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Extended High Gain Observer Design for State and Parameter Estimation

Extended high gain observer design for state and
parameter estimation
M. Farza1,T.M´enard1,A.Ltaief1,2,T.Maatoug
1, Y. Koubaa2
1GREYC, UMR 6072 CNRS, Universit´e de Caen, ENSICAEN, 6 Bd Mar´echal Juin, 14050 Caen Cedex, France
2Lab-STA, ENIS Sfax, Route de Soukra km 4 Sfax - B.P W.3038 Sfax, Tunisie
Abstract—This paper investigates the design of an extended
high gain observer to estimate the state together with some un-
known constant parameters for a class of nonlinear systems. We
firstly consider the case where all the parameters are known.
A high gain state observer is proposed and its exponential
convergence is carried out under a well defined persistent
excitation condition. Then, the case where some parameters
involved in the system equations are unknown is considered
using a suitable augmentation of the nonlinear system with
the parameters dynamics. Thanks to the introduction of the
notion of characteristic indices associated to the unknown
parameters, an extended high gain observer is designed to
simultaneously estimate the state together with the unknown
parameters. It is shown that the exponential convergence of the
extended high gain observer is ensured under the persistent
excitation condition that has been already considered for the
state observer together with an additional persistent excitation
to handle the parameter estimation process.
Keywords Nonlinear system, High gain observer, Char-
acteristic indices, Adaptive observer, Persistent excitation,
Nonlinear parametrization.
Over the last decades, adaptive observers design has be-
come a wide and active research field as pointed out by
its underlying literature. The adaptive observers perform
a simultaneous estimation of the state variables and the
unknown parameters. Several adaptive observer designs for
nonlinear systems have been proposed up to the underlying
modeling assumptions and design concepts [2, 14, 15, 7,
5, 9, 3]. Though most contributions on adaptive observer
design deal with linear parametrization, some results dealing
with nonlinear parameterizations are nevertheless available
[1, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17].
There are two approaches that could be used to derive
adaptive observers. The first approach is essentially inspired
by a comprehensive convergence analysis and has been
commonly pursued in the available adaptive observer con-
tributions. We shall refer to as the adaptive approach as
the underlying adaptive observer share the same structure as
the state observer up to the certainty equivalence principle
which consists in replacing the unknown parameters by their
estimates provided by a suitable parameter adaptation. The
second approach is a rather standard state observer design
from a suitable observation model obtained by augment-
ing the system model with the dynamics of its unknown
(constant) parameters, i.e. ˙ρ=0where ρis the unknown
parameter vector. That is why, we shall refer to as the
augmented model approach. This allows to take advantage
of the state observer designs that are available for the
class of systems including the augmented systems with their
unknown parameter dynamics.
In [3], the authors proved the equivalence between two
adaptive observers that have been respectively derived using
the adaptive and augmented model approaches for state
affine systems where the nonlinearities only depend on the
inputs and outputs. By equivalence, we mean the same
equations of the observers as well as the same assumptions
required for the observer designs. The equivalence between
these approaches has also been established in [6] for a class
for uniformly observable systems where the nonlinearity
involves some unknown parameters intervening with a linear
In this paper, we shall generalize the results proposed in
[9, 6] through the design of an adaptive observer for a
class of nonlinear systems including the ones considered
in [9, 6]. More specifically, an adaptive observer is firstly
derived using the augmented model approach. Then, it is
shown that the proposed observer can also be derived under
the same assumptions using the adaptive approach.
The paper is organized as follows. The problem statement
is given in section 2 with a particular emphasis on the
considered class of systems and the usual high gain as-
sumptions. In section 3, we consider the case where all the
system parameters are known to emphasize the state observer
design process. The exponential convergence analysis of the
proposed observer is provided under a well defined persistent
excitation condition. Section 4 is devoted to the observer
design in the case where some parameters are assumed to
be unknown. A particular emphasis is put on the observer
design model and the key feature of the design. The former is
the original nonlinear system augmented with the unknown
parameters dynamics, while the latter is provided by the
characteristic indices associated to the unknown parameter-
s. These features allow to design an extended high gain
observer which simultaneously estimate the state together
with the unknown parameters. The exponential convergence
of the extended high gain observer is established under
the persistent excitation condition that has been already
considered for the state observer together with an additional
persistent excitation for the parameter estimation process. In
section 5, the equations of the proposed extended observer
are rewritten under under an adaptive observer form showing
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Systems and Control, Sousse, Tunisia, April 28-30, 2015
978-1-4799-8318-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 345
thereby that the observer design can be achieved using an
adaptive approach. Some concluding remarks are given in
section 7.
