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Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Systematic Review of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in 199 Patients


Abstract and Figures

Objective: Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) with its new quantitative mapping techniques has proved to be an essential diagnostic tool for detecting myocardial injury associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. This systematic review sought to assess the important imaging features on CMR in patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Materials and methods: We performed a systematic literature review within the PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, and WHO databases for articles describing the CMR findings in COVID-19 patients. Results: A total of 34 studies comprising 199 patients were included in the final qualitative synthesis. Of the CMRs 21% were normal. Myocarditis (40.2%) was the most prevalent diagnosis. T1 (109/150; 73%) and T2 (91/144; 63%) mapping abnormalities, edema on T2/STIR (46/90; 51%), and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) (85/199; 43%) were the most common imaging findings. Perfusion deficits (18/21; 85%) and extracellular volume mapping abnormalities (21/40; 52%), pericardial effusion (43/175; 24%), and pericardial LGE (22/100; 22%) were also seen. LGE was most commonly seen in the subepicardial location (81%) and in the basal-mid part of the left ventricle in inferior segments. In most of the patients, ventricular functions were normal. Kawasaki-like involvement with myocardial edema without necrosis/LGE (4/6; 67%) was seen in children. Conclusion: CMR is useful in assessing the prevalence, mechanism, and extent of myocardial injury in COVID-19 patients. Myocarditis is the most common imaging diagnosis, with the common imaging findings being mapping abnormalities and myocardial edema on T2, followed by LGE. As cardiovascular involvement is associated with poor prognosis, its detection warrants prompt attention and appropriate treatment.
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Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
A Systematic Review of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Findings in 199 Patients
Vineeta Ojha, MD,* Mansi Verma, MD,* Niraj N. Pandey, DM,*
Avinash Mani, MD,Amarinder S. Malhi, DM,* Sanjeev Kumar, MD,*
Priya Jagia, MD,* Ambuj Roy, DM,and Sanjiv Sharma, MD*
Objective: Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) with its new
quantitative mapping techniques has proved to be an essential
diagnostic tool for detecting myocardial injury associated with
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. This systematic
review sought to assess the important imaging features on CMR in
patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Materials and Methods: We performed a systematic literature review
within the PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, and WHO databases
for articles describing the CMR ndings in COVID-19 patients.
Results: A total of 34 studies comprising 199 patients were included
in the nal qualitative synthesis. Of the CMRs 21% were normal.
Myocarditis (40.2%) was the most prevalent diagnosis. T1 (109/150;
73%) and T2 (91/144; 63%) mapping abnormalities, edema on T2/
STIR (46/90; 51%), and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE)
(85/199; 43%) were the most common imaging ndings. Perfusion
decits (18/21; 85%) and extracellular volume mapping abnormalities
(21/40; 52%), pericardial effusion (43/175; 24%), and pericardial LGE
(22/100; 22%) were also seen. LGE was most commonly seen in the
subepicardial location (81%) and in the basal-mid part of the left
ventricle in inferior segments. In most of the patients, ventricular
functions were normal. Kawasaki-like involvement with myocardial
edema without necrosis/LGE (4/6; 67%) was seen in children.
Conclusion: CMR is useful in assessing the prevalence, mechanism,
and extent of myocardial injury in COVID-19 patients. Myocarditis
is the most common imaging diagnosis, with the common imaging
ndings being mapping abnormalities and myocardial edema on T2,
followed by LGE. As cardiovascular involvement is associated with
poor prognosis, its detection warrants prompt attention and
appropriate treatment.
Key Words: cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, coronavirus disease
2019, systematic review
(J Thorac Imaging 2021;36:7383)
(1) Myocarditis was the most prevalent diagnosis on cardiac
magnetic resonance imaging in patients with Coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19).
(2) Mapping abnormalities were the most common imaging
ndings, followed by edema and late gadolinium
enhancement (LGE). Subepicardial LGE in the basal to
mid left ventricle was the most prevalent pattern of LGE.
(3) Ventricular functions were normal in most of the patients.
The rapid emergence of COVID-19 caused by novel
coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) has led to an unprecedented
global health crisis.1Although the clinical course is pri-
marily characterized by respiratory symptoms, cardiac
involvement in COVID-19 has been documented and is seen
to cause substantial morbidity and mortality. Adverse out-
comes have been reported especially in patients with
preexisting cardiovascular disease. COVID-19 has been
implicated in a wide gamut of cardiac manifestations including
heart failure, cardiogenic shock, arrhythmias, myocardial
inammation, and coronary involvement, among others.2
The putative mechanisms for myocardial injury in
COVID-19 include exaggerated immune response or direct
viral damage. It has been hypothesized that SARS-CoV-2
binds to angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) recep-
tors on cardiac myocytes followed by its incorporation and
replication resulting in direct damage to the cardiac tissue.3
Other possible mechanisms include activation of inter-
leukins and interferons especially interleukin-6 and the
subsequent cytokine storm, microcirculatory endothelial
dysfunction due to systemic inammatory response and
hypoxic injury.4A hypercoagulable state created by this
virus can also cause thrombosis of coronary arteries leading
to ischemia.2
Cardiac complications can be diagnosed by a variety of
modalities available. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)
imaging has the unique ability of providing morphologic
and functional information and tissue characterization and
is recommended by the American Heart Association to
detect myocardial insult.5It is imperative for the health care
workers to be aware of the spectrum of CMR ndings in
COVID-19 to provide timely diagnosis and prompt insti-
tution of appropriate treatment. Our knowledge pertaining
to cardiac complications is still evolving and the literature
From the Departments of *Cardiovascular Radiology & Endovascular
Interventions; Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi; and Department of Cardiology, Sri Chitra Tirunal
Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala,
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Correspondence to: Sanjiv Sharma, MD, Department of Cardiovascular
Radiology & Endovascular Interventions, All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India (e-mail:
Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Direct URL
citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML
and PDF versions of this article on the journals website, www.
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000574
J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
regarding cardiac manifestations of this disease entity is
sparse and scattered with lack of a cohesive compilation. To
our knowledge, this is the rst systematic review to compile
the data in the current published literature regarding cardiac
involvement in COVID-19 as depicted on CMR.
Search Strategy
We sought to conduct a narrative synthesis of the reported
CMR ndings in patients with COVID-19 (synthesis without
meta-analysis [SWiM]). We developed our search strategy
according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines.6The study
protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020199104).
Comprehensive electronic search of the PubMed, Embase,
Google Scholar, and World Health Organization Library
databases was performed on August 4, 2020 using the search
terms: (covidor covid-19or coronavirusor SARS-
CoV-2or 2019-nCoVor n-CoV)AND(MRIOR
MROR CMROR Magnetic Resonance). The search
was limited to articles published in the year 2020. Additional
search of the gray literature and the reference lists of the
extracted studies selected was done to extract other relevant
studies. Duplicates were excluded.
Study Selection
The published articles (including case reports or series)
describing CMR ndings in patients with conrmed COVID-19
infection were included in the review. Additional inclusion cri-
teria were articles conducted on human beings, published in
English and with extractable full text. No restrictions were
applied based on the country of research. Reviews, preprints,
editorials, guidelines, and recommendations were excluded.
Two independent reviewers screened the titles and abstracts of
the included articles according to the criteria mentioned above.
Any disagreements were solved mutually and by the senior
author, if required.
Quality of Study Assessment
Two independent reviewers rated all the included
studies for their quality based on the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) Quality Assessment Tool for Case Series
Studies.7The included studies had a small sample size due to
rarity of reported cases. The methodological quality of the
studies was generally rated as fair indicative of the limited
and low-quality data available pertaining to CMR ndings.
