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Application of Text Classification and Clustering of Twitter Data for Business Analytics


Abstract and Figures

In the recent years, social networks in business are gaining unprecedented popularity because of their potential for business growth. Companies can know more about consumers’ sentiments towards their products and services, and use it to better understand the market and improve their brand. Thus, companies regularly reinvent their marketing strategies and campaigns to fit consumers’ preferences. Social analysis harnesses and utilizes the vast volume of data in social networks to mine critical data for strategic decision making. It uses machine learning techniques and tools in determining patterns and trends to gain actionable insights. This paper selected a popular food brand to evaluate a given stream of customer comments on Twitter. Several metrics in classification and clustering of data were used for analysis. A Twitter API is used to collect twitter corpus and feed it to a Binary Tree classifier that will discover the polarity lexicon of English tweets, whether positive or negative. A k-means clustering technique is used to group together similar words in tweets in order to discover certain business value. This paper attempts to discuss the technical and business perspectives of text mining analysis of Twitter data and recommends appropriate future opportunities in developing this emerging field.
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Application of Text Classification and Clustering
of Twitter Data for Business Analytics
Alrence Santiago Halibas
Faculty of Computing Sciences
Gulf College
Muscat, Oman
Abubucker Samsudeen Shaffi
Faculty of Computing Sciences
Gulf College
Muscat, Oman
Mohamed Abdul Kader Varusai Mohamed
Faculty of Computing Sciences
Gulf College
Muscat, Oman
Abstract — In the recent years, social networks in business are
gaining unprecedented popularity because of their potential for
business grow th. Companies can know more about consumers’
sentiments towards their products and services, and use it to
better understand the market and improve their brand. Thus,
companies regularly reinvent their marketing strategies and
campaigns to fit consumers’ preferences. Social analysis
harnesses and utilizes the vast volume of data in social networks
to mine critical data for strategic decision making. It uses
machine learning techniques and tools in determining patterns
and trends to gain actionable insights.
This paper selected a popular food brand to evaluate a given
stream of customer comments on Twitter. Several metrics in
classification and clustering of data were used for analysis. A
Twitter API is used to collect twitter corpus and feed it to a
Binary Tree classifier that will discover the polarity lexicon of
English tweets, whether positive or negative. A k-means
clustering technique is used to group together similar words in
tweets in order to discover certain business value. This paper
attempts to discuss the technical and business perspectives of text
mining analysis of Twitter data and recommends appropriate
future opportunities in developing this emerging field.
Keywords— Twitter, Sentiment Analysis, Decision Tree, k-means,
Social Media
The social media has redefined the nature of how
companies strategize their business processes. The social media
contains a massive volume of unstructured data (e.g. tweets,
comments, blogs, forum discussions, user post, and reviews)
that can be used for business intelligence such as customer
profiling and content analytics. Twitter, which is a social
networking online service, is mainly used as a marketing and
promotion tool by most companies. Specifically, twitter data
contains not only user information, but also texts that contain
subjective information (such as user sentiments) towards a
particular issue. From a business perspective, the wealth of
tweets is enough for companies to gather sufficient feedback
about their products and services from their customers without
having to spend for costly customer surveys and interviews. On
the other hand, analyzing and extracting information from
unstructured data poses a formidable challenge to data miners.
Humans can easily find patterns and trends in documents but
this ability is limited when a large amount of data is involved.
However, with the help of analytical tools and techniques, such
challenge is achievable. Hence, the industry that surrounds
sentiment analysis is gaining momentum and currently the
focus of social media research [1]. In fact, [2] forecasted that
by 2022, the market for text analytics will rise to $8.79 billion
with a growth rate of 17.2%. The report described that the
increasing growth trend is attributed to the pressing need of
companies for social media analytics, predictive analytics and
the customization of their business applications. In a way,
companies have seen the benefits of text mining using
sentiment analysis in improving their services, monitoring of
brand or company reputation, gaining competitive advantage,
and other analytical uses with financial gains [3]. Its business
value cannot be ignored, especially by marketing and customer
support units of an organization.
This paper mainly examines the use of sentiment analysis
in business applications. Furthermore, this paper demonstrates
the text analysis process in reviewing the public opinion of
customers towards a certain brand and presents hidden
knowledge (e.g. customer and business insights) that can be
used for decision making after the text analysis is performed.
More so, [4] stressed that there is limited academic literature
surrounding text analytics of Twitter data, as a result, this paper
attempts to contribute in this developing field by providing a
practical guide on how to mine and analyze customers’ tweets.
