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A dataset to evaluate underwater image restoration methods


Abstract and Figures

Image restoration methods have been made to repair images that have some kind of degradation. Most of these methods are designed to deal with the degradation caused by the over-land effects. However, when the images was captured in underwater environments, there are different properties that can degrade the image in unusual ways. This work aims to evaluate how the popular image restoration methods behaves when applied in underwater images with the presence of turbidity in the water. For this, we propose a dataset where we are able to control the amount of image degradation due to underwater properties on a scenario with 3D objects that represents the seabed characteristics. After that, we evaluate the restoration of these methods and their behavior through the image degradation due to turbidity.
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A Dataset to Evaluate Underwater Image
Restoration Methods
Amanda Duarte, Felipe Codevilla, Joel De O. Gaya, Silvia S. C. Botelho
Federal University of Rio Grande
Center of Computational Sciences (C3)
Rio Grande, Brazil
Abstract—Image restoration methods have been made to repair
images that have some kind of degradation. Most of these
methods are designed to deal with the degradation caused by
the over-land effects. However, when the images was captured
in underwater environments, there are different properties that
can degrade the image in unusual ways. This work aims to
evaluate how the popular image restoration methods behaves
when applied in underwater images with the presence of turbidity
in the water. For this, we propose a dataset where we are able
to control the amount of image degradation due to underwater
properties on a scenario with 3D objects that represents the
seabed characteristics. After that, we evaluate the restoration of
these methods and their behavior through the image degradation
due to turbidity.
Optical images captured in underwater environment scenes,
normally, lack of visual quality. Those environments have gen-
erally large numbers of suspended particles in the medium that
causes “haziness” on the captured image, here called turbidity.
When the light rays propagates on underwater environment,
it interacts with the suspended particles being both scattered
and absorbed. These phenomenas reduce the amount of image
information culminating into a degraded version of the scene
Underwater images are important on many applications such
as: 3D reconstruction of scenes [1], coral image classification
[2] [3] or robot navigation [4] [5]. However, frequently the raw
data is not sufficient to sustain those applications. Thus, image
processing algorithms are often used to increase the general
quality of underwater images [6].
To recover general image visibility on underwater images,
general enhancing methods can be used, e.g, contrast stretch-
ing, white balance, etc. However, besides producing some
visually satisfying results, the enhancement methods do not
invest into recovering the non-degraded signal properties. An
alternative to this is the restoration methods. These methods
are designed to recover the degraded image by removing the
degradation relying on a physical model of image formation.
Independently of the method used to process underwater
images, image quality evaluation is a hard matter. This matter
makes the development of better restoration algorithms a
hard task, since there is unknown way to accurately compare
restoration algorithms. Usually one can evaluate the quality
of images depending on the amount of the original, non-
degraded, signal information [7]. This can be divided into three
categories i. evaluation based on a noise free version of the
image, ii. evaluation based on some statistical information of
the noise free image, iii. evaluation based on just the degraded
image. Underwater restoration algorithms can only fall on the
third category of image evaluation. This happens since the
degraded underwater image do not have the reference image,
i.e. the same underwater image without degradation, as a way
to compare.
In this paper we propose a way to access a reference image
by producing an controlled underwater environment. By using
this reference image, we are able to find the actual error
obtained by restoration methods and, thus, accurately conclude
about their efficiency since the algorithms are evaluated in
function of the image degradation. This creates the possibility
to evaluate underwater image processing algorithms under the
category i, increasing the precision of the comparison.
The reference image is achieve by proposing a new version
of the TURBID Dataset [8] called here as 3D TURBID, that
contains different levels of image degradation on a planned
seabed scenario with 3D objects, containing all different
aspects found in a real sea floor.
After that, we evaluate the behaviour of the most popular
image restoration and enhancement methods in the proposed
Dataset. With this , we were able to observe how each
algorithm behaves through these images, in order to determine
which one presents better robustness through the increasing
The paper is presented as follows. The section II presents
some image processing algorithms existent on the literature.
