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Impact of Cereal–Legume Intercropping on Changes in Soil Nutrients Contents under Semi–Arid Conditions

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Citation: Attallah, A.; Hamdi, W.;
Souid, A.; Farissi, M.; L’taief, B.;
Messiga, A.J.; Rebouh, N.Y.; Jellali, S.;
Zagrarni, M.F. Impact of
Cereal–Legume Intercropping on
Changes in Soil Nutrients Contents
under Semi–Arid Conditions.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725.
Academic Editor: Jeroen Meersmans
Received: 18 February 2024
Revised: 21 March 2024
Accepted: 22 March 2024
Published: 26 March 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Impact of Cereal–Legume Intercropping on Changes in Soil
Nutrients Contents under Semi–Arid Conditions
Amal Attallah 1, Wissem Hamdi 1,*, Amira Souid 1, Mohamed Farissi 2, Boulbaba L’taief 3, AiméJ. Messiga 4,
Nazih Y. Rebouh 5, Salah Jellali 6and Mohamed Faouzi Zagrarni 1
1Higher Institute of the Sciences and Techniques of Waters, Gabes University, Gabes 6029, Tunisia; (A.A.); (A.S.); (M.F.Z.)
2Laboratory of Biotechnology & Sustainable Development of Natural Resources, Polydisciplinary Faculty
of Beni-Mellal, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni-Mellal 23000, Morocco;
3Biology Department, College of Science, King Khalid University, P.O. Box 960, Abha 62223, Saudi Arabia;
4Agassiz Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Agassiz, BC V0M1A0, Canada;
5Department of Environmental Management, Institute of Environmental Engineering, RUDN University,
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., 117198 Moscow, Russia;
6Center for Environmental Studies and Research, Sultan Qaboos University, Al-Khoud 123, Muscat, Oman;
Abstract: Cereal–legume intercropping systems are not well studied under the semi–arid conditions
of Southern Tunisia. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of intercropping
durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum L.) with chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) on crop grain
yield and soil physicochemical proprieties such as carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) availability, microbial
biomass nutrients (C and N) and plant nutrient content (N) in comparison to their monocultures.
Field experiments were conducted during the 2020–2021 (EXP–A) and 2021–2022 (EXP–B) seasons in
Medenine, Tunisia. The results revealed a significant augmentation (p< 0.05) in the total nitrogen pro-
portions (Ntot) within the soil of intercropped durum wheat (DuWh–IR) compared to its monoculture
(DuWh–MC). The observed variations amounted to 32% and 29% during the two growing seasons,
identified as EXP–A and EXP–B. Additionally, the soil of intercropped durum wheat (DuWh–IR)
significantly (p< 0.05) accumulated more total carbon (C
) than the monocrop (DuWh–MC) for
both experiments, showing an increase of 27% in EXP–A and 24% in EXP–B. Simultaneously, the
uptake of durum wheat significantly increased under the effect of intercropping, showing a rise
of 26% in the EXP–A season and 21% in the EXP–B season. Similarly, the yield of durum wheat
crops was comparatively greater in the intercropped plots as opposed to the monoculture crops, with
variances of 23% in EXP–A and 20% in EXP–B. Intercropping cereals and legumes has the potential
to enhance the soil fertility and crop production in the semi–arid regions of Southern Tunisia and
contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on nitrogen fertilizers.
Keywords: chickpea; durumwheat; Nuptake; carbon availability; crop yield
1. Introduction
Tunisia’s soils are undergoing substantial degradation, leading to a loss of fertility
and a decline in the soil’s ability to retain and infiltrate water. This soil degradation is
expected to intensify in the coming years due to rapid population growth and increased
demands for soil production, exacerbated by global phenomena such as climate change.
This prompted Tunisian farmers to adopt modern strategies marked by a notable simplifi-
cation of agroecosystems and the widespread use of chemical inputs. Unfortunately, this
has yielded various adverse environmental effects, as documented by Tribouillois et al. [
One significant consequence has been the decline in ecosystem services, particularly in
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 2 of 12
water and soil resources, as highlighted by Glaze-Corcoran et al. [
]. These impacts include
the chemical, physical, and biological degradation of soil, eutrophication of surface and
groundwater, and the release of nitrous oxides, contributing to air pollution [3,4].
As a result, there is growing scrutiny of modern agriculture, urging the adoption of
new agronomic solutions that are both efficient and environmentally friendly, aiming to
mitigate negative environmental impacts, address resource scarcity (such as water and
fossil energy), and adapt to climate change [
]. Within this framework, biodiversity
emerges as a pivotal strategy for sustainable agriculture, preserving soil fertility, optimizing
nutrient utilization, managing pest protection, and sustaining overall productivity [7,8].
One potential avenue in this regard is the adoption of intercropping systems. Inter-
cropping involves cultivating multiple crop species simultaneously on a single plot of land,
aiming to enhance the land utilization efficiency and ultimately achieve higher productivity
levels [
]. This agricultural practice is grounded in ecological principles, specifically
facilitation and complementarity [
]. Furthermore, intercropping systems combining
legumes and cereals are widely acknowledged as highly efficient cropping systems with
the potential to optimize the utilization of resources, particularly nitrogen and water [
Moreover, these systems have demonstrated increased resilience to abiotic stressors, such
as drought, and offer effective strategies for weed, pest, and disease management without
relying on herbicides [1214].
