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A hybrid cryptography technique for data storage on cloud computing


Abstract and Figures

Cloud computing security has received great attention by researchers in the past few years due to the importance of the data used and the increasing use of cloud computing, which has become the provision of many services and in various fields. So, data Security is a major issue in storing data on clouds. Cryptography techniques are among the most important ways to provide data security on cloud. This paper presents a data protection model where data is encrypted using a hybrid cryptographic algorithm which is composed of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Blowfish and Message-Digest algorithm (MD5). Thus, this model provides speed and robust data encryption.
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A hybrid cryptography technique for data storage
on cloud computing
Ali Kadhim Bermani, Tariq A. K. Murshedi & Zaid A. Abod
To cite this article: Ali Kadhim Bermani, Tariq A. K. Murshedi & Zaid A. Abod (2021): A hybrid
cryptography technique for data storage on cloud computing, Journal of Discrete Mathematical
Sciences and Cryptography, DOI: 10.1080/09720529.2020.1859799
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Published online: 26 Mar 2021.
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A hybrid cryptography technique for data storage on cloud computing
Ali Kadhim Bermani *
Tariq A. K. Murshedi
Department of Information Networks
College of Information Technology
University of Babylon
Zaid A. Abod §
Department of Dairy Science and Technology
College of Food Science
University of Al-Qasim Green
Al Qasi
Cloud computing security has received great attention by researchers in the past few
years due to the importance of the data used and the increasing use of cloud computing,
which has become the provision of many services and in various fields. So, data Security
is a major issue in storing data on clouds. Cryptography techniques are among the most
important ways to provide data security on cloud. This paper presents a data protection
model where data is encrypted using a hybrid cryptographic algorithm which is composed
of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Blowfish and Message-Digest algorithm (MD5).
Thus, this model provides speed and robust data encryption.
Subject Classification: Primary 13A17, Secondary 17D20.
Keywords: Cloud computing, Cryptography, Hybrid algorithm, Data security.
*E-mail:, ali.k.bermani
(Corresponding Author)
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cr yptography
ISSN 0972-0529 (Print), ISSN 2169-0065 (Online)
DOI : 10.1080/09720529.2020.1859799
1. Introduction
After the use of cloud computing it becomes part of our daily life
utilization and in many fields, including health, financial, real estate,
military and many others, the interest of researchers in data security in
cloud computing has increased and ways to encrypt that data and how to
increase the speed of its encryption.
Cloud computing is an internet-based concept where cloud
computing provides a variety of services over the Internet, including
programs, systems, data storage and many more programs[1]. Cloud
computing provides different services; these services put forward three
models (i)Software as Service (SaaS): In this type of cloud service, the use
cannot manage the component, services, memory and operating system
in the cloud network. There are partial settings that can be managed by
the user[2] (ii) Platform as service (PaaS): enables users to build many
applications using different programming languages. These applications
can be created by various services, tools and libraries that are supported
by service provider. For example, Python language is one of programming
language to build applications in Google App engine. (iii)Infrastructure as
service (IaaS): This type considers the core engine for the cloud virtually.
It includes the virtual servers, limited storage and processing capacity.
Cryptography is the science that depends on preserving data from
being stolen and interpreting by unauthorized persons, and it is done by
converting that data from its readable and understandable form to a form
that is not understandable to undesirable persons. Mathematics is used
for those transfers, where the process of converting the understandable
data into the incomprehensible with help of secret key is called
“Encryption” process. The reverse process of it, which is converting the
incomprehensible data into the comprehensible with help of secret key, is
called “Decryption”. Cryptography is classified into four classes according
to the type of key used or non-key, which are symmetric encryption,
asymmetric encryption, hash function and hybrid encryption.
a) Symmetric key encryption or secret key encryption utilizes one key
for encryption and decryption process and it is the same key for
encryption and decryption. In this type of encryption, the sender
and recipient use the same key for encryption and decryption as
shown in Figure 1. The most popular algorithms that rely on the
symmetric encryption principle are: Data Encryption Standard
(DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption
Standard (3DES), Blowfish (BF), etc.
b) Asymmetric key encryption or public key encryption uses different
keys like using public key for encryption process and private key for
decryption process. As its name explains, the public key is available
to everyone while the private key is the key only for authorized
persons. Figure 2 shows asymmetric encryption. The most popular
algorithms that rely on the asymmetric encryption principle are:
Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman (RSA), Diffi- Hillman(DH), Elliptic
Curve Cryptography.
c) Hashing encryption is one of the types of encryption and is
distinguished from the rest of the types of encryption by not requiring
a key in the encryption process, but rather using the hash function
to convert the plain text into series of random characteristics with a
fixed sized of length. It is a mathematical algorithm that maps data
of arbitrary size to a hash value of a fixed size called message digest
(one way function). With a message digest, it is hopeless to get back
or find the authentic string. The most popular algorithms that rely
on hashing encryption principle are: Message Digest (MD5), Secure
Hash Algorithm (SHA).
