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Magnetic Microrobots: Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic Microrobots for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture and Targeted Transportation (Adv. Mater. 41/2013)

Advanced Materials

Abstract and Figures

Magnetically manipulated microrobots are demonstrated by H. Choi, B. J. Nelson and co-workers on page 5863 for targeted multi-cell transportation. Fully 3D porous structures are fabricated with a photocurable polymer using a 3D laser lithography system. The structures are coated with nickel for magnetic actuation, and with titanium to ensure biocompatibility for possible in vivo applications. The fabricated microrobots are controlled in the fluid by external magnetic fields. Multiple cells are cultivated in the microrobot to show the possibility for targeted cell transportation.
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© 2013 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 5863
Sangwon Kim , Famin Qiu , Samhwan Kim , Ali Ghanbari , Cheil Moon , Li Zhang ,
Bradley J. Nelson , * and Hongsoo Choi *
Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetic Microrobots
for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture and
Targeted Transportation
S. Kim, Dr. A. Ghanbari, Prof. B. J. Nelson, Prof. H. Choi
Robotics Engineering Department
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and
Technology (DGIST),
711-873, Daegu, South Korea
F. Qiu, Prof. B. J. Nelson
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems
ETH Zurich, Zurich
CH-8092, Switzerland
S. Kim, Prof. C. Moon
Brain Science Department
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
711-873, Daegu, South Korea
Prof. L. Zhang
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR, China
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Licence, which permits use and
distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited,
the use is non-commercial and no modifi cations or adaptations are made.
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201301484
Medical microrobots are being widely studied for specifi c appli-
cations, such as targeted drug delivery, biopsy, hyperthermia,
radioactive therapy, scaffolding, in-vivo ablation, stenting,
sensing, and marking.
[ 1 ] These operations can be carried out
with microrobots that offer a minimally invasive, accurately
targeted, localized therapy via wireless intervention, such as
magnetic fi elds.
[ 2–5 ] Numerous studies have examined the bio-
medical applications of magnetic actuation. Magnetic tubes
and rotors have been developed for sensitive engines and fl uid
mixers driven by magnetic actuation.
[ 6–9 ] Among the various
applications proposed for medical micro-devices, targeted drug
delivery and micro-object transportation can be implemented
using biocompatible and magnetically actuated agents. In pre-
vious studies, nanoparticles, magnetic particles, and nickel
nanowires have been used as platforms for drug delivery.
[ 10–13 ]
Helical and tubular lipid microstructures were developed as
drug delivery platforms to overcome problems such as the poor
loading capacity and propulsion effi ciency.
[ 14 ] For helical micro-
[ 15–20 ] rotational motion induces translational velocity,
which is one of the most effective propulsion methods in the
low Reynolds number regime.
[ 21–24 ] To transport cells using
magnetically actuated helical swimmers, a magnetized polymer
helix, equipped with a cell gripper, is controlled by external
magnetic fi elds.
[ 20 ] These helical microrobots have been used to
transport a single microsphere in three dimensions. The micro-
robots were coated with a thin titanium (Ti) layer for better
biocompatibility and affi nity with the cells; this was confi rmed
by culturing cells on the helical microrobots. Similarly, micro-
spheres can be transported in the fl owing streams of micro-
uidic channels, which enable the microrobots to swim in the
dynamic fl ow in the microfl uidic channel.
[ 25 ]
This paper reports the fabrication and characterization of
three-dimensional (3D) porous micro-niches as a transporter
using a photocurable polymer. The structures were coated with
nickel (Ni) for magnetic actuation, and with Ti to ensure bio-
compatibility for possible in-vivo applications. The fabricated
microrobots were rotated wirelessly and translated using a
magnetic manipulator. Translational velocities were measured
experimentally for different magnetic fi eld gradients in the hor-
izontal direction when the microrobots were aligned in vertical
direction. Complex manipulations were also demonstrated by
synchronized swimming and targeted tracking. Human embry-
onic kidney (HEK) 293 cells were cultured with the microrobot
to demonstrate the feasibility of using microrobots as multi-
cell transporters. Compared with previous microrobotic cargo
devices, a well-defi ned 3D porous structure was used to culture
multiple cells inside a structure with a customized pore size. A
microrobot containing cells inside can be controlled magneti-
cally in body fl uids such as blood, urine, cerebrospinal fl uid,
or vitreous humor, to transport the cells to a target position in
the body.
A scaffold is a porous 3D structure that is used for cell
adhesion and mechanical support for tissue and organ regen-
[ 26–29 ] A 3D cell culture is important for sustaining the
structural and functional complexities of the cells, because
most in-vivo environments are 3D. Porous structures with
controllable porosity have benefi ts over scaffolds with random
pores, because they exhibit enhanced characteristics, such as
the ability to produce the proper nutrient supply, uniform cell
distribution, and high cell density.
