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Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for t-Way Test Suite Generation



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Abstract Exhaustive testing is a very strenuous undertaking
due to its numerous combinations. Consequently, searching for and
sampling an optimal test suite from viable groups of test cases (TC) has
turned out to be a central concern. To tackle this matter, the use of t-
way testing (Where t represents the strength of the interaction) has be-
come well know n. In order to facil itate future development and
summarize the realization so far, the major objective of this paper is to
portray an important comparison of the introduced optimization
algorithms (OA) as a base of the t-way test suite generation strategy,
and to suggest a new strategy focusing on the Artificial Bee Colony
(ABC) Algorithm, known as Artificial Bee Colony Strategy (ABCS).
The experimental results showed that ABCS can compete against the
existing (both AI-based and computational-based) strategies in terms of
generating the optimum test case.
Keywords—software testing, t-way testing, artificial bee colony, meta-
heuristics, optimization problem
Performing everyday chores such as operating smart phones,
driving, washing, laundry, watching TV and all other activities
requires using software. With the progress of technology
nowadays, software is not only installed on computers in the
present time, but also installed in devices like mobile phones and
other electronic gadgets at homes due to the improvement of
technology. To ascertain the acceptability of quality, the software
requires examination before delivery. All likely combinations of
the configurations require examination to note interaction issues for
an extremely configurable software. Moreover, the resource
restraints and time-to-market are considered when carrying out an
exhaustive examination of the configured combination, which is
inefficient and impractical owing to the combinatorial disruption
problem. For instance, let us consider a system that has 20 inputs
in which each input has the possibilities of 2 values. In order to
carry out exhaustive combinatorial testing 2
(1, 048, 576) test
cases need to be executed, which is clearly impracticable within a
restricted time limit.
For this reason, various t-way interaction-testing strategies for
the past 20 years have been propounded in works of literature. All
the designed strategies assist in building test suites with minimal
test cases to achieve all the interaction strength intended. These
strategies [1-8]are: “GTWay”[1], “Automatic Efficient Test
Generator (AETG)” [2], “
Bat-inspired pairwise testing strategy
(BPTS)” [3],
”Bat-Testing Strategy (BTS)” [4-6], “In Parameter
Order (IPO)” [7], “Harmony Search Strategy (HSS)”[8] and
“Jenny” [9] and they have generated test cases for a uniform
strength t-way (that is, all the parameters have interacted uniformly
together). In a few cases, researchers have described the necessity
for producing a combination of inputs with varying t-way strength.
Due to this, the following strategies have recently been introduced;
“Simulated Annealing (SA)” [10], “Ant Colony System (ACS)”
[11], “Particle Swam Optimization (PSO)” [12] and “Harmony
Search Strategy (HSS)” [8]. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
based strategies were depicted to have good outcomes regarding
the production of the optimal test case size. Depending on such
enticing point of views, the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm has
been studied as the elementary skill for t-way test generation.
Introducing other substitute optimization algorithms except for
ACS, SA, HSS, and PSO might lead to new views in generating t-
way test. The implementation and outcomes of our experiment
have been discussed within this paper related to other Artificial
Intelligence based t-way strategies.
The remaining of the paper is organized in the following
manner. Section 2 discuss the theoretical background of t-way
strategies. Section 3 presents the related works, Section 4
introduces the proposed algorithm, while the 5th section discusses
the benchmarking result and finally, the conclusion and future
All systems are composed of a series of components that
relates together (known as parameters with values associated with
them). In order to demonstrate this idea of t-way interaction testing,
the instance of the Find Dialog Box as portrayed in Fig. 1 should
be considered.
All the matching records were returned by the dialog box via
the acceptance of an input text string. In this instance, the dialog
box constituted four inputs (that were, case sensitivity, Text string,
Match whole word, and search direction). By neglecting the
improper values for the sake of simplicity, the following were the
values for each parameter: “Find what” text string:
uppercase/lowercase /mixed, “Match whole words”: match/do not
match, “Match case”: match /do not match and “Direction”: Up /
Down. Assuming the interaction strength t =2. The covering array
is represented as MCA (N; 2, 2
). The exhaustive test for the
dialog box is 3x2x2x2=24 test cases were re-quired to test the
system exhaustively.