Figure 1
Symmetric encryption.
Figure 2
Asymmetric encryption.
d) Hybrid encryption is one of the types of encryption, which enables
us to use more than one algorithm, either of the same type of
encryption or different types. In this type, it is possible to take
advantage of the strength and speed of one algorithm with others to
increase the strength of the encryption.
The rest of the paper has been organized as follows: Section 2 presents
related works. In Section 3, we describe overview of the algorithms used
in the proposed system. In section 4, we review the proposed system.
Section 5 we describe the results. Finally, we conclude and describe goals
achieved by our technique in section 6.
2. Related works
There are many researches which focused on using hybrid algorithms
to increase the security and speed of implementation of encryption in the
cloud computing environment such as the following researches.
Shivam Sharma,[3] presented a hybrid algorithm, which includes the
algorithms (AES, AES, DES, and RC4), which works together to encrypt
files by downloading the file from the cloud, and then dividing the file
into three sections, and each of the three sections is encrypted by an
algorithm and then the three encrypted sections are combined into one
file and re-uploaded to the cloud. The best execution time was achieved
by combining AES, DES, and RC4 algorithms and it was less time than
executing the AES algorithm alone.
Ali A. Taha, et al.[4] present a hybrid cryptography algorithm where
they use more than one model and more than one algorithm, as they use
algorithms Triple DES & Krishna hybrid algorithm, and again use AES
& Krishna as hybrid algorithm, and also they use Triple DES & RSA as
another hybrid algorithm and Blowfish and Krishna hybrid algorithm.
According to the abovementioned hybrid algorithms, they have proven
that the hybrid algorithm that combines AES, Blowfish and Krishna is the
best algorithm as it has proven the speed and strength of its encoding.
Harpreet Kaur,[5] proposed a method that is implemented for
ensuring the data security of the files being uploaded to the cloud by
different clients. This method uses hybrid algorithm of encryption using
blowfish and MD5 methods. The experimental results of the proposed
method show that size of the encrypted file is decreased by approximately
7% as compared to that of existing technique. Also, the time taken by the
proposed method of MD5 with blowfish, in encryption and decryption
of the text file, is approximately 42% lesser than that of the existing Diffie
Hellman with AES technique. With the use of MD5 method along with
blowfish, the total time for encryption and decryption of text files is
reduced by approximately 33% as compared to the existing technique,
So, the experimental results of our research work show that the proposed
technique of blowfish with MD5 outperforms the existing technique in
terms of storage space and time delay.
3. Overview of algorithms
In this study we proposed a technique by using three encryption
algorithms together. These algorithms are: Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES), Blowfish and Message-Digest algorithm (MD5). In this section we
will review the algorithms used in our proposed system.
3.1 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Advanced Encryption Standard is one of the symmetric block
encryption algorithms. It presented In December 2001 by National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST). It encrypt blocks of plaintext, each
block Contains of 128bits and using different value of key 128 bit(16 byte),
192 bit (24 byte) or 256 bit (32 byte) depending on the number of rounds
10, 12 or 14 rounds. Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm authorizes
a 128 bit data (plain text) length, and divides into four blocks. These blocks
are patronize as array of bytes and organized as a matrix of the order of
4×4 that is called the state. To increase the protection in encryption, for
each 128 bit plain text (block) AES uses four types of transformations in
each round. These transformations are [6]:
1. Substitution bytes (SubBytes): data block in Advanced Encryption
Standard algorithm consists 128 bit; this means that each block of
data contains 16 bytes. In subbyte transformation, each 8-bit (Byte)
in a block of data transforms into another block using an 8-bit (Byte)
substitution box which is called as Rijndael S-box.
2. Permutation (Shift Rows): Each of the four rows of the matrix
is rotated to the left. After this process the outcome is a matrix
consisting of 16 bytes.
3. MxCloumns: This process is a simple substitution one. Each column
of matrix is transformed using a matrix multiplication by using
(finite GaloisField-GF(28)). After this process, the outcome will be a
matrix consisting new matrix contains sixteen new bytes.
