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The human Piwi protein HIWI2 associates with tRNA-derived piRNAs in somatic cells


Abstract and Figures

The Piwi-piRNA pathway is active in animal germ cells where its functions are required for germ cell maintenance and gamete differentiation. Piwi proteins and piRNAs have been detected outside germline tissue in multiple phyla, but activity of the pathway in mammalian somatic cells has been little explored. In particular, Piwi expression has been observed in cancer cells, but nothing is known about the piRNA partners or the function of the system in these cells. We have surveyed the expression of the three human Piwi genes, Hiwi, Hili and Hiwi2, in multiple normal tissues and cancer cell lines. We find that Hiwi2 is ubiquitously expressed; in cancer cells the protein is largely restricted to the cytoplasm and is associated with translating ribosomes. Immunoprecipitation of Hiwi2 from MDAMB231 cancer cells enriches for piRNAs that are predominantly derived from processed tRNAs and expressed genes, species which can also be found in adult human testis. Our studies indicate that a Piwi-piRNA pathway is present in human somatic cells, with an uncharacterised function linked to translation. Taking this evidence together with evidence from primitive organisms, we propose that this somatic function of the pathway predates the germline functions of the pathway in modern animals.
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8984–8995 Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, Vol. 42, No. 14 Published online 18 July 2014
doi: 10.1093/nar/gku620
The human Piwi protein Hiwi2 associates with
tRNA-derived piRNAs in somatic cells
Simon P. Keam
, Paul E. Young
, Alexandra L. McCorkindale
, Thurston H.Y. Dang
Jennifer L. Clancy
, David T. Humphreys
, Thomas Preiss
, Gyorgy Hutvagner
I.K. Mar tin
, Jennifer E. Cropley
and Catherine M. Suter
Molecular, Structural and Computational Biology Division, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, 405 Liverpool
Street, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010, Australia,
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Centre of Health
Technologies, University of Technology Sydney, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW, 2007, Australia,
Center for
Genetics, Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, 5700 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Oakland, CA 94609, USA
Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Kensington, 2052, Australia
Received March 26, 2014; Revised June 26, 2014; Accepted June 26, 2014
The Piwi-piRNA pathway is active in animal germ
cells where its functions are required for germ
cell maintenance and gamete differentiation. Piwi
proteins and piRNAs have been detected outside
germline tissue in multiple phyla, but activity of the
pathway in mammalian somatic cells has been little
explored. In particular, Piwi expression has been ob-
served in cancer cells, but nothing is known about
the piRNA partners or the function of the system
in these cells. We have surveyed the expression of
the three human Piwi genes,
in multiple normal tissues and cancer cell lines. We
find that
is ubiquitously expressed; in cancer
cells the protein is largely restricted to the cytoplasm
and is associated with translating ribosomes. Im-
munoprecipitation of Hiwi2 from MDAMB231 cancer
cells enriches for piRNAs that are predominantly de-
rived from processed tRNAs and expressed genes,
species which can also be found in adult human
testis. Our studies indicate that a Piwi-piRNA path-
way is present in human somatic cells, with an un-
characterised function linked to translation. Taking
this evidence together with evidence from primitive
organisms, we propose that this somatic function of
the pathway predates the germline functions of the
pathway in modern animals.
Piwi-domain containing Argonaute proteins are conserved
among eukaryotes and archaea (1–4). The eponymous
member of the Piwi subclade was identied in Drosophila as
a factor necessary for germ cell maintenance (5), and Piwi
orthologues have since been found to be highly expressed in
the developing germline tissues of a wide variety of animal
species (4). Model organisms with impaired Piwi function
generally show no obvious defects outside the germ line:
for example, in laboratory mice, deletion of any one of the
three murine Piwi genes (Miwi, Mili and Miwi2) results in
male sterility accompanied by transposon derepression in
differentiating gametes (6–10), but mice are viable and ap-
pear healthy. Piwi proteins, like their Ago protein cousins,
partner with small RNAs (11–16); Piwi-interacting RNAs
(piRNAs) are typically 24 to 31 nt long, are produced in
a Dicer-independent manner and have reported links to a
multitude of functions (reviewed in (4)). Unlike miRNAs,
piRNAs are extremely diverse, with at least hundreds of
thousands of mature species transcribed from thousands of
genomic loci, many of which are large asymmetric and syn-
tenic clusters (7,11,17).
Retrotransposon suppression in the developing germline
is the best understood function of the Piwi-piRNA path-
way. Piwi proteins and retrotransposon-derived piRNAs act
together during distinct periods of germ cell development
to suppress retrotransposon activation both transcription-
ally and post-transcriptionally (reviewed in (18)). In labo-
ratory mice lacking Mili or Miwi2, increases in retrotrans-
poson transcription are linked to loss of genomic cytosine
methylation on these elements (8,9); this has contributed to
the now well-accepted idea that piRNAs act as guides for
epigenetic modication and suppression of homologous se-
quences in the germline (19).
Studies on the Piwi-piRNA pathway outside the germline
are limited, but there is evidence for somatic function in a
number of organisms. Somatic piRNAs have been cloned
from Drosophila, rhesus macaque and mouse tissues (20–
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +61 2 9295 8720; Fax: +61 2 9295 8601; Email:
Correspondence may also be addressed to Jennifer E. Cropley. Tel: +61 2 9295 8619; Fax: +61 2 9295 8601; Email:
The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
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Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, Vol. 42, No. 14 8985
24), including mouse hippocampal neurons where they as-
sociate with Miwi (25). Somatic piRNAs have also been
implicated in long-term memory formation via epigenetic
mechanisms in the neurons of the model sea slug Aplysia
(26). Expression of the effector Piwi proteins has also been
observed in somatic tissues across phyla. Orthologues of
Piwi are expressed in the stem cells and regenerative tis-
sues of a number of primitive organisms including jellysh
(27), sponges (28), planarians (29,30), polychaete worms
(31) and colonial ascidians (32), implying a conserved func-
tion for Piwi in stem cell maintenance beyond the germline.
Piwi proteins have been found in mammalian somatic cells,
in particular, mouse haematopoietic cells (33,34) and hu-
man cancer cells (35–38), while piRNAs have separately
been reported in both tumours and cancer cell lines (39,40).
It has been suggested that epigenetic silencing by the Piwi-
piRNA pathway could be responsible for the aberrant hy-
permethylation of genes commonly seen in malignant cells
Given the evidence for somatic Piwi expression, and par-
ticularly the evidence for expression in cancer cells, we set
out to establish which of the human Piwi proteins might
partner with piRNAs in cancer cells, and to seek clues to
the function of the Piwi-piRNA pathway in somatic cells.
We nd that the human Piwi orthologue Hiwi2 is ubiqui-
tously expressed in both normal human somatic tissues and
cancer cell lines, albeit at a lower level than in the testis.
In MDAMB231 breast cancer cells, Hiwi2 localises to the
cytoplasm and associates with the translational apparatus.
Contrary to the hypothesis that the Piwi-piRNA pathway
is involved in the epigenetic aberrations of cancer cells, we
nd that Hiwi2-bound piRNAs are not derived from retro-
transposons or hypermethylated CpG islands; rather they
are predominantly derived from tRNAs, and to a lesser ex-
tent from expressed and unmethylated genes. The tRNA-
derived and gene-derived piRNAs can also be found in the
adult human testis, suggesting a function for Hiwi2 that is
common to germline and soma.