Arti cial Bee Colony Algorithm for
t-Way Test Suite Generation
Ammar K Alazzawi1*, Helmi Md Rais2 andShuib Basri3
1,2,3 Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia,,
By implementing a 2-way testing method, where there were 30
pairs that require to be dealt with, the initial test case could cover
6 pairs by any greedy strategy (e.g, ABCS). As a candid issue, it
can be demonstrated that all 30 pairs can be dealt with using six
test cases.
Fig.1. Example of the Find Dialog Box.
A fascinating attribute of a t-way test is that the t-columns
comprise of every possible column's combination, which happens
somewhere in some manner. Fig. 2 shows the six test cases that
covered the 30 Pairs and each test case was characterized by
specific colors to depict each test case and the pairs that covered it.
Fig.2. 2-way test suite generation for the Find Dialog example.
This current section is aimed to give a summary of existing
studies for generating a test suite of the t-way. The existing t-way
approaches could be grouped into a major pair of classes:
computational approaches and algebraic approaches [13]. Test data
sets are structured in the Algebraic Approaches, without the
enumeration of all combinations. Thus, the records related to
algebraic approaches tend to be lightweight. On the other hand, the
approaches mentioned above are usually restricted to small
configurations. The strategies that adopt algebraic methods include
MCA, TConfig, CA and orthogonal Latin squares (OLS). Mandl
[14] used an orthogonal test design to examine a compiler.
Williams et al., [15] invented TConfig, which uses a repetitive
process of structuring centered on orthogonal arrays to build test
suites. The usability of the orthogonal array is limited to small
configurations most of the time, though it is advantageous.
To construct test cases in computational approaches, a greedy
algorithm is utilized. Every single step aims to cover as many
combinations as possible of the uncovered combinations.
Producing a test set is achieved by either implementing or using
OPAT (one parameter at-a-time strategy) or using the one-test-at-
a-time strategy (OTAT).
OTAT centered strategies construct an entire test case per
iteration and checks if the test case is an outstanding test case to
address the majority of the unaddressed interactions. Similar
processes recur until every one of the combinations is handled. In
the existing literature work, lots of tools and strategies have
emerged using OTAT (one-test-at-a-time) techniques. For
instance, AETG [2] builds every necessary interaction then
produces the last test case for all iterations in all cycles. AETG
techniques produce a series of test case candidates, and one is
avariciously chosen from these candidates as the last test case (that
is, covering most of the uncovered interactions). In many years, a
few series of variations of the AETG have appeared such as
mAETG SAT [16] and mAETG [17]. GTWay [18] also
implements the OTAT approach to produce the last test suite, just
like AETG. GTWay allows the implementation of real values of a
parameter as a significant string and follows the automated
accomplishment of the test cases, unlike AETG.
Jenny [9] implemented the OTAT approach by producing test
data to cover the whole one-way interaction. The initial phase test
data will then be extended by Jenny to greedily encompass thetwo-
way interactions. Optionally, this method can be a continual
process till the n
number of t-way interactions as stated by the
user. At almost the same period, Hartman invented the ITCH
(Intelligent Test Case Handler) [19]as an Eclipse Java plug-in tool.
ITCH depends on an exhaustive search to build the test suites for
t-way testing. ITCH’s accomplishment requires a long period, and
its outcome is not often optimal due to its exhaustive search
PSTG [20] is a meta-heuristic t-way strategy centered on
Particle Swarm Optimization that imitates the swarm behavior of
birds. Iteratively, the PSTG strategy is the ¿rst AI-based strategy
(PSO algorithm) which is able to support strengths up to t = 6. The
results of this strategy for t 3 are weaker than other AI-based
strategies, while it is faster. This strategy presents a new approach
to calculate the weight of test cases, which needs big data structures
to be stored for calculating the test cases. PSTG strategy supports
the VCA structure, which is called the VS-PSTG.
Complementary to the PSTG strategy, the HSS [8] is a meta-
heuristic strategy centered on the HSA (Harmony Search
Algorithm). The HSS imitates musicians attempting to produce a
nice music from available resources to make a unique tune from
random sampling or their archive. In order to achieve this, the HSS
uses the Harmony archive to keep unique solutions derived via a
series of improvisations within its global and local process of
search. In every improvisation, a test case would be chosen to be
the Last test suite until all the interactions required are covered.
HSS also tackles the support for constraint combinations (or
forbidden) unlike the PSTG.
Similar to the Particle Swarm Test Generator (PSTG) and the
Harmony Search (HSS) is the Bat-Inspired strategy [21, 22], which
has been executed by centering on the bat algorithm as the search
engine. The Bat-Inspired strategy implements global and local
searches to construct the candidate solution to be added to the last
suite until all the t-way interactions are covered.