Implementing this agricultural cropping system has a significant impact on vari-
ous nitrogen transformation processes by influencing microbial processes, diversity, and
community composition [
]. Consequently, due to the nitrogen fixation facilitated
by legumes, intercropped cereals exhibit a reduced dependence on nitrogen fertilizers
compared to those grown in monoculture.
Numerous studies have highlighted that intercropping systems involving cereals
and legumes demonstrate an enhanced efficiency in utilizing nutrient resources, specifi-
cally carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P), compared to conventional single–crop
systems [
]. The intercropping system is one of the most useful practices in crop
production, especially in areas with water and nutrient deficiencies in arid and semi–arid
climatic zones. Previous studies have confirmed that this type of land use can result in
higher–than–expected yields due to an increased use of soil nutrients and/or by suppress-
ing crop pests [2325].
Adopting a chickpea–based intercropping system certainly has the potential to im-
prove the nitrogen nutrition and crop yield for associated cereals through biological ni-
trogen fixation [
]. Nevertheless, like other vegetables, the growth and nitrogen fixa-
tion of chickpeas can be influenced by abiotic factors such as drought, phosphorus defi-
soil, and biotic factors including pests, weeds, and diseases [
These stressors are particularly significant in the southern Mediterranean regions, to which
Tunisia belongs, where the impact of these limiting variables is more pronounced [3234].
The cereal–legume intercropping system is poorly studied in Tunisia, particularly
in the southeastern region characterized by a semi–arid climatic, limited precipitation,
and nutrient–deficient soils. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate
crop performance and soil physicochemical proprieties under a durum wheat–chickpea
intercropping system. We hypothesize that this practice enhances carbon (C) and nitrogen
(N) availability, microbial biomass nutrients (C and N), and plant nutrient content (N) in
comparison to the monoculture practice. This hypothesis is based on the premise that
incorporating chickpeas (legumes) into nitrogen–poor soils increases soil nutrient levels
through biological N
fixation. Consequently, this process results in increased microbial
biomass and improved nutritional value in the intercropped plants relative to those grown
in monoculture.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 3 of 12
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Site
Experimental trials were conducted over two agricultural seasons in two distinct
fields within the Medenine region (33
N and 10
E) of southeastern Tunisia. EXP–A
represents the agricultural season of 2020–2021, while EXP–B denotes the agricultural
season of 2021–2022. The average annual temperature at both sites ranges from 21.5 C to
C, with an annual rainfall varying between 167.8 and 241.6 mm. The Mediterranean
climate in Medenine is characterized by a cold winter and an extended, very hot and
dry summer. The soil samples were taken from the top layer (0–20 cm), air–dried, and
sieved (2 mm) in preparation for analyzing certain physicochemical properties before
beginning the experiment. According to Mtimet et al. [
], the soil type is classified as
alluvial soil, and exhibits a sandy–loamy texture, comprising 70.2% sand, 20.1% silt, and
8.7% clay fraction. This site has an alkaline pH, registering at 8.02, and possesses low
organic matter (OM) content, measuring 1.21%. CaCO
is present, with a content of 21%.
Furthermore, measurements of total phosphorus (P
), Olsen–P, and total nitrogen (N
reveal deficiencies in these elements. The P
level was found to be 5.95
. Olsen–P
was recorded at a value of 0.51
, and the NTot level was measured at 3.58
2.2. Experimental Device
The study was conducted with a variety of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. Amdoun) and
a variety of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum L. Simeto) cultivated either in in-
tercropping or in monoculture. The experimental design chosen in our study was in the
form of a split–plot comprising three replications (blocks). Each micro–plot included one
of the following treatments: chickpea monoculture (ChKp–MC), durum wheat monocul-
ture (DuWh–MC), and durum wheat–chickpea intercropping (DuWh–IR and ChKp–IR)
micro–plots (4.5 m2)×3 treatments ×3 replications
). The total surface area of the experi-
mental plot was 40.5 m
, with each micro–plot allocated 4.5 m
, and each micro–plot was
located 1 m from the adjacent micro–plots (Figure 1). The grain density used for both experi-
ments was 100
5 grains per m
for pure chickpea (ChKp–MC),
250 ±3 grains per m2
pure durum wheat (DuWh–MC), 50
3 grains per m
for intercropped chickpea (ChKp–IR),
and 150
5 grains per m
for intercropped durum wheat (DuWh–IR). The seeds were sown
in the third week of January for both growing seasons, with occasional manual weeding. Im-
portantly, no chemical fertilizers or herbicides were applied throughout the entire experiment.
For each experiment, before sowing, a 20 cm deep sample was taken from each micro–plot
and mixed to obtain a single sample, designated as the control soil (S–Bulk).
Figure 1. Experimental design including durum wheat–monocrops (DuWh–MC), chickpea–
monocrops (ChKp–MC), and intercrops of durum wheat and chickpea (DuWh–IR and ChKp–IR).
2.3. Plant and Soil Sampling
At the full flowering stage (70 days after sowing), ten plants were sampled from each
monocropped micro–plot, while five plants were sampled from each intercropped micro–
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 4 of 12
plot. The stems were detached from the roots at the cotyledonary node, subsequently
dried at 60
C for 48 h, and then weighed. Additionally, five soil samples from the
rhizosphere were meticulously collected from the roots of each sampled plant. This soil,
representing the fraction adhering to the roots (1–4 mm), was delicately recovered using a
brush. The collected samples were blended to form a homogeneous mixture, then subjected
to air–drying, followed by sieving to a particle size of 2 mm.