Three-dimensional laser lithography offers excellent control
over the geometry and porosity of the sample, as well as high
resolution, and has been used recently to fabricate bio-scaf-
[ 30–33 ] In this technique, two laser beams are concentrated
to form a single ellipsoidal spot, which is used as a building
unit. The movement of a piezoelectric stage is controlled pre-
cisely to follow a pre-programmed path to partially expose the
photoresist. A full 3D structure can be produced after removing
the unexposed photoresist in a developer.
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 5863–5868
© 2013 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The proposed microrobots have been designed by
determing the lateral distances between adjacent lines and
the line width of the microrobots by considering the size
of cells that would be placed inside the structure (generally
10–20 μ m). The design parameters and their measured values
are shown in Table 1 . The optimum laser power, scan speed,
and slice distance between scanning processes were defi ned
by testing the sample structures (see Figure S1, Supporting
Information). The appropriate writing speed and laser power
for reasonable feature quality depends on the minimum
bands of the designed structures. An overview of the fabrica-
tion process and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images
of the fabricated microrobots are shown in Figure 1 . SU-8 was
used as a high contrast epoxy-based photoresist to provide the
mechanical stability required for complex, full 3D structures.
The fabricated structures were coated with Ni, which can be
magnetized and manipulated using magnetic fi elds. Finally,
the structures were coated with Ti, a non-toxic material, to
minimize cytotoxicity.
High saturation magnetization and low coercivity are
desired for microrobot movement. Figure 1 e shows the meas-
ured magnetization per unit volume for nickel using Physical
Property Measurement System (PPMS; Quantum Design,
US). The measured saturation magnetization per volume was
686 kA m
1 (686 emu cm
3 ) and the coercivity was 5 kA m
(62.83 Oe), which suggested that the deposited nickel has
a perfect ferromagnetic nature. The size of the microro-
bots affects their motion. Increasing the microrobot size
with a fi xed magnetic material volume would decrease the
velocity as the hydrodynamic drag force is increased. How-
ever, coating the structure with a greater volume of magnetic
material increases the driving force, while the drag force does
T a b l e 1 . Designed and measured microrobot sizes.
[ μ m]
I (I ) II (II ) III (III ) IV (IV )
Length 153.98 144.20 154.40 156.60
(b) (147.20) (157.40) (159.60)
Diameter 78.00 73.00 73.00 73.00
(81.02) (76.00) (76.00) (76.00)
Line width 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98
(5.08) (5.08) (5.08) (5.08)
Pore size 13.22 16.00 20.00 24.00
(10.20) (13.00) (17.00) (21.00)
(a) Each microrobot design has two shapes: cylindrical (I, II, III, and IV), and hexa-
hedral (I , II , III , and IV ). The diameter of the cylindrical shape of the microrobots
corresponds to the width or height of the hexahedral-shaped microrobots; (b) The
measured values for Type I were actually measured. The other values, Type I , II,
II , III, III , IV, and IV are the expected values based on the Type I measurement
(see Figure S2).
Figure 1 . a) Overview of the microrobot fabrication process. b) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the fabricated microrobots. c) Enlarged
SEM image of a cylindrical-shaped microrobot. d) Enlarged SEM image of a hexahedral-shaped microrobot. e) Magnetization of the microrobots per
unit volume of nickel.
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 5863–5868
© 2013 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
rotational motion (see Videos S1 and S2, Supporting Infor-
mation). The microrobots were controlled along complicated
trajectory lines to demonstrate synchronized swimming and
targeted control behaviors, as shown in Figures 2 e and f (see
Videos S3 and S4).
There are two resistive forces working against the motion of
the microrobot: the drag force and surface friction. For manipu-
lation, the input magnetic force must overcome these resistive
forces. A magnetic force in the z -direction was also required to
compensate for the weight of the microrobot. The translational
motion dynamics can be modeled as
where F m
is the magnetic force, F r
is the resistive force
(including the surface friction and drag force), F g
is the gravita-
tional force, m is the mass, and v is the translational velocity of
the microrobot.
The microrobot was aligned with the z -axis by applying
an external magnetic fi eld along the same axis, as shown in
Figure 2 a. Magnetic torque can be calculated using Equation (1)
for rotational motion of the cylindrical microrobot as depicted in
Figure 2b. The magnetic forces for the two types of microrobot
were calculated using Equation (2) , as shown in Figure 3 a. The
driving magnetic force is proportional to the external magnetic
eld gradient and volume of nickel. Figure 3 b shows the mean
value of the translational velocity of the microrobots from fi ve
trials as a function of the magnitude of the applied magnetic
eld gradient. When an external fi eld gradient of 800 mT m
was applied in the x- direction, the translational velocity of the
microrobot was approximately 50 μ m s 1 for the cylindrical
microrobot ( 1/3 body lengths per second). The results showed
not change signifi cantly. For example, doubling the magnetic
material thickness will roughly double the magnetic driving
force, while the drag force remains constant. A higher driving
force can also lead to better control over the microrobot. Rota-
tional and translational locomotion of the microrobot require a
magnetic torque and force on the magnetized structure.