Quantitative RT-PCR
Total RNA from human adult testis (Ambion), somatic
tissues (Human Total RNA master panel II, Clontech)
and cell lines was reverse transcribed and subject to quan-
titative PCR in Sybr Master Mix (Roche) with 20 nM
primer. Ribosomal protein Rpl13a was used as a refer-
ence gene. Primer sequences are as follows: Hiwi F: AC
Nuclear/cytoplasmic fractionation and western blotting
MDAMB231 cells (10 × 106) were pelleted by centrifuga-
tion at 4
C. Cytosolic proteins were recovered by lysing the
cell pellet in 400 l Buffer A (10 mM Hepes, 10 mM KCl,
1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM dTT, with protease
inhibitor cocktail) for 15 min on ice before addition of 40 l
of 1% NP-40. The cell lysate was then centrifuged at 13 000
× g and the supernatant collected as the cytoplasmic frac-
tion. The pellet was washed twice with 500 lBufferAwith
centrifugation at 13 000 × g, then lysed in 150 lBufferC
(50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 0.5% Triton X-100, 137.5 mM
NaCl, 10% Glycerol, 5 mM EDTA, 0.5% SDS, with pro-
tease inhibitor cocktail). The nuclear lysate was sonicated
and cleared by centrifugation at 17 000 × g for 15 min. Sep-
aration of the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions was veri-
ed by western blot for -tubulin (anti- -tubulin, Sigma
T5201) and histone H2b (anti-H2B, Abcam ab1790). West-
ern blot for Hiwi2 used the anti-Piwil4 antibody (Abcam
ab21869). Western blot secondary antibodies were uores-
cently labelled and membranes were visualised on a Licor
MDAMB231 cells on gelatin-coated coverslips were xed
in 4% PFA and blocked before incubation with anti-
Piwil4 (Abcam ab21869) followed by Cy3-AfniPure Don-
key anti-Rabbit IgG, and visualisation on a Carl Zeiss LSM
700 Upright Confocal microscope. DNA was stained with
Polysome proling
Preparation of sucrose density gradient fractionated
polysomes was performed as previously described (65).
Briey, cells treated with either 200 g/ml puromycin or
no treatment were lysed and the cleared lysate applied to
17–50% sucrose gradients before ultracentrifugation at
210 000 × g. Fractions were collected along the gradient
and protein precipitated from the fractions with methanol
before chloroform extraction. Identication of polysome-
containing fractions was achieved by western blot for
ribosomal protein Rps6 (anti-Rps6, Cell Signal 5G10).
Generation of Flag-Hiwi2 expressing cell line
MDAMB231 cells were transfected with a linearised Flag-
Hiwi2-piRESneo construct using Lipofectamine 2000.
Cells were re-plated after 24 h in a medium containing 1000
g/ml G418. After approximately 3 weeks, colonies con-
taining >100 cells were isolated and expanded. Verica-
tion of Flag-Hiwi2 expression in clonal lines was achieved
by western blot for the Flag epitope (anti-Flag M2, Sigma
F1804). No clone demonstrated high expression of the
tagged protein––all clones showed a modest Flag signal on
western blot; the clone with the highest Flag Hiwi2 expres-
sion was chosen for immunoprecipitation experiments.
Flag-Hiwi2 immunoprecipitation
Approximately 1 × 108 wild-type and Flag-Hiwi2 express-
ing MDAMB231 cells were harvested and lysed by re-
suspension in 200 l MagnaRIP (Millipore) lysis buffer.
Flag-Hiwi2 was immunoprecipitated with anti-FLAG M2
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antibody using the MagnaRIP protein and RNA im-
munoprecipitation kit (Millipore). Half of the immuno-
precipitation was reserved for protein isolation and co-
immunoprecipitated RNAs were isolated from the re-
mainder according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Co-
immunoprecipitated proteins were eluted from the reserved
fraction by incubation in 1 mg/ml 3x Flag peptide solution
(Sigma) in MagnaRIP wash buffer (Millipore).
Mass spectrometry
Proteins co-immunoprecipitated with Flag-Hiwi2 were sep-
arated on a 4–12% Bis-Tris PAGE gel (Invitrogen) and visu-
alised using SYPRO Ruby stain (BioRad). The entire lane
was excised from the gel and analysed by one-dimensional
MS on either a Thermo LTQ FT or Applied Biosystems
QSTAR Pulsar using trypsin digest and ESI TRAP iden-
tication of peptides. Peptides were identied by Mascot
(Matrix Science) using the IPI-Human-v3.58 database, with
fragment tolerance of 0.4 Daltons (monoisotopic) and par-
ent tolerance of 4.0 parts per million (monoisotopic). Pro-
tein coverage, peptide number and signicance were as-
sessed using Scaffold 3 (Proteome Software). Any peptides
with signicant coverage in the wild-type MDAMB231 im-
munoprecipitation were removed from the list of Hiwi2 co-
immunoprecipitated proteins. Results presented are an av-
erage of protein coverage from biological replicate experi-
Small RNA sequencing
Libraries for deep sequencing were prepared from 3 lofa
total 5 l of co-immunoprecipitated RNA, and from 500
ng total RNA from MDAMB231 cells and adult testis, us-
ing the Small RNA Expression Kit with barcoded primers
(Life Technologies). A single-emulsion PCR was used to
couple the barcoded libraries to P1-coated beads, and se-
quencing was performed using 35 bp chemistry on a SOLiD
machine (version 3.0).
SOLiD sequencing data were mapped using the Lifescope
small RNA pipeline (Life Technologies) with zero mis-
matches, and ltered for rRNA. Each tag was mapped
against an expanded small RNA dataset including miRNA
(miRbase 19), snoRNA and tRNA (hsa19 tRNAdb); un-
mapped tags were then mapped against the entire human
genome (hg19). Multimappers were not binned to the de-
fault Lifescope lter; Lifescope output comprised a single
best-mapped position for each tag. The Miwi2 IP E16.5
testis dataset 8 was downloaded from the Gene Expression
Omnibus (accession GSM319957). Adapters were trimmed
using cutadapt prior to mapping to the mouse genome
(mm10) using Bowtie with an 18 base seed, up to three mis-
matches and a maximum sum of mismatched quality values
of 70.
Mapped tags were annotated hierarchically using the en-
sembl perl API and custom perl scripts, with preference
given to sense-oriented transcripts and to small/noncoding
RNA over protein coding genes, in the following or-
der: Human: the miRNA/snoRNA/tRNA dataset above,
UCSC hg19 nested repeat dataset, UCSC hg19 piRNA
dataset, Ensembl Homo sapiens core database (build
37); Mouse: miRNA/tRNA, UCSC mm10 nested Re-
peat dataset, Ensembl Mus musculus core database (build
Gene expression and cytosine methylation analysis
Gene expression analysis of MDAMB231-Flag-Hiwi2 cells
was performed on 1 g total RNA using an Affymetrix
Human Gene 1.0 ST Array. Gene signals were
calculated as the mean intensities from all probes across
the gene. Cytosine methylation analysis was performed on
1 ug genomic DNA using the Illumina
Innium Human-
Methylation27 BeadChip. Data were processed in BeadStu-
dio software from Illumina; CpG sites are assigned a value
that is calculated from the intensity of methylated and un-
methylated signals. Thresholds of 0.5 and 0.2 were
used to designate loci as methylated and unmethylated, re-
Gene ontology analysis
Functional analysis of genes with 50 mapped piRNAs
in both the Hiwi2 IP and adult testis was carried out in
Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (Ingenuity Systems), to ob-
tain broad ontologies, and also independently in GOrilla
(, to obtain both broad
and specic ontologies. The Ensembl homo sapiens gene
database (GRCh37.p11), ltered to include only protein-
coding genes, was used as a reference set for both analyses.