The section III presents the description of the 3D TURBID
dataset, and also some examples of the captured images.
Section IV shows the chosen algorithms to be evaluated and
how we get the restored image quality. Section V presents
the results of the evaluation procedure. Finally the section VI
presents the paper conclusions.
To recover the image visibility in degraded underwater
images, general enhancing methods such as a Contrast En-
hancement [9], Bilateral Filter [10] and Color Constancy [11]
978-1-4673-9724-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
are used. Also a fusion of those proposed by Bazeille [12] and
Ancuti et al [6].
Bazeille propose an application of a pre-processing filter
for underwater images. It is an automatic algorithm that aims
to improve the quality of the segmented image and reduces
the underwater perturbations. This methods is composed by
successive independent processing steps that try to correct the
non uniform illumination, reduce noise, enhance contrast and
adjust the color.
Some problems can happen when you apply several filters
on a image. First of all, the contributions of each filter are not
used properly. Furthermore, when you enhance the contrast,
this can increase the noise. To avoid these problems, Ancuti et
al propose a fusion strategy. With that, images with different
filters are considered. Based on that, a new enhance image is
derived from a weight measure considering only the degraded
versions of the image.
However, the enhancement methods do not invest into
recover the image properties as a hazy-free image. With this,
most of the restoration methods are designed to recover the
degraded image by removing the degradation. For that, they
are relying on a physical model of image formation defined
Ti(x)=J(x)ecid(x)+A(1 ecid(x)),(1)
Where J(x)is the signal with no degradation attenuated
by ecid(x), where is called transmission. The transmission
can be understood as the turbidity portion that determines the
amount of degradation in each part of the image in function
of the distance from the object to the camera. The component
Ais the constant ambient light, that represents the color and
radiance of the media. This constant can be altered by the
depth and the characteristics of the environment.
To obtain a color recovering and a haze removal the authors
starts solving this equation, which is a hard task since the
transmission and the ambient light need to be estimated
correctly. Being that one of the hardest task in the restoration
problem since each patch of the image has lot of information
ambiguity. For that, some properties of a image without the
ambient interference should have need to be assumed. These
properties are usually image priors or assumptions that are
used to indicate the amount of turbidity each patch of the
image has.
One of the main restoration method using this model was
propose by [13]. This method was based on the Dark Channel
Prior, where the author presents that minimum value of the
image channels in a patch indicates the transmission. Using
that, the author estimates the thickness of the haze and recover
a haze-free image. This method have been adapted several
times for underwater environments e.g. [14] [15] [16] and [17].
However all those adaptations do not consider the large range
of colors that exist in underwater environments by assuming
some specific condition such as the Red Channel Absorption
[16]. This method aims to recover the short wavelengths of
the colors leading to a recovery of the lost contrast.
Also, a general participative media method was proposed
by Codevilla et al [18]. The authors proposed a joining of
two different priors local contrast and color as a effective
approach for image restoration.
A. Algorithms Evaluation
Besides the estimation problem, after recover the degraded
image, one of the main problem is associated with how to
evaluate the quality of the restoration obtained. Considering
that the most of the degraded underwater image do not have
the reference image, i.e. the same underwater image without
degradation, to compare with the restored image.
Now a days, the quality evaluation of a restoration is made
by subjective analysis, which can be tendentious. One example
of that is two different people may have different opinion about
the same image restoration.
Simulated images by computer are also used to evaluate the
restoration. For that, a non degraded image is simulated to be
a image taken in a underwater environment by using computer
rendering techniques. However, this techniques are not able to
simulate the complexity of the phenomena.
With this evaluation we believe that besides the finding of
the actual error presents in the images restoration, the future
methods can be develop to improve these errors and the final
The light attenuation in the underwater environments is
the gradual loss of the light rays intensity through the water-
column. It is controlled by the amount and kind of particles
that are dissolved and suspended in the water. This phenom-
ena happens by two process, absorption and scattering [19].
Absorption fully removes the light rays while the scattering
changes the direction of the light propagation. With that,
when you imaged a scene in those environments some specific
degradation in the image formation can happen.