Data Extraction
We retrieved the full texts of the articles included for the
nal review and further screened them for their eligibility. After
careful scrutiny, articles included for the systematic review and
nal analysis were shortlisted. Two independent reviewers
extracted the relevant data from the full texts of the included
articles into a Microsoft Excel database using the following
elds: author, study design, journal, country, demographics,
sample size, clinical features, CMR imaging features, and
follow-up. To extract the granular data, various subelds were
also used such as biomarker elevation, distribution of lesions,
etc. Discrepancies were resolved by mutual discussion between
the 2 reviewers. Data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel.
CMR Data Analysis
Substantial heterogeneity existed within the data.
Many studies described ndings according to the standard
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) denitions for con-
ditions such as myocarditis (Lake Louise criteria 2009 in 4
studies and modied Lake Louise criteria 2018 in 6). For
those studies that did not give the denition, the analysis
was done in accordance with the Lake Louise criteria
2018.8,9 For most of the studies, edema was dened to be
present when the ratio of myocardium: skeletal muscle sig-
nal intensity was >2.10 Myocarditis-like LGE was dened
as the one not corresponding to any vascular territory and
sparing the subendocardium.11
Characteristics of Included Studies
After removing the duplicate studies, a total of 289
unique records were identied from the 4 databases (Fig. 1).
After initial screening, a total of 63 records met the criteria
for a full text review. Out of these, 34 studies were nally
included for analysis after careful scrutiny. Table 1 describes
the demographic information pertaining to the study pop-
ulation. In 34 included studies, a total of 221 patients
underwent 224 MRI scans (including 3 follow-ups). How-
ever, the second largest study in this systematic review
described in detail the ndings on CMR in only 29 patients
(with unknown etiology) out of a total of 51 patients.11 So,
we excluded the remaining 22 patients from the nal analysis,
giving a total of 199 patients. Most of the studies were case
reports except for 5 retrospective and 1 prospective obser-
vational studies. CMR ndings were reported in all these
studies. The ndings were reported from many countries
across the globe; however, Germany, England, and China
constituted maximum proportion of the sample size. Meth-
odologic quality of the studies was evaluated using the NIH
Quality Assessment Tool for Case Series and was fair for all
the included studies (Supplementary Table 1, Supplemental
Digital Content 1, The
diagnosis of COVID-19 was conrmed by real-time reverse
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in all the
patients included in this systematic review, except 5 (in 2
studies) who were positive on serology.10,19 Most of the
patients had recovered from COVID-19, rather than har-
boring active disease. All the studies reported raised troponin
levels. Thirteen studies comprising 80 patients described
raised NT-proBNP levels (Table 2).
Common Imaging Findings on CMR
Various CMR imaging ndings have been described
across the included studies as described in Table 2. Table 3
provides the pooled incidence of various imaging ndings. The
mean duration of CMR from symptom onset varied widely,
ranging from day 2 to day 71. Myocarditis (80/199; 40.2%) was
the most prevalent diagnosis, whereas normal CMR was seen in
21.1% (42/199) of the patients. Uncommon CMR diagnoses
included inducible ischemia in 2.5% (5/199), acute dual ischemic
plus nonischemic pattern in 2% (4/199), Takotsubo syndrome,
and myopericarditis in 1.5% (3/199) of the patients, each.
ThemostprevalentMRIndings (described out of >100
patients) included T1 mapping abnormalities (109/150; 72.7%),
T2 mapping abnormalities (91/144; 63.2%), and LGE (85/199;
42.7%). Other common ndings (described out of <100
patients) included perfusion decits (18/21; 85.71%), edema on
T2-weighted sequences (46/90; 51.11%), and extracellular vol-
ume mapping (ECV) abnormalities (21/40; 52.5%). Findings
on perfusion imaging were mentioned for a total of 21 patients
(Supplementary Table 2, Supplemental Digital Content 2,
Ojha et al J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021
| Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Knight et al11 described
ischemia in 9/19 and inducible ischemia in 8/19 patients. Per-
icardial effusion and pericardial LGE were also noted in 24%
and 22% of the patients, respectively. One patient was having
preexisting ventricular noncompaction (Table 3).28 Mean left
ventricular ejection fraction across the studies was 52% and
right ventricular ejection fraction was 56%. Right ventricle
(RV) dysfunction was described in 4 of 9 studies which men-
tioned RV function. Information regarding regional wall
motion abnormalities was provided in 13 case reports and
diffuse hypokinesia was the most common pattern (9/13;
69.2%) (Supplementary Table 2, Supplemental Digital Content
Distribution of LGE and Mapping Abnormalities
LGE, when present, was most commonly seen involving
the basal (60%) and mid-ventricular (67%) part of the left
ventricle (LV) and involving the inferior, inferolateral, and
inferoseptal LV (26/41; 63.4%). A subepicardial nonischemic
pattern of LGE typical for myocarditis was the most prevalent
pattern (43/53; 81.1%). Mid-wall LGE was seen in 33.9%
(15/53) and ischemic pattern of LGE (subendocardial LGE
in coronary distribution) was seenin~17%(21/53).Diffuse
biventricular and transmural LGE were seen in one case each
(Supplementary Table 2, Supplemental Digital Content 2,
Average T1 and T2 mapping values across all the
studies were 1165.59 and 54.65 ms. Very few studies described the
segments with mapping abnormalities. Whereas T1 mapping
values were variable, T2 mapping value was higher in lateral
segments (67 ms: lateral wall in 1 case and 69 ms: posterolateral
wall in 1 case). Average ECV values were also higher (34.24 ms)
in COVID-19 survivors (Supplementary Table 2, Supplemental
Digital Content 2,
Uncommon Imaging Findings on CMR
Some uncommon imaging ndings were also described.
For example, LV hypertrophy (including pseudohypertrophy
due to inammation) was described in 6 case reports (Table 3).
Two case reports mentioned the presence of apical left ven-
tricular thrombus including one in the presence of the Takot-
subo syndrome.19,34 Pericardial thickening was also found in
41,42 Reduced global longitudinal strain, left atrial
enlargement, and diastolic dysfunction of the LV were described
in one case each.18,31,41 In addition, lymphadenopathy was
conspicuously absent in all the patients.
Imaging Findings in Children
A case series of four children admitted in the intensive
care described Kawasaki-like clinical features in these children.
Acute myocarditis occurred within a week of symptom onset.
CMR (3 in acute stage, 1 in recovery phase) demonstrated
FIGURE 1. PRISMA 2009 flowchart describing selection of studies included in the systematic review. (Adapted from Moher et al.6
Therefore, in order to reprint this adapted figure, authorization must be obtained both from the owner of the copyright in the original
work and from the owner of copyright in the translation or adaptation.)
J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021 Cardiac MRI in COVID-19
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
diffuse myocardial edema (on T2/STIR sequences and native
T1 mapping) without any LGE, suggesting myocardial
inammation without necrosis/brosis (Fig. 2).10 However, 2
case reports in children also described the presence of sub-
epicardial LGE suggestive of typical myocarditis pattern along
with edema.35,42 In the report by Oberweis et al,42 the repeat
CMR showed complete resolution of inammation and LGE
on immunomodulatory treatment.
Endomyocardial Biopsy (EMB) Findings
EMB data were available in 2 studies.12,27 Three patients
with severe disease were referred for EMB in the study by
Puntmann et al12 and all of them showed active lymphocytic
inammation without any viral genome. In the case report of a
patient with Takotsubo-like syndrome, there was presence of
diffuse lymphocytic inammatory inltrates, interstitial edema,
and patchy necrosis without any replacement brosis. No viral
genome was found on molecular analysis.27
Findings on Follow-up CMR
Follow-up CMR ndings were available for 3 patients
(in 3 different case reports). Whereas myocardial edema (T2
hyperintensity) resolved in all the 3 cases, 1 case with sub-
epicardial LGE remained constant, suggesting irreversible
brosis. Decrease in LV wall thickness and improvement in
left ventricular ejection fraction were also seen in 1 case
(Table 4).39,40,42
CMR may depict various imaging manifestations of
myocardial injury caused by COVID-19. In this systematic
review, we have compiled the data from the existing liter-
ature regarding the various common and uncommon
imaging ndings in patients with COVID-19 on cardiac
MRI. Most of the studies in this review were of fair quality
suggesting risk of some bias. However, the scarcity of data
in the literature on this subject in this emergent pandemic
situation makes this bias unavoidable. Most of the data is
descriptive, nonblinded, and describes the preliminary
experience in this less well-known entity. However, we
aimed to evaluate the imaging ndings on CMR and these
shortcomings were not strong enough to invalidate our
Myocarditis was the most common imaging diagnosis
(~40%) on CMR in recovered/active patients with COVID-19.