Throughout the paper, Ipand 0pdenote the p-dimensional
identity and zero matrices respectively, · denotes the
euclidian norm and λM(·)(resp. λm(·)) will be used to
denote the largest (resp. the smallest) eigenvalue of (·).
Consider the following class of MIMO dynamical systems:
˙x(t)=F(u, x)x(t)+Ψ(u, x)ρ+g(u, x)
F(u, x)=
0F1(u, x)0... ... 0
00F2(u, x)0... 0
0... ... 0Fq1(u, x)
0... ... 0
C=Ip0... 0(2)
where the state x(t)=(x1T... x
qT )TIR n,xk
IR p,ρRmis a constant vector with real compo-
nents ρiIR; each Fk(u, x)is a p×psquare matrix
which is triangular with respect to xi.e. Fk(u, x)=
F(u, x1,...,x
k)for k=1,...,q 1,uUa compact
set of IRsand yRpare respectively the input and
the output of the system; gis a nonlinear vector func-
tion that has a triangular structure with respect to x,i.e.
g(u, x)=g1T(u, x1)g2T(u, x1,x
2)... g
qT (u, x)T,Ψ(u, x)=
1(u, x
2(u, x)... Ψm(u, x)) is a nonlinear matrix func-
tion of dimension n×meach column of which is a vector
function, Ψj(u, x), with a triangular structure with respect
to xi.e. Ψj(u, x)=Ψ1T
j(u, x1
j(u, x1,x
2)... ΨqT
j(u, x)T
for j=1,...,m. Finally, Ψo(u)is a p×mmatrix which
entries are continuous with respect to u.
When each matrix Fkis equal to the identity matrix Ipand
the parameter vector ρis known, system (1) belongs to the
class of systems considered in [11] which characterizes a
subclass of systems which are observable for any input and
for which the authors proposed a high gain observer with a
constant gain. A similar class of systems has been considered
in [8] where the matrices Fkare reduced to positive bounded
real-valued functions and for which a high gain observer
with a time-varying gain issued from the resolution a Riccatti
Ordinary Differential Equation (RODE) has been proposed.
In the next sections, we shall consider two situations de-
pending on whether the vector of constant parameters ρis
known or not. In the first case, the objective is to design a
state observer for the on line estimation of the full state. In
the second case, we shall propose an extended high observer
for the or joint estimation of the state and the unknown
parameters. It is worth mentioning that an adaptive observer
has been proposed in [19] for class of systems (1) with
Fk(u, x)=Ipfork=1,...,q1and Ψ(u, x)=0.
In this section, we suppose that the vector ρis known and the
objective is to design a state observer. For clarity purposes,
we set ϕ(u, x)=Ψ(u, x)ρ+g(u, x). Moreover, we shall
consider in this section that Ψo(u)=0without loss of
generality. Thus, the class of systems subject to the state
observer design can be written as follows
˙x(t)=F(u, x)x(t)+ϕ(u, x)
The observer design requires some assumptions that will
be stated later. Now standard high gain observer design
assumptions are provided.
A1 The state x(t)and the control u(t)are bounded, i.e.
x(t)Xand u(t)Uwhere XIR nand UIR sare
compacts sets.
A2 The function Fkand ϕare Lipschitz with respect to x
uniformly in uwhere (u, x)U×X. Their Lipschitz
constants will be denoted by LFand Lϕ, respectively.
Since the state is confined to the bounded set X, one can
assume that Lipschitz prolongations of the nonlinearities,
using smooth saturation functions, have been carried out
and that the functions Fkand ϕare provided from these
prolongations. This allows to conclude that for any bounded
input uU, the functions Fkand ϕare globally Lipschitz
with respect to xand are bounded for all xIR n(see [10]
and references therein for more details). We shall denote
throughout this paper by xMthe upper bound of xi.e.
Before providing our candidate observer, let us introduce
some useful notations and definitions related to high gain
observer design.
