylhexoses and caffeoylquinic acids. Flavanols and
procyanidins include epicatechins and epigallocatechins. Flavonols
characterized are quercetin derivatives, kaempferol pentoside and iso-
rhamnetin (Piątczak et al., 2020). Methanolic extract of Salix nigra
exhibited strong antioxidant properties by scavenging free radicals of
nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide and lowering lipid peroxidation in
the CIA model of rats. In vivo, studies proved that rats treated with
this preparation experienced a diminished arthritis score in terms of
reduction in erythema and paw volume. The extent of disease charac-
terized by cartilage injury, immune cell infiltration, joint damage and
synovial hyperplasia was reduced in rats treated with Salix extract, as
compared to control rats treated with CIA (vehicle only). Levels of
pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1βand IL-6 were lowered to a
greater extent in CIA rats treated with methanolic Salix extract as
compared to CIA rats administered with known NSAID indomethacin
(Sharma et al., 2011). Willow extracts included in the diets of CFA-
induced rats improved levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10 and antioxi-
dants superoxide dismutase and glutathione. Consequently, histopath-
ological evidence showed that rheumatoid symptoms of oxidative
stress and abnormal inflammation were alleviated (Faid, 2021). There-
fore, plant extracts of the Salix genus offer a favourable possibility for
a treatment regimen for RA.
7.2 |Boswellia serrata Roxb.
The resin of Boswellia serrata (also called Frankincense) has been tradi-
tionally used to treat chronic inflammatory disorders. The gum of Bos-
wellia contains monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, tetracyclic
triterpenic acids and four major pentacyclic triterpenic acids such as
β-boswellic acid, acetyl-β-boswellic acid, 11-keto-β-boswellic acid and
acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (Sharma et al., 2007; Siddiqui, 2011).
Essential oils derived from leaf extracts of this plant consist of
cymene, limonene, terpinolene, bornyl acetate, pinene, thujene, phel-
landrene and terpineol (Sharma et al., 2007; Sharma et al., 2009). The
gum extract of this plant shows immunomodulatory effects such as
inhibition of the complement system, NF-ĸB and MAPK pathways
(Goswami et al., 2018), pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6
and IFN-γproduction (Ammon, 2010; Eltahir et al., 2019). The gum
resin of the Boswellia plant reduces symptoms of CFA-induced RA
such as inflammation in Wistar rats. This extract consists of boswellic
acids that can suppress the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
along with possessing antipyretic and analgesic activities. RA symp-
toms like pain, swelling, and erythema arise mainly from inflammation
and immunological activation (Afsar et al., 2012). Boswellia extract has
shown a substantial attenuation of inflamed paw volume and arthritic
scores, as well as lowering of cartilage damage, synovial hyperproli-
feration, pannus and vascular infiltration that are characteristic fea-
tures of RA. This in vivo study went on to show weight gain after
arthritis-induced weight loss. However, this concoction failed to
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effectuate any changes in the TNF-αlevels in the rats' sera (Kumar
et al., 2019). A research study proved the anti-inflammatory property
of B. serrata extract by showing a reduction of cellular proliferation
and paw volume in rats immunized with an emulsion of complete
Freund's adjuvant and type II collagen (CIA model of arthritis). The
preparation of Boswellia extract also diminished the levels of articular
elastase and myeloperoxidase. These enzymes are responsible for
elastin protein degradation, neutrophil activity and synovial infiltration
in the joints. Additionally, the extracted mixture also inhibited lipid
oxidative damage of the cartilage, and most importantly, repressed
the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α,
IFN-γand PGE2, inferred from enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
analyses (Umar et al., 2014). Boswellia herbs can thus be promoted to
be considered as therapeutic alternatives for the treatment of RA.
7.3 |Curcuma longa L.
The classes of phytochemicals present in Curcuma rhizome extract are
composed of carbohydrates, proteins, starch, amino acids, steroids,
glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and saponins (Sawant & God-
ghate, 2013). The high performance liquid chromatography chromato-
gram of Curcuma longa rhizome extract contains peaks for caffeic acid
hexoside, curdione, coumaric acid, caffeic acid, sinapic acid, quercetin-
FIGURE 5 Representative herbs and their major phytoconstituents with potential activity against rheumatoid arthritis.
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TABLE 2 In vitro studies of the medicinal herbs against rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Part of
plant used Study objective Cell lines used Result and inference Reference
Salix nigra Marshall Bark Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory effect
of salix extract
Primary human monocytes (CD14/CD36
positive peripheral mononuclear cells)
stimulated by LPS
Inhibition of COX-2 mediated PGE2
Steady decrease in release of LPS
induced IL-6, TNF-αand IL-1β
Fiebich and Chrubasik
Boswellia serrata Roxb. Leaves Investigation of anti-inflammatory activity
of Boswellia leaf extract
Human red blood cells Substantial stabilisation of Human
erythrocyte membranes indicating anti-
inflammatory activity comparable with
Afsar et al. (2012)
Curcuma longa L. Rhizome Determination of anti-inflammatory
activity of turmeric extract
LPS induced RAW 264.7 Suppressed cell proliferation.
Downregulation of IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-13
and TNF-α
Lee et al. (2020)
Zingiber officinale
Rhizome Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory
THP Inhibition of TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6
Slight induction of production of anti-
inflammatory cytokines TGF-βand
Mohammed et al.