Also other phenomenas can happen such as Forward scatter-
ing and backscattering. Forward scattering happens when the
light rays coming from the scene are scattered in small angles
creating a blurry effect on the image. This effect, however,
has a small contribution to the total image degradation and it
is frequently discarded [20]. The backscattering happens when
the information of the sources from outside the captured scene
scatters over the image plane creating a characteristic veil on
the image which reduces the contrast.
In this context, a common term related with this phenome-
nas are turbidity. We consider it as the scattering and attenu-
ation of the light which cause the loss of water transparency
and clarity that causes the “haziness” on the captured image.
We define turbid image as images where the visibility of the
imaged scene is degraded by the turbidity.
To simulate these phenomenas becomes a challenge since it
happens due to specific particles and property present in the
oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. An study by [21] pointed out that
the whole milk has a higher size of particles that induces a lot
of wide angle scattering, increasing the backscattering effect.
Another challenge is related with to reproduce a untouched
seabed in a controlled space with the specific underwater
properties. It is important since we cannot take a small part
of a real sea floor of a underwater environment to evaluate
methods that will be used there.
As far as we know, only two experiments reproduce the
underwater image degradation aspects in a controlled way
[22][8]. Even so, the first one, used just a small set of struc-
tures to represent the seabed environments that not provided
sufficient characteristics of a sea floor. The second one called
TURBID, provide more information about the structures and
characteristics with real seabed images, but it was printed in
a pad resulting some noise unwanted from printing issues.
Besides that, this experiment is not able to consider different
distances to the camera, therefore it was difficult to validate
the algorithms which depend on varying the distance.
The TURBID dataset was a initial dataset proposal for the
algorithms evaluation procedure that will be present in the
next section. We propose it using three different high quality
printed real scenes previously photographed at the Bahamas.
These images was called here as Photo1, Photo2 and Photo3.
These scenes contains structures of the underwater floor and
some human made objects. The pictures were re-photographed
inside a 1000 litres tank made of plastic, illuminated by two
30 watts fluorescent light strips. As the image capture device
we used a static Go Pro Hero3 Black Edition with 12 mega
pixels (3000x4000) of resolution.
For that, we first photograph 30 images in a clean water.
After that, the turbidity and consequently the amount of
degradation are increased in a controlled way by successively
adding whole milk into the water tank. This addition of milk
began with 5ml to 190ml. We tested the amount of milk
previously to obtain the required amount of turbidity. It was
repeated 19 times with different amount of milk producing the
different levels of turbidity. For each milk concentration, we
photographed 30 images with 10 seconds delay between the
shots, to avoid the illumination variance. To produce the set of
the images with different levels of turbidity, we first calculated
the average of the 30 first images taken in the clear water, it
is our reference image I0(with no degradation). After that,
we also calculate the average of the image taken in the same
amount of turbidity producing the images I1... I19.
For the 3D TURBID1dataset just some adjustments was
made. The capture device was upgraded to a Go Pro Hero3+
Black Edition, the tank was change by one made with glass,
and the illumination was change by two Light-Emitting Diode
(LED) lamps placed inside a softbox made with reflector and
diffuser materials to obtain a continuous and uniform light.
The main structure of the set is present in the image 1.
The photographed scene was also modify to a planned
seabed scenario with 3D objects and some different aspects
found in a sea floor. This scene contains stones to characterize
the seafloor, decorations that imitate corals, seashells, marine
1The dataset is available at:!ZkgkSDJZ!ES9LgsZz0oUMnsfQyzB-
Fig. 1. The main structure of the experimental proposed. It is composed by
a 1000 tank, two LEDs lamps and a planned scenario with 3D objects
rocks and other objects made by man to characterize a real
Some examples of images obtained by this experiment can
be seen at figure 2. The first row shows the Photo1, the second
shows the Photo3, the third shows the Photo3 and the fourth
shows the 3D TURBID version. These images also shown
four different levels of degradation with their amount of milk
added, the first column shows the reference images (clean
image) I0, the second shows the fourth level of degradation
I4, the third shows the tenth level of degradation I10 and the
last column shows the sixteenth level of degradation I16.