4. AddRoundKey: Here, the XOR process operates among state and
round key matrix.
These four stages are repeated in each round which their number 10,
12, or 14, depending on the size of the key 128, 192, and 256 bits. Figure 3
shows Advanced Encryption Standard encryption algorithm.
The AES algorithm is one of the most secure and always preferred
encryption algorithms for securing important data [8]. The AES algorithm
is characterized by flexibility and scalability and is considered the fastest
algorithm in implementation and therefore can be implemented easily
and uses less memory[6].
3.2 Blowfish (BF)
In 1993 Bruce Schneider developed algorithm called Blowfish
algorithm. Blowfish algorithm is a symmetric block cipher algorithm. It
uses the same secret key to both encryption and decryption of messages.
It is Feistel Structured algorithm and has block cipher uses 64-bit of data
with 16 round and the key length is fluctuating from 32 bits and can be
as long as 448 bits [9]. The BF algorithm contains mainly two phases: data
encryption phase and key expansion phase. in the Key expansion phase
converts a variable-length key which in common 56 bytes (448 bits) into
Figure 3
Encryption in Advanced Encryption Standard [7].
an array of sub-keys called P-array consists of eighteen 32-bit sub-keys
totaling 4168 bytes. There are also four 32-bit S-boxes. The second phase
of the Blowfish routine that is a data encryption is done through 16 Fiestel
network rounds, a swap operation and two exclusive-or operations.
The 32-bit input will be divided into four equal parts (8 bits each) by
the F function. These four values are then used for table lookup in their
corresponding S-Boxes. A graphic representation of Blowfish is given in
Figure 4.
3.3 Message-Digest algorithm (MD5)
In 1991, Ron Rivest developed Message digest 5 or MD5 which is
considered as one of hashing (message-digest) algorithm. This algorithm
takes input data of any length and outputs to be digestible with a fixed
length of 128 bits The MD algorithm uses a 512-bit block size that will be
manipulated and produced 16 subblocks, each subblock is 32 bits. The
MD5 algorithm is developed to replace its predecessor MD4.
Figure 4
Encryption in blowfish algorithm[7].
4. Proposed approach
In this paper, one of the types of encryption is used, which is hybrid
encryption, this type combines two methods of encryption. In this type
more than one algorithm can be used, whether of the same type or of
different types, and this method is used to increase the security in the
cloud computing. In this study symmetric and hashing encryption was
used as well as more than one encryption algorithms uses Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES), Blowfish (BF) and Message-Digest algorithm
4.1 The Encryption Process
In the encryption process, the process was done on a set of steps
as shown in Figure 5, where it begins first with downloading the file to
be encrypted and then dividing this file into three sections using the file
system module. Each of these sections is encrypted into three types of
encryption algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Blowfish
(BF) and Message-Digest algorithm (MD5)). After that, the sections after
merging are combined into one file and re-loaded to cloud.
4.2 The Decryption Process
In the decryption process, it is performed with steps opposite to the
encryption process. The encrypted file is first downloaded, and then the
Figure 5
Encryption Process of the Proposed Technique.
file is divided into three sections, and these sections are distributed for
decoding according to the encrypted algorithm (AES, Blowfish and MD5).
Figure 6 shows decryption process of the proposed technique.
5. The Result and Discussion
There is no doubt that security is not the only concern of cloud
computing users, with the use of technologies that support information
security in the cloud computing may lead to reducing the speed of data
transfer as it takes time to encryption and decryption data, so the time
factor has become important when we use encryption technologies .In this
study, algorithms were chosen taking into consideration their capabilities
from encryption speed and decryption. To clarify the capabilities of the
proposed system, the encryption process was implemented for files
of different sizes and was encrypted by the AES, Blowfish and MD5
algorithms, as well as with the proposed system and table 2 shows
comparison performance of encryption execution time for files by
algorithms and the proposed technique.
In this study, we conducted the performance test on three algorithms
that are AES, blowfish and MD5 as well as hybrid algorithm proposed with
different size of files. We tested files of sizes 1, 3, 5, 7,9 and10 Megabyte on
the mentioned algorithms to gauge the execution speed of the algorithms.
Figure 6
Decryption Process of the Proposed Technique.
The hybrid algorithm and other algorithms were implemented through the
Java language and tests were on following computer core i5 as processor
with speed of 2.50 GHz and 8GB RAM.