This paper is divided into four (4) sections. Following this
section is Section II which provides Background Information
and Related Work of the following topics: Sentiment Analysis,
Decision Tree, and Text Clustering. Section III demonstrates
the Experimental Setup combined with the Results and
Discussion and Section IV presents the Conclusion and Future
A. Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis is used by companies to analyze data to
understand the users’ sentiments or opinions regarding their
products or services. According to [5], Sentiment Analysis is
“a process that automates the mining of attitude, opinions,
views, and emotions from text, speech, tweets, and database
sources through Natural Language Processing (NLP)”. It is
also referred to as opinion mining and emotion analysis. It uses
textual data to analytically collect, analyze, model and validate
for various business intelligence applications. Fig. 1 illustrates
different approaches and techniques to sentiment analysis.
Fig. 1 Sentiment Analysis, Source: [4, Fig. 1]
Several studies have pointed out the importance and
benefits of customer sentiment analysis for business operations.
Majority of the purposes are for business improvement and
decision support [7] [8]. In the study of [9] for instance, a
decision support system using sentiment analysis with data
mining was proven to be more efficient as opposed to the use
of qualitative and quantitative methods in customer satisfaction
research. The study pointed out that customer satisfaction is the
key factor that influences decision making, thus, it is important
to know customers’ sentiments to manage the quality.
Similarly, a case study conducted by [10] revealed a good use
of unstructured text analytics for product decisions. The study
stressed the significance of information triangulation from
different unstructured text sources, including newspaper
articles, to create confidence in the information for critical
decisions. Moreover, text analytics is used by the Information
Technology Services (ITS) of Florida State University to
capture the stream of incoming service requests across business
units [11]. Its success in extracting insights from the texts has
allowed the company to provide an effective IT service
management. It is said that when sentiments are positive, it is
likely that the customers are satisfied [12]. Therefore, knowing
how to positively exploit customers ‘data presents infinite
advantages for companies.
B. Text Classification using a Decision Tree
Text classification is an automated process of classifying
text in natural language to predefined categories [13]. It is best
used for predicting binary or nominal class labels [14]. A
plethora of learning algorithms are used for text classification,
including Naïve Bayes Classifier, Decision Trees, Support
Vector Machines, Neural networks, and many others. The
statistical approach in solving a classification problem involves
two learning methods: supervised learning method (as shown
in Fig. 2) which uses a training dataset to build the
classification model prior to application in a test set, and
unsupervised learning method which does not use any known
labels in mining the data. Both of these methods produce
quantitative evaluation results that can be easily reported.
A decision tree, which is of interest in this paper, is an
example of a supervised learning method. Alpaydin [15]
defines a decision tree as an efficient nonparametric method for
classification and prediction of data. Furthermore, he states that
it is a machine learning technique that uses a hierarchical data
structure. According to [16], decision trees learn and respond
quickly and interpretable, hence, they are normally used for
classification. Moreover, decision tree algorithms are greatly
utilized in data mining since they are proven to produce
rational classification models and good accuracy levels [17].
The experiment of [18] revealed that the Decision Tree
performed with 100% accuracy as opposed to Naïve Bayes
86% accuracy performance. Because of a decision tree’s
simplicity to be understood and interpreted, and accuracy
performance, it has been chosen as the machine learning
technique for this experiment.
Fig. 2 Text Classification Building Model Approach, Source:
[11, Fig. 4.3]
C. Text Clustering
Clustering is one of the commonly used unsupervised
learning methods in analyzing the context of text data in
natural language form [19]. It is a mathematical approach in
collecting and segmenting similar documents into clusters. It
helps trim down the volume of unstructured text and provide a
simpler understanding and thematic structure of the data. It also
provides the keywords in each cluster that is useful in
extracting valuable insights, hence, customer sentiments can be
summarized using these keywords. The clustering process is
illustrated in Fig. 3.
K-means is a clustering technique in cluster analysis that
finds a user-specified number of clusters that are represented
by their centroids.
The basic k-means algorithm is described as:
1 Select k points as initial centroids
2 Repeat
3 Form k clusters by assigning each point to the closest centroid
4 Recompute the centroid of each cluster
5 Until centroids do not change
The algorithm iteratively assigns each point to one of the k
groups based on the specified features and the points are
clustered based on feature similarity [20]. Firstly, the points are
assigned to initial centroids. Each point is assigned to the
nearest centroid and the centroid of that cluster is updated by
computing the mean of all points that are assigned to the
centroid’ cluster. This process is repeated until a stop criterion
is satisfied.