Piper longum L. Fruits Demonstration of anti-inflammatory
potential of Retrofractamide C, a major
phytocomponent extracted from Piper
LPS-Induced J774A.1 cells Suppression of nitric oxide and PGE2
Lowering of iNOS and COX2 enzyme
Inhibition of IL-6 and IL-1βgene
Attenuation of phosphorylated ERK
and NF-κB, p65
Lim et al. (2020)
Pluchea lanceolata
(DC.) C.B.Clarke:
Leaves Evaluation of the immunosuppressive
Peritonial murine macrophages opsonized
with heat killed Candida albicans
Significant reduction in phagocytic
activity of macrophages treated with
Pluchea extract
Bhagwat et al. (2010)
Commiphora wightii
(Arn.) Bhandari
Exudate Determination of the effect of
guggulsterone on LPS induced
Murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cell line Guggulsterone inhibited mRNA
expression of TNF-αand iNOS
Guggulsterone inhibited the
phosphorylation of IκB with dose-
Zhang et al. (2016)
Paederia foetida L. Leaves Investigation of anti-inflammatory
Standard COX-1, COX-2 and LOX kits 72.23 ± 4.53% inhibition of COX-1
82.84 ± 4.85% inhibition of COX-2,
which is significantly higher than
quercetin and comparable with
Kumar et al. (2015)
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3-D-galactoside, casuarinin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, curcuminol,
dimethoxycurcumin, isorhamnetin, valoneic acid bilactone, curcumin
and curcumin-O-glucuronide (Sabir et al., 2021). C. longa (turmeric) is
traditionally used for ages for its numerous activities. The main bioac-
tive component of C. longa (turmeric) rhizome, curcumin, which
imparts the yellow colour to turmeric, possesses anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-arthritic properties, and has dis-
played a wide regulation of various cellular pathways and transcription
processes (Rapalli, Kaul, et al., 2020). Its anti-inflammatory activities
involve the modulation of a spectrum of cytokines, chemokines,
growth factors, adhesion components and enzymes such as COX-2.
These functions are possible by the effectuation of NF-κB, JAKSTAT
MAPK and other kinase pathways by curcumin, which also make it a
potent chemotherapeutic molecule (Goel et al., 2008; Sharma
et al., 2005). In a research study, the efficacy of curcumin and diclofe-
nac sodium were compared in treating RA, and curcumin resulted in
fewer adverse events as compared to the standard NSAID. Curcumin
proved to be a well-tolerated analgesic as compared to diclofenac,
along with bringing overall improvement in RA patients (Chandran &
Goel, 2012). There is evidence to prove that curcumin shows anti-
inflammatory effects by downregulating pro-inflammatory factors like
TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, 8 and 12. In a study, IL-6, IL-8 and MMP 1 and
3 production in IL-1βinduced RA FLS was restricted by the introduc-
tion of curcumin. This potent compound also curbed Th cell produc-
tion and enhanced T-reg cell differentiation during immune activation.
The only limitation associated with the use of this molecule is its low
bioavailability, and hence, nanoparticle-encapsulation was investi-
gated for this compound's better delivery at the site in question
(Waghule et al., 2020). Liposomal curcumin shows strong inhibition of
inflammatory responses and increased anti-inflammatory cytokine
production (Feng et al., 2017). Micellar encapsulation of curcumin has
also been explored for effective transport (Gou et al., 2011; Moham-
madian Haftcheshmeh & Momtazi-Borojeni, 2020). The enormous
potential of Curcuma plants makes them a strong prospect to be
developed into management options for the disease.
7.4 |Zingiber officinale Roscoe
The source of the popular edible rhizome, ginger, is the Zingiber offici-
nale plant. The Z. officinale plant contains anti-oxidant and anti-ar-
thritic potential, as suggested by in vitro and in-silico studies
(Murugesan et al., 2020). A study has shown that ginger extract can
bring anti-inflammatory impacts through inhibition of IL-1,6, nitric
oxide, PG (mainly PGE2) and leukotriene synthesis, thus, inhibiting
joint inflammation in streptococcal cell wall-induced arthritis in mice
(Funk et al., 2016). The active constituents identified were mainly
comprised of phenols (gingerols, paradols), sesquiterpenes (zingiber-
enes, zingiberols) and vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine,
etc.) (Al-Nahain et al., 2014). Z. officinale juice mainly contains three
gingerols: 4-gingerol, 6-gingediol and 6-gingerol (Bekkouch
et al., 2022). The fresh ginger rhizome is comprised of phytoconstitu-
ents of two categories: volatile and non-volatile compounds. Volatile
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Part of
plant used Study objective Cell lines used Result and inference Reference
Vitex negundo L. Seeds Determination of anti-inflammatory and
anti-osteoporotic properties
LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages
and rat osteoblast-like UMR106 cells
Strong inhibition of nitric oxide
production through interference with
nitric oxide synthase protein
expression in LPS-stimulated
RAW264.7 cells comparable to
11.4% inhibitory effect of osteoclastic
trate-resistant acid phosphatase
activity in UMR106 cells
Zheng, Zhang, et al.
Ricinus communis L. Leaves Assessment of anti-inflammatory activities LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage
cell lines
Reduction of free radicals (ROS) in LPS
stimulated cells, which will lead to
reduction in inflammation
Nemudzivhadi and
Masoko (2014)
Abbreviations: CD, cluster of differentiation; COX, cyclooxygenase; ENA, epithelial cell-derived neutrophil activating peptide; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; IL, interleukin; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide
synthase; LOX, lipoxygenase; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MMP, metalloproteinases; MTT, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-Yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; NF-ĸB, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of
activated B cells; PG: prostaglandin; RA-FLS, rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes; RANTES, regulated upon activation, normal t cell expressed and presumably secreted; ROS, reactive oxygen
species; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.