While the decryption process was implemented for files which
encrypted in encryption process of different sizes by the AES, Blowfish and
MD5 algorithms, as well as with the proposed system and table 3 shows
comparison performance of decryption execution time for encrypted files
by algorithms and proposed technique.
Table 2
Comparison performance of encryption execution time for files by algorithms
and proposed technique.
File Size
Times in second
AES Blowfish MD5 Hybrid
1 1.263 1.225 1.213 1.24
3 1.28 1.24 1.244 1.259
5 1.289 1.277 1.275 1.26
7 1.295 1.31 1.282 1.27
9 1.309 1.325 1.291 1.29
10 1.322 1.361 1.308 1.30
Table 3
Comparison performance of decryption execution time for encrypted files by
algorithms and proposed technique.
File Size
Times in second
AES Blowfish MD5 Hybrid
1 1.001 0.967 0.998 0.97
31.016 0.981 1.013 0.99
51.021 1.02 1.014 1.001
71.032 1.045 1.016 1.012
91.047 1.066 1.03 1.028
10 1.052 1.1 1.038 1.036
6. Conclusions
Security is a very important issue in the data storage of cloud
computing, which has increased the interest of researchers to provide
many technologies that can help increase the speed and strength of data
encryption in the cloud. In this paper hybrid cryptography is proposed
using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Blowfish, and Message-
Digest algorithm (MD5) algorithms. This hybrid cryptography is a
combination of symmetric encryption and hashing encryption provides
efficiency and speed to encryption process.
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... This study [100] presents a data security framework that utilizes a hybrid encryption technique that incorporates Blowfish [101], AES [102], and the message digest algorithm (MD5) [103] to safeguard data. This model [104] encrypts the data quickly and securely. ...
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Cloud computing is a fast-growing industry that offers various online services, including software, computing resources, and databases. Its payment model is usage-based, whereas consistency is based on resource-sharing. Cloud storage is popular among individuals and businesses because it reduces cost, increases productivity, boosts performance, and improves security. However, cloud computing comes with security risks as data are stored with third-party providers, and Internet access limits visibility and control. Effective data security and data protection are key issues compared with traditional on-premise computing. There are several methods for ensuring data security in the cloud, of which cryptography is the most important. Cryptography offers a range of security features including authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. However, a thorough examination of the different cryptography methods in a single study is lacking. This study comprehensively examined different cryptography methods, including deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA), elliptic curve, homomorphic, hybrid, lightweight, and novel methods. The analysis addresses their methodology, algorithms, results, applications, and limitations and provides valuable suggestions for data security in the cloud. This paper proposes the use of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) to ensure safe communication and lightweight cryptography for Internet of Things (IoT) devices with limited resources. This emphasizes the benefit of combining asymmetric security with symmetric efficiency in hybrid cryptography.
... It accepts any amount of data as input and produces digested output with a length of 128 bits that is specified. The MD method has a 512-bit block size that is partitioned into 16 32-bit subblocks [21]. ...
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... Ali Kadhim Bermani et al. [24] developed a hybrid cryptographic approach for data privacy in cloud computing. Here, the data can be encrypted using the hybrid data encryption schemes of Blowfish, AES, and the message digest scheme (MD-5). ...
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Security in the Internet of things (IoT) is a broad yet active research area that focuses on securing the sensitive data being circulated in the network. The data involved in the IoT network comes from various organizations, hospitals, etc., that require a higher range of security from attacks and breaches. The common solution for security attacks is using traditional cryptographic algorithms that can protect the content through encryption and decryption operations. The existing solutions are suffering from major drawbacks, including computational complexities, time and space complexities, slower encryption, etc. Therefore, to overcome such drawbacks, this paper introduces an efficient light weight cryptographic mechanism to secure the images of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) being transmitted in the network. The mechanism involves major stages such as edge detection, key generation, encryption, and decryption. In the case of edge detection, the edge maps are detected using the Prewitt edge detection technique. Then the hybrid elliptic curve cryptography (HECC) algorithm is proposed to encrypt and secure the images being transmitted in the network. For encryption, the HECC algorithm combines blowfish with the elliptic curve algorithm to attain a higher range of security. Another significant advantage of the proposed method is selecting the ideal private key, which is achieved using the enhanced seagull optimization (ESO) algorithm. The proposed work has been tested in the Python tool, and the performance is evaluated with the Alzheimer’s dataset, and the outcomes proved its efficacy over the compared methods.