Fig. 3 Text Clustering, Source: [3, Fig.4]
A. Software Specification
Rapidminer is a data-driven data mining tool that discovers
patterns in large collections of text [21]. It is an analytic
platform that integrates machine learning and predictive model
deployment used by data scientists. It contains rich libraries of
data science and machine learning algorithms [22]. The
software used in this experiment is the latest version -
RapidMiner Studio Educational version 8.0.001.
B. Hardware Specification
The experiment was developed using the following
hardware specifications:
Processor: Intel Celeron CPU N2830 @2.16GHz 2.16GHz
RAM: 4 GB (3.98 GB usable)
System Type: 64-bit Operating System
C. Text Classification Process Model
The text classification process involves many tasks such as
data extraction, data cleaning, pre-processing and feature
extraction, and classification [23]. The detailed process
diagram in Rapidminer is illustrated in Fig. 4. The processes
applied to this experiment are each described in the succeeding
Fig. 4 Text Classification Process in Rapidminer
1) Data Extraction
An access token, which is used to get authentication
access to extract data from the Twitter database, is given
upon logging into a Twitter account. Authorization details
that include the API key are required to establish the
connection and allow a search query. An example set of
Twitter is generated when setting the parameters for the
Search Twitter operator. In this experiment, a query
parameter is configured using the brand name of a popular
food brand. Other search parameters include returned tweet
and language limit of 500 English tweets, and the result
type of recent or popular tweets. This contains attribute and
label types including tweet ID, username, number of
retweets, original text, date and time it was created,
language, and many others. This example set is saved in an
MS Excel file.
2) Manual Data Cleaning and Sentiment Labelling
The returned example set is reviewed by human
labeler who was tasked to filter irrelevant data and retaining
those which are significant to the experiment. The labeler
was instructed to label the tweets as positive, negative, or
neutral with an accompanying guideline. Out of the 500
tweets, 352 neutral tweets were discarded since they serve
no purpose in the analysis. The remaining example set of
148 tweets (approximately 42%) which comprise the
training corpora. The sentiment labeling is manually
conducted by two (2) experts who classified each tweet as
either positive or negative. Additionally, the experiment
ensured that there is a balanced dataset, hence, it included
71 positively-labelled tweets and 76 negatively-labelled
3) Feature Extraction
A preprocessing stage is necessary to clean (or
remove the “noise” in) the data in preparation to build the
model. Five operations were applied at the preprocessing
stage, namely Transform Cases, Tokenize, Filter
Operator, Filter Token, Stem Porter to extract useful
features of the data. The following describes each
operation in order of execution:
a) The Transform cases operator converts the characters
in a document to lowercase so that the words, “Hello” and
“hello” are the same.
b) The Tokenize operator splits the texts of a document
into a sequence of words (or tokens) by setting the non-
letters mode as splitting points.
c) The Filter Stopwords (English) operator removes the
unwanted words from a document such as is, are, the, of,
etc. These words are commonly used in the text but are
deemed useless when used because it provides no content
d) The Generate n-Grams (Terms) operator creates n-
length of tokens in a document. The operator will check
words that frequently follow one another. In text analysis,
it is essential that tokens are grouped together in order to
extract more meaning. Single tokens such as “health”,
“living”, “summer”, and “breeze” may provide little
information as opposed to paired (or 2 gram) tokens, such
as “healthy_living” and “summer_breeze”. Thus, it will
be easier to understand the context of the associated
e) The Filter Tokens (by Length) operator removes
tokens based on their length. For instance, if the minimum
and maximum characters are set to 3 and 20, respectively,
then it will remove texts having less than 3 characters and
more than 20 characters in length.
f) The Stem Porter operator reduces the length of the
words until a minimum length is reached or when the
words are in its base form. For example, the words
“electricity” is shortened to electric”, “revival” is
shortened to “reviv”, “communism” is shortened to
“commun”, and so on. This operation makes the
comparison between words easier.
The result of the Process document operator is a list
of words with total and document occurrences. In this
case, the operation produces 1819 word list.