[ 34–37 ]
The magnetic material on the surface of an anisotropic struc-
ture induces rotational motion, and the structure aligns with
the external magnetic fi eld ( B ) direction. Magnetic torque and
force can be calculated using the magnetic fi eld ( B ) and mag-
netic fi eld gradient ( B ) as follows:
Tm=VM×B (1)
Fm=V(M·∇)B (2)
where V is the volume of the magnetized object and M is the
uniform magnetization of the magnetic material.
The microrobot was manipulated using a customized mag-
netic actuation system (Minimag; Aeon Scientifi c, Switzerland).
In this system, the magnetic fi eld was generated by the linear
superposition of individual fi elds from eight coils carrying dif-
ferent currents.
[ 38 ] The microrobot was controlled in deionized
(DI) water in a plastic container, with fi ve degrees of freedom
(5-DOF): three translational ( x , y , and z ) and two rotational
(around the z - and x -axes) DOF. An external magnetic fi eld
was applied in the z -direction to align the principal axis of the
microrobot in the same direction, as shown in Figures 2 a and
c. Then, a gradient fi eld was used to translate the microrobot
along the x -axis direction. The maximum generated magnetic
eld was 800 mT m
1 . Figures 2 b and d show the rotation of
the microrobot with respect to the z- direction, with a rotation
frequency of 3 Hz. Figures 2 c and d show time-lapsed images
of the cylindrical microrobot undergoing translational and
Figure 2 . Schematic description of the a) translational motion and b) rotational motion of the cylindrical microrobot. Time-lapsed images of the
cylindrical microrobots c) translational motion (see Video S1) and d) rotational motion (see Video S2). e) Synchronized swimming with rolling motion
(see Video S3). f) Targeted control with rotational motion (see Video S4).
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 5863–5868
© 2013 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
hexahedral microrobot for the same magnetic fi eld gradient.
For the hexahedral microrobot, a nonlinear relationship was
evident between the translational velocity and the magnetic
eld gradient; this could be attributed to the nonlinear char-
acteristics of the velocity and resistive force. Since the drag
force is linear with respect to the velocity, the friction force
plays a greater role in the nonlinear character of the hexahe-
dral microrobot.
The surface area of the hexahedral microrobot was larger
than that of the cylindrical microrobot. Since Ni was deposited
uniformly on the surfaces of both microrobots, the hexahedral
microrobot had a larger volume of nickel. Therefore, the mag-
netic moment of the hexahedral microrobot was greater than
that of the cylindrical microrobot, which implies that a greater
magnetic force needed to be applied to the hexahedral micro-
robot for a specifi c magnetic fi eld gradient ( Equation (2) and
Figure 3 a). However, the hexahedral microrobot exhibited a
lower translational velocity, which might have been caused by
a higher resistive force. Therefore, the cylindrical microrobot
design is favorable for minimizing the resistive force against
In this study, HEK 293 cells were cultured inside porous
[ 39 ] Figure 4 shows SEM and confocal microscopy
images of the microrobots. The HEK 293 cells were affi xed
using paraformaldehyde solution, before SEM inspection, after
96 h of cell culture. Filopodia formed during cell migration, as
depicted in the enlarged SEM image (Figure 4 b), which indi-
cates that the cells interacted with the microrobots. The micro-
robots were coated with poly-
L -lysine (PLL) before cell culture.
PLL is a synthetic amino acid chain that is positively charged
and used widely as a coating material to enhance cell attach-
ment. In addition, PLL does not react in the staining assay.
Since the cell surfaces are negatively charged, cells attach to
the PLL via ionic bonding. Since PLL is a synthetic molecule,
it does not stimulate cells cultured on it biologically. There-
fore, we can consider the microrobot as a supporting structure
and PLL simply as a linking material for cells.
[ 40 ] The results
revealed that the microrobot material was not cytotoxic to the
myoblasts, as indicated by the ease in adhesion, migration,
and proliferation of the cells over the structure. The confocal
microscopy images were obtained after staining the cells inside
the microrobots.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated multifunctional micro-
robots for targeted cell delivery using 3D laser lithography. The
microrobots were coated with Ni and Ti layers as magnetic and
biocompatible materials, respectively. The fabricated porous 3D
structures were used for 3D cell cultures of HEK 293 cells. The
microrobots were controlled in a magnetic fi eld for targeted
transportation. The materials used for the structures were not
cytotoxic to myoblasts, as the cells readily adhered, migrated,
and proliferated over the structure. The optimum fabrication
parameters, established for the proposed microrobot structures,
can be easily customized for different cell types. Microrobots
with cylindrical and hexahedral shapes were manipulated in
DI water by applying an external magnetic fi eld gradient in
the x- direction when they were aligned with the z -axis. We
also have demonstrated more complicated trajectories of these
microrobots with the manipulator. This work has disclosed
the feasibility of the proposed porous microrobot as a 3D cell
a linear dependence of the required magnetic fi eld gradient on
the translational velocity for the cylindrical-shaped microrobots.