Complementing the OTAT approach, is the One-parameter-at-
a-time (OPAT) approach and this starts by constructing an already
existing test suite for the initial two factors, or the components,
then extends it horizontally through adding a parameter for each
iteration, and the time is extended vertically till every parameter is
addressed sometime. The most recognized strategy in OPAT is the
in parameter-order (IPO) strategy [7]; it is a strategy that
implements the OPAT approach. The In parameter-order produce
a test set in a pair of the initial two parameters, and then elongates
the test set by producing the pair for the initial three parameters,
etc., till all the parameters of the system are addressed. This is
followed by a vertical extension to address the unaddressed
interactions if need be. The in parameter-order (IPO) strategy was
later generalized into a series of variants; IPOG [23], IPOG-D [23]
and CTE-XL [24]. Due to its simple nature, the in parameter-order
has been introduced by other research works, especially in the
construction development of [25]. Dissimilar to the in parameter-
order and its relatives, reliance in-between vertical and horizontal
extension is removed using the MIPOG in order to allow parallel
t-way test suite production.
The ABC algorithm was built to mimic the foraging behavior
of a colony of honeybees. A normal beehive is made up of three
important segments: unemployed /employed foragers (bees)
/source of food. The bees employed to exploit a specific source of
food are referred to as employed foragers. These honeybees carry
information relating to the profitability direction and distance of the
food source (test case) and connect the data with every single
honeybee in the hive. The unemployed honeybees are categorized
as either a scout honeybee or an onlooker bee. The later strive to
get a source for food with the use of information obtained by the
employed bee; while the onlookers haphazardly observe the
environment to locate a fresh source of food (better) [26, 27].
Supposedly, an employed forager bee that has a depleted food
source turns into a scout bee and begins to look out for another fresh
source of food. Moreover, it assumes the aggregate number of the
employed honeybees to be the same as the number of sources of
food. Imaginable, the position of a source for food depicts a
probable test case; though the size of a food source relates to the
quality (fitness) of all associated test cases.
Primarily, the ABC produces a haphazardly dispersed
population of test cases of the SN (location of food source) in the
exploration location, where SN represents the onlooker bee's
population or employed forager bees. Supposing the number of
optimization parameters is D, then for each of the test cases xi (i =
1, 2... SN) i basically would be a vector of D-dimensional vector.
Every result produced here could be attained by Eq.1 [24]:
= ݔ
+ rand(0,1)(ݔ
- ݔ
) (1)
Here, ݔ
and ݔ
depict both upper and lower boundary
parameters for the test cases x
while in Rand [0, 1] and dimension
j (j=1, 2… D) there is a scaling factor representing a haphazard
integer in between [0, 1]. The positions of the source of food (D-
dimensional results) produced in the initial stage (C=0) are liable
to repeating C= (1, 2…, MCN) cycles, till a back out condition is
met. Both the local and the global probable selection/search are
executed in just a single cycle of ABC. Each cycle comprises a
series of responsibilities executed by various types of honeybee.
These processes are principally independent, and can be elucidated
in a distinct way as shown below for more clarification of the ABC
Employed Bee Step
After the employed bee haves been allocated to their sources of
food, these honeybees assess the capability of their test cases s
(sources) and converse on the data with onlooker honeybees
Inclusively, every one of the employed bee produces a food
position candidate (test cases) by destabilizing the previous source
of food (test case) if (x
) is in its archive, using the expression below
in Eq.2 [24]:
= X
i, j
+ rand [-1, 1] (X
) (2)
Here, k א{1,2,..., SN} (k i) and jא{1,2,..., D} are the
haphazardly selected indexes, and Rand [+1,-1] is any number
between [1,-1], which works as a scaling factor. It is obvious that
as the optimal result in the search space is approached, this
distortion on a result becomes decreased. The capability of the
distorted (fresh) result will be assessed by the employed bee, and
in case the new food source has better quality values are set, the
new test cases take over the previous one in the archive of the
employed honeybee (a greedy-selection scheme).
