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The Anti-Cancer Charm of Flavonoids: A Cup-of-Tea Will Do!

  • University of Sharjah-College of Medicine

Abstract and Figures

Hormone-dependent cancers of the breast, prostate and colon have, in the past decade, become the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Billions of dollars have been, and still are being spent to study cancers like these, and, in the past three decades, thanks to work by thousands of dedicated scientists, tremendous advancements in the understanding and treatment of cancer have been made. Nevertheless, as there is no sure-fire cure for a variety of cancers to date, natural protection against cancer has been receiving a great deal of attention lately not only from cancer patients but, surprisingly, from physicians as well. Phytoestrogens, plant-derived secondary metabolites, are diphenolic substances with structural similarity to naturally-occurring human steroid hormones. Phytoestrogens are normally divided into three main classes: flavonoids, coumestans and lignans. Flavonoids are found in almost all plant families in the leaves, stems, roots, flowers and seeds of plants and are among the most popular anti-cancer candidates. Flavonoidic derivatives have a wide range of biological actions such as antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antiallergic activities. Some of these benefits are explained by the potent antioxidant effects of flavonoids, which include metal chelation and free-radical scavenging activities. Patent applications regarding flavonoids range from protocols for extraction and purification from natural resources and the establishment of various biological activities for these extracts to novel methods for the production and isolation of flavonoids with known biological activities. This review will bring the reader up to date on the current knowledge and research available in the field of flavonoids and hormone-dependent cancers, and many of the submitted patents that exploit flavonoids.
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Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2007, 2, 109-117 109
1574-8928/07 $100.00+.00 © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
The Anti-Cancer Charm of Flavonoids: A Cup-of-Tea Will Do!
Amr Amin
and Michael Buratovich
Biology Department, College of Science, UAE University, UAE,
Department of Biochemistry, Spring Arbor University, MI 49283,
Received: October 4, 2006; Accepted: November 23, 2006; Revised: December 4, 2006
Abstract: Hormone-dependent cancers of the breast, prostate and colon have, in the past decade, become the leading causes of morbidity
and mortality. Billions of dollars have been, and still are being spent to study cancers like these, and, in the past three decades, thanks to
work by thousands of dedicated scientists, tremendous advancements in the understanding and treatment of cancer have been made.
Nevertheless, as there is no sure-fire cure for a variety of cancers to date, natural protection against cancer has been receiving a great deal
of attention lately not only from cancer patients but, surprisingly, from physicians as well. Phytoestrogens, plant-derived secondary
metabolites, are diphenolic substances with structural similarity to naturally-occurring human steroid hormones. Phytoestrogens are
normally divided into three main classes: flavonoids, coumestans and lignans. Flavonoids are found in almost all plant families in the
leaves, stems, roots, flowers and seeds of plants and are among the most popular anti-cancer candidates. Flavonoidic derivatives have a
wide range of biological actions such as antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antiallergic activities. Some of these
benefits are explained by the potent antioxidant effects of flavonoids, which include metal chelation and free-radical scavenging
activities. Patent applications regarding flavonoids range from protocols for extraction and purification from natural resources and the
establishment of various biological activities for these extracts to novel methods for the production and isolation of flavonoids with
known biological activities. This review will bring the reader up to date on the current knowledge and research available in the field of
flavonoids and hormone-dependent cancers, and many of the submitted patents that exploit flavonoids.
Keywords: Flavonoids, cancer, estrogen, phytoestrogen, stilbenes, lignans, coumestans, wogonin, isoliquiritigenin.
In their natural environment, plants must have the ability to
cope with an array of stressful conditions. Plant stress factors
include drought, salinity, nutritional deficiency, intense insolation,
adverse climatic conditions, pollutants, pathogens, insects, and
phytophagy. Therefore, the survival of plant species depends on
their genomic plasticity, i.e., the ability of the plant to diversify its
own defense responses against the above mentioned biotic and
abiotic stresses. Additionally, plants are sessile, which makes the
synthesis of phytochemicals one of the major strategies plants use
to counteract unfavorable conditions and adapt to new environ-
Plant natural products can be roughly classified into three main
classes of compounds, phenylpropanoids, isoprenoids, and alka-
loids, which are widely distributed in plant foods and medicinal
herbs [1-3]. This large array of molecules, derived from plant
secondary metabolism, is of extreme interest to human nutrition and
pharmacology, and the perfumery and cosmetic industries. These
plant-derived products are not pharmaceuticals, but nutraceuticals,
which are dietary components that are able to improve human
fitness [4]. Also, plant-derived foodstuffs and beverages constitute
the so-called functional foods and beverages, which include mainly
fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, chocolate, tea, beer, and wine.
Hormone-related cancers of the breast, endometrium, ovary,
prostate, testis, thyroid and bone (osteosarcoma) share a unique
mechanism of carcinogenesis. Endogenous and exogenous
hormones drive cell proliferation, and provide the opportunity for
the accumulation of random genetic errors. The emergence of a
malignant phenotype depends on a series of somatic mutations that
occur during cell division, but the specific genes involved in
progression of hormone-related cancers are currently unknown [5].
In this review we discuss the genotoxic potential of phytoestrogens,
which occur in numerous plants and are considered to be potent
candidates in the field of chemoprevention [6-9].
*Address correspondence to this author at the Biology Department, UAE
University, P.O. Box 17551, UAE; Tel: +9713-7134381; Fax: 9713-
7671291; Email:
The realization that hormone replacement therapy is not as safe
or effective as previously thought has generated greater interest in
phytoestrogens [10]. Estrogens, steroid hormones produced in the
ovaries and testis, have many biological effects in the body beyond
the reproductive system [8]. The effects of steroid hormones are
normally mediated by specific intracellular receptors in the target
tissue. The first member of what is now known as the steroid and
thyroid hormone receptor superfamily was a protein isolated from
rat uterus that exhibited specificity for 17-estradiol [11]. Although
many other members of this gene family were identified in
subsequent years [12], this protein remained the only estrogen
receptor (ER) known in animal tissues until 1996 when a second
ER subtype was isolated from the rat prostrate and ovary [13]. The
two ERs are products of two independent genes that share an
important degree of homology due to the identity of their common
endogenous ligand [14].
The two ERs exhibit different responses to the synthetic anti-
estrogens tamoxifen and raloxifene: Both compounds elicit a partial
agonist activity when interacting with ER, but only antagonism
was observed with ER. Furthermore, the ability of raloxifene to
antagonize estradiol-induced gene expression in an in vitro reporter
system was fifteen times greater with ER compared with ER
[15]. These data strongly suggest that ER has specific roles in the
transduction of hormonal signals that are independent from ER.