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TABLE 3 In vivo studies of medicinal herbs against rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Herb species
Part of
plant used Study objective Animal model Results Reference
Salix nigra Marshall Leaves Exploration of treatment effect of
willow leaves in rheumatoid arthritis
Sprague Dawely Rats with Collagen
Induced Arthritis (administration of
collagen emulsified with CFA)
Increased antioxidant levels of
glutathione and superoxide
dismutase, thus reducing oxidative
Decreased levels of pro-
inflammatory TNF-α, and increased
anti-inflammatory IL-10 levels
Thinning of inflamed synovium,
reduced inflammatory lesions on
Faid (2021)
Boswellia serrata
Exudate (gum
resin extract)
Evaluation of anti-inflammatory
Adult female Lewis rats with CFA
induced arthritis
Significant reduction of rat paw
Decreased arthritic score
Decreased IL-17 levels
Increased anti-oxidant capacity of
St-Pierre et al. (2018)
Curcuma longa L. Rhizome Evaluation of antiarthritic efficiency of
turmeric extract
Adjuvant induced arthritis model in
Male Wistar Rats
Reduced joint swelling by 41.3%
Diminished serum levels of IL-17
Reduced synovial membrane and
leukocyte infiltration
unaitėet al. (2020)
Zingiber officinale
Rhizome Determination of anti-inflammatory
efficacy of ginger extract
CIA model in Female Wistar albino
Reduced mean arthritis scores
Lowered serum levels of IL-6, IL-17
and TNF-α
Downregulated NF-κB and COX-2
Decreased inflammatory
infiltration, synovial hyperplasia
Improvement in cartilage and bone
Öz et al. (2021)
Piper longum L. Fruit Investigation of rate of alteration of
RA progression by Piperlongumine
CIA induced Male DBA/1 mice Piperlongumine interfered with
inflammatory cell infiltration into
synovium, cartilage damage, pro-
inflammatory cytokine production,
migration and invasion of RA FLS.
Piperlongumine upregulated levels
of Myeloid derived suppressor cells
Sun et al. (2015)
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Herb species
Part of
plant used Study objective Animal model Results Reference
Pluchea lanceolata
(DC.) C.B.Clarke
Whole plant Exploration of the anti-inflammatory
and anti-arthritic activities of four
Adult albino rats of either sex The bio-actives showed anti-
inflammatory and anti-arthritic
effects against pedal inflammation
and granuloma formation.
The concoction showed less
efficacy than betamethasone but
possessed the advantage of
manifesting no adverse gastric
lesions as in case of the steroid
Shankar Pandey and Trigunayat
Commiphora wightii
(Arn.) Bhandari
Exudate (gum
Investigation of anti-inflammatory
effects of aqueous extract of gum
Carrageenan induced rat hind paw
Decrease in rat hind paw oedema
Significant reduction of
inflammatory biomarkers
Shekhawat et al. (2021)
Paederia foetida L. Whole plant Evaluation of anti-inflammatory
Carrageenan induced paw oedema
model in Wistar Albino rats
The butanolic extract showed the
best dose-dependent decrease in
oedema of up to 79.2%
Bandiya et al. (2022)
Vitex negundo L. Seeds Estimation of therapeutic effects CFA induced arthritis in Male Wistar
Subsidence of rat paw oedema,
synovial layer hyperproliferation
and inflammatory cell infiltration,
chronic inflammation, pannus
build-up and bone resorption
Downregulation of TNF-αand IL-
1β, IL-6; upregulation of IL-10
Reversal of weight loss as observed
after induction of arthritis.
Marked reduction of COX-2
and 5-LOX
Zheng, Zhang, et al. (2014),
Zheng, Zhao, et al. (2014)
Ricinus communis L. Leaves Evaluation of anti-arthritic activity CFA induced arthritis in Wistar rats Hydroalcoholic extract of Ricinus
root showed significant decrease in
arthritic scores
Reduction of paw oedema
Improvement in body weight
Hussain et al. (2021)
Abbreviations: CFA, complete Freund's adjuvant; COX, cyclooxygenase; DCM, dichloromethane; GSH, glutathione; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; LOX, lipoxygenase; PG, prostaglandin; RA-FLS, rheumatoid
arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes; SOD, superoxide dismutase; TBARs, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances.
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compounds consist of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, which are mainly
zingiberene, curcumene and farnesene (Yousfi et al., 2021), which
contribute to the characteristic gingery taste and odour. Non-volatile
compounds are comprised of gingerols, shogaols, paradols and zinger-
one, which are responsible for the hot sensation on ingestion of the
rhizome. They also contain vitamins and enzymes named zingibain
(Gupta & Sharma, 2014). The dichloromethane (DCM) extract of dried
pulverised ginger was experimentally detected as containing various
gingerols, some oils, terpenes and polar moieties. These compounds
were collectively found to ameliorate the synthesis of PGE2 in vitro,
out of which gingerols and their variations were witnessed to be key
contributors to this anti-PG effect, with complimentary effects by the
non-gingerols. Further in vivo studies compared a phenolic prepara-
tion versus a similar crude DCM extract of the gingerol components
administered intra-peritoneally substantially deferring synovial inflam-
mation and bone damage in streptococcal cell wall-induced arthritis
model in mice, with the DCM extract showing better efficacy (Funk
et al., 2009). Another in vivo study suggested the anti-inflammatory
activity of zingiber by reducing rat paw oedema in arthritic rats (Bek-
kouch et al., 2022). Therefore, it is evident that plants of the genus
Zingiber carry the promise of an established solution for
the management of RA.
7.5 |Piper longum L.