However, for the hexahedral-shaped microrobots, the relation-
ship between the translational velocity and input force was
Since the Reynolds number was low under these experi-
mental conditions, we could consider the microrobot motion
to be quasi-static. For constant velocity motion in the x- direc-
tion, from Equation (3) , the magnetic and resistive forces are
balanced and there is no gravitational force in the horizontal
direction. The resistive force consists of the drag and friction
forces. The drag force is linearly dependent on the microrobot
velocity in a low-Reynolds number fl ow. Figure 3 b indicates
that a cylindrical microrobot has a higher velocity than a
Figure 3 . a) Calculated magnetic force on the microrobots, along with
their volume of nickel and magnetic fi eld gradient. b) Translational
velocity of the cylindrical and hexahedral microrobots in the x- direction
as a function of the applied magnetic fi eld gradient. The microrobots
were aligned with the z- direction. (Note that these data correspond to
Figures 2 a and c for the cylindrical robot.)
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 5863–5868
© 2013 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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design, Simone Schuerle (ETH Zurich) for technical support with
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Note: The license of this manuscript was updated after initial online
Received: April 3, 2013
Revised: May 28, 2013
Published online: July 17, 2013
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Experimental Section
Microrobot fabrication : A 3 cm glass wafer was cleaned in an
ultrasonic bath, using isopropyl alcohol (IPA) to remove any residual
dust or organics. SU-8 (1.25 mL NANO SU-8 100, MicroChem, US) was
spin-coated onto the glass wafer in two steps: 500 rpm for 10 s with a
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1 , and 1000 rpm for 30 s with a speed ramp
of 300 rpm s
1 . This produced a 100 μ m-thick layer of SU-8 on the glass
wafer surface. Then, the substrate was baked using a two-step process
at 65 ° C for 10 min, followed by 95 ° C for 30 min. Then, the substrate
was cooled to room temperature for 10 min. Two-photon polymerization
(TPP) and 3D laser lithography were conducted to polymerize the
designed structures partially, followed by a pre-development bake at
65 ° C for 1 min and a 95 ° C bake for 10 min. After cooling the substrate,
mr-Dev 600 (micro resist technology GmbH, Germany) was used to
develop the SU-8 for 20 min. To deposit a Ni/Ti bilayer on the polymer
microrobots, 150 nm of Ni was deposited as a magnetic material using
e-beam evaporation; the chuck was rotated and tilted to reduce the
shadowing effect. This was followed by deposition of a 20 nm-thick layer
of Ti to provide biocompatibility.
Supporting Information
Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
from the author.
We thank the FIRST lab of ETH Zurich for technical support. The authors
are also grateful to Junman Lee (DGIST) for help with the microrobot
Figure 4 . a) SEM image of a hexahedral microrobot after cell culture and b) an enlarged SEM image. Filopodia are clearly shown in this enlarged image.
Confocal microscope images of the c) hexahedral and d) cylindrical microrobots after staining of the cells.
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 5863–5868
© 2013 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 5863–5868
... (e.g., lithography methods 31,32 , deposition techniques using electrochemistry [33][34][35] or physical vapors 36,37 , assembly techniques 38 , rolled-up technology 39 , electroless plating 40 , and strain engineering method 41 ), 3D printing technologies offer a relatively cost-efficient process with rapid turn-around intervals between design modifications. Besides, a wide range of materials can be 3D printed, including metals 42,43 , polymers (e.g., plastics and hydrogels) [44][45][46][47][48][49] , bioinks (i.e., biocompatible materials with/without embedded cells) [50][51][52] , and composites [53][54][55] . ...
... Water pollution endangers public healthcare globally, as polluted water is the birthplace of many illnesses 132 . Untethered microdevices 31,133 have been introduced as possible movable environmental micro cleaners for detoxification of dangerous bacteria, viruses, or protozoa and elimination of toxic chemicals, having the ability to swim in difficult-to-access areas (e.g., pipes or conductions) 134 . A shortcoming of these devices is the fact that most of them cannot be reused. ...