The differential tissue distribution patterns of ER and ER
supports this assertion. ER is the predominant ER in the prostate,
lung, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, salivary gland, and developing
pituitary [16-18]. Even in those organs where both estrogen
receptors are present, the identity of the cells expressing each
subtype appears to be different. For example in the ovary, granulosa
cells express mainly ER, whereas ER is restricted to the
surrounding thecal cells [19]. Similarly, the stroma of the prostate
expresses mostly ER and the prostate epithelium contains ER
[13]. Likewise in the uterus, ER is expressed in both the glandular
and luminal epithelia, but ER, is confined to only the glandular
epithelium [19]. Both ER and ER function during normal ovarian
follicular development, and in vascular endothelia, myocardial
cells, smooth muscle, and breast tissue. Also ER is involved in
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bone maturation in both males and females, however, only ER
plays a role in bone maintenance in females. ER is more important
in maintaining the concentration of follicle stimulating and
luteinizing hormone in blood, and ER is involved in frontal lobe-
mediated learning and memory [20].
The dominant form of estrogen in the body is 17-estradiol
(Fig. 1A), although any compound that induces estrogen receptor
dimerization and subsequent binding of the receptor to the estrogen
response element (ERE) can be considered an estrogen (Fig. 2).
Antagonistic effects can occur when a compound is able to bind to
the receptor but dimer formation either does not occur or the correct
conformation necessary to bind the ERE and activate transcription
is not induced. Some compounds act as estrogen agonists and
antagonists and are referred to as Selective Estrogen Receptor
Modulators (SERMs). For example, the antiestrogen tamoxifen acts
as an estrogen antagonist in breast tissue but as an agonist in the
uterus, bones and vascular system [21]. These agonist/antagonistic
effects are believed to be responsible for the differential effects of
phytoestrogens as compared to estradiol [6-8,20,22].
Flavonoids are a large group of phenolic plant constituents. To
date, more than 6000 flavonoids have been identified [9,23],
although a much smaller number is important from a dietary point
of view. The bioactive potential of flavonoids has been long
recognized, but until recently data about their bioavailability,
metabolic fate, and health effects were limited. Interest in these
compounds only emerged in this decade and has grown since then.
Flavonoids are increasingly recognized as possessing a broad
spectrum of biological activities and important therapeutic
applications that include novel features, such as anti-cancer, anti-
tumor, anti-inflammatory, and anti-coagulant activities [24,25].
Flavonoids are typically classified into several groups. Among
them, flavonones occur predominantly in citrus fruits, flavones in
herbs, isoflavonoids in legumes, anthocyanins in fruits and
flavonols in fruits and vegetables. Estimations about the dietary
intake of bioflavonoids vary from 23 to 1000 mg/day [26,27].
Flavonoids are potent antioxidants in vitro, and therefore one of the
main interests in these compounds involves protection against
cardiovascular disease. Antioxidation is, however, only one of the
many mechanisms by which flavonoids can exert their actions. It is
important to keep in mind that the biological and chemical
properties of flavonoids from different subgroups can differ
substantially [28].
Flavonoids consist of two benzene rings (A and B) that are
connected by an oxygen-containing pyrene ring (C, See Fig. 1B).
Flavonoids that contain a hydroxyl group in position C-3 of the C
ring are classified as 3-hydroxyflavonoids (flavonols, anthocya-
nidins, leucoanthocyanidins, and catechins), and those lacking it as
3-desoxyflavonoids (flavanones and flavones). Classification within
the two families is based on how additional hydroxyl or methyl
groups are attached to different positions of the molecule.
Isoflavonoids differ from the other groups; the B ring is bound to
C-3 of ring C instead of C-2. Anthocyanidins and catechins, on the
other hand, lack the carbonyl group on C-4 [28,29].
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring non-steroidal, diphenolic
compounds derived from many of those plants that form part of our
diet. Most phytoestrogens belong to the class of flavonoids that are
structurally characterized by a C
carbon skeleton (Fig. 1C)
[25]. Phytoestrogens have received increased investigative attention
because of their protective effects against hormone-dependent
cancers (e.g. breast, prostate, colorectal, endometrial and testicular
cancers) [30-43]. The protective effect of phytoestrogens against
cancer may be due to their ability to lower circulating levels of
unconjugated sex hormones. Most of the estrogens that circulate
throughout the bloodstream are inactive, since they are in a
complex with either sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) or
albumin [44]. Various plant phytoestrogens decrease circulating
estrogen levels through a variety of mechanisms (see below).
In the 1940s it was first realized that some plant-derived
compounds could cause estrogenic effects [45]. For example, sheep
that grazed on pastures rich in red clover (Trifolium pratense)
displayed multiple fertility problems: Immature animals showed
signs of estrus, ewes were unable to get pregnant and those that
were pregnant often miscarried. The clover in these pastures
contained large amounts of the isoflavones, formononetin and
biochanin A [46], which were among the first phytoestrogens
discovered. Currently, four different families of phenolic
compounds produced by plants are considered phytoestrogens: the
isoflavonoids, which are derived principally from soybeans and
include such compounds as genistein, daidzein, and glycitein;
stilbenes; lignans, which are found in flaxseed; and coumestans,
which are derived from sprouting plants like alfalfa. Different
classes of phytoestrogens and the diverse compounds within each
class affect estrogen-mediated responses in different ways [8].
Dietary supplementation with soy isoflavonoids or lignans has
been shown to increase the levels of SHBG [47-50] in
postmenopausal women, which lowers the serum levels of free
estradiol [50-52]. Higher ingestion of isoflavonoids also produces a
significant decrease in the urinary excretion of genotoxic estrogen
metabolites. Three major biochemical pathways that produce
different metabolites can metabolize estradiol and estrone. Two of
these pathways produce 16-hydroxyestrogens and 4-hydroxy-
estrogens, which are known to be genotoxic [53]. 2-Hydroxy-
estrogen metabolites have been proposed to exert a protective effect
against breast cancer, and the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrogens to 16-
hydroxyestrogens is considered to be an important breast cancer
biomarker [54]. The level of serum SHBG negatively correlates
with the urinary excretion of 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone and estriol
Lower incidences of colorectal cancers (CRC) in Far Eastern
countries may be, in part, attributed to high nutritional intake of soy
and its abundant phytoestrogens [43]. Due to their molecular
similarities to endogenous estrogens, phytoestrogens distinctly
interact with estrogen receptors. Both genomic and nongenomic
mechanisms have been shown to be responsible for the possible
anticarcinogenic properties of phytoestrogens, such as induction of
apoptosis and inhibition of tyrosine kinases and DNA topo-
isomerases. While in vitro and animal studies in general are
somewhat supportive of a protective role of phytoestrogens against
CRC, epidemiological work done to date is presently inconclusive
and is probably confounded by enduring inconsistencies concerning
those concentrations of phytoestrogens most likely to be effective
The incidence of breast, endometrial and prostate cancer is
lower in Asian populations than in those populations that reside in
Western countries [56-58]. This disparity might be explained by
Asians diets, which tend to be rich in plant protein, particularly soy.
However, genetic factors might also significantly influence the rates
of certain cancers, since ER is expressed in low levels in normal
breast tissue in Japanese women [59]. Conversely, epidemiological
studies have shown that Asians who emigrated to the US also had a
low incidence of breast cancer, whereas the descendants of these
emigrants, who consumed mainly a Western diet, had an increased
risk for breast cancer compared to their parental generation [60-61].