2.4. Measurements
The physicochemical analysis of the soils was conducted using standard methods from
each site. The nitrogen content in both soil and plant samples were determined using the Kjel-
dahl method [
]. Soil pH was measured in a soil–water suspension (
soil/water ratio = 1:2.5
using a pH meter. Phosphorus availability was assessed using the Olsen method [
], and the
total phosphorus content in the soil was determined through the malachite green procedure
following mixed digestion with perchloric and nitric acids [
]. Soil organic matter and soil
carbon content were quantified using the Walkley and Black method [
], and the proportion
of calcium carbonate (CaCO
) in the soil was determined by measuring CO
volume based
on the Horton and Newson methods [
]. Additionally, the nitrogen and carbon content in
soil microbial biomass (SMB–N and SMB–C) were estimated using the fumigation extraction
(FE) method devised by Vance et al. [41].
2.5. Statistical Analyses
The statistical analyses were performed using XLSTAT (Premium Version, 2019, Addin-
soft, Long Island, NY, USA). Significant differences between mean values at p= 0.05 level
of significance and the influence of treatments (intercropping and monocultures) on the
variables (crop yield, nitrogen content in the soil (Ntot), plant N
uptake, soil microbial
biomass fraction (SMB–N), soil carbon content (Ctot), and microbial biomass (SMB–C))
were investigated using the Tukey test.
3. Results
3.1. Crops Yield
The results depicted in Figure 2indicate substantial crop yield variations in response
to crop treatments (intercropping or monoculture) at both experimental sites. During the
first season (EXP–A), there was a notable increase (23%) in the grain yield of durum wheat
within the intercropped system compared to the monoculture. Similarly, during the second
season (EXP–B), the grain yield of intercropped durum wheat showed a significant rise of 20%
compared to the monoculture (Figure 2). Conversely, the grain yield of chickpea exhibited a
significant decrease when intercropped with durum wheat in both EXP–A and EXP–B, with
reductions of 21% and 17%, respectively, compared to its monoculture (Figure 2).
3.2. Nitrogen Content (Ntot) Soil Availability
Figure 3illustrates the variation in soil nitrogen content (N
) in response to treatments
and experimental sites during the two growing seasons. In both experiments EXP–A and
EXP–B, the Ntot soil levels significantly increased for durum wheat under the influence of
intercropping (DuWh–IR), showing a rise of 32% in EXP–A and 29% in EXP B compared
to its monoculture (DuWh–MC). According to Figure 3, there was a notable reduction in
Ntot (p< 0.05) observed in ChKp–IR compared to ChKp–MC across both sites, indicating a
variance of 11% in EXP–A and 7% in EXP–B.
3.3. Soil Microbial Biomass (SMB–N) Variation
A notable increase (p
0.05) in the nitrogen content of the soil microbial biomass
) for intercropped durum wheat with chickpea (DuWh–IR) compared to its mono-
culture (DuWh–MC) was observed (Figure 4). This increase was approximately 39% and
36% during the EXP–A and EXP–B growing seasons, respectively. Furthermore, a slight
decrease of approximately 5% in the nitrogen content of the soil microbial biomass for chick-
pea intercropped with durum wheat (ChKp–IR) compared to its monoculture (ChKp–MC)
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 5 of 12
in EXP–A was noted. However, no significant difference was observed between chickpea
monocrops and chickpea intercrops during the EXP–B growing season.
Figure 2. Grain yield levels (g.m
) of various crops, including chickpea–monocrops (ChKp–MC),
durum wheat–monocrops (DuWh–MC), and intercrops of durum wheat and chickpea (DuWh–IR and
ChKp–IR) were assessed over two years of cultivation (EXP–A and EXP–B). The error bars indicate
the standard deviation. The letters a, b, c, and d represent the significant difference at a probability
p< 0.05 between all treatments in each year.
Figure 3. N
availability in the control soil (S–Bulk) and across the different crop covers (chickpea–
monocrops (ChKp–MC), durum wheat–monocrops (DuWh–MC), and intercropped durum wheat–
chickpea (ChKp–IR and DuWh–IR)) at the flowering stage during two growing seasons (EXP–A and
EXP–B). The values are the average of three replicates. The error bars indicate the standard deviation.
The letters a, b, c, and d represent the significant difference at a probability p< 0.05 between all
treatments in each year.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 6 of 12
Figure 4. SMB–N variation in the control soil (S–Bulk) and across the different crop covers (chick-
pea monocrops (ChKp–MC), durum wheat monocrops (DuWh–MC) and intercrops durum wheat–
chickpea (ChKp–AIR) and (DuWh–IR) at the flowering stage during the two growing seasons (EXP–A
and EXP–B). The values are the average of three replicates. The error bars indicate the standard
deviation. The letters a, b, and c represent the significant difference at a probability p< 0.05 between
all treatments in each year.