Plants belonging to the genus Piper have famously been reported to
be of pharmacological significance, with Piper longum being one of the
most important species in the genus. P. longum, also identified as long
pepper, is mentioned in ancient literature to be possessing medicinal
properties (Khandhar et al., 2010). The P. longum plant contains bioac-
tive alkaloids such as piperine, methylpiperine, iperonaline, piperet-
tine, asarinine, pellitorine, piperundecalidine, piperlongumine,
piperlonguminine, piperazine, methyl-3,4,5-trimehoxycinnamate and
many more. Other than that, they also contain lignans, esters and vol-
atile oils (Khandhar et al., 2010; Khushbu et al., 2011). Piperine is the
major active component of the Piper family, which can be extracted
from P. longum,orPiper nigrum. Piperine acts as a potent bio-enhancer
to many other bioactives. A systematic review of different
publications on P. longum reported that it exhibits analgesic, anti-
inflammatory, and anti-arthritic behaviour among a vast list of activi-
ties (Yadav et al., 2020). Piperlongumine weakened the pathological
damage in the form of inflammatory cell penetration as well as carti-
laginous damage in the CIA mice model through the attenuation of
serum Ig levels and cytokine production of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-23 and IL-
17 in the mice sera. The investigation suggested that the Piperlongu-
mine substantially decreased Th-17 cells in the lymph nodes, along
with a sharp rise in myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) that are
capable of suppressing T-cell mediated inflammatory responses. How-
ever, it did not affect the T-reg cells. Piperlongumine was also able to
suppress the migratory nature of the human RA-FLS (Sun et al., 2015).
Another study by Xiao et al. (2016) demonstrated the ability of piper-
longumine to ameliorate LPS-induced DC maturation, reactive oxygen
species production by DCs and activation of p38, JNK, NF-ĸB and
PI3K/Akt signalling pathways. A dose between 200 and 400 mg/kg of
aqueous extract of P. longum seeds shows an effective reduction in
rat paw volume in CFA-induced arthritic rats (Yende, 2010). In Com-
plete Freund's Adjuvant-induced arthritis in mice, solid lipid nanoparti-
cles encapsulating piperine also brought a greater reduction in
inflamed paw volume as compared to a suspension of chloroquine as
an anti-rheumatic standard. The researchers suggested the reason
was that topical and oral piperine localised more effectively at the tar-
get site. These piperine preparations also demonstrated marked inhi-
bition of bone disintegration, suppression of TNF-αrelease from
macrophages, angiogenesis, joint infiltration and distortion (Bhalekar
et al., 2017). The anti-inflammatory properties of the Piper plant offer
immense capacity to be expanded to a course of medication for RA.
7.6 |Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) C.B.Clarke
The plant Pluchea lanceolata belongs to the family Asteraceae and is
known to possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-ulcer, anti-micro-
bial, anti-nociceptive, antipyretic, anti-rheumatic and neuroprotective
characteristics (Kamel & Ahemd, 2013; Srivastava & Shanker, 2012).
The leaves of this plant were discovered to be abundant in bioactive
metabolites such as flavonoids, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, terpe-
noids, sterols, and so forth (Sharma & Goyal, 2011). The major com-
pounds found in the pulverised powder of the stem of this plant
found through gas chromatographymass spectrometryMS analysis
are quercetin, hesperetin-7-rutinoside, taxifolin-3-arabinoside, formo-
nonetin-7-O-glucoside, isorhamnetin, decanoic acid, octadecanoic
acid, cyclopentadecanone, stearic acid, heptadecane, tetracosane,
docosane and hexadecenoic acid (Gour et al., 2012; Kamel &
Ahemd, 2013). The ethanolic extract of the leaves of P. lanceolata
exhibited significant anti-inflammatory behaviour, which was further
fractionated into a hexane extract that showed optimum anti-inflam-
matory suppression of carrageenin-triggered oedema in the rat paw,
owing to psi-taraxasterol acetate acting as the active ingredient
(Garg & Manisha, 2020). The leaf extract of this herb showed inhibi-
tion of both cellular and humoral antibody responses through the
downregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and effective suppres-
sion of CD4
and CD8
T cells (Bhagwat et al., 2010). Another study
similarly proved the anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity of fla-
vonoids present in P. lanceolata extract using albino rats. Although its
activity was not as strong as betamethasone, there was a notable dif-
ference in the incidence of gastric lesions and haemorrhagic ulcers
which was 50% higher in the case of established anti-inflammatory
corticosteroid betamethasone (Shankar Pandey & Trigunayat, 2018).
The Pluchea plant possesses the properties required for the ameliora-
tion of the disease conditions of RA.