More than three-fourth of the cases from the largest cohort till
date had ndings of myocarditis on CMR, demonstrating that
TABLE 1. Overview of the Included Studies and the Demographic Profile of the Population
References Country of Study Study Design
Number of Patients With
CMR Findings Male
Age (y)
(Mean or Median)
Puntmann et al12 Germany Prospective observational 100 53/100 (53%) 49 (45-53)
Knight et al11 England Retrospective
observational, letter 29 24 /29 (83%) 64 ± 9
Blondiaux et al10 France Retrospective case series 4 1/4 (25%) 9 ± 3 (range 6-12)
Esposito et al13 Italy Case series 10 2/10 (20%) 52 ± 6
Huang et al14 China Retrospective observational 26 10/26 (38.5%) Median =38;
[IQR: 32-45]
Caballeros Lam et al15 Spain Scientic letter, case series 2 1/2 (50%) 26, 13
Coyle et al16 US Case report 1 1 57
Beşler et al17 Turkey Case report 1 1 20
Inciardi et al18 Italy Case report 1 0 53
Gravinay et al19 France Case report 1 1 51
Trogen et al20 US Case report 1 1 17
Luetkens et al21 Germany Case report 1 1 79
Manka et al22 Switzerland Case report 1 1 75
Pavon et al23 Switzerland Case report 1 1 64
Sardari et al24 Iran Case report 1 1 31
Gnecchi et al25 Italy Case report 1 1 16
Paul et al26 France Case report 1 1 35
Sala et al27 Italy Case report 1 0 43
Bonnet et al28 France Case report 1 1 27
Kim et al29 Korea Case report 1 0 21
Doyen et al30 France Case report 1 1 69
Warchołet al31 Poland Case report 1 1 74
Sassone et al32 Italy Case report 1 1 38
Salamanca et al33 Spain Case report 1 1 44
Bernardi et al34 Italy Case report 1 1 74
Fischer et al35 France Case report 1 1 15
Bernal-Torres et al36 Spain Case report 1 0 38
Weinsaft et al37 Case report 1 0 36
Madamanchi et al38 US Case report 1 1 41
Yuan et al39 China Case report 1 1 33
Garot et al40 France Case report 1 1 18
Monmeneu et al41 Spain Case report 1 1 43
Oberweis et al42 Luxembourg Case report 1 1 8
Frédéric et al43 France Case report 1 1 39
IQR indicates interquartile range.
Ojha et al J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021
| Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
the prevalence of myocardial injury in COVID-19 is higher
than previously thought.12 The common imaging ndings on
CMR included increased T1 and T2 mapping values and
edema on T2/STIR sequences. LGE was seen in less than half
of the patients. When present, LGE was most commonly seen
in the subepicardial location in inferior, inferoseptal, and
inferolateral segments, similar to viral myocarditis.9The
absence or small amounts of LGE observed in many cases is in
agreement with the limited number of histologic ndings
published in the literature for this disease, reporting limited or
absent myocyte necrosis.12,27 EMB data in 2 of these studies
showed presence of lymphocytic inltrates without evidence of
viral genome, again suggesting that immune-mediated myo-
cardial inammation is the principal mechanism of cardiac
involvement in COVID-19.12,27 This inammation (myocarditis)
is evident on CMR as raised T1 and T2 mapping values and
edema.8In most of the cases, the involvement was diffuse rather
than regional.
Mapping abnormalities were more common than T2
hyperintensity (edema) in our pooled analysis. The pro-
posed reason may be that tissue characterization using
only the signal intensities may not be possible or accurate
in cases of diffuse inammation. Because of diffuse
increase in signal intensity and lack of reference normal
myocardium, discrete lesions may not be identied. Fur-
ther, even if diffusely inamed myocardium shows raised
signal intensity ratio compared with the skeletal muscle,
the coexisting skeletal muscle edema may give rise to
false-negative results.8Mapping techniques can allow for
direct quantitative pixel by pixel measurement of myo-
cardial relaxation times in acute inammation, thus
avoiding the limitations of semiquantitative techniques.
Inamed myocardium shows raised T1, T2, and ECV
values. Previous studies have shown excellent diagnostic
accuracy of mapping techniques for suspected myocardi-
tis. Pooled area under the curve (AUC) for the detection
of acute myocarditis, from the available literature, are 89,
80, and 74 for T1, T2, and ECV mapping, respectively,
compared with 73, 73, and 83 for T2, early gadolinium
enhancement and LGE, respectively.8The MyoRacer
myocarditis trial also demonstrated native T1 mapping to
be most accurate (diagnostic accuracy: 81%) of all CMR
parameters for acute myocarditis.44
In the largest studies included in this review, ven-
tricular functions were predominantly normal. These
studies have demonstrated that tissue abnormalities pre-
cede functional abnormalities and that the patients could
be in relatively earlier phase of cardiac involvement.14
Indeed, our results showed that mapping abnormalities
were more prevalent than ventricular dysfunction. This
further strengthens the case for mapping techniques as a
sensitive tool for detecting early myocardial involvement
in COVID. However, it is important that patients are
further followed up longitudinally for possible adverse
functional remodeling of myocardium. RV dysfunction
was described in four studies (18/153 patients; 12%). The
proposed mechanism may relate to the fact that even
slight increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (due to
pulmonary disease) can cause impairment of RV function
as it acts as a passive conduit chamber.14
Ischemia was seen in 9 of 29 patients with identiable
CMR ndings of COVID-19 in the series by Knight and
colleagues, out of which 4 were concomitant with non-
ischemic pattern. There is an increasing evidence that there
is abnormal activation of the coagulation cascade and
microcirculatory dysfunction, which happens due to
heightened immune response and endothelial dysfunction in
COVID-19 and this can cause ischemia and acute coronary
syndrome.45 When present, it is associated with poor prog-
nosis. This mechanism is also postulated for the occurrence
of ventricular thrombus as a rare complication of COVID-
19 infection.19,34
Approximately one-fth of the patients in this review
had normal CMR despite cardiac symptoms. This can have
two possible explanations. Considering the fact that normal
CMR was more commonly seen in case series with a higher
gap between symptoms and time of acquisition, the most
likely reason is that patients may have had myocarditis, but
were imaged later in the course of the disease when edema
had already resolved. Another reason could be that
TABLE 2. Pooled Incidence of Various Abnormalities on CMR in
COVID-19 Patients
Number of
Pooled Incidence
(as Per Total Number
of MRI Performed)
CMR diagnosis
(4 with Kawasaki like
manifestation, 1 with
reverse Takotsubo)
34 80/199 (40.2%)
Myopericarditis 34 3/199 (1.5%)
Takotsubo 34 3/199 (1.5%)
Ischemia 34 5/199 (2.5%)
Dual ischemic plus
nonischemic 34 4/199 (2.0%)
Normal CMR 34 42/199 (21.1%)
Mean ejection fractions on CMR
Mean LVEF* 24 51.6% (6609.7/128)
Mean RVEF 24 56.2% (6126.3/109)
Major abnormalities on cardiac MRI
Regional wall motion
abnormality (RWMA) 20 13/32 (40.6%)
Edema on T2 or STIR 28 46/90 (51.11%)
Perfusion decit 3 18/21 (85.71%)
LGE 34 85/199 (42.7%)
T1 mapping abnormality 13 109/150 (72.7%)
T2 mapping abnormality 10 91/144 (63.2%)
ECV mapping
abnormality 6 21/40 (52.5%)
Pericardial effusion 11 43/175 (24.6%)
Pericardial LGE 1 22/100 (22%)
Left ventricle
Pericardial thickening 2 2
LV apical thrombus 2 2
Early gadolinium
2 1/2
Other ndings:
Diastolic dysfunction 1 1
Left atrial enlargement 1 1
LV wall thinning 1 1
Reduced global
longitudinal strain 11
*1 study did not mention exact LVEF but it was <40% in 2 patients,
>55% in 5 patients, 40-55% in 3 patients.13
Cumulative percentages for some of the ndings have not been calcu-
lated as they were mentioned in a very few studies/number of patients and are
not truly representative.