3.4. NitrogenUptake
The results exhibited in Figure 5indicate a significant decrease (p< 0.05) in nitrogen
uptake (N
uptake) for intercropped chickpea (ChKp–IR) compared to its monoculture
(ChKp–MC) for both experiments, with reductions of 13% for EXP–A and 10% for
However, there was a significant increase (p
0.05) in N
uptake for intercropped du-
rum wheat (DuWh–IR) compared to the durum wheat monoculture (DuWh–MC); these
increases were approximately 26% and 21% for EXP–A and EXP–B, respectively.
Figure 5. N
uptake by different crop covers (chickpea monocrops (ChKp–MC), durum wheat
monocrops (DuWh–MC) and intercropped durum wheat–chickpea (ChKp–IR and DuWh–IR)) at the
flowering stage, during the two growing seasons (EXP–A and EXP–B). The values are the average of
three replicates. The error bars indicate the standard deviation. The letters a, b, and c represent the
significant difference at a probability p< 0.05 between all treatments in each year.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 7 of 12
3.5. Total Soil Carbon Content (Ctot)
Figure 6demonstrates that the soil carbon levels (Ctot) were significantly higher in the
micro–plots with intercropped durum wheat (DuWh–IR) than in those with monoculture
durum wheat (DuWh–MC) and the bulk soil (S–Bulk) across both experiments (EXP–A
and EXP–B). In EXP–A, the Ctot concentration in DuWh–IR soil was 27% and 60% greater
than in DuWh–MC and S–Bulk, respectively. For EXP–B, the increase in soil carbon content
in DuWh–IR micro–plots was approximately 24% and 68% over DuWh–MC and S–Bulk,
respectively. Nevertheless, there was no notable distinction detected among ChKp–MC,
ChKp–IR, and DuWh–IR in both experiments, with 2.10%, 1.95%, and 2.01% in EXP–A
and 1.74%, 1.62%, and 1.73% in EXP–B, respectively. Moreover, soil from the chickpea
monoculture (ChKp–MC) demonstrated significantly higher carbon levels than those in
the durum wheat monoculture (DuWh–MC) and bulk soil (S–Bulk) in both agricultural
experiments. Specifically, in EXP–A, there was a 30% and 62% increase in total soil carbon
content compared to DuWh–MC and S–Bulk, respectively. However, in EXP–B, increases
in the soil carbon concentration were 24% and 68% relative to DuWh–MC and S–Bulk,
respectively (Figure 6).
Figure 6. C
concentrations in the control soil (S–Bulk) and across the different crop covers (chickpea–
monocrops (ChKp–MC), durum wheat–monocrops (DuWh–MC), and intercropped durum wheat–
chickpea (ChKp–IR and DuWh–IR)) at the flowering stage during two growing seasons (EXP–A
and EXP–B). The values are the average of three replicates. The error bars indicate the standard
deviation. The letters a, b, and c represent the significant difference at a probability p< 0.05 between
all treatments in each year.
3.6. Microbial Biomass (SMB–C) Variation
The carbon content variation in the soil microbial biomass (SMB–C) for the two years
of experiments is demonstrated in Figure 7. During EXP–A, SMB–C concentrations in the
soil cultivated with intercropped durum wheat (DuWh–IR) were significantly higher by
32% and 57% compared to the monoculture durum wheat (DuWh–MC) and the bulk soil
(S–Bulk), respectively. Moreover, SMB–C concentrations obtained from the soil cultivated
with pure chickpea (ChKp–MC) were significantly higher by 34% and 57% compared
to the monoculture durum wheat (DuWh–MC) and the bulk soil (S–Bulk), respectively.
Similarly, the results obtained in EXP–B aligned with those from the first experiment
(EXP–A), indicating a significant increase in SMB–C of approximately 39% and 66% for
the intercropped durum wheat (DuWh–IR) compared to the monoculture durum wheat
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 8 of 12
(DuWh–MC) and the bulk soil (S–Bulk), respectively. Additionally, for pure chickpea
(ChKp–MC), SMB–C concentrations were notably higher by 36% and 67% compared to the
durum wheat monoculture (DuWh–MC) and the bulk soil (S–Bulk), respectively.
Figure 7. SMB–C content in the control soil (S–Bulk) and across the different crop covers (chickpea–
monocrops (ChKp–MC), durum wheat–monocrops (DuWh–MC) and intercropped durum wheat–
chickpea (ChKp–IR and DuWh–IR)) at the flowering stage during the two growing seasons (EXP–A
and EXP–B). The values are the average of three replicates. The error bars indicate the standard
deviation. The letters a, b, and c represent the significant difference at a probability p< 0.05 between
all treatments in each year.
4. Discussion
4.1. Impact of the Durum Wheat–Chickpea Intercropping on Crop Yield
Cereal–legume intercropping’s effect on the crop yield has been extensively researched
and documented across agricultural studies. This agricultural practice effectively enhances
nitrogen levels in the soil, thereby directly influencing the grain yield [
]. These investi-
gations highlight a notable increase in the cereal yield when intercropped with legumes,
compared to being grown using monoculture practices. For instance, studies on maize [
and durum wheat [
] have shown higher yields when intercropped with faba beans and
soybeans, respectively. During both growing seasons (EXP–A and EXP–B), our findings
demonstrated a marked rise in yield for the intercropped durum wheat (DuWh–IR). This en-
hancement was likely due to the efficient symbiotic nitrogen fixation facilitated by chickpea,
resulting in greater nitrogen accumulation in the rhizosphere of the intercropped durum
wheat. Similar increases in wheat yield within intercropping systems have been observed by
Huˇnady and Hochman [
], who reported higher grain yields when wheat was intercropped
with faba beans. Furthermore, Chhetri et al. [
] documented a 40% yield increase when
wheat was intercropped with beans. This cropping system’s benefits in terms of enhancing
cereal grain yields were reinforced by studies on wheat–maize intercropping, bean–maize
intercropping [
], and cowpea–maize intercropping [
]. However, findings from the present
study indicate a decrease in the yield of intercropped chickpea (ChKp–IR) when compared to
their sole cultivation. This decline can be attributed to the vigorous interspecific competition
with durum wheat for nitrogen resources, as reported by Latati et al. [49].