The dataset and methodology that we propose can be useful
not only to evaluate image restoration methods, but also to
test many vision algorithms that need to be tested in multiple
levels of turbidity. The main advantage of this dataset is the
presence of the clean image that can be used as a ground truth
for underwater restoration applications.
A. Chosen Algorithms
We decided to cover the most popular methods present in the
state-of-the-art and new ones containing different paradigms.
We choose to evaluate the the Dark Channel Prior (DCP)[13],
the Red Channel Prior (RCP) [16], the method proposed by
[6] (Ancuti et al), a General Participative Media Restoration
Method proposed by [18] (Codevilla et al), a general enhanc-
ing method CLAHE [9], and also the white balance Shades-
of-Gray [23].
In order to obtain the restored images using the TURDID
dataset images, we use for [13] [16] and [18] C++ imple-
mentations using OpenCV, and to obtain the [6], [9] and [23]
results we used Matlab implementations. We reproduce these
methods since it was not available from the original authors.
To get the most approximate results presented by the authors
in each paper, we get the images available for each method in
the original papers, and try to reproduce the equal results. To
promote a fair comparison, we avoided the estimation of the
airligth constant for the restoration, setting a fixed value.
B. Image Quality Evaluation
One problem faced when we work with underwater turbid
images is the lack of a good technique that is able to evaluate
(m) Clear(I0)) (n) I4-20ml (o) I10 -58ml (p) I16 - 110 ml
Fig. 2. Some examples of the four different images obtained by the TURBID dataset. First row shows Photo1, second shows Photo2, third shows Photo3,
and the fourth shows the 3D TURBID version. The first column shows the reference image I0, the second shows I4, the third shows I10 and the last one
shows the sixteenth I16 and their amount of milk addition.
the quality of the image. The quality of a turbid image is
understood as the imaged scene visibility, called as visual
clarity by [22]. To quantify this visual clarity of the turbid
images obtained by the TURBID dataset the best way that
we find was using a index proposed by [22] defined from
the Structure SIMilarity Index (SSIM) [24], called Structural
Degradation Index (SDI). It was proposed as a more intuitive
and easier to interpret way to expose the SSIM index. It was
defined as
SDI = 100(1 SSIM)(2)
With this, we calculated the SDI between the reference
image and each image that represent the different levels of
degradation in the original set (without any kind of restora-
tion). With the SDI index we can see a increasing integer
scale for the image degradation that ranges from 0 in the
reference image and 10 in the most degraded image (with
almost no visibility). Using that, we can say that when the
image degradation increase it leads to decrease the image
similarity with its image reference.
After calculating the SDI between the reference image
and the degraded images, the algorithms were evaluated by
computing the Mean Square Error (MSE) between the refer-
ence image of the original set and the 20 restored image for
each chosen method. Each set of restored image by different
methods was plot as a different line. In this plot we can observe
how each method behaves when the degradation of the image
increase and compare the behavior of those methods.
The Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 shows the MSE in function of
the SDI index, respectively for Photo 1 , Photo 2, Photo 3
and Photo 3D. The MSE was measured between the reference
image (I0) and each image restored by different algorithms
(I1...I20). We also show the MSE with the degraded images
as a comparison. Each set, corresponding to different restora-
tion/enhancement algorithms, was plot as a different line. It is
important to note that when the error is below to the degraded
images line (represented here by the blue line) it means that
the method performed an effective restoration since the image
became closer to the image with no degradation (the reference
image I0).
For all cases, CLAHE performs better when it was applied
in low levels of turbidity. CLAHE is surpassed by Codevilla
et al in higher levels. DCP, RCP and Ancuti et al presents a
good behaviour when the images have a high degradation by
the turbidity. Also, both DCP and RCP tends to further degrade
the image when the turbidity is low. The same happens with
Codevilla et al and Ancuti et al when the degradation is even
Fig. 3. The MSE between the Clean Image (I0) and each restored Image in
function of the SSIM in the dataset TURBID Photo1.