7.7 |Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari
Commiphora wightii has been traditionally utilised for its famously
known effects against arthritis, inflammation, gout, rheumatism and
metabolic disorders (Sarup et al., 2015). The white exudate from the
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Commiphora plant contains a concoction of volatile oils containing ter-
penes and terpenoids, sterols, sterones, steroids, lignans, flavonoids
and flavanones. The major volatile oils are myrecene, dimyrecene,
polymyrecene and resins or guggulsterols (Rani & Mishra, 2013; Sarup
et al., 2015). Guggulsterone (4,17(20)-pregnadiene-3,16-dione) is
named after the common name of the plant, guggul (Kunnumakkara
et al., 2018). Z-guggulsterone and E-guggulsterone, predominant ste-
roids present in this herb, exhibited potent inhibition of nitric oxide
production in LPS-induced murine macrophage cell line J774.1 (IC
21.1 and 42.3 mM, respectively) (Meselhy, 2003). Cis and trans iso-
mers of this compound reportedly inhibited the production of chemo-
kines regulated upon activation, normal t cell expressed and
presumably secreted and epithelial cell-derived neutrophil activating
peptide-78 in IL-1βtreated FLS, allegedly by some interference with
the farnesoid X receptor (Bile acid) signalling pathway. 3-(4,5-
Dimethylthiazol-2-Yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay of this
setup revealed that guggulsterone also curtailed the hyperprolifera-
tion seen in the IL-1βtreated FLS by 101.3 ± 4.2% and 98.3 ± 3.7%,
respectively. IL-1β-induced MMP secretion by FLS was also sup-
pressed by treatment with this potent natural compound. It is known
that chemokines are secreted by FLS and macrophages through acti-
vation of the NF-κB cascade. Moreover, IL-1βwas proved to increase
the association of TCF NF-κB with its corresponding consensus
sequence. Cis and trans guggulsterone demonstrated inhibition of
MMP production through interference with the NF-κB route, along
with significantly decreasing IκBαdegradation and consequently muf-
fled NF-κB activation (Lee, Lee, Noh, et al., 2008). Electrophoretic
mobility shift assay established that guggulsterone abolished RANKL
mediated NF-κB induction in a dose-dependent manner with optimum
inhibition at 50 μmol/L concentration. Pretreatment of cells with gug-
gulsterone restricted the phosphorylation of IκBα(Inhibitor of κB-α),
which is needed for NF-κB activation without interfering with the
amount of IKKαor IKKβ. Osteoclast differentiation was consequently
tapered (more than 90%) in RAW 264.7 cells cultured in the presence
of a low concentration of 5 μmol/L of this active compound (Ichi-
kawa & Aggarwal, 2006). Plants belonging to the genus Commiphora
as a whole possess anti-inflammatory properties (Dinku et al., 2022).
This plant and its phytoconstituents can thus emerge as a prospective
treatment option for RA.
7.8 |Paederia foetida L.
This plant belonging to the Rubiaceae family has been known for its
anti-inflammatory properties since pre-historic times and was even
used for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, being endowed with
principal bio-actives like iridoid glycosides, flavonoid glycosides, phe-
nolic derivatives, anthraquinones, triterpenoids, phytosterols, essential
oils, sterols and galacturonic acids (Dutta et al., 2023).
Essential medicinal extracts are obtained from multiple parts of this
invaluable plant, such as diuretic functions from a decoction of the
leaves, emetics from roots, dental analgesics from fruits and leuko-
derma suppressors from the seeds, to name a few. A carefully
prepared leaf extract demonstrated a higher dose-dependent inhibi-
tory effect on cotton pellet granuloma formation in Charles Foster
albino rats in comparison to phenylbutazone, an established NSAID.
There also exist reports of methanolic and hexane extracts of this
herb offering an anti-nociceptive effect measured by a reduction in
writhing in rats administered with acetic acid (Wang et al., 2014). A
study by Das et al. (2012) showed that Paederia leaf extract in ethanol
had an anti-nociceptive effect by demonstrating an increase in tail
flicking time, and an anti-inflammatory effect based on rat paw
oedema volume reduction. A 100 mg/kg body weight oral administra-
tion of desiccated methanolic extract of Paederia foetida leaves dimin-
ished paw oedema induced by injecting turpentine oil in Swiss albino
rats by 45%. This same dose also exhibited substantial inhibition of
pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-2, IL-1βand TNF-αin rats with CFA-
induced arthritis. Inflammation was induced by using alternative com-
pounds like arachidonic acid and PGE2, oedema being considerably
restricted in all these inflammatory models by the Paederia-derived
preparation. Additionally, neutrophil infiltration was also hindered
proportionately with dose by treating the arthritis-ridden rats with the
extract (Kumar et al., 2015). As a result, it can be stated that the com-
ponents of this herb can be certainly incorporated into management
regimens for RA.
7.9 |Vitex negundo L.
Traditionally known for its medicinal properties, the Vitex negundo
herb has been reported to possess anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory
and anti-rheumatic potency (Vishwanathan & Basavaraju, 2010).
Extracts from various parts of the plant contain flavonoids, lignans,
terpenoids, steroids and additional compounds like coumarins and
acids (Zheng et al., 2015). In male Wistar rats injected with Complete
Freund's Adjuvant, ethanolic extract (340 and 85 mg/kg) of the pul-
verised seeds of this plant brought a reduction of oedema in the rat
paws with an impact comparable with the strong drug methotrexate.
Moreover, the time taken to regain weight was lesser in CFA-treated
rats administered with Vitex extract as compared to CFA-treated rats
not administered with any extract or drug. The group of adjuvant-
induced arthritic rats treated with Vitex seed extract witnessed a
sharp improvement in arthritic condition in terms of reduction in
synovial inflammatory infiltration and synovial layer hyper-prolifera-
tion with hindrance in joint destruction. Evidence suggests that this
extract also facilitated resistance to inflammation, pannus generation,
bone damage, downregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, upregu-
lation of anti-inflammatory cytokines and a stark reduction in COX-2
and 5-lipoxygenase quantities in the peripheral blood mononuclear
cells (Zheng, Zhao, et al., 2014). Zheng et al. fractioned four lignans
from this extract called vitexdoin F, vitexdoin G, vitexdoin H and
vitexdoin I. One of these compounds, vitexdoin F, demonstrated inhi-
bition against nitric oxide generation in RAW264.7 macrophage cell
lines stimulated with LPS through interference with inducible nitric
oxide synthase enzyme with efficacy comparable with indomethacin,
offering potential inhibitory effect against bone resorption. They also
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showed anti-osteoporotic activity in LPS-stimulated UMR106 osteo-
blastic cells. Vitexdoin H, clearly showed inhibition of osteoclastic tar-
trate-resistant acid phosphatase up to 11.4%, hinting at anti-RA
activity of V. negundo seeds. Thus, these substances offer positive
potential against RA (Zheng, Zhang, et al., 2014). It can be conclusively
suggested that the constituents of this plant can be processed and
developed into a mode of treatment for this autoimmune disease.