LVEF indicates left ventricular ejection fraction; RVEF, right ventricular
ejection fraction; STIR, short tau inversion recovery.
J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021 Cardiac MRI in COVID-19
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
TABLE 3. Pooled Incidence of Various Imaging Finding Across the Included Studies
References Troponin
Onset and
on MRI
et al12 Raised in 76 Raised in 68 NA Raised Recoverd patients with
increased serological
markers chest pain (17)
palpitation (20) shortness of
breath (36)
Myocarditis (78) 22/100 71 d (from
56% 56%
Knight et al11 Raised NA NA NA Discharged patients with
elevated troponin
NI: 11, I: 5, Dual:4,
No cause: 9 (13/
29 myocarditis,
9/29 ischemic,
7-ischemia; 1
prior MI)
9/29 (31%) 46 ± 15 d 67.7 ± 11.4% 63.7% ± 9.5%
et al10 Raised in all NA NA NA MIS-C and Kawasaki like: pain
(4), vomiting (2), diarrhea
(2), and fever.
Myocarditis 0 3: acute, 1:
68, 51, 52,
63, 53, 57, 55
Esposito et al13 Raised NA NA NA 8/10 (80%) experienced
oppressive chest pain. 2/10
(20%)had dyspnea
2:Takutsubo 8:
myocarditis like
0 1 wk 2: <40%,
5: >55%,
3: 40-
Huang et al14 At admission, 13/26
patients: median
[IQR] peak value of
2.2 [1.9-2.6] pg/mL;
normal at time of
NA NA NA Precordial chest pain 3/26
(12%), palpitation 23/26
(88%), and chest distress 6/
26 (23%); history of
hypertension before
COVID-19 2/26 (8%)
15/26 had
edema and/or
11/26 (42%) 47 d (IQR: 36-
60.7 (45% in
Caballeros Lam
et al15 Raised, raised NA NA NA,
Chest pain, mild cough and
fever (2 patient)
Myocarditis 0 7 d, NA 59%,
in second
Coyle et al16 Raised NA NA NA Shortness of breath, fever,
cough, myalgia
Myocarditis 0 25 d 82% NA
Beşler et al17 Raised Raised Raised Raised Fever, chest pain Myocarditis 0 14 d 64% NA
Inciardi et al18 Raised Raised Raised Raised Fatigue (fever and dry cough a
week before)
with systolic
0 2 d 35% NA
et al19 Raised NA NA NA Fever, atypical chest pain Myocarditis 0 8 d Normal NA
Trogen et al20 Raised NA NA NA Fever Myocarditis 0 NA 40% 39%
Luetkens et al21 Raised Raised NA Raised Fatigue, SOB Myocarditis 0 10 d 49% Normal
Manka et al22 Raised Raised NA Raised Fever, dyspnea Diffuse myocardial
0 6 d 59% 72%
Pavon et al23 Raised NA NA NA Chest pain, dyspnea Late acute
0 6 wk 42% NA
Sardari et al24 Normal at time of
NA NA NA Dyspnea, fever Myocarditis 0 3 wk 50% NA
Gnecchi et al25 Raised NA Raised Raised Chest pain, fever Myocarditis 0 11 d NA NA
Paul et al26 Raised NA NA NA Chest pain, fatigue Myocarditis 0 NA NA NA
Sala et al27 Raised Raised NA Raised Chest pain, dyspnea for 3d Acute virus-negative
associated with
0 7 d 64% NA
Bonnet et al28 Raised Raised NA NA Respiratory distress Myocarditis with
0 30 d NA NA
Kim et al29 Raised Raised NA NA Fever, dyspnea Myocarditis 0 NA NA NA
Doyen et al30 Raised NA NA NA Vomiting, diarrhea, fever,
dyspnea (history of
Myocarditis 0 NA NA NA
Warchołet al31 Raised NA Raised NA VT Myocarditis 0 NA 20% NA
Sassone et al32 Raised NA NA Raised Chest pain Acute myocarditsi 0 NA NA NA
et al33 Raised NA NA NA Dyspnea, syncope Myocarditis 0 14 d 75% NA
Bernardi et al34 Raised NA NA NA Chest pain, fever Takutsubo 0 NA 22% NA
Fischer et al35 Raised Raised NA Raised Chest pain, fever Acute myocarditsi 0 4 d 48% Normal
et al36 Raised NA NA NA Papitations, no respiratory
Myocarditis 0 18 d 60% NA
Weinsaft et al37 Raised NA NA NA Chest pain Myocarditis 0 NA 38% NA
et al38 Raised NA NA NA Syncope Myocarditis 0 NA 33% NA
Yuan et al39 NA NA NA NA Chest pain, fever and muscle
Myocarditis 0 5 d Decreased
Garot et al40 Raised Raised NA Raised Cough, fever, fatigue, and
Myocarditis 0 Day 7 and 14 33% NA
et al41 tNt raised raised NA Raised Fever, dry cough, and
haemoptoic sputum
0 Day 15 53% NA
Oberweis et al42 Raised hs troponin T:
0.044 ng/mL
Raised 5112
NA Raised Fever, cough, fatigue Myocarditis 0 Day 3 41% 46%
Frédéric et al43 Raised 15.4 μg/L Raised NA Raised Chest pain, dyspnea Myopericarditis 0 5 d NA NA
EGE indicates early gadolinium enhancement; GGO, ground-glass opacities; GLS, global longitudinal strain; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVH,
left ventricle hypertrophy; N, normal; NA, data not available; RVEF, right ventricular ejection fraction; RWMA, regional wall motion abnormality; STIR, short
tau inversion recovery; Y, yes.
Ojha et al J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021
| Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
TABLE 3. Pooled Incidence of Various Imaging Finding Across the Included Studies
LV Wall
Edema on
T2 or
Pattern of
NA NA NA NA NA NA Y Myocardial (32),
(20), ischemic
NA NA N (51 ms in
myocarditis as
well as non
Myocarditis like: 2
Done in 19 pts
Ischemia: 9
ischemia: 8
NA NI: 11, I: 5, Dual:4,
No cause: 9,
Myocarditis like
LGE: 13 non
sp mid wall: 2
No NA Y (3) N: (1) 3:
ratio >2. 2:
47.62 ms
No NA Y (8): ratio 2.3 2:apical 8:diffuse NA NA 7:N, 3: Y Thin
Lateral wall
NA NA Y (14) 54% 33% (137/416) LV the
majority of T2
hyperintensity was
located in the
septum, anterior,
and inferior wall at
base and mid-
NA NA Y(8) 31% Focal linear
and patchy
mid-wall LGE
Most LGE (9/15)
[60%] lesions
were located
at inferior and
segments at
base and mid-
No NA NA NA NA NA Y, N Mesocardial and
Basal and mid-
and inferior
NA NA Y Diffuse biventricular
and biatrial
NA NA Y Focal mid wall Basal
NA NA Y Subepicardial mid
posterolateral LV
NA NA Y Subepicardial Mid PL
Diffuse biventricular
especially in the
apical segments
LVH Y Diffuse biventricular NA NA Y Diffuse
No NA Y Subepicardial lateral
and inferior LV
NA NA Y Subepicardial Inferior and
lateral LV
Yes (focal) NA Y Mid wall inferior RV-
LV junction
NA NA Y Mid wall Inferio r RV-LV
Global hypokinesis NA Y T2 ratio 2.2 Di ffuse edema
(image: basal)
No NA Y Diffuse edema NA NA N N N
Mild hypokinesia NA NA NA NA NA Y Subepicardial Anterior IVS,
inferior and
wall base.