TaqMan assay of tRF-piRNAs
tRF-piRNAs were validated using custom TaqMan small
RNA assays (Life Technologies) against the following RNA
sequences (from human tRNAdb loci): GCAUUGGUGG
UUAUCACAUU (chr19.trna13-ValCAC). hsa-miR-145
was used as a reference. tRNAs were reverse transcribed
using the TaqMan
MicroRNA Reverse Transcription
kit, and qPCR performed using TaqMan
Universal PCR
Master Mix II.
Hiwi2 is widely expressed outside the germline
Activity of the Piwi-piRNA system in somatic cells would
require expression of both a Piwi protein and piRNAs. We
surveyed the expression of mRNAs encoding the three hu-
man Piwi members, Hiwi, Hili and Hiwi2, in total RNA
from a panel of normal human tissues and human tu-
mour cell lines representing a diverse range of tumour
types including breast, colon, squamous cell carcinoma and
leukaemia (Figure 1A). Hiwi expression was below the limit
of detection in most normal tissues and cell lines; Hili was
expressed at very low levels in all normal tissues tested, but
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Figure 1. Hiwi2 is expressed in normal human somatic cells and cancer cells. (A) qRT-PCR data showing Hiwi, Hili and Hiwi2 expression in adult testis
(black), normal somatic tissues (blue) and tumour cell lines (red). Expression levels are shown relative to adult testis. (B) Western blot showing Hiwi2
expression in human mammary epithelial cells and the breast cancer cell line MDAMB231, and Miwi2 expression in P21 murine testis. (C) Western blot
showing Hiwi2 expression in cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions prepared from MDAMB231 cells. (D) Immuno-uorescence staining of native MDAMB231
cells captured at low (left) and high (right) magnication showing Hiwi2 concentrated in perinuclear granules in the cytoplasm. (E) Polysome proling
using sucrose density gradient fractionation showing puromycin-sensitive Hiwi2 association with polysomes. Western blot for ribosomal protein Rsp6 (top)
demonstrates the presence of polysomes in heavier fractions; these dissociate and move to lighter fractions with puromycin treatment (+puro). Western
blot for Hiwi2 (bottom) shows an association of Hiwi2 with the polysome-containing fractions that is disrupted with puromycin treatment.
in only one of the cell lines. In contrast, Hiwi2 was ubiqui-
tously expressed across normal somatic tissues, at around
10% of the level seen in the human (18 year old) testis, and
at similar levels in every tumour cell line tested. Hiwi2 pro-
tein expression was conrmed in the breast cancer cell line
MDAMB231 and normal human mammary epithelial cells
by western blot, using an antibody against the murine or-
thologue Miwi2 that also recognizes Hiwi2 (see Supplemen-
tary Figure S1). Hiwi2 protein from both normal and ma-
lignant breast cells gives a similar signal to that of Miwi2
in the testis of an adolescent (P21) mouse (Figure 1B); this
represents about a third of the level of expression seen in
neonatal testis where expression is thought to be at its peak
(see Supplementary Figure S2).
Given that Miwi2 plays a pivotal role in the epigenetic
silencing of transposons in developing germ cells, we won-
dered whether it might play a similar role in cancer cells,
where characteristic genomic hypomethylation is associated
with widespread retrotransposon transcription (42). Direct
involvement in targeted epigenetic silencing would require
that Hiwi2 be located in the nucleus. However, western blot
of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of MDAMB231 can-
cer cells reveals that the bulk of somatic Hiwi2 resides in
the cytoplasm (Figure 1C), and immunouorescence shows
Hiwi2 concentrated in perinuclear granules (Figure 1D). In
murine fetal germ cells, Miwi2 is also reportedly present in
cytoplasmic granules, but this is overshadowed by its abun-
dance in the nucleus (8); we observe essentially no nuclear
staining for Hiwi2 in MDAMB231 cells (Figure 1D).
In the mouse germline, it has been shown that Mili and
Miwi are exclusively cytoplasmic, and that Miwi associates
with the translational machinery (8,43). We asked if cy-
toplasmic Hiwi2 in somatic cells is similarly associated
with translation, by performing sucrose gradient fraction-
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ation of MDAMB231 lysates followed by western blotting
with the Miwi2 antibody. We found that a proportion of
Hiwi2 protein associates with denser polysomal fractions in
a puromycin-sensitive manner (Figure 1E), indicating that
Hiwi2 interacts with actively translating ribosomal com-
plexes in the cancer cells.
Hiwi2 binds small RNAs in MDAMB231 cells
The presence of Hiwi2 protein in somatic cells implies the
presence of partner piRNAs, but available antibodies do not
immunoprecipitate Hiwi2 from human cells. Therefore we
established stable MDAMB231 clones that express a Flag-
tagged version of Hiwi2; further analysis was performed on
a line that showed only a modest increase in total Hiwi2
protein, to avoid any off-target effects associated with over-
expression (see Supplementary Figure S3).
Immunoprecipitation with anti-Flag antibody isolated
Hiwi2 from MDAMB231 lysates, along with a number of
other proteins (Figure 2A). MS analysis of the Hiwi2 IP
shows that somatic Hiwi2 interacts with a diverse range
of proteins, only some of which have previously been re-
ported as Piwi partners (Table 1). Heat shock proteins were
the most prominent partners, consistent with an association
with translating ribosomes (44); we also identied several
other translation-associated proteins. Tudor domain con-
taining proteins, which commonly associate with Piwi pro-
teins in the germline (45), were notably absent.
We extracted RNA from duplicate MDAMB231 Flag-
Hiwi2 immunoprecipitations (Hiwi2 IP) and used it to con-
struct small RNA libraries for SOLiD deep sequencing. We
also prepared small RNA libraries from MDAMB231 total
RNA, and commercially available human adult testis RNA,
for comparison. After ltering we obtained 3 894 997 reads
from the Hiwi2 IP that mapped to the human genome ref-
erence without error. The length distribution and broad an-
notation of the Hiwi2-bound small RNAs is shown in Fig-
ure 2B, and those of unselected MDAMB231 small RNAs
in Figure 2C. Both the repertoire and the size distribu-
tions of the Hiwi2 IP RNAs are very different from the
overall small RNA population in the cell line, consistent
with enrichment for particular RNA species: the Hiwi2 IP
distribution is bimodal and shifted toward larger, pi-sized
RNA species heavily dominated by tRNAs, whereas the to-
tal MDAMB231 sample has a modal length of 23, consis-
tent with microRNA being the dominant species. Control
immunoprecipitations using wild-type MDAMB231 lack-
ing Flag-Hiwi2 failed to enrich for any small RNAs.
We also nd that the population of Hiwi2-associated
piRNAs in MDAMB231 cells is distinctly different from
the Miwi2-associated piRNAs in the prepachytene mouse
testis reported by Hannon and colleagues (8). Since tR-
NAs were not specically reported in the prepachytene
dataset, we used our pipeline to re-map these data; the re-
sultant distribution of annotations is nearly identical to
that in the original report (Figure 2D). Most prepachytene
Miwi2-associated piRNAs are retrotransposon derived, but
we nd no enrichment for retrotransposon sequences in
the MDAMB231 Hiwi2 IP; conversely, most MDAMB231
Hiwi2 IP piRNAs are derived from tRNAs, but we nd very
few tRNAs in the prepachytene Miwi2 IP dataset. Further-
more, the MDAMB231 Hiwi2 IP did not recover piRNAs
from the large intergenic clusters characteristic of pachytene
testis piRNAs (46); this is unlikely to be an artefact of our
library preparation or mapping strategy, as we readily de-
tect these intergenic clusters in the adult testis library (Fig-
ure 2E). Despite the absence of the intergenic clusters, we
do detect the 3
UTR-associated piRNA clusters previously
observed in Drosophila ovaries, Xenopus eggs and mouse
testis (47); we also nd these 3
UTR clusters in the human
testis sample (Figure 2F). This raises the possibility of a
retrotransposon-independent function for Piwi that is com-
mon to germ and somatic cells.
