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Utilizing Heuristic Algorithms Based on Destination Ratings for Enhancing Travel Planning IFFK 2023


Abstract and Figures

As urban travelers seek personalized and efficient travel planning solutions, the utilization of heuristic algorithms has gained significant attention. This study focuses on the optimization of travel itineraries by integrating destination ratings and flexibility into the algorithm. The objective is to enhance personalized travel experience by considering traveler preferences and efficient scheduling of destinations. The method involves utilizing a Genetic Algorithm (GA) framework and collecting destination ratings creating flexible scenarios, where the locations of the destinations can be changed. The outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm in generating optimized travel itineraries. The substitution of a destination, for example a cafe in the flexible scenario resulted in a significant reduction in total travel time by about 14.3%. This indicates the algorithm’s capability to optimize travel schedules by incorporating flexibility and considering destination ratings. The study’s implications include enhanced personalization, improved travel efficiency, and a more satisfying travel experience.
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Budapest, 2023. september 5-7.
XVII. IFFK 2023” Budapest
Online: ISBN 978-963-88875-3-5
Paper xx
Copyright 2023. Budapest, MMA.
Editor: Dr. Péter Tamás
További logók helye
Utilizing Heuristic Algorithms Based on Destination Ratings for Enhancing Travel
Ali Mahdi*. Domokos Esztergár-Kiss**
*Department of Transport Technology and Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Műegyetem rkp. 3., 1111 Budapest, Hungary
*Department of construction and projects, Headquarter, University of Anbar, Al Anbar, Iraq
(Tel:+36 20- 401-1469 ;
** Department of Transport Technology and Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Műegyetem rkp. 3., 1111 Budapest, Hungary
(Tel:+36 1 463-1029 ;
Abstract: As urban travelers seek personalized and efficient travel planning solutions, the utilization of
heuristic algorithms has gained significant attention. This study focuses on the optimization of travel
itineraries by integrating destination ratings and flexibility into the algorithm. The objective is to enhance
personalized travel experience by considering traveler preferences and efficient scheduling of destinations.
The method involves utilizing a Genetic Algorithm (GA) framework and collecting destination ratings
creating flexible scenarios, where the locations of the destinations can be changed. The outcomes
demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm in generating optimized travel itineraries. The substitution
of a destination, for example a cafe in the flexible scenario resulted in a significant reduction in total travel
time by about 14.3%. This indicates the algorithms capability to optimize travel schedules by
incorporating flexibility and considering destination ratings. The studys implications include enhanced
personalization, improved travel efficiency, and a more satisfying travel experience.
In recent years, the investigation for personalized and
efficient travel experiences has become increasingly
prominent among travelers. The plenty of destination choices,
coupled with the desire for unique itineraries, has led to a
growing interest in leveraging advanced algorithms to assist
in travel planning processes (Xiang et al., 2015). Heuristic
algorithms have gained considerable attention due to their
ability to provide optimized recommendations based on
specific criteria (Gad, 2022).
Travelers are often faced with the challenge of selecting
destinations that align with their preferences and interests. As
the number of potential destinations grows, there is a need for
efficient and effective methods to evaluate and prioritize
these choices. In recent years, the concept of rating of
destinations has gained significant attention as a valuable tool
in trip planning (Terttunen, 2017). (Miguéns et al., 2008)
investigates the consumer-generated content (CGC) on
TripAdvisor, specifically focusing on the city of Lisbon. It
explores how users collaborate and contribute to shaping the
destinations image on this online social networking site. The
study highlights the relevance of user-generated content for
travel planning by analyzing a sample of Lisbon hotels. In the
same vein, (Bigne et al., 2023) investigate the relationship
between star ratings, sentiments expressed in online reviews,
and their impact on the customer experience. Using deep
learning, natural language processing, machine learning, and
artificial neural networks, the study analyzes the online
reviews from TripAdvisor about tourism attractions in
Venice. The findings indicate that sentiment valence aligns
with star ratings, and there is a cancel-out effect observed in
mixed-neutral reviews between positive and negative
sentiments related to the service experience dimensions.