Fig. 4. The MSE between the Clean Image (I0) and each restored Image in
function of the SSIM in the dataset TURBID Photo2.
Fig. 5. The MSE between the Clean Image (I0) and each restored Image in
function of the SSIM in the dataset TURBID Photo3.
With this evaluation we can see that there is a clear
difference between the restoration and simpler enhancement
Fig. 6. The MSE between the Clean Image (I0) and each restored Image in
function of the structural similarity (SSIM) in the dataset 3D TURBID.
methods. All restoration methods DCP, RDP and Codevilla
et al are based on Priors. We show that the estimation of
these priors need certainly level of turbidity to be estimate
correctly. Most of the problems of these methods are associate
with this estimation. In low levels of turbidity, when these
priors are not estimated correctly, they tend to include non-
signal information. In the other hand, in higher levels of
degradation, when the visibility is poor and the priors are
estimated correctly, they present a good behaviour. Ancuti et
al is not based on prior, but the results also shows that this
method needs a certain level of turbidity to correctly measure
the weights present in the method.
The white balance just considers the correction of the light
in the scene. It is a good solution to over-land images with
wrong light estimation, but in the underwater environments do
not presents a sufficient performance on recovering original
signal properties. The general contrast stretching method,
CLAHE, presented as a good method to improving the vis-
ibility of a degraded underwater image since it is unlikely that
it would add information to a scene. There is just a move into
the histogram, creating a more robust method.
This paper presented a novel dataset of turbid underwater
images where it is possible to access the reference image,i.e.
the same underwater images with no degradation was acquired
and put available. The proposed dataset created possibility
for a novel evaluation on underwater restoration/enhancement
algorithms. With this, we compared some of the most popular
image restoration/enhancement methods on their capacity to
approximate a turbid image with the clean image.
The evaluation shows that general and simple enhancing
method such as CLAHE [?] can improve the image visibility
as much as a specific restoration methods, having a more
robust behaviour. With this evaluation we show that for
restoration algorithms it is hard to estimate model parameters
when bigger range of environments conditions is considered.
The existent methods in the state-of-the-art just seems to not
deal with different levels of degradation that a underwater im-
age can have. Yet we showed that for recent works [18], based
on joining different priors, there is a more robust parameter
estimation for multiple turbidity conditions, culminating on
better image restoration.
As a future work we believe that restoration methods should
consider different turbidity conditions as a way to propose
priors. For that, we think that learning approaches can be the
most suited since is hard to design multiple priors by hand.
Finally, the dataset and methodology proposed in this work
can be useful not only to evaluate image restoration methods,
but also to test any vision algorithms that are sensitive to
turbidity on underwater vision applications.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian Petroleum
Corporation - Petrobras, the Brazilian National Agency of
Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), to the Funding
Authority for Studies and Projects (FINEP) and to Min-
istry of Science and Technology (MCT) for their financial
support through the Human Resources Program of ANP to
the Petroleum and Gas Sector - PRH-ANP/MCT. This paper
is also a contribution of the Brazilian National Institute of
Science and Technology - INCT-Mar COI funded by CNPq
Grant Number 610012/2011-8.
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... Consequently, researchers have leveraged existing imaging techniques to capture underwater images from a range of aquatic environments, leading to the continuous advances in underwater image enhancement techniques. While these datasets [17][18][19][20][21][22][23] have contributed significantly by providing a wealth of underwater images, they primarily focus on recording marine environments. In contrast, freshwater environments account for only 2.7% of the Earth's water sources, but play a pivotal role in supporting various life activities. ...