4.2. Effect of Intercropping Cereal–Legume Systems on the Availability of Ntot, NUptake, and
Variations in N within the SMB–N
The primary findings depicted in Figures 35highlight the substantial influence of
the durum wheat–chickpea intercropping system on various aspects, including the total
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 9 of 12
nitrogen content of the soil (Ntot), nitrogen uptake by plants (N
uptake), and nitrogen
present in the microbial biomass (SMB–N).
According to Figure 3, there was a substantial accumulation of Ntot in the rhizosphere
of durum wheat intercropped with chickpea compared to its monoculture and N–deficient
bulk soil across both experiments (EXP–A and EXP–B). This notable rise can most likely be
attributed to the interspecific facilitation of nutrient utilization between durum wheat and
chickpea. Moreover, legumes grown in an intercropping system enhance the availability of
inorganic nitrogen in the rhizosphere through their ability for symbiotic nitrogen fixation
(N2), providing benefits to cereals [
]. These results are consistent with the findings of
Hauggaard-Nielsen et al. [
], who noted a higher nitrogen concentration in the soil of peas,
faba beans, and lupins when intercropped with barley compared to their monocultures.
Similarly, Corre-Hellou et al. [
] demonstrated elevated nitrogen concentration in the soil
under pea and barley intercropping as opposed to their monocultures.
However, the nitrogen (N
) content in the rhizosphere of monoculture chickpea
remained elevated compared to the levels observed under the influence of intercropping,
probably due to the strong competition from intercropped durum wheat for the absorption
of nitrogen fixed by chickpeas in the soil [
]. This increase in N
within intercropped
durum wheat through symbiotic nitrogen fixation was accompanied by a rise in the content
of SMB–N in the rhizosphere of durum wheat (Figure 4). Thus, the SMB–N increase can be
attributed to the transfer of nitrogen from nodules to the soil microbial biomass after nodule
senescence, as reported by Latati et al. [
]. Furthermore, these findings align entirely with
those of Tang et al. [
], who reported an increase in microbial biomass under the influence
of the wheat/chickpea intercropping compared to their respective monocultures. However,
the low nitrogen content in the microbial biomass obtained in the bulk soil (S–Bulk) may
be explained by the absence of soil tillage and the addition of organic amendments to
stimulate soil microbial activity [56].
Moreover, Figure 5indicates a rise in the plant–absorbed nitrogen content (N
for durum wheat when in association compared to its monoculture in both experiments
(EXP–A in 2020–2021 and EXP–B in 2021–2022). Our results are consistent with the findings
of Zhang al. [
], who reported an enhanced nitrogen content in wheat when cultivated in
an intercropping system with soybeans compared to its monoculture. Likewise, Szumigal-
ski and Van Acker [
] observed increased nitrogen concentrations in wheat and canola
crops when intercropped with peas.
4.3. Effect of Cereal–Legume Intercropping Systems on Ctot Content and SMB–C Variation
Our results demonstrated a significant enhancement in the soil microbial biomass
) of intercropped durum wheat compared to its monoculture and the bulk soil
Figure 6
). This enhancement may be assigned to the combined root exudates from both
chickpea and durum wheat. These findings align with those of Tang et al. [
], who observed
enhancements in microbial biomass carbon stocks when durum wheat was intercropped with
chickpea and lentils compared to their respective monocultures. Likewise, Latati et al. [
documented a rise in the soil microbial biomass for maize and bean intercropping.
Another notable result from this study pertains to the soil carbon (C
) content, which
underwent a significant increase during both cropping seasons (EXP–A and EXP–B) when
durum wheat was intercropped with chickpea, compared to the monoculture and the
bulk soil, as depicted in Figure 7. The significant soil carbon content observed may be
attributed to the increased microbial activity favored by its intercropping with chickpea [
This occurrence has already been observed in various regions worldwide. For instance,
Chapagain and Riseman in 2014 [
] observed similar results in Vancouver, Western Canada,
for barley–pea intercropping, and Scalise et al. [
] found the same in an agroecosystem in
Southern Italy for barley and bean intercropping. Thus, it is apparent that soil microbial
biomass plays a crucial role in the mineralization of organic matter and the enrichment of
the soil with carbon, which is an essential element for the proper development of crops.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2725 10 of 12
5. Conclusions
The main results of this field research revealed an increase in durum wheat grain yields
under the intercropping system compared to the monoculture. This increase can be attributed
to a significant bioavailability of nitrogen (N) in the rhizosphere of intercropped durum wheat
in the two sites that were characterized by initially low nitrogen soil contents. Furthermore,
this study validates that intercropping durum wheat with chickpea enhances the soil carbon
content compared to monoculture practices. This improvement stems from heightened
microbial activity in the rhizosphere of the intercropped durum wheat, recognized as a pivotal
mechanism in the mineralization and decomposition of soil organic matter.