A recent study analyses the impact of specific attributes in
online travel reviews on cognitive, affective, and conative
images of a destination, drawing on the elaboration likelihood
model and the cognitive-affective-conative model of
destination image. Using an experimental survey design with
four scenarios, the study explores the effects of high versus
low star ratings on the perception of Santa Claus Village,
Finland. The findings indicate that high-rating reviews
primarily influence cognitive image, while low-rating
reviews have a significant impact on affective image.
Additionally, the study reveals that reviews contribute to the
formation of destination image (Guo & Pesonen, 2022).
Several previous studies used heuristic algorithms to enhance
travel planning. (Miller & Roorda, 2003) developed an
activity scheduling microsimulation model that utilized
heuristic methods to organize activities and trip diary
information, considering the timing and duration of
household members activities. (Charypar & Nagel, 2005)
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XVII. IFFK 2023” Budapest
Online: ISBN 978-963-88875-3-5
Paper xx
Copyright 2023. Budapest, MMA.
Editor: Dr. Péter Tamás
Use Title Case for Paper Title
First A. Author, Second B. Author, Jr. Third C. Author
focused on planning the daily activity chain, using a
mathematical formulation based on geometric distance
between activities in an optimization algorithm. Another
study introduced an approach combining activity-based
modeling and a genetic algorithm (GA) framework to
generate schedules for travelers using electric vehicles (EVs)
in an urban environment, demonstrating its effectiveness in
satisfying traveler needs and improving travel efficiency
(Rizopoulos & Esztergár-Kiss, 2020). (Esztergár-Kiss et al.,
2018) proposed a novel method considering flexible demand
points and transportation modes to plan and schedule activity
chains, achieving a reduction in total travel time.
Additionally, (Sabbani et al., 2019) utilized an ant colony
optimization algorithm to plan daily activity chains with
flexible mobility solutions, showing improved travel
performance by incorporating adaptability in the
transportation system.
While numerous studies have focused on trip related
optimization, considering factors, such as travel modes,
timing, and spatial constraints, the specific influence of
destination ratings on itinerary generation remains
unexplored. Therefore, this paper aims to address this
research gap by proposing a novel approach that integrates
destination ratings into the trip planning process. By
incorporating destination ratings, our study contributes to
enhancing the personalization and relevance of travel
2.1 Optimization framework
The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a well-known
combinatorial optimization problem Hoffman et al., 2013). In
this study, we adapt the TSP framework to incorporate
destination ratings as a factor influencing the schedule of
destinations. The objective is to determine a schedule that
minimizes travel time while considering the ratings of each
destination. Given a set of destinations {a1, a2, a3, ..., an},
where each destination aj is associated with a known
destination rating R(ai) and travel time between destination
pairs T(ai, aj), the objective is to optimize the schedule. To
tackle this problem, we utilize a Genetic Algorithm (GA)
inspired by the processes of natural evolution. The GA
algorithm utilizes key concepts, such as generation, mutation,
selection, and crossover to iteratively improve the schedule
(Mirjalili, 2019). The mathematical representation of
Equation (1) is used to determine the scheduling of
destinations that minimize travel time while considering
destination ratings. Equation (2) represents a constraint that
ensures each destination is visited once by assigning a value
of 1 when the traveler moves from destination i to j, and 0
otherwise. Equation (3) accounts for the symmetric distance
between destinations.
min (1)
U is the utility function that aims to minimize overall travel
time while considering the destination ratings,
T(ai, aj) represents the travel time from destination ai to aj,
R(aj) denotes the rating or attractiveness of destination aj
2.2 Flexibility in destination choice
Spatial flexibility in destination selection refers to the ability
of individuals to choose from a range of locations for their
destinations based on personal preferences and limitations.
Traditionally, planning methods apply fixed locations for
destinations, assuming that people regularly commute to the
same places. However, spatial flexibility recognizes that
individuals may choose alternative destinations that fulfill the
same purpose while offering higher levels of satisfaction or
meeting their specific preferences. Therefore, in this study we
take into account the preferences of travelers and consider
two distinct priorities:
1. Fixed destination: This concept implies that certain
destinations or destinations are associated with
specific predetermined locations. For example,
going to work or attending a specific event may
require individuals to visit a particular place.
2. Flexible destination: In this case the individuals
have the flexibility to choose alternative locations
that serve the same purpose. In other words,
individuals can select from different places that offer
similar services or amenities. This flexibility enables
individuals to consider factors, such as rating of
destination and personal preferences when deciding
on their destination.