In between the Process Document and Split Validator
operators are two operators, namely Set Role and Select
Attributes operators. The Set Role is used to identify the
target attribute role (label). The Select Attributes selects
attributes with no missing values. The example set
contains 1819 regular attributes. Each attribute is listed
separately in columns. A Term Frequency-Inverse
Document Frequency (TF-IDF) score, which is the
weighting factor, is assigned to each attribute in order to
identify its significance to a document in a corpus. A TF-
IDF score of 0 indicates that the term did not appear in a
document, whereas a TF-IDF score of 0.617 means that
the term is significant as opposed to a TF-IDF score of
4) Split Validation using Decision Tree
The Split Validation operator contains three (3) other
operators, namely Decision Tree, Apply Model and
This experiment used supervised learning, which has
a training data set and a test data set, in training the
classifier to identify the polarity. This method is essential
in training the classifier on how to predict the polarity of
unknown Twitter data. The classification model is first
tested and built using the training dataset and the
classification accuracy is run using the test model.
Table 1 shows the performance vector for a decision
tree with varying split ratios. A split ratio that is set to
50%-50% means that 1/2 of the data is used in the training
while the remaining 1/2 of the data is used in the testing.
The table further shows that the accuracy is better for a
70%-30% split ratio as compared to the other two split
ratios, hence, this split ratio (with Accuracy of 70.45% and
Classification Error of 29.55%) is used in this experiment.
This experiment ensured that appropriate parameters that
can provide the best possible model to maximize the
prediction are selected.
TABLE 1 Performance Vector for Decision Tree
Split Ratio
50%-50% 70% - 30% 80% -20%
53.42% /
70.45% /
68.97% /
5) Apply Model
The Apply Model operator applies a model on an
example set. In this experiment, the Decision Tree mode,
which was first trained, is applied as illustrated in Fig. 1.
A new example set of 1000 tweets was extracted, pre-
processed, and feed into the model to predict the polarity
of each tweet. This example set is processed to be
compatible with the model with the same attributes that
were used to generate the model.
6) Results and Discussion for Text Classification
There are several metrics that measure the
performance of the prediction. Some of the most widely
used metrics are accuracy, precision, and recall. These
metrics use four (4) prediction outcomes that are defined
in Table 2.
TABLE 2 Prediction Outcomes
Abbr Outcome Description
tp true positive No. of correct positive prediction
tn true negative No. of correct negative prediction
fp false positive No. of incorrect positive prediction
fn false negative No. of Incorrect negative prediction
Precision is computed as the number of true positives
divided by the total number of predicted positive while
Recall (also known as Sensitivity) is computed as the
number of true positive divided by the total number of
positives. Likewise, Accuracy is computed as the total
number of correct predictions divided by the total number
of the dataset. The formulas for accuracy, precision, and
recall are as follows:
Table 3 presents the confusion table that summarizes
the prediction performance of the binary classification
TABLE 3 Confusion Matrix
Predicted Negative 23 (tn) 13 (fn) 63.89%
Predicted Positive 0 (fp) 8 (tp) 100%
Class Recall 100% 38.10%
From the test data, the model correctly predicted 8
positive terms with no predicted error on false positives,
thus, garnering a precision of 100%. On the other hand,
the model correctly predicted 8 positive terms but
wrongly predicted 13 positive terms, thus garnering a
recall of 38%. The accuracy of the model is 70.45%.
Fig. 5 Tree Description
Fig. 5 provides the Decision Tree description. The
minimal leaf size is set at 2 (positive and negative). The
minimal gain ratio is set at 10% since the tree produced a
good representative of words given this value, otherwise,
this value will be decreased to let the tree grow. The tree
depth is set to a maximum depth of 15 in order to make it
readable and comprehensible
The attributes that contribute to the improvement of
the tree are shown in Fig. 5. For instance, the attributes:
love, meal, thank, old, drive, expect, card, date, eat, good,
look are highly significant to the label. Moreover, if the
TF-IDF score for the term “love” is greater than 0.075,
then the attribute is categorized as positive, otherwise, it
is negative. The TF-IDF score of each term are listed in
TABLE 4 Prediction Classification Statistics
Table 4 shows that the model predicted
approximately 85% negative comments with a confidence
value of 0.605 as opposed to approximately 15% positive
comments with a confidence value of 0.395. This result
poses a highly significant issue to a company or brand
because it suggests a negative branding to the business.
With this kind of information, a company can exercise a
more informed critical decision. More so, there are
anecdotal evidences that support the correlation of
sentiment and brand reputation. In fact, [24] suggests that
it is essential to know the influence of Twitter data to a
brand reputation. In this case, a company can act upon
this serious issue immediately.
D. Text Clustering Process Model
The clustering process, which is implemented in
Rapidminer, is shown in Fig. 6. It includes data extraction, pre-
processing and feature extraction, and clustering. The
subsequent sections described the processes that are applied to
this experiment.