Mid cavity
NA NA Y Mid inferoseptal and
inferior wall
NA NA Y Subepicardial Mid inferior wall
Hypokinesia of
inferior and
segment (echo)
NA Y Patchy lateral wall NA NA Y Subepicardial Lateral wall
NA NA NA NA NA NA Y Subepicardial Lateral and
inferior wall
Mild hypokinesia at
basal and mid left
NA Y Diffuse basal and mid
level, IVS
NA NA NA NA NA NA Y Subepicardial Inferior wall mid
cavity (image)
NA LVH, LV mass
index: 111.3
Y ratio 2.2 Diffuse lateral LV
NA NA Y Extensive
Diffuse lateral LV
No (echo) LVH (echo)
(chronic htn)
NA NA NA NA Y Subepicardial Apex and
wall (mid
cavity in
Global LV
NA N N NA NA Y Large, patchy,
and linear
dially and
Basal and mid-
segments of
the inferior
wall and in
the apical
segments of
the inferior
NA NA Y Mid-basal LV lateral
NA NA Y Subepicardial
Mid-basal LV
lateral wall
No NA Y Diffuse with less
involvement of
inferolateral wall
Hypokinesia of
segments of the left
ventricle with the
NA Y Mid-apical segments
of the left ventricle
J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021 Cardiac MRI in COVID-19
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
TABLE 3. Pooled Incidence of Various Imaging Finding Across the Included Studies
T1 Mapping
Mapping Value
T2 Mapping
Mapping Value
(Segment) ECV
Lung Findings
(Chest X-ray
and/or CT)
Y (73) 1130 ms Y(60) NA NA Effusion (20)
LGE (22)
NA NA NA NA NA Effusion: 2/29 with
etiology (7%)
Lung parenchymal
changes 20/29
(69%); pleural
effusion 4/29 (14%)
3:Y 3: >1100 ms 1: 1050ms NA NA NA Effusion: 3 Peripheral opacities on
CT: 3, normal: 1
Y (8) 1.5T:1,156 ms, 3 T:1378ms Y (8) 62ms 2 patients: 30 and 36% Effusion: 6/8
Y (15) 1271ms [IQR: 1243-1298] vs.
1237 ms [IQR: 1216-1262] in
patients with and without
positive MRI, respectively
Y (15) 42.7 [IQR: 3.1] vs. 38.1
[IQR: 2.4] in patients
with and without
positive MRI,
28.2% [IQR: 24.8-36.2] vs.
24.8% [IQR: 23.1-25.4] in
patients with and without
positive MRI, respectively
Effusion: 7 NA
Y 1303, 1110 ms Y 53, 54 ms NA Effusion in second
NA NA NA NA No effusion Bilateral patchy
interstitial opacities
(CT and CXR)
NA NA NA NA NA NA Subpleural
consolidation in left
upper lobe (CXR
and CT )
Y NA NA NA NA Effusion (12mm) Mild LV
CT normal
bilateral lower
lobes (CXR)
Y 1035 Y 62 ms NA Effusion (10 mm) GGOs in the left upper
lobe and pleural
and pericardial
effusions (CT)
Y 1090 Y 56 ms NA NA NA
NA NA Y 55-57ms NA NA GGOs in the right lung
Y 1188 ms Y 61 ms NA NA Bilateral GGOs; no
pleural effusion
NA NA NA NA NA NA Consolidation
Y Mid-septum, 1431 ms; lateral
wall, 1453 ms
NA NA NA NA Bilateral multifocal
NA NA NA NA NA NA Bilateral GGOs and
NA NA NA NA NA NA Left atrial
NA NA NA NA NA NA Bilateral GGOs,
Y 1120 ms NA NA 36% NA Bilateral pneumonia
NA NA NA NA NA Effusion Normal (CT)
NA NA NA NA NA NA Alveolar opacities;
NA NA Normal NA NA NA Ct: inferolateral
NA NA NA NA NA NA Nodular calcication
in left upper lobe
and local
thickening of the
right pleura
Y Anteroseptal 1102 ms;
posterolateral 1209 ms
Y 57 ms in anteroseptal and
69 ms in posterolateral
33% in anteroseptal; 39% in
NA No perfusion
Crazy paving
Y Average, 1110 ms; mid-septum,
1047 ms; lateral wall, 1204 ms
Y Average, 60 ms; mid-
septum, 53 ms; lateral
wall, 67 ms
Average, 33%; mid-septum,
29%; lateral wall, 39%
Pericardial edema
GLS decreased Diffuse bilateral
opacities; right
pleural effusion
NA 1148 ± 67 ms NA NA NA Mild thickening of
Bilateral lower lobe
bilateral pleural
effusions (CT)
NA NA NA NA NA Effusion Pleural effusion,
Ojha et al J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021
| Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
FIGURE 2. Cardiac MRI of 4 children with Kawasaki-like symptoms due to COVID-19 and with clinical diagnosis of acute myocarditis. The
top panel shows the cine images with minimal pericardial effusion. The second panel demonstrates edema in the form of increased
T2-STIR signal intensity ratio between the myocardium and the skeletal muscle ( >2:1) in patient 2, 3, and 4. The third panel
demonstrates abnormal native-T1 mapping ( >1100 ms) in patients 2, 3, and 4 and normal native T1 in patient 1. The bottom panel
demonstrates absence of late gadolinium enhancement in patients 2 and 3 (myocardial null times were recognized as too short in patient
4 but could not be repeated due to lack of further patient cooperation). (Reproduced with permission from Blondiaux et al.10)
TABLE 4. Follow Up MRI Findings in Cases Where Repeat MRI was Performed
Number of
Duration of Follow
Up MRI Follow Up MRI Findings
Yuan et al39 1 Day 12 T2WI hyperintensity resolved, indicating myocarditis
Garot et al40 1 Day 14 Signicant reverse LV remodelling (wall thickness decreased to 11 mm from
14 mm), LV end diastolic index decreased to 88 mL/m
from 127 mL/m
and LVEF improved to 54% from 33%), decrease of focal myocardial
edema and EGE in the posterolateral wall, and stable LGE lesions in the
subepicardium of the posterolateral wall
Oberweis et al42 1 Day 7 Normal systolic function (initially 53%) and resolution of myocardial edema.
Native T1 mapping showed slightly decreased T1 values at 1048 ± 78 ms
(from initial 1110 ms)
EGE indicates early gadolinium enhancement; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.
J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021 Cardiac MRI in COVID-19
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
symptoms were because of residual pulmonary involvement
rather than the cardiac.12,14
The mean duration of CMR from symptom onset
ranged from day 2 to day 71. In 3 of the largest studies, the
mean duration was 71, 46, and 47 days, respectively, and
there were signicant ndings on CMR, denoting that car-
diac involvement in COVID-19 persists beyond the acute
stage and without any trend toward the decrease in these
imaging ndings through the recovery period. This high-
lights the importance of clinical surveillance beyond the
initial phase in patients with COVID-19. Some additional
insight into the course of this disease was also provided by
the 3 cases in which follow-up MRI was done (Table 4).