This study identifies the importance of allowing individuals
to choose destinations that best suit their needs and
preferences by incorporating spatial flexibility of destination.
This approach accounts for the influence of the destination
ratings factor, enabling travelers to make informed decisions
that optimize their overall travel experience.
2.3 Study area
For this study, the research was conducted in the city of
Budapest. The capital of Hungary is a rich touristic
destination along the beautiful banks of the Danube River
(Mahdi & Esztergár-Kiss, 2022). The city is divided into two
main parts, Buda and Pest, connected by several iconic
bridges. Buda, situated on the western side of the river, is
known for its historic sites, while on the eastern side lies
Pest, a bustling hub of destination with wide boulevards,
vibrant neighborhoods, and culinary delights (Mahdi &
Esztergár-Kiss, 2021).
To retrieve destination ratings, a Python code was designed
to collect data from Google in July 2022 (Mahajan et al.,
2021). Using web scraping techniques, the code
automatically extracted rating information for various
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XVII. IFFK 2023” Budapest
Online: ISBN 978-963-88875-3-5
Paper xx
Copyright 2023. Budapest, MMA.
Editor: Dr. Péter Tamás
Use Title Case for Paper Title
First A. Author, Second B. Author, Jr. Third C. Author
destinations in Budapest. The collected rating data served as
a crucial input for the GA utilized in the study. Alongside
another variable, such as travel time between destinations, the
ratings were incorporated into the algorithm to optimize the
scheduling of destinations and generate personalized travel
To assess the performance of the proposed algorithm, we
provide an example of the suggested destinations in Table 1.
Specifically, the Cafe destination (C1) is set as a flexible
choice, where the rating of this destination is 4.0. This allows
us to evaluate how well the algorithm adapts to various Café
type of choices and optimizes the overall itinerary according
to traveler preferences and ratings. The effectiveness of the
algorithm in generating optimized travel plans considering
the rating factor can be examined together with the flexibility
of the Cafe destination.
Table 1. An illustrative example of the suggested destinations
Name of Destination
Hungarian Parliament Building
House of Terror
Hungarian National Museum
The results the two scenarios are evaluated in terms of the
order of visited destinations, the mode of transportation, and
the total travel time.
In the fixed scenario (Figure 1), where the Cafe (C1) was set
as a fixed destination with a rating of 4 stars, the algorithm
suggested a specific order of visiting destinations: Hungarian
Parliament Building (H-P), Parliament Building to House of
Terror (P-T), House of Terror to Hungarian National
Museum (T-M), Museum to Cafe (M-C1), and finally, Cafe
back to the hotel (C1-H). The mode of transportation used in
this scenario included Bus, Tram, and Metro. The total travel
time for this fixed scenario was 70 minutes.
Fig. 1. Optimization results for travel itinerary: fixed scenario
In the flexible scenario (Figure 2), the Cafe (C1) was
designated as a flexible destination, allowing the algorithm to
consider alternative Cafe choice. In this scenario, the
algorithm substituted the originally suggested Cafe (C1) with
an alternative location (C2), which had a rating of 4.8 stars
and was within a three-minute walk from the M destination.
The resulting order of visited destinations was Hungarian
Parliament Building (H-P), Parliament Building to House of
Terror (P-T), House of Terror to Hungarian National
Museum (T-M), Museum to the alternative Cafe (M-C2), and
finally, the alternative Cafe back to the hotel (C2-H). The
mode of transportation utilized in this scenario included Bus,
Tram, and Walking. The total travel time for this flexible
scenario was reduced to 60 minutes.
Fig. 2 Optimization results for travel itinerary: flexible
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XVII. IFFK 2023” Budapest
Online: ISBN 978-963-88875-3-5
Paper xx
Copyright 2023. Budapest, MMA.