Due to a change in dietary habits and lifestyle in Asian countries,
breast cancer incidence in these countries is presently increasing.
The breast cancer-preventive effects of phytoestrogens are greatest
when isoflavones are consumed in early life [62-64].
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Isoflavones and some of their metabolites are specifically
considered to act as selective estrogen-receptor modulators. They
interact with estrogenic receptors in humans and are capable of
exerting protective effects against hormone-related diseases, even
though several other biological activities and therapeutic uses have
been proposed. Isoflavones are most abundant in soybeans and can
also be found in alfalfa sprouts and legumes. In plants these
phytoestrogens exist primarily as glycosides (isoflavonoides). Many
studies have demonstrated the hormonal activities of isoflavones
[65-66] but studies on their genotoxic activities are still limited.
Epidemiologic and experimental data suggest that the consumption
of soybean-containing foods may protect against cardiovascular
disease and decrease the risk of developing breast, prostate and
endometrial cancer.
Although concerns have been raised that consumption of
isoflavones may cause potentially adverse effects on the repro-
ductive tract and behavior, a recent study showed that chronic
dietary consumption of a soy-based diet or soy isoflavones has no
adverse effects on the observed reproductive patterns of male
rabbits [67]. The effects of soy protein on benign prostate
hyperplasia and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) have been reported
in some studies [68-73]. Phytoestrogens may prevent prostate
cancer by means of a dose-dependent reduction of serum 17-
estradiol and testosterone levels, as reported in Japanese men [74].
The presence of estrogen receptor in the prostate [75], which
binds the isoflavone genistein with an affinity similar to that of 17
estradiol, suggests that the estrogenic effect of phytoestrogens may
be mediated by interaction with estrogen receptor [76]. Other
suggested mechanisms of action include induction of p21 by a p53-
independent pathway [77-78], and inhibition of epidermal growth
factor autophosphorylation [76]. Various anticancer effects have
been demonstrated including inhibition of tumor formation, growth
factor-stimulated tumor cell growth, and inhibition of proteases,
tyrosine kinases, and angiogenesis. It has also been suggested that
phytoestrogens may reduce cancer risk through their antioxidant
effects [79-81].
Most of the available studies have focused on the isoflavones
genistein and daidzein, but genistein (Fig. 1D) has been studied
more extensively and seems to be a more promising cancer-
protective agent than the closely related compound, daidzein (Fig.
1E). Genistein has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells
through modulation of the genes involved in the homeostatic
control of the cell cycle and apoptosis. Genistein inhibits activation
of nuclear transcription factor, NF-kappa B (NF-B) and the Akt
signaling pathway, both of which are known to maintain balance
between cell survival and programmed cell death (apoptosis) [82-
86]. Genistein can induce responses in cell lines and breast, ovarian,
endometrial, prostate, vascular and bone tissues that are similar to
those induced by estradiol [87-90]. There is a also large body of
epidemiological studies that show that people who consume high
amounts of isoflavonoids in their diets have lower rates of several
cancers including breast, prostate and colon cancer [91]. Food
additives that contain chemical analogues of the flavonoids
genistein, daidzein, formononetin and biochanin A have been
designed to improve the health of patients who suffer from some
cancers, premenstrual syndrome, menopause or hyperchol-
esterolemia [92].
Fig. (1). Chemical structures of A) 17ß-Estradiol; B) Flavane nucleus; C) General structure of phytoestrogens; D) Genistein (isoflavonoid); Daidzein; F)
TRANS-resveratrol (stilbene); G) Matairesinol (lignan); Coumesterol (coumestan), I) 8-Prenyl naringenin, J) Equol, K) Miroestrol; L) Deoxymiroestrol; M)
Wogonin; N) Isoliquiritigenin (ILTG).
A) B) C) D)
E) F) G) H)
J) K) L)
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Isoflavonoids from legumes, which include genistein and
daidzein, exist as glucosides or as aglycones, but the glucoside form
is readily hydrolyzed in the gut to the aglycone form. Aglycones
also are easily transported across intestinal epithelial cells [93].
Glucuronylation of flavonoids might stabilize them and create the
potential for sustained-release forms of flavonoids. The isolation of
the UDP-glucuronyl transferase from Bellis perennis for
commercial preparation of glucuronylated flavonoids potentially
allows for the production of such timed-released forms of
flavonoids [94].
Some of the stilbene-related heterocyclic compounds that have
been analyzed display anti-HIV activity through interference with
NF-B and Tat function [95]. Stilbenes, like other flavonoids, are
produced through the phenylpropanoid-acetate pathway. The main
dietary source of phytoestrogenic stilbenes is resveratrol from
grapes and peanuts (Fig. 1F). Although there are two isomers of
resveratrol, cis and trans, only the trans form has been reported to
show estrogenic activity [96]. The type of grapes examined and the
post-harvest processing they undergo has a large effect on the
resveratrol content in the final product. This is evidenced by the
fact that purple grape juice contains more resveratrol than white
grape juice. White grape juice is made by cold pressing the grapes,
while a hot extraction method is used for purple grape juice [97].
This is also true for peanuts, since boiled peanuts contain more
resveratrol than peanut butter or roasted peanuts [98]. As peanuts
mature, their resveratrol 4 content declines, with smaller peanuts
having higher levels of resveratrol 4 than larger ones [98]. In
peanuts, resveratrol 4 is found throughout the nut, but the seed-coat
has the highest levels by weight [99]. Dried roots of Polygonum
cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed or Mexican Bamboo), which are
used in traditional Chinese medicine for a variety of therapeutic
purposes, contain resveratrol levels as high as 377 mg /100 g dry
Fig. (2). Estrogen signaling mechanism. The estrogen receptor (ER) is a cytoplasmic monomer that is bound to Hsp90 orthologs and other proteins when not
bound to its ligand. However when bound by ligand, the estrogen receptor sheds the associated proteins and dimerizes. Phosphorylation by Protein kinase A
facilitates dimerization. Dimerization is followed by translocation to the nucleus where it binds estrogen response elements (ERE) in the upstream regulatory
regions of estrogen responsive genes (consensus sequence: 5´-GGTCAnnnTGACC-3´ where n is any nucleotide). Once bound, transcriptional co-activators
bind and activate transcription of the gene, which generates mature mRNAs. These mature mRNAs are transported to the cytoplasm where they are translated
by ribosomes into protein. In some cases, the estrogen receptor acts as a transcriptional repressor instead of a transcriptional activator. Various flavonoids and
phytoestrogens either antagonize estrogen synthesis, mimic estrogen activity by binding to the estrogen receptor and activating it or by binding to the ER and
preventing ER activation. Genistein, daidzein, equol, miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, 8-phenylnaringenin, coumestrol and resveratrol do not necessarily inhibit
nuclear transport of dimerized estrogen receptors, but they do prevent the activation of estrogen-dependent transcription.