The diagonal matrix Δθdefined by:
Δθ=diag Ip,1/θIp,...,1q1Ip(5)
where θis a positive scalar. One can easily check that the
following identities hold:
ΔθF(u, x1
θ=θF(u, x),CΔ1
Now, let us consider the following dynamical system:
ˆx=F(u, ˆxx+ϕ(u, ˆx)θΔ1
where ˆx=(ˆx1T... ˆxqT )TIR nwith ˆxkIR p,uand y
are respectively the input and the output of system (3) and
Sis a square symmetric matrix governed by the following
Lyapunov ODE:
S(t)=θS(t)+FT(u, ˆx)S(t)+S(t)F(u, ˆx)CTC(8)
with S(0) = ST(0) >0and θ>0is a scalar design parameter.
Before adopting an additional hypothesis required for the
observer design, we define the following state transition
matrix Φ(t, τ ):
dt Φ(t, τ )=F(u(t),ˆx(t))Φ(t, τ )
Φ(τ, τ)=In
where uis the input of system (3), ˆxis the state of the
dynamical system (7) and Fis defined as in (2).
One will show that the dynamical system (7) is actually
a state observer provided that the following assumption is
[A3] The input uis such that for any trajectory ˆxof system
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(7) starting from ˆx(0) X, the following persistent excitation
condition is satisfied [4]:
α0>0; θ0>0; θθ0;t1
ΦT(t, τ )CTCΦ(t, τ )α0
Such an assumption is crucial for the following result.
Theorem 3.1: Consider system (3) subject to assump-
tions A1 to A2. Then, for every bounded input satisfying
assumption A3, there exists a constant θ0such that for
every θ>θ
0, system (7) is a state observer for system
(3) with an exponential error convergence to the origin for
sufficiently high values of θ, i.e. for any initial conditions
(x(t0),ˆx(t0)) X2, the observation error ˆx(t)x(t)tends to
zero exponentially when t→∞.
Proof: By proceeding as in [4], one can show that the
matrix S(t)governed by (8) is SPD and is bounded below
by e1αoInwhere αois given by Assumption A3. Then,
taking into account the anti-shift structure of Fand the
particular structure of Cand from the fact that the matrices
Fkare upperly bounded, one can show recursively that
each (bloc) entry Sij of the matrix S, located at the row i
and the column j, is bounded and the corresponding upper
bound is independent of θ. The detailed proof is omitted
for the sake of space limitations.
Now, set ¯x
θ˜xwhere ˜x(t)=ˆxxis the observation error;
using the identities (6), one obtains:
¯x=θ(F(u, ˆx)S1CTCx
F(u, ˆx, x)x
ϕ(u, ˆx, x)) (11)
where ˜
F(u, ˆx, x)=F(u, ˆx)F(u, x)and ˜ϕ(u, ˆx, x)=
ϕ(u, ˆx)ϕ(u, x).
Let Vx(t)) = ¯xT(t)S(tx(t)be the Lyapunov candidate
function. Using (8), one gets:
=θV ¯xTCTC¯x+2¯xSΔθ˜
F(u, ˆx, x)xϕ(u, ˆx, x)(12)
Proceeding as in [10, 9], one can show that for θ1:
F(u, ˆx, x)x2n¯
xTSΔθ˜ϕ(u, ˆx, x)2n¯
where LFand Lϕare the respective Lipschitz constants of
Fand ϕas stated in assumption A2 and xMis the upper
bound of xgiven by (4).
Combining (12) with (13), one gets
V(t)≤−θV ¯xTCTC¯x+2
where c=2
nσ(S1)(LFxM+Lϕ). Now, it suffices to
choose θ=max(1,c). This ends the proof.
In this section, we shall assume that the vector of parameters
ρis unknown and our objective is to design an observer for
system (1) that allows a simultaneous estimation of the state
xand the parameters vector ρ. The observer design requires
the following assumptions:
A1The state x(t), the control u(t)and the unknown param-
eters ρare bounded, i.e. x(t)X,u(t)Uand ρΩ
where XIR n,UIR sand ΩIR mare compacts sets.
A2The matrix Ψ(u, x)is continuous on U×X.
A3The functions gand Ψare Lipschitz with respect to x
uniformly in uwhere (u, x)U×X. Their Lipschitz
constants will be denoted by Lgand LΨ, respectively.