Editor: Dr. Péter Tamás
Use Title Case for Paper Title
First A. Author, Second B. Author, Jr. Third C. Author
The outcomes presented in Table 2 indicate that adopting
flexibility in the activity chain by substituting the Cafe
destination significantly reduced the total travel time and
considering the preference of traveler. This demonstrates the
optimization capabilities of the algorithm and highlights the
potential for improved travel efficiency through flexibility
Table 2. The outcomes of the three scenarios
Total travel time
(70 min)
Travel time
Total travel time
(60 min)
Travel time
The main objective of this study is to generate personalized
and efficient travel itineraries by incorporating destination
ratings and flexibility into the planning process. Two main
scenarios are proposed to evaluate the performance of the
algorithm. In the fixed scenario, where the Cafe (C1) was set
as a fixed destination with a rating of 4 stars, the algorithm
generated a specific order of visited destinations and
corresponding modes of transportation. The total travel time
for this fixed scenario was 70 minutes. On the other hand, in
the flexible scenario, the Cafe was set as a flexible
destination, allowing the algorithm to explore alternative
Cafe choice, where the suggested Cafe (C1) was substituted
with an alternative (C2) with a higher rating of 4.8 stars, and
located conveniently near the previous destination (M). The
total travel time was reduced to 60 minutes in the flexible
scenario. The outcomes from the flexible scenario highlight
the significant impact of incorporating destination ratings and
flexibility into the travel planning process. The algorithm was
able to achieve a substantial reduction in total travel time and
improve the travel efficiency for the traveler.
This finding is consistent with the literature review, which
emphasized the importance of destination ratings and online
reviews in shaping travelers perceptions and decision-
making (Terttunen, 2017; Miguéns et al., 2008; Bigne et al.,
2023; Guo & Pesonen, 2022). Moreover, the flexibility
scenario demonstrated in the study aligns with previous
research on heuristic algorithms in travel planning. The
itinerary generated becomes more customized and optimized
for the individual travelers needs by allowing the algorithm
to adapt and substitute destinations based on traveler
preferences and alternative options (Miller & Roorda, 2003;
Charypar & Nagel, 2005; Rizopoulos & Esztergár-Kiss,
2020; Esztergár-Kiss et al., 2018; Sabbani et al., 2019).
While the results presented in this study are promising and
indicative of the algorithms optimization capabilities, it is
essential to acknowledge potential limitations. The accuracy
and reliability of destination ratings and online reviews can
vary, and this may impact the algorithms performance in
real-world scenarios. Additionally, this study focus on only
two criteria the travel time and destination ratings. While
these two factors are essential in travel planning, they may
not fully capture the complexity of travelers preferences and
interests. Future studies in travel planning algorithms could
focus on integrating several factors, such as budget
constraints, specific interests, weather conditions, and
accessibility options. Additionally, the proposed system can
be applied using another algorithm, such as the Ant Colony
Optimization algorithm, which can offer new perspectives
and advantages in travel planning.
This study can be implicated in several aspects. The
integration of destination ratings in the algorithm ensures that
travelers receive recommendations based not only on inherent
attractiveness but also on subjective evaluations from
previous visitors. This leads to more informed and relevant
travel itineraries, enhancing the overall travel experience.
Additionally, the incorporation of flexibility in the itinerary
generation process allows the algorithm to serve individual
preferences and adapt to alternative choices, promoting a
higher level of personalization and satisfaction for travelers.
The benefits of these findings extend to both travelers and the
travel industry. For travelers, the algorithm offers optimized
itineraries that match their interests and save time and effort
in planning. On the other hand, for the travel industry, the
algorithm presents an opportunity to enhance customer
satisfaction and loyalty by delivering personalized and
efficient travel planning services.
This study focused on enhancing personalized and efficient
travel planning experiences by integrating destination ratings
and flexibility into a heuristic algorithm. The proposed
algorithm evaluates and ranks potential destinations based on
their ratings, ensuring that highly rated locations receive
higher priority during the itinerary generation. By
incorporating these ratings, the algorithm not only considers
the inherent attractiveness of the destinations but also takes
into account the subjective evaluations of previous visitors,
leading to more informed and relevant recommendations.
The results demonstrated the algorithms effectiveness in
generating optimized travel itineraries based on travel time
and destination ratings. Moreover, adopting flexibility by
substituting a Cafe location significantly reduced total travel
time, showing the algorithms capability to consider traveler
preferences and improve travel efficiency.
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XVII. IFFK 2023” Budapest
Online: ISBN 978-963-88875-3-5
Paper xx
Copyright 2023. Budapest, MMA.