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root [100]. In addition to these food products, resveratrol 4 has been
isolated from several grass species [101], pine bark [102], ivy and
lilies [97].
Resveratrol 4 has a greater capacity to activate the ERß receptor
than the ER receptor [103]. When the genes that encode the
human ERß and ER proteins are transfected into MCF-7 cells or
the hamster ovarian cell line, CHO-K1, treatment of these cells with
resveratrol 4 elicits both agonistic and antagonistic estrogenic
activities [8, 104-106]. Similarly, resveratrol has some therapeutic
effects that are due to its antioxidant potential. It apparently inhibits
the oxidation of human LDL and reduces the propensity of human
plasma and LDL to undergo lipid peroxidation [107,108]. In
addition to its antioxidant potential, it has also been reported to
have a variety of anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, and anti-carcino-
genic effects [109,110]. The beneficial effects of red wine
consumption, which have been purported to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease, have been attributed to the multiple effects
of resveratrol and its high concentration in grape skins [111].
Recently, resveratrol was shown to inhibit cellular events
associated with tumor initiation, promotion, and progression [112].
Furthermore, it has been reported that resveratrol has the potential
to inhibit DNA polymerase and cyclooxygenase [109] and also has
a direct antiproliferative effect on human breast epithelial cells
[113]. Based on its antimutagenic activity [114,115], it has been
suggested that resveratrol might hold potential as an effective
cancer chemopreventive agent in humans [116].
Lignans are natural plant compounds with estrogenic properties
that are widely distributed in human daily diets, and predominantly
occur in whole grain products (Fig. 1G). High amounts of
phytolignans are found in flaxseed, whole grain breads, vegetables,
and tea. Fruits have low levels of these lignans with the exception
of strawberries and cranberries. After ingestion dietary lignans are
converted by gut microflora to the enterolignans enterodiol (End)
and enterolactone (Enl). Because of their resemblance to
endogenous 17-enterolactone, these compounds have also been
described as phytoestrogens, and anticarcinogenic potentials have
been suggested for them as well [117]. A high plasma concentration
of the mammalian lignan, Enl is correlated with a reduced risk of
breast cancer [118,119], and women in the highest quintile for
circulating enterolactone concentrations have half the risk of
developing breast cancer than those who occupy the lowest quintile
[118]. Similar correlations have been found between dietary intakes
of isoflavonoids and lignans and thyroid [120], ovarian [121], and
breast [122,123] cancers in pre- and post-menopausal women. In
contrast a large study that examined dietary factors and incidence of
breast cancer, which followed a cohort of 111,526 women in
California, found no association between phytoestrogens and breast
cancer rates [124]. A nested case control study in Finland found no
correlation between serum Enl concentrations and the risk of
developing breast cancer in pre- or post-menopausal women [125].
Most recently, the effects of the mammalian lignans END, ENL,
and a particular soy isoflavone, GEN, both alone and in combi-
nation, on bone and uterus health were examined in a postmeno-
pausal breast cancer mouse model. GEN acts estrogenically on the
uterus to increase its weight, and on bone to increase femoral bone
mineral density and yield load in comparison to negative controls.
Lignans, however, did not act estrogenically on either bone or
uterus. Mixed phytoestrogens induced no effects on bone when
compared to negative controls but increased the weight of the
uterus beyond that induced by GEN alone. This study has clinical
implications since many breast cancer patients use alternative
therapies to supplement breast cancer treatments and to reduce
menopausal symptoms [126, 127]. Although most studies have
been based on the possible estrogenic action of lignans, it now
seems clear that non-estrogenic mechanisms should be also
investigated to explain the reported relationship between the
consumption of lignan-rich foods and the lowered risk of such
chronic diseases as cardiovascular disease [128,129] and breast
cancer [130].
Although there are many coumestans, only a few show a potent
estrogenic activity, and of those that show such activity, coumestrol
3 and 4 methoxycoumestrol are the most noteworthy. The main
dietary source of coumestrol, is legumes, but low levels have been
reported in brussel sprouts and spinach [131-133]. Clover and
soybean sprouts are reported to have the highest coumestrol
concentrations (28 and 7 mg/100 g dry wt., respectively); even
higher than mature soybeans (0.12 mg/100 g dry wt) [8].
Epidemiologic data suggest a relationship between dietary intake of
phytochemicals and a lower incidence of some cancers. Modulation
of steroid hormone metabolism has been proposed as the basis for
this effect, since the steroid biosynthetic enzymes aromatase, 3-
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17-hydroxysteroid dehydro-
genase (17-HSD) are inhibited by the isoflavones, genistein and
daidzein, and coumestrol [134]. In a recent study, the estrogenic
activities of the following eight phytoestrogens were assessed in a
variety of MCF7 cell system-based assays: genistein (Fig. 1D),
daidzein (Fig. 1E
), coumestrol (Fig. 1F), resveratrol (Fig. 1H), 8-
prenylnaringenin (Fig. 1I), equol (Fig. 1J), miroestrol (Fig. 1K) and
deoxymiroestrol (Fig. 1L). The abilities of these phytochemicals to
antagonize the action of estradiol in both reporter gene expression
and cell growth assays were documented. The rank order of potency
of these phytoestrogens was shown to be very similar for all cell-
based assays. However, the rank order of potency based on cell-
based assays did not match the rank order determined by estrogen
receptor binding assays, even though all binding assays used the
same receptor. Poor correlation between the relative binding
affinity of the ligand to its receptor and the cellular response
elicited by the chemical has also been observed for polychlorinated
biphenyls in MCF7 cells and several xenoestrogens in rat
adenocarcinoma cells. Explanation of such discrepancies may lie
either in the relative ability of the ligand–receptor complex to
transactivate gene expression or in the fate of the ligand within the
cell, which could be influenced by cellular uptake and/or other
metabolic processes [135].
Extracts of black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) contain a mixture
of coumarins, tannins, flavonoids and polyphenols and such
compositions show some efficacy in the treatment of hormone-
dependent and –independent cancers. These same extracts, which
include raw extracts, HPLC refined extracts and fractionated
extracts also lowered serum cholesterol levels by inhibiting
cholesterol synthesis [136,137].