Fig. 6 Text Clustering
Fraction Confidence
Min Max Average Dev.
Negative 852 0.852 0 0.710 0.605 0.252
Positive 148 0.148 0.290 1 0.395 0.252
1) Data Extraction
The Read Excel operator was used to read the
example set from an Excel file.
2) Pre-processing and Feature Extraction
The aforementioned pre-processing and feature
extraction process is likewise applied to this experiment.
Similarly, the output of this process was feed to a Data-to-
Similarity operator which computes the similarity of each
example with every example in the given example set.
3) Clustering using k-means Algorithm
The clustering process uses the k-means operator.
Since clustering is categorized as an unsupervised
learning, it does not need a label attribute. K-means is
efficient even with multiple runs. This experiment
performed 10 repeated run times. It simply determines
the set of k clusters and assigns each example to a specific
cluster as shown in Fig. 7.
4) Results and Discussion for Text Clustering
In Fig. 7, the end process generated four (4) clusters
with corresponding items: Cluster 0 with 28 items,
Cluster 1 with 920 items, Cluster 2 with 33 items, and
Cluster 3 with 19 items. The words in each cluster
provide insights on what the cluster is all about. For
simplicity, Cluster 3 is chosen for evaluation due to its
reasonable number of items.
Fig. 7 Cluster Results
Table 5 lists the significant attributes (or words) in
Cluster 3. Note that some words were omitted (*) as it
reveal significant clues on the brand name that is used for
this experiment. This may flag ethical issues when
TABLE 5 Cluster 3 attributes
boycott_* boycott_* boycott_sponsor cat
cat_meat dog dog_cat evil
evil_boycott * *_boycott meat
meat_trad sponsor trade trade_evil
winter boycott olympi olympi_dog
As seen in Table 5, only two negative words, such as
boycott and evil, are included in the list. Although less
significant as single words, when paired up with the other
words the insights ultimately change. Moreover, when
these insights are combined with the result in the text
classification having 85% negative classification
prediction, the theme of the insights will be strengthened.
Combining the words in Table 5 will create meaningful
information that can be used for critical decision making.
The outcome of evidence-based decision making
contributes to the improvement of a brand. Having a text
analysis of customer feedback and reviews allows effective
quality management. With sentiment analysis, companies can
now strategically reposition their businesses according to
customers’ sentiments.
This paper provided an introduction and rationale
behind the value of text analytics of Twitter data to businesses
in gaining customer views on products and services, and
brand. This paper also discussed several related work in
sentiment analysis for business applications. Importantly, it
demonstrated a practical application of text classification and
clustering of Twitter data, and revealed ways on how to
analyze these to gain business insights.
Although the classification accuracy rate for this
experiment is already acceptable in this application domain. It
is suggested that future work needs to increase the accuracy of
the classification model by improving data preparation and
experimenting with other classification algorithms.
Future work in this field can also be focused on real-
time analytics of Twitter data stream. Since there is a massive
amount of tweets collected daily, handling real-time analytics
is difficult. Therefore an automated sentiment analysis, which
runs in high processing and large memory computing
resources, is required.
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... Classify the text is more tricky that are generate from different sources like Social media [32], Business [17], and E-commerce [49]. Supervised ML algorithm and LSTM were utilized for text classification from Turkish language context [3]. ...
... This metric quantifies the model's capability to avoid FP by reflecting the proportion of correctly identified positive cases from the total predicted positive cases. The precision can be calculated using Equation 17. ...
Conference Paper
In the modern era, we find ourselves immersed in an ever-expanding flow of data where data is increasing exponentially. Data is generated from different platforms like Education, Business, E-commerce, and predominantly, social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Amidst this proliferation of content, user comments have emerged as a crucial element, serving as a platform for expressions of opinions, commendations, and critiques. However, within the abundance of user feedback lies a persistent issue: the presence of undesirable comments that elicit negative emotional responses and prove to be tedious and irrelevant. Effectively identifying and removing such comments poses a major challenge. This research addresses the imperative need for a robust comment classification model. To tackle this issue, a comprehensive investigation is conducted, employing a variety of machine learning models, including Decision Trees, Random Forests (RF), Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbors, Gradient Boosting, AdaBoost, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machines (SVM) for comment classification. Furthermore, fundamental voting techniques such as Hard-Voting, Averaging, and Soft-Voting are incorporated with machine learning models to improve the classification performance. The objective is to discern the characteristics of text comments, classifying them, with the aim of achieving superior accuracy compared to prior research. In this paper, we propose a robust ensemble model, RF+AdaBoost+SVM+Soft-Voting, specifically designed for comment classification. The results obtained indicate that the proposed ensemble model achieved an impressive accuracy of approximately 98% for comment classification on YouTube dataset.