As in the case where the vector ρis known and since the
state is confined to the bounded set X, one can assume that
Lipschitz prolongations of the nonlinearities, using smooth
saturation functions, have been carried out and that the
functions gand ψare provided from these prolongations.
This allows to conclude that for any bounded input uU,
the functions gand Ψare globally Lipschitz with respect to
xand are bounded for all xIR n(see [10] and references
therein for more details). We shall denote throughout this
paper by ΨMand ρMthe upper bounds of Ψ(t)and ρ,
respectively i.e.
The bound of state still be denoted by xMas in the
previous section.
We now define the characteristic indices associated to the
unknown parameters. These definitions extend those given
in [9] where the expression of the output did not depend on
the unknown parameters. Indeed, one associates to to each
unknown parameter ρja characteristic index, denoted νj
which is defined as follows. If the expression of the output
ydepends on the parameter ρj,thenνj=0.Otherwise,
the characteristic index νjis equal to the smallest positive
integer ksuch that ˙xk
p×1. That is, one has ˙xk
for k=1,...,ν
j1and ˙xνj
Let Ψk
j(u, x)(resp. Ψ0
j(u))bethe(p×1column sub-vector)
entry located at the (bloc) row kand column jof the matrix
Ψ(u, x)(resp. of the matrix Ψo(u)). According to system (1)
and from the definition of the characteristic indices, one has
j(u)and ˙xk
j(u, x). Thus, the entries of the
matrix Ψ(u, x)satisfy the following properties
j(u, x)=0
p×1if 1kνj1and Ψνj
j(u, x)=0
Now, let Ωθbe the following m×mdiagonal matrix
Ωθ=diag 1
θν2,..., 1
and set Γ(u, x)Δ
θΨ(u, x1
θ. According to the structures
of Δθand Ωθrespectively given by (5) and (17), one has
j(u, x)=θ(k1)Ψk
j(u, x)θνj=θνjk+1Ψk
j(u, x)and hence,
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one can check that the matrix Γ(u, x)can be decomposed
as follows
ΔθΨ(u, x1
θ=θG(u, x)+Ru, x, 1
where G(u, x)and Ru, x, 1
θare n×mrectangular matrices
whose respective entries Gk
j(u, x)and Rk
ju, x, 1
θ,for(k, j)
[1,q]×[1,m], are defined as follows:
j(u, x)=0if k=νjand Gνj
j(u, x)=Ψ
j(u, x)(19)
j(u, x, 1
θ)=0if kνjand
ju, x, 1
j(u, x)otherwise
Notice that the matrix G(u, x)does not depend on the
parameter θand moreover this parameter appears with non
positive powers in the entries of the matrix Ru, x, 1
θ. Hence,
from the definition of Gand Rgiven above, the following
properties hold:
ΔθG(u, x1
θ=θG(u, x)and R1
ju, x, 1
for j =1,...,m (20)
Similarly, one can check that:
Indeed, the j’th column of the matrix Ψo(u1
θis equal
to Ψ0
j(u)θνj. This column is equal to zero if Ψ0
Otherwise, the expression of ydepends on ρjand νj=0
(θνj=1); so we get Ψ0
In the following, we shall propose a high gain observer
which performs simultaneous estimation of the state and
unknown parameters thanks to augmentation of the system
model by the unknown parameter dynamics using the
following definitions and notations.
Let A(u, x)and C(u)be the following (n+m)×(n+m)and
A(u, x)=F(u, x)G(u, x)
0m×n0m×m,C(u)=(CΨo(u)) (22)
where F(u, x),C and G(u, x)are defined by (2) and (19),
Let Λθbe the following (bloc) diagonal matrix:
where Δθand Ωθare given by (5) and (17), respectively.
Let S(t)=S1(t)S2(t)
2(t)S3(t)where S1(t)and S3(t)are
square symmetric matrices of dimensions n×nand m×m,
respectively and S2(t)is a n×mrectangular matrix, be the
symmetric matrix solution of the following Lyapunov ODE
S(t)=θS+AT(u, ˆx)S+SA(u, ˆx)−CT(u)C(u)(24)
with S(0) = ST(0) >0where A(·)and Care given by (22).
The following dynamical system is a suitable candidate for
the extended observer as it will be shown later.