Onlooker Bee Step
The main duty of an onlooker bee is to choose a test case (source
of food), based on the possible quantity related to the food source,
Pi, which is calculated by the following the mathematical
expression from Eq.3 [28]:
Where fit denotes the fitness value of a specific test case, and
the subscript depicts the number of test cases. This probable choice
is effected by relating Pi against a haphazardly selected number
between [0, 1]. A choice is allowed to be made if the produced
haphazard number is less than or equivalent to Pi if otherwise, it
would not be accepted. The duty of the onlooker honeybee to
specified test cases will be approved if the equivalent probable
selection is sanctioned. Normally, in the minimization issues, the
fitness value of test cases s is evaluated using the following
mathematical expression 3:
Where fi is the objective function value for the test cases. After
the selection of a source of food (test cases) with a Pi possibility,
the onlooker honeybee will select a fresh test case (food source) in
the area of the preceding one in its archive, by using Eq. 2. In case
the fresh test cases (food sources) have a better-quality value, then
an onlooker honeybee will update the fresh test cases (food
sources) inside its, and forgo the previous one, relative to the
employed bees.
Scout Bee Step
The duty of scout bees is to haphazardly search the whole
environment to obtain an improved (new) result to the overall
optimization issue. Unlike the situation with onlooker /employed
honeybees (where they are bound to create a trial results around a
previous result), the scout honeybees are not restricted in this
instance. The scout bees obtain samples from a wide set of vectors
with D-dimensions, in so far that they are within the boundaries in
the search environment (search space). Inside ABC, if a (non-
global) test case cannot be developed further after a pre-planned
series of cycles, then the test cases will be neglected, and the
employed bee allocated to that exact spot will be retransformed to
a scout bee with an essentially scout-type behavior. The value of
the pre-planned series of cycles, termed the limit, will however, be
a significant control parameter in the algorithm. The limit is
calculated when practiced through the mathematical expression
limit = c.n
Where n
represents the number of unemployed honeybees and,
c represents a coefficient constant with an acclaimed value between
1 or 0.5 [28, 29]. However, one scout bee must exist during the
implementation of ABC. The scout type processes give an
excellent ability to the ABC process in getting the paramount
global result, by creating stochastic inquiry in the whole D-
dimensional area. This is to say that scout bees will independently
search for a global optimal result, while all other types of bees
(onlooker /employed) are concurrently scrutinizing their confined
candidate test cases s for the overall best. For this reason, the
probability of being ensnared in the local optimum will never be
appropriate to the ABC. Figure .3. shows the flow chart of the
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC).
The main purpose of the experiments in this section is to
benchmark the proposed ABCS against existing AI-strategies and
tools, such as efficiency (i.e., produced a final test list). The
experimental setup used for the conducting of the experiments
consisted of a Windows 10 based laptop computer with 2.30 GHz
Intel Core (TM) i5 CPU and 8 GB RAM. The Java language was
used to code and implement the ABCS. In order to evaluate the
performance of the ABCS against the existing AI-strategies and
tools, we relied on problem instances, divided into three groups
reported throughout the literature for t-way testing. A wide range
of real-world applications can possibly be represented by this. The
first table consisted of eight problem instances, where the number
of values and parameters for each one was different, with a
different number of interaction strengths (i.e., 2” t”3) as well.
Conversely, the second table contained a total of nine problem
instances, where the numbers of the interaction strength are
different (i.e., 2” p”10) but the number of values and parameters
for each one was the same (i.e. V=2, P=10). These two tables of
experiments were useful, in order to determine the effectiveness of
ABCS, when the values, parameters and interaction strengths were
The benchmarking of the AI-strategies included the PSTG
[20], IPOG [30], IPOG-D [23] CTE-XL [24], TVG [31], PICT
[32],ITCH [19], TConfig [15] and Jenny [9] which was adopted
from the published results in the works by Mohd Hazli and Zamli
(2013)[33]. It should be mentioned that the HSS and PSTG are inly
used in the natural-search t-way strategies that support the
interaction strength (t 6) and other reach (t 3)). In our
comparison, tables I to II show the obtained results. The results
indicate the best test suite; whereas, some results with NA (not
available) lack of results from the literature. As some degree of
randomness is common in meta-heuristic based strategies, the
obtained results are non-deterministic.
Fig.3. Flow chart of ABCS
Therefore, 10 independent runs were implemented to achieve
the appropriate statistical confidence. The best results obtained
from these runs have been reported here. The mean results for the
ABCS have also been reported to further mitigate the effect of
randomness. Moreover, the ABCS parameters were set at Nbees =
50, number of cycles = 90 and the limit = 100. The first results in
Table I show that, clearly the ABCS has the ability to outsmart the
previous tools and strategies from the initial outcome obtained in
Table I.