Therefore, chickpea exhibits a beneficial impact in the context of interspecific com-
petition in the intercropping system. Consequently, this study affirms the benefits of the
durum wheat–chickpea intercropping system in improving soil fertility and crop yield
compared to a monoculture, leading to a reduction in the reliance on chemical fertilizers.
Finally, durum wheat–chickpea intercropping could offer a pragmatic solution to fostering
sustainable agriculture in semi–arid regions.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.A. and W.H.; methodology, A.A. and W.H.; software,
A.A. and A.S.; validation, A.A., W.H. and M.F.Z.; formal analysis, A.A., M.F. and A.J.M. investigation,
A.A. and W.H.; resources, A.A. and W.H.; data curation, A.A. and S.J.; writing—original draft
preparation, A.S.; writing—review and editing, A.A., N.Y.R., B.L., M.F. and S.J.; visualization, A.A.
and A.S.; validation, N.Y.R.; supervision, W.H. and M.F.Z.; project administration, N.Y.R. and B.L.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This paper has been supported by the RUDN University Strategic Academic Leadership Program.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.
Acknowledgments: The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at
King Khalid University for funding this work through the Small Groups Project under grant number
S.R.G.P./288/44, (formal analysis).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Relay intercropping of service legumes (living mulch) is a valuable agroecological practice to support nutrient availability, yield and non-chemical weed control in a crops sequence, if suitable legumes are chosen. This study tested the suitability of eight legume living mulches for relay intercropping in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) evaluating their effects on the subsequent forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) in a Mediterranean low-input cereal-based cropping system. Legumes include perennial (Medicago sativa, Medicago lupulina, Trifolium repens, Hedysarum coronarium), annual (Trifolium incarnatum, Trifolium resupinatum) and annual self-seeding (Trifolium subterraneum, Medicago polymorpha) species. A plot experiment repeating two times a wheat-sorghum crop sequence, was carried out in Central Italy to assess the effects of relay intercropping of legumes on agronomical and economic performance of the associated wheat and subsequent sorghum. The legumes were undersown in the already developed durum wheat in late winter. They were maintained after wheat harvest and used as green manure by biomass chopping and plowing in the following spring at sorghum sowing time. None of the intercropped legumes affected N uptake or grain protein content of the companion wheat with respect to the control (wheat sole crop). In the spring before sorghum sowing, N input from legume biomass residues was assessed and it sensibly changed according to legume species, ranging from 1.2 (T. incarnatum) to 182 kg ha − 1 (H. coronarium). The legume treatments significantly affected the N uptake in the subsequent sorghum and it ranged from 20.2 to 172.6 kg ha − 1. Without the use of additional external nitrogen input, average sorghum dry biomass production preceded by H. coronarium (13.3 t ha − 1), T. repens (11.8 t ha − 1), T. subterraneum (11.0 t ha − 1) and M. sativa (9.3 t ha − 1) was in line with the productive level under conventional conditions. Biomass residues of M. sativa significantly reduced the total weed biomass in sorghum by 65% compared with the control. In sorghum, preceding legumes such as T. resupinatum and T. incarnatum promoted dicotyledonous weed growth. Hedysarum coronarium and T. repens were the best legumes for relay intercropping in the low-input wheat-sor-ghum crop sequence under Mediterranean conditions of this study according to agronomic and economic evaluation. These legumes were able to increase soil nitrogen content allowing to significantly reduce external nitrogen fertilization while optimizing sorghum production. When gross income is calculated at cropping system level, most legumes provide a positive economic balance.
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Abstract: Wheat is considered to be a strategic crop for achieving food security. Wherefore, one of the current objectives of today's agriculture is to ensure a consistent and sustainable yield of this particular crop while mitigating its environmental footprint. However, along with the genetic potential of varieties, agricultural practices play a key role in ensuring a high and stable yield of wheat. Under changing climatic conditions, new eco-friendly practices were adopted in the wheat farming system in recent decades. In this review, a large number of peer-reviewed articles have been screened during the last 15 years to evaluate the potential of some environmentally friendly agricultural practices such as tillage system, biological crop protection, crop rotation, intercropping systems, and the integration of resistant varieties in achieving a high and stable wheat yield. The present investigation unveiled that embracing eco-friendly agricultural methods in the wheat farming system holds the potential to engender high and sustainable wheat yields, contingent upon a normative strategy that comprehensively addresses multiple factors. These include the intrinsic attributes of the grown wheat cultivars, plant nutritional parameters, soil agrochemical characteristics, and specific climatic conditions. Further in-depth investigations under field conditions are necessary to help in the discernment of appropriate environmentally agricultural techniques that can efficaciously optimize the yield potential of the different cultivated varieties.