Hiwi2-associated genic piRNAs derive from unmethylated
genomic regions
A small but signicant proportion of Hiwi2-associated piR-
NAs are derived from the sense strands of protein-coding
genes (6% of all reads, a 3-fold enrichment over unselected
small RNAs). Using an arbitrary threshold of 20 piR-
NAs per gene, we nd that there are 2681 and 1968 genes
producing piRNAs in the Hiwi2 IP and testis, respectively,
with a representative number of each (672 in both) coming
from 3
UTRs. The overlap between MDAMB231 and testis
is highly signicant for both gene and 3
UTR sets (
= P
< 0.0001; Figure 3A).
Miwi2 is required for faithful maintenance of methyla-
tion and transcriptional repression of retrotransposons in
developing male gametes (8,9). Retrotransposon sequences
were not enriched in our Hiwi2 IP, but given the known
function of piRNAs in suppressing homologous sequences,
we considered that Hiwi2-bound piRNAs might perform
a similar function in cancer cells; consequently we sought
to determine whether the gene-derived Hiwi2 piRNAs were
associated with hypermethylated and silent loci in can-
cer cells. We used Affymetrix GeneChip Human Gene
1.0 ST expression arrays and Illumina Innium 27K ar-
rays to determine expression state and methylation state in
MDAMB231-Flag-Hiwi2 cells. In total, 11 981 genes for
which we obtained expression data could be unambiguously
categorised by the Innium arrays as either methylated
(4338) or unmethylated (7643); 34 995 piRNAs mapped
to methylated genes whereas 184 907 piRNAs mapped to
unmethylated genes (Figure 3B). The differences in distri-
bution when considering those genes producing zero, few
(1–19) or many (>20) piRNAs indicate that unmethylated
genes are signicantly more likely to produce many piR-
NAs, and methylated genes are more likely to produce none
at all (Figure 3C). The increased production of piRNAs
from unmethylated loci is not merely a function of tran-
scription, as we nd no correlation between transcript levels
and piRNA abundance (Figure 3D).
Using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, we nd that the genes
producing 50 piRNAs in both MDAMB231 and testis are
enriched for a range of ontologies, including development,
growth and proliferation (Figure 3E shows the top 20 most
signicant ontologies; a full list is presented in Supplemen-
tary Table S1). A more detailed analysis with GOrilla (48)
shows that many of the signicantly enriched ontologies in-
volve protein translation and related functions (Supplemen-
tary Table S2).
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Figure 2. Hiwi2 immunoprecipitation from MDAMB231 cells captures a unique set of piRNAs. (A) SYPRO Ruby-stained PAGE gel showing proteins im-
munoprecipitated with Flag M2 antibody from native MDAMB231 cells (left) and MDAMB231 cells stably expressing Flag-Hiwi2 (right). Proteins that co-
immunoprecpitate with Hiwi2 are listed in Table 1. (B) Length distribution (main graph) and annotations (pie chart) of small RNAs co-immunoprecipitated
with Flag-Hiwi2. The genic class is expanded to show the relative number of piRNAs mapping to 5
UTRs, exons and 3
UTRs. (C) Length distribution
and annotations of small RNAs cloned from MDAMB231 total RNA. (D) Annotations of Miwi2-bound piRNAs from E16.5 mouse testis (8), re-mapped
to specically include tRNAs. (E, F). UCSC Genome Browser snapshots show custom track examples of the absence of Hiwi2-bound somatic piRNAs
from intergenic piRNA clusters (E) but their presence at 3
UTR clusters (F); small RNAs from the adult testis dataset map to both intergenic and 3
clusters. Reads mapping to the positive strand are in red, negative strand in blue.
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Figure 3. Hiwi2-associated genic piRNAs are derived from unmethylated genes. (A) Venn diagram showing overlap of genes with 20 mapped piRNAs
from the Hiwi2 immunoprecipitation and in adult testis. Genes with 20 piRNAs mapping to the 3
UTR are shown in grey; those with 20 piRNAs
mapping across all coding regions are shown in orange. The overlap for both 3
UTRs and all coding regions is highly signicant (
test, P < 0.0001).
Genes targeted by Hiwi2-bound piRNAs are signicantly more likely to be unmethylated: (B) box-and-whisker plots show the number of piRNAs mapping
to unmethylated versus methylated genes (Student’s t-test, P < 0.0001) and (C) pie charts show the number of unmethylated versus methylated genes with
no, few (1–19) or many ( 20) mapped piRNAs (
test, P < 0.0001). (D) Scatter plot showing that the number of Hiwi2-bound piRNAs is not related to
the expression level of the parent gene in MDAMB213-Flag-Hiwi2 cells (R
= 0.05). (E) The 20 most signicant ontological functions produced by IPA
for genes with 50 mapped piRNAs in both the Hiwi2 IP and adult testis. The scale shows the –log
of the Benjamini–Hochberg corrected P-value; the
dashed line denotes corrected P = 0.05.
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Table 1. Proteins identied by MS in Hiwi2-Flag immunoprecipitations.
Identied proteins Gene Class M.W. (kDa) Average % coverage
Piwi-like protein 4 (Hiwi2) PIWIL4 Piwi protein 97 32
Elongation factor 1-alpha 1 EEF1A1 Translational machinery 50 1
Ribosomal protein S27a RPS27a 18 5
Myosin-6 MYO6 Structural proteins 224 1
Tubulin, alpha ubiquitous chain TUBA1B 46 18
Tubulin beta TUBB 48 20
Tubulin beta-2C chain TUBB2C 50 18
Tubulin beta-6 chain TUBB6 47 7
RuvB-like 1 RUVBL1 ATPase, DNA helicases 50 6
RuvB-like 2 RUVBL2 51 9
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 BAG2 Heat shock proteins and chaperones 24 14
Chaperonin-containing TCP1, subunit 8 CCT8 59 2
Heat shock 90 kDa protein 1, alpha isoform 1 HSP90AA1 98 3
Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1 HSPA1A/B 70 10
HSPA5 protein HSPA5 72 7
Isoform 1 of heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein HSPA8 71 24
60 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial HSPD1 61 2
DnaJ homolog subfamily A member 1 DNAJA1 45 2
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase GAPDH Catabolic enzymes 36 3
Isoform M1 of pyruvate kinase isozymes M1/M2 PKM2 58 2
26S protease regulatory subunit PSMC1 49 5
Somatic Hiwi2 preferentially binds processed tRNA frag-
The most striking nding from our annotation of Hiwi2-
bound small RNAs is the predominance of tRNA-derived
RNAs (Figure 2B). The tRNA species we nd do not
appear to be degradation products; rather they are pro-
cessed tRNA fragments (tRFs) with specic signatures. Al-
most three-quarters (73.5%) of Hiwi2-bound piRNAs in the
MDAMB231 cells were tRFs (Figure 2B);wehavecalled
them tRF-piRNAs. Almost 95% of the tRF-piRNAs are
derived from only nine specic tRNA isotypes representing
just ve amino acids: glycine, glutamic acid, lysine, aspar-
tic acid and valine (Figure 4A); most other tRNA isotypes
are also represented in the total number of tRF-piRNAs,
but collectively these contributed less than 5% of all tRF-
piRNA reads. We chose ve of the most abundant tRF-
piRNAs for independent validation using custom TaqMan
assays capable of amplifying only the processed tRF and
not the corresponding full-length tRNA. We were able to
detect all ve tRFs in MDAMB231 total RNA and testis
(Figure 4B) indicating that these fragments are not degrada-
tion products from full-length tRNA generated during the
IP or library preparation procedures.