Best A. size
) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10.20
)1717 17
16 18 19 16 17.5
) NA 159 157* NA 155 183 183 185.8
NA NA NA 43 47 43 45.2
33 33 33 39 42 46 47.4
64 64 64 70 108 106 109.1
) NA 125 125 152 199 198 202 205.8
) 229 218 218
201* 236 227 231 232.9
Best A. size
2 9 10 10 8 78 7 8.5
320 18 19 17 16 18 16 16.9
445 39 49 37 3739
35* 38.7
5 95 87 128 82 81 85 80* 83.7
6 183 169 3 52 158 158 162 156* 159.5
7 NS 311 NS NS 298 298 NS NS
8 NS 521 NS NS 498* 503 NS NS
9 NS 788 NS NS 512* 545 NS NS
10 NS 1024 NS NS 1024 1024 NS NS
ABCS was capable of producing the optimal test suite in 8
problems in this present experiment, (as portrayed in the shaded
cells), the cell with NA signified “Not Available results." and the
cell with NS indicated “Not Supported." Which means that the
configuration was not supported by the given strategy. For one out
of eight problems, ABCS produced only three outright test suites
shared with others. Concerning the other problems, our strategy has
generated competitive test suites. All the test size averages, show
the consistency of the ABCS in terms of efficiency. The SA
produced 6 best test suites, where 5 were matched with some other
strategies and tools, and only one only was the most optimal.
Followed by the GA, which produced only one of the most optimal
and the others were shared with some other strategies and tools.
ACA and HSS shared 4 and 2 respectively best results with other
strategies and tools. While both the PSTG and BA generated a best
t-way test suite list, but only one time.
Regarding Table II, HSS outperformed of all the strategies by
producing the best results for 6 out of 9 problems followed by the
ABCS with 5 best results, where the ABCS outperformed all the
strategies and tools by producing optimal test suites for 3 out of 9
without matching with other strategies, and 2 matched with the
HSS. The average results indicate that the proposed strategy has
generated almost the closest best test suite sizes to the least number
of t-way test cases. While the BA and Jenny produced 2 and 1 best
results, respectively, which were shared with other strategies and
tools. The Tconfig, IPOG and PSTG commonly produce the worst
results overall.
Conclusively, a survey has been carried out on the most-recent
strategies implemented for t-way testing. This survey has analyzed
and highlighted the strengths, weakness and limitations for each of
these strategies. Owing to this, a new t-way strategy, known as the
ABCS, has been suggested. This new strategy utilizes an artificial
bee colony algorithm as a core algorithm for implementation. The
first outcome demonstrates that the ABCS is capable of
outperforming some existing strategies. As part of our plan to
improve the design of the ABCS in two parts in the future work.
We plan at first to cover high interaction parameters. Then, we
intend to amalgamate (hybridize) the artificial bee colony algorithm
with other Optimization algorithms to develop its search
capabilities in all aspects.
[1] M. F. Klaib, K. Z. Zamli, N. A. M. Isa, M. I. Younis, and R.
Abdullah, "G2Way a backtracking strategy for pairwise test
data generation," presented at the 15th Asia-Pacific Software
Engineering Conference, 2008.
[2] D. M. Cohen, S. R. Dalal, A. Kajla, and G. C. Patton, "The
automatic efficient test generator (AETG) system,"
presented at the Software Reliability Engineering, 1994.
Proceedings., 5th International Symposium on, 1994.
[3] Y. A. Alsariera, M. A. Majid, and K. Z. Zamli, "A bat-
inspired Strategy for Pairwise Testing," ARPN Journal of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 10, pp. 8500-8506,
... To illustrate the advantages of the algorithm in this paper, comparison experiments were conducted with several non-norm-based methods for the generation of test cases, which included some of the more classical methods based on greedy algorithms and heuristics. The number of test cases obtained from the experiments in this paper was compared with the results obtained in other papers, including for the Jenny [33], IPOG [34], PICT [35], ABCS [36], GSTG [37], and TMWOA [38]. The comparison results are shown in Table 5. Test cases were generated using the improved PSO algorithm, and the results are shown in Table 4. ...