Although, edema seemed to decrease in all the 3 cases, LGE
lesions did not resolve in 1 study (which described the fol-
low-up LGE ndings) suggesting brosis. The reversibility
of myocardial dysfunction and inammation puts forth the
Takotsubo syndrome as a reasonable differential diagnosis
in these cases. Indeed, Takotsubo syndrome has also been
described in association with COVID-19.27,34 The putative
mechanism is stress-related exaggerated catecholamine
response. However, further studies with longitudinal follow-
up are warranted to study the evolution of myocardial
lesions in COVID-19.
The CMR ndings in children with COVID-19 were
also intriguing. In the case series by Blondiaux and col-
leagues, all 4 children presented with Kawasaki-like multi-
system inammatory syndrome. CMR showed edema and
inammation without LGE, suggesting absence of necrosis,
contrary to the ndings in many of the adult patients.18,29
This is similar to histopathologic ndings in Kawasaki dis-
ease where inammatory inltrates are found in the myo-
cardium (likely because of cytokine storm), with little
myocardial necrosis. This is different from viral myocarditis
where the immune response is directed toward the viral
inltration of the myocardium. In Kawasaki-like disease,
myocardial inammation peaks at day 10 after the disease
onset and disappears by 20 days and the putative mecha-
nism is the cytokine storm syndrome. Similar ndings were
noted in this case series.10 This multisystem inammatory
syndrome, with mucocutaneous, dermatologic, and gastro-
intestinal manifestations along with cardiac dysfunction is
being frequently described in children hospitalized with
COVID-19 infection.46
As described above, CMR can help in detection,
prognostication, management, and follow-up of myocardial
injury in COVID-19 survivors and to avoid invasive pro-
cedures. Performing EMB or coronary angiograms for the
diagnosis of myocardial involvement in this setting could be
challenging given the risks associated with the procedure,
the critical condition of the patients, and potential viral
exposure to health care workers. Recently published clinical
scenario-based guidelines for COVID-19 suggest that CMR
is indicated in patients with signs of myocardial infarction
with nonobstructive coronary arteries or in patients with
new-onset LV systolic dysfunction without the evidence of
CAD.47 CMR can help detect edema, necrosis, and con-
tractile dysfunction allowing for close monitoring of
affected individuals and promptly deciding appropriate
therapeutic strategies.
This review has the following limitations. Data search
was restricted to articles published in English-language liter-
ature. This may have resulted in missing data published in
other languages. The number of studies included in this review
is less because of paucity of data on this topic. Moreover, the
data across the studies is heterogeneous as regards clinical
presentation, description of imaging ndings, sample sizes,
data availability, scanner used, acquisition protocols, and
individual experience of the personnel interpreting the data.
Hence, the ndings from this review should be interpreted in a
suitable clinical context and with caution. Some ndings such
as follow-up MRI features were based on only 3 case reports.
Although, a meta-analysis could not be performed in this
review due to lack of adequate robust studies, a meta-analysis
will be required in the future to address these challenges. Also,
the future cardiovascular outcomes of these subclinical nding
remain to be studied.
We conclude that the ndings on CMR in patients
recovered from COVID-19 may provide insights into the
prevalence, mechanism, extent, and prognosis of myocardial
injury in these patients. The most common imaging diagnosis is
myocarditis and the most common imaging ndings include T1
and T2 mapping abnormalities and myocardial edema followed
by LGE. Our systematic review highlights the utility of CMR
with its new quantitative mapping techniques as an essential
diagnostic tool to detect diffuse myocardial inammation
associated with COVID-19 infection. It is essential that the
physicians and radiologists interpreting CMR are familiar with
a myriad of imaging spectrum of COVID, so that they can
inuence the clinical decision-making in these patients.
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J Thorac Imaging Volume 36, Number 2, March 2021 Cardiac MRI in COVID-19
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright r2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
... Cardiac symptoms are increasingly recognized as late complications of COVID-19 infection in healthy individuals with mild initial illness [4,5]. Recent reports demonstrated the presence of cardiac sequelae not only in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 but also in outpatients, including elite athletes [6], as well as the persistence of cardiac complications beyond the acute stage and without any trend toward a decrease in these findings through the recovery period [7,8]. Nevertheless, the clinical significance of altered myocardial tissue composition and function in convalescing COVID-19 patients remains incompletely understood. ...
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Myocardial involvement was shown to be associated with an unfavorable prognosis in patients with COVID-19, which could lead to fatal outcomes as in myocardial injury-induced arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. We hypothesized that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) myocardial strain parameters are sensitive markers for identifying subclinical cardiac dysfunction associated with myocardial involvement in the post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC). This study evaluated 115 subjects, including 65 consecutive COVID-19 patients, using MRI for the assessment of either post-COVID-19 myocarditis or other cardiomyopathies. Subjects were categorized, based on the results of the MRI exams, as having either ‘suspected’ or ‘excluded’ myocarditis. A control group of 50 matched individuals was studied. Along with parameters of global cardiac function, the MRI images were analyzed for measurements of the myocardial T1, T2, extracellular volume (ECV), strain, and strain rate. Based on the MRI late gadolinium enhancement and T1/T2/ECV mappings, myocarditis was suspected in 7 out of 22 patients referred due to concern of myocarditis and in 9 out of 43 patients referred due to concern of cardiomyopathies. The myocardial global longitudinal, circumferential, and radial strains and strain rates in the suspected myocarditis group were significantly smaller than those in the excluded myocarditis group, which in turn were significantly smaller than those in the control group. The results showed significant correlations between the strain, strain rate, and global cardiac function parameters. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the value of multiparametric MRI for differentiating patients with myocardial involvement in the PASC based on changes in the myocardial contractility pattern and tissue structure.
... This test is a valuable source of information on pathological processes, including myocardial edema, congestion, necrosis, and fibrosis by using changes in the basic magnetic properties of the tissue (T1 and T2 relaxation). CMR can confirm or exclude active myocarditis using the Lake Louise criteria [38] with secondary criteria being pericardial effusion and LV systolic dysfunction, although these criteria need validation for patients with COVID-19. In the study evaluating the results of cardiac CMR imaging in 199 patients with COVID-19 and elevated troponin levels, myocarditis was the most common diagnosis and affected 40% of patients screened [39]. ...
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The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 which mainly involve the respiratory system may however affect also cardiovascular system. There are a lot and still increasing numbers of reports revealing cardiovascular complications of COVID-19, which may occur in the acute phase as well as during longer follow-up period. The most clinically important diseases include: pulmonary embolism (PE), myocarditis, and acute coronary syndromes (ACS) as well as arrhythmias with the very common atrial fibrillation (AF) and pericarditis. In this review, we present cardiac imaging options in patients with and after coronavirus infection, showing potential utility for expanding and improving the full and accurate diagnosis of potential complications. We considered echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography (CT) in turn, highlighting their best advantages in patients affected by COVID-19.
... Some confusion about myocarditis in SARS-CoV-2 infection has been generated by the adoption of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging criteria for myocarditis rather than histologic criteria [20]. CMR findings include T1 mapping abnormalities (suggesting diffuse myocardial changes such as diffuse fibrosis and/ or edema); T2, short tau inversion recovery, or T2 mapping abnormalities (more specific for myocardial inflammation, as occurs in acute myocarditis); late gadolinium enhancement (LGE, suggestive of acute myocardial injury and/or myocardial fibrosis); or pericardial involvementall of which can indicate cardiac pathologies associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection [4][5][6]. ...