... Although there isn't a single, widely accepted definition of ICCT, it is understood to refer to all hardware, software, networking components, applications, and systems that collectively allow people and organizations (like businesses, non-profits, governments, and criminal enterprises) to communicate and collaborate online. Big data along with other ICCT underlying technologies gives rise to a new area for improving industrial solutions and is referred to as tech-business analytics [57][58]. Thus, application of Big data analytics using ICCT underlying technologies in various industry business problems leads to Tech-Business Analytics (TBA). ...
... By combining the short texts in the dummy documents, the first approach can identify the coexistence of words in different documents. Some studies use detailed auxiliary contextual data, such as authors, times, places, etc., to aggregate the texts [7,9]. Instead of standard, in [8] tweets from the same person are combined into a dummy document. ...
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Social networks are the most important stage in achieving big data in the discipline of health, with tweets from anywhere in the world currently enabling. It's also a great source of information for researching health issues and forecasting healthcare decisions. In terms of revenue and service, health care has become one of the world's leading industries. Every day, billions of customers use Twitter to share health-related topics, their views, and opinions on various healthcare topics. By aggregating millions of users' self-reported health conditions, we hope to distinguish the variety of health information discussed on Twitter. A topic modelling framework for discovering health topics on Twitter, a social networking website, is described. This is an exploratory approach to learning about the health topics that are frequently discussed on social media. In this sense, the required visualisations are a necessary measure to trim the information in order to identify the cluster's direction. The proposed topic model, i.e., Distributed Semantic Assisted Non-Negative matrix factorization, contributes to the pool of health statistics by balancing and pruning towards the direction of health topics from various perspective data sources. This assistance briefly describes the country's good public health structure and tracks the evolution of the main health-related tweets for early public advice.
... Research related to text classification using tree-based algorithms has been carried out using decision trees as feature selection [21], term weighting schemes for short-text classification [5], [19], [22], [23] and text classification and clustering of Twitter data for business analytics [24]. The three studies used a decision tree, an algorithm that will be compared with genetic programming. ...
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Classification of text documents on online media is a big data problem and requires automation. Text classification accuracy can decrease if there are many ambiguous terms between classes. Hadoop Map Reduce is a parallel processing framework for big data that has been widely used for text processing on big data. The study presented text classification using genetic programming by pre-processing text using Hadoop map-reduce and collecting data using web scraping. Genetic programming is used to perform association rule mining (ARM) before text classification to analyze big data patterns. The data used are articles from science-direct with the three keywords. This study aims to perform text classification with ARM-based data pattern analysis and data collection system through web-scraping, pre-processing using map-reduce, and text classification using genetic programming. Through web scraping, data has been collected by reducing duplicates as much as 17718. Map-reduce has tokenized and stopped-word removal with 36639 terms with 5189 unique terms and 31450 common terms. Evaluation of ARM with different amounts of multi-tree data can produce more and longer rules and better support. The multi-tree also produces more specific rules and better ARM performance than a single tree. Text classification evaluation shows that a single tree produces better accuracy (0.7042) than a decision tree (0.6892), and the lowest is a multi-tree(0.6754). The evaluation also shows that the ARM results are not in line with the classification results, where a multi-tree shows the best result (0.3904) from the decision tree (0.3588), and the lowest is a single tree (0.356).
... As one of the most fundamental tasks in NLP, text classification has been widely studied [69]. Examples of setups and applications are (but not limited to) social media [70], healthcare [71,72,73], information retrieval [74], sentiment analysis [75,76,77,78,79], content-based recommender systems [80], document summarization [81,82], various business and marketing applications [83,84,85], legal document categorization [86]. A variety of languages were targeted over time for the popular text classification task, including well-studied languages such as Arabic [87,88], Turkish [83,89,90,91], French [71,92], Spanish [72] and Indian [93], as well as under-resourced languages such as Romanian [94]. ...