Wogonin (Fig 1M) is a flavone that has a C-8 methoxy group
(5,7-dihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone), and is found in Scutellaria
baicalensis [138]
. This compound was previously shown to possess
interesting biological activities, in that it potently down-regulates
cyclooxygenase isoform-2 (COX-2) and intracellular nitric oxide
synthetase (iNOS) in activated macrophages [139-141]. In addition,
when topically applied, wogonin reduces prostaglandin E
concentrations in vivo and down-regulates COX-2 induction in an
animal model of skin inflammation provoked by multiple 12-O-
tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) treatments (sub-chronic skin
inflammation) [142]. Further work has shown that the same
compound potently inhibits COX-2 and TNF- induction, but it
shows a less pronounced effect on intercellular adhesion molecule-
1 (ICAM-1) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) induction in this same
animal model [143]. This suggests that some differential
suppressive activities depend on the genes and animal models
studied. These results also indicated that wogonin is a potential
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anti-inflammatory agent when applied to skin, since topical
application of wogonin suppresses proinflammatory enzyme
expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). This seems to be the
main anti-inflammatory activity of wogonin. However, the detailed
effect on each skin cell type is not understood. It was recently found
that wogonin (10–100 DM) clearly down-regulated COX-2
expression from NIH/3T3 cells treated with 12-O-tetradecanoyl-
phorbol 13-acetate, interleukin-1 or tumor necrosis factor-, but
the expression levels of COX-1, interleukin-1 and fibronectin were
not significantly affected. These data correlate well with the
significant reductions in prostaglandin E
) production caused
by wogonin. As a comparison, NS-398 (a selective cyclooxygenase
2 inhibitor) did not suppress COX-2 expression or the expression of
other genes, while PGE
production was potently reduced by
wogonin concentrations of 0.1–10 DM. All these results suggest that
COX-2 down-regulation of skin fibroblasts may be, at least in part,
one of the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of wogonin [144].
Most recently a cancer-specific apoptosis-inducing activity of
wogonin was reported. In this study, a methanol extract of cultured
Scutellaria baicalensis cells inhibited the proliferation of the human
monocytic leukemia cell line THP-1 and the human osteogenic
sarcoma cell line HOS. It should be noted that wogonin did not
show an inhibitory effect on the normal diploid human fetal lung
cell line TIG-1, in comparison to the inhibition observed in cancer
cells. Physiological analyses in THP-1 cells showed that wogonin
induced cell cycle arrest at the G
/M checkpoint and, subsequently,
apoptosis [145].
Isoliquiritigenin (ILTG, Fig 1N), is a simple chalcone-type
flavonoid, found in licorice (legume) and shallot (liliaceae). It is a
potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet aggregation
and cancer-preventing properties [146-150]. It exhibits an
inhibitory effect on carcinogenesis in skin and colon, and
suppresses the proliferation of pulmonary, prostate, breast, gastric
and melanoma cancer cells [151-155]. ILTG suppresses the level of
COX-2 protein in the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7, and
cell proliferation via induction of apoptosis in colon cancer cells
[156]. Cellular damage induced by chronic inflammation is a well
known cause of colon carcinogenesis. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2),
the enzyme that converts arachidonic acid to prostanoids, is known
to play an important role in inflammation. ILTG has previously
been reported to be a strong suppressor of the COX-2 pathway as
well as an inducer of apoptosis. It has recently been reported that
ILTG-mediated apoptosis in mouse colon adenocarcinoma Colon
26 cells is COX-2-dependent. This dependency is enhanced by the
blockage of the lipoxigenase-mediated metabolic pathway and
attenuated by the addition of several prostaglandins and
thromboxanes. Taken together, these findings indicate that ILTG-
induced apoptosis is negatively regulated by the level of COX-2
expression. Although a strict correlation between the down-
regulation of COX-2 and growth suppression has not yet been
demonstrated, ILTG is currently accepted as a potential chemo-
therapeutic agent for several diseases whose induction requires the
COX-2 pathway, including colon cancer [157].
A recent study has
shown that ILTG-induced apoptosis is negatively regulated by the
expression level of COX-2 [157]. In addition, ILTG has recently
been shown to be a potential chemopreventive agent against liver
cancer [158].
The medicinal uses of herbs rich in phytoestrogens have been
widely recognized in folk medicine for some time even though the
active components of these medicinal plants were unknown until
relatively recently [159,160]. Since then, a large body of
epidemiological data and observations from in vitro and in vivo
systems has corroborated the potential medicinal uses of plant
phytoestrogens. Despite the vast amount of information about the
biological efficacy of these compounds, much work remains and
still significant questions linger.
It is still unclear how the data generated by in vitro systems
might apply to whole organisms. Since flavonoids like genistein
and daidzein have been primarily studied by means of in vitro
systems, the ability of these compounds to elicit favorable respon-
ses without causing deleterious side effects remains uncertain. Also,
it is equally unclear how to successfully use flavonoids and other
phytoestrogens as part of a treatment regime. Needless to say, these
pending questions have not prevented enterprising researchers from
designing dietary supplements and pharmaceutical agents that
include flavonoids. Furthermore patent applications have been
submitted for several compositions that purportedly treat or help
prevent a wide variety of medically significant conditions.
Several patent applications describe combinations of flavonoids
with tocotrienols (members of the vitamin E family) to comprise a
variety of pharmaceutically useful concoctions. Combinations of
polymethoxylated flavonoids like hesperetin, nobiletin, tangeretin
and naringenin with tocotrienols have been generated for treating
patients at risk for cardiovascular disease [161]. Similar ingredients
have also been proposed to aid in the prevention of neoplasias and
inflammation [162], and might also serve to lower serum choles-
terol levels [163]. Other mixtures of tocotrienols with limocitrin
derivatives, which naturally occurs in the peel of lemons, and the
flavonoid quercetin may also lower total serum cholesterol [164].
Several patent applications have described the extraction of
flavonoid-rich extracts from particular plants. For example, purified
aqueous reflux extracts of honeysuckle (Ionicera japonica) stems
contain flavonoids, tannins, saponins and a powerful anti-inflam-
matory and analgesic compound called sweroside. These extracts
are purported to be quite safe and effective anti-inflammatory
agents [165]. Extracts of Ginkgo biloba are reported to increase the
activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, which boost dopamine levels in
the brain and ameliorate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
[166]. Also cocoa extracts rich in polyphenols and procyanidins
have been described that reportedly can treat atherosclerosis [167].
The exploitation of the medicinal properties of flavonoids
underscores the efficacy of these compounds and their potential to
join the large cadre of pharmaceutical and nutritional agents already
available to fight human disease and raise the quality of human
health worldwide. Unfortunately, how well these compounds might
work in the inhibition of cancer or lowering serum cholesterol
levels has yet to be rigorously tested in Phase IV tests. Likewise
there is little known about the interactions of flavonoids with other
drugs presently prescribed by physicians and used by patients for
the treatment of cancer or other ailments. Thus our present
knowledge has many gaps in it that will require filling before such
compounds can receive approval by regulatory agencies, broad
acceptance by the medical community and join other pharma-
ceuticals on drugstore shelves.