7.10 |Ricinus communis L.
Commonly known as the castor plant, Ricinus communis is of great
pharmacological value. The roots of this plant are known for its anti-
rheumatic, anti-nociceptive, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory,
wound healing and antioxidant properties (Jena & Gupta, 2012). Anal-
ysis of the raw methanolic extract of the root resulted in the detection
of compounds such as alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids, car-
bohydrates and various proteins. Gas chromatographymass spec-
trometry analysis of Ricinus root extract revealed the presence of
major phytocompounds such as hexadecanoic acid (77.8%), 2-meth-
oxy-4-vinylphenol ethenone (28.4%), sucrose (12.6%) and heptatria-
cotanol (10.5%) among a vast variety of constituents (Pandey &
Tiwari, 2021). Hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of this plant
(500 mg/kg body weight) reversed weight loss in CFA-induced
arthritic male Wistar rats, significantly attenuated inflammation in
their paws, reduced inflamed thymic and spleen mass, reduced levels
of inflammatory biomarkers such as C-reactive protein and RF as well
as IL-6, IL-17a, IL-1βexpression, upregulated INF-γ, IL-4 quantity,
downregulated RANKL mRNA generation and led to an overall decre-
ment in the arthritic score calibrated by the research group. Histo-
pathological studies revealed that this extract of R. communis was able
to counteract synovial inflammatory infiltration, bone resorption and
pannus build-up. Radiological data suggested that the plant also ame-
liorated joint space obstruction, ankylosis, tissue swelling and osteoly-
sis (Hussain et al., 2021). So, this herb holds substantial potential in
alleviating the symptoms of RA.
This review expands on the risk factors that can potentially trigger the
onset of RA. These triggers can be of genetic, environmental or micro-
bial nature. They can also be dependent on the gender and lifestyle of
the individual. The sequential events of the pathophysiological pro-
gression of the disease are multifaceted. The first sign of this disease
is the break of immunological tolerance due to the above-mentioned
risk factors. This is followed by auto-antibody generation and aggre-
gation of antibodyantigen immune complexes that activate Fcγnoci-
ceptive receptors (on the surface of immune cells) that are highly
specific for IgG protein. This leads to a cascade of inflammatory
responses involving activation of immune cells such as neutrophils,
macrophages and mast cells, and overproduction of pro-inflammatory
cytokines. These cytokines act as messengers of inflammation and
trigger FLS, osteoclast and chondrocytes. The FLS in the synovium
begin to hyper-proliferate due to the upregulation of the cellular sig-
nalling pathways such as the JAKSTAT, MAPK/ERK, VEGF and
mTOR pathways. Consequently, the chondrocytes degrade the carti-
lage, the osteoclasts perform resorption of the bone tissue and the
ECM begins to disintegrate. As a result, there is pain and inflammation
in the joints, leading to loss of joint functionality and disabilities. The
current medications for this chronic condition include DMARDs,
NSAIDs, corticosteroids and biological drugs. When these strategies
fail, patients undergo surgical procedures such as arthroplasty or joint
replacement to restore the functionality of the joint. In this review,
we have highlighted the adverse events that follow the usage of these
therapeutic approaches. Due to these shortcomings, the riskbenefit
ratio of these lines of treatment is depreciating and the scientific com-
munity is turning its attention towards safer alternatives. Compounds
of natural origin have had leverage in the discovery of new drug enti-
ties and have remained pivotal participants of ancient therapy systems
(Sam, 2019). Although it is already established that medicinal herbs
have significant therapeutic potential against inflammatory conditions
like RA (Amalraj & Gopi, 2021), herbal medications are yet to be con-
sidered as a preferred treatment option. This review aims to empha-
size the immense potential of therapeutic herbs in the realm of the
medical world and their superiority in terms of lowered side effects as
compared to conventional treatment profiles. In-depth standardized
analytical procedures, molecular identification, safety and efficacy
evaluation parameters are required to validate the authenticity and
activities of these compounds. Thus, there is immense potential for
natural compounds to be introduced in the healthcare realm. Only
with strong scientific techniques can these herbs penetrate the world
of modern medicine, and that looks very feasible in today's scenario.
Amrita Chatterjee: Conceptualization; data curation; formal analysis;
visualization; writing original draft; writing review and editing.
Monisha Jayaprakasan: Conceptualization; data curation; formal anal-
ysis; visualization; writing original draft; writing review and editing.
Anirban Kr Chakrabarty: Conceptualization; data curation; formal
analysis; investigation; methodology; visualization; writing original
draft; writing review and editing. Naga Rajiv Lakkaniga: Formal anal-
ysis; funding acquisition; resources; software; supervision; validation;
writing review and editing. Bibhuti Nath Bhatt: Data curation;
methodology; writing review and editing. Dipankar Banerjee: Super-
vision; writing review and editing. Avinash Narwaria: Supervision;
writing review and editing. Chandra Kant Katiyar:
Supervision; writing review and editing. Sunil Kumar Dubey: Con-
ceptualization; data curation; formal analysis; investigation; project
administration; resources; supervision; validation; visualization;
writing review and editing.
The authors acknowledge R&D Healthcare Division, Emami Ltd., Kol-
kata, West Bengal, India. The authors gratefully acknowledge that this
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work is partially supported by NRL's Science and Engineering
Research Board SRG/2022/000091. All the authors are grateful for
the support.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were cre-
ated or analyzed in this study.