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Due to the influence of optical properties and water quality conditions in underwater environments, underwater images often encounter challenges such as light attenuation, scattering, and absorption, resulting in low image quality, including blurriness, dimness, and lack of details. These limitations impose restrictions on the successful implementation of underwater vision tasks. Nonetheless, the significance of original underwater images in the context of feature extraction and learning tends to be disregarded by the majority of existing methodologies. This paper addresses this oversight by introducing techniques known as Residual Dense Blocks (RDB) and Contrastive Regularization (CR). These techniques serve to amplify the influence of the original underwater images, facilitating the construction of an end-to-end fully convolutional network tailored for the purpose of enhancing underwater image quality. This innovative network is denoted as RDCR. By leveraging the local and global feature fusion of RDB and the contrastive learning of CR, this model effectively extracts multi-level features from the original images, adaptively preserving hierarchical features, and achieves high-quality underwater image enhancement through learning from the original images. The superiority of our proposed model over alternative comparative algorithms is evidenced by the experimental results obtained across four distinct datasets, encompassing assessments of both subjective visual perception and objective evaluation.
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Underwater Image Processing (UIP) is gaining interest in the research community as it is an effective tool for exploring the underwater environment. UIP is used extensively in various fields like topography, mining, archaeology, AUV, aquaculture, structural defects, pipeline maintenance, structural defects, and inspection. On the other hand, processing underwater images is a tedious task as it involves challenges like absorption, color distortion, scattering, attenuation, illumination, blurriness, and turbidity. The pipeline of UIP includes modules viz., underwater image collection, preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. Among these modules, Preprocessing is a crucial step because its outcome has effects on the other modules. The most commonly used preprocessing techniques are Image enhancement and Image restoration. Most of the traditional underwater pre-processing methods rely on the Image Formation model. Recently, Deep learning methods have been employed to increase the quality of underwater images. This article focuses on the preprocessing techniques for Underwater Images (UWI) proposed in the literature. We first focus on the image formation model for atmospheric and underwater conditions, and then the existing deep learning architectures. We finally summarize the various performance metrics and the benchmark dataset in detail for underwater image pre-processing. The outcome of this review article helps the researchers to understand existing architecture and provides an idea to develop a new framework for pre-processing underwater images.
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Underwater image processing always a challenging problem in oceanic engineering applications. Images captured in underwater are commonly suffers due to color distortion, detail blur, bluish or greenish tone, and low contrast to light scattering and absorption in the water medium. The image visibility is affected drastically during capturing caused by the degradation of light absorption and scattering effect. Hence, the effective Underwater Image Enhancement(UIE) and restoration techniques are primarily required for the underwater ecological study applications. Various UIE techniques are studied for different data sets, and applications. However, the selection of suitable method for particular applications among available techniques is still a challenging task. In this paper, an overview of recent UIE and restoration techniques and classification methods are elaborated with data sets and applications. The UIE techniques are grouped under various category such as spatial domain, transform domain, color constancy based method, retinex based approach. Similarly, the image restoration techniques are grouped under underwater optical imaging technique, polarization based approach, prior knowledge and convolutional neural networks. Finally, we review the research process of the underwater image enhancement and restoration with the essential background of the water images and recognize challenges.
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This paper describes a method to restore degraded images captured in general participative media --- fog, turbid water, sand storm, etc. To obtain generality, we, first, propose a novel interpretation of the participative media image formation by considering the color variation of the media. Second, we introduce that joining different image priors is an effective alternative for image restoration. The proposed method contains a Composite Prior supported by statistics collected on both haze-free and degraded participative environment images. The key of the method is joining two complementary measures --- local contrast and color. The results presented for a variety of underwater and haze images demonstrate the power of the method. Moreover, we showed the potential of our method using a special dataset for which a reference haze-free image is available for comparison.
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Absorption, scattering, and color distortion are three major degradation factors in underwater optical imaging. Light rays are absorbed while passing through water, and absorption rates depend on the wavelength of the light. Scattering is caused by large suspended particles, which are always observed in an underwater environment. Color distortion occurs because the attenuation ratio is inversely proportional to the wavelength of light when light passes through a unit length in water. Consequently, underwater images are dark, low contrast, and dominated by a bluish tone. In this paper, we propose a novel underwater imaging model that compensates for the attenuation discrepancy along the propagation path. In addition, we develop a robust color lines-based ambient light estimator and a locally adaptive filtering algorithm for enhancing underwater images in shallow oceans. Furthermore, we propose a spectral characteristic-based color correction algorithm to recover the distorted color. The enhanced images have a reasonable noise level after the illumination compensation in the dark regions, and demonstrate an improved global contrast by which the finest details and edges are enhanced significantly.