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Microrobots have attracted the attention of scientists owing to their unique features to accomplish tasks in hard-to-reach sites in the human body. Microrobots can be precisely actuated and maneuvered individually or in a swarm for cargo delivery, sampling, surgery, and imaging applications. In addition, microrobots have found applications in the environmental sector (e.g., water treatment). Besides, recent advancements of three-dimensional (3D) printers have enabled the high-resolution fabrication of microrobots with a faster design-production turnaround time for users with limited micromanufacturing skills. Here, the latest end applications of 3D printed microrobots are reviewed (ranging from environmental to biomedical applications) along with a brief discussion over the feasible actuation methods (e.g., on- and off-board), and practical 3D printing technologies for microrobot fabrication. In addition, as a future perspective, we discussed the potential advantages of integration of microrobots with smart materials, and conceivable benefits of implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), as well as physical intelligence (PI). Moreover, in order to facilitate bench-to-bedside translation of microrobots, current challenges impeding clinical translation of microrobots are elaborated, including entry obstacles (e.g., immune system attacks) and cumbersome standard test procedures to ensure biocompatibility.
... We can ignore F drift given the static environment. As our simulation a scaffold-type MR that enhanced cell delivery 19 ; rotating magnetic fields were used to increase the propulsion speeds of helical [20][21][22][23] and rolling 24,25 MRs. An oscillating field was used for both collective and independent control of two-tailed soft MRs that responded to distinct actuation frequencies 26,27 . ...
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Magnetic microrobots have shown promise in the field of biomedical engineering, facilitating precise drug delivery, non-invasive diagnosis and cell-based therapy. Current techniques for controlling the motion of such microrobots rely on the assumption of homogenous magnetic fields and are significantly influenced by a microrobot’s properties and surrounding environment. These strategies lack a sense of generality and adaptability when changing the environment or microrobot and exhibit a moderate delay due to independent control of the electromagnetic actuation system and microrobot’s position. To address these issues, we propose a machine learning-based positional control of magnetic microrobots via gradient fields generated by electromagnetic coils. We use reinforcement learning and a gradual training approach to control the three-dimensional position of a microrobot within a defined working area by directly managing the coil currents. We develop a simulation environment for initial exploration to reduce the overall training time. After simulation training, the learning process is transferred to a physical electromagnetic actuation system that reflects real-world intricacies. We compare our method to conventional proportional-integral-derivative control; our system is more accurate and efficient. The proposed method was combined with path planning algorithms to allow fully autonomous control. The presented approach is an alternative to complex mathematical models, which are sensitive to variations in microrobot design, the environment and the nonlinearity of magnetic systems.
... 3D printing, which revolutionizes the engineering design and fabrication process [1][2][3][4][5] , is one of the most important inventions in the 20 th century. As the most effective 3D printing technique at the nanoscale, TPL has been used to create a variety of 3D nanostructures for applications in photonics 6,7 , robotics 8,9 , machine design 10,11 , biomimetic materials [12][13][14] , and metamaterials [15][16][17] etc. Conventionally, TPL creates structures of arbitrary shapes by serially scanning a focused femtosecond (fs) laser beam in liquid photo-resin. However, such approach is usually too slow for large-scale or practical applications, rendering TPL an exotic and expensive laboratory tool to produce microscale prototypes. ...
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There has been a compelling demand of fabricating high-resolution complex three-dimensional (3D) structures in nanotechnology. While two-photon lithography (TPL) largely satisfies the need since its introduction, its low writing speed and high cost make it impractical for many large-scale applications. We report a digital holography-based TPL platform that realizes parallel printing with up to 2000 individually programmable laser foci to fabricate complex 3D structures with 90 nm resolution. This effectively improves the fabrication rate to 2,000,000 voxels/sec. The promising result is enabled by the polymerization kinetics under a low-repetition-rate regenerative laser amplifier, where the smallest features are defined via a single laser pulse at 1 kHz. We have fabricated large-scale metastructures and optical devices of up to centimeter-scale to validate the predicted writing speed, resolution, and cost. The results confirm our method provides an effective solution for scaling up TPL for applications beyond laboratory prototyping.
... Interest in micron-scale robots (µbots) has grown exponentially in recent decades (Honda et al., 1996). Medical applications have been of particular interest, including drug delivery (Sitti et al., 2015;Troccaz and Bogue, 2008), biopsy (Bárcena et al., 2009), microsurgery (Guo and Pan, 2007), and cellular manipulation (Sakar et al., 2011;Jager et al., 2000;Kim et al., 2013;Steager et al., 2013). Despite these advances, there are numerous challenges associated with the control of µbots. ...