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An integrated forage-legume cropping system has immense potential to address the issue of land degradability. It provides a critical understanding of the capacity of diversified species mixes vs. monocultures to boost forage production and the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) and phosphorus (P). In this study, we assessed the performance of Napier Bajra Hybrid (NBH) (Pennisetum glaucum × P. purpureum) + cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and tri-specific hybrid (TSH) (P. glaucum × P. purpureum × P. squamulatum) + cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) as compared to monocultures of NBH and TSH. The legume equivalent yield of NBH + cowpea and TSH + cluster bean intercropping systems were found −31% and −23% higher than monoculture systems. The SOC increased by −5% in the NBH + cowpea system as compared to NBH monoculture. The carbon mineralization rates under NBH + cowpea and TSH + cluster bean were −32% and −38% lower than the NBH and TSH monoculture cropping systems, respectively. It was found that the legume intensification with the forage significantly improved the soil’s P status. The research suggested that coalescing diverse crops (e.g., grass and legume) poses enormous potential for sustaining soil health and productivity in semi-arid regions of India. This study advances the research on characterizing the crucial factors of grass-legume-based cropping systems and helps in assessing the impact of these factors on long-term sustainability.
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A field experiment was conducted during (pre-kharif) (February-May) seasons of 2014 and 2015 at the Instructional Farm, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, to evaluate the effect of maize (Zea mays L.) intercropped with cowpea [Vigna unguiculata L.) and nutrient-management practices on yield attributes, yield, nutrient uptake and competition indices. Among the cropping system, sole crop resulted in the highest yield attributes, grain yield (3,913 kg/ha), stover yield (6,565 kg/ha), harvest index (37.21%), uptake of nitrogen (101.36 kg/ha), phosphorus (19.80 kg/ha) and potassium (110.90 kg/ha). However, growing of maize as an intercrop with cowpea in a 2 : 2 row ratio resulted in the highest grain yield (3,249 kg/ha), stover yield (5,707 kg/ha) and harvest index (36.19%) than 2 : 4 row ratio combination. Among the nutrient-management practices, 75% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) + Azotobacter + vermicompost (VC) @ 5.0 t/ha resulted in the highest yield attributes, grain yield (3,684 kg/ha), stover yield (6,207 kg/ha), harvest index (37.14%) and NPK uptake. However, productivity system in terms of maize-equivalent yield (MEY), land-equivalent ratio (LER), relative crowding coefficient (RCC), competition index (CI), aggressivity, competition ratio (CR), land-equivalent coefficient (LEC), area time-equivalent ratio (ATER) and monetary advantage was found to be higher in 2 : 2 row ratio, followed by 2 : 4 row ratio combination. Thus, maize intercrop with cowpea in 2 : 2 row ratio combination and supplied with 75% RDF + PSB + Azotobacter + vermicompost (VC) @ 5.0 t/ha (N 3) improved the productivity of sole crop as well as intercrop system.
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Soil nitrogen (N) is a common limiting factor where soil N-cycling is a key component of agroecosystems. Soil N transformation processes are largely mediated by microbes, and understanding bacteria involvement in soil N-cycling in agricultural systems has both agronomic and environmental importance. This 2 yr field-scale study examined the abundances and spatial distributions of the total bacterial community (16S rRNA), bacteria involved in nitrification (amoA) and denitrification (narG, nirK, and nosZ), and soil physicochemical properties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–soybean (Glycine max L.) double-crop with 2–3 weeks of spring grazing (WGS) and without grazing (WS) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea (L.) Schreb.) pasture (TF) managed to near-natural conditions with similar grazing. The TF soil had a significantly higher abundance of 16S rRNA, amoA, narG, nirK, and nosZ genes than the WS and WGS soils, which had similar levels between themselves. Soil organic matter (OM) and soil pH had stronger effects on the N-cycling bacteria gene abundance. All bacterial gene concentrations and soil pH showed nonrandom distribution patterns with a 141–186 m range autocorrelation. These results indicate that biological N transformation processes are more important in natural agricultural systems and the abundance of N-cycling bacteria can be manipulated by field-scale management strategies.
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Citation: Kherif, O.; Haddad, B.; Bouras, F.-Z.; Seghouani, M.; Zemmouri, B.; Gamouh, R.; Hamzaoui, N.; Larbi, A.; Rebouh, N.-Y.; Latati, M. Simultaneous Assessment of Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rain-Fed Chickpea-Durum Wheat Intercropping Systems. Agriculture 2023, 13, 947. https://doi. Abstract: It is well known that multiple interactions can occur between nitrogen and water use, depending on climate, soil and crop characteristics, in crop growth and yield development. However, little is known about the simultaneous change in both water and N use efficiency (WUE and NUE) and their possible interactions in cereal-legume intercropping systems. In order to advance our knowledge on the N and water facilitation mechanisms involved in the intercropping responses of N and water input co-limitations, we investigated, via four experiment years, the simultaneous optimization of water and N-fertilizer inputs, as well as its possible effects on growth, yield, N acquisition, and the NUE and WUE in intercropped species. The results indicated that intercropping increases the leaf area index by more than +0.14 and +1.03 units when compared to durum wheat and chickpea monoculture systems, respectively. This increase is particularly noticeable under higher rainfalls during the crop period (i.e., as can be seen in the 2022, 2020, and 2019 seasons). Moderate N-application enhanced both the grain yield and protein accumulation in the mixed crops by more than 0.22 t ha −1 and 57 kg ha −1 , respectively. Conversely, intercropping significantly decreased the mixed grain yield when compared to durum wheat monocultures. Intercropping advantages in terms of biomass (ranged from 1 to 44%) and N-acquisition (2 to 91%) was confirmed in either low-(2021) or high-(2019 and 2022) rainfall growing periods, but only under low and moderate N-applications. Improving N nutrition under both rainfall and drought growth periods was confirmed only for the mixed crops under all applied N-fertilizer doses. Such improvements in growth, N acquisition, and yield quality were most likely achieved by positive interactions (r 2 = 0.73, p ≤ 0.001) between the NUE and WUE for the chickpea-wheat intercropping. Thus, 0.62 kg m −3 of WUE promotes a significant increase of 1 kg kg −1 in NUE by mixing chickpea-durum wheat. Rain-fed chickpea-durum wheat intercropping provides a higher performance in growth and yield quality compared to sole cropping systems; this may occur from the simultaneous optimizations of both water and N fertilizer inputs in low-N soil under semiarid conditions.