The abundance of particular tRF-piRNA species in the
MDAMB231 Hiwi2 IP is not correlated to the number of
genomic loci by which they are encoded (Figure 4A), nor
do they appear correlated to the relative expression of the
mature tRNA isotypes in MDAMB231 cells (49), so their
prominence is not a function of gene dosage or expression
level of the tRNA from which they are derived. However
we did nd a strong correlation between the tRF-piRNAs
in the total MDAMB231 small RNA library and those in
the IP library (R
= 0.83; Figure 4C), which indicates that
the native relative abundance of tRF-piRNAs is captured
by the immunoprecipitation procedure. We also found that
many of the MDAMB231 tRF-piRNAs are present in the
total adult testis library (Figure 4D) and their abundance in
both datasets is highly correlated (R
= 0.80).
When considering the most abundant tRF-piRNAs indi-
vidually, it is clear that each species has a specic size dis-
tribution, consistent with selective processing (Figure 4E).
The exception is the aspartyl-tRNA isotype (Asp-GTC),
which gives a broad size distribution, and also is the only
dominant tRF-piRNA to be processed from the 3
end of
the tRNA: all other tRF-piRNAs are derived from the 5
end of the tRNA (Figure 4F). We also nd that Asp-GTC
tRF-piRNAs are virtually absent from the adult testis sam-
ple, while all the other dominant species are represented
(Figure 4F). All of the most abundant tRF-piRNAs contain
a conserved GG dinucleotide at position 17/18 or 18/19; al-
though this is a common feature of tRNAs in general, it is
noteworthy as this dinucleotide is required for the transla-
tional repressive effect of exogenous tRFs in vitro (50).
Since the discovery of piRNAs, the function of the Piwi-
piRNA pathway in the developing animal germline has
been studied extensively. But despite numerous reports of
Piwi expression in somatic cells (reviewed in (51)), and can-
cer cells (reviewed in (52)), the function of the system in
the soma has been obscure. Here we have found that one
of the human Piwis, Hiwi2, is widely expressed at low levels
across somatic tissues, and is also expressed at similar lev-
els in human cancer cell lines. By studying one cancer cell
line in detail, we nd evidence for a conserved function of
the Piwi-piRNA pathway in the regulation of protein trans-
lation. Taken together, the protein partners of Hiwi2, its
cytoplasmic location and the derivation of piRNAs from
expressed genes and specic tRNAs in MDMBA231 cells
and testis, all point to a role in translation regulation. The
ndings also suggest that if Hiwi2 functions in translational
control in somatic cells, it may also do so in the germline.
We began this study with the idea that Hiwi2, given its
known role in de novo methylation and repression of retro-
transposons, could be responsible for aberrant methylation
in cancer cells, which typically exhibit regional cytosine hy-
at Physical Sciences Library on November 6, 2014 from
8992 Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, Vol. 42, No. 14
Figure 4. tRNA-derived piRNAs dominate the Hiwi2-IP and are also present in the adult testis. (A) Scatter plot showing the abundance of each tRF-
piRNA in the Hiwi2 IP, plotted against the number of its genomic copies. The nine tRF-piRNAs with 10
reads are highlighted. (B) TaqMan validation of
tRF-piRNA expression in MDBMA231 cells and human adult testis. Taqman quantication of mir-145 is shown for comparison. (C) Scatter plot showing
the ranked abundance of tRF-piRNAs in the Hiwi2 IP versus that in MDBMA231 cells. (D) Scatter plot showing the ranked abundance of tRF-piRNAs in
the Hiwi2 IP versus that in the human adult testis. (E) Size distributions of the six most abundant Hiwi2-bound tRF-piRNAs and (F) the six tRF-piRNAs
from Hiwi2 IP and testis mapped to a representative genomic locus.
at Physical Sciences Library on November 6, 2014 from
Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, Vol. 42, No. 14 8993
permethylation and silencing concomitant with a global
loss of 5-methylcytosine that is largely attributable to loss of
epigenetic repression at retrotransposons and other repeats
(53). We considered that somatic Hiwi2 might capture genic
sequences by accident, and silence them when acting to re-
press the widespread retrotransposon activation. We thus
sought evidence for Hiwi2-bound piRNAs that may drive
gene silencing in cancer cells. However, we found no enrich-
ment of retrotransposon-derived piRNA sequences in the
Hiwi2 IP, and no association between methylation of a lo-
cus and abundance of the piRNAs derived from it. On the
contrary, the majority of Hiwi2-bound piRNAs are derived
from unmethylated loci, and their abundance has no appar-
ent relationship to the abundance of the parent transcript.
Derivation of piRNAs from unmethylated and expressed
genes is inconsistent with a role for Hiwi2 in gene silenc-
ing, but may be consistent with a role in post-transcriptional
gene regulation. Many of the genes producing large num-
bers of piRNAs were common between the Hiwi2 IP and
adult testis, which raises the possibility that the piRNAs
may have a function that is common to germline and soma.
Genes producing piRNAs cluster in a range of highly signif-
icant ontologies, in which cell growth and morphology func-
tions are prominent. Functions related to RNA and protein
biosynthesis, metabolism and transport are also among the
most signicant.
Gene-derived piRNAs, whatever their function, were
vastly outnumbered in the Hiwi2 IP dataset by tRNA-
derived RNA fragments (tRF). The tRFs are a class of small
RNA that have been observed in a variety of settings and,
like piRNAs, appear to be a phylogenetically ancient species
of small regulatory RNA. They have been found in humans
and other mammals (54), plants (55), yeast (56), protozoa
(57) and even archaea (58,59). tRFs are classied accord-
ing to their processing signature, which essentially relates
to the part of the tRNA from which they are cleaved (54).
All but one of the tRFs in our dataset are 5
tRFs, and can
be distinguished from oxidative stress-induced, angiogenin-
dependent tRNA ‘halves’ on the basis of their length (60).
The relationship, if any, between tRF-piRNAs and gene-
derived piRNAs is yet to be explained.
The generation of mammalian 5
tRFs has been re-
ported to be Dicer-dependent in some studies and Dicer-
independent in others (61–63), and this is likely a reection
of the heterogeneity in this growing class of small RNAs;
they vary in size and sequence composition and can also be
inuenced by culture or growth conditions. The Hiwi2 tRF-
piRNAs identied in this study are a case in point: they dif-
fer in their processing features, although none of the most
abundant show the size or 5
U preference characteristic of
Dicer processing. The principal unifying feature of the tRF-
piRNAs we observe is their association with Hiwi2.
Our ndings point toward a role for Hiwi2 in transla-
tional control. First, Hiwi2 partners predominantly with
tRF-piRNAs (Figures 2Band4); although their mecha-
nisms of action are poorly understood, available evidence
strongly implicates tRFs as translational repressors, with
both sequence-dependent and -independent modes of ac-
tion (50,58,63). Second, Hiwi2 resides in the cytoplasm
where it partners with actively translating ribosomes (Fig-
ures 1C,Dand2E) and other proteins involved in transla-
tion, such as eEF1-alpha and the heat shock proteins (Table
1). Association of Hiwi2 with piRNAs derived from sense
strands of active genes, independent of the genes’ transcript
levels (Figure 3D), is also consistent with a role for Hiwi2
in translational regulation. The murine Piwi proteins Miwi
and Mili have both previously been linked to translational
regulation in developing gametes (43,64); thus the function
of the Piwi-piRNA pathway in translational control is likely
to be conserved across species, and perhaps also through
germline and soma.