+Ψ(u(t),ˆx(t)) ˆρ+g(u(t),ˆx(t))
where ˆxIR n,ˆρIR m,uand yare respectively the input and
the output of system (1), S,A, C ,Cand Λθ, are respectively
given by (24), (2), (22) and (23).
Before giving our main result, we need the following
additional assumptions:
A4The input uof system (1) is such that the persistent
condition given by (10) is satisfied where ˆxinvolved in
(9) is the state of system (25).
A5Let Υ(t)be the time-varying matrix governed by the
following ODE:
Υ(t)=θ(F(u, ˆx)S1
+G(u, ˆx)S1
The input uis such that for any trajectory ˆxof system
(25) starting from ˆx(0) X, the matrix (CΥ(t)+Ψ
is persistently exciting in the following sense
δo>0; θ1>0; θθ1;t1
ΓT(τ)Γ(τ)δoImwith Γ(τ)=CΥ(τ)+Ψ
The dynamical system (25) is actually an observer for
system (1) as pointed out by the following fundamental
Theorem 4.1: Consider system (1) subject to
assumptions A1to A3. Then, for every bounded input
satisfying assumptions A4and A5, there exists a constant
θ0such that for every θ>θ
0, system (25) is an observer
for system (1) with an exponential error convergence to the
origin for sufficiently high values of θ, i.e. for any initial
conditions (x(t0),ˆx(t0)) X2,(ρ, ˆρ(t0)) Ω2, the errors,
ˆx(t)x(t)and ˆρ(t)ρtend to zero exponentially when t→∞.
Proof of Theorem 4.1: Before giving the main outlines of
this proof, we shall put forward some properties that shall
be used throughout the proof.
The matrix Υ(t)is bounded and its corresponding upper
bound does not depend on θ. Indeed, set ¯
one has
Since the matrix AS1CTCis Hurwitz and F(u, ˆx)
is bounded with bounds independent of θ, one naturally
concludes that ¯
Υ(t)is bounded with an upper bound inde-
pendent of θ.
It should be emphasized that the persistent excitation con-
dition given by Assumption A5is not made on the system
but on the observer since the latter provides the estimate of
the unknown state. This makes it possible to check this as-
sumption on-line by simply computing the eigenvalues of the
symmetric matrix t
o(u)) ds.
The matrix P(t)governed by the Ordinary Differential
Equation (ODE) (7) is SPD and bounded. Moreover, its
eigenvalues are independent of θ. Indeed, let M(t)be a
symmetric m×mmatrix governed by the following ODE:
M=θM +θΥTCTCΥwith M(0) = MT(0) >0
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one has:
M(t)=eθtM(0) + θt
eθ(tτ)ΥT(τ)CTCΥ(τ)for t1
e1δoImaccording to A4 (28)
Hence M(t)isSPDandsoisM1(t). Besides, it is easy
to check that M1satisfies the same differential equation as
P(t)and as result P(t)is SPD and one has P1(t)=M(t)
as soon as P1(0) = M(0).
Let us show that under assumption A4and A5, the symmet-
ric matrix S(t)solution of the Lypunov ODE (24) is positive
definite and bounded from below and above with bounds that
are independent of θ. Indeed, from (24), one has:
S1(t)=θS1(t)+FT(u, ˆx)S1(t)+S1(t)F(u, ˆx)CTC(29)
S2(t)=θS2(t)+FT(u, ˆx)S2(t)+S1(t)G(u, ˆx)CTΨ0(30)
S3(t)= θS3(t)GT(u, ˆx)S3(t)+S3(t)G(u, ˆx)
One notes that the matrix S1(t)satisfies the same ODE as
S(t)(compare equations (29) and (8)) with the difference
that ˆxis the state of system (7) for Swhereas it corresponds
to the sub-state of system (25) when dealing with S1. Thus,
using the same reasoning as for S, it is straighforward that
under assumption A4, the matrix S1(t)is symmetric pos-
itive definite. Let us denote by X(t)the Schur complement
of S1(t)in S(t),thatis:
Since S1(t)is SPD, a necessary and sufficient condition for
S(t)to be SPD is that the Schur Complement X(t)is also
SPD [18]. So, let us derive the first time derivative of X(t).