Editor: Dr. Péter Tamás
Use Title Case for Paper Title
First A. Author, Second B. Author, Jr. Third C. Author
This research was supported by the János Bolyai Research
Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The authors declare no conflict of interests.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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This study explores the consistency between star ratings and sentiments expressed in online reviews and how they relate to the different components of the customer experience. We combine deep learning applied to natural language processing, machine learning and artificial neural networks to identify how the positive and negative components of 20,954 online reviews posted on TripAdvisor about tourism attractions in Venice impact on their overall polarity and star ratings. Our findings showed that sentiment valence is aligned with star ratings. A cancel-out effect operates between the positive and negative sentiments linked to the service experience dimensions in mixed-neutral reviews.
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Online travel reviews play a vital role in the formation of a destination image. However, the mechanism of how that happens is still relatively unknown. Drawing on the elaboration likelihood model and the cognitive–affective-conative model of destination image, this study aims to explore the impact of specific travel review attributes on cognitive, affective, and conative images through the central route and the peripheral route of persuasion. An experiment design survey with four scenarios (i.e. concrete vs. abstract × 5-star rating vs. 1-star rating) was applied in this study. A total of 1,305 Chinese participants were involved in this experiment, and compared their perception of Santa Claus Village, Finland, before and after reading different scenarios’ travel reviews. The results reveal that high rating reviews change cognitive image much more than low rating reviews. Low rating reviews have a large impact on the affective image. Under the high rating scenario, the concrete travel review improves the destination image more than the abstract travel review. Under the low rating scenario, the deterioration of abstract travel review on destination image is larger than concrete travel review. Moreover, both the central and peripheral cues of travel reviews affect tourist destination image formation.
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Throughout the centuries, nature has been a source of inspiration, with much still to learn from and discover about. Among many others, Swarm Intelligence (SI), a substantial branch of Artificial Intelligence, is built on the intelligent collective behavior of social swarms in nature. One of the most popular SI paradigms, the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO), is presented in this work. Many changes have been made to PSO since its inception in the mid 1990s. Since their learning about the technique, researchers and practitioners have developed new applications, derived new versions, and published theoretical studies on the potential influence of various parameters and aspects of the algorithm. Various perspectives are surveyed in this paper on existing and ongoing research, including algorithm methods, diverse application domains, open issues, and future perspectives, based on the Systematic Review (SR) process. More specifically, this paper analyzes the existing research on methods and applications published between 2017 and 2019 in a technical taxonomy of the picked content, including hybridization, improvement, and variants of PSO, as well as real-world applications of the algorithm categorized into: health-care, environmental, industrial, commercial, smart city, and general aspects applications. Some technical characteristics, including accuracy, evaluation environments, and proposed case study are involved to investigate the effectiveness of different PSO methods and applications. Each addressed study has some valuable advantages and unavoidable drawbacks which are discussed and has accordingly yielded some hints presented for addressing the weaknesses of those studies and highlighting the open issues and future research perspectives on the algorithm.
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Finding the place of accommodation is one of the most crucial issues during a journey. This study aims to support the decision-making of tourists for choosing the optimal accommodation by combining fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. The adopted criteria are the cost per room, the distance from the center, the level of security, the place rating, and the availability of free cancellation and breakfast. Due to some uncertainty and diversity of criteria, the FAHP approach is applied to consolidate tourists’ decisions by applying criteria weighting, while the GIS is used to overlay the weighted criteria and to visualize the ranked places of accommodation on a map. The combined technique is applied on a case study in Budapest City, where the analysis is conducted on 364 places of accommodation. The results show that half of the places are recommended for tourists, and more than fifth of the accommodations are highly recommended. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the cost per room was the highest influential criterion with 0.233 importance weight, followed by the security level with 0.205. The lowest factor affecting the choice of accommodation was the free cancellation service. It was demonstrated that the rating weight importance was 0.182, while the breakfast and the distance from the center had approximately the same importance. As a recommendation, some improvements on the accommodation, such as decreasing the cost per room, enhancing the services, or developing the quality of the places, would increase their attractiveness for tourists.