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Motivated by the seemingly high accuracy levels of machine learning (ML) models in Moldavian versus Romanian dialect identification and the increasing research interest on this topic, we provide a follow‐up on the Moldavian versus Romanian Cross‐Dialect Topic Identification (MRC) shared task of the VarDial 2019 evaluation campaign. The shared task included two subtask types: one that consisted in discriminating between the Moldavian and Romanian dialects and one that consisted in classifying documents by topic across the two dialects of Romanian. Participants achieved impressive scores, for example, the top model for Moldavian versus Romanian dialect identification obtained a macro‐F1 score of 0.895. We conduct a subjective evaluation by human annotators, showing that humans attain much lower accuracy rates compared with ML models. Hence, it remains unclear why the methods proposed by participants attain such high accuracy rates. Our goal is to understand (i) why the proposed methods work so well (by visualizing the discriminative features) and (ii) to what extent these methods can keep their high accuracy levels, for example, when we shorten the text samples to single sentences or when we use tweets at inference time. A secondary goal of our work is to propose an improved ML model using ensemble learning. Our experiments show that ML models can accurately identify the dialects, even at the sentence level and across different domains (news articles vs. tweets). We also analyze the most discriminative features of the best performing models, providing some explanations behind the decisions taken by these models. Interestingly, we learn new dialectal patterns previously unknown to us or to our human annotators. Furthermore, we conduct experiments showing that the ML performance on the MRC shared task can be improved through an ensemble based on stacking.
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Businesses are the driving force behind economic systems and are the lifeblood of the community. A business shares striking similarity to a living organism, including birth, infancy, rising, prosperity, and falling. The success of a business is not only important to the owners, but is also critical to the regional/domestic economic system, or even the global economy. Recent years have witnessed many new emerging businesses with tremendous success, such as Google, Apple, Facebook etc., yet millions of businesses also fail or fade out within a rather short period of time. Finding patterns/factors connected to the business rise and fall remains a long lasting question puzzling many economists, entrepreneurs, and government officials. Recent advancement in artificial intelligence, especially machine learning, has lend researchers powers to use data to model and predict business success. However, due to data driven nature of all machine learning methods, existing approaches are rather domain-driven and ad-hoc in their design and validations. In this paper, we propose a systematic review of modeling and prediction of business success. We first outline a triangle framework to showcase three parities connected to the business: Investment-Business-Market (IBM). After that, we align features into three main categories, each of which is focused on modeling a business from a particular perspective, such as sales, management, innovation etc., and further summarize different types of machine learning and deep learning methods for business modeling and prediction. The survey provides a comprehensive review of computational approaches for business performance modeling and prediction.
The widespread use of social networks has resulted in an exponential increase in data and content that can be used to generate insights and valuable information. However, dealing with such data is considered difficult and necessitates appropriate tools. This chapter describes current web monitoring techniques, emphasizing how these tools handle social networks’ data, intending to develop a culture for web analytic tools in Algeria. The study looks at different specialized tools for analyzing social networks activity that have a lot of potential for public relations monitoring and basic and applied research.
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The amount of text that is generated every day is increasing dramatically. This tremendous volume of mostly unstructured text cannot be simply processed and perceived by computers. Therefore, efficient and effective techniques and algorithms are required to discover useful patterns. Text mining is the task of extracting meaningful information from text, which has gained significant attentions in recent years. In this paper, we describe several of the most fundamental text mining tasks and techniques including text pre-processing, classification and clustering. Additionally, we briefly explain text mining in biomedical and health care domains.
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Estimates suggest that about 80% of today's enterprise data is unstructured. 2 Unlike structured data, which is tidy and mostly numeric, unstructured data is often textual and, therefore, messy. Unstructured data comprises documents, emails, instant messages or user posts and comments on social media, and presents a challenge to data miners; analyzing unstructured data is more complex, more ambivalent and more time consuming. Extracting knowledge from unstructured text, also known as text mining or text analytics, has been, and still is, limited by the ability of computers to understand the meaning of human language. 3 The written word, however, can provide valuable insights about the inner workings and environment of an organization; it has the potential to improve an organization's productivity while generating value for customers. Some organizations are successfully leveraging textual data as part of their analytics efforts. For example, pharmaceutical companies mine patents and scientific literature to improve product development processes. Doctors use text analytics to aid medical diagnosis by mining electronic health records. Insurance companies analyze claims and damage reports to mitigate risk or detect fraud.