Indeed, from (29), (30) and (31), one can show that:
dt X(t)= θX(t)+CS1
o(u) (33)
Now, one can show that S1
1(t)S2(t)=Υ(t)for all
t0as soon as the initial conditions are chosen such
that S1
1(0)S2(0) = Υ(0), the matrix Υ(t)being the matrix
introduced by Assumption A5. To this end, one can show
that the matrix S1
1(t)S2(t)satisfies the same ODE as Υ(t).
For writing convenience, the variable tshall be omitted. One
dt S1
1S2=θF(u, ˆx)S1
+θG(u, ˆx)CTΨ0(u)
It is clear by comparing equations (26) and (34) that Υand
1S2satisfies the same ODE. As a result, the ODE (33)
that governs the dynamics of Xcan be written as follows:
X(t)= θX(t)+(CΥ(t)+Ψ
Now, according to assumption A5, the matrix
o(u)) is persistently exciting. Moreover,
since S(0) is SPD, it’s the same for X(0). These facts
imply the positive definiteness of the matrix X(t)(see e.g.
[20]). Moreover, the smallest and largest eigenvalues of
X(t)do not depend on the design parameter θ[9].
Let us now prove the exponential convergence to zero of the
observation error related to the observer (25).
Set ˜xxxand ˜ρρρ. From (1) and (25), one gets
o(uρ(t)) (35)
We now introduce the following change of coordinates:
θ˜xand ¯ρ
θρ. One gets:
Using the decomposition of ΔθΨ(u(t),ˆx(t))Ω1
θunder the
form (18), and the identity (21), one gets
θ(F(u, ˆxx+G(u, ˆx)) ¯ρ+R(u, ˆx, 1ρ
Ψ(u, ˆx, x)ρg(u, ˆx, x)
In order to rewrite the error equation (38) in a condensed
form, we introduce the following variable ξ=¯x
Indeed, equation (38) can be rewritten as follows:
ξ(t)=θA(u(t),ˆx(t))ξ(t)+G(u(t),ˆx(t),x(t),¯ρ, ρ, 1)
G(u(t),ˆx, x, ¯ρ, ρ, 1)=
R(u, ˆx, 1ρ
Ψ(u, ˆx, x)ρg(u, ˆx, x)
Let us now consider the following candidate Lyapunov
function: V(ξ)=ξTSξwhere Sis the SPD matrix given by
(24). Then, one has
ξ=θV (ξ)2θξTCTCξ
+2ξTSG(u(t),ˆx(t),x(t),¯ρ, ρ, 1)(39)
Proceeding as in [9], one can show that for θ1:
Δθ˜g(u(t),ˆx(t),x(t)) nLg¯x≤nLgξ
The above inequalities lead to
2ξTSG(u(t),ˆx(t),x(t),¯ρ, ρ, 1)
with θ=2
From (39) and (40), one gets: ˙
V(ξ)≤−(θθ)ξ.Now, it
suffices to take θ>θ
. This ends the proof.
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Let P(t)=X1(t)where X(t)is the Shur complement of
S1(t)in Sand is governed by the ODE (34). Then, the SPD
matrix S(t)can be decomposed under the following form
which puts forward the Schur complement of the invertible
matrix S1in S:
1S2 InS1
0P1 InΥ
From the above decomposition, one can easily compute the
inverse of S(t)which indeed can be explained as follows:
0Im S1
0P In0
The gain S1(t)C(u)can then be obtained:
According to the developments detailed in the previous
section, the extended high gain observer (25) can be written
as follows:
ˆx(t)=F(u, ˆxx+g(u, ˆx)+Ψ(u, ˆxρ(t)
S1(t)=θS1+FT(u, ˆx)S1+S1F(u, ˆx)CTC
with S1(0) = ST
1(0) >0
Υ(t)=θ(F(u, ˆx)S1
1CTC)Υ + G(u, ˆx)
P(t)=θP (CΥ(t)+Ψ
o(u)) P
+θP with P(0) = PT(0) >0
Notice that in the case where Ψo(u)=0and
Fk(u, x)=Ip,k=1,...,q, system (1) as well as the
observer (44) become identical to the class of system and
associated observer considered in [9], respectively.