Nevertheless, the potential to fill these gaps is presently
increasing. Important advances in optical biosensor instrumentation
now allow drug screens based on whole-cell sensing in both high-
throughput and high-content fashions [168]. Additionally, drug
screens that utilize non-optical detection systems circumvent the
limitations of optical detection systems. Several start-up and
established biotechnical companies have developed non-optical
detection technologies that utilize impedance-assay systems for
cell-based screening, acoustic systems, calorimetric systems and
microelectromechanical sensors. Impedance-assay systems either
measure electrical impedance changes across microelectronic cell
sensor arrays directly integrated into the bottom of a microtitre
plate or slide to detect changes in cells or use cellular dielectric
spectroscopy to measure cell-surface receptor responses in live
cells. Acoustic systems like piezoelectric quartz crystal technolo-
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Natural Protection Against Cancer Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2007, Vol. 2, No. 2 115
gies that measure the build-up of drug molecules on an oscillating
surface and dissipative quartz crystal microbalance that examine
protein or polymer thin-film formation and the attachment of cells
to surfaces provide real-time binding information on molecular
interactions between drugs and their targets. Calorimetric systems
consist of nanocalorimetric platforms that measure the enthalpic
changes that ensue when receptors are bound by ligands. Micro-
electromechanical sensors are submicron-sized mechanical devices
that are built into semiconductor chips. These include things like
microcantilevers which are tiny sensors that deform in response to
changes in binding or surface stresses during molecular recognition
events or nanowire sensors that can be used to grow individually
addressable drug-screening arrays. These drug-screening techno-
logies are commercially available and provide innovative ways to
perform post-high-throughput screening hit confirmation and mode-
of-action studies [169]. The application of such methodologies to
flavonoid research would greatly accelerate our knowledge of the
clinical usefulness of these molecules.
In the meantime, flavonoids are available in many different
foods and supplements and are well worth ingesting on a regular
basis. Recombinant bacteria have been made that possess the
biosynthetic genes for flavonoid synthesis. Thus pure, comercially
available flavonoids will probably be available for consumption in
the near future [170,171]. Until that time, curl up and have a cup of
tea - it will do you good.
This review is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Hazem Kataya, a
dear colleague and a respected scientist, who passed away in June
2006. Authors also thank Ms. Huda Ateek and Ms. Kami Moyer for
their valuable assistance preparing this manuscript.
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... One compound, BSI-066, is an isoflavone named biochanin A, which has been reported to possess phytoestrogenic activity [35] and regulate inflammation [36,37]. Isoflavones have been reported to suppress cancer growth [38,39] and inhibit some viral Complementary DNA was synthesized from total RNA using ReverTra-ACE (TOYOBO). EGFP and catB2M mRNA were amplified by real-time PCR and relative EGFP mRNA expression was determined using the ∆∆Ct method. ...
... One compound, BSI-066, is an isoflavone named biochanin A, which has been reported to possess phytoestrogenic activity [35] and regulate inflammation [36,37]. Isoflavones have been reported to suppress cancer growth [38,39] and inhibit some viral infections as detailed below. Biochanin A and baicalein inhibit the replication of influenza H5N1 [40,41]. ...
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Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection causes endemic bovine leukemia and lymphoma, resulting in lower carcass weight and reduced milk production by the infected cattle, leading to economic losses. Without effective measures for treatment and prevention, high rates of BLV infection can cause problems worldwide. BLV research is limited by the lack of a model system to assay infection. To overcome this, we previously developed the luminescence syncytium induction assay (LuSIA), a highly sensitive and objectively quantifiable method for visualizing BLV infectivity. In this study, we applied LuSIA for the high-throughput screening of drugs that could inhibit BLV infection. We screened 625 compounds from a chemical library using LuSIA and identified two that markedly inhibited BLV replication. We then tested the chemical derivatives of those two compounds and identified BSI-625 and -679 as potent inhibitors of BLV replication with low cytotoxicity. Interestingly, BSI-625 and -679 appeared to inhibit different steps of the BLV lifecycle. Thus, LuSIA was applied to successfully identify inhibitors of BLV replication and may be useful for the development of anti-BLV drugs.
... Some of polyphenols were shown to have PARP-1 inhibiting activity [104][105][106]. Many polyphenols have high bioavailability, efficiently penetrate cells and induce biological effects at micromolar concentrations [107][108][109][110] that makes them good candidates for the search of new PARPi. Thus, a search in the flavonoid library led to the discovery of PARPi such as myricetin, quercetin, fisetin, tricetin, gossipetin and delphinidin [104]. ...
... EGCG inhibits PARP-1 more effectively than TF, which is probably due to the presence of a haloyl group. Moreover PARP-1, the targets of tea polyphenols are histone deacetylases [142], transcription factors [143], DNA topoisomerase II [109] and ABC transporters responsible for the development of multidrug resistance [144,145]. ...
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Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) is a nuclear enzyme involved in processes of cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, transcription, and replication. Hyperactivity of PARP-1 induced by changes in cell homeostasis promotes development of chronic pathological processes leading to cell death during various metabolic disorders, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. In contrast, tumor growth is accompanied by a moderate activation of PARP-1 that supports survival of tumor cells due to enhancement of DNA lesion repair and resistance to therapy by DNA damaging agents. That is why PARP inhibitors (PARPi) are promising agents for the therapy of tumor and metabolic diseases. A PARPi family is rapidly growing partly due to natural polyphenols discovered among plant secondary metabolites. This review describes mechanisms of PARP-1 participation in the development of various pathologies, analyzes multiple PARP-dependent pathways of cell degeneration and death, and discusses representative plant polyphenols, which can inhibit PARP-1 directly or suppress unwanted PARP-dependent cellular processes.
... They are found to some extent in almost all plant families in the leaves, stems, flowers, roots, and seeds of plants. 157 The basic structure of flavonoids comprises 15 carbon atoms which form 2 benzene rings joined by a linear 3-carbon chain representing a C6-C3-C6 system. 151,158 The 3-carbon chains usually form a 6-membered or 5-membered heterocyclic ring involving an oxygen atom, which is one of the criteria in the classification of flavonoids. ...
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Natural products, such as herbal medicinal products, food supplements, and functional food, are widely used to support well-being and for promoting health. In general, the effects of using these products are desired and beneficial, but unexpected adverse effects might also occur, especially when natural products are used with medication. Consumers do not often even know that they are exposed to bioactive compounds that might interact with the body and have effects on their well-being. One of the objectives of the World Health Organization is to promote herb–drug interaction monitoring, and it is important to know how marketed preparations and compounds from common foods interact when they are absorbed. In this review, we describe how a Caco-2 cell absorption model has been used to study how natural products, such as flaxseed, rapeseed, purple loosestrife, pine, echinacea, certain berries and herbs, anthranoid laxatives, and traditional medicinal plants, affect the absorption of co-administered drugs. We discuss the types of interactions and adverse effects that might occur and their possible reasons. Overall, we conclude that the Caco-2 cell absorption model is a useful tool for studying the absorption of natural products with drugs; and that to enable the safe use of natural products with medicines, concomitant use should be studied.
... The plant also shows immunomodulatory actions and is, therefore, used as a potential memory modulator 7 . The main class of bioactive compounds identified in E. alba/prostrata includes coumestans; these phytoestrogens are phenolic substances with structures similar to naturally occurring human steroid hormones 8 . This plant also contains other constituents, such as polypeptides, polyacetylenes, thiophenes derivatives, steroids, and terpenoids 9 . ...