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Background Disease from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) remains the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Many patients infected with this virus develop later cardiovascular complications including myocardial infarctions, stroke, arrhythmia, heart failure, and sudden cardiac death (20–28%). The purpose of this study is to understand the primary mechanism of myocardial injury in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. Methods We investigated a consecutive cohort of 48 medical examiner cases who died with PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 (COVpos) infection in 2020. We compared them to a consecutive cohort of 46 age- and sex-matched controls who were PCR-negative for SARS-CoV-2 (COVneg). Clinical information available at postmortem examination was reviewed on each patient. Formalin-fixed sections were examined using antibodies directed against CD42 (platelets), CD15 (myeloid cells), CD68 (monocytes), C4d, fibrin, CD34 (stem cell antigen), CD56 (natural killer cells), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) (neutrophils and neutrophil extracellular traps(NETs)). We used a Welch 2-sample T-test to determine significance. A cluster analysis of marker distribution was also done. Results We found a significant difference between COVpos and COVneg samples for CD42, CD15, CD68, C4d, fibrin, and MPO, all of which were significant at p < 0.001. The most prominent features were neutrophils (CD15, MPO) and MPO-positive debris suggestive of NETs. A similar distribution of platelets, monocytes, fibrin and C4d was seen in COVpos cases. Clinical features were similar in COVpos and COVneg cases for age, sex, and body mass index (BMI). Conclusion These findings suggest an autoinflammatory process is likely involved in cardiac damage during SARS-CoV-2 infection. No information about clinical cardiac disease was available.
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Introdução: A miocardite associada à COVID-19 é uma inflamação miocárdica que tem sido observada em pacientes infectados pelo SARS-CoV-2, o vírus responsável pela pandemia de COVID-19. Objetivo: Avaliar a patogênese e o diagnóstico da miocardite associada à COVID-19. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica que incluiu artigos originais e revisões sistemáticas em inglês e português, que abordaram os fatores patogênicos e diagnósticos da miocardite relacionada à COVID-19, publicados entre 2020 e 2024, selecionados nas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus e SciELO. Após a seleção criteriosa, foram escolhidos 31 artigos para compor esta revisão bibliográfica. Resultados: A interação do vírus com o sistema cardiovascular, através do receptor ECA2, e a subsequente resposta imune inflamatória oferecem insights importantes sobre os mecanismos subjacentes e potenciais alvos terapêuticos. As práticas diagnósticas têm se adaptado para proteger os profissionais de saúde, enfatizando testes menos invasivos e mais seguros, como a dosagem de troponina e o uso de técnicas de imagem como ecocardiografia e ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC). Considerações: a patogênese da miocardite associada à COVID-19 é um campo de intensa investigação que continua a evoluir. A gestão cuidadosa e aprimorada dos procedimentos diagnósticos é essencial para mitigar os efeitos devastadores desta complicação.
Introduction Covid-19 patients can have both regional and global ventricular dysfunction. We aim to study the spectrum of myocardial involvement in Covid-19 patients on echocardiography. Methods This is a single center, observational study where wall motion abnormality patterns were studied in Covid-19 patients along with global and regional longitudinal strain analysis (GLS). Results 30 Covid-19 patients were included in the study, with a mean age of 35.3±6.4 years. Echocardiography revealed characteristic wall motion abnormality involving hypokinesia of anterolateral and apical segments, which produced an operculum like appearance in all patients. Strain derived ejection fraction(EF) was lower in 4 chamber as compared to 2 chamber indicating regional myocardial dysfunction. Reduced GLS values in presence of normal EF indicates global systolic function impairment. Endocardial effacement was also noted in these segments along with stretching of interventricular septum. Conclusion Specific myocardial involvement pattern can be detected on echocardiography, thus helping in diagnosis of Covid myocarditis.
Recent technical innovation enables faster and more reliable cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging than before. Artificial intelligence is used in improving image resolution, fast scanning, and automated analysis of CMR. Fast CMR techniques such as compressed sensing technique enable fast cine, perfusion, and late gadolinium-enhanced imaging and improve patient throughput and widening CMR indications. CMR feature-tracking technique gives insight on diastolic function parameters of ventricles and atria with prognostic implications. Myocardial parametric mapping became to be included in the routine CMR protocol. CMR fingerprinting enables simultaneous quantification of myocardial T1 and T2. These parameters may give information on myocardial alteration in the preclinical stages in various myocardial diseases. Four-dimensional flow imaging shows hemodynamic characteristics in or through the cardiovascular structures visually and gives quantitative values of vortex, kinetic energy, and wall-shear stress. In conclusion, CMR is an essential modality in the diagnosis of various cardiovascular diseases, especially myocardial diseases. Recent progress in CMR techniques promotes more widespread use of CMR in clinical practice. This review summarizes recent updates in CMR technologies and clinical research.
Purpose To investigate intraindividual cardiac structural and functional changes before and after COVID-19 infection in a previously healthy population with a 3T cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Materials and Methods A total of 39 unhospitalized patients with COVID-19 were recruited. They participated in our previous study as non-COVID-19 healthy volunteers undergoing baseline CMR examination and were recruited to perform a repeated CMR examination after confirmed COVID-19 infection in December 2022. The CMR parameters were measured and compared between before and after COVID-19 infection with paired t tests. The laboratory measures including myocardial enzymes and inflammatory indicators were also collected when performing repeated CMR. Results The median duration was 393 days from the first to second CMR and 26 days from clinical symptoms onset to the second CMR. Four patients (10.3%, 4/39) had the same late gadolinium enhancement pattern at baseline and repeated CMR and 5 female patients (12.8%, 5/39) had myocardial T2 ratio >2 (2.07 to 2.27) but with normal T2 value in post-COVID-19 CMR. All other CMR parameters were in normal ranges before and after COVID-19 infection. Between before and after the COVID-19 infection, there were no significant differences in cardiac structure, function, and tissue characterization, no matter with or without symptoms (fatigue, chest discomfort, palpitations, shortness of breath, and insomnia/sleep disorders) (all P >0.05). The laboratory measures at repeated CMR were in normal ranges in all participants. Conclusions These intraindividual CMR studies showed unhospitalized patients with COVID-19 with normal myocardial enzymes had no measurable CMR abnormalities, which can help alleviate wide social concerns about COVID-19–related myocarditis.
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Aims Many patients with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), particularly from the pandemic’s early phase, have been reported to have evidence of cardiac injury such as cardiac symptoms, troponinaemia, or imaging or ECG abnormalities during their acute course. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) have been widely used to assess cardiac function and structure and characterize myocardial tissue during COVID-19 with report of numerous abnormalities. Overall, findings have varied, and long-term impact of COVID-19 on the heart needs further elucidation. Methods and results We performed TTE and 3 T CMR in survivors of the initial stage of the pandemic without pre-existing cardiac disease and matched controls at long-term follow-up a median of 308 days after initial infection. Study population consisted of 40 COVID-19 survivors (50% female, 28% Black, and 48% Hispanic) and 12 controls of similar age, sex, and race-ethnicity distribution; 35% had been hospitalized with 28% intubated. We found no difference in echocardiographic characteristics including measures of left and right ventricular structure and systolic function, valvular abnormalities, or diastolic function. Using CMR, we also found no differences in measures of left and right ventricular structure and function and additionally found no significant differences in parameters of tissue structure including T1, T2, extracellular volume mapping, and late gadolinium enhancement. With analysis stratified by patient hospitalization status as an indicator of COVID-19 severity, no differences were uncovered. Conclusion Multimodal imaging of a diverse cohort of COVID-19 survivors indicated no long-lasting damage or inflammation of the myocardium.