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Micron-scale robots (ubots) have recently shown great promise for emerging medical applications, and accurate control of ubots is a critical next step to deploying them in real systems. In this work, we develop the idea of a nonlinear mismatch controller to compensate for the mismatch between the disturbed unicycle model of a rolling ubot and trajectory data collected during an experiment. We exploit the differential flatness property of the rolling ubot model to generate a mapping from the desired state trajectory to nominal control actions. Due to model mismatch and parameter estimation error, the nominal control actions will not exactly reproduce the desired state trajectory. We employ a Gaussian Process (GP) to learn the model mismatch as a function of the desired control actions, and correct the nominal control actions using a least-squares optimization. We demonstrate the performance of our online learning algorithm in simulation, where we show that the model mismatch makes some desired states unreachable. Finally, we validate our approach in an experiment and show that the error metrics are reduced by up to 40%.
... Biocompatible polymers such as UV-curable hydrogels are frequently used to engineer the biomimetic ECM in vitro 6 . Consequently, a variety of three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting techniques, such as 3D laser lithography 7 , photomold patterning 8 , and digital light processing (DLP) 9 , have emerged. These bioprinting techniques mainly focus on the optimization of printing shape, which has achieved breakthrough progress in accurately reproducing the 3D morphology of native tissues. ...
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Engineered extracellular matrices (ECMs) that replicate complex in-vivo features have shown great potential in tissue engineering. Biocompatible hydrogel microstructures have been widely used to replace these native ECMs for physiologically relevant research. However, accurate reproduction of the 3D hierarchical and nonuniform mechanical stiffness inside one integrated microstructure to mimic the complex mechanical properties of native ECMs presents a major challenge. Here, by using digital holographic microscopy (DHM)-based stiffness imaging feedback, we propose a novel closed-loop control algorithm to achieve high-accuracy control of mechanical properties for hydrogel microstructures that recapitulate the physiological properties of native ECMs with high fidelity. During photoprinting, the photocuring area of the hydrogel is divided into microscale grid areas to locally control the photocuring process. With the assistance of a motorized microfluidic channel, the curing thickness is controlled with layer-by-layer stacking. The DHM-based stiffness imaging feedback allows accurate adjustment of the photocuring degree in every grid area to change the crosslinking network density of the hydrogel, thus enabling large-span and high-resolution modulation of mechanical properties. Finally, the gelatin methacrylate was used as a typical biomaterial to construct the high-fidelity biomimetic ECMs. The Young’s modulus could be flexibly modulated in the 10 kPa to 50 kPa range. Additionally, the modulus gradient was accurately controlled to within 2.9 kPa. By engineering ECM with locally different mechanical properties, cell spreading along the stiff areas was observed successfully. We believe that this method can regenerate complex biomimetic ECMs that closely recapitulate in-vivo mechanical properties for further applications in tissue engineering and biomedical research.
... These micro/nanoscale scaffolds are the navigators of cell growth; they can guide the cells' behavior by their spatially heterogeneous architecture, and further influence the functional expression of the engineered tissues directly 103 . Researchers have developed different micro/nano scaffold fabrication methods to advance techniques used when manufacturing different artificial tissues [104][105][106] . The possibility of monitoring in realtime and in situ high-resolution fabrication processes through accurate characterization remains a significant challenge. ...
... In the techniques where external permanent magnets or coils control the magnetic particles 38,39 , precise control over single particles is not seen. This control can be achieved in the devices based on embedded micro-coils [40][41][42] , where particles are manipulated by selectively switching on/off the micro-coils along the trajectory path. ...
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Precise manipulation of microparticles have fundamental applications in the fields of lab-on-a-chip and biomedical engineering. Here, for the first time, we propose a fully operational microfluidic chip equipped with thin magnetic films composed of straight tracks and bends which precisely transports numerous single-particles in the size range of ~ 2.8–20 µm simultaneously, to certain points, synced with the general external three-axial magnetic field. The uniqueness of this design arises from the introduced vertical bias field that provides a repulsion force between the particles and prevents unwanted particle cluster formation, which is a challenge in devices operating in two-dimensional fields. Furthermore, the chip operates as an accurate sensor and detects low levels of proteins and DNA fragments, being captured by the ligand-functionalized magnetic beads, while lowering the background noise by excluding the unwanted bead pairs seen in the previous works. The image-processing detection method in this work allows detection at the single-pair resolution, increasing the sensitivity. The proposed device offers high-throughput particle transport and ultra-sensitive bio-detection in a highly parallel manner at single-particle resolution. It can also operate as a robust single-cell analysis platform for manipulating magnetized single-cells and assembling them in large arrays, with important applications in biology.
... These micro/nanoscale scaffolds are the navigators of cell growth; they can guide the cells' behavior by their spatially heterogeneous architecture, and further influence the functional expression of the engineered tissues directly 103 . Researchers have developed different micro/nano scaffold fabrication methods to advance techniques used when manufacturing different artificial tissues [104][105][106] . The possibility of monitoring in realtime and in situ high-resolution fabrication processes through accurate characterization remains a significant challenge. ...