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It is well known that legume–cereal intercropping systems are more efficient in terms of resources use, in particular nitrogen (N) and water. However, the response of this cropping system to water and N co-limitation was poorly studied in most of the recent field researches. The present study aims to assess the relationship between N and water use efficiency (NUE and WUE) by chickpea–durum wheat intercropping under contrasted climate and N supply conditions. Field experiments were carried out during the 2021/2022 growing season, in three sites located at both sub-humid and semi-arid regions. WUE, NUE, aboveground biomass, grain yield and crop physiological parameters for either intercropped chickpea or durum wheat were assessed and compared to the respective measurements in monocultures among all N-fertilizer level × site treatments. The results showed that WUE relative to grain yield (WUEGY) and biomass (WUEYB) were significantly higher in sole cropped wheat under the conditions of the three studied sites, except for WUEYB in S2, in which intercropping increased WUEYB by +0.46 and +1.03 kg m−3, as compared respectively, to monoculture under low application of N fertilizer. As compared to chickpea monoculture, intercropping increased WUEGY by more than 0.30 and 0.57 kg m−3 under semi-arid conditions (S1 and S3) over three N-application doses, and by more than 0.18 kg m−3 under sub-humid conditions (S2). Simultaneously, NUE was significantly increased by intercropping, where in the mixed crop the highest values were noted as compared to sole-cropped durum wheat and chickpea. However, reducing the N-application dose leads to a gradual increase in NUE by more than 4.44 kg kg−1. As a consequence, intercropping enhanced protein accumulation in the grain yield of mixed crops by more than 30 kg ha−1 as compared to sole-cropped durum wheat, in particular under moderate N-application and sub-humid climate. Indeed, average chlorophyll content was increased (7.8%) in intercropped durum wheat under all applied N-doses in sub-humid conditions. Rain-fed chickpea–wheat intercropping promotes an improvement in growth and yield quality thanks to simultaneous optimization of water and N use under low and moderate N-application in both semi-arid and sub-humid climates.
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Mixed cropping systems can constitute important agroecological adaptation strategies for enhancing crop growth and productivity in view of climate change, while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and providing important ecosystem services. The aim of this study was to investigate growth, competitiveness, and productivity of two forage mixtures combining triticale (X triticosecale Wittmack) to common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), and to fenugreek (Trigonella fœnum-græcum L.) in different mixture combinations (40% T–60% V vs. 60% T–40% V and 40% T–60% F vs. 60% T–40% F). Field results showed that both forage legumes were higher inside the different crop mixtures (+225% for vetch, +94% for fenugreek) than in monocropping. In regard to the competition ration (CR), triticale was the more dominant and competitive species in three out of four studied mixtures. Forage yield was higher in crop mixtures than for corresponding sole crops. Yield gain was greater for common vetch-based mixtures than fenugreek ones (+60% vs. +30%). The results show that using cereal–legume mixtures can provide important productivity increase for fodder yield compared to conventional pure crops. The method is an important adaptive agricultural strategy in view of climate change.
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Nitrogen fertilizer application is conditioned closely by the amount of rainfall and its distribution. The current study aims at studying the effect of nitrogen (N) application rate on grain yield (GY), grain protein content (GPC), and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of durum wheat under Algerian semiarid conditions. Field trials were conducted during two contrasting and successive growing seasons (a dry year = 2016-2017 and a wet year = 2017-2018) on a local variety named Bousselam. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used with four replicates. Seven gradual treatments of fertilizer rate were studied: T1 = 0 unity of nitrogen (UN), T2 = 100 UN, T3 = 110 UN, T4 = 120 UN, T5 = 130 UN, T6 = 140 UN, and T7 = 150 UN. Results showed a significant difference between the dry and wet years. Only the GPC was higher in the dry year compared to the wet year having a difference of 2.94%. However, all other studied parameters were higher in the wet year, which resulted in a yield difference of 4.38 t ha −1. In addition, a significant effect of N rate on GY, thousand grain weight (TGW), and GPC was observed. A considerable difference between 120 UN and 150 UN was not noted in both years of study. Furthermore, the agronomic efficiency (AE) increased significantly with rainfall amount achieving a difference of 16.2 kg•kgN −1 between years. Finally, the results showed that using a high N amount led to a decrease in AE. Based on GY, apparent recovery efficiency (ARE), agronomic efficiency (AE), and marginal rate return (MRR) recorded in both years, the nitrogen application rate of 120 UN is recommended to be applied to wheat crops in Algerian semiarid conditions.