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Underwater images typically exhibit color distortion and low contrast as a result of the exponential decay that light suffers as it travels. Moreover, colors associated to different wavelengths have different attenuation rates, being the red wavelength the one that attenuates the fastest. To restore underwater images, we propose a Red Channel method, where colors associated to short wavelengths are recovered, as expected for underwater images, leading to a recovery of the lost contrast. The Red Channel method can be interpreted as a variant of the Dark Channel method used for images degraded by the atmosphere when exposed to haze. Experimental results show that our technique handles gracefully artificially illuminated areas, and achieves a natural color correction and superior or equivalent visibility improvement when compared to other state-of-the-art methods.
Beginning systematically with the fundamentals, the fully-updated third edition of this popular graduate textbook provides an understanding of all the essential elements of marine optics. It explains the key role of light as a major factor in determining the operation and biological composition of aquatic ecosystems, and its scope ranges from the physics of light transmission within water, through the biochemistry and physiology of aquatic photosynthesis, to the ecological relationships that depend on the underwater light climate. This book also provides a valuable introduction to the remote sensing of the ocean from space, which is now recognized to be of great environmental significance due to its direct relevance to global warming. An important resource for graduate courses on marine optics, aquatic photosynthesis, or ocean remote sensing; and for aquatic scientists, both oceanographers and limnologists.
We describe an automated computer algorithm for the classification of coral reef benthic organisms and substrates sampled using a typical photographic quadrat survey. The technique compares subsections of a quadrat sample image (blocks) to a library of identified species blocks and computes a distance or probability of identification in a multidimensional hypervolume of discrimination metrics. The discrimination metrics include texture (calculated from a radial sampling of a two-dimensional discrete cosine transform) and three channels of a normalized color space. A standard multivariate classification technique based on the Mahalanobis distance was unsuccessful in discriminating substrata because of the large morphological variation inherent in reef organisms. An alternative classification scheme based on an exhaustive search through an organism reference library yielded classification maps comparable to those obtained by manual analysis. © 2009 by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.
Conference Paper
This paper describes a novel strategy to enhance underwater videos and images. Built on the fusion principles, our strategy derives the inputs and the weight measures only from the degraded version of the image. In order to overcome the limitations of the underwater medium we define two inputs that represent color corrected and contrast enhanced versions of the original underwater image/frame, but also four weight maps that aim to increase the visibility of the distant objects degraded due to the medium scattering and absorption. Our strategy is a single image approach that does not require specialized hardware or knowledge about the underwater conditions or scene structure. Our fusion framework also supports temporal coherence between adjacent frames by performing an effective edge preserving noise reduction strategy. The enhanced images and videos are characterized by reduced noise level, better exposed-ness of the dark regions, improved global contrast while the finest details and edges are enhanced significantly. In addition, the utility of our enhancing technique is proved for several challenging applications.
With the current availability of high quality optical sensors and the advancements of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), it is becoming increasingly accessible to acquire extremely large sets of benthic habitat images. Manual characterization and classification of such large number of images for relevant geological or benthic features can become very difficult and time consuming. This paper presents a novel method for automated segmentation, classification and thematic mapping of bacterial mat from shell chaff and sand, on mosaics created from an image survey on the North Sea. The proposed method uses completed Gabor filter response, grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and local binary pattern (CLBP) as feature descriptors. After chi-square and Hellinger kernel mapping of feature vector, Probability Density Weighted Mean Distance (PDWMD) is used for classification. Initial segmentation is done using TurboPixels. Our proposed method achieves the highest overall classification accuracy and have moderate execution times compared with the set of methods that are representative of the state-of-the-art in automated classification of seabed images. Our work illustrates that applying automated classification techniques to mosaic composites produces a rapid (in terms of expert annotation time) technique of characterizing benthic areas that can be used to track changes over time.