Amrita Chatterjee
Monisha Jayaprakasan
Anirban Kr Chakrabarty
Naga Rajiv Lakkaniga
Dipankar Banerjee
Avinash Narwaria
Sunil Kumar Dubey
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How to cite this article: Chatterjee, A., Jayaprakasan, M.,
Chakrabarty, A. K., Lakkaniga, N. R., Bhatt, B. N., Banerjee, D.,
Narwaria, A., Katiyar, C. K., & Dubey, S. K. (2024).
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Pathophysiology, current therapies and herbal alternatives for
effective disease management. Phytotherapy Research,136.
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T and B cells are key components of the adaptive immune system. Through their immune properties and their interactions with other immune cells and cytokines around them, they build a complex network to achieve immune tolerance and maintain homeostasis of the body. This is achieved through mechanisms of central and peripheral tolerance, both of which are associated with advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, the immune system is tightly regulated and their dysregulation can result in the subsequent initiation of various diseases. In this review, we will summarize the roles played by T cells and B cells within immune tolerance with specific examples in the context of different diseases that include allergic disease. In addition, we will also provide an overview on their suitability as biomarkers of allergen-specific immunotherapy.
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs more frequently in women than in men, and the studies that have addressed clinical and prognostic differences between the sexes are scarce and have contradictory results and methodological problems. The present work aims to evaluate sex- and gender-related differences in the clinical expression and prognosis of RA as well as on the impact on psychosocial variables, coping behavior, and healthcare use and access. By identifying between sex differences and gender-related outcomes in RA, it may be possible to design tailored therapeutic strategies that consider the differences and unmet needs. Being that sex, together with age, is the most relevant biomarker and health determinant, a so-called personalized medicine approach to RA must include clear guidance on what to do in case of differences.
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory illness caused by an accumulation of inflammatory infiltration in the synovial membrane, which leads to the progressive deterioration of joint architecture. Women are three times more likely than men to have RA, with more severe functional loss and disability. The purpose of this review is to study the shifts in the hormonal system brought on by menopause and their potential links with RA. Females are more likely to develop RA as a result of hereditary and environmental interactions of sex hormones and their effects on the immune system. Rapid declines in ovarian function and systemic estrogen have been linked to postmenopausal increases in proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β. The majority of the data from the literature review imply that female hormone characteristics that can be influenced by hereditary and environmental variables impact the development of autoimmune illnesses, including RA.
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Tissue homeostasis is crucial for multicellular organisms, wherein the loss of cells is compensated by generating new cells with the capacity for proliferation and differentiation. At the origin of these populations are the stem cells, which have the potential to give rise to cells with both capabilities, and persevere for a long time through the self-renewal and quiescence. Since the discovery of stem cells, an enormous effort has been focused on learning about their functions and the molecular regulation behind them. Wnt signaling is widely recognized as essential for normal and cancer stem cell. Moreover, β-catenin-dependent Wnt pathway, referred to as canonical, has gained attention, while β-catenin-independent Wnt pathways, known as non-canonical, have remained conspicuously less explored. However, recent evidence about non-canonical Wnt pathways in stem cells begins to lay the foundations of a conceivably vast field, and on which we aim to explain this in the present review. In this regard, we addressed the different aspects in which non-canonical Wnt pathways impact the properties of stem cells, both under normal conditions and also under disease, specifically in cancer. Graphical abstract
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Background Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease associated with disability and premature death. Up-to-date estimates of the burden of rheumatoid arthritis are required for health-care planning, resource allocation, and prevention. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021, we provide updated estimates of the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis and its associated deaths and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) by age, sex, year, and location, with forecasted prevalence to 2050. Methods Rheumatoid arthritis prevalence was estimated in 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2020 using Bayesian meta-regression models and data from population-based studies and medical claims data (98 prevalence and 25 incidence studies). Mortality was estimated from vital registration data with the Cause of Death Ensemble model (CODEm). Years of life lost (YLL) were calculated with use of standard GBD lifetables, and years lived with disability (YLDs) were estimated from prevalence, a meta-analysed distribution of rheumatoid arthritis severity, and disability weights. DALYs were calculated by summing YLLs and YLDs. Smoking was the only risk factor analysed. Rheumatoid arthritis prevalence was forecast to 2050 by logistic regression with Socio-Demographic Index as a predictor, then multiplying by projected population estimates. Findings In 2020, an estimated 17·6 million (95% uncertainty interval 15·8–20·3) people had rheumatoid arthritis worldwide. The age-standardised global prevalence rate was 208·8 cases (186·8–241·1) per 100 000 population, representing a 14·1% (12·7–15·4) increase since 1990. Prevalence was higher in females (age-standardised female-to-male prevalence ratio 2·45 [2·40–2·47]). The age-standardised death rate was 0·47 (0·41–0·54) per 100 000 population (38 300 global deaths [33 500–44 000]), a 23·8% (17·5–29·3) decrease from 1990 to 2020. The 2020 DALY count was 3 060 000 (2 320 000–3 860 000), with an age-standardised DALY rate of 36·4 (27·6–45·9) per 100 000 population. YLDs accounted for 76·4% (68·3–81·0) of DALYs. Smoking risk attribution for rheumatoid arthritis DALYs was 7·1% (3·6–10·3). We forecast that 31·7 million (25·8–39·0) individuals will be living with rheumatoid arthritis worldwide by 2050. Interpretation Rheumatoid arthritis mortality has decreased globally over the past three decades. Global age-standardised prevalence rate and YLDs have increased over the same period, and the number of cases is projected to continue to increase to the year 2050. Improved access to early diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis globally is required to reduce the future burden of the disease.