Eclipta prostrata L. is a widely distributed medicinal plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. The plant is rich in many volatile compounds and several bioactive components that aid the potential pharmacological activity of the plant. The knowledge about the presence of such bioactive compounds in plants is important to derive the application and economic importance of such plants. The present study aims to evaluate the phytochemical profile of E. prostrata the qualitative and quantitative methods. The phytochemical profiling was done by standard screening procedure, while the antimicrobial potential in the methanolic leaf extract was determined by the agar well diffusion method. The phytochemical profiling revealed that the methanolic leaf extract contains phenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, and saponins. The leaf extract is also a rich source of alkaloids, phenols, carbohydrates, and reducing sugars as suggested by the quantitative analysis. The methanolic extract at its low concentration of 50mg/ml was found to be effective against the selected bacterial pathogens and among them it was highly effective against Staphylococcus aureus. But the extract lacked any antifungal potential against selected isolates, Candida albicans, and Aspergillus flavus. The study emphasizes the pharmacological importance of the selected plant by revealing its potential bioactive compound profile and its antimicrobial activity. In future, the investigation can focus on determining the phytochemical profile of the plant in other solvent systems. Isolation, purification, and application of the active constituent can be studied further. The compound profile of extracts could reveal the exact information of the metabolites present in them, which will help derive its applications. This information could help deduce the methodology to purify or concentrate the respective bioactive compound in the extract of E. prostrata L.
... Flavonoids are having numerous health benefits and wide abundance; thus, these are attracting researchers to investigate their biochemistry and medicinal aspects. As per the recently conducted research and their outcomes like scientific literature, patent, etc., flavonoids have been reported to be effectively used in the treatment of various chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and many more [85,[124][125][126][127]. This group of bioactive compounds is also treated to be the potential source of new drugs, especially the ones that can be utilized effectively for the treatment of vulnerable diseases. ...
Background Flavonoids are phenolic compounds or plant constituents containing phenol ring and is also known as polyphenolic compound. Flavonoids are having remarkable antioxidant potential, but along with this they also exhibit a variety of activities, and they show these properties through various mechanisms The flavonoids are classified into six different groups based up on their chemical structures and these activities are owed to six different basic structures. In this manuscript, the focus has been paid on two subclasses i.e, Flavonoids and flavanols. Objective The aim of this review is to highlight potential of flavonoids in the treatment of various ailments and prospects associated with delivery of flavonoids. Methods We reviewed the literature from journal publication websites and electronic databases such as Bentham, Springer, Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, etc. Results The abundant availability of sources of flavonoids makes a point in favour of exhaustive exploration of this group. Herbals having high content of flavonoids have been used in the treatment of number of ailments from ancient times in human beings and these are reported to be having anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antihyperglycemic and antioxidant potential. Conclusion There are number of health benefits of flavonoids that makes this group of bioactive compounds the most promising and attractive group for researchers. The need of hour is to explore more efficient extraction processes and advanced delivery systems for such an active and widely distributed class of natural compounds.
... oleracea var. gemmifera de Candolle, sprouts), and pea sprouts (Pisum sativum Linnaeus, sprouts) [4][5][6][7]. CM's biological activity may provide human health benefits through anticancer [8], anti-inflammatory [9], anti-Alzheimer's disease [10] and anti-obesity [11,12] effects, as well as by inhibition of bone resorption [13]. A recent study determined that the anti-cancer effect of CM was due to direct targeting of HASPIN kinase, which phosphorylated of histone H3 at threonine 3 [8]. ...
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Coumestrol (CM), a biologically active compound found in Leguminosae plants, provides various human health benefits. To identify easy and effective methods to increase CM content in vegetables, we developed a quantitative analysis method using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Using this method, we found that soybean sprouts (1.76 ± 0.13 μg/g) have high CM contents among nine vegetables and evaluated the difference in CM contents between two organs of the sprouts: cotyledons and hypocotyls. Next, soybean sprouts were cultivated under different light, temperature, and water conditions and their CM contents were evaluated. CM content was higher in hypocotyls (4.11 ± 0.04 μg/g) than in cotyledons. Cultivating soybean sprouts at 24°C enhanced CM content regardless of light conditions, the growth of fungi and bacteria, and sprout color. Thus, we identified methods of soybean sprout cultivation to increase CM content, which may provide health benefits and enhance value.
... Although the estrogenic activity of coumestrol is weaker than that of estradiol, it is 30 to 100 times greater than that of other isoflavones [18], due to the position of its two hydroxy groups, which match estradiol. This chemical structure also gives coumestrol the ability to inhibit aromatase and 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [19], which are involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones [20]. ...
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Phytoestrogens are a large group of natural compounds found in more than 300 plants. They have a close structural similarity to estrogens, which allow them to bind to both estrogen receptors (ER), ERα and ERβ, presenting a weak estrogenic activity. Phytoestrogens have been described as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic, anti-allergic, and anti-tumoral agents. Their role in cancer prevention has been well documented, although their impact on treatment efficiency is controversial. Several reports suggest that phytoestrogens may interfere with the effect of anti-cancer drugs through the regulation of oxidative stress and other mechanisms. Furthermore, some phytoestrogens could exert a protective effect on healthy cells, thus reducing the secondary effects of cancer treatment. In this review, we have studied the recent research in this area to find evidence for the role of phytoestrogens in cancer prevention and therapy efficacy.
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Various mechanisms play an important role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease, including a disruption of the cellular energy balance (mitochondrial dysfunction) and oxidative stress, as well as a disruption of protein breakdown (lysosomal and proteasomal dysfunction). The protein α-synuclein plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and is involved in many intracellular functions or their disruption in Parkinson's disease (Lashuel et al. 2013). A number of important cellular processes are inhibited by aggregated α-synuclein. The disruption of these processes in turn leads to an increased aggregation of α-synuclein. Protein misfolding, aggregation, and accumulation of aggregated α-synuclein is a key feature of Parkinson's disease. In the course of the disease there is an inflammatory reaction in the brain (neuroinflammation), in which mainly microglial cells are involved. The exact triggers of neuroinflammation are not known. However, it is known that aggregated α-synuclein and neuromelanin are able to activate microglia (Wilms et al. 2009). In the course of neuroinflammation, there is a change in the expression of toll-like receptors (TLR) on the microglial cells (Beraud and Maguire-Zeiss 2012). Hence, in Parkinson's disease, both the aggregation of proteins,
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The isolation, synthesis and biological activity of naturally occurring furo[3,2- c ] coumarins carrying carbon substituents at C-2 and/or C-3, is discussed. Synthetic approaches toward the properly functionalized heterocyclic motif are also presented.