While this study is the rst report of tRF association with
a Piwi protein in an animal, there is precedent in the proto-
zoa: shorter 18–22 nt 3
tRFs are found complexed with the
growth-essential Piwi protein Twi12 in Tetrahymena ther-
mophila, although their biological function remains unchar-
acterised (57). In mammalian cells, 5
tRFs associate only
weakly with the classic Ago proteins (62), and in most
species protein partners of 5
tRFs have not been identied.
A signicant exception is the archaeon Haloferax volcanii,
where 5
tRFs are found complexed with actively translating
ribosomes (58); these 5
tRFs are the size of piRNAs (26nt)
and they act to repress translation in a stress-dependent
manner. These data point toward a primitive translational
control function of tRF-piRNAs that acts in the regulation
of gene output in response to changing environmental con-
ditions. But are the archaeal tRFs also complexed with ar-
chaeal Piwi proteins? This has not been studied, but our
ndings here suggest that these may well be.
Here we presented evidence that a Piwi-piRNA pathway
may have a role in translational regulation in human so-
matic cells via Hiwi2 and its associated piRNAs. Correla-
tion with human testis piRNAs suggests that this function
may also be present in human germ cells. Taken together
with evidence regarding Piwi and small RNAs in primitive
organisms, our data suggest an ancient and conserved func-
tion for the pathway that may predate the now prominent
transposon-repressive function in the metazoan germline.
Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.
The authors thank: Gunter Meister for providing the
Hiwi2-Flag construct, Richard Saffery and Nick Wong for
assistance with Innium arrays, the Ramaciotti Centre for
Gene Function Analysis and the Bioanalytical Mass Spec-
trometry Facility at UNSW for assistance with expression
arrays and mass spectrometry, Rupert Shuttleworth for as-
sistance with scripting and annotation, and Grace Wei for
assistance with polysome proling. J.E.C. is an ARC DE-
CRA Fellow. T.P. is an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow.
C.M.S. and G.H. are ARC Future Fellows.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
of Australia [APP1025210 to C.M.S]; in part by the Aus-
tralian Research Council (ARC) [DP130103027 to G.H.].
Funding for open access charge: National Health and Med-
ical Research Council.
at Physical Sciences Library on November 6, 2014 from
8994 Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, Vol. 42, No. 14
Conict of interest statement. None declared.
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at Physical Sciences Library on November 6, 2014 from
... Additionally, AS-tDR-007333 upregulated the expression of the transcription factor ELK4, which promoted its binding to the MED promoter and increases its transcription.32 tRFs could also form complexes with the PiwiL4 protein, recruiting SETDB1 and SUV39H1 to the promoter region of CD1A to induce H3K9 methylation.88 4.5 | REGULATION OF ALTERNATIVE SPLICINGAlternative splicing is an essential regulatory mechanism in eukaryotic genes, and aberrant alternative splicing plays an important role in tumor development. ...
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tRNA‐derived fragments (tRFs) are novel small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) that range from approximately 14 to 50 nt. They are generated by the cleavage of mature tRNAs or precursor tRNAs (pre‐tRNAs) at specific sites. Based on their origin and length, tRFs can be classified into three categories: (1) tRF‐1 s; (2) tRF‐3 s, tRF‐5 s, and internal tRFs (i‐tRFs); and (3) tRNA halves. They play important roles in stress response, signal transduction, and gene expression processes. Recent studies have identified differential expression of tRFs in various tumors. Aberrantly expressed tRFs have critical clinical value and show promise as new biomarkers for tumor diagnosis and prognosis and as therapeutic targets. tRFs regulate the malignant progression of tumors via various mechanisms, primarily including modulation of noncoding RNA biogenesis, global chromatin organization, gene expression regulation, modulation of protein translation, regulation of epigenetic modification, and alternative splicing regulation. In conclusion, tRF‐mediated regulatory pathways could present new avenues for tumor treatment, and tRFs could serve as promising therapeutic targets for cancer therapy.
... In vertebrates, angiogenin homologs mediate the cleavage of tRNA anticodon-loops, resulting in a 5 0 -tsRNA with 2 0 ,3 0 -cP and a 3 0 -tsRNA with 5 0 -OH (Sheng & Xu, 2016;Shigematsu et al., 2018). Most 5 0 -tsRNAs function seemingly as repressors of mRNA translation Keam et al., 2014;Sheng & Xu, 2016;Shigematsu et al., 2021). The endoribonucleases such as pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A), hydrolyze the 2 0 ,3 0 -cP site into 3 0 -P (Cuchillo et al., 2011), while RNA cyclase catalyzes the conversion of 3 0 -P of RNA chain into 2 0 ,3 0 -cP (Reinberg et al., 1985). ...
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Small RNAs (sRNAs) with sizes ranging from 15 to 50 nucleotides (nt) are critical regulators of gene expression control. Prior studies have shown that sRNAs are involved in a broad range of biological processes, such as organ development , tumorigenesis, and epigenomic regulation; however, emerging evidence unveils a hidden layer of diversity and complexity of endogenously encoded sRNAs profile in eukaryotic organisms, including novel types of sRNAs and the previously unknown post-transcriptional RNA modifications. This underscores the importance for accurate, unbiased detection of sRNAs in various cellular contexts. A multitude of high-throughput methods based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) are developed to decipher the sRNA expression and their modifications. Nonetheless, distinct from mRNA sequencing, the data from sRNA sequencing suffer frequent inconsistencies and high variations emanating from the adapter contaminations and RNA modifications, which overall skew the sRNA libraries. Here, we summarize the sRNA-sequencing approaches, and discuss the considerations and challenges for the strategies and methods of sRNA library construction. The pros and cons of sRNA sequencing have significant implications for implementing RNA fragment footprinting approaches, including CLIP-seq and Ribo-seq. We envision that this review can inspire novel improvements in small RNA sequencing and RNA fragment footprinting in future.
... Indeed, some PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are derived from tRNAs in Bombyx (Honda et al., 2017). Smaller tDRs (mainly 5 0 -tDRs) have been shown to interact with Piwi-like protein 4 (PIWIL4) in breast cancer cells (Keam et al., 2014). It is worth noting that PIWIL4 is abundant in somatic cell-derived cancer cells, but not germ cells where piRNAs function. ...
Transfer RNA (tRNA)‐derived RNAs (tDRs) are a class of small non‐coding RNAs that play important roles in different aspects of gene expression. These ubiquitous and heterogenous RNAs, which vary across different species and cell types, are proposed to regulate various biological processes. In this review, we will discuss aspects of their biogenesis, and specifically, their contribution into translational control. We will summarize diverse roles of tDRs and the molecular mechanisms underlying their functions in the regulation of protein synthesis and their impact on related events such as stress‐induced translational reprogramming. This article is categorized under: RNA Processing > Processing of Small RNAs Regulatory RNAs/RNAi/Riboswitches > Regulatory RNAs Regulatory RNAs/RNAi/Riboswitches > Biogenesis of Effector Small RNAs
... However, information is scarce on the subject. Nonetheless, the increasingly recognized activities of piRNAs, which imply their ability to control numerous facets of cancer, require further study [138]. The role of circRNAs and their mechanism in cancer cell reprogramming are presented in Table 3. ...
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Metabolic reprogramming is a well-known feature of cancer that allows malignant cells to alter metabolic reactions and nutrient uptake, thereby promoting tumor growth and spread. It has been discovered that noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), including microRNA (miRNA), long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), and circular RNA (circRNA), have a role in a variety of biological functions, control physiologic and developmental processes, and even influence disease. They have been recognized in numerous cancer types as tumor suppressors and oncogenic agents. The role of ncRNAs in the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells has recently been noticed. We examine this subject, with an emphasis on the metabolism of glucose, lipids, and amino acids, and highlight the therapeutic use of targeting ncRNAs in cancer treatment.