... Cryptographic techniques are among the most significant method stooffer data protection in the cloud. Bermanietal., [19] presented a data protection approach based on hy brid cryptographic algorithm. The hybrid algorithm is the combination of the advanced encryption standard (AES), Message-Digest algorithm and Blowfish. ...
In the recent days transmission of large amount of data through online is very prominent. Security is necessary while transmitting large amount of data. Since the data may belost or hacked at some point of transmission. Normally there are three important factors interms of security. They are key generation, encryption and decryption. There are two types of crypto system namely symmetric cryptosystem and asymmetric cryptosystem. There are many publicly available cryptosystems. It may lead the intruders to view the original message sent by the sender using all the possible keys. In order to provide secure transmission of data, a novel encryption algorithm is proposed by analyzing all the existing algorithms. The existing Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) and Data encryption standard (DES) algorithm are moulded together rto produce the proposed MRDES encryption algorithm. The performance of the proposed Moulded RSA and DES is higher than the existing encryption algorithms and provides higher data security.
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Security remains a top priority in the ever-changing landscape of cloud computing. This in-depth examination examines the most recent breakthroughs in cloud security, with a particular emphasis on an emerging paradigm An Enhanced AuthPrivacyChain-Based Hybrid Encryption Technique. This study seeks to provide a detailed knowledge and critical analysis of the current status of safe cloud computing, tackling the critical challenge of scalability by drawing insights from an extensive collection of over 50 relevant research papers. By introducing a novel hybrid encryption model, the suggested technique extends the AuthPrivacyChain framework, a blockchain-based access control system. This paradigm intentionally blends the features of symmetric and asymmetric encryption, leveraging their distinct characteristics to strengthen cloud data security. The key goals are to achieve fine-grained access control, prevent illegal access, and ensure that encrypted data is handled efficiently in cloud environments. The review highlights the importance of attribute-based encryption, homomorphic encryption, and multi-party computation in reinforcing the security of cloud-stored data based on an evaluation of the selected references. The AuthPrivacyChain framework introduces an additional layer of security through blockchain, ensuring robust privacy protection and accountability in cloud transactions. Moreover, the hybrid encryption model effectively addresses the limitations associated with traditional encryption schemes, offering a judicious balance between security and performance. A central theme throughout the reviewed literature is the emphasis on scalability enhancement. The proposed technique demonstrates promising capabilities to meet the escalating demands of cloud computing environments, accommodating the burgeoning volume and intricacy of data while upholding stringent security measures. This review paper serves as an invaluable resource for researchers, industry practitioners, and policymakers immersed in the realm of cloud security. By synthesizing insights from a diverse array of sources, it not only contributes to the ongoing discourse on securing cloud data but also lays the groundwork for future advancements in the field, fostering innovation and resilience in the face of evolving cybersecurity challenges.
Cloud computing is a rapidly growing technology, but because of its distributed nature, it is also susceptible to attacks. To ensure security, data transferred uses cryptographic algorithms to encrypt the data. These algorithms’ performance is vital as data needs to be available quickly and accessible to users. A reliable way to compare performance that is normalized is through throughput. This paper compares some of the state-of-the-art used algorithms in cryptography to newer algorithms depending on the file size based on their throughput (kilobyte per millisecond). The algorithms were divided depending on their file size into three different groups. The conclusion was that different algorithms perform best for different file sizes. Algorithms, on average, work best on data between 1 and 10 MB in size, according to this research.KeywordsCryptographyAlgorithmsCloud computingEncryption
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The ventilation systems are inadequate, the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the inner environment can damage human health. In addition, obtaining the level of external environment with excessive ventilation can lead to unnecessary energy consumption. In this study, a system that absorbs air from the environment using carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon monoxide values in ambient air and controls the operation of the ventilation system that gives fresh air to the environment is designed with fuzzy logic method. The overall purpose of the system is to achieve the ideal ventilation level. Two separate ventilation valves were controlled at the same time with the fuzzy control system designed in the study. The fuzzy control system was created with MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and the operating structure of the control system had analyzed.