The appearance of the first laser approximately 12 years after the invention of holography by Gabor (1948) revolutionized the field of optical metrology. In fact, the invention of holographic interferometry enabled the exploitation of interferometry on non-mirror surfaces and full-scale objects. The holography-based measurement methods has been implemented to several industrial systems or in support of R&D with the aim of improving new products in many fields (automotive, aerospace, electronics, etc.). To date, holography has been considered an important measurement tool for non-destructive inspection (NDI), strain-stress measurement, and vibration analysis at various engineering sites. Recently, the new paradigm of Industry4.0 has seen the introduction of new technologies and methods of processing materials as well as the development of manufacturing approaches for the realization of innovative products. For example, direct printing, additive, and bottom-up manufacturing processes are expected to involve new ways of making products in future, and most innovative fabrication processes will be based on the manipulation of soft matter (e.g., starting from the liquid phase) that will be shaped at the nanoscale. The inherent characteristics of digital holography (DH) make it a powerful and accurate tool for the visualization and testing of final products, as well as for in situ and real-time monitoring and quantitative characterization of the processes involved during the fabrication cycle. This review aims to report on the most useful applications of soft matter, where the capabilities offered by DH, such as three-dimensional (3D) imaging, extended focus, 3D tracking, full-field analysis, high sensitivity, and a wide range of measurements from nanometers to centimeters, permit completely non-invasive characterizations on a full-scale. Several holographic experimental results of typical samples are reported and discussed where DH plays a primary role as a tool gauge for soft matter.
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Magnetically driven miniature soft robots exhibit fast and dexterous responses to an applied external magnetic field. With remote manipulation, controlled navigation of robots can be realized within hard‐to‐access spaces for potential use in the human body. Existing magnetic miniature soft robots using digital light processing are fabricated from planar sheets, and thus have limited shape transformations and locomotive behaviors. Herein, a multilayer 3D printing method is reported for patterning magnetic nanoparticles in ultraviolet (UV)‐curable polymer matrix. Various multilayer 3D structures within 10 mm in overall size are fabricated with controlled volumes at different parts, which outperform 2D folded shapes in terms of robustness and kinematic flexibility. By programming heterogeneous magnetization within discrete multilayer robot segments, magnetic torque‐induced shape changes including gripping, rolling, swimming, and walking are induced by a global actuation field. Stacked design features with minimum dimension of 200 μm and encoded magnetization with resolution of 350 μm can be realized in the printing process. Meanwhile, enhanced deformation flexibility and formation of orientation‐anchoring mechanisms are created by integrating multiple materials with distinct mechanical and magnetic properties, respectively, which enables the creation of versatile 3D multi‐material actuators.
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The functionalization of dental implants, aiming at the improvement of long-term acceptance, is of pivotal interest in dental research. Bone, connective tissue, and oral epithelium are in direct contact to the implant surface and exhibit distinct requirements for proper growth and differentiation. The authors applied direct laser writing and atomic layer deposition for the generation of TiO 2 -coated micro and nanostructures which were subsequently tested for colonization and growth behavior of SaOs-2 cells, an osteosarcoma cell line revealing osteoblastic properties. Structures composed of rigid posts and flexible rods provide a matrix, which—when spaced adequately—favor the three-dimensional growth and proliferation of SaOs-2 cells. The results provide a proof of concept for the optimization of dental implant surfaces using generic techniques which deliver highly standardized structure motifs supporting the biological functions of the tissues affected. V C 2012 Laser Institute of America.
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We present a magnetic manipulation system capable of 5 degree-of-freedom (5-DOF) wireless control of micro- and nanostructures (3-DOF position, 2-DOF pointing orientation). The system has a spherical workspace with a diameter of approximately 10 mm, and is completely unrestrained in the rotational degrees-of-freedom. This is accomplished through the superposition of multiple magnetic fields, and capitalizes on a linear representation of the coupled field contributions of multiple soft-magnetic-core electromagnets acting in concert. The system consists of 8 stationary electromagnets with ferromagnetic cores, and is capable of producing arbitrary magnetic fields and field gradients up to 50 mT and 5 T/m at frequencies up to 2 kHz. The capabilities of the system are evaluated through the introduction of the reachable magnetic workspace of the system as well as frequency response and calibration results. Experimental results are presented which demonstrate different magnetic control strategies at sub-mm and sub-μm scale.
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Microrobots have the potential to dramatically change many aspects of medicine by navigating through bodily fluids to perform targeted diagnosis and therapy. Researchers have proposed numerous micro-robotic swimming methods, with the vast majority utilizing magnetic fields to wirelessly power and control the microrobot. In this paper, we compare three promising methods of microrobot swimming (using magnetic fields to rotate helical propellers that mimic bacterial flagella, using magnetic fields to oscillate a magnetic head with a rigidly attached elastic tail, and pulling directly with magnetic field gradients) considering practical hardware limitations in the generation of magnetic fields. We find that helical propellers and elastic tails have very comparable performance, and they generally become more desirable than gradient pulling as size decreases and as distance from the magnetic-field-generation source increases. We provide a discussion of why helical propellers are likely the best overall choice for in vivo applications.