... To illustrate the advantages of the algorithm in this paper, comparison experiments were conducted with several non-norm-based methods for the generation of test cases, which included some of the more classical methods based on greedy algorithms and heuristics. The number of test cases obtained from the experiments in this paper was compared with the results obtained in other papers, including for the Jenny [33], IPOG [34], PICT [35], ABCS [36], GSTG [37], and TMWOA [38]. The comparison results are shown in Table 5. ...
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In applications of software testing, the cause–effect graph method is an approach often used to design test cases by analyzing various combinations of inputs with a graphical approach. However, not all inputs have equal impacts on the results, and approaches based on exhaustive testing are generally time-consuming and laborious. As a statute-based software-testing method, combinatorial testing aims to select a small but effective number of test cases from the large space of all possible combinations of the input values for the software to be tested, and to generate a set of test cases with a high degree of coverage and high error detection capability. In this paper, the reduced ordered binary decision diagram is utilized to simplify the cause–effect graph so as to reduce the numbers of both the inputs and test cases, thereby saving the testing cost. In addition, an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed to significantly reduce the computation time needed to generate test cases. Experiments on several systems show that the proposed method can generate excellent results for test case generation.
... As a result, a new sampling technique named t-way test case generation based on combinatorial testing (where t points the interaction strength between parameters) has begun to appear as an alternative to exhaustive testing to systematically reduce the test cases to a manageable one. For example, BTS [2][3][4], GS [5], IPOG families [6][7][8], PSTG [9] and ABCVS [10,11]). In the last 20 years, several new t-way test case generation strategies have developed in order to find the most efficient strategies are able to produce optimal test cases for each configuration system (i.e., every single combination covered at most once a time). ...
... Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony (HABC) strategy [16][17][18][19] is an extended version based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABCVS) [10,11] strategy in order to overcome the limitations of the original Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm. HABC based on hybridization of two meta-heuristic algorithms that can help the search capabilities of each by compensating for the limitations of one algorithm with the strength of others. ...
In software testing, test case generation is the most challenging activities and expensive tasks. Where has a considerable impact on the ability to produce a desired or intended result (i.e., quality and efficacy) of software testing. As a result, several researchers have developed a number of t-way test case generation strategies (where t points the interaction strength between parameters) due to the market demand to the various types of tests based on different approaches. This paper presents an orchestrated survey of the latest test case generation strategies such as Binary Black Hole (BBH), Sine Cosine Variable Strength (SCAVS), Combinatorial Testing Based Jaya Algorithm (CTJ), deterministic genetic multi-parameter-order (GAMIPOG) and Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony (HABC). This survey illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy, and indicates potential research studies in the field for future work.KeywordsMeta-heuristicsCombinatorial testingOptimization algorithmst-way testingSoftware testing
... Another study solving fortifying CT used Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) to find the most optimum test cases for a transport system [15]. Other metaheuristics approaches include BMBH (Multiple Black Hole) [16], GSA (Gravitational Search Algorithm) [17], HSCA (Hybrid Sine Cosine Algorithm) [18], ABC (Artificial Bee Colony) [19], FPA-HC (Hybrid Flower Pollination and Hill Climbing Algorithm) [20], CS (Cuckoo Search) [21] and FA (Firefly Algorithm). The summary of the studies is shown in Table 1. ...
... Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm (Karaboga 2010) simulates the group behavior of honey bees in the nature. Based on this algorithm, several strategies such as Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) (Alazzawi et al. 2018) and Artificial Bee Colony Variable Strength (ABCVS) (Alazzawi et al. 2019a), and Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony (HABC) strategy (Alazzawi et al. 2019b) are presented to generate the minimum covering array. ...
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Although t-way strategy tries to generate a minimum test suite (TS) for detecting errors in software systems, its functionality is affected by three important challenges. The first one, which relates to the quality of the generated TS, expresses that some complex errors (e.g., deadlocks in concurrent systems) may not be detected through the generated TS. The second one is that manually preparing parameters and their values in the modern software systems is difficult or even impossible, whereas the third one is the low generation speed and the large size of the generated test suite. In this paper, we propose a three-phase approach (so-called TPA) to handle these challenges. It seems that injecting some information about special errors into the test suite can raise its quality. For this purpose, TPA, in the first phase, uses an optimized version of model checking to extract such information from a model of the system under test. The extracted information is then injected into the test suite. In the second phase, TPA uses the generated state space in the first phase to automatically prepare parameters and their values. In the last phase, TPA applies an adopted version of evolution strategy to improve the functionality of t-way strategy in terms of generation speed and test suite size. Multiple and pairwise comparisons of results confirm that TPA has the best functionality in comparison with other evolutionary algorithms.