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With the advancement of web technology and its growth, there is a huge volume of data present in the web for internet users and a lot of data is generated too. Internet has become a platform for online learning, exchanging ideas and sharing opinions. Social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ are rapidly gaining popularity as they allow people to share and express their views about topics,have discussion with different communities, or post messages across the world. There has been lot of work in the field of sentiment analysis of twitter data. This survey focuses mainly on sentiment analysis of twitter data which is helpful to analyze the information in the tweets where opinions are highly unstructured, heterogeneous and are either positive or negative, or neutral in some cases. In this paper, we provide a survey and a comparative analyses of existing techniques for opinion mining like machine learning and lexicon-based approaches, together with evaluation metrics. Using various machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes, Max Entropy, and Support Vector Machine, we provide a research on twitter data streams.General challenges and applications of Sentiment Analysis on Twitter are also discussed in this paper.
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The analysis of the text content in emails, blogs, tweets, forums and other forms of textual communication constitutes what we call text analytics. Text analytics is applicable to most industries: it can help analyze millions of emails; you can analyze customerstextquoteright comments and questions in forums; you can perform sentiment analysis using text analytics by measuring positive or negative perceptions of a company, brand, or product. Text Analytics has also been called text mining, and is a subcategory of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) field, which is one of the founding branches of Artificial Intelligence, back in the 1950s, when an interest in understanding text originally developed. Currently Text Analytics is often considered as the next step in Big Data analysis. Text Analytics has a number of subdivisions: Information Extraction, Named Entity Recognition, Semantic Web annotated domaintextquoterights representation, and many more. Several techniques are currently used and some of them have gained a lot of attention, such as Machine Learning, to show a semisupervised enhancement of systems, but they also present a number of limitations which make them not always the only or the best choice. We conclude with current and near future applications of Text Analytics.
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In the last few years thousands of scientific papers have explored sentiment analysis, several startups that measures opinions on real data have emerged, and a number of innovative products related to this theme have been developed. There are multiple methods for measuring sentiments, including lexical-based approaches and supervised machine learning methods. Despite the vast interest on the theme and wide popularity of some methods, it is unclear which method is better for identifying the polarity (i.e., positive or negative) of a message. Thus, there is a strong need to conduct a thorough apple-to-apple comparison of sentiment analysis methods, as they are used in practice, across multiple datasets originated from different data sources. Such a comparison is key for understanding the potential limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of popular methods. This study aims at filling this gap by presenting a benchmark comparison of twenty one popular sentiment analysis methods (which we call the state-of-the-practice methods). Our evaluation is based on a benchmark of twenty labeled datasets, covering messages posted on social networks, movie and product reviews, as well as opinions and comments in news articles. Our results highlight the extent to which the prediction performance of these methods varies widely across datasets. Aiming at boosting the development of this research area, we open the methods' codes and datasets used in this paper and we deploy a benchmark system, which provides an open API for accessing and comparing sentence-level sentiment analysis methods.
The study aims to investigate the relationship between mental health issues and academic performance among students using data analytics and machine learning. The study was conducted among students aged 18-24 in various courses, with CGPA ranging up to 5. The data was collected through a survey questionnaire that included questions related to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, along with demographic and academic performance-related questions. The collected data was cleaned, explored, and modeled using various machine learning algorithms such as logistic regression, decision tree, random forest, and support vector classifier. The random forest model was found to be the most accurate among all the models. The study found that students with mental health issues have lower academic performance than their peers, and female students are more prone to mental health issues than male students. Keywords: Data Analytics, Students, mental health, modelling, classifier, depression, anxiety
Today, we live in a ‘data age’. The sudden increase in the amount of user-generated data on social media platforms like Twitter, has led to new opportunities and challenges for companies that strive hard to keep an eye on customer reviews and opinions about their products. Twitter is a huge fast emergent micro-blogging social networking platform for users to express their views about politics, products sports etc. These views are useful for businesses, government and individuals. Hence, tweets are used in this framework for mining public’s opinion. Sentiment analysis is a process of naturally recognising whether a user-generated content expresses positive, negative or neutral opinion about an entity (i.e. product, people, topic, event etc). The traditional analytics tools are costly and are not built to handle Big data. Hadoop, though being a popular framework for data intensive applications, does not perform well on iterative process (like data analysis) due to the cost paid for data reloading from disk for each iteration. This paper proposes a text analysis framework for twitter data using Apache spark and hence is more flexible, fast, and scalable. The proposed framework is also domain independent as it uses a hybrid approach by combining supervised machine learning algorithms and lexicon approach for sentiment classification thereby comparing various supervised learning models and using the one with highest accuracy for predicting sentiment.
With the rapid growth of social media, sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining, has become one of the most active research areas in natural language processing. Its application is also widespread, from business services to political campaigns. This article gives an introduction to this important area and presents some recent developments.