The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation contained in this book. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the fur-nishing, performance, or use of these programs.
Traditional scaffold fabrication methods used in tissue engineering enable only limited control over essential parameters such as porosity, pore size and pore interconnectivity. In this study, we designed and fabricated five different types of three-dimensionally interconnected, highly porous scaffolds with precise control over the scaffold characteristics. We used two-photon polymerization (2PP) with a commercial polymer–ceramic material (Ormocomp®) for scaffold fabrication. Also for the first time, we analyzed the 2PP fabrication accuracy with respect to scaffold design parameters. Our results showed that the porosity values decreased up to 13% compared to the design specifications due to the fabrication process and the shrinkage of the material. Finally, we showed that our scaffolds supported human adipose stem cell adhesion and proliferation in a six day culture. By precise tuning of scaffold parameters, our design and fabrication method provides a novel approach for studying the effect of scaffold architecture on cell behavior in vitro.
The primary inadequacy of chemotherapeutic drugs is their relative non-specificity and potential side effects towards healthy tissue. To overcome this, in this study a novel drug delivery system, namely, carboxymethyl chitosan capped magnetic nanoparticle intercalated montmorillonite nanocomposites (CMCS-capped-MNP/MMT) was developed and characterized by transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, small-angle X-ray scattering, zeta potential analysis and a superconducting quantum interference device. The optimum pH value for the encapsulation of doxorubicin (DOX) into CMCS-capped-MNP/MMT was examined. The controlled release behavior of DOX was examined at 5.0 and 7.4 pH. The release rate of the loaded drug molecules was slow at pH 7.4 but increased significantly at acidic pH 5.0. The cytotoxicity of DOX-loaded-CMCS-capped-MNP/MMT towards MCF-7 cancer cells was investigated. The results showed that DOX-loaded-CMCS-capped-MNP/MMT retained significant antitumor activities. The cellular uptake of the fluorescent coumarin 6-loaded CMCS-capped-MNP/MMT on HeLa cells was analyzed with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and flow cytometry and the results showed that MMT enhanced the cellular uptake efficiency. The effects of DOX and DOX-loaded-CMCS-capped-MNP/MMT on H9c2 cell death were investigated by using a microplate reader. The heating characteristics of the magnetic nanocomposites were investigated in a high frequency alternating magnetic gradient; a stable maximum temperature of 45 °C was successfully achieved within 40 min. The study demonstrated that CMCS-capped-MNP/MMT is not only a good delivery system for DOX but also appears to be a promising strategy for protecting against oxidative injury observed in DOX induced cardiotoxicity.
Dexterous manipulation of intraocular microrobotic devices has the potential to significantly augment ophthalmic surgeons' capabilities. Microrobots can be employed for targeted drug delivery and for procedures such as retinal-vein cannulation that require a high degree of dexterity. For precise externally generated magnetic control of microdevices, their position in the magnetic field is needed. Since the interior of the human eye is externally observable, computer-vision techniques can be used for localization. In this paper, the complex optics of the human eye are taken into account, and an algorithm that localizes microrobotic devices based on their 3-D structure is proposed. The sensitivity of the algorithm with respect to uncertainties in optical parameters is evaluated. A human-like model eye is designed and fabricated for experiments, precision analysis is performed, and the algorithm is used for visual servoing.
Helical microrobots have the potential to be used in a variety of application areas, such as in medical procedures, cell biology, or lab-on-a-chip. They are powered and steered wirelessly using low-strength rotating magnetic fields. The helical shape of the device allows propulsion through numerous types of materials and fluids, from tissue to different types of bodily fluids. Helical propulsion is suitable for pipe flow conditions or for 3D swimming in open fluidic environments.
Microrobots have been proposed for future biomedical applications in which they are able to navigate in viscous fluidic environments. Nature has inspired numerous microrobotic locomotion designs, which are suitable for propulsion generation at low Reynolds numbers. This article reviews the various swimming methods with particular focus on helical propulsion inspired by E. coli bacteria. There are various magnetic actuation methods for biomimetic and non-biomimetic microrobots, such as rotating fields, oscillating fields, or field gradients. They can be categorized into force-driven or torque-driven actuation methods. Both approaches are reviewed and a previous publication has shown that torque-driven actuation scales better to the micro- and nano-scale than force-driven actuation. Finally, the implementation of swarm or multi-agent control is discussed. The use of multiple microrobots may be beneficial for in vivo as well as in vitro applications. Thus, the frequency-dependent behavior of helical microrobots is discussed and preliminary experimental results are presented showing the decoupling of an individual agent within a group of three microrobots.