... In LC/MS of HA-tagged PIWIL4, we identified known interactors such as TDRKH and BAG2, and several Rloop interacting proteins such as premessenger RNA-binding proteins HNRNPH1 and PABPC1 ( Figure 5G-H; supplemental Figure 6F; supplemental Table 3). 54,55,63,64 Overall, the pathway analysis of PIWIL4-partner proteins showed enrichment for RBPs and downstream targets of MYC ( Figure 5H; supplemental Figure 6G). However, no RNase H-like enzymes or RNA/DNA helicases were present in our LC/MS analysis, suggesting that PIWIL4 independently performed the function of hybrid and R-loop resolution (supplemental Table 3). ...
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) form a large and diverse class of factors many members of which are overexpressed in hematological malignancies. RBPs participate in various processes of mRNA metabolism and prevent harmful DNA:RNA hybrids or R-loops. Here we report that PIWIL4, a germ stem cell-associated RBP belonging to the RNase H-like superfamily, is overexpressed in acute myeloid leukemia patients and is essential for leukemic stem cell function and AML growth, but dispensable for healthy human hematopoietic stem cells. In AML cells, PIWIL4 binds to a small number of known piwi-interacting RNA. It instead largely interacts with mRNA annotated to protein-coding genic regions and enhancers that are enriched for genes associated with cancer and human myeloid progenitor gene signatures. PIWIL4 depletion in AML cells downregulates human myeloid progenitor signature and LSC-associated genes and upregulates DNA damage signalling. We demonstrate that PIWIL4 is an R-loop resolving enzyme that prevents R-loop accumulation on a subset of AML and LSC-associated genes, and maintains their expression. It also prevents DNA damage, replication stress, and activation of the ATR pathway in AML cells. PIWIL4 depletion potentiates sensitivity to pharmacological inhibition of the ATR pathway and creates a pharmacologically actionable dependency in AML cells.
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PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) with 24–32 nucleotides (nt), were initially identified in the reproductive system. Unlike microRNAs (miRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), piRNAs normally guide P-element-induced wimpy testis protein (PIWI) families to slice extensively complementary transposon transcripts without the seed pairing. Numerous studies have shown that piRNAs are abundantly expressed in the brain, and many of them are aberrantly regulated in central neural system (CNS) disorders. However, the role of piRNAs in the related developmental and pathological processes is unclear. The elucidation of piRNAs/PIWI would greatly improve the understanding of CNS development and ultimately lead to novel strategies to treat neural diseases. In this review, we summarized the relevant structure, properties, and databases of piRNAs and their functional roles in neural development and degenerative disorders. We hope that future studies of these piRNAs will facilitate the development of RNA-based therapeutics for CNS disorders.
The human genome is highly dynamic and only a small fraction of it codes for proteins, but most of the genome is transcribed, highlighting the importance of non-coding RNAs on cellular functions. In addition, it is now known the generation of non-coding RNAs fragments under particular cellular conditions and their functions have been revealed unexpected mechanisms of action, converging, in some cases, with the biogenic pathways and action machineries of microRNAs or Piwi-interacting RNAs. This led us to ask why the cell produces so many apparently redundant molecules to exert similar functions and regulate apparently convergent processes? However, non-coding RNAs fragments can also function similarly to aptamers, with secondary and tertiary conformations determining their functions. In the present work, it was reviewed and analyzed the current information about the non-coding RNAs fragments, describing their structure and the biogenic pathways producing them, with special emphasis on their cellular functions.
A growing class of small RNAs, known as tRNA-derived RNAs (tdRs), tRNA-derived small RNAs or tRNA-derived fragments, have long been considered mere intermediates of tRNA degradation. These small RNAs have recently been implicated in an evolutionarily conserved repertoire of biological processes. In this Review, we discuss the biogenesis and molecular functions of tdRs in mammals, including tdR-mediated gene regulation in cell metabolism, immune responses, transgenerational inheritance, development and cancer. We also discuss the accumulation of tRNA-derived stress-induced RNAs as a distinct adaptive cellular response to pathophysiological conditions. Furthermore, we highlight new conceptual advances linking RNA modifications with tdR activities and discuss challenges in studying tdR biology in health and disease.
Background: Colorectal cancer was reported as the second most common cause of cancer death worldwide, in the year 2020. This disease is an important public health problem considering its high incidence and mortality rates. Summary: The molecular events that lead to colorectal cancer include genetic and epigenetic abnormalities. Some of the most important molecular mechanisms involved include the APC/β-catenin pathway, the microsatellite pathway, and the CpG island hypermethylation. Evidence in the literature supports a role for the microbiota in the development of colon carcinogenesis, and specific microbes may contribute to or prevent carcinogenesis. Progress in prevention, screening, and management has improved the overall prognosis of the disease when diagnosed at an early stage; yet metastatic disease continues to have a poor long-term prognosis due to late-stage diagnosis and treatment failure. Biomarkers are a key tool for early detection and prognosis and aim to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with colorectal cancer. The main focus of this narrative review is to provide an update on the recent development of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in stool, blood, and tumor tissue samples. Key messages: The review focuses on recent investigations in microRNAs, cadherins, Piwi-interacting RNAs, circulating cell-free DNA, and microbiome biomarkers which can be applied for the diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer.
With the development of sequencing technology, transfer RNA (tRNA)-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs) have received extensive attention as a new type of small noncoding RNAs. Based on the differences in the cleavage sites of nucleases on tRNAs, tsRNAs can be divided into two categories, tRNA halves (tiRNAs) and tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs), each with specific subcellular localizations. Additionally, the biogenesis of tsRNAs is tissue-specific and can be regulated by tRNA modifications. In this review, we first elaborated on the classification and biogenesis of tsRNAs. After summarizing the latest mechanisms of tsRNAs, including transcriptional gene silencing, post-transcriptional gene silencing, nascent RNA silencing, translation regulation, rRNA regulation, and reverse transcription regulation, we explored the representative biological functions of tsRNAs in tumors. Furthermore, this review summarized the clinical value of tsRNAs in cancers, thus providing theoretical support for their potential as novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets.
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Piwi proteins and their small non-coding RNA partners are involved in the maintenance of stem cell character and genome integrity in the male germ cells of mammals. MIWI2, one of the mouse Piwi-like proteins, is expressed in the prepachytene phase of spermatogenesis during the period of de novo methylation. Absence of this protein leads to meiotic defects and a progressive loss of germ cells. There is an accumulation of evidence that Piwi proteins may be active in hematopoietic tissues. Thus, MIWI2 may have a role in hematopoietic stem and/or progenitor cell self-renewal and differentiation, and defects in MIWI2 may lead to abnormal hematopoiesis. MIWI2 mRNA can be detected in a mouse erythroblast cell line by RNA-seq, and shRNA-mediated knockdown of this mRNA causes the cells to take on characteristics of differentiated erythroid precursors. However, there are no detectable hematopoietic abnormalities in a MIWI2-deficient mouse model. While subtle, non-statistically significant changes were noted in the hematopoietic function of mice without a functional MIWI2 gene when compared to wild type mice, our results show that MIWI2 is not solely necessary for hematopoiesis within the normal life span of a mouse.