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic is a new phenomenon and has affected the population’s lifestyle in many ways, such as panic buying (the so-called “hamster shopping”), adoption of home-office, and decline in retail shopping. For transportation planners and operators, it is interesting to analyze the spatial factors’ role in the demand patterns at a POI (Point of Interest) during the COVID-19 lockdown viz-a-viz before lockdown. Data and Methods This study illustrates a use-case of the POI visitation rate or popularity data and other publicly available data to analyze demand patterns and spatial factors during a highly dynamic and disruptive event like COVID-19. We develop regression models to analyze the correlation of the spatial and non-spatial attributes with the POI popularity before and during COVID-19 lockdown in Munich by using lockdown (treatment) as a dummy variable, with main and interaction effects. Results In our case-study for Munich, we find consistent behavior of features like stop distance and day-of-the-week in explaining the popularity. The parking area is found to be correlated only in the non-linear models. Interactions of lockdown with POI type, stop-distance, and day-of-the-week are found to be strongly significant. The results might not be transferable to other cities due to the presence of different city-specific factors. Conclusion The findings from our case-study provide evidence of the impact of the restrictions on POIs and show the significant correlation of POI-type and stop distance with POI popularity. These results suggest local and temporal variability in the impact due to the restrictions, which can impact how cities adapt their transport services to the distinct demand and resulting mobility patterns during future disruptive events.
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The focus of this article is to introduce a method for the optimization of daily activity chains of travelers who use Electric Vehicles (EVs) in an urban environment. An approach has been developed based on activity-based modeling and the Genetic Algorithm (GA) framework to calculate a suitable schedule of activities, taking into account the locations of activities, modes of transport, and the time of attendance to each activity. The priorities of the travelers concerning the spatial and temporal flexibility were considered, as well as the constraints that are related to the limited range of the EVs, the availability of Charging Stations (CS), and the elevation of the road network. In order to model real travel behavior, two charging scenarios were realized. In the first case, the traveler stays in the EV at the CS, and in the second case, the traveler leaves the EV to charge at the CS while conducting another activity at a nearby location. Through a series of tests on synthetic activity chain data, we proved the suitability of the method elaborated for addressing the needs of travelers and being utilized as an optimization method for a modern Intelligent Transportation System (ITS).
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In this paper, a new approach is presented based on ant colony algorithm with time windows in order to optimize daily activity chains with flexible mobility solutions. This flexibility is realized by temporal and spatial change of activities achieved by travellers during one day. With the injection of flexibility concept of time and locations, the requirements for such a transport system are high. However, our method has shown promising results by decreasing 10 to 20% the total travel time of travellers based on combining and comparing different transport modes including the private transport as well as the public transport and by choosing the optimal set of activities using our method.
Tourist attractions are dispersed across wide geographic areas even within the cities making the data collection prohibitively expensive. For these reasons, information on tourism destinations should be collected automatically. Recently, the collection of particular data on destinations has become easier with the growing popularity of location-based applications. Based on Google Popular Time (GPT), behavioral data are collected to investigate the actual tourist behavior. The statistical analysis clearly shows the presence of outliers in the collected data. Consequently, a regression model based robust approach is used to study the tourists’ processing time (i.e., the time spent) at various tourism destinations in Budapest. Such spatial parameters are adopted as car parking, public transport station, and location. The statistical outcomes present that the availability of car parking or public transport stations significantly affects the tourists’ processing time at the tourism destinations. The findings demonstrate the benefit of using GPT and other online resources to analyze and predict individual behavior. Furthermore, current study reveals that location-based services provide a principal option for tourists during their journeys.
For the optimization of daily activity chains a novel method has been elaborated, where flexible demand points were introduced. Some activities are not necessarily fixed temporally and spatially, therefore they can be realized in different times or locations. By using flexible demand points, the method is capable of finding new combinations of activity chains and choosing the optimal set of activities. The optimization algorithm solves the TSP-TW (Traveling Salesman Problem – Time Window) problem with many flexible demand points, which resulted in high complexity and long processing times. Therefore, two extensions were developed to speed up the processes. A POI (Point Of Interest) search algorithm enabled to search demand points in advance and store them in an offline database. Furthermore GA (genetic algorithm) was applied and customized to realize lower optimization times. During the implementation, three different transportation modes were defined: car, public transport, and combined (public transport with car-sharing opportunity). The simulations were performed on arbitrarily chosen test networks using Matlab. Promising test results were obtained for all transportation modes with total travel time reduction of 10–15 percent. The application of the extended optimization method produced shorter activity chains and decreased total travel time for the users.