... T-way testing based on the Bee Colony algorithm is also efficient in generating optimal test cases; it can even outperform many existing computational and AI-based t-way strategies in terms of constructing optimum test cases [27]. Bee Algorithm based t-way strategies are also implemented in sequence-based testing [28]. ...
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Software testing is important for ensuring the reliability of software systems. In software testing, effective test case generation is essential as an alternative to exhaustive testing. For improving the software testing technology, the t-way testing technique combined with metaheuristic algorithm has been great to analyze a large number of combinations for getting optimal solutions. However, most of the existing t-way strategies consider test case weights while generating test suites. Priority of test cases hasn’t been fully considered in previous works, but in practice, it’s frequently necessary to distinguish between high-priority and low-priority test cases. Therefore, the significance of test case prioritization is quite high. For this reason, this paper has proposed a t-way strategy that implements an adaptive Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) to construct prioritized t-way test suites. Both test case weight and test case priority have equal significance during test suite generation in this strategy. We have designed and implemented a Bi-objective Dragonfly Algorithm (BDA) for prioritized t-way test suite generation, and the two objectives are test case weight and test case priority. The test results demonstrate that BDA performs competitively against existing t-way strategies in terms of test suite size, and in addition, BDA generates prioritized test suites.
Software Industry is evolving at a very fast pace since last two decades. Many software developments, testing and test case generation approaches have evolved in last two decades to deliver quality products and services. Testing plays a vital role to ensure the quality and reliability of software products. In this paper authors attempted to conduct a systematic study of testing tools and techniques. Six most popular e-resources called IEEE, Springer, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Elsevier, Wiley and Google Scholar to download 738 manuscripts out of which 125 were selected to conduct the study. Out of 125 manuscripts selected, a good number approx. 79% are from reputed journals and around 21% are from good conference of repute. Testing tools discussed in this paper have broadly been divided into five different categories: open source, academic and research, commercial, academic and open source, and commercial & open source. The paper also discusses several benchmarked datasets viz. Evosuite 10, SF100 Corpus, Defects4J repository, Neo4j, JSON, Mocha JS, and Node JS to name a few. Aim of this paper is to make the researchers aware of the various test case generation tools and techniques introduced in the last 11 years with their salient features.
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Exhaustive testing of software systems with a large number of input parameters and combinations between them often causes the problem of combinatorial explosion. Combinatorial t-way testing is a technique that generates an array of test cases to maximize combinations covering of between input parameters. Generating a minimum covering array is an optimization problem that many strategies based on metaheuristic algorithms such as teaching and learning based optimization, particle swarm optimization, and genetic and cuckoo search algorithms have been used for solving it. Although these strategies have produced smaller covering arrays, complete minimization has not yet been performed. In this paper, we propose a new strategy based on the success-history and linear population size reduction based adaptive differential evolution algorithm (so-called LSHADE), which is one of winners of IEEE CEC competitions, to generate minimum covering array. The results of Friedman mean rank show that the LSHADE strategy has the first rank in terms of generating the covering array with the lowest size and the lowest average number of algorithmic calls, compared to mathematics based strategies such as TConfig, greedy strategies such as IPOG, Jenny and PICT and meta-heuristics such as GS, TLBO, HC-BAT, PSTG, WOA , BAPSO and GSTG. While, in terms of the average number of fitness function evaluations and the average runtime, this strategy has the first rank after the GS strategy. Moreover, the convergence diagrams confirm the high convergence speed of this strategy compared to the other meta-heuristic strategies.
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Each government is looking for to provide the best services to establish efficiency and quality of performance. This goal could be accomplished by improving the service performance of entire sectors in society. The government of Syria has realized the importance of moving in the direction of information technology. Therefore, E-governance initiatives were launched in Syria as a part of overall country information technology in 20 s century. Each government sector has since upgraded the performance by having its websites and e-services application. However, there are gaps and loose connections exist among the sectors, which has accordingly tarnished the image of Syrian E-governance. This has led to significant questions about the requirement of modification and enhancement of such service. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate and explore the factors that drive the E-governance implementation and affect government performance as well as the government-citizen relationship in Syria.KeywordsE-governanceGovernment of SyriaGovernment-Citizen
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Although desirable, exhaustive testing is practically impossible. In the last 30 years, many sampling strategies have been introduced to systematically minimize the test data for consideration. Complementing existing sampling strategies (i.e. in terms of dealing with interaction faults), pairwise testing has been extensively exploited resulting into many prototypes strategy implementations. Recently, the growing interests of adopting optimization algorithms as a backbone search engine for the new and upcoming search based software testing (SBST) is increasing for newly developed generation strategies. This paper proposes an enhancement design and implementation of constraints pairwise strategy based on the bat-inspired algorithm (BA), called BTS. The benchmarking results of BTS show that it outperforms the generated test suite of the existing strategies even in the presence of constraints.