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Mutation in the VEGF gene disturbs the production of chondrocytes and angiogenesis which are essential for cartilage health. Cytokines and chemokines produced by auto-activation of B-cells degrade cartilage. Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) plays a crucial role in the activation of these B-cells. VEGF has a central part in angiogenesis, in the recruitment of endothelial cells, and is involved in mechanisms that result in tumour formation. The objective of this research is to investigate the potential role of VEGF polymorphism in the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and the screening of potential natural, synthetic BTK inhibitor compounds as possible in-silico chemotherapeutic agents to control auto-activation of B-cells and cartilage degrading cytokines. In this study, it had been shown that allele A frequency was significantly higher than that of allele C in RA-positive patients as compared to controls. Hence it depicts that allele A of VEGF (rs699947) can increase the risk of RA while allele C has a protective role. The phytochemicals which showed maximum binding affinity at the inhibitory site of BTK include beta boswellic acid, tanshinone, and baicalin. These phytochemicals as BTK inhibitor give insights to use them as anti-arthritic compounds by nanoparticle drug delivery mechanism.
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The aim is better to understand and critically explore and present the available data from observational studies on the pathogenetic role of the microbiome in the development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were screened for the relevant literature published in the last ten years. The primary outcomes investigated included the influence of the gut microbiome on the pathogenesis and development of rheumatoid arthritis, exploring the changes in microbiota diversity and relative abundance of microbial taxa in individuals with RA and healthy controls (HCs). The risk of bias in the included literature was assessed using the GRADE criteria. Ten observational studies were identified and included in the qualitative assessment. A total of 647 individuals with RA were represented in the literature, in addition to 16 individuals with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and 247 HCs. The biospecimens comprised fecal samples across all the included literature, with 16S rDNA sequencing representing the primary method of biological analyses. Significant differences were observed in the RA microbiome compared to that of HCs: a decrease in Faecalibacterium, Fusicatenibacter, Enterococcus, and Megamonas and increases in Eggerthellales, Collinsella, Prevotella copri, Klebsiella, Escherichia, Eisenbergiella, and Flavobacterium. There are significant alterations in the microbiome of individuals with RA compared to HCs. This includes an increase in Prevotella copri and Lactobacillus and reductions in Collinsella. Collectively, these alterations are proposed to induce inflammatory responses and degrade the integrity of the intestinal barrier; however, further studies are needed to confirm this relationship.
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Zingiber officinale and Citrus limon, well known as ginger and lemon, are two vegetals widely used in traditional medicine and the culinary field. The juices of the two vegetals were evaluated based on their inflammation, both in vivo and in vitro. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to characterize different juices from Zingiber of ficinale Roscoe and Citrus limon. After the application of the HPLC method, different compounds were identified, such as 6-gingerol and 6-gingediol from the ginger juice and isorhamnetin and hesperidin from the lemon juice. In addition, the two juices and their formulation were assessed for their anti-inflammatory activity, in vitro by utilizing the BSA denaturation test, in vivo using the carrageenan-induced inflammation test, and the vascular permeability test. Important and statistically significant anti-inflammatory activities were observed for all juices, especially the formulation. The results of our work showed clearly that the Zingiber officinale and Citrus limon juices protect in vivo the development of the rat paw edema, especially the formulation F composed of the Zingiber officinale and Citrus limon juices, which shows an anti-inflammatory activity equal to −35.95% and −44.05% using 10 and 20 mg/kg of the dose, respectively. Our work also showed that the formulation was the most effective tested extract since it inhibits the vascular permeability by −37% and −44% at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, respectively, and in vitro via the inhibition of the denaturation of BSA by giving a synergetic effect with the highest IC 50 equal to 684.61 ± 7.62 μg/mL corresponding to the formulation F. This work aims to develop nutraceutical preparations in the future and furnishes the support for a new investigation into the activities of the various compounds found in Zingiber officinale Roscoe and Citrus limon.
Vitamin D analogue calcipotriol is currently used in the local treatment of psoriasis. However, it also has antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects in the cells of the joint - suggesting a possible benefit in local treatment of arthritis. In this study, calcipotriol was studied in different in vitro methods to find out its effect on synovial and mesenchymal stromal cells. Primary human cell lines of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis patients (five mesenchymal stromal cells, MSC, and four synovial stromal cells, SSC) were cultured to study migration and proliferation of the cells in a wound healing model. The media was supplemented with calcipotriol, 1,25(OH)2D3, dexamethasone, betamethasone, methylprednisolone or control solution in 1 nM-100 nM concentrations. To see possible toxic effects of calcipotriol, concentrations up to 10µM in SSCs and MSCs were studied in apoptosis and necrosis assays in four cell lines. Calcipotriol and 1,25(OH)2D3, as well as the three glucocorticoids, reduced the migration of both SSCs and MSCs. In SSCs, the effect of calcipotriol and 1,25(OH)2D3 was at least as effective as with glucocorticoids, while with MSCs, the glucocorticoids were stronger inhibitors of migration. The antimigratory of calcipotriol and 1,25(OH)2D3 was consistently maintained in 10µM and 1µM. Calcipotriol was not toxic to MSCs and SSCs up to concentrations of 10µM. Calcipotriol, as well as 1,25(OH)2D3, exerts antimigratory and antiproliferative effects on human SSCs and MSCs of the joint. These effects are not caused by apoptosis or necrosis. Both calcipotriol and 1,25(OH)2D3 have similar effects as glucocorticoids without apparent toxicity, suggesting that calcipotriol might be an eligible candidate to the local treatment of arthritis with a broad therapeutic window.