An extended high gain observer has been proposed for
a nonlinear class of systems to jointly estimate the state
and some unknown parameters. The design of this observer
is achieved thanks to the notion of characteristic indices
associated to the unknown parameters using the augment-
ed model approach. Besides a comprehensive convergence
analysis of the proposed observer, it has been shown that the
equations of the provided extended high gain observer can be
written under an adquate form to recover the the equations
of available adaptive observers that haven been proposed for
systems belonging to the considered class of systems. This
approach equivalence allows to get insights on the persistent
excitation requirement.
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... It is assumed that there exists a maximum value of the sampling rate denoted as Δ max > 0 such that 0 < Δ m < Δ max , ∀k ≥ 0, Δ max . Now, some assumptions are provided (see [31,32]): ...
... Thus, a specific excitation is usually required for this kind of systems, it is called local regularity. Regularity qualifies the behaviour of the input for small times [32]. To adopt an additional hypothesis required for the observer design, the following definitions are given. ...
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This paper presents a new approach of the continuous‐discrete observer design for a class of uncertain state‐affine non‐linear systems. A high‐gain observer redesign is developed and analysed under insightful conditions. The proposed observer estimates the state vector by using system output measurements with long sampling times. This result is achieved by considering a persistent excitation condition that can be validated online. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated under time‐varying sampled measurements to estimate the friction factor of a pipeline where the case of noisy sampled output measurements is also considered.
... This approach estimates the nonlinear function instead of using nominal values so that the observer results could be improved. For the last few years, this approach is being used for disturbance rejection, tracking, and state reconstruction of nonlinear systems [5][6][7][8][9]. In more recent work, EHGO is used as disturbance estimator for different applications [10]. ...
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This paper explores alternative design approaches for sampled data extended order observer. After a brief and necessary review of continuous time Extended order High gain observer (EHGO), two alternative sampled data control approaches are being examined, i.e. approximate discrete equivalent system model and emulation. Extended order observer (EHGO) is designed using both aforementioned techniques. Performance of sampled data extended order observer is analysed by using it in a close loop for above mention approaches.
... Moreover, the class of systems has to satisfy the following usual assumptions for high gain observer designs (see [7] and [12]): A1 The state x(t) and the control u(t) are bounded, i.e., x(t) ∈ X and u(t) ∈ U , where X ⊂ R n and U ⊂ R s are compacts sets. A2 The functions A(u(t), x(t)) and ϕ (u(t), x(t)) are Lipschitz w.r.t. ...
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This paper investigates the observation problem for a class of MIMO non uniformly observable systems in the presence of sampled and delayed outputs. A high gain observer is first designed for the delay-free and continuous output measurement case. The observer gain involves the resolution of an appropriate Lyapunov differential equation allowing to show that the underlying observation error converges exponentially to zero under a well defined persistent excitation condition. This observer is then redesigned to cope with the output sampling process as well as the output delay thanks to an appropriate cascade structure composed of a set of dynamical subsystems. The first subsystem in the cascade is an impulsive continuous–discrete time observer which provides the estimation of the delayed state and each remaining subsystem in the cascade is a predictor which estimates the state over a small horizon equal to a fraction of the time delay in such a way that the state of the last predictor is an estimate of the system actual state. The exponential convergence to zero of the observation error related to the cascade observer is established for arbitrarily long delays provided that the maximum value of the sampling partition diameter is lower than a certain given bound. Simulations results are given to highlight the performance and the main properties of the proposed cascade observer.
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We study output reference tracking of systems with high relative degree via output feedback only; this is, tracking where the output derivatives are unknown. To this end, we prove that the conjunction of the funnel pre-compensator with a minimum phase system of arbitrary relative degree yields a system of the same relative degree which is minimum phase as well. The error between the original system’s output and the pre-compensator’s output evolves within a prescribed performance funnel; moreover, the derivatives of the funnel pre-compensator’s output are known explicitly. Therefore, output reference tracking with prescribed transient behaviour of the tracking error is possible without knowledge of the derivatives of the original system’s output; via funnel control schemes for instance.
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This paper deals with the observability analysis and the observer synthesis of a class of nonlinear systems. In the single output case, it is known (4{6) that systems which are observable independently of the inputs, admit an observable canonical form. These systems are called uniformly observable systems. Moreover, a high gain observer for these systems can be designed on the basis of this canonical form. In this paper, we extend the above results to multi-output uniformly observable systems. Corresponding canonical forms are presented and sucient conditions which permit the design of constant and high gain observers for these systems are given. Mathematics Subject Classication. 37N35, 93Bxx.