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Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) must engage in a life-long balance between self-renewal and differentiation to sustain hematopoiesis. The highly conserved PIWI protein family regulates proliferative states of stem cells and their progeny in diverse organisms. A Human piwi gene (for clarity, the non-italicized "piwi" refers to the gene subfamily), HIWI (PIWIL1), is expressed in CD34(+) stem/progenitor cells and transient expression of HIWI in a human leukemia cell line drastically reduces cell proliferation, implying the potential function of these proteins in hematopoiesis. Here, we report that one of the three piwi genes in mice, Miwi2 (Piwil4), is expressed in primitive hematopoetic cell types within the bone marrow. Mice with a global deletion of all three piwi genes, Miwi, Mili, and Miwi2, are able to maintain long-term hematopoiesis with no observable effect on the homeostatic HSC compartment in adult mice. The PIWI-deficient hematopoetic cells are capable of normal lineage reconstitution after competitive transplantation. We further show that the three piwi genes are dispensable during hematopoietic recovery after myeloablative stress by 5-FU. Collectively, our data suggest that the function of the piwi gene subfamily is not required for normal adult hematopoiesis.
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Background The PIWI module, found in the PIWI/AGO superfamily of proteins, is a critical component of several cellular pathways including germline maintenance, chromatin organization, regulation of splicing, RNA interference, and virus suppression. It binds a guide strand which helps it target complementary nucleic strands. Results Here we report the discovery of two divergent, novel families of PIWI modules, the first such to be described since the initial discovery of the PIWI/AGO superfamily over a decade ago. Both families display conservation patterns consistent with the binding of oligonucleotide guide strands. The first family is bacterial in distribution and is typically encoded by a distinctive three-gene operon alongside genes for a restriction endonuclease fold enzyme and a helicase of the DinG family. The second family is found only in eukaryotes. It is the core conserved module of the Med13 protein, a subunit of the CDK8 subcomplex of the transcription regulatory Mediator complex. Conclusions Based on the presence of the DinG family helicase, which specifically acts on R-loops, we infer that the first family of PIWI modules is part of a novel RNA-dependent restriction system which could target invasive DNA from phages, plasmids or conjugative transposons. It is predicted to facilitate restriction of actively transcribed invading DNA by utilizing RNA guides. The PIWI family found in the eukaryotic Med13 proteins throws new light on the regulatory switch through which the CDK8 subcomplex modulates transcription at Mediator-bound promoters of highly transcribed genes. We propose that this involves recognition of small RNAs by the PIWI module in Med13 resulting in a conformational switch that propagates through the Mediator complex. Reviewers This article was reviewed by Sandor Pongor, Frank Eisenhaber and Balaji Santhanam.
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Recently, it has been shown that tRNA molecules can be processed into small RNAs that are derived from both the 5' and 3' termini. To date, the function of these tRNA fragments (tRFs) derived from the 5' end of tRNA has not been investigated in depth. We present evidence that conserved residues in tRNA, present in all 5' tRFs, can inhibit the process of protein translation without the need for complementary target sites in the mRNA. These results implicate 5' tRFs in a new mechanism of gene regulation by small RNAs in human cells.
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Small RNAs bound to Argonaute proteins recognize partially or fully complementary nucleic acid targets in diverse gene-silencing processes. A subgroup of the Argonaute proteins-known as the 'Piwi family'-is required for germ- and stem-cell development in invertebrates, and two Piwi members-MILI and MIWI-are essential for spermatogenesis in mouse. Here we describe a new class of small RNAs that bind to MILI in mouse male germ cells, where they accumulate at the onset of meiosis. The sequences of the over 1,000 identified unique molecules share a strong preference for a 5' uridine, but otherwise cannot be readily classified into sequence families. Genomic mapping of these small RNAs reveals a limited number of clusters, suggesting that these RNAs are processed from long primary transcripts. The small RNAs are 26-31 nucleotides (nt) in length-clearly distinct from the 21-23 nt of microRNAs (miRNAs) or short interfering RNAs (siRNAs)-and we refer to them as 'Piwi-interacting RNAs' or piRNAs. Orthologous human chromosomal regions also give rise to small RNAs with the characteristics of piRNAs, but the cloned sequences are distinct. The identification of this new class of small RNAs provides an important starting point to determine the molecular function of Piwi proteins in mammalian spermatogenesis.
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tRNA-derived RNA fragments (tRFs) are 19mer small RNAs that associate with Argonaute (AGO) proteins in humans. However, in plants, it is unknown if tRFs bind with AGO proteins. Here, using public deep sequencing libraries of immunoprecipitated Argonaute proteins (AGO-IP) and bioinformatics approaches, we identified the Arabidopsis thaliana AGO-IP tRFs. Moreover, using three degradome deep sequencing libraries, we identified four putative tRF targets. The expression pattern of tRFs, based on deep sequencing data, was also analyzed under abiotic and biotic stresses. The results obtained here represent a useful starting point for future studies on tRFs in plants.
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Nonprotein coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules have been recognized recently as major contributors to regulatory networks in controlling gene expression in a highly efficient manner. These RNAs either originate from their individual transcription units or are processing products from longer precursor RNAs. For example, tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs) have been identified in all domains of life and represent a growing, yet functionally poorly understood, class of ncRNA candidates. Here we present evidence that tRFs from the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii directly bind to ribosomes. In the presented genomic screen of the ribosome-associated RNome, a 26-residue-long fragment originating from the 5' part of valine tRNA was by far the most abundant tRF. The Val-tRF is processed in a stress-dependent manner and was found to primarily target the small ribosomal subunit in vitro and in vivo. As a consequence of ribosome binding, Val-tRF reduces protein synthesis by interfering with peptidyl transferase activity. Therefore this tRF functions as ribosome-bound small ncRNA capable of regulating gene expression in H. volcanii under environmental stress conditions probably by fine tuning the rate of protein production.
The function of the yeast SSB 70 kd heatshock proteins (hsp70s) was investigated by a variety of approaches. The SSB hsp70s () are associated with translating ribosomes. This association is disrupted by puromycin, suggesting that may bind directly to the nascent polypeptide. Mutant ssb1 ssb2 strains grow slowly, contain a low number of translating ribosomes, and are hypersensitive to several inhibitors of protein synthesis. The slow growth phenotype of ssb1 ssb2 mutants is suppressed by increased copy number of a gene encoding a novel translation elongation factor 1α (EF-1α)-like protein. We suggest that cytosolic hsp70 aids in the passage of the nascent polypeptide chain through the ribosome in a manner analogous to the role played by organellelocalized hsp70 in the transport of proteins across membranes.
Animal germ cells produce PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), small silencing RNAs that suppress transposons and enable gamete maturation. Mammalian transposon-silencing piRNAs accumulate early in spermatogenesis, whereas pachytene piRNAs are produced later during postnatal spermatogenesis and account for >95% of all piRNAs in the adult mouse testis. Mutants defective for pachytene piRNA pathway proteins fail to produce mature sperm, but neither the piRNA precursor transcripts nor the trigger for pachytene piRNA production is known. Here, we show that the transcription factor A-MYB initiates pachytene piRNA production. A-MYB drives transcription of both pachytene piRNA precursor RNAs and the mRNAs for core piRNA biogenesis factors including MIWI, the protein through which pachytene piRNAs function. A-MYB regulation of piRNA pathway proteins and piRNA genes creates a coherent feedforward loop that ensures the robust accumulation of pachytene piRNAs. This regulatory circuit, which can be detected in rooster testes, likely predates the divergence of birds and mammals.
Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) were reported in 2006 as a novel class of small non-coding RNAs associated with Piwi proteins of the Argonaute/Piwi family. Recent studies have revealed not only the biogenesis of piRNAs and their roles in transposon silencing, but also the function of the Piwi-piRNA pathway in epigenetic and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. In addition, the function of this pathway in somatic cells has also been more systematically characterized. The new findings reveal the Piwi-piRNA pathway as a more general mechanism of gene regulation.