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Importance Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to cause considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. Case reports of hospitalized patients suggest that COVID-19 prominently affects the cardiovascular system, but the overall impact remains unknown. Objective To evaluate the presence of myocardial injury in unselected patients recently recovered from COVID-19 illness. Design, Setting, and Participants In this prospective observational cohort study, 100 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 illness were identified from the University Hospital Frankfurt COVID-19 Registry between April and June 2020. Exposure Recent recovery from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, as determined by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction on swab test of the upper respiratory tract. Main Outcomes and Measures Demographic characteristics, cardiac blood markers, and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging were obtained. Comparisons were made with age-matched and sex-matched control groups of healthy volunteers (n = 50) and risk factor–matched patients (n = 57). Results Of the 100 included patients, 53 (53%) were male, and the median (interquartile range [IQR]) age was 49 (45-53) years. The median (IQR) time interval between COVID-19 diagnosis and CMR was 71 (64-92) days. Of the 100 patients recently recovered from COVID-19, 67 (67%) recovered at home, while 33 (33%) required hospitalization. At the time of CMR, high-sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT) was detectable (3 pg/mL or greater) in 71 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 (71%) and significantly elevated (13.9 pg/mL or greater) in 5 patients (5%). Compared with healthy controls and risk factor–matched controls, patients recently recovered from COVID-19 had lower left ventricular ejection fraction, higher left ventricle volumes, higher left ventricle mass, and raised native T1 and T2. A total of 78 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 (78%) had abnormal CMR findings, including raised myocardial native T1 (n = 73), raised myocardial native T2 (n = 60), myocardial late gadolinium enhancement (n = 32), and pericardial enhancement (n = 22). There was a small but significant difference between patients who recovered at home vs in the hospital for native T1 mapping (median [IQR], 1122 [1113-1132] ms vs 1143 [1131-1156] ms; P = .02) but not for native T2 mapping or hsTnT levels. None of these measures were correlated with time from COVID-19 diagnosis (native T1: r = 0.07; P = .47; native T2: r = 0.14; P = .15; hsTnT: r = −0.07; P = .50). High-sensitivity troponin T was significantly correlated with native T1 mapping (r = 0.35; P < .001) and native T2 mapping (r = 0.22; P = .03). Endomyocardial biopsy in patients with severe findings revealed active lymphocytic inflammation. Native T1 and T2 were the measures with the best discriminatory ability to detect COVID-19–related myocardial pathology. Conclusions and Relevance In this study of a cohort of German patients recently recovered from COVID-19 infection, CMR revealed cardiac involvement in 78 patients (78%) and ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60 patients (60%), independent of preexisting conditions, severity and overall course of the acute illness, and time from the original diagnosis. These findings indicate the need for ongoing investigation of the long-term cardiovascular consequences of COVID-19.
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Objectives The coronavirus disease‐2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic has resulted in the worst global pandemic of our generation, affecting 215 countries with nearly 5.5 million cases. The association between COVID‐19 and the cardiovascular system has been well described. We sought to systematically review the current published literature on the different cardiac manifestations and the use of cardiac‐specific biomarkers in terms of their prognostic value in determining clinical outcomes and correlation to disease severity. Methods A systematic literature review across PubMed, Cochrane database, Embase, Google Scholar, and Ovid was performed according to PRISMA guidelines to identify relevant articles that discussed risk factors for cardiovascular manifestations, cardiac manifestations in COVID‐19 patients, and cardiac‐specific biomarkers with their clinical implications on COVID‐19. Results Sixty‐one relevant articles were identified which described risk factors for cardiovascular manifestations, cardiac manifestations (including heart failure, cardiogenic shock, arrhythmia, and myocarditis among others) and cardiac‐specific biomarkers (including CK‐MB, CK, myoglobin, troponin, and NT‐proBNP). Cardiovascular risk factors can play a crucial role in identifying patients vulnerable to developing cardiovascular manifestations of COVID‐19 and thus help to save lives. A wide array of cardiac manifestations is associated with the interaction between COVID‐19 and the cardiovascular system. Cardiac‐specific biomarkers provide a useful prognostic tool in helping identify patients with the severe disease early and allowing for escalation of treatment in a timely fashion. Conclusion COVID‐19 is an evolving pandemic with predominate respiratory manifestations, however, due to the interaction with the cardiovascular system; cardiac manifestations/complications feature heavily in this disease, with cardiac biomarkers providing important prognostic information.
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Background Fulminant myocarditis is a catastrophic disease with high mortality and complications. A viral aetiology is frequent and the implication of SARS-CoV-2 is not yet known. Case summary A 38-year-old woman who recently arrived from Spain presented with palpitations that started suddenly 3 days prior to presentation and were associated with haemodynamic instability, without dyspnoea or chest pain. We found features of myopericarditis on the electrocardiogram and severe systolic dysfunction on the echocardiogram. The chest tomography showed findings which suggested COVID-19 infection, and PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was positive. The cardiac magnetic resonance image showed Lake Louise criteria for myocarditis. The patient was treated with immunomodulatory, steroid, and immunoglobulin therapy, with a favourable clinical response. Discussion The importance of this case lies in highlighting the severe cardiac involvement in a young patient, without previous risk factors, positive for COVID-19, and the favourable response to the medical treatment given.
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Background Cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 have been reported in the adult population including myocarditis. However, less is known about the myocardial involvement in paediatric patients. Case summary A 15-year-old boy was admitted to our intensive cardiac care unit with COVID-19 and an isolated acute myocarditis, confirmed on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. No pulmonary lesion was observed on the chest CT scan. We report here the initial presentation, medical care, and clinical course of this patient. Discussion In the context of the acute COVID-19 outbreak, screening for COVID-19 infection should be performed in children presenting with myocardial injury in an inflammatory context.
Standard evaluation and management of the patient with suspected or proven cardiovascular complications of COVID-19, the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), is challenging. Routine history, physical examination, laboratory testing, electrocardiography and plain x-ray imaging may often suffice for such patients but given overlap between COVID-19 and typical cardiovascular diagnoses such as heart failure and acute myocardial infarction, need frequently arises for advanced imaging techniques to assist in differential diagnosis and management. This document provides guidance in several common scenarios among patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection and possible cardiovascular involvement, including chest discomfort with electrocardiographic changes, acute hemodynamic instability, newly-recognized left ventricular dysfunction, as well as imaging during the sub-acute/chronic phase of COVID-19. For each, we consider the role of biomarker testing to guide imaging decision-making, provide differential diagnostic considerations, and offer general suggestions regarding application of various advanced imaging techniques. Condensed Abstract Standard evaluation and management of the patient with suspected or proven cardiovascular complications due to COVID-19 infection often requires advanced imaging techniques to assist in differential diagnosis and management. This document provides guidance in several common scenarios among patients with COVID-19 infection and for each provides advice regarding the role of biomarker testing to guide imaging decision-making, provides differential diagnostic considerations, and offers general suggestions regarding application of various advanced imaging techniques.
Background A multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is associated with coronavirus disease 2019. The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) established active, statewide surveillance to describe hospitalized patients with the syndrome. Methods Hospitals in New York State reported cases of Kawasaki’s disease, toxic shock syndrome, myocarditis, and potential MIS-C in hospitalized patients younger than 21 years of age and sent medical records to the NYSDOH. We carried out descriptive analyses that summarized the clinical presentation, complications, and outcomes of patients who met the NYSDOH case definition for MIS-C between March 1 and May 10, 2020. Results As of May 10, 2020, a total of 191 potential cases were reported to the NYSDOH. Of 95 patients with confirmed MIS-C (laboratory-confirmed acute or recent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2] infection) and 4 with suspected MIS-C (met clinical and epidemiologic criteria), 53 (54%) were male; 31 of 78 (40%) were black, and 31 of 85 (36%) were Hispanic. A total of 31 patients (31%) were 0 to 5 years of age, 42 (42%) were 6 to 12 years of age, and 26 (26%) were 13 to 20 years of age. All presented with subjective fever or chills; 97% had tachycardia, 80% had gastrointestinal symptoms, 60% had rash, 56% had conjunctival injection, and 27% had mucosal changes. Elevated levels of C-reactive protein, d-dimer, and troponin were found in 100%, 91%, and 71% of the patients, respectively; 62% received vasopressor support, 53% had evidence of myocarditis, 80% were admitted to an intensive care unit, and 2 died. The median length of hospital stay was 6 days. Conclusions The emergence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children in New York State coincided with widespread SARS-CoV-2 transmission; this hyperinflammatory syndrome with dermatologic, mucocutaneous, and gastrointestinal manifestations was associated with cardiac dysfunction.