Isoflavones are soy phytoestrogens that have been suggested to be anticarcinogenic, Our previous study in premenopausal women suggested that the mechanisms by which isoflavones exert cancer-preventive effects may involve modulation of estrogen metabolism away from production of potentially carcinogenic metabolites [16 alpha-(OH) estrone, 4-(OH) estrone, and 4-(OH) estradiol] (X, Xu st at, Cancer Epidemiol, Biomark, Prev., 7: 1101-1108, 1998), To further evaluate this hypothesis, a randomized, cross-over soy isoflavone feeding study was performed in 18 healthy postmenopausal women. The study consisted of three diet periods, each separated by a washout of similar to 3 weeks. Each diet period lasted for 93 days, during which subjects consumed their habitual diets supplemented with soy protein isolate providing 0.1 A(control), 1, or 2 mg isoflavones/kg body weight/day (7.1 +/- 1.1, 65 +/- 11, or 132 +/- 22 mg/day), A 72-h urine sample was collected 3 days before the study (baseline) and days 91-93 of each diet period. Urine samples were analyzed for 10 phytoestrogens and 15 endogenous estrogens and their metabolites by a capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. Compared with the soy-free baseline and very low isoflavone control diet, consumption of 65 mg isoflavones increased the urinary 2/16 alpha-(OH) estrone ratio, and consumption of 65 or 132 mg isoflavones decreased excretion of 4-(OH.) estrone, When compared with baseline values, consumption of all three soy diets increased the ratio of 2/4-(OH) estrogens and decreased the ratio of genotoxic: total estrogens, These data suggest that both isoflavones and other soy constituents may exert cancer-preventive effects in postmenopausal women by altering estrogen metabolism away from genotoxic metabolites toward inactive metabolites.
Conference Paper
Phytoestrogens have become one of the more topical areas of interest in clinical nutrition. These non-nutrient bioactive compounds are ubiquitous to the plant kingdom and possess a wide range of biological properties that contribute to the many different health-related benefits reported for soy foods and flaxseeds-two of the most abundant dietary sources of phytoestrogens. Reviewed is the recent knowledge related to their pharmacokinetics and clinical effects. focusing mainly on isoflavones that are found in high concentrations in soy foods. Arguments are made for considering soy isoflavones as natural selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) based upon recent data of their conformational binding to estrogen receptors. Rebuttal is made to several key and important issues related to the recent concerns about the safety of soy and its constituent isoflavones. This article is not intended to be a comprehensive review of the literature but merely highlight recent research with key historical perspectives.
This paper complies animal and human data on the biologic effects and exposure levels of phytoestrogens in order to identify areas of research in which direct species comparisons can be made. in vitro and in vivo assays of phytoestrogen action and potency are reviewed and compared to actions, dose-response relationships, and estimates of exposure in human subjects. Binding studies show that the isoflavonoid phytoestrogens are high-affinity ligands for estrogen receptors (ERs), especially ER beta, but have lower potency in whole-cell assays, perhaps because of interactions with binding proteins. Many other enzymatic actions require concentrations higher than those normally seen in plasma, in vivo data show that phytoestrogens have a wide range of biologic effects at doses and plasma concentrations seen with normal human diets. Significant in vivo responses have been observed in animal and human tests for bone, breast, ovary, pituitary, vasculature, prostate, and serum lipids. The doses reported to be biologically active in humans (0.4-10 mg/kg body weight/day) are lower than the doses generally reported to be active in rodents (10-100 mg/kg body weight/day), although some studies have reported rodent responses at lower doses. However, available estimates of bioavailability and peak plasma levels in rodents and humans are more similar. Steroidogenesis and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis appear to be important loci of phytoestrogen actions, but these inferences must be tentative because good dose-response data are not available for many end points. The similarity of reported proliferative and antiproliferative doses illustrates the need for fuller examination of dose-response relationships and multiple end points in assessing phytoestrogen actions.
Many studies have shown that the oral mucosa and salivary glands are sensitive to estrogen action. However, the expression of estrogen receptors (ERs) within these tissues is an area of controversy. ERs exist as two subtypes (ER and ER), and we hypothesized that the incongruity between ER expression and estrogen sensitivity may result from differential expression of ER subtypes in oral tissues. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed oral mucosal and salivary gland samples for ER and ER protein expression by immunohistochemistry from a cross-section of patients attending hospital for surgical problems of the head and neck. ER was not detected in oral buccal and gingival epithelium or in salivary glands. In contrast, ER was widely expressed at high levels in all oral tissues studied. Within these tissues, ER was observed primarily in keratinocytes and salivary gland acinar and ductal cells. Our results demonstrating the expression of only the ER subtype within oral tissues may explain the contradictory results from previous studies investigating ER expression in these tissues. Importantly, these results suggest that estrogens may act via ER in oral tissues and explain the effect of hormonal changes on the oral mucosa as well as on saliva secretion and composition.
Resveratrol, a phytoalexin found in grapes and other food products, was purified and shown to have cancer chemopreventive activity in assays representing three major stages of carcinogenesis. Resveratrol was found to act as an antioxidant and antimutagen and to induce phase II drug-metabolizing enzymes (anti-initiation activity); it mediated anti-inflammatory effects and inhibited cyclooxygenase and hydroperoxidase functions (antipromotion activity); and it induced human promyelocytic leukemia cell differentiation (antiprogression activity). In addition, it inhibited the development of preneoplastic lesions in carcinogen-treated mouse mammary glands in culture and inhibited tumorigenesis in a mouse skin cancer model. These data suggest that resveratrol, a common constituent of the human diet, merits investigation as a potential cancer chemopreventive agent in humans.
In order to investigate the localization of estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and ERbeta in the reproductive organs in the rat, polyclonal antibodies were raised to each specific amino acid sequence. The Western blot with anti-ERalpha antibody showed a 66 kDa band in rat ovary and uterus, while that with anti-ERbeta antibody detected a 55 kDa band in rat ovary, uterus and prostate. The ligand-independent nuclear localization of the two receptors was verified by immunocytochemistry. By immunohistochemistry, the nuclei of glandular and luminal epithelial cells in the uterus were stained with anti-ERalpha antibody, whereas only the nuclei of glandular epithelium cells were stained with anti-ERbeta antibody. In rat ovary, positive signals were shown with anti-ERbeta antibody in the nuclei of granulosacells. No specific immunostaining was observed with anti-ERalpha antibody. Although ERbeta was immunostained at the proestrous, metestrous and diestrous stages, the immunoreactivity of ERbeta was hardly detected at the estrous stage in rat ovary. Thus, we show differential expression of ERalpha and ERbeta in rat uterus and ovary at the protein level, which may provide a clue for understanding the roles of the two receptors in reproductive organs.
Because of their sessile status, land plants have been enhancing secondary metabolism, particularly the phenylpropanoid pathway, to defend themselves against environmental fluctuations and pathogen attacks. Most of the phenylpropanoid compounds constitute the plant food phytochemicals that have signified the dietary behavioural selection of primates, non-fire-using foraging hominids and agricultural human populations. By traditional breeding; humans have been modifying plant secondary metabolite profiles by selecting fruits, flowers and vegetables on the basis of their easier cultivation, edibility, digestibility, nutritional value, colours and scents. At last, besides enhancing plant fitness, phenylpropanoids are considered as nutraceuticals or pharmaconutrients. These are not drugs but pharmacologically active compounds that will potentiate, antagonize or simply modify some physiological and metabolic functions, providing, in most cases, health benefits and preventing ageing and chronic disease. Main phenylpropanoids found in functional foods, such as coumarins, lignans, flavonoids and stilbens, are described, with particular emphasis to their origin, sources and effects on human health.