Conference Paper
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Failures of software systems are often caused due to unexpected interactions among system components. The number of tests that needs to be performed in order to test all possible combinations of interactions can be exorbitant even for medium sized software systems. To bring a balance between exhaustive testing and lack of testing, we have adopted the bat-inspired algorithm as basis of a t-way test suite redaction strategy, called BTS. This paper studies the benchmarking of BTS for real-world software systems to show it applicability in real-world test suite generation scenarios. BTS produces competitive test suite sizes compared to its counterparts. BTS was able to achieve 3 of the best test suite sizes.
Conference Paper
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Owing to exponential growth of software lines of codes (LOC)s, testing becomes painstakingly difficult activities. Test engineers are often under pressure to test more and more LOCs yet within the same targeted deadline. For this reason, adopting effective combinatorial automated testing methods is required to ensure quality. T-way combinatorial testing is among the most common strategies for minimizing and sampling of tests for testing consideration. Recently, researchers have been interesting to adapting optimization as the basis of the newly developed strategies. Complementing our existing work. We adopt a case study to clarify and benchmark our t-way strategy based on the bat algorithm. Based on the benchmarking results for the case study. Our strategy performs well. We achieved more than 96% redaction of the test suite for the conducted case study.
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Although desirable, exhaustive testing of the software system is impractical because of the significant growth of the search space of systems features (large search space).Several sampling strategies have been introduced to systematically reduce the test data for consideration. Complementing existing sampling strategies (i.e. in terms of dealing with interaction faults). To be specific, the interaction testing technique (refers to as t-way strategy) is based on interaction strength and is capable of dramatically reducing the number of test suite while ensuring practical coverage. T-way interaction testing has been extensively exploited resulting into many prototypes strategy implementations. Recently, there are growing interests for adopting optimization algorithms as the basis of the newly developed strategies contributing to the new and upcoming search based software testing (SBST) area of research. In this article, we benchmarked the bat-inspired testing strategy (BTS) for uniform strength interaction against some of the available t-way testing tools and strategies. Based on the benchmarking results, BTS achieved some new minimum test suite sizes over the existing strategies.
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Combinatorial Interaction testing (or termed t-way testing) is a useful g strategy aimed at sampling a set of test cases from a large search space. As part of the strategy implementation, researchers have started to turn into meta-heuristic algorithms in line with the emergence of the new field called Search based Software Engineering. Complementing in the aforementioned respect, this paper discusses the adoption of Bat Algorithm as the basis of t-way strategy. Our experience has been promising as our strategy has managed to outperform many existing work, where the results of the experiment shows that BTS is superior in term of the solution quality.
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Owing to exponential growth of software lines of codes (LOC)s, testing becomes painstakingly difficult activities. Test engineers are often under pressure to test more and more LOCs yet within the same targeted deadline. For this reason, efficient testing strategy is required. Pairwise testing is amongst the most common strategies for minimizing and sampling of tests for testing consideration. Recently, there are growing interests for adapting optimization algorithms as the basis of the newly developed strategies. Complementing the existing work, we propose a novel design and implementation of Bat-inspired algorithm (BA) for pairwise strategy, called Bat-inspired pairwise testing strategy (BPTS). Based on the benchmarking results, BPTS outperforms most existing strategies in terms of the generated test suite size. BPTS serves as our research vehicle to investigate the effectiveness of Bat-inspired algorithm for pairwise test generation, which is going to be helpful to reduce the time and cost of software testing by reducing the number of test cases.
In order to ensure software performance as well as software quality, various testing techniques have been used to detect faults as early and as many as possible during the development phase. Over the last decade, the size and complexity of software developed have increased tremendously. Highly customizable software allow users to configure the software to the users' needs, however, if not tested adequately, these software are prone to interaction faults. This paper discusses our experiences on implementation of Bees algorithm for generating test cases to detect t-way interaction faults (where t signifies the interaction strength).