We describe an adaptive observer/identifier for single input single output observable nonlinear systems that can be transformed to a certain observable canonical form. We provide sufficient conditions for stability of this observer. These condi tions are in terms of the structure of the system and its canoni cal form, the boundedness of the parameter variations and the sufficient richness of some signals. We motivate the scope of our canonical form and the use of our observer/identifier by presenting applications to a number of nonlinear systems. In each case we present the specific stability conditions.
Conference Paper
In this paper, one aims at addressing the adaptive observer design for a class of multivariable nonlinear systems with Lipschitz nonlinearities. Two adaptive observers have been derived using two different approaches issued from an overview of the available adaptive observer design literature. The first one is a natural extension of a recently proposed adaptive observer for single output systems, while the second one has been derived bearing in mind the fact that an adaptive observer can be derived using a high gain state observer design approach based on an augmented system model accounting for the unknown parameter dynamics. Both observers are shown to be equivalent in the sens that they are governed by the same equations and the underlying exponential convergences of state observation and parameter estimation errors are insured under the the same persistent excitation condition.
In this paper, we propose an adaptive observer for a class of uniformly observable nonlinear systems with nonlinear parametrization and sampled outputs. A high gain adaptive observer is first designed under the assumption that the output is continuously measured and its exponential convergence is investigated, thanks to a well defined persistent excitation condition. Then, we address the case where the output is available only at (non uniformly spaced) sampling instants. To this end, the continuous-time output observer is redesigned leading to an impulsive observer with a corrective term involving instantaneous state impulses corresponding to the measured samples and their estimates. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed impulsive observer can be put under the form of a hybrid system composed of a continuous-time observer coupled with an inter-sample output predictor. Two design features are worth to be emphasized. Firstly, the observer calibration is achieved through the tuning of a scalar design parameter. Secondly, the exponential convergence to zero of the observation and parameter estimation errors is established under a well defined condition on the maximum value of the sampling partition diameter. More specifically, the observer design is firstly carried out in the case of linear parametrization before being extended to the nonlinear one. The theoretical results are corroborated through simulation results involving a typical bioreactor.
This paper concerns adaptive estimation of dynamic systems which are nonlinearly parameterized. A majority of adaptive algorithms employ a gradient approach to determine the direction of adjustment, which ensures stable estimation when parameters occur linearly. These algorithms, however, do not suffice for estimation in systems with nonlinear parameterization. We introduce in this paper a new algorithm for such systems and show that it leads to globally stable estimation by employing a different regression vector and selecting a suitable step size. Both concave/convex parameterizations as well as general nonlinear parameterizations are considered. Stable estimation in the presence of both nonlinear parameters and linear parameters which may appear multiplicatively is established. For the case of concave/convex parameterizations, parameter convergence is shown to result under certain conditions of persistent excitation.
In this paper, the problem of adaptive observer design for the class of state affine systems is discussed. The discussion is based on recent results on adaptive observer with exponential rate of convergence obtained for multi-input–multi-output linear time varying systems on the one hand, and the well-known Kalman-like design for state affine systems on the other. In particular the relationship between both designs is emphasized, showing how they can even be equivalent. The interest of such an adaptive observer for state affine systems is illustrated by the example of state and parameter estimation for the Lorenz chaotic system. The observer performances are illustrated via simulation.
Motivated by constant parameter estimation in nonlinear models, as well as state observation in dynamical systems, an adaptive observer is proposed for a class of nonlinear systems linearly depending on unknown parameters. This observer is derived from the well-known high-gain nonlinear design on the one hand, and an adaptive linear one on the other hand, on the basis of previous results in that direction (Xu, 2002). Global exponential convergence is shown under appropriate excitation conditions, and the results are illustrated by simulations. Copyright c 2002 IFAC.
Based on the techniques of high gain observer and adaptive estimation, an adaptive observer is proposed in this paper for sensor fault estimation in a class of uniformly observable non-linear systems. It is first assumed that a high gain observer exists for the fault-free system. With a parametric model of sensor fault, a high gain adaptive observer is then designed for sensor fault estimation. In order to establish the global convergence of the adaptive observer, in addition to the usual conditions for high gain observer convergence, a persistent excitation condition is also required, like in most recursive parameter estimation problems.