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There are many different techniques that have been developed to improve security of confidentiality of the user's data in the cloud storage. The assurance of confidentiality of the data stored in cloud storage and the exchange of data and sharing a key that is used to encrypt the data between two parties has been a major concern in the recent years due to the increased use of the cloud services. Also, to more security, we need to store the key away from the cloud and need data encryption in way that cannot break by the high computing like quantum computer. In this paper, we proposed a system that encrypts client's data by an encryption algorithm, by using a key that is generated from Enhancement BB84 protocol, the data can be decoded only with the authenticated user that grants the key from Quantum Key Distribution Server (QKDS) over quantum channel and decrypts the data uploaded to the cloud. The simulation results show that our proposed system was effective in producing more security and less time in the process of data encryption and it provides a security for confidentiality of the user's data in the cloud. 1. Introduction. Cloud computing is a technology that uses central remote servers and Internet to handle data and applications. The cloud computing technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing processing, storage, memory and bandwidth. Moving data to cloud provides great convenience to overcome the difficulty of hardware management [1]. Many organizations and companies have a larger dependency on cloud computing services for their operations in the daily work. Increasingly, amount of data in terabytes is daily being stored in the cloud computing (cloud storage) for access in an easy manner. Due to constantly changing and unpredictable nature of operational environments where cloud services are running there, the security systems encounter significant challenges to secure their data with strong capabilities to make sure that data is protected. Since 2004, data breaches have been increased, exposing confidentiality of the user data in cloud computing. There is an increasing need for user's confidentiality protection [2]. Many surveys or researches in the cloud computing show many reasons that lead most large organizations or companies to depend on the services of the cloud computing. These reasons include reducing the cost of the infrastructure, and fast, and easy access to the applications of the clients that use the services of the cloud computing. The cloud computing is generated from the technologies recently found. There are many challenges in security, which include Reliability and Data Privacy, Confidentiality of Communica-tion/Computation, Data Integrity as well as Authorization and Authentication [1].
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Cloud computing is one of the technologies in which computer resources are provided as services and users have access to them via the Internet from anywhere and at any time without the need to know the knowledge, experience or even the control in the infrastructure that supports these services. Security threats continue to jeopardize the data from the enterprises and companies, especially large and sensitive companies. The increased demands for the adoption of the cloud computing technologies led to increasing the attention of the data protection. In this paper, the cloud computing using is used to save the encrypted file from the client using the Blowfish algorithm. The implemented approach has used the principle of the minhash technique to generate the keys. The block keys are generated using the K-shingle which is mainly used in minhash technique to convert the text file into a sequence of consecutive words. The length of shingles depends on the number of K value. Minhash technique uses many hash functions to generate the encryption keys for a single file and then to encrypt files using Blowfish cipher and then manage these keys used authentication method using hash function method. Finally, the uploaded encrypted data to the cloud environment is adopted by the integration of Java applications with web service connector using Simple Object Access Protocol-Application Programming Interface (SOAP API). The proposed approach was evaluated using many performance criteria (encryption time, throughput, memory usage, avalanche effect, and entropy). The obtained results have shown a promising way to protect the organization sensitive data in less encryption time.
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Abstract—The amount of transmitted data through the internet become larger and larger every day. The need of an encryption algorithm that guarantee transmitting data speedily and in a secure manner become a must. The aim of the research is to encrypt and decrypt data efficiently and effectively protect the transmitted data. This research paper presents a model for encrypting transmitted cloud data. This model uses the following encryption algorithms RSA, Triple DES, RC4, and Krishna to generate a new encryption algorithm that encrypt and decrypt transmitted data. The algorithm will help cloud agencies and users to secure their transmitted data and prevent it from being stolen. Keywords—Hybrid cryptography algorithms; symmetric encryption algorithms; asymmetric encryption algorithms
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Cloud is an ironic solution of the ultimate globalization which is a bunch of dedicated servers, networking elements such as software and hardware networked with the internet. Cloud computing enables the user to utilize the applications, storage solutions, and resources, likewise it also authorizes the data access, data management, and connectivity. All the activities of the cloud infrastructure seem to be transparent to ensure it without any notion of the locale to its user. The rising technology aids to deliver on-demand web access speedily to the computing resources. Cloud user can access and release the computing resources with minimum management effort and least interaction with cloud service provider. A consolidated cloud service i.e., hybrid cloud renders a federation, bridge, secure encrypted connection, information placement decision between the public and private cloud and utilizes the services of the two clouds those are security, availability, and cost effectiveness. Though cloud computing services have bags of inherent benefits, there are likelihood risks in privacy and security heeding’s that should be thought over before collecting, processing, sharing or storing enterprise or individual’s data in the cloud. This survey paper explores the contemporary techniques and methods to furnish a trustworthy and foolproof cloud computing environment.
A hybrid hashing security algorithm for data storage on cloud computing
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A Novel Technique of Data Security in Cloud Computing based on Blowfish with MD5 method
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Efficient cryptography techniques for image